CHRIST’S MESSENGER Christ Lutheran Church and Preschool, Eagan, MN
May, 2017
FROM THE PASTOR by Pastor Hahn Church and Preschool
Staff Rev. David Hahn Senior Pastor
Rev. Michael Heggen Visitation Pastor
Alex Mezeritski Director of Music
Michele Lukanen Director of Preschool
Julia Bonewell Preschool Teacher
Judy Kaner
After all the glorious activity of Holy Week and Easter, it’s time to take a look back as well as take note of some of the important upcoming activities at CLC.
At The Crossroads I hope you had the opportunity to worship at CLC from Ash Wednesday through Easter Sunday as we focused on Christ and the crossroads before us. We had the opportunity to interview David, Judas Iscariot, Pontius Pilate, Malchus, Peter, Simon the Zealot, Mary the mother of Jesus, and Mary Magdalene at their crossroads in life. I would like to thank the following individuals for helping make this possible: Dick Swedean, Curt and Karra Hartog, Dick Bielenberg, Don Roemhildt, Pastor Heggen, Ellen Hahn, and Marianne Studer. These are the individuals who gave of their time, stepped a little out of their comfort zone, and displayed a servant heart as they portrayed the individuals mentioned above. If you see any of these people let them know they are appreciated.
Preschool Aide
Palm Sunday Breakfast
Rhoda Houge
Thanks to all of you who attended the Palm Sunday Breakfast. The food was great and the activities added a refreshing time of fun during this fellowship event. The money raised at this event will help the youth attend their summer servant event at Lutheran Island Camp. The amount raised was $496 (that is the profit). And a special thanks to those who planned the meal and activities.
Church Secretary
Christ Lutheran Church and Preschool 1930 Diffley Road Eagan, MN 55122 Church: 651-454-4091 Christ Lutheran Church is a congregation of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod
New Church Incubator - Planting Churches in Minnesota South Since we have budgeted $1000 per year for the next 5 years for the New Church Incubator Program, let's get started! On Sunday April 30th the Rev. Dr. William Utech (Assistant to the President Missions) would like to join us in worship and then use the Bible Study time after the service to inform the congregation about the New Church Incubator Program and how we will be involved in the planting of a MN South District Church (Remedy Church in Oakdale, MN). He will also at that time share how our regular monthly contribution ($1000) to the MN South District is being used throughout the district and synod.
Stephen Ministry Christ Lutheran Church is a growing body of believers in Jesus Christ, sharing the love, word, and grace of God with our family, community, and world.
I hope you had the opportunity to read through the April Newsletter, especially that article dealing with Stephen Ministry. On Saturday, April 22nd there were three members of CLC who attended. Dick Swedean, Jim Struck, and Pastor Hahn. It was a wonderful overview of Stephen Ministry, a caring ministry to those in need. To restate some points from the April Newsletter, pastors want to provide care to everyone who needs it but they can't do it alone. Equipping laypeople to minister to hurting people is a highly effective and
Christ’s Messenger
May, 2017
(From the Pastor, continued)
biblical way to ensure that those in need of Christ-centered care receive it. Christ at work in and through gifted, trained lay caregivers, that's the Stephen Ministry vision! Stephen Ministers are there: after the phone call you hoped you'd never get. after the funeral, when everyone else has left and the emotions you've held at bay come crashing in on you. after the relationship falls apart and the bottom falls out of your life. after the doctor says, "I'm sorry, but there's nothing more we can do." after the nursing home director shakes your hand and says, "Welcome to your new home." after the last child honks the horn, waves, and drives away and the house suddenly seems empty. after the gavel comes down, the handcuffs go on, and your loved one is led away. after the baby arrives, demanding more of you than you ever dreamed possible. after you find a pink slip with your final paycheck. after your family and friends have heard your story one too many times, but you still need to talk it out. Stephen Ministers are the “After People.” They are ready to come alongside you or your friends, neighbors, coworkers, or relatives and provide comfort and support for as long aster as needed. When you have the opportunity talk to any of the three who attended the workshop. I'm sure they would be happy to tell you more about Stephen Ministry. You could also go to their website ( ) where they have videos of personal testimonies dealing with how Stephen Ministers have touched people's lives.
Confirmation Sunday Confirmation Sunday is the first Sunday in May (May7th). Come and offer your prayers and support to this year's confirmand (Sierra Siekert). There will be a short reception following the service.
Memorial Day Service Memorial Day Service at the CLC Cemetery - Monday, May 29th at 9am. There will be an attempt to schedule another flyover this year.
Sunday, May 21st There are many things happening on this day but the details are still being worked out. Worship Service, Michele Lukanen's Farewell Reception, Sunday School Teacher Recognition, Voter's Meeting, and a Sunday School Picnic. Please keep watching your weekly announcements for upcoming details.
Reconciliation Update The Elders are working on sending out a report on the progress of reconciliation. A letter and/or email should be in your hands sometime in early May.
The Red Cross Blood Drive The Blood Drive will be Tuesday, May 9, from 12-6pm. If you are able to give blood, this is such an important way to help others who need it so badly. Please consider doing this and encourage others as well!
Christ’s Messenger
May, 2017
Preschool Envelope Fundraiser Have you seen this box on the table in the narthex? These envelopes all have different numbers on them. All you have to do is pick up one or more, put the money inside, and return the envelope any time between now and May 26. You can pick up any number – maybe your age, or a special date, or a combination of numbers. Be creative or just close your eyes and pick one! This is the preschool's only fundraiser. They aren’t trying to sell you things you don’t need, and they aren’t asking you to work hard to raise funds. This provides money to update the toys, furniture, and provide extending activities through in-house field trips. Please consider your part prayerfully and help this important ministry of CLC. Thank you for your continuing support!
LIVING IN FAITH EVERYDAY – L.I.F.E. GROUPS If you haven’t joined a LIFE group as yet, we invite you to at least visit and experience what the LIFE Groups are all about. Group meeting information: Come join us. Monday, 6:30pm Wednesday, 1:00pm Thursday, 6:30pm Saturday, 9am
Men/women Ladies Men/women Men
Eagan Pointe Meet in homes Meet in homes Meet at church
Study John Call Sharonlee 952-431-1865 Study “Divine Divine “ Call Geri 952-891-2853 Study “Not a Fan” Call Deb 651-452-8956 Study “Portals of Prayer” Call Mark 952-891-2853
Studying God’s Word and putting it into action is a wonderful way to draw closer to the Lord!
Christ’s Messenger
May, 2017
LWML Corner – Joyce Swedean Saturday, May 13 we will meet in the Fellowship Hall at 9 am for Bible Study and a very important meeting to decide which mission grants we will support, discussion regarding the Boutique, and plans for the upcoming Fall including election of officers. Be sure to bring your MITES and Bible. Check out the LWML table for the latest LWML Quarterly and Women On a Mission (District News) and the bulletin board for update on mission grants.
GREAT NEWS! The Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML) announced that the LWML 2015-2017 Mission Goal of $2 million was met and surpassed. Quoting National President Patti Ross: "Praise and Thanksgiving to God! Through Mite Box offerings and generous responses to our Lord's blessings, LWML will be able to fund all 19 grants chosen at the 2015 Des Moines Convention. In humble adoration and with praise to our faithful God, we dedicate these dollars to Him for the work of missionaries and ministries around the world who work to spread the saving message of Christ's love and forgiveness." The final amount raised will be known in a few weeks. Thanks to CLC LWML members and congregation members who have faithfully contributed Mites which fund our District and National mission projects.
List of Veterans on the Military Bulletin Board The following names have been added to the list of those who served our country and are now with the Lord: Richard Arneson, Ernest Quast, Merlin Groenke, and Stuart Fedderly. Please let the church office know about any member of Christ (current or past) who is currently serving in the military, is a veteran, or served and is deceased. Thank you!
Christ’s Messenger
May, 2017
PRESCHOOL NEWS By Michele Lukanen It is hard to believe that as I write this, there are only 6 weeks left of this school year. The children have grown so much both physically and spiritually since September! There are still a couple fun activities before the end of the school year. On May 10th Curious Minds will be coming to the preschool to present a night of STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) at 6 pm. This will also serve as an open house. Even if you do not have a preschooler, please come and join us for this fun event. It will be a great opportunity for the congregation to meet the families. Preschool and church growth is about making connections. Please come and connect with the families. On Wednesday, May 24th the preschool will have an end-of-the-year program at 6:00 pm. The program will once again be in the main church. The children will sing a few songs and then enjoy a PowerPoint presentation of the school year. After the program everyone is invited to come into the Fellowship Hall for cookies and punch. Silly Miss Tilly, a balloon artist, will be joining us that evening to provide entertainment and balloons for children during the reception. Christ Lutheran Church congregation is invited to join us for the evening. The last days of preschool are May 25th and May 26th. Thank you to everyone who has supported the preschool this year! We truly appreciate everything that you do!
JULY 10-14 We are partnering with Lutheran Church of the Ascension this year and looking forward to working together to make this the BEST WEEK EVER for the children in Preschool through 5th grades. VBS will be held at CLC. Counselors from Camp Omega will once again lead the children in Bible Stories, Songs, and Games. We have begun the registration process, and forms can be found on the bulletin board in the hallway to the Fellowship Hall or at The cost is $20.00 per child for full day and $15 for morning only with a maximum charge of $40.00 per family. Registrations are coming in already! How can YOU help? Be a volunteer during the week – let me know what available time you have during that week, and I will find something for you to do. Be a Prayer Warrior Spread the Word to children in your family and in your neighborhood. Joyce Swedean, VBS Director
Christ’s Messenger
May, 2017
Eagan Pointe Bible Study and Worship Every Tuesday morning at 9am Pastor Hahn leads a Bible Study at the Eagan Point Senior Living Center. This study is open to all CLC members and all residents of the EPSLC. Please come and joins us for the Bible Study, fellowship, and free coffee. (Currently there are 16 people actively involved in this study.) On the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month a Worship Service, led by Pastor Hahn, is held at the Eagan Pointe Senior Living. It begins at 10am on the 2nd floor in the activity room. Anyone is welcome to worship with us.
PRAYER REQUESTS (Please let Pastor Hahn or the church office know of any additions or changes so we can keep Prayer Requests up to date.)
Cancer –Steve Brennan, Keith Feickert, Karen Hultquist, Bob Manthei (father of Rebecca Hahn), Lucy Roemhildt, Gary Schleif (nephew of Darlene Lemke), Don Wolf. Having surgery, recovering from surgery, illness, or other – Nanu Ajack, Betty Briest, Joe Connolly, Ben Kothe, Antonina Kopcheve (mother-in-law of Alex Mezeritski), Judy Lebahn, Ioannis Madzaris (friend of Alex Mezeritski), Mary Marlow, Tatyana Mezeritski, Louise Neil, Lee Scott, Jeanette Ueker. Homebound – Waltraud Bundt, Lori Dolney, Jim & Shirley Eilola, Hubert Heggen (Pastor Heggen's father), Lucille Jung, Ed & Elaine Klamm, Iona Kruger, Dorothy Lueck, Marlys Lund, Marian Neujahr, Florence O’Brien, Heinz & Lore Rother, Lois Scott, Don Stockman, Gladys Wachter, Guy Westphal, LaDonne Taylor (Kathy Heggen's aunt) Those in the military and their families - SGT Cody Klinksiek and SH Cole Klinksiek, (nephews of Julie Lefebvre), SR Jennifer Adelmann (granddaughter of Mary Lou Adelmann), Apilo Ojulu (of our Anyuak community), and Jake Anderson, Kyle Anderson, and David Hernandez (grandsons of Dick and Joyce Swedean). The Anyuak ministry at Christ Lutheran Church; the Anyuak people in Ethiopia and Sudan. Persecuted Christians in 53 countries around the world, especially the Christians in Egypt, Syria, and other parts of the Middle East. Our nation.
Christ’s Messenger
May, 2017
May Birthdays 1 2 3 4 5 8 12 13 15 16 19 22 24 25 26 27 28 29
Janet Linkert David Hahn Tom Gustafson, Ian Steffen Harold Futhey Andrew Johnson, Judy Lebahn Rebecca Hahn Mari Del Toro Marchelle Prill-Phoulavan Brian Wild Ronald Bongard Cordt Jamison Hailey Phoulavan, Jeanette Uecker, Marilyn Westphal Michelle Doffing Lawrence Linkert Josh Digman Claire Haedike, Gabriel Hartog, Kyle Wahl Kelsey Hanenberger Robin Fink
May Wedding Anniversaries 3 4 7 18 19 28 29 30
Maynard & Eldoris Ohm (59 years) Darrell & Gail Black (43 years) Janelle & Ronald Bachrodt (29 years) Carl & Sue Sisk (43 years) Russell & Lois Agrimson (44 years) Gordy & Shirlee Schramm (62 years) Michael & Kathryn Heggen (46 years) Mark & Gerri Bonewell (30 years)
Christ’s Messenger
May, 2017
MAY 2017 Sunday
Monday 1
9am Worship – HC 10:15am– Fellowship & Education Hour 2pm– Anyuak Worship
Wednesday Thursday
2 9am-Eagan Pt Bible Study
6pm– Boy Scouts
7pm - Choir
7pm – Bell Choir
9 10 9am-Eagan Pt Bible Study 10am-Eagan Pt Worship 6pm – STEM 12-6 – Blood Drive Night 6pm– Boy Scouts Preschool 6:30pm – Vermilion Open House Carriage Board 7pm–Council 7pm - Choir Meeting
6 9am – SPRING CLEAN-UP 4pm– Praise Jam 5pm– Worship 6:30pm-Eagan Men’s Chorus
13 9am – LWML
7pm – Bell Choir
4pm– Praise Jam 5pm– Worship with HC
9am Worship 6pm—Diffley 10:15am– Fellowship Commons & Education Hour 7pm– Dakota 2pm– Anyuak Worship Ramblers 4H
9am-Eagan Pt Bible Study
21 22 9am Worship – HC 10:15am– SS Teacher Recognition Farewell for Michele Lukanen Voter’s Meeting SS Picnic 2pm– Anyuak Worship
23 9am-Eagan Pt Bible Study 10am-Eagan Pt Worship 6pm– Boy Scouts 7pm-Trustees
6pm – Preschool Closing Program
Last day of T-Th Preschool
Last day of M-W-F Preschool
4pm– Praise Jam 5pm– Worship with HC
28 9am Worship 10:15am– Fellowship & Education Hour
30 9am-Eagan Pt Bible Study
1:30-Human Care Board
20 4pm– Praise Jam 5pm– Worship
7pm - Choir 6pm– Boy Scouts
6pm– Boy Scouts
7pm - Choir