TC The Chronicle Issue 82 09/02/17

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ISSUE Thursday NO. 82 February 9th, 2017

Phone: 053 9123527

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Building Wexford’s €400m ‘dream’ road all Wedding bands for January and February Free Wedding Coin and engraving with all wedding bands Offer open until the end of February 2017 only. Deposits taken.

It’s not quite the Highway to Heaven but it is a road which will dramatically improve access to the county when it officially opens in around two years’ time. The extension of the M11 which was more than a decade in the planning was finally launched in late 2015 and the project has been making good progress, mainly out of sight of the general population. Unlike the final parts of the upgrade of the M11 in Wicklow which was built quite

close to the existing route, the Enniscorthy/Ferns/Camolin by pass is being constructed well away from the current N11. A massive amount of earth moving has already taken place with diversions on many minor roads to the east of Enniscorthy. However, most people who travel the current road to Dublin are completely unaware of the scale of the work which is underway just a few fields to the east of them. The 27km route will connect

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with the Gorey by-pass at Clough and take a route through Monageer, Boolavogue and east of Enniscorthy town re-connecting with the existing N11 1 ½ kms north of Oylegate village. To complete the route new bridges have to be built over rivers, the rail line and existing roads while massive amounts of earth have to be cleared and rocks blasted out of the way of the new dual carriageway. That rock blasting has been underway since before Christ-

mas while new bridges over the rail line at Clough and over the river Urrin and the Slaney are also on the immediate agenda. Several hundred people are currently employed on the project which is expected to be completed towards the end of next year or early in 2019. The €400m project also involves a western by-pass of Enniscorthy taking the route from New Ross around the west of the town to Scarawelsh. This will then be linked to the new M11 route.

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