Back to work

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Back to work

CIS considerations on returning to work post COVID-19

Back to work

Back to work

Top 10 focus areas for employees before returning back to work •

What are the new behavioural guidelines?

What does the new office layout look like?

Are we all healthy?

What are my possibilities to work from

How will we return to work?

How will we feel assured that it’s safe?

How will I know that the office, and specifically my desk, are clean?

What has changed since I last was in the office?

How will I be welcomed back?

S u r v e y M o n k e y, C o p e n h a g e n H Q E m p l o y e e s , A p r i l 2 0 2 0

home going forward? •

What is the new process for lunch?

Back to work

Key messages to be delivered We promote action plans and recommendations to protect people’s health in line with the NHS guidance, focused on hand washing, coughing etiquette, not touching your face, physical distance and staying home if feeling unwell.

We have grouped key messages into four main groups.

Back to work

Four main key messages

Behaviour & Hygiene

Touchpoint Safety



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Behaviour & Hygiene •

Issue regular reminders to staff and/or customers to follow social distancing advice and wash their hands regularly

Provide additional pop-up handwashing stations or facilities if possible, providing soap, water, hand sanitiser and tissues and encourage staff to use them

Ensure frequent cleaning and disinfecting of objects and surfaces that are touched regularly, using your standard cleaning products and particularly at the end and beginning of shifts

Consider shift working or the staggering of processes which would enable staff to continue to operate both effectively and where possible at a safe distance

Spread out standard processes, so that only one team needs to be on the premises to complete a task at a given time

Regulate entry so that the premises do not become overcrowded

Offer all guests access to lavatories to wash hands upon entering the building before they go to their hosts floor

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Touchpoint safety •

Provide daily access to appropriate PPE

Encourage the use of digital and remote transfers of material where possible rather than paper format, such as using e-forms, emails and e-banking

Regulate entry so that the premises do not become overcrowded

If feasible, place plexiglass barriers at points of regular interaction as an additional element of protection for workers and customers (where customers might touch or lean against these, ensure they are cleaned and disinfected as often as is feasible in line with standard cleaning procedures)

Minimise the usage of paper visitor passes

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Communication •

Use signage to direct movement into lanes, if feasible, while maintaining a 2-metre distance

Make sure managers know how to spot symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) and are clear on any relevant processes

Ensure that the business’s social distancing measures are effectively communicated to all staff

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Well-being •

Remember this isn’t forever

Stick to a routine

Take a break

You are not alone

Practice something new

Stay hydrated

Keep exercising

Get outside everyday

Eat more mindfully

Have a healthy breakfast

Download our packs Well-being encouragement pack

Toolbox Talk Pack

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Yesterday VS Tomorrow

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Safe workstations ยง

Optimised desk positions to 2m safety distance


Avoid face to face seating, unless at 2m distance




Alternate desks are left unoccupied by removing every other seat

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Safe meetings 2m ยง

Reduce capacity meeting room capacity to 50%


Remove/arrange seats to avoid face to face proximity




Maintain 2m safety distance between meeting participants

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Safe queuing ยง

Use floor stickers to mark 2m safe distance at queuing locations (canteen, coffee points etc.)



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Safe breaks ยง

Reduce /remove furniture from break-out areas and reposition to follow 2m distances at social settings



Back to work

Get in touch CIS Security Ltd 418-426 Lewisham High Street London SE13 6LJ 020 8690 1903

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