Christ's Messenger March 2016

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1910 About US Christ Lutheran Church is a growing body of believers in Jesus Christ, sharing the love, Word, and grace of God with our family, community, and world. Christ Lutheran is a congregation of the Minnesota South District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.

Our Congregation

Get Involved

Christ Lutheran Church Exists to help people: 

Know the love of God in Jesus Christ

Show the love of God in Jesus Christ

Grow in the love of God in Jesus Christ

Go and share the love of God in Jesus Christ

Altar Guild

Music Groups

Board of Ed.


Board of Elders

Board of Trustees

Human Care

Board of Worship


Board of Youth

Our Staff





Rev. David Hahn

Rev. Michael Heggen

Michele Lukanen

Alex Mezeritski

Lead Pastor

Visitation Pastor

Preschool Director

Music Director

A note from Pastor

Living Lent as People of the Resurrection

Join us for Living Lent, a special series of services for the season of Lent, every Wednesday Evening at 7 pm. Each service in this series focuses on a word to consider while living Lent as Easter people. We began this journey on Ash Wednesday as we pondered our relationship with God and one another and discovered the love of God as He has displayed through the Cross and the empty tomb. Then we were reminded of God's purpose for our lives which is fulfilled by Jesus' redemption, who seeks to save the lost and gives us new life. Then we were reminded that we are called to be among people in this world because people matter to God. Jesus gave His life for people so people should matter to us. Now during the month of March we will be reminded that our proclamation of the savior brings faith to life. We will be reminded that even in the midst of sorrow we are called to celebrate the love of God and the joy that can be found only in Christ crucified. We will also be reminded that the pain of rejection demonstrates the reckless love of God revealed in Jesus, who wipes every tear from our eyes. On Saturday, March 19th at 5pm you will not want to miss "Jesus: The Alpha and Omega - A Musical Journey of His Story. Music, Scripture, and Multi-Media blended together for an evening to remember. There are no tickets necessary but you might want to come early to get a good seat. There will be a very special service on Palm Sunday as we, anticipate the resurrection that is soon on the horizon, wave our palm branches in our hands, and welcome the King of kings with shouts of Hosanna! This celebration begins what we call Holy Week. So on Maundy Thursday there will be a service based on prayer. We watch as Jesus prays in anguish that this cup might pass from Him, aware that God's plan for Him is glorious. But not without the greatest display of passion ever. On Good Friday we will witness the passion and death of Christ on the cross, knowing that by His death we have everlasting life. Easter Sunday Services at 8am & 10am Alleluias will be shouted as we meet together on Easter Sunday, March 27th, as we rejoice as Easter people, knowing the end of the story: paradise is ours through the resurrection of Christ. Come and join us on our journey! Pastor Hahn

By Michele Lukanen

Preschool News

Easter Egg Hunt: There will be an Easter egg hunt on Saturday, March 19 th, at 10 am on the land to the west of the church. This event is open to the public, also. If the weather does not cooperate, the Easter egg hunt will be indoors. Last year we had a lot of fun and we are looking forward to another fun event. We hope to see you there! Visit to register by March 14th, 2015. For more information email or call 651-454-4091. Registration is open for fall programs. As I write this in the middle of February there are 4 opening left in our Monday/Wednesday/Friday class, with 12 children staying all day so far. Praise God! Our 3-year-old class has many openings, which is common this time of year. The following is a list of classes, times, and fees. Fall: Tuesday/Thursday morning ($130 per month) 9:15-11:30 am Tuesday/Thursday extended day ($165 per month) 9:15 am – 1:15 pm Monday/Wednesday/Friday morning ($160 per month) 9:00-11:30 am Monday/Wednesday/Friday Extended Day ($320 per month) 9:00 am – 3:00 pm There is a $100 registration fee. Registration forms are available on the table near the parent board. Readers wanted! Do you have a favorite childhood story? Do you love to read to children? If so, we would love to have you as one of our guest readers! Guest readers are needed Thursdays and Fridays at 11:30 am. A sign-up sheet is available on the preschool bulletin board. Please see Michele Lukanen if you have any questions. Upcoming events in March: March 19: Easter Egg Hunt Spring Break: March 21st through March 25th March 28: No School (Easter Monday)

Council News

February Council Meeting Synopsis by Joyce Swedean

We have one person who has completed the new member class and two people that are currently taking the class. The Tuesday Bible Study and church service at Eagan Pointe are well attended. Vacation Bible School Day Camp facilitated by counselors from Camp Omega and volunteers from CLC will be June 26-July 1. A motion was made, seconded and carried to send $400.00 to Lutheran Heritage Foundation to cover the cost of a case of catechisms translated in the Anyuak language. Enrollment for Preschool next year is going well and interested persons are now able to do on-line registration. There are only a few openings left for the M-W-F class. The children and staff love their new bathroom. Thrivent funds were used to purchase a new sensory table, new markers, new art organization shelving unit, and new teacher cabinet. There will be an Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday morning, March 19th. Work has begun on the new phone system. The two old copiers have been replaced by one new one in the church office. The Board of Trustees recommended that a gift of service be given to the Digman family who recently retired after serving as our janitors for 8 years. The motion was made, seconded, and carried that we give the Digman family a $950.00 gift of service. (Continued on the next page)

This & That Keep Updated: The weekly News and Announcements is now a digital publication sent out via email each week. If you would like to be added to the email list please either write your email on an attendance card or send an email to . If you do not use email the News and Announcements is available in the Narthex and placed on tables during Fellowship Hour. Easter Flowers: It is that time of year again to order your flowers for Easter Sunday! There is a sign-up sheet in the Narthex. Please be sure to print your name so we can accurately play your name in the bulletin. Checks can be made out to Christ Lutheran Church and please note “Altar Guild Easter Flowers” in the memo line. Your choice of flowers are: Easter Lilies-$8, Tulips-$8, Mums-$9, and Hydrangeas- $14 Lenten Supper Schedule: Wed. February 24th: Host, Board of Human Care, Menu Sloppy Joes, Time 5:30-6:15 Wed. March 2nd: Host, Board of Preschool, Menu Deviled Ham Sand. & Ambrosia, Time 5:30-6:15 Wed. March 9th: Host, Board of Youth, Menu Soup, Time 5:30-6:15 Wed. March 16th: Host, L.I.F.E. Groups, Menu Family Favorite Goulash, Time 5:30-6:15 LIFE Group Meetings schedule: Monday Nights, 6:30 pm, Men’s and Women’s group at Eagan Pointe: Contact Sharonlee 952-431-1865 Wednesday Afternoons, 1:30pm, Women’s group: Contact Geri Bonewell 952-891-2853 Saturday mornings (First three of each month), 9am, Men’s Group: Contact Mark Bonewell 952-891-2853 Our very own Hannah Hartog will be taking a mission trip to Budapest, Hungary with Habitat for Humanity and Thrivent, June 30-July 8, 2016. Hannah is the daughter of Curt and Karra Hartog and is a junior at Concordia University, St. Paul. Hannah is asking for donations to help fund her trip. To donate or to find out more about Hannah’s trip, go to Way to go Hannah! We are so proud of you!

February Council Meeting Synopsis (Continued from Page 2)

Council News

There are 3 youth and 1 chaperone attending the National Youth Gathering this summer. Take Stock in our Youth will begin February 21st. The Board of Youth and Education are working on upcoming Pancake Breakfasts-watch for details. A motion was made, seconded, and carried that Treasurer Dick Swedean and Vice President Joe Lukanen be the authorized signers on the CLC checking account. A motion was made, seconded, and carried that Joe Lukanen cannot reimburse the Preschool Director Michele Lukanen. Offerings for January, 2016 showed an increase from those received in January, 2015. The Board of Worship and Alex are working with an expert regarding options for the church organ. Make plans now to attend the Lenten/Easter Cantata “Jesus: The Alpha and Omega” at CLC on Saturday, March 19th at 5:00 pm. This will take the place of the regular Saturday service. Discussion took place regarding the need for a policy regarding gifts of service for employees who resign or retire. This will be discussed further and a recommendation will be brought before the Voter’s in May. Board of Human Care reminds everyone that there will be a Blood Drive at CLC on Tuesday, May 10th between Noon-6:00 pm. Thanks to the Board members who have signed up to host the Wednesday Lenten suppers. The serving time was changed to 5:30-6:15 pm.

By Joyce Swedean

LWML Corner

Saturday, March 12th at 9:30 a.m. in the East Room will be the next time LWML meets. Program is “Living a Chocolate Life” focusing on how we use God’s good gifts. REMEMBER to bring your Bible and your Mite offering. Hope you will join us. The South East Suburban Zone Rally is the same day (April 9 th) as our regular meeting so we will attend the Rally that morning. Watch for further details. Heads Up: On Saturday, May 14th the LWML is hosting a Pantry Shower for the Eagan Dakota Woodlands Shelter. A representative from the shelter will attend and share the Dakota Woodlands story. We invite all women of Christ Lutheran to attend so mark it on your calendar. Marcia Schwartz, LWML sister in Christ from Falls City, NE writes the following: “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?” Or boys wiggling, or babies crying, or inattentiveness? What shall separate us from Christ?----A headache pounding, or company coming, or hemming a dress? Or television, or parties, or work, or play? Oh Lord, make the world go away! Let it not separate me from You! Take my hand securely in Yours, and let neither things below nor things above, Neither death-nor life-separate me from Your everlasting love.

Sunday School

By Joyce Swedean

What’s happening in Sunday School! A Special Thank You to the Parents for making sure your children are in Sunday School each Sunday. I look forward to seeing them and to be able to share with them the love of Jesus. The Sunday School Teacher’s Meeting will be at 11:15 a.m. on Sunday, March 6th in the lower level of church. We will be reviewing our New Testament lessons for the Spring Quarter. During March the Sunday morning and Anyuak afternoon classes continue their study of the New Testament: March 6 we will study “The Temptation of Jesus” from Luke 4:1-13. March 13 we will study the story of “Jesus Calling Philip and Nathanael” from John 1:43-51. March 20 is Palm Sunday so the children will meet in the East Room of church at 8:30 am. NO 10:15am REGULAR CLASSES. March 27 is Easter Sunday so NO SUNDAY SCHOOL. Thanks to Mrs. Hahn and Mrs. Hartog who have been teaching the children the songs they will sing during the Palm Sunday church service on March 20. The children love to show their love for Jesus through songs.

L.I.F.E Groups

By Sharonlee Strohkirch LIVING IN FAITH EVERYDAY


Our LIFE Groups are making Life count by counting on Christ! Being in His Word is a vital part of the Christian Life, it leads to changing lives to change our world. As I ponder what this season is about, it is what our Savior did for us. God in human form came to the world we live in. Born of flesh by his mother He changed our world. Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior not only died for us He lived for us. We will celebrate that resurrection on Easter morning. Oh to God be the glory. Yet as we think of how He changed our world our world still looks somewhat bleak and troubled. I found the following written by someone Anonymous but it caused me to think how am I changing the world: In 1100 A.D. the following words were written on the tomb of an Anglican Bishop in the Crypts of Westminister Abbey: When I was young and free and my imagination had no limits, I dreamed of changing the world. As I grew older and wiser, I discovered the world would not change, so I shortened my sights somewhat and decided to change only my country. But it , too, seemed immoveable. As I grew into my twilight years, in one last desperate attempt , I settled for only changing my family, those closest to me, but alas, they would have none of it. And now as I lay on my deathbed, I suddenly realize: If I had only changed myself first, then by example I would have changed my family. Thus, from their inspiration and encouragement, I would then have been able to better my country and who knows, I may have even changed the world. How many of us will die with regret as to not have shared God’s gift with those around us at the many opportunities God gives us to witness. Join me in not letting another Easter pass without sharing our Lord and Savior with others. We do not go alone, Acts 1:8 reminds us we have a helper, the Holy Spirit in us and with us. The men and women of L.I.F.E. groups were blessed to serve a Lenten supper. Thank you to all who participated. We also sent an offering from the Monday night LIFE Group to the Organization of Paralyzed Veterans to help with their needs. Smile at each other, smile at your wife, smile at your husband, smile at your children, smile at each other----it doesn’t matter who it is----and that will help you grow up in greater love for each other. Mother Teresa Have a blessed Easter “HE IS RISEN”

Prayer Requests

Cancer - Steve Brennan, Carol Brown (mother of Christa Brown-Switzer), Cynthia Cotton (daughter of Dale & Judy Peters), Keith Feickert, Karl Kruggel (son of Dave Kruggel), Bob Manthei (Father of Rebecca Hahn), Lucy Roemhildt, Don Wolf. Having surgery, recovering from surgery, illness, or other Sandra Ferguson (daughter of Florence Hanson),Richard Hanson (son of Florence Hanson), Steven Hennon (Marian Neujahr's cousin's husband) Ben Kothe, Antonina Kopcheve (mother-in-law of Alex Mezeritski), Judy Lebahn, Ioannis Madzaris (friend of Alex Mezeritski), Mary Marlow, Tatyana Mezeritski, Sidney Mollenhauer, Louise Neil, Jackson Peterson (infant son of Mike and Nicole Peterson), Jerry Studer (Husband of Marianne Studer). Homebound – Adona Braun, Waltraud Bundt, Sherrill Champion, Norman Discher, Lori Dolney, Jim & Shirley Eilola, Vicki Groenke, Hubert Heggen (Pastor Heggen's father), Lucille Jung, Ed & Elaine Klamm, Iona Kruger, Dorothy Lueck, Marlys Lund, Sidney & Lois Mollenhauer, Marian Neujahr, Heinz Rother, Gladys Wachter, Guy Westphal Those in the military and their families - SGT Cody Klinksiek who was deployed to Iraq, and SH Cole Klinksiek, (nephews of Julie Lefebvre), SR Jennifer Adelmann, (Granddaughter of Marylou Adelman), Apilo Ojullu (of our Anyuak community), and Jake Anderson, Kyle Anderson, and David Hernandez (grandsons of Dick and Joyce Swedean). The Anyuak ministry at Christ Lutheran Church, the Anyuak people back home in Ethiopia and Sudan. Persecuted Christians in 53 countries around the world. Our nation.

Birthdays March 2: Joseph Kukulski March 5: Sarah Catlett, Vanessa Filter, Dave Hasche, & Samuel Sisk March 6: Ernest Horning & Lisa Knoof March 7: Cori Stanek March 8: John Clawson, Elizabeth Derosier, & Eugene Heuer March 9: Morgan Frantes March 10: Norman Discher, Ronald Jensen, Janelle Nordeen, & Shayne Rogers March 11: Alex Ajack March 12 Jennifer Olafson & Dale Vogt March 13: Lily Lange, Corey Studer, and Margaret Wilkins March 14: Michael Wilkins March 15: Debbie Hedges March 16: Trevor Jarosh, Sarah Kieser, & Michael Vath March 17: Colleen Baumgartner March 18: Lynne Bomgardner & Judy Landis March 19: Brent Eichten & Stephanie Wahl March 20: Glenn Holland & Derik Rekdal March 21: Sam Fink & Thomas Gustafson March 22: Raelynn Derosier March 23: Amanda Gliva, Caren Jarnagin, & Deb Morse March 24: Susan Johnson March 25: Steen Boomgaarden, Nancy Harms, Corran lacy, Daniel Larson & Sue Nosbusch March 26: Bob Bronson, Sharon nelson, & Laura Rogers March 28: Jackson Peterson, Ramona Pounds, & Koni Sjulstad March 29: Dory Carriere, Hannah Hartog, & Joshua Nelson March 30: Mike Derosier, Nanu Ajack, Eric Larson & Gregory Wills

Looking Forward


Monday Tuesday

1. 9am-Bible Study at Eagan Point 6pm-Boy Scouts

Wednesday Thursday



2. 530pm-Lenten Supper


5. 4pm– Praise Jam Rehearsal

3. 6:15pm– Youth Choir

6pm Confirmation

5pm– Worship

7pm– Lenten Service 7:45pm– Adult Choir

6. 9am– Worship


10:15am– Education Hour

6pm– All Boards/ Council Meeting

2pm– Anyuak Worship

13.6. 9am– Worship

8. 9am-Bible Study at Eagan Point


10:15am– Education Hour

6pm Confirmation 7pm– Lenten Service

6pm-Boy Scouts

7:45pm– Adult Choir

15. . 9am-Bible Study at Eagan Point

16. 530pm-Lenten Supper

6pm-Boy Scouts

2pm– Anyuak Worship

9. 530pm-Lenten Supper

10. Preschool Conferences (No School)

11. Preschool Conferences (No School)

6:15pm– Youth Choir

17. 6:15pm– Youth Choir

10am– Palm Sunday Pancake Breakfast

21. 7pm– Dako- 22. 9am-Bible ta Ramblers 4H Study at Eagan Point

19. 10am– Easter Egg Hunt


4pm– Praise Jam Rehearsal

6pm Confirmation 7pm– Lenten Service

5pm– Jesus the Alpha and Omega Cantata

10:00am– Easter Service

24 7pm– Maundy Thursday Service

.25. 7pm– Good Friday Service

26. 4pm– Praise Jam Rehearsal 5pm– No Service

6pm-Boy Scouts 7pm– Trustees Meeting

2pm– Anyuak Worship

27. 8am– Easter Service


4pm– Praise Jam Rehearsal 5pm– Worship

7:45pm– Adult Choir

20. 9am– Palm Sunday Worship

12. 9:30am LWML

28. No Preschool

29. 9am-Bible Study at Eagan Point



6pm– Confirmation

6pm-Boy Scouts


6:15pm– Youth Choir

10:15 am—Fellowship Hour 12pm– Anyuak Easter Celebration

March 2016

CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH AND PRESCHOOL EASTER EGG HUNT Saturday March 19th at 10am 1930 Diffley Rd. Eagan (West Lot) Bring your own basket! All Ages weclome

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