News and Announcements Christ Lutheran Church Eagan
September 24, 2017
Verse of the Week:
No saint on earth lives life to self alone Or dies alone, for we with Christ are one. So if we live, for Christ alone we live, And if we die, to Christ our dying give. In living and in dying this confess: We are the Lord’s, safe in God’s faithfulness. For to this end our Lord by death was slain, That to new life He might arise again. Through sorrow on to triumph Christ has led, And reigns o’er all: the living and the dead. In living and in dying, Him we bless; We are the Lord’s, safe in God’s faithfulness. LSB 747; Text: © 1997 Norman J. Kansfield Used by permission: LSB Hymn License .NET, number 100012578. Created by Lutheran Service Builder © 2006 Concordia Publishing House.
Preschool Family Potluck Tuesday, September 26, 5:30 pm This is a great way to meet some of the families who send their children to our preschool. Bring a dish and join in!
New! Intergenerational Sunday School! This will be the second week of a 5-week Bible Study that will include all ages. Since this year marks the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, the topic is:
"What You Do and Don't Know About Martin Luther and the Reformation" We will be joining together (adults and children) for a fun filled, light-hearted, entertaining, and yet educational time, focusing upon Martin Luther and the Reformation. The lesson titles include: 1) "The Stormy Monk" 2) "The Protesting Professor" 3) "Trouble, Trouble, Trouble" 4) "The Heretic's Trial" 5) “Luther's Legacy” You will learn something about Martin Luther and the Reformation that you have never heard before and have fun doing it.
LIFE Groups Starting Up Again in September
Sept. 18th on Monday nights at 6:30pm at Eagan Pointe. Men and women are invited to join us in the study of Romans. Contact person: Sharonlee Strohkirch (952-431-1865).
Sept. 20th on Wednesday afternoon at 1:30pm women’s group meet at various homes. Their study is “Divine Design” by Sharla Fritz. Contact person is Gerri Bonewell (952-891-2853).
Oct. 1st on Saturday at 9am, the Men’s group will begin at church. Study to be announced. Contact person is Mark Bonewell (952-891-2853).
LIFE groups are people who embrace Living In Faith Everyday. They meet weekly with Bible Study, Prayer, Fellowship and Service. All are welcome from church, families, neighbors, and anyone who wishes to be in Gods’ Word and grow in faith and spirit in a relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Please come join us and fill our “empty chair.”
CHOIR PRACTICING FOR REFORMATION! Whether you’ve been in choir before or if you want to join this year, you are welcome to come on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm. Sprechen Sie Deutsch? – Then we really want you to come!
CHECK OUT OUR LIBRARY! Read any good books lately? If they came from the CLC Library, why not share what you read with others? Send a book review to Ruth Ohmann ( ). Be sure to check out all the interesting titles for every interest and every age group!
Saturday, October 14, 9:00 am This is a great time for all of us to get involved in cleaning up our church insides and out. We’ll find a job for everyone. Be sure to mark your calendars now!
How do you like the new LWML logo? We think it’s pretty great! Ladies – mark your calendars for the upcoming Fall LWML Rally, Saturday, October 28 at Rose of Sharon Lutheran Church in Cottage Grove. It will begin at 8:30 am with registration, program beginning at 9 am with a lunch served at noon. The speaker will be Pastor Chad Cziscke who serves as a chaplain ministering to the men and women in the Armed Services. The Gifts from the Heart will be monetary gifts to the LCMS Ministry to the Office of the Armed Forces. Registration cost TBA. Remember to pick up copies of the new Fall LWML Quarterly (lots of interesting articles for all women) and the new Women on a Mission newsletter which tells of what is going on in the District LWML.
New Temporary Address for Dale Vogt: After a short stay at the hospital, Dale has now moved to Augustana Health Care Center, 930 West 16th Street, Hastings, MN 55033. He would enjoy hearing from you!
Help is just a phone call away! If you need the pastor at any time, just call the church. If no one answers the phone, you have options so that you can leave a message to any of the staff, and in an emergency, your call can go directly to Pastor Hahn’s cell phone. Be sure to put the church phone number on your cell phone or write it down near your home phone: 651-454-4091.
Our Gifts to the Lord Sept 9-10 General Fund Sept 4-8 Joyful Response Total
Attendance $5111.00 $ 935.00
Saturday, September 16 Sunday, September 17 Total
31 89 120
Our next church Voters’ Meeting is Sunday, October 15, at 11:30 am. Don’t miss it!
Bell Choir Begins October 5! Calling all bell ringers, and those who are interested, ages 10-110! Join us for the experience of praising God with ringing hand bells together. If you are new to this, we will teach you. This is a very patient and accepting group with amazing results!
Same Portals of Prayer – New Delivery! Now available! From the Apple App Store or Google Play Audio - Listen to recordings of each day’s Bible readings, devotion, and prayer. Devotions + Prayers - Applicable, easy-to-read meditations and prayers. Over 2500 Devotions - Read seven years of Portals of Prayer devotions. Search, Save, and Share - Search past devotions by keyword, save your favorites, and share prayers.