Reigniting Our Identity Appointments
2023-24 Appointment Codes

AF Affiliate Member
AM Associate Member
CC Certified Candidate
DM Diaconal Minister
DR Retired Diaconal Minister
FD Deacon in Full Connection
FE Elder in Full Connection
FL Full Time Local Pastor
LM Certified Lay Minister

DeSoto Alliance
OA Associate Member of Other AC
OD Deacon Member of Other AC
OE Elder Member of Other AC or Other Methodist Denomination
OF Full Member of Other Denomination
OP Probationary (Provisional) Member of Other AC
PD Probationary (Provisional) Deacon
PE Probationary (Provisional) Elder
PL Part Time Local Pastor
RA Retired Associate Member
RD Retired Deacon in Full Connection
RE Retired Full Elder
RL Retired Local Pastor
RP Retired Probationary (Provisional) Member
SY Supply Appointments
(Bold indicates new appointments and charge line changes.)
District 1 (Formerly known as Senatobia / West Greenwood) • District 1 Superintendent (¶344.1a and c): Rickey Lynson Haynes (Rickey) RE-7/1/2018
Chapel Bakers Chapel (Senior Pastor) 1504
Mississippi Conference of The United Methodist Church
Coldwater-Arkabutla Coldwater UMC 1534
Davis Chapel Davis Chapel 1537
Drew Drew 1540
Drew: Beasley Beasley 1543
Free Springs Free Springs 1552
Greenville: Revels Greenville Revels 1555
Greenwood: Decell Greenwood DeCell 1558
Greenwood: First Greenwood First 1561
Greenwood: Wesley Greenwood Wesley 1564
Holcomb Holcomb 1573
Holcomb Sparta 1639
Holly Springs: Asbury Asbury 1576
Pastor Name (Preferred)
Margaret V Hicks (Margaret) SY 7/1/2024
David Charles Laird Jr.(David) RE 7/1/2018
Glenn Ervin Seefeld (Glenn) RE 6/18/2013
Kenny Wade (Kenny) PL 7/1/2020
John Anthon Maki (John) RE 2/7/2016
Johnny Earl Davis Sr (Johnny) FL 6/16/2015
Fredrick Henry Brown (Fred) RE 7/1/2021
Phillip Steven Dearman (Phillip) FE 7/1/2024
Ruth McKinney (Ruth) PL 9/1/2021
J.E. (Janie) Elizabeth Mortimer (Janie) PL 7/1/2020
J.E. (Janie) Elizabeth Mortimer (Janie) PL 7/1/2020
Zachary C Beasley (Zach) FE 6/18/2013
Horn Lake Horn Lake 1579 Sam Jones (Sam) PE 1/1/2024
Hunters Chapel Hunters Chapel 1582 Steve Frost (Steve) LM 7/1/2024
Independence-Hebron Hebron 1570 Carrie Renee Mayo (Carrie) FL 7/1/2018
Independence-Hebron Independence UMC 1585 Carrie Renee Mayo (Carrie) FL 7/1/2018
Indianola: Rasberry Indianola Rasberry 1588 Christopher Carpenter (Chris) PE 7/1/2020
Itta Bena: Samuel Chapel Samuel Chapel 1591 Jonathan McNeil Lowry Parker (Jonathan)
Love Love Station 1594
East DeSoto Alliance
Mineral Wells Mineral Wells (Senior Pastor) 1600
East DeSoto Alliance
Joseph Bursi (Chuck)
Gregory Hazelrig (Greg)
Clay Baker (Clay) RE 6/7/1990 Oakland Tillatoba 1654 James Clay Baker (Clay) RE 6/7/1990
Olive Branch: Maples Memorial Maples Memorial 1615 Kerry Lee Powell (Kerry) FE 7/1/2023
Pleasant Grove Pleasant Grove 1621 Rickey Lynson Haynes (Rickey) RE 7/1/2022
East DeSoto Alliance
Pleasant Hill Pleasant Hill (Senior Pastor) 1624
Williams (Willie)
6/5/2002 Ruleville Circuit Mallalieu 1597 Juanita W Cook (Juanita)
Ruleville: First Ruleville First 1633 Glenn Ervin Seefeld (Glenn) RE 7/1/2022
Sidon Sidon 1636 Andrew Herring (Drew) SY 7/1/2023
St Luke Boyle Boyle 1516 Hannah Comer Shempert (Hannah) FE 7/1/2023
Swanson Swanson 1645 Kenny Wade (Kenny) PL 7/1/2020
Taylors Chapel/Strickland Strickland 1642 Keith Tyrone Mason (Keith) PL 6/17/2014
Taylors Chapel/Strickland Taylors Chapel 1648 Keith Tyrone Mason (Keith) PL 7/1/2007
The Cold Springs The Cold Springs 1533 Rickey Lynson Haynes (Rickey) RE 7/1/2024
East DeSoto Alliance
The Well at Lewisburg The Well (Senior Pastor) 1651 Michael Gregory Hazelrig (Greg) FE 7/1/2024 East DeSoto Alliance
The Well at Lewisburg The Well (Associate) 1651 Randi Elkins (Randi) FL 7/1/2024
Trinity Trinity 1657
Carone Diggs (Christopher) FE 7/1/2018
Tunica: First Tunica 1663 Keith Dewayne Gaughf (Keith) FE 7/1/2020
Victoria-Red Banks Red Banks 1627 Nellie Virginia Maki (Nell) RE 1/1/2017
Victoria-Red Banks Victoria 1666 Nellie Virginia Maki (Nell) RE 1/1/2017
Webb-Sumner Webb Sumner 1669 Cecil Jerry Wages (Jerry) RL 6/5/2000
Community Outreach Advocate
Greenwood: Wesley Greenwood Wesley 1564
Greenville: Revels Greenville Revels 1555
Fountainhead 1549
Wesley Mound Bayou 1672
12 Stone Church (¶344.1d)
AL-West FL Conference (¶331.8 and ¶346.1)
Iowa Conference (¶331.8 and ¶346.1)
Iowa Conference (¶331.8 and ¶346.1)
Tennessee/Western Kentucky (¶331.8 and ¶346.1)
Tennessee/Western Kentucky (¶331.8 and ¶346.1)
Shannon Dee Pryor (Shannon) FD 7/1/2023
Rachel Harvey Splaingard (Rachael)
Erie B. Stuckett (Erie)
Frank Thompson Haynes (Frank)
Charles Wayne Sheffield (Wayne)
Adam Louis Gordon (Adam)
Amanda Lea Gordon (Amanda)
Luz Marina Campos (Luz)
Goyo De la Cruz Cutimanco (Goyo)
6/17/2014 Methodist Sr. Svcs. - Wesley Meadows Retirement Community (¶344.1d)
Personal Leave (¶353.2a) Robert Allen

Epworth-Galilee Treadwell Galilee Treadwell 2546
Eupora: Lebanon Lebanon 2594
Eupora: Liberty Liberty 2540
Goodman Charge Goodman First 2555
Goodman Charge Shrock 2684
Grenada: Vincent Grenada Vincent 2564
Kilmichael: Mt Zion Kilmichael Mt Zion 2579
Kosciusko Circuit Marvin Chapel 2615
Kosciusko: Wesley Wesley 2588
LaGrange LaGrange
Louisville: Maple SpringsPiney Grove Piney
St. Paul St Paul
Sturgis-Big Creek Sturgis
Tibbee: Jones Chapel Jones Chapel 2573
Vaiden: Haven Vaiden Haven
Walden Chapel UMC Walden Chapel 2726
West Point: St. Paul St Paul
Winona:Haven/Jones Chapel Jones Chapel 2570
Winona:Haven/Jones Chapel Winona Haven 2741
Gore Springs - Greenwood First 2558
John Wesley Durant - Barlow 2567
Soul Speak: Conversation in Spiritual Direction(¶344.1d)
Anne-Russell Bradley (Anne-Russell)
Kentucky Conference(¶331.8 and ¶346.1) Justin Kyle Ivy (Kyle)
Rio Texas Conference
(Suzanne) SY 7/1/2023
Aislinn Alysse Kopp (Aislinn)
Kentucky Conference(¶331.8 and ¶346.1) Michael Cody Westcott (Cody)
Wesley Foundation MSU(¶344.1.a.1-3) Hugh Milton Griffith Jr (Hugh)
6/5/1996 US Air Force(¶344.1b) Justin Kyle Ivy (Kyle)
Family Leave (¶353.2b)
Vanessa Milo-Moultrie (Paula)
Transitional Leave (¶353.2c) Darian Duckworth-Tennyson (Darian)

District 3 (Formerly known as Meridian / Hattiesburg)
/ James Chapel
Rose Hill Rose Hill 3663 Gary Dewayne Thompson (Gary) RE 6/16/2015
Rose Hill - Garlandville Mt Olive 3603 Theodore Cole (Theodore) RL 6/7/2000
Rose Hill - Garlandville Pilgrim Rest 3636 Theodore Cole (Theodore)
Shubuta Parish Silver Spree
Willie Albert Kinslow (Willie) RL 6/16/2015
Shubuta Parish Spring Hill 3678 Willie Albert Kinslow (Willie) RL 6/16/2015
Shubuta Parish Sweet Pilgrim 3702 Willie Albert Kinslow (Willie) RL 6/16/2015
St Luke Boyle Cleveland St Luke 3100 Hannah Comer Shempert (Hannah) FE 7/1/2023
St Paul St Paul 3585
St. Peter St Peter 3588
Sylvester / Wesley
Sylvester / Wesley Chapel Wesley Chapel
Tabernacle / DesotoQuitman Circuit Mt Levy
Tabernacle / Desoto-
Quitman Circuit Mt Olive
Tabernacle / Desoto-
Quitman Circuit Tabernacle
(Haywood) FE 7/1/2023
Waynesboro: Mt. Zion/ Pleasant Ridge Pleasant Ridge
Wesley Chapel Wesley Chapel
Old Bay Springs 3630 Pleasant Valley 3645 Stateline 3690 EXTENSION MINISTRY District 3 (¶344.1.a.1-3)
Medical Leave (¶356) Pamela Elaine Strawser Randall (Pam) AM LEAVE OF ABSENCE
Transitional Leave (¶353.2c) Lydia Michelle

Asbury Asbury 4504 Wilbert Charles Bryant (Charles) RA 6/17/2014
Benton: Wesley Chapel Wesley Chapel 4717 Jacquline M Hudson (Jackie) LM 7/1/2019
Bradley Chapel Bradley Chapel 4513
Brandon: St. Mark’s St Mark’s (Senior Pastor) 4516
Brandon: St. Mark’s St Mark’s (Associate) 4516
St. Mark’s
(Minister of Music) 4516
Canton Canton 4522 Kevin Andrew Carter (Kevin) FE 6/18/2013
Carpenter Carpenter 4525 Michael David Sahler (Mike) RE 7/1/2022
Carthage: Greenwood Chapel Greenwood Chapel 4570 Christopher Cross (Chris) PL 7/1/2022
Cary: Clark Chapel Clarks Chapel 4537 John Allen (John) FL 7/1/2018
Cayuga Cayuga 4531
George Max McFarland (George) RL 6/22/2010
Clinton: Lynch Chapel Clinton: Lynch Chapel 4627 Marilyn Moering Watkins (Marilyn) PL 7/1/2018
Clinton: Seven Springs Seven Springs 4681 Marcus Leanders Thompson Sr (Marcus) PL 7/1/2022
Clinton: St. Paul St Paul 4543 Alfred Eugene Boyd Jr (Alfred) PL 6/25/2019
Couparle Couparle 4546 Kenneth Rogers (Kenneth) PL 12/1/2022
Crossgates Crossgates 4549 Robert Elver Murden (Robbie) FE 7/1/2023
Edwards Edwards 4552 Milford Gordon Bayliss (Buddy) RL 7/1/2020
Florence: Marvin Marvin 4555
Elizabeth Feisel (Beth) FE 7/1/2024 Forest Forest 4558
Pope May (Chance) FE 7/1/2024
Freeny-Sebastopol Sebastopol 4678 Jerry Bostick Beam (Jerry) RE 7/1/2023
Greenfield Greenfield 4567 Willis Ray Poole (Bill) RE 7/1/2024
Greer Chapel Greer Chapel 4573
Jackson: Alta Woods Alta Woods 4588
Jackson: Anderson Anderson (Senior Pastor) 4591
Jackson: Anderson Anderson (Associate) 4591
Jackson: Anderson Anderson (Associate) 4591
Jackson: Broadmeadow Broadmeadow 4594
S Henry (Domini) FE 6/17/2014
(Linda) PL 6/22/2010
(Sue) FL 1/1/2024
Jackson: Central Central 4597 George Sapada Thomas (Sapada) FE 7/1/2022
Jackson: Emmanuel Emmanuel 4600 Richard Henley (Richard) LM 7/1/2019
Jackson: Galloway Memorial Galloway Memorial(Senior Pastor)4603 Elizabeth Vowell Miskelly (Raigan) FE 7/1/2024
Jackson: Galloway Memorial Galloway Memorial (Associate) 4603
Jackson: Galloway Memorial Galloway Memorial (Associate) 4603
Giedd (Katie) FE 7/1/2024
Lavonne Halford (Brandon) FE 7/1/2024
Jackson: Galloway Memorial Galloway Memorial (Associate) 4603 Lori G Galambos Till (Lori) FD 7/1/2020
Jackson: Leavell Woods Leavell Woods 4606 Walter Griceson Roberts Jr (Walter) PE 7/1/2024
Jackson: Pratt Memorial Pratt Memorial 4609 De Mario Benson Sr (De Mario) FL 6/19/2012
Jackson: St. Luke St Luke 4612 Jerry Bruce Case (Bruce) FE 7/1/2022
Jackson: We Are One We Are One 4714 Jerry Mannery (Jerry) PL 1/1/2019
Jackson: Wells Memorial Wells Memorial (Senior Pastor) 4615 Susannah Grubbs-Carr (Susannah) FE 7/1/2024
Jackson: Wells Memorial Wells Memorial (Associate) 4615
Kingsley Chapel Kingsley Chapel 4618
Suzanna Keen Hyland (Sue) FL 7/1/2021
Elbrist Mason (Elbrist) RE 9/17/2023
Lillian Circuit Sylvester 4690 E J Shepard (EJ) PL 6/23/2009
Lillian Circuit Union Grove 4693 E J Shepard (EJ) PL 6/23/2009
Lynch Chapel Lynch Chapel 4630 Walter Griceson Roberts Jr(Walter) PE 7/1/2024
Madison: Parkway Hills Parkway Hills (Senior Pastor) 4633 Alma Dawn Flowers (Dawn) FE 7/1/2017
Madison: Parkway Hills Parkway Hills (Associate) 4633 Leslie Boyd (Haven) FD 7/1/2022
Madison: St. Matthew’s St Matthew’s (Senior Pastor) 4636
Madison: St. Matthew’s St Matthew’s (Associate) 4636
Middlebrook Middlebrook 4642
Monterey Monterey 4645
Andrew Thomas Stoddard (Andy) FE 6/16/2015
Brian Johnston (Brian) FL 7/1/2016
David Joseph Bryant (David) RA 7/1/2022
Willis Ray Poole (Bill) RE 7/1/2024
Morton: Christian Banner Christian Banner 4534 Vinson Jenkins (Vinson) SY 10/11/2020
Morton: First Morton First 4648
Morton: New Chapel New Chapel 4657
Robert Paul McDonald (Paul) FE 7/1/2024
Shirley Faye Wilder (Shirley) RL 10/3/2021
Vicksburg: Crawford Street Crawford Street 4699
Vicksburg: Hawkins Hawkins 4705
Vicksburg: Wesley Wesley 4708 Clarence Dunmore III (Clarence) PL 7/1/2017
Walnut Grove Walnut Grove 4711 Catherine Parker Larsen (Cathy) FE 6/25/2019
Wesley Chapel (Bentonia) Wesley Chapel 4720 Richard Henley (Richard) LM 7/1/2015
Wesleyanna Wesleyanna 4687 Jason Thomas Zebert (Jason)
Yazoo City: St. Stephen’s St Stephens 4723 John Allen (John) FL 7/1/2018
Mars Hill (Lynch Chapel) 4639
Arkansas Conference(¶331.8 and ¶346.1)
Baptist Hospital(¶344.1d)
Beam of Light (¶331.1a; 331.4)
Cargill Associates(¶344.1d)
Center for Ministry(¶344.1b)
Center for Ministry(¶344.1b)
Desert Southwest Conference (¶331.1c)
Mary Caroline Stewart (Mary)
Erin Elise Hicks (Erin)
Alicia Lynette Beam-Ingram (Alicia)
Thomas Edwin Rester Jr (Eddie)
Elizabeth A Miller (Beth)
Sylvia Strickland Blackwell (Sylvia)
Loye B. Ashton (Loye)
7/1/2022 District 4 (¶344.1.a.1-3)
Faith Community and Lighthouse Formation(¶344.1.a.1-3)
Faith Community Formation (¶344.1.a.1-3)
Faith Community Formation(¶344.1.a.1-3)
Grace Counseling Center¶331.1a; 331.4)
Great Plains Conference (¶331.8 and ¶346.1)
Healing Pathways Counseling, LLC(¶344.1d)
Holmes Community College(¶344.1d)
Methodist Rehabilitation Center (¶344.1.a.1-3)
Millsaps College (¶344.1.a.1-3)
Mississippi Conference (¶344.1.a.1-3)
Mississippi Conference (¶344.1.a.1-3)
Mississippi Conference(¶344.1.a.1-3)
Mississippi Conference(¶344.1.a.1-3)
Mississippi Conference(¶344.1.a.1-3)
MS Methodist Foundation (¶344.1.a.1-3)
Cynthia Ashford Cross (Cynthia)
Paul Griffin Jones III (Trey) FL 7/1/2023
Jason Thomas Zebert (Jason) FL 7/1/2023
Timothy Charles Thompson Sr (Tim)
FE 3/1/2015
Walter Lee Frazier (Walter) FD 6/5/2001
Gerald Liu (Gerald) FE 8/1/2023
Diane Lynne Braman (Diane) FD 2/5/2020
John Robert Hall (J R)
Maxine Simmons Bolden (Maxine)
George Richard James (Ricky)
Pamela Jewel Cameron (Pamela)
Maxine Simmons Bolden (Maxine)
Arthur Ray Harper III (Trey)
Dayna Loretta Goff (Dayna)
Timothy Charles Thompson Sr (Tim)
John Mark Branning (John)
RE 6/9/2005
FE 7/1/2023
FE 7/1/2023
FE 7/1/2017
FE 7/1/2023
FE 7/1/2018
FE 7/1/2024
FE 6/21/2011
FE 8/25/2021
National Network of Young People(¶344.1d) Kevin M Kosh Jr (Kevin) FE 8/1/2022
Southern Methodist University (¶331.1b)
Thresholds Counseling and Consulting (¶344.1d)
Thriving Ministry (¶344.1b)
UMCOR/UMVIM (¶344.1.a.1-3)
Upper New York Conference (¶331.8 and ¶346.1)
US Navy(¶344.1b)
Veterans Hospital - Jackson(¶331.1a; 331.4)
Wesley Foundation HCC
Family Leave (¶353.2b)
Involuntary Leave of Absence (¶354)
Personal Leave (¶353.2a)
Personal Leave (¶353.2a)
Personal Leave (¶353.2a)
Medical Leave (¶356)

Elisabeth Anne Garvin (Lisa)
Kristen Williams Keary (Kristen)
Sara Nell Bevill (Sally) RE 7/1/2022
Frank Michael Newell (Frank)
Douglas Monroe Watson (BB)
Earl Wilson III (Earl)
Benetra Johnson (Benetra)
Domini S Henry (Domini)
Anna Elise Fleming-Jones (Anna) FE 7/1/2023
Elizabeth Queen Davidson (Elizabeth)
Jason Edward Harms (Jason) FE 7/1/2023
Charles Kenneth McGill II (Kenny) FE 1/1/2022
Bess Perrier (Bess) FE 7/1/24
Frederick Leon Gerber (Fred) RE
District 5 (Formerly known as Tupelo / New Albany) • District 5 Superintendent (¶344.1a and c): Carol Lynn Bowman Mote (Lynn) FE-7/1/2024
Abbeville Buford 5546
Faye Wilson (Sandra) PE 7/1/2023
Abbeville Providence 5657 Sandra Faye Wilson (Sandra) PE 7/1/2023
Abbeville St Peter 5681
Aberdeen: Prairie Prairie 5648
Aberdeen: St. Peter/ Valley Chapel St Peter 5507
Aberdeen: St. Peter/ Valley Chapel Valley Chapel 5720
Flemons (Herman) PL 7/1/2021
Cherry (Donnell) FL 7/1/2016
Cherry (Donnell) FL 7/1/2016
Ailesville Beverly 5528 Mary LeSure (Mary) PL 7/1/2023
Ailesville Salem 5666
Amory: St. James St James 5513
Becker-Greenbrier Paine Memorial 5636
LeSure (Mary) PL 7/1/2023
Joe Washburn (Sammy) RA 6/18/2013
Boone’s Chapel Boone’s Chapel 5534 Melvin J. Aycock Jr. (Melvin) PL 7/1/2023
Bruce/Shady Grove Bruce 5543 William Bradford Corban (Brad) FE 7/1/2024
Fulton: First Fulton UMC 5565 Frank Eugene Lilley Jr (Smith) FE 7/1/2023
Golden Chapel Golden Chapel 5567 Paul Steven Kennedy (Steve) RL 5/19/2019
Houston: North Houlka 5573
Houston: North Van Vleet 5723
Houston: North Washington 5732
Lynn Bowman Mote (Lynn) FE 7/1/2024
Houston:Prospect Prospect 5654 Melvin J. Aycock Jr. (Melvin) PL 7/1/2023
Mooreville Allen’s Chapel 5510 T Russell Fletcher Jr (Russell) RE 7/1/2021
Mooreville Mooreville 5585 T Russell Fletcher Jr (Russell) RE 7/1/2021
Mt. Pisgah/Pleasant Valley/ Union Grove Mt Pisgah (Senior Pastor) 5624
Mt. Pisgah/Pleasant Valley/ Union Grove Pleasant Valley (Senior Pastor) 5642
Mt. Pisgah/Pleasant Valley/ Union Grove Union Grove (Senior Pastor) 5708
Earl Riddle (Jeffery) FE 7/1/2024
Mt. Pisgah/Pleasant Valley/ Union Grove(Associate) Mt Pisgah (Associate) 5624 Antoinetta Word (Antoinetta) PL 7/1/2024
Mt. Pisgah/Pleasant Valley/ Union Grove(Associate) Pleasant Valley (Associate) 5642
Mt. Pisgah/Pleasant Valley/ Union Grove(Associate) Union Grove (Associate) 5708
Word (Antoinetta) PL 7/1/2024
Myrtle-Ebenezer Ebenezer 5555 Eugene Hunter Stockstill (Eugene) FE 6/19/2012
Nettleton: Palestine Palestine 5600 Maurice Anthony McIntosh (Maurice) PL 6/23/2009
Nettleton: Pleasant Grove Pleasant Grove 5639 Kendall Pickens (Ken) PL 7/1/2020
New Albany UMC New Albany UMC (Senior Pastor) 5603
(Dan) FE 7/1/2023
New Albany UMC New Albany UMC (Associate) 5603 Marta Bolen (Marta) PL 7/1/2021
New Albany: Mallalieu Mallalieu 5606 Evelyn Ann Fitzpatrick (Evelyn) FL 7/1/2017
New Chapel/Big Hill Big Hill (Co-pastor) 5531 Donald Ray Arrington (Donald) PL 7/1/2024
New Chapel/Big Hill New Chapel (Co-pastor) 5612
New Chapel/Big Hill New Chapel (Co-pastor) 5612
Donald Ray Arrington (Donald) PL 7/1/2024
Grace Arrington (Grace) PL 7/1/2024
New Chapel/ Big Hill(Associate) Big Hill (Co-pastor) 5531 Grace Arrington (Grace) PL 7/1/2024
New Hope Chickasaw New Hope 5615
Old Bethel-Tishomingo Tishomingo First 5687
Oxford First United Methodist Church Oxford First 5627
Oxford: Oxford-University Oxford-University (Senior Pastor) 5633
Oxford: Oxford-University Oxford-University (Associate) 5633
Pontotoc: First Pontotoc First 5645
Pontotoc: McDonald McDonald 5579
Pontotoc: Usher Valley Usher Valley 5717
Prairie Mount Prairie Mount 5651
Ripley: Adkins ChapelUnion Grove Union Grove 5711
Ripley: Moses Chapel Moses Chapel 5660
Ripley: St. Paul St Paul 5663
Shannon Brewer 5540
Shannon Shannon 5672
Pedro M. Clay (Pedro) PL 7/1/2023
Paul Steven Kennedy (Steve) RL 7/1/2017
Roger L Wilson (Roger) PL 7/1/2022
Christopher Thomas McAlilly (Chris) FE 1/1/2020
Thomas Wesley Ingram (Wes) FD 7/1/2022
Michael Porter Evans (Mike) FE 7/1/2024
Gregg Anthony Wax (Gregg) PL 2/1/2021
Katina Pickens (Katina) SY 7/1/2024
Phillip Colyer (Phillip) PL 7/23/2006
James Wardell Dye (James) RE 7/1/2020
Charles Anthony Lackey Sr (Anthony) SY 7/1/2023
Charles Anthony Lackey Sr (Anthony) SY 7/1/2023
James Leo Bailey Jr (Jamie) FE 1/1/2024
James Leo Bailey Jr (Jamie) FE 1/1/2024
Snowtown Snowtown 5675 Lavert Fitzpatrick (Lavert) FE 6/19/2012
South Itawamba New Bethel 5609 Zac Cox (Zac) FL 7/1/2022
South Itawamba New Salem 5618 Zac Cox (Zac) FL 7/1/2022
Charge Church
Spruell Chapel/Kings Chapel Kings Chapel 5576 Gary Hampton (Gary) PL 1/1/2021
Spruell Chapel/Kings Chapel Spruell 5678 Gary Hampton (Gary) PL 7/1/2016
Tupelo: First Tupelo First (Senior Pastor) 5693
Steven Paul Keen (Rusty) FE 7/1/2022
Tupelo: First Tupelo First (Associate) 5693 Fawn Hyland Keen (Fawn) FL 7/1/2022
Tupelo: First Tupelo First (Associate) 5693 Roy Reed McCaleb (Reed) FE 7/1/2024
Tupelo: First Tupelo First (Associate) 5693 Karie Sue McCaleb (Karie Sue) FD 7/1/2024
Tupelo: St. Luke St Luke 5696 Amber Lea Gray (Amber Lea) FE 7/1/2024
Tupelo: St. Paul St Paul 5702 Evelyn Ann Fitzpatrick (Evelyn) FL 7/1/2022
Tupelo: Wesley Wesley 5705 Emily Lauren Sanford (Emily) FE 7/1/2020
Union West Friendship 5564 Daniel Sean Darling (Dan) FE 6/18/2013
Vardaman Vardaman 5726 Carol Lynn Bowman Mote (Lynn)
Verona Verona 5729
Meadow Creek Meadow Creek 5582
Unique Christian Ministries Unique Ministries 5607 James Wardell Dye (James) RE 7/1/2023
Evergreen -The Fulton 5558
Mt Nebo -McDonald 5588
Okolona First -Shannon-Brewer 5621
AL-West FL Conference(¶331.8 and ¶346.1) Jonathan Corey Truett (Corey)
Ascension St. Thomas Midtown Hospital(¶344.1d) Chelsey Overstreet Hedglin (Chelsey)
Emerging Faith Community Cultivator(¶344.1.a.1-3) Frank Eugene Lilley Jr (Smith)
Tennessee/Western Kentucky (¶331.8 and ¶346.1) Dennis Eugene Fink (Dennis)
Traceway Manor(¶344.1b)
Terri Kay Armstrong (Terri)
6/5/1998 US Navy (¶344.1b)
Eric Christopher Sanford (Eric)
Wesley Foundation ICC(¶344.1.a.1-3) Zac Cox (Zac)
Wesley Foundation Ole Miss (¶344.1.a.1-3) Thomas Toole (Thomas)
Medical Leave (¶356)
Brad E Hodges (Brad)
Medical Leave (¶356) Ronald Lloyd Schwake (Ron)
Medical Leave (¶356)
Personal Leave (¶353.2a)
William Hilton Dowling Sr (Will)
Charles Kenneth McGill III (Kenny)

District 6 (Formerly known as Seashore / Hattiesburg)
• District 6 Superintendent (¶344.1a and c): Larry Hudson Hilliard (Larry) FE-7/1/2018
Batson Batson 6501 Barry Dale Dickerson (Barry) RE 4/11/2021
Bay St. Louis: Main Street Main Street (Senior Pastor) 6504 Terry Lynn Hilliard (Terry) FE 7/1/2022
Bay St. Louis: Main Street Main Street (Associate) 6504
Bay St. Louis: Valena C. JonesHolmes Chapel Valena C Jones 6507
Bay St. Louis: Valena C. JonesHolmes Chapel Holmes Chapel 6603
Hensarling RE 7/1/2024
(Ella) FL 7/1/2021
Beaumont: Bolton Chapel Bolton Chapel 6510 Larry Darnell Bolton (Larry) RA 7/1/2022
Biloxi: Beauvoir Beauvoir 6513 Michelle Ke Bailey (Michelle) FE 1/1/2009
Biloxi: First Biloxi First 6516
Biloxi: Heritage Heritage 6519
Biloxi: Leggett Memorial Leggett Memorial 6522
(Tony) FE 6/18/2013
Louis Burris (Cliff) FE 7/1/2022
Lamar Huffman (David) FE 7/1/2024
Biloxi: St. Paul St Paul (Senior Pastor) 6525 Kordell Seantez Sims Sr (Kordell) PE 7/1/2019
Biloxi: St. Paul St Paul (Associate) 6525
Bolton Chapel Bolton Chapel 6528
Byrd Chapel Byrd’s Chapel 6534
DeNondrea Forrest Sims (DeNondrea) PL 10/20/2019
Shirley Ann Fairley (Shirley) PL 6/22/2010
Mary Beth Rolfs (Beth) AM 7/1/2022
Clermont Harbor Clermont Harbor 6537 Terry Johnson (T Manuel) OF 7/1/2018
Coalville Coalville 6540 Len Edward McRaney (Len) FE 6/18/2013
Delisle: Mt. Zion Mt Zion 6549
Dixie Dixie 6552
Faith - Rosedale Faith 6672
Donald Ray Garrett Sr (Donald) FL 7/1/2024
Amy Pearson Roller (Amy) FE 7/1/2023
James Minor Matheny (Jim) RE 7/1/2022 Gateway Gateway 6555
Gautier: First Gautier First (Senior Pastor) 6558
Gautier: First Gautier First (Associate) 6558
Daniel Taylor (Daniel) FL 5/1/2023
Martha June Kirby (MJ) FE 7/1/2019
Lacy Bowcock (Lacy) (¶346.1) OE 7/1/2024
Gulfport: Burton Memorial Burton Memorial 6561 Elijah Mitchell (Elijah) RA 7/1/2019
Gulfport: First Gulfport First (Senior Pastor) 6564 Claire Elizabeth Dobbs (Claire) FE 6/17/2014
Gulfport: First Gulfport First (Associate) 6564 Jill Renee Senn (Jill) PD 7/1/2024
Gulfport: First Gulfport First (Associate) 6564 Mary Cleo McQueen (Cleo) PL 7/1/2017
Gulfport: Handsboro Handsboro 6567
Gulfport: Haven Chapel Haven Chapel 6570
John Marion McCay III(John) FE 7/1/2008
Wilmer Nathaniel Dedeaux (Wilmer) RL 6/7/1997
Gulfport: Mt. Pleasant Mt Pleasant (Senior Pastor) 6648 Kordell Seantez Sims Sr (Kordell) PE 7/1/2019
Gulfport: Mt. Pleasant Mt Pleasant (Associate) 6648
DeNondrea Forrest Sims (DeNondrea) PL 10/20/2019
Gulfport: Ramsay Memorial Ramsay Memorial 6573 Nathaniel Taylor Barkum, Sr (Nathaniel) FL 5/1/2010
Gulfport: Riley Chapel Riley Chapel 6576
Charles E Dubra (Charles) PL 7/1/2022
Gulfport: St. Mark St Mark 6579 Rapheal Donzell Johnson Sr (Rapheal) FL 7/1/2017
Hattiesburg: St John St John 6714
Hattiesburg: Bentley Chapel Bentley Chapel 6582
Hattiesburg: Court Street Court Street 6585
Hattiesburg: Main Street Main Street (Senior Pastor) 6591
Hattiesburg: Main Street Main Street (Associate) 6591
Hattiesburg: Main Street Main Street (Associate) 6591
Hattiesburg: Parkway Heights Parkway Heightsv(Senior Pastor) 6594
Arthur Louis Johnson (Louis) FE 7/1/2024
Marcus Montrell Gaut (Marcus) PL 7/1/2022
David Carey Sellers (David) FE 10/1/2022
Todd Owen Watson (Todd) FE 6/16/2015
Linda Faye Dixon (Linda) FE 6/23/2009
Allen Gould Regan (Allen) PE 7/1/2023
Keith Russell Keeton (Keith) FE 7/1/2022
Pascagoula: Eastlawn Eastlawn 6669 Nance Hixon
Chotania Simmons (Chotania) FL 7/1/2024
Pass Christian: St. Paul St Paul 6678 Donald Ray Garrett Sr (Donald) FL 7/1/2024
Pearlington Pearlington 6681 Jerolyn Garner (Jan) LM 7/1/2023
The Bridge (Senior Pastor) 6738 Leanne Bennett Burris (Leanne)
The Bridge (Associate) 6738 Clifton Louis Burris (Cliff)
The Church at the Barn 6740
Merrill Chapel (Poplarville)
Hattiesburg: Court Street Court Street 6585 Jamie Lynn LeJeune (Jamie)
AL-West FL Conference (¶331.8 and ¶346.1)
Arkansas Conference(¶331.8 and ¶346.1)
Arkansas Conference(¶331.8 and ¶346.1)
John D Richardson (John)
Katherine Helen Butler (Kathy)
Jarod Owen Saucedo (Jarod)
4/3/2023 Biloxi Veteran’s Administration Medical Center (¶344.1d)
Camilla Hospice Ministries)¶331.1a; 331.4)
Anzette Smith Thomas (Anzette)
Julian Lamar Davis Jr. (Julian)
6/16/2015 District Staff (¶344.1.a.1-3)
District Staff (¶344.1.a.1-3)
Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA)(¶344.1d)
Gulfport Memorial Hospital (¶344.1d)
Just Communities of Arkansas (JAC)(¶344.1b)
Lousiana Conference(¶331.8 and ¶346.1)
Missio Dei/Cargill Assoc (¶344.1d)
North Carolina Conf (¶331.8 and 346.1)
Pacific Northwest Conference(¶331.8 and ¶346.1)
Pine Grove Behavioral Health & Addiction Services(¶344.1d)
Seashore Mission (¶344.1.a.1-3)
Seashore Mission (¶344.1b)
Seashore United Methodist Assembly (¶344.1.a.1-3)
The Nourishing Place(¶344.1d)
University of Arkansas Medical Sciences (¶344.1d)
Wesley Foundation USM (¶344.1.a.1-3)
Family Leave (¶353.2b)
Family Leave (¶353.2b)
Family Leave (¶353.2b)
Medical Leave (¶356)
Medical Leave (¶356)
David Lamar Huffman (David)
Heather Kaye Hensarling
Ray Patrick Thompson (Pat)
Dorothy Jane Dickson-Rishel (Dorothy)
Denise LaChelle Donnell (Denise) FE 7/1/2021
Kurt Thomas Appel (Kurt)
Kurt Thomas Appel (Kurt)
Charles Robert Frost III (Chuck) FE 7/1/2023
Ella H DeDeaux (Ella)
David Carey Sellers (David)
FE 7/1/2021
FE 6/21/2011
Elijah Mitchell (Elijah) RA 7/1/2019
Marianne Smith (Marianne)
David Lamar Huffman (David) FE 7/1/2024
Rachel E Benefield-Pfaff (Rachel) FE 7/1/2024
Jarod Owen Saucedo (Jarod) FE 9/30/2022
Thomas Eric Davis (Eric) FE 7/1/2018
Jonathan Crabtree (Jonathan) FE 7/1/2024
Kristina Gail Crabtree (Kristina) FD 7/1/2021
Paul Douglas Roller (Doogie) FE 1/1/2024
Ann Bravender Kaufman (Ann) FE
Jeffrey Grant Pruett Sr. (Jeff) FE

District 7 (Formerly known as Brookhaven / Hattiesburg)
• District 7 Superintendent (¶344.1a and c): Lindsey R. Robinson (Lindsey) FE-7/1/2017
Barlow Brandywine 7522
Brandon Bay / St. James Brandon Bay 7519
Brandon Bay / St. James St James 7672
Bridgeville-New Hope Little Rock 7609
Bridgeville-New Hope New Hope 7645
Tullos (Jonathan)
Liberty Circuit Belle Hill 7510
(Jesse) PL 6/22/2010
Liberty Circuit Cedar Grove 7534 Cynthia Magee (Cynthia) PL 7/1/2023
Lorman Blue Hill 7513
Lorman Cane Ridge 7531
Lovely Lane Lovely Lane 7639
Dan Leroy Campbell (Dan) PL 1/22/2023
Dan Leroy Campbell (Dan) PL 1/22/2023
James Carey Beam-Ingram (Jim) FE 7/1/2023
Macedonia Macedonia 7612 Wendell Knight (Chelsae) PL 6/25/2019
Magnolia: First Fernwood 7564 John Underwood (John) PL 7/1/2018
Magnolia: First Magnolia First 7618 Daniel Glen Speed (Danny) FE 7/1/2018
Magnolia: St. James St James 7615 Frederick Barnes (Frederick) PL 7/1/2023
Mallalieu Blue Ridge 7516
Mallalieu Mallalieu 7600
Mallalieu Smith Chapel 7669
McComb: Centenary Centenary 7621
McComb: St. Paul St Paul 7624
Llewellyn Corneal Peyton (Llewellyn) RL 2/11/2018
Llewellyn Corneal Peyton (Llewellyn) RL 7/1/2019
Llewellyn Corneal Peyton (Llewellyn) RL 2/11/2018
Vicki Watkins Landrum (Vicki) FE 7/1/2023
Frederick Barnes (Frederick) PL 7/1/2022
LL Robert (Columbia First) 7594 St James Bridgeville (New Zion: Crystal Springs) 7675
Cal-Pacific Conference (¶331.8 and ¶346.1)
Central Texas Conference (¶331.8 and ¶346.1)
District 7 (¶344.1.a.1-3)
Hospice Ministries (¶344.1d)
Gregory Austin Pittman (Greg)
Robert Wilson Grant Jr (Rob)
Lionel Fitzgerald Lovett (Fitzgerald)
Christine Brooking Richardson (Chris)
Illinois Great Rivers Conference (¶331.8 and ¶346.1) Tara Jeneen Hayes (Tara Collins) FE 7/1/2023
Mountain Sky Conference (¶331.8 and ¶346.1)
North Alabama Conference (¶331.8 and ¶346.1)
US Navy (¶344.1b)
US Navy (¶344.1b)
Family Leave (¶353.2b)
Personal Leave (¶353.2a)
Transitional Leave (¶353.2c)
Medical Leave (¶356)
Medical Leave (¶356)
Dexter Erwin Ware (Dexter) FE 7/1/2023
Gregory Alan Smith (Greg)
Michael Ray Baker (Michael)
Walter Norman Leverette (Walter)
Erin Nichole Grant (Erin) FE 2/15/2022
Vera Hall (Vera) FE 7/1/2021
Susan Hood (Susan)
Robert Steven Webb (Rob)
Hongsik Yoo (Hong)
ing Re Reigni
The Mississippi Annual Conference
The United Methodist Church