Annual Report 2021 of Creative Industries Styria

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Annual Report 2021


Contents 3 4 6

Editorial Astoundingly resilient 4

Creative Industries Styria 7




National and international networking Graz as a UNESCO City of Design Design Month Graz 2021

Be inspired: Impulses & Projects 17 22 24 26 30


Member of the Government of Styria responsible for Economics and Innovation

Be visible & be connected: Awareness & Location 11 12 14


The Styrian creative economy before COVID-19

Design Transfer Experience Economy Styrian Products designforum Steiermark Partnerships and cooperation projects

Be informed: Network & Service 33 34 35 36 38 39

Membership Podcast "Gespräche über Design, Kreativität und Business" Creative Voice Creative Night Website & newsletter Press & media work

40 42

City of Design Network and European Creative Business Network Dates 2022

Legal notice



Editorial Just as for many other sectors of the economy struggling with the aftereffects of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2021 has been a challenging year for the Styrian creative sector, too. However, this ongoing situation has also brought prolonged momentum for the implementation of innovative strategies and concepts. Companies have utilized the pandemic to a greater extent and (further) developed offers that were in high demand, especially in the service sector. While creative work is anything but routine in these difficult times, many in the industry have shown impressive professional composure, secure in the knowledge that creativity is a decisive factor for long-term success. While the creative sector has proven exceedingly resilient in 2021, this must not be allowed to gloss over the difficulties caused by the pandemic in some areas (for example events of all kinds).

The (creative) economy and society are currently undergoing a monumental shift, and COVID-19 has exposed its flaws. With massive changes and transformations in the pipeline, it is all the more important to develop and implement strategies that will accompany this shift, capture the energy flows released in the process and incorporate them into meaningful products and services. Creative Industries Styria is accompanying this process with tailor-made offers and services for companies. At the same time, we are intensifying cross-cluster activities in order to ensure that Styria remains a viable business location in the long term, working together with the other Styrian clusters and networking organizations to strengthen its reputation as an innovative and creative role model. Eberhard Schrempf, General Manager Creative Industries Styria

"There is no routine for creative work, especially not during a pandemic. However, the creative economy has a decisive advantage: we know how to use uncertainty and unpredictability to their advantage. It is what makes us resilient, adaptable and successful in the long term." (Eberhard Schrempf, General Manager Creative Industries Styria)



Astoundingly resilient Last year, in 2021, creative industries – and the overall economy in general – suffered greatly from the aftereffects of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, many sectors have also proven to be extremely resilient. Overall, this has even set the creative industries on the upswing.

The creative sector is an extremely heterogeneous field, and the challenges Styrian companies faced in 2021 due to COVID-19 are just as diverse. While the entire event sector was struggling to a significant extent, some other sectors were almost able to boom and increase their value due to their expert knowledge in an entire range of digital skills. All in all, creative industries are proving to be astonishingly resilient. With a range of innovative products and services, they are able to react quickly and flexibly to new circumstances.

There are no current figures for the development of the creative sector after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic for 2021, as Creative Industries Styria only commissions an evaluation of figures by KMU Forschung Austria every 2 years. The most recent figures dating back to October 2020 accordingly relate to the period between 2016 and 2018. They attest to an enormously dynamic and exceedingly positive development in the creative sector: 4,800 creative companies (2016: 4,400) are active in Styria, which corresponds to a share of 9% of all Styrian companies. The more than 17,500 self-employed and employed creative professionals (2016: 16,100) generated a turnover of 2 billion Euros (2016: 1.7 billion). The gross value added at factor costs amounts to almost 1 billion Euros (2016: 0.8 billion Euros).

creative companies active in Styria


(2016: 4,400)


These figures show that the Styrian creative economy has improved dynamically in the period from 2016 to 2018. The number of companies and workers has increased by around 9% each. Sales increased by more than 16% between 2016 and 2018, and gross value added by almost 18%. These high increases are largely due to the software and gaming sector, which accounts for 35% of sales and more than 40% of the added value by creative companies in Styria. The largest sectors are software and gaming, advertising, performing arts, architecture, and books and publishing. Comparatively generated turnover

2 Mrd

small economic sectors include radio and TV as well as the music industry. Most of the companies based in Styria deal with advertising (22%), followed by software and games development (20%). The sectors performing arts and

Astoundingly resilient

Economic sectors of the creative economy: 1. Architecture 2. Book trading & publishing 3. Design 4. Advertising 5. Film industry 6. Music industry 7. Radio & TV 8. Software & gaming 9. Performing arts sector 10. Libraries, museums, botanical gardens and zoos*

creative companies led by women

23 %

architecture each represent 15% of Styrian creative companies. In almost all sectors of the Styrian creative economy, the majority of companies are single member companies. The performing arts sector has by far the highest percentage of single member companies (81%). The film industry (68%) as well as the sectors design (62%), music (59%) and advertising (57%) also have above-average numbers of single member companies. Most architecture firms (52%) employ between 2 and 4 people. Companies with 10 or more employees can be found in the areas of radio & TV (40%) and software and games development (10%). Shortage of Skilled Labor in the Creative Sector Last year, the shortage of skilled workers prevailing in many other industries began to take increasing effect in the creative sector as


well. The outcome of labor shortage, however, is much the same in every sector. The problem for many companies is that while there are sufficient orders, they do not have enough trained employees to process them. This affects companies of all sizes and subject areas, from administrative work and project management to sales and distribution. When it comes to the core competencies of many creative companies, the situation is particularly precarious, as shortages of skilled workers are not only common in interaction design, software development, coding or programming, but also in social media, editorial and content management and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) applications.

increase in sales

16 %

seen a sharp increase in demand for digital services due to lockdowns and working from home. As a consequence, companies see themselves in the paradoxical situation of driving digital transformation while also suffering from the shortage of skilled workers due to a lack of resources.

The situation was only accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, as the creative sector has since

increase of companies and workers

Astoundingly resilient


* (This sector was not included in the presentation of the structural data of the study by KMU Forschung Austria, as only a fraction of institutions belongs to the private sector and therefore data is only available to a limited extent.)

Creative Industries Styria Strengthening the creative economy on the basis of a modern understanding of innovation is the core task of Creative Industries Styria, founded in 2007. CIS focuses on design as well as on the transformative and innovative power of the creative industries.

As a networking organization, Creative Industries Styria acts as a bridge builder and mediator between companies in the traditional economy and creative professionals, with the aim of improving and expanding market efficiency and performance for all involved. The organization creates awareness for the creative sector on a regional and international level and is an essential part of the growth and innovation that drives Styria. Thus, CIS understands creativity as a valuable raw material for intelligent change – after all, the diversity of a vibrant creative economy offers a significant advantage for cross-innovative cooperation within the Styrian cluster landscape. Creative Industries is active in three strategic areas: Awareness & Location, Impulses & Projects, and Networking & Service. CIS is working in two directions: First, towards sensitizing traditional companies to the achievements of the creative economy, and second, towards connecting the creative sector with traditional companies


in the best possible way. Hence, Creative Industries Styria aims to build bridges to the other respective area at two central interfaces. These interfaces can be found between the areas of creation and production on the one hand and between production and distribution on the other. At the first interface – creation and production – Creative Industries Styria accompanies the exchange between the creative and traditional economy. Projects are developed primarily utilizing the innovative and transformative power of the creative industries. They can fully develop their potential by transforming various areas of the traditional economy, specifically those areas which are primary strong points of the Styrian economy, i.e. mobility, health and green tech. As an organization, Creative Industries Styria provides important support to further innovate this area. At the second interface – production and distribution – Creative Industries Styria focuses on the

worldwide marketing of Styrian products. CIS deploys its international network of people, media and locations to actively support companies in sales, using creativity as a competitive advantage that secures a company's unique selling proposition and clearly positions it against the international competition. Successful collaborations between creative industries and traditional economy also serve as best practice examples to promote further networking and to firmly establish the "raw material creativity" in the entire Styrian economy. Work at both interfaces follows the guiding principle: Created in Styria – Produced in Styria – Sold Worldwide. New Formats in the Pandemic The resilience of the creative sector was also reflected in their reactions to the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated trend towards online working. Creative Industries Styria responded to these sudden challenges by launching a series of new formats aimed at networking the creative and traditional indus-

Creative Industries Styria

Innovation and creativity have long held a special status in Styria. Having realized that potential from early on, the course was set for the strategic development of this important industrial branch with the founding of Creative Industries Styria in 2007. Since then, the Styrian creative economy has developed extremely positively, earning itself an excellent international reputation.

tries and highlighting the achievements of its members – especially at a time when flexible, quick “out of the box” thinking and acting is more in demand than ever. Creative Voice was originally conceived as a video format in which individual creative professionals introduced themselves, their work and their companies, providing insights into their everyday life and describing how they dealt with the new situation. The series proved highly successful and the format was therefore continued beyond the original theme. More and more companies created their own video clips and a wide range of topics was covered. Dozens of clips can now be seen on the Creative Industries Styria website. The new podcast by Creative Industries Styria is, in a way, a further development of Creative Voice. The medium podcast, the “radio of the internet”, boomed during lockdown. Creative Industries Styria recognized its potential and began production on the podcast “Gespräche über Design, Kreativität und Business” (Conversations about Design, Creativity and Business). In these entertaining interviews, the who-is-who of the Styrian creative scene talk about their work, about trends and topics in the industry and about challenges and solutions in their respective areas of responsibility. By the end of 2021, six episodes of the podcast were aired and made available on all well-established podcast platforms. Design Transfer Cleverly interconnecting design and corporate culture: That is the goal


of Design Transfer, a three-stage consulting program and flagship project of Creative Industries Styria. Targeted and solution-oriented design is the be-all and end-all for modern companies to shine with innovative concepts and to be able to prevail over the competition in the future. Design Transfer not only connects creative professionals and companies, the integration of design also gives companies significant advantages, allowing them to unlock their full potential, acquire new customer bases and improve their positioning on the market. In close cooperation with company management, Creative Industries Styria develops individual Design Transfer guidelines and specifically filters out which services are needed in order to optimize strategic decision-making and achieve company goals. Design is becoming an important concept that helps to highlight new perspectives on classic design processes and thus to ensure longterm corporate success. Styrian Products Styrian Products focuses on design and products Made in Styria, raising awareness for good, and therefore internationally successful design. The ever-growing collection of products now includes over 100 exhibits from around 60 Styrian manufacturing companies that have mastered the interplay between the creative and traditional economy. These products come from a wide variety of areas such as furniture and fashion, accessories and tableware, industrial machines and solid wood prefabricated houses, consumer goods

Creative Industries Styria

With its concentrated innovative power, the creative sector managed to react quickly to difficulties throughout the COVID-19 pandemic years and to master the crisis well overall. Our entrepreneurs have shown courage, seized opportunities and contributed decisively to the economic upswing that we were able to achieve last year. As a networking organization, CIS has a significant hand in this success, constantly promoting cooperation between creative companies and businesses from other sectors. My special thanks go to General Manager Eberhard Schrempf and his team for their great commitment. Thanks to their achievements, I am convinced that the Styrian creative economy will continue to enhance its formidable position in the future. Barbara Eibinger-Miedl Member of the Government of Styria responsible for Economics and Innovation

and capital goods, both in small and large series productions. With Styrian Products, the design process is realized from the initial idea to the finished product. “Good” design, however, not only adds value to the company itself, but can also lead to international success. Therefore, every product that is included in the collection must be developed and produced in Styria and sold worldwide. Clearly, Styrian Products are the best ambassadors for quality Made in Styria and innovative spirit – for good design and active creativity – regionally, nationally and internationally. The 2021 exhibition was part of the Grazer Herbstmesse fair. Experience Economy Experience Economy has been welcoming visitors for exclusive looks behind the scenes of successful Styrian companies since 2009. Experience tours through the more than 50 participating companies have so far attracted over 3.7 million visitors to explore production halls, workshops and machine rooms. The COVID-19 pandemic, however, has also led to a significant slump in visitor numbers in 2021. Due to the repeated lockdowns, many of the tours could not take place. The companies offering experience tours in the 3rd quarter of the year 2021 did, however, record highly satisfactory visitor numbers - an increase of 10% compared to the previous year. Creative Industries Styria acts as a project manager for Experience Economy, building bridges between creative professionals and busi-

nesses, thereby initiating sustainable cooperation. Their steadily growing network enables cooperation partnerships and synergies for the benefit of everyone involved. In addition, Creative Industries Styria accompanies the project process, from the initial contact on part of the company to the conception and design, continuous quality assurance and advertising of the tours. It is particularly important to ensure high quality of the tours as this is what ultimately creates added value, which is equally relevant for creative industries, for businesses, for the general public and for Styria as a business location. The result is a heightened appreciation of domestic production and respect for the people in the company, but also a strong connection between the creative, the innovative and the traditional economy. Membership Membership of Creative Industries Styria is organized on 3 levels: Free Members are part of the Creative Industries Styria network and are entered into the member directory at no additional cost. They also have access to a wide range of information on events, calls and competitions. Full Members are active members in the network and have access to additional services ranging from free lectures and events to participation in calls and competitions as well as reduced costs for network trips, excursions or conferences. Premium Members are medium and longterm strategic partners of Creative Industries Styria receiving an individually composed premium package consisting of basic and special

services. On December 31, 2021, Creative Industries Styria had 1,398 members, including 1,200 free members, 188 full members (108 individual memberships, 80 company memberships) and 10 premium members. They all benefit from stronger networking with the traditional economy, higher visibility of their services and a high degree of internationalization. Organization of Creative Industries Styria Partners of Creative Industries Styria GmbH include the Steirische Wirtschaftsförderungsges.m.b.H. SFG (Styrian Economic Promotion Agency), the city of Graz and the Chamber of Commerce of Styria. In addition to these partners, funding is provided through grants from the State of Styria (SFG), the city of Graz and membership fees, project partners, project partnerships and sponsors. The shareholders of Creative Industries Styria GmbH hold the following shares: 51 % 39 % 10 %

SFG city of Graz Chamber of Commerce of Styria

The core team of employees consists of 10 people: general manager, assistant to the general manager, office management, controlling, and 6 project managers.

Styrian Products focuses on design and products Made in Styria, raising awareness for good, and therefore internationally successful design.


Creative Industries Styria

Creativity is a key prerequisite for economic success. There may well be plenty of inventiveness around, but it is not always immediately apparent. It is therefore instrumental to focus our support on creativity in order to make it accessible. In that respect, Graz is in a fortunate position: as a university city, as a city of culture, and as a science and business location, Graz has enormous potential to translate creativity into products and solutions for people and society as a whole. As a result, Graz meets all the prerequisites for becoming a “creatope”: a vibrant design and creative scene, a young urban attitude to life and a local economy that is both innovative and effective. It is therefore hardly surprising that almost half of all Styrian creative enterprises have their headquarters in Graz. The city of Graz aims to step up efforts to integrate more creativity in future urban development work. A clear commitment was made to take further action in the last municipal council period, in which shares in Creative Industries were increased from 10 to 39 percent. We are proud that Graz enjoys an excellent international reputation as a UNESCO City of Design and will continue to expand on this position in the future. With their expertise, their global network and role as an effervescent supplier of ideas, Creative Industries Styria is the perfect partner to implement these goals for the benefit of our Styrian state capital. Günter Riegler City Councilor Graz responsible for Economics and Tourism


Creative Industries Styria

Awareness & Location

Only those who are visible exist. In other words: Be visible & be connected! In order to raise awareness for the importance of creative industries for Styria and the location in its entirety, the state government has formulated these tasks in line with the strategy for the Austrian creative economy. Creative Industries Styria has made a priority of implementing and making these effective throughout Styria.


As a missing link between the initial idea and the marketing of a finished product or service, design plays an important role in the creative process. The aim of Creative Industries Styria is to make this task visible, to raise public awareness for the achievements of creative industries and to expand their role in Styria. Ultimately, creative

industries should be positioned more strongly in the overall context of the Styrian economy. CIS aims to act as an intermediary between traditional and creative industries. This will result in new synergies between key players that drive innovation processes and produce new products and services – often for new target groups and markets.

Editorial Awareness & Location

Awareness & Location

National and international networking

In order to raise awareness for the importance of creative industries for Styria and the location in its entirety, the state government has formulated these tasks in line with the strategy for the Austrian creative economy. Creative Industries Styria has made a priority of implementing and making these effective throughout Styria. As a missing link between the initial idea and the marketing of a finished product or service, design plays an important role in the creative process. The aim of Creative Industries Styria is to make this task visible, to raise public awareness for the achievements of creative industries and to expand their role in Styria. Ultimately, creative industries should be positioned more strongly in the overall context of the Styrian economy. CIS aims to act as an intermediary between traditional and creative industries. This will result in new synergies


between key players that drive innovation processes and produce new products and services – often for new target groups and markets. There was also an intensive exchange and a number of collaborations at national level, for example with designaustria, the Holzcluster Steiermark or the designforum Tirol. At national level, discussions were held with a broad range of partners, including Design Forums Austria (Vorarlberg, Vienna, Tyrol), KAT – Kreativwirtschaft Austria, Creative Austria, Design Austria, Vienna Design Week, MAK and Creative Region Upper Austria. Eberhard Schrempf is an expert on the Kreativwirtschaftsbeirat (Creative Industries Advisory Board). The digital creative industry forums of the KAT and the virtual exchange within Austria were also enhanced and intensified.

Awareness & Location

Graz as a UNESCO City of Design

Graz is a UNESCO City of Design and part of a global network that links the global creative scene. Last year, the capital of the State of Styria celebrated its 10th anniversary as a UNESCO City of Design. Since becoming a UNESCO City of Design, Graz has increasingly participated in numerous events, conferences, calls and competitions, establishing itself as a popular design hotspot. At the same time, membership in the UNESCO City of Design network facilitated knowledge transfer with other UNESCO Creative Cities and opened up new markets. Creative Industries Styria is responsible for networking and subsequently communicating invitations to participate in calls and competitions from the UNESCO Cities of Design and other UNESCO Creative Cities. Cooperation has increased as a result. Creative Industries Styria’s tasks include content


management for the joint website of UNESCO Cities of Design, designcities. net, and creation of a monitoring report for Graz as a UNESCO City of Design. For the period from 2016 to 2020, the monitoring report was compiled in cooperation with the City of Design Coordination Office of the city of Graz. One of the transnational projects of the UNESCO Cities of Design is “Auto Fiction – Mobility of the Future”. As one of the Cities of Design with a thriving automotive industry, Graz was represented with numerous contributions. In 2021, 49 new cities were added to the UNESCO Creative Cities Network. The network has grown to include 295 cities, 43 of which are UNESCO Cities of Design – the newest members here being Covilhã in Portugal, Doha in Qatar and Whanganui in New Zealand.

Awareness & Location

Conferences and meetings On behalf of Graz, Creative Industries Styria leads the Design & Business working group together with Kortrijk. On April 29, a Working Group Session took place online. From October 12 to 14, 2021, a Subnetwork Meeting under the motto “Re:imagine, Re:new, Re:generate” was held online, organized by Geelong. On July 6 and 7, 2021, a UNESCO Creative Cities Meeting titled “Creative Cities responses to COVID-19” took place online as an alternative to the planned Annual Meeting in Santos. Furthermore, a Virtual Design Day for the Cities of Design was held on July 8, 2021. Auto Fiction – Mobility of the Future The project “Auto Fiction – Mobility of the Future” showcases collective knowhow of leading automotive cities in the UNESCO Cities of Design network. Saint-Étienne has been at the helm of the project since 2020. Graz was


represented with several projects: the cooperation project “One for all” by moodley industrial design and Siemens; “WoodC.A.R”, a cooperation of the Innovationszentrum W.E.I.Z. with industrial companies, research institutions and the Holzcluster Steiermark as well as the degree program Industrial Design of FH JOANNEUM. Besides Graz, other partner cities in this project are Detroit, Kortrijk, Puebla and Turin. Results and projects from the individual cities were shown in the traveling exhibition “Around Autofiction”, which was on display in the Cité du Design in 2021. The show was also presented in the French Pavilion at the EXPO Dubai. Several workshops took place in the course of the project, including an online meeting by SaintÉtienne and a physical one in Kortrijk, in which Graz creative professionals also participated.

Awareness & Location

Design Month Graz 2021

The annual Design Month Graz, organized by Creative Industries Styria, provides a stage for the versatile range of services of the creative sector. Cancelled in 2020 due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Design Month Graz 2021 was able to return this year with the program focus “Better Future”. On May 7, 2021, the opening of the Design Month Graz was streamed online from the “Fantastic Plastic” exhibition. It was the first major festival in Graz after many months plagued with lockdowns,


cancellations, postponements and closures. The program focus of the Design Month Graz 2021, “Better Future”, explored the question of what designers can contribute to creating a better future. Better Future was the common thread running through the numerous formats that Design Month Graz brought to the stage, from exhibitions and small events to lectures. The “Fantastic Plastic” exhibition, a cooperation with the Moscow Design Museum, presented products from international design labels that used

Awareness & Location

plastic as a raw material. “SUREAL. Sustainable Responsive Art Lab” explored the sustainable design of the Merkur Campus in the designforum Steiermark. Thus, as part of the Design Month Graz 2021, experts asked what design can do, and more specifically, what designers could contribute to tackling the great challenges of our time. Answers were provided by “Redesign the Future”, an online symposium including three panels with international experts. Numerous other events, happenings and exhibitions rounded off the program, such as the Design Battle, the exhibition


“4th Block”, the Climate Culture Pavilion on Freiheitsplatz or the Material Loops exhibition at Haus der Architektur. Ninety partners were involved in the program, making the topic of design accessible to a broader public with lectures, workshops, exhibitions and conferences. Design Month Graz 2021 appeared in 200 media reports in print, TV, radio and online.

Impulses & Projects

Innovation needs inspiration. In other words: Be inspired! Networking and creating synergies: The core task of Creative Industries Styria is to connect the creative with the traditional economy. This results in new and innovative products from a wide variety of industries. The transformative power of creative work is firmly rooted in the “Austrian Creative Economy Strategy” of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs as one of its key points. And there is a good reason for that: Creative industries provide strong impulses to the traditional economy and thus ensure innovation and progress. Creative


Industries Styria has made it their business to enhance these impulses and connect the right players. The numerous B2B projects make these impulses clearly visible. In that respect, Design Transfer is a flagship project. It offers companies a road map showing how design can open up new perspectives in business and how concrete products and services emerge. The results are not simply marketable products, but rather an enhancement of the business location Styria as a whole, a strengthening of Graz's image as a UNESCO City of Design and secure jobs.

Editorial Impulses & Projects




Impulses & Projects

Design Transfer

Design Transfer is one of the flagship projects of Creative Industries Styria, bridging the gap between creative professionals and modern companies of the traditional economy. In 2021 once again, their mediation activities and consultations were in high demand. The primary objective of Design Transfer is to increase companies’ awareness for design as well as the value and the strategic importance of design, in order to achieve corporate goals effectively and sustainably. Design’s sole end is not to provide superficial beautification, but as a force of innovation, to rather create overarching perspectives on both classic design processes and strategic decision-making to ensure the long-term success of a company. Design Transfer by Creative Industries Styria follows a three-stage consulting model that identifies essential services for individual companies as part of a Design Transfer road map. The CIS Design Support, stage 1, represents the initial consultation with the company. During the Design


Check, the current status in terms of design is examined, with strategy workshops using methods such as “design thinking” to evaluate creative potential. In the second stage, the company then looks for suitable designers with the CIS Design Connect together with Creative Industries Styria, sending out calls and holding competitions to create real products and services. Creative Industries Styria’s network plays an important role in this. Finally, the results are presented during stage 3, CIS Design Display. Austrian Design Talks at Schloss Hollenegg The Austrian Design Talks at Schloss Hollenegg took place on July 7 and 8, 2021. Every year, this event showcases how successful cooperation between design and business works. Within the framework of 10 Talks, teams from the creative and traditional economy were asked to share their experience. The exchange between designers and entrepreneurs provides valuable insight into a variety of ideas, innovations and

1+3 Corporate Furniture for Raiffeisenlandesbank RLB: Designs by Raimund Gamerith and Georg Mähring 2 Austrian Design Talks at Schloss Hollenegg 4+5 Parklet design by FIPE architects 6 Parklet prototype by BRAUCHST






Impulses & Projects

personal success stories, thus underlining the added value of design. Talks covered everything from robotics in carpentry, smart outdoor furniture made of aluminum to innovative drinking water production.


In cooperation with the baby accessories brand MAM, Inge Wurzinger (wurzinger design) presented ecological, well thought-out products that also incorporate socially relevant topics. Erwin K. Bauer (buero bauer) and Dieter Hardt-Streymayr (Graz Tourismus) presented their guide system for the city of Graz. The team of Andreas Voit (holz. architekten) and Reinhard Hansmann (Reinholz) presented a timber construction system, which was designed to impress without using any glue or other artificial building materials. This system could be manufactured with the help of modern robotics and smart digitization to fit into an ecological house construction system. Florian Lambl (TYP) and his creative partner Klemens Schillinger presented the TUBE CHAIR, a piece of outdoor seating furniture that not only 1,2+3 Austrian Design Talks at Schloss Hollenegg


fits the design label TYP’s motto of a “democratization of design”, but also impresses with its robust simplicity. In an interview, collaborators Nina Mair (Nina Mair Architecture + Design) and Andreas Wolsegger (Tischlerei Forcher) showed what wood is capable of: Based on an order for a bathtub made of solid wood, they presented a variety of projects that had garnered international recognition. In a cooperation between Katharina Heil (Vitavo) and Julia Fandler (Ölmühle Fandler), the cleaning processes required in the production of an oil mill became a source of inspiration for VITAVO JOYSTICK. The VITAVO JOYSTICK allows for easy and playful navigation through company processes. Florian Nimmervoll (DO:IT Solutions GmbH) and Manfred Ledermüller (neoom group) presented the PHANTOR: A mobile water generator that uses state-of-the-art technology to extract up to 10,000 liters of drinking water from the air. UNOY – a project by Syrous Abtine (Parkside) and Alexander Skribe (UNOY) – is a module-based online platform that provides



Impulses & Projects

digitized expertise. This can even be done without any prior programming knowledge, since the platform was developed as "No Code". Nik Pelzl (studio novo) and Martin Leitner (HALE electronics) presented a comprehensive design for the taxicab industry. Lisa Haller (moodley brand identity) and Anna Maria Cavini (kokon) presented “kokon”, a rehabilitation clinic for children and young people at two locations. In cooperation with the economic and medical management of the project, moodley brand identity designed a holistic brand concept for the facilities.


Eisenerz Souvenir! In a two-stage design competition, eisenerZ*ART and Creative Industries Styria asked designers to submit their ideas for contemporary and sustainable souvenirs for the old mining region. From 36 submissions, 7 projects were selected by a jury for the second competition round. Jakob Glasner impressed with his concept “Gold – Silber – Eisen” (Gold – Silver – Iron) in the final presentation round, which was then implement3+4 Eisenerz Souvenir: Gold Silver Iron by Jakob Glasner 5+6 A Bunch of Holes by Martin Mostböck for H+S Zauntechnik


ed in three different versions. H+S-Designer of the Year Martin Mostböck Fence manufacturing meets furniture design: Martin Mostböck and his work stood at the center of design activities at H+S Zauntechnik in 2021. This fruitful cooperation between the designer and his Raaba-based client has resulted in a new form of collaboration that made Mostböck “H+S Designer of the Year” without further ado. The designer immersed himself in the world of H+S Zauntechnik for a year in order to increase their design potential and create fresh product ideas. The result is “A Bunch of Holes,” an expressive, weatherproof and colorful outdoor ensemble. The company already had experience with steel trellis furniture, having created a number of successful furniture designs in recent years, some in cooperation with Martin Mostböck.






Impulses & Projects


Parklets Lingering without having to purchase something, even in the center Graz: This idea was realized with four appealing parklets made of Accoya timber, each the size of a car parking space. The idea behind the project was to create space for people. The Design Month Graz 2021 offered the ideal framework for the implementation of these relaxation oases in the middle of the city. Eight design and architecture firms were invited to the competition: epps Architekten, BRAUCHST, FIPE Architects, HoG Architektur, Studio WG3, KUESS Architektur, AVA – Andrea Vattovani Architecture, and architect Reinhold Tinchon. The jury then selected four of the proposed designs – those by BRAUCHST, FIPE Architects, Studio WG3, and architect Reinhold Tinchon – to be realized as a prototype. The mobile parklets were implemented in cooperation with companies from the Holzcluster Steiermark. The Accoya timber was sponsored by cooperation partner Hechenblaickner. Landscape – new Corporate Furniture for Raiffeisen City Regionalism, innovation and the values of the Raiffeisen Landesbank bank were in the focus of a new seating area in the Graz Raiffeisen City. On behalf of the Raiffeisen Landesbank, ProHolz Steiermark planned a design competition for a modern seating ensemble in the Raiffeisen City. Creative Industries

Styria was responsible for project management and execution of the project. Three designers submitted concepts: Georg Mähring, Raimund Gamerith and Johannes Scherr. The “Landscape” seating ensemble by Johannes Scherr impressed with its modern design, ultimately emerging as the winner of the competition. The winning project was implemented and installed in the new Raiffeisen City. Hartberg economic region The Hartberg economic region, consisting of 5 municipalities, was looking for a visual sign to draw attention to the business location and promote future business settlements. Based on an onsite briefing, the creative professionals at RNPD – Raunigg & Partner Development (Graz), Nofrontiere Design (Vienna) and Brainsworld 360° Agency (Leoben) developed ideas and designs to meet this goal. However, none of the concepts were commissioned by the client. UX-Initiative Cross Cluster Usability and user experience – UX for short – are at the core of a collaboration between Creative Industries Styria and the Styrian Styria, Holzcluster Steiermark and Silicon Alps clusters. The highly multifaceted subject is taken up with “Usa-what?”, a new cross-cluster event series. After all, user-friendliness and applicability of products and services are immensely

1+6 Parklet prototype by Architekt Reinhold Tinchon & AI-D Architektur with Fritz Friedrich. Gut Holz. 2 Parklet prototype by Studio WG3 together with carpentry workshop B. Kumpusch Tischlerei and materials sponsored by Hechenblaickner 3 Hartberg economic region: Visual concept by RNDP 4 Parklet prototype by BRAUCHST 5 “Landscape” – Corporate Furniture for Raiffeisenlandesbank RLB by Johannes Scherr Design





Impulses & Projects

important for customer satisfaction. The matchmaking series developed in 2021 gives usability studios the opportunity of introducing themselves to future partners or companies. At the same time, companies have the chance to approach creative professionals with problems and questions during the online forum and ask for their professional opinions. The cooperation started with the event “User & User Experience”, followed by other match-making events dedicated to different topics, for example “How to start with UX?”, “Usability meets Medical Business?”, “Simplicity meets Business Industry?” and “Service Design meets Business?”. Award of the State of Styria for Most Family-Friendly Businesses Every two years, the State of Styria awards a prize for the most family-friendly businesses in Styria in 5 categories: small businesses, medium-sized businesses, large businesses, non-profit organizations and companies/institutions subject to public law. The winning enterprises in each category receive extensive media attention. They are also entitled to take part in the Austrian State Prize “Family and Career”, which is awarded by the Federal Minister for Women, Family, Youth and Integration.


The prize is under the patronage of Barbara Eibinger-Miedl, member of the Gov7,8+10 Design Battle 2021 9 Award of the State of Styria for Most Family-Friendly Businesses



ernment of Styria responsible for Economic Affairs. In 2021, a fresh, colorful communication concept required for the prize primarily focusing on online channels was developed by RNPD – Raunigg and Partners. Creative Industries Styria was responsible for implementation and organization. Design Battle Four teams, one challenge, 24 hours: Like in previous years, the Design Battle 2021 was all about experiencing, applying and evaluating design. In the light of the COVID-19 pandemic, adaptations to the event had to be made – no visitors on site for example – but that did not put a damper on the creativity and enthusiasm on display. A film team from OchoReSotto accompanied the creative work of the invited designers – BB Coyle (Kastner & Öhler) and Erwin Bauer (buero bauer), Karin Heschl-Polzhofer (VITAVO) and Philipp Raunigg (RNPD), Anne Marie Schullin-Legenstein (Schullin) and Adam Wehsely-Swiczinsky (AWS Designteam), and Io Tondolo and Itshe Petz (SelfSightSeeing Company) – who developed innovative concepts for the task in cooperation with carpenters from Tischlerei Prödl. This year’s challenge was to design two trestles. The project “Butterfly” by Karin Heschl-Polzhofer, Philipp Raunigg and carpenter Thomas was chosen as the winning project.


Impulses & Projects

Experience Economy

2021 marked the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic and thus the number of visitors remained at a low level. However, the year did see one new opening: Neuroth moved to Lebring, completely reworking its experience tour in the process. Experience Economy provides in-depth, exciting insights into top Styrian companies, and raises awareness for regional added value, innovation and jobs – also in so-called “system-relevant” essential sectors. The tours are subject to high quality standards and are audited


regularly as to whether they meet these requirements. Within the project, Creative Industries Styria acts as a contact and service point for the companies. Since hardly any tours were able to take place, awareness-raising efforts shifted online. Clips for use on social media platforms were designed to spotlight Styrian companies and bring their services to the fore. A total of 180,000 people visited the experience tours in 2021 – a satisfactory turnout with an increase of 10% compared to the previous year.



Impulses & Projects

Styrian Products

Between September 30 and October 4, 2021, the Styrian Products exhibition moved into the “design district” of the Grazer Herbstmesse fair. Sixty products from 39 companies were presented on 200 square meters – the entire collection includes over 100 products from 60 companies. The Styrian Products program raises awareness for good design and the economic added value that goes with it, also showing how the interplay between the creative and the traditional economy influences global success. Design Made in Styria enjoys an excellent reputation far beyond the region’s borders. While the individual products are often well-known – this does not apply to the accomplishments of the domestic creative economy that lead to its creation. These bestsellers, trendsetters and market leaders were developed, designed and produced in Styria and are brought to the fore by Styrian Products


– online and offline. Under the motto “Created in Styria – Produced in Styria – Sold Worldwide”, the associated annual exhibition showcases a selection from the collection. These top-selling success items come from a variety of industries, from fashion and accessories to handicrafts, industrial products and packaging design. Some set new standards in innovation, while others successfully occupy unexpected niches. What they have in common is a strong focus on design. All sample products are accompanied by sketches and models. In this way, the entire development process can be traced from the original idea to the finished product. This creates awareness for the added value of design in product development, as a driver for innovation and as a guarantee for economic success. Styrian Products are presented and promoted on social media throughout the year.


Impulses & Projects

design­forum Steiermark

The Designer Next to You

Students of design degree programs at FH JOANNEUM take center stage: The exhibition “The Designer Next To You” opened online on March 11, 2021, highlighting the creative range of young up-and-coming designers. The event doubled as a fitting occasion to celebrate young designers with a variety of awards while also celebrating the 10th anniversary of the UNESCO City of Design.

The designforum Steiermark provides regional and international designers and design institutions with a platform and exhibition location to make the meaning of design accessible to a broader public. The premises of the designforum Steiermark can also be used for presentations.


The awarded design prizes included the renowned Red Dot Awards, European Design Awards and ADC Junior Awards. The student designers impressed with nationally and internationally awarded works and fresh new perspectives. The variety of working methods, inspirations and award-winning works from the degree programs Information Design (bachelor’s degree), Exhibition Design, Communication Design, Interaction Design, Media Design, Sound Design (all master’s degrees) were on display at designforum Steiermark until April 11, 2021.

Impulses & Projects

Taste the SUREAL – Ortwein Sustainable Responsive Art Lab by SelfSightSeeing Company

The exhibition “SUREAL – Sustainable Responsive Art Lab by SelfSightSeeing Company” opened as part of the Design Month Graz in the designforum Steiermark. From May 8 to 25, design duo Itshe Petz and Io Tondolo presented their concept for the new Merkur Campus. Selected design examples gave visitors an insight into art and business collaborations. Sustainability as well as networked thinking between business, art, architecture and people were in the focus of the designs.


Professional expertise meets design individuality: From June 5 to 19, 2021, selected final projects of students in their final year at the HTBLVA Graz Ortweinschule were on display for the exhibition “Taste the Ortwein”. Works from eight different departments were exhibited: Sculpture – Object Design – Restoration, Film and Multimedia Art, Photography and Multimedia Art, Graphic and Communication Design, Interior Architecture – Room and Object Design, Ceramic Art Craft, Product Design – Presentation, and Jewelry – Metal Design.

Impulses & Projects


Industrial Design Show

We Illustration

On July 2, 2021, designforum Steiermark opened its doors for the FH JOANNEUM Industrial Design Show. An impressive collection of creative impressions and works by students of the bachelor's and master's degree program Industrial Design awaited interested visitors. The exhibition included a variety of projects and cooperation works with international partner companies. The bachelor's degree program Industrial Design was represented by “Die unsichtbare Küche” (The Invisible Kitchen), “Die innovative Bankstelle der Zukunft” (The Innovative Bank Office of the Future), and “Construction Machinery – Worksite of the Future” along with bachelor’s theses. Submissions by students of the master's degree program Industrial Design ranged from “Autonomes Fahren 2030” (Autonomous Driving 2030), “Pininfarina 90+1 Design Contest”, “Mobilität und Sicherheit” (Mobility and Safety) and “Nachhaltiges Design von Alkoholmessgeräten und Services” (Sustainable Design of Alcohol Measuring Devices and Services) to “Armprothetik – Zwischen Werkzeug und Mensch” (Arm Prosthetics – Between Tool and Man).

From September 18 to October 16, 2021, the exhibition “WE ILLUSTRATION”, curated by Jacqueline Kaulfersch on behalf of Creative Industries Styria, provided insights into the world of illustration. The exhibition aimed to highlight the potential and diversity of the discipline in as broad a spectrum as possible. A call was issued to illustrators with a connection to Styria, resulting in 84 submissions, 54 of which were presented in the exhibition. In the exhibition, illustration is used in a variety of contexts: in editorial design (newspapers, magazines, etc.), children's books, packaging, comics, animation, information graphics, wall design, technical illustration and fashion. In 2022, Creative Industries’ homepage will include a dedicated platform to make illustrators permanently visible.

Impulses & Projects

Wurzinger Design for MAM baby items

The exhibition “Wurzinger Design für MAM Babyartikel” opened from October 28 to November 20, 2021. Impressions of the comprehensive portfolio by designer Inge Wurzinger took center stage. The exhibition provided insights into sketchbooks or complex design development processes in relation to the color and motif design of baby products.


Showcase 2021

From December 16 to 23, 2021, the exhibition “Showcase” presented the results of 12 partnerships between companies and designers. The exhibited projects included Eisenerz forever!, A Bunch of Holes, parklets for Graz along with their prototypes, innovative timber construction in Mautern, age-appropriate benches for ERfA, Design Battle 2021, the Landscape seating ensemble for the Raiffeisen City, LANDMARK for the economic region of Hartberg, the design concept for the Year of Sports 2021 – Let's go Graz!, the wall design “Great Wall” on behalf of the State of Styria and the A12 Department of Economics and Tourism, “Vision Gewerbezentrum Leoben” and innovation, and the Award of the State of Styria for Most Family-Friendly Businesses.

Impulses & Projects

Partnerships and cooperation projects Both nationally and internationally, Creative Industries Styria is an active partner of cooperation projects, thus generating synergies and impulses that are of crucial importance for the economy in Styria and throughout Austria. In 2020, virtual networking came more into focus – a trend that continued in 2021. National and international networking is of incredible importance for the creative economy. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, networking largely shifted to virtual space, which resulted in new solutions and innovative ideas. Cooperation and exchange between networking clusters increased significantly in Styria, as the Holzcluster Steiermark, Human. technology Styria, the Green Tech Cluster, the ACstyria Mobilitätscluster, the Silicon Alps Cluster and the ICS – Internationalisierungscenter Steiermark continued an intensive exchange both online and offline. Cross-Cluster Cooperation Since 2020, cooperation activities between Styrian cluster and network organizations have intensified in order to make new suggestions for use across


industries and to leverage yet untapped potential. This trend continued in 2021, albeit with a focus-shift towards online formats. Among other things, CIS nominated enterprises from the network for the “Green Tech Valley” platform. The project “Redesign the Future” also took place virtually: FH JOANNEUM and Creative Industries Styria organized the online symposium in cooperation with the Green Tech Cluster for the Design Month Graz. In three panels, international speakers presented solutions and best practice examples for the largescale project of the future. The event took place in cooperation with Holzcluster Steiermark. Creative Industries Styria was also a partner in a series of cross-cluster webinars. The Green Tech Cluster, Styria and the ICS – Internationalisierungscenter Steiermark led the individual sessions, with topics ranging from working from home and post-Brexit Great Britain to 100 days of Joe Biden and the Green Deal. The hybrid event WouldTalk@Weitzer Parkett took place in cooperation with the Holzcluster Steiermark on June 1, 2021.

Impulses & Projects

New Edge Furniture New Edge Furniture is a platform that simplifies the global sales process for design products made of timber. Designers upload their plans and manufacturers in the vicinity of the buyer can then produce the products according to plan using CNC machines. This process allows for more customization and shorter shipping routes.On December 6, 2021, the designer Ronen Kadushin presented the platform via Zoom to all interested parties, explaining to creative professionals how to use the platform. Global Innovation Summit 2021 Under the motto of “Exploring new perspectives!,” the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), the Steirische Wirtschaftsförderungsges.m.b.H. SFG (Styrian Economic Promotion Agency) and the international research promotion network Eureka hosted a major event from May 18 to 20, 2021, in Graz as part of the Austrian Chairmanship of Eureka. Around 3,500 participants from 89 countries followed international keynotes and discussions on the three focus topics “Green Transition”, “Digital Transformation” and “Post-Covid Developments”. Subsequent multilateral workshops promoted the substantive examination of both global trends and regional priorities of Styria from an international perspective. Creative Industries Styria nominated Daniel Huber from moodley Industrial Design as expert in the “Mobility of the Future” session.


World Usability Congress 2021 The 9th edition of this international conference on usability and user experience, the largest of its kind in Europe, took place on October 13 and 14, 2021, in Graz and featured talks by top international UX & CX experts. The World Usability Congress is organized by youspi Consulting. C hoch 3 – creative economy coaching Creative Industries Styria organizes a coaching for creative professionals in cooperation with the City of Graz Department for Economic and Tourism Development and Kreativwirtschaft Austria. For many years, this coaching has aimed to facilitate exchange between creative professionals and to foster their economic empowerment through new collaborations and fresh know-how for the respective company. C hoch 3 offered 22 creative professionals in Styria the opportunity to learn from each other and to stay up to date in the future. The program took place online in 2021. WouldTalk @ Weitzer WOOD World “Designing the Future with Wood” – At this online event, experts discussed the topics of wood, innovation, design and the future. The WouldTalk also discussed wood as a game changer and its possibilities for the future. The event took place in cooperation with Holzcluster Steiermark, Creative Industries Styria, Weitzer Parkett and the Innovationszentrum W.E.I.Z.

Network & Service

Information takes the lead. In other words: Be informed! Innovation can only ever flourish if the seeds of the creative scene fall on fertile ground in the traditional economy. Creative Industries Styria considers promoting such synergies through events and projects as its core task. The numerous events and projects of Creative Industries Styria provide the right place and time for the right people to meet. To do this, Creative Industries Styria bundles information together to make complex networking possible and to target individual actors in order to empower transformation forces


in the sector, to make them more effective and to drive innovations. In 2020, many service processes had to be changed and shifted to the virtual world. New formats for events and projects were launched, such as the “Shop Local” section on the CIS's own website, which is intended to promote local value creation. In 2020 in particular, “Christmas Shopping” also increasingly took place online and Creative Industries Styria and its website now provides strong support for this change in trends. Tools can be used to obtain data from past events and projects and to derive

trend analyses based on them, which in turn provide impulses for new developments. This way, the potential from the environment of the creative economy is augmented and the business location Styria is ultimately strengthened.

Editorial Network & Service

Network & Service


Networking, information and services for Styrian creative industries, staggered and individually tailored: The membership program of Creative Industries Styria offers a suitable package for every company. The tiered membership model of Creative Industries Styria, consisting of free members, full members and premium members, offers services for creative companies that are tailored to the size of the company and the needs of individual creative professionals. These offers include an electronic newsletter, invitations to events, information on calls and competitions, and participation in Creative Industries Styria initiatives that take place both online and offline. In 2021, Creative Industries Styria once again intensified its focus on consult-


ing services. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and its economic impact remained a critical issue to consult on in 2021. To support its members, Creative Industries Styria provided valuable information about aid measures, subsidies and support allowances – bundled and clearly structured. The video interview format Creative Voice, which gives creative companies a platform to speak on their current situation, was expanded and a separate podcast was set up, while “Shop Local Buy Local” focuses on regional buying behavior and creates awareness of value chains, especially in times of crisis. On July 9, 2021, the Full Members and Premium Members were invited to the Member Networking Event in the Garden of Wonders of the newly designed GrazMuseum Schlossberg.

Network & Service

Podcasts “Talks about design, creativity and business”

In a further evolution of Creative Voice, Creative Industries Styria developed its new podcast “Gespräche über Design, Kreativität und Business” (Conversations on Design, Creativity and Business), bringing current topics from all areas of the creative industries to the forefront. The first season of the podcast is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts and Deezer, and deals primarily with the question of what design can do for a better future. In 2021, six episodes went online, four of which as a sub-series on


“BETTER FUTURE”. In it, the SelfSightSeeing Company artists Io Tondolo and Itshe Petz, Sandra Biondi and Theresa Steiner of the exhibition “Fantastic Plastic”, Lisa Maria Enzenhofer from the Breathe Earth Collective, and Patrick Haas from EN GARDE talk about what designers can contribute to creating a better future. In the fifth episode, Aglaée Degros elaborates on the challenges of future urban planning. The sixth episode features talks by Karl Stocker on social design as well as Wolfgang Skerget and Gernot Pichler on the parklets for the UNESCO City of Design Graz.

Katharina Heil / VITAVO

Erhard Pretterhofer / Waldpark Hochreiter

DI Guido Strohecker

Network & Service

Creative Voice The online interview format Creative Voice was launched at a time when Skype, Zoom and MSTeams were dominating interpersonal communication and our social and working life had shifted to the virtual space.

Patrick Haas

It evolved into a separate series of video portraits. In these portraits, Creative Industries Styria interviews entrepreneurs and representatives from various creative enterprises on current topics in the creative industries. Naturally, the early episodes mostly discussed COVID-19-related restrictions and the implications, changes, risks and opportunities that resulted for creative companies. The people, industries, topics and ideas introduced paint a colorful panorama of the Styrian creative landscape. In 2021, five new Creative Voices were added. Erika Thümmel, exhibition designer, conservator and lecturer at FH JOANNEUM, spoke about communicating spaces from exhibitions to shops to palaces, explaining why interior design is important for our perception and memories especially in the age of digitization, and presenting her new book “Die Sprache der Räume” (The Language of Spaces). Michael Ksela, CEO of SCOOP & SPOON, provided insights into the cross-location working methods of the

Andreas Goritschnig & Karlheinz Boiger / Breathe Earth Collective

marketing agency. He talked about the effects of Brexit on their London office, why Pristina is a top location for the industry and the advantages of having an international team. In his Creative Voice, Guido Strohecker, CEO of Strohecker Architekten, focused on sustainability in architecture. He explained how his office, Strohecker Architekten, implemented sustainability in projects such as VillaVOON and introduced listeners to the architects4climate platform. Katharina Heil, Managing Director of VITAVO, presented the new application “Miss Maggie” and showed how it can be used to support companies at the interface of production, marketing and management. She also gave an insight into the platform behind the app and explained how it reflects VITAVO's corporate culture. Designer and architect Martin Mostböck spoke about the outdoor seating ensemble “A Bunch of Holes,” the result of a fruitful cooperation with the regional fence manufacturer H+S Zauntechnik. In this project, the name says it all. The holes in question are the reason for the piece’s lightweight character and its special appearance.

Michael Ksela

A Bunch of Holes – Martin Mostböck / H+S Zauntechnik

Erika Thümmel

Network & Service

Creative Night Graz & Creative Week Austria

“WE ARE OPEN!” – under this slogan, Graz creative professionals invited all interested parties into their agencies and studios on September 17, 2021. The Creative Night Graz offered visitors an insight into the working world in the creative sector across a variety of creative industries. The companies opened their doors and allowed people to peek into their studios and agencies, answering questions from interested parties. Guided tours took visitors to the creative studios of their choice on foot, by bike or by shuttle bus.


Creative Night Graz also marked the start of the Creative Week Austria, which took place from September 17 to 24, 2021. Creative Week Austria was an initiative of Creative Industries Styria in cooperation with Creative Region Linz & Upper Austria. The event week aimed to introduce the public to a broad spectrum of creative industries and to increase the visibility of the design scene. In this first year, designaustria also took part in the program along with designforum Wien and CampusVäre in Dornbirn.


Network & Service

Website & newsletter

The online presence of Creative Industries Styria is literally the first address for the Styrian creative scene when it comes to networking – both digitally and analogously. In 2020, the importance of a digital networking increased sharply. This trend continued in 2021 – and Creative Industries Styria continued to take this into account. Online, Creative Industries Styria acts as a digital information hub, where the creative scene and companies can connect. At the core of this is the website, which was upgraded with a new database system. In addition to the domain, Creative Industries Styria also operates a number of other websites, including,, and


You will not only find leading projects such as the Design Month Graz, Experience Economy, Styrian Products or individual exhibitions in the designforum Steiermark on the website, but also a gallery of member profiles: On the page, members of Creative Industries Styria are represented with a profile, ensuring visibility as well as a strong online presence for Styrian creative industries. A calendar including an event preview rounds off the digital space. In addition, Creative Industries Styria sends out a newsletter once or twice a week that reaches around 2,400 subscribers. In 2021, 68 newsletters with 491 articles were mailed. National and international calls for proposals – valuable information for all creative companies – are a core component of the regular mailings. In total, 91 invitations to participate in calls and competitions were issued.


anz so leicht fällt es derzeit nicht, sich mit der Gegenwart zu versöhnen, in ihr zu arbeiten und zu leben, sie zu bewohnen und zu genießen. Beziehungsstatus: schwierig. Es herrscht ein viele und vieles überforderndes Übermaß an Abstand und Beschränkung, Vereinzel(l)ung und Handlungsfixierung auf das Jetzt. Das Morgen? Später bitte! Das routinierte Verschieben und Vertrösten wird zur Nährlosung für eine diffuse, aber am Ende überquellende Sehnsucht nach einer besseren Zukunft. Aber wie soll und kann die genau aussehen? Der diesjährige Designmonat Graz will Antworten liefern. Ab 8. Mai nähert man sich dem Generalthema „Better Future“ mit gewohnt unkonventionellen Zugängen. Der Gestaltungsraum öffnet sich damit zu einem bunten Universum – alles in coronatauglichen Formen und Formaten. Heißt: Ausstellungen werden – so möglich – im öffentlichen Raum stattfinden, das traditionelle Designmonat-Symposium zum Motto „Redesign the Future“ dagegen in einen virtuellen Rahmen übersiedeln. Geprägt wird dieses Update der Gegenwart unter anderem von einer Auseinandersetzung mit dem vor – und wohl Network & Service auch nach – Corona prägenden und ebenfalls globalen Thema Klimaschutz und Nachhaltigkeit. Und das auf Basis von Vorhandenem. Plastik beispielsweise. Oder Beton. So verhandelt die Ausstellung „Fantastic Plastic“ zwischen 8. Mai und 6. Juni (Herrengasse 26) unseren Umgang mit Konsum, Klimaschutz und Abfall. Am Beispiel von vielfältigen Designprodukten will die in Zusammenarbeit des Moscow Design Museum und der Creative Industries Styria entstandene Werkschau Bewusstsein für den (Recycling-) Wert des Rohstoffs Plastik schaffen. Um Wiederverwertung geht es auch in der Ausstellung „Materialkreisläufe“, die bis 4. Juli im Grazer Haus der Architektur (HDA) zu sehen ist. Auch hier geht es um das Ende eines Produktlebens als Rohstoff für Neues, es geht um Umnutzungen und Systemkreisläufe vor dem Wissen um die Endlichkeit von Material- und Energieressourcen. Auch hier dienen aktuelle Phänomene wie Klimawandel, Verstädterung und Rohstoffverknappung als Rahmen für nachhaltigere Zu-

gänge, die ihren ästhetischen Anspruch aber nicht aufgeben. Dass Design helfen kann, die Zukunft zu einem besseren Ort zu machen – also mehr zu sein als nur eine Behübschung, nämlich auch ökonomische und ökologische Relevanz zu entwickeln. Stuart Walker, der Keynote-Speaker beim (Online-)Symposium „Redesign the Future“ geht sogar noch einen Schritt weiter: Er nimmt Designer explizit in die Pflicht, gesellschaftliche Prozesse angstfrei mitzugestalten. Stuart ist Gastprofessor für nachhaltiges Design an der Kingston University in London und hat das „ImaginationLancaster Design Research Lab“ mitbegründet. Es gehe um „Design for the real world: offen, ehrlich und verantwortungsvoll“. Wie Anker in die Wirklichkeit geworfen werden können, darüber wird im Anschluss in Panels zu den Themen „Future of Design Education“, „Changing Urban Climate“ und „Designing for People“ diskutiert.

Press & media work

In großen Zusammenhängen gedac shop „Design for Revolution“ (2. Ju liche Kreislaufwirtschaft in Komb Geliefert werden hier Einblicke und lar-Design-Strategien. Konkret und kreatürlich wird da in the City“. Ein Heimspiel. Denn au für Produktdesign warten dort, w den Grazer Design-Shops (eine cov ausgesetzt). Die Palette reicht von boards über Sneaker bis zu Vasen, testens dort kann man sich mit der

Mehr Informationen:

Eine Ztg. für junge und j

Graz, im Mai 2021, Druckauflage: 100 Auftr.: 13521, Clip: 1

Designmonat 2021

Zeichen fur die Zukunft REDESIGN THE FUTURE: Der Designmonat Graz ruft zu einem Wiederentdecken der Zuversicht beim Denken und Ausgestalten der Zukunft auf. Mit überraschenden Zugängen.

Der D Jahr p pause unter durch


genen Gebrauch nach §42a UrhG. en zum Inhalt und zu NutzungsrechtenBebitte an den Verlag 0699/11110378). its online media work alongside print present – online and(Tel: offline: Creative Industries Styria displays its content, focuses and projects to a broad public on several channels, increasingly relying on in-house media work since 2021. Media visibility is increasingly based on a strong online presence and interactive networking online. Content sharing can highlight individual members of the network in a targeted manner. In 2021, this general trend towards more online presence continued. Naturally, Creative Industries Styria has reacted to this development and significantly expanded

activities. In addition to a strong, conSUREAL. SUSTAINABLE RESPONSIVE ART LAB designforum Steiermark der CIS stantly updated web presence, the focus and project-centric content is additionally reflected on social media and other online platforms. The greatest focus is, Nach der im Vorjahr coronabedingt Gerade in einer Krise sind notwendig gewordenen Absage offkreative Ansatze gefragt. of course, on leading projects such as net der Designmonat Graz heuer wiedas Thema des Designmonat der seine Pforten, wenn „Better auch einiges Future" punktgenau the Design Month Graz, Design Transfer, online abgehalten wird. Es gibt aber Wir sollen mit Kreativitat un Styrian Products, various exhibitions – nicht nur zahlreiche interessante OnZukunft unserer Stadt posit line-Programmpunkte, es wird auch ten. Die Eroffnung des Des for example at designforum Steiermark analog und live unter Einhaltung der Graz fallt in eine Phase des R gultigen Ra hmenbedi ngunoffentlichen Lebens und se – and the Styria-wide project Experience aktuell gen gezeigt, was moglich ist: Kleinere em n wichtiges Zeichen. Paralle Economy, which give Creative Industries Events und Ausstellungen im offentli- vor wenigen Wochen das Gra chen Raum bieten eine eindrucksvolle jahr angelaufen und auch da Styria strong media presence. Leistungsschau der heimischen Kreatige Programm des Kulturja Breath Earth Collective: Klima-Kultur-Pavillon im Rahmen des Kulturjahres 2020/21

Sommerkino auf der Murinsel von Juli bis August


tivwirtschaft. Und gerade diese eher klein strukturierte Kreativwirtschaft hat sich bisher in der durch die Pandemie ausgelosten Krise als erstaunlich resilient erwiesen. Neben der Hauptausstellung Fantastic Plastic (eine Kooperation mit dem Moscow Design Museum) im „SpitzHaus" in der Herrengasse, in der in ei ndrucksvoller Weise gezeigt wird, wie aus Plash kmall em n wertvoller Rohstoff far kreative Produkte werden kann, gibt es eine interessante Schau im designforum Steiermark sowie Prasentationen in zahlreichen Innenstadtgeschaften im Rahmen von „Design in der City", virtuelle und reale Rundgange mit den GrazGuides und, und, und. Der Designmonat bietet heuer mehr denn je die Moglichkeit, sich nach den betastenden Monaten der Lockdowns von schanen und interessanten Dingen inspirieren zu Lassen. Die Kreativwirtschaft spielt im wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Leben der Stadt Graz eine groBe Rolle. In Graz sind 2.370 Kreativunternehmen tatig — das sind 15 % der Unternehmen der Stadt. Sie erwirtschaften mit 9.610 Beschaftigten einen Umsatz von 1,16 Milliarden Euro. Besonders erfreulich daran: Die Anzahl der Unternehmen ist zwischen 2010 und 2018 urn knapp 21% gestiegen. Natarlich ist die aktuelLe Situation auch far die Grazer Kreativwirtschaft eine Herausforderung. Aber gerade die Creative Economy hat durch ihr Knowhow und ihre Netzwerke die besten Voraussetzungen, diese Krise nicht nur zu aberstehen, sondern sogar gestarkt daraus hervorzugehen.

coronabedingt bis Septembe gert wurde) greift unter de „Wie wir leben wollen" wichti stellungen auf. Gerade die Corona-Krise zahlreichen — gesundheitlich alen und wirtschaftlichen — scheinungen zeigt, dass im L uns allen nur eines wirklich fix lich dass sich alles permane dert. Womit sich der thematis schlieSt: Denn Veranderung Anpassung und das gelingt Kreativitat. Vor allem wenn m tivitat so definiert, wie es die schon bei der Grandung diese netzwerks gemacht hat, nam Kreativitat das Treibmittel menschengerechte und na Stadtentwicklung ist. Apropos Netzwerke: Im 2011 — also genau vor 10 Jah Graz als City of Design in das Netzwerk der kreativen Stad nommen worden. In dieser sich Graz einen hervorragende nerhalb des Netzwerks erarb die Stadt gut sichtbar in der onalen Designszene veranker das Verdienst vieler kreativ der unterschiedlichsten Spart

City of Design Network

Berlin (D City of D

Kortrijk (BE) City of Design


Kolding (DK City of Desig



Dundee (GB) City of Design 2014

Montréal (CA) City of Design Asahikawa, JP Baku, AZ Bandung, ID Bangkok, TH Beijing, CN Berlin, DE Bilbao, ES Brasilia, BR Budapest, HU Buenos Aires, AR Cape Town, ZA Cebu City, PH Covilhã, PT Curitiba, BR Doha, QA Detroit, US Dubai, AE Dundee, GB Fortaleza, BR Graz, AT Geelong, AU Hanoi, VN Helsinki, FI Istanbul, TR Kaunas, LT Kobe, JP Kolding, DK Kortrijk, BE Mexico City, MX Montréal, CA Muharraq, BH Nagoya, JP Puebla, MX Querétaro, MX Saint-Étienne, FR San José, CR Seoul, KR Shenzhen, CN Shanghai, CN Singapore, SG Turin, IT Whanganui, NZ Wuhan, CN


Bilbao (ES) City of Design Detroit (US) City of Design 2015



Saint-Étienne (FR) City of Design

Querétaro (MX) City of Design



Turin (IT) City of Design

Mexiko City (MX) City of Design


San José (CR) City of Design



Puebla (MX) City of Design 2015

Brasilia (BR) City of Design Buenos Aires (AR) City of Design


Fortaleza (BR) City of Design



Curitiba (BR) City of Design 2014


Covilhã (PT) City of Design


European Creative Business Network 179 members from 44 countries

DE) Design

Helsinki (FI) City of Design 2014

K) gn

Baku (AZ) City of Design

Kaunas (LT) City of Design

Asahikawa (JP) City of Design



Seoul (KR) City of Design Budapest (HU) City of Design



Nagoya (JP) City of Design

Beijing (CN) City of Design


2008 2012

Graz (AT) City of Design

Wuhan (CN) City of Design



Kobe (JP) City of Design 2008

Shanghai (CN) City of Design

Dubai (AE) City of Design


Cebu City (PH) City of Design


Istanbul (TR) City of Design

Doha (QA) City of Design




Shenzhen (CN) City of Design

Muharraq (BH) City of Design 2019


Singapore (SG) City of Design

Bangkok (TH) City of Design



Cape Town (ZA) City of Design 2017

Bandung (ID) City of Design


Geelong (AU)


City of Design

Hanoi (VN) City of Design




Whanganui (NZ) City of Design


Dates 2022


January to January 21: Showcase. Mit Design zum Erfolg (With Design to Success). Exhibition at designforum Steiermark

February February 3 – 19: All Eyes On Us. Exhibition for the Green Panther Award 2021 at designforum Steiermark

March March 3 – April 30: Austrian Brand Stories. Exhibition opening at designforum Steiermark Exhibition at designforum Steiermark

May May 6: Opening Design Month Graz 2022 May 7 – June 12: Design Everyday. Exhibition at Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten May 7 – 28: The Chairman. Geschichten von gemeinsamen Objekten und regionalen Zusammenhängen. (Stories of Shared Objects and Regional Connections). Label presentation by Martin Mostböck AID at designforum Steiermark May 19: Designbattle 2022 Design Month Graz 2022

June June 2 – 25: Taste the Ortwein. Exhibition at designforum Steiermark June 28 + 29: Austrian Design Talks at Schloss Hollenegg June 30 – July 30: Industrial Design Show 2022.


July July 7: Member Networking Event

September September 1: Austrian State Prize for Design. Best of Austrian Design. Exhibition opening at designforum Steiermark September 23: Kunst der Verführung (The Art of Seduction). Openings for 6 exhibitions on the subject of graphic design in the field of tension between art and advertising

October October 7: Creative Night Graz October 7 – 16: Creative Week Austria October 19 – 22: CIS networking trip to the World Design Capital Valencia

Dates 2022

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Publisher: Creative Industries Styria GmbH Marienplatz 1, 8020 Graz +43 (0)316 890 598, General Manager: Eberhard Schrempf Photo Credits: Page 3 Jorj Konstantinov Page 7 Teresa Rothwangl Page 9 Marija Kanizaj Page 13 Fabrice Roure/Cité du design Page 14+15: Miriam Raneburger, Jorj Konstantinov, Creative Industries Styria Page 15 Clara Wildberger, Jorj Konstantinov, Creative Industries Styria Page 17 Raimund Gamerith, Georg Mähring, FIPE architects, Jorj Konstantinov, LippZahnschirm Page 18+19 LippZahnschirm, Eisenerz*ART, Jakob Glasner, Martin Mostböck Page 20+21 RNPD, Miriam Raneburger, Jorj Konstantinov, RLB/pixelworkers Page 22+23 Ulrike Rauch, Neuroth International AG/Alex Mattersberger Page 24+25 Jimmy Lunghammer Page 26+27 Jorj Konstantinov, Miriam Raneburger Page 28+29 Jorj Konstantinov Page 30 Oliver Wolf, Jimmy Lunghammer Page 31 Miriam Raneburger, WUC, Erwin Scheriau Page 33 Creative Industries Styria, Dominic Erschen Photography Page 36+37 Jorj Konstantinov, Creative Industries Styria, NOSUN shaping brands


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