Martial science magazine 2016 dec

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Martial Science








PUBLISHER/EDITOR -IN-CHIEF Henry Binerfa C. CREATIVE DIRECTOR Diosmel AcuĂąa COLUMNISTS Antonio Fernandez Rioja Martin Franshan Jimmy Lockett CONSULTANT Yin Zhi Shakya CONTRIBUTORS Pablo Rodarte GM. Mark Shuey James Wilson Airr Phanthip Samuel Kwok Bob GomĂŠz Sifu Justin Cataldi Master Wong Philip Nearing Master Bernd Hoehle TRANSLATIONS Yisel Viamontes Alcides Cervantes Daryanis Tamayo Fuente.

DISCLAIMER Martial Science Publications LLC as publisher is and advertising platform and does not endorse or make representation, warranty or guarantee concerning the safety or effetiveness of either the products and services advertised in this magazine or the martial arts or other techniques discussed or illustrated in this magazine. The publisher expressly disclaims any and all liability relating to the manufacture, sale or use of such products and services and the application of the techniques discussed or illustrated in this magazine may be ilegal in some areas of the united states or other countries. Therefore, you should check federal, state and local laws prior to your purchase or use of these products, services or techniques in the united states or elsewhere. Because of the nature of some of the products services or techniques advertised or discussed in this magazine, you should consult a physician before using these products or services or applying these techniques.


48-the interview JUSTIN CATALDI






Life is full of paths, sometimes we can move in straight lines or sometimes we can go around in circles. The truth is that at some point we return to our starting point. We always want to look once more at the place where we had our childhood, where we played with our friends, or where we gave our first kiss of love. By policies of the Cuban government, I can not enter my country until 8 years have passed. However I received a humanitarian permit and I could return to my country for a month. Returning to your place of origin after so many years always brings with it endless memories and sensations. When I took the first step on the floor where

Martial Science Magazine, Volume 17, ISBN-13: 978-1539373254, is Published Bi-monthly, (February, April, June, August, October, and December) by Martial Science Publications LLC., Phone: (702)439-9071 Email:


I was born it was enough to feel my whole body shaking with emotion. Cuba is a country that changes little. Many say that is frozen in time. For martial arts this happens as well. What the US calls the old school, in Cuba people continue to train with the same fever of the 70’s and 80’s. The truth is that the martial arts on the island keep an exquisite essence to old. It gave me great joy to see my old students how despite the time and the difficulties of life they keep training, the new students made me very good impression, they have that spirit of beginner (soshin), that you want to know everything and you are attentive and focused on each explanation, this energy is always positive in a class. I wanted to share with readers of Martial Science Magazine my trip to Cuba, because despite the dojos look damaged, its walls DECEMBER/2016


with humidity marks, old uniforms , or simply do not have, there is something left And is Kokoro (heart). They have hearts to embrace the martial arts in a way rarely seen in modern times. Each student gives the maximum in each training despite the difficulties of a poor country and where the economic conditions are not the best, the effort of every Cuban martial artist knows no limits and they always seek to perfect themselves in every aspect of Budo. That’s why I share this Japanese phrase, which covers the whole concept. Gambatte Kudasai (do not give up, goes forward)

Henry Binerfa | Publisher/CEO Martial Science Publications, LLC







SHIHAN PEDRO FALCON The first Ken Kyusho Jutsu seminar took place in Miami, Florida. The last October 22, the first Ken Kyusho Jutsu seminar took place in Miami, Florida. Taught by the shihan Pedro Falcon in the Red Torii Dojo. The attendees could appreciate the application of pressure points and their effectiveness, along with the use of these within the forms of traditional karate. Representatives of the shotokan style of karate were present, as well Aikido practitioners. Shihan Pedro Falcon it’s visiting the United States for a few months in which time he will give several seminars of this style. This master is recognized in Cuba like one of the most renowned martial artists of the island. His knowledge in Karate and Kyusho is unique and extreme solid.





-One of the founders of the Shotokan Karate Association of Cuba (1993). - Author of the F.I.K.A degree program (2003). -Co-Autor of the Shotokan Ryu Karate Do Cuba degree program. -Author of the degree program Ken Kyusho Jutsu-2006. -Shihankai Member Shotokan Ryu Karatedo. -Vice-President Teacher Cuban Association Shotokan Ryu Karatedo 1999-2006. -FIKA Technical Director 2003-2013. -Technical Vice-President Cuban Association Shotokan Ryu Karatedo 2007-2008. -President Union Cubana Shotokan Ryu Karatedo Budokai (period 2009-2010). -Member of UCSK National Degree and Certification Board. -Member of the Committee of Experts and High Grades UCSK. -President Kyusho Ryu Budokai Cuba 2006-2009. -Technical Director Kyusho Ryu Budokai Cuba 2006-2012. -President Shihankai International Kyusho Ryu Budokai. -Member Committee of Experts and High Degrees International Yudansha Kai Budo Society Academy in Latin American. -Member Committee of High Grades Uniรณn Cubana Shotokan Ryu Karatedo 2009. -Master Founder Style Shotokan Ryu Cuba 1993. -Founder and creator of Kyusho Ryu Budokai International Association 2006. -Founder and creator of the Ken Kyusho Jutsu 2006 system. -Teaching Director Yudansha Kai Society Academy American Latin (2012). And many others achievements including also some publications and books. The Shihan Pedro Falcon private Dojo is located in La Habana Cuba where he teach and all his students and representatives in Cuba and others countries that travel to his school to learn karate and Ken Kyusho Jutsu form him.






The Munich Hall of Honours 2017 The 10 years anniversary Edition of Europe`s finest Martial Arts Event of its kind will be setting new trends in all areas. Beeing held in Munich, Bavaria, one of the most favorite spots in the world, promoter Gregor J Huss manged to find one of the oldest, very unique and typical venue’s in this popular bavarian capitol, the HOFBRÄU KELLER. From 1896 to 1988 it was the Brewery for the famous Hofbräu Beer and already early the beer garden on top of the beer stocks became popular with Munich citizens. It is not the typical tourist place like the HOFBRÄU HAUS in downtown, but a history-charged place with fantastic food and typical bavarian atmosphere. 14

Meet our guest and celebs from all over the world Many celebrities, legends, grandmasters and masters with their students have confirmed their attendance like The Queen of Martial Arts Movies, Cynthia Rothrock, Kung Fu Queen Malia Bernal, Wing Chun Legend Samuel Kwok, World Record Holder and Fitness and Anti Aging Guru Dr. Robert Goldman, Hawaiian Senior Master Kumu Michelle Manu, Martial Artist and Actors Crystal Santos, Carl van Meter and Kely McClung, european Legends and Grandmasters like GM Juerg Ziegler, CH Soke Heinz KĂśhnen, GER Hanshi Herbert E. Forster, CH Austrain Olympic Diving Champion and Karate GM Erhard Kellner, GM Perry Zmugg and Gerhard Agrinz, Wushu Legend Sifu Serge Seguin, from UK Silvio Simac, Sensei Zara Phythian, Master Emma Elmes, the Edmunds Sistas, from Netherland GM Martin Zingel, Actress and Kickbox Champion Angi Nimbach and many many more. Many more will be there but have not confirmed yet.

Of course there will be spectacular shows at the evening awards banquett and you will love the typical bavarian kitchen.

Already on Friday noon there will be a special seminar held with 9th Dan Michelle Manu from 2-5 But also there will be many champions from both p.m. at the SELF DEFENSE GERMANY Training martial arts and fitness at this most recognized Center where she present the Ancient Hawaiien event in Europe, stars and starlets from the mar- Martial Art Lua for the first time in Germany. tial arts and action movies, stuntman and stuntwoman, local and worldrenown and of course all The traditional Welcome Party will be on Friday, the Black Belts, Instructors and Students which starting at 6 p.m. in a typical bavarian venue and are nominated for their achievements in the mar- will be another life time experience for those who tial arts by their Masters. attend.

One the way from best to best and lar- Off course the whole event will be covered by gest event in Europe Martial Science Magazine, Warrior Magazine and Capacity at the venue has doubled from last year but already two third are booked six month before the event.

many other media, featured on Social media and local media. If you want to be part of this most prestigeouse event, dont hesitate to book as soon as possible, since space is, as always, very limited to only those who decide fast. If want to nominate a deserved Martial Artists dont hesitate to write us for information

During the day on saturday, like every year there will be more than 30 seminars with the best instructors and experts in martial arts, selfdefense and fitness and also a „strong man/woman“ Contest for a noble cause, where winners will be awarded with a trophy during the evening ballot.






Happy Birthday Bruce Lee! The acclaimed actor and martial artist would have turned 76 years old. Thanks GrandMaster Lee Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.


“Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.” -BRUCE LEE



Evan Pantazi, These DVD’s are in a set curriculum and are taut in step by step process so you learn fully and to the highest level of skill! From level 1 to level 10 DVD’s are in English, Spanish, Italian, French and German Languages!

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AFFILIATION PROGRAM MEMBERSHIP The membership program of Martial science Magzine was created as an option for owners of schools, organizations, institutions, associations or vendors of products related to the sport and martial arts and who need to publish 2 or more publications in the year or marketing campaigns of long duration. Recommended 100% to promote events, tournaments and seminars, to increase the number of students in your school, show your product to thousands of people, promote equipment for sports training or martial arts, supplements vitamin, in short all the related to the martial arts industry and sport.

Join Us!




Email: DECEMBER/2016



Nak Muay Thai Master Airr

1 702 372 4898 DECEMBER/2016


R E T S S S U H MA R O G E k c GR a B t h g i F 24

One of the fastest growing German Self Destarted Martial Arts in 1967 with fense Programs Legendary Grandmaster Kwon, Jae Hwa in Munich Germany. In In 2004 he began to develop his 1996-98 he lead his first Taekwon own Style of Self Defense which Do school for his teacher Grand- he called FIGHT BACK PROGRAM, master Michel Märkl (+ 3.2007) firstly only as a special program in Kufstein, Austria an then in of woman self defense, but soon 1999 started his first own school as a reality based program for all in Landsberg a. Lech, Germany. sex and age 12 years and up. He In 1996 he had met Master Joe introduced his biographical asSchneeweis in Safety Harbour. pects and some 40 years experiFlorida, who introduced him to ence in the arts into his program GM John Pellegrini’s Combat to make it not only easy to learn but also very effective. Hapkido. Gregor J. Huss

He liked this at the time unique approach in selfdefense and brought Combat Hapkido to Germany in 2000 when he signed with GM P. . In the following years he tested more than 30 Students to Black Belts and beyond.

Over the years it became more and more popular and within the last 24 month some 14 different locations in Germany are now teaching the FIGHT BACK PROGRAM and made it to one of the fastest growing Germany based Self Defense Program’s.

What is Fight Back? The Program includes many join locks and throws, but also a large number of kicks, punches and handstrikes. What makes it attractive to many people in Germany is not only the effectivness and reality based approach but also the fact, that Founder Gregor Huss is present in Germany and easy to reach 24 hours a day to support his member schools and instructors in both, technical questions but also in business advises. Weekly Seminars in all parts of Germany as well as at his Headquarter in Munich give Instructors and Students to possiblity to advance their knowledge and train with the founder. His unique methods of teaching are very popular.



International recognized certifications are being offered by the founder himself through the Self Defense Germany Federation e.V.. How can I become part of this Organization? The FIGHT BACK PROGRAM includes also Special Programs like Ground Survival, presented by Director Master Manfred Haempel and Kyusho JiJitsu Pressure Point by Director Lars Oettinger as well as a Special Woman Self Defense Program. All Programs can be booked as a Double or Triple Seminar in Germany and other countries in Europe. Gregor Huss had been holding seminars in Switzerland and Austria previouse and the schedule for 2017 is pretty bussy already. If you are based in Europe and want to become Fight Back Instructor and teach, we expect you to have solid background and experience in martial arts or selfdefense. For more information go to








Head instructor of Ageless Karate Las Vegas FSKA World Champion Kubudo Cup World Champion National Champion USA KARATE Certified coach USA KARATE Certified judge Shotokan Karate Black Belt




At Ageless Karate our goal is to provide the most c o m p r e h e n s i ve , age-specific Martial Arts training available on the market today!. Our Children’s Program include an International evolution of Martial Arts, fitness and educational training that targets the age-specific needs in children. We’ve taken the coolest parts of Martial Arts from a variety of styles and combined them

into action-packed curriculums that help children build skills that they can apply into every area of their life. This means children ages 3 and up will have a blast in their Martial Arts classes while learning valuable skills that enable them to be the best they can possibly be.

are strategically designed to help adults and families get in better shape while building a solid foundation in skills and abilities associated with Martial Arts.

We also provide cutting-edge family / adult / teen training programs: Youth/Teen, Family Martial Arts and Brazilian Jiujitsu. All three programs 30

Sensei Lorenzo Sandoval is a very dedicated teacher in that he believes that martial arts is an important aspect of everyday life. He believes through teaching a student’s dedication and hard work it can build your character as well as your personality. At the young age of 22 years old he started his Karate program at the recreational centers and from there it grew into a full time dojo. He went to school for Kinesiology and a minor in Biology and Art at UNLV and CSN. During that time as well he traveled the world competing and testing his skills against elite competitors and had aspirations of being a USA Karate athlete. He has fought in many events and won several. In 2003-2004 he won the FSKA World championships in Kata and Kumite and the same year he won a Gold at the Karate National




championships. He also has fought in japan and several countries to represent himself as a decorated champion and though to him they were not major events, it is important factor to his credentials as a martial artist and his experience to his success. Sensei Lorenzo Sandoval although trains competitors as a hobby and a passion, he does not believe that competition should be everything a martial artist should learn life concepts in the modern world. He has many great teachers that has helped him progress as a Karate instructor such as Hiroshi Allen, James Tawato, Catalin Negaeu, and as of now Tokey Hill who is the head coach of the USA Olympic Karate team. He also believes that through service and training great classes to our students is such an important factor in developing young responsible balck belts in the Las Vegas community. DECEMBER/2016





Multiple World Championships Winner Todd is the winner of unbelievable 45 gold medals at the World Championships!

He travels around the world and competes at the most prestigious tournaments, earning respect from the best Martial Artist out there. Todd won more tournaments in the last two years than most Top Competitors and Legends in their lifetime! Sensei Dunphy started Karate in La Selva Beach California in 1972 at age 12. His first Sensei was his Big Brother Terry Dunphy who was also his inspiration and motivation along with Bruce Lee and the TV show Kung Fu. He credits his success to his brother Terry because he made him do it over and over until he got it right (He`s still working on that). He received his First Degree Black Belt when he was 21 years old.

was hooked right at that moment. Kata and Weapons were his favorite and those are the divisions he loves. He went to every tournament he could go to local and nation wide. he was one of, if not the best, in the Bay Area for many years.

He started traveling around the world to comHe started competition when He was 24 years pete and test his technique against World old in the San Francisco Bay Area. He took Competitors and have won or placed in every third place in his first tournament (PAL) and he tournament he entered. DECEMBER/2016


I am still learning about myself. My favorite quote is: “A man who conquers himself is greater than one who conquers a thousand men in battle”

He have lost to many different people and never considered it a loss. His brother told him that there’s always someone better and to learn from it. Train in the Dojo as if you’re are there on the floor. This is how he have trained all hislife. He still lose and He still is learning about himself and how his mind and body need to connect. His Sensei STILL corrects him. He is motivated and NEVER going to give up. He does his best to achieve his goals. And he is still learning about himself. He enter every division he can and he gives the youngsters a run for their money.

blems with justice, and he did two years in a federal prison. Todd Dunphy had time to reflect about the course of his life and once again embraced what he loved so much: Martial Arts. About this hard stage of his life he commented:

—What is really important to me is the fact that I made out of prison alive and the martial arts save me. The whole time I was in there my himself at that time as someone who frequen- knowledge of self-awareness, fighted bars, drank a lot of alcohol and was invol- ting, body energy and picking up Todd Dunphy has not only been a champion in martial arts, he has also been in life. Todd made mistakes in his life and he describes

ved in fights. All this ended up causing him pro36

on people vibes save me because I My favorite quote is: wanted to live and I knew how to get “A man who conquers himself is out of situations. greater than one who conquers a thousand men in battle” Martial arts gave me the discipline to get out of prison and focus on my kata and tournaments.

His technical excellence has not been only a reason for talent. He has had to do a hard job to perfect all his martial movements. This has taken time and also a lot of effort, but without a doubt this has led to many first places in

I could have something than drugs many tournaments. About his Kata training he and alcohol to think about confess:

It is important to find something to focus on and keep my mind on that other than drinking and smoking. You can make a difference on your own life, I am speaking on my own experience I am still learning about myself.

—I have been doing the same kata for 35 years in competition and every single time changes and it is different and I learn something more about the way I think about the kata and the way I do it never turns out the same

...“Martial Arts have made a big difference in my life mentally and physically”... 38


TODD DUNPHY 2016- 140 divisions


31 Grands 121 First Place 15 Second Place 4 third Place

USA World Championships. 18 First Place 2 Seconds.

Most divisions EVER Entered in the WKC Most Gold medals won in the USA Worlds HISTORY of the WKC by a Adult male. 6 Gold 2007 Long Beach Internationals. 7 First place, Beat the 35 yr Record WAC Most medals won by a Single held by Al Dacascos 6 First individual EVER. 2015 Long Beach Internationals WKC World Championships 6 Gold 15 First 1 Silver 11 Seconds 2 Thirds WKU World Championships 3 Gold 2 Silver 2016 Long Beach Internationals WAC World Championships 4 Gold 3 21 First Place Silver 2 Bronze 5 Second Place USA World Championships 18 Gold ALL information can be verified by 2 Silver the Promoters He can enter so many divisions be- Long Beach Internationals. cause He does +5 different divisions - Steve Cooper in 4 different age groups. For the people wondering. USA World’s -Stan Witz WKC World’s 18+ -Richard Plowden 35+ WAC World’s 45+ -Lohan Bruno Rubelo 50+ CKC - Ervic Aquino The League - Tony Kattengale 40












Teachings of the Budha Finding a New Spring [Perseverance]


nce upon a time a certain tradesman was leading a caravan to another country to sell his goods. Along the way they came to the edge of a severe hot-sand desert. They asked about, and found that during the day time the sun heats up the fine sand until it’s as hot as charcoal, so no one can walk on it - not even bullocks or camels! So the caravan leader hired a desert guide, one who could follow the stars, so they could travel only at night when the sand cools down. They began the dangerous night time journey across the desert. A couple of nights later, after eating their evening meal, and waiting for the sand to cool, they started out again. Later that night the desert guide, who was driving the first cart, saw from the stars that they were getting close to the other side of the desert. He had also overeaten, so that when he relaxed, he dozed off to sleep. Then the bullocks who, of course, couldn’t tell directions by reading the stars, gradually turned to the side and went in a big wide circle until they ended up at the same place they had started from! By then it was morning, and the people realized they were back at the same spot they’d camped at the day before. They lost heart and began to cry about their condition. Since the desert crossing was supposed to be over by now, they had no more water and were afraid they would die of thirst. They even began to blame the caravan leader and the desert guide - “We can do nothing without water!”, they complained. 44

Then the tradesman thought to himself, “If I lose courage now, in the middle of this disastrous situation, my leadership has no meaning. If I fall to weeping and regretting this misfortune, and do nothing, all these goods and bullocks and even the lives of the people, including myself, may be lost. I must be energetic and face the situation!” So he began walking back and forth, trying to think out a plan to save them all.

The boy lifted the hammer over his head and hit the rock as hard as he could - and he himself was the most surprised when the rock spilt in two and a mighty flow of water gushed out from under it! Suddenly, all the people were overjoyed. They drank and bathed and washed the animals and cooked their food and ate.

Before they left, they raised a high banner so that other travellers could see it from afar and come to the new spring Remaining alert, out of the in the middle of the hot-sand corner of his eye, he noticed desert. Then they continued on a small clump of grass. He safely to the end of their journey. thought, “Without water, no plant could live in this desert.” So The moral is: Don’t give up too he called over the most energetic easily - keep on trying until you of his fellow travellers and asked reach the goal. them to dig up the ground on that very spot. They dug and dug, and after a while they got down to a large stone. Seeing it they stopped, and began to blame the leader again, saying “This effort is useless. We’re just wasting our time!” But the tradesman replied, “No no, my friends, if we give up the effort we will all be ruined and our poor animals will die - let us be encouraged!” As he said this, he got down into the hole, put his ear to the stone, and heard the sound of flowing water. Immediately, he called over a boy who had been digging and said, “If you give up, we will all perish - so take this heavy hammer and strike the rock.”

“Don’t give up too easily - keep on trying until you reach the goal”.








Photos By: Henry Binerfa

Henry : Hello Sifu Justin and welcome to Martial science Magazine , thank you for doing a interview with us . Justin : Thank you for allowing me to be a part of such a great Magazine , it is my honor Sensei Henry . Henry : We have covered the Babao Arnis seminar for you before and found the Babao family to be very skilled , humble and generous with technique and concepts . I could not make the November 13 , 2016 seminar however , I was happy to do a interview with you to find out more about your last seminar with Master Narrison Babao and about your school , Creative Warrior Academy of Las Vegas . Justin : yes, you know Sensei, you and your magazine are always welcome at my seminars and my school , its nice to have a publication such as Martial Science Magazine to connect the martial arts community around the world like this , much respect to you . The Babao seminar was awsome as usual , I cant put into words how grateful and appreciative I am to the Babao family . Their continued support of CWA has been a blessing and honor . Hosting GM Zena Babao , Master Narrison Babao and the Babao family has been a true adventure and learning experience for myself and my students .

Henry : At the last Babao seminar I attended Master Nar assisted by his brother Maestro Kris Babao covered some double stick drills and the Babao Arnis angles , defenses and counters . Afterwards they taught some flow drills with the stick , and finished up with a demo and explanation of Eskrido . The demo was performed by GM Ted Sotelo showing the close quarter capabilities of the art of Eskrido . Can you tell us a little about the seminar in November , 2016 ? Justin : I would be glad to Sensei , Eskrido is the art founded by the late great SGM Cacoy Canete in 1948 and was added to the Babao Arnis system by the late great GM Narrie Babao founder of Babao Arnis . Eskrido is a fantastic art , and is used primarily as a close quarter (“Corto� in Visayan ) system and was the focus of this seminar . Master Nar , who was promoted to 8th grade Senior Master in the Doces Pares system in 2013 , taught a very detailed and informative workshop , everyone had a great time and learned a ton of material . I really like the way Master Nar goes into detail and explains the versatility and variations of each technique , it helps me to understand the technique and how it functions . Henry : That sounds great , I wish I could have made it this time . Tell us more . Justin : The seminar began with a sinawali warm up drill .

Sinawali ( also known as penki-penki ) are double stick drills designed to enhance right hand -left hand coordination , speed and timing . Next we covered linear verses curving strikes and did a striking warm up called “ amarra “ learning to twirl the stick properly and effectively . Master Nar then went into the Doce Pares 12 strikes or angles , accompanied by the defenses and counter strikes . After a short break we went into a drill called hubad-lubad ( which translates “tie-untie” ) , with a variation stopping the low strike and another passing it , which is a technique called “palusot” . Our seminar was finshed off with Master Nar adding to the flow some of his personal favorites which are wrist and arm locks such as “ kote , gaeshi , nikyo , and sankyo “ which are from Japenese Aikido techniques and added by SGM Cacoy Canete . All in all it was a really wonderful experience , Master Nar and Auntie Zena are just amazing martial artists and people , they have my eternal gratitude . I have to thank Sifu Jack and Master Bennett for helping with the facility where

the seminar was held , Master him to draw knowledge from Bennett’s World Taekwondo in . I also trained there with Sifu Las Vegas . Jack S. my Kung Fu Master who is trained under GM Wai Henry : I can see you guys had Lun Choi as well as GM Inoa great time and covered a large santo . I cant forget my coach amount of material , and I can Big Ken Dinkins who worked see you have a great passion for with me on BJJ , Greco Roman the arts . Can you tell us more Wresting , Sambo , Muay Thai , about yourself and your school Boxing , mental toughness and , Creative Warrior Academy of Street self Defense . Las Vegas ? Henry : Great background and Justin : I have always had a lineage , the training sounds very passion for martial arts , ever open minded to styles . When did since I saw a Bruce Lee movie you start your school ? as a kid . I thought to myself , now that is cool ! So I felt bles- Justin : I was certified by Sifu sed to be able to train in the arts Jack in 2010 in CDF methods , , and began in 1984 working Tibetan Lama Kung Fu and Tai with Sifu Steven Greenbaum Chi ( Liu Ho Ba Fa and Pa Kua ) in Tibetan Lama Kung Fu . In and I was certified by Guro Rich 1990 began MMA/ Brazilian L. in Kali / Eskrima in 2013 . I Jiu Jitsu training with some had the honor and pleasure to basic Kali drills with Dave H. train for about a year with Guro and Sean M. . In 2000 I was Iggy Casas who was trained unable to train at CDF Academy der the watchful eye of GM Yuli and work with Sifu Rich L. who Romo himself , and the Babao is trained under GM Inosanto family has really taken me un, Master Ted Lucay jr. , Master der their wing about 3 yrs ago , Nate Defensor and Master Paul so I am able to learn many great Vunak as well as Rickson and things from them as well . They Renzo Gracie . He has trained have really made my wife and I with a vast amount of FMA ins- feel like family and I cant thank tructors and I was lucky to have them enough .



52 Henry : What made you want to teach the arts and start a school of your own ? I know teaching isn’t easy . Justin : I know when I was fighting in tournaments Sifu Jack told me he was going to start teaching me to teach . He said he saw something special in me , my reply was “ Me ? No way Sifu , I just like training and competing .” Years later I realized how he was right . It was after my Aunt Nancy Cataldi passed away and I returned to Queens , NY my birthplace for her ashes ceremony . They also named a street after her , one block of 109th st where it intersects with Jamaica ave is now called Nancy Cataldi Way . At

that street renaming I met people from all walks of life that my Aunt helped , they were all there to honor her ! There was hundreds of people there and they all shared personal stories with me about my Aunt helping them . I was blown away literally . I got to thinking , if I died today who would say I helped them ? I realized I needed to be in the business of helping people and the only way I knew how , was to help them through the arts . After all the arts really helped me grow and mature in so many ways . That’s when and why I founded Creative Warrior Academy of LV and I hope I have helped people the way my Aunt and my teachers helped me .

Henry : Thats a really touching story , its very inspiring , if people want to contact you , how can you be reached ? Justin : They can call me at 702302-3926 , they can email me at creativewarrioracademy@ or facebook me at Creative Warrior Academy of Las Vegas . Henry : Thank you Sifu Justin for your time , we at Martial Science appreciate you coming to our studios . Justin : The pleasure and honor are mine Sensei Henry until we meet again , Live well , and train hard my friend



Fine Art For Your Dojo Limited printing of all works on canvas, plexiglass, and aluminum. Precious works of art to decorate your martial arts school or home. Please send your request at:


O SENSEI MORIHEI UESHIBA Drawn in Corel Paint using a Wacom tablet, and finally retouched in photoshop. By: Henry Binerfa

CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY Each limited edition print is signed and numbered by the artist. The signature and edition number verify the print as an authentic work of art from the artist. The total edition number is final, and once sold out no more will be made or sold. Our serious certificate of authenticity, or provenance, comes with every print and original you buy and verifies the work of art as an original bought from Author. Don’t lose it.




Fu-Shih Kenpo FU-SHIH, Chinese terminology that describes the most innovative, adaptable, functional and effective system of current TEACHING and that is located within the Triangle, three specific points that trace the path towards the own formation, realization and harmony of the individual with their environment. FU = Tiger (Japanese = man, Chinese = strength,) and SHIH = Spirit or Energy (Teacher, School, Teaching, Instructor).

any act of offense or attack, but that does not mean that we have authority to cause serious injury or even kill an adversary.

ly and according to the dangerousness of the opponent, have certain applications of reduction, control and even the most effective counter-offensive maneuvers.

How is it possible to build an effective and energetic coun- It is also of vital importance terattack, without causing se- in Kenpo Fu-Shih the knowlerious injury to an opponent? dge and mastery of the vital points and nerve centers of Kenpo Fu-Shih basically the human body. analyzes the 8 Evasion and Escape angles “OCTAGE”, For this, it is also necessary from which a disciple of the the hardening of the palm of system can safely evade any the hand, using classic orienIn conclusion Kenpo-Karate possible attack without es- tal and modern methods Fu-Shih means; “Law of Fist tablishing contact with his that allow to develop strengand Empty Hands in Conjunc- opponent. These are the fun- th, hardness and resistance tion to Instruct and Develop damental techniques of “No throughout the palm and finthe Force and Spirit of the Ti- Violence”, which subsequent- gers. Without this quality the ger.” Kenpo-Kárate Fu-Shih, is technically composed of linear and circular movements conjugated in different directions and senses in order to obtain a high command and ability in all the physical angles, spreading Intermittent Energy in crushing, fluid and continuous movements. For this company Fu-Shih appeals to all the senses and physical and mental resources. FuShih is always advancing in the construction of a defensive technique for the development of a natural, decisive and coordinated counterattack. A total concentration is necessary, with penetrating gaze and deep breathing. We must prepare ourselves to be able to respond effectively to Soke Raul Gutierrez Lopez 10 Dan Founder Fu shih Kenpo and sensei Krzysztof Adamczyk FSKPoland



sensei Monica Burgio,sensei Luigi Buccioli techniks Director FSK Italia,sensei Krzysztof Adamczyk FSK Poland and Personal Sensei Mario P.del Frosno director and instructor Club 78 D e fe n s e (Katas) Spania Alcorcón ,Madrid.

use of techniques applied in pressure, grip or percussion would be harmful.

exclusive of the system. And the third aspect of Kenpo Fu-Shih is the specific training program for amateur or professional sports encounters. Together, the entire system involves studies, research and trainings that include:

The program gathers all the necessary ingredients to obtain and embrace the physical, mental and spiritual terms and requirements that every - Anatomy and Physiology of Martial Artist must cultivate. the Human Body. Zen Philosophy. The program first includes the -- Yoga. Kosho-Ryu Kenpo Traditional - Breathing and Vital Energy. Forms of the Mitose family, - Management of traditional their history, philosophy and and natural weapons. lineage of Kosho-Kenpo tea- - Fighting chers. Second is developed - Others... a whole method of Personal Defense to Empty Hands, or “I never underestimate my with Weapons. Techniques opponent, but I never undethat later give rise to Forms of restimate my talents.” 58























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Samuel Kwok Collection of DVD’s

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