July 2012 (008)

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The Magazine

July 2012

incubaTor art • Media • business • entertainment


poetRy In motIon kARen ChAttum oveRComes dAuntIng obstACles In heR RIse to C.e.o.

Also InsIde medIA mogul gIvIng you the busIness! Cd RevIew mAkIn thRu the bReAkthRu

2 • July 2012 • www.incmagonline.com



The incubaTor™ Magazine • July 2012 • 3


Media Mogul •4

underground hound|8

Giving you the business of media

Indie-Pendent •7

News from under the radar

By Design •14 Creativity in design


Creative Thinking •22 Ideas that progress creativity *Digital issue only

ditor’s Note • Welcome to the second half of 2012 and the ECanmonth of Independence for our readers from the United States! you believe the USA’s independence is only 236 years young

this month? Well, In “Art Years,” we are still considered infants; food for though.

he Incubator™ Magazine is shaping up to be something we Tcessity. are more than just proud of; it’s something we also see as a neWe are striving to become required reading for those interested in

making a living off of their inherent talents and abilities. We focus on the rising stars in the artist community while covering those in position to aid in thier ascension. What a concept!

would also like to take a moment: To give a sincere “Welcome” and “Thank You” to IanRhonda Black, writer of this month’s cover story on Karen Chattum. She is proving to be essential part of our production team and I look forward to many continued issues with articles bearing her name. Please join me in welcoming her.

Brandon “Chuk” Jones President & Executive Editor

On The Cover


“Karen C.” poses for a photo while enjoying the beauty of nature and a day of peace and laughter with her Sisters.

Photo courtesy of Jae Castille for Inque Photography (210) 650-2101 www.inquephotography.com


©2012 CJ Media & Publishing | Executive Editor: Brandon “Chuk” Jones | Advertise: advertise@incmagonline.com | Inquiries: info@incmagonline.com | Layout & Design: CJ Media & Publishing |

4 • July 2012 • www.incmagonline.com



Giving You The Business!

a Success Story When she was young, Mary too was told that being an artist was not a realistic way to make a living. Not one to be easily discouraged, Mary says, "I believed in myself and now I'm living my dream." Is she ever!

banking on art! What is exactly is art licensing? Art licensing expert Michael Woodward describes art licensing as "the business of leasing a copyrighted or trademarked art work by means of contractual agreement (a license), for a specified product, promotion, or service for a specific time period, in an agreed upon territory, for an agreed upon fee or royalty." Walk through your local Target or Sears and start observing the images on various products. Everything with a design on it was created by an artist – the vast majority of whom are independent and have licensed their art to the manufacturer. how Much Money can you earn by licensing your art? How much you earn varies depending on where your art appears and on how many items are sold. The royalty for images appearing on T-shirts ranges from 8-10%, posters range from 710%, mugs pay a 5% royalty, and royalties on limited editions will net you between 10-15% of sales. Over the past 30 years, artist, licensing guru, and course developer Michael Woodward has licensed over $600 million in retail goods. You do the math.

In 1977, Mary's dream was to illustrate children's books. So she mustered up her courage and headed to New York to show her portfolio to some publishers. When one art director suggested she try her hand at illustrating greeting cards, Mary says she was "kind of crushed." But she took his advice, and a few months later, made her first licensing deal by selling three card designs for $150 and signed a short-term contract with another greeting card company. The list of Mary's successes since then is impressive indeed. She saw her original dream of illustrating children's books come true when, in 2001, her debut book The Night Before Christmas spent 11 weeks on the New York Times best-seller list and then went on to become an animated film. She also launched a national decorating and lifestyle magazine called Mary Engelbreit's Home Companion and Mary Engelbreit Studios now has licensing contracts with dozens of manufacturers, who have produced more than 6,500 products. Sales total nearly $100 million annually. You don't have to be a "fine artist" to have your work licensed. Some work is done with markers. And now that you know about art licensing, there's no reason to not earn a living as an artist. Want to get started? Here’s a link to a good start. http://www.artsyshark.com/2010/06/15 /how-to-license-art-to-manufacturers/

The incubaTor™ Magazine • July 2012 • 5


Anathema - Book One in the Cloud Prophet Trilogy by Megg Jensen

Genre: Fantasy reychel is a slave girl surrounded by magic, lies and manipulation. Her best friend disappears in the middle of the night leaving reychel to face her fifteenth birthday, the day her master burns his brand into the back of her bald head, alone. she's sheltered from the outside world and doesn't have any hope for escape, but when people desperate for freedom ask for her help can reychel learn to believe in herself?

5,000 FLyErs 4”x6” Double sided

As low as


Get our Media Kit with special advertising deals at incmagonline.com

Full Color



6 • July 2012 • www.incmagonline.com



<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< indie-Pendent

The incubaTor™ Magazine • July 2012 • 7

Then vs. now: The Path to Success for artists By George Howard & Jeff Price

We hear a lot about how it was “better back in the day.” Gauzy nostalgia aside, I assume the “day” being referred to is some analog world (or, at least pre-file sharing world) where people purchased physical goods, and artists—ostensibly, at least—got paid a portion of the transaction associated with these purchases. The refrain seems to go something along the lines of: prefile sharing there was a system in place in which labels signed artists, promoted them, and then, when their records sold, paid them. Sometimes stated overtly, and sometimes implied, in this line of reasoning is that, by dint of the fact that labels could only sign so many artists, they selected the more meritorious artists to release, and therefore the customer had fewer (and, following this line of reasoning, better) choices. As opposed to today, where anyone who wants to release a record can, and, in so doing, “clutters” the market, which makes it more difficult for deserving artists to gain attention. In other words, there are artists (and many industry types) who long for a return to these “simpler” times when an artist could make some demos, get signed, release a more-difficultto-share record, and get paid. I’m here to tell you that as is almost always the case with

backwards-looking reminiscences, the memory is far more appealing than what was the actual reality. I know this because I lived/worked through “those days,” and continue to work/live through “these days.” But, you shouldn’t trust my or anyone’s recollection without some support, and so let me detail what “those days” was actually like for an artist. Alongside that, my colleague, Jeff Price, has detailed what “these days” are like, and what “those days” were like. As you look at the comparisons, some things should jump out at you. You should be seeing that a tremendous amount of time, energy, money, and hope was spent (and, typically, wasted) in the old days on trying to attract the attention of so-called gatekeepers. Another important thing to remember is that, even if you were able to have the gatekeepers anoint you, and you got a deal, your cost of failure was massive. In other words, you usually had one shot and you were out. But enough of our editorializing. Take a look below, and let us know if you think now is better than then, or vice versa.

8 • July 2012 • www.incmagonline.com



Marty Dread is Maui's reggae Ambassador, all around entertainer, and organic gardener. Available for music events of all kinds.

Biography When it comes to miles traveled and new ground broken, few in Hawaii's music scene can hold a candle to Maui's Reggae Ambassador Marty Dread.

marty dread

Venues? From the White House in DC to the Cotton Club in Harlem and major festivals coast to coast, Marty's performed there. Reggae on the River, Reggae on the Rocks, Sierra Nevada World Music Festival and Farm Aid to name just a few.


International touring? Mr. Dread's passport bears stamps from Brazil, Tahiti, Canada, Thailand, China, Russia and more. He is the only Hawaii artist ever to play major festivals in the Caribbean, including Barbados and reggae's homeland Jamaica. Studio collaborations? Marty Dread's recorded with Willie Nelson, Inner Circle, Kris Kristofferson, Fiji, Pato Banton, Jack Johnson, Sly and Robbie, Toots Hibbert, Oshen, Michael McDonald and the list goes on. “It Sometimes Rains In Paradise” is packed with solid production, crafty hooks and strong messages throughout. In an era of cheap digital music production, this release sparkles with the warmth of two-inch tape and analog mixing. The opening track is a reinvention of “What I Am”, originally by Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians. The dub mix of same closes the album, both produced by London-based legend Gaudi, whose credits range from Bob Marley to Grandmaster Flash to Simple Minds. “Search I “ describes a shakedown at the Canadian border, while “Late Night Special” is a classic lovers rock duet with undiscovered Maui talent Nara Boone. Other gems include “Sending Flowers” with Pluto Shervington, and “Mama Song”, produced by Soul Syndicate Bassist Fully Fullwood. Country music cover “She Don’t Know”, "Must Be a Change", and “Gave It Up For Love” were all produced and tracked in Jamaica with the cream of Jamaican session players. Bringing the foundation message of classic reggae to a new era with vintage production values, “It Sometimes Rains in Paradise “ is a must for music lovers of all ages.

To suggest or submit entertainment media of any style or genre for us to inc

The incubaTor™ Magazine • July 2012 • 9

“Underground HoundTM is your source for indie & underground media. Spotlighting artists & projects with great promise but remain under the radar.”

Makin Thru The breakThru artist: Kanoa of Gomega label: Kokone Records release: November 13, 2007 recommend: BUY

Media releases now on sale in the CJ Media Online shop Submit your release at www.cjmediaonline.com ----------

I must say, this CD was definitely a treat to hear. Always the sucker for a live band performance, I love meeting artists that have figured out the artistic value of music and how their contribution fits into the grand scheme of things. Kanoa of Gomega is a one man band that posesses a particular list of musical skills including vocalist, guitarist and looper. If you've never seen a "looper" in action you're missing out on some intriguing entertainment and if I hadn't seen Kanoa perform in person I wouldn't be able to give his CD, Makin Thru The Breakthru, the justice it deserves. Lyrically, Kanoa comes across very soulful, with a smooth voice that carries his message well. No negative vibes here, his words are from the heart. The production throughout the CD is smooth, clean, simple and clear. Each track is mixed well and all-encompasing, giving voice to each note of every instrument. This is a pretty difficult task for live instrument recording, especially when each track on the CD has it's own feel; different from track to track (not considered a negative thing) with various instrumentation styles like ukulele, bongos, guitar, horns and flutes just to name a few. [I would be amiss if I were not to mention his "looping" ability. As I witnessed during one of his many weekly performances, Kanoa has a real talent for beat-boxing which he records on the spot and loops for use as his live rythm section while he vocalizes and plays guitar over it.] The only negative I see has to be in the mastering, specifically song order selection. I feel the arrangement could have been a little more fluent from track to track. As I stated before, this is a difficult task when each track has it's own sound and feel. Overall, Makin Thru The Breakthru, is definitely a buy. With a combination of various vocal and instrumental features, Kanoa's creativity as a songwriter and musician shines throughout the CD and it's easy to feel his love for the art. He seems to have found his niche and I look forward to hearing new realeases from Kanoa of Gomega. Check him out at youtube.com/kanoaofgomega 4 out of 5 stars with a bonus nod for full cD packaging and design.

The Incubator Vol.3 by Chuk Jones Product | Audio CD Type | Original Compilation Genre | R&B, Hip Hop Price | $8.99 (free shipping)

Category 5 by stefeeze Product | Audio CD Type | Original Release Genre | Rap, Hip Hop Price | $8.99 (free shipping)

Magnificent Mindset by slim Texan Product | Audio CD Type | Original Release Genre | R&B, Hip Hop Price | $8.99 (free shipping)

clude here please visit the Submit Content page at www.incmagonline.com.

10 • July 2012 • www.incmagonline.com



Poetry In Motion by Rhonda “GG” Black gg.incubator@gmail.com

aren chattum has come from a k very interesting back ground. overcoming obstacles and enduring pain has giving her the strength to move forward and build her own empire.

Karen is the CEO of Poetry in Motion Publishing and an advocate for HIV/AIDS. She has also earned three Associates of Arts degrees, a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and is currently working on her Master of Arts in Human Science. Take a walk with me as I unleash the mind of this living testimony... "When I look over my life I don't just see a walking testimony" Those are the powerful words of a once young, pregnant teen drop out and single parent of four; Karen Chattum.

Karen C, as her sisters calls her, has been through many trials and tribulations growing up as a teen parent but despite her ups and downs she has managed to pursue her education and has come to achieve great accomplishments in her life with two novels, "Tired of Being Tired" and "Full Circle ", the production of her first stage play "Sixteen" and, more recently “Can’t Nobody Tell It Like I Can” which she also codirected along with director, Michael Gray. All of this as a mother of four boys. “Since I was 9, I knew that I wanted to write and the journey began with poetry. I began bringing characters to life by age 13 in short stories. What started off as a way to escape became a way for me to bring awareness to issues most people won't touch on stage,” Karen states. The stage play “Sixteen”, which spotlights teen dating domestic violence, is relatable to many in today's society and anyone can

The incubaTor™ Magazine • July 2012 • 11

Since I was 9, I knew that I wanted to write and the journey began with poetry.

become a victim as I have lost a dear friend to domestic violence. This play would be a good recommendation for teens and others who have been affected. Being the courageous woman that she is, Karen C’s ventured out for her second production, the stage play "Can't Nobody Tell it Like I Can," developed to provide HIV awareness and education. A high rate of African Americans are infected by HIV so it is always good to know your partner and get tested regularly. Don't play off your partners results, go get tested. It's ironic that I lost a friend to HIV as well. Not just a friend, my best friend since 6th grade. It’s a very touching topic that gets me teary eyed but I must continue to acknowledge the greatness that Karen does for the community. Hopefully this reaches out and touches others emotionally and mentally, finding it in their heart and soul to be more cautious. Karen was a teen parent and victim of domestic violence. She has grown and learned from horrible struggles and the experiences of illness and abuse and because of these struggles, many lessons have been learned, good and bad. The most important factor is that she is alive and doing well. Her boys have been a great influence to her motivation and determination and she places her full trust and faith in God Almighty as her guide. Karen C is well and strong enough to testify, no matter what type of storm has passed she was, and will be, able to live on. Depending on faith and strength, she still believes that there is a God. "Some of the things that God believed I was strong enough to live through, would have broken most" Karen says. I strongly agree being that no one knows what your heart has been though, nor the road you have taken to become the person that you are today.

blessed with a smile and strength to mask some of the most intolerable pain one can endure. She has shed many tears but today a great deal of them have been tears of happiness, gratefulness and pure joy. God has been a great navigator for Karen and has shown her that he is "The Judge of all Judges". He has given her everything and then some; novels, stage plays, CEO of Poetry in Motion, and a home with a husband and four boys to call her own. The road has been rough but the journey was worth revealing. I admire her strength and I can say that her walk through life has been very inspirational. I cried from the gate while reading her bio in preparation for this article. Her walk through life has opened a few wounds. They are testimonial wounds which I thought God had only put me through. I now see that what one has been through, others have too. I personally understand why she has chosen to walk the path she is on. I would often find myself asking the golden question; which Karen’s son has asked her, "If there is a God, why does he allow you to hurt so much?" The question I have yet to get an answer for and as an adult I have learned to understand but still remain a bit confused. Her response was of a woman who understands His actions and plans, "How could I truly know for myself that God can heal a broken heart, wipe away all traces of tears or heal my body if I had never had my heart broken, cried some tears or been faced with an illness." Wow, courageous and simplified.

Just last year she was twice homeless and today she is able to turn the key in a home which she can call her own and she is

Contact Karen Chattum at poetryinmotionceo@gmail.com if you want to take your creative mind to another level.

Karen would like to acknowledge the support and blessings of the Poetry In Motion Publishing team: Karla Yen- COO, Mary Harris-Advisor, Stephanie Gray-Graphic Artist/Editor and Michael Gray-Director.

12 • July 2012 • www.incmagonline.com



want to work for the Incubator magazine? Here’s your chance to strut your creative stuff! There’s room for YOU inside The Incubator

Opportunities: • Advertising Sales Rep • Contributing Intern • Editors • Reviewers Get More Information at www.incmagonline.com/jobs


The incubaTor™ Magazine • July 2012 • 13

Ariel Belen Calderon twitter.com/SnazzyyA SnazzyyA.Blogspot.com

Dressing For the life i Don't have These past two months at work, we have been fundraising for March of Dimes and employees who would like to dress caual have to donate $1 every time they dress out of uniform. So, today I decided to dress in a pair of mid-waist black slacks, a black and white horizontal striped blouse that I bought at Ross for like $7 and this black tailored looking blazer from H&M, $24.99! My work shirt was dirty and it's hidious anyway. As I stood there minding my own and checking out my customers, my Lead says out loud, "Ariel, you are dressed like you have somewhere important to be!" I laughed. I said, "I do sir, so can I leave?" lol .. I asked, "Is my wardrobe that striking that you needed to announce it?" I told him that I really don't have anywhere to go, so I am pretty much dressed for the life that I don't have! That made him laugh! It was just interesting to be pointed out for something that I didn't really feel needed any recognition. My first point is that Texas is like top

5 for being the worst dressed in the country, so I guess I am bound to stand out if I'm not wearing.. well anything blowsy. My second point is that it is amazing how something as simple as the clothes on your back can get you noticed! It brings warmth to my heart. lol And I am not trying to make fun of or put down anyone but I love that it gives me the power to maybe influence someone elses decision about what they choose to wear. Made my day. xoxo -A Written by Ariel Belen Calderon of Snazzy A About Ariel Full Time Mother and Creator of "Jordie", High End Clothing for Women & Children. Follow her on twitter for the latest on her upcoming collection. • www.twitter.com/SnazzyyA • www.SnazzyyA.Blogspot.com Are you a fashionista? Submit your stories to The Incubator Magazine at www.incmagonline.com/submit

14 • July 2012 • www.incmagonline.com



by design

a Trailblazing black architect Who helped Shape l.a. by KAREN GRIGSBY BATES

Paul Revere Williams began designing homes and commercial buildings in the early 1920s. By the time he died in 1980, he had created some 2,500 buildings, most of them in and around Los Angeles, but also around the globe. And he did it as a pioneer: Paul Williams was African-American. He was the first black architect to become a member of the American Institute of Architects in 1923, and in 1957 he was inducted as the AIA's first black fellow. His granddaughter, Karen E. Hudson, has been chronicling Williams' life and work for the past two decades. Her latest book, Paul R. Williams: Classic Hollywood Style, focuses on some of the homes of his celebrity clients. They feature many characteristics that were innovative when he used them in the 1920s through the '70s and are considered common practice now — like the patio as an extension of the house, and hidden,

retractable screens. When Paul Williams began his career, he could find no black architects to be his role models or mentors. Born in downtown Los Angeles in 1894, Williams became orphaned before he turned 4 when his parents, Chester and Lila, died of tuberculosis. A family friend raised him and told him he was so bright, he could do anything he wanted. And what he wanted was to design homes for families — perhaps because he lost his own so early in his life. Despite warnings from those who thought he was being impractical ("Your own people can't afford you, and white clients won't hire you," was one such warning), Williams became an architect. His work has come to signify glamorous Southern California to the rest of the country — and to the world. One of his hallmarks — a luxuriantly curving staircase — has captivated many a potential owner. Retired financial services magnate Peter Mullin remembers how he felt when he saw his 1925 Colonial, the first one Williams built in L.A.'s posh Brentwood neighborhood.

The incubaTor™ Magazine • July 2012 • 15

List your classified ad at www.incmagonline.com Original Artwork Needed Book publishing project needs original artwork for poetry inspiration. Currently taking submissions to ladie.wisdom7@gmail.com

Scan or email photo of your artwork and contact info. No portraits or sculptures. Royalties paid on book sales Make Money selling CDs! Unlimited profit potential. Order CDs from our list of available artists for only $3 (shipping included) & resell at your shows and events at retail prices. Keep all of the profits. All original music, radio & retail ready. www.cjmediaonline.com. Custom Handmade Jewelry C4FamJewlz specializes in custom handmade jewelry. We pride ourselves in quality and affordable prices. Contact us at c4famjewlz@yahoo.com or (210) 705-9816 Buried in Credit Card Debt? Over $10,000? We can get you out of debt quickly and save you thousands of dollars! Call CREDIT CARD RELIEF for your free consultation 1888-535-2542 rEADErs & MUsIC LOVErs. 100 Greatest Novels (audio books) ONLY $99.00 (plus s h.) Includes MP3 Player & Accessories. BONUS: 50 Classical Music Works & Money Back Guarantee. Call Today! 1888-695-9059

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16 • July 2012 • www.incmagonline.com



The incubaTor™ Magazine • July 2012 • 17

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18 • July 2012 • www.incmagonline.com



The incubaTor™ Magazine • July 2012 • 19

liquid media TranziSTor raDio: a neW incoMe STreaM For inDie MuSic When first introduced in the 1950’s, the transistor radio took the world by storm. Why? Because this hand-held radio made music portable for the very first time, and soon everyone owned one of these magic little boxes. Music lovers were now able to take their tunes along simply by dropping a transistor radio in their pocket or purse. Limited only by battery life and signal strength, using a simple earphone, fans could now have their favorite music at hand wherever they went. Since the 50’s, portable music devices have matured and increased in quality. The 60’s and 70’s gave us portable cassette decks for home and auto. In the 80’s and 90’s, Sony gave us devices like the Walkman and boombox stereos. Then in the early 2000’s, we got our first taste of digital streaming - and never looked back. Today, pocket sized MP3 players, tablets, and smart phones take portability to a whole new level. The newest player in the market is the aptly named Tranzistor Radio, a smart phone app designed for music lovers seeking the best new bands and indie labels. With a multitude of music styles to choose from and multiple original channels within each genre, listeners hoping to discover fresh sounds will have, literally, thousands of options. “Right now our software and networks are still in BETA,” says Josh Eikov, President of Tranzistor Systems. “We are looking

to launch the Android and IOS applications in mid- to late-July, 2012.” According to Eikov, when that happens, there will be two platforms available: a free product (July, 2012) that will allow fans to take advantage of basic listening, and a Premium subscription (September, 2012) that will strengthen and broaden product viability with cross platform WiFi use and Bluetooth in-vehicle availability. “Tranzistor Radio is being built for maximum exposure of NYI (‘Not Yet Inked’) musicians and labels who work with independent music,” says Rob Miller, Tranzistor’s Head of Programming. “Our vision is to create an entire ecosystem that puts power back into the hands of indie artists, fans, and DJs. Using a curated approach which emphasizes human programming and fan feedback, we aim to create the kind of real radio experience that excited listeners and broke new acts back in the days before computer algorithms dictated every move.” The line-up appears to be building with 30 stations on 15 channels, the majority of which will contain music, according to Miller, although other channels will offer additional content like cooking shows, talk radio, and comedy. “We will be announcing the initial slate of channels and stations by early summer, with more to come over the following months,” Miller added. “Our intent is to broadcast indie content from Country Music to Hip Hop to Heavy Metal - any style as long as it’s excellent – and to include original programming, as well.

20 • July 2012 • www.incmagonline.com



Today’s Leaders, Tomorrow’s Ideas™

D.l. hughley august 7 at 7:00P Free event for members D.L. HUGHLEY is one of the most popular and highly recognized standup comedians today. D.L. hosted his own late night talk show on CNN, D.L. Hughley Breaks the News. Recently, D.L. starred in his own onehour special (his fourth for HBO) entitled Unapologetic. As the star and producer of his namesake television show that ran on ABC and UPN, The Hughleys, D.L. is also well known as one of the standout comedians on the hit comedy docu-film The Original Kings of Comedy. He is a regular on the late-night talk show circuit, including appearances on Real Time with Bill Maher, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno and Conan. He has even guest-hosted on such shows as The View and Live with Regis & Kelly.

His upcoming book is called I Want You to Shut the F#ck Up: How the Audacity of Dopes Is Ruining America. He will discuss: • Why everybody loved Bernie Mac, including D.L • The most transcendent experience of his life: being part of the Kings of Comedy tour Why it shocks him when people think we’re a post-racial society • The lesson America should take from the hustlers on the street—and the easiest hustle it could pull to generate more money • Why he feels absolutely certain that Barack Obama was never bullied growing up—and why he’s against the anti-bullying movement • Why he’d argue that Bill Clinton is more a product of a black upbringing than Obama Free memember event. http://www.hudsonunionsociety.com/

The incubaTor™ Magazine • July 2012 • 21

22 • July 2012 • www.incmagonline.com



creative thinking

Want2bFamous? What is Boomdizzle? Boomdizzle in an online community designed for aspiring artists to record, share & remix original music & video content. Boomdizzle is a record label and social networking and music website founded by rapper LL Cool J in 2008. It integrates patented collaborative technology with innovative digital marketing to change how music is recorded, distributed, and shared all over the world. Since its launch in September 2008, the website accepts music uploads from aspiring artists, primarily from the hip hop genre, and the site's users rate songs through contests, voting, and other community events.

Boomdizzle provides the production, distribution, and promotional services traditionally offered by major entertainment labels. Detroit R&B singer Luther "Squeak" Jackson defeated 40,000 other entrants to win Boomdizzle's first "Hip Hop Superstar Competition" in May 2008. He was signed to a recording contract and performed live on stage with LL Cool J at the Heritage Fest 2009 in Birmingham, Alabama, and at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida. Boomdizzle also hosted a Michael Jackson Tribute Contest, in which Jonathan Levant was chosen as the winner. Create your profile and start neworking at www.boomdizzle.com

The incubaTor™ Magazine • July 2012 • 23

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Custom Handmade Jewelry C4FamJewlz is a company that specializes in exceptional and custom handmade jewelry. We pride ourselves in making quality jewelry at affordable prices. For our customers looking for something that is a bit more unique we also do custom orders.

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konkeReR leAdeRshIp

EXCUSE ME… AM I KILLING YOUR BLESSING? by Chadwick Taylor www.konkerer.com Things are not going right in your life. You feel like Charlie Brown – a storm is constantly over your head following you or your just down all the time. You go into your quiet place to think and you come up with what you believe is the solution. YES! That’s it! Now you eliminate those people from Twitter, Facebook, text, phone, etc and guess what??? Nothing changed. What happened? You eliminated those people so now you should be focused on your purpose, right? Well, one important fact we do not like to face when it comes to reality… Sometimes, the answer is YES to those questions. But understanding that answer does not indicate you are a bad person. It simply means that you are having the incorrect impact on someone’s life. Whether it is your influence, conversation, or actions, something needs to be altered.

I have people in my life that are killing my blessing! The first key is recognition. After that, you can make the necessary adjustments to become a more positive influence in that person’s life. When you are not receiving your blessings, don’t always blame someone else. In this case, it just may be impacting yourself, as well as others. Have you noticed your blessings have ceased? Have you looked at yourself? What are you going to do to get your blessing back to flowing? Kontinue to Konker. Chadwick Taylor is Author KONKERER Leadership


He helps develop leaders with a servant mentality through individual development

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