Circuit Magazine #58

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It's hard to believe that we are now halfway through the year and heading into the summer already. Despite how 2021 has shaped up, where you live around the world will likely dictate the level of normality you are now experiencing. On the UK side, things have been looking up. But after attending a Zoom conference call a couple of days ago with another party in Asia, it brought a stark reminder that not everywhere is as fortunate. And that, in fact, we are still some way off from reaching any form consistent, equilibrium on the global front. That said, growth in confidence and lowering Covid cases has kickstarted sporting events with crowds again. This development is sure thrill and entertain spectators. Euro 2020, the Olympics, and Wimbledon are some of the ones I'm looking forward to. Undoubtedly, the events will still involve social distancing. However, to feel once again the thrill of watching athletes compete in the arena brings with it an air of positivity and hope of better times to come. At the Circuit, we continue to push out content to help you keep your finger on the pulse with informative news and views from around the globe across our different media channels. Our recent event the "Protected Mobility for EP Forum" brought together a range of subject matter experts who shared their valuable knowledge and expertise with working operators across the industry. 4

If you missed it, the replay is available and free to access for all BBA and NABA members. Meanwhile, the Circuit Magazine Podcast continues weekly with some fantastic guests pencilled in to grace the airwaves. So, if you aren't subscribed yet, come across, listen, and let us know your thoughts. For those already enjoying the content, spread the word and share it with those in your network. As we say, who you associate with matters. Because in our profession, you never know when or where your next lead or source of intelligence will come from! Traditionally within the CP sector, the summertime is hectic and brings lots of movement. What will this year bring? Let's hope the sun is shining and there is an excellent recovery to the CP market and working protectors. So, wherever you are, relax and enjoy yet another jam-packed issue filled with some fantastic articles. From the Circuit team, we would like to wish you all a healthy, safe, and prosperous summer! Stay safe Shaun West Editor

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