Annual Report 2018 of Creative Industries Styria

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Annual Report 2018

Creative Industries Styria


Contents Editorial / 3

Creative Continuity


The Styrian Creative Industries / 4 Preface Barbara Eibinger-Miedl / 5

Design – Growth for the Future


Creative Industries Styria / 6

01 Be visible & be connected: Awareness & Location


National and International Networking / 11 Graz as a UNESCO City of Design / 12 Design Month Graz / 14

02 Be inspired: Impulses & Projects


Design Transfer / 17 Experience Economy / 22 Styrian Products / 24 designforum Steiermark / 26 Partnerships and Cooperation / 30

03 Be informed: Network & Service


Membership / 33 Fast Forward 4 You fyi – for your information / 34 Excursions & Fact Finding Missions / 36 Open Office & Small Talks / 37 Website & Newsletter / 38 Press and media work / 39 UNESCO City of Design Network / 40 International Partners / 40 Preview of dates / 42 Impressum / 43



and creatives in 2018. Numerous international collaborations and fact-finding missions have also contributed to positioning the Styrian creative industries on an internal level and introducing the business location of Styria as an innovative and creative hotspot. The creative industries for sure are no hype, no trend and certainly no fad. Creative achievements in various fields have been the driving force of an economy that seeks solutions between globalization, automation and digitization for years, in order to meet the challenges of the future. This explains the continuity of the

In 2018, Creative Industries Styria

development of the creative industries:

started their second decade of oper-

Due to social and economic needs, the

ation. We have used the 10-year-ex-

continuous growth will continue the next

perience of our work in terms of de-

years and creative companies will be able

velopment and building awareness to

to take the crucial role of seismographs that

customize our offers for the Styrian

anticipate, initiate and shape long-term

creative industries and the economy

developments. The resulting know-how

as a whole, and hence to provide fruit-

and skills in terms of problem-solving and

ful and efficient services. For exam-

design will increase the importance of the

ple, the first event of the new flagship

creative industries, which will lead to jobs

project "Styrian Products" showcased

and added value.

a thriving range of Styrian products in an exhibition and an accompanying online presence. The format "Design Transfer" continued to work intensively on building bridges between companies



Creative Continuity

The Styrian Creative Industries

Creative Continuity


in terms of economics. The 4,400

ber of employees rose by more than

Styrian creative companies make 9%

5%. In 2016 sales were up about 7%

of the total number of companies in

and gross value added around 8% as

Styria. 16,100 people work in crea-

against the level in 2014.

tive professions, which is 4% of all employees. With a total turnover of

If we compare the different states of

1.7 billion euros, the Styrian creative

Austria, the Styrian figures continue

companies generate 2% of the enti-

to outstrip those of the overall Aus-

The dynamic trend of the Styrian

re Styrian sales. This translates into

trian creative industries, which also

creative industries continued in the

gross value added of 0.8 billion, or

developed dynamically between 2010

last years. Almost all areas managed

3% of Styria-wide figures.

and 2016. The number of companies increased, as in Styria, by 3%. The

to flourish, which makes the creative industries a permanent and impor-

What is particularly pleasing is the

growth rates in terms of the indica-

tant component of the overall eco-

continuity of this positive develop-

tors employees (plus 14%), turnover

nomy in Styria, which is developing

ment, as documented in long-term

(plus 24%) and gross value added

steadily and continuously.

comparisons. Between 2010 and

(plus 34%) were slightly lower in

2016, the Styrian creative industries

Austria than they were in Styria.

In October 2018, KMU Forschung

were able to record a double-digit

Austria published the study "Kre-

increase in employment, up 18%. Re-

Due to these figures, it shows that

ativwirtschaft Steiermark 2018

venues increased by 27% and gross

creative companies on average tend

(Creative Industries Styria 2018)".

value added by 38%. Taking the

to get slightly “bigger�: they have

The figures, data and facts publis-

period between 2014 and 2016, it can

more employees and generate high-

hed draw the picture of an industry

be seen that the number of compa-

er turnovers per company. Yet, that

cluster that is developing positively

nies has increased by 1%. The num-

does not change their structural


Creative Continuity

Preface Barbara Eibinger-Miedl

Creativity and innovative spirit are two essential strengths of the Styrian economy. Due to its research and development ratio of more than five percent, Styria is one of the most innovative regions in Europe. Additionally, our state is well known for its strong creative industries far beyond its borders.

characteristics: they are structured

value. The value added in textile,

on a smaller scale than those of the

jewellery and graphic design studios

overall economy. For example, 56%

has increased tremendously, while

of all Styrian creative companies

the book and publishing sector has

are individual entrepreneurs. In the

shown a negative development, due

entire market-oriented economy, the

to the decline in retail sales of books

share of those companies is 35%. In

and magazines

contrast, the share of Styrian creative enterprises with 10 or more em-

The sectors of the creative industries

ployees is significantly lower at 5%

are divided into ten areas:

than in the entire market-oriented economy (13%). Most Styrian creative companies work in advertising (21%), followed by software and games (19%) and the performing arts (16%). With 32%, most of the employees in the Styrian creative industries belong to the software industry, which also generates 32% of sales and 40% of gross value added. In second place there is advertising with 17% of employees, 15% of sales and 12% of added

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Architecture Book & Publishing Design Advertising Film Industry Music Industry Radio & TV Software & Games Market for Performing Arts Libraries, Museums and Botanical and Zoological Gardens.

According to a recent study by KMU Forschung Austria (Austrian Institute for SME Research), there are 4,400 creative companies active in Styria, which corresponds to around nine percent of all regional companies. Each year, these companies generate sales of 1.7 billion Euros and employ more than 16,000 people. These figures show that the creative industries have become a significant economic factor in Styria. Creative work has a special significance in Styria. Creative Industries Styria is the network of our creative industries and has been helping to promote collaboration between creative companies and enterprises from other industries since 2007, leveraging the added value of creativity and design for local products and services. The creative industries, being the source of ideas for further innovations from Styria, are important drivers for the development of our business location.

Barbara Eibinger-Miedl MINISTER OF ECONOMY


Creative Industries Styria

Design – Growth for the Future

Creative Industries Styria In 2007, Creative Industries Styria

creation and production - creative

vity is the booster that accelerates

was founded as a network society of

industries and classic economies en-

strategic development processes and

the Styrian creative industries. Since

ter into an exchange, which Creative

the positioning of companies. In the

then, it has been creating synergies

Industries Styria accompanies in a

end, successful cooperation and best-

between the classic economy and the

supporting and facilitating way. The

practice examples ideally encourage

creative industries, and has put the

content generated in this context

other companies to include creativity

topic of creativity in the focus of pu-

is closely related to the innovative

and design in their entrepreneurial

blic attention.

and transformational power of the


creative industries, meaning that Three strategic fields provide the

the creative industries transform the

Design Transfer

framework for the work of Creative

different sectors of the classic eco-

Already in 2016, Creative Industries

Industries Styria: Awareness &

nomy - especially the core areas of

Styria defined the flagship project

Location, Impulse & Projects, and

mobility, health and green tech - by

“Design Transfer�. The project helps

Network & Service. As part of these

providing indispensable innovation

companies increase their compe-

priorities, Creative Industries Sty-


titiveness and innovative strength through the targeted use of design.

ria works on an external level - in the different companies - and on

Creative Industries Styria generate

Design Transfer combines a bundle

an internal level - in the creative

the second link between produc-

of measures that provide precise

community. The main goal is always

tion and distribution: They use their

answers for individual questions. As

to optimize the factors for a faster

national and international network

a result, design is understood as an

development of the companies from

of people, media and locations - both

important tool in modern corporate

both sectors. In doing so, it assumes

analogue and digital - to help com-

management that goes far beyond the

the role of a double "missing link",

mercialize Styrian products and ser-

original tasks of form and function.

hence, the link that is essential for

vices and distribute them worldwide.

Design opens doors for innovation-

the functioning of the entire chain.

They always focus on the economic

oriented companies to new products,

The first interface is the one between

success of the companies. Creati-

new markets and new clients. Sub-


Creative Industries Styria

Design – Growth for the Future

CIS DESIGN TRANSFER Bridging the gap

CIS NETWORK Connect and display








Created in Styria

Produced in Styria

Sold worldwide

analog Development


sequently, design creates an overall

2018, the exhibition "Styrian Pro-

perspectives. It defines design and

perspective on classic design proces-

ducts - Design from Styria" was the

creativity as core competencies for

ses, but also on strategic decision-

prelude to this larger-scale project,

a successful business location.

making in order to guarantee the

which presents design from Styria

company's long-term success.

in changing locations and in various

Experience Economy

formats. The central questions are:

By now, the project "Experience Eco-

Styrian Products

What can design do? How are design

nomy" comprises more than 50 top

The project "Styrian Products", in-

and business success related? In

companies from Styria. Prestigious

itiated in 2018, aims at positioning

which way can design drive innovati-

creative companies offer individual

creative work as a primary resource

on? The appropriate answers will be

tours through their premises, present

for economic success by providing

provided over the next few years by

work steps, production processes,

global visibility to Styrian products

exhibitions staged in different parts

logistics, design or even services, and

with high design standards. Apart

of Styria. In addition, a continuous-

invite those interested to embark on

from the marketing of Styrian de-

ly growing digital platform is being

an expedition through the Styrian

sign, the project also reflects the

created, which presents all products

economy. The tours are designed to

profound change in production and

of the exhibition online, links them

appeal to all senses and give new

marketing processes. In times of glo-

and thus positions them worldwide.

perspectives on economic processes.

balization and digitization, quality

We also look for an exchange with

The targeted audience is, in addition

based on excellent design can origi-

young people attending schools in or-

to interested individuals, school clas-

nate everywhere - according to the

der to early increase awareness of the

ses. Since its launch in 2009, more

motto: "Created in Styria - produced

importance of creative work for the

than 2.9 million visitors have visited

in Styria - sold worldwide". Creative

future business world. The project

companies taking part in "Experi-

places might not just be London, Ber-

"Styrian Products" accompanies and

ence Economy ", in 2018 even 381,000.

lin, Paris or New York, but also Feld-

documents Styrian design by telling

Creative Industries Styria does not

bach, Poellau, Hollenegg or St. Mar-

success stories, discussing design

only manage the project, but also

garethen an der Raab. In November

topics and reflecting on economic

acts as a bridge-builder between


Design – Growth for the Future

Creative Industries Styria

the creative community and the

gram comprised 919 members, of

economy, bringing the right people

whom 735 were Free Members, 175

to the right place at the right time.

Full Members (97 individual mem-

Due to efficient networking, new col-

berships, 78 corporate memberships)

laborations are created with benefits

and 9 Premium Members.

for everyone - for the companies, for the creative professionals and,

The Organization of

finally, for the visitors, who can

Creative Industries Styria

enjoy the exciting tours.

The shareholders of Creative Industries Styria GmbH are SFG – Styrian


Business Promotion Agency, the City

Since 2013 creative professionals

of Graz and the Styrian Chamber of

from all fields have had the opportu-

Commerce. In addition to the share-

nity to join the membership program

holders, the funding is provided by

of Creative Industries Styria. The

grants from the Province of Styria

membership system is organized in 3

(SFG) and the City of Graz, as well

levels: "Free Members" have declared

as membership fees, project partners,

themselves as part of the Creative

project partnerships and sponsors.

Industries Styria network and are listed in the data pool at no extra cost. They have access to a lot of information regarding events, calls

The shareholders of Creative Indust-

and competitions. "Full Members", on

ries Styria GmbH hold the following

the other hand, are active members


of the network and are provided services ranging from free lectures

80% SFG – Styrian Business

and events, to participation in calls

Promotion Agency

and competitions, to reduced costs

10% City of Graz

for network travel, field trips or

10% WK Steiermark (Styrian

conferences. The membership fees

Chamber of Commerce)

are graded according to company size, hence, there are special rates for individual entrepreneurs. "Premium Members" are medium and long-

The core team of employees com-

term strategic partners of Creative

prises 10 persons: management,

Industries Styria, who receive a cus-

assistant to the management, office

tomized premium package of basic

management, controlling, 6 project

and special services. By 2018, the


internal structures of the membership program have been adapted to the requirements of the new General Data Protection Regulation. At the end of 2018, the membership pro-


Design – Growth for the Future

Creative Industries Styria

Social & Urban Design

Media Design

Graphic Design

Industrial & Product Design









Knowledge Networking with the industry

Thinking ‘Out of the box’

Development and quality growth






Awareness & Location

In accordance with the Ministry of Economics' first national Austrian Creative Economy Strategy, the Styrian government has identified the creative industries and their diverse services as a core competence and key potential strengthening the Styrian location - urban, peripheral to rural - and sharpening its profile.

The task of Creative Industries Styria is to strengthen and expand the creative industries in Styria and position them in the overall context of the Styrian economy. CIS assumes the role of a mediator and contact person and links creative companies with those who are interested in a cooperation with the creative community. This creates

synergies with positive effects on the entire economy. Corporate innovation processes are directly related to the creative industries, for example, through design as a "missing link" between idea and implementation. Similarly, the activities of Creative Industries Styria raise awareness of the value of creative achievement as a whole.

Just the one who is visible, also exists. In other word: Be visible & be connected!

Awareness & Location

National and International Networking

Awareness & Location

National and International Networking



Being present on a national and international level is of particular importance for a business location as networking is an essential element of entrepreneurial success. Creative Industries Styria provides networking activities in order to anchor Styria’s creative industries on an international level. On the occasion of an economic delegation trip to Mexico City and Bogotá, which was organized by the Internationalization Center ICS, Creative Industries Styria organized the Designers' Night at the MUMEDI - Museum of Mexican Design, Mexico City, on October 22, 2018. Due to the International Cooperation Program, CIS used the existing contacts with the Mexican metropolis of Puebla to connect the two regions. They set the focus on the fields of mobility / automotive, green tech / smart city and creative industries. The already existing close cooperation with Istanbul was continued in the form of a staff exchange: from November 18 to December 12, Gökçe Yildiz from the Design Bureau Istanbul worked in the Graz-based office of Creative Industries

Styria. At European level, there were also numerous discussions and meetings with cooperation partners, including the European Creative Business Network and the UNESCO Creative Cities Network. On November 24, 2018, Eberhard Schrempf participated in a podium discussion, curated by Thomas Feichtner, in Zurich, as part of the Austrian advertising event at "Blickfang Zuerich". At national level, talks were held with a wide range of partners, including Austria Design Net (ADN), the Design Forums Austria (Vorarlberg, Vienna, Salzburg), KAT – Kreativwirtschaft Austria (Creative Industries Austria), Creative Austria, Design Austria, Vienna Design Week, MAK, Creative Region Upper Austria, CAST Tyrol, AWO, AWZ - Foreign Trade Centers, Departure Vienna. On the occasion of the Austrian EU Presidency, the conference “ECIS - European Creative Industries Summit” was organized on October 3 and 4, 2018 by the ECBN - European Creative Business Network. In the course of the conference, Creative Industries Styria took one of the Open Spaces in “Supply Management”.


01 Designers’ Night at the MUMEDI – Museum of Mexican Design 02 + 05 ECIS - European Creative Industries Summit 03 GökçeYildiz, Staff Exchange with Istanbul Design Burea 04 Delegation visit from Puebla, Mexico




Awareness & Location

Graz as a UNESCO City of Design




Awareness & Location

Graz as a UNESCO City of Design




Since 2011 Graz has been a UNESCO City of Design and therefore a part of a global network of creative cities. Being a UNESCO City of Design, Graz takes part in numerous international events, conferences and competitions. Creative Industries Styria takes over important networking tasks and paves the way for fruitful collaborations. The network comprises 180 cities worldwide, of which 31 are UNESCO Cities of Design.

COD100 – 100 Days in a UNESCO City of Design In 2017, we launched - together with the Department of Economic and Tourism Development of the City of Graz - the program "COD100" and in 2018 we were able to establish a cooperation with the British UNESCO City of Design Dundee: Sonja Schwaighofer, web designer and online marketing expert at her company Great Vibes, started to work at a web design company (“mtc Media”) in Dundee in autumn 2018. Her weekly blog entries were published on the site

01 Delegation visit from the City of Design Kortrijk, Belgium 02 + 04 Delegation visit from the City of Design Wuhan, China 03 Delegation visit from the City of Design Istanbul, Turkey

31 UNESCO Cities of Design



Awareness & Location

Graz as a UNESCO City of Design

Conferences und Meetings



From June 11-15, the Annual Meeting of UNESCO Creative Cities was staged in Cracow and Katowice, where four new task forces emerged: Design & Policy, Design & Education, Design & Communication, Design & Business. The UNESCO Cities of Design Subnetwork Meeting took place in Dundee, England, from October 15 to 17. Graz was represented in the groups Design & Business as well as Design & Education. The project World Wide Things Collection was defined as a joint COD cooperation project. We also visited the Bienniale Interieur in Kortrijk. The Special Meeting of ico-D (International Council of Design) took place from September 21 to 22 in Beijing and united representatives of renowned design organizers. During Design Month Graz 2018, the HIFA Design University in Wuhan, China, sent a delegation to the UNESCO City of Design Graz on May 30. From June 11 to 12, the Hubei Provincial Cultural Department visited with a delegation of eight and enjoyed a program organized by Creative Industries Styria. 28 people from the new UNESCO City of Design Kortrijk, Belgium, were visiting Graz from May 16 to 18. Together with the Science Park Graz and

the Department of Economic and Tourism Development, Creative Industries Styria was responsible for arranging contacts and organizing the visits. Creative Industries Styria launched a cooperation with the UNESCO City of Design Istanbul, which will be intensified in 2019. The foundation for this was laid in 2018 with the Istanbul Design Bureau via Fact Findings in Istanbul and Graz as well as the launch of the COD-Staff Exchange. During the economic delegation visit of the Internationalization Center ICS to Mexico City and Bogotá, the Creative Industries Styria organized the Designers' Night at the MUMEDI - Museum of Mexican Design, Mexico City. Within the framework of this B2B format, there were table discussions and presentations by Matthias Proedl (Josef Proedl Carpentry / Interior for Life), Mike Fuisz (moodley brand idendity / Fifteen Seconds), Karlheinz Boiger (Hohensinn Architecture / Urban Oasis) and Karl Stocker (FH Joanneum / Social Design) and Eberhard Schrempf (Creative Industries Styria / World Wide Things). The evening was finished by a Mexican-Styrian fusion of culinary highlights, in which Austrian recipes met Mexican cuisine.

05 City Design Subnetwork Meeting Dundee, UK 06 to the Biennaleaus Interieur in Kortrijk, Belgium Rickof Rogers und Olga Stella, City ofin Design Detroit 06 Trip Delegationsbesuch Geelong, Australien, bei Architekt 07 ico-DPernthaler Special Meeting in UNESCO Beijing, China 08 Meeting UNESCO Meeting in Cracow und 08  Katowice, Poland Markus 07 + 09 Annual inAnnual Enghien-les-Bains, Frankreich Delegationsbesuch aus Wuhan


08 09


UNESCO Creative Cities in 72 countries worldwide


Awareness & Location

Design Month Graz

Awareness & Location

Design Month Graz

100.000 visitors in 30 days


From May 4 to June 1, Design Month Graz was held at the UNESCO City of Design Graz for the tenth time. This year’s setting for the opening ceremony was the premises of Joanneumsviertel. A total of 100,000 people attended the 121 individual events. 358 designers and companies contributed to the fact that Design Month Graz was once again an established event in the international design calendar. Due to a deliberately provocative motto, Design Month Graz 2018 challenged "tolerance" - and with it its visitors. There was an abundance of exhibitions, interventions, actions and presentations, lectures and a lot of additional highlights brought the topic of design closer to the general public for a whole month. SELECTED 2018, with 80 design objects by 37 international designers, brought


once again current top design to Graz. The "Tolerance Posters", curated by New Yorkbased designer Mirko Ilic,́ got to the point of the motto "Tolerance" at Albrechtgasse, in the city centre of Graz. Wuhan, a city with 10 million people in the heart of China and, just like Graz, also a UNESCO City of Design presented itself with its own exhibition during Design Month Graz. Milan, London, Belgrade, Tallinn, Saint-Étienne, Ljubljana, Helsinki, Bilbao, Brussels – all of them visited Graz with an own delegation – explained as "human cities" how they increase the quality of life for their inhabitants. Design Month Graz received a very positive response in 200 reports in print media, radio and TV as well as numerous online reports in Austria and abroad, which reflects its supra-regional importance.

events within Design Month Graz

Awareness & Location

Design Month Graz

358 companies and labels

Make Design Present

Design in the City

In the courtyard of Joanneumsviertel, the design installation "Rope", three oversized blue ropes, invited people to linger, design and try out. Designers and the Styrian Holzcluster created lounge furniture for the city. The design competition resulted into five prototypes and provided areas to rest and pause at various locations in Graz within Design Month Graz.

The 34 shops that participated in the format "Design in the City" in 2018, offered their visitors a wide range of design objects, far away from exhibitions and workshops. In order to spot the shops easily, in addition to the tried-and-tested Pocket Guide, there was for the first time the possibility to use the "Design Guide GRAZ" app. The "Design in the City" kick-off event took place at the Klapotetz wine bar. The guided design tours with GrazGuides also visited and presented the participating shops: the tours explored the district Lend, the area around the Kaiser-Josef-Platz and the main shopping promenade Herrengasse. At times, the tours were so well attended that the visitors had to be guided in two parallel groups.

The exhibition "World Wide Things Collection" at Joanneumsviertel displayed selected products from the UNESCO Cities of Design Montreal, Mexico City and Graz, which are - in the form of a hyperloop - sent on an international journey. The "World Wide Things Collection", conceived and developed by Anne Thomas, Pierre LaramĂŠe (both Montreal) and Eberhard Schrempf, is a partner project of the UNESCO Cities of Design Graz and MontrĂŠal.


Impulses & Projects

The core business of Creative Industries Styria is the linking of classic and creative industries. Numerous B2B projects and offers successfully combine forces of both areas. Politicians have understood that the creative industries bring strong positive impulses to the traditional economy: The transforma-

tional impact of creative work on the Styrian economy is an important part of the first Austrian Creative Industries Strategy by the Ministry of Economics. Due to their many B2B offers, Creative Industries Styria make these impulses visible and effective. A key instrument operates as "Design Transfer". This flagship project provides companies

Innovation needs inspiration. In other words: Be inspired!

with a road map of how design opens up new perspectives in business and creates tangible products and services. This not only creates locational advantages for Styria and Graz, especially as a UNESCO City of Design, but secures jobs, creates prosperity and stimulates the economy - a real win-win solution for everyone involved.

Impulses & Projects

Design Transfer

Impulses & Projects

Design Transfer

"The collaboration resulted in new experiences and perspectives on both sides. Due to the blending of design, craftsmanship and entertainment, the Design Battle turned into a fascinating, exciting experience!” Rainer Mutsch (RAINER MUTSCH Industrial Design) and Julia Pengg (Mangolds)


Design opens doors: it helps innovation-oriented companies to think beyond the original tasks of their products and services and hence, to conquer new markets and clients. Design thus becomes an instrument in modern business management. It creates overall perspectives on classic design processes, but also on strategic decision-making for the long-term guarantee of corporate success. Creative Industries Styria's format "Design Transfer" is based on a three-tiered consultancy model, in which the individual stages merge smoothly. The "CIS Design Support", Level 1, represents the initial consultation in the company. The "Design Check" examines the current status in terms of design, and strategy workshops use methods such

as "Design Thinking" to evaluate the creative potential. As a second step, “CIS Design Connect”, the company cooperates with Creative Industries Styria to find partners, send out calls, and run competitions to create real products and services, which means that the network of Creative Industries Styria is activated. Finally, "CIS Design Display", stage 3, presents the results: exhibitions, publications and press documents are prepared, projects are presented e.g. within Design Month Graz, or events are organized. Creative Industries Styria, in collaboration with the company involved in the project, creates a "Design Transfer" timetable and derives the services that are actually needed. The lead project joins design and companies, creates new synergies and helps to fully exploit previously unrecognized potential.

01 Design Battle 2018 teams at carpentry Josef Proedl 02 Hollenegger Designgespraeche 03 Design by look!design – Design of junction boxes/transformer station 04 “Layers of Tribute“ by AVA Architecture with carpentries Probst & mtdesign 05 “Ornamentaler Flimmerzaun (Ornamental Flickering Fence)“ by Thomas Feichtner Studio 03





Impulses & Projects

Design Transfer

Impulses & Projects

Design Transfer: Projects 2018

Design Battle 01

The event "Design Battle" by Creative Industries Styria is the prime example of the "Design Transfer" concept: The challenge of the CIS Design Battle 2018 was design a freestanding wooden clothes rack. Four teams, each consisting of experts from the field of design and another profession, design and manufacture a prototype on-site, actually in the carpentry of Josef Proedl. By doing so, they make the design process tangible and visible to the audience.


The four teams included Rainer Mutsch (RAINER MUTSCH Industrial Design, Julia Pengg (Mangolds) und Martin Pauritsch (Tischlerei Proedl), Martin Mostboeck (Architecture and Design Development), Katharina Auferbauer (Diagonale) and Martin Bauer (Tischlerei Proedl), Erich

Ranegger (Atelier Thomas Pucher), Katharina Goetzl (Seidl Trachten) and Thomas Gross (Tischlerei Proedl) and Annabell Spoetl (ambibell), Edgar Schnedl (WK Steiermark, FG Advertising and Market Communication) and Marcel Haberl/Josef Paier (Tischlerei Proedl). The winning object of the Design Battle 2018, the clothes rack by Rainer Mutsch and Julia Pengg, was able to convince the jury.

Design Talks at the Hollenegg Castle 2018 In 2018, the Design Talks at the Hollenegg Castle showed exemplary ways of integrating design in companies and creating new synergies. On July 3, there was a symposium on the topic “Public Space”, it was organized in cooperation with designaustria and a diverse line-up of experts was invited: Karlheinz Boiger (Hohensinn Architecture), Aglaée Degros

01 Workshop Upcycling Thonet with Tobias Kestel and Markus Ofner at Eva Elias Design 02 “Lebender Lichtzaun (Living Light Fence)“ by Giselbrecht + Partner Architektur 03 A Graz-related Luminaire – Design by zweithaler

„The project 'Customized Fences' resulted in trend-setting fence concepts of top-quality design. On the one hand, we were happy to receive excellent design concepts and, on the other hand, by working with creative professionals, we experienced how a design-oriented perspective does enhance opportunities in terms of strategic corporate management.” Guenther Baumhackl and Martin Ritter, H+S Zauntechnik GmbH



Impulses & Projects

Design Transfer


Impulses & Projects



(TU Graz - Institute for Urban Design, ARTGINEERING), Elisabeth Fiedler (Department of Art in the Outdoor Space at Universalmuseum Joanneum) and Sigi Ramoser (Saegenvier DesignKommunikation). The expert talks took place in cooperation with Holzcluster Steiermark on July 4. During the event, they presented exemplary projects where design and classic industries united and led to new product ideas. LUCY.D cooperated with the porcelain manufactory Augarten, the carpentry Josef Goebl with the hotel Almwellness Pierer and with the Sigmund Freud University Vienna.

Lounge Furniture for the City The cooperation between Creative Industries Styria and Holzcluster Steiermark, which started in 2017, continued in 2018. Within the Full Member group, ten design-

ers were invited to the ideas competition of Creative Industries Styria, and finally eight of them presented their thoughts. Five of those designers implemented their concepts together with the wood building companies that are part of Holzcluster Steiermark. AVA - Andrea Vattovani & Steirisches Moebelhandwerk in cooperation with mtdesign Tischlerei (design: "Layers of Tribute"); Johannes Scherr Design – Tischlerei Rosenkranz ("Urbansailor"); Architect DI Tinchon & Tischlerei Griessner ("Blockchain"); Bramberger architects & Tischlerei Lampl ("Gewuerfelt (Diced)"); Viereck Architekten & Messner GmbH ("Wolkenteppich (Cloud carpet)"). Regarding the project idea of RNDP - Philipp Raunigg, Holzcluster Steiermark was able to find a material sponsor and thus the project could be implemented.



04 Graz Leuchte (A Graz-related Luminaire) – Design by GEORG WANKER Industrial Design 05 “Octagon Chair“ by Thomas Feichtner Studio 06 Design by GW24 – Design of junction boxes 07 Graz Leuchte (A Graz-related Luminaire) – Design by Thomas Feichtner Studio 08 “Wolkenteppich (Cloud Carpet)“ by Viereck Architekten and Messner GmbH


Impulses & Projects

Design Transfer

Impulses & Projects

Design Transfer: Projects 2018

“Being a leading international manufacturer of bespoke furniture and interiors who has been active for 140 years, the topic of design is always crucial. Hence, the Hollenegger Designgespraeche provide an excellent platform and enable the exchange between creative service providers, manufacturers and the customers who benefit from these solutions.” Josef Goebel, Josef Goebel Carpentry


Design of Junction Boxes with Holding Graz According to the initiative to make Graz's cityscape more attractive, and as part of its activities as UNESCO City of Design, the city - in cooperation with Holding Graz and Creative Industries Styria - has started a project to develop design solutions for the fuse boxes in the cityscape of Graz. Three agencies that have a connection to the locations - Atelier Neubacher - Hasnerplatz, look! Design - Andreas-Hofer-Platz, GW24 – Kaiserfeldgasse – were invited for the pilot project of Energie Graz. In the end Michael Neubacher’s concept was unanimously selected by the customer, Holding Graz. The first six distribution boxes were implemented in the Kaiserfeldgasse.

“Graz Leuchte (A Graz-related Luminaire)“ Creative Industries Styria and Ecoworld LCL GmbH sent out an invited competition to develop a Graz-related street lamp, which is produced in Styria and is suitable for the international market. During the "Design Transfer" project, five design offices were nominated for the competition: Thomas Feichtner Studio, Georg Wanker Industrial Design, Johannes Scherr Design, Edelweiss Design and Zweithaler. After the briefing, the first four projects were presented by Thomas Feichtner Studio, Georg Wanker Industrial Design, Johannes Scherr Design, and Zweithaler in April. Ecoworld LCL opted for the concepts of zweithaler and Studio Thomas Feichtner.

01 Costumized Fences by H+S Zauntechnik: Martin Ritter, Ernst Giselbrecht, Markus Wrentschur, Lisa Feiwickl, Guenther Baumhackl 02 + 03 Design by Atelier Michael Neubacher – Design of junction boxes 04 Hollenegger Designgespraeche 02



Impulses & Projects

Design Transfer




Impulses & Projects



„Costumized Fences“ H + S Zauntechnik, a Premium Member of Creative Industries Styria, would like to take more innovative approaches with designers and architects. By positioning themselves in the design sector, the company is trying to secure a positive differentiation, a higher profile and thus future competitive advantages. Hence, they have been developing new concepts with Full Members of Creative Industries Styria: Architect Ernst Giselbrecht, Thomas Feichtner Studio and Zweithaler. Finally, the design process resulted in five concepts in total, each presented as a prototype in Design Month Graz 2018. Additionally, the

company implemented two further projects with a very different approach with Thomas Feichtner Studio: Octagon Chair & Spere Bench.


„Upcycling Thonet“ The quest for new product ideas based on finished parts stored at the premises of the old Thonet production plant in Friedberg was the aim of two workshops hosted by Eva Burtscher, Tobias Kestel and Markus Ofner. The project was initiated by the studio Ing. Leo Riebenbauer GmbH, an office for renewable energy, that bought the former production plant in Friedberg.

05 Winner team Design Battle: Julia Pengg and Rainer Mutsch 06 “Blockchain“ by architect Tinchon + ai-design with carpentry Griessner 07 + 08 Designs by GW24 – Design of junction boxes 09 “Nest“ by RNDP with carpentry Probst and Holzcluster Steiermark 10 “Urbansailor“ by Johannes Scherr Design and carpentry Rosenkranz 11 “Framework“ by zweithaler (vo.) and “Facettenreiche Rohrmauer (Versatile Wall of Tubes)“ by Giselbrecht + Partner Architektur 07





Impulses & Projects

Experience Economy

Impulses & Projects

Experience Economy

381.000 visitors in 2018


The flagship project “Experience Economy” already includes 59 partner companies. Those enterprises provide insights into the world of prime Styrian companies, from high-tech topics to regional luxury food to highly specialized services. "Experience Economy - made in Styria" by Creative Industries Styria highlights the world of top Styrian companies and provides insights into their manufacturing processes. Each participating company offers professionally designed tours, staged by designers of Creative Industries Styria’s network. Due to those tours, interested visitors can experience economy with all senses and can explore on-site regional added value and attractive jobs at the business location. Since its launch in 2009, more than 2.9 million visitors have


already visited the companies participating in "Experience Economy", 381,000 in 2018. The team of Creative Industries Styria does not only manage the project, it also acts as a bridge-builder between creative professionals and economy and hence, initiates sustainable cooperation. Due to their constantly evolving network, they enable cooperation and synergies, which is favourable for all those included. In addition, Creative Industries Styria accompany the project process from the company's expression of interest to the concept and design to the continuous guarantee of quality as well as the commercialisation of the tours. In 2018, three new companies were added to the network: Logicdata in Deutschlandsberg, VA Erzberg in Eisenerz and Strobl Bau / Holzbau in Preding.

companies offer Experience Economy Tours

Impulses & Projects

Experience Economy


Impulses & Projects

tours with 526 students during the University Days

Seal of quality Each business participating in "Experience Economy" receives a seal of quality as a visible proof of the quality of the tours. Hereby, the companies emphasize their willingness to present themselves, their products and services to a broad public. Experience Economy is also of particular interest to students who get to know interesting professions and may even meet their future employer for the first time.

New Launches In 2018, "Experience Economy" grew by three new companies: In April, LOGICDATA, an expert for smart home and office furniture, joined the network with a tour designed by the Graz-based creative agency feinwork. Since June, VA Erzberg has been providing insights into sustainable mining via a tour designed by the studio crearteam Weisskirchen. Strobl Bau has been expanding the " Ex-

perience Economy portfolio since October with a tour through the (wood) construction world, designed by Studio Bleifrei.

University Days Due to the successful "Experience Economy" University Days of the previous years, last year’s "Experience Economy" college tours – with a focus on the month of April, again targeted students from 6 universities and advanced technical colleges (Karl-Franzens-University Graz, Graz University of Technology, Montanuniversitaet Leoben, FH Joanneum, FH Campus 02, Chinese University of Hong Kong). The goal of the event is to provide young people, whose fields of expertise match the companies in question, the opportunity to get to know different fields of occupation. Companies, on the other hand, have the opportunity to present themselves to potential future employees and to interest them in their business. In 2018, 526 students and teachers as well as 25 companies particpated in 35 tours.


Impulses & Projects

Styrian Products

Impulses & Projects

Styrian Products

"Styrian Products" is a new core project of Creative Industries Styria. It is a collection of Styrian products from all design disciplines and highlights design processes and creativity as primary factors for economic success. A skirt by Lena Hoschek, eyewear by Andy Wolf and an outdoor sofa by Viteo not only share their Styrian origins, but also a focus on form and function, which sets them apart from other products. Smart and innovative design plays an outstanding role when it comes to these products, because only the skilful interplay of form and function, quality and originality makes a product unique and literally more valuable, due to creative add-


ed value. It is therefore not a coincidence that design from Styria enjoys an excellent image far beyond the borders. Yet, often it is the product that is known, but not the contribution of the regional creative industry behind it. In 2018, the exhibition "Styrian Products", as a kick-off event of the new project of Creative Industries Styria , was dedicated to products and creative achievements from Styria at the premises of the company XTEC in St. Margarethen an der Raab. Between November 22 and November 30, the exhibition showed around 100 products by Styrian designers who are successfully sold on the international market. Still, there is more to "Styrian Products". The project deals with

Impulses & Projects

Styrian Products

Impulses & Projects

questions like: How does design work? What is the process like from the first idea to the finished product? What do these products tell us about their design process? Another important aspect of creative work is a global one because in times of globalization and digitization modern marketing processes as well as quality and good design can originate everywhere. The project is therefore designed as both, an online networking platform and a digital marketplace, and it follows the principle "Created in Styria produced in Styria - sold worldwide". As an exhibition, Styrian Products will be shown in the next few years in other Styrian regions, in cooperation with local companies

and creative service providers. In addition, a constantly growing digital platform is being created that presents all Styrian Products online, links them and places them in a global showcase. The "Styrian Products" project is aimed at the general public: companies that are interested in design processes and want to invest more in design, schools and young people who want to get to know creative work, and regional creative minds. The new project of Creative Industries Styria thus fulfils the core tasks of the network society: it creates more awareness of the value of design, promotes networking and enhances regional creative work.


Impulses & Projects

designforum Steiermark


exhibitions in 2018

Impulses & Projects

design­ forum Steiermark Fake You

In the course of the poster exhibition "Fake you", from January 25 to February 10, 2018, FH JOANNEUM Graz students from the bachelor program Information Design, in the major Communication Design, showed their interpretation of controversial topics, ranging from false facts and image manipulation in the media to compulsive perfectionism in our society. The exhibition FAKE YOU was this year's semester project for the students. The students of the specialization course Communication Design dealt with the topics truth and lies and were inspired by everything between illusion and reality.

“Designforum Steiermark plays an important part as a missing link between designers on the one hand and the public on the other. Good design concepts are not always perceived as important factors for economic success. Designforum Steiermark helps to implant the awareness of design in people's minds and hearts.” Philipp Raunigg, RNDP



In 2018, seven exhibitions at designforum Steiermark were dedicated to the subject of design in all its different forms - and right in the city centre of the UNESCO City of Design Graz.

Best of Austrian Design The State Prize Design is advertised every two years by the Federal Ministry for Digitization and Business Location (BMDW) and awarded by designaustria. From a total of 266 submissions in 3 categories, 28 shortlisted entries were selected this year and were displayed at designforum Steiermark in the course of the exhibition "Staatspreis Design 2017. A prize in the special category “DesignConcepts” by aws - for unrealized products and concepts – was awarded to MO: YA VISUALS for "In Touch with the Illusion".

Impulses & Projects

designforum Steiermark

Impulses & Projects

We Are Here, Now!

Between May 25 and June 16, 2018, the exhibition "We Are Here, Now!" featured works by Dutch designers who embody a new generation - a generation motivated by the impact that their work has on the world. The exhibition is a form of questioning themselves in terms of design and production, as well as thinking and experiencing as inhabitants of this world. The central question was: "Where do we want to go and how do we reach our destination?" The exhibition was curated by Studio Lotte Douwes and Dries van Wagenberg, the exhibition design was done by Hofmeijer Dekker Ontwerpers. There were showcased works by Arvid & Marie, Sheltersuit, Chloe Rutzerveld, Collectie Veenhuizen, Gewildgroei, Martijn van Strien, Mirjam de Bruijn, Overtreders W & Bureau SLA, Studio Simone Post, Somnox, Super Local, Stone Cycling, Studio Lotte Douwes, and Frank Kolkman Experimental Design.

Industrial Design Show 2018

From July 5 to 28, 2018, the Industrial Design Show of FH JOANNEUM Graz presented works and models by the students of the bachelor and master study program Industrial Design. Some of the designs have been developed in direct cooperation with partners from business and industry. Among the projects were a modern inhalation system (in cooperation with Pari), innovative logistics systems (Crown), commercial vehicles for construction and agriculture (Wacker Neuson), the WoodC.A.R. (VW, Weizer Energy Innovation Center, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, TU Graz), emergency systems for airports (Rosenbauer), sun protection systems (Woundwo) and the Siemens Home Appliances Design Award 2018 (BSH Hausgeraete).

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Impulses & Projects

designforum Steiermark

Impulses & Projects

Vinyl „Ich hätte Cover Art gern mein Schnitzel blau (I Would Like to Have my Schnitzel Blue)“

“Ich haette gern mein Schnitzel blau (I Would Like to Have my Schnitzel Blue)“ was the motto of the exhibition (September 13 – 26, 2018) by Philipp Raunigg. It is a symbol for challenging customer wishes and own ideas, which go beyond the classic marketing of the agency and hence, influence and change designs and encourage further thinking. The label presentation of RNPD and Mandahorn was about uncommon products which surprise with great refinement. Philipp Raunigg is a marketing expert and product designer and, with his agency RNPD (Raunigg & Partner Development) and the label Mandahorn, does not follow the mainstream but challenge the boundaries of creativity and production.


In the digital age, haptics have a special importance. The exhibition "Vinyl Cover Art", from October 2 to 31, 2018 at designforum, presented examples of visual design of record covers from the past to the present. The show is a true journey through 50 years of extraordinary imagery and aesthetics for pop, rock, jazz and classical music. The displayed covers, all originals and no re-prints, are part of the collection of Heinz M. Fischer and correspond with turntables from five decades. Many of the shown exhibits have been objects of art and cult for a long time: design classics of yesterday and today. As part of the exhibition and in cooperation with Austrovinyl GmbH, on October 19, there was also the unique opportunity to join an excursion to the only record press in Austria.

Impulses & Projects

designforum Steiermark

Impulses & Projects

Showcase 2018

“Design never stands alone, but it is always embedded in a larger context. Only then, it can develop its transformative power and also shape the environment, which was shown in both projects Showcase and Design Transfer. Props of the public space, which seem trite, are significantly enhanced and have a direct effect on their surroundings.” Benjamin Pernthaler, zweithaler

The exhibition "Showcase 2018", which was shown between November 8 and December 1, 2018, at designforum, highlighted successful outcomes of Creative Industries Styria’s format "Design Transfer". The event presented innovative design objects and solutions which emerged from the cooperation of Styrian companies and creative professionals. In cooperation with Holzcluster Steiermark, design/ architectural studios and local carpentries designed and implemented five pieces of lounge furniture for the city. At "Design Battle 2018" in Josef Proedl’s carpentry, four teams developed a self-standing clothes rack within 24 hours - from the initial design to

the finished prototypes. Also on display in the exhibition were the results of three "Design Transfer" projects: With "Customized Fences", a project of H + S Zauntechnik, a new product line of fences was created. The Octagon Chair and the Sphere Bench by Thomas Feichtner are also the result of an exciting cooperation. The project "Graz Leuchte (A Graz-related Luminaire)" with IBS Austria was based on the idea to find a new street lamp with a Graz reference - and they did. Another "Design Transfer" project with Holding Graz was dedicated to a new design for the distribution boxes in Graz.


Awareness & Location Standort

Designmonat Graz

Awareness & Location Standort

Partnerships Projektpartnerand Cooperation schaften



As an active partner for projects and collaborations, Creative Industries Styria takes the lead for an exchange between organizations, companies and Styrian creative professionals, which creates impulses for the Styrian economy as a whole.

Convention on Economic Development of the Styrian Economy According to the motto "no limits", the Convention on Economic Development of the Styrian Economy on June 27, 2018, explored the question of how entrepreneurial goals signern und damit aktuelles Spitzendesign and innovative thinking interlace in order to brachte etwa SELECTED auch 2018 wieder release hidden potential and thereby shift exnach nach Graz. Die „Tolerance Posters“ , kuisting boundaries. Creative Industries Styria ratiert vom New Yorker Mirko and Ilić, has nominated VITEO forDesigner the exhibition brachten das Motto „Toleranz“ inlounge der Grazer industry input. Additionally, the furAlbrechtgasse auf den Punkt. Wuhan, eine niture project of AVA - Andrea Vattovani Ar10-Millionen-Stadt im Herzen von ist chitects with carpentries Probst & China, mtdesign wie Graz UNESCO City of Design und präwas displayed in the forecourt. Being a netsentierte sich im Designmonat Graz mit eiwork organization, Creative Industries Styria ner eigenen Ausstellung. Mailand, London, supports the Styrian creative community in Belgrad, Tallinn, Saint-Étienne, establishing contacts with potentialLaibach, keynote Helsinki, Bilbao, Brüssel – jeweils mit einer speakers and agencies. eigenen Delegation zu Gast in Graz – zeigten als „Human , wie siein die LebensqualiVISION PLUSCities“ Conference Mexico City tät erhöhen. As World Design Capital 2018, Mexico City

Der zehnte Designmonat Graz eroberte In the creative industries networking is condie UNESCO City of Design Graz zwischen sidered essential. Only if the appropriate proj4. und of 1. organizations, Juni. Schauplatz der ErectMai partners classical and creöffnung war dieses Mal das Joanneumsative industries do collaborate, new, innovative viertel. Insgesamt besuchten products, services and processes100.000 can emerge. Menschen die 121 Einzelveranstaltungen. Creative Industries Styria is the driving force 358 Designerinnen und Designer behind numerous joint projects withsowie partners Unternehmen haben dazu beigetragen, from different fields. These include for exdass Graz erneut ein FH ampleder theDesignmonat University of Applied Sciences Fixpunkt im internationalen Joanneum with their design-oriented degree Designkalender war. programs, the European Youth Award Festival, designaustria or Kreativwirtschaft Austria Mit einem provokantand gewählten (KAT). Thebewusst regular exchange contact Motwith to forderte der Designmonat Graz 2018 die the most diverse organizations boosts the Styr„Toleranz“ heraus – und ebendiese von den ian creative industries and positions them in Besucherinnen und Besuchern ein. Eine Fülle the context of regional, national and internahosted the VISION PLUS Conference. VIDer Designmonat sein in an Ausstellungen, Interventionen, Aktionen. tional projects, which on the other hand results SION PLUS is an Graz event fand format of Echo the IID 200 Berichten in Printmedien, Hörfunk und Präsentationen, Lectures und vielen zusätzin an added value for all Styrian companies. (International Institute for Information DeTV sowie über zahlreiche Onlineberichte in lichen Highlights brachte das Thema Design Medien im In- und Ausland, die die überreeiner breiten Öffentlichkeit näher – und das gionale Bedeutung des Designmonat Graz ein ganzes Youth Monat lang. 80 Designobjekte vonon Economic 01 European Award Festival 02 + 04 Convention Development of the Styrian Economy widerspiegeln. 04 Luis Espinosa Rueda und Luis A. Gonzálezund Arenal aus Puebla, Mexico 37 internationalen Designerinnen De-




Awareness & Location

Designmonat Graz

sign), which is handled by, Martin Foessleitner - a cooperation partner of Creative Industries Styria. The aim of the format is to define the contribution of information design to urban development, to develop new formats and to convey those tools of urban planning to the officials. The conference took place from October 20 – 31, 2018. Eberhard Schrempf (Creative Industries Styria) and Karl Stocker (FH Joanneum) participated in the conference by giving a lecture and hosting a workshop.



International Cooperation Program (IUC) In 2018, there was a cooperation with the ICS - Internationalization Centre Styria, within of the International Cooperation Program (IUC), with the aim of connecting European and Latin American regions. Due to the fact that Creative Industries Styria was already well connected with Puebla (MX) and did use their contacts during the business trip to Mexico City in 2018, they selected Puebla as a cooperation partner. The project, that was designed in cooperation with Creative Industries Styria, focused on Mobility / Automotive, Green Tech / Smart City and Creative Industries. Graz hosted a delegation from Puebla in November 2018.

Degree Course Design Management Creative Industries Styria, together with WIFI Styria and aws - Austria Wirtschaftsservice,

developed the degree course “Design Management”. It is primarily aimed at project managers, product developers, individuals in key positions and middle management from all industries, who want to include design and design processes in their business. The potential participants should have a basic understanding and confidence in the leverage of design management and in the transformative power of design as a driver of innovation and growth. Yet, it is also aimed at people who see a lot of potential and resources for innovation in their companies. The first degree course started with 10 participants on February 4, 2018. The curriculum for the course was developed by Johannes Robier (youspi Consulting) in cooperation with Creative Industries Styria.


Further Partnerships Creative Industries Styria's diverse contacts cover a wide range of industries, topics and projects. In 2018, there was a cooperation with XTEC, in the course of the showcase "Styrian Products", which took place from November 22 to 30, 2018 at the company headquarters. The Styrian Chamber of Commerce (field of work: Advertising and Market Communication) is a long-term cooperation partner (Green Panther), such as the European Youth Award, where the Creative Industries Styria acts as a multiplier. The festival took place from November 29 to December 1, 2018.

05 World Usability Congress 06 Green Panther Ceremony 07 Convention on Economic Development of the Styrian Economy



Network & Service

Networking means service. Service means ensuring that the right people are in the right place at the right time. Creative Industries Styria collect the information that makes complex networking possible. A wide range of projects and programs specifically connects the individual players. Effective

tools can be used to derive trend analyzes from the data pool, which provide important impulses for the further development of creative and economic potentials. Creative Industries Styria is constantly developing new formats for projects and events to provide an ideal platform to the creative industries in order to show-

Advantage through information. In other words: Be informed!

case their achievements and promote collaboration with the traditional economy. Thus, Creative Industries Styria fully follow the guidelines of the Austrian Creative Economy Strategy: identify and effectively implement transformational forces, create synergies and push innovation.

Network & Service



CIS Members

Network & Service

Membership The staggered membership program of Creative Industries Styria provides customized services and offers for Styrian creative industries. Since 2013, Styrian creative companies have been able to become members of Creative Industries Styria. The membership program comprises three levels of membership and frames customized offers for each target group. At the same time, the system evaluates the status as a member and reacts flexibly to individual requirements of different companies and persons. The three levels are:

„Free Members“ Free Members have free access to a lot of services of Creative Industries Styria, such as an entry in the member data pool on the website. They all receive electronic newsletters, invitations to events, information on calls and competitions and can make use of an start-up consultation, the idea screening for business ideas, as well as a consultation on funding.

„Full Members“ Full Members can also participate in calls and competitions tendered by Creative Industries Styria, as well as in CIS conferences, meetings, seminars and similar networking events. There are partly reduced fees for that.

Free of charge are the numerous web services such as the marketplace entry, corporate and designer portraits, content transport via the CIS newsletter and much more. Full Members receive low-cost access to lectures, presentation, exchange and qualification programs and can use the CIS formats Small Talks and Open Office. Additionally, they can use the CIS network for contacts in Austria and abroad.

„Premium Members“ Premium Members are strategic partners of Creative Industries Styria and commit to a medium to long-term collaboration. Creative Industries Styria offers them a customized premium package with additional special services. At the end of 2018, the membership program had 919 members, of whom 735 were free members, 175 full members and 9 premium members. 128 "Member Portraits" were online at the end of the year. Full and Premium Members are also continuously featured as "Member of the Week" in the CIS newsletter. On July 13, 2018, the member network meeting of Creative Industries Styria took place with 173 guests.


Network & Service

Fast Forward 4 You

Network & Service

Fast Forward 4 You fyi – for your information

The lecture series "Fast Forward 4 You" and “fyi – for your information“ provides targeted information and expert knowhow from different fields of creative companies in Styria.



What is PropTech? PropTech (from "Property Tech") means the use of digital tools in the real estate industry. This ff4y event on June 21, 2018 provided up-tothe-minute information about the technology and presented best practice examples showing how to use augmented reality, virtual reality, smart parking, and automated documentation. Lectures were given by Elias Remele (Head of PropTech at Golem Digital), Stefan Grubinger (Civil Engineer and founder of recordIT), Dominik Wieser (Co-Founder Accessio GmbH) and Wolfgang Walcher (Founder of Robotic Eyes and Vice President of BIM-World).

Quartier 7 - Does Wood Determine the Cityscape of Tomorrow? In the context of urbanization, climate change and shortage of resources, designers, architects and property developers are currently facing the challenges of responsible urban development. The future of multi-storey timber construction in urban areas, based on the example of Quartier 7 in Graz Reininghaus, was the topic of the ff4y event at Strobl Bau - Holzbau on October 18, 2018, which was organized in cooperation with Holzcluster. In addition to lectures by Johann Harrer and Harald Strobl of Strobl Bau, Karlheinz Boiger of Hohensinn Architektur gave a lecture on "Wood in the City - Urban building with wood".


01 “What is PropTech anyway?” with Golem Digital 02 aws Kreativwirtschaft infohour with Doris Froehlich 03 Karlheinz Boiger on “Wood in the City“ 04 “Wollsdorf Leder. Feel the Character“, together with ACstyria

03 04



Network Netzwerk&&Service Service

Fast–Forward for You FYI Lecture series




Network & Service

Wollsdorf Leather. Feel the Character.


Wollsdorf Leather supplies high-quality leather for the international automotive, furniture and aircraft industries and is the market leader in the field of steering wheel leather. The ff4y event, held in cooperation with the ACstyria Mobility Cluster on November 28, 2018, gave insights into the use of leather as a high-tech material in the industry division and in private homes, as well as its use in aviation. In addition to a company presentation, Thomas Perz (designerei graz) and Holger Friehmelt (FH Joanneum Aviation) gave a talk on the use of leather as a material for various applications such as in the industry, private homes, or aviation.

The fyi event on February 14, 2018, was organized in cooperation with the Weiz-based agency Cardamom, and gave information on the versatile techniques of hand lettering. Sylvia Fischer, expert in hand lettering, showed the participants the most important basics of typeface design and brush lettering.

aws Kreativwirtschaft infohour Innovative strength, flexibility and location development - more than any other industry, the creative industries stand for the great changes of our time. At the info hour of aws Kreativwirtschaft, on May 14, 2018, experts discussed with interested parties in oneto-one talks new forms of organization and working models, early anticipating consumer needs, and above-average growth rates.

05 + 06 Elias Remele (Golem Digital) and Guido Strohecker (Strohecker Architects) on the topic of PropTech 07 Thomas Perz (designerei Graz) on leather as a high-tech material 08 Hand lettering workshop at cardamom



Network & Service

Excursions and Fact Finding Missions

Network & Service

Excursions and Fact Finding Missions Networking with the international community and transnational exchanges are important elements in promoting Styria as a creative site and at the same time, exploring potentials for the local creative community. Network Trip to Bilbao


This year's network trip took place from November 14 to 17 and led its participants to the UNESCO City of Design Bilbao. The program included visits to young design labels and studios in the city and in the centre of industry, as well as Bilbao Design Week exhibitions and conferences. In addition, there were meetings with representatives of the UNESCO City of Design, Maria del Blanco, from Bilbao Ekintza, E.P.E.L. - Economic Development Agency of the Municipality, as well as the Enterprise Europe Network (BEAZ, SA).


Center, the Styrian Minister of Economy Barbara Eibinger-Miedl and Creative Industries Styria hosted the Designers' Night at the MUMEDI. Designers' Night focused on table discussions with 5 Styrian experts from the fields of design and architecture. In addition, the participants were able to exchange and network with successful entrepreneurs from the fields of environmental technology, energy and mobility.

Excursion to Fantoni in Udine In the course of an excursion to the Italian furniture producer from March 14 – 16, 2018, we also visited Casa Fantoni, which houses the Archivo, a meticulous documentation of the company's 130-year history. Premium member Tischlerei Josef Proedl and Creative Industries Styria invited to this trip to the Fantoni estates.

Designers' Night at MUMEDI / Mexico City On the occasion of a delegation trip to Mexico City and Bogotá, the ICS Internationalization

01 + 04 Networking trip to the City of Design Turin 02 + 03 Designers’ Night at MUMEDI, Mexico City 05 Fantoni Trip with carpentry Josef Proedl 04




Network & Service

Open Office

Network & Service

Open Office & Small Talks


“Open Office” is a B2B format of Creative Industries Styria. It opens the doors of partner companies of the network and provides a direct insight into their activities. The location is always the corporate premises, where the companies outline their contents and goals within the network. In the course of the format “Small Talks” fascinating entrepreneurs have a small meeting with Full and Premium Members of Creative Industries Styria and exchange views, ideas and experiences.

sound design through synchronized recordings to film sound mixes.

Open Office at Mindconsole Mindconsole is a multi-award winning, global company that is dedicated to visual concepts of all kinds, including commercials, image clips or music videos as well as event filming or the use of virtual reality. The Open Office on September 18 provided a direct insight into the business activities of Mindconsole.

Small Talk with Martin Auer


Open Office at AIONAV Systems The Open Office at AIONAV Systems on July 2, 2018 provided a look behind the scenes of app design. AIONAV Systems creates sophisticated, individually designed mobile applications with no need for programming for on- & offline use.

Open Office with Klangkulisse Noises accompany our everyday life. Some are not to be missed and others are less present but still important for the overall impression. At the Open Office at Klangkulisse on November 22, there was the opportunity to immerse yourself in the professional life of a recording studio, to see and, above all, to hear what sound and music can do - from


For centuries, the name “Auer” has stood for the highest bread culture and still no routine has found its way into the bakeshops of the traditional bakery, for Martin Auer does not only want to bake bread but he wants to improve his craft every day a bit more. This is only possible by always thinking outside the box or in his case, outside the baking sheet. A new design was meant to convey the image that reflects the baker and the trade in an innovative, a modern and a loveable way – just like he sees himself. The Small Talk with Martin Auer on December 13, 2018, provided an opportunity to talk to Martin Auer about the brand's vision.

01 + 02 Open Office at Horst Schnattler, Klangkulisse 03 Open Office at AIONAV 04 Small Talk with Martin Auer, Martin Auer GmbH 05 Open Office at Mindconsole




Network & Service

Data pool, newsletter and website



Network & Service

Website & Newsletter


invitations to calls and competitions


The new website of Creative Industries Styria, designed by parkside, was launched in February 2018.


Due to networking and bundling of information, the creative industries can develop their full power of transformation. Creative Industries Styria act as an information hub, both online and offline, and manage a range of websites and information channels. Within the online presence of Creative Industries Styria, the Styrian creative scene finds literally the first (web) address in terms of information and networking. Creative Industries Styria do not only run the website but also a number of other presences:,, st, and www.graz-city-

38 The platform offers, apart from information regarding the creative industries, also a calendar, a schedule for events and a market place with entries like free jobs or job offers from the community. The website also provides a special service for members: A separate directory lists all the members of Creative Industries Styria and gives them the opportunity to present themselves in the form of a “Member Portrait� . The Creative Industries Styria newsletter, which is published once or twice a week, reaches about 2,200 subscribers. In 2018 CIS sent out 88 newsletters. National and international calls important information for all creative companies - are a focus of regular mailings. In total, 62 invitations regarding participations in calls and competitions were sent out in 2018.

Network & Service

Press and media work


national and international media reports

Network & Service

Press and media work

The media communication of Creative Industries Styria’s topics and contents is based on intensive press and media work. Creative Industries Styria's strategic communication activities comprise the full range of media – online and classic print products - and have the broadest possible impact. In addition to a strong local and regional focus, resulting among others from model projects such as Experience Economy and Design Month Graz, Creative Industries Styria also sets trans-regional accents that are perceived internationally. In 2018, 809 reports were published in the media, divided among online, print, TV as well as radio media. With 691 local, national and international articles and posts, Design Month Graz was the most present one. In 2018, Design Monat Graz also made it to the prestigious magazine Dezeen, which listed the event under "Dezeen's guide to the best architecture, design and technology events for 2018".


International Partners

CIS Map UNESCO Cities of Design

Kortrijk (BE) City of Design 2017

Dundee (GB) City of Design 2014

Montréal (CA) City of Design 2006

Bilbao (ES) City of Design

Detroit (USA) City of Design



Saint-Étienne (FR) City of Design

Mexico City (MX) City of Design



Puebla (MX) City of Design 2015

Brasilia (BR) City of Design Buenos Aires (AR) City of Design



Curitiba (BR) City of Design 2014

UNESCO Cities of Design Bandung, ID Beijing, CN Berlin, DE Bilbao, ES Brasilia, BR Budapest, HU Buenos Aires, AR Cape Town, ZA Curitiba, BR Detroit, USA Dubai, ARE Dundee, GB Graz, AT (City of) Greater Geelong, AU Helsinki, FI Istanbul, TR


Austria Design Net Kaunas, LT Kobe, JP Kolding, DK Kortrijk, BE Mexico City, MX Montréal, CA Nagoya, JP Puebla, MX Saint-Étienne, FR Seoul, KR Shenzhen, CN Shanghai, CN Singapore, SG Turin, IT Wuhan, CN

Creative Industries Styria (Founding member) Creative Region Linz & Upper Austria designaustria designforum Wien MAK - Museum of Applied Arts Vienna Design Week Wirtschaftsagentur Wien (represented by departure) AWO (WKO/WKO/ creative industries and major events) AWS - Austria Wirtschafts­service GmbH (Creative industries and innovation)

International Partners

Berlin (DE) City of Design 2005

Helsinki (FI) City of Design

Creative Industries Styria (AT)


Kolding (DK) City of Design

Kaunas (LT) City of Design

2017 2015

Seoul (KR) City of Design Budapest (HU) City of Design


Nagoya (JP) City of Design

Beijing (CN) City of Design


2008 2012

Graz (AT) City of Design

Wuhan (CN) City of Design

Kobe (JP) City of Design

2011 2017


Dubai (ARE) City of Design Torino (IT) City of Design 2014

Shanghai (CN) City of Design

2017 2010

Istanbul (TR) City of Design

Shenzhen (CN) City of Design



Singapore (SG) City of Design 2015

Cape Town (ZA) City of Design 2017

Bandung (ID) City of Design 2015

(City of) Greater Geelong (AU) City of Design 2017

European Creative Business Network Aalborg University, DK ADDICT - Creative Industries Agency Portugal, PT ANDA Cowork, ES AMEC – Amsterdam Economic Board, NL Artysh Lab, RS Arts Council Malta, Malta UCP - Universidade Católica Portuguesa, PT Bozar, BE |ASHT*ART], IT Centre for Creativity – Museum of Architecture and Design, SL City of Essen, DE City of Rotterdam, NL CLICKNL, NL Creative Commission Mannheim, DE Creative England, UK Creative Georgia, GE

Creative Finland, FI CreativtFri, DK Creative Industry Kosice, SK Creative Industries Lithuania, LT Creative Industries Styria, AT (Founding member) Creative Nodes, SE Creative.Region Linz & Upper Austria, AT Creative Spark, IRL Creative Start Up Europe Awards, BE CreativtFri, DK Department of Culture, Youth, Sports and Media of the Flemish Community, BE die Angewandte, - University of Applied Arts Vienna, AT) Dutch Creative Residency Network, NL ECCE – European Centre for Creative Economy Dortmund, DE Economic board amsterdam, NL Economia Creativa, ES Factoria Cultural, ES FDCI – Federatie Dutch Creative Industries, NL Fondazione Campus, IT Fondazione Fitz Carraldo, IT Forum d’Avignon, DE HDNP - Croatian Association of Independant Professionals, HR Ifa laboratory, BE Istanbul Bilgi University, TR

KLUMP Subtopia, SE Kreativgesellschaft Hamburg, DE Kreatives Sachsen, DE Kreativni Klaster, CS Kreativwirtschaft Austria, AT KTN – Knowledge Transfer Network, UK Matera Hub, IT Media Evolution Malmö, SE Ministry of Flanders, BE Ministry of Culture of Slovakia, SK Munich members, DE NORIBIC, UK Nordicity, UK Nova Iskra, SR Peopleing, ES Platform, UK Poligon, SL Politecnico di Milano, IT PopVox, NL PPV Knowledge Networks, LT Rome University, IT Samoa Nantes, FR Technoport, LU The Artist + The Others, NL The Puglia Creative District, IT UCP - Universidade Católica Portuguesa, PT Vienna Business Agency, AT Wired Sussex, UK


Preview of dates 2019

Preview of dates 2019 January 11 Book presentation “Kontrast trifft Kreativitaet trifft Wort trifft Warten (Contrast Meets Creativity Meets Word Meets Waiting)“, designforum Steiermark January 24 - 31 “Aller Anfang ist Dotter - Das Eigelb unter den Magazinen (First there is Dotter – The cream of the crop among the magazines)“ - FH JOANNEUM Graz, presentation of magazine, designforum Steiermark March 1 - 2 Istanbul Design Cities Summit with the Design Policy Forum organised by CIS, Istanbul (TR) March 7 Release of the magazine Mutboard & Vogel, designforum Steiermark March 20 - 23 Fact Finding regarding International Design Biennale Saint-Étienne, Saint-Étienne (FR) March 27 + 28 Trip to Fantoni, Udine (IT) May 10 Opening Design Month Graz 2019 May 11 – June 9 Design Month Graz 2019 May 10 + 11 ico-D Special Meeting, Joanneumsviertel Graz May 11 Exhibition opening “A collection from Istanbul“, designforum Steiermark June 10- 16 UNESCO Annual Meeting, Fabriano (IT) June 12 Convention on Economic Development of the Styrian Economy June 28 Exhibition opening “Industrial Design Show 2019“, designforum Steiermark July 2 + 3 Hollenegger Designgespaeche 2019 (Design Talks at the Hollenegg Castle) July 12 Member Networking Event September 18 - 22 COD Subnetwork Meeting, Detroit September 19 ​10th Anniversary of Experience Economy-Event October ​CIS Networking trip to Porto (PT) November ​Showcase 2019, designforum Steiermark



Imprint Publisher: Creative Industries Styria GmbH Marienplatz 1, 8020 Graz +43 (0) 316/890 598, Managing Director: Eberhard Schrempf Photo credits p 3: Jorj Konstantinov p 5: Theresa Rothwangl p 11: ICS – Internationalisierung Center Steiermark, CIS p 12: CIS p 13: Alan Richardson, UNESCO City of Design Krakau p 14: Philipp Podesser, Jorj Konstantinov p 15: Jorj Konstantinov, Philipp Podesser, Miriam Raneburger p 17: Philipp Podesser, Jorj Konstantinov, Miriam Raneburger, look! design p 18 + 19: Philipp Podesser, zweithaler, Georg Wanker Industrial Design, Thomas Feichtner Studio, GW24, Miriam Raneburger p 20 + 21: Miriam Raneburger, Atelier Michael Neubacher, Jorj Konstantinov, Philipp Podesser, Schmid/Holzcluster Steiermark, GW24 p 22 + 23: Ulrike Rauch, Regine Schöttl, Jimmy Lunghammer p 24 + 25: Jimmy Lunghammer, Miriam Raneburger p 26: Michael Fischer, Miriam Raneburger p 27: Miriam Raneburger p 28: Jorj Konstantinov, Miriam Raneburger p 29: Miriam Raneburger p 30 + 31: Matthias Rauch, M. Kniepeiss, Jimmy Lunghammer, Dominik Erschen, Scheriau/WK p 33: Harry Schiffer Photography p 34 + 35: Golem Digital, Philipp Podesser, Schmid/Holzcluster Steiermark, ACstyria, cardamom p 36: David Eisenberg, CIS p 37: CIS, Aionav

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