Chung Wah Association Historical Group 中华会馆历史组 - Kaylene POON 邝彩玲 在过去的十二个月,我们收到了几次关于寻根探 祖的家族史请求,总体结果令人满意。现在有许多的 澳大利亚人正积极寻根,尤其是他们发现他们的祖 先中包括了华裔。The Washing Family更是出版了一 本描述他们虚构的华裔祖先在维多利亚州和西澳州 的生活记录。
In the last twelve months, several requests for family history have been received, and results have been pleasing overall. Many Australian people are now tracing their newly discovered Chinese ancestors. The Washing Family has published a fictional account of their Chinese ancestors’lives starting in Victoria and Western Australia. In July 2020, the National Trust WA approached the Chung Wah to spearhead a fundraising campaign within the Chinese community to conserve a jacket recovered from a Chinese burial, which was part of relocating 500 remains from East Perth Pioneer Cemetery. Work has been completed, and a detailed report will be forthcoming in an issue of Chung Wah News. In March, the‘The Water & Fire’exhibition opened at the Maritime Museum. A special guest was Doug Fong, great-grandson of LOUEY Wah, the Association’s first President. He and his wife Margaret were also guests at several Chinese New Year events as they were on an extended visit to Perth from Broome. Chung Wah Open house was held on 16 April 2021 in conjunction with Heritage Perth Weekend. The open house offered talks on Chung Wah History, James Street historical trail, historical photos display and various cultural activities to more than 200 visitors. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, I was able to undertake only a few public speaking engagements. The WA Museum also accepted the donation of three Chinese banners initially used by the Chinese Mission Church Perth. They have been in the custodianship of John Kee FONG for several decades and were passed onto me over 25 years ago. They are similar, abet smaller than the CWA banner currently on display in the WA Museum Perth, but in better condition.
2020年7月,西澳国民信托基金与 中华会馆联系,在华人社区内发起 一项 筹 款 活 动,以修复 从华人墓 葬中发现的一件外套,这是从珀 斯市东先贤公墓搬 迁 五百具先 人 遗 骸 的 一 部分。此 项 工作已 经完成,详细的内容您可以参阅 《中华之声》杂志上的报道。 “水与火”展览在今年的三月于 海事博物馆开幕。中华会馆首任会 长LOUEY Wah的曾孙Doug Fong是活 动的特邀嘉宾。他特地从布鲁姆长途跋涉 来珀斯参加由中华会馆主办的新年系列活动,他的 妻子玛格丽特也是座上宾。 中华会馆开放日于2021年4月16日与珀斯历史周 同时举行。开放日为超过200名参观者提供中华会馆 历史解说、詹姆斯街历史漫步、历史照片展示和各种 文化活动的作坊。 由于新冠疫情的局限,我只能进行少数公开演讲 活动。西澳博物馆还接受了珀斯华人传道会最初使 用的三条中文横幅的捐赠。这几十年来,这些横幅都 一直是John Kee FONG的个人收藏,在二十五年前这 些宝贝传给了给我。这几个条幅都很相似,只是比比 目前在珀斯西澳博物馆展出的中华会馆‘万世师表’横 幅要小一些,但其保存的状况更加良好。 历史小组正在开展几个希望有志愿者能积极参 与的项目。这些包括扫描照片、电子输入手稿、中文 文献的翻译,以及针对公众咨询进行朔源研究。如果 您每周可以提供提几个小时的义务工作,请联系中华 会馆办公室以获取更多信息。
The Historical Group is working on several projects which we hope to offer volunteers. These include scanning photos, typing up handwritten docs, translating old Chinese documents and researching public enquiries. If you would like to provide a few hours a week, please contact the CWA Office for more information. 中华会馆 20/21 年度报告
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