November 2009 Issue

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The Catalunya Chronicle


An English Paper for Tarragona and beyond....

ssue number 2 already here - that came around really fast. We would like to thank all our contributors and advertisers for making this second issue possible, and would like to say how amazed we have been at all the nice things people have been saying about the first edition.

FREE / GRATIS every month ~ suitable for all the family.

Please take the trouble to let us know how we are doing... what is missing... what you did not like, and if you would like to contribute on any of the articles then please drop us a line.

Our classified ad section is looking very lean this month - it is free to advertise there so please pick up the phone, or send e would also like to apologise for us an email and sell those unwanted items. the crossword - we have had no correct solutions sent in, so We hope that you enjoy this latest issue obviously the compiler was over-zealous and thank you for reading. in protecting the prize. Catalunya Chronicle Team.



Only this week, I was talking to Senora Elisa Carrasco Llao, the current owner of the huge building By Jennifer Figuerola by the station, where the Bar When I first came to live in Estacion and the Internet cafe are Catalunya, I rented a tiny flat in the located. centre of L'Ampolla overlooking the port. It was during the month Elisa actually lives in the building of May, just this year in fact, and too; it has been passed down the temperatures were already up through the generations from her enough to wear sandals, shorts grandparents to her parents and and t-shirts. Not knowing anyone, finally to her. Amazingly, the I wandered over to the Bar building has hardly changed since Estacion and soon made friends, her grandfather bought it in 1925. all of whom had a story to tell and The actual station was created in an opinion about L'Ampolla. 1867 and L'Ampolla was a It's called 'The Gateway to the stopping point between Tarragona Delta', they told me. Apparently and Valencia. It is in the records because of its shape, which that in the 19th century, the resembles that of the mouth of the beaches started to become River Ebro in former times. The popular for bathing, and a special word 'Ampolla', means 'bottle' in 'bathing train' service was set up from Tortosa. Catalan. Historically, the town has developed from fishing and is still associated with this, maintaining a strong identity as a busy fishing and tourist community combined. During WW1, in 1917, when the ship, 'Maxsherda', was sunk off the coast by a german submarine, the town really rallied round to help and support the shipwrecked survivors, and there is now a large bronze statue in the town, donated by the french government to commemorate their efforts.

Elisa remembers the 'tren con carbon', or steam train puffing its way to Barcelona and back, in the days when L'Ampolla was without main roads, lighting or public transport. There was no local council; local residents paid all

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their taxes to the council in El Perello and the majority of the revenue stayed right there, actually spent on improving the lives of the residents of El Perello. The streets of L'Ampolla were unkempt and there was a distinct lack of any public services. The residents of El Perello however, had great difficulty getting across to L'Ampolla to catch the 'tren con carbon', whenever they needed to get to Barcelona.

however; just one short year later, in 1938, their independent rights were suspended with the Decree of Burgos. Many years passed, and it was not until a mere twenty years ago, in 1989, that the Spanish Supreme Court ruled in favour of the new, independent, municipal district of L'Ampolla. The Town Council finally set up in May, 1990.

This was the only rail link in the area to reach the big city, and placed Ampolla firmly on the map in terms of importance for the rail network system of Catalunya. Horses and carts ferried them to and fro the station, until eventually Elisa's grandparents and other family members organised a public bus system, with little minibuses running regularly between El Perello and L'Ampolla. This greatly improved relations between the two towns.

Gradually, the streets were cleaned up, the services to the public increased,with street lighting, post boxes, an efficient waste disposal service, improved security and conditions in and around the port. Schools were The issue of independence for opened and the town was policed L'Ampolla became crucial to is with a resident police force. residents and was a real struggle with the authorities, ending in A powerful community spirit began triumph on 16 January 1937, when to flourish, establishing the the Generalitat, (Autonomous festivals and traditions we all Government of Catalunya) attend and participate in today. granted L'Ampolla autonomy from Oyster Day was a treat for me in El Perello, with its own council, to May, well-patronised, the town which the residents now paid their overflowing with friendly faces taxes. This was short lived continued overleaf....

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 2 November 2009 -

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PAGE 2 - WELL WHY NOT? Readers Letters - to the Editor Please address your letters to:- The Catalunya Chronicle , C/ Martirs 6, 43500, Tortosa, or alternatively you may email them to All letters must contain a contact telephone number - thank you. As this is the second issue - we still do not have any letters yet with the exception of a lovely email summarised below. It quite cheered us up - so thank you Lisa. Maybe you would like to contribute in time for the next issue which is due out at the end of November. Let us know how we are doing - obviously, being a young paper, we will not have everything just right, so please write in. All submissions must be received by the 15th of the calendar month to ensure publication for the following issue.

Distribution Points. A full list and map of all our collection locations is available on our web-site, and if you do not find one near enough to you, then please let us know. Currently we have managed to place the paper in the following towns and villages. L’Ampolla L’Amettla Camarles Amposta Tortosa Miravet Tres Calas

El Perello Cambrils Salou Hospitalet Reus Airport Alcossebre

Dear Sir, May I first congratulate you on your newspaper, and second on your website. I found both thoroughly enjoyable... .. After reading your newspaper, I was happy to have found reading material suitable for all ages. There is some thing I would like to talk to you about, the little jokes you put in the first issue were quite enjoyable, and I was wondering if you were considering putting a joke page into your newspaper. It would make the experience much nicer for everyone. Thanks, Lisa

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beaches cleaned and regularly maintained, with pride. But,as Elisa reminded me, the town used to be un-cared for, upside-down, sampling the local cuisine and various oyster disorganised.... recipes, accompanied by groups, bands and all kinds of music throughout the day and into I took a few panoramic photographs when I the night. first arrived, some stunning views, making it Continued from page 1

I no longer live in L'Ampolla, but I certainly enjoyed a wonderful summer there, taking in all the flavours the town had to offer.

Then in June, there was a whole week of festivities to celebrate Saint Joan, with fireworks, bulls in the streets and even ending up in the harbour in the water!

There remains only for me to tell you the name we have chosen for our new puppy, which I mentioned in last month's edition.

A community centre has been built, along with a Public Health Centre, a water company and a fire brigade. With the focus firmly on the tourist industry, a tourist office was established, and a municipal swimming pool. The promenade along the coast was built, restaurants refurbished, pavements and

the council, schools and police force, all of which give the town its identity, with the many festivals and community activities, involving schools and businesses alike .There is an open-air market every Wednesday and regular boot sales.

We wanted a french name for a female Breton spaniel, who has a sweet, non-aggressive nature but a tendency to break wind an awful lot, which totally blows you out the window. It really reeks! all the harder to believe how neglected it had been, and it just made me think what a blessing that someone had the foresight to put public money into serving the community and create such a tourist haven. How times change! Now a busy, bustling touristy coastal resort, with beaches, hotels, bars, shops, restaurants and discotheques, banks and estate agents, which cater primarily for the tourist industry, there is also an independent infrastructure with

When someone suggested 'Brie', we immediately knew that this was it, the perfect name for such a smelly pup. Thank you for your suggestions, we can only hope that as she grows, she will grow out of this habit!! Once again, I would welcome any contributions/comments on my section of the newspaper. I will be looking at Miravet next. Until next month...

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 2 November 2009 ~ Page 2


COC RAPID (QUICK CAKE) The coca (plural: coques) is more or less the Catalan pizza. The word itself apparently derives from Latin coquere, to cook, and is used not only in Catalan but in the old Occitan tongue of neighbouring Toulouse and vicinity (though, here, it generally refers to a kind of sweet cake). This recipe was given to me by a Catalan friend and it has got me out of a sticky situation with my children, when every cake I try and make, fails miserably each time. I blame it on the gas oven!!

Aubergine is such an under-used vegetable but so delicious and goes well This is so simple and works!!! with chicken, lamb, fish, lentils and most vegetables. This dish is perfect Ingredients: with some fresh baguette or flat bread. 3 eggs Ingredients: 1 Danone (yogurt pot), (save the pot to measure out the other ingredients) 400 g small aubergines, thinly sliced into rounds 2½ pot of sugar Good pinch of turmeric 3 pots of sifted flour Salt, to taste Grated rind of lemon ¼ tsp red chilli powder 1 Royal Baking Powder sachet 2 tbs olive oil Pinch salt 250 ml plain yoghurt 1 Danone pot of olive oil 1 - 1 ½ tsp sugar 1 rounded tsp cumin seeds, roasted and ground Large handful of fresh coriander leaves and stalks, chopped

Mix all well. Grease a baking tin or cake tin with butter and put the mixture into the oven (about 180 degrees) for approximately 20 minutes. Y esta!!

Coat the aubergines in the turmeric, salt and half the red chilli powder and fry in the oil in a large, non-stick pan until soft. You may have to do this in two batches. Drain on a plate lined with kitchen paper and set aside. Beat 200 ml of the yoghurt with the sugar, add salt to taste and the remaining red chilli powder and put in a saucepan. Stir for a good 5 minutes, over a low heat, until warm. Stir in the cumin seeds and the aubergine and the coriander. Cook for another minute. Turn off the heat and stir in the remaining yoghurt. Check the seasoning and serve. Aubergines with Mint, Garlic & Chili Looks a mess but tastes absolutely divine - the secret is to fry the aubergine slices until they are dark brown, almost burnt. Ingredients: 3 large Aubergines, sliced into 2 cm slices 3 Garlic cloves, cut into matchstick size pieces 3 tablespoons of Olive Oil 1 Red Chili - again cut into matchsticks A handful of fresh Mint, chopped. About 750 ml of sunflower oil


For the Dressing: 1 Garlic clove crushed with salt 4 tablespoons of Red Wine Vinegar Place the sliced aubergines into a bowl, sprinkle with salt and leave to drain for an hour, then rinse off the salt and pat dry. Fry them in batches in the sunflower oil once it is smoking hot, turning them over frequently until they are a deep brown colour. Remove them and allow to stand on some kitchen paper. To assemble the salad, place one layer of aubergines on a dish and add a little dressing, a few spikes of garlic and chili, together with some mint onto each slice. Add another layer, and carry on until all the ingredients have been used up. Cover and put in the fridge for at least an hour before serving.


Nigel Morton English and Spanish Spoken N.I.E Supplied Tel: 620 353 138

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 2 November 2009 ~ Page 3

Tortosa and Surrounding areas


Q. What guarantees may a mortgage company insist on.

The following questions were set in last year's A. If you are buying a house they will insist that GCSE examination in Swindon, Wiltshire you are well endowed. These are genuine answers (from 16 year old Q. In a democratic society, how important are boys) elections. Q. Name the four seasons.

A. Very important. Sex can only happen when a male gets an election.

A. Salt, pepper, mustard and vinegar.

Q. What are steroids. Q. Explain one of the processes by which water can be made safe to drink. A. Things for keeping carpets still on the stairs Q. What is a turbine. ...(Shoot yourself now, there is little hope). A. Flirtation makes water safe to drink A. Something an Arab or Sheik wears on his because it removes large pollutants like grit, Q. Name a major disease associated with head. sand, dead sheep and canoeists. cigarettes. Q. Give the meaning of the term 'Caesarean Q. How is dew formed. A. Premature death. section'. A. The sun shines down on the leaves and Q. What does the word 'benign' mean. makes them perspire. A. Benign is what you will be after you be eight. Q. What causes the tides in the oceans. Q. How can you delay milk turning sour. A. The tides are a fight between the earth and the moon. All water tends to flow towards the A. Keep it in the cow moon, because there is no water on the moon, Q. What is the fibula. and nature abhors a vacuum. I forget where the sun joins the fight. A. A small lie. Q. What does 'varicose' mean.

A. The caesarean section is a district in Rome. Q. What is a seizure A. A Roman Emperor ...(Julius Seizure, came, I saw, I had a fit).


Q. What is a terminal illness. A. When you are sick at the airport. Q. Give an example of a fungus. What is a characteristic feature.

A. Nearby.

A. Mushrooms. They always grow in damp Q. How are the main parts of the body places and they look like umbrellas. categorised (eg the abdomen). Q. Use the word 'judicious' in a sentence to A. The body is consisted into 3 parts - the show you understand its meaning. brainium, the borax and the abdominal cavity. A. Hands that judicious can be soft as your The brainium contains the brain, the borax face with mild green fairy liquid. contains the heart and lungs and the abdominal cavity contains the five bowels: A,E,I,O and U.

FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENTS Loving thoughts... Share the message Would you like to add a special touch to celebrate someone’s birthday or send a message of good luck or congratulations to a close friend or family member ? Perhaps you would like to remember loved ones who are no longer with us. Now you can by placing your special message in the Catalunya Chronicle for just 15 Euros. CONGRATULATIONS Gil and Sue on becoming the proud Grandparents to


Esme Matilda Rowe Hope you have a great eleventh birthday. Love and Best Wishes Mum and Dad xx xx

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 2 November 2009 ~ Page 4

MUNCHIE ET AL... MUNCHIE GETS THE BOOT ...I I’ve arrived home to find a size 42 boot perched rather precariously on one of the spikes of my gate. My mind is racing. What has the Munchie done with, or to, the occupant? Think. There is only one boot. Maybe the owner successfully hopped away? I fear this is rather unlikely. The Munchie would have flattened him or her in one well timed pounce and taken both boots; you always need a pair, even the Munchie knows that.


The Munchie is an extremely intelligent beast. It seems to know in an instance, the loss of which piece of clothing is going to cause the most angst. Pinching your underwear, (we won’t go into details here) just as you come out of the shower usually does the trick! The Munchie delights in the ensuing screams, howls and blasphemous phrases especially when it steals them half way through the delicate “putting-them-on” procedure. It tugs and pulls at its prey with the poor human still attached! The Munchie is even more pleased with its self if the person ends up on the cold marble floor with the item of attire somewhere round the ankles and at the point of no return! What perhaps I should have mentioned, is that the Munchie comes with an automatic door opening facility, as any guest expected or otherwise can confirm.. Please imagine if you will, the Munchie excitedly exiting the house, underwear in mouth, heading off to exhibit its achievement to anyone unfortunate enough to be passing by. We must not forget the undeniable embarrassment that an open door has, not so much on the locals who by now are used to this, but on a naked body stuck there in its glory! Maybe now, you can see why it is, that I’m concerned for the owner of the boot. They could be lying somewhere, bewildered, shaken and bootless under the dubious misconception that the Munchie will forget all about them, or worse still that it won’t notice if its victim tries, under the cover of darkness, to return to recover the boot. Well, they’d be wrong! A Munchie's memory is akin to that of an elephant. So, if anyone has lost a boot and they’d like it back, please call first, so that they can be assured that the Munchie is out and will not discover that it has been deceived, or that its latest acquisition has been returned to its rightful owner!


Porque? Why is the word abbreviation so long? Why do companies offer you "free gifts?" Since when has a gift NOT been free? Why is there an expiration date on sour cream? Why on Earth, with over 3/4 of our planet covered by water, don't we call it 'ocean'? Why does your nose run and your feet smell? Why do scientists call it research when they are looking for something new? Why do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are getting dead?* Why do banks charge a fee on insufficient funds' when they know there is not enough money?

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 2 November 2009 ~ Page 5

COMMUNITY NEWS Information about the Freesia Group In November 2002, a group of interested people living in the Salou/Cambrils area organised a Christmas Fair. The money raised was divided between the CNIO (National Cancer Research Centre) and the Tarragona province branch of the AECC (Spanish Association Against Cancer). The group then decided to continue working to support these organisations and formed the “Freesia Group”. From our many activities we have now raised over €160,000 for the cancer charities. We have also recently made donations to AFANOC (Nens Amb Cancer) for a special project in the Tarragona area. As well as the Christmas Fair, which has been repeated every year, we have also organised family fun runs, dinner dances, monthly lunches, car treasure hunts, car boot sales, cocktail/garden parties, shows with Salou’s best live acts, quiz nights, sponsored walks, Bonfire Night parties, sales of clothing with Freesia logo, raffles, auctions and a Christmas CD. The Seventh Annual Christmas Fair was held on 29th November, 2008, at Charlie Chaplin’s/Christies in Salou. Over 7,000 euros was raised. The Mayor of Salou, Sr. Antonio Banyeres, opened the event. Gifts, decorations, cards, Christmas fare, toys, books, etc., were on sale, and Santa Claus was in his grotto. There were competitions, a fabulous prize raffle, and tombola. Support from the local community was superb, both on the day and in donations for prizes. Many local businesses also had stalls, and the event was featured in the press and on TV3. The Eighth Christmas Fair will be on 28th November, 2009. The Fifth Family Fun Run was held on Sunday 3rd May, 2009, on the Salou promenade. It consisted of 4km and 10km runs, with a record 750 participants. Supported by the local Town Council, Tourism offices, and local, national and international businesses, we raised more than €10,000. The Sixth Fun Run will be held in May 2010. Our newest, highly successful, major event is our Annual Gala Dinner Dance to celebrate St. Valentine’s Day at the Club Nautic, Salou, with live bands, entertainers, and a magic show. Some €3,300 was raised last year. The Third Gala Dinner Dance was held on Friday 13th February 2009. In July 2007, a second group was formed - the Freesia Group El Perelló. Up to now they have raised some €9,000. They will be holding their first Christmas Fair on Saturday 14th November at L'Escola de Musica, Perelló. If you would like to help with any of our events or participate in our lunches and meetings please contact: Pamela Gené (Secretary) 977 395 064 or 620 213 898 Elaine McParland (President and Fun Run) 977 760 556 or 619 637 795;;

Harvest Festival - L’Ampolla 2nd October Prepared by Brian Hall THE ANGLICAN CHURCH IN EUROPE Traditional Harvest Festival The evening of the 2nd of October saw the Anglican Church celebrate Harvest Festival in true English style in L’Ampolla. Held in the town church, the event brought together approximately 100 people who celebrated the event lead by the Rev. Paul Needle. The harvest had been gathered and lay on the steps in front of the alter, the produce having been grown by members of the congregation. Traditional festival hymns were sung and a brief lesson on the fullness of nature and Gods fullness to mankind was given by Rev. Needle. After the service, everyone made their way to the church hall where a typical harvest supper was presented by the ladies of the church congregation of L’Ampolla. Three ladies in particular, Christine, Janet and Mary had worked hard all day to ensure that over 100 people were fed in traditional harvest festival fare. A presentation of English and Catalan songs by the choral group, The Decibels, concluded the evening. The event proved to be successful in bringing together many English families living in this area and helped to forge closer links of friendship both old and new. The proceeds of the evenings events where donated to a Women’s charity in India specialising in cataract operations. The Anglican Church in Europe is represented in this part of Catalonia and Valencia by the large ‘parish’ of the Anglican Church on the Costa Azahar, which encompasses all towns and villages from Alcossebre in the south to L’Ampolla, El Perello and L’Ametlla de Mar in the north. For this area, church services are held in the town church of L’Ampolla. For further details contact the Rev. Paul Needle on 964 761 641 or Pru Shatoury on 977 593 219. Or for those you with an internet connection go along to L’Ampolla Church membership - Contact no. 977457259.

Liz Ball, secretary El Perelló Group - 977 059 783 or 619 905 609 The Freesia Group

If olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from? If "poli" means many, and "tics" mean bloodsucking creatures, then what does "politics" mean?


bar cafeteria

C/Nou 40, Camarles Reservas: 977.470.518

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 2 November 2009 ~ Page 6

LA VIDA MY CUP IS HALF FULL Helen Rowe When you are in your teens you think those over thirty years old are ancient, but it’s all relative from standing in the mini skirt and platform boots you were wearing at the time. The minute you are in your thirties it’s not that old…………by this time you have stopped trying to change the world single handily, the ridiculous footwear has gone and yes by now, single you are probably not! Then all the problems of your youth have disappeared to be replaced by your children’s youth……. Yes, they don’t believe you were ever a teenager, plus you are far too old to know their problems. Your problems are the mortgage, the car, the employment, the politics, the education and you know you can’t change the world and you haven’t the time to try!

equals contentment or cynically happiness is not easily quantifiable but money and possessions are. Plus the government can’t tax happiness! So much of our lives are spent chasing what we think is going to make us happier only to find that it complicates our situation by having too many choices or not enough time to enjoy what we achieve.

I am fortunate to have a husband and friends who have retired, though I still have over ten years to go myself. I say fortunate; they have given me a very positive attitude towards becoming a pensioner. Money and no time to enjoy it, is far worse than having the time and less money. The freedom they have I envy, I have never heard boredom cited and the number of books they manage to digest is amazing. A common cry is I’d rather be here on a pension even it its spending power has decreased (due to the pound / euros exchange) than work every day especially Now, the ideal to me, would be to live in when the sun is shining. Another comment is reverse, you are born old with oodles of it is better to be “poor” in the sun than working knowledge (you can’t always remember) but in the UK!! Well I can’t wait. a body that is going to get young as time goes on, the price for this is some of the knowledge Yes there are negatives with age, but look we goes as the body gets fitter, firmer and more are all going in the same direction at the same energetic, but what the hell! You are in your speed one day older at a time. The young often prime and have fewer responsibilities. Then talk as if it will never happen to them, poor you are carefree as a child with only playtime darlings it has already started the day they and school to worry over, and cared for by were born but the ethos of “young is beautiful” your parents. Then you end you life in infancy is such strong propaganda, especially when without knowledge of what you have missed. you are part of it, and we all had our time there too. So if you need a siesta in the afternoons Okay it has a few downsides, is it very that’s okay, if a task takes longer than years different in reverse? ago what’s the rush? It’s good to stop and enjoy your surroundings, to catch your breath. On the plus side is the peace of mind that You now have a luxury they don’t TIME. comes with age. The body might be letting you down; it sometimes tells you to stop So this idea that ageing as a negative should acting like a teenager (especially after a string be firmly stamped on if you are growing old you of later nights at fiesta time). This is the time are still growing! Ageism, yet another form of in your life that you can say if I can’t change discrimination, bourn out of ignorance and it then I will not worry about it. You can prejudice will never be changed by those not rationalise knowing that if it is important put living in it. Most retired people have worked your energy into it, if it is not, let it go, time is hard for about forty years to get to this stage too precious to waste. in their life yet they are marginalised by society. In the Mediterranean countries the older Having confidence and conviction is another section of society is still respected because big plus with a healthy balance of I don’t give they have a very important role in the extended a damn about what you may or may not think family, they look after the children. Traditionally of me! I am not out to impress anyone, leaving you see the grandparents or the great that time consuming trait behind me when I grandparents taking and collecting the children hit the half way mark birthday, I wish I had from school. Looking after the next generation, jettisoned it earlier! Now looking back is not what a precious role and a role model for always healthy if you stop too long. Yes, children. The further North in Europe you go remember good times, you had to live many the less you see this. years to acquire them. There are more to come if you keep looking forward. Sadly, the hardest thing to come to terms with is not the passing of years, but the death of I have often wondered why so much loved ones, which becomes more frequent. emphasise is put on money, career, Yes, it is painful, but to have loved and cared possessions etc and little is ever said about for others and to have been loved by these contentment in life. Maybe it is because in the people is what has made our lives richer. For western world we have grown to believe this

me the hardest loss was that of my parents as I felt robbed of the link to my childhood as only your parents can share with their children. I was very fortunate as both of them left this world suddenly, without pain or prolonged suffering or loss of their independence. This article was started after I sadly lost some friends in untimely death, but the more I thought about this the less negative I felt. Yes statistically the chances of friends and family dying is greater with the years you live. I was lucky to know them. I have only lost the ability to talk to them now. I have not lost the memory of time spent with them and each of them gave me something that is not gone. A good few years ago I laughed at this, I still do but from a different view point. Said to me by my Mum “My memory isn’t what it used to be, now what were we talking about Helen”. But my favourite is “My mirrors all have wrinkled glass”. And I wish I could recall who said it!!

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 2 November 2009 ~ Page 7



BY MIKE SMITH Since last month, we have seen a drop in the water temperature and an increased flow of the River Ebro, due to the rain we have just had, which can only be good news for us anglers. On the lower Ebro, carp fishing has improved but you will still get better results if you can prebait. This means getting out there, even with a few tins of sweetcorn, trout or halibut pellets and taking the time to prebait. It really does give great results. Cat fishing is still a little on the slow side, although I hear reports of fish in the 100 lb bracket being caught. Some days can be better than others and sometimes the overcast days seem to more productive at the moment. Last month, I took a trip up to Lleida, heading for a reservoir, called Panta D'Utxesa, which is fed by the River Segre. This used to be a day ticket water, but now that has all changed. For fishing here, you need to obtain a zoned license which covers Flix and Lleida. This can be obtained from the tackle shop in Flix. If you do see a bailiff whilst fishing, you will be asked to produce this license and given that they have the power to confiscate your tackle until you can produce one, it is well worth taking the time to obtain this permit. Go and enjoy a coffee and maybe breakfast, before you start your day fishing. Sometimes there is no wait for the license, at other times, there could be a queue. So, what was the fishing like on Panta D'Utxesa ? On this fishery, on a reasonable day, the carp can average around the 6 to 7 lb mark and has quite a lot of small cats from 8 oz to 20 lbs, which can be good fun on ordinary carp gear. It also has quite a good head of roach - I started fishing for carp on the pole and after a couple of hours, the bites were coming fairly steadily and I was getting a good few fish, but after losing a couple CAMPO BUILDING SERVICES of big fish, I decided to get the carp rods out. This proved to be a good move, as I ended up with some good carp into double figures and two small cats. This really is ALL ENQUIRIES a good fishery and well CONTACT worth the journey. DAVE - 662 623 210 GRAHAM - 615 684 794

Bless their cotton socks.... Three year-old Reese: “Our Father, Who does art in heaven, Harold is his name. Amen. A little boy was overheard praying: “Lord, if you can't make me a better boy, don't worry about it. I'm having a real good time like I am. After the christening of his baby brother in church, Jason sobbed all the way home in the back seat of the car. His Father asked him three times what was wrong. Finally the boy replied, “That Preacher said he wanted us brought up in a Christian home and I wanted to stay with you guys.” One particular four year old prayed, “And forgive us our trash baskets as we forgive those who put trash in our baskets” A Sunday school teacher asked her children as they were on the way to church service, “And why is it necessary to be quiet in church?” One bright little girl replied, “Because people are sleeping.” A mother was preparing pancakes for her sons, Kevin 5, and Ryan 3. The boys began to argue over who would get the first pancake. Their mother saw the opportunity for a moral lesson. “If Jesus were sitting here, he would say, “Let my brother have the first pancake, I can wait.” Kevin turned to his younger brother and said, “Ryan, you be Jesus!” A father was at the beach with his children when the four year old son ran up to him, grabbed his hand, and led him to the shore where a seagull lay dead in the sand. “Daddy, what happened to him?” the son asked. “He died and went to Heaven” the Dad replied. The boy though for a moment and then said, “Did God throw him back down?” A wife invited some people to dinner. At the table she turned to their six year old daughter and said, “Would you like to say the blessing? “I wouldn't know what to say,” the girl replied. Just say what you hear Mummy say,” the wife answered. With that the daughter bowed her head and said, “Lord why on earth did I invite all these people to dinner?”

Not Just... Olives - Website Design Call Chris on 636 292 568 to have a three-page site designed for only €50

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 2 November 2009 ~ Page 8


I’m sure you have heard the old Hippocrates' saying: “We are what we eat”. The human body is constantly renewed over time: new bones, new hair, new skin, etc; along with its daily fuel to move, breath, talk and live. Where do we get the material to make our bodies grow to adulthood and that renovates it along our life? Where do we get the fuel that makes us move? From the food we eat and drink we drink. It seems that Hippocrates was right.

• Avoid excessive animal fats (fatty meats, sausages, butter, cream, etc.). It is best to consume oil in moderation (preferably olive oil or if not then seed based). • Eat enough foods that contain flour or starches (bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, etc.) and fiber (salads, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and, if possible, integral product). • Limit your intake of sugars (sugar, honey and products made with sugar). • Water is the best drink for excellence physiological. • If you drink alcohol, this should be sparingly. • It is recommended that you eat slowly and chew food. • Maintaining a stable weight is a sign of nutritional balance.

What is the healthy diet about? It will depend on the individual necessities of each person, age, sex, physical activity and health among others.


A healthy diet has to be: o High enough in energy and nutrients o Balanced o Varied (“lots of nothing and a bit of everything”) o Adapted to geographic conditions, cultural, religious and individual. The Mediterranean diet is considered one of the most comprehensive ways to eat healthily on the planet. Back in the '50s, doctors Ancel and Margaret Keys, of the School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota (USA), noted that in Mediterranean countries there was a lower incidence of cardiovascular diseases than in the countries of northern Europe and the Americas, and related this fact with their food. This was characterized by their diet consisting mainly of: cereals, legumes, fruits and vegetables, olive oil, nuts and fish and with moderate amounts of: fowl, eggs and dairy products and even less; mutton and lamb, pork and beef and with a moderate consumption of wine. These scientists published the book “How to eat well and stay well the Mediterranean way”, long before the famous Seven Countries study related some of the components of the diet with coronary disease. The Seven Countries Study, whose assumptions are focused on the role of fats, its proportion of the total energy of the diet and the proportion of saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, studied a segment of the population of Finland, Holland, Italy, Yugoslavia, Greece (Crete), Japan and the United States. The results after 15 years of follow up showed unequivocally the different coronary mortality in countries such as Finland (649/10000 inhabitants) and Crete (38/10000 inhabitants).



Frankfurt Bar, L’Ampolla C/Joaquim Pafila, 5

Food habits of the inhabitants of this Mediterranean island were based on high consumption of olive oil and olives, cereals, fresh fruit and vegetables and some fish. Low consumption of meat and dairy products and variable, but general, consumption of wine with meals. All accompanied by significant physical activity, since the population was predominantly rural. This study, and others that followed, assisted American nutritionists to make proposals to change the traditional American diet for the Mediterranean one with the objective of reducing cardiovascular risk. The rest is history. Ten golden rules for healthy eating • Eating and drinking are part of the joy of living. • Cooking well is an art (cuisine is not incompatible with good dietary laws). • The need to eat a wide variety of foods, but not a lot of any.

If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 2 November 2009 ~ Page 9

REVIEWS The Chimona Chronicles: Book One:- How Kelvyn got his name

Restaurant Review

RESTAURANTE BUFFETE - AMPOSTA Family meal for four - €50 For my son’s birthday meal, we always go for a Chinese meal - his favourite food. He usually orders far too much and seems to burst by about halfway through the main course, having overdosed on the starters. With that in mind - a Chinese “All you can Eat” seemed like a good exercise in damage limitation, so off we trotted to the newly opened Restaurante Buffete Amposta, having heard tales of a 25 metre-long buffet table. Arriving early at about 7:30pm, we were greeted by the sight of a brightly-lit and clean restaurant with a few diners already seated. My son’s eyes were taken up with the selection on offer - a row of dishes every centimetre of 25 metres long, filled with the usual Chinese starters, main courses and sweets. There was also a selection of sushi, together with a section full of traditional Spanish fare. Drinks ordered, we unleashed the children on the starters - dim sum, prawn sesame toasts, spring rolls, any number of salads and seafood dishes, the list went on. My son restricted himself to one huge plate and polished it off with gusto, my daughter had two small helpings, whilst my wife and I just kept on ‘picking’. We stayed with the mainstream Chinese dishes for the main courses - noodles, rice, Peking Duck, Sweet ‘n’ Sour Prawns, various chicken and pork stir-fries; it did not seem right to eat Canneloni in a Chinese Restaurant. There is a chilled- section where you can pile your plate high with seafood, various meats and vegetables, and take it to a chef standing over a wok, who will cook it for you, adding your choice of sauce to the mix. Truly a la carte. My daughter went a little over the top at the sweet section, as she is wont to do, and even my son managed a plateful. I only had room for some healthy fruit, assuaging my guilt at the amount of food I had already eaten, whilst my wife had a small piece of cake “just to be polite”. The food is freshly cooked, and does not suffer too much from being in a ‘buffet environment’, as the dishes are regularly replenished from the ‘open kitchen’. Fantastic value for money t €9.50 per head Monday to Thursday and €12.50 per head Fridays, weekends and fiestas. Will we go back - certainly we will, but we will have to fast for a week beforehand to do it justice!



The fun, educational, kids travel tale of summer Just in time for summer comes this delightful tale of the critters from Lake Okanagan. Follow along as they explore each other's names and personalities, and how they help pick the name Kelvyn for their favourite gopher. Read this to younger kids over and over, as they learn new words and places. Let them enjoy the illustrations and identify the various characters. Have them sing parts of The Squirrel from Wirral poem with you.(I was inspired by one little boy George, living along the banks of the River Ebro in Benifallet who was so sad because he had been given a book of 50 stories from his English Grandma and not one of them was about a squirrel.) Do you love learning new words and seeing animals come to life? Then you will enjoy this friendly tale of the critters from Lake Okanagan while having fun with names and places. An entertaining travel and educational story for early readers and their parents. Learn about all the little creatures and see how they have developed their own environment between the lake and the golf course, even though they are really part of the resort. Some of the words and place names may stretch a young reader (and even some adults), but that is all part of the fun of the story. You can always go research the names and places together later. And there is a lovely illustration for most characters and key scenes - for all our enjoyment. For young readers, discuss the names and places after they have read it. Or help them research the name origins and locations through the online glossary and character sketches. An ideal travel and educational title that will amuse the kids for hours - and not bore the parents too soon. Download it onto your laptop and bring it out to surprise them at the right moment. Only $5.95. Download your copy today at

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The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 2 November 2009 ~ Page 10


WORD SEARCH 12 Larger than a`porpoise (7) 13 A greyest man used to come from this country no longer (4,7) 18 Fighter (7) 20 Sounds like L, neat (5) 22 Girl, ling (5) 23 Passage taken out of a play or a book (7) 24 Adopt, fool or hoax (4-2) 25 Remove or make invisible (6)




Brightness or gaiety (6)


Relating to or near to the elbow (5)


Fish caught in a Bali hut (7)


A heavy block of iron or steel (5)


Preparation room rioted the nick (7)


Give in, yield (6)


Devoid of feeling for others (11)

14 Nausea caused by motion or travel (7)

1 Expresses mirth (6)

15 Restraint shown by male can (7)

4 Carrier found in Bhutan kernels (6)

16 Daintiest (6)

9 Flavouring or pod from all vain (7)

17 Flowering tree, you could try elm (6)

10 Full of spirit, animated (5)

19 A member of a Gulf State (5)

11 Pulse or type of broth (5)

21 The antonym of piano (5)

Last Month’s Solution - sorry if it was a bit tough!

Aral Sea - Atlantic - Baikal - Baltic - Bass Sea Bosporus- - Great Bear - Kara Sea - Lake Chad - Loch Ness - North Sea - Red Sea - Sea of Japan Skaggerak - Tasman Sea

Across: 7 Picture window, 8 Reindeer, 9 Ploy, 10 Syncope, 12 Cynic, 14 Butty, 16 Squeeze, 19 Ogre, 20 Eyepiece, 22 Lance corporal. Down: 1 Lice, 2 Ethnic, 3 Pre-empt, 4 Dwarf, 5 Snippy, 6 Horowitz, 11 Young man, 13 Equerry, 15 Thence, 17 Epigon, 18 Teach, 21 Cram.




Bar Estacion - L’Ampolla Bookings taken Friday Evening Placa Francesc Macia 1, & Sunday Lunchtime L’Ampolla 977 460 387

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FRIDAYS Fish n Chips

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SKY SPORTS Live Football

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 2 November 2009 Page 11

GROWING NICELY My Catalan Garden.

over two winters. I think they must need more protection than I can give.

A friend asked, why create a garden, when there is all the surrounding countryside to Plants which do thrive in my garden need to enjoy? I found the question perplexing. I have be tough and highly adapted to the rigours of loved growing things all my life and created our climate. gardens wherever I have lived. My initial response was why not? The joy of gardening itself is answer enough. On reflection, I felt that my own garden here should offer several things: a tranquil environment that suits the house, space to potter, work and relax a planting scheme sympathetic to the surroundings and suitable for this particular climate. For me it was also important that the garden should nurture local wildlife with a pond and use as few toxins as possible. I wanted to define various seating areas to enjoy the glorious views from all angles. This garden has been my greatest challenge; as a once-professional gardener, with decades of experience. I have found that the learning process in this wonderful but rather extreme climate, has taken me back to basics. Sharing disappointments and swapping tips with other gardeners has been invaluable. We are building our own little community based on exchanging cuttings and seedlings, or just visiting each other’s gardens. The land itself certainly does not lend itself to a quick ‘make over’, sometimes it has seemed like an archaeological exploration, just to find any soil deep enough for planting, I often wonder what the olive trees are surviving in! I have tried to use as many of the natural features as possible to enhance this exciting space. The ground is already terraced, divided by ancient dry stone walls; mountain rock breaks the ground in elegant curves. It is a beautiful spot; however the surface rock indicates just how little soil there is, making clear the requirements of compost and soil to be transported into the garden before any plants could be grown. I have searched the land for wild shrubs, perennials or seedlings which, with food and a little shaping, can add a natural element to the planting scheme. Viburnam Tinus is particularly easy to prune into strong evergreen shrubs, which flowers with white umbels which are pink in bud. I am making a collection of Spurges (Euphorbia), as so many varieties grow wild. I have had some success, but not with the lovely Poinsettia (E. pulcherrima), the Christmas spurge familiar as a houseplant. It grows well for a while, but sadly I haven’t managed to keep one alive

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A Cucumber Tree?

Top of my list is Plumbago, an old friend, grown under glass in UK. It’s a favourite, my first purchase when I arrived. The plants I bought then have flourished, and produced cascades of delicate soft blue flowers, which are form on new growth from early June, providing a magnificent show throughout the blistering heat, never failing even in the height of the hot dry summer months, a rare thing. Buy them in flower as the colour ranges from white to a mid- blue. Don’t be afraid to prune Plumbago hard in the winter or keep cutting back throughout the flowering season. They will reward you with an abundance of flowers and the added bonus of a bounty of seedlings to share with friends and neighbours. This year I have planted more Freesia bulbs. I am always pleasantly surprised when, like now, their ribbed leaves thrust though the ground at the end of the summer, followed by bright fragrant blooms. The white variety is native to the mountain soil and bulbs like these will stay in the ground, flower each year and multiply.

When my Catalan neighbour spotted that I had planted some pepinos, he laughed at me and asked why had I not planted them up poles, a las runner beans. It had never occurred to me before, and last year I had a large sprawl of cucumbers, that threatened to take over half my patch. He showed me how he had tied the young plants to poles that were some two metres in height, and told me that last year he had been picking carobs and cucumbers of the same tree. They eventually grew about three metres he confided - and even allowing for some Catalan exaggeration - it certainly seemed like a good idea. It worked well - and we had far too many cucumbers from our ten plants - most of which we turned into a relish style pickle which was superb.

We would love other gardeners to share their Catalan success stories. Do you have a particular favourite bulb that naturalises easily? Or are there any plants you would recommend? Please email your thoughts to…

We did not reach the dizzying heights that he managed to attain, but then he did say he would let me know his secret recipe for compost. Watch this space.....

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 2 November 2009 ~ Page 12

TALES FROM THE EBRO RIVER VALLEY. Brighter Catalonia. ...without due prejudice Did you move to Catalonia to live your dream? Or were you driven to seeking healthier climes dictated by chronic ill health issues of yourself or your family? We were advised by specialists to find, and find quickly, a country with microclimates, one conducive to the well being of someone with respiratory and heart problem. Spain is fortunate to have two, the best being right here in the Lower Ebro Valley. This starts just above the beautiful pine clad mountains of Benifallet, running along the Ebro River and stretches all the way down the valley to the Ebro Delta. Whichever route we all chose it was with the firm intention of "No Going Back"! Some have run back when the Euro exchange rate plummeted shredding the worth of their UK pensions. But run to back what? If yours was the second reason for relocating, upping roots again is just not an option. For some it would be their worst nightmare to need to move back. Not because of the economy in the British country itself, but the weather would be absolutely detrimental to their health well-being. Without your health you have nothing!

Those in frail health or with a permanent disability were able after 1992 only to export their long term Incapacity Benefit but if they had either Disability Living Allowance (DLA), Attendance Allowance (AA) and / or Carers Allowance(CA) those were stopped immediately. Some people appealed. Some people did not. In either case do not be disillusioned - read on.

the Secretary of State. So they are in breach of law by applying the "past presence"test.

Aside: If you went abroad in the early 2000's and the DWP had your DLA stopped before the Appeals Tribunal rejected your appeal, then it was illegal for the DWP to do so. One can ask for compensation.

Furthermore, they are saying because you are not eligible on the above 2 main reasons they have treated your DLA EXP1 as a new claim.No! No! No! Do refute it! Different laws apply to new claims and then they still turn you down.

People who did previously appeal and lost were turned down on the 1992 ruling. Well, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has rectified this erroneous ruling on the 18th October, 2007 in case number ECJ C-299/05. They held that AA, DLA or CA are EC sickness benefits and consequently can be exported under EC social security rules.

This "past presence test" or 26/52 ruling, the DWP are trying to say that you must have been resident for 26 out of the last 52 weeks in the UK in the year to which you are applying for reinstatement - not the year you left the UK! ( Crafty tactics, but this is not correct.)

Do not take 'No' for an answer. Do not just accept what is portrayed on their websites or advised to you telephonically. Be clear to ask for an Appeal Hearing against their decision and you want re-instatement and back pay of DLA. Do categorically state you do not want to be treated as a new claim! Collect and diarize everything chronologically including phone calls, emails, letters data and any legal information available to you.This is very important for your tribunal. Do it now while you have time as they prevaricate and offer further lame excuses and evasive weak statements. Copy all correspondence into Rosie Winterton and Ms Wendy Kettle. They will eventually get the message. We are not going to just roll over.

So, you exported all your worldly goods. Dogs, There are also many Expat sites and excellent cats and budgies arrived with their Defra campaigners fighting this corner:approved certificates. Grandma came too in 2004, but we didn't need her to be certified, as Sounds a simple and straight forward solution this was her third re-patriation. -not so. 09/06/dla-campaign-fight.html But, and this is the BIG question. Did the DWP People who have applied in writing (DLA EXP (Department of Works and Pensions UK) 1) and are all being turned down on similar or h t t p : / / n 2 . n a b b l e . c o m / C a m p a i g n - f o r Disability Living Allowance - Exportability contradictory terms by the Decision Makers r e i n s t a t e m e n t - o f - D L A - c a r e - C A - A A section transfer all your benefits you were (DM) who are ticking and crossing their ways f2360293.html entitled to legally, under the ECJ (European through the revised (but not correct, according Court of Justice) rulings? to ECJ ruling) guidelines referred to as Memo 2/dla-attendance-or-carers-allowances.html DMG17/09. First of all they are refusing you if Do you even know what you as an UK citizen, you did originally appeal when your DLA,etc., irrespective of whether you have formal was first stopped, saying they cannot go residence or not in Spain / Catalonia, as a against the Secretary of State. Others have Disabled or infirm person are entitled to? I only been turned down because they did not appeal stumbled across it by accident, while and therefore were out of time and they cannot /forum/index.php?showtopic=7078 searching for something totally unrelated to now look at the case . Furthermore, others did this issue on an EU Parliament website. apply to have an Appeal or a First Tribunal Also, remember you have as an UK citizen; If one moved to Spain or Catalonia before Hearing and were neither replied to nor did British Tax Payer and if on Incapacitiy 1992 one should not have been affected about receive a hearing. (Please note. This is not Benefit(a contributory benefit for your National this matter. If you had Long Term Incapacity flannel and this is all contradictory to the above Insurance stamp to be paid) the Right of Freedom of Information. You will be amazed Benefit ( ICB ) at the highest rate you would ECJ ruling.) at what helpful information you can lay your have been able to export your Disability Living This is also important according to your case hands on! Allowance (DLA-highest element) with you, but for everyone has also been turned down on not the motability factor. what the DWP refer to as the 26/52 ruling. This Once the initail Decision Makers reply to you, Please note, at the time of going to press, the has been overturned in a case of Ref: [2009] you can dispute this in writing to Terry Moran element of Motobility Allowance is still not UKUT81(AAC)JS vs The Secretary of State (CEO of Pension Disability and Carers exportable, though this is under discussion (I for Works and Pensions by Judge Jon Mesher Services aka, PDCS), quoting the two above am reliably informed) with the EU dignatories. on the 5th March 2009, where he ruled against metioned relevant cases. Once he replies that

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 2 November 2009 ~ Page 13

BRIGHTER CATALUNYA he can do no more for you. You can then put your case of a complaint relative to a charge of maladministration against the PDCS forward to ICE (Independent Case Examiners) It is definitely an advisable option for one to complain to"The Commission of the European Communities concerning failure to comply with community law " and mark for the attention of Jackie Morin who has recently released this statement offering advice regarding the DWP's imposing of the "past presence test" on claimants seeking rightful reinstatement of their allowances: "I would like to inform you that the Commission services have analysed the legal situation and come to the conclusion that the United Kingdom condition of asking for presence in the United Kingdom territory during 26 out of the past 52 weeks on the relevant effective date, is contrary to Community law and the provisions in regulation 1408/71. Therefore, the Commission services, in accordance with Article 226 EC Treaty, have decided to initiate formal infringement proceedings against the United Kingdom with reference number 2009/2139." The EC recommends that any claimant refused their allowance on this erroneous criteria rigorously appeals the decision through the Tribunals Service. The EC recommends that any claimant refused their allowance on this erroneous criteria rigorously appeals the decision through the Tribunals Service. We have ardent supporters in the House of Commons and value the sterling efforts that The Right Honorable Oliver Letwin and the gallant determination of Roger Gale ( read his section on Exportability Benefits), just to mention two of them.

Las Mascotas Autumn is here and the ticks are as ever present, so now is the time to protect your animals by using the special anti-insect sprays/lotions and if possible, buy an antiinsect collar for them. These are available from your vetinerary practice, pet stores, local co-operativas and most supermarkets. I recently found a talc version, containing Neem extract, which is quite easy to apply, as your cats don't run a mile, as they do when they see the dreaded front-line spray appear! Not sure whether the talc is as effective, but it's better than nothing, when you can't catch them! Worming your pets , especially if they are kept mainly outside, is essential at least a couple of times a year. Instead of buying worming tablets, I have found a product which can be used for both cats and dogs. It is called Vitaminthe, by Virbac, and is an anti-internal parasite paste. It is available from your local farmacia and is priced at around 7 euros.

ARCA Association for the refuge and care of animals

0044 1253 337 231

Note: The DWP have not rectified the situation, as Roger Gale said it has not been resolved, only replied to. If you are affected by any of these issues please do not hesitate to contact me Let the fray begin! Rosie Reay

Having lost two of our dogs to poisoned meat left out on the road, I asked our local vet what steps could be taken, if you find an animal suffering from having ingested poison.

Caught in the early stages, the animal has a good chance of survival. Salt, lots of it, with water, even oxygenated water, to make the dog vomit. They may convulse and you may need to wear thick gloves to open the animal's mouth to get the salt and water The hunting season has now begun and the down. law requires dogs to be micro-chipped - we noticed considerably less dogs out with their A Catalan neighbour of ours suggested olive hunter owners last season. Unless you have oil and salt. Try and keep all other animals a licence to prevent hunting on your property, away whilst you are treating the dog and give the hunters are allowed to walk onto your the Rural Agency a call too. They want to land, although they must not shoot within a put an end to this, so are interested in when 50 metre distance. Keeping your animals and where this happens. Their telephone safe and out of any harm's way is a good number is 977 706 261. idea. We are constructing a fence around our finca at present, although when our five kittens were playing on the wrong side the Don't forget to wash your hands!! other day, I did wonder whether this was going to work!

Direct Line to the Exportability Telephone Number is :

Ex unitate vires - united we stand in strenght.You are not alone out there. The DWP have stated only 2100 have applied for reinstatement and back payment. Discussions in the House of Commons imply the true number affected is closer to 15,000.

Last week we found a very young Alsatian, playing a daring game with lorries in the middle of the road. We duly rescued this frightened little puppy and brought her home, with a view of trying to find her owner. After enquiring at every residence along this particular stretch of road, calling the local kennels and checking to see whether she had a micro-chip, we failed. We even put up a notice to no avail. Dogs find you, I have been told. You're not supposed to collect them from the roadside or the middle of the road, in this case! So yes, of course we have kept her! We have her micro-chipped and injected against the killer Parvovirus, so virulent in young dogs.

Situated on the C42 TORTOSA ALDEA. Are you able to help us by adopting one of our loving dogs which will enable us to carry on taking in others. Alternatively perhaps you could help to sponsor one for a small amount per month as we currently have over 200 dogs to choose from. We would be very grateful for any help or donations you can give to us. If so please contact:

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PROTECTORA.ARCA@WANADOO.ES WWW.PROTECTORAARCA.ORG This advertisement appears in association with Catalunya Insurance Services.

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 2 November 2009 ~ Page 14

INFORMATION Weekly Markets

Classified Section

This month in ...

Free for first 35 words MON



Amettla de Mar, Peniscola, Reus, Salou Tortosa

Alcosseb re, Amposta Camarles Tarragona

Amettla de Mar La Cava Deltebre




Ampolla Cambrills Hospitalet


Sant Carles Miami Playa

Tarragona Hospitalet

Que? Monthly look at some differences between Catalan and Spanish words

English Please Thank you very much A little With More Less Milk Place While This/That Something Is there? Where is?

Spanish Por favour

Catalan Sisplau

Muchas gracias

Moltes gracies

Un poco Con Mas Menos Leche Lugar Mientras Este/ese Algo Hay? Donde esta?

Una mica Amb Mes Menys Llet Lloc Mentre Aquest/aquell Alguna cosa Hi ha? On es?

The Catalunya Chronicle C / Martirs 6, 43500, Tortosa, Tarragona, Spain. Website: email: Phone: 636 292 568 & 977 059 934 Deposito Legal: T-1528-2009 Circulation: 3,000 this month Printed by: Mortons Print Ltd. Tel: 01507 529295 The Catalunya Chronicle cannot be held responsible for the contents of the articles supplied by it’s contributors, nor for the claims made by it’s advertisers. Trademarks and Copyright are held by

FOR SALE DREAM CONVERTED BARN, DORDOGNE, FRANCE 3 beds/2 bath/2 reception, one with huge fireplace, garden, well,..... Bargain, 275 000€ Tel: 977407540/654875163

FOR SALE TOWN HOUSE, MIRAVET Ideal B&B 4 ensuite double bedrooms Roof Terrace,Garage 275 000€ Tel: 977407540/ 675071794

Kitten - Grey only Call Lizzie - 679827895

It is free to advertise your event in this section - so what are you waiting for... let us help you spread the word. Saturday 31st October 2009 9.00pm Bar Flamingo, Alcossebre. Halloween Party Night including fancy dress. Sunday 1st November 2009 9.00am - 1.00pm

MUSIC LESSONS, Miravet Teacher: Jennifer Anne Figuerola, (English) Piano, keyboard, violin, Theory of Music Royal Associated Board Examinations possible Individual half hour lesson plus 15 mins aurals 10€ Tel: 977407540/654875163

Mora Boot Sale at C/Garcia Restaurant Braseria, Can Palomo, Mora La Nova. Saturday 7th November 2009 7.45pm St. Martin De Porres (Patron Saint of Charities) Gala Night organised by The Friends of Alcossebre at El Restaurante 21. Dinner and Dance. Tickets available now priced at 35 Euros from Bar Cheers and Optica Blau. Sunday 8th November 2009 10am - 2pm



NOT COPING? CONFUSED, UPSET, GOING MAD? COUNSELLING Person-centred, Bereavement, Family Therapy, Drink, Relationship, Sexual problems.... I am here to help: Jennifer Anne Figuerola, BA, Honours Psychology, Dip. Counselling Individual, personal, confidential hourly sessions, 20€, initial consultation 10€, MIRAVET Tel: 977407540 / 654875163 BACKACHE? VARICOSE VEINS? FROZEN SHOULDER? TENNIS ELBOW? FEEL THE RELIEF MULTI-LEVEL THAI MASSAGE A drug-free procedure, suitable for men, women or children. Initial consultation 20€; Subsequent individual treatments, 30€ Contact Floreal Figuerola in Miravet: 977407540/675071794 FRENCH AND GERMAN LESSONS, MIRAVET Teacher: Jennifer Anne Figuerola, P.G.C.E. and T.E.F.L, Professional Teacher of MFL; Modern Foreign Languages Revision for exams, Conversation practice, structured, developmental tuition, lessons tailored to suit the individual's needs. One hour 10€. Tel: 977407540 or 654875163

Tortosa Friendship Club Meeting for all nationalities at Parky’s. Contact Brian Parkin on 660 990 422 or 977 059 911 for more info. Saturday 15th November 2009 11.00am Freesia Group El Perello 1st Christmas Fair at L'Escola de Musica, El Perelló. Contact Liz on 619 905 609 for further details. Saturday 28th November 2009 Freesia Group 8th Annual Christmas Fair at Charlie Chaplins/Christies, Salou. For further info call Pamela on 977 395 064 Bar Flamingo, Alcossebre Christmas Fair. 11.00 am 2.00pm. Includes seasonal food, gifts, handicrafts and a variety of interesting stalls. Sunday 29th November 2009 10.00 am Boot Sale at Camping St Jordi, Platje Ayellanes, L’Ampolla Tel: 679 115 247 Saturday 12th December 2009 Bar Flamingo, Alcossebre Christmas Fair. 11.00 am 2.00pm. Includes seasonal food, gifts, handicrafts and a variety of interesting stalls. Saturday 19th December 2009 Friends of Alcossebre Christmas Dinner and Dance at Bar Cheers. Tickets available shortly. Please see for further details.

Catalonian Properties New and Resale Properties, Large/Small Farms/Coastal, River/Countryside. We have several clients looking for your property so give us a call if you want to sell it. e-mail: Tel/Fax: (0034) 977 470 924 Mobile: 606 813 219 or 615 316 722

The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 2 November 2009 ~ Page 15

THE FINAL WORD The investment banker was at the pier of a small coastal Spanish village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellow fin tuna. The banker complimented the fisherman on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them.

stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos, I have a full and busy life."

The banker scoffed, "I am a Harvard MBA and could help you. You should spend more time fishing; and with the proceeds, buy a bigger boat: With the proceeds from the bigger boat you could buy several boats. Eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. The fisherman replied, "Only a little Instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would sell directly while." to the processor; eventually The banker then asked, "Why didn't opening your own cannery. You you stay out longer and catch more would control the product, fish?" processing and distribution. You would need to leave this small The fisherman said, "With this I coastal fishing village and move to have more than enough to support Barcelona, then eventually Madrid my family's needs." where you will run your everexpanding enterprise." The banker then asked, "But what do you do with the rest of your The fisherman asked, "But, how time?" long will this all take?" The fisherman said, "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siesta with my wife, Maria,

"But what then?" asked the fisherman. The banker laughed and said that's the best part. "When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich, you would make millions." "Millions?...Then what?" The banker said, "Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take siesta with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos.

To which the banker replied, "15 to 20 years."

DINING OUT AT CHRISTMAS In the next issue we will be creating a special feature on the options available for eating out during the Christmas Season. If you would like to promote your restaurant and Christmas menu in this feature then please contact


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The Catalunya Chronicle - Issue 2 November 2009 ~ Page 16

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