Annual Report 2017 of Creative Industries Styria

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Annual Report 2017

Creative Industries Styria


Contents Editorial / 3

Creative Catalysts


Styrian Creative Industries / 4 Foreword by Barbara Eibinger-Miedl / 5

Design – Growth for the Future


10 years of Creative Industries Styria / 6

01 Be visible & be connected: Awareness & Location


National and International Networking / 13 Designmonat Graz / 14 Graz as UNESCO City of Design / 16

02 Be inspired: Impulses & Projects


Design Transfer / 19 Experience Economy / 22 designforum Steiermark / 26 Partnerships and Cooperation / 30

03 Be informed: Network & Service


Membership / 33 Data pool, Newsletter, Website / 34 Fast Forward 4 You / 35 FYI – Lecture Series / 36 Excursions and Fact Finding Missions / 37 Open Office and Small Talks / 38 Press and Media Activitiest / 39 UNESCO City of Design Network / 40 International Partners / 40 Preview of dates 2018 / 42 Imprint / 43



orientation, which has been supported and promoted by Creative Industries Styria right from the beginning. For the market for creative services covers the whole world, according to the credo: created in Styria, produced in Styria, sold worldwide. In this environment, it is important to further refine the previous successful measures and derive even more specific offers for the companies. Ten years ago, the Economic Department of the Province of Styria set the right course for the creative industries to have the required environment. However, this process is by no means finished and, in contrast, the pace of change requires a

Creativity as a much-needed resource for the economy: this conviction has not only spawned one of the most thriving branches of the economy – the creative industries – it is also one of the guiding principles of Creative Industries Styria that celebrated their tenth anniversary in 2017. Within these 10 years, the eco­ nomic conditions have changed: The creative industries have moved from a peripheral position right into the center of economic activities, the linking of classic economy with creative industries

permanent re­adjustment and improvement of the economic strategic considerations. For the future society of knowledge and services will need even more creativity and design in order to facilitate and support innovation and growth. Against the background of digitization and automation, new professions and new economic sectors will emerge, for which we must lay the foundation today. Creative Industries Styria is the right partner for the Styrian economy to accompany this change and to generate jobs and added value.

is bearing fruit and the creative industries excellently ful­fill their role as a key initiator and driver of innovation. This also includes a strong international



Creative Catalysts

The Styrian Creative Industries

Creative Catalysts


cords 4,350 creative companies with

industries have also developed

15,270 employees (of which 10,400

more dynamically compared to the

are self-employed), which generate

Styrian overall economy. The largest

a turnover of 1.6 billion Euro.

revenues (447 million Euro) and the highest gross value added are

Between the years 2012 and 2014

achieved in the software and games

– the year 2014 forms the basis for

sector, which contributes almost

this study by SME Research Austria

40 % to the added value of creative

There is an excellent economic

– the Styrian creative industries

companies in Styria. With 3,613

environment for creative perfor-

have grown in all relevant areas:

employees, this sector also shows

mances in Styria. This also explains

the number of creative enterprises

the highest employment. However,

the permanent growth of the crea-

in Styria increased by 2.3 % and

turnover and employment in the

tive industries, which have become

the number of employees by 5.6 %.

other fields do not directly relate to

an important pillar of the entire

Nominal sales growth amounted to

each other. The book and publishing

Styrian economy and can now ex-

8.7 % comparing 2012/14. The gross

industry generates 298 million Euro

pand on their impact and trans-

value added of Styrian creatives

in revenues with 1,289 employees,

formative potential.

has grown the most (+ 16.1 %).

while the performing arts market

As a result, the Styrian creative

employs 1,574 people who generate

In September 2016, the study “Krea-

industries are much more dynamic

a turnover of 268 million Euro. The

tivwirtschaft Steiermark 2016”,

compared to the rest of Austria:

biggest employers are advertising

commissioned by Creative Indus-

with a growth of 16.1 %, they have

(1,722 employees, 245 million Euro

tries Styria, was published. It re-

been growing the most. The creative

in revenues) and architecture (1,201


Creative Catalysts

The Styrian Creative Industries

Styria is one of the most innovative regions in Europe – and it is one of the most creative! With an R & D ratio of 5.14 percent, we are one of Europe's top locations for business and science. Creativity is an essential requirement for both sectors, and also the creative industries have also been on the rise for years: according to a study by KMU Forschung Austria, there are 4,850 active creative companies in Styria. This corresponds to almost nine percent of all Styrian businesses. These compa-

employees, a turnover of 170 million

female share of more than 60 %.

Euro). The book and publishing

The creative industries include

over of the enterprises of the creative

sector, the film and music industry

employment-oriented companies

industry amounts to 1.6 billion Euro per

as well as software and games de-

engaged in the creation, production,

year. The number of companies as well

veloped particularly well comparing

(media) distribution of creative

as the number of employees and turn­

the years 2012/14, whereby com-

and cultural goods and services.

panies and employees in the film

It is divided into ten areas:

industry have increased the most. 55 % of all creative companies are individual entrepreneurs. The largest share can be found in the performing arts market (81 %). There are also a lot of single entrepreneurs in the film industry (62 %), advertising (59 %), design (59 %) and the music industry (56 %). More than a fifth of Styrian creative industries (22 %) are run by women. In terms of

nies employ 15,270 people. The turn-

overs have been rising steadily for years. Hence, the creative industries have become a significant economic factor in Styria.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Architecture Book & Publishing Design Advertising Film Industry Music Industry Radio & TV Software & Games Market for performing arts Libraries, museums and botanical and zoological gardens

Within the ten years of their existence, Creative Industries Styria have done a lot to link our creative community with companies from other industries and thus leverage the added value of creativity and design for the local economy. The importance of creative work will further increase in the future. Therefore, the creative industries will continue to play an important role in the development of our business location in the upcoming years.

employees, the proportion of women is 46 %. Some areas – design, books, publishing and advertising – have a

Barbara Eibinger-Miedl MINISTER OF ECONOMY


Design – Growth for the future

Creative Industries Styria

10 years of Creative Industries Styria

Creative Industries Styria were

Creative Industries Styria have

service providers. The Creative

launched in August 2007. Within

been supporting the Styrian

Industries Styria newsletter has

these 10 years, the creative industries

crea­tive industries for more than

5,596 subscribers and the address

have gigantically leaped ahead –

10 years and have launched an

database counts 6,268 entries.

not only in the numbers of economic

abundance of projects, initiatives

research, but especially in people’s

and measures to bring this crea-



tive work to the stage – but not as

Architectural Export, Designers

a mere creative panopticon, but

in Residence, designforum Styria,

Creativity and business – it matches

as speficic achievements that can

Design to Business, Open Office,

perfectly and there is even more:

solve concrete problems and can be

For your Information, Creative

There is no business without crea­

purchased from all companies. The

Industries Styria Convention, Ex-

“classic” companies can draw on the

perience Economy, Graz UNESCO

tivity! The special feature of the creative industries is that they have

full, because the Styrian creative

City of Design, Design Month Graz,

transferred these creative achieve-

industries offer a lot: In the online

Design Transfer ... the formats and

ments to the core of economic activ-

data pool of Creative Industries

projects of Creative Industries Styria,

ities, as a unique selling point and

Styria, as of December 31, 2017,

which have been developed in the

differentiating business idea.

there were exactly 1,490 creative

course of the last 10 years, have had


Design – Growth for the future

Creative Industries Styria

CIS DESIGN TRANSFER bridging the gap

CIS Network Connect and display








Created in Styria

Produced in Styria

Sold worldwide

analog Design to Business Development

Support Internationalization

a lasting impact on the Styrian

monat Graz: 91,100 visitors attended

working on the application in 2008

(creative) economy and have also

126 events with 101 partners.

– they of course did involve the local scene of Graz.

been noticed beyond the borders of Styria, for example Designmonat

Graz UNESCO City of Design

Graz, which was founded by Creative

One of the model projects was the

Since 2011, Graz has been a UNES-

Industries Styria in 2009. The four-

successful application of Graz as

CO City of Design member of the in-

week festival has become a fixed

a UNESCO City of Design. The

ternational UNESCO Creative Cities

event in the international design

initiative for this came from the

Network of currently 180 cities,

calendars and enjoys widespread

Graz-based creative industries,

of which 31 cities are assigned to

acceptance both within the creative

emphasizing the continuity of the

the design discipline. In this context

community and in the city in general.

city's positioning as a city of art and

Creative Industries Styria act as a

Between 2011 and 2017, Designmon-

culture: Graz was the European

competence center for design and as

at Graz had 458,210 visitors, 598

Capital of Culture in 2003, and in

an international development and

events and 492 program and project

2011 Graz became a UNESCO City

networking partner. Accordingly,

partners. So far, the year 2017 has

of Design. The Creative Industries

they also offer all coordination ser-

been the most successful year in the

Styria were entrusted with the ap-

vices around the common homepage

almost 10-year history of Design-

plication management and started They collect


Design – Growth for the future

Creative Industries Styria

content from the partner cities, put

operational and conceptual area, the

cisely the services needed. When an

it online and ensure that the website

Coordination Office cooperates with

innovation-driven company wants

stays up-to-date.

the network organization Creative

to go beyond the original tasks

Industries Styria, which, with its

of form and function, design does

The membership within the Creative

proven know-how, acts as a center

open up doors to new products, new

Cities network of UNESCO as a City

of excellence in terms of design and

markets and new buyers. Design

of Design is based on a conscious

a network hub for the City of Graz.

thus becomes an important tool in

strategic decision of the city. For

According to the urban economic

modern business management. It

this purpose, a separate department

strategy, the City of Design theme is

creates superior perspectives on

– the City of Design Coordination

also supported and fostered by the

classic design processes, but also on

Office – was set up in the mayor's

manifold activities of the Depart­

strategic decision-making for ensur-

office. The COD Coordination Office

ment of Economic and Tourism

ing long-term corporate successes.

is the address of the UNESCO City

Development of the City of Graz.

Design Transfer follows a threestage consulting model, in which the

of Design. It represents the political side and, with the City of of Graz

Design Transfer

individual stages flow smoothly into

and further parties, does control or

In 2016, Creative Industries Styria

one another.

coordinates projects and the urban

defined a new model project: Design

development according to the stand-

Transfer. It unites design and com-

ard of the City of Design.

panies, creates new synergies and

the initial consultation in the com-

helps to draw on previously unrec-

pany. “Design Check” examines the

Since its application, Creative In-

ognized potential. In cooperation

current status in terms of design,

dustries Styria have been support-

with different enterprises, Creative

and strategy workshops use meth-

ing the development of the city as

Industries Styria create a “Design

ods such as design thinking and

a UNESCO City of Design. In the

Transfer” schedule, deriving pre-

evaluate creative potentials. With


“CIS Design Support” represents

Design – Growth for the future

Creative Industries Styria

“CIS Design Connect” the company –

Styria operates externally – in the

digitally, to promote Styrian prod-

in cooperation with Creative Indus-

companies – and internally – in the

ucts and services and help distribute

tries Styria – finds suitable partners,

creative scene – aiming at optimiz-

them worldwide. Within all these

send out calls and organizes com-

ing the factors for the faster devel-

tasks, the focus is always on the

petitions. In short: the network of

opment of companies of both sectors.

economic success of the companies,

Creative Industries Styria gets acti-

In doing so, it assumes the role of a

while creativity is the booster that

vated. Finally, “CIS Design Display”

double “missing link”, that is, the

accelerates strategic development

presents the results: they prepare

link that the chain as a functional

processes and the positioning of

exhibitions, publications and press

whole could not exist without. The

companies. In the end, ideally, there

reports, present projects as part

first interface represents the one be-

are successful collaborations and

of Designmonat Graz or organize

tween creation and production: the

best-practice examples that encour-

events. In order to make this all a

creative industries and the classic

age other companies to include crea­

success, they involve experts from

economies engage into an exchange,

tivity and design in their entrepre-

the creative industries, who supply

which Creative Industries Styria

neurial activities as well as in their

their expertise to achieve the agreed

attend in a mediating way. Hereby,

corporate strategy.


relevant contents are projects for “Design Transfer” and formats with

Strategic Priorities

the focus on “Design to Business”.

Three strategic fields provide the

The second link initiated by Crea-

framework for the work of Creative

tive Industries Styria is made be-

Industries Styria: Awareness &

tween production and distribution:

Location, Impulses & Projects, Net-

They use their national and inter-

work & Service. Within the range of

national network of people, media

these priorities, Creative Industries

and locations, both analogously and


Design – Growth for the future

Social & Urban Design

Creative Industries Styria

Media Design

Graphic Design

Industrial & Product Design









Knowledge Networking with the industry

Thinking ‘Out of the box’

Development and quality growth


Design – Growth for the future

Creative Industries Styria

Membership Since 2013 there is the opportunity

Styria, who receive a customized

for creative professionals from all

premium package of basic and

industries to join Creative Industries

special services.

Styria’s membership program. The membership is organized in 3 levels: “Free Members” have committed

At the end of 2017, the membership program had 1,328 members, of

themselves to be a part of the Crea-

which 1,161 were Free Members,

tive Industries Styria network and

160 Full Members (97 individual

get an entry in the data pool at no

and 63 corporate memberships) and

extra cost as well as access to plenty

7 Premium Members.

of information on events, calls and

The shareholders of Creative

competitions. “Full Members”, on

The Organization of Creative

Industries Styria GmbH hold

the other hand, are active members

Industries Styria

the following shares:

of the network and receive services

The shareholders of Creative In­

ranging from free lectures and

dustries Styria GmbH are SFG

80 % SFG

events, to participation in calls and

– Steirische Wirtschaftsfoerderungs-

10 % City of Graz

competitions and reduced costs for

ges.m.b.H, the City of Graz and the

10 % WK Steiermark (Styrian

network trips, excursions or con-

Styrian Chamber of Commerce. In

ferences. The membership fees are

addition to the shareholders, the

graded according to company sizes:

funding is provided by grants from

The core team of employees com-

There are special rates for individual

the Province of Styria (SFG) and

prises 10 persons: management,

entrepreneurs. “Premium Members”

the City of Graz, as well as member-

assistant to the management, office

are medium and long-term strategic

ship fees, project partners, project

management, controlling, 6 project

partners of Creative Industries

partnerships and sponsors.


Chamber of Commerce)





Awareness & Location

In accordance with the Ministry of Economics' first national Austrian Creative Economy Strategy, the Styrian government has identified the creative industries and their diverse services as a core competence and key potential that strengthen the Styrian location – urban, peripheral to rural – and sharpen its profile.

The task of Creative Industries Styria is to strengthen and expand the creative industries in Styria and position them in the overall context of the Styrian economy. CIS assumes the role of a mediator and contact person and links creative companies with those who are interested in a cooperation with the creative community. This creates synergies

with positive effects on the entire economy. Innovation processes of companies are directly linked to the creative industries, for example through the design factor as a “missing link” between idea and implementation. Similarly, the activities of Creative Industries Styria raise awareness of the value of creative achievement as a whole.

Just the one who is visible, does exist. In other words: Be visible & be connected!

Awareness & Location

National and international Networking

Awareness & Location

National and inter­ national Networking



Being present on a national and international level is of particular importance for a business location. Because networking is an essential element of entrepreneurial success. The year 2017 offered numerous opportunities for Creative Industries Styria to promote the internationalization and visibility of the Styrian creative industries and to present Graz and Styria as a creative location. The exhibition “Are you talking to me” was shown at the UNESCO Annual Meeting in Enghien-les-Bains. Creative Industries Styria nominated tyromotion for Graz. The exhibition was displayed in Enghien-lesBains from June 29 to July 17, 2017 and in Saint-Étienne from September to January 2018. STUDIO FAMOS, consisting of Markus

Ofner and Tobias Kestel, organized a pop-up store in Ingolstadt together with other Graz designers. From November 2 – 11, 2017, upcycling products were on display under the title “Palimp's best”. Creative Industries Styria acted as a partner. Additionally, Creative Industries Styria participated in numerous events and meetings as part of national and international networking, for example on April 19 at the ADN Meeting in Vienna and at the board meeting of the EYA – European Youth Award. Between May 25 and 26, there was the opening of the BIO – Design Biennale in Ljubljana, which included a visit to the University of Fine Arts and Design, and cooperation talks with Bostjan Kenda, Dean of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design Ljubljana. On June 8, Creative Industries Styria hosted a delegation of Swiss journalists.


01 + 04 Pop-Up-Store Palimp’s best in Ingolstadt 02 ECBN Member Meeting in London 03 tyromotion in the course of the exhibition “Are you talking to me“ in Enghien-les-Bains 05 Federico Vaccari (DesignWanted), Jena Kenda and Bostjan Kenda (Dean of University of Fine Arts and Design Ljubljana)




Awareness & Location

Designmonat Graz

Awareness & Location

Designmonat Graz

91.100 visitors in 30 days

126 events within Designmonat Graz

Designmonat Graz, in its ninth edition, took place from April 29 to May 28, 2017. A total of 91,000 people visited the 126 individual events with 101 program partners and 431 national and international labels. “Yes!” – to design, to creativity and to innovation – was the motto of the ninth Designmonat Graz. This strong and affirmative commitment of 2017 involved design and creativity even stronger in the city and made it visible in public spaces. The new partnership with Universalmuseum Joanneum contributed significantly to this.

101 program partners


Instead of being located at designHalle, Designmonat Graz 2017 found its new center right in the middle of Graz. The opening of Designmonat Graz at Joanneumsviertel and the presentation of the SELECTED exhibition in the venues of the Natural History Collection not only provided an adequate framework to the subject of design, but also attracted new interested parties. Contemporary design entered an unusual context, creating interesting contrasts and new perspectives. Designmonat Graz initiated 231 media reports in print, TV and radio, and was published 514 times in online magazines and social media channels.

Awareness & Location

Designmonat Graz

431 designers or labels

Design creates (public) space “Klanglicht” and “Licht” illuminated the UNESCO City of Design with extraordinary light installations and color experiences. “Smart Urban Privacy” set design accents in the middle of urban space: with smart city furniture, made by master craftsmen from the carpentry and timber construction industry. The regional focus brought the Raabtal and some local companies on stage and showed that design is not only based in urban areas. The design venue Schloss Hollenegg once again proved to be the perfect location for exhibitions and discussions in terms of design. A glimpse into the past – more precisely in the design of the 1970s – was provided by the exhibition “The Orange Age” at designforum Steiermark. The exhib-

its allowed historical insights and nostalgic retrospectives on legendary communication and media design from the last analogue era. A point of focus within Designmonat Graz 2017 was once again the fashion festival assembly, which took place at Kunsthaus Graz between May 5 and 7.

Design in the City Design in the City also provided visibility within the public space. A format which gave a total of 34 design-savvy retailers the opportunity to present their products within Designmonat Graz 2017. All this happened where people can actually see and touch design: in the shops themselves. Visitors had the opportunity to experience design away from exhibitions and workshops.


Design in the City Shops


Awareness & Location

Graz as a UNESCO City of Design




Awareness & Location

Graz as a UNESCO City of Design Since 2011 Graz has been a UNESCO City of Design and therefore a part of the international UNESCO network. Being a UNESCO City of Design, Graz takes part in numerous international events, conferences and competitions. Creative Industries Styria take over important networking tasks and pave the way for fruitful collaborations.


64 new UNESCO Creative Cities have been added to the network, including nine UNESCO Cities of Design: Now the network comprises 180 cities worldwide, including 31 UNESCO Cities of Design. The new UNESCO Cities of Design are: Wuhan, China; Mexico City, Mexico; Kortrijk, Belgium; Kolding, Denmark; Istanbul, Turkey; (City of) Greater Geelong, Australia; Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Cape Town, South Africa and Brasilia, Brazil. In 2017, the UNESCO City of Design Xchange program “COD100” started as well: The Call for Application was already sent to the community of the City of Graz and

the other Cities of Design. Montréal, Helsinki and Bilbao have already declared an interest, from Graz moodley brand identity and Sigrid Buerstmayr (exhibition design) are considering a participation.

Conferences and Meetings The UNESCO Annual Meeting of the Creative Cities with a further subnetwork meeting took place from June 29 to July 2, 2017. The second annual UNESCO City of Design Subnetwork Meeting took place in Puebla, Mexico, from November 15 to 18, 2017. Prior to the subnetwork meeting, Puebla had invited all UNESCO Cities of Design to have a local designer design a zebra crossing. Georg Dinstl designed “Shaking Hands” for Graz. An exhibition on communication and products entitled “ARE YOU TALKING TO ME?” was part of the meeting in both Enghienles-Bains and Saint-Étienne. “Connected objects” deals with devices, products, but also vehicles and buildings that are linked to the user via software and electronics in order to collect and exchange data.

01 Exhibition opening “Are you talking to me” in the course of the UNESCO Annual Meeting in Enghien-les-Bain, France 02 Crosswalk “Shaking Hands” by Georg Dinstl on the occasion of the Subnetwork Meeting in Puebla, Mexico 03 Delegation visit from City of Design Detroit 04 City of Design Subnetwork Meeting in Puebla, Mexico

31 UNESCO Cities of Design


Awareness & Location

Graz as a UNESCO City of Design


UNESCO Creative Cities worldwide from 72 countries

Delegation Visits


From March 6–7, Olga Stella (Detroit Crea­ tive Corridor), Rick Rogers (College for Creative Studies, Rector and President) and Kimberly Driggins (Director of Strategy/ Arts and Culture for the City of Detroit) visited Graz. Creative Industries Styria were responsible for the program and also hospitality. It was especially nice that the delegation emphasized several times the outstanding role of the UNESCO City of Design Graz in terms of Detroit’s reception. Delegations and designers from the UNESCO Cities of Design came to Graz on the occasion of Designmonat Graz from Saint-Etienne, Dundee, Bilbao, Torino, Detroit and the UCC Enghien-les-Bains and Lubjljana. The fashion label Eder Auree from Bilbao won the Kastner & Oehler Fashion Award 2017. There was a delegation visit from Wuhan, China, from July 18 to 19: GUO Jianxmiong (Wuhan Leading Group Office for Application COD), LIU Fusheng (Wuhan Construction Engineering Design Review Office), WU Tianyong (Special Representative of the Mayor of Wuhan Municipal People’s Government) and LIU Yushi (Foreign Affairs Office of Wuhan Municipal Government) were guests in Graz. Wuhan applies for the UNESCO City of Design and therefore visits other already existing UNESCO Cities of Design. In November, Graz (Barbara Nußmueller, Creative Industries Styria) visited Wuhan and completed the visit with a signing of a memorandum of understanding.

Wuhan plans to participate within Designmonat Graz 2018. From Geelong, Australia, a delegation arrived on October 19: Greater Geelong, Australia, has also applied for the UNESCO City of Design. Robert G. Treseder, director of the Australian Center for Innovation & Design, has visited the UNESCO Cities of Design Berlin and Torino.

World Design Summit For the first time the International Council of Graphic Design in Montréal held the World Design Summit – in which Graz was strongly represented. It took place from October 16 to 25, 2017: Karl Stocker, FH Joanneum – Socio Design, Karlheinz Boiger and Lisa Enzenhofer, Breathe.Earth Collective – Expo pavilion Milan and Sigrid Buerstmayr, FH Joanneum – Upcycling. A special meeting on the theme of design events united renowned design organizers. A milestone in the summit was the signing of the Montréal Design Declaration by various international design organizations.


UNESCO City of Design Monitoring Report The bilingual City of Design Monitoring Report 2011–2016 was received by UNESCO on December 22. It provides information about all activities related to the topic of UNESCO City of Design. The report was produced and organized by Creative Industries Styria, coordinated with the UNESCO City of Design Coordination Office and the Department of Economic and Tourism Development.

05 Rick Rogers and Olga Stella, City of Design Detroit 06 Delegation visit from Geelong, Australia, at architect Markus Pernthaler 07 + 09 UNESCO Annual Meeting in Enghien-les-Bains, France 08 Delegation visit from Wuhan 06




Impulses & Projects

Creative Industries Styria has further expanded its B2B range to link even more creative professionals and classic companies, which benefits the entire Styrian economy. The transformational impact of the creative industries on different areas of

the traditional economy forms an important part of the Ministry of Economy's first Austrian Creative Economy Strategy. Creative Industries Styria, with their diverse B2B range, provide a key tool to unleash these forces. Under the heading “Design Transfer”, they provide a roadmap on how

Innovation needs inspiration. In other words: Be inspired!

design opens up new perspectives in business and creates concrete products and services. This further benefits the Styrian economy as a whole – and creates wealth, jobs, added value – and locational advantages for an innovative, creative region.

Impulses & Projects

Design Transfer

“Rethinking familiar forms and their associated functions is an exciting challenge. The fact that all this must happen in a tight time frame, is an additional thrilling feature of Design Battle. The result is that spontaneous creativity and pragmatics merge into a special symbiosis.”

Impulses & Projects

Design Transfer


Creative Industries Styria's model project “Design Transfer” links design and companies, creates new synergies and helps to exploit previously unrecognized potential. Creative Industries Styria cooperate with companies to create a “Design Transfer” schedule, deriving precisely those services that are needed. When an innovation-driven company wants to think beyond the original tasks of form and function, design opens doors to new products, new markets and new buyers. Design thus becomes an important tool in modern business management. It creates superior perspectives on classic design processes, but also on strategic decision-making in order to ensure long-term corporate success. Design Transfer follows a three-stage consulting model, in which the individual

Clemens Luser, HoG Architekten

stages flow smoothly into one another. “CIS Design Support” represents the initial consultation in the company. “Design Check” examines the current status in terms of design, and strategy workshops use methods such as design thinking and evaluate creative potentials. With “CIS Design Connect” the company – in cooperation with Creative Industries Styria – finds suitable partners, send out calls and organizes competitions. In short: the network of Creative Industries Styria gets activated. Finally, “CIS Design Display” presents the results: they prepare exhibitions, publications and press reports, present projects as part of Designmonat Graz or organize events. In order to make this all a success, they involve experts from the creative industries, who supply their expertise to achieve the agreed goals.

01 Teams of the Design Battle 2017 at Tischlerei Josef Proedl 02 Geknuepftes Graz at Teppichgalerie Geba 03 Smart Urban Privacy Project Wolfgang Pichler Design with Tischlerei Der Hobel 05 Murinsel souvenir plate, design by Klaus Kempenaars (xSITE) 04 Design Battle Sketch 03





Impulses & Projects

Design Transfer

Impulses & Projects

Design in Transfer: Transfer Projects 2017

Design Battle The “Design Battle” by Creative Industries Styria sums up the design process in the form of a timely compact competition: Four design teams (Gernot Ritter | Ritter Architects & Eva Burtscher | Eva Elias Design; Tobias Kestel | White Elephant DesignLab & Daniela Mueller | The Styrian / Business Month; Thomas Feichtner | Thomas Feichtner Studio & Sigrid Buerstmayr | FH Joanneum; Clemens Luser | HoG Architects & Andrea Krobath | Kastner & Oehler) developed a side table within 24 hours – from the first scratch to the finished prototype.



Smart Urban Privacy – Smart urban furniture made of wood As part of Designmonat Graz 2017, the sustainable material wood met design at its best: in cooperation with Holzcluster Steier­ mark, five Austrian designers were invited to develop prototypes for smart urban furniture made of wood together with five Sty-

“Unconventional solutions are produced under two preconditions: on the one hand, creative professionals must be able to think outside the box, and on the other hand, the clients must also be willing to support this work. Regarding the ‘bird houses’ of Steirereck am Pogusch, these two sides have perfectly complemented each other.” Marleen Viereck, Viereck Architekten

rian timber construction companies. The furniture prototypes were designed for digital natives, those who have already grown up in the digital world, as well as digital immigrants, who were introduced to the digital world as adults. Exciting synergies were created by five “smart” products for urban spaces: Graz Stool (Thomas Feichtner Studio & Tischlerei Wolfgang Rosenkranz), “Mikado” furniture (second-tier & mtdesign carpentry, “No. 12” (Hohensinn Architektur + miniform & Fritz Friedrich GmbH), “The Rough One” (Martin Mostboeck & holz.bau forschungs gmbh and “Smartes Stadtmoebel” (Wolfgang Pichler Design & Spezialtischlerei Der Hobel).

Hollenegger Designgespraeche 2017 Also in 2017, the Hollenegger Designge­ spraeche (talks on design) explored ways and options for how design can be usefully and efficiently integrated into a company. Three projects were exemplarily present-

01 Hollenegger Designgespraeche 02 “Mikado” by zweithaler with mtdesign Tischlerei 03 Design Battle 04 Disvo-


cery Books


“Due to the redesigned SALUS trophy, Gesundheitsfonds Steiermark also visually emphasizes the importance of this award. Thanks to the support of Creative Industry Styria there were important inputs during the implementation, which Andrea Vattovani considered in the design of the trophy.” Bernadette Matiz, Gesundheitsfonds Steiermark


Impulses & Projects

Design Transfer




ed: for example, the non-contact weighing scales for pigs, WUGGL One, whose idea providers are Marcus Schweinzger and Alois Temmel. The design, which meets special requirements in terms of robustness and user-friendliness, was developed by Edelweiss Industrial Design. For the silversmiths Jarosinski & Vaugoin, one of the oldest in Austria, the designer Stephanie Hornig developed everyday objects made of silver with a poetic dimension. The work was created as part of the exhibition “Morphosis”, which was shown within Designmonat Graz 2017 at Schloss Hollenegg. The “bird houses” of the prestigious tavern Steirereck am Pogusch provide unconventional accommodations to the guests of the house. Marleen Viereck (Viereck Architekten) and Martin Breitenberger (Mareiner Holz) talked about the development process of these special guest rooms.

Redesign of the Trophy “SALUS” The Styrian Health Quality Award of Gesundheitsfond Steiermark, “SALUS” honors activities in the Styrian health care sector. The challenge was to design a trophy that convinces with good haptics and is easy to be captured on camera. Creative Industries Styria invited 19 full members to the contest and 9 submitted a draft. The jury of Gesund-

heitsfond Steiermark chose the design of AVA – Andrea Vattovani Architecture.

“Discovery Books”: Illustrations for the marketing of interactive children’s books Discovery Books represents a whole new kind of children's books: The classic paper medium is linked to augmented reality – virtual objects that become visible on a mobile device. For the planned series of books “Pauli & Friends” Discovery Books was looking for clever illustrations to ideally transport the intention and atmosphere of the children's books. On the call of Creative Industries Styria, 29 illustrators handed in their portfolios and Anna Frohmann emerged as the winner.



“Science Center” by FRida & FrED and Universalmuseum Joanneum The Children's Museum Frida & Fred, in cooperation with UMJ, is developing a Science Center, which will open at the end of 2018. Seven subject areas are to be designed in cooperation with scenography experts. Crea­t ive Industries Styria tendered a call and portfolios were presented on October 3. From 49 submissions ten teams were shortlisted. At the end of February 2018, it will be clear which teams will do the implementation.

05 Hollenegger Designgespraeche 06 “Nr. 12” by Hohensinn Architektur + miniform with Fritz Friedrich GmbH 07 BeuteBeutel by mapbagrag 08 Design Battle: Stefan Linshalm (carpenter), Andrea Krobath (Kastner & Oehler), Clemens Luser (HoG Architekten) 09 Trophy “SALUS” by Andrea Vattovani, AVA Architecture 10 Smart Urban Privacy project teams



Impulses & Projects

Experience Economy

Impulses & Projects

Experience Economy


Already 56 companies are partners of “Experience Economy”. They provide insights into the world of top Styrian companies.

for children, young people and workers of the future as well as for consumers who are interested in sustainability or for those who are enthusiastic about responsible production sites in Styria.

BesucherInnen 2017

The model project “Experience Economy – made in Styria” by Creative Industries Styria visualizes the world of production and makes manufacturing processes transparent. Each company offers professionally designed interactive tours – staged by designers from the network of Creative Industries Styria. Economy can be experienced with all the senses, and interested visitors can find out on site how regional value creation works and explore the attractive occupations of the business location. People of different ages are able to see that the companies manufacture in a clean and safe way, which resources are used and how much know-how there is in innovative products. The “transparent” companies provide interesting information – for example


Since its launch in 2009, more than 2.5 million visitors have visited the companies of “Experience Economy”, in 2017 about 374,000. The team of Creative Industries Styria does not only manage the project, it also acts as a bridge-builder between creatives professionals and the economy, and hence initiates a long-term collaboration. The steadily growing network enables cooperation and synergies that benefit everyone involved. Additionally, Creative Industries Styria accompany the project process from the expression of interest on the part of the companies to the conception and design, to the continuous quality assurance and promotion of the tours.

Impulses & Projects

Experience Economy

In 2017, 2 new companies were added to the network: Resch Prototypenbau in Glojach and Murauer Bier in Murau. The opening of the tour at Logicdata in Deutschlandsberg, planned for fall, was postponed to spring 2018.

at Styrian Chamber of Commerce, on July 5 at the RAILCONTACT ‘17, on the September 21 at the AUTOCONTACT’17 of the ACstyria and on November 8, 2017 at the 2nd Deutsche Erlebniswelten Forum in Munich.

New openings Seal of quality

Priority Events

Since 2017, two new companies have been offering tours in the course of “Experience Economy”: Resch Prototyping in Glojach specializes in precision engineering and the production of prototypes for various industries. The tour, designed by the Graz-based agency RNPD, starts in a 200-year-old farmhouse and at first make the visitors learn about old craftsmanship, before they learn interesting details about the rapid progress of technology and the resulting opportunities in prototype construction and precision engineering.

The “Experience Economy” university tours in April were another focus. 631 students and teachers completed 37 tours at 23 different companies. The feedback from the participants and the companies was very positive. In 2017, there were five presentations of “Experience Economy”: on March 7 at the IBOBB trade fair at AK Styria, on May 24 as part of the Faszination Technik Challenge

Together with Vogel Audiovision as a creative partner, the brewery Murau has created a beer experience world, the “Brauerei der Sinne (Brewery of the Senses)” in its production facilities. Visitors can experience the world of Murauer Bier with all their senses. In an interactive way, they learn about the beer-making process within a two-hour tour.

Each business participating in “Experience Economy” receives a seal of quality as a visible proof of the quality of the tours. Hereby, the companies emphasize their willingness to present themselves, their products and services to a broad public. Experience Economy is also of particular interest to students who get to know interesting occupations and may even meet their future employer for the first time.

“With the ‘Brewery of the Senses’, we want to convey to beer lovers how much care and responsibility there is when it comes to brewing beer. We do not use words like tradition, innovation and environmental awareness as buzzwords, but every single employee of the company identifies with these values and that's what you really taste with every sip of Murauer beer.” Josef Rieberer, CEO Brauerei Murau


Impulses & Projects

Experience Economy

“We did not focus on production itself, but on the interaction of idea-materialpro­duction and the inventive spirit. All that coupled with the highest pre­cision makes Resch an internationally successful company.” Robert Merc, RNDP


Impulses & Projects

Experience Economy

Experience Economy, University Days


tours with 631 students within the University Days


Impulses & Projects

designforum Steiermark


exhibitions in 2017

Impulses & Projects

design­ forum Steiermark

In 2017, designforum Steiermark offered a diversified overview of design: 7 exhibitions devoted themselves to the past, present and future of design in a wide range of fields.

The Sound of Styria

Forever Young What are the tasks of the Youth and Family Office and what does youth and family mean anyway? These questions were addressed in the exhibition “Forever Young” at design­forum Styria from January 25 to February 11, 2017. Students of the Information Design degree program at FH JOANNEUM created posters in which they reflected various aspects of the office's work and personal attitudes on the issues of youth and family. The reason for the project was the 100th anniversary of the Youth and Family Office Graz.

Design with a great sound: At the exhibition “The Sound of Styria”, Styrian manufacturers Poet Audio, sonible, Tischlerei Lenz and Trenner & Friedl presented their sound systems, which stand out due to their design, technology and sound quality. On selected evenings, visitors were also presented sound systems by sonible and Trenner & Friedl, and got to know the refinement of individual products. The exhibition took place from September 23 to October 8, 2017 in the course of the sound exhibition “Homages” of the ORF musikprotokoll within steirischer herbst.

“The media design of the 1970s testifies how people treated those products back then. Everything was round, nice and people liked to use the devices. They loved to turn the channel search of the radio, which still existed at that time. Product design was characterized by incredible friendliness, openness and colorfulness.” Heinz M. Fischer, FH JOANNEUM – Department Media & Design


Impulses & Projects

designforum Steiermark

Impulses & Projects


Austrian design is also internationally successful – this was proved by the exhibition “Design Made in Austria”, which was presented at designforum Steiermark from March 4 to April 14, 2017. They showed exhibits from different design directions, from furniture to product to industrial design. Among the exhibits were many objects by Styrian designers, such as Andy Wolf Eyewear, seeoo, Sunny BAG, VITEO, 13 & 9 Design, Oelmuehle Fandler and perludi. The overview of the Austrian design landscape was curated on the occasion of the World Capital of Design Taipei and presented in an expanded form in October 2016.

The Orange Age

The charm of the 70s, embodied by everyday devices, was recalled in the course of the exhibition “The Orange Age – Eine Ausstellung über das Mediendesign der 70er Jahre (An Exhibition on the Media Design of the 70s)” from April 30 to June 17, 2017. The name derives from the color orange, which was one of the dominating colors of this period. Antique radios, televisions and other collectibles from the private archive of Heinz M. Fischer, Head of the Department of Media & Design at FH JOANNEUM, illustrated the design evolution of this colorful age: During the 1970s, the Central European design scene flourished at first, before globalization and mass production tentatively announced the end of individuality. The exhibition is a production of Creative Industries Styria in cooperation with FH JOANNEUM, fantoni and Tischlerei Proedl. The Orange Age was also shown at designforum Vorarlberg and will move on to designforum Wien in 2018.


Impulses & Projects

designforum Steiermark

Impulses & Projects

Industrial Design Show

From June 30 to July 29, 2017, “Industrial Design Show” offered an insight into the work of students and graduates of FH JOANNEUM – in the form of sketches, models and animations. Project works, bachelor and master theses from different subject areas were presented, some of them originated in the cooperation with international companies. For example, students of the study program “Industrial Design” designed solutions for company groups such as AUDI, Kaercher and Baufritz.


Underground Images

New York meets Graz: At the exhibition of designforum Styria “Underground Images”, from October 27 to November 16, 2017, they displayed posters with which SVA, the School of Visual Arts, solicited new students in the New York Subway system in the course of the last 60 years. The subjects were designed by renowned teachers of the design college, including people such as Ivan Chermayeff, Milton Glaser and George Cherny. The exhibition was brought to Graz by FH JOANNEUM in order to strengthen the exchange and cooperation between the Institute for Design and Communication and SVA in New York.

Impulse & Projekte Impulses Projects

designforum Steiermark

Impulses & Projects

Showcase 2017

“Showcase 2017” once more demonstrated what kind of innovative design objects and solutions are created when Styrian companies and creative professionals cooperate with each other. The projects shown were created as part of Creative Industries Styria's “Design Transfer” program, which promotes the cooperation between the traditional economy and designers. From November 30 to December 9, 2017, visitors to designforum Steiermark were able to have a look at the results from a wide variety of design disciplines. Among other things, five pieces of urban furniture that was created in cooperation with Holzcluster Styria: In the course of the project “Smart Urban Privacy”, design studios and local carpentry companies developed furniture for public spaces. Furniture of smaller sizes was the result of “Design Battle 2017” at Tischlerei

“The development and distribution of interactive children's books require a special visual design. Thanks to the help of Creative Industries Styria, we found Anna Frohmann and with her exactly the design we imagined for the campaign of promoting a series of children's books.” Marco Paul, Discovery Books

Josef Proedl, where four design teams developed a side table from the very first scratch to the finished prototype within 24 hours. Capturing Graz in a pattern – that was the challenge that Klaus Kempenaars had to face, who, inspired by the cityscape, designed special Graz patterns. These are now to be found in the carpet collection “Geknuepftes Graz (Knotted Graz)” of the carpet gallery Geba and on Murinsel souvenir plates of the City of Graz. The City of Graz also initiated a search for a sustainable farmer's market bag: In the tendered competition, the “BeuteBeutel” by mapbagrag emerged as a winner. Furthermore, the architectural studio AVA (Andrea Vattovani) designed a new “SALUS” trophy for Steirischer Gesundheitsfond. Anna Frohmann designed illustrations for the children's book publisher Discovery Books, which are used for advertising in digital media.


Impulses & Projects

Partnerships and Cooperation

Impulses&&Projekte Projects Impulse

Partnerships and Cooperation



As an active partner for projects and collaborations, Creative Industries Styria is the hub in the exchange between organizations, companies and Styrian creative professionals, which creates impulses for the Styrian economy as a whole.

creative industries and positions them in the context of regional, national and international projects. This results in an added value for all Styrian companies.

Networking is the alpha and omega within the creative industries. Only if the appropriate project partners from organizations, classical and creative industries unite, will new, innovative products, services and processes emerge. Creative Industries Styria have committed themselves to this matching task. Numerous long-term and proven partnerships have resulted from this networking job. These include, for example, the University of Applied Sciences FH Joanneum with their design-oriented degree programs, the European Youth Award Festival, designaustria or Kreativwirtschaft Austria (KAT). Interesting partnerships are constantly emerging – from media such as the cultural magazine Achtzig, to institutions like Holzcluster Steiermark and WIFI, to companies such as Leder & Schuh and Josef Proedl. The regular exchange and contact with the most diverse organizations boosts the Styrian

C hoch 3, the creative business coaching of Kreativwirtschaft Austria, has been uniting creative professionals since 2015 so that they can (further) develop business models, grow as entrepreneurial personalities, enter into professional cooperation and thus, in the future, continue to be successful as a company. In 2017, six Styrian participants in six individual workshops worked on areas such as design, fashion, architecture, multimedia, software & games, video & film, and participated in networking round-tables.

C hoch 3: Coaching for the Creative Community

Convention on Economic Development of the Styrian Economy HighTech meets HighCraft – the fusion of craftsmanship and high technology – was the focus of the lecture program and the exhibition at the 5 th Convention on Economic Development of the Styrian economy on June 21. For Creative Industries Styria, Josef

01 Music Camp Graz 02 World Usability Congress 03 + 04 European Youth Award Festival




Impulses & Projects

Partnerships and Cooperation

Proedl (Tischlerei Josef Proedl) and Katharina Schlager (Andy Wolf Eyewear) gave a keynote speech. Andy Wolf Eyewear, evolaris with the Hololens and Maker Space presented themselves in the exhibition. The Smart Urban Privacy Projects of Hohensinn with Fritz Friedrich and Thomas Feichtner Studio with Tischlerei Rosenkranz were presented in the entrance area.

Music Camp 2017: an industry in transition



The marketing of bands and music in the light of digitization and new media was the focus of the 2017 Music Camp, which Creative Industries Styria staged on November 25, 2017. Music manager Bernhard Kaufmann talked about the change in the music industry and challenges in marketing; he acts as an agent for artists such as Granada and Effi and organizes festivals like Nuke or Wiesen. His conclusion: Artists must no longer consider themselves just a band, but also a brand. Hannes Tschuertz, music manager, cultural consultant and entrepreneur, emphasized the dual-mindedness of digitization and new media: It had become much easier to produce and publish music, also internationally, but it also led to much more competition, which once again emphasizes essential things like quality.

Design Management Program Creative Industries Styria, together with WIFI Styria and aws – Austria Wirtschafts-

service, has developed the diploma course Design Management. It is primarily aimed at project managers, product developers, key executives and middle management of all industries who want to anchor design and design processes in their companies. The potential participants have a basic understanding and confidence in the leverage effect of design management or in the transformative power of design as a driver of innovation and growth. But it is also aimed at those who spot a lot of potential and resources for innovation in their companies. The diploma course starts in February 2018. On board will be well-known experts, lecturing on diverse topics.

Further Cooperation Partners The diverse contacts of Creative Industries Styria cover a wide range of industries, topics and projects. INNOLAB set up a pop-up from November 20 to 24 at designforum styria. The workshops offered innovation checks for companies with topics ranging from “new ideas – new ways” to new business models to “trend mapping” for customer needs. Schloss Hollenegg was the scene for the Hollenegger Designgespraeche from September 12 to 14. Additionally, Creative Industries Styria cooperated with Green Panther 2017 of the Styrian Chamber of Commerce and numerous companies such as Teppichgalerie Geba, aws – Austria Wirtschaftsservice and Neue Wiener Werkstaetten.


05 C hoch 3 final event 06 World Usability Congress 07 Green Panther Gala


Network & Service

Networking means service. Service means ensuring that the right people are in the right place at the right time. Creative Industries Styria collect the information that makes complex networking possible. A wide range of projects and programs specifically connects the

individual players. Effective tools can be used to derive trend analyzes from the data pool, which provide important impulses for the further development of creative and economic potentials. Creative Industries Styria is constantly developing new formats for projects and events to give the creative industries an

ideal platform to showcase their achievements and promote collaboration with the traditional economy. Thus, Creative Industries Styria fully follow the guidelines of the Austrian Creative Economy Strategy: identify and effectively implement transformational forces, create synergies, push innovation.

Information gives a competitive edge. In other words: Be informed!

Network & Service


1.328 CIS-Members

Network & Service


5.596 Newsletter subscribers

The staggered membership program of Creative Industries Styria provides customized services and offers for Styrian creative industries. Since 2013, Styrian creative companies can become members of Creative Industries Styria. The membership program comprises three levels of membership and frames customized offers for each target group. At the same time, the system evaluates the status as a member and reacts flexibly to individual requirements of different companies and persons. The three levels are:

“Free Members” Free Members have free access to a lot of services of Creative Industries Styria, such as an entry in the data pool on the website. They all receive electronic newsletters, invitations to events, information on calls and competitions and can make use of an initial start-up consultation, the idea screening for business ideas as well as a consultation on funding.

“Full Members” Full Members can also participate in calls and competitions tendered by Creative Industries Styria, as well as in CIS conferences, meet-

ings, seminars and similar networking events. There are partly reduced fees for that. Free of charge are the numerous web services such as the marketplace entry, corporate and designer portraits, content transport via the CIS newsletter and much more. Full Members receive low-cost access to lectures, presentation, exchange and qualification programs and can use the CIS formats Small Talks and Open Office. Additionally, they can use the CIS network for contacts in Austria and abroad.

“Premium Members” Premium Members are strategic partners of Creative Industries Styria and commit to a medium to long-term collaboration. Creative Industries Styria offers them a customized premium package with additional special services. At the end of 2017, the membership program had 1,286 members, of whom 1,161 were Free Members, 160 Full Members (97 individual and 61 corporate memberships) and 7 Premium Members. 102 “Member Portraits” are online at the end of the year. Full and Premium Members are also continuously featured as “Member of the week” in the CIS newsletter. On July 13, 2017, the member network meeting of Creative Industries Styria took place with 190 guests.


Creative Industries Styria Network & Service

Data pool, Newsletter & Website



Network & Service

Data pool, Newsletter and Website

Networking and bundling of information make the creative industries develop their full power of transformation. Creative Industries Styria act as an information hub, both online and offline, and manage a range of websites and information channels. Within the online presence of Creative Industries Styria, the Styrian creative scene finds literally the first (web) address in terms of information and networking. Crea­ tive Industries Styria does not only run the website – a beta version of the relaunched website went online at the end of 2017 – but also a number of other


invitations to calls and competitions

presences:,, www.designforum. at/st,, www.designcities. net and A calendar keeps the members up to date, the market place provides, among others, entries like free jobs or job offers from the community. The Creative Industries Styria newsletter, which is published once or twice a week, reaches about 5,600 subscribers. In 2017 CIS sent out 120 newsletters. National and international calls – important information for all creative companies – are a focus of regular mailings. In total, 62 calls were sent out in 2017.

Network & Service

Fast Forward for You

Network & Service

Fast Forward 4 You The lecture series “Fast Forward 4 You” provides expert know-how in the fields of creative industries, mobility and health technology to Styrian creative companies. Smart Urban Furniture made of Wood 01


Under the topic “Smart Urban Privacy”, five designers worked with five Styrian wood construction companies to develop prototypes for smart urban wooden furniture. As a kick-off, a keynote speech on March 22, 2017 and the following discussion gave interesting insights into how you can design privacy made of wood. The project teams consisted of: Der Hobel & Wolfgang Pichler (Wolfgang Pichler Design); MT Design Tischlerei & Zweithaler (Markus Pernthaler & Benjamin Pernthaler); holz.bau forschungs gmbh & Martin Mostboeck; Fritz Friedrich & Karlheinz Boiger (Hohensinn architecture) and carpentry Wolfgang Rosenkranz & Thomas Feichtner (Thomas Feichtner Studio).

Building 4.0 The lectures and talks on October 4, 2017 focused on the subject of digitization in the

construction industry. Due to the increasing requirements set on buildings and architecture, companies are facing major challenges. Impulses and answers to these questions were given by Martin Emmerer, HoG Architektur & Archilles Pro, Wolfgang Walcher, Robotic Eyes, Joerg Koppelhuber, Institute for Construction Management TU Graz and Stefan Grubinger, recordIT.

Intellectual Property as a Contribution to Company Value


The term “intellectual property” is an exclusive right to an intangible value. There are many ways for companies to protect their “intellectual property”. On November 29, 2017, Stefan Schoeller, an expert in national and international trademark law, copyright and competition and licensing law, provided tips on how companies can protect their intellectual property. Wolfgang Knoebl, Coordinator of the study program Innovation Management at FH Campus 02 and Managing Director of LUMA Active, presented the development history of his company and the related decisions on the topic of “Intellectual Property".

01 + 04 Smart urban furniture made of wood, in cooperation with Holzcluster Steiermark 02 Stefan Schoeller at Intellectual Property 03 Martin Emmerer, HoG Architektur on the topic of Building 4.0



Network & Service

fyi – lecture series




Network & Service

fyi – for your information

fyi, an event format of Creative Industries Styria, covers a wide range of topics. Concentrated in different events according to time and content, they reach as many people as possible in the creative industries and beyond.


aws Kreativwirtschaft Info Hour Innovative strength, flexibility and location development – more than any other industry, the creative industries stand for the great changes of our time. At the info hour of aws Kreativwirtschaft, on May 15, 2017, experts discussed with interested parties in front of the futuristic scenery of the Murinsel about new forms of organization and working models, early anticipating consumer needs and above-average growth rates.

Design Management: Basic Knowledge Peter Schreckensberger, design strategist, author, consultant and certified systemic coach, took his audience on an imaginary trip towards design and coordinated communication at the fyi presentation on December 13, 2017: Design, according to the expert, conveys a sense of security regarding a brand's consistent quality, provides purchase arguments and supports consumers to orient themselves in saturated product markets. How this can be controlled as a form of design management, he did highlight in his lecture in different ways. The fyi talk was a cooperation with designaustria.

01 + 04 + 05 aws infohour with Doris Froehlich 02 + 03 Design Management with Peter Schreckensberger



Network & Service

Excursions and Fact Finding Missions

Network & Service


Excursions and Fact Finding Missions 05


Networking with the international community and transnational exchanges are important elements in promoting Styria as a creative site and at the same time exploring potentials for the local creative community.

of design initiatives and design organizations from more than 60 countries. Besides visiting local design studios such as Pininfarina, Casa Jasmina, Curve Studio, etc., they also visited the Venice Art Biennale.

Excursion to Fantoni in Udine Networking trip to Torino In the course of Creative Industries Styria's 2017 Network Trip, 14 participants went to Torino on the occasion of “Torino Design of the City” festival on October 11 and 14. The city has been a UNESCO City of Design since 2014 and offered a comprehensive program of workshops, events, conferences, exhibitions and design tours. As part of the festival, there was also the general assembly of the World Design Organization which was attended by international design experts, representatives

Office furniture with high demands – this is what furniture manufacturer Fantoni from Osoppo, Udine, is globally known for. At the invitation of Tischlerei Proedl and Creative Industries Styria, the “Fantoni Trip” from March 15 to 17, 2017, took its participants to Italy. Another highlight of the excursion was the visit to Casa Fantoni, the result of a collaboration between the architects Gino Valle and Carlo Scarpa. This is where the “Archivo”, a meticulous documentation of the company's 130-year history, is located.

01 Fantoni Trip 02 – 05 Networking trip to the City of Design Turin




Network & Service

Open Office

Network & Service

Open Office & Small Talks Open Office connects people and creates synergies and collaborations. The B2B format of Creative Industries Styria opens the doors of companies of the member network and provides a direct insight into their activities. The location is always the company itself, which presents its contents and goals within the network.



portunity to present and sell their products and services with a unique shop-in-shop concept in the very center of Graz. On July 7, Martin Gross, a Full Member of Creative Industries Styria, opened the doors of his shop at Herrengasse.

Open Office at GW24 Being a Full Member of Creative Industries Styria, Gerolf Wicher, Managing Director of GW24 Kommunikationsberatung, invited people to an open office event in his new office at the concept store Gangl Interieur, on September 21. He presented an innovative success model for sustainable communication and was accompanied by music provided by DJane Clara Moto.

Open Office at ’s Fachl Graz Since October 2016, 's Fachl Graz has been offering start-ups, small business owners, self-marketers, artists and designers the op-

Small Talk with Armin Egger At the SMALL TALKS of Creative industries Styria, interesting entrepreneurial personalities meet creative people and exchange ideas. In an open and informal way, Armin Egger, CEO of Messe Congress Graz, spoke at the Small Talk on December 5 about Messe Congress Graz, its positioning as well as the development of the exhibition area and the fields of new business. Overlaps between creative industries, conventions and exhibitions were just as much of a topic as the significance of Messe Graz for the location in general.

01 + 02 Open Office at Gerolf Wicher, GW 24 03 + 04 Open Office at Markus Groß, 's Fachl




Network & Service

Press and Media Activities


national & international media reports

Network & Service

Press and Media Activities Mittwoch, 4. Oktober 2017

Ein Plattenspieler aus den 1970ern von Philips (unten).

Die 1970er-Jahre waren ein Zeitalter der farbigen Telefone mit Wählscheibe, des Designs für die Massen, das letzte analoge Jahrzehnt.

Creativity needs communication. The media communication of the topics and contents of Creative Industries Styria is based on intensive press and media work.

Rund, bunt und schon fast vergessen Von Miriam Jaeneke


ine Ausstellung greift das Thema „Design der 70er-Jahre“ auf und gastiert nun in Dornbirn im designforum Vorarlberg. Es ist eine Zeit, die so lange her ist, dass diese schon wieder interessant ist: die 1970er-Jahre. Dass diese positiv im Gedächtnis haften, hat nach Angaben von Heinz Fischer, dem Vorsitzenden des Departments Medien & Design und Leiter des Medieninstituts an der Grazer FH Joanneum, noch andere Ursachen. Zum Beispiel diese: Das Design war bunt, hat die Emotionen ange-

sprochen und eine Wohlfühlwelt geschaffen. „Die 70er sind sehr populär in Kunst, Musik, Design, Mode und Literatur, im Augenblick wird alles aus dieser Zeit gehypt.“ Innerhalb der jetzigen Retrobewegung würden viele Produkte zitiert oder nachgemacht. „In den 70ern hat es noch österreichische Marken gegeben, Hersteller, die Fernseher oder Radios auf den Markt gebracht haben. Ende der 1970er kam dann die Globalisierungswelle mit Produkten ,made in Japan‘“, erzählt Heinz Fischer. Er habe schon länger im Kopf gehabt, mit 70er-JahreProdukten „dieses letzte analoge

Creative Industries Styria's strategic communication activities comprise the full range Jahrzehnt“ wieder ins kollektive Gemein-and have the broadest possible media, zu rufen. Gedächtnis of sam mit Eberhard Schrempf, rer von Creaimpact. In addition to a strong local and dem Geschäftsfüh tive Industries Styria, hat er eine und geplant focus, regional resulting among others from Wanderausstellung realisiert. Fischer erinnert sich in das Gespräch, projects such as Experience Economy noch gut anmodel dem er seinem Sparringpartner e. „Und woand Designmonat Graz, Creative Industries die Idee unterbreitet her willst du die Originale aus die- sets trans-regional accents that Styriahatte also den 70ern nehmen?“, ser skeptisch gefragt. Heinz Fischer grinste, dieser Part war für ihn ein Heimspiel: „Die nehmen wir von mir“, sagte er kurz und bündig. Er erzählt, dass er seines Wissens die größte private Mediensammlung in Österreich

are perceived internationally. In 2017, 868 reports were published in the media, divided among online, print, TV as well as radio media. With 746 local, national and international articles and posts, Designmonat Graz was the most present one. Experience Economy has also been well represented in the media since its launch in 2009. In 2017, there were 90 reports on the project. Also well represented in the media is designforum Styria, whose exhibitions were the basis for 78 articles/posts.


International Partners

CIS Map UNESCO Cities of Design

Kortrijk (BE) City of Design 2017

Dundee (GB) City of Design 2014

Montréal (CA) City of Design 2006

Bilbao (ES) City of Design

Detroit (USA) City of Design



Saint-Étienne (FR) City of Design

Mexico City (MX) City of Design



Puebla (MX) City of Design 2015

Brasilia (BR) City of Design Buenos Aires (AR) City of Design



Curitiba (BR) City of Design 2014

UNESCO Cities of Design Bandung, ID Beijing, CN Berlin, DE Bilbao, ES Brasilia, BR Budapest, HU Buenos Aires, AR Cape Town, ZA Curitiba, BR Detroit, USA Dubai, ARE Dundee, GB Graz, AT (City of) Greater Geelong, AU Helsinki, FI Istanbul, TR


Kaunas, LT Kobe, JP Kolding, DK Kortrijk, BE Mexico City, MX Montréal, CA Nagoya, JP Puebla, MX Saint-Étienne, FR Seoul, KR Shenzhen, CN Shanghai, CN Singapore, SG Torino, IT Wuhan, CN

Austria Design Net Creative Industries Styria (Gründungsmitglied) Creative Region Linz & Upper Austria designaustria designforum Wien MAK - Museum für angewandte Kunst Vienna Design Week Wirtschaftsagentur Wien (vertreten durch departure) AWO (WKO/Kreativwirtschaft und Großevents) AWS - Austria Wirtschafts­service GmbH (Kreativ­wirtschaft und Innovation)

International Partners

Berlin (DE) City of Design 2005

Helsinki (FI) City of Design

Creative Industries Styria (AT)


Kolding (DK) City of Design

Kaunas (LT) City of Design

2017 2015

Seoul (KR) City of Design Budapest (HU) City of Design



Nagoya (JP) City of Design

Beijing (CN) City of Design

2008 2012

Graz (AT) City of Design

Wuhan (CN) City of Design

Kobe (JP) City of Design

2011 2017


Dubai (ARE) City of Design Torino (IT) City of Design 2014

Shanghai (CN) City of Design

2017 2010

Istanbul (TR) City of Design Shenzhen (CN) City of Design



Singapore (SG) City of Design 2015

Cape Town (ZA) City of Design 2017

Bandung (ID) City of Design 2015

(City of) Greater Geelong (AU) City of Design 2017

European Creative Business Network Aalborg University, DK AMEC – Amsterdam Economic Board, NL Arts Council Malta, Malta Bozar, BE City of Essen, DE City of Hamburg, DE City of Rotterdam, NL Creative Commission Mannheim, DE Creative England, UK Creative Industries Lithuania, LT Creative Industries Styria, AT (Founding Member) Creative.Region Linz & Upper Austria, AT Creative Spark, IRL Creative Start Up Europe Awards, BE Department of Culture, Youth, Sports and Media of the Flemish Community, BE Dutch Creative Residency Network, NL

ECCE – European Centre for Creative Economy Dortmund, DE Economia Creativa, ES ELIA, NL Factoria Cultural, ES FDCI – Federatie Dutch Creative Industries, NL Fondazione Campus, IT Fondazione Fitz Carraldo, IT Forum d’Avignon, DE HDNP - Croatian Association of Independant Professionals, HR Kosice2013, SK Kreativgesellschaft Hamburg, DE Kreativni Klaster, CS Kreativwirtschaft Austria, AT KTN – Knowledge Transfer Network, UK Matera Hub, IT

Media Evolution Malmö, SE Media of the Flemish Community, BE Ministry of Culture of Slovakia, SK NORIBIC, UK Nordicity, UK Nova Iskra, SR Peopleing, ES Pilsen 2015, CZ Poligon, SL Politecnico di Milano, IT PopVox, NL PPV Knowledge Networks, LT Punkt CC Lab for Creative Industries, SL Rivne State University of Humanities, UKR Rome University, IT Samoa Nantes, FR Technoport, LU Wired Sussex, UK


Preview of dates 2018

Preview of dates 2018 January 25: Exhibition opening FAKE YOU: poster exhibition of FH JOANNEUM, designforum Steiermark January 30: Exhibition opening The Orange Age – an exhibition of media design of the 70s, designforum Wien February 15: fyi hand lettering workshop March 14 – 16: Trip to Fantoni with Tischlerei Josef Proedl April: Experience Economy University Tours April 10: Exhibition opening of State Prize Design 2017, designforum Steiermark April 26: LOGICDATA Electronic & Software EntwicklungsgmbH, Opening of the Experience Economy Tour, Deutschlandsberg May 4: Opening Designmonat Graz 2018 and Designers' Night May 5 – June 3: Designmonat Graz 2018 June 12 – 15: General Assembly of UNESCO Creative Cities, Krakow und Katowice (Poland) June 18: VA Erzberg, Opening of the Experience Economy Tour, Eisenerz June 27: Convention on Economic Development of the Styrian economy July 3 – 4: Hollenegger Designgespraeche 2018 July 13: CIS Member Networking Event October 5: Strobl Bau/Holzbau, Opening of the Experience Economy Tour, Preding November: Networking trip 2018 to City of Design Bilbao (Spain)



Imprint Publisher: Creative Industries Styria GmbH Marienplatz 1, 8020 Graz 0316/890 598,, Managing Director: Eberhard Schrempf Photo credits: p 3: Jorj Konstantinov p 5: Theresa Rothwangl p 13: Hubert P. Klotzek, Nicolas Laverroux, Jorj Konstantinov, CIS p 14: Miriam Raneburger, NikolaMilatovic p 15: Lipp/Zahnschirm, Miriam Raneburger p 16: Cité du design, Innovation & Design Commission/CID Team, CIS p 17: Creative City Enghien-les-Bains, CIS p 19: Lipp/Zahnschirm, Miriam Raneburger, CIS p 20 + 21: Philipp Podesser, Lipp/Zahnschirm, Miriam Raneburger, Jorj Konstantinov, plusminus Design, CIS p 22 + 23: Ulrike Rauch, Regine Schoettl, Miriam Raneburger p 24 + 25 (= second double page ErWi): Ulrike Rauch, Regine Schoettl p 26: Jorj Konstantinov, CIS p 27 – 29: Jorj Konstantinov p 30 (= project cooperation): youspi Consulting, European Youth Award, CIS p 31: youspi Consulting, WKO_Wiesner, CIS p 33: Jorj Konstantinov p 35: Jorj Konstantinov, Holzcluster Steiermark, CIS p 36: Miriam Raneburger, Maren Jeleff, CIS p 37: CIS p 38: Philipp Podesser, CIS

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