The Circuit Rider
Monthly Newsletter
Holy Week: Sharing Christ’s Easter Journey
In The United Methodist Church, the seven days leading up to Easter Sunday, or Holy Week, is the time we dedicate to recognizing and celebrating the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Easter story is the centrality of our faith and Wesleyan tradition. Sharing this story through Holy Week services and activities helps churches and communities understand how much God truly loves us.
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Mississippi Delegation Prepares for General Conference

The Mississippi Conference Delegation, photo left, is working diligently reviewing and educating themselves on legislation in preparation for the 2024 General Conference. The quadrennial gathering, being held April 23 through May 3 in Charlotte, North Carolina, will determine the direction of The United Methodist Church for the next four years.
At General Conference, similar to annual conference, United Methodist bishops only preside over proceedings and have no voting power. All decisions will be determined by a vote of elected delegates from United Methodist conferences across the world. Read More
to Speak at Upcoming Women of Virtue Conference
On the heels of Women’s History Month, Anderson United Methodist Church is hosting a Women of Virtue Conference. The two-day event takes place April 5 through 7 at the Jackson Convention Complex and Anderson United Methodist Church. Worship at the conference will feature renowned gospel artists like Maurette Brown Clark, Brian Courtney Wilson and Karen ClarkSheard. There will also be workshops and classes for physical and spiritual health. Bishop Sharma D. Lewis will conclude the conference with a sermon during closing worship. Click here for more information and to register.

Helping Your Congregation Understand General Conference
United Methodist General Conference takes place April 23 to May 3 at the Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. To help congregations understand what General Conference is and how it works, ResourceUMC is providing resources to keep congregations informed of the latest developments, legislation and news. Click here to view the resources available through ResourceUMC.
Scholarship Portal, New Interest Rates at Foundation

Ideas for Sharing the Easter Story with Children
What is the best way to explain the sadness, hope and triumph of the Easter story to children in our congregations? Click here to read advice from United Methodist Children’s ministry leaders on the best way to share the good news of Christ’s Easter journey.
The Methodist Foundation of Mississippi is increasing the interest rates on shortterm accounts and has created a new scholarship portal for Mississippi United Methodist students to apply for aid. For more information on the rate increase contact Jennifer Allen at 601.948.8845 or by email at Click here for more information on the scholarship application process.

Is The United Methodist Church Really…?
[PART 12]
The final article in the Ask the UMC series takes stock of where the process of disaffiliation is to date and what might be expected in the months to come. Click here to read the article and click here to read the entire Is the UMC Really…? series.
Mississippi Conference News
“Chat and Chew 2.0,” Catalyst for Mississippi Conference Vision Casting

Bishop Sharma D. Lewis, Episcopal Leader of the Mississippi Conference, recently wrapped up Chat and Chew 2.0—a tour with regional stops to gather with United Methodists statewide. At last year’s Chat and Chew, Lewis made 11 stops in every district and facilitated 22 sessions, meeting with clergy and laity separately, to present an opportunity for parishioners from across the state to get to know their new bishop in the early days of her assignment here in the Hospitality State. Bishop Lewis had a different goal with Chat and Chew 2.0. Jasmine Haynes has the story. Read More
FCF Equips Lighthouse Congregations for Ministry

Youth Experience ‘The Connection’

Rev. Trey Jones, associate director of faith community formation, travels the state building relationships with Lighthouse Congregations. The goal of these relationships is to put a face with a name and inform congregations of resources that will help them minister more effectively. Jones also seeks to provide a caring, knowledgeable presence that ensures Lighthouse Congregations feel supported by the conference as they carry God’s light into the community. Matthew Johnson reports. Read More Youth in District Four, formerly known as the East and West Jackson Districts, gathered for “The Connection,” a weekend event designed specifically for them, which took place February 23-24. The focus of the weekend was about the importance of staying connected with God. It was a spirit-filled weekend, and it gave students grades six through 12 an opportunity to serve alongside other United Methodist youth in missions. Click here to read this update from Walter Roberts Jr.

2024 Spiritual Wellness Retreat
The office of spiritual leadership is excited to invite you to a time away in prayer and personal discipleship on the hallowed grounds of Camp Wesley Pines in Hazlehurst. Mississippi Conference clergy are invited to our 2024 Spiritual Wellness Retreat taking place April 18-20. The cost is $200 for the three-day event, and participants will be awarded 2.0 CEUs. An additional 1 CEU and one eight-year assessment credit will be given for those who complete a selfdirected prayer focus following our time together. For more information and to register, click here

A Day of Dialogue for Racial Healing – Mar. 23
End Racism for Good in partnership with The Episcopal Church in Mississippi is hosting a day-long, shame-free spiritual formation workshop focusing on bringing people of different racial backgrounds together to enhance skills for healthy conversation and create a space for change to happen successfully. The workshop takes place
Saturday, March 23 at St. Phillip’s Episcopal Church located at 5400 Old Canton Rd. in Jackson beginning at 8:30 a.m. For more information and to register, click here
Easter Office Closure –Mar. 29-Apr. 1
The conference and episcopal offices will be closed Friday, March 29 through Monday, April 1 as we celebrate the risen Savior with family and friends. Offices will reopen Tuesday, April 2 at normal business hours.
Place an Ad in The Souvenir Journal
Purchase an ad in the 2024 Circuit Rider Souvenir Journal and showcase your appreciation, ministry or business. The Circuit Rider Souvenir Journal serves as a go-to guide for the 2024 Session of the Mississippi Annual Conference reaching around 75,000 Mississippi United Methodists. Click here for more information and to purchase and ad.
Freedom Trail Revival Continues –Apr. 6
The Freedom Trail Revival worship series continues Saturday, April 6 beginning at 2:00 p.m. at Wells Memorial United Methodist Church in Jackson. Rev. Eugene Boger, senior pastor at Bethany United Methodist Church in New Orleans will be the guest speaker. For more information and to see more stops on the Freedom Trail Revival, click here.
Native American Ministries
Sunday – Apr. 14
April 14 is Native American Ministries
Sunday. Offerings received on this Special Sunday support ministries and churches in Native American communities and develop new programs on behalf of Native Americans. Click here for the Native American Ministries Sunday pastor and leader kit for resources to use in your church.
As a courtesy to the Mississippi Annual Conference, job announcements from across the United Methodist connection are featured in The Circuit Rider. To submit an employment notice, send an email to Postings are not guaranteed to appear more than once in Mississippi Conference publications. To read a description of job opening(s) listed below as well as other listings, click here
• Director of the Ole Miss Wesley Foundation (Oxford, MS)
• Associate Specialist for Communications and Marketing General Commission on Religion and Race
Prayer Service for General Conference – Apr. 20
Mississippi United Methodists are invited to Camp Wesley Pines located at 1095 Camp Wesley Pines Rd. in Hazlehurst to gather in prayer for the upcoming General Conference. The prayer gathering takes place Saturday, April 20 beginning at 11:00 a.m. Click here for more information.
Carolinas Black Leadership Retreat – May. 20-24
The Carolinas Black Clergy Leadership Retreat will be May 20 through 24 at the Kingston Plantation Resort in Myrtle Beach South Carolina. The cost to attend in-person is $150 and $75 virtually. For more information and to register, click here
As you pause to pray this week, take time to ask for strength, peace and comfort for the families and friends of those listed below who have joined the Church Triumphant:
• Patricia McCormick, wife of Rev. James McCormick passed away March 2.
• Rev. Don Leo went to be with the Lord, February 14.
• Anne Alexander, wife of Rev. Robert Alexander died February 20.