Annual Report 2020 of Creative Industries Styria

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Annual Report 2020

Creative Industries Styria



Contents Editorial / 3

Turning Point in the Creative Sector


The Styrian creative economy before corona / 4 Foreword Barbara Eibinger-Miedl / 5

Creative Industries Styria


Goals, tasks and projects of Creative Industries Styria / 8

01 Be Visible & Be Connected: Awareness & Location



Of course, this development will slow down, that much is already certain. But

National and international networking / 13 Graz as a UNESCO City of Design / 14 Design Month Graz / 16

it is also clear that creative achievements and creative work will ultimately find their way out of this confusing situation. In this context, Creative Industries Styria will

02 Be Inspired: Impulses & Projects

take its responsibility as a network organization even more seriously and ­support the transformation processes in business


Design Transfer / 19 Experience Econony / 24 Styrian Products / 26 designforum Steiermark / 28 Partnerships and cooperations / 32

03 Be Informed: Network & Service


Membership / 35 Creative Voice / 36 Website & newsletter / 38 Press and media work / 39

and society accelerated by COVID-19 with tailor-made offers and services. We will continue our proven success formats and initiatives such as Experience Economy, Styrian Products and Design Transfer. At This review of the year 2020 is car-

the same time, we are intensifying our co-

ried out with different standards and

operation with other cluster and network

under different conditions than is

organizations in order to utilize the solu-

usually the case. As much as the last

tion competence of all actors. Creativity

few months have taken a toll on the

will play an important role here, since one

economy in general and thus also the

of its key features is the ability to act as a

creative economy, experience shows

guide out of a shortage situation. And right

that creativity is more than ever the

now, that is its most urgent task.

basis for economic success. This is also evident in the current figures for the Styrian creative economy, which have now been developing in a highly positive direction for years. Turnover, employment and added value are

UNESCO City of Design Network and European Creative Business Network / 40 Dates 2021 / 42 Legal Notice / 43

increasing – albeit in relation to 2018, from which these figures are taken. Details can be found in this report.



Turning Point in the Creative Sector

The Styrian creative economy

Turning Point in the Creative Sector

The Styrian creative economy

Turning Point in the Creative Sector The aftereffects of 2020 will have serious consequences for the Styrian creative economy. Until then, the development trend was positive.


These figures show that the Styrian cre­

economy is also remarkably dynamic

(62%), music (59%) and advertising

The following economic sectors are consi-

ative economy improved dynamically in

when compared to others across Austria.

(57%) also have above-average numbers

dered to be a part of the creative economy:

the period from 2016 to 2018. The number

Their growth rates were also high, but

of single member companies. Most archi-

of companies and workers has in­creased

overall lower than in Styria.

tecture firms (52%) employ between

1. Architecture

2 and 4 people. Companies with 10 or

2. Book trading & publishing

by around 9% each. Sales increased by more than 16% between 2016 and 2018,

The largest sectors are software and

more employees can be found in the

3. Design

while the gross added value rose by al-

gaming, advertising, performing arts,

areas of radio & TV (40%) and software

4. Advertising

most 18%. These significant increases are

architecture, and books and publishing.

and games development (10%).

5. Film industry

Every 2 years, KMU Forschung Austria

largely due to the software and gaming

Comparatively small economic sectors

compiles current figures on the develop-

sector, which accounts for 35% of sales

include radio and TV as well as the music

Almost a quarter of Styrian creative com-

7. Radio & TV

ment of the Styrian creative economy

and more than 40% of the added value

industry. Most of the companies based

panies (2018: 23%) are led by a woman.

8. Software & gaming

on behalf of Creative Industries Styria.

by creative companies in Styria.

in Styria deal with advertising (22%),

The book trading and publishing sector

9. Performing arts sector

fol­lowed by software and games develop-

has the highest proportion of self-em­

The figures published in October 2020

6. Music industry

are based on the year 2018 and attest

A long-term comparison shows a dou­ble-

ment (20%). The sectors performing arts

ployed women (45%). This is primarily

the creative sector’s usual positive

digit increase in the Styrian creative

and architecture each represent 15% of

due to exceptionally large numbers of

development: 4,800 creative companies

economy for the period from 2010 to

the Styrian creative companies.

women in the translation and interpret­

(2016: 4,400) are active in Styria, which

2018. The number of companies grew by

corresponds to a share of 9% of all Sty-

around 13% and the number of workers

The majority of companies in almost all

for books, magazines and newspapers. In

rian companies. More than 17,500 self-

by almost 29%. Sales in 2018 are around

sectors of the Styrian creative econo-

the sectors performing arts (36%), design

employed and employed creatives (2016:

47% and gross value added around 63%

my are single member companies. The

(32%) and advertising (27%), the propor-

16,100) generated a turnover of 2 billion

above the 2010 level. It can be observed

performing arts sector has by far the

tion of women is also above average. In

Euros (2016: 1.7 billion). The gross value

that year-on-year growth in 2016/2018

highest percentage of single member

software and gaming (7%), on the other

added at factor costs amounts to almost

was higher for all indicators than in

companies (81%). The film industry

hand, the proportion of self-employed

1 billion Euros (2016: 0.8 billion Euros).

previous periods. The Styrian creative

(68%) as well as the sectors design

women is less than 10%.


10. Libraries, museums, botanical gardens and zoos*

ing sectors and also in the retail trade

The Styrian creative economy is a success story. In 2007, Creative Industries Styria was launched to promote cooperation between creative companies and companies from other sectors. Doing so should help utilize the added value of creativity and design for domestic products and services. This is a strategy that has been proven to work, turning Styria into an international hotspot for the creative sector. R&D quotas that have been among the highest in ­Europe for years have ensured innovation, growth and added value. The creativity and the extraordinary innovative spirit of Styr­ians are important prerequisites for such a success and will further help to overcome the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. A study by KMU Forschung Austria published in October 2020 once again awarded excellent marks to the industry. Over 17,000 people in Styria are either employed or self-employed in the creative sector, generating a turnover of almost two billion Euros. Creative work will continue to play a crucial role in Styria in the future. As a strong networking organization, Creative Industries Styria will continue to be an important motor for the development of our region as a hub for economic success.

With that, I wish you good luck, * (This sector was not included in the presentation of the structural data of the study by KMU Forschung Austria, as only a fraction of institutions belongs to the private sector and therefore data is only available to a limited extent.)



Turning Point in the Creative Sector

The Styrian creative economy

Turning Point in the Creative Sector

The Styrian creative economy

In the last 10 years ... ... sales in the creative economy ­increased by a factor of 2.5

... gross value added increased by 63 %

8 % 21 %

... employment increased more than twice as fast

... the number of companies increased by 13 % 13 %


concerts, festivals and trade fairs – they

tion: 49% expect orders to decline in the

all affect the creative economy directly

next twelve months. In contrast, only

and indirectly. In addition, retail busi-

8% of those questioned expect a positive

ness had to close, which has an impact

development. Only 10% of those in the

on the product-oriented creative econo-

creative sector expect sales to remain

my, i.e. designers and content suppliers.

stable, while a further 10% expect in­creasing sales in the next six months.

The European Union also counts the The creative economy barometer from

cultural and creative industries among

Before the COVID-19 outbreak and

Kreativwirtschaft Austria sees the

those hardest hit by the crisis, right from

resulting crisis, 11% of all companies in

pandemic having far-reaching econom­

the beginning: Even in the first days of

Austria, i.e. around 44,000 companies in

ic effects. Many sectors of the creative

implementing the COVID-19 preventa­

total, belonged to the creative sector. The

economy were quickly and directly

tive measures in spring 2020, the creative

157,000 workers generated an annual

affected by the spread of COVID-19

sector was already expecting sales losses

turnover of 22 billion Euros. In recent

and the measures taken to contain the

of up to a third by the end of the year.

years, the creative economy has been seen as a driving force for growth and

virus. This includes the entire event sector, which has struggled and will

The surveys for the current Austria-wide

innovation: 1 Euro of added value in

continue to struggle with the restric-

creative economy barometer showed,

the creative sector brought 1.7 Euros of

tions and economic consequences of the

among other things, that around 80%

­added value to the economy as a whole.

pandemic the longest. Other sectors, on

expect a decline in demand, around

Furthermore, 1 job in the creative

the other hand – especially in the design

half of the companies have registered

s­ector secured 1.7 jobs in the economy

sector – proved to be very resilient as

employees for short-time work, around

as a whole. In the last 10 years, sales

they were able to use their innovative

24% of entrepreneurs expect sales to

in the creative economy have increased

potential and, thanks to the devel­

halve by the end of 2020, 11% assume a

by a factor of 2.5 (21% vs. 8%) and em-

opment of new products and services,

three-quarters decline in their sales by

ployment increased more than twice as

have come out of 2020 looking relatively

the end of 2020.

fast (16% vs. 7%) compared to the over­


9 % 16 % 23 %

increase in companies & ­employees

increase in sales

women-run creative companies


4.800 creative companies (2016: 4,400) are active in Styria.

17.500 self-employed and employed ­creatives (2016: 16,100) generated a turnover of

€ 2 Mrd.

all economy in Austria. The crea­tive

well. Nevertheless, bans on events, the closure of museums, theaters, music

This pessimistic mood is also reflected

economy in Styria recorded the most

houses and cinemas, the cancellation of

in the expectations for the order situa­

dynamic growth.


The creative economy before COVID-19


Creative Industries Styria

Creative Industries Styria

Goals, tasks and projects of Creative Industries Styria

CIS DESIGN TRANSFER Bridging the gap

CIS NETWORK Connect and display








Created in Styria

Produced in Styria

Sales Worldwide

analog Development


Since its inception in 2007, Creative

production and distribution on the other.

competition. Successful collaborations

Design ­Transfer. Through this not only

provided were combined and published

classes of buyers. It thus becomes an

Industries Styria has acted as a net-

At the first interface – creation and

between the creative industries and the

the number of consultations but also

online under the hashtag #Getrennt-

important tool in modern corporate man-

work organization of the state of Styria

production – Creative Industries Styria

traditional economy also serve as best

the number of successful mediations

VereintZusammenStark. With Creative

agement. It creates overarching perspec-

connecting creative industries with

accompanies and inspires exchanges be-

practice examples to promote further

between the creative and traditional

Voice, a new video format has been

tives on classic design processes, but also

traditional industries, thus creating

tween the creative and traditional econ-

networking and to anchor the “raw

economy increased.

launched enabling entrepreneurs from

on strategic decision-making to ensure

synergies and emphasizing the value

omy. Projects are developed primarily by

material creativity” in the entire Styrian

the Styrian creative sector to voice their

the long-term success of a company.

(added) of creative services. The year

utilizing the innovative and transfor-

economy. The work at both interfaces

Cooperation between Creative Indus-

assessments of the current situation

2020 had a strong influence on the work

mative power of the creative industries.

follows the guiding principle: Created

tries Styria and the other clusters and

in interviews. These interviews were

Styrian Products

of Creative Industries Styria: Free-up

These ventures are then able to develop

in Styria – Produced in Styria – Sold

network organizations has been greatly

further published on the social media

With Styrian Products, Creative Indus-

capacities due to the unusual situation

their full potential by initiating trans-


intensified as an immediate reaction

channels of Creative Industries Styria.

tries Styria has developed and started a

were diverted to comprehensive advice

formation in all the many firmly rooted

and support services for the Styrian

areas of the traditional economy, and

Creative Industries Styria and the

networking is to bundle solution compe-

Design Transfer

and Styrian products and raises aware-

creative economy.

specifically for the primary strong points

aftereffects of COVID-19

tencies and transfer them to the Styrian

Design Transfer is one of the lead pro­

ness of good design. Styrian Products

of the Styrian economy, such as mobility,

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic,

economy. In particular, the creative

jects of Creative Industries Styria and

is a constantly growing online platform

Creative Industries is active in three

health and green tech. Creative Industries

Creative Industries Styria had to cancel

economy contributed as a driving force

supports companies in increasing their

and exhibition. It now includes a collec-

strategic areas: Awareness & Location,

Styria provides vital innovation support

or postpone numerous planned activ-

of growth and innovation for the restart

competitiveness and innovative strength

tion of one hundred products from

Impulses & Projects, and Network-

and impulses for the further development

ities with many cooperation partners.

of the economy. Activities included

via targeted use of design. This project

around 60 Styrian manufacturing com-

ing & Service. CIS is working in two

of this area.

The Design Month Graz, which was

cross-cluster webinars and cross-cluster

unites design and companies, creates

panies that have mastered the interplay

canceled without replacement, was

matchmaking events.

new synergies and helps to fully utilize

between the creative and traditional

­previously unknown potential.

economy and are successful worldwide.

directions: we reach out to traditional

program that focuses on Styrian design

to the events of 2020. The effect of this

companies in order to sensitize them to

At the second interface – production and

­particularly affected by this. The other

the achievements of the creative economy

distribution – Creative Industries Styria

flagship projects were also affected:

Another focus in 2020 was on support-

and also to the creative sector in order to

focuses on the worldwide marketing of

For example, tours of higher education

ing industrial enterprises. Creative

Creative Industries Styria works with

of 50 design studios, many of which can

provide the best possible links between

Styrian products. CIS uses its inter-

facilities as part of Experience Economy

Industries Styria acted as a point of

companies to draw up a “design transfer”

look back on decades of success.

these enterprises and established tradi-

national network of people, media and

had to be canceled and the number

contact and terminal for information

timetable and extrapolates precisely

tional ones. By this means Creative In-

locations to actively support companies

of visitors to the experience tours at

and inquiries. The creative compa-

which services are needed most. If an

The products include furniture and

dustries Styria is aiming to build bridges

in sales using creativity as the competi-

companies declined dramatically. For-

nies – 66 % of which are individual

innovation-oriented company wants to

fashion, accessories and tableware, indus-

in the area of the two central interfaces.

tive advantage that secures a company’s

tunately, consultation-focused services

entrepreneurs – received intensive help

think beyond the original tasks of design

trial machinery and solid wood pre-

These interfaces are located in creation

unique selling proposition and clearly

and pro­jects could be developed well

and advice on all channels. In the first

and functionality, design opens doors

fabricated houses, consumer goods and

and production on the one hand and in

positions it against the international

during the pandemic, in particular

phase of the lockdown, the services

to new products, new markets and new

capital goods, and also both small and


The products benefit from the expertise


Creative Industries Styria

Creative Industries Styria

Social & Urban Design

Media Design

Graphic Design

Industrial & Product Design

Membership large series productions. With Styrian

the conception and design, continuous

bers (103 individual memberships, 78

Products, the design process is made

quality assurance and advertising of

company memberships) and 10 premium

visible from the initial idea to the fin-

the tours. It is particularly important to

members. They all benefit from stronger


ished product and thus demonstrates

ensure the high quality of the tours as

networking with the traditional econo-


the added value that good design has

this is what ultimately creates the added

my, higher visibility of their services and

for creation of value. Every product is

value equally relevant for the creative

a high degree of internationalization.

developed and produced in Styria and

industries, for businesses, for the gen-

sold worldwide, thus putting Styria in

eral public and for Styria as a business

Organization of Creative

an international focus. Styrian Prod-

location. The result is an appreciation for

Industries Styria

ucts are ambassadors for quality and

domestic production and respect for the

The partners of Creative I­ ndustries

a spirit of innovation – for good design

people in the company, but also a strong

Styria GmbH are the Steirische

and active creativity – regionally, natio-

connection between the creative, the


nally and internationally. The 2020

innovative and the traditional economy.

m.b.H. SFG (Styrian Business Promo­ tion Agency), the City of Graz and the

exhibition was held in the designforum Membership

Chamber of Commerce of Styria. In

Membership of Creative Industries

addition to these partners, funding

Experience Economy

Styria is organized in 3 levels: Free

is provided through grants from the

Experience Economy has welcomed

Members are part of the Creative Indus-

State of Styria (SFG), the City of Graz

visitors on exclusive visits behind the

tries Styria network and are entered into

and membership fees, project partners,

scenes of successful Styrian companies

the member directory at no additional

­project partnerships and sponsors.

since 2009. These detailed experience

cost. They also have access to a wide

tours through the more than 50 partic-

range of information on events, calls

ipating companies have so far attracted

and competitions.


over 3.5 million visitors to explore

The shareholders of Creative Industries Styria GmbH

production halls, workshops and

Full Members are active members in the

machine rooms.

network and have access to additional

hold the following shares:

services that range from free lectures

80 % SFG – Styrian

Creative Industries Styria acts as a

and events to participation in calls and

Business Promotion Agency

project manager, building bridges

competitions and also reduced costs for

10 % City of Graz

between creatives and businesses,

network trips, excursions or conferences.

10 % Chamber of

thereby initiating sustainable cooper-

Premium Members are medium and

Commerce of Styria

ation. The steadily growing network

long-term strategic partners of Creative

enables cooperations and synergies

Industries Styria who receive an indi-

to develop, which are advantageous

vidually composed premium package

The core team of employees consists

for everyone involved. In addition,

consisting of basic and special services.

of 10 people: the managing director,

Creative Industries Styria accompa-

Creative Industries Styria had 1,225

the assistant to the managing director,

nies the project process, from first

members on December 31, 2020, includ-

an office manager, controlling manager

contact on the part of the company to

ing 1,034 free members, 181 full mem-

and six project managers.








Knowledge Networking with the industry

Thinking ‘out of the box’

Development and quality increase






Awareness & Location

National and international networking

Awareness & Location Awareness & Location

National and international networking Networking is the fuel that drives creative industries, both nationally and internation­ ally. In 2020, many elements of network maintenance have shifted to online – a successful concept with potential for an increasingly digital future.

In order to raise awareness about the importance of creative industries for Styria and the location in its entirety, the state government has formulated these tasks in line with the strategy for the Austrian creative economy. Creative Industries Styria has made a priority of implementing and making these effective throughout Styria.

Design plays an important role in the creative process as the “missing link” between the initial idea and the marketing of a finished product or service. The aim of Creative Industries Styria is to make this task visible, to raise public awareness about the achievements of the creative industries and to strengthen and expand their role in Styria. Ultimately,

creative industries should be positioned more strongly in the overall context of the Styrian economy. CIS aims to act as an intermediary between traditional and creative industries. The result is new synergies between key players that drive innovation processes and produce new products and services – often for new target groups and markets.

Creative Industries Styria has made it their responsibility to promote Styria nationally and globally as a hub for the creative economy and to make the region visible. For 2020, some network appointments and trips were already in planning, in some cases even fully planned, such as active participation in the BESIGN MEXICO design festival in Puebla a contribution to the the Venice Architecture Biennale by the architecture firm LOVE architecture ZT. Their N186 project was ultimately presented as part of the Vienna Design Week. Networking has thus shifted to online both ­nationally and internationally. The European Creative Industries Summit ECIS, organized by the ECBN – European Creative Business Network, was planned in Berlin on the occasion of the EU C ­ ouncil

Pres­idency of Germany and ultimately held online from September 24 to October 28. A breakout session on the topic “CCI Innovations to Lead Beyond the Crisis” took place, hosted by Crea­t ive Industries Styria. On the occasion of the EU Council Presidency of Slovenia from July 2021, the ECIS 2021 is ­p lanned in L ­ jubljana, organized by the Center for Creativity in ­c ooperation with ­Creative Industries Styria. There was also an intensive exchange and a number of collaborations at national level. Discussions were held with a broad range of partners, including the Design Forums Austria (Vorarlberg, Vienna, Tyrol), KAT – Kreativwirtschaft Austria, Design Austria, Vienna Design Week and the Creative Region Upper Austria. Eberhard Schrempf is an expert and member of the Kreativwirtschaftsbeirat (Creative Industries Advisory Board). Basically, 2020 gave a strong impetus for digital reporting. The digital creative industries forums were highly active and in productive exchange about the current situation during the pandemic. The virtual exchange within Austria has also intensified.

It is important to be visible to be successful. In other words: Be visible and get connected! 13

Awareness & Location

Graz as a UNESCO City of Design

Awareness & Location

Graz as a UNESCO City of Design


Awareness & Location

Graz as a UNESCO City of Design

Graz is a UNESCO City of Design and part of a global network – and thus well connected to the global creative scene.


The network of UNESCO Creative Cities grew by 66 cities in 2019 to a total of 246 cities, while the UNESCO Cities of Design network was extended from 31 to 40 Cities of Design. Graz is one of the 10 Cities of Design in Europe. Since it was named a UNESCO City of Design, Graz has participated in numerous events, conferences, and competitions, and presents itself internationally as a design hotspot. In this context, Creative Industries Styria handles important networking tasks and prepares the ground for fruitful cooperation. The joint website,, is managed by Creative Industries Styria.

Conferences and meetings In 2020, many of the activities for the global network of Creative Cities were also relocated to the Internet and a number of events had to be canceled. For example, the annual meeting of the Creative Cities was canceled completely and a UNESCO City of Design Subnetwork Meeting took place online instead, from July 13 to 15. Creative Industries Styria, together with Kortrijk, lead the Design & Business working group. We managed the working sessions as part of all Subnetwork Meetings and took the lead in the group. The second Subnetwork Meeting, which was planned from October 5 to 7 in Graz and Saint-Étienne, also took place online.


­ NESCO City of Design coordination office U of Graz organized the event together with Saint-Étienne. An online discussion panel was held on the topics of “Smart”, ­“Social” and “Sustainable”. Andrea Paoletti gave a keynote speech on social design, Charles Landry spoke about Smart Cities and Aglaée Degros tackled Sustainable Cities. To get in the mood, there was a virtual dinner in smaller groups in the format of a “Mamma Mia” dinner, which was streamed on social media.

“Auto Fiction” – Mobility of the Future The cities of Detroit, Turin, Puebla, Graz and Kortrijk are all strongly influenced by the automotive industry. An exhibition and presentation in the UNESCO Cities of Design on the subject of “Mobility of the Future”

is therefore planned for the entire duration of the Design Biennale in Saint-Étienne. Some specific examples and projects from ­c ompanies, institutions and universities are already providing insight into current ­efforts in terms of “Mobility of the Future” in the Cities of Design. Furthermore, the ­automotive cities Detroit, Puebla, Kortijk, Turin and Graz are involved in the p ­ roject “Auto Fiction – Mobility of the Future”. The results and project contributions for “Auto Fiction” from the individual cities will ­ultimately be incorporated into the planned exhibition. The first workshops in Puebla, Graz and Kortrijk had to be canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, therefore the ­exchange and planning are currently taking place online.

05 Rick Rogers und Olga Stella, City of Design Detroit 06 Delegationsbesuch aus Geelong, Australien, bei Architekt Markus Pernthaler 07 + 09 UNESCO Annual Meeting in Enghien-les-Bains, Frankreich 08 Delegationsbesuch aus Wuhan




Awareness & Location

Design Month Graz

Design Month Graz

Awareness & Location


Awareness & Location

Design Month Graz

The preparations for the Design Month Graz 2020, one of the leading projects of Creative Industries Styria, were already halfway completed in March when the event had to be completely canceled. The time and work invested was, however, not in vain: Both the motto and the graphic design will be carried over to the 2021 edition.

“Better Future” was originally the focus for the Design Month Graz 2020 in May. In March, the preparations were already in full swing, the graphics for the magazine and public relations work had been completed, around 50 projects and inquiries from 77 project partners had answered the call, and many other program items were already being planned. Shortly after the “Save the Date” was sent out, however, it became clear that the Graz Design Month 2020 would have to be canceled entirely. Nevertheless, the intensive preparatory work was not in vain: both the graphic design and the annual motto will be carried over to the Design Month Graz 2021. The topic of “Better Future” that forms the read thread for the event will of course expand its focus and will also include the pandemic.



Impulses & Projects

Design Transfer

Impulses & Projects Impulses & Projects

Design Transfer


Bringing together what belongs together: The core task of Creative Industries Styria is to connect the creative with the traditional economy in order to create new synergies. This results in new and innovative products from a wide variety of industries. The transformative power of creative work is fi ­ rmly rooted in the “Austrian Creative Economy Strategy”

of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs as one of its key points. And there is a good reason for that: The creative industries provide strong impulses to the traditional economy and thus ensure innovation and progress. Creative Industries Styria has made it their business to enhance these impulses and connect the right players. The numerous B2B projects make these impulses clearly

visible. In that aspect, Design Transfer is a lighthouse project. It offers companies a road map showing how design can open up new perspectives in business and how concrete products and services emerge. The results are not simply marketable products, but rather an enhancement of the business location Styria as a whole, a strengthening of Graz’s image as a UNESCO City of Design and secure jobs.

The lead project Design Transfer connects creative people to innovative companies in the traditional economy. In times of lockdown, the networking activities of Creative Industries Styria increased noticeably: The number of telephone calls and consultations was exponentially higher. Design creates overarching perspectives on classic design processes, but also on strategic decision-making to ensure the long-term success of a company – an important impetus in times of crisis. Design Transfer by Creative Industries Styria follows a three-stage consulting model in which the individual stages flow smoothly into one another. The CIS Design Support, stage 1, represents the initial consultation with the company. During the Design Check, the current status in terms of design is then examined and strategy workshops use methods such as “design thinking”

to evaluate creative potential. In the second stage, the company then looks for suitable partners with the CIS Design Connect together with Creative Industries Styria, sending out calls and holding competitions to create real products and services. In short: The Creative Industries Styria network is activated. During stage 3, CIS Design Display, the final results are presented. Creative Industries Styria, together with the company involved in the project, draws up a Design Transfer timetable and extrapolates precisely which services are needed most. The project unites design with companies, creates new synergies and helps to fully utilize previously unknown potential. The Design Transfer networking activities of Creative Industries Styria increased noticeably in 2020. Design Transfer projects and formats that were implemented in 2020 are presented on the following pages.

01 CNCentury – The Future of Design in Robotic Manufacturing 02 + 03 Hollenegger Design Talks 04 Presentation of age-appropriate and barrier-free benches with ERfA 02

03 03


Innovation needs inspiration. In other words: Be inspired! 19

Impulses & Projects

Design Transfer

Impulses & Projects

Design Transfer


Impulses & Projects

Impulses & Projects

Hollenegger Design Talks 2020 The Hollenegger Design Talks 2020 took place on September 22 and 23 and featured nine Design Talks from different areas. Cooperation partners were the Holzcluster Steiermark, designaustria and the WEI SRAUM designforum Tirol. 01

Martin Mostböck, one of Austria’s most renowned product/industrial designers who is also an architect, presented a lounge chair made of black leather, dark wood and brass jointly developed with the celebrity chef Konstantin Filippou. This chair is considered a trademark for the high-end restaurant in ­Vienna and it thus positions the interior at eye level with the cuisine.


Another talk was devoted to the one-stop plat­ form Mutamo, which accompanies d ­ e­signers from the initial idea through a fea­sibility study including cost e­ stimates to sales. The project was initiated by ­industrial de­signer ­Benjamin Pernthaler of the ­design studio zweithaler, Georg Kettele (­united everything) and Markus Tragner, whose ­“mtdesign Tischlerei” is located in the ­Zelt­weg Holz­innovationszentrum.

The Tyrolean design office motasdesign ­presented an effective and creative solution for a slope guidance system for the Skicircus Saalbach Hinterglemm Leogang Fieberbrunn winter sports area. It makes ­navigating and experiencing the 270 kilometers of slopes, 70 facilities, 60 huts and countless attractions easy using colored pictograms and ­numeric codes. Another presentation d ­ iscussed the “Product Language” developed for Keestrack, a Belgian company that produces heavy ­machinery for rock mining. The design was developed by the “RDD design network”, a ­creative agency based in Linz.



The next Design Talk introduced STUDIO, a modular workplace system from BENE specifically for operations in times of digitization, with home office work, increased need for networking and the promoting of ­individuality, flexibility, and organization. The system was designed by the renowned and multiple award-winning Austrian product designer Thomas Feichtner for BENE, who was represented by Managing Director Michael Fried.

interior solutions for rail vehicles, together with moodley industrial design is on the right track. They have embarked on a journey towards business transformation. Werner Pumhösel from Seisenbacher and Maria Traunmüller from moodley industrial design held the Design Talk in a one-on-one conversation.

For the seventh Design Talk, a team of designer Georg Wanker, the cable car expert WODL and the high-tech and simulation provider 4a engineering showed an off-road kart that was not only suitable for summery downhill slopes, but also for amusement parks, hiking areas or museums thanks to the optional electric motor. The design office ABERJUNG, in collaborative effort of various disciplines from product design to communication to architecture at home, completely rebranded the sporting goods brand Zanier. The visual branding merges seamlessly with the design of the products themselves.

CNCentury: The Future of Design in Robotic Manufacturing

The last Design Talk focused on the future of mobility. Mobility of the future should be sustainable, smart and inspiring – and this especially in the railway sector. Clearly, the company Seisenbacher, experts in complete

01 + 02 Hollenegger Design Talks 06

08 06


The sixth Design Talk in the series presented by EDERA Safety was devoted to “generative design”. As an example of this approach, a new type of back protector against rotational injuries that uses movement patterns and measurement data from motocross and mountain bike riders was introduced.

Robots are considered to be a craftsman’s extended arm, but are robots really able to replace handicraft? Students of the Industrial Design course at FH JOANNEUM attempted to answer this question in a semester project, specifically focusing on the material wood. The project aimed to expand the classic product portfolio of the timber industry through innovative ideas, such as integrating a CNC milling robot into the design process. They realized 16 prototypes with the support of a broad range of partners from the design, timber and trade sectors: mutamo, FH JOANNEUM, Creative Industries Styria, proHolz and Holzcluster Steiermark were part of the project. The prototypes were combined in an exhibition dedicated to the role of robotics in design.

03, 04, 06 + 09 CNCentury – The Future of Design in Robotic Manufacturing 05 Prototype by design agency Perz+Gartler for ERfA 07 Design by Hohensinn Architektur for the agricultural community of Mautern 08 Design byViereck Architekten for the agricultural community of Mautern






Impulses & Projects

Graz. So sportl ich.

Design Transfer

Design Transfer




Graz 2021


Graz 2021

Das Sportjahr für alle.




Impulses & Projects

lebt bewegt


Das Sportjahr für alle.





Impulses & Projects


Impulses & Projects


LET’S GO! BALL eintauschbar für 40.000 Schritte.

LET’SGOOOOO! Innovative timber construction for Mautern Built intelligently with the sustainable material timber: a development land parcel in the town center of Mautern will become an example of high-quality and, above all, sustainable development that makes a ­ ffordable living and future-oriented working possible. The Mautener Agrargemeinschaft (agricultural community of Mautern) commissioned Creative Industries Styria to start this development process for the area. Three leading architectural offices in timber construction KREINER Architektur, Hohensinn Architektur and Viereck Architekten worked out sketches, drafts and visualizations in cooperation with the Holzcluster Steiermark, thus creating a basis for future considerations.


“Let’s go Graz” – off to the Year of Sports 2021! 2021 will be the official Year of Sports in Graz. Under the motto “Let’s go Graz!”, the city will welcome all who are eager to move their ­bodies in every sports discipline for a whole year. In order to give the big event visually sporting potential with high recognition value, the Graz Sports Office turned to Creative

Industries Styria to handle the organization of an invited competition. The agencies KOOP Live-Marketing, achtzigzehn, RNPD – Raunigg & Partner, moodley brand identity, Company Code and EN GARDE took part in the competition, which moodley brand identity ultimately won. The agency created the claim “Let’s go Graz” and is responsible for the visual branding of the event.

05 08

Benches for Graz: barrier-free and age-appropriate Participation and exchange in a public space is an important part of life, especially for senior citizens in Graz. However, the benches provided are often not designed to be age appropriate. Kurt Hohensinner, the city manager for the social affairs department, commissioned the non-profit association “ERfA – Erfahrung für Alle” (engl: Experience for All) to develop a model of a barrier-free and age-appropriate bench for semi-public ­spaces in Graz that meets all necessary ergonomic and seating comfort requirements. The selected bench design will then be included in the portfolio of ERfA, who would further handle production of the models.

New look for the Leoben commercial center Holding Leoben has kicked off a comprehensive redesigning and repositioning of the Leoben commercial center. Creative Industries Styria accompanied and moderated the entire development. In a first step, a positioning workshop with Gussmagg-Art took place in the Innovation Laboratory with the task of formulating a vision for the commercial center. In a next step, the entrance area is being redesigned: look!design is basing their redesign on the positioning and the jointly developed vision image.

01 Concept visuals for theYear of Sports 2021 by moodley brand identity 02 Prototype by designer Florian Blamberger for ERfA 03 Design by Kreiner Architektur for the agricultural community of Mautern 04 – 07 Concept visuals for theYear of Sports 2021 by KOOP Live Marketing, EN GARDE, Agentur achtzigzehn, RNDP – Raunigg & Partner





ERfA decided to bring Creative Industries Styria on board for the product development in order to organize and moderate the development process. The Creative Industries Styria then invited the three design studios and network-members Perz+Gartler (Thomas Perz, Petrus Gartler), Florian Blamberger and Lukas Klingsbichel designStudio to develop designs and concepts. After the presentation, the three implemented prototypes were set up for trial sitting and testing on the premises of the Lebenshilfe charity in Casalgasse. The final decision on the models is expected for the first quarter of 2021.

“Life Science meets Design” Creative Industries Styria began a cooperation with the Humantechnologie-Cluster (human technology cluster) to leverage common potential. A new match-making series generated new synergies and showed what design can do for products and services. After the online lecture by the philosopher and Design Thinking coach Rudolf Greger, two best practice examples from the match-making process were presented, each a pairing from the field of product and industrial design and packaging design. The series started with a lecture by Rudolf Greger on “Why Design” as a kick-off event. Building on this, three match-making appointments took place – two on the subject of industrial and product design, and one on packaging design. Edelweiss Design, AWS Designteam, Perz+Gartler, Hartinger Consulting, sl-design and Lazarus Soulbrand were the participating design studios.


08 Life Science meets Design in cooperation with Styria 09 Design of the entrance area for the Leoben commercial center by look!design 10 Hollenegger Design Talks 03



Impulses & Projects

Experience Economy

Experience Economy

Impulses & Projects

Impulses & Projects

Experience Economy

Even if no new additions to the project could be added in 2020 and the number of visitors to the experience tours unsurpris­ ingly did not even come close to recent years, the major lead project of Creative Industries Styria remains on the right course: Experience Economy provides in-depth, exciting insights into top Styrian companies, and raises awareness for re­gional added value, innovation and jobs. Regional value creation, local supply chains, jobs, what are known as “systemically relevant” industries: the year 2020 made it clear how true and utterly important it is to have regionality, production and innovation “directly on the doorstep”. The lead project Experience Economy aims to get people – and especially the young – close to the action at regional companies and showing them what the Styrian economy is doing. Experience Economy conti-


nues to grow even after 10 successful years – even in 2020, new companies have registered their interest to participate. Creative Industries Styria is right at their side from the initial consultation through the application to the implementation of an experience tour. In 2020, Creative Industries Styria also acted as a contact and service point for companies. Since hardly any tours could take place, awarenessraising efforts shifted online. Clips for use on social media platforms were produced that put the spotlight on Styrian companies and bring their services to the fore. 162,600 people visited the experience tours in 2020 – a decrease of around 60% compared to the previous year. The third quarter saw 105,200 visitors, which is 75% of the previous year’s number of visitors for the same time.


Impulses & Projects

Styrian Products

Impulses & Projects

Styrian Products

Impulses & Projects

Impulses & Projects

Styrian Products

Styrian Products is a Creative Industries Styria format that puts the spotlight on excellent design and the associated economic added value. More than 100 outstanding products from 60 Styrian companies show how the interplay between the creative and the traditional economy influences global success. They are bestsellers, trendsetters and market leaders: Outstanding products that were ­developed, designed and produced in Styria and are brought to the fore by Styrian Products – online and offline. Under the motto “Created in Styria – Produced in Styria – Sold Worldwide”, the associated annual exhibition showcases a selection from the collection. These


top selling success items come from a variety of industries, from fashion and accessories to handicrafts, industrial products and packaging design. Some set new standards in innovation, while others successfully occupy unexpected niches. What they have in common is a strong focus on design. All sample products are accompanied by sketches and models. In this way, the entire development process can be traced from the original idea to the finished product. This creates awareness of the added value of design in product development, as a driver for innovation and as a guarantee for economic success. Styrian Products also shows that good design can be found anywhere in times of ­globalization and digitization. And this is especially true

in times of crisis in which the importance of regional added value has proven to be “systemically relevant”, regionality plays a major role – also in production and design. Hubs of creativity are not exclusively London, Berlin, Paris or New York, but also Feldbach, Pöllau, Hollenegg or St. Margarethen an der Raab. The Styrian Products project, which is an online platform forum and exhibition all in one, is correspondingly all-encompassing. With Styrian Products, Creative Industries Styria has developed a program that focuses on Styrian design and Styrian products and raises awareness of good design – and not just among “design-savvy” people, but everyone. The Styrian Products exhibition thus stops

in v ­ arious Styrian regions where it focuses on local companies and creative service ­providers. The exhibition moved to the designforum ­Steiermark in 2020 and was open from ­December 1, 2020 to February 20, 2021. Styrian Products also made a stop at selected schools in the region in order to sensitize young people to the value of design and creative work. The project tells success stories, discusses design issues and reflects on economic perspectives. It strengthens Styria as a creative location and shows what creative work is doing – Created in Styria – Produced in Styria – Sold Worldwide.


Impulses & Projects

designforum Steiermark

Impulses & Projects

Impulses & Projects

design­ forum Steiermark

Breaking Types – Media Emperor Maximilian I & Writing

The designforum Steiermark provides regional and international designers and design institutions with a platform and exhibition location to make the meaning of design accessible to a broader public. The premises of the designforum Steiermark can also be used for presentations. In 2020, the designforum was the location for several larger and smaller events, including several exhibitions. The “Echo Symposium” took place as part of an exhibition of the master’s degree program Communication, Media, Sound and Interaction Designs in the esc medien kunst labor on January 30 and 31 in the designforum. The students of the degree program Information Design of FH Joanneum held their final presentation under the motto “We


Impulses & Projects

designforum Steiermark

Change”. This event was also hosted in the designforum. The designforum Steiermark had to close its doors from March 14 to May 18, 2020 due to the pandemic. It reopened its doors limited opening times on May 19 with the exhibition Breaking Types. The exhibition “SUREAL – Sustainable Responsive Art Lab by SelfSightSeeing Company” was postponed to May 2021. On December 14, Erika Thümmel presented her new book “Die Sprache der Räume” (The Language of Spaces) at an online presentation hosted by designforum Steiermark. The book examines the presenting of things and ideas through scenographic room design and focuses on the representation of their historical development.

On the orders of the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I (1459 – 1519), a new blackletter typeface, the Theuerdank-Fraktur, was designed specifically for one of the most important works of book art, the Theuerdank. It was a decisive step forward in the 800-year history of blackletter typefaces. His book project still enables unexpected references, exemplifying the history of writing, power and media that continues to this day. The exhibition was already fully set up and ready to go in the designforum, but the opening had to be canceled at short notice. The exhibition waited patiently, however, and was finally opened to the public on reopening of the designforum. Breaking Types is an exhibition project in cooperation with the designforum Tirol. Originally, lectures, workshops and typography walks were planned as a framework program for the exhibitions, but they of course also had to be canceled.


Impulses & Projects

designforum Steiermark

Impulses & Projects

Impulses & Projects


Impulse & Projekte Impulses Projects

designforum Steiermark

Taste the Ortwein

Austrian State Prize for Design

Between July 3 and 18, selected final projects from the graduates of HTBLVA Graz Ortweinschule for Design and Structural Engineering, specifically of the Art & Design department, were on display at designforum Steiermark. The exhibition included a wide range of works with different creative focuses. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the opening ceremony took place online on July 2, 2020. With its eight different subject focuses of the Art & Design department, the HTBLVA Graz Ortweinschule offers a wide range of design options. Numerous successful creative professionals began their careers here.

The State Prize for Design honors pioneering projects that focus on social relevance and sustainability, essential issues of our time. For 2019, the jury of experts selected 27 works in the product design and spatial design categories from a total of 279 submissions. In cooperation with designaustria, Creative Industries Styria shows the current winners of the Austria’s highest awards for product design and spatial design. The corresponding exhibition for the 2019 State Prize for Design, originally planned for April, was postponed to autumn and finally took place from September 11 and October 3, 2020.

CNCentury: The Future of Design in Robotic Manufacturing

This exhibition in the designforum Steiermark was open to the public from October 20 to November 2, 2020. It focused on the material wood and examined it from the perspective of design. In a semester project, the students of the Industrial Design degree program at FH JOANNEUM researched which new ­niches and products could be opened up for the material by integrating a CNC milling r­ obot into the design process. 16 product prototypes made of timber were manufactured with the 5-axis robot and were originally going to be on display during the Design Month, but ultimately found their way to the designforum Steiermark as part of an exciting exhibition.

Styrian Products

The exhibition for the lead project Styrian Products took place in the designforum Steiermark in 2020. Outstanding products from the collection were presented and the corresponding design processes made clear to the visitors. The products ranged from eyewear by Andy Wolf Eyewear to fashion by Lena Hoschek to industrial design sold worldwide such as the composting machine by Komptech. Styrian Products gathers around 100 products from 60 Styrian companies into a unique collection of all disciplines, impressively showing just what design can do and why design makes a difference.


Awareness Standort Impulses & & Projects

Partnerships and cooperations

Impulses & Projects

Partnerships and cooperations

Awareness Standort Impulses && Projects

Partnerships and Projektpartnercooperations schaften The exchange between organizations, companies and Styrian creatives creates impulses that are of great importance for the Styrian economy as a whole – in 2020 increasingly virtually. Creative Industries Styria is an active partner for projects and collaborations at a national and international level. 01

National and international networking is of incredible importance for the creative economy. This was especially true in 2020, when the majority of interactions had to be shifted to virtual space. In 2020, the cooperation and exchange between networking clusters increased significantly in Styria, for ­e xample the Holzcluster Steiermark,­n ology Styria, the Green Tech ­Cluster, the ACstyria Mobilitätscluster, the Silicon Alps Cluster and the ICS – Inter­ nationalisierungscenter Steiermark. The ­p andemic accelerated and intensified cross-cluster activities and in this sense it acted as a catalyst. Clusters are seen as anchor points of the ­Styrian economy, as lighthouses that light the way to the future and constantly set new impulses in future-oriented areas.

Cross-Cluster Cooperation 2020 was a year of generally increased cooperation between the Styrian cluster and

weiss Design, AWS Designteam, Perz+Gartler, Hartinger Consulting, sl-design and Lazarus Soulbrand were the participating design studios. The matchmaking sessions were received highly positively by Styria as well as companies and agencies.

network organizations, strengthening synergies across industries and leveraging future potential. Once two clusters decide to cooperate, the resulting project is considered to be a cross-cluster cooperation, of which many came into existence in addition to the Cross-Cluster Summit. For example, a 4-part cross-cluster webinar series under the title “Robuste Supply Chain” took place, spearheaded by the ICS – Internationalisierungscenter Steiermark in cooperation with all other Styrian cluster organizations. The webinars were held on November 9, 11, 19 and 24 with around 20 participants each time. Another series of webinars focused on the highly topical subject of “Home Office”: The 5-part webinar series was held on November 18 and 25 as well as December 2, 9, and 16 and was led by Styria in cooperation with Holzcluster Steiermark, Green Tech Cluster, the Mobilitätscluster ACstyria, Silicon Alps Cluster and Creative Industries Styria on November. A total of 150 participants were recorded. Of the two online cross-cluster matchmaking sessions “Life Science meets Design” in cooperation with Styria, one took place on October 14 and focused on the subject of product and industrial design while the other was held on November 14 and tackled the subject of packaging design. Edel-

Cross-Cluster Summit On July 6, the Cross-Cluster Summit took place online with 241 participants. The event was developed and implemented in cooperation with all clusters and had Mario Herger, a technology trend researcher from Silicon Valley, as keynote speaker. His speech was followed by a panel discussion featuring entrepreneurs who had successfully adapted their business models to current trends and circumstances. Ralph Harreiter from Parkside presented the newly founded network Austrian Digital Alliance on behalf of Creative Industries Styria.

World Usability Congress Connect 2020 The annual World Usability Congress 2020 had to be canceled, but an online conference with the title “World Usability Congress ­Connect 2020” took its place. The World Usability Congress is the largest European event on the topic of usability and has been ­concerned with user-friendly design for the past eight years, raising awareness of the r­ esulting creative achievements. During the five-day supplementary online conference, experts presented best practice examples from the fields of usability and user experience design.

European Young Innovators Festival 2020 From November 30 to December 2, the European Young Innovators Festival 2020, a ­successor event to the European Youth Award (EYA), took place online. The event is a Europe-wide competition for young people, social entrepreneurs and start-up founders who create digital projects with added value for society. The City of Graz acted as a virtual home base and the starting point for a journey of ideas across Europe. Young innovators exchanged ideas in webinars and online ­conferences, and inspiring pitches by young entrepreneurs provided new impulses for a more social and future-oriented Europe.

C hoch 3 – creative economy coaching Creative Industries Styria organizes a coaching for creative professionals in cooperation with the department for economic and tourism development of the City of Graz and the Kreativwirtschaft Austria. For many years, this coaching has aimed to facilitate exchange between creatives and to foster their economic empowerment through new collaborations and fresh know-how for the respective company. C hoch 3 offers 20 creative professionals in Styria the opportunity to learn from each other and to stay up to date in the future. The application phase and the jury selection took place in 2020 and coaching will start in January 2021.




Network & Service


Network & Service Network & Service


Networking, information and services for the Styrian creative industries, staggered and individually tailored: The membership program of Creative Industries Styria offers a suitable package for every company.

Networking between the traditional economy and the creative sector goes hand in hand with superior service at Creative Industries Styria. Events and projects ensure that the right people are in the right place at the right time – online as well as offline. At Creative Industries Styria, information is bundled together to make complex networking possible and to target individual actors in

order to empower transformation forces in the sector, to make them more effective and to drive innovations. In 2020, many service processes had to be changed and moved to the virtual world. New formats for events and projects were launched, such as the “Shop Local” section on the CIS’s own website, which is intended to promote local value creation. In 2020 in particular, “Christmas Shopping” also increasingly took place online and

Advantage through information. In other words: Be informed!

Creative Industries Styria and its website now provides strong support for this change in trends. Tools can be used to obtain data from past events and projects and to derive trend analyzes based on them, which in turn provides impulses for new developments. This way, the potential from the environment of the creative economy is raised and the business location Styria is ultimately strengthened.

The tiered membership model of Creative Industries Styria, consisting of free members, full members and premium members, offers services for creative companies that are tailored to the size of the company and the needs of individual creatives. These offers include an electronic newsletter, invitations to events, information on calls and competitions, and participation in Creative Industries Styria initiatives such as Small Talks and Open Office. Especially in 2020, the consulting services of Creative Industries Styria were even more popular than before as many creative companies were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic


in various ways. To support its members, Creative Industries Styria provided important information about aid measures, subsidies and support allowances – bundled and clearly structured. Furthermore, new formats were developed that offered and still offer additional support for the Styrian creative economy. The video interview format Creative Voice for example gives creative companies a platform to speak on their current situation, while “Shop Local Buy Local” focuses on regional buying behavior and creates awareness of value chains, especially in times of crisis. The number of members remained constant at 1,225 members at the end of 2020, including 1,034 free members, 181 full members (103 individual memberships, 78 company memberships) and 10 premium members. Unfortunately, the Networking Event had to be canceled due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.





Network & Service

Creative Voice

Network & Service

Creative Voice

Network & Service

Network & Service

Creative Voice

Creative Voice is the new online interview format from Creative Industries Styria, which was originally developed during lockdown and features discussions on current topics in the creative economy. In short video clips, creative industry professionals report on how they are handling the pandemic and its economic effects both as individuals and companies and what consequences, and also opportunities, arise from it. The aim of the project is to give the creative economy not only a face, but also a voice. A total of 28 interviews were conducted in 2020 and made available for viewing on the Creative Industries Styria website.



The industries, topics and ideas introduced paint a colorful panorama of the Styrian creative landscape. Lisa Huber discusses the Styrian Products project and provides an insight into the current exhibition at the designforum Steiermark. Patrick Haas from EN GARDE introduces the pro bono cam-

paign #stayhappystayhealthy and explains how it resulted in a collaboration with Lidl Austria. Peter Webhofer, managing director of blueLAB, reports on the creative economy coaching program C hoch 3. Tina Haslinger from GUIDED introduces the new design guide GUIDED Graz. Michael Fried, CEO of BENE, and the designer Thomas Feichtner talk about changes to our working world. Christian Reschreiter from the architectural office studio WG3 talks about how the new Graz Museum Schlossberg was designed. Itshe Petz and Io Tondolo, the “SelfSightSeeing Company”, introduce their interior design for the Merkur Campus in Graz. Karl Stocker and Sigrid Bürstmayr from FH JOANNEUM talk about the new book “Designing Sustainable Cities”. David Stelzer from the HTBLVA Graz Ortweinschule introduces the exhibition TASTE THE ORTWEIN. Ralph Harreiter from Parkside Interactive speaks on the “Austrian Digital Alliance”.



Erich Ranegger from Atelier Thomas Pucher elaborates on the contribution of architecture to upgrading a location. Andreas Pirkheim provides insights into the current situation at the label “Andy Wolf Eyewear”.

Raritäten reports on ongoing developments during the shutdown. Philipp Raunigg from RNPD – Raunigg & Partner Development GmbH shares his thoughts on a “change in values ​​in times of crisis”.

Wolfgang Pichler reports on his architecture and design studio in the USA. Heidemarie Kriz from KRIZH – Retail Architecture & Shop Design explains how the retail sector is handling the pandemic. Robert Prasch from KOOP Live-Marketing talks about the current COVID-19 situation and prospects in the event industry. Gerhard Steindl from Medienfabrik Graz shares his thoughts on COVID-19 and digitization in the print industry. Stefanie Schöffmann from look!design takes on the topic of brand positioning. Hannes Robier from Youspi Consulting speaks about the user experience sector. Klaus Kempenaars from xSITE in New York presents his book “Branded Protest”. Leonore Höfler from the store MuR – Modernes und

Andreas Reiter from Chic Ethic reports on how fair-trade shops have reacted to the crisis. The interior designer Simone Kovac talks about how she has handled the crisis situation. Stefan Kalch from SUN/SET/STAR provides insights into the situation in the fashion industry and shops in the city center. Mark Jenewein from LOVE architecture speaks about COVID-19 and the Architecture Biennale. The carpenter Georg Mähring talks about the crisis and how his current production is dealing with the changing situation. Nina Thonegg from Parkside Interactive takes on the topics of working from home and digitization. Matthias Prödl from the carpentry Josef Prödl reports on how companies are faring in times of lockdown.




Network & Service


Data pool, newsletter and website

Network & Service

Network & Service

Website & newsletter

Press and media work

The online presence of Creative Industries Styria, is literally the first address for the Styrian creative scene when it comes to networking – both digitally and analogously.


In 2020, the importance of a digital networking increased sharply. Creative ­I ndustries Styria acts as a digital information hub, where the creative scene and companies can connect. At the core of this is the website, which was upgraded with a new database system. In addition to the domain, Creative Industries Styria also operates a number of other websites, including­­, ­w ww., and The website is home to lead projects such as the Design Month Graz, Experience Economy, Styrian Products and individual exhibi-


Network & Service

Press and media work

tions in the designforum Steiermark as well as a gallery of member profiles: On the page, all members of Creative Industries Styria are represented with a profile, ensuring visibility as well as a strong online presence for Styrian creative industries. A calendar including an event preview rounds off the digital space. In addition, Creative Industries Styria sends out a newsletter once or twice a week that reaches around 2,200 subscribers. The mailing system is currently being updated and rollout of the new version is planned for 2021. In 2020, 60 newsletters with 469 articles were mailed out. National and international calls for proposals – important information for all creative companies – are a core component of the regular mailings. In total, 108 invitations to participate in calls and competitions were sent out in 2020.

Be present – especially online, but also offline: Creative Industries Styria displays its content, focuses and projects to a broad public on several channels. Media visibility is increasingly based on a strong online presence and interactive networking online. Content sharing can highlight individual members of the network in a targeted manner. The year 2020 merely accelerated what had already become a general trend towards more online presence. Naturally, Creative Industries Styria has reacted to

this development and significantly expanded its online media work alongside print activities. In addition to a strong, constantly updated web presence, the focus and project-centric content is further reflected on social media and other online platforms. The greatest focus is of course on lead projects such as the Design Month Graz, Design Transfer, Styrian Products, various exhibitions – for example in the designforum Steiermark – and the Styria-wide project Experience Economy, which give Creative Industries Styria a strong media presence.


International Partners

International Partners


Berlin (DE) City of Design

UNESCO Cities of Design


Helsinki (FI) City of Design

Kortrijk (BE) City of Design


Kolding (DK) City of Design


Baku (AZ) City of Design

Kaunas (LT) City of Design


Dundee (GB) City of Design

Asahikawa (JP) City of Design



Seoul (KR) City of Design


Montréal (CA) City of Design

Budapest (HU) City of Design





Graz (AT) City of Design

Wuhan (CN) City of Design



Shanghai (CN) City of Design

Dubai (ARE) City of Design



Turin (IT) City of Design

Mexiko City (MX) City of Design


San José (CR) City of Design


Cebu City (PH) City of Design


Istanbul (TR) City of Design

Muharraq (BH) City of Design




Shenzhen (CN) City of Design


Puebla (MX) City of Design



Singapore (SG) City of Design

Brasilia (BR) City of Design Buenos Aires (AR) City of Design

Fortaleza (BR) City of Design

Bangkok (TH) City of Design




Cape Town (ZA) City of Design 2017


Bandung (ID) City of Design (City of) Greater Geelong (AU) City of Design



Curitiba (BR) City of Design

Hanoi (VN) City of Design


European Creative Business Network


Brasilia, BR Budapest, HU Buenos Aires, AR Cape Town, ZA Cebu City, PH Curitiba, BR Detroit, USA

Dubai, ARE Dundee, GB Fortaleza, BR Graz, AT (City of) Greater Geelong, AU Hanoi, VN

Helsinki, FI Istanbul, TR Kaunas, LT Kobe, JP Kolding, DK Kortrijk, BE Mexico City, MX

Montréal, CA Muharraq, BH Nagoya, JP Puebla, MX Querétaro, MX Saint-Étienne, FR San José, CR



UNESCO Cities of Design Asahikawa, JP Baku, AZ Bandung, ID Bangkok, TH Beijing, CN Berlin, DE Bilbao, ES

Kobe (JP) City of Design 2008

Saint-Étienne (FR) City of Design

Querétaro (MX) City of Design

Nagoya (JP) City of Design

Beijing (CN) City of Design 2012




Bilbao (ES) City of Design

Detroit (USA) City of Design


Seoul, KR Shenzhen, CN Shanghai, CN Singapore, SG Turin, IT Wuhan, CN

146 Members from 39 Countries


Dates 2021

Legal Notice

Legal Notice

Dates 2021 March May May – June June July September October November


Exhibition opening “The Designer Next To You – 37 Red Dot Awards and more …”, designforum Steiermark) Opening Design Month Graz 2021 Exhibition opening SUREAL. Sustainable Responsive Art Lab by SightSeeingCompany”, designforum Steiermark Better Future symposium, event center Schloßberg Global Innovation Summit Design Battle 2021, carpentry Josef Prödl Design Month Graz 2021 Exhibition opening of Ortweinschule Graz, designforum Steiermark Fantoni Trip to Udine (IT) Exhibition opening “Industrial Design Show 2021”, designforum Steiermark Hollenegger Design Talks 2021 Member Networking Event ECIS 21 – European Creative Industries Summit, Ljubljana (SLO) CIS Networking Trip Showcase 2021, designforum Steiermark

Publisher: Creative Industries Styria GmbH Marienplatz 1, 8020 Graz +43 (0)316 890 598, General Manager: Eberhard Schrempf Photo Credits: Page 3: Jorj Konstantinov Page 5: Oliver Wolf Page 13: sara-sera Page 15: BSX Schmölzer, Tomislav Bobinec Page 19: FH Joanneum Industrial Design/Justus Hinze, Miriam Raneburger, Jorj Konstantinov Page 20 + 21: Miriam Raneburger Design Transfer 3: Miriam Raneburger, Jorj Konstantinov, FH JOANNEUM Industrial Design, Hohensinn Architektur, Viereck Architekten Page 22 + 23: Kreiner Architektur, Jorj Konstantinov, moodley brand identity, KOOP Live Marketing, En Garde, Agentur achtzigzehn, RNPD – Raunigg & Partner Development, look!design, Miriam Raneburger Page 24 + 25: Regine Schöttl, Ulrike Rauch, Nicholas Martin, Robert Frankl Page 26 + 27: Miriam Raneburger Page 28 + 29: FH JOANNEUM/IDK, Miriam Raneburger Page 30 + 31: Miriam Raneburger Page 32 + 33: Mindconsole, European Young Innovators Festival, World Usability Congress, Mischa Erben, Edera Safety

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