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Seabury Books 9781640653498 $19.95 paper | 5.5 x 8.5 | 208 pages Available Now
Oscar Romero
A Man for Our Times Julio O. Torres A unique perspective on one of the greatest religious figures of recent history. This in-depth portrait of Oscar Romero, the Fourth Archbishop of San Salvador, is based on research of his diaries and sermons and on interviews with most of his surviving relatives, friends, and co-workers. This biography provides a unique insider/outsider perspective on both Romero and the plight and struggle of Central American immigrants and other migrant and impoverished populations. Torres takes readers into Romero’s early life, his seminary formation, and his active ministry, including conflicts with the ruling elites and hierarchy that led to his ultimate martyrdom. The book concludes with his canonization and the pursuit of justice against his murderers. “. . . Torres offers a unique perspective on the personality of Romero and his transformation from ‘pious conservative priest’ to the archbishop of the people.” —Bishop Thomas C. Ely, Tenth Bishop of Vermont JULIO O. TORRES is a Salvadoran Episcopal priest who lived and worked with Archbishop Oscar Romero during the turbulent years leading to the country’s bloody civil war. He ministered to Salvadoran refugees in Nicaragua during the 1980s. He lives in El Salvador.
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I Will Arise and Go Now
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