Logistics & Transport NZ

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4    Logistics & Transport NZ

All the projects and activities included in the 2021-24 National Land Transport Programme will ensure Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, together with local government, deliver on the Government’s transport priorities for the land transport system, as set out in the 2021 Government Policy Statement on land transport. Photos: Waka Kotahi

National Land Transport Programme BY MATTHEW WALKER

The 2021-24 National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) was launched in September – a $24.3 billion joint programme of investment in Aotearoa’s land transport system by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency (Waka Kotahi) and our co-investment partners, local government during the next three years.

will be as a result of programme changes, delays with property purchase and resource consenting, funding no longer being available either through the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF) or from councils, or simply because there is not the capacity within organisations to progress activities as originally planned.

All the projects and activities included in the 2021-24 NLTP will ensure Waka Kotahi, together with local government, deliver on the Government’s transport priorities for the land transport system, as set out in the 2021 Government Policy Statement on land transport (GPS).

Even when a project or activity is included in the 2021-24 NLTP, it does not guarantee it will be funded. All projects/activities are still subject to a successful Business Case and funding being available when the project is ready to proceed.

ensure the funding decisions deliver on the Government’s transport priorities as set out in the GPS.

What is the GPS? The GPS outlines the Government’s transport priorities to guide investment in the land transport system during the next 10 years. It is reviewed every three years and determines how money from the NLTF will be co-invested with local government in a range of activities to maintain, renew, operate, and improve the land transport system. GPS 2021 has four strategic priorities:

These priorities aim to create a safe and more accessible land transport system that reduces the impact on the environment and provides a more efficient freight network to get goods to market using a combination of transport options – road, rail, and coastal shipping.

Each NLTP, Waka Kotahi receives significantly more bids for funding than forecast revenue from the NLTF. For the 2021-24 NLTP, Waka Kotahi received $17.4b of bids from an original forecast revenue of $13.6b – boosted in the later stages of the programme’s development to $15.4 by $2b in additional financing.

• Safety – developing a transport system where no-one is killed or seriously injured

The 2021-24 NLTP – available at https://bit. ly/3xHjcZ2 – is a programme of activities and projects that will continue to change and evolve during the next three years. This

All activities and projects in the 2021-24 NLTP must therefore be prioritised for funding on a national basis, using the Investment Prioritisation Method which is developed to

• Climate change – developing a lowcarbon transport system that supports emission reductions, while improving safety and inclusive access

• Better travel choices – providing people with better transport options to access social and economic opportunities • Improving freight connections – for economic development

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