ISSUE Thursday NO. 74 September 29, 2016
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The Street of Falls Council bosses say surface is safe but people, including many elderly, continue to fall. Are they deliberately injuring themselves? For two years now there have been real concerns about the state of the surface on Wexford’s Main Street. It’s not unusual for people to fall on streets and footpaths and neither is it usual for some of them to sue the local authority for negligence. However, local councillors began to suspect that something might be amiss with the surface on the county’s premier highstreet when a whole range of people began contacting them about falls they themselves, or their relatives had suffered on the street. These were not the usual compo culture type of people but ordinary decent private citizens many of whom had never been inside a court in their lives. Indeed, what was striking was the fact that most of them just wanted to express their concern despite having suffered injuries and did not want to take the matter any further, When George Lawlor first raised the matter, nearly two
years ago, he was initially promised an investigation and examination but Director of Service Tony Larkin insisted at the time that there was absolutely no evidence that there was anything wrong with the surface. To be fair to Larkin that is the default line for officials who have a duty to protect public money. It’s the same as the stance taken by those in the Health Service who defend actions involving severely injured babies whose lives have been wrecked by a hospital procedure, until eventually a settlement is reached, usually on the steps of the court. Lawlor kept raising the matter as he received more complaints. To say that the official response to his questions was pedestrian would be to put it mildly. There was no evidence, no evidence, no evidence that anything was amiss, insisted the top table but they would look at possible chemical cleaning of the surface. (Continued on page 2)
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