Dear reader!
This booklet was written as part of the project «Adaptation of Care Leavers to Independent Life», in February – December 2011, carried out by RNGO «Stellit» with financial support from the International Adoption Commission of Italy (C.I.F.A. Onlus). Our key partners are: in Italy – C.I.F.A. Onlus, in Russia – the State Institution of Primary and Secondary Vocational Education Vocational School No. 70, St.Petersburg; the Charitable Foundation for Social Programs «Galaxy»; and Youth Volunteer Movement «You know the way? Do it your own way then».
The co-authors would like to extend their deep gratitude to the following institutions and persons for their kind help during the project implementation:
The booklet describes our experience of development, piloting and evaluating the efficiency of the program of adaptation of care leavers to their future independent lives, as implemented at the premises of the State Institution of Primary and Secondary Vocational Education Vocational School No. 70, St.Petersburg.
personnel of the State Institution of Primary and Secondary Vocational Education Vocational School No. 70, St.Petersburg volunteers from the Youth Volunteer Movement «You know the way? Do it your own way then...» The co-authors would also like to express their sincere thankfulness to the International Adoption Commission of Italy and to the C.I.F.A. Onlus organization for their support of the Project implementation.
We can recommend this brochure to specialists at government-supported and non-governmental organizations who work or are planning to work with care leavers currently attending institutions of primary and secondary vocational education. Co-authors: Ms.M.M.Rusakova, PhD in Social Studies, Ms.O.I.Kolpakova, PhD in Psychology, Ms. M.S.Kutsak, Project coordinator
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Project’s Main Phases
Phase 1.
Development of a program of adjustment/adaptation of care leavers to independent life; writing a series of information booklets designed for the leavers of state-care institutions
Phase 2.
Piloting the Program at the premises of the State Institution of Primary and Secondary Vocational Education Vocational School No. 70, St.Petersburg
Phase 3.
Phase 1 Development of the Program of adjustment/adaptation of care leavers to independent life During Program development, RNGO Stellit’s personnel had meetings and negotiations with officials of St.Petersburg City Administration, with the management of Vocational School No. 70, with psychologists, vocational guidance experts, business community representatives. All of these people were introduced to the Project, they discussed the possibilities of their participation in the development and implementation of the pilot program aimed at socialization and widening of the world outlook of pupils who are to leave their orphanage institutions. The Program of adjustment/adaptation of care leavers to independent life included 4 main components or modules:
Component 1:
Enhancing the competitive advantage of care leavers in the labour market
Component 2.
Promotion of healthy lifestyle, prevention of risky behaviour;
Component 3.
Development of pro-active social attitude in care leavers, development of skills necessary to overcome life difficulties; broadening their worldview
Component 4:
Psychological support for care leavers
Efficiency evaluation of the Program
Phase 4.
Dissemination of info about the Program among personnel of institutions of primary and secondary vocational education in St.Petersburg
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The key operative principle of the program – participation of representatives of the target population in the program activities at all of its stages: development of the program, organization and management of events. An important component of the program implementation is the involvement of business community.
Phase 2 Piloting the program at the premises of the State Institution of Primary and Secondary Vocational Education Vocational School No. 70, St.Petersburg The piloting of the program was organized on the premises of the state Institution of Primary and Secondary Vocational Education Vocational School No.70, between February and October 2011. The process involved 15 representatives of the school’s Administration and personnel and 20 care leavers who attended the school. In the organization of some of the program events, 20 volunteers from the Youth Volunteer Movement «You know the way? Do it your own way…» took an active part. Among participants of this volunteer movement are pupils from vocational schools, lyceums and colleges. Volunteer participation in the program helped the involved care leavers widen their social circle, get inspired by the positive example of their peers and learn to believe in themselves, that they can change their lives and the lives of people around them.
ZAJ «Konkvest» Beauty Department «Privilegia» ZAO «Bank Russky Standart» St.Petersburg Hotel, Oktyabrskaya Hotel OOO «Khors» (restaurant chain «Eurasia») OOO «Zavod Armatury Kontaktnoy Sety», ZAJ «Fond-Meta» OOO «Evrosib Auto» GUP «Gorelektrotrans» Following the results of these meetings, a calendar titled «The World of Occupations» for years 2013 and 2014 was prepared and designed. 1.4. One-day training «A Successful Interview: Useful Tips»
Below each component’s events are described in greater detail.
Looking for a job (analyzing job opportunities); Having an interview (norms and rules of business communication, a list of typical questions and answers); Employment formalities (a necessary set of documents for getting official employment) 1.6. Visits to city plants/factories/enterprises; During the Project period its participants had a chance of visiting a beauty shop «Department of Beauty Privilegia» and the combined tram-trolleybus depot State Unitary Enterprise «Gorelektrotrans – St.Petersburg». The companies’ representatives told the children about their respective professions and answered all questions that were put to them. 1.7. Additional professional training
Vocational testing of care leavers
1.1. Vocational testing of care leavers
1.3. Development of the «Calendar of Occupations»
The testing was conducted by appropriately qualified psychologists. The children were asked to fill in a series of standardized methodology forms:
This training concerned person’s professional self-fulfillment. In the form of a role play, the children were asked to «act» a job interview and answer a series of some of the most typical employer’s question. A part of the training dealt with the task of developing the skills of writing a good CV, which according to the trainees was a very useful activity.
the method of pictorial metaphors «Life strategy» by I.L.Solomin (projective diagnostics);
the method of express diagnostics of a person’s functional status and performance capability, by M.Moroz;
1.2. Individual councelling on the issues of career planning; development of individual career plans Meetings were organized and held of the participating children with a professional psychologist. Vocational testing results were discussed with the kids and it was explained to them how these can be put to use while choosing one’s future occupation. Possibilities and expectations concerning children’s future occupational activity were discussed. At the end of the meeting each project participant was offered his/her individual career plan describing the occupation/profession the person seemed to be best suited for. The career plans were written in plain language, clear and comprehensible for the kids; the questions most frequently asked by the participants during councelling underlay the respective career plans.
Five girls also attended hairdressing courses for the qualification of «generalist hairdresser».
1.5. Dissemination of an informative booklet «Succeeding in Job Interviews and Getting a Good Job»
the method of express vocational guidance developed by I.L.Solomin, designed for the testing of professional abilities and attitudes of youth and adults.
After completing these standardized forms, each participant’s data were processed and analyzed separately.
The Project’s activities helped 20 care leavers develop computer literacy skills in the areas that follow: Graphic Design, (Adobe Photoshop and CorelDraw), Office+ (basic office applications), and «Desktop PC Assembly and Setup» (PC setup, installation of basic software).
To develop the calendar, informal meetings were organized with representatives of those organizations and businesses where the kids could find job in future. All business community representative answered a list of simple questions about their respective occupation/profession: Why did you choose this area of activity/occupation/ profession? Did you learn/study long to prepare for this job? What does your occupation/profession bring you? What sort of professional qualities and personal characteristics an individual must possess to become successful in this area? Your wishes to the children – future specialists. After that a photo-session with the participating care leavers was held. This type of activity helped children directly communicate with successful people and broaden their view on various occupations/professions.
As part of the project, a series of informative brochures was developed for care leavers: «On your Way to Adulthood». The «Succeeding in Job Interviews and Getting a Good Job» booklet covers the following topics: Building a good CV (layout templates, examples of good CVs); Sending a CV, active search for job opportunities via phone;
Representatives of the following companies and organizations partook in the photo-session:
Component 2.
Promotion of healthy lifestyle and prevention of risky behaviour
been trained on the topic (theme) of a particular station prior to the game. The number of stations is decided upon by the game leaders subject to the amount of time available for them.
about opportunities and risks linked to the use of the Internet, and about development of their own view of the problem and skills of safe behaviour. The children found the training very useful.
2.1. Exhibition of creative works on the issue of a healthy lifestyle, titled «The World and the Way We View It»
Tug-of-war; Pull-up; Long jump; Soccer.
The sports festival was an opportunity to have a lot of fun and also a chance to help rally the children together. All participants were awarded prizes ( Adidas cosmetic kits) and competition cups/medals.
All teams start their route through stations simultaneously from different stations. After all stations have been done, station game results are summed up. The winning team is the one that obtained more points than others. If more than one team are racing head-to-head, the fastest one will be the winner.
Here are some examples of their comment:
The game was held at the premises of the Vocational School No. 70 and attracted more than 60 pupils living in the «Detsky Dom» (Children’s House) organization.
«Talking about very important things can be interesting and even entertaining» (M. 17 y/o)
The event was attended by more than 100 people. 2.3. Station game on the issues of HIV prevention «We all Live Together» In November 2011, the State Institutions of Primary and Secondary Vocational Education Vocational School No.70 hosted an exhibition of creative works by the children-participants of the project «Adaptation of Care Leavers to Independent Life». The exhibition was a showcase of the children’s best creative works: photos, poetry, drawings, applied art pieces: painting on porcelain, wood and textile. 2.2. Sporting event called «It is Healthy to be Healthy!» On May 28th 2011, a friendly sporting competition between care leavers participating in the project and volunteers from the Youth Volunteer Movement «You know the way? Do it your own way then...» was held; the competition was titled «It is Healthy to be Healthy!» The children took part in the following sporting competitions: Relay race;
2.4. Training seminar on the issues of prevention of commercial sexual exploitation of children «Think for Yourself»
«CSEC is a real problem of our life, this can happen to anyone, to you and me, if we do not know the basic rules» (A., 16 y/o).
This HIV prevention-related station game «We all Live Together» was developed and conducted by the volunteers from the Youth Volunteer Movement «You know the way? Do it your own way then...» on December 1st, 2011 – The International AIDS Day. The method employed for the event organization was rather simple. All participants were divided in teams. Each team included 5 to 15 persons. Each team’s members choose a team name and a captain. Each team is given a rout chart specifying the sequence of stations to be done by the team. Rout charts were drawn up by the game’s leaders beforehand to have only one team at a station at a time and to have had all teams on all stations in the end. Stations are game sites where participants have to do thematic tasks and get points for this depending on their results. Stations are led by volunteers who have
In-between April 13 – 15, 2011, a seminar was held with some elements of training on the issues of prevention of commercial sexual exploitation of children: «Think for Yourself» The event was attended by 20 persons.
such activities, as supplementing the UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime; adopted as Resolution 55/25 of the General UN Assembly, November 15th,2000).
The event was focused around the task of improving children’s awareness about the problem of trafficking1, 1 Trafficking or trading in children according to the UN definition is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation (Protocol No. 2 on the Prevention and Suppression of Trafficking in Humans, Particularly Women and Children, and on punishment for
Component 3.
Development of pro-active social attitude and skills necessary for care leavers to overcome life difficulties; broadening their worldview
3.1. Involvement of care leavers in youth volunteer movements
3.2. Self-potential enhancement training for the participants
During the whole project period the care leavers actively interacted with volunteers from the Youth Volunteer Movement «You know the way? Do it your own way then» which includes similar girls and boys attending primary and secondary vocational schools. The positive example of the peers, their pro-active life stance became a good stimulus for the care leavers. Almost all of the latter said they would like to join the movement and become volunteers.
November 24th through 30th, 2011, RNGO Stellit organized and conducted a series of trainings and seminars attended by 20 care leavers participating in the project. Training was delivered at the premises of the dormitory of Vocational school No. 70 where the children actually reside.
For many of them this exercise became the most important one of all in this series of seminars. The trainings helped the children better know themselves, find new friends and improve their trust towards the world of adults. During the seminars, many of the children became more open and were able of telling the group about their emotions linked to the loss of parents and family and living at a care institution setting. Teachers and tutors later observed qualitative changes in the children’s behaviour.
For the trainings, the role playing method was uses as it is most effective for this group. Communication Skills Development Development of self-presentation and presentation abilities of the children. These exercises also promoted team spirit, helped release the tension of individual members of the group, and teached them defend their point of view in acceptable forms.
Training attendees’ comments:
Self-Help Skills Development In the form of a play the children discussed very important issues of the «adult life»: living in a multi-storeyed apartment block or a shared apartment, paying utilities’ bills, following the rules of co-residence in the same lodging with other people. The attendees could ask all sorts of questions all of which were answered in detail. One of the goals of the seminar was to bring it home to the kids that their future adult «independent» life is not only about freedom and independence, but also about responsibility. Skills of communicating to other people, including relations with the other sex This training was not in our plans originally, but we did it on request from the trainees. We discussed such topics as «What is love?», «What can we do if the other person does not love us?» etc. The seminar was an opportunity for the kids to talk about these sensitive matters with teachers and tutors, try to identify positive methods of dealing with complicated situations. Particular attention was paid to the idea that each and every seminar participant has his/her own value because he/ she is a unique personality. Assertive Behaviour Training The children discussed what a self-confident person is, what are his/her personal characteristics. They learned that this sort of person is, first and foremost, the one who takes responsibility for his/her own life and deeds. In a series of plays and exercises, the trainees worked out the best method for dealing with conflict situations.
«At the end of the training series I noticed that the guys became more self-disclosed and companionable. I liked it all, it was fun» (A., 17 y/o).
«The last day is always the hard one: you simply do not want to part with everybody. Despite that, all of it was super! Even more than that… I liked it very much indeed. Thank you for organizing these groups!» (Yu., 17 y/o.).
«I liked the seminars. Everything was great. I liked the «adult life» game» most of all . What was also great – that nobody tried to judge and criticize you. I would love it to be always the case!» (A. 19 y/o).
3.3. Dissemination of booklets «Daily Living/SelfMaintenance Rules», «What a Lawyer can Recommend to Care Leavers», «Learning to Say NO», «Planning Your Budget» As was already said above, during the project period we prepared a series of informative booklets for care leavers titled: «On Your Way to Adulthood». The content and design of the brochures were agreed upon with the project participants. The booklets were printed 500 copies each. «Daily Living/Self-Maintenance Rules»: the booklet is a selection of useful info that may be instrumental for care leavers in their independent day-to-day life., i.e.: first-aid kit, living at a multi-storied apartment block, useful phones and emergency lines. «What a Lawyer can Recommend to Care Leavers» The booklet contains extracts from rules and regulations, examples of key documents, and legal advice for care leavers.
«Assertive Behaviour and Learning to Say NO» This booklet deals with the problem of self-assurance. It describes what an assertive personality is like, and rules are offered for the children to develop and maintain an assertive line in their behaviour. Methods and ways of expressing one’s protest/disagreement are suggested. The booklets were disseminated among the project participants and the rest was given to the Resource Center for Primary and Secondary Vocational Education «The Making of a Citizen» based on the premises of the Vocational School No. 70.
teers from the Youth Volunteer Movement «You know the way? Do it your own way then…». 3.5. Encouragement-centered competitions For a better motivation of the care leavers to participate in the project, during its period we organized a competition called «The Most Active Project Participant».
3.4. Issue-related excursions
At the final phase of the Project we took a decision to award all of the project participants, because all the children participated in all of the project events and were active and committed both at the stage of project planning and at the stage of implementation of individual events.
During the project period we organized the following excursions, visits and team-building events:
Eventually the kids got valuable prizes (e.g., a TV-set, mobile phones, etc.).
a visit to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra (abbey) in St.Petersburg;
20 most active volunteers from the Youth Volunteer Movement «Do you know the right way? Have it your own way them…» also got gift certificates to buy cosmetics.
«Rope Training» in the town of Vaskelovo, near St.Petersburg; a visit to a bowling club.
«Planning Your Budget»: The booklet presents recommendations on efficient save-up, and offers a simple method for personal budget management describing all its payables.
All the above events, on the one hand, stimulated the participants to widen their world outlook and promoted the idea of active and healthy leisure; on the other hand, they rallied together the care leavers and volun-
Component 4.
Phase 3
Psychological support for care leavers
4.1. Individual psychological counseling
Cinema/lecture events’ objectives:
September 30th, 2011, at the premises of the Vocational School No. 70, with an orphanage as a subordinate structure, psychological counseling was organized for care leavers. Counseling sessions took place in the evening. For individual psychological counseling 3 professionals from the Raul Vallenberg Institute of Specialized Psychology and Pedagogy were engaged. Meetings with the psychologists were voluntary as other Project events; the children, however, willingly responded to the initiative. According to the psychologists, many children experienced difficulties in talking to their teachers about their personal problems, while with external specialists they feel more at ease and are ready to discuss such sensitive issues.
learning about various social character types (types of temperament, social roles, etc.), and how to interact with them;
4.2. Group discussions on urgent issues During the project period the participating children were offered attendance of cinema and lecture events. Cinema/lecture events are a method of psychotherapeutical assistance where specially selected movies are the key instrument to help people solve their personal problems. Cinema/lecture events are a chance to «get» some important resources from the movie: finding and employing a new method of dealing with a problem situation, looking at a problem from a different point of view, finding in one’s situation many positive aspects not seen before, etc. This can be important and fruitful particularly when a person acquires this essential experience in a nice and pleasant form like cinema.
development of attention, memory and observation skills, ability to express one’s thoughts, listen, make logical conclusions, etc.;
Efficiency Evaluation of the Program of Adjustment/adaptation of Care Lavers to Independent Life The Program’s efficiency evaluation was carried out in the form of a written survey where the project participants were asked to assess their satisfaction from the project events and their level of utility for care leavers; another block of questions concerned possibilities of carrying out such projects in the future. The survey covered all target groups: care leavers, specialists from the Vocational School No.79 and volunteers from the Youth Volunteer Movement «You know the way? Do it your own way then…» 87 persons were interviewed in total. Below you can find the results of the efficiency evaluation.
Emotional development: empathy, identification of one’s own feelings (reflection) and the emotional state of one’s interlocutor (or a cinema hero); Trouble-shooting skills: Here psychological analysis of a movie helps find other ways of solving a problem, and develop the behaviour repertoire of this group member (for instance, 50 ways of declaring oneself to a girl).
Target group
Efficiency Parameter
(n=24; 21 females, 3 males; mean age – 46.5 y/o)
(n=43; 24 girls, 19 boys; mean age – 18.7 y/o)
Project events most useful for care leavers
Computer literacy courses
Possible areas of improvement for such projects
(n=20; 13 girls, 7 boys; mean age – 17,4 y/o)
Volunteers from the Youth Volunteer Movement «You know the way? Do it your own way then…» partaking in the Program
General satisfaction from the Project’s events
Self-analysis, along with psychotherapeutical study of mental problems.
The main goal of cinema/lecture events is to expand the worldview of pupils at primary and secondary vocational schools.
Specialists from the Vocational School No. 70 partaking in the Program
The volunteers and care leavers who took part in the project, reported being satisfied with all the Project events. All specialists and volunteers along with the majority of care leavers belied that during the project care leavers: were offered necessary guidance on CV writing, job searching and doing well in the job interview; learnt more about such social problems as HIV-infection or commercial sexual exploitation; were offered an opportunity to actualize their creative talents; became more self-confident; earned skills of daily living and self-maintenance necessary for their future independent life; were given an opportunity to partake in the project events’ planning and implementation.
Stress relief.;
Movies are demonstrated twice a month on weekends. During the Project period 16 feature films were demonstrated (for instance, the «Upside» animation, the «If only…» feature, etc.).
Care leavers partaking in the Program
Events that could be useful for girls and boys in a similar life situation: computer literacy courses hairdressing courses Participation in the work of the Youth Volunteer Movement «You know the way? Do it your own way then...»
Vocational guidance, computer courses and visits to companies and enterprises
Visits to companies, computer courses, assertive skills’ development exercises
Recommendations for further improvements: to make this Program a model one and to extrapolate it to other institutions, since representatives of similar schools etc. in St.Petersburg showed interest in such projects; to build up the legal advice component of the Program; to offer more events for specialists and professionals.
Recommendations for further improvements: to make more such programs in future; to strengthen the component of the program that implies a direct interaction between care leavers and volunteers.
Phase 4 Dissemination of Info about the program among the personnel of institutions of primary and secondary vocational education in St.Petersburg On December 23rd, 2011, at the premises of Vocational School No. 70, the final event of the project was held: a fair called «School-leaver: Test your Potentials!» . The event was attended by 58 persons: representatives of primary and secondary vocational education institutions in St.Petersburg who also have orphans among their pupils, and representatives of 3 social rehabilitation centres in the city. In order to improve the event’s quality and for better visualization of the project results, we decided to make the event up of more than one component. The «School-leaver: Test your Potentials!» fair worked in three main areas:
r, certain difThere are, howeve t tha d ve pro on ati ssment of the The efficiency evalu ferences in the asse tis sa hly hig re we care leavers, all the participants events’ usefulness by t tha ts; en ev s m’ rs. Thus, the fied with the progra specialists and voluntee eti mp co ve pro im more interthe program helps specialists seem to be the on rs ve lea re to vocational tive qualities of ca ested in events linked of a ide the tes mo vers showed labour market, pro guidance; the care lea lps he , lue va nt rta ed things like health as an impo more interest in appli rs the fur , urs vio ha es, while the prevent risky be computer literacy cours s lop ve de d an e nc interaction and pro-active life sta volunteers pointed at ing om erc ov for ed ills as the key skills that are need assertive behaviour sk m gra pro the , es sid gram. Such life difficulties’. Be components of the pro l ica log ho yc ps the conclude that offers care leavers data give us ground to s m’ gra pro e Th . tation of care support they need the Program of adap s ha rk wo s thi t tha nt life will be participants hold leavers to independe m gra pro the t tha d plementation to be continued an most efficient if its im titu ins er oth at d d professional must be implemente engages both dedicate d un gro us es giv e tions. All the abov nnel and volunteers. m of adapta- perso to evaluate the progra ure indepention of care levers to fut d beneficial. dent life as efficient an
For specialists from primary and secondary vocational education institutions who have orphans among their pupils or have to deal with them, and also for representatives of social rehabilitation centres we offered a presentation of the adjustment/adaptation program we had developed during the project.
Specific attention was paid to the methods of work to be used within each of the modules; these methods were presented as the ones that could be later used by the conference attendees in their own work. In particular, we presented individual-work and group-work methods of psychological work with children, examples of volunteer initiatives, etc., etc. This approach was highly appraised by the conference participants because they were offered an opportunity to both learn new efficient methods and practice and test them in real practice.
Simultaneously with the conference, in the lobby there was an exhibition of creative works on the issue of healthy lifestyle called «The World and How We View It»; the showcase was prepared by care leavers and volunteers from the Youth Volunteer Movement «Do you know the right way? Have it your own way then…» as part of the project . The volunteers and care leavers who took part in the project, told the audience about their experience of participation in the project, about its positive aspects and the variety of emotions they had during the project.
S ELLIT Non-Governmental organization of social projects in sphere of population’s well-being
Regional Public Organization of Social Projects in Sphere of Population’s Wellbeing «Stellit» Our organization’s name is derived from two Latin words «stella» (star) and «lit» (stone), which reflects our conviction that to efficiently solve social problems one has to be firm like a rock and believe in one’s lucky star. Our mission is to improve people’s health and social wellbeing through implementation of scientifically proven and effective prevention programs into the practice of appropriate professionals, and in the provision of them with up-to-date social behavioural research data, and in dissemination of best Russian and international practice. Today Stellit’s activity includes 3 major areas: social studies, prevention programs and social work. The Prevention Programs includes the following activities: we help state institutions that deal with children to organize a systematic work aimed at promoting healthy lifestyle and preventing risky behaviours, and at preparing care leavers for their future independent life;
Our specialist personnel, working in the Prevention Programs, have so far implemented more than 40 projects, have involved more than 100 state organizations, trained more than 500 specialists and more than 150 volunteers. Our prevention measures have totally covered over 6000 people. The results of our work have been put out in 10 scientific and methodological publications. We have published 8 informative booklets for children and youth. In you are interested in partnership with us: Address: ............................Russia 197101 St.Petersburg, 3, Mira str., Letter A, office 507-5
we provide appropriate training to dedicated professionals and socially active youth, we support them in organization and conducting of prevention events;
Phone/fax:..........................8 (812) 493-52-38.
we develop informative and methodology materials designed for specialists, professionals, children and youth;
we organize and hold events related to the improvement of public awareness about various social problems.
We have done prevention programs at schools and institutions of primary/secondary vocational education, at social rehabilitation centres, shelters, etc. The key areas of our prevention programs are: promotion of a healthy lifestyle and prevention of various risky behaviours (tobacco smoking, alcohol and drugs’ use/abuse, risky sexual practices, violence, trafficking); training on the issues of safe Internet use; adjusting care leavers to their future independent life; combating commercial sexploitation of children, prevention of social exclusion, etc.
Director: .............................Ms.M.M.Rusakova, PhD in Social Studies
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Charitable Foundation for Social Programs «Galaxy» Charitable Foundation for Social Programs «Galaxy»was established in 2010 by the Regional Public Organization of Social Projects for Population’s Wellbeing «Stellit». «Galaxy»s main goals: Available Charity: increasing the number of persons, families and organizations involved in charity. We suggest various ways of supporting a charitable cause. Effective Charity: providing support for projects which help bring about long-term structural change. It is important that charity becomes a spur for positive change which will affect people’s lives and the work of organizations for years to come. We view the charity programs that collect clothes, food and toys for children with greatest regard. But in our projects we try to pay more attention to things that may help us produce a more long-term effect: it is training and methodology support for specialists, support for rehabilitation programs aimed at children victimized by CSEC, support for prevention and socialization programs for care leavers, for children and youth in a difficult life situation, etc.
nerships in the area of social problem solving, where governmental, public and commercial organizations collaborate on a par with each other. On the other hand, in each case we try to pool available resources in the best effective way. Promotion of best Russian practices in other countries. Our collaboration with Western partners has demonstrated that Russian specialists have accumulated a unique experience in the area of solving various social problems, which can be effectively implemented elsewhere. Address: ..................... Russia 197101 St.Petersburg, 3, Mira str., Letter A, office 507-6 Phone/fax: .................. 8 (812) 493-52-38.
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Youth Volunteer Movement «You know the way? Do it your own way then» The Youth Volunteer Movement «You know the way? Do it your own way then…» was founded in April 2009 by RNGO «Stellit». The name «You know the right way?... Do it your own way then…» reflects our attitude to the problem, which can be paraphrased as: «We are ready to tell and help, we are open to everybody, but we are by no means trying to impose our viewpoint. Healthy lifestyle is your personal choice». We believe that it is always easier to inform somebody who speaks the language you both understand. Currently the Movement includes 150 pupils from primary and secondary vocational schools – young boys and girls aged 16 – 22 y/o.
E-mail: ......................... Web-site: .................... Director: ...................... Ms.O.I.Kolpakova, PhD in Psychology
We plan and manage events related to promotion of healthy lifestyle, prevention of various high-risk behaviours, eradication of CSEC and teaching the skills of safe Internet browsing, social adaptation of care leavers. Over the 3 years of our work we have designed and conducted more that 300 various events (city-wide and city district campaigns, station games, festivals, theatre plays, exhibitions, etc., etc.). Our prevention measures have totally covered over 10 000 people.
Charity Without Borders: provision of help to different Russia’s regions. We strongly believe that help must be available and accessible regardless of where, in which country’s region its beneficiaries reside.
This is a comment provided by one of female participants: «To me the Movement means friendship with people who lead a healthy life, and opportunity to communicate with peers from other cities. There is always
Creative Charity: establishing effective partnerships. We can solve social problems only by synergy of efforts and resources. Our objective is to establish part-
something new to learn or do. All of us are friends and more than that: we are a true family! I have friends to always ask for help or advice. It is very important to know there is someone in need of your help and work» (Anna, 16 y/o). If you are willing to learn more about us or to support us – phone, e-mail, come! TOGETHER WE CAN DO MORE! Phones: ..................... 8 (812) 493-52-38, 8 (921) 646-84-11. E-mail: ........................, Head of the Movement: .......... Ms.MarinaS.Kutsak
CIFA Onlus is a non-governmental non-profit organization founded in 1980 and committed in protecting worldwide the fundamental rights of children as enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. CIFA, through international cooperation projects in favour of children, and in solid collaboration with local partners, aims at preventing the abandonment of children and promoting their rights. CIFA promotes the improvement of living conditions of children and adolescents and the fulfilment of their basic needs such as water, food, healthcare, education and protection. Besides, through the promotion of the culture of adoption, CIFA supports the rights of children to have a family, it promotes the acceptance of diversity as an enriching value for future adoptive parents and welcoming communities, with a particular focus on integration at school.
Vision statement: CIFA envisions a world of peace in which all children and adolescents are guaranteed water, food, healthcare, education, playing time, affection and protection. A world where children and adolescents are loved and respected in their family and community, a world where youth is empowered to become active participants in shaping its harmonious growth.
The booklet «Solid steps into one’s independent life: adaptation of care leavers to independent life» has been developed by the Regional Public Organization of Social Projects in Sphere of Population’s Well-Being «Stellit» and by the Charitable Foundation for Social Programs «Galaxy» as part of the Project «Adaptation of Care Leavers to Independent Life» with financial support from the International Adoption Commission of Italy (via CIFA Onlus).
Mission: CIFA works at improving the living conditions of needy or abandoned children and adolescents by encouraging them to develop their own identity and by ensuring a family and an harmonious growth; moreover, CIFA promotes the culture of children’s rights according to the United Nations’ Convention.
Project coordinator Ms. M.S.Kutsak
Ms.M.M.Rusakova, PhD in Social Studies, Ms.O.I.Kolpakova, PhD in Psychology, Ms. M.S.Kutsak, Project coordinator Graphic designer: Ms.A.V.Alekseeva Proof-reader: Ms.M.V.Yermolayeva
CIFA works in many different countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, the implemented activities are in favour of child workers, street children, abandoned children, orphans, children affected by HIV, children in need of special care.
2012, St. Petersburg
The «Galaxy» Charitable Foundation of Social Projects needs resources for implementation of a number of programs, set forth below: A combat against commercial sexual exploitation of children This is a grand but rather little-known problem; it causes mixed feelings and a desire to keep as far away from it as possible. But who is fully protected in the modern world? Any child can fall victim of it. What we need resources for? Training of and consultative support for specialists in the field. Dissemination of methodology literature among the specialists. Provision of materials necessary for effective rehabilitation of children where the state budget can’t intervene. Prevention of professional burn-out of involved specialists. Support for the work of the Youth Volunteer Movement «You know the way? Do it your own way then...» The unique characteristic of our Volunteer movement lies in the fact that it rallies childrenpupils of vocational schools and lyceums. Many of them are in a difficult life situation or have a problem family; some of the kids are care leavers. Our movement helps improve public awareness about healthy lifestyles and promotes a proactive life-stance among children and youth.
What we need resources for? recruitment of new volunteers (training, clothes; development of presentations about the movement); motivator events, ongoing training for volunteers already in the movement (cinema/lecture events, theatre school, photo studio, the Movement’s Day, and other themed events; trainings: assertive behaviour, team spirit, etc.); development and carrying out of prevention events (station and floor games, theatre shows, exhibitions, campaigns) at vocational schools, shelters, social-rehabilitation centres; implementation of the program “Childhood Without Tears”: provision of support and help to children at shelters and social-rehabilitation centres. The world will be saved by people who dare to do simple things! Phone us, e-mail us, come to us! We are sure: together we’ll do more! Our contacts: Russia, Saint Petersburg, 197101 3, Mira street, office 507-6 Phone / Fax: +7 812 493 52 38. E-mail: Web-site: Director: Ms.O.I.Kolpakova, PhD in Psychology.