August 2012 (009)

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The Magazine

August 2012

incubaTor Art • medIA • busIness • entertAInment


prentIce wImes turns A lIfe full of restrAInts Into one of InfInIte freedom Also InsIde

medIA mogul copyrIght your musIc undergroundhound AvI kIrIAty

2 • August 2012 •



The incubaTor™ Magazine • August 2012 • 3

content & features Contents

underground hound|8

Media Mogul •4

Giving you the business of media

Indie-Pendent •7

News from under the radar

Green Pastures •14

Money Making Opportunities

Community360 •19


Reaching back with a helping hand *written by Hilarie M. Valadez

ditor’s Note • Call me crazy for looking so far ahead but I believe EMagazine our one year anniversary is just on the horizon. The Incubator™ is proving to be something of an enigma to readers and

industry alike. Don’t be scared, we are just Awesome!

he Incubator™ Magazine • The day to day grind of magazine Tevenproduction is one of constant vigilence and commitment; for one as small as ours (literally and figureatively). Great ideas

for content and cover stories fly by our eyes in a continuous stream as we try our best to bring our readers the best information possible to help their creative ambitions. Success in this business depends on a great mix if interesting content and loyal fans and readership. Since you are reading this, we consider you part of our family and would like to give you our sincere thanks. would also like to take a moment: To say Happy Belated Birthday to staff writer and corIrespondent Rhonda “G.G.” Black. Her birthday was last month but we found out too late to mention it in our last issue. Brandon “Chuk” Jones President & Executive Editor

On The Cover


Prentice Wimes, Owner/Operator of Handcuff Free clothing and screen printing, poses for a promotional photo in Austin, Texas to represent his company.

Photo courtesy of


©2012 CJ Media & Publishing | Executive Editor: Brandon “Chuk” Jones | Advertise: | Inquiries: | Layout & Design: CJ Media & Publishing |

4 • August 2012 •



Giving You The Business!

Protect Your Property! registering a copyright is easy here's how it's done CREATE: Compose a song. Write a play. Paint a picture. Pen a poem. Express your creativity. REGISTER: Complete an application (, Include the correct fee along with nonreturnable copies (usually, one for unpublished and two for published) SEND THE PACKAGE TO: Library of Congress Copyright Office 101 Independence Avenue, SE. Washington, D.C. 20559 6000 OR FILE ELECTRONICALLY: The Copyright Office now allows you to submit your copyright electronically through their website. You must first sign up for the service before submitting your first registration.

The Copyright Office receives your package, and your registration becomes effective on that day. The Copyright Office receive about 2,400 submissions each business day. Thier financial department processes your payment. They examine your application and deposit and make sure they're acceptable and meet the requirements of Copyright law and regulations. Your registration is assigned a number and a certificate of registration is issued. You'll receive that certificate in the mail about 4 months after you submit your package. For more information, please visit: If you would rather not bother yourself with all the details and procedures, you can always go through a 3rd party administrator like CJ Media & Publishing ( that will handle all the work for you. for an additional fee.

The incubaTor™ Magazine • August 2012 • 5


A storm Hits Valparaiso by David Gaughran

Genre: Historical Fiction, Adventure Catalina Flores de la Peña's tongue got her in more trouble than any other part of her body, even though there were far more likely candidates. But when a storm rolls into her sleepy port town, she finds herself embroiled with a gang of adventurers, mercenaries, and prostitutes on a journey to free south America from the spanish Empire. A storm Hits Valparaíso is an epic, historical adventure starring two brothers torn apart by love; a slave running for his life; a disgraced British sailor seeking redemption; and José de san Martín, an Argentine general who deserts the spanish Army to lead a bloody revolt against his former masters.

5,000 FLyErs 4”x6” Double sided

As low as


Get our Media Kit with special advertising deals at

Full Color


6 • August 2012 •



<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< indie-Pendent

The incubaTor™ Magazine • August 2012 • 7

‘netflIx of AfrIcA’ brIngs nIgerIAn fIlms to the world

The Afro, News Report Walk into any African hair braiding shop or store in the United States and you’ll probably see a Nigerian film blaring from a television screen. Once only available as pirated DVDs sold by street-side peddlers, the wildly popular "Nollywood" films will now be as accessible at the click of a button—thanks to fledgling firm iRoko Partners, an Internet company that distributes Nigerian films all over the world. “When we started the company, iROKO Partners, we were trying to solve the massive, I would say, dislocation in the popularity of Nollywood and the value it's created,” said Jason Njoku, founder and CEO of the company in an interview with CNN. “A big part of what we did was actually focusing on cleaning up and organizing the content so we

can provide a superior user experience, something which Nollywood lovers can really be proud of.” Known as the “Netflix of Africa,” the company, this week, launched a new Web subscription service that allows subscribers to watch exclusive Nollywood films for $5 a month. Calling itself the “web infrastructure partners to the Nigerian entertainment industry,” the company operates five Internet brands -- iROKOtv, iROKING, iROKtv, NollywoodLove and YorubaLove. And, already, the company has 500,000 registered users. “Having more than 500,000 registered users in a short space of time demonstrates that the appetite is there,” Njoku told CNN. “People really love this content, which means it should be organized and given to them in the best format possible.

8 • August 2012 •



avi kiriaty Biography Avi Kiriaty, born in Israel in 1957, grew up in a world of art. His journey through life has taken him from the Israeli Army, to a Greek Island, to a winter cottage in New Hampshire. Following the birth of his first child Keytoe. Avi moved to Hawaii. His first year was spent on Kauai, where he experimented for a time with oil painting. From there he moved to the hamakua side of the Big Island, to begin to live “kama‘aina” with the land, farming and fishing. His son, Jazz, was born here on an old Hawaiian homestead. Avi then moved to the Puna Rainforest and began to live the life of an “artist”. Avi has worked in many media... oil painting, linoleum block printing, lava and bronze sculpture, pencil and ink drawing, watercolors, ceramic platters, and serigraphs. His works are a feast of lush colors and bold lines, often depicting the Polynesian lifestyle of every day events. His artworks can be found in several places in the Hawaiian Islands. His Lava sculpture was featured several times on PBS, “Spectrum Hawaii”. These works are created from molten lava from run-off tributaries on the slopes of Kilauea. Lava artists dig into the hot liquid lava and shape it either by shoveling the lava into molds. or pounding it with tools. Avi is fascinated with the beauty of lava art, yet he does not produce these pieces for sale. Using his hands with a carver and linoleum block, Avi creates a unique colored and textured linoleum block print. Each piece is composed of a series of overlaid printing done with the same block. The design is carved on a block and printed in stages, with a new color added for each stage. Each block is destroyed through the cutting and printing process, making each print an original and one of a limited series. In the “textile” world. Avi has been working with “Kahala” one of the oldest aloha shirt companies. Together they have created an Avi/Kahala line which is having great success throughout Hawaii and the United States. In May of 1994, Kahala had 52 Nordstrom stores promoting Avi’s designs of “wearable art.” These promotions have continued every year. Avi had a one-man show, “Kama‘aina,” in July of 1993 at “Bechaus” in Munich. Avi’s prints were in the 1994 International show in Portugal. Avi and his family went on a three-month excursion to 19 different islands in French Polynesia and the Cook Islands. This trip was for the purpose of further studying the Polynesian culture while researching the society group in French Polynesia, then sailed through the Tuamoto Atolls and then visited the island of Marquesa. Avi continues to journey to the islands in the South Pacific whenever possible. View additional works or learn more about Avi Kiriaty and read the rest of his bio at

To suggest or submit entertainment media of any style or genre for us to inc

The incubaTor™ Magazine • August 2012 • 9

“Underground HoundTM is your source for indie & underground media. Spotlighting artists & projects with great promise but remain under the radar.”

clude here please visit the Submit Content page at

10 • August 2012 •



An Artist in the Business of Life... Written by Chuk Jones

The incubaTor™ Magazine • August 2012 • 11

Handcuff Free is not a gimmick, it's a movement that will unite communities, cities, states and nation.

When the struggles of life leave you alone and surrounded by shattered pieces of a promised world, you either get consumed by defeat or you pick up the pieces and create a new one to your liking. Persistence overcomes resistance, and persistent is the one word that would describe Mr. Prentice Wimes. An Artist in the 'Business of Life', Prentice Wimes turned a life full of restraints to one of infinite freedom. In 2005, while advising a friend on a more positive lifestyle, Prentice spoke the words "Handcuff Free" and his life, from that moment on, has never been the same. "The goal of Handcuff Free is to provide products and services that allow people to express their freedom on the highest level," says Prentice. A self taught graphic design artist and screen printer, Prentice has been the owner and operator of his own screen printing company for almost 10 years, designing and advising his costomers on various products and branding options both business and personal. As President and CEO of Handcuff Free Clothing, Prentice embodies the motto of recognizing "the daily struggles that we all face to obtain freedom in many different areas of life." As a company, Handcuff Free strives to be more than a message, it aspires to be a lifestyle with hopes of becoming a global brand signifying freedom. In Prentice's own words, "Handcuff Free is not a gimmick, it's a movement that will unite communities, cities, states and nation." He actively works with at-risk youth and looks forward to participating in speaking engagements in the near future.

Born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska, Prentice Wimes lived his life the only way he new how; day by day. "Omaha is ranked very high for poverty and violence. Growing up the way that I did, I moved around [a lot] as a child, I never really looked to the future," he states. The death of his father at the young, impressionable age of 13 struck a decisive blow to Prentice's options for learning the basics. Compounding this, his mother also suffered from alcoholism, stating "... I had a roof over my head, but no one to teach me about life." Angry and alone, Prentice had to grow up fast. He dropped out of high school, went to work in the streets and did what was necessary to take care of and feed his family. He soon found himself at odds with the law and in federal prison. While locked away, he experienced a moment of clarity and made the decision to better himself so he would never endure incarceration again; he obtained his G.E.D. and continued on to receive a degree in HVAC. Once released, Prentice continued with positive self motivation and completed a four year Sheet Metal Journeyman apprenticeship and used it as a stepping stone for further greatness. "The money was excellent and I had a good job as a Journeyman. That wasn't enough, I knew the work force was not for me. I wanted more. I wanted my own business," he explains. I hope that individuals around the world will wear their Handcuff Free shirt and feel a sense of freedom from the things that have kept them bound. -Prentice Wimes Share your personal story of triumph or find out more about Prentice Wimes' company, Handcuff Free, at

12 • August 2012 •


want to work for the Incubator magazine? Here’s your chance to strut your creative stuff! There’s room for YOU inside The Incubator

Opportunities: • Advertising Sales Rep • Contributing Intern • Editors • Reviewers Get More Information at



The incubaTor™ Magazine • August 2012 • 13

Ariel Belen Calderon

new York was aMazing! This is one of the cities where people are innovating and creating everything we as a society consider to be trendy or fashionable, along with Paris, Milan, Tokyo, etc. The rest of the world follow these trends as they trickle [up] from city to city, country to country, continent to continent. I feel like coming from Texas, New York City and the Fashion industry it is known for is highly mistaken for this glamourous and frivolous lifestyle. Just like music, dancing, and painting, fashion is an art. Individuals who are creating and expressing themselves. In addition to the working-class, the poor, doctors, lawyers, waiters, cab-drivers, singleparents, dancers, teachers, students and the 9 million more different people from all aspects of life. You name it, it's there! Which is why it is one of the greatest cities in the world. Some people couldn't imagine life there. I can. I went on a really tight budget and I mean tight! I wanted to buy every Fedora hat I saw! So many different types of lace up boots, (I have the ones that zip on the inside) which, to me, is not as great as your authentic lace up combat boots. One thing I love is that they've figured out how to dress up a simple pair of shorts, especially for girls like me with skinny legs. Just throw on a pair of hose. I prefer shorts with hose, not tights. Not only does it keep me warm, but

my legs don't look so vulnerable like they do without them. I’ve seen this fad before, but in Texas it is too hot and humid to be wearing clothes, period! I got a chance to get lost in H&M. I ended up in the toddler section looking for an outfit for my son. I love that they have [affordable] hipster kid's clothes. Here in Texas, finding clothes like that can only be found at the GAP and will cost an arm and a leg. Oh, and did I mention sunglasses GALORE on Canal Street and in China town, make sure you have your cash ready! I saw a pair of glasses at Target that I absolutely loved for $20! I will not pay 20 bucks for a cheap pair of plastic shades. In Chinatown, I found that same style for $5-$10! So if you are ever visiting you must stop by Chinatown. (And make sure you eat some dumplings while you're at it! Delish..) Also, the Metropolotain Museum of Art was holding a Prada Exhibit. It was so fascinating to see her work up close and personal. All vintage, and I LOVE vintage. I enjoyed every second of my time there and not to mention Brooklyn has to be one of the most interesting places I've ever stayed. Brooklyn is a whole different story! xoxo -A

14 • August 2012 •



green pastures The arty, one Million Dollar art Show international Deadline: august 3, September 28, 2012

enTrY DeTaiLS ONE ENTRANCE Just fill out the application and you are on your way to one of twenty five chances for winning $100,000.00 US TWO WAYS OF BEING ACCEPTED You can be accepted by the Panel of Five International Jurors or by being voted on by the General Public making this the first show in history to give you an extra chance of acceptance.

The Arty' premieres as the world's first global open art competition and award show which will span over 300,000 sq ft this Spring at the world-renowned Venetian, Palazzo Resort. Having the largest cash prizes in history of $1,000,000.00 US with odds of winning one of the 10 prizes of $100,000 each at 1 out of 25, making this show truly unique. Artists will have three unique ways of winning via votes on the web, attendees at the event and judges. The Public will be choosing five of the awards and the judges the additional five. Be a part of history. In addition to the cash prizes, profits from the show will also be given as scholarships and grants to art students in order to develop continuous growth in culture and education through the arts. Now that we have your attention and as history is being made, please read further to see the excitement this show will unveil.

THREE WAYS OF WINNING a $100,000 You can win one of 5 Judges Choice Awards, one of 3 Web Choice Awards or one of 2 Viewer Choice Awards, making this $1,000,000 in prize money. We hope you will register to become one of 250 selected artists competing for 10 equal prizes of $100,000 each, making this the richest exhibit ever sponsored, worldwide. WhY enTer? 250 artists competing for 10 equal prizes of $100,000 each, making this the richest exhibit ever sponsored, worldwide. 200 of the 250 finalists will be chosen by the General Public through voting on The Arty web site for who they would like to be invited to participate in Las Vegas, Nevada. 1500 selected artists will have designated web pages in order to sell their works before the show. register at

The incubaTor™ Magazine • August 2012 • 15

List your classified ad at Original Artwork Needed Book publishing project needs original artwork for poetry inspiration. Currently taking submissions to

Scan or email photo of your artwork and contact info. No portraits or sculptures. Royalties paid on book sales Make Money selling CDs! Unlimited profit potential. Order CDs from our list of available artists for only $3 (shipping included) & resell at your shows and events at retail prices. Keep all of the profits. All original music, radio & retail ready. Custom Handmade Jewelry C4FamJewlz specializes in custom handmade jewelry. We pride ourselves in quality and affordable prices. Contact us at or (210) 705-9816 Buried in Credit Card Debt? Over $10,000? We can get you out of debt quickly and save you thousands of dollars! Call CREDIT CARD RELIEF for your free consultation 1888-535-2542 rEADErs & MUsIC LOVErs. 100 Greatest Novels (audio books) ONLY $99.00 (plus s h.) Includes MP3 Player & Accessories. BONUS: 50 Classical Music Works & Money Back Guarantee. Call Today! 1888-695-9059

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16 • August 2012 •



creative thinking Having provided audio and braille reading materials free of charge to people of all ages for more than 80 years, NLS recently introduced a digital talking-book system, which includes an audiobook player and cartridges. The system offers highquality sound, easy navigation between book chapters and a sleep button.

bringing Joys of a great book to blind and Visually impaired readers (NewsUSA) - "When I finish a book I applaud," said Donna Neal of Missouri. "No one's in the room, but I applaud." Neal's enthusiastic appreciation is not just for the book itself, but also for the opportunity to read it: Neal is blind. For blind and physically disabled readers, getting a hold of the latest bestseller isn't as simple as pulling a book off the nearest bookstore shelf. Books have to be made accessible. At the forefront of providing such materials as braille and audiobooks to readers like Neal is the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS), part of the Library of Congress. "Our primary goal is to ensure that our patrons have the reading materials that they need to increase their quality of life. This is what we're all about," said Karen Keninger, NLS director -- the first blind person to hold that position.

Unlike cassettes, which require multiple units for a lengthy book, each cartridge will hold a complete book. People with access to the Internet can download audiobooks and magazines using the Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD), the NLS online delivery system. NLS patrons have eagerly embraced the new technology. "I think it's a service that entertains you, it educates you and it delights you," Neal said. "It will change everything you ever thought about a book in print." The NLS collection includes a wide variety of bestsellers, classics, biographies, romance novels and books of other genres, as well as magazines and newspapers, to delight even the most selective of readers. This free library service is available to residents of the United States and its territories and American citizens living abroad whose low vision, blindness or physical handicap makes reading regular print difficult. Those interested in learning more should call 888-NLS-READ or visit

The incubaTor™ Magazine • August 2012 • 17

Media releases now on sale in the CJ Media Online shop

Submit your release at ----------

The Incubator Vol.3 by Chuk Jones Product | Audio CD Type | Original Compilation Genre | R&B, Hip Hop Price | $8.99 (free shipping)

The Incubator Vol.2 by Chuk Jones Product | Audio CD Type | Original Compilation Genre | R&B, Hip Hop Price | $8.49 (free shipping)

The Incubator Vol.1 by Chuk Jones Product | Audio CD Type | Original Compilation Genre | Rap, Hip Hop Price | 7.99 (free shipping)

18 • August 2012 •



The incubaTor™ Magazine • August 2012 • 19

community 360 christian hip hop and r&b independent artists now have a chance to hit mainstream radio airwaves thanks to a new positive radio station, hot 95.9 by Hilarie M. Valadez

Based out of Orlando, Florida. The station was founded on September 13, 2011, just days after the 9/11 terrorist attacks devastated America and shocked the rest of the world. They took on the challenge of filling a massive void to bring hope and the Word of God to their local area in Central Florida. They have since become a vehicle for Christian independent artists who normally would not be found on radio. These artists usually rely heavily on social media, concerts, and churches to help spread their message. Tim Wolf, the music director of Hot 95.9, and his team have an innovative way to select the music they play. They have what is called the Music Advisor Board which allows listeners to sign up and rate the music they hear which, in turn, gives the station feedback as to what is in demand. This has contributed to the major impact Hot 95.9 is making by spotlighting Christian indie artists, not just in Florida, but worldwide since they stream live via the internet. Their radio personalities are vibrant, inspiring, and truly focus on playing good music. Hot 95.9 is a real family friendly alternative station bringing a holy Hip Hop and R&B movement to the forefront. All the artists featured on Hot 95.9 are talented and once you start listening, you will not believe you are listening to Christian/Positive music because the music moves you to the core on every

level. It is not your regularly scheduled church music by any means. A few special mentions of talented artists you can find on their rotation are Viktory with his single “One Day,” KAS with “I Live,” and “The Invasion (Hero)” by Trip Lee featuring Jai. All of these are powerful songs that will get your body moving and your soul searching for more of the truth and they are only a small sample of what you will hear from this station. You can find Hot 95.9 FM in Orlando, all over Central Florida on HD Radio at 88.3, and online at to listen to a live stream. I found them through Radio Rage toolbar which I downloaded on my computer. On their website you can find a list of the last ten songs played complete with artist and song information. There is also the Music Advisory Board link to sign up and rate the music for feedback and the link to listen live if you are not in Florida. This is the first positive Hip Hop and R&B station that I have found that plays unsigned artists, gives the listeners real power to hear the songs they love, and helps spread the message of Jesus Christ. They are a fantastic option for those who like to listen to these genres of music but do not always agree with the lyrical content and explicit themes of what is played on secular radio. For all those who have ears…let them hear!

20 • August 2012 •



The incubaTor™ Magazine • August 2012 • 21

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Custom Handmade Jewelry C4FamJewlz is a company that specializes in exceptional and custom handmade jewelry. We pride ourselves in making quality jewelry at affordable prices. For our customers looking for something that is a bit more unique we also do custom orders.

For more information contact us at (210) 705-9816.

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dIgItAl only AdvertIsIng! place your Ad in our digital flip-book and gain exposure with our online and newsletter fans & subscribers! currently at 75% off our regular ad reservation rates! clIck here or visit

22 • August 2012 •



writer’s block David Gaughran Stockholm, Sweden


avid gaughran is a 34-year old irish writer, living in Sweden, who spends most of his time traveling the world, collecting stories. “a Storm hits Valparaíso” is his debut novel, a historical adventure set during argentina’s war of independence from the Spanish empire. Here's the blurb: "Catalina Flores de la Peña's tongue got her in more trouble than any other part of her body, even though there were far more likely candidates. But when a storm rolls into her sleepy port town, she finds herself embroiled with a gang of adventurers, mercenaries, and prostitutes on a journey to free South America from the Spanish Empire. A Storm Hits Valparaíso is an epic historical adventure starring two brothers torn apart by love; a slave running for his life; a disgraced British sailor seeking redemption; and José de San Martín, an Argentine general who deserts the Spanish Army to lead a bloody revolt against his former masters." David Gaughran is also the author of the short stories “If You Go Into The Woods” and “Transfection,” as well as “Let’s Get Digital: How To SelfPublish, And Why You Should,” which is the top-rated guide to self-

publishing on Amazon. His work has been featured in the Huffington Post, the Sunday Times, and the Irish Times. “A Storm Hits Valparaíso” has just been released in paperback - and the rest of the above books are available from all major e-bookstores: amazon: barnes & noble: avid-gaughran Smashwords: David Gaughran blogs about writing and the book business every day. He would love it if you dropped by to say hello:

The incubaTor™ Magazine • August 2012 • 23

konkerer leAdershIp

DANCE WITH MY FATHER by Chadwick Taylor I have been blessed to have been surrounded by many strong men during the years that have helped me grow and become the person I am today. These people include my Father In Law, my Grandfather in Law (just call him Granddad), my son’s Godfather, my favorite uncles, etc. None more important though than the man who gave me birth, my dad. He taught me early, without knowing it, about Servant Leadership – being humble, putting others before you, sacrifice yourself for the benefit of others. I had no worries while I was growing up because my dad carried those burdens for me. What I have learned over the years is that we as men lack emotion, specifically towards each other. It is easy for us to love our daughters – to hug them, hold them, kiss them good night. It is very easy for me to wipe away my daughter’s tears, give her a big hug, and kiss her good night. But we struggle with that same emotion with our son’s. We teach our sons (because it is what we were taught) to be tough and don’t cry (that’s weak)

“I had no worries while I was growing up because my dad carried those burdens for me.” and don’t kiss another man. But it is our sons that need this affection from fathers more than daughters. My son is nearly 4 years old and I learned very quickly that he needs affection. I kiss him twice a day – once in the morning before school, once in the evening when he is going to bed. And yes, on the lips. I give him hugs often, sometime he will just come take one from me. We both need this affection because it shows that we are there for each other. Each man should “Dance with his Father” (to steal the line from Luther Vandross). Show your son that it is still manly to be emotional with his dad. Kontinue to Konker. Chadwick Taylor is Author of KONKERER Leadership. He helps develop leaders with a servant mentality through individual development.

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