TC The Chronicle Issue 77 10/11/16

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Delivering to more homes in Co Wexford than any other newspaper

ISSUE Thursday NO. 77 November 10, 2016

Phone: 053 9123527

Bride’s wedding day Wexford hosts World Angling Championships helicopter trip to hospital A selection of Wexford’s best-known beaches together with Waterford’s Woodstown Beach will be the centre of attention over the next two weeks when the world’s top sea anglers arrive to take part in the FIPS 33rd World Shore Angling Championships. The Wexford economy is set to receive a major cash injection with the event set to deliver more than 4,000 bed nights to the county. Eighteen countries will be represented at these championships with both men’s and ladies teams taking part. Participating countries include Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, England, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece,


Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal Poland, Scotland, South Africa, Spain, Tunisia and Wales. Each team will consist of 5 anglers plus one sub, together with a team manager and team captain while a large number of supporters and family members are also expected to travel. The event is being organised by The Irish Federation of Sea Anglers, with logistical and financial support from Wexford County Council, Inland Fisheries Ireland, and Event Ireland. The Opening Ceremony takes place on Saturday afternoon 12 November,

Opening Hours: Open 7 days 7am - 10pm Phone - 053 9145082 or 087 9197865


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when the traditional Parade of Teams leads off from Clayton White’s Hotel to the National Opera House for introduction of teams and playing of national anthems, followed by some hospitality and traditional entertainment. Formal fishing practice is scheduled for Sunday 13 November, with the Championships taking place over the following four days. Each day’s match competition will take place at evening time for a four hour period. While a total of 13 beaches are included for consideration, only one beach will be used each day. A number of teams have already travelled to Wexford in recent days to avail of additional practice opportunity, with very positive feedback being received regarding the quality of the venues and the numbers of fish being caught. The World Shore Angling Championships is a welcome opportunity to showcase Ireland and the South East in particular as a world class angling destination, with a wide variety of fish expected to be caught over the next two weeks, including Whiting, Codling, Flounder, Turbot, Dogfish and other species. In all, it is expected that these World Championships will bring some 4000 bed-nights to Wexford, providing a strong economic boost to the Wexford and Waterford areas during the off-peak tourist season. The Championships will close on Friday 18th November with a Gala dinner and prize-giving ceremony in Clayton White's Hotel.

There has been a lot of comment about the results of the preliminary census figures published last week. The most significant thing is the strong growth in numbers in North Wexford, particularly around Gorey and Courtown but equally striking is the fact that many areas of the county, especially rural parishes are experiencing stagnation or small declines in numbers. When more detailed figures become available and we know the age breakdown of the population in each area we are likely to see that there is also an ageing population in these same areas. All this is bad news for rural services which are already in decline but which cannot be sustained if the balance of the population continues to shift. However, Michael D'Arcy has been doing his bit for rural Post offices at least. On foot of Social Protection Minister Leo Varadkar's instruction that Social Welfare staff are to provide clients with all the options for payment instead of promoting payment through a


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bank, Michael has urged social welfare recipients to opt for their local Post Office for payment to keep them

viable. If rural people are serious about keeping life in their communities they will take his advice

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