Annual Report 2015 of Creative Industries Styria

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CIS Annual Report 2015

Creative Industries Styria


Contents Editorial / 3

Design – Growth for the future


Styrian Creative Industries / 4 Foreword by Christian Buchmann / 5 Creative Industries Styria / 6

01 Awareness & Location Be visible & be connected!


National and international Networking / 11 Designmonat Graz / 12 Graz as UNESCO City of Design / 14

EDITORIAL Creativity is one of the most important intangible resources that a strong eco­ nomy needs in order to survive on the market. The one who supports, strate­ gically expands, and passes on creati­ vity to the companies of a region, acts sustainably in multiple ways. It is creativity that leads to innovative products, intelligent services, and sale­


Impulses & Projects Be inspired!


Design to Business / 17 Experience Economy / 18 designforum Steiermark / 22 Cooperation and Project Partners / 26


Network & Service Be informed!


Membership / 29 Data pool, Newsletter, Website / 30 Fast Forward for You / 31 fyi - lecture series / 32 Excursions and Fact Finding Missions / 33 Open Office and Small Talk / 34 Press and Media Activities / 35 UNESCO City of Design Network / 36 International Partners / 36 Schedule for Future Events / 38 Imprint / 39

able solutions. Creative Industries Sty­ ria, founded in 2007 as a networking society of Styrian creative industries, functions as an interface to connect creativity and economy even more closely. That improves their competi­ tiveness and the attractiveness of the site as a whole. Doing so, Styria is on the right path: Due to the commitment to high-quality education regarding creative disciplines and the strength­ ening of creative industries within the economic strategy of the country, there are the best conditions to internatio­ nally position the creative site Styria and hence advertise it far beyond its borders. The constantly increasing performance of creative industries confirms the accuracy of the approach.



Styrian Creative Industries

Design – Growth for the future

Foreword Christian Buchmann

Design – Growth for the future

Design – Growth for the future


We could not image Styria without the creative industries anymore and they even are a real success story ‘made in Styria’. In the Economics Department we realized it early and since then we have constantly been working on effec­ tively using the whole creative potential of Styria. Already in 2007 we founded Creative Industries Styria, which has proved its worth of acting as a creative catalyst for the linking of economy and creative industries. Further, we integra­ ted the creative industries as interdiscip­ linary material in our economic strategy, in order to make as many industries as possible profit from the performances


the number of employees has been

with a plus of 24.4 percent regar-

radio & TV (0%) as well as software

of local creative professionals.

raised by 7 percent and the sales

ding companies and 19.8 percent

& games (7%).

‘The creative potential’ can also be seen

revenues by 11.4 percent.

regarding employees, it does show

in figures: by now every tenth Styrian company is part of the creative indus­

the largest growth. 58 percent of the

Across Europe, in 2010 creative in-

The field of software & games with

Styrian creative industries are indi-

dustries generated a turnover of 650

27 percent out of all companies and

vidual entrepreneurs (EPU). As far

billion Euros and hence 2.6 percent


35 percent of employees accounts

as architectural firms are concerned,

of the gross domestic product and is

According to the current report

tive companies in Styria that employ

Creative industries in Styria have

for the largest share. The industry

there are as many EPU as offices

one of the most dynamic economic

on creative industries of the WKO

14,000 people and generate a turnover

been growing in a fast way, as shown

generates 30 percent of turnovers

with 2 to 4 employees. The share of

sectors. In Germany it is the third

(Austrian Chamber of Commerce),

of 1.5 billion Euros per year. With these

in the sixth report of the Kreativ­

and 37 percent of gross value added

EPU is the highest in the fields of

largest industry after the enginee-

the creative industries in Austria

numbers, Styria is above the Austrian

wirtschaft Austria of May 2015.

of the Styrian creative professio-

music, book and creative activities

ring and automotive industry with

are the following:

Exactly 3,980 creative companies

nals. The second largest share are

(74%) and design (70%). Companies

an annual gross value added of

with a total of 14,190 employees

music, book and creative activities,

with 5 and more employees are to be

about 63 billion Euros and a turn­


the international perception of Graz

generated an overall turnover of

followed by advertising, and ar-

found mainly in the areas of radio

over of ca. 132 billion Euros. Only


as UNESCO City of Design, and also

1.5 billion Euros. The number of

chitectural firms. Although publi-

& TV (46%) and publishing (33%).

in the field of ‘design’, at a rough

Music, Book and Creative Activities

among the Styrians themselves who,

employees in the Styrian creative

shing companies have a rather small

About every fifth Styrian creative

estimate, all across Europe, there

Radio & TV

industries has increased by 10 per­

share of the number of companies

company is directed by women. The

are 410,000 people employed and

Software & Games

cent between 2010 and 2012, the

(3 percent), they add 14 percent to

share of female entrepreneurs is the

generating an annual turnover of 36


in order to get convinced of the

turnover by 15.5 percent and there­

the turnovers of the creative indus-

highest in the fields of design (28%)

billion Euros (source: Rosenberger

Video & Film

efficiency of Styrian enterprises.

by at a significantly higher rate than

tries located in Styria. The field of

as well as music, book and creative

Thesen 2010, ZDH/Zentralverband


the Austrian average. Across Austria

design has really developed well and

activities, the lowest in the areas of

des Deutschen Handwerks).

Libraries, Museums


tries. According to the sixth report of the Kreativwirtschaft Austria of May 2015, there are about 4,000 active crea­

average. Yet, also apart from figures, the innovative vibe of Styrian creative firms can be felt more and more: in

in the course of successful projects like ‘Erlebniswelt Wirtschaft/ Experience Economy’ flock to domestic companies,


Creative Industries Styria

Design – Growth for the future

Creative Industries Styria

Design – Growth for the future

Creative Industries Styria CIS DESIGN TRANSFER bridging the gap

CIS Network Connect and display








Created in Styria

Produced in Styria

Sold worldwide

analog Design to Business Development

Support Internationalization

Creative Industries Styria are

Styria work externally for the com-

Focus Business to Business

titive strategy to improve the market

provide precise answers to indivi-

such as ‘Design to Business’ will

the first contact for companies

panies and internally for the creative

Within the last years, the B2B area

chances. The designers, on the other

dual questions. The aim is to convey

in future be a part of CIS DESIGN

that wish to improve their creative

scene, with the goal of optimizing the

has increasingly assumed an impor-

hand, work right in the companies

and better link design and economy

TRANSFER. This way we start at

performance in the market. At the

factors fostering a faster develop-

tant role. That is why the services

and find new solutions for clearly

along the strategic goals of Creative

the important key functions creati-

same time, they have profound

ment of the enterprises coming from

have been further expanded in this

defined assignments. The special

Industries Styria. The focus of CIS

on, production, and distribution in

knowledge of the Styrian creative

both sectors. The focus is always the

field and the B2B sector has become

feature here: Clearly defined tasks

DESIGN TRANSFER is companies

order to consequently support the

scene and can therefore provide

economic success of the companies

one of the leading themes of Crea-

generate assessable results, costs

that have already used or want

value-added chain and strengthen

customized cross-linking of creative

with creativity acting as the booster

tive Industries Styria. For example,

stay low (2,000 Euros), and a coope-

to use design as a process-related

all parties according to our credo:

professionals and enterprises.

that speeds up strategic development

the project ‘Designers in Residence’,

ration contract settles the legal and

innovation driver, but in order to

‘Created and produced in Styria –

processes, and the positioning of the

existing since 2009, was extensively

regu­latory framework.

do so, need an associated and pro-

sold worldwide’.

Three strategic areas

businesses. In the end, ideally, the-

relaunched and the resulting project

Creative Industries Styria are active

re are successful partnerships and

‘Design to Business’ targets even


Industries Styria play exactly that

in three strategic areas: Awareness

best-practice examples, which should

more interested companies that want

There is also another new project in

role and function as advisers and

& Location, Impulses & Projects,

encourage other companies to in-

to integrate creativity and design in

the portfolio of Creative Industries

mediators, in order to build bridges

and Network & Service. Within the-

clude creativity and design in their

their businesses. Professional design


between design creators and com-

se focal points, Creative Industries

corporate activities as well.

is thereby used as a focused compe-

covers a package of measures that

panies. Already existing projects


cess moderating partner. Creative


Creative Industries Styria

Design – Growth for the future

Social & Urban Design

Media Design

Graphic Design

Creative Industries Styria

Design – Growth for the future

Industrial & Product Design









Knowledge Networking with the industry

Thinking ‘Out of the box’

Development and quality growth



are medium- and long-term strategic

The membership program of Creative

partners of the Creative Industries

Industries Styria has existed since

Styria, who get an individually

2013. The membership is organized

tailored premium package of basic

in 3 stages: ‘Free members’ have

and special services. The shareholders of the Creative

free access to several services of Creative Industries Styria without

The organization of Creative

Industries Styria GmbH hold the

additional costs, such as consultancy,

Industries Styria

following stakes:

being registered in the data pool,

The shareholders of the Creative

or information on events, calls and

Industries Styria GmbH are SFG -

80 % SFG

competitions. ‘Full members’ receive

Steirische Wirtschaftsförder­ungs­

10 % City of Graz

additional services, from free lec-

ges.m.b.H, the City of Graz and the

10 % Styrian Economic Chambers

tures and events, to participation

Styrian Economic Chambers.

at calls and competitions as well as

Financing is provided by share-

The core team of employees

reduced costs at networks, excursi-

holders as well as funds of the

consists of 10 people: management

ons or conferences. The membership

Province of Styria (SFG) and pro-

board, management assistance,

fees are graded according to the size

jects partners, project cooperation,

office management, controlling,

of the company. ‘Premium members’

membership fees, and sponsors.

6 project managers





Untertitel National and international Networking

Titel Awareness & Location 11

Awareness & Location Awareness & Location

National and international Networking It is of special importance for a business location to maintain a strong presence at national and international level. For networking is an essential element for commercial success.



The Styrian Government has long recognized the creative industries being a core com­ petence of Styria. Strengthe­ ning their potential does not only serve the entire Styrian location but also the rural regions in particular, where migration to the cities does represent a big challenge. The duties of Creative Industries Styria are to empower and expand Styria and

to position it in the overall context of Styrian economy. They act as mediators and contacts, and link creative companies with those, who are interested in cooperating with enterprises of the creative industries. That way they create synergies with positive effects on the entire economy. Innovation processes of companies are directly linked to creative industries, such as through

the factor design being a company process. Further, the activities of Creative Industries Styria raise collective awareness of the value of creative services.

The UNESCO Creative Cities Network currently comprises 116 cities on all 5 continents. The 22 UNESCO Cities of Design, which Graz - as an active networking partner - keeps up vivid exchange with, are of major interest. In 2015, domestic designers took part in a delegation trip to EXPO in Madrid, and a ‘Fact Finding Mission’ to Istanbul. Conversely, Graz was the host for delegations from Shanghai, Montréal, Buenos Aires, Shenzhen, Finland, Zagreb, and Ljubljana. Graz-based architect and designer Martin Lesjak, co-founder of INNOCAD Architecture and 13&9 Design, is also internationally well connected: at the 36th Annual Interiors Awards Breakfast in New York he was honored as Designer of the Year 2015. On the occasion of its 60th anniversary of the Austrian Cultural Forum Zagreb, the exhibition ‘Angewandt und All-

täglich’ presented also exhibits from Styrian designers and companies. Additionally, Creative Industries Styria participated in numerous meetings, discussions, and lectures - among others with the following partners: Designforen Austria (Vorarlberg, Vienna, Salzburg), KAT – Kreativwirtschaft Austria, Creative Austria, Design Austria, Vienna Design Week, MAK, Creative Region Linz & Upper Austria, CAST Tirol, AWO, AWZ - Außenwirtschaftszentren, Departure Wien, ICS – Internationalisierungscenter Steiermark, and others.


ECBN und Austria Design Net ECBN (European Creative Business Network) and Austria DesignNet, the network of the Austrian design initiatives, provide additional networking for Styria at European and national level. Creative Industries Styria functions as an international network hub, expands know-how, and provides access to potential partners in economy.

01 ‘Designer of the Year’-Annual Interior Award of the Contract Magazine in New York 02 Visit of the Creative Croatian Cluster in Zagreb 03 Matthias Prödl, Manfred Gaulhofer and Markus Pernthaler, delegation trip to EXPO/ Milan 04 Karl Stocker (FH JOANNEUM) with a university delegation from Finland 05 Exhibition ‘Angewandt & Alltaeglich: zeitgenoessisches Design aus Oesterreich’ in Zagreb



‘We cannot be successful without networking! Creative Industries Styria is an important partner in doing so. Due to their networking activities, I was able to give a lecture in Istanbul on the occasion of Istanbul Design Week’. Wolfgang Pichler, Wolfgang Pichler Design

Just the one who is visible, does exist. In other words: Be visible & be connected! 11

Designmonat Graz

Awareness & Location

Designmonat Graz

Awareness & Location

Awareness & Location


Designmonat Graz

national and international media reports


events on the occasion of Designmonat

From May 1-31, 2015, we staged the 7th Designmonat Graz. 86 single events and 78 program partners gave 62,000 visitors in total an understanding of the topic design in all its many aspects. ‘Raise the curtain for design’ was again the credo of the 2015 Designmonat Graz. This year’s motto ‘Make ideas visible’ got the high demands to the point and established partners such as FH JOANNEUM, assembly designfestival or designforum Steiermark were once more responsible for the implementation of the major event. Additional input was provided by numerous new program partners, who we had been able to win for the 2015 Designmonat Graz: AVL, Fesch’Markt,

Design creates public space Designmonat Graz makes the topic design public and thereby effective. Design achievements can be seen especially in public spaces,

so that the 2015 Designmonat Graz focused particularly on the design of the perceptible environment open to the public. The project ‘Klanglicht Oper Graz’ enlightened the façade of the Graz opera house for a month with weird visuals by OchoReSotto. The Tegetthoff-Bridge and its redesign was the focus of a design competition of Creative Industries Styria. The best submissions for ‘Pilot project Tegetthoff-Bridge’ were exhibited at the new site of designforum Styria at Andreas-HoferPlatz until June 10, 2015. A workshop of 43 students of the Technical University of Graz faced the challenge of redesigning and hence upgrading the ‘non-place’ Rösselmühlpark.

Media und economic impact The festivals, workshops, discussions, and exhibitions of 347 national and international design labels were featured in more than 620 reports or postings of national and international (social) media. The showcase of national and international design is a proof of the value-adding power of the Styrian creative industries. About 4,000 enterprises secure more than 14,000 jobs and generate a turnover of 1.5 billion Euros.


62.000 visitors in 32 days

the vineyard Wohlmuth, and the bakery Martin Auer supplied a big range of impulses regarding the topic design. Montréal - also UNESCO City of Design - was the 2015 partner city and presented two exhibitions in the Graz designHalle: ‘I was there – Montréal meets Graz’ and ‘Was kann des sein’. The Designmonat classic SELECTED, an exhibition with top-class interior design, was also staged on the location, that had only been installed for Designmonat. Those three events captivated a total of 10,000 visitors.


Design in the City Shops

program partners




Ein neugieriges Rudel Murgänger zieht flussaufwärts durch Graz. An der Tegetthoffbrücke halten sie an und finden Gefallen – die Brücke steht unter Beobachtung und im Licht der Murgänger tun sich neue Ideen auf.

Graz as UNESCO City of Design

Awareness & Location


Murgänger Erker Patchwork Brüstung

Graz as UNESCO City of Design

0001TG Awareness & Location

€ 100.000,€ 55.000,€ 35.000,€ 190.000,PATCHWORK BRÜSTUNG kuratierte Wall-Of-Fame





Awareness & Location

Graz as UNESCO City of Design

LED Beleuchtung


UNESCO Cities of Design

UNESCO Creative Cities out of 54 countries around the world


Barriere mit Möglichkeit zur Bepflanzung geschlossene Brüstung mit tauschbaren Platten



In its 5th year as a UNESCO City of Design, Graz could continue to strengthen its role as an active network member. By now, the network of UNESCO Creative Cities includes 116 cities in 54 countries. In 2015, there was a striking increase of members: 47 new partners were welcomed, the Cities of Design increased by 6 cities, namely Detroit (USA), Singapore (Singapore), Budapest (Hungary), Kaunas (Lithuania), Pueblo (Mexico), and Bandung (Indonesia). With this, the subnet of the Design Cities includes 22 members.


Conferences and Meetings From March 10-14, 2015, the Subnetwork Meeting of Cities of Design took place in Saint-Étienne, and they showed the new communal website of UNESCO Cities of Design, developed by parkside. The general assembly was held in Kanazawa (Japan), from Mai 25

Option: gestalterische Adaption der umliegenden Straßenbeleuchtung

to 28. Following, there was a Subnetwork Meeting in Nagoya and in Kobe Creative Industries Styria and Graz were presented as best-practice-example in terms of the application management for the title ‘City of Design’.

Shenzhen Young Design Award 2015 6 projects form Graz were nominated for this international award: 13&9 | Geometric Collection Diamond Shades; Simon Lemmerer and Stefan Leitner | BAM and Mr. DERO Artwork; Lendlabor | breathe.austria, EXPO 2015 Österreich Pavillon; Werner Huber, Roland Mariacher, Attila Primus, FH JOANNEUM, Industrial Design | In Touch with the Illusion; Mindconsole | TEDx Sydney 2014 und uConnect Health. Architect Ernst Giselbrecht - representing the City of Graz as a jury member - took part in the final jury meeting in Shenzhen, in November 2015. Out of the 122 participating projects, three awards could be brought to Graz: Grand Award

Befestigung im Flussbett mit Bohrpfählen



Designbiennale in Saint-Étienne On the occasion of Saint-Étienne Design Biennale, designer Fernanda Reiss was in­vited to a workshop of UNESCO City of Design Saint-Étienne in March. The selection was based on a call in the full-members-network of Creative Industries Styria.

Pilot projects Tegetthoffbrücke & Rösselmühlpark Two important project in terms of public space, that were launched in the course of Designmonat Graz 2015, were given a significant boost regarding their implementation: the redesign of Tegetthoffbrücke and Rösselmühlpark. As of spring 2016 they will implant design measures out of the winning concept. In January 2016, there were further talks in terms of the pilot project Tegetthoffbrücke. The CoD coordination office took over the coordination and presentation.


Department City of Design The City of Graz has established a coordination center for City of Design, headed by Wolfgang Skerget, in the mayor’s office that is thus the official address of City of Design Graz.

Designer of the Year On the occasion of Graz-based architect and designer Martin Lesjak receiving the award ‘Designer of the year 2015’ from Contract Magazine, the Province of Styria and the City of Graz invited to a reception.

05 UNESCO Creative Cities Annual Meeting in Kanazawa, Japan 06 Subnetwork Meeting on the occasion of Helsinki Design Week, Finland 07 Delegation visit from Shanghai, China 08 Subnetwork Meeting during the International Design Biennale in Saint Étienne, France 09 Reception for the Designer of the Year Martin Lesjak at the invitation of the Province of Styria and the City of Graz

01 SZ+DAY15: Young Talent Award for ‘In Touch with the Illusion’ by mo:ya visuals 02 Competition ‘Pilotprojekt Tegett­ hoffbrücke’: finalist ‘Murgaenger’ by Benjamin Pernthaler, Anna Gynes, Stefan Holper 03 Subnetwork Meeting at City of Design Nagoya 04 Subnetwork Meeting at City of Design Nagoya



(prize money $ 30,000) for the breathe.austria team, Young Star Award for students (prize money $ 5,000) to MO:YA, and Best Nominator (prize money $ 5,000) to Creative Industries Styria.



Designers in Residence

Impulses & Projects

Impulses & Projects Impulses & Projects

Design to Business



The B2B range of Creative Industries Styria is highly demanded and provides specific benefit for Styrian economy, because the lin­ king of creative industries and classic economy results in numerous synergies that boost both sides. It leads to innovation and growth and hence to em-

ployment and added value. In 2015, Creative Industries Styria further extended their offers and initiatives which aim at exactly this networking. That way, they laid the foundations to cover the rising demand on this sector and even better integrate design and creativity in Styrian industry through high-quality pro-

grams. Thereby, creativity turns into an entrepreneurial approach, that inspires with new ideas and consequently new products and services.

The Project Design to Business (‘D2B’) links companies of classic economy with the creative work of designers, in order to develop new products and services - a long-lasting cooperation is not excluded. At the beginning of every D2B cooperation there is the wish of a company to get creative input, so that they can reposition themselves on the market, consolidate their position, or expand their portfolio. Following, Creative Industries Styria tenders a call within the pool of creative experts. The chosen winning project will then be supported and fostered till its implementation stage. In 2015, five D2B project were successfully completed. The textile company Vossen, for example, was looking for somebody to redesign their shop-in-shop concept, which should become part of their brand presentations. Out of the eleven submissions, Petrus Gartler and Thomas Perz (‘designerei graz’) prevailed.

The street magazine Megaphon wanted their sales staff to get a kind of corporate fashion STEIERMARK SEIFE mit Rosmarinöl and the concept of Elisabeth Krautinger was Naturseifen Die Steiermark liegt mit ihrer traumhaften chosen out of three finalists. ENT expert Ruund wunderschönen Lage im Süden Österreichs. Durch die südliche Lage und das warmem Klima ©werden Stefanie H dolf Danninger entrusted the premises of his in der Steiermark immer mehr herrliche-duftende Lavendelfelder angebaut. doctor’s office in Kalsdorf to designer StefaDie Steiermarkseife ‚Lavendel‘ sorgt mit ihrem 03 angenehmen Duft des Lavendels auf allen Ebenen mehr nie Hoedlmoser: instead of reading leaflets, Ruhe und Entspannung und ist ideal, um den beruflichen his patients do now read interesting facts und privaten Alltagsstress hinter sich zu lassen. on the office walls, which were designed in 100% pflanzliche Naturseifen 100% naturreine ätheri a clever visual imagery. Fashion designer 100% feinste Handarbeit Johanna Hauck created a new traditional powere women’s jacket for Hiebaum, the well-known Styrian producer of traditional fashion in Zutaten: An Studenzen. Styrian icons such as the Clock verseiftes Kokosnussöl (Cocos tital Nucifera Oil), Rapsöl (Brassica anw Tower, the Styrian Panther, and the Green Napus Oil), Sheabutter aber (Butyropermum Parkii Butter), und Heart were modeled from soap by packaging Sonnenblumenöl (Helianthus verg Annuus Oil), NaOH, 100% Natu designer Pia Grumeth-Zechner, for Titali, the natrreines ätherisches Lavendelöl Je öf (lavendula angustifolia), CI77007, verw producer of natural products in Mitterndorf. powered by Rostock-Essenzen™ sich Vossen has already launched another project: photographer Arne Pastoor is working on a new imagery for the new Vossen catalogue. It should be implemented in 2016. Lagerung:

01 Stefanie Hödlmoser for ENT specialist Rudolf Danninger 02 + 04 Elisabeth Krautinger for Megaphon 03 Pia Kurze Jacke Grumeth-Zechner for Titali 05 Johanna Hauck for Trachtenmode Hiebaum



Um titali Naturseifen richtig zu lagern und die Haltbarkeit zu steigern, achten Sie bitte darauf, dass alle Seifen auf einer luftdurchlässigen Seifenschale gelegt werden, denn auch eine erhöhte Luftfeuchtigkeit im Raum nimmt Einfluss auf eine Naturseife. Damit kann die Seife gut trocknen, sie bleibt länger schön und Sie verhindert, dass die Seife aufquillt und schnell weich wird.

‘If the right partners come together, there is success. Especially with design processes, this is essential.Yet it is not Weitere a matter of luck but can be Informationeng:

mehr über unser gesamtes Naturseifen-Sortiment, Düfte,

Duft-Design und Wärmekissen, controlled precisely. to sowie unseren Geschenksets erfahren Sie auf Gerne stehen wir Ihnen für fragen Business shows how to und doBeratung it.’ per mail oder während den Öffnungszeiten in unserem Geschäft zur Verfügung.

GF Josef Schiffer,Zum Trachtenmode Hiebaum


Innovation needs inspiration. In other words: Be inspired! 17 Moderne Trachtenjacke - Entwurf 2 - VT Locker fallender Schnitt - weicher Loden - VT grafisch geschnitten - guter Fall - großer Kragen - mit Gürtel zu schließen

Experience Economy

Impulses & Projects

Experience Economy

Impulses & Projects

‘Our company has always been working behind the scenes. Still, we want to open up because we are proud of our products and would like to present them to the public. ‘Experience Economy’ is a chance to promote the brand AVI and at the same time to recruit people.’

Impulses & Projects


Martin Ritter, Managing Director AVI

Experience Economy

visitors in 2015

50 companies offer impressive tours

In 2015, one of the leading projects of Creative Industries Styria had 2 anniversaries at the same time: the 5th birthday and the 50th opening. The leading project ‘Erlebniswelt Wirtschaft – made in Styria’ opens the doors of Styrian model companies and in the course of interactive tours allows visitors to discover new things, explore technologies, and marvel at great ideas. Since its beginning in 2009, more than 1.5 million visitors have seen companies of ‘Experience Economy’, 372,000 only in 2015. The experience tours are developed by creative industries and Creative Industries Styria, the networking society of the Styrian creative industries, functions as a project


manager. Due to the linking of the companies comprised in the Experience Economy network, and the creative industries, the experience trips give authentic impressions of production processes, and integrate visitors, who receive important know-how.

Quality label The quality label is an evident proof of the quality of the tours. With this, the companies highlight their commitment to present themselves and their products as well as services to the general public. ‘Erlebniswelt Wirtschaft’ is especially interesting for students in order to get to know interesting professions and they also might meet their future employer for the first time.


Experience Economy

Impulses & Projects

Experience Economy

Impulses & Projects


Impulses & Projects

new companies were awarded the quality label.

Experience Economy


tours with 329 students during University Days

Experience Economy University Days Key events

New openings

There were 2 key events in 2015: The University Days of ‘Experience Economy’ took place April 20-24 and focused on the important target group of students. On October 16, 2015, the 5-year-anniversary of ‘Experience Economy’ was celebrated at Restaurant Schlossberg, together with 131 representatives of the membership companies, creative teams, and guests from politics and economy.

In 2015, 5 new ‘Experience Economy’ companies had their openings: Airport Graz, Feldkirchen (the experience tour was developed by the creative team of look!design) fangocur, Fehring (experience tour: Alessandri Design), AVI, Raaba (experience tour: studio bleifrei), Ing. Hugo Sampl, Gußwerk (experience tour: IWK), and Genussgut Krispel, Neusetz (experience tour: Madison advertising agency). With the new companies, ‘Experience Eco­ nomy’ include a total of 50 members by the end of 2015.

‘Design is a topic that also affects economy in a very natural way. This is why the cooperation between economy and creative industries works out that well. It is an exchange at eyelevel. That is motivating and brings great pleasure.’


Peter Stubics, Studio bleifrei


designforum Steiermark

Impulses & Projects

designforum Steiermark

Impulses & Projects

‘It is essential that designforum Steiermark has become a priority in public aware­ ness. Architecture and design need that space in order to be reflected and discussed on a broad scale.’

‘designforum Steiermark is an important place for raising awareness of design. Through the isolation of the ordinary, they show how good design works in daily life. The result is an improvement of design awareness.

Stefan Peters, Institut für Tragwerksentwurf, TU Graz

Willi Gangl und Alfred Urleb, WiGL Design

Impulses & Projects

Impulses & Projects

design­ forum Steiermark

Ceramic Re:Visions & [UN]ECHT_Original vs. Faelschung


additional events at designforum Steiermark

918 Visitors In 2015, designforum Steiermark moved to a new location at Andreas-Hofer-Platz. It is there, that they visualize design in all aspects and raise the awareness of the value of good design. Designforum Steiermark was founded in 2010 by the Dept. for Business of the Province of Styria and Creative Industries Styria. Since then, 31 exhibitions have been shown and 312,000 people have visited designforum. We showed work exhibitions of well-known Graz-based designers such as Martin Breuer Bono, Hilgarth Design, or motion code: blue, but we hosted also international stars like James Dyson. On April 1, designforum Steiermark settled at Andreas-Hofer-Platz 17, where there are 235 m2 on 2 levels available for exhibitions, presentations, projects, workshops, and lectures. There have been no chan-


exhibitions in 2015

ges regarding the topics: designforum Steier­ mark, operated as a sub-brand of Creative Industries Styria, considers itself an urban center of dialogue, competence, and exchange, which transports all aspects of the topic design in different ways. Design should not only be perceived at a merely aesthetic level but in course of its comprehensive economical and social relevance. The opening of designforum Steiermark at Andreas-Hofer-Platz took place on May 19, 2015, with the exhibitions ‘[UN]ECHT_Original vs. Fälschung’ and ‘Ceramic Re:Visions’.

Ceramics has a very long tradition of being a construction material. At Graz University of Technology, they had researched future appliance and found quite interesting solutions. The course ‘Ceramic Re:Visions’ at the Dept. Of Structural Design of TU Graz, runs in close cooperation with Ortweinschule and GSDHarvard, aimed at the development of a construction system that would be able to roof a surface with a span of 8 till 10 meters with just a limited number of ceramic modules. The sketches of the students were presented in the course of an exhibition at designforum Steiermark. Parts of the objects were shown at the ‘Cevisama’ fair in Valencia and on the Harvard Graduate School of Design’s website ‘Material Processes and System Group’ . The first exhibition in the new designforum Steiermark was organized together with the

campaign Plagiarius e.V, that have dealt with product and brand piracy for almost four decades. They set up the negative award ‘Pla­ garius’ that should draw attention to counterfeits and plagiarism. In 2015, the Pla­garius was already awarded for the 39th time. The purpose is obvious: An original product has a special value, due to its production, quality, or durability - all features that you normally cannot find in copies. The exhibition, among others, aimed at stimulating a public debate regarding the topic plagiarism, raising awareness of the value of design and and lightening up the gray area between creativity and crime. We showed 40 exhibits - always in the form of the original and the copied/ fake version - such as a copy of a Grohe bathroom fitting, a fan by James Dyson and a whole bunch of copies of a well-known tissue brand.

‘The exhibition [UN]ECHT – Original vs.

new location

Faelschung at designforum raises public

Andreas-Hofer-Platz 17 8010 Graz

the damages due to copies of inferior

awareness in terms of plagiarism and counterfeit. Creative professionals and companies put all their know-how and commitment in the original copy and quality are tremendous.’ Christine Lacroix, GF Plagiarius

22 23

designforum Steiermark

Impulses & Projects


Impulse & Projekte Impulses Projects

Impulses & Projects

Impulses & Projects

Industrial Design Show

designforum Steiermark

30 years of WiGL Design

Showcase 2015

350 Visitors

271 Visitors

175 Visitors

At this year’s Industrial Design Show, students and graduates of the bachelor and master studies Industrial Design at FH JOANNEUM presented their selected projects. The exhibition featured design concepts in the form of sketches, models, and animations out of different fields such as sports & saftey, commercial and city vehicles, and ecodesign. This year, the design studies are shown at designforum Steiermark at Andreas-HoferPlatz in Graz. The work is based on a cooperation with international enterprises from Austria and abroad, such as Schaeffler AG (DE), Komptech (AT), KTM (AT), Volkswagen (DE) and others. On the occasion of the finals of the 2015 Industrial Design Show on July 31, there was the presentation of an interactive projection-mapping-installation of MO:YA VISUALS with the title ‘VW T-ONE Experience’.

Since 1985 Willi Gangl and Alfred Urleb have developed design solutions for the Industry. The portfolio of the Graz-based design studio ranges from children’s toys till marine diesel engines. The clients of WiGL Design include Styrian companies such as AVL, Andritz or Knapp KABA, and international firms like Gallenschütz, Murrelektronik or Bartec. The exhibition at designforum Steiermark showed a cross section of the last three decades. Apart from successful serial products, there were also several design studies to be seen, among those the Delivery Drone Concept, which received the ‘Tasty Tech Eye Candy Of The Week’ of in 2014. The award-winning manual switch TOUCHdown, that got the 2014 iF Design Award in Germany, is also part of the exhibition along with numerous other products.

The exhibition ‘Showcase 2015’ featured 10 successful products of the last six years that developed in course of the format ‘De­ sign to Business’. D2B links companies with designers. The format aims at companies that are willing to increasingly focus on professional design. Then again for designers, D2B offers the chance to directly work on specific problems and develop new solutions for clearly defined task areas. Exhibits were, among others, the cooperation of the furniture manufacturer ADA with designer Georg Mähring and designerei graz (Petrus Gartler and Thomas Perz), and Stefanie Hödlmoser’s engagement and wedding collection for the jewelry maker Feichtinger. Also to be seen: outdoor clothes of ompura (design: Elisabeth Soós) and the corporate fashion design for Megaphon-sales people (design: design.krautinger).


Cooperation und Project Partners

Impulses & Projects

Cooperation und Project Partners

Impulses & Projects

‘Creative Industries Styria is a strong and important partner. Due to C hoch 3 creative professionals can network and refine their business model, in order to develop their potential.’ Michaela Gutmann, Kreativwirtschaft Austria (KAT)

Impulses&&Projekte Projects Impulse

Cooperation and joint projects

Creative Industries Styria is an active project and cooperation partner for numerous organizations and companies and provides important work in terms of networking and positioning for Styrian economy.



Creative Industries Styria fosters a range of long-lasting and reliable partnerships at national and international level. Among those are FH JOANNEUM with their design-orientated courses, but also institutions and organizations such as European Youth Award Festival, youspi Consulting (World Usability Congress), Design Austria or KAT Kreativwirtschaft Austria. The regular exchange with these organizations as well as mutual projects are important to position the Styrian creative scene even better in context of national and international creative industries.

Highlights 2015 On June 2, 2015, in cooperation with Creative

Industries Styria, there was the 3rd Convention on Economic Development in Styria. Local, European, and international representatives of economy, science, and politics discussed about the fourth industrial revolution and about how local companies as well as the entire location Styria can use the resulting chances. On November 6, the international TEDx conference (Technology, Entertainment, Design) took place in Graz, where professionals from differing areas exchanged their ideas, according to the motto ‘Ideas worth Spreading’. 13 speakers shared their ideas and thoughts on the topic with the audience. The EU project ‘EE Music Region’ deals with sustainable energy concepts for music events. At the opening event of ‘EE Music Region Styria’ in Graz they presented energy solutions for event locations and festivals in combination with a free workshop. In the foyer, the exhibition on energy consumption in music and event business was opened.

C hoch 3




Developing entrepreneurial skills, strengthening your own personality as a creative artist, and starting networking - those are the core areas of independent creative working that the workshop series ‘C hoch 3’ has been dealing with. It started in the end of 2015 and will go on in 2016. Spread over several months, there are workshops, in which the participants develop joint projects of their choice. Additionally, there are regular get-togethers that serve networking.

Mascot competition for Special Olympics They will be the companions of the 2017 Special Olympics Winter Games in Schladming: the two cartoons ‘Lara & Luis’, a badger and a stag walking on two legs, designed by Hanna Riebenbauer and Alexander Menzel, students of FH JOANNEUM. In December 2014, Creative Industries Styria, sent out a call for ideas and people handed in 51 projects out of 10 countries. The animal couple was the winner

of 6 finalists and was chosen by a jury and an online voting process.

Forecast Design Thinking Summit 2016 and Creative Industries Styria as a co-organizer bring ‘de­ sign thinking’ to Styria. Design thinking opens many doors and horizons to see products, services, or processes in a different light or to solve complex problems. A cooperation with blueLAB and Peter Webhofer has been planned. Schloss Hollenegg in the Western part of Styria will be the venue for the ‘Hollenegger Designgespraeche’, where design and indus­ try will meet at eye level and present bestpractice-examples in a double conference.

01 Convention of Economic Development 02 Green Panther Gala 03 World Usability Congress 04 European Youth

05 Green Panther 06 C hoch 3 07 TEDx Graz 08 Special Olympics 2017 - winner of the mascot competition‚ Lara &

Award Festival





‘Creativity is a fundamental need of all people, no matter if disabled or not. I am even more happy that in the search for the Special Olympics’ mascots we were able to resort to the competence and professional knowledge of Creative Industries Styria.’ Markus Pichler, Special Olympics 2017




Network & Service

Network & Service


Network & Service


CIS members

5.000 newsletter subscribers

The three-stage membership program of Creative Industries Styria proved a success in 2015 and is being intensified. The demand according networking and consultancy in the B2B area is still increasing.

Creative Industries Styria acts as an interface between big fields of Styrian economy. They connect creative industries in the narrow sense with educational facilities with a key focus on creativity and companies interested in the performance of the Styrian creative industries and benefitting from their services. A big range of programs and projects provides the necessary tools for the

systematic linking of the single players. Additionally, Creative Industries Styria supply trend analysis, con­tinuously develop new formats for better networking, and organize events to offer creative professionals as well as companies a proper stage for successful networking. Besides specific events, the provided information offers an additional benefit. The master data of the Styrian creative scene

are gathered on the website of Creative Industries Styria where they form an increasing unique data pool. All those services, adapted to the needs of the target group, create an added value for all participants - for the Styrian creative professionals, whose products are highly demanded, and for the Styrian enterprises, who can skim new potentials through creative services.

The membership program offers a graded access to the services of Creative Industries Styria, which on the one hand, upgrades the membership status and on the other hand, allows companies and people to show a flexible interest in Creative Industries Styria’s services. The membership is organized in 3 stages: ‘Free members’ have free access to several services of Creative Industries Styria without additional costs, such as consultancy, being registered in the data pool, or information on events, calls and competitions. ‘Full members’ receive additional services, from

free lectures and events, to participation at calls and competitions as well as reduced costs at networks, excursions or conferences. ‘Premium members’ are strategic partners of Creative Industries Styria, who have committed to a medium or long-term cooperation. They get an individually tailored premium package of basic and special services. Currently, Creative Industries Styria has more than 765 members, including 650 free members (511 sole proprietors and 139 companies), 111 full members (70 sole proprietors und 41 companies) and 4 premium members. On June 10, 2015, Creative Industries Styria staged their networking event at Orangerie, in the Graz Burggarten. Invited were all full and premium members.

1.400 Information gives a competitive edge. In other words: Be informed!

registered creative professionals in the data pool 29

Network & Service

Data pool, Newsletter and Website

Fast Forward for You


Network & Services

Data pool, Newsletter and Website

Network & Service

Network & Service

Fast Forward 4 You



calls through CIS 01


On the website of Creative Industries Styria, by now there are 1,400 registered creative service providers. That way, a wide-ranging data pool of Styrian creative industries is being created, which makes Creative Industries Styria literally the first (online) address regarding the topic design and creativity in Styria. Additionally, the website provides comprehensive information for and about the local creative scene, like a calendar and a market-


place. The newsletter of Creative Industries Styria is released one to two times the week and currently reaches 5,011 subscribers. In 2015, 100 newsletters in total were sent out. National and international calls are an im­portant point of information. During the reporting period, we sent out a total of 81 calls, 16 of which were actual projects of Creative Industries Styria. The format ‘Member Specials’ such as the lottery of free tickets for many events or reduced conditions, was a new feature of the reporting period 8.

When it comes to innovative ideas, creative solutions, and bold projects, Styria nation­ ally and internationally takes the lead. Yet, ideas alone will not be enough: Companies as well as products must be made fit for the market in order to succeed in the global world. The lecture series ‘Fast Forward 4 You’ supplies Styrian creative industries with professional know-how at first hand. On the occasion of the ‘Fast Forward 4 You’ events, staged three times in 2015, the participants had the opportunity to get access to customized information - together with Styrian business development agency SFG. The industry-specific and cross-sectional workshops and lectures aim at everybody working in creative professions and convey essential know-how.

On June, 2015, lawyer Stefan Schoeller gave a lecture on the topic ‘Right to Copy?

Basics and newest judicator in copy right, competition law, and trademark law’, that dealt, among others, with the legal responsibility of companies regarding advertising and brand communication. In the workshop ‘Time for new Content’ on September 17, 2015, the focus was set on new media. In the form of practical exercises, Copywriter Nina Popp shared tips and tricks for weboptimized writing and showed the participants how to better communicate messages though selective wording. On December 1, 2015, Gerlinde Gruber held her captivating ‘Fast Forward 4 You’ lecture on ‘Packendes Design’ and gave an insight in her job as a freelance packaging designer. She portrayed the stages of different projects, from briefing to the final solution.


01 ‘Rights to Copy’ with Stefan Schöller 02 + 03 ‘Packendes Design’ with Gerlinde Gruber 04 ‘Time for new Content’ with Nina Popp


invitations for calls and competitions

28 new market entries



Network & Service

fyi - lecture series


Excursions and Fact Finding Missions

Network & Service




Network & Service

Network & Service

fyi – for your information

Excursions and Fact Finding Missions

In 2015, there were four ‘fyi - for your information’ lectures and workshops. EE MUSIC Region Styria An opening workshop on February 5, 2015, kick-off presentations, and lectures comprised the project ‘EE Music – Energy Efficient Music Culture’ - by now the biggest energy awareness campaign in the history of music business. In the course of the project, several hundred European event locations and music festivals like Wembley Stadion, Glastonbury or das Melt! Festival were supported in operating their facilities in a more energy-efficient way.


Right to Copy? ‘How can I protect my service?’. This central topic was dealt with on June 12, 2015. The visitors had the chance to present their particular projects and to take legal advice from copyright expert Stefan Schoeller.

Creative metropolis Hong Kong – the gate to the Asian market Hong Kong was the focus of the fyi lecture on October 1, 2015, that was done in cooperation with awo (foreign trade Austria). Its special

lo­cation makes Hong Kong extremely interesting as a creative market. Austrian business delegate in Hong Kong, Christian H. Schierer, and experts of Invest Hong Kong presented local characteristics and the export potential for Austrian creative industries.

Schrift ist Form/ Script is form Iris Kirchner of Kiris Artworks dealt with typeface design and typography in course of the fyi workshop ‘Schrift ist Form’ on October 31, 2015. Due to the intensive analysis of the basic shape of letters in theory and practice, the main focus was to see them as structural principle in order to easily find the equivalent font type for the right occasion.

UNIKAT – Torch Craft Designmonat Graz 2015 presented light design in the form of ‘learning by doing’ and in cooperation with Scottish designer Dean Brown on October 31, 2015. The exhibition UNIKAT, the creative lab Storialab and the design shop Kwirl invited to a three-day workshop where the participants built a functional torch by using traditional crafts and methods.

01 + 04 Workshop EE Music Region Styria 02 Creative metropolis Hongkong in cooperation with go-international 03 Workshop ‚Schrift ist Form‘ with Iris Kirchner 05 Workshop ‚UNIKAT Torch Craft‘ in cooperation with Alice Stori Liechtenstein

International exchange is getting in­creasingly important within a global community. Hence, every year the agenda of Creative Industries Styria includes excursions and ‘Fact Finding Missions’, which serve both, the networking out­side and the enforcement of the creative community inside. In 2015, we visited Milan and Istanbul.

tion and counted already 200,000 visitors only two weeks after the opening. A total of 20 CIS-members visited the Italian city and the EXPO pavilions. On October 19, we went to see the AlpEuRegio Conference and on October 22, the Biennial in Venice. A design tour through Milan completed the trip: The travelers of Creative Industries Styria visited several different creative studios in the northern Italian city.

Milan, October 19-22, 2015 This year’s networking trip, organized in cooperation with A15, Department for Economic and Tourism Development of the City of Graz, and the Gründerservice (Business Start Service), Creative Industries Styria invited to Milan, the location of the 2015 EXPO. According to the title ‘Feeding the Planet – Energy for Life’, for six months the city turned into a global exhibition area for about 142 nations that presented their contributions in the form of pavilions. The participants introduced know-how and technologies, which should guarantee sustainable nutrition for everybody and at the same time a natural balance on the planet. The Austrian pavilion drew a lot of atten-

Istanbul, October, 13-15, 2015 Istanbul Design Week, being staged from October 14-18, offered another great opportunity for a ‘Fact Finding Mission’ of Creative Industries Styria to the metropolis that links the East and the West. The participants had the chance to get to know this pulsating city from a design point of view, discover new trends, generate new ideas for products and services, and most of all make contacts. On site, Graz experts gave lectures on the topic ‘creative industries’, amongst others, Wolfgang Pichler of VITEO (‘Blurred Boundaries’) and Karl Stocker of FH JOANNEUM (‘The Power of Design’).

‘It is essential to have the ability to take the broader view because only if you know how things are perceived and understood in other places, you can sharpen up your own position and awareness. The networking trips of Creative Industries Styria are a perfect opportunity for that.’ Evelyn Solar, Gigasport



Open Office

Network & Service

Press and Media Activities

Network & Service




Network & Service

Network & Service

Open Office & Small Talks

Press and Media Activities

The B2B formats ‘Open Office’ and ‘Small Talks’ are at disposal for CIS full members. This way, creative industries present their services and teams.

If you want to be visible, you need to be heard: Targeted press and media activities help Creative Industries Styria to position themselves and to convey core topics of creative industries locally, nationally, and internationally.

One of the core tasks of Creative Industries Styria is corporate networking in order to link creative professionals and economy even more closely. The two B2B formats ‘Open Office’ and ‘Small Talks’ provide creative industries the opportunity to stimulate new cooperation. ‘Open Office’ opens the doors of Styrian creative industries and gives valuable insight into their work. For the other firms it opens up new ways of integrating creative work into their own portfolio. Additionally, Creative Industries Styria present all companies participating in the ‘Open Office’ program on their website, and thus develop a Who’s Who listing of Styrian creative

industries. In 2015, the creative shared office look!design invited interested people and clients to an open office day. A further Open Office was done by PR and event agency media event. Another B2B format of Creative Industries Styria that fosters networking, are ‘Small Talks’. Leaders of Styrian eco­ nomy encounter creative professionals and exchange view and experiences. Informal talks bring new ideas and ideas create innovations. International carpentry and design company Josef Prödl hosted a ‘Small Talks’ event on the topic ‘China: Copy or create’. Experts of creative industries, economy, architecture, and the Chinese market discussed about the development of the current Chinese market and synergies that reveal for the European creative market. Like ‘Open Office’, ‘Small Talks’ events are only available for CIS full members.

01 Small Talk at the carpentry of Josef Prödl 02 - 04 Open Office at look!design 05 Open Office at media event



‘Creative professions very often have similar parameters. If you see and feel others being successful in their own environment, you are most likely to network and exchange experiences. Open Office makes it possible in a simple way and hence creates added value for both sides.’ Stefanie Schöffmann, look!design


media reports about companies that are members of Erlebniswelt Wirtschaft/ Experience Economy


Creative Industries Styria owe their extended perception as an excellent cross linker and first contact point for creative professionals and the industry not least to their strategic communication skills. Thereby, activities, projects, and topics of Creative Industries Styria reach wide strata of the population in Styria, Austria, and beyond. In 2015, a total of 901 media reports about Creative Industries Styria were published, 537 of them in international media. 577 articles were featured online, 298 in print media, and 26 on TV and the radio. The number one issue was for sure again Designmonat Graz, which attracted media attention with a total of 672 times, 504 times in international media. That

happened most of all online (493 reports), 167 articles were featured in print media and 12 times the topic was dealt with on TV and the radio. The leading project ‘Erlebniswelt Wirtschaft/ Experience Economy’ that offers guided tours of Styrian top enterprises, has been the media magnet for years: in 2015, the project could register 118 reports, 71 in print and 41 in online media. Designforum Steiermark has also been successful when it comes to media: it was featured 69 times, 30 times in international media and 34 times in print media. Apart from precise projects and activities, Creative Industries Styria is also communicating general topics regarding creative industries on a regular basis. This way, they make a valuable contribution to face work and representing the interests of the scene.


media reports about the exhibitions at designforum Steiermark


national and international media reports


media reports during Designmonat Graz


International Partners

Internationale Partner


Creative Industries Styria (A)

Helsinki (FI) City of Design

UNESCO Cities of Design


Dundee (SCO) City of Design

Berlin (DE) City of Design

Kaunas (LT) City of Design




Montréal (CA) City of Design

Seoul (KR) City of Design

Budapest (HU) City of Design



Nagoya (JP) City of Design


Detroit (US) City of Design 2015

Beijing (CN) City of Design

Graz (AT) City of Design

Bilbao (ES) City of Design





Shenzhen (CN) City of Design Saint-Étienne (FR) City of Design Puebla (MX) City of Design

Istanbul (TR)

Kobe (JP) City of Design 2008


Zagreb (HR)

Turin (IT) City of Design



Ljubljana (SI)


Singapore (SG) City of Design

Shanghai (CN) City of Design



Bandung (ID) City of Design 2015

Buenos Aires (AR) City of Design 2005

UNESCO Cities of Design Bandung, Indonesia Beijing, China Berlin, Germany Bilbao, Spain Budapest, Hungard Buenos Aires, Argentina Curitiba, Brazil Detroit, USA Dundee, Scotland Graz, Austria Helsinki, Finland

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization


Kobe, Japan Montréal, Canada Nagoya, Japan Puebla, Mexico Saint-Étienne, France Seoul, South Korea Shenzhen, China Shanghai, China Singapore, Singapore Turin, Italy

Curitiba (BR) City of Design 2014

AustriaDesignNet as a founding member

European Creative Business Network

Creative Industries Styria Creative Region Linz & Upper Austria Design Austria designforum Vienna MAK - Museum of Applied Arts Vienna Design Week Vienna Business Agency (represented by departure) AWO (WKO/creative industries and major events) AWS - Austria Wirtschafts­service GmbH (creative Industries and innovation)

ADDICT, PT (Porto) AMEC – Amsterdam Economic Board, NL Arts Council Malta, MT City of Essen, DE City of Hamburg, DE City of Rotterdam, NL Creative England, GB Creative Industries Styria, AT (founding member) Creative Nodes, SE (Umea) Creative Region Linz & Upper Austria, AT

Department of Culture, Youth, Sports and Media of the Flemish Community, BE Dutch Creative Residency Network, NL Factoria Cultural, ES Fondazione Campus, IT Forum d’Avignon, DE ECCE – European Centre for Creative Economy Dortmund, DE Economia Creativa, ES Kosice 2013 – Institute for Creative Economy, SK

Kreativni Klaster, RS Kreativwirtschaft Austria, AT Peopleing, ES Politecnico di Milano, IT PopVox, NL Samoa Nantes, FR (Isle de Nantes) Technoport, LU Wired Sussex, UK (Brighton)

UNESCO Creative Cities Network Member since 2011


Schedule for Future Events 2016


Imprint Publisher: Creative Industries Styria GmbH Marienplatz 1, 8020 Graz 0316/890 598,, Managing Director: Eberhard Schrempf

Schedule for Future Events 2016 21. Jänner: Exhibition opening Staatspreis Design 2015, designforum Steiermark 2. März: Vision & Strategie, fyi-event 17. März: Exhibition opening simple. die neue einfachheit, designforum Steiermark April: Experience Economy University Days 6. – 8. April: Design Thinking Summit 30. April – 29. Mai: Designmonat Graz 2016 4. Mai: Exhibition opening HOLT – beyond tradition, designforum Steiermark 4. Juli: Exhibition opening Industrial Design Show 2016, designforum Steiermark 6. Juli: Hollenegger Designgespräche 14. Juli: Member Network Meeting 12. – 16. September: UNESCO Annual Meeting and Subnetwork Meeting 13. Oktober: Exhibition opening World Design Capital Taipeh Herbst: Networking Circles


Fotocredits CIS Annual Report 2015: Page 5: Robert Frankl Page 11: CIS, designaustria Page 12, 13: Philipp Podesser Page 14: CIS, mo:ya, Daniele Madia, Pernthaler, Gynes, Holper Page 15: CIS, UNESCO, Cité du design, Philipp Podesser Page 17: Stefanie Hödlmoser, Philipp Podesser, feberdesign, Johanna Hauck Page 18: Ulrike Rauch, Pixelworker Page 19: U lrike Rauch Page 20: CIS, Ulrike Rauch, Pixelworker Page 21: Ulrike Rauch, Pixelworker Page 22: Philipp Podesser, Martin Prettenthaler Page 23: Philipp Podesser Page 24: Martin Prettenthaler, Geopho Page 25: Philipp Podesser Page 25: Marija Kanizaj, Robert Frankl, WUC 2015, EYA Page 27: CIS, TEDx Graz, Robert Frankl, Hanna Riebenbauer, Alexander Menzel Page 31: CIS, Buchbinderei Reiber & Reimer Page 32: CIS, Martin Wieser, Philipp Podesser Page 33: CIS, Stefanie Schöffmann Page 34: CIS, Philipp Podesser, Salon Deluxe, Michaela Grabner

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