Classroom management plan

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Intro to Business & Technology Information Technology Solutions Classroom Management Plan Mrs. Carter – Room 4108

1. SUPPLIES NEEDED FOR COURSE: 1-1/2-INCH 3-RING NOTEBOOK, 10 DIVIDER SHEETS (WORD PROCESSING, INTRODUCTION TO TECHNOLOGY, EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION, HUMAN RESOURCES, MARKETING, ENTREPRENEURSHIP, LEADERSHIP, MONEY MANAGEMENT, ACCOUNTING, AND MANAGING RISKS), PAPER, PEN/PENCIL, HEADPHONES.  Please come prepared every day.  Be in your assigned seat by the time the tardy bell rings. All pencils should have already been sharpened. You will not be socializing or talking loudly as you should be in the process of completing the warm-up assignment. 2. NO FORBIDDEN FOODS OR DRINKS IN COMPUTER LAB.  Forbidden foods include food that causes crumbs, fruit, left-over lunchroom items, and/or any other sticky items.  ALL drinks are forbidden including water. 3. RESPECT OTHERS AND THE PROPERTY OF OTHERS, INCLUDING SCHOOL PROPERTY.  No disruptive behavior such as talking loudly, annoying others, being disrespectful to teacher or classmates.  Monitors and CPU will be turned ON and OFF daily by Mrs. Carter.  DO NOT alter or rearrange the computers in any way—THIS INCLUDES THE DESKTOP IMAGE.  You must let the teacher know if there are any problems with your equipment (missing or rearranged keys, equipment written on, etc.) or YOU may be held responsible for the damage.  Do NOT vandalize the room, furniture, or equipment in ANY way. 4. LEAVE YOUR DESK ONLY AT APPROPRIATE TIMES.  Wait for the dismissal bell to ring before leaving your seat OR you will be the last one to leave the room.  No rolling around the room in computer chairs.  Teacher’s desks (located in the front and back of the room), teacher podiums, and closets are off limits to students. 5. MAKEUP WORK AND LATE WORK.  Arrange makeup assignments with the teacher on the day your return. If you do not stay for the makeup work at the agreed time, a ZERO will be given. Students may come before school, after school, during advisement to complete work.  Assignments will be deducted 10 points for 1 day late, 20 points for 2 days late, and 30 points for 3 or more days late as the handbook states. After five days, a zero will be assigned. 6. OBEY ALL HANDBOOK RULES. Penalties for Violation: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

First Offense per semester—WARNING Second Offense per semester—STUDENT CONFERENCE AND/OR PARENT CONTACT ATTEMPT Third Offense per semester—RESTRICTED LUNCH Fourth Offense per semester—RESTRICTED LUNCH Fifth and All Other Offenses—REFERRAL  IMMEDIATE REFERRAL—Anything which shocks my conscience such as fighting, obscenities, disrespect, cumulative offences, etc.

Intro to Business & Technology Information Technology Solutions Classroom Management Plan Mrs. Carter – Room 4108

Print Student’s Name: Parents/Guardians (Please Read and Sign): Please read your child’s syllabus for the course for additional classroom management procedures. If it is deemed intentional by the administration of Cook High School that a student has made one or more of the computers in Room 108 inoperable by manipulation of software or hardware, the student and/or parent/guardian will be responsible for the labor cost of restoring the lab(s) and/or machine(s) to working order. Furthermore, the referral slip of the classroom management plan will be used. In addition the following consequences will occur for unauthorized behavior in Room 108.  Any student using the Internet unauthorized for any reason (except for checking school grades) or playing any games unauthorized will receive RESTRICTED LUNCH.  Any student using e-mail or any chat room will receive a REFERRAL.  Any student using YouTube or watching any videos unauthorized will receive a RESTRICTED LUNCH on the first offense and a REFERRAL on the second and further offenses. MRS. CARTER’S ELECTRONIC DEVICE/CELL PHONE POLICY: CELL PHONES AND/OR ELECTRONIC DEVICES SHOULD NOT BE VISIBLE, MAKE NOISE, NOR BE USED IN CLASS UNLESS REQUESTED BY THE TEACHER. The unauthorized use of cell phones/electronic devices will be handled by administration; furthermore, any use of cell phones/electronic devices during quizzes/tests will result in a grade of 0. ADMINISTRATION PENALTIES: o (1st Offense) 5 days Restricted Lunch o (2nd Offense) 10 days Restricted Lunch o (3rd Offense) 2 days of Block ISS o (4th Offense and beyond) 2 full days ISS

Student Signature


Parent/Guardian Signature


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