Circuit Magazine #61

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UK FOREWORD Welcome to a new year and your latest edition of The Circuit Magazine. 2022 will be a year of good things. I can feel it already, and the Seventh Annual Executive Security and CP Technology Forum in London was a great way to kick off the year's events calendar.

others from similar backgrounds. You never know when that next call may come, and it may well come from someone you have met at one of these have to be in it to win it!

The CP Technology Forum has always been first on my list of "to attend" events, and it's great that it's now back live and "in person". There were some fantastic guest speakers, and it was nice to see a number of them being previous contributors to the Circuit Magazine and/or guests of the podcast. As always, the subjects and lectures delivered were fascinating and didn't disappoint. They ignited discussions, and the knowledge shared had the potential for the betterment of everyone in attendance.

Suppose you haven't been tuning in to the Circuit podcast and have become overawed with how many episodes there are to catch up with. Why don't you start your journey with the 2nd season, and if you like what you hear, you can go back and delve into season 1 as there are some real gems worth listening to.

Finally, I would like to extend thanks on behalf of everyone at the Circuit Magazine to our contributors who have taken the time penning their views passing on knowledge for the benefit of others in the articles provided. The insights you've shared Who you know can be crucial to progression in this industry, so I highly continue to be well-received by all. recommend not underestimating Stay safe the power of networking; mixing with your industry peers, whether an Shaun West operator or employer, is a great way Editor to put yourself out there and meet 4

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US FOREWORD 2022 is here, and surprisingly the world hasn’t ended. Sure there are a host of challenges, from the Covid virus still making the rounds, to a global supply change shortage. With that said, the one thing inherit in the DNA of most Protectors is the concept of crisis management. Like our military brethren, we adapt, we overcome. One of the foundational principals that allows for that is the act of communication. Having the ability to relay accurate information in a concise, easy to understand (to the recipient) manner, is invaluable. It allows one to bridge the gap from the unknown to the known, and gets everyone on the same sheet of paper as they advance forward. We here at The Circuit believe that we play a small part in that global supply chain of communication, allowing Protectors from all over the world to engage with likeminded individuals from a variety of disciplines. In one single issue you can learn about the origins of one of America’s oldest Executive Protection Schools, then jump to reviewing concepts and techniques from recognized practitioners in the combatives community. Want to

hear what your fellow Protector’s think about hot button topics like illegal drug use amongst clients? You’ll find that in here. How about gain some perspective on working with clients who have disabilities? Also here. For over a decade now, The Circuit has strived to be cutting edge, and as we kickstart the new year, our plan is to keep our foot on the gas. To accomplish this, we will be doing more of what we’ve been successful at, namely engaging our community by pulling in Subject Matter Experts from all over the globe. Top that off with Season 2 of The Circuit Podcast, and the conversations that occur around the clock on the NABA Protector & BBA-Connect Apps, and we supply a whole ecosystem of content. In fact, I’m pretty sure there’s no way the world is going to end when it has people like our audience to protect it. Elijah Shaw Editor 7


Industry News At A Glance

We cast our eye over the main stories impacting the security industry. Here's what's appeared on the radar since the last issue. For many lawmakers, the January 6 attack served as a wake-up call to the threat of violence in American politics. As the proTrump mob ransacked the Capitol, then-Vice President Mike Pence and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi were whisked away to safety while other elected officials huddled behind police-guarded doors. Following the Capitol siege, Republicans who criticized Trump were among the biggest spenders on security. Rep. Liz Cheney, a Republican from Wyoming who voted in favor of Trump's second impeachment, hired a security consulting firm and retained three Secret Service agents who'd previously protected her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney. Rising threat of partisan violence in the United States leads to increased Private Security spend

Beyond the January 6 attacks, prominent politicians have been targeted in plots or seriously wounded in attacks.

Security spending for US politicians became easier in March 2021, when the FEC ruled that members of Congress could spend campaign funds on "bona fide, legitimate, professional personal security personnel."

A gunman shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, a Democrat from Arizona, in the head during a 2011 constituent event, nearly killing her. In 2017, a gunman shot Republican House Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana while he was practicing for the annual Congressional Baseball Game in Alexandria, Virginia. A neighbor attacked Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, breaking several of his ribs and cutting his face.

But some lawmakers had charged protection-related expenditures to their campaigns even before the agency's ruling, particularly in the weeks after supporters of then-President Donald Trump attacked the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. "This is not an uptick, this is a huge avalanche of new spending on security. And it all began with the Trump," Holman said. "Trump supporters and Trump himself have encouraged violence against those who disagree with Trump."

In 2020, 14 men were arrested and charged in connection with an alleged plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. Of the six arrested on a federal kidnapping conspiracy charge, one has pleaded guilty and is expected to testify against the rest at a trial later this year. Source >


INDUSTRY NEWS Security Experts weigh in as the debate around the threat to Prince Harry intensifies The risk to Prince Harry's and his family's lives is now higher after he and his wife Meghan Markle stepped back as working members of the royal family, according to royal expert Richard Aitch. Aitch pointed out that police have the power of the law and "can create sterile and secure areas they can prevent access by the civilians on the ground venues." They are also able to reduce the risk to the lives of people they are protecting "quite considerably" because they can control traffic flow, stop traffic and travel at the speed they prefer, according to the security expert. In a statement issued earlier this month, a legal representative for Prince Harry said that the duke's private security team does not have adequate jurisdiction abroad or access to U.K. intelligence information necessary to protect him, his wife and their children, Archie, 2, and Lilibet, 7 months. The representative said Prince Harry was "unable to return to his home" because it was too dangerous. According to the representative, Prince Harry sought police protection following an incident in London in 2021, when he

returned to the U.K. for the unveiling of a statue of Princess Diana, and his security was compromised after his car was reportedly chased by photographers as he left a charity event. However, Dai Davies, who was an operational unit commander for royal protection from 1995 and a former divisional commander in the Metropolitan Police Service, insisted that "the risk at this stage is deemed low" and that if Prince Harry needs police protection, it will be granted. "There has never been a precedent where somebody pays for their security in this country. If it's required, it will be provided," Davies said on "Good Morning Britain." Ken Wharfe, Princess Diana's former personal protection officer, pointed out that if Prince Harry's request is granted because he offered to pay, then "every visiting Hollywood star and wealthy celebrity may as well expect the same privileges." "He cannot claim he was not told. For him now to be threatening legal action against the government, and by extension against the Queen herself, is unprecedented for any royal, even one who has abdicated his official duties," Wharfe wrote. Source >



Mexican cartels now use IEDs as well as bomb-dropping drones In the war raging between drug cartels in western Mexico, gangs have begun using improvised explosive devices (IEDs) on roads to disable army vehicles. The self-defense movement in the town of Tepalcatepec, in western Michoacan state, said improvised land mines severely damaged an army armored car late last week.

use homemade armored cars and drones modified to drop small bombs. But it would be the first time IEDs have been successfully used by cartels in Mexico. The Defense Department confirmed that army patrols were attacked in the area Saturday four times with explosives, homemade armored cars and gunfire that wounded 10 soldiers. The department did not specify what type of explosives were involved.

A spokesman for the movement, which is battling the Jalisco cartel, supplied photos showing a disabled army light armored vehicle on a road with damage he said was caused by such a mine.

Security analyst Juan Ibarrola, who specializes in the military, said “the worrisome thing is the improvisation that they (criminal groups) are doing with engineering, to create weapons, boobytraps, explosives and so on.”

The spokesman, who refused to reveal his name for fear of reprisals, said the explosion happened last Saturday in the town of Taixtan, near Tepalcatepec, where locals have been battling Jalisco gunmen for months.

Rather than trying to fight an outright war with the army — which they know they would lose — Ibarrola said that with the IEDs and other devices “more than anything else, what they are trying to do is threaten and take on rival groups.”

The warring gangs already frequently

Source >


INDUSTRY NEWS Man arrested after abducting Michael Bloomberg’s Colorado housekeeper at gunpoint An armed suspect stormed Michael Bloomberg‘s Colorado ranch and kidnapped the former mayor’s housekeeper while stating he wanted to “make an international scene” with the billionaire or his daughters.

connection to the high profile family or his victim, police said. He had worked as a handyman in exchange for housing, but was fired from the job and evicted from his home a day before the kidnapping, according to the affidavit. Beecher was jailed in Wyoming and faced federal kidnapping charges.

Source >

Joseph Beecher, 48, allegedly rammed his truck through the $45 million ranch’s gate on Wednesday and abducted Amanda Edinger at gunpoint. He then forced her to drive him through metro Denver and into Wyoming in her vehicle, after trying to hide his damaged truck in an embankment, court documents said. Cops caught up with Beecher and Edinger Thursday at a Cheyenne motel, where Beecher was allegedly armed with an AR15 and a handgun. The Bloombergs were not home at the time of the attack and the housekeeper was not injured. The suspect lived about 70 miles away from the Bloomberg home and had no

Elon Musk offered a 19-year-old $5,000 to take down a Twitter account that tracks his private jet Elon Musk messaged the owner of a Twitter account that tracks his private jet, with an offer of $5,000 if he took the account offline. The "Elon Musk's Jet" account shows the movements of Musk's private jet, using bots that monitor publicly available airtraffic data. The owner of the account, a 19-yearold named Jack Sweeney, received a message in fall last year at 12:13 a.m. from Musk. It said: "Can you take this

down? It is a security risk." Sweeney replied, "Yes I can but it'll cost you a Model 3 only joking unless?”. Musk said, "I don't love the idea of being shot by a nutcase," When Sweeney told Musk where he was aggregating the data from, Musk responded, "Air traffic control is so primitive,”. Musk tweeted earlier this month that social-media accounts tracking his movements were "becoming a security issue." Source >


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Providing EP Chris Grow & Denida Zinxhiria Grow

services for Clients with Physical Disabilities and Mental Health Disorders

One of the biggest misconceptions for new Executive Protection practitioners is that they have an innocent and naive belief that they will land the best client, the one who is aware about what Executive Protection is, the one who is very active and physically trained, the one who will be following up with security directions, the one who will care about his/her agents’ wellbeing and the one who will be easy going and friendly. Yes, the perfect client does exist, but it may take you quite some time in your career to get one, if at all. Considering clients have their own character traits, let’s talk

about those clients who, day to day, are facing a physical disability such as paralysis, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, or even a semipermanent injury. And remember, 13

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 61 being simply advanced in years may have a substantial affect on their movements and therefore create some unique challenges in providing protective services for them. The German Politician Wolfgang Schäuble has been bound to a wheelchair since 1990 after an assassination attempt, actor Michael J. Fox has been fighting with Parkinson’s disease for decades and actress Selma Blair has been living with multiple sclerosis since 2018. What all these famous people have in common is also a protective detail and Executive Protection Agents providing services for them. So have you ever wondered what an EP agent must take into consideration when he/she is hired to provide services for an individual with physical limitations or disabilities? While the primary goal remains the same, ‘’Protect the Principal’’, the way in which you are achieving it may be a little bit different in these types of situations. • First of all, do your due diligence and get informed on the specific circumstances that surround your prospective client. There are a number of crucial items you should know. Medical condition, abilities/inabilities, 14

current medications, private physician info, etc. The more you know, the better you will be when providing services for them. • At your first meeting, ask them about their needs and if they have particular expectations from you. Ask about any specific instructions for their care day to day. • Consider how much time it takes for them to go from point A to B and plan/design scenarios around having to evacuate them (with or without the wheelchair or any walking aids). • Learn all about their specific wheelchair functions and movement (Or any walking aids). • Always ask permission before jumping to help, especially when in public or in the company of other people. Don’t assume that they may always want or need your help. At this point in their lives, they can feel that an enormous amount of their personal freedom has been stripped away. • Always keep in mind, people with disabilities are still people and they still have a great many things they like or want.


• Be patient and polite when offering any help. Don’t try to rush them. What for you may seem easy, for them may be hard, painful or even seem impossible. • Recognize and respect their personal space and time. Yes, even a person who needs assistance to move around and depends on you will still have need of his/her own personal space or time.

• Don’t ‘’over-do it’’, let them breathe from time to time. You do NOT have to be in the room every waking second. • Always be prepared to make adjustments or accommodations to make their life easier and look for ways to develop methods to better assist them. • Always take into consideration their special needs (physical and medical) when you have 15

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 61 to visit venues, attend events, travel into other countries, book a hotel room, make dinner reservations etc. Have in mind, not many countries are as progressive as we are when it comes to customers with physical disabilities. Having a highlyskilled advance agent who can plan these details accordingly is a great advantage in these cases. • Ensure that someone from the team is ahead of you, taking care to be sure there is a clear path for your client to enter or exit with the wheelchair or walking aid, wherever you may have to go. • If there is no threat, give them their time and have patience while moving to discourage pressured or awkward moments. • In the event of an imminent moment of threat or danger, have you planned ahead and are you, or a group of you, capable of lifting that person up properly and assisting in a quick and safe evacuation? • Be quite careful of your language both while in the presence or in the absence of your client. While many professionals are aware which words can be offensive for a person who has a disability, some may accidentally offend 16

Imagine the client who goes into a full panic attack when walking through and dealing with crowds or the client who suffers from dementia and you have to introduce yourself for the 100th time.

PROVIDING EP SERVICES someone without meaning to. When you work for people with disabilities you want them to feel respected and empowered. In order to accomplish that, simply place emphasis on someone as the person first, by name, and then, only if needed, mention the disability if logistics would require it to avoid embarrassment or frustration. Now let’s talk about clients who are dealing with mental health disorders, which are the most common issues an Executive Protection agent may have to deal with and can be hard to detect unless you are told or you are quick to recognize. Most common reported names and examples (as per their public confessions): 1. Elon Musk - Asperger's Syndrome 2. Chrissy Teigen - Postpartum Depression 3. Demi Lovato - Bipolar Disorder 4. Steve Young - Social Anxiety Disorder 5. Donny Osmond - Social Anxiety Disorder 6. Michael Phelps - ADHD 7. Dan Reynolds - Clinical Depression

8. Leonardo DiCaprio - ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder 9. Daniel Radcliffe - ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder 10. Lady Gaga - PTSD 11. Adele - Postpartum Depression 12. Prince Harry - Severe Anxiety during royal events 13. Chris Evans - Social Anxiety 14. Jim Carrey – Depression Why it is important to be aware of your client’s mental health disorders? Because what they are dealing with affects the way they see life, you, threats, others etc. Just by simply being aware, you enable yourself to make the necessary adjustments in how you approach them, interact with them and how you provide services to them. Imagine the client who goes into a full panic attack when walking through and dealing with crowds or the client who suffers from dementia and you have to introduce yourself for the 100th time. Although we highly emphasize the importance of creating and maintaining a medical profile for your client and keeping the involved agents apprised of this information, not many companies 17

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 61 practice this. Until you are informed about a disorder or medical malady by your supervisor, predecessor or the client himself, it may take you quite some time with dedicated personal observation and study to discover what you are dealing with. Again, do your due diligence to find out what the condition is or may be. If you can consult with a therapist, do so while always maintaining the utmost discretion and confidentiality. In a case where this may not be possible, an easy way to find more information is by using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), the handbook used by health care professionals as a guide to the diagnosis of mental disorders. The book contains descriptions, symptoms, and other criteria for diagnosing mental disorders. However, as with “Googling” your symptoms on the internet, one must be very careful of how to use this handbook and the information it contains. How you approach your clients who may suffer from mental health disorders is very important and can help by creating a healthy relationship and a positive protective detail while avoiding conflicts and awkward or embarrassing events. 18

These are some key points to have in mind: • During a crisis moment, pause, stand back and assess the situation before approaching. What you see on initial approach may not be as it appears. • Be careful with your tone, speak slowly and in a calm manner. You, your tone and your body language have an enormous effect on the situational outcome. • If need be, introduce yourself again, explain why you are there and ask how you can be of assistance. • If they appear disoriented, reassure them, remaining calm yourself. This will have a drastic effect on their mental status as well. • Listen to what they would like and respect their wishes if possible. • Do not rush them, create space and give them their time. • Make sure you are providing a quiet and discreet place for them, if needed, kindly request that all other people present exit to allow them a few minutes of quiet.


Actor Michael J. Fox has been fighting with Parkinson’s disease for decades

• Remain calm and have patience. Listen, don’t speak...Sometimes a willing ear is all that is required to assist in a peaceful outcome. • Try to identify the cause of their respective triggers and reduce any noise levels and confusion.

• Keeping their triggers in mind, always take appropriate measures while travelling or attending events to eliminate awkward moments or embarrassing circumstances. • Know your limits and recognize 19

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 61 you have done your due diligence, sharpened your client awareness skills and made all the required and necessary preparations, you can achieve calmer details with • Never forget, you are NOT their very few calamities and avoid unneeded conflicts and give your therapist but their Executive client security, confidence and Protection agent, concerned peace of mind. about their wellbeing. the difference between what you feel comfortable handling and when it is time to ask for a professional intervention.

Understanding that the people you interact with, provide assistance to or the very person you are directly protecting, is in pain, stressed, fearful, angry or extremely confused, etc and being able to recognize these moments and have a plan of how to deal with it Dealing with someone who has properly, will help soothing these physical disabilities or mental health disorders is no easy task, no anxious and difficult behaviors matter how well prepared you are, at the earliest possible stage and especially when you are facing providing a stable, professional platform from which to provide it from the aspect of an Executive services. Protection agent. However, when • If you are interested to learn more and being more prepared, there are many Psychological First Aid or Intervention to Crisis classes available online.

Denida Zinxhiria Growis the Founder and CEO of Athena Worldwide, Athena Academy and Nannyguards. She uses her personal experience as an Executive Protection Operative and Security Consultant to help others learn what it takes to master the ins and outs of the Security Industry and empower women in the security industry. Chris Growisan Executive Protection Specialist with 30 years of experience in a wide range of operational theaters. Through progressive exposure to national and international security, Chris has designed and executed successful risk and threat assessments and implemented security plans and strategies to mitigate risk and enhance security for multi-cultural clientele across many different industries. 20


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By Hayley Elvins

Penetrating a Close Protection Team What is Physical Penetration Testing? Physical Penetration Testing is a series of carefully orchestrated attack scenarios from the perspective of relevant threat actors.

Our methodology combines client consultation, research, reconnaissance, infiltration, assessment, and subsequent recommendations. This provides our clients with both an effective service and realistic results. Why would a client request that a CP team be tested Our usual requests involve corporate offices, high value

residences and even yachts. A typical project would involve set objectives such as determining the online social media accounts of executives, identifying corporate emails used for private purposes and infiltrating certain points within a building such as particular offices, the server room or gaining network access. However, we are occasionally employed for more unusual tasks including a recent request to test the capabilities and online profiles 23

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 61 What about the privacy and rights of the staff and team? It should be noted at this point, that the team and household staff provided their consent for us to conduct the operation, we wanted to replicate the methods that a We have previously been genuine threat actor would use instructed to test a team because and had to tread the balance of the client was considering changing meeting our legal requirements providers and required evidence and not tipping off the team to our to justify the decision, or in one exact methodology or timescale. instance because the client simply We did not provide details of our thought they were not effective specific intentions, but staff were enough. These tasks have involved told that their movements and more obvious objectives such as activity might be monitored, and it making physical contact with the was made very clear that this was principal. a learning exercise rather than an attempt to discredit anyone’s In this instance our objectives capability. were twofold: We were required to identify who This is the one instance where each executive protection / close Covid worked in our favour, as protection team member was, we intended to operate slowly and to present any identifying over a long period of time and the information about them which lockdown came into effect shortly could be used by an adversary after we were engaged, we were in order to threaten, bribe or not at the forefront of people’s blackmail them. minds. of an entire close protection team. In this instance, the test was instigated by an incoming team leader, who very proactively wanted to establish if there were any gaps in the client’s defences.

We were also tasked with gaining access to the residence without detection, specifically targeting the principal’s office and master bedroom where we would deploy mock listening devices and covert cameras.


Is the methodology the same? The stages of the project followed the same principles as a regular physical penetration test but was conducted in a different order. Our project was a “black box” test, this meant that we knew nothing

PENETRATING A CLOSE PROTECTION TEAM about the people we would be investigating and had to identify the close protection team, their numbers and who they wereThis would typically be achieved through OSINT sources including social media, news articles and linked-in, however as the nature of CP work usually avoids anyone discussing who their principal is, we had to start with surveillance and work our way back to OSINT. The Reconnaissance Stage Our client’s residence was well fortified with high perimeter walls, complete external CCTV coverage

with motion alerts and window sensors. However, its rural location in a slight valley enabled us to easily create an OP from which we could establish the pattern of life of the staff, visitors, and family. We established that whilst the residential security team operated 24 hours, both the RST and CP team all lived off-site, some in a hotel nearby and some within a 30-minute drive. We conducted a surveillance operation over the course of a month and identified the houses, hotel rooms and vehicles of the 8-man team. This surveillance period also enabled


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 61 us to identify the staff including the housekeeper, gardeners, nannies, and chefs. We noted their routine, days off and events that occurred at the residence. The Information Gathering Stage Once we had established where the CP team were located, we started to identify who they were. This involved some basic enquiries such as reverse searching the electoral roll and using data bases which we would expect a serious threat actor to gain access to. We aimed to identify their weak points such as addresses, family members and any activity which could be considered compromising, such as gambling. The team leader who we had had limited contact with, told us to use all of our resources against the team and not to hold back. We found that he usually car shared with one of his operatives. He drove very carefully and appeared to be really surveillance aware. We had to be very cautious in our surveillance and planned to follow just parts of his route over a series of days. He did exactly what he should and varied his route almost every day, we eventually managed to follow him to a petrol station and took a dynamic decision to place a tracker on his vehicle. We drove a van alongside his car and one of 26

Took a dynamic decision to place a tracker on his vehicle. We drove a van alongside his car and one of our operators fitted it in about 5 seconds.

PENETRATING A CLOSE PROTECTION TEAM our operators fitted it in about 5 seconds. All we had to do then was sit back and monitor his route which led us to his home and that of his team member. We followed his colleague to a local gym and were able to shoulder surf to watch him enter his email address to sign into Netflix on a cardio machine. This gave us his full name and email, he had a surname that was not common which helped us considerably, as we were then able to search for online accounts and breach data. We found a historic password which did not match his current email; however, it did give us access to a hotel frequent user account. From which we were able to identify all of his historic stays. This identified a routine in one destination, which we later identified was a hotel where his principal also stayed. Great intelligence if we represented a genuine threat to his principal.

us to his previous address from which we were able to identify his family name and subsequently him. We viewed partners social media where accounts were open, one comment was made by a girlfriend who mentioned that she would be visiting her family soon as her boyfriend was going to be working away. We assumed that he may be travelling with the principal but needed to confirm this. The entire team had excellent social media discipline; however, some had been let down by posts made by their friends and family or through small mistakes which they would not have attributed to providing information about their client.

This information we gained about the team was important to help us plan our pretexts, ways to obtain We identified other team members further information and ways of through a variety of techniques, infiltrating the residence, but we including, one through a reverse needed more information to build image search and one by retrieving the whole intelligence picture. a prescription receipt which had been discarded in his hotel bin and One of our top priorities was left outside the door for rubbish removing the rubbish from the collection. One finally succumbed property. To do this we used an to a honey trap style date, and operator to pose as a bin man one finally went to visit his parents who was walking along the road during some down time which led prior to the arrival of the bin 27


lorry to ensure that the bins were facing the right way for the lorry to empty. We planned this on a day that the sun was at a low angle and was shining brightly towards the security camera covering the bin area. In some ways we wanted to act mildly suspicious to test the reactions of the team. As he passed our target address, he pulled out the top two bin bags and kept walking with them. We later found out that our 28

estimation that the sun would affect the camera was accurate and he had not been seen. The bin bags were emptied, and we obtained a packing slip which had arrived with some designer paint samples, it contained a contact name of someone we then identified as the housekeeper, her email, the residence address, and phone number. We also had the intelligence that some sort of renovation was underway. Other

PENETRATING A CLOSE PROTECTION TEAM important information included an envelope from an electrical goods distributor who specialise in kitchenware and a newsletter containing the school details of the principals children. The Infiltration Optimal conditions for our infiltration against the residence were when the on-site staff was at its smallest. We assumed that when the principal travelled with his family, a minimal RS presence would remain. As we had identified when one of the team was expected to be away, which coincided with the holiday days advertised on the school website, we started planning to attack over this period, but we still wanted confirmation.

from his house. This confirmed our suspicions that the principal would be travelling, but we wanted to ensure that his family and some additional staff such as the nannies would also be away from the residence. We took a gamble and used the landline number we had obtained for the residence to make a call pretending to be from a nearby private dentist confirming an appointment for the family the following week. From this we established that the whole family would be away. Which we regarded as enough or us to proceed with our infiltration planning.

We made some additional social engineering calls and were near certain that the family would be Our previous housing of one of the away for a two week period, we team had identified a vehicle on his believed that just a skeleton staff driveway with a for sale sign in it. would remain but had no way of We phoned to arranging a viewing knowing for sure. We identified but said we lived in the village that the housekeeper attended where the residence was, he took a chiropody appointment every the bait and said that he worked week and was away from the near there and would take the property for 90 minutes, and that vehicle to work, meeting us when one of the RST fuelled the vehicles he had finished. We arranged a each afternoon, this provided us meeting and told him we would with a window in which to gain buy the car; however, we could access to the residence. not collect it until the following week. He said that he was due to The family were observed leaving be away, but we could collect it with suitcases as expected, once 29

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 61 the housekeeper was in her appointment, we phoned the landline which was picked up by the remaining RST. We stated that we were on our way with the fridge delivery and were confirming that there would be someone home to sign for it.

intact enough to hopefully avoid a quick glance. We had a second operator in the back of the van ready for any opportunistic access as we did not know how much observation we would be under once we were inside the perimeter.

As we were unloading one of We drove a delivery van containing the team phoned the residence a huge American style fridge box number, the RST took the call but to the residence, knowing that walked away from the delivery who the RST were unlikely to reach the were conveniently making as much housekeeper to confirm the order. noise as possible. The operator The operators conducting the from the rear of the vehicle took delivery had paperwork with the the opportunity to hide in an housekeeps details on and wore a outbuilding. uniform similar to that of a known delivery company. The delivery people instructed the RST that they had been asked to place the fridge in the utility area where it should be left still for 24 hours to allow the refrigerant gasses to settle, a fitter was due the following day. We believed that once the housekeeper returned, we would have a very limited opportunity as she would either open the box or demand that it was collected. We provided a delivery note with an authentic looking phone number if she did ring. The fridge that we delivered had been fitted with a false back, one of our operators was inside ready to cut himself out, leaving the front of the packaging 30

PENETRATING A CLOSE PROTECTION TEAM We had previously flown a drone over the property and established that most of the cameras were positioned to cover the outer perimeter. There was one covering the main entrance and parking area, but the inner perimeter area appeared not to be covered, this indicated that the clients were possibly quite privacy conscious and were unlikely to have internal cameras. As we now had the bonus of a second operator within the property, our fridge operator was under less pressure and

maintained his position. As luck would have it, the housekeeper did not come back to the residence after the appointment. The operators needed to get inside the house before the residence was locked down for the night. The team outside were able to communicate with them and tell them when the staff started to leave, we wanted to gain access just before the last person went home and the doors were all locked by security, and we presumed the alarm system would be set.



The fridge operator let himself out and let the 2nd operator in through a staff door, they then needed to get to the front of the house which was the client area without being detected by the RST or the chef. They waited until the second the chef exited and had a small window of opportunity to reach the upper floor where we did not expect the RST to visit, unless they were conducting a patrol or were alerted to our presence. At this point our operators were in and the task involved evidencing any personal or security information which could be used against the principal. The remaining objectives were accessing the clients master bedroom and office and planting the bugging devices. The office 32

was locked but the lock was bypassed with little difficulty and the bedroom was unlocked. The devices were installed, and additional information relating to the WIFI network was gained. Exiting without detection Once this was complete, we had reached our objectives, but we ideally wanted to exit the property without detection. Various methods had been pre-empted such as causing a distraction, jamming the window sensors, or cutting the electrical supply to briefly turn off the alarms and cameras, however our operators believed that the residence alarm had been set, the alarm box was situated in the ops room and could not be accessed, and the electrical system was thought to have

PENETRATING A CLOSE PROTECTION TEAM backup battery power, so breaking the electrical circuit was not an option. We were contemplating remaining in the residence overnight but as we were not convinced that the morning staff would arrive with the family away we implemented plan D. At 0500 hrs before first light, four of our team drove a large van fitted with amber flashing lights and magnetic replica gas company signs to the residence. Our operators dressed accordingly, pressed the gate intercom with the pretext that there was a bad gas leak in the area, and they needed to cut off the local supply which may affect the residence for some time. They then stated that they needed to take some gas measurements from both outside and inside the property to ensure that it was safe, and the building would not have to be evacuated. The RST obliged and allowed the supposed gasmen into the grounds, unlocking the staff door to meet them. Our operators walked around and pretended to be conducting various checks. This

provided the perfect opportunity for the team to distract the RST, allowing the two pen testers to exit the building and hide inside the van. The area was declared safe, and it was decided that the residence would not be affected by the gas works, and the team all exited the area. Mission accomplished. The Conclusion Usually, a very thorough report would be provided to the client, in this instance a team debrief was requested to allow the close protection team and household staff to understand how the operation had been conducted and what had been achieved. The results were taken very well, the team had very high standards, however they were surprised at how easily we had been able to trace their homes and families. The TL has requested that we go back at a later date to assess if our recommendations have been implemented accordingly and to identify any new vulnerabilities.

Hayley Elvins started her security pathway in the Royal Military Police, Close Protection Unit. She was then recruited as an Operational Officer in the MOD before setting up Sloane Risk Group, a bespoke security consultancy specialising in counter- espionage solutions and physical penetration testing. 33


INTELLIGENCE gathering: part 2

HUMAN INTELLIGENCE I wrote the below notes on intelligence gathering a few years ago for a project I was dealing with in West Africa. These notes highlight basic intelligence gathering techniques that can be used against criminals and terrorists but can also be used against you. A lot of time those engaged in counter-terrorism and organized crime operations do not take adequate counterintelligence precautions to protect themselves, their assets or the operations they are working on. As you read through this chapter think about how you could be targeted and what you could do to prevent information leaks.


The best way to learn how to defend something is to learn how to attack it. So, from a training perspective try targeting others you know with some of the techniques I have listed here. I think you will be surprised to see how vulnerable the vast majority of people are, just try to ensure you’re not one of them!



CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 61 Human Intelligence Gathering Good intelligence is the most important element in all counterinsurgency (COIN) operations. Your goal is to build an accurate picture of the terrorists’ and criminals’ network, their identities, safe houses, capabilities, contacts, sources of supplies and finances, etc. Below are a few considerations on how to gain intelligence on terrorist or criminal organizations. False Intelligence You must always verify all the information you intercept or is supplied to you, never take things at face value. Unverified information needs to be treated as unreliable or with great caution even if the source is reliable, as they could have been compromised. Sources need to be rated according to their reliability, which can only be done over time. They might have gotten lucky and provided a solid lead once but everything after that one gem still needs to be verified.

a source’s reliability and value should become clear and they should be rewarded likewise or no longer used unless it’s to spread disinformation. Disinformation is something that can be used either against you or in your favor. The terrorists and criminals can feed you false information to lead you off their trail or into ambushes, etc. That is why all information needs to be verified. If staging an operation based on a source’s information precautions need to be taken at all stages of the operations to avoid compromise or ambush. You can also use disinformation to lure the terrorists into arrest or ambush locations and to spread confusion or conflicts within their organization, etc.

These days with social media it’s easy to spread disinformation and to use fake profiles to entrap people. From a defensive perspective, you can tag yourself and post photos from locations you’re nowhere near to or locations When information is supplied, think you have under surveillance to see if anyone comes looking for you. what was the reason the source supplied it, what was their incentive From the offensive perspective, setting up fake social media or to supply the information? Are they looking for payment, are they dating profiles to approach or attract those you’re targeting is trying to discredit an opponent or a basic and proven tactic and a lead you into a trap, etc.? All this favorite for scammers and identity needs to be analyzed. Over time 36


Disinformation is something that can be used either against you or in your favor. The terrorists and criminals can feed you false information to lead you off their trail or into ambushes.

Always be very cautious when analyzing any intelligence that has been supplied to you. Always use your imagination to the max when looking to spread disinformation and don’t be afraid to play dirty. If your target’s wife receives a message from her husband’s pregnant girlfriend that can instigate conflict and discourse, can possibly get the wife to give up the target’s location or bring the target out into the open to smooth things over with his disgruntle wife, etc. Use your imagination… Media & Social Media You should monitor all media sources such as printed newspapers, social media and the internet for interviews, stories and photos on your target. These days the emphasis is placed on social media but in many developing countries local printed newspapers and radio are the main sources of news and current affairs and should be monitored. Any journalists who are writing stories about the terrorist or criminal organizations should be monitored and pseudo media operations offering interview opportunities to the terrorist or criminals and their supporters should be considered. 37


• Mail: People still use snail mail Communications and written messages can Once a terrorist or criminal be intercepted, then read or suspect or supporter has been modified to your needs. identified you should target their communications. All terrorist and • Landline Phones: It may come criminal organizations need to be as a shock to many people these able to communicate internally days, but landline phones are within their organization and still used, and payphones can externally with family members, still be found. Landlines are sources of supplies, etc. easy to bug with commercially Interception of the target’s lines available equipment. If the of communication is an excellent terrorists or criminals are using source of valuable intelligence. payphones, you want to identify Remember, if you cannot target the any patterns of use via the person you are looking for directly numbers they are using, then then target those whom you locate and bug the phones as suspect they are dealing with and well as put them under remote wait for him or her to communicate camera or physical surveillance with them. 38

HUMAN INTELLIGENCE if your resources and budget allow. • Mobile Phones: If you can access a target’s mobile phone you will have access to their location, network and communications. Access can be gained by sending trojan applications, by having sources close to the target install spyware or by gifting new phones, again through sources close to the target. Where budgets allow IMSI-catchers (stingers) should be acquired and employed. IMSI-catchers are devices that are used for intercepting mobile phone traffic and tracking the location and data of mobile phone users. They are expensive and are officially only available to military and law enforcement agencies but are available on the black market. Warning: Such devices are in the hands of terrorist and criminal organizations as they are bought from or through corrupt officials who have access to the equipment or required enduser certificates.

having sources install spyware, hacking operations or by getting hold of account passwords. • Radios: Most commercial walkietalkie and CB radio signals can be intercepted with radio scanners. In remote areas a radio scanner on permanent scan will pick up all the radio communications being sent in the area. In urban areas there can be issues with interference due to the number of signals which can be an advantage for the terrorists and criminals but make it difficult for those targeting them. Family and Friends Most people only communicate with a small group of family, friends and associates. If you are targeting someone, their friends and family can generally lead you to them. Usually, if someone is OTR (On The Run) or in hiding, it is only a matter of time before they contact their family or known friends, etc. • The mail, phones, computers and social media of the target’s family and associates can be monitored.

• Email & Computers: Unsecured computers and Wi-Fi connections can give you access to a supply of constant and up to • The family and associates can be placed under physical or remote date information. As with mobile surveillance to see if they contact phones, access can be gained the target, their associates or are through trojan applications, 39

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 61 buying supplies for the target. • The business and home addresses of the target’s family and associates can be put under surveillance, mail and phone lines monitored and listening devices placed within the buildings. Also, monitor the electricity or water bills for the building. If the electricity, water usage or food deliveries, etc. increase suddenly, or are in excess for the known occupants, there could possibly be someone hiding in the building. • Cars of the target’s family and associates can be fitted with tracking and listening devices. Locals and Neighbors Locals and neighbors of the target, their family and associates can prove to be good sources of intelligence. Send a socially skilled operative to speak with them paying special attention to anyone who shows a dislike for the target, their family and associates. Local children can also provide information on activity in the area and might not be as guarded and keener to talk than adults. Documents Any seized or acquired papers need to be analyzed for forensics as well as the information they contain. Even the smallest pieces of paperwork should not be 40

If you’re sending people to hang out in cafés, bars or clubs frequented by your targets ensure they fit in with the other people in that location.

HUMAN INTELLIGENCE overlooked, such as shopping receipts that show locations, dates and times, etc. that can be acquired from the target or their family’s garbage, etc.

frequented by your targets ensure they fit in with the other people in that location. A rigid former career soldier in his 40’s will not fit in with an under 25 crowd at a pool party unless he’s pretending to be Sources of Supplies someone’s sugar daddy. If you’re All terrorist and criminal sending people into bars to make organizations need to be supplied sure they have some tolerance with weapons, ammunition, food, for alcohol and won’t be drunk, medical equipment, gasoline and acting stupid and talking too much cash, etc. For example, mobile after a few beers. If you’re sending phones need SIM cards and the people into brothels or strip bars accounts need to be topped up make sure they have some life with funds, so where and how are experience and won’t be acting the terrorist or criminals doing this? like terrified virgins or an excited Once sources are identified they adolescents when they see a naked can then be monitored, and the woman. supplies tracked to the target or modified before delivery. Rewards Rewards can be offered for Routes or Areas Frequented information on the targets. All Suspected routes used and information would need to be locations frequented for social verified as you can expect a large activity, etc. by the target should amount of bogus information, if not be monitored or ambushed. If outright disinformation. Rewards the target is spotted, they can be need to be paid if the information followed or arrested, etc. as can supplied proves to be accurate. Not their known associates. paying rewards would lead to the program losing its credibility very If you’re sending people to quickly. would lead to the program hang out in cafés, bars or clubs losing its credibility very quickly. Orlando Wilson has worked in the security industry internationally for over 25 years. He has become accustomed to the types of complications that can occur, when dealing with international law enforcement agencies, organized criminal and Mafia groups. He is the chief consultant for Risks Inc. and based in Miami but spends much of his time traveling and providing a wide range of kidnapping prevention and tactical training services to private and government clients. 41


By Dale L. June

Combining the Warrior / Guardian Mindset to Shape Protectors Are high-level protectors warriors or guardians? That question has been bandied about for several decades at least as far back as the 1980’s when the field became recognized as a valid and professional field of occupation. A deep analysis of research topics and opinions leads to a conclusion that to become the best protector possible they can and ought to be both. In most dictionary definitions a warrior is “a person engaged or experienced in warfare; soldier; a person who shows or has shown great vigor, courage, or aggressiveness, as in politics or athletics; a brave or experienced soldier or fighter;” Even the word 42

“warrior” connotes war and violence; War-ior. Ancient Sparta raised boys to be warriors, taught to endure hardships, the use of martial weapons and tactics of warfare. During the Crusades, Christians traveled to the Middle East to fight as “Warriors for Jesus”. The study of martial arts leads to a mindset of “thinking like a warrior”, especially among novices who


“One who recognizes all men as members of his own body is a sound man to guard them” - Lao Tzu “Truth is not what you want it to be. It is what it is, and you must bend to it’s power or live a lie” – Miyamoto Masashi


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 61 believe learning the art will make them capable of conquering any aggressive action toward them. A warrior is a person at war with something and that often leads to an “us vs. them” attitude approach common when a protector’s goal and procedures conflict with the protectee’s staff. Those definitions and examples are what is normally conjured up in one’s mind when talking of a warrior. They do not fit with personal protection as we have come to know it. Closer to the warrior mindset of a protector is a definition by the famous Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux leader Sitting Bull, “The warrior, for us, is one who sacrifices himself for the good of others. His task is to take care of the elderly, the defenseless, those who cannot provide for themselves, and above all, the children - the future of humanity.” The Sitting Bull warrior mindset opinion influences attitudes and approaches in the protective services and shows a disciplined and courageous mind to make difficult, often risky, strategic, and tactical decisions. Protection is a battlefield, not in the sense of war but in a sense of facing difficult challenges that must be overcome.

The Sitting Bull warrior mindset opinion influences attitudes and approaches in the protective services and shows a disciplined and courageous mind to make difficult, often risky, strategic, and tactical decisions. associates and by his own team. A good warrior leader is adaptable, capable, and confident in believing in success with a zero mission fail mentality.

He works “in the zone” with a tough mindedness maintaining focus and concentration on all the details and works to his and the team’s full potential solidifying priorities, controlling emotional A warrior is a natural leader with a anxieties and mindful of potential conviction of ,“follow me.” A warrior mental mistakes. The protection mentality includes good leadership warrior does not stagnate, he as the protective agent is looked keeps moving forward with upon as a leader by the protectee training, education, and practice. and his circle of family, staff, and He believes in his own ability and 44


protectors who also serve. They serve understanding and compassion, underlined with The Guardian Mindset incorporates respect, confidence, and reliability for that one moment in time when many factions of the warrior mindset but adheres to a different they must respond with assertive overall attitude and approach. They aggression against an immediate think holistically, not paramilitarily, danger. They are flexible in thought seeing the “big picture” in all phases and action but not as authoritarian, dogmatic, “do as I say, I am the of the protective responsibilities. expert” boastfulness. They do not nourish an “us vs. them” attitude and will listen They acknowledge their to all opinions, thoughts, and psychological and philosophical recommendations. They are learns to avoid distractions using every opportunity to learn.


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 61 part of being in another person’s world while not being a part of it. It is knowing their capabilities and understanding the mindset, psychological and philosophical personality of the protectee. According to the philosophy of Sun Tzu, “All war is based on deception, be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Even to the point of soundlessness. Therefore, you can be the director of your opponent’s fate. The art of knowing (intelligence gathering and analysis) is of vital importance. It is a matter of life and death. A road to either safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected. Do not rely on the likelihood of the enemy not coming, but on your own readiness to receive him; not on the chance of his not attacking, but rather on the fact that you have made your position unassailable. The best victory is when the opponent surrenders of his own accord before there are any actual hostilities. Be as hard to know as the shadow and move as fast as lightening.” Carlos Castaneda in The Second Ring of Power said “A warrior is a way of life, a way of thinking, a way

of being. we choose only once, to be warriors or ordinary. We choose only once. Because choosing to be a warrior alters your fundamental approach to life. While others will view everything as a blessing or a curse, you see only challenges.” A guardian accepts challenges to be beneficial to his duties of preserving the safety of his protectee. Warriors and guardian mindset codes of ethics and morality include personal accountability to deliver the best service to the client possible under all conditions. Accountability breeds responsibility and respect and creates better relationships between the protector and protectee. Protectors should have a guardian/ warrior mindset combination in their operational toolbox. Not the warrior image involving aggression, violence, and warfare but the spiritual warrior philosophy of Sitting Bull. The combination of the two mindsets makes for a formidable protector, who by virtue and understanding of the advice of Sun Tzu, knows his enemy as well as he knows himself.

Dale L. June is a former U.S. Secret Service Agent serving the Presidential Protective Division at the White House with four presidents. He’s worked directly with executives of multi-national corporations, VIPs, political figures, royalty, and celebrities. An accomplished author, his two most recent works Introduction to Executive Protection & An Introduction to Celebrity Protection & Touring, co-authored with Elijah Shaw, spent weeks on the best sellers list. Find them both on 46


WORLDVIEW Powered by Stratfor

project based off of your skills are not now weighing the tone of the words and language you are using to express your political viewpoints. This might never be brought up in conversation, instead you are simply passed over in favor of someone who is a bit more opaque in their political passions. “Grey man” is a term used in our industry to describe someone who blends into the environment, leaving very little wake in his passing. It is a state that many of us actively work to achieve, as it will allow us to more effectively complete our assignment, because by bringing as little attention to us as possible, we gain a tactical advantage. If this is a preferred state, then why are so many of us running counter to that, by actively trying to bring as much attention as possible to our political beliefs? In INTRODUCTORY OFFER this new era of political expression via social media, our words and actions are not aligning with the codes we profess exemplify. As we move $199 FOR THE FIRSTtoYEAR into 2021, my question is, SAVE $100 will it get better or worse?

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By James Bore

cyber security fundamentals

Learning Cyber We're now into my fourth year regularly writing for Circuit, and while the cyber security scene has changed there are some obstacles which seem insurmountable. One of those is the often discussed skills gap, the shortage of people in cyber security.

There's a lot of debate over the skills gap and I've mentioned it before.

development, with something of an old-fashioned and outdated view that the best hackers are self-taught for free and so the For now I'm going to set that to one best cyber security people must side, and talk about the various be as well. As one of the most ways organisations and individuals qualified professionals I know of try to address it, from self-study, to in the security field, Dr. Richard Diston, writes the "worst advice is degrees, to bootcamps. the stuff you get for free because Self-Study nobody has any investment in its quality". This is true in any domain, Probably the most championed and especially in cyber security and well-known way to break into cyber security is self-study and self a lot of the free advice out there 48



CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 61 is put out for ego purposes as much as educational. While there is definitely some good material available being able to filter out the bad stuff requires a degree of experience. Even with paid self-study material, there's an investment of time and self-discipline required which works for some, and not for others. Equally there's cheap material which is, to be blunt, outright misleading (for that matter there's some expensive material which is actively harmful if implemented). Autodidactism is definitely an option, just one that requires a significant amount of work and can involve more than a few dead ends on the way. If you decide to take this route, it is definitely worth joining some of the many communities out there for cyber security learners as they can help validate, assess, and guide towards the useful materials and filter out bad advice. I am far from against the selfstudy route, but it carries risks that learners should be aware of and can be both frustrating and ineffective. Very much a case of buyer beware. Certifications Another route, also often touted 50

Certifications can definitely help. A lot of the time entry level roles are poorly specified by potential employers with a raft of required certificates, and having a few of the right ones can help get past the human resources filter

LEARNING CYBER as the one true path in, is to take various industry certifications either through a self-study route again (just with expensive course books, or less expensive unofficial course books), online courses studying over the long term, or short bootcamps promising certification at the end. Certifications can definitely help. A lot of the time entry level roles are poorly specified by potential employers with a raft of required certificates, and having a few of the right ones can help get past the human resources filter to speak with an actual human being who can evaluate knowledge and understanding effectively. Many (though far from all) certifications also have reasonably good, wellresearched source materials which effectively teach vital areas of cyber security for new entrants.

Sadly very few of those certification courses assess that knowledge in a way that makes the certification useful. The vast majority rely on multiple choice automated quizzes, and seem to believe packing them full of a family edition Trivial Pursuit game’s worth of occasionally-tricky questions is the way to assess learning. The few that don’t are easily recognisable as they tend to take a more hands-on approach to assessment, offering a variety of laboratory tests and simulated environments to demonstrate learned skills. These work well for the better-defined, more technical roles within cyber security such as penetration testing (trying to exploit systems to gain unauthorised entry or cause harm, with permission from the owner of the system) and SOC analysis


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 61 (monitoring, reacting to, and trying to prevent the same harm). SOC analysis work is not as well defined, since the roles can encompass anything from straightforward monitoring through to aspects such as forensics and vulnerability management, but a good course will take you through these, and a good lab assessment will have you carrying them out. The problem is that very few of these practically-assessed exams


are well recognised so far. The OSCP is the most well-known for penetration testing, though others have started to pick up similar approaches. For SOC analysis a relative newcomer which is gaining ground fast is BTL1. OSCP is now often found on penetration testing roles, while BTL1 has more awareness work to do before it becomes commonplace. Of course when you do see a job description with these certifications, it’s a good sign that the hiring manager

LEARNING CYBER understands what they are looking for in a qualification. Bootcamps There are various bootcamp programmes out there, and for full disclosure I teach part time for one called CAPSLOCK. As with anything else quality varies, so I would always say to try and speak to previous students of the course and get their opinions. Many of them are, sadly, focused on teaching a handful of certifications and promising ridiculous salaries which never materialise. Fortunately others, and the number is growing, are more interested in helping to resolve the skills shortage. Bootcamps get a mixed bag of opinions in the industry, many people are very attached to the self-taught route and accuse these courses of profiteering and exploitation (and indeed, some do exactly this), without any evaluation of the individual courses. Others will take a dislike to even the best course because it does not include the certification they fell is most important (which is frankly often a sign of a narrow view of the field). The good bootcamp courses will include placement support and 53


Bootcamps get a mixed bag of opinions in the industry, many people are very attached to the self-taught route and accuse these courses of profiteering and exploitation advice to get learners not only through the course, but into an appropriate role, which brings me to the last piece of this article. Breaking into cyber security Over the years I have helped a number of people to enter the cyber security field, and the thing that I have found most in common among the ones who succeed is that they did not get their roles through simply applying to jobs online. A few have found good recruiters that they have built up relationships with over time, but most have relied on networking and making themselves known to people who are likely to be looking for recruits. If you are interested in entering a cyber security role, my strongest piece of advice (beyond learning whatever aspect or aspects interest

you) is to put yourself out there. That’s not a case of simply sending your CV to as many places as possible, but includes speaking at rookie (or non-rookie if you are comfortable with public speaking) conferences, networking, using LinkedIn, joining communities, and so on. I will not pretend that I believe entering cyber security should require these things, but there is so much misunderstanding in the sector, and so few of us out there (DCMS estimated 46 000 cyber security professionals in the UK in total, 30 000 of them work for large vendors and include sales staff while the rest work for organisations directly) that it’s the system we have until we manage to change the way the recruitment works.

James Bore is an independent cybersecurity consultant, speaker, and author with over a decade of experience in the domain. He has worked to secure national mobile networks, financial institutions, start-ups, and one of the largest attractions’ companies in the world, among others. If you would like to get in touch for help with any of the above, please reach out at 54





Tactical Medicine By Krisztian Zerkowitz

Advanced First Aid? Or Something More?

In recent times, more and more people are talking about tactical medicine and naturally, we all have our own opinions on the subject, as we’re entitled to! And, while I’m sure, there are some reading this who are more experienced than I am on this topic, so bear with me. But, from the extent of the experience that I bring to the table and from what I see happening around me, I feel strongly that this is an important topic to discuss. From what I can tell, it seems that some people view ‘tactical medicine’ simply as another tool in your first aid belt kit, and another new box to be ticked.

Medicine in the protective industry, has always had its role. Going back to the earliest days of protection, be it in war or wealth, people that went out to fight or potentially be fought against, had some sort of knowledge about medicine. Today, most licensing bodies require some sort of medical training within the curriculum of close protection. So, yes, medicine is a part of protective operations, the less popular little sister, because 57

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 61 how much more fun it is to train vehicle operations, “pew-pew” scenarios or complex attacks? But ok, there is a place for medicine.

come from, all of a sudden? So, a quick search will show that, even if they don’t call it “tactical” there are many providers offering courses that are C-TECC I have been doing tactical educational content approved, or medicine years before the “as per TCCC recommendations” now long ago, but still fresh, etc. And yes, the medicine, is all terrorist attacks in Western the same. Most people use the Europe, including Brussels, Paris, well-known MARCH protocol, Barcelona, and Nice, just to name talk about the IMPORTANCE a few. Actually, writing this, I just of Massive Bleedings and the had a quick look to one of my first tourniquets and the chest seals TCCC (Tactical Combat Casualty and the pressure bandage… Care) courses, which was in July And they provide these trainings 2009. When doing the course in the course of a day, 8 hours, at that time, it was something which actually is even less than an that seemed revolutionary and obligatory first aid at work course a little bit “over the top” for the in some countries. private sector. But, I believed in it and saw why this would Now again, don’t get me wrong, become important. Today, TCCC, YES, something is better than TECC and whatever you want to nothing, understood, but then call it, everyone is doing it and a what I am on about and why tourniquet is a tool that everyone this personal rant about tactical is carrying. medicine? Like with everything that becomes popular, more and more people start doing it and more and more people start adapting the principles. How do you know something is popular? How many providers can you find for it? Well, for tactical medicine, you can find MANY these days. But then I start to wonder, who is teaching what? And where did all these specialists 58

Well, if you look at the abbreviation used and the “protocols” everyone adheres to, we see that they all start with the “T” (Tactical). But tactical has a lot of meanings. If we look it up in the dictionary: adjective 1. relating to or constituting actions

TACTICAL MEDICINE carefully planned to gain a specific military end.

Actions that you take to achieve a goal that is beyond the immediate action, either through good planning or careful and rehearsed direct action that results in the best possible scenario to save life and limb

"as a tactical officer in the field he had no equal" 2. showing adroit planning; aiming at an end beyond the immediate action. "in a tactical retreat, she moved into a hotel with her daughters" If I translate this roughly into today’s setting and into something that fits this train of thought, tactical for me translates into: “Actions that you take to achieve a goal that is beyond the immediate action, either through good planning or careful and rehearsed direct action that results in the best possible scenario to save life and limb.” Now, tactics are extremely hard to teach, hard to implement, and hard to use. They are always up for debate, and it is a topic that does not provide one answer to each situation. There are more ways to skin a cat as we say here. So, in tactical medicine, the hardest part is the whole tactical aspect, the approach, the how do we stay alive while keeping those alive that have 59

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 61 NOT managed to apply the right tactic. You can see how tough this is…

Today, people that have NEVER had to implement any type of tactics (military, civilian, doesn’t matter) have turned into TECC, When we look at the medicine TCCC or given any other name, in tactical medicine, this was tactical medical instructors (even designed to translate to the the Stop the Bleed training). language of every common Yes, we need to teach as MANY soldier and everyone should be people as possible how to able to implement it, easy, fast stop a bleeding, but isn’t it our and lifesaving medical skills that responsibility to teach people, would fit in the scope of practice who we are saying that they have of anyone. (This was the base only 180 seconds AFTER impact idea when TCCC came to life…). of a bullet, IF a massive bleeding So, the medicine is easy to teach, starts, how and when they easy to assimilate and easy to should approach such casualties? learn. As an example, we can look at the Las Vegas shootings. Putting the medicine and the Many people were killed while tactics together, becomes your attempting to stop bleedings on TCCC or TECC course, which now, others, because they failed to all of a sudden requires a much recognize the tactical situation more comprehensive approach and put themselves in danger. to teaching, to understanding the role of the provider you are So, when today the garden teaching and understanding the variety first aid instructor threat faced by someone you are (which by the way is an teaching to deal with GSWs (Gun extremely valuable skill Shot Wounds) and blast related and EVERYONE should be injuries. Because let’s face it, if basic first aid trained), starts you are worried about these type teaching the MARCH protocol, of injuries and the treatment C-TECC approved, adhering of them, you are in the field of the TCCC guidelines, there is something dangerous… Same as a problem. Especially, when not wearing ballistic protection, this instructor starts teaching but working armed. If you work law enforcement, security or armed, you are expecting to get in this case, CP/EP teams. Yes, shot at! they will get the medical and 60




Within special forces training, the most difficult thing to simulate, is fear of death. have an enhanced first aid skillset. But this is NOT tactical medicine and people should NOT believe they are ready to treat the casualties in tactical situations. Unless someone explains the importance of and how to differentiate between having 180 seconds to stop a bleeding, dealing with the threat, extracting, finding/creating cover, setting up gear, and being able to do all this under the most extreme stress levels, you are not training for what tactical medicine was meant to be. You are training for the principal who suffers a traumatic injury in the comfort of his home and you can work your MARCH

magic. But in this case, there are much better courses than this “enhanced basic first aid…” Within special forces training, the most difficult thing to simulate is fear of death. Now imagine you’re making life or death decisions for yourself and your patient, while you are at stress level: “fear of death.” It will depend on your tactics and how you apply that medicine within the scope of those tactics. It is TACTICAL medicine, NOT enhanced first aid. Don’t forget that and don’t underestimate the importance of training the topic you wish to become proficient in… it’s not just a name, it’s a profession!

Krisztian was raised as a Diplomatic Close Protection Officer, working mainly for diplomatic missions, including assignments to the Middle East and Africa. Recently certified as a Tactical Paramedic, Krisztian spent the last 10 years of his protective career specialising in tactical medicine in high-risk environments and close protection. Two passions combined where enough remains to learn and experience. 62


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Surveillance Training Course Handbook A R TE






defensive training principles:

By Mark “Six” James CPO, EPS, CAS


Combatives Whenever I am teaching combatives or defensive tactics to law enforcement officers or security personnel, inevitably someone will ask, “What do I do, if someone grabs my gun?” My response if usually pretty similar each time. This issue wasn’t that the suspect reached for your gun, the issue started when you decided to interview the suspect at contact distance. Now everything on your duty belt was accessible to both you and him, without the benefit of a reactionary gap. When it comes to combatives regardless of style or martial arts discipline fighting is about two things: 64

• Proximity and • Violence Once you have an understanding or proximity, you understand what tools you can use against your adversary and what tools your adversary can use against you. • Close-Range is bad breath distance and often involves grappling, headbutts, elbows and knees.


Angles and Lines Once you learn to understand • Long-Range is kicking distance. the lines or angles of attack you both simplify and expedite your Violence is about intensity and response. A jab, a prison shanking focused aggression. Here we and a basic firearm draw stroke all are often looking to create injury come on the same line – a straight via shock and awe. Professional one. The homeboy haymaker and predators are excellent in this area. a high knife slash to the throat They are looking for compliance both travel on the same path – a not necessarily combat. In the circular one. special forces community, you often hear the words: SURPRISE, The Importance of Movement SPEED and VIOLANCE OF ACTION. If someone is trying to hit you and In the world of self-defense our you don’t want to get hit, what do goal is to stop the aggression you do? You move, correct? If RIGHT NOW! • Mid-Range is punching distance.



someone is trying to stab you and you don’t want to get stabbed, what do you do? You move, correct? If someone is trying to shoot you and you don’t want to get shot, what do you do? You move, correct? So, movement is fundamental to all things combative whether empty hand or armed. Understanding Where the Danger Lies When you can’t move outside of the reach of the threat, you are often forced to move the 66

When you can’t move outside of the reach of the threat, you are often forced to move the threat or redirect the weapon


don’t pitch the ball over the middle of the plate because that would allow the batter the potential to put the fat part of the bat on the ball. The danger for the home run lies at the end of the bat, the barrel. You can’t hit a home run off the handle. Thus, the safest place for the pitcher to place the ball is inside. That is often the The challenge most people have same strategy that we employ when it comes to dealing with when it comes to combatives, we combatives, is the defensives are often counter intuitive. As example want to step forward inside the arc of the haymaker punch. When when a baseball pitcher doesn’t the opponent has a weapon, we want a batter to hit a home run, they often pitch them inside. They want to block the bat, the bottle, or threat or redirect the weapon; or the instrument that controls the weapon the hand. You can either parry it away from you or move inside the most dangerous part – the tip or the end. Whether that tip in an Escrima stick, baseball bat, knife, or the muzzle of a firearm.



the pipe closer toward the hands where there is less momentum, energy, mass, or danger. One of the other challenges when it comes to armed combatives, is people often become preoccupied with the weapon, and spend their time chasing the weapon as opposed to recognizing its presence, avoiding it, or parrying it away and simultaneously attacking the attacker. If your strategy is to constantly defend against the blade and not mount your own 68

attack, sooner or later you will not be fast enough. The best way to lessen your exposure is to make the attacker have to defend. When they are forced to think about their own injury or mortality, their focus is less acute. Real fights are ugly. They rarely have the surgical precision of the dojo, so your goal is to learn to become very efficient and getting to your strengths as soon as practically or tactically possible. If you are a grappler you want to


Real fights are ugly. They rarely have the surgical precision of the dojo, so your goal is to learn to become very efficient and getting to your strengths as soon as practically or tactically possible

get to grappling distance as soon as possible. If you have good hands you want to try and stay at midrange. If you are a gifted kicker, seek to keep the fight at long range. Regardless of your strengths, it pays to be versatile so practice at all ranges to make you a more complete warrior. Principles Verses Techniques Whenever I am teaching combatives, I believe in focusing on principles verses techniques. If they understand the principles, they will create their own techniques. If you happen to be fast, strong, or athletic that is just extra credit. I like to focus on principles that are size and strength neutral. • Disrupt the Vision • Disrupt the Breathing or • Disrupt the Balance Any combination of the above is good for you and bad for them. No matter how strong a person gets their eyes, nor their throat gets any stronger. Your knee allows you lower your leg forward and your body down; the kneecap doesn’t work well when you take it in the opposite (backwards) direction. Translation it doesn’t take much strength to take the joint in the opposite direction and cause injury. If you understand the concept 69

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 61 of disrupting the vision, that can be achieved multiple ways: an eye rake, finger jab (index and/or middle), thumb to the eye etc. There you have a solo principle but three different techniques. I am a seasoned warrior, I realize most young predators may have more cardio than me and might be able to potentially fight longer, so if I impact the breathing and we both are old, I like my chances, whether that is a traditional chop (air or blood), Y strike to the throat (air), C Clamp/Eagle Claw (air) or rear naked (blood) choke. Creating Your Out If I can avoid the confrontation that is my goal. I just want someone to leave, either me or them. I don’t have a big ego, my objective is simple, get home to my family. If de-escalation will get me there safely let’s negotiate. When my best de-escalation attempts fall on deaf ears, and we are forced to engage then my goal is to stop the threat immediately or as soon as tactically or practically possible. Often you must create an injury to insure you have the ability to safely leave. Whether that is creating a severe injury to the solo combatant or whether it is to make an example of the lead combatant in a multiple threat situation to make the other combatants decide they no longer want to pursue their current aggressive paths. It usually sounds something like, “I told you to leave 70

buddy alone,” or “Can we just get our guy?” Your goal is not to beat the brakes off the guy, it is to leave safely. Your response should be proportionate to the threat level and within the law. Six Sense – My Combative Essentials Below please find my combat essentials: 1. Learn to Recognize Pre-incident Indicators – The easiest way to win a fight is to not have one. If you can’t avoid the confrontation, you can at least be ready for it. 2. Never Confuse Sport with Street - A mistake in a sporting tournament may cost you a point or takedown, a mistake in the street may cost you your life. In the street we must win at all costs, remember you are the first responder. 3. Never prematurely display your skills – We are not looking for a duel, we are looking to create our own ambush. 4. Understand the lines or angles of attack – If you understand the lines/angles of attack or how the threat holds the weapon, it will often give you an indication of how they plan to use it. 5. Focus on Principles verses Techniques – If you help people


Never Confuse Sport with Street - A mistake in a sporting tournament may cost you a point or takedown, a mistake in the street may cost you your life. understand the principles, they can create multiple techniques consistent with their own demeanor, skill level, flexibility, or dexterity.

as often as you can until they stop trying to hurt you.

8. Not Getting Shot will always be More Important Than Shooting, shooting is extra credit – Movement can often 6. The Body Moves Away from compensation for a lack of Pain – Thus there is a predictive marksmanship, but a fast response in combatives. It you draw and great marksmanship finger jab someone in the eye, the often cannot compensate for a head naturally moves back away lack of movement. Movement will from pain; the opponent’s hips always be essential to all things naturally come forward facilitating combative whether a knee to the groin or vice versa. empty handed or with weapons. 7. Remember your ABCs – always Attack by Combination. Fights are Regardless of the situation you ugly and never have the surgical may find yourself in, never allow a precision of the dojo. The initial person to take a position they can’t strike may be a glancing blow, walk back from. Because usually so be prepared to immediately it forces their hand and makes a follow up the initial strike with confrontation inevitable either out of multiple ones. You keep hitting fear or loss of face. the bad guy as hard as you can, Mark “Six” James is Founder and Executive Director of Panther Protection Services, LLC. He is an internationally published author, keynote speaker, security consultant to educational institutions and frequent contributor to several print, broadcast and online media. Panther Protection Services is a full-service protection agency focusing on Risk and Crisis Mitigation, Protective Services, Self-Defense Training, and Firearm Instruction. 71



PRINCIPLES Being Prepared and persevering are two important traits to be successful in EP. To prepare is to, make (something) ready for use or consideration, to persevere, is to continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no prospect of success.


FOUNDATIONAL PRINCIPLES Among the many skill sets we master over time, these are two of the less talked attributes of a solid EP practitioner. There are many reasons why the focus on these skills are over shadowed by wrist locks, cover and evacuation drills, and range time. What’s a significant reason you ask? Well, in my opinion it’s because there is no immediate gratification, or, “look at me” moments.

employment status. To others being prepared is, “I have a suit, sunglasses, $50.00 in cash, and I know what time to be there.” I continue to see on a daily basis the un-preparedness of practitioners (not to be confused with specialist) in the way they go about their day.

How many times have we seen EP hopefuls say, “call me if you got something” then you call them and you hear, ”well I’m waiting for my professional While there are plenty of license(s), “I’m waiting to find instances where the beforechildcare.” ”I can help out on mentioned skills are useful, one of the five days you’re they all have to start with being asking me to work.” “My car prepared. Secondly, what is probably won’t make it the your mental fortitude like? 100 mile round trip.” Make no You must have a mindset to mistake about it, If you’re not persevere no matter what, even prepared, you are going to if you know it won’t be a total be on the sidelines. The most success or are unsure of the egregious thing you can do to exact outcome. yourself, the agency you may work for, or the client, is to A lack of preparedness is show up not ready for the big the downfall of many EP game. practitioners, young and old, experienced or amateur, Perseverance, while also key corporate sector, celebrity, to a successful career, can or otherwise. To some, being sometimes be the hardest thing prepared is having a working to maintain. In the beginning phone number and a Facebook you don’t get the regular call page with, “bodyguard” in the outs that more experienced 73

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 61 specialists do. You may find yourself having to have fulltime employment while waiting for your chance to break in. You may also have certain restrictions on the amount of time you have to dedicate to this profession. You may find yourself low on monetary funds, or perhaps you live in a region as where EP is not an everyday occurrence. How do you maintain the perseverance to continue to follow your interest in Executive Protection? In February of 2020 the United States and the world were hit with a global pandemic that shut down almost every industry including a large portion of ours. Many in our craft were taken by surprise and unfortunately were grossly unprepared to persevere. What was fascinating to see was how different specialists react, and the differences in behavior that were on displays. I found for those that practiced good discipline during the good times, were prepared, and for those who didn’t, it was a 74

You may find yourself low on monetary funds, or perhaps you live in a region as where EP is not an everyday occurrence.




crushing blow. For the former of the two you got creativity, for the latter, you started to hear excuses and anger. So, while the prepared folks say,” this will pass, and I’m glad that I never stopped bettering myself during the slowdown,” the others simply complain. The unprepared have languished in the, “look at me

stage,” and some have cared more about the appearance of being relevant, than the assurance of having stashed away resources for a rainy day. In the end, an individual’s selfmotivation and dedication to excellence, will lead them to being valued by others with the same goal, which includes keeping our client’s safe.

Mark Roche is a US Based, full-time Executive Protection Specialist who works full time with a HNW Family. He is also a FAA Licensed Drone Pilot, specializing in EP related uses, and a graduate of multiple close protection programs. 76





Reactive vs. Preemptive Intervention

More than four decades have passed since I first met Bob Duggan, my Hwa Rang Do instructor in the 70's. In 1980, I attended the formative 10-Day training program for protection agents in Aspen, Colorado. I recently revisited the now 28day close protection program that evolved into a very different training regime than what I experienced in the original course 42 years ago. I was curious to know how the program had progressed. As I sat through the first lecture, I realized that not only had ESI's focus changed dramatically, but

their teaching philosophy had taken on an entirely different trajectory with a focus on Intelligence Based Close Protection (IBCP). In my interview with Duggan, he explained the evolution of training concepts that affected the transformation of Executive Security International (ESI) into one 79

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 61 of the more well-known executive protection training institutions in the country. Duggan, a co-founder of the Aspen Academy of Martial Arts in 1973, imbued with a vision of the ancient warrior steeled in all the martial skills of the modern era, lived ready to cast his body in front of the bullet aimed at a corporate "Liege-Lord." The 1960s and '1970s, was fraught with revolutionary assaults on the old and the new global order. Every country south of the border claimed its brand of urban or rural guerrillas who sought to change the existing order of things. The same year the Aspen Academy was founded, Mexico's industrial Baron, Don Eugenio Garza Sada, was assassinated by a leftist group called 'Lega Communista.' Five years later, while teaching in Monterrey, Duggan met the Baron's daughter-in-law, who urged Duggan to start a school for bodyguards. Inspired by the suggestion, in 1980, Duggan founded ESI with the elusive vision of highly trained martial artists filling the ranks of the close protectors who would stand guard over those who had a growing sense of insecurity. The training stressed the reaction skills: Escape & Evasive Driving, Defensive Shooting, Martial Arts, 80

The 1960s and '1970s, was fraught with revolutionary assaults on the old and the new global order. Every country south of the border claimed its brand of urban or rural guerrillas who sought to change the existing order of things.

REACTIVE VS. PREEMPTIVE INTERVENTION and Secret Service Protocols. In the critical skills, he sought out nationally known personalities – Colorado Hall of Fame Indy car race driver, Wally Dallenbach; nationally known shooting instructors, Lance Weber, Dick Barber, John Farnam and a legend in the Secret Service, Jack McGeorge, S.S. Specialist, a munitions analyst, and electronic countermeasures technician. Duggan repurposed the combative techniques from his Hwa Rang Do and Hapkido art to a specialized set of defenses adapted to close protection.

rush driving skills taught by Dallenbach in the 1980s: ramming, forward and reverse 180's, highspeed takeout counter maneuvers on the highway. As much as they valued the shooting skills learned on the shooting range, they never heard of a gunfight between protective details and the bad guys anywhere.

For a decade and a half, Duggan stressed the hard-reactive martial techniques as the basis of close protection. Then graduates like Charles Mauldin and Barry Wilson, who attended ESI in the 1980s and '90s, returned to ESI and shared their experience, suggesting that as much as they loved the training received at ESI, they rarely, if ever, used it.

The reports from working graduates were impactful, causing Duggan to revamp the teaching philosophy. In 1992, Duggan replaced the four days of evasive driving with a stalker problem based on actual cases that required the students to analyze threatening communications, detect surveillance and develop a plan to manage a live-action threat. The students were required to write up their analysis and a management plan, then operationalize their strategy in an assault scenario and submit their reports for evaluation by the staff.

While protective formations are useful in dense crowds and unruly fans, they are seldom used in corporate environments or for celebrities not performing for an audience. It was more typical to be a Solo Practitioner or perhaps work in a team of two. Nor did they ever see, or hear of, any of the adrenalin

Predicting Human Behavior and Preemptive Intervention Duggan advanced his belief that identifying abnormal behavior in the crowd, targeting the precursors to assault was as important as how fast you draw and fire your gun. These were two different skill sets, both relevant to the professional 81

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 61 protector, one reactive and the other preemptive. Observing and preempting ambiguous aggressive behavior begins with developing critical thinking skills. While most testosterone-driven young men and women may not embrace the concept or need to develop behavior intelligence, the reality is that most will never find themselves in a physical confrontation that requires the use of lethal force. According to Duggan, there is a critical difference between protective escorts and intelligencebased close protection. He argues that failure to identify the precursors to the attack, whether deadly or prank, equates to certain failure, and the Protection Detail becomes the "Clean-Up Crew." After studying scores of assaults on public figures, he refocused ESI training by including Behavioral Intelligence as the basis of Preemptive Intervention.

and combative skills. Yet, today, clients are looking for CPS who are sophisticated with valuable skills worth paying for and often have nothing to do with combat skills. Duggan found comfort in his discovery that several federal agencies or their working agents used the same strategy. For example, he learned that the DEA used the technique with astonishing results of 85% successful identifying, engaging, and arresting drug couriers in international airports in the 1970s. Following the 9/11 attack on the country, TSA learned the methodology from the Israelis to preemptively interview airline passengers. The most dramatic discovery was to know that the Marine Corps adopted a training in behavior intelligence beginning in 2004, called The Combat Hunter Program.

Duggan observed that the Marine Corp was teaching the same approach he introduced to ESI in the early '1990s: Identify-EngageStatistically, deadly assaults on Act. The language was different, public figures like corporate but the practical application was executives are extremely rare, parallel. Duggan used the term and gunfights between protective "Searching for the Precursors to details and assassins don't happen. Assault”; The Marine Corp spoke Duggan points out that most with more precise language: protection training focuses on "Hunt"! Duggan conceded that physical components of training the Corp's language was more 82


direct and translatable into action than what he taught. A significant difference in the search methodology between a corpsman and a protector was distance. A corpsman looks down his sites of his M-4 at 100 yards, while the protection agent is focused on the threat generally at 20 feet or less, and if he does his job right, he seeks out the predator in the crowd like a laser beam at arms-length. ESI adopted "Predator Hunting," approximating the Marine Corp's targeted language. The issue is then, "What to do?"

According to Duggan, the most challenging task of shifting training focus from Reaction to Behavioral Intelligence was finding the right people to teach it. In 2010, he met two individuals who would play a major role in teaching the concept of Preemptive Intervention based on hunting the predator and intelligence, Meb and Jenny West. Meb graduated from ESI's Executive Protection Program in 2010. It was not a simple matter of IQ that attracted his interest in Meb assisting with teaching complex 83

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 61 content. In addition, Meb came with 26 years as an Army Ranger Intelligence Officer, did tours in Iraq, and retired from service as a Sgt. Major. Jenny West served as an Intelligence Analyst in Eastern Europe. Duggan felt they viscerally understood the importance of protective intelligence to protection. While Duggan left students to their own resources to figure out how to write a Threat Assessment and Management Plan, Meb and Jenny taught them how to write, format, and analyze a threat and produce a report on a corporate level. This approach to teaching at ESI was a "gamechanger" and led to expanding the Threat Assessment component of Executive Protection to seven days and evolving into the Crown Jewel of ESI's Close Protection program. A crucial component to the Predator Hunter concept is to demand the students know "How to Engage" the Person of Interest (POI). It is not enough to have your "Head on Swivel" or have "Situational Awareness." None of these commonly used terms by protection agents adequately deal with the "Hunter Complex," which requires making direct contact and engaging the POI in an 84

"Interrogating Conversation." Two of the three critical components of Hunting are Engage and Act. Duggan teaches these concepts in terms of a Soft or Hard Entry. When you go in Soft, you must have a conversational skillset and team back-up if the contact goes South to the ground. Jenny focuses on developing a course of instruction that prepares an ESI graduate with Verbal Judo that is teachable and effective. ESI adapts its training philosophy to require that intelligence is the basis of protection as a matter of doctrine. It is a slow process to convert all Core training programs, including the Corporate Security and Personal Security Detail (PSD), to align with this progressive approach to teaching. ESI is fortunate to have experienced instructors like Glen Boodry, reshaping and rebranding the PSD program. Once approved by the State and Glen's assistance in program design, the high-risk training program will be rebranded as PSD, Natural Disasters & HighRisk Protection. The re-designing of PSD will prepare its graduates how to operate in natural disasters like earthquakes in Haiti and child slavery in third-world countries. After graduating from ESI in 1981


My primary focus is teaching and no longer working in the field. However, revisiting ESI’s Executive Protection program, has reminded me of the importance of developing our mind and intellect.

and being employed by Clift Stewart for several years attending to his international clientele, I worked in the field believing that I was prepared to do the work. I worked primarily as a low-profile agent, keeping my head on a swivel, ready to react to any given threat. I, like so many, focused on learning defensive tactics and invested endless hours at the range and in the gym. Today, my primary focus is teaching and no longer working in the field. However, revisiting ESI’s Executive Protection program, has reminded me of the importance of developing our mind and intellect. The course was challenging and not every student made it to the finish line. The modern Close Protection Specialist must possess a variety of attributes with critical thinking being at the top of the list. After completing the course, I understood why ESI is referred to as the Harvard of Executive Protection. Duggan, a visionary and inspiration to students, philosophy permeates throughout the curriculum, establishing higher standards in the field and elevating Executive Protection to an elite level.

Graciela Casillas, Black Belt Hall of Fame Inductee, has been a martial artist and defensive tactics trainer for 48 years. She was a columnist for Black Belt Magazine along with other trade magazines. She is the author of The Lioness Within, A Woman’s Self-Defense Survival Guide 85




Tactical Considerations

By Orlando Wilson

June 2000, Greece. Brigadier Stephen Saunders, the British military attaché in Athens, was killed by members of the Revolutionary Organization 17 November (17N). Saunders was attacked by two men on a motorcycle while driving in Athens on his way to work at the British Embassy.

The killers thought Saunders's embassy-issued Rover was armored, so they used a Heckler & Koch G3 assault rifle that had been stolen from the Greek police. That gun jammed after one shot, and the assassins then fired four shots at Saunders with a .45 Colt M1911 pistol. Saunders died from his wounds in the hospital. Moving targets are harder to shoot than stationary targets! Smaller targets are harder to shoot than large targets!

in a hostile incident, most reply that they should simply shoot the bad guys, get access to their weapons, shoot for the head, carry a big gun, and so on. The answer I am looking for is not to get shot. It’s OK being able to shoot a silhouette target on a comfortable range, but it’s another thing shooting a moving person who is doing their best to shoot and kill you. In addition to shooting, there are other skills that you should learn that could save your life in a hostile incident.

When I ask my students, what is the You should, first of all, work out most important thing they must do a plan of action that you will take 87

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 61 in the case of an emergency. Do this for your home, business, and for when you are out and about. Things that need to be considered are means of communication, safe areas, when to fight, and when to flee. Planning is what sorts the professionals from the amateurs. If you plan how to deal with a hostile or emergency situation, and if it actually happens, you’ll know what to and how to react to it. Reaction to Fire 1. Preparation: Your handgun must be clean, serviceable, and welloiled. Your ammunition must be of good quality, clean, and your magazines full. You must be properly trained and ready to deal with the incident. 2. Reacting to fire: Your immediate reaction must be to identify the threat and return fire immediately, killing the criminal or terrorist. Move to cover as you are deploying your weapon and returning fire. If you are being shot at from a distance or do not know where the shots are coming from, you should: a. Dash—a moving target is harder to hit than a stationary target. b. Down—keep low and present a smaller target. c. Get into cover from fire. d. Observe where the threat is. e. Return fire. 88

The killers thought Saunders's embassy-issued Rover was armored, so they used a Heckler & Koch G3 assault rifle that had been stolen from the Greek police.

TACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS 3. Winning the firefight: As soon as the threat has been firmly located, you must bring down sufficient accurate fire on the criminals or terrorists to kill them or force them into cover, so you can extract yourself from the situation.

one to three seconds, depending on the situation. The problem with this is you are not shooting at an identified target and could hit innocent people in close proximity to the criminal or terrorist. If you believe suppressing fire is something you may need to use, you will have to carry sufficient 4. Reorganizing: As soon as ammunition. Think about it - if you have incapacitated the you are firing a round every 2 opposition or are in a safe area, seconds, 15 rounds will only last you must reorganize yourself you 30 seconds; 45 rounds in three as quickly as possible in order magazines, including magazine to be ready for other possible changes, would last less that 2 threats. You need to reload your minutes. You would need the hihandgun, make sure that you or capacity 9mm’s and would want anyone with you is not injured, to carry as much ammunition as and inform law enforcement and possible and practice fire discipline emergency services immediately. as part of your training. You do not want to run out of ammunition. Suppressing or Covering Fire Suppressing fire is where you shoot The Basics accurately into the area of where Moving targets are harder to shoot a criminal or terrorist is and to than stationary targets. force him into or keep him behind cover, so you or someone with So, if someone is shooting at you, you can move without being shot. do not stand still and draw your You’re shooting into the criminal’s weapon—run. Smaller targets are general area to keep his head harder to shoot than large targets! down. Likewise you could shoot If there is no cover for you, make at objects close to the criminal or yourself a smaller target and drop terrorist that would cause ricochets to a kneeling position. You should and flying debris - such as brick, practice shooting and reloading plastered, or concrete walls. Also, from a kneeling position. I do you need to be aware of injuries not recommend prone positions from ricochets and debris when for close quarter shooting, since being shot at! it takes too much time for most people to stand up. From a A rate of fire for this tactic would kneeling position, you can quickly be shooting a round about every run and get to cover. 89

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 61 Use of Cover This is a very important and basic subject that, for some reason, is often ignored in most firearms courses. In your home, business, or when you are walking around, you should always be looking for positions that you could use for cover in the event of a shooting incident. There are two types of cover: 1.) cover from view and 2.) Cover from bullets and shrapnel. You always want to locate the latter. You also may want to consider what type of rounds the cover will stop. A table might be able to stop a .32 fired from a handgun, but a 7.62mm fired from an AK-47 would go through both the table and you. Also consider if you want to be able to shoot through cover, such as drywall in your house. Cover from view includes: • Cardboard boxes and empty rubbish bins • Bushes • Thin walls and fences • Thin tabletops • Doors • Shadows • Cover from fire (depending on the firearm used) • Thick tabletops 90

• Heavy furniture • Stone and concrete walls • Dead ground • Thick trees • Various areas of a car • Curbstones One of the best publicized examples of good use of cover happened in St. Petersburg, Russia, on February 26, 1996. At 4:25 pm, two mafia gunmen in long coats entered a fashionable café. Under their coats, each man had an AKS74. They were there to kill a boss who was in the café with his two off duty police bodyguards. The mafia gunmen fired 60 rounds at close quarters from the AKS-74s and killed both the police bodyguards. The criminal boss tipped over a thick marble table at which he was sitting and hid behind it; although wounded, he was well enough to walk out the café and make phone calls after the gunmen had escaped. A Scottish lawyer was also killed though he was just sitting drinking coffee in the café when he was hit by three stray bullets. The attack took about 40 seconds. The Scottish lawyer was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

TACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS When you get into a cover position, you should always try to have an escape route and try not to get pinned down. When using cover as a shield, always keep low and fire or look around the cover - not over it. When you are in cover and need to move, first select the next place of cover that you will move to and then move fast and keep low. Keep the distances between your cover positions short. When you

get behind the cover, assess your situation, where the threat is and what you should do. Keep moving this way until you are out of danger. If you are dealing with multiple targets, move to cover and put multiple rounds in each one. Then continue putting rounds into anyone who still presents a threat; for example, anyone who is still


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 61 moving and could shoot you. Remember • Always looking for and make maximum use of available cover and concealment. • Avoid firing over cover; when possible, fire around it. • Avoid silhouetting yourself against light-colored buildings, backgrounds, and lights. • Always carefully select a new piece of cover before leaving your present position of cover. • Make sure you always have an escape route planned. • Avoid setting patterns in your movement, for example, shooting or looking from the same position at the same level. • Keep exposure time to a minimum; don’t look over or around cover for an extended period of time. • Always look up and behind you; remember that positions which provide cover at ground level may not provide cover on higher floors. Shooting from Cover A good firing position is a position from which you can shoot accurately at the criminals or terrorists and provides protection 92

If you are dealing with multiple targets, move to cover and put multiple rounds in each one. Then continue putting rounds into anyone who still presents a threat

TACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS from any returning fire. It helps if you are capable of using your handgun both right and lefthanded. A common error made in firing around corners is the simple mistake of the shooter’s gun being in the wrong hand. This exposes more of the body to return fire than is necessary. Another common mistake when firing around corners is the shooters firing from the standing position. In doing this you expose yourself at the height the opposition would expect a target to appear and risk exposing the entire length of your body as a target. Camouflage It makes me laugh when I see SWAT Teams and PSD guys wearing Tactical Black and other colors that look cool but do nothing but make them stand out. In reality black is one of the worse colors to wear. What is black in nature? Look around you now and see if anything in your surrounding are black. I expect very little. In urban areas most walls are white, gray, or cream - light colors! The colors you wear should blend in with your background whether its day or night.

are easy to see at a distance. In the below photo you can see that regular camouflage patterns can also stand out against light backgrounds and grasses. Things are seen because of these reasons: • Shape: Disguise you’re shape; use foliage or rags to break up your outline. • Shadow: Keep in the shadows and always be aware that you are not casting a shadow that could be seen by your opposition. • Silhouette: Don’t stand out against skylines, lights, white walls, etc. • Shine: No chrome, shiny watches, mirrored glasses, sparkly jewelry and the like. • Spacing: If moving with others, remain spread out, but not too regularly and do not bunch together.

• Movement: Move carefully, a sudden movement draws attention and is the main reason camouflaged personnel and At night dark colors stand out when animals are seen. moving past light backgrounds, and in urban areas there are many light The basic guidelines for backgrounds. Even when moving camouflage are: through low bush and fields, the • Learn to blend in with your silhouettes of people in dark colors surroundings. 93

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 61 Use of light In my opinion many people are over-enthusiastic in the use of flashlights. There is a big market in tactical flashlights, and the companies making them want If you are in a long-term everyone to buy one, thus hide remember to keep making them a must-have item. your camouflage fresh, dead foliage will alert people to your Flashlights have an application in hostile situations, but you should position. remember that any light will give away your position and draw fire. When moving avoid skylines Light should be used sparingly Don’t use isolated or obvious cover; it’s the first-place others and tactically. will look. Consider hiding in We tell our students to get used thorny bushes or nettles as to training in the dark and using most people will not expect your senses of hearing and anyone to hide there. smell in addition to sight. At night there is more chance you Always look around objects, will hear someone before you not over them. see them! When moving in a dark environment, do so slowly Camouflage your face, neck and any areas of the exposed and cautiously and try to make flesh with mud, ash or charcoal minimum noise. Try finding your way around your house or from fires. Or use a balaclava or scarf to cover your face and business in the dark. Before you start moving around give your wear gloves. eyes a few minutes to adjust to the dark. Take all noisy objects from your pockets, such as keys and If you must use a flashlight, keep coins and make sure nothing it at arm’s length and keep it on on your person rattles. for no longer than necessary. Then move quickly or get behind Make sure there are no shiny cover. If you want to check a surfaces on your person, room or a corridor, one option equipment or clothing.

• If you are using foliage to conceal yourself or your position don’t use too much or too little. •

• •

• •



If your home is broken into at night, you could move your family to your safe room and take up a position in cover behind the lights is to roll the flashlight across the doorway, corridor, or into the room. Light can be used as a distraction and help to cover your movement. Shine it in the general direction of your opponent and move. This will mess up his night vision, and if you leave the light pointing in his direction, it will be difficult for him to see what is happening behind the light. If possible, use remote lights as this is more of an application for your home or business. For example, place powerful spotlights that illuminate corridors to safe rooms, stairways, or doorways. If your

home is broken into at night, you could move your family to your safe room and take up a position in cover behind the lights. If you hear or identify movement to your front, you turn on the spotlights and this will surprise, blind, and illuminate anyone in the corridor. This will also help you to confirm that the people in your house are criminals or terrorists and give you good targets to shoot. A simpler version of this is to keep a night light on outside of your bedroom door, then anyone who enters will present a good silhouette for you to shoot at.

Orlando Wilson has worked in the security industry internationally for over 25 years. He has become accustomed to the types of complications that can occur, when dealing with international law enforcement agencies, organized criminal and Mafia groups. He is the chief consultant for Risks Inc. and based in Miami but spends much of his time traveling and providing a wide range of kidnapping prevention and tactical training services to private and government clients. 95


By RANE Worldview by Stratfor, Ryan Bohl

Syria’s Normalization Risks Continuing the Cycle of Conflict and Authoritarianism in the Middle East A growing number of Arab countries have recently begun rekindling relations with the Syrian government after a decade of civil conflict and failed attempts to oust President Bashar al Assad’s regime.

As Damascus slowly emerges from isolation, other undemocratic regimes and actors in the Middle East and North Africa risk seeing al Assad’s success as proof that force is a very valid option to quell 96

threats to their control — and while it may spur a bloody and destructive war, it’s a war that can, with the right allies, be won. Indeed, in a region plagued with long-standing economic inequality,

STRATFOR FEATURED ANALYSIS sectarian conflict, authoritarian regimes, deep corruption and ineffective governance, it’s only a matter of time before another state or actor uses the Syrian civil war not as a warning but as a model for when facing the next inevitable public rebellion.

with his chemical weapons, seemingly fanatical soldiers, and support from Russia and Iran, what chance did less hard-line governments with more human rights-interested allies (like the United States and France) have? Syria’s Arab Spring unrest, however, instead turned into years of armed conflict and civil war. And as Russian airpower and Iranianbacked militias began changing the military tide toward al Assad’s favor after 2015, a new lesson appeared to emerge: one might still win such a brute civil war and still lose the peace; hard-line approaches to unrest could still produce a victory, albeit costly. Syria’s epic reconstruction bill of at least $500 billion (over eight times the country’s pre-war GDP of $60 billion in 2010) suggested the Syrian regime would need immense amounts of aid to rebuild the shattered country.

What Was at Stake Of all the Arab Spring uprisings that began in 2011, Syria’s appeared most poised to change how the region governs itself. Different from other countries that saw major antigovernment protests during the time (like Egypt and Tunisia), Syria was the sublime Arab security state, governed through its Mukhabarat (secret police). Damascus was widely seen as “coup proof” after decades of internal reorganization and loyalty tests devised by the al Assad ruling clan. The regime’s primary arms supplier, Russia, had little interest in human rights, nor did its key regional ally, Iran. The Syrian government thus appeared immune to popular pressure, let But U.S. and European sanctions, alone a rebellion, since it could use anchored by the 2019 U.S. Syrian force as much as it wanted. Civilian Caesar Protection Act, looked like they would forever Had that conventional wisdom block reconstruction — leaving the been overturned by a successful al Assad regime to preside over Arab Spring uprising, it would have a blackened landscape, where discredited not just Syria’s police damaged cities are doomed to only state, but regional authoritarianism a few hours of electricity a day and in general. After all, if al Assad where even its loyalists are scraping couldn’t quash an armed rebellion by to get fuel and medicine. 97


However, even that assumption now appears in doubt, as the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Egypt and Bahrain have all begun either actively or passively normalizing ties with Syria in recent weeks, despite the United States’ strong human rights-oriented sanctions law. The Emiratis have taken the lead in this push, pledging to build a solar power plan in Syria shortly after sending its foreign minister to Damascus on Nov. 9. Jordan also reopened its border with Syria in September, and in December, Bahrain reappointed its ambassador in Damascus after a decade without out. Egypt, meanwhile, has also been actively lobbying for Syria to re-enter the 98

Arab League following its 2011 suspension from the regional organization. All of these countries are close U.S. allies and are typically wary of triggering Washington’s ire and sanctions. But they seemed to have calculated that the United States does not want to create a rift with its regional partners over Syria — a country where Washington has little interest in improving overall governance and is instead primarily focused on security threats in the northeast. And this calculation has so far held up, as the United States has yet to signal any intent to impose


U.S. sanctions could weaken enough to allow trickles of aid and reconstruction investments to slip in — and that trickle might, with enough time and U.S. disinterest, become a flood.

sanctions in response to the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Egypt and Bahrain’s outreach to Damascus. Indeed, even Washington appears to be finding exemptions to its isolation strategy in Syria, with the United States now seeking to restart the long-shuttered Arab Gas Pipeline that runs from the Egyptian city of Arish to the Syrian city of Homs. While it may be a while before the United States overtly drops objections to Syria’s full re-entry to the global economy and diplomatic space, the path is clear enough. And in the future, U.S. sanctions could weaken enough to allow trickles of aid and reconstruction investments to slip in — and that trickle might, with enough time and U.S. disinterest, become a flood. Bloody Precedent(s) The thawing of Syria’s isolation is hardly the first time force has been rewarded in the region. But it is one of the most widescale examples and adds to a trend in which governance in the Middle East and North Africa will remain by the sword. For leaders in the region, al Assad’s success in retaining power over the past decade also sets a model for how to survive even the worst-case scenario of an all-out popular uprising. 99

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 61 Both state and non-state actors will likely see something in the Syria example that may be useful to them in the future. In Lebanon, for instance, Hezbollah has held off from using its considerable forces to reshape politics in its favor, wary of a return to civil war. But as Syria’s conflict emerges not as a warning but as a potential model, Hezbollah may deem using force as a more worthwhile gamble to secure its domestic power and legitimacy amid Lebanon’s ongoing economic and social crises. This is likely to manifest as more overt violence against Lebanese protesters, activists and even government institutions. And in the use of such force, Hezbollah might miscalculate, killing the wrong person or conducting violence in too public of a way, reigniting a dreaded sectarian conflict. In Iraq, Iranian-backed militias will be emboldened to maintain, and potentially even escalate, the violent tactics they’ve already used to break up protests directed at them — pointing to Syria as a validation for their approach. During future security or political crises, these militias may also be tempted to resort back to ethnic cleansing last seen in Iraq during the height of sectarian conflict in Iraq in 200607, after viewing the success al 100

In Iraq, Iranianbacked militias will be emboldened to maintain, and potentially even escalate, the violent tactics they’ve already used to break up protests directed at them — pointing to Syria as a validation for their approach.

STRATFOR FEATURED ANALYSIS Assad had in using such tactics to maintain his place in power and edge on the battleground in Syria.

and other U.S. allies can also be rest assured that Washington will take limited, and likely ineffective, action against them should they Iran itself also faces recurrent engage in widespread oppression unrest, often from its Arab minority of popular dissent. This could but occasionally from wide feed into the end of the post-Cold spectrums of Iran’s population as War uncertainty created by the well. The country saw some of the United States’ emphasis on having largest nationwide protests in 2019- allies adhere to its human rights 20. Iran has typically used force to standards, enabling countries to suppress these uprisings. But with return to repressive tactics without the Syria example in mind, Tehran placing their ties with Washington might be willing to resort to more in jeopardy. And if U.S. allies are scorched-earth tactics, especially slapped with sanctions for such against its Arab population, to domestic behavior, they will also firmly suppress challenges to its look to Syria as proof that if they rule. Additionally, Syria’s civil war can wait out the initial blow, the will validate Iran’s hawkish foreign enforcement of those sanctions will policy, portending more military eventually wane. interventions abroad on behalf of Tehran’s ideological allies. Back to the Strongmen Yet regardless of what these But even U.S. allies like Egypt actors do, what is certain is that and Saudi Arabia will see lessons authoritarianism in the Middle worth taking away from Syria. For East has emerged from the Arab one, U.S. values and U.S. policies Spring triumphant. Syria’s slow remain as distant as ever, despite normalization heralds a return to repeated campaign pledges by old governance patterns and a presidents and various laws continued cycle of war by leaving designed to change that. So long the core causes of conflict in the as they are of strategic value to the Middle East and North Africa United States, Egypt, Saudi Arabia unaddressed. RANE Worldview, powered by Stratfor, is the premier digital publication for objective geopolitical intelligence and analysis. Link to: 101


Recently Whitney Houston ’s Protector had spoke for the first time of the moment he found her lifeless body in a hotel bath.

Should you ever intervene in client drug use? Charles 88: Well maybe suggest a reputable psychiatrist in that field. But either way an addict will protect their addiction which means removing us Protectors from their lives. So hopefully your relationship is good with the Principal or with their close staff and relay the message through them. Monica Duperon Rodriguez: If you have never been around and cared for an addict it will be incredibly difficult for you to know when to step in. My recommendation is that protectors educate themselves on identifying the signs of abuse and understand the effects of different drugs. There is a book I would recommend, it is a book that walks you through the journey of a parent who tries to help his addict son and the years turmoil, pain, agony and heartbreak he endured but never gave up. The book is, “Beautiful boy, A Father’s journey through his son’s addiction” by David Sheff. Ben: Very thin line to hurdle, at my early stage in the business had a client that abused drugs. So, to be proactive I keep Narcan with me at all times and a portable AED. 102

Maurice: We are responsible for protection and sometimes that will include protecting them from themselves. Donald: As a personal protector, I say yes and no. Drugs have levels of legality, use and or addictiveness. Yes, we protect the brand and body, but will I intervene in casual uses of what may be illegal in one state and not the other? Likely not. Alcohol is legal but has destroyed many lives too. So whatever the choice, each client and their choices must be viewed independently. Addiction in itself is a progressive problem. We need to see it coming and intervene early if we see signs of trouble. Sometimes that may mean going against the protectee’s wishes. If it’s a strong conscience believe of the BG’s he must choose his conscience, even if it means he loses his position with that client. Travis: Did the use just start since you’ve been on the detail or was it a preexisting issue? That’s the question. If my client started using when I came on board then I feel it’s my duty to intervene and find a solution and handle it delicately. Protecting the client just doesn’t mean from others but from self-destruction as well. If the usage was a preexisting issue, then it’s a clear possibility that everyone around them (entourage and management) is aware. Which may mean it’ll be a hard task to get assistance with executing your plan of rescue. Kevin: I like the answers a lot but they seem a bit altruistic. Travis makes a great point in whether it’s a pre-existing issue or something they’re new to doing. To develop the type of relationship that I believe would allow you to even make a comment on what they’re doing may take years. Part of the problem I see it as is we are all replaceable and if anyone has ever had an addicted family member or close friend then you know that they'll alienate themselves or simply surround themselves with people who will allow them to indulge. The NABA network is a fantastic community for getting help and advice on all matter’s security related. 103


Global Situation Report ANALYSIS

Each issue our global geopolitical partner, Stratfor, provides an indepth analysis of global incidents via in-house experts, cutting edge technology and through a comprehensive globally sourced network. Here is your summary from the last 30 days.

North Korea: Seventh Missile Test Highlights Conventional Weapons Capabilities North Korea conducted its seventh missile test of 2022, launching a Hwasong-12 intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM) that traveled around 800 kilometers before splashing down in the East Sea. Why It Matters: This test tracks with North Korea's recent escalation of conventional weapons systems testing, but it also underscores a slight shift away from testing new missiles or missile capabilities and toward repeated testing of existing missiles. This change means North Korea is finding its niche with missile capabilities and interoperability and is likely to continue honing its current arsenal of conventional weapons. Russia, Ukraine: Moscow To Consider Recognizing Independence of Donbas Separatist Republics On Feb. 14, Russia’s parliament could examine the Communist Party's appeal to President Vladimir Putin to recognize the Donbas separatist republics in Eastern Ukraine as independent countries. 104


Why It Matters: Under Russia’s interpretation of the Minsk agreements, the Donbas republics would be able to use their autonomy to block Ukraine from joining NATO. But Russia is unlikely to enact this proposal in the near term because it would force Moscow to abandon its strategy of using the Minsk agreements to exert influence over Kyiv. Instead, Moscow will retain the possibility of recognizing the republics as independent countries as a backup option to increase its negotiating power with the West and Kyiv, because the move could increase the threat of war with Ukraine. Colombia: Attack Highlights Increased Political Violence During Election Year Unknown assailants ambushed a vehicle caravan carrying Arnulfo Gasca, the governor of Colombia's southwestern department of Caqueta, leaving two security guards dead and several others injured. Why It Matters: Colombia's tense and prolonged election cycle is likely to spur increased political violence, as criminal groups are likely to favor politicians who take a softer stance toward anti-drug operations and are open to negotiations with regional criminal groups. While the violence is likely to target politicians in more rural areas where armed groups have more territorial control, conflict could also reach urban areas as armed groups continue to increase their presence in cities like Cali and Bogota.



FEATURED ASSESSMENT Italy Sergio Mattarella’s reelection as Italy’s president has avoided a political crisis but the government will likely weaken as the 2023 general election approaches, which will reignite fears about Italy’s ability to grow out of its debt. Israel More cracks emerge in Israel’s fragile coalition government as Defense Minister Benny Gantz met with Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas and announced measures to boost the economy in the West Bank. Hong Kong Hong Kong’s likely expansion of the National Security Law will accelerate its transition to de facto mainland Chinese rule and presents security risks to businesses operating in the territory. Iran If Iran can reach a deal with JCPOA delegates by the end of February, Iran could start restoring about 1.3 million barrels of oil to the market in Q2. 106

What’s at Stake in Kenya’s 2022 Presidential Election

Kenya is barreling toward a highly contentious and likely tumultuous presidential election that could alter the future of the country’s political system. Kenya will hold general elections on Aug. 9, where voters will elect the president, members of the National Assembly and Senate, and various county positions. But the presidential ballot, in particular, is shaping up to be a highly contested race In Kenya, where 42% of the population is under 25 years old, the youth vote will also be key in deciphering the

GLOBAL SITUATION REPORT outcome of the Aug. 9 presidential race. The candidate who receives the majority of support from Kenyans between 18-24 years old will have a distinct advantage due to the sheer size of this voting bloc. The outcome of the presidential race will risk spurring unrest among non-ruling ethnic groups in Kenya, especially if there are widespread allegations of fraud. Kenya’s three most recent presidential elections all yielded disputed victories that spurred widespread unrest, looting, property destruction and extreme business disruptions. The post-election turmoil following former President Mwai Kibaki’s contested victory in 2007 was particularly devastating, killing thousands of Kenyans. Kenyan ethnic groups that supported candidates who ended up winning the presidency have historically benefitted the most from resource allocation in sectors like education, healthcare, infrastructure and development. The new constitution Kenya ratified in 2010 was partially designed to address resource inequalities between ethnic groups by granting more authority to county governments. However, the unequal allocation of resources on a national scale remains a problem.

Mali Mali’s alienation from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) will likely deepen its reliance on Russia, which will further reduce the likelihood of imminent democratic elections. Russia There is little evidence to suggest that Russian ransomware gang REvil's activity has declined since Russia announced that it had dismantled the group. Afghanistan European diplomats have stated that humanitarian aid to Afghanistan would depend on the Taliban's human rights record, particularly women and girls' right to education. Lebanon Former Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri will boycott the May 15 elections giving proHezbollah figures an opportunity to enter Lebanon’s parliament, which could spark violence.


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 61 Peru: Judiciary Forbids Spanish Oil Executives From Leaving Country After Oil Spill Peru’s judiciary forbade four senior executives of Spanish oil and gas company Repsol from leaving the country for 18 months following a 10,000-barrel oil spill at the company's Pampilla refinery on Jan. 15, which was classified as the worst ecological disaster in Peru in recent times. Why It Matters: The oil spill will likely fuel domestic support for the leftist Peruvian government to pursue punitive actions, including charging the executives for criminal negligence and sanctioning and/or expropriating the Pampilla refinery. UAE, Israel, Yemen: Houthi Missile Attack Fails to Derail Israeli President's Visit The United Arab Emirates said its air defenses intercepted a ballistic missile fired by Yemen's Iran-backed Houthi rebels as Israeli President Isaac Herzog visited the country. Why It Matters: The United States condemned the missile strike, pushing Washington closer to the United Arab Emirates' position on Yemen, which involves military intervention on behalf of the Yemeni government. The attack also highlights the ongoing danger to certain world leaders visiting the United Arab Emirates.


GLOBAL SITUATION REPORT China, Myanmar: Beijing Seeks to Ease Border Issues as Olympics Approaches The Kachin Independence Army (KIA), a Myanmar militant group, has agreed to cease military operations near the Chinese border during the Beijing Olympics unless Myanmar's military junta attacks. Why It Matters: Such events during the Olympics could provoke China to respond sternly at a time of increased sensitivity to even minor reputational slights, as the event is intended to showcase China’s prestige, wealth and status as a world power. Rwanda, Uganda: Border Reopening Signals Thawing Relations Rwanda announced that its main border with Uganda, which has remained closed since 2019, will reopen on Jan. 31. Why It Matters: The border opening bodes well for travel and trade between the two East African countries, and both economies will benefit from this renewed activity. Even so, Rwanda and Uganda have a long history of tensions, so their improved relations remain fragile. Mali: Denmark to Withdraw Troops From 'Untenable' Situation Denmark will start withdrawing its troops from Mali in response to the Malian junta's claim earlier this week that Denmark does not have permission to be in the country. Why It Matters: The Malian junta's mounting resistance to French and European intervention makes the future of counterterrorism missions in the Sahel uncertain. The recent coup in Burkina Faso compounds this uncertainty, as French and European forces routinely carry out missions in the north of the country.



FOOT STEPS By: Jose Casillas

foot steps Episode 9: Monica Couto

Monica Couto is a Lisbon, Portugal based Executive Protection Specialist and highly decorated Martial Arts Instructor. She has dedicated much of her time championing the role of women in the industry as well as teaching

others to protect themselves.

What inspired you to get into Martial Arts and Personal Protection at such a young age? It began when I was 11 years old. At the time, I practiced gymnastics, 111

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 61 but I was already a martial arts fan watching Jackie Chan, Richard Norton and Cynthia Rothrock movies. They were my biggest inspiration, but the one that got me into it was my first Master, Fernando Baptista. He was small in height, but very energetic and powerful in his performance, extremely fast, but at the same time very graceful. I just wanted to be like him. So, I just embraced the Japanese Martial Arts. The main one was the Samurai Art -Bujutsu. I studied disciplines like Jujutsu, Karate Wado-Ryu, Aikijutsu, Ken Jutsu, Bo Jutsu, Tambo Jutsu and Tanto Jutsu and the Bushido with all regarding the moral principles of a warrior. I discovered that the Samurai, “those who serve,” were just like bodyguards. This mindset of serving and protecting just increased as I grew up in this environment. Nowadays, I’m very thankful because I found my “mission” and my, “why.” Now that you have your own Martial Arts school why still continue personal protection? Well, in my opinion personal protection isn’t just a job, just like Martial Arts aren’t. They are my passion and my purpose in life. Now that I have my own school, I can finally delegate the classes and hand over responsibility to the elder students, allowing me to have time to accept other projects that will challenge myself in the Close Protection field. At the age of 42, I can testify that I developed both the 112

Maybe my attitude made the difference because I just believed in myself and my skills. I started teaching Martial Arts when I was a fresh black belt at the young age of 18 years old, no experience but a lot of passion.

FOOT STERPS soft and the hard skills, but I want to continue to master my craft, knowing how to do it smoothly and efficiently. For me, teaching is learning, and experience is knowledge. That’s why I continue to invest in training and networking to be able to stay contemporary in what I do. Whenever I have a Detail/Task I feel honored that someone trusts me for their safety and security. In addition, there is the financial aspect, which also matters. The fact that it is a very well-paid activity allows me to continue to invest in my education, training and traveling, as well equipping my Dojo with new and improved training materials. What difficulties have you personally faced and how did you overcome them? In both owning a dojo and pursuing a career in personal protection? Looking back, I realize that difficulties and adversities were there all the way through. Everything was hard before it was easy. Maybe my attitude made the difference because I just believed in myself and my skills. I started teaching Martial Arts when I was a fresh black belt at the young age of 18 years old, no experience but a lot of passion. We all know that 30 years ago, it was truly a ‘man´s world’ and although women were studying and practicing, they weren’t really mentioned. I didn’t have a female role model as a professional martial arts teacher.

So, what made me believe that I could succeed as one? My thinking was that maybe I could be a role model for women in this area through my example: if I can do it, they can do it as well. After 13 years of running around Lisbon and teaching in different places, the opportunity arrived and I just took it, I rented a place and created my own Dojo. There were times I wanted to quit. Sure! The difficulties were all about proving that I was as good as a man. I just created my own style of martial arts with a twist of self-defense and close protection drills. I understood that it was all about perspective and context. As it relates to the personal protection career, the challenges are similar about the role models, and how to break into the industry, but the demand for female protectors is real and we just need to be prepared and available. What similarities do you think Martial Arts and private protection have in common? The struggle is real and similar either to break into Martial Arts world as an international teacher or into private security as a good protector. In common we have the same purpose, to serve and protect. How do we do that? In my case, I started to learn how to “serve” as a teacher and then how to teach people to “protect” themselves. I traveled around the world in the field of martial arts 113

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 61 and self-defense and through my teaching I learned a little more about human behavior and emotions. That experience and knowledge, I transferred to private protection. Most people think that martial arts are violent, aggressive and dangerous. Like a weapon, it depends how you use it. Why do you think Martial Arts is a key skill to have as a skilled protector? Why do you think many people don't have Martial arts training or don't take it as seriously?) Although the focus is all about physical conditioning and selfdefense, in addition to the main


benefits you will discover selfdiscipline and a non-quitting spirit, self-confidence, concentration, and attention to detail. I think people don’t take it seriously because they think that Martial Arts don’t work in the street. It really depends on the system we are talking about. For example, if you practice Judo or Karate the main purpose is competition. Of course, you have many benefits of this practice, but maybe you won’t find that the skills transfer directly to the close protection field. However, many styles of martial arts combine techniques from different disciplines that can be applied virtually in any situation. You also

FOOT STERPS need commitment to this lifestyle and managing time in the executive protection isn’t easy.

I started to plan out my strategy with women in general and Arab women in particular. There are a few traditional cultural barriers because there are places where women struggle for the respect of their individuality.

I know you traveled and taught in Iran, Kuwait, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates. How did you go about accomplishing that? Everything begins in the heart and in the mind, you must dream it. I believed that I could empower women through my teaching and training all over the world. Yes, my dream was big, but I could “see” it. In other words, I just applied the visualization process and then I acted. I started to plan out my strategy with women in general and Arab women in particular. There are a few traditional cultural barriers because there are places where women struggle for the respect of their individuality. For example, in Iran, hijab was mandatory, and we had to cover our hair and body. There were no public affection like hugs or kisses, and women could only practice with each other behind closed doors and with closed windows covered with curtains. During the training the majority wore the hijab even in the absence of men. Other countries like Dubai aren’t as strict, but women still have limited rights. So how did I get my “foot in the door”? I just created my opportunity. I learned different styles of martial arts and selfdefense systems from teachers all 115


over the world, I’ve participated in many training camps and seminars to collect experiences and inspiration. Later, my time came and I started to receive invitations as a lead instructor worldwide. The private sector offers a variety of specific types of protection work, what has been your favorite or more awarding? I have been working as a close protection operative for Middle East Royal Families in Europe and I also had the opportunity to travel to the US to assist my principal. Can’t say that I have a favorite type of work because I need to continue to experience other fields first, like celebrity protection or

corporate. I am very passionate about the protection craft, and the most awarding feeling is when my principal tells me, “Thank you Mónica, I’ll see you tomorrow”. If someone were to follow in your footsteps what advice would you give them? Don’t follow my footsteps because we all have a different purpose in life, you really need to find your way and climb your mountain. However, if you want my advice to succeed in this industry: surround yourself with good people and with the same mindset as yours. Simple as that. Invest your money and time wisely and do it with passion. Do what you love and fight for your dreams.

Jose Casillas is a Los Angles based Executive Protection Agent who specializes in red carpet events, movie premiers & estate security. He also teaches martial arts and works as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). 116


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MSS PHOENIX FORUM 12 May, 2022 Phoenix, AZ

Cloud & Cyber Security Expo 2-3 Mar, 2022 London, UK

The Security Event 5-7 Apr, 2022 Birmingham, UK

GSX 2022 12-14 Sept, 2022 Atlanta, GA


International Security Expo 27-28 Sept, 2022 London, UK

Exposec Brazil 7-9 June 2022 São Paulo


ASIS MIDDLE EAST 2022 28-30 Mar, 2022 Dammam, Saudi



24 Mar, 2022 London, UK

Eurosatory Paris 13-17 June 2022 Paris

IFSEC International 17-19 May, 2022 London, UK

MSS Amsterdam 17 May, 2022 Amsterdam, NL


9 June, 2022 London, UK

ASIS Europe 2022 22-24 May, 2022 Prague, CZ

Milipol Asia Pacific 18-20 May 2022 Singapore

Information Security Summit 2022 30 June, 2022 Hong Kong

Global Space and Technology Convention 8-10 Feb, 2022 Singapore

ISNR 20-22 Feb 2022 Dubai, UAE

EXPO 2022 31 March 2022 Dubai, UAE

ISRM Mini-Conference 2022 16-17 Feb, 2022 Canberra, Australia

Securex South Africa 31 May - 2 June 2022 Midrand

Do you have a security event that is not listed here that you would like our readers to know about? Contact us: 119


Keeping Your Edge: Will You be Remembered?

Keeping Your Edge: Action vs. Reaction

By Elijah Shaw

Boy: Are the stories about you I've ever seen. I wouldn't want to true? They say your mother is an fight him. immortal goddess. They say you can't be killed. Achilles: That's why no one will remember your name. Achilles: I wouldn't be bothering with the shield then, would I? That exchange is from the 2004 movie Troy starring Brad Pitt as Boy: The Thessalonian you're the ‘god like’ Achilles, a warrior fighting, he is the biggest man known for his prowess in battle. 120

KEEPING YOUR EDGE The inherent arrogance of the quote aside, that scene has always stuck with me throughout the years. The original Achilles of the epic poem, The Iliad, was from the time where heroes were defined by how many stories were told of them throughout the ages. Their legacy was cemented by their deeds on the battlefield and victories under their belts. I understood that even in modern times, both in and out of warzones, the need still remains for certain warriors to distinguish themselves from the pack. With that said, the conflict area doesn’t require shields and swords, or even guns and ammo. Just as often, the battle could entail the slash of a pen or the jab of a word. And remember, if there is conflict, there are also victors. The Alpha personalities of the Executive Protection industry, can stand in the ranks of the modern age of heroes, but how does a person in a profession in which success is measured by things NOT happening, be remembered? For some, they see their path in the, ‘tale of the tape.’ They video, (or obtain video), of their clients and active assignments as a way of bolstering their visibility. Others take the credentialed

path, gathering up paper certificate after paper certificate, and showcasing those wherever possible. The implication is that their studies, be it attendance, participation, or accreditation, qualify them for the role of Protector. Both of these approaches are a form of marketing, and there are pro, cons, and most importantly, nuances, in each. However, when you separate the wheat from the chaff, you find that the underlining objective in most case is to be remembered. Looking inwardly, I can see my personal quest to be remembered quite plainly. Initially it was seeking the recognition of Detail Leaders in order to gain experience in the field. Later it became about solidifying an image in the mind of potential clients so they would continue to see my service in contrast to the competition. Now in this stage of my career, the remembrance I want is in the form of legacy. I want to continue my quest to build, not one, but several brands that can exist independent of my day to day actions. My hope is that long after I am gone, these entities will continue to operate and perpetuate. That years, 121


For me, the seeds are the Executive Protection training programs I’ve developed and the students that have come out of that, and gone into prosperous careers in a variety of disciplines. decades, hell even centuries from now, anyone who wishes to trace the path backwards, can follow it and eventually arrive at me.

endeavors that fulfill a need in the marketplace, as well as provide support for myself and others.

When I started writing the To accomplish this, I know I have Keeping Your Edge column over a decade ago, the intent to continue to both plant seeds, was to offer a more personal, as well as build monuments editorialized view of our industry, with strong foundations. For me, the seeds are the Executive and my time in it. Part of that should be unpacking truths of Protection training programs I’ve developed and the students why we (I), do what we (I) do. that have come out of that, and Returning to the story of Troy, gone into prosperous careers in Achilles was near-invincible, but he had flaws and made mistakes, a variety of disciplines. all of these traits made him who he was. His story outlasted him, Likewise, the foundation is in and can now be used as both the form of business entities inspiration and a cautionary tale such as my consulting firm, publishing company and apparel for the warriors of our day that wish to make an impact on the company. For me, these aren’t profession. vanity projects, they are viable Elijah Shaw is the National Director of the North American Bodyguard Association and the CEO of ICON Global, and International Executive Protection Consulting Firm. Elijah, who has been featured in international publications such as Inc. Magazine, Entrepreneur, and Portfolio, runs the ICON Academy, an EP Training Program specializing in Celebrity & VIP Protection. He also currently sits on the Board of Directors of Executive Security International (ESI), the United States oldest Executive Protection Training School. His book, An Introduction to Executive Protection & Touring: A Guide to Mastering the Business of VIP Security, hit the Amazon best sellers list, and is available now worldwide. 122


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Email: United Kingdom 3D Security Ltd Taunton, Somerset, TA1 1TG Based in Taunton 3D Security provides security services for a wide range of clients. Whether you need a security guard in Somerset, event security in Leeds or Close Protection in London we will provide a solution for your needs. T: +44 (0)1823 253 001 W - E - A.B.I. Solutions A.B.I Solutions is a dynamic, forward thinking company, specialising in surveillance, security and investigations with local, national and internationalexperience. A.B.I provides a wide range of services to the corporate sector and individuals alike. W - Amanda Campbell A highly motivated and experienced female operative both CP and Surveillence training T – 07596542249 W - E - Alex Morgan - Close Protection Officer I am a hardworking, enthusiastic and committed person. Adaptable and driven, I have great attention to detail and high standards. I am honest, reliable, friendly and work well as part of a team as well as on my own initiative. I am also a good listener who has the ability to communicate with people at all levels. I am comfortable, both taking and issuing direction. I am looking for the opportunity to apply and expand my skills. E: T: 07775 636964 Ambassador Security Management ASM MK Lions Arena, Grafton Court, Snowden Drive, Winterhill, Milton Keynes, MK6 1AJ, GBR. After successfully gaining ACS (Door Supervision and Manned Guarding) along

with ISO 9000, we here at ASM have a dedicated management team with hundreds of years combined experience in the security industry. W: E: T: 08458335750 Amber Security and Protection United Kingdom At Amber Security and Protection Ltd we pride ourselves on providing a bespoke and tailored Close Protection, Residential Security, World Class Travel Security and Risk Management service to all our National and International clients. The Directors and Senior Operators are former military, law enforcement or special forces personnel who are fully operational SIA licensed close protection operatives who have over 40 years experience in both the military and civilian private security sectors. E: info@ambersecurityandprotection. com T: 07425868014 (07540392093) W: https://ambersecurityandprotection. com Ark Personal and Asset Protection Ark, 2b Crow Lane, Rochester, Kent, ME11RF, GBR A small, efficient, highly descrete company employing ex special forces and detectives for all civil and corporate covert needs. E: T: +0044 01634 845526 Argus Europe County Durham Argus Europe has been providing specialist training for high-net worth clients and their families for close to 20 years, worldwide. Argus Europe now offer accredited training for CPO’s, Surveillance Operators and Private detectives. Argus Europe is an operational company working globally with an extensive variety of contracts. W: T: +44 (0) 8456 123 843 Atlantian Business Solutions Group Rutland, LE15 6SD, GBR


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 61 Atlantian Business Solutions has been designed to help both individuals and New Companies build for the future as well as support others with training needs. T: 07725970954 W: E: Briareus Security Our aim is to give a complete, discreet and professional service to all of our clients, be they large corporations, small businesses, local authorities or private individuals, all tailored to meet their individual needs. W: E: Mark Corder - Chief Executive of Carmdale Ltd Suite 3 219 Bow Road London E3 2SJ Mark is a former Senior Police Officer specialising in counter-terrorism; firearms; public order; training and also physical, Critical National Infrastructure and nuclear security, having had responsibility for the security of the UK’s nuclear deterrent. A former Head of Operations, Operational Support and Training, Mark has been involved in a number large-scale incidents (including 7/7) and has also worked at the Office for Security and Counter Terrorism (OSCT) at the Home Office as part of a review into Critical National Infrastructure security. Mark has an MBA via the OU. E: T: +44 (0)844 995 9900 W: Alastair Christie Advice on site security, perimeter fencing, lighting, CCTV and manning requirements. Monitor and advise on guard force setting up site procedures and guard SOP’s. T : +44 (0)7736 328112 E : Control Risk Management Solutions - CRMS - Ireland Executive Close Protection Operations & Training (B Tec Level 3 Diploma Edexcel) Threat & Risk Assessments, Consultancy Services. W: E: Crest Security & Surveillance Ltd 51 The Crest, West Heath, Birmingham, West Mids, B31 3QA, GBR Highly experienced Security Consultant with a proven record of accomplishment in the field of protective security. Skilled in all phases of risk assessment, operational planning, logistical organisation, implementation of security measures, security team leadership, project coordination, and delivery of security advice to a high profile clientele. E:


T: 447977071427 CSI Protection Ltd International, GBR A well established security consultant and personal protection operative providing high or low Key protection to high risk and prestigious clientele. Specialising in the maritime industry as a consultant for private vessel protection on super yachts world wide. W: E: Custodia Custodia is an independent client focused Specialist Security & Risk Management Company, specialising in Risk consultancy and Security project management. Providing a comprehensive portfolio of Risk mitigation solutions to assist Businesses and individuals to plan for, manage and mitigate risk. T: 01432 277693 W: Daniel Gentry Close Protection Operative I am a former RAF Regiment Gunner with 8 years experience, including various command roles and operational tours of Iraq and Afghanistan. My previous role as a behaviour specialist saw me de-escalating potentially dangerous situations on a daily basis. These two jobs combined have put me in a position where I am now very effective at managing not only a variety of situations but also a variety of different people, often from very diverse cultures. E: T: 07445181281 DF Risk Management Solutions DF Risk Management Solutions N.I. is a modern, professional risk management company, with a diverse range of global strategic experiences and a team of executives who possess dynamic but complementary backgrounds. T: +44 (0)7837642686 +44 (0)7758743918 W: Executive Protection Officer Worldwide CP services W: First Class Executive Security Nottingham, UK, Nottingham based, full-service company specializing in Bodyguards and Security Consulting services. Extensive experience in VIP security, also caters for public and private sectors. W: T: 0115 9266466 G6 Global G6 are specialists in all types of radio, telephony and satellite communications for both voice and data with particular

CLASSIFIEDS emphasis on covert communications installations in both vehicles and fixed locations. In addition, our range of personal covert radios and bespoke accessories is extensive. W: T: +44 (0)1454 610050 Gordon Russell Highly trained frontline Close Protection Operatives available for UK and International contracts. Our experienced CPO’s can offer bespoke packages to meet all clients needs, including a variety of language skills. All SIA licenced, BBA member E: T: +44 (0)7917 281 004 Gareth Evans - CPO, MSO Reliable dedicated hard-working security professional, with outstanding communication skills. Strategic approach to problem solving combined with exceptional interpersonal skills, quick to grasp new concepts and information. Highly motivated, results-driven and thrives under pressure. Strong leadership and management skills with proven experience committed to continuous personal and professional development. E : T : +44 (0)7900058603 James Izett All close protection task undertaken, including training tasks. Medic (Registered with the HPCSA, Registered FAAW instructor and Assessor E : T : +971 (0)505 574 350 Janice Gurney Proficient and diligent Security Professional gaining extensive knowledge and experience within the security sector. Proactive individual who has a logical, flexible and conscientious approach to all challenges undertaken, ability to work as a member of a team or as an individual willing to work anywhere. T : +44 (0)7885 793061 E : King Cobra Security Ltd King Cobra Security are a Milton Keynes based company, incorporating Certificated Enforcement Agents, Security and Surveillance officers carrying services for the Domestic & Corporate Sector. Being one of Milton Keynes leading and vibrant companies not scared by trying new technologies sets us out from the rest. We are capable of tasking agents throughout the UK & Internationally when required. E : T: 0330 223 5099 W: International Centre of Special Training International Centre of Special Training is an international

training and security company based in the United Kingdom. Its priority objective is to provide services to the highest level. W: T: +44 796 736 55 65 IPSS Security Northfield, Aberdeen, AB16 7EX Security and protection services - UK and overseas. BBA Member. T: + 44 (0) 1224 69455 W: ISS Training Ltd Riverside Cottages, Nidd Walk, Pateley Bridge, Harrogate, HG3 5NA ISS Training Limited are providers of specialist covert surveillance training courses and publications to the security and investigative industries, enforcement agencies and specialist military units. Formed in 1990, we are the longest established surveillance training ompany in the United Kingdom. Our credibility and reputation is widespread and we offer nationally recognised qualifications. BBA Member. T: + 44 (0) 1423 712265 W: Jason Morris Security Hertfordshire, UK Providing a wide range of Door supervision/security for V.I.P and prestige venues, Concerts, Functions, Corporate and Personal Security, Weddings, Private Parties, Gala Dinners, Business Awards & School Proms, Close Protection and Body Guarding Static Guarding and Stewards. T: 01462 478900 W: E: John Featherstone Security professional with operational experience gained in a variety of theatres. Main specialities close protection and surveillance. T: 24hrs : +44 (0)7702 740722 E: W: K9 Support Services Ltd K9 Support Services UK Ltd is a supplier of specialist drugs and explosives dog/ handler detection service (which includes arms & ammunition) to individuals, businesses, and the public sector. T: 0845 643 6393 E: Logas International Tyne & Wear, SR1, GBR Front line SIA, International CPO. Private Investigation and Surveillance operator.


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 61 E: Adam McErlane Close Protection & Client Management A qualified/licenced close protection operative and live events technician from the UK. • 12+ years of experience operating within the live events sector as on operational technician/engineer (Touring & In-House) • Extensive knowledge of the operational procedures, security protocols & logistical processes of large tours and venues. • Personal protection/client management experience (unlicensed) for a high net-worth individuals. Personal Qualities - • Determined, motivated & hard working. • Punctual and reliable. • Able to work independently & as part of a team • High ethical & moral standing. • Act quickly and decisively when required. • Working knowledge of defensive tactics in hostile situations. • Patient & Tolerant in stressful situations with others. • Rudimentary understanding of the Spanish languages. • Effective communicator with a diplomatic approach. • Very resourceful & able to find solutions to complex problems. • Possess good foresight & vigilance. • Years of experience working long & unsociable hours. • Physically fit & Healthy E: T: +44 7751953009 Michael Boreland Close Protection Officer Since leaving the British Army in 2006 I have been working in hostile environments for private security companies in various roles ranging from Training & Close protection. I have successfully managed a training wing in Afghanistan providing security operations training for local nationals & Expats conducting operations in the region I believe with my skills and experience of the employment I have done in the past I would be an asset to any organisation taking myself on as an employee. Marcin Gebler Close Protection Officer I have experience with work as an armed security officer, an armed security guard at army unit and army airport, an armed officer responsible for searching and identifying explosive devices, an armed CP in Poland. I have experience with work as a mobile patrol security officer and static security guard in UK. I have experience with work as a security officer at hotels, production sites, private households in UK. I am SIA CP and DS licensed. First Aid at Work Level 3 completed in 2020. Firearms Training Course Combat Pistol 1 for CPOs Shockfire in Poland 2020. E: T: + 44 07799907528 MLK Security and Protection Services Swindon, UK Close Protection Officer and Door Supervisor E:


T: 07917654978 LJE Security Services North Yorkshire, HG1, GBR Close Protection, Residential Security, Asset Protection, VIP red carpet Security and Private Investigation. E: Oliver Mike Close Protection Operative I came from Hungary and live in the Uk in London since 2014. I was a Police Officer for 23 years as a CounterTerrorism Specialist. Next to the police I became a Close Protection Operative and self-defense instructor (Krav Maga). I was a member of the International Krav Maga Federation (IKMF). During my service I have been protecting Hungarian Prime Ministers, Interior Ministers, Foreign Ministers, Ambassador of Israel and other politicians of other countries. E: T: +447413190349 W: One Events Grantham One Events offers you a stress free solution in the organisation, putting together and running of an event. Thisis accomplished by having a group of specialised companies from different industries working together for a more complete service for you. TEL: 0870 974 6779 W: Paul Lovatt – CPO After serving 15 year in the Army a move to the Security Industry was a natural step, during the last 10 years I have worked in almost every role in the industry from Door Supervisor and loss prevention to Operations Manager and Director. I have been responsible for the creation and implementation of highly successful crime reduction schemes across Yorkshire working closely with other agencies in the areas of responsibility. Currently I am responsible for the overall running of large events security teams from stewards to Close Protection Officers. Operational planning, contingency planning and flexibility are I feel among my key strengths. E : T : +44 (0)7506726336 Paul Tyler – VIP Protection & Concierge Specialist in discreet personal protection & surveillance. A good current working knowledge of London & its challenges gained through ongoing high risk security operations. Experienced in dealing with high net worth clients with all matters security & concierge striving go the extra mile to exceed expectations through thorough planning & interaction with all involved parties. A strong communicator with a smart appearance who remains synonymous with the principals lifestyle, whilst discretely ensuring a safe environment is maintained at all times, physically capable of adopting a higher profile when required to do so. Demonstrates sound

CLASSIFIEDS judgement and capability to operate with great levels of autonomy. Exceptional interpersonal skills with the ability to understand, interact & connect with a diverse range of people. E : T : +44 (0)7552515604 W : Peter Jenkins Peter Jenkins is the director of surveillance training company ISS Training Ltd. He has been managing his own commercial and corporate investigation business in Yorkshire for the past 25 years. Previous to this, Peter spent 12 years in the Royal Marines where he specialised in various roles which included reconnaissance, intelligence, counter terrorism and instructing. He continues to carry out surveillance work on a regular basis and regularly instructs on surveillance training courses internationally. E: W: Roystan Powell Security Consultant/Close Protection Operative I have been in the security industry for 20yrs, my first experience being in the HM Forces back in 2002, during my time in the industry I have gained vast experience, professionalism, integrity, values and work ethic. I have been involved in many details and conducted TL duties, risk assessments, risk management, management and consultancy. I hope my brief introduction is of interest. Kind regards Roy E: Plymouth Close Protection Highly versatile, physically fit and accomplished security professional with cumulative experience in the areas of security management, close protection, crisis management, risk assessment, emergency management, asset protection and security training. E : W : T : +44 (0)1752 500807 PPSS Group Body armour and stab vests provide a functional solution to individuals who require extra protection in their chosen vocation. All PPSS (formerly ASEO) body armour and stab vests are certified by the UK’s Home Office (HOSDB) and offer unrivalled protection from blunt trauma caused by a punch, blow or kick. Based on our professional frontline experience and extensive research we can confirm that an impact based assault is a more likely event than an attack involving an edged weapon or firearm. T: +44 (0) 845 5193 953 F: +44 (0) 1765 603 512 E: W: Presence Security Presence Security (“ PS ”) is a bespoke security company

providing protection for private individuals and VIPs, as well as security services for businesses and organizations. T: 0800 002 9734 E: Prestige Risks LTD 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, WC1N, 3AX, GBR. Close Protection Secure Chauffeurs Surveillance Residential Security Executive Protection Security Guards Asset T : +44 (0)207 5588182 E : W : Prometheus Medical Ltd Prometheus deliver unrivalled bespoke emergency medical support in the form of specialist equipment, training, strategic advice and deployed clinical care. T: (+44) 1568 613942 W: Prosec Consultancy Ltd 10 Oakfield business park Westbury, BA13 4WF. Prosec Consultancy Limited are dedicated in providing a professional service, which covers a whole range of security services throughout the security industry. T: 01373 228055 W: E: ProTouch Security ProTouch Security is one of the UK’s key providers of event safety, event security, crowd management, door supervisors, stewards, event management and health and safety. T: 01724 279 522 W: Python Security and Protection Ltd Providing Close Protection Officers and Door Supervisors for Events and Venue Security. E : Radoslav Savkov - CPO / Security Consultant Oxford - United Kingdom I would introduce myself as a high calibre Security professional with strong customer oriented skills and managerial experience in the Security Industry, interested in a challenging position, which would fully utilize competences gained and provides opportunities for professional and personal development. With 15 + years of international experience in the sector at all levels and a military background (National Service) as well as a practical Close Protection experience in an executive environment, corporate intelligence and investigations. As a Security professional, I never consider my training and development as a complete, therefore I always look to update further my skills and knowledge. In personal


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 61 plan I am very loyal, discreet , independent and willing to embrace challenges. E: T: +44 (0)7886591525 RSM Security UK Ltd London, UK RSM Security UK Ltd offers the experience and expertise necessary to provide security personnel of the highest calibre when you need them. T: 07850091979 or 07792948523 W: E: RWSSI Rob W is a professional security consultant with world wide experience and capabilities in Security, Surveillance and Investigation; I can support you to overcome any problems and enable you to achieve your goals E: T: +44 (0)7818 220985 SDS Solutions SDS solutions provide our clients with protective solutions that are second to none, our consultants will discuss every aspect of the problems that you are facing that dictate the need for a protective solution, we promise our clients a tailor made service to meet individual requirements. Whether based in the UK or abroad our protective service T: 01453 887815 E: Stephen OCallaghan Founder & Managing Director Strategically oriented Close Protection Security Specialist with a proven track record for providing effective leadership and exceeding performance objectives. Has been responsible for implementation of security standards in hostile and non-hostile job roles, security awareness and education, coordination of sensitive investigations, analysis of emerging industry trends and threats and the evaluation of overall team effectiveness. Ability to develop and maintain effective working relationships within a team, whilst at all times keeping the main objective and security needs at the fore front. E: T: +44 7306395194 W: Shadow Close Protection A leading company specializing in Executive Protection as a professional sector, with participation in high and low risk missions, providing global security solutions and consultancy to individuals, corporations and national agencies worldwide. W: E: T: + 30 6948539664


Shaun West United Kingdom SIA licensed, Highly Experienced Frontline CPO. Ronin SA trained. Providing security for both corporate and hostile environments. E: T: +44 (0)7830 109 601 W: Steve Pittman - Security Manager of Operations I have been active in the security industry for over 25 years in various roles including close protection where I have been responsiblefor the the welfare of high net worth individuals in low and high risk situations . I have also a vast amount of experience in many other areas of there security industry including Door Supervision, Security Management, Event Security, and Residential Security. I have recently finished a diploma in Private Investigations and am a member of UKPIN. E: steve@covert T: 07818800778 W: Company Website: Mark Claydon-Smith – CP Team Leader and Medic I have spent 13 years in the Royal Navy Culminating in the rank of SNCO Petty Officer. In 2004 I started my security career and have worked in Hostile environments. I have held several positions including Operations Manager, Team Leader and Rig Site Manager. I have worked in Kurdistan, Afghanistan and Iraq as well as the UK and Europe. E : T : +964 (0)7815 970433 Philip Shearman MSyl – CPO, Risk Manager A professionally Qualified Close Protection and Surveillance Operator and Team Leader with over twenty two years of experience gained in the Military Police, the last fifteen of which were spent with the Military Police Close Protection Unit, working in various hostile countries throughout the world. Since leaving the Army in Nov 06 I have worked in the Private Security sector. I have gained valuable experience in demanding and challenging operational environments, where I have proved to be a self motivated and resourceful individual, performing well under pressure, communicating effectively at all levels whilst exercising tact, diplomacy and integrity. E : T : +44 (0)7930 277586 Spotllght Protection Services Essex based business which provides a broad and growing range of security services to businesses and organisations large and small. T: 07870560208 E: W:

CLASSIFIEDS Vas Sotiropoulos London, UK I am a security operator with over nineteen years of experience in close protection, counter-surveillance, diplomatic protection, door supervision, and CCTV monitoring in the United Kingdom and Greece. Second Lieutenant in the elite of the Hellenic Army, the Special Forces. Undertaken a number of close protection courses run by the Greek Ministry of Defence, the VIP Protection Unit of the Hellenic Police, and the Surveillance Department of the US Embassy in Athens. Highly motivated and confident relocated to the UK for further career progression and to install my own footprint in the private security sector. Fully licensed Close Protection Officer by the British Security Industry Authority. E: T 02038882020 W:

declining professional standards across the security industry. We strive to provide first class customer service in everything we do, drawing on our extensive experience in the fields of special operations, intelligence, counter terrorism and close protection. T : +44 7903231076 E :

VIPA Tactical Training A specialist training academy dealing with four specific areas of combat: VIPA Civilian Self Protection Program, VIPA Close Protection Combat System, VIPA Police Defence Tactics and VIPA Military Close Quarter Combat. BBA Member. W:

Javier Galan Spain - Security specialist available for operations around the world. E: T: 34.637080771

Wagtail UK Wales, UK Wagtail UK are international specialists in detection dogs and dog handler training. Established in 2003, Wagtail UK provides detection dogs and related services for government agencies such as UK Border Force, HM Revenue & Customs, Police, Trading Standards and Armed Forces. Wagtail International School of Excellence in North Wales is a fully approved training centre endorsed by Highfield Awarding Body for Certification. T: +44(0)1745 561166 E: W: Westminster Security Ltd London, UK Westminster Security Ltd are an independent, industry leading private security company in London; providing security and investigation services throughout the UK, EU and worldwide for our clients. We specialise in close protection services; providing ex-military and police bodyguards to many national and international companies, heads of state, royalty, high-profile personalities, CEO's, private individuals and families. T: +44 (0)207 123 4544 E: W: Yoji Security We established Yoji Security in response to our perception of

Europe & Africa International Security Academy P.O.Box 5833, Herzeliya, 46000, ISRAEL. zOur graduates are more recognized, respected and sought after by Distinguish Protection service “consumers” and by most of the “Providers” of Protection services worldwide. Organisers of the 2008 International Summit of Protection Officers. BBA Member. T: + 972 9 950 0969 W:

Military Grade Encryption Phones PO Box 52310, Limassol, CYPRUS Built-in encryption software which converts your voice to encrypted data using a constantly changing mathematical formula. It uses a dual layered RSA/AES combination and a changing session key which modifies the encryption algorithm every second. € 1,398.00 + VAT. All prices include new Nokia N73 phone. BBA Member. T: + 357 7777 7276 W: Nemesis Protection Ruma, Serbia Nemesis Protection is a Risk Management Company specialized in providing viable, bespoke, optimal, feasible and cost-effective security and training solutions for corporations, government institutions, and private clients worldwide. Nemesis Protection offers a full spectrum of services including Risk Advisory, Close Protection, Asset Protection, Security Driving, Surveillance & Private Investigation, Information Security, Transport Security, Staffing, and Specialist Security Training. T: 00381644679650 E: W: TPT Firearms Training Bratislava , Slovakia and Rome , Italy We know from our extensive experience within the industry that it can be daunting when initially carrying a firearm and being responsible for protecting a clients life, but learning the proper techniques and having the ability to understand the weapon will make the job a lot easier and


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 61 more enjoyable. Hopefully you will never have to use the weapons you carry, but should this prove necessary you will be confident and knowledgeable enough to handle the situation professionally and effectively. T : +44 (0) 7734101910 E : W : Security Concierge Group SCG Special Projects Ltd, Avenida, Bartolome Vicente Ramon No 10, B16, Ibiza, 07800, ESP Security Concierge Group is a privately owned and fully independent provider of exceptional security services to an interesting and varied range of clients. T: 00 34 600 665 275 W: E: Wille Heino, Security Specialist, Owner Finland Gambeson is a security training & Consulting Company specialized in countering modern day threats. - Security & safety planning for different events. - Security training: Active shooter/Terrorism awareness/Surveillance detection/Other. Security consulting. We are specialized in executive protection related services. Local knowledge, trained and licensed close protection offers, mission support, other. E: W: Zika Rakita Managing Director Ruma 22400, Serbia Accomplished, result-driven, and highly motivated Close Protection Operative, conducting protective operations internationally. A background encompassing planning, organizing, leading, and undertaking Close Protection operations in both corporate fields and hostile environments. Proven in achieving results and completing tasks on time, discreetly, and to the highest standards. A confident communicator with the ability to sensitively solve a range of clients’ and colleagues’ problems and inquiries. With the ability to use sound judgment and understanding the operational balance and needs. E: T: 00381644679650 Americas Bodyguard Careers Bodyguard Careers is an informational site with the purpose of providing bodyguards with all the information and tools necessary to succeed in the Close Protection Industry Canadian Use of Force Systems 7975 Yonge St. # 7124, Innisfil, ON, L9S 1L0, CANADA A professional Use of Force and Defensive. Tactics


organization teaching a full range of controlled response options for Self-Protection and Use of Force considerations in public and professional environments. BBA Associate Member. T: + 1 705 456 4333 W: Contact Front Photography Contact Front Photography is the world’s 1st photography studio dedicated to the Close Protection Professional. Stop putting generic or pirated photos on your website; instead commission custom shots to best represent you or your agency. T: +1 (612) 369-6134 E: W: Decisiones Estratégicas Buenos Aires – Argentina Executive protection specialists we have experienced in all Latin America, for multinationals companies, also providing support in project throughout Latin America to consulting first the US. and UK. We have a team of specialists and psychologists in assistance and crisis negotiation. T: +54(911) 6415 1941 E: jbenitez@d– W: www.d– Detective Lacerda P.O.BOX 25996, São Paulo, 05513-970, BRAZIL Providing the full range of security and investigation services throughout Latin America. BBA Member. T: + 55 (11) 3452 4388 W: Giovanni Rossi South Africa Doctorates in Criminology, Vessel Security Officer, ASP Instructor, ISSPC Member, BBA Member, IAPPA Member, American Bodyguard and Protection Instructors Association Lifetime Member E: T: +2783 415 9205 Fernando Mata Mexico I started in the Protection of Officials as an infantryman in the Presidential Guards Corps, in the Mexican Army. Later, as a civilian, I certified in executive protection and took a diplomaed in personal protection. I have also taken intelligence, terrorism and counterterrorism courses and some refresher courses. I am currently participating in an Academy project for the professional training of Protection agents with international standards. E: T: + 55 2126 6994 W:

CLASSIFIEDS USA Global Bear Protection PO Box 11488, Jackson, Wyoming, 83002, USA Provision of British and US Ex Special forces security/medical specialists. T: 307 413 3619 W: E: Icon Services Corporation 1043 Grand Ave. #312, St. Paul, MN 55105, USA A full service security and investigative agency specializing in providing high-level security and bodyguards to international celebrities, public figures and corporations. Licensed, bonded and insured, our diverse roster of clients reads as a virtual who’s who in the corporate, motion picture, fashion and recording industry. Icon has been the hand picked choice to provide Executive Protection to everyone from Superintendents to Supermodels. BBA Member. T: + 1 651 695 8778 W: Imperial Protective Service, LLC 15849 N. 71st Street, Suite 100, Scottsdale , Arizona, 85254, USA Imperial Protective Service’ (IPS) is a security consulting and services firm founded in 1978. IPS provides both national and international corporate, executive and celebrity protective services. BBA Member. T: + 1 480 281 1588 W: Panther Protection Services 3695F Cascade Road, Suite 2207, Atlanta, GA 30331 Panther Protection Services is a full service protection agency offering such services as threat assessment, executive protection, self-defense training, firearms instruction, and high risk tactical protection. Our executive protection specialists have over 75 years of experience. Panther can handle your protection needs whether around the corner or around the world. Member: BBA and NABA T: (404) 349-9117 W: Rouven Rohler - Security Consultant / HSE liaison - Romania I am a very fit and mentally robust Security Specialist with quality experience gained in the security (Military, Maritime and Commercial Operational Security (Oil& Gas). I have improved the effectiveness of protection teams and significantly enhanced clients’ awareness. My career commenced in the Australian Army, which included hostile environment deployments to Iraq and the Solomon Islands and I have since been operating on various contracts throughout Afghanistan and Iraq. E: T: +40 (0)746 642 739 SILVER STAR PROTECTION Executive protection, site and event security with global experience. Serving southern Minnesota with integrity and

professionalism. Former USSS, ICON Alumni. available for domestic and international travel. Robert E. Jones Manager/CEO W: E: TSICS (T6) Miami, Florida, USA TSICS (T6) provides the following services in Central America: Executive Protection, Individual Bodyguard, Close Protection Training, Corporate Invest. W: E: T: +502 6645 6822 Tony Scotti’s Vehicle Dynamics Institute 1162 St. Georges Ave, Suite 277 , Avenel, NJ 07001, USA The first name in advanced driver training, offering our highly acclaimed Protective/Evasive Driving Programs. Designed specifically for today’s executive chauffeurs, executive protection professionals and others who are responsible for providing safe and secure transportation services. BBA Member. T: + 1 732 738 5221 W: Vindex Personal Protection & Investigation Inc. 497 Hooksett Rd #365 Manchester NH 03104 603.289.3161 / Full service Private Investigations & Executive Protection. 10 years combined Law Enforcement, Private security, close protection work, & security contracting. NY Mayors, U.S. President’s, NFL owners, and VIP’s are some of the protection work I’ve gained experience with. ICON alumni, NABA member. T: + 1 732 738 5221 E: W: New Zealand Security Investigations & Risk Solutions LTD We are dedicated to providing professional and effective security solutions for your personal or business security requirements. S.I.R.S is one of the only security companies in New Zealand with ISO 9001 and ISO 18788 Running the most advanced security management system Track-Force to help S.I.R.S security operations with real-time reporting and lone worker technology. With a combination of Military and Security industry experienced staff. We offer high-quality security services and industry recognised training programs with international qualifications in Close Protection, Bodyguards, Maritime Security, Hostile Environment, Firearms Training, Door Supervision, Private Investigations, Surveillance, CCTV Operations, Event Security, Mobile Patrols and Static Guards. S.I.R.S has the expertise and flexibility to meet a wide variety of client needs. E: T: 02040787549 W:


Life can be testing, no matter what you fight. - Keep Fighting.

FOP is for you, whether you wear uniform, a suit, or gym kit. 134


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Managing Editor: Jon Moss Art Direction: Pete Falkous


Chris Grow Denida Zinxhiria Grow Hayley Sloane Orlando Wilson Dale L. June James Bore Krisztian Zerkowitz Mark “Six” James Mark Roche EPS Graciela Casillas Ryan Bohl Jose Casillas

Our Sincere Thanks to all those that continue to contribute their wisdom and experience for the enjoyment of others The Circuit is compiled, edited and published in the UK and US bi-monthly. W: E: T: +44 0191 645 0865


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