Annual Report 2022 of Creative Industries Styria

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EN Annual Report 2022
Contents Editorial Back on Track Creative Industries Styria 7 Preface by Barbara Eibinger-Miedl 9 Preface by Günter Riegler Be visible & be connected: Awareness & Location 11 National and inter national networking 12 Graz as an UNESCO City of Design 14 Design Month Graz Be inspired: Impulses & Projects 17 Design Transfer 22 Experience Economy 23 Styrian Products 24 Design Clinic 26 Designfor um Steiermark 30 Partnerships and cooperation projects Be informed: Network & Service 33 Member ship 34 Fact finding and excursion 35 Creative Voice and CIS podcast 36 Creative Night Graz & Creative Week Austria 37 We Illustration 38 Website & newsletter 39 Press & media wor k 40 UNESCO City of Design Networ k and European Creative Business Networ k 42 Program preview 2023 Legal Notice 32 43 Contents 3 4 6 10 16 2 Editorial

In a globalized world facing the multiple crises we have been experiencing since the beginning of 2020, setbacks are unavoidable. This also applies to the Styrian creative economy, which was confronted with serious economic turmoil during the years of the COVID-19 pandemic and to some extent, these are still continuing to this today. Building on the performance of the pre-pandemic years that saw above-average growth rates is thus neither easy nor selfevident. The current study on the situation of the Styrian creative economy in 2020 published by KMU Forschung Austria, provides detailed figures that also document these effects. Further in-depth information can be found in this report.

In this precarious situation, however, and as expected from one of the most creative of all business sectors, many strategies and solutions have continued to be developed and above all, workable visions for the post-pandemic future have been both imagined and realized. A variety of formats conceived at that time are still in use today, and much of the knowledge and knowhow acquired is now playing an active part in the products and solutions developed by the creative sector.

If the Styrian creative economy is now regaining its former strength – and there are many indications that this is the case – then its tasks and competencies are going to be made far clearer than has ever been the case before. Current challenges, ranging from the climate crisis to the rise of artificial intelligence, require each and every creative skill available to society. Bundling, expanding and making them usable is a task that will not only preoccupy Creative Industries Styria in the next few years, but also all other companies and the entire ecosystem of cluster and network organizations. We will therefore continue to push and intensify our cooperation with these institutions and at the same time, to press ahead with our proven successful formats and initiatives such as Experience Economy, Styrian Products and Design Transfer. When all is said and done, creativity remains a key raw material of the future. And as Creative Industries Styria, we will continue to work on utilizing this resource for the business location Styria.

“Current challenges, ranging from the climate crisis to the rise of artificial intelligence, require each and every creative skill available to society.”
Editorial 3
Eberhard Schrempf, GM Creative Industries Styria

Back on Track

the past 15 years, the creative sector has established itself as a key driver for the economy as a whole. Around 9 % of Styrian companies belong to the creative sector, producing a whole range of positive crossover effects and changes, and spreading their creative and transformative power in the economy, in the innovation system, in regional development, in public administration and in society.

Currently, Styria is home to 5,200 creative companies – this corresponds to 9 % of all Styrian companies. These creative enterprises employ 18,100 people, which corresponds to 4 % of all employees in Styria. The turnover of the companies is 2 billion Euros, which is 2 % of the total turnover of all Styrian companies. The gross value added at factor costs amounts to almost 1 billion Euros, which corresponds to 4 % of the total value added in Styria.

In 2019, the Styrian creative economy reached its preliminary peak in sales, which then slowed down due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The study numerically maps the effects of the pandemic on the Styrian creative sector. While the previous years were characterized by strong growth, the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a negative development of the Styrian creative economy. This was most noticeable in sales: in 2020, they were almost 10 % below the 2019 level. The number of people employed in the creative sector fell by more than 2 % and the number of creative companies by 0.4 %. This is in stark contrast, however, to an increase in gross value added: After declining in the period of 2018 to 2019, gross value added increased by around 1 % in the crisis year 2020. This increase can primarily be attributed to the creative sectors of architecture and information and communication technology.

After the decline caused by the pandemic, the situation for creative companies improved once again in the years that followed.

creative companies led by women

24 %

Data from the Dachverband der österreichischen Sozialversicherungsträger (the association of Austrian social insurance carriers) shows that in 2021, the number of people working in Styrian creative sector rose by around 5 %. The main reason for this is once again increases recorded in the areas of architecture and information and communication technology. This positive development on the labor market continued in the first half of 2022, with an increase of around 6 % compared to the fir st half of 2021. The number of workers employed at companies also increased in almost all areas. A long-term comparison shows a double-digit

increase in the Styrian creative economy for the period from 2010 to 2020. The number of companies grew by around 22 % and that of workers by almost 33 %. Sales in 2020 are around 50 % and gross value added around 61 % above the 2010 level. The development of gross value added already peaked in 2018 and has shown only minor nominal changes ever since.

creative companies active in Styria



The aftershocks of the COVID-19 pandemic have also affected the individual subsectors to varying degrees. In general, however, the creative economy has proven to be extremely resilient. This can be explained by the fact that the typical relatively small-sized companies at work here can react to changing conditions quickly and flexibly.

generated turnover 2 Mrd Back on Track 4

In addition, creative companies tend to have above-average digital skills, which were in high demand throughout the pandemic years and continue to be important today.

people working in creative companies


However, this also reveals a phenomenon in the creative economy that so far has mostly been associated with other sectors – a severe shortage of skilled workers. It affects companies of all sizes and subject areas, from administrative work and project management to sales and distribution. When it comes to the core competencies of many creative companies, the situation is particularly precarious, as shortages of skilled workers are not only common in interaction design, software development, coding or programming , but also in social media, editorial and content management and artificial

intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) applications. In view of the incredibly disruptive changes that are currently facing the economy and society – artificial intelligence, but also a general change in working environments and life concepts, especially among Generation Z –the topics of training and further education as well as the positioning of creative companies as innovative and attractive employers will require much focus in the strategic orientation.

10. The following economic sectors are considered part of the creative economy: 1. Architecture 2. Book trading & publishing 3. Design 4. Advertising 5. F ilm industry 6. Music industr y 7. Radio & TV 8. Software & gaming 9. Performing arts sector Libraries, museums, botanical gardens and zoos*
01 Creation Created in Styria Produced in Styria Sold Worldwide analog digital 02 Production 03 Distribution Development CIS DESIGN TRANSFER Bridging the Gap Internationalization CIS NETWORK Connect and Display Back on Track
*The sector “Libraries, museums, botanical gardens and zoos” was not included in the presentation of the structural data of the study by KMU Forschung Austria, as only a fraction of institutions are private sector institutions and therefore only limited data is available.

Creative Industries Styria

As a networking organization, Creative Industries Styria acts as a bridge builder and mediator between companies in the traditional economy and creative professionals, with the aim of improving and expanding market efficiency and performance for all involved.

The organization creates awareness for the creative sector on a regional and international level and is an essential part of the growth and innovation that drives Styria. Thus, CIS understands creativity as a valuable raw material for intelligent change – after all, the diversity of a vibrant creative economy offers a significant advantage for cross-innovative cooperation within the Styrian cluster landscape.

Creative Industries is active in three strategic areas: Awareness & Location, Impulses & Projects, and Networking & Service. CIS is working in two directions: First, towards sensitizing traditional companies to the achievements of the creative economy, and second, towards connecting the creative sector with traditional companies

in the best possible way. Hence, Creative Industries Styria aims to build bridges to the other respective area at two central interfaces. These interfaces can be found between the areas of creation and production on the one hand and between production and distribution on the other.

At the first interface – creation and production – Creative Industries Styria accompanies the exchange between the creative and traditional economy. Projects are developed primarily utilizing the innovative and transformative power of the creative industries. They can fully develop their potential by transforming various areas of the traditional economy, specifically those areas which are primary strong points of the Styrian economy, i.e. mobility, health and green tech. Creative Industries Styria provides important innovation support to further develop this area.

At the second interface – production and distribution – Creative Industries Styria focuses on the worldwide marketing of Styrian

products. CIS uses its international network of people, media and locations to actively support companies in sales using creativity as the competitive advantage that secures a company's unique selling proposition and clearly positions it against the international competition.

Successful collaborations between the creative industries and the traditional economy also serve as best practice examples to promote further networking and to anchor the "raw material creativity" in the entire Styrian economy. Work at both interfaces follows the guiding principle: Created in Styria – Produced in Styria – Sold Worldwide.

Came to stay

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the development of a variety of new formats, which were not only successfully introduced at the time, but are now becoming successful new fixtures that are here to stay. These include the video format "Creative Voice,” from which the Creative Industries Styria podcast spun off. At these "Discus-

Creative Industries Styria 6

sions about Design, Creativity and Business", the who-is-who of the Styrian creative scene talk about their work, about trends and topics in the industry and about challenges and solutions in their respective areas of responsibility. By the end of 2022, twelve episodes of the podcast were aired and made available on all well-established podcast platforms.

Design Transfer

Cleverly interconnecting design and corporate culture: That is the goal of Design Transfer, a three-stage consulting program and flagship project of Creative Industries Styria. Targeted and solution-oriented design is the be-all and end-all for modern companies to shine with innovative concepts and to be able to prevail over the competition in the future. Design Transfer not only connects creative professionals and companies, the integration of design also gives companies significant advantages, allowing them to unlock their full potential, acquire new customer bases and improve their positioning on the market. In close cooperation with company

management, Creative Industries

Styria develops individual Design Transfer guidelines and specifically filters out which services are needed in order to optimize strategic decision-making and achieve company goals. Design is becoming an important concept that helps to highlight new perspectives on classic design processes and thus to ensure long-term corporate success.

Styrian Products

Styrian Products is a collection focused on design and products Made in Styria, raising awareness for good, and therefore internationally successful design. This ever-growing product selection now includes over 100 exhibits from around 60 Styrian manufacturing companies that have mastered the interplay between the creative and traditional economy. These products come from a wide variety of areas such as furniture and fashion, accessories and tableware, industrial machines and solid wood prefabricated houses, consumer goods and capital goods, both in small and large series productions.

The development of the Styrian creative economy is a success story. Thanks to the commitment of Creative Industries Styria, the region is visible far beyond our national borders and is considered a hotspot of the creative sector both within Austria and outside of it.

We owe this success to the many innovative minds and highly qualified specialists here. In this dynamic environment, Creative Industries Styria assumes the important role of a networking organization that connects all players in the creative sector with those from other industries, taking many initiatives along the way.

It is remarkable that the creative sector is becoming increasingly shaped by women. Around a quarter of all creative companies in Styria are headed by a woman. The proportion of women among employ-ees is 43 %, in the areas of design, advertising, books and publishing even 60 %. As a Member of the Government of Styria responsible for Economics and Innovation, it is important to me to continue to support this development.

The creative sector has become an indispensable part of the Styrian economy and I am convinced that it will only continue to do so in the years to come. Creative Industries Styria will play a key role in this development and I would like to take this opportunity to thank the entire CIS team, especially General Manager Eberhard Schrempf, for their extraordinary commitment.


Creative Industries Styria is the central point of contact for Styrian creative companies, acting as an interface and networking organization between the creative and traditional industries. CIS focuses on design as well as on the transformative and innovative power of the creative economy.
Creative Industries Styria 7

With Styrian Products, the design process is realized from the initial idea to the finished product. “Good” design, however, not only adds value to the company itself, but can also lead to international success. This is why every product included in the collection must be developed and produced in Styria and sold worldwide. Clearly, Styrian Products are the best ambassadors for quality Made in Styria and innovative spirit – for good design and active creativity – regionally, nationally and internationally. The 2022 exhibition was held at Steiner1888 in Schladming.

Experience Economy

Experience Economy has been welcoming visitors for exclusive looks behind the scenes of successful Styrian companies since 2009. Experience tours through the more than 50 participating companies have so far attracted over 4 million visitors to explore production halls, workshops and machine rooms. Creative Industries Styria acts as a project manager, building bridges between creative professionals and businesses, thereby initiating sustainable cooperation.

Their steadily growing network enables cooperation partnerships and synergies for the benefit of everyone involved. In addition, Creative Industries Styria accompanies the project process, from first contact on the part of the company to the conception and design, continuous quality assurance and advertising of the tours. It is particularly important to ensure the high quality of the tours as this is what ultimately creates the added value equally relevant for the creative industries, for businesses, for the general public and for Styria as a business location. The result is an

appreciation for domestic production and respect for the people in the company plus the establishing of a strong connection between the creative, the innovative and traditional branches of the economy.

An evaluation confirmed the high relevance and benefit of the flagship project Experience Economy. The adjustments suggested therein will be taken into account in the further development of the project.


Membership of Creative Industries

Styria is organized on 3 levels: Free Members are part of the Creative Industries Styria network and are entered into the member directory at no additional cost. They also have access to a wide range of information on events, calls and competitions.

Full Members are active members in the network and have access to additional services ranging from free lectures and events to participation in calls and competitions as well as reduced costs for network trips, excursions or conferences. Premium Members are medium and long-term strategic partners of Creative Industries Styria receiving an individually composed premium package consisting of basic and special services.

Creative Industries Styria had 1,208 members at the end of 2022, including 1,303 free members, 206 full members (117 individual memberships, 89 company memberships) and 11 premium members. They all benefit from stronger networking with the traditional economy, higher visibility of their services and a high degree of internationalization.

Organization of Creative Industries Styria

Partners of Creative Industries

Styria GmbH include the Steirische Wirtschaftsförderungsges.m.b.H.

SFG (Styrian Economic Promotion Agency), the city of Graz and the Chamber of Commerce of Styria. In addition to these partners, funding is provided through grants from the State of Styria (SFG), the city of Graz and membership fees, project partners, project partnerships and sponsors.

The shareholders of Creative Industries Styria GmbH hold the following shares:

51 % SFG

39 % City of Graz

10 % Chamber of Commerce of Styria

The core team of employees consists of 10 people: Managing director, assistant to the managing director, office management, controlling, and 6 project managers.

Creative Industries Styria
Styrian Products is a collection focused on design and products Made in Styria, raising awareness for good, and therefore internationally successful design.

A LEADING EDGE THROUGH Internationalization

Knowledge Visibility Thinking "Out of the Box"

Development and Quality Increase ADDED VALUE

Creativity is a key prerequisite for economic success. There may well be plenty of inventiveness around, but it is not always immediately apparent. It is therefore instrumental to focus our support on creativity in order to make it accessible. In that respect, Graz is in a fortunate position: as a university city, a city of culture and a major a science and business location, Graz has enormous potential to translate creativity into products and solutions for people and society as a whole. As a result, Graz meets all the prerequisites for becoming a “creatope”: a vibrant design and creative scene, a young urban attitude to life and a local economy that is both innovative and effective. It is therefore hardly surprising that almost half of all Styrian creative enterprises have their headquarters in Graz.

The city of Graz aims to step up efforts to integrate more creativity in future urban development work. A clear commitment was made to take further action in the last municipal council period, in which shares in Creative Industries were increased from 10 to 39 percent. We are proud that Graz enjoys an excellent international reputation as a UNESCO City of Design and will continue to expand on this position in the future. With their expertise, their global network and role as an effervescent supplier of ideas, Creative Industries Styria is the perfect partner to implement these goals for the benefit of our Styrian state capital.

Creative Industries Styria
Networking with the Industry 9

Awareness & Location

The strategy for the Austrian creative economy sets ambitious goals for the Styrian state government to strengthen the importance of the creative sector and raise awareness among the population.

In order to achieve these goals in the long term, Creative Industries Styria works at the interface between traditional and creative industries in order to bundle synergies and promote innovation and creativity.

Many steps must be taken until an idea can become a finished product or service. Integrating design as process-based thinking creates noticeable added value for the product or service, which is reflected in new target groups, innovative technologies or new synergies between companies, sectors and larger players.

Design and creativity plays an important role in the creative process

as the “missing link” between the initial idea and marketing, between innovation and product, between strategy and service.

Creative Industries Styria is a proven and experienced partner in this regard: it brings traditional and creative companies together and helps to open up new markets.

Only those who are visible exist. In other words: Be visible & be connected!
Awareness & Location

Awareness & Location

National and international networking

National and international networking are the twin factors that connect and advance the creative industries.

The ECBN, the European Creative Business Networ k, annually organizes the conference European Creative Industries Summit ECIS in cooperation with local organizations. The “BoS –Breakout Sessions” took place prior to the Summit in Prague. During the Design Month Graz, Creative Industries Styria hosted one such session revolving around a discussion on “Great Green Creative Industries & Green Skills und Skittels”. Creative Industries Styria nominated Harald Gründl, IDRV – Circular Design Rules and ZweckZwei as best cases to be highlighted.

As an expert and consultant on the creative economy, Creative Industries Styria is also involved in various projects at a European and international level, and was therefore invited to give a number of

lectures and attend conferences. From July 11 to July 15, 2022, 21 participants from all over the world came together in Ljubljana to explore the topic of “Cohabitation” in the course of the “Design + Science Summer School”. There was a lively exchange with Valencia, the World Design Capital 2022, which was represented at the Design Month Graz on the one hand and the destination of this year's network trip on the other. Karl Stocker was invited by the Department of Culture and Tourism Abu Dhabi to represent Creative Industries Styria at the Culture Summit Abu Dhabi.

There was also an intensive exchange and a number of collaborations at a local and national level, for example with Startupmark, Design Austria, the Styrian cluster organizations and the various Designforums in Austria. Eberhard Schrempf is an expert on the Kreativwirtschaftsbeirat (Creative Industries Advisory Board).


Awareness & Location

Graz as a UNESCO City of Design

Graz has been a UNESCO City of Design for over 10 years and is therefore part of an international network that consists of 43 cities worldwide and links the global creative scene.

There are now 295 UNESCO Creative Cities in total. Graz is host to networking events on a regular basis, and Creative Industries Styria also oversees content management for the joint website of UNESCO Cities of Design.

Since becoming a UNESCO City of Design, Graz has increasingly participated in numerous events, conferences, calls and competitions, establishing itself as a popular design hotspot. At the same time, membership in the UNESCO City of Design network facilitated knowledge transfer with other UNESCO Creative Cities and opened up new markets.

Creative Industries Styria is also responsible for networking and subsequently communicating invitations to par ticipate in calls and competitions from the UNESCO Cities of Design and other UNESCO Creative Cities.


Awareness & Location

Conferences and meetings

The Annual Meeting took place from July 8 to 22 in Santos, Brazil. Additional online meetings were held throughout the year. The first post-pandemic UNESCO Cities of Design in-person Subnetwork Meeting was held in Kaunas, Lithuania from October 11 to 15. On behalf of Graz, Creative Industries Styria also leads the Design & Business working group together with Kortrijk.

Around Autofiction

The exhibition Around Autofiction is a longstanding collaborative project of a number of Cities of Design famous with strong ties to the automotive sector. It presents a snapshot of the various activities and initiatives associated with the mobility of the future in the form of a traveling exhibition.

For presentation in Lendhafen, Creative Industries Styria nominated companies and their projects such as the WoodC.A.R (Computer-Aided Research) research project, which aimed to promote the use of wood as a lightweight material in vehicle construction. Other represented companies included AVL List GmbH with current developments related to hydrogen-powered cars, Moodley Industrial Design for SIEMENS with the mobility vision “one for all” and the degree program Industrial Design of FH JOANNEUM Univer sity of Applied Science Graz with cur rent mobility projects. The traveling exhibition made stops in Kortrijk, Dubai, Turin and Detroit, as well as at the Design Month Graz, among other places.


Awareness & Location

Design Month Graz 2022

Back in full force: The Design Month Graz celebrated its post-pandemic comeback in 2022. More than 100 events – from exhibitions and workshops to lectures and presentations – took place within 35 days. The par ticipation of 128 program and project par tners along with guests from 15 nations highlighted just how wide the range of design can be and made the internationality of the networ k tangible.

In 2022, the Design Month Graz once again showed the creative potential of Styria with its top and tightly packed event program. With enthusiastic international participation plus a powerful

presence in public spaces the design festival clearly showed why Graz is a City of Design – with an impact far beyond the city limits. The “Green Transition” program focus of the Design Month offered a platform for contributions and solutions from the creative sector and spotlights the processes of transformation and upheaval with the aim of ensuring a sustainable future.

For the grand opening on May 6, the Kulturzentrum der Minoriten offered a setting that was as festive as it was steeped in history, hosting the exhibition openings for “Design Everyday”, “ZweckZwei – Shift Circular Design” and “Around Autofiction”. The exhibition


Awareness & Location

“The Chairman” in the Designforum Graz showed works by designer and architect Martin Mostböck and the new format “Design Clinic” was created as a lowthreshold service offered by the design community in order to make design more tangible for everyone.

With Design in the City, 37 shops gave designers a platform, showcasing unusual products, unique collections, outstanding creations and presenting lots of information about the benefit and added value of design. Graz not only showed what it had to offer as a UNESCO City of Design with this presentation, but also that we are a City of Designers. The program was supplemented with guided

tours by GrazGuides, who invited visitors on a multi-facetted journey of discovery through the city.

Numerous other events, happenings and exhibitions rounded off the program, such as the Design Battle, the Designfrische getaway to Trahütten, the exhibition “East to West” at Schloss Hollenegg, or the Fifteen Seconds Festival.


Impulses & Projects

Innovation needs inspiration. In other words: Be inspired!

Networking and creating synergies: The core task of Creative Industries Styria is to connect the creative with the traditional economy. This results in new and innovative products from a wide variety of industries.

The transformative power of creative work is firmly rooted in the “Austrian Creative Economy Strategy” of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs as one of its key points.

And there is a good reason for this: Creative industries provide strong impulses to the traditional economy and thus ensure innovation and progress. Creative Industries Styria has made it their business to enhance these impulses and carefully connect all the right players. The numerous B2B projects make these impulses clearly visible. In that respect, Design Transfer is a flagship project. It offers companies a road map showing how design can open

up new perspectives in business and how concrete products and services emerge. The results are not simply marketable products, but also an enhancement of the entire business location Styria, plus a strengthening of the image Graz has developed as a UNESCO City of Design and as a provider of secure jobs.

Impulses & Projects

Impulses & Projects

Design Transfer

Design Transfer is one of the flagship projects of Creative Industries Styria, bridging the gap between creative professionals and moder n companies of the traditional economy. Consultations, recommendations and mediations by service providers from the creative sector are in high demand.

The Design Transfer project connects creative professionals and more traditional companies, giving them all a significant advantage as they integrate design and unlock their full potential, acquiring new customer bases and improving their positioning on the market. To this end, Creative Industries Styria works together with the respective companies and develops individual Design Transfer guidelines.

The multi-stage process is designed to specifically filter out which services are needed in order to optimize strategic decision-making and achieve company

goals. Design is the ace in the hole: A holistic concept that helps to highlight new perspectives on classic design processes and thus to ensure long-term corporate success.

Design Transfer by Creative Industries

Styria follows a three-stage consulting model that identifies essential services for individual companies as part of a Design Transfer road map.

The CIS Design Support, stage 1, represents the initial consultation with the company. During the Design Check, the current status in terms of design is examined, with strategy workshops using methods such as “design thinking” to evaluate creative potential.

In the second stage, the company then looks for suitable designers with the CIS Design Connect together with Creative Industries Styria, sending out calls and holding competitions to create real

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1+4 Austrian Design Talks at Schloss Hollenegg 2 WorkLet prototype “Der Strandkorb” (The Beach Chair) 3 ZweckZwei Design Camp

Impulses & Projects

products and services. Creative Industries Styria’s network plays an important role in this. Finally, the results are presented during stage 3, CIS Design Display.

Austrian Design Talks at Schloss Hollenegg 2022

The Austrian Design Talks at Schloss Hollenegg for Design on June 28 and 29 used nine selected pairings to show how successful cooperation between design and business works. What the best practice examples had in common: Design played a key role as a success factor. The examples showed why good design is more than just innovation and aesthetics.

The talks took a look at the people and companies behind the products and services, told their story and provided insights into their creative process. The range of products and services included the development of furniture, vehicles and medical equipment as well as guide

systems and interior design. As diverse as a design process can be, it always remains a decisive success factor.

David Eibel, CEO of quismo GmbH, and the designer duo Thomas Perz and Petrus Gartler developed Quismo, a product to help with quitting smoking. In collaboration with WEI SRAUM Designforum Tirol, the Verkehrsverbund Tirol (VVT, the Tyrolian transportation authority) decided in 2021 that it was time for a new vehicle design. The result was a new design for the entire vehicle fleet. The BMW Group, together with Weitzer Woodsolutions, committed to the return of the high-tech lightweight material wood in structural vehicle construction. The Austrian mineral water producer Vöslauer teamed up with Dottings industrial design office to redesign the return crates for recycled glass. Crafted Collection is the result of a fruitful cooperation between the upholstered furniture manufacturer JOKA and the solid wood carpentry TREWIT

1 WorkLet prototype “Die Holzkiste” (The Wooden Box) by SelfSightSeeing Company with BRAUCHST 2 WorkLet prototype “Das Akustikmöbel” (The Acoustic Furniture) by PERZ+GARTLER with Hutter Acustix 4 Trophy for IWS research grants by Florian Blamberger 5 WorkLet prototype “Der Würfel” (The Cube) by KUESS
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Architektur with carpentry Steirer-Holz 6 Austrian Design Talks at Schloss Hollenegg

Impulses & Projects

based on a design by MARCH GUT. At the request of the St Barbara Gottesacker Foundation, information designer Veronika Egger together with architect and designer Christel Helene Schmidt designed a new guide system for the Linz cemetery. The project Breathe ilo allows tracking of the menstrual cycle through a combination of hardware and software. With the redesign of a former industrial building on the Campus V site in Dornbirn, Vorarlberg, the architecture firm NONA Architektinnen brought a hub for creative and innovative work to life. CogvisAI, the result of a collaboration between cogvis and industrial and product designer Christian Stanek, is revolutionizing the care for the elderly and sick.

WorkLets – Creative spaces for working and living

WorkLets are wooden seats that are set up outdoors – preferably at idyllic sites with a beautiful view – and that are intended to invite people to relax, to

pause for a moment and to work. During the Design Month Graz, the WorkLet prototypes were on display in the inner courtyard of the Minoritenzentrum Graz.

Five design and architecture offices were invited to submit WorkLet concepts: AVA – Andrea Vattovani Architecture, KUESS Architektur, Perz+Gartler, the SelfSightSeeing Company and Simone Kovacs Interior Design. The WorkLets were implemented in cooperation with companies from the Holzcluster Steier mark. The timber used was sponsored by cooperation partner JAF Zengerer.

Design Battle

Every year during the Design Battle, a fixture of the Design Month Graz, product prototypes go from initial drafts to finished products within 24 hours, in cooperation with carpentry Josef Prödl. On May 19, 2022, four teams, consisting of professionals

3 WorkLet prototype “Der Strandkorb” (The Beach Chair), carpentry B. Kumpusch and Simone Kovacs Interior Design
19 8 3 7
7 Design Battle at carpentry Josef Prödl 8 WorkLet prototype “Das Herz” (The Heart) by AVA – Andrea Vattovani Architecture with carpentry MTDesign

Impulses & Projects

from both design and other industries, gathered at the car pentry Josef Prödl to battle it out once again.

The task: create a bar table. The teams consisted of Birgit Lill (Klanglicht) & Bernhard Viereck (Viereck Architekten), Marion Wicher (Marion Wicher Architektur) & Peter Gaisr ucker (super unique Raum für Gestaltung), Nina Kuess (KUESS Architektur) & Sabrina Rieß (Brainsworld Agency), Heidemarie Kriz (KRIZH – Point of Sale Doctor) & Georg Mähring. Architect Nina Kuess (KUESS Architektur) and Sabrina Reiß (Brainsworld Agency) were able to convince the jury – consisting of Josef Prödl (car pentry Josef Prödl), Mike Fuisz (moodley design group), Io Tondolo & Itshe Petz (SelfSightSeeing Company), Sigrid Mayer (EIGENSINN –Veränderung RAUM geben) and Barbara Nußmüller (Creative Industries Styria) – with their concept and the audience with their design. Franz Peier (koch-art graz) and Inge Kahr (pastaria) provided

the  culinar y accompaniment to the Design Battle.


From leftovers to raw materials: Many production companies lack the resources to process their leftover materials in a meaningful way. This is where the ZweckZwei principle comes in, designed to create new value from what is seen as industrial waste. Karl Steinwender, Managing Director of ZweckZwei, approached Creative Industries Styria for support in the design and creation of new products.

The result was a pilot project for developing new products together with ZweckZwei and the SelfSightSeeing Company. On the weekend of February 11 to 13, 2022, a Design Camp took place in Trahütten to kick off the creative process. Designers specializing in the circular economy were invited to develop prototypes for new products. In the exhibition

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1,6,7+8 Winners of the Award of the State of Styria for Most Family-Friendly Businesses 2021 –Vitavo, E.L.T. Kunststofftechnik & Werkzeugbau GmbH, Jugend am Werk Styria and AVL List

Impulses & Projects

“ZweckZwei – Shift Circular Design”, the results of the workshop were on display during the Design Month Graz 2022.

New trophies for IWS research grants

The Institut für Wirtschafts- und Standor tentwicklung (IWS, Institute for Economic and Location Development) of WK Steiermark (Styrian Economic Chamber) approached Creative Industries Styria to redesign their trophy for the research grant recipients. The redesign was handled by design studio Florian Blamberger. Creative Industries Styria accompanied the entire process. The trophies were presented at a gala on July 7, 2022.

Award of the State of Styria for Most Family-Friendly Businesses

Every two years, the State of Styria (A12) awards a prize for the most family-friendly businesses in Styria in 5 categories: small businesses, medium-

sized businesses, large businesses, non-profit organizations and companies/ institutions subject to public law. Already in 2021, Creative Industries Styria was responsible for managing the Award of the State of Styria.

In March 2022, Barbara Eibinger-Miedl, the Member of the Government of Styria responsible for Economic Affairs, handed over the trophies to the winners in four categories, accompanied by videos. The top three companies nominated for the State Prize for Family and Career in each category received their deserved awards in Vienna on June 21, 2022. AVL List GmbH received 2nd place in the category “Private Companies with over 101 employees” as well as 1st place in the special prize category “Family-Friendly Employer Branding in Digital Recruiting and Personnel Marketing”. Hartinger Consulting achieved 3rd place in the special prize category.

2+3 Design Battle 4+5 ZweckZwei Design Camp 21 5 6 7 8

Experience Economy

In 2022, the number of Experience Economy bookings increased once again. With Martin Auer, a new company was added to the repertoire.

Experience Economy provides in-depth, exciting insights into top Styrian companies, and raises awareness for regional added value, innovation and jobs – also in so-called “system-relevant” essential sectors. The tours are subject to high quality standards and are audited regularly as to whether they meet these requirements. Regular clips on social media platforms, advertisements and project presentations put the spotlight on Styrian companies and bring their services to the fore. This creates awareness, respect and appreciation for services and products provided by the

local economy, for the employees, for Styria as a business location and for the broader public. Creative Industries Styria acts as the controlling project manager.

Martin Auer is the newest addition to the initiative and opened his studio in Graz St. Peter in 2022, including a brand-new experience tour through the baking studio. On June 24, the company received the Experience Economy seal of quality, making it the 51 company to join the program.

Visitor numbers developed very positively in 2022 – around 310,000 people took an experience tour. All tours are also integrated in the Science Garden, a STEM initiative of the Federation of Austrian Industry.

Impulses & Projects

Impulses & Projects

Styrian Products

They are bestsellers, trendsetters and market leaders: outstanding products that are developed, designed and produced in Styria. Many set new standards in innovation, while others successfully occupy unexpected niches. What they have in common is a strong focus on design. Styrian Products brings them to the fore – online and offline.

The value of design was recognized very early in Styria, as the “missing link” that serves to connect the creative sector and the traditional industries, forming the basis for economic success.

With Styrian Products, Creative Industries Styria has developed and started a program that focuses on Styrian design and Styrian products and raises awareness for good design – and not just among “design-savvy” people, but for everyone. Styrian Products is an on-

line platform and an exhibition at one and the same time. These items come from a variety of industries like fashion and accessories, furniture and interior design, but also industrial products and packaging design.

The collection includes almost 100 products from around 60 Styrian manufacturing companies that have mastered the interplay between the creative and traditional economy and are successful worldwide. The products benefit from the design expertise of 50 design studios, some of which can look back on decades of experience. And one thing is for sure –design makes the difference!

Once a year, a selection of this collection is on display in the form of an exhibition, which took place at the long-established Experience Economy company Steiner1888 in Schladming in 2022


& Projects Design Clinic

First aid for design afflictions. In the Design Clinic, experts from all creative areas offer a free initial consultation and diagnosis for acute and chronic aesthetic ailments. The Design Clinic approaches the subject of design with just a pinch of irony and a lot of knowhow to answer any questions.

The new format Design Clinic was launched during the Graz Design Month 2022. The more than 60 “clinical professionals” at the Design Clinic come from all areas of design and are happy to administer first aid. Acute and chronic aesthetic ailments can be treated professionally and cured.

A humorous approach to the topic, albeit with a serious background – since after all, design still raises many questions. At the Design Clinic, a team of creative

professionals is working together on their shared mission of making the world a more aesthetically pleasing place by providing treatment for failing designs. The design experts specialize in a wide variety of disciplines, including furnishing & interior design, lighting, furniture design, graphic design, brand identity & brand design, usability & web design, public space design, and wayfinding & navigation as well as garden furniture & green space design.

The Design Clinic aims to make the design scene tangible for potential customer s on the one hand, and to address new target groups with this concept on the other. Its target group is not only other members of the design community, but also people who have hardly come into contact with the topic until now.


Impulses & Projects

Designforum Steiermark

All Eyes on Us

The Green Panther award, presented by the Fachgruppe Werbung & Marktkommunikation (trade group for advertising and market communication), is the Award of the State of Styria for Creative Communication. It was awarded for the 32nd time in 2021.

The common goal of the various Designfor ums in Austria is to showcase design, to make it visible and tangible, and to highlight the potential and importance of design as an intelligent process for all areas of life.

The Designforum Steiermark provides regional and international designers and design institutions with a platform and exhibition location that makes the meaning of design accessible to a broader public. The premises of the Designforum Steiermark can also be used for presentations.

An exhibition showcasing all nominees was planned for 2021 but was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It finally opened its doors to visitors on February 3, 2022. The exhibition included 66 works and showed a broad cross-section of Styrian advertising industry achievements. The finalists were selected by a top-class jury from the fields of advertising, communication, design, education and business in a total of 14 categories such as "Corporate Design", "Corporate Publishing", "Direct Marketing", "Event", "Campaign", "Motion Pictures", "Online Communication", "Outside the Box", "Out of Home", "Packaging", "Website", "Advertising Photography", "Young Creatives" and in the supreme discipline "Regional Campaign”.


Impulses & Projects

Austrian Brand Stories The Chairman

The exhibition “Austrian Brand Stories” focused on the background stories of Austrian cult brands. These brands have become an integral part of the everyday aesthetics we perceive. With their appearance, their positions and values, brands create bonds and affiliations, shaping the cultural and national identity long-term as a result. The exhibition told the brand stories of Aida, Alma, Almdudler, Anker, Atomic, Bad Ischler, Felix, Jolly, KTM, MAM, Manner, Maresi, Mautner Markhof, Niemetz, ÖBB, Pago, Piatnik, Red Bull, Riess, Rupp, SAX, Schlumberger, Silhouette, Smart (JTI), Vöslauer and Zumtobel.Niemetz, ÖBB, Pago, Piatnik, Red Bull, Riess, Rupp, SAX, Schlumberger, Silhouette, Smart (JTI), Vöslauer and Zumtobel.

The chair is regarded as the supreme discipline in furniture design, or even across the board in product design. Designer and architect Martin Mostböck showed how he approaches the challenge of designing a chair in his exhibition “The Chairman. Geschichten von gemeinsamen Objekten und regionalen Zusammenhängen” (The Chairman. Stories of Shared Objects and Regional Connections). The exhibition featured a selection of his works from the last two decades. His creative intention is to make invisible connections and their influence on design processes visible. The exhibition therefore featured chairs and furniture that are situated at the interface of art and serial production. Among other things, award-winning museum pieces were on display alongside small series and one-of-a-kind objects.


Impulses & Projects

Taste the Ortwein

Industrial Design Show

Taste the Ortwein focused on the creative process and its challenges in 2022 –hence the apt exhibition subtitle "The Art of Creation”. Once again, the exhibition at Designforum Steiermark by graduates of HTBLVA Graz Ortweinschule for Design and Structural Engineering gave young, creative protégés space to present their skills to a wider audience. The graduation class from the art and design department showcased their final projects, created with heart, brain and skillful hands.

The eight different specializations of the art and design department are a testament to a young and creative spirit and their works were exhibited in the varied categories: Sculpture – Object Design – Restoration, Film and Multimedia Art, Photography and Multimedia Art, Graphic and Communication Design, Interior Architecture – Room and Object Design, Ceramic Art Craft, Product Design –Presentation, and Jewelry – Metal Design.

The Industrial Design Show of the FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Science Graz shows the broad range of training provided in the bachelor's and master's degree programs Industrial Design –from the first design exercises to the final theses. Many of the designs on display were created in cooperation with international companies such as Andy Wolf, Atomic, MINI, Ströck, Swarovski Optik and Weitzer Woodsolutions.

Additionally, the exhibition RAW also showcased the final theses of students in the 5th semester of the bachelor's degree program Information Design at FH JOANNEUM. All the projects on display attempted to answer a specific question: Are we even still used to something being raw? Unprocessed, unpackaged, unembellished, no filters, no frills.


Impulses & Projects

The Next Poster

The exhibition “Kunst der Verführung” (The Art of Seduction) deals with the last 100 years of graphic design in the field of tension between art and advertising. As one of eight participating institutions, the Institute for Design and Communication at the FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Science Graz is presenting an exhibition on the future of the poster. It deals with the historical and technological changes and expan-

sions of the medium poster, which has always played an important role as a medium that is of interest in both artistic and commercial design education. The medium was presented in its most varied forms in 24 projects: the acoustic poster, the mixed reality poster, the virtual poster, the kinetic poster, the scenographic poster, the animated poster, the interactive poster, the intelligent poster and the individualized poster.


Partnerships and cooperation projects

Creative Industries Styria is an active partner for projects and collaborations at national and international levels. This exchange between organizations, companies and Styrian creatives brings significant impulses for the Styrian economy in its entirety.

Networking is a key success factor in the creative industry. New, innovative products, services and processes can only be created if the right project partners from traditional and creative industries and organizations come together. Creative Industries Styria is a supporter of innovation and a driving force behind numerous collaborations with partners from different fields.

These include the FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences with its design-oriented degree programs, the European Young Innovators Festival, the World Usability Congress, the Fifteen Seconds Festival, and a variety of institutions and network partners. The Styrian cluster and network organizations are also important cooperation and networking partners. Clusters are seen as anchor points of the Styrian economy, lighting the way to the future

and constantly setting new impulses in future-oriented areas. Regular exchange and contact with a wide variety of organizations provides a major boost for Styrian creative industries and positions them in the context of regional, national and international projects. The result is significant added value for Styrian companies.

Cross-Cluster Cooperation

Cooperation activities between Styrian cluster and network organizations have intensified with the goal of making new suggestions for use across industries and to leverage yet untapped potential. Spotlight Cyber Security – What is the best protection against cyberattacks? The Silicon Alps Cluster's 6-part cross-cluster webinar series did not focus directly on cyber-attack threats, but raised awareness about the highly qualified cyber security knowhow already existing in the Silicon Alps region. Medical technology and usability were the focus of the core event “Product development in the MedTech sector” with the Human.technolgy.Styria cluster. The webinar “International Green Tech Funding Update” of the Green Tech Valley Cluster gave a quick

Impulses & Projects

Impulses & Projects

overview of new work programs related to the Green Deal.

Future Day of the Styrian economy

“Access” is the key to a successful future: to data and platforms, to sustainable resources, to innovation, to new markets and qualified specialists. With almost 1,000 participants, the Future Day of the Styrian economy took place under the motto #accessiskey. In addition to many keynote speeches, interactive access to the topic was available via so-called “access spots”. Creative Industries Styria was involved with two of these access spots: Access to Green Solutions and Access to Professionals. Access to Green Solutions and Access to Professionals and Experts.

Kunst der Verführung –The Art of Seduction

The broad range of graphic design – a term that originated back in 1922 – was the focus of six autumn exhibitions, in which a total of eight institutions from the fields of culture, science and business were involved. The exhibitions dealt with the last 100 years of graphic design and how the discipline and the associated media – such as the poster – decisively shaped the communication landscape in Austria. Initiated by graphic designer Sigfried Gruber and coordinated by Creative Industries Styria, eight

institutions were brought together in an exhibition for the first time: The Kunsthaus Graz, Graz Museum, Kultum – Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten, HDA – Haus der Architektur, Institute for Design and Communication at the FH JOANNEUM, Fachgruppe Werbung & Marktkommunikation WKO Steiermark (Styrian Economic Chamber trade group for advertising and market communication), and ANKÜNDER each has different approaches to this broad and complex topic. The exhibitions were accompanied by a joint symposium on the subject.

European Young Innovators Festival

The European Young Innovators Festival visited Graz on May 3 and 4, 2022. This time with a focus was on “Tech Entrepreneurship for Social Change,” the event once again brought a Europe-wide network of start-ups and experts to Graz. In cooperation with Creative Industries Styria, Rudolf T. A. Greger, design-thinking coach and design philosopher, was represented with his “Design Sprint” program. He had set himself the task of raising awareness of design and convincing a broader public that design can make people's lives better.

Network & Service

Information takes the lead. In other words: Be informed!

Innovation can only ever flourish if the seeds of the creative scene fall on fertile ground in the traditional economy. Creative Industries Styria considers promoting such synergies through events and projects as its core task.

The numerous events and projects of Creative Industries Styria provide the right place and time for the right people to meet. To do this, Creative Industries Styria bundles information together to make complex networking possible and

to target individual actors in order to empower transformation forces in the sector, to make them more effective and to drive innovations.

Since 2020, many service processes had to be changed and moved to the virtual world. This trend continued in 2022. Tools can be used to obtain data from past events and projects and to derive trend analyses based on them, which in turn provide impulses for new developments.

Network & Service


Networking, information and ser vices for Styrian creative industries, staggered and individually tailored: The membership program of Creative Industries Styria offers a suitable package for every company.

The tiered membership model of Creative Industries Styria, consisting of free members, full members and premium members, offers services for creative companies that are tailored to the size of the company and the needs of individual creative professionals. These offers include an electronic newsletter, invitations to events, information on calls and competitions and also participation in Creative Industries Styria initiatives that

take place both online and offline. Due to stronger networking with the classic economy, the members benefit from higher visibility of the services provided by the creative industries plus greater internationalization and the possibility of incorporating out-of-thebox thinking more strongly – a win-win for both the creative and the traditional economy. In 2022, Creative Industries Styria continued to focus on consulting services.

On July 7, 2022, the Full Members and Premium Members were invited to the Member Networking Event at Frischeparadies Thomüller.

Network & Service

Fact finding and excursion

Styria has a lot to offer when it comes to creative industries. At the same time, the local community needs new partners to tap even more creative potential. With its international networ king efforts, Creative Industries Styria is the guarantee for lively international exchange.

Network trip to Valencia, Spain

The Creative Industries Styria network trip had the "World Design Capital 2022” Valencia, Spain, as its destination in 2022. The program included studio visits, a bike tour with a focus on architecture and urban development and visits to local creative sector initiatives. The Designers' Night was presented as a special networking evening under the motto "Whoever wants to improve

the world, has to understand life”. The evening focused on micro talks with experts from the fields of design and architecture. In addition, local entrepreneurs and institutions from Austrian and Valencia in the fields of design, life science, architecture and more were able to exchange ideas and network.

Excursion to Udine, Italy

An excursion to Udine in Italy took place on March 10 and 11, 2022, together with the carpentry Josef Prödl. The program included a visit to the upholstered furniture manufacturer La Cividina, Fantin, the specialist in metal solutions for office and industrial furnishings, and Maarmo, who produce highest design radiators from recycled marble dust.

Network & Service

Network & Service

Creative Voice and CIS podcast

Creative Voice and the Creative Industries Styria podcast are for mats in which companies and representatives of various creative sectors are interviewed on current topics, allowing them to provide valuable insights into their work.

Three new Creative Voices were added in 2022: In his video, the photographer and film director Thomas Schauer talks about the design process behind food photography and food filming, and how taste can be visualized. Erhard Pretterhofer from the forest park Hochreiter deals with the topic of recreation in nature. He reports on the redesign of the forest park Hochreiter, on playful knowledge transfer and the balancing of adventure and comfort among natural Alpine beauty.

A personal forest to improve the urban climate: The Breathe Earth Collective shows a very individual approach to the topic of sustainability. Andreas Goritschnig and Karlheinz Boiger report on the Climate Culture Pavilion in Graz and show how the climate and air quality in urban areas can be improved.

The podcast by Creative Industries Styria presents a potpourri of current topics from all areas of the creative industries and is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts and Deezer.

In his consulting company BRANDxCULTURE RIEBENBAUER, Christoph Riebenbauer combines many years of experience in international marketing and music management.

Evelyn Götz from crosseye Marketing repor ts on online marketing as a strateg y for success. The full-service agency supports tourism companies in times of crisis and sets trends towards sustainability.

Ronja Ullrich and Harald Gründl from the Institute of Design Research Vienna talk about "Circular Design Rules", a set of rules for the change towards a circular economy. Design-thinking coach Rudolf T. A. Greger reveals what made him work strategically as an industrial designer and what companies can learn from the design-thinking approach.


Network & Service

Creative Night Graz & Creative Week Austria

“WE ARE OPEN!” – under this slogan, Graz creative professionals invited all interested parties into their offices and studios on October 7, 2022.

The Creative Night Graz offered visitors an insight into the working world in the creative sector across a variety of creative industries. More than 40 participating studios and offices opened their doors, gave insights into their work and answered questions from interested parties. Guided tours took visitors to the creative studios of their choice on foot, by bike or by shuttle bus.

Creative Night Graz also marked the start of the Creative Week Austria, which took place from October 7 to 15, 2022. Creative Week Austria was an initiative of Creative Industries Styria in cooperation with Creative Region Linz & Upper Austria. The event week aimed to introduce the public to a broad spectr um of creative industries and to increase the visibility of the design scene. The Creative Week Austria was a platform for exhibitions, Creative Nights, guided tours and festivals in Styria, Upper Austria, Tyrol, Vienna, Vorarlberg and more.


We Illustration

WE ILLUSTRATION is a digital platfor m by Creative Industries Styria designed to shine a spotlight on illustrator s. The portfolios give an insight into the creative wor ld and work of local illustrators.

Whether visual symbolization of topics that are difficult to find words for, carriers of advertising messages, or conveying complex content – illustration is the visual bridge builder of communication design. From print to digital to animation to textiles, the collection presents the multifaceted nature of artistic craftsmanship.

The online collection of artists is divided into different subject areas and shows

the wide range of qualified experts in Styria. Whether editorial, children's books, packaging, comics, animation, info graphics, wall design, technology or fashion – illustration is needed everywhere and has a great many focal points.

That is why the collection naturally offers the possibility of sorting portfolios according to individual subject areas. We Illustration is intended to steadily grow and expand in order to best depict the great variety and high level of competence of local illustrators.

Network & Service

Network & Service

Website & newsletter

The online presence of Creative Industries Styria is literally the fir st address for the Styrian creative scene when it comes to networking – both digitally and analogously.

Networking, both online and offline, has always played a major role in the creative economy. The COVID-19 pandemic in particular, however, has pushed digital connectivity to new levels. This trend has continued unabated ever since –and Creative Industries Styria has taken this into account and has responded by continuously expanding its digital offerings. Online, Creative Industries Styria acts as a digital information hub, where the creative scene and companies can connect. At the core of this is the website, which was upgraded with a new database system. In addition to the domain, Creative Industries Styria also operates a number of other websites, including, www., and

You will not only find leading projects such as the Design Month Graz, Experience Economy, Design Transfer, Styrian Products or individual exhibitions in the Designforum Steiermark on the website, but also a gallery of member profiles: On the page, all members of Creative Industries Styria are represented with a profile, ensuring visibility as well as a strong online presence for Styrian creative industries. A calendar including an event preview rounds off the digital space.

In addition, Creative Industries Styria sends out a newsletter once or twice a week that reaches around 2,400 subscribers. In 2022, 67 newsletters with 578 articles were mailed. National and international calls for proposals –valuable information for all creative companies – are a core component of the regular mailings. In total, 54 invitations to participate in calls and competitions were issued in 2022.


Network & Service

Press & media work

Being present means being aware of creative work – online and offline: Creative Industries Styria displays its content, focuses and projects to a broad public on several channels, also increasingly relying on in-house media work.

Media visibility is increasingly based on a strong online presence and interactive networking online. Content sharing can highlight individual members of the network in a targeted manner and allow stakeholders to better network with each other. In 2022, this general trend towards more online presence continued.

Naturally, Creative Industries Styria has reacted to this development and significantly expanded its online media work alongside print activities. In addition to a strong and constantly updated web presence, the focus and project-centric content is additionally reflected on social media and other online platforms. The greatest focus, of course, is on leading projects such as the Design Month Graz, Design Transfer, Styrian Products, various exhibitions – for example at Designforum Steiermark – and the Styria-wide project Experience Economy, which gives Creative Industries Styria its incomparably powerful media presence.

City of Design Network

Asahikawa, JP

Baku, AZ

Bandung, ID

Bangkok, TH

Beijing, CN

Berlin, DE

Bilbao, ES

Brasilia, BR

Budapest, HU

Buenos Aires, AR

Cape Town, ZA

Cebu City, PH

Covilhã, PT

Curitiba, BR

Doha, QA

Detroit, US

Dubai, AE

Dundee, GB

Fortaleza, BR

Graz, AT

Geelong, AU

Hanoi, VN

Helsinki, FI

Istanbul, TR

Kaunas, LT

Kobe, JP

Kolding, DK

Kortrijk, BE

Mexico City, MX

Montréal, CA

Muharraq, BH

Nagoya, JP

Puebla, MX

Querétaro, MX

Saint-Étienne, FR

San José, CR

Seoul, KR

Shenzhen, CN

Shanghai, CN

Singapore, SG

Turin, IT

Whanganui, NZ

Wuhan, CN

2006 Montréal (CA) City of Design 2015 Detroit (US) City of Design 2017 Mexiko City (MX) City of Design 2005 Buenos Aires (AR) City of Design 2014 Curitiba (BR) City of Design Bilbao (ES) City of Design 2014 Saint-Étienne (FR) City of Design 2010 Turin (IT) City of Design 2014 2005 Berlin (DE) City of Design 2014 Dundee (GB) City of Design 2019 Querétaro (MX) City of Design 2017 Kortrijk (BE) City of Design 2017 Brasilia (BR) City of Design 2019 Fortaleza (BR) City of Design 2017 Kolding (DK) City of Design 2015 Puebla (MX) City of Design 2019 San José (CR) City of Design Covilhã (PT) City of Design 2021 40

European Creative Business Network

186 Members from 45 Countries


Kaunas (LT) City of Design


(DE) Design 2012

Helsinki (FI) City of Design 2011

Budapest (HU) City of Design


Baku (AZ) City of Design


Seoul (KR)

Beijing (CN) City of Design

Asahikawa (JP) City of Design


Nagoya (JP) City of Design

(DK) Design 2008

Graz (AT) City of Design

Dubai (AE) City of Design


Kobe (JP) City of Design

Shanghai (CN) City of Design

Cebu City (PH) City of Design

Wuhan (CN) City of Design 2017

Doha (QA) City of Design


Muharraq (BH) City of Design


Cape Town (ZA) City of Design


Shenzhen (CN) City of Design 2015

Singapore (SG) City of Design

Bandung (ID) City of Design

Bangkok (TH) City of Design

Whanganui (NZ) City of Design

Istanbul (TR) City of Design 2017

Geelong (AU) City of Design 2017


Hanoi (VN) City of Design


City of Design 2008

Program preview 2023


January 24

MEDtec – User Experience Camp

January 27 – February 25

Licht Punkt Strich. Architektur aus Licht und Schatten –Exhibition at Designfor um Steiermark


February 7

fyi Top!Job funding information event, online


March 10 – April 22

Austrian State Prize for Design. Best of Austrian Design –Exhibition at Designforum Steiermark


Mai 5

Opening Design Month Graz 2023

May 6 – June 4

Design Month Graz 2023

May 25

Design Battle 2023


June 2 – 24

Taste the Ortwein –Exhibition at Designforum Steiermark


July 1 – July 29

Industrial Design Show 2023 –Exhibition at Designforum Steiermark

July 5 + July 6

Austrian Design Talks at Schloss Hollenegg


September 1

Member Networking Event


October 6

Creative Night Graz

October 6 – 15

Creative Week Austria

October 20 – 24

CIS network trip to Eindhoven

Program preview 2023 Legal

Legal Notice


Creative Industries Styria GmbH

Marienplatz 1, 8020 Graz

+43 (0)316 890 598,

General Manager:

Eberhard Schrempf

Photo Credits:

Page 3 Jorj Konstantinov

Page 7 Teresa Rothwangl

Page 9 Marija Kanizaj

Page 11 Jorj Konstantinov, Karl Stocker, Creative Industries Styria

Page 12 + 13 City of Design Geelong, Jorj Konstantinov, OchoReSotto

Page 14 + 15 Jorj Konstantinov, Miriam Raneburger

Page 17 eephotograph, Jorj Konstantinov, Salon Deluxe

Page 18 + 19 Christoph Hütter Fotografie, Florian Blamberger, Jorj Konstantinov, eephotograph

Page 20 + 21 Jorj Konstantinov, Salon Deluxe, Thomas Galli-Magerl

Page 22 + 23 Ulrike Rauch, Neuroth Inter national AG/Alex Mattersberger, Robert Frankl, Miriam Raneburger, Regine Schöttl, Manufaktur Gölles

Page 24 Miriam Raneburger

Page 25 Miriam Raneburger, Creative Industries Styria

Page 26 + 27 Miriam Raneburger, Foto Fischer, Jorj Konstantinov

Page 28 + 29 Jorj Konstantinov, Miriam Raneburger

Page 30 Miriam Raneburger, WSA, Creative Industries Styria

Page 31 Jorj Konstantinov, Ankünder, Jack

Coleman_JCAE Agentur, Christof Hütter Fotografie

Page 33 Harry Schiffer Photodesign

Page 36 Jorj Konstantinov, Creative Industries Styria

Page 37 Carmen Cordial, Eva Pils, Florian Holzer, Simon Lindenthaler, Laura Feller, Gernoth Passath, Anja Grohmann

Legal Notice

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Articles inside

Network & Service Press & media work

page 39

Network & Service Website & newsletter

page 38

We Illustration

page 37

Network & Service Creative Night Graz & Creative Week Austria

page 36

Creative Voice and CIS podcast

page 35

Fact finding and excursion

pages 34-35


page 33

Network & Service

page 32

Partnerships and cooperation projects

pages 30-31

Designforum Steiermark

pages 26-29

& Projects Design Clinic

pages 25-26

Styrian Products

page 24

Experience Economy

pages 22-24

Design Transfer

pages 17-21

Impulses & Projects

pages 16-17

Design Month Graz 2022

pages 14-15

Graz as a UNESCO City of Design

pages 12-14

National and international networking

pages 11-12

Awareness & Location

pages 10-11

A LEADING EDGE THROUGH Internationalization Knowledge Visibility Thinking "Out of the Box" Development and Quality Increase ADDED VALUE

page 9

Creative Industries Styria

pages 6-8

Back on Track

pages 4-5

Network & Service Press & media work

page 39

Network & Service Website & newsletter

page 38

We Illustration

page 37

Network & Service Creative Night Graz & Creative Week Austria

page 36

Creative Voice and CIS podcast

page 35

Fact finding and excursion

pages 34-35


page 33

Network & Service

page 32

Partnerships and cooperation projects

pages 30-31

Designforum Steiermark

pages 26-29

& Projects Design Clinic

pages 25-26

Styrian Products

page 24

Experience Economy

pages 22-24

Design Transfer

pages 17-21

Impulses & Projects

pages 16-17

Design Month Graz 2022

pages 14-15

Graz as a UNESCO City of Design

pages 12-14

National and international networking

pages 11-12

Awareness & Location

pages 10-11

A LEADING EDGE THROUGH Internationalization Knowledge Visibility Thinking "Out of the Box" Development and Quality Increase ADDED VALUE

page 9

Creative Industries Styria

pages 6-8

Back on Track

pages 4-5
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