Annual Report 2019 of Creative Industries Styria

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Annual Report 2019

Creative Industries Styria


Contents Editorial / 3

Outstandingly Creative


The Styrian creative economy / 4 Foreword Barbara Eibinger-Miedl / 5

Creative Industries Styria


Creative Industries Styria / 6

01 Be visible & be connected: Awareness & Location


National and International Networking / 11 Graz as a UNESCO City of Design / 12 Design Month Graz / 14

02 Be inspired: Impulses & Projects


Design Transfer / 17 10 Years of Experience Economy / 22 Styrian Products / 24 designforum Steiermark / 26 Partnerships & Cooperations / 30

03 Be informed: Network & Service


Membership / 33 Fast Forward 4 You & fyi – for your information / 34 Excursions & Fact-Finding Missions / 36 Website & Newsletter / 38 Press & Media Work / 39 UNESCO City of Design Network / 40 International Partners / 40 Preview of dates / 42 Legal notice / 43


EDITORIAL tial ingredients for modern companies and their products. Creative Industries Styria raises awareness, educates the public, challenges conventions and provides the needed dynamism to highlight Styria as the attractive business location that it is. Against this strategic background, Creative Industries Styria continued with its work in 2019. The 10th anniversary of one of our key projects, the Experience Economy, was a particular highlight this year: More than 3.3 million visitors attended our creative Since its founding in 2007, Creative

tours at over 50 member companies and got

Industries Styria has established itself

an idea of just how high the quality of Styr-

as an indispensable partner for both

ian production is. We also developed our

traditional and creative industries. CIS

key projects. Design Transfer and Styrian

is the first point of contact, especially

Products further in the past year, highlight-

when utilizing creativity as a raw ma-

ing how important the services provided

terial and incorporating it into Styrian

by the creative industries are. All in all, the

products and services. The creative

creative industries in Styria have firmly

industries have been growing steadi-

established themselves and staked their

ly for years; successfully weathering

claim as a pushing innovator, a cross-border

unstable economic periods, similar to

mediator, and as a competent partner for

the one we are likely to face in the near

traditional industries.

future. This is primarily due to the fact that creative work adds value to traditional industries. Creativity, design, innovation, unconventional paths, new perspectives – and yes, also a bit of provocation – are the absolutely essen-



Outstandingly Creative

The Styrian creative economy

Outstandingly Creative

THE STYRIAN CREATIVE ECONOMY The Styrian creative economy contin-

sponds to an employment share of

The creative industry is considered

4%. Revenue amounts to 1.7 billion

an urban phenomenon, which is why

euros, which is 2% of the total

the region’s capital, Graz, plays a

aggregate turnover of Styria. The

significant role in this aspect. 2,150

gross value added at factor cost

creative companies are located there,

amounts to 0.8 billion euros, repre-

which corresponds to 15% of the

senting 3% of the value added by

companies in the city and almost half

all Styrian companies.

of all Styrian creative companies. The creative industries in Graz employ

ues to be dynamic. Against the background of an economic slowdown,

The long-term comparison for the

8,850 people – more than half of all

the creative sector continues to grow,

period 2010 to 2016 shows a double-

employees within the employees in

turning into an important pillar of the

digit increase in the number of em-

Styrian creative industries. Revenue

Styrian economy as a whole.

ployees (+ 18%), sales (+ 27%) and

amounts to around one billion eu-

gross value added (+38%). Comparing

ros. The City of Graz is therefore an

Every two years, the Austrian In-

these trends with the specific num-

important initiator and driving force

stitute for SME Research compiles

bers for Austrian creative industries,

for the Styrian creative economy as a

key figures for the Styrian creative

it becomes clear that Styria delivers

whole as well as for Styria as a cre-

industries. The last evaluation so far

above-average results. For Styria, the

ative hub. The city comparison “Cul-

was published in October 2018 and

number of companies has increased

tural and Creative Industries (CCIs)”

shows a consistently positive trend.

by around 3%. The growth rates

published by the European Commis-

9% of all Styrian companies are

of the employees (+ 14%), revenue

sion for the second time in October

active in the creative sector – a to-

(+ 24%) and gross value added (+ 34%)

2019 has ranked Graz among one

tal of 4,400 firms. These companies

were somewhat lower in Austria

of the top ten comparable cities in

employ 16,100 people, which corre-

overall than in Styria specifically.

Europe within several categories.


Outstandingly Creative

The Styrian creative economy

The largest creative industry, with the

employees , this percentage is signifi-

most companies, is advertising (21%),

cantly higher than that of self-em-

followed by software and games

ployed women. Especially in the

development (19%) as well as per-

areas of advertising and design, the

forming arts (16%) and architecture

proportion of women is above aver-

(16%). Most companies in the Styr-

age at almost 60%.

ian creative sector, 56 % in fact, are individual entrepreneurs. This makes

The branches of the creative econo-

the creative industries a particularly

my are subdivided into ten areas:

small-scale sector. Women are particularly well represented in the Styrian creative industries. More than one in five compa-

1. Architecture

nies is run by a woman. They make

2. Book trading & publishing

up nearly half of the CEOs (46%) in

3. Design

book trading and publishing. The

4. Advertising

proportion of women in perform-

5. Film industry

ing arts (34%) and design (30%) is

6. Music industry

also significantly higher than the

7. Radio & TV

overall Austrian average. The pro-

8. Software & Gaming

portion of women among the non-

9. Performing arts sector

self-employed is even higher. With their number making up 45% of all

10. Libraries, museums, botanical gardens and zoos

The importance of the Styrian creative economy has continuously increased throughout. The Styria economics department recognized this development early on and, in 2007, set the course for the strategic development of this important branch of industry with the founding of Creative Industries Styria. After all, the creative industries not only radiate into but can be highly beneficial for all other industries. They are a driving force and supporter of innovation as well as a source of ideas for future products and services. With Creative Industries Styria, the Styrian creative industries have gained a strong networking company that consistently aims to connect traditional and creative industries. The Styrian creative industries are showing quite encouraging numbers and have been doing so for several years now. They form a steadily growing sector with no end to this development in sight. According to a research study on creative industries conducted by the Austrian Institute for SME Research KMU in autumn 2018, around 4,400 Styrian creative companies are active on the national and international market, already making up 9% of all Styrian companies. They employ 16,100 people, which corresponds to 4% of all employees in Styria. Revenue amounts to a total of 1.7 billion Euros, that is 2% of the total Styrian aggregate turnover. The result is an overall positive picture of a dynamic industry, which has a significant influence on the economy in Styria and makes a tangible contribution to continuously developing the strengths of the location.



Creative Industries Styria

Creative Industries Styria

Since 2007, Creative Industries

faces are found between the areas of

At the second interface – production

Styria has been the driving force in

creation and production, on the one

and distribution – Creative Indus-

connecting creative industries with

hand, and between production and

tries Styria focuses on worldwide

traditional industries, thus creating

distribution on the other.

marketing of Styrian products. CIS uses its international network

synergy and emphasizing the value At the first interface – creation and

of people, media and locations to

production – Creative Industries

actively support companies in sales,

Styria accompanies the exchange

making creativity the competitive

Creative Industries is active in

between the creative and traditional

advantage that secures a company's

three strategic areas: Awareness &

economy. Projects are developed pri-

unique selling proposition and clear-

Location, Impulses & Projects, and

marily in that they utilize the innova-

ly positions it against international

Networking & Service. We at CIS

tive and transformative power of the

competitors. Successful collabora-

are working in two directions: first-

creative industries. They can develop

tions between the creative industries

ly, to address traditional companies

their full potential by transform-

and the traditional economy also

in order ... economy, and secondly,

ing various areas of the traditional

serve as best-practice examples to

to encourage the creative sector to

economy. Specifically, the primary

promote further networking and to

connect as efficiently as possible

strong points of the Styrian economy

anchor the “raw material creativity”

with traditional companies. So, Cre-

are: mobility, health, green tech, and

in the entire Styrian economy. The

ative Industries Styria aims to build

others. Creative Industries Styria

work at both interfaces follows the

bridges between the areas at the

provides important innovation sup-

guiding principle: Created in Styria –

two central interfaces. These inter-

port to further develop these areas.

Produced in Styria – Sold Worldwide.

(added) of creative services.


Creative Industries Styria

CIS DESIGN TRANSFER Bridging the gap

CIS NETWORK Connect and display








Created in Styria

Produced in Styria

Sold worldwide

analog Development


Design Transfer

strategic decision-making to ensure

and produced in Styria and sold

The Design Transfer program sup-

the long-term success of a company.

worldwide, thus putting Styria in the international spotlight. Styrian

ports companies in increasing their competitiveness and innovative

Styrian Products

Products are ambassadors of quality

strength via targeted use of design.

Styrian Products gathers domestic

and convey a spirit of innovation –

This project unites design and

products of high design quality and

for good design and active creativity

companies, creates new synergies

combines them to form a collection

– regionally, nationally and interna-

and helps to fully utilize previously

of works from all disciplines, in-

tionally. Styrian Products are always

unknown potential. Creative Indus-

cluding furniture and fashion, ac-

available online, however, once a

tries Styria works with companies to

cessories and tableware, industrial

year, a selection of the collection is

create a Design Transfer timetable

machines and solid wood prefabri-

shown as an exhibition in a regional

that extrapolates precisely which

cated houses, consumer goods and

company. In 2019, KNAPP AG in

services are needed most. If an inno-

capital goods, and small and large

Hart bei Graz, was the host for the

vation-oriented company is willing

series productions. Successful prod-

exhibition titled “Styrian Products

to think beyond the original tasks

ucts have a strong identity – they

– Design Makes the Difference.” The

of design and functionality, design

create meaning and tell stories. With

products ranged from eyewear by

opens doors to new products, new

Styrian Products, the design process

Andy Wolf Eyewear to fashion by

markets and new classes of buyers;

is made visible from the initial idea

Lena Hoschek, to industrial design

it thus becomes an important tool in

to the finished product and thus

sold worldwide such as the compost-

modern corporate management. It

clearly demonstrates the added value

ing machine by Komptech.

creates overarching perspectives on

that good design has for the creation

classic design processes, but also on

of value. Every product is developed


Creative Industries Styria

Experience Economy

also a strong connection between

Organization of Creative

In 2019, one of the most success-

the creative, the innovative, and the

Industries Styria

ful projects of Creative Industries

traditional economy.

The partners of Creative Industries Styria GmbH are the Steirische

Styria celebrated its 10th anniversary. Experience Economy has



been welcoming visitors for behind-

Membership of Creative Industries

m.b.H. SFG (Styrian Economic Pro-

the-scenes glimpses of successful

Styria is organized on 3 levels: Free

motion Agency), the City of Graz and

Styrian companies for the past 10

members are part of the Creative

the Chamber of Commerce of Styria.

years. The detailed experience tours

Industries Styria network and are

In addition to these partners, fund-

through the over 50 participating

entered into the member directory

ing is provided through grants from

companies have so far attracted

at no additional cost. They also have

the State of Styria (SFG), the City of

over 3.3 million visitors to produc-

access to a wide range of informa-

Graz and membership fees, project

tion halls, workshops and machine

tion on events, calls for bids and

partners, project partnerships and

rooms. Creative Industries Styria

competitions. Full members are


acts as a project manager, build-

active members in the network and

ing bridges between creatives and

and are entitled to additional ser-

businesses, thereby initiating sus-

vices that range from free lectures

The shareholders of Creative Indus-

tainable cooperation. Their steadily

and events, participation in calls

tries Styria GmbH hold the follow-

growing network enables advanta-

and competitions, even to reduced

ing shares:

geous cooperation and synergies for

costs for network trips, excursions

everyone involved. In addition, Cre-

or conferences. Premium members

80 % SFG

ative Industries Styria accompanies

are medium and long-term strate-

10 % City of Graz

the project’s process, from the com-

gic partners of Creative Industries

10 % Chamber of

pany’s first contact to its concep-

Styria who receive a customized

Commerce of Styria

tion and design, continuous quality

premium package consisting of basic

assurance and advertising of the

and special services. At the end of

tours. It is particularly important to

2019, Creative Industries Styria had

The core team of employees consists

ensure the high quality of the tours

1,098 members, including 910 free

of 10 people: managing director,

as this is what ultimately creates

members, 178 full members (103 in-

assistant to the managing director,

the added value equally relevant for

dividual memberships, 75 company

office management, controlling,

the creative industries, for business-

memberships) and 10 premium

6 project managers

es, for the general public and for

members. They all benefit from

Styria as a business location. The

stronger networking with the tradi-

result is not only an appreciation for

tional economy, higher visibility of

domestic production and respect

their services and a high degree of

for the people in the company, but



Creative Industries Styria

Social & Urban Design

Media Design

Graphic Design

Industrial & Product Design









Knowledge Networking with the industry

Thinking ‘Out of the box’

Development and quality growth






Awareness & Location

In order to raise awareness of the importance of creative industries for Styria and of the location as a whole, the state government has formulated tasks in line with the strategy for the Austrian creative economy. Creative Industries Styria has made it their business to implement them and make them effective throughout Styria.

Design plays an important role in the creative process as the “missing link� between the initial idea and the marketing of a finished product or service. The aim of Creative Industries Styria is to make this task visible, to raise public awareness of the achievements of the creative industries and to strengthen and expand their role in Styria. Ultimately,

creative industries should be positioned more strongly in the overall context of the Styrian economy. CIS aims to act as an intermediary between the traditional and creative industries. The result is new synergies between key players that drive innovation processes and produce new products and services – often for new target groups and markets.

It is important to be visible to be successful. In other words: Be visible and get connected!

Awareness & Location

National and International Networking

Awareness & Location

National and International Networking



Any economic location is inconceivable without international networking – this applies particularly to the creative industries, which benefit greatly from international contacts. Creative Industries Styria has made it their responsibility to connect Styria globally and to make the region visible. As part of the EU International Cooperation program (IUC) which started in 2018, a delegation from Puebla visited Graz between February 3rd and 8th. The program resulted in Creative Industries Styria and UNESCO City of Design Graz being invited as special guests at the BESIGN Festival 2020 in Puebla. Gabriel Benavides from the City of Design Puebla also completed a 6-month internship at Cre-

ative Industries Styria for his master's thesis. Numerous other talks and meetings were held with Lublin, Bangkok, Ljubljana and Istanbul. The first Istanbul Design Summit, for which Creative Industries Styria was a cooperation partner, took place in Istanbul in March. At national level, discussions were held with a wide variety of partners, including Austria Design Net (ADN), the Design Forums Austria (Vorarlberg, Vienna, Tyrol), KAT – Kreativwirtschaft Austria, Creative Austria, Design Austria, Vienna Design Week, MAK and the Creative Region Upper Austria. Eberhard Schrempf works as an expert on the Kreativwirtschaftsbeirat (Creative Industries Advisory Board) to support and advise the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs in implementing the strategy for the creative economy.


01 Visiting delegation from the Center for Creative Industries Slovenia 02 + 03 Istanbul Design Summit 04 International guests from the Choamachi School of Arts in Nagoa (Japan), from the Design Week Philippines and from the Nairobi Design Week (Kenya) 05 Delegation trip to Puebla, Mexico




Awareness & Location

Graz as a UNESCO City of Design




Awareness & Location

Graz as a UNESCO City of Design

Graz is a UNESCO City of Design and part of a global network of creative cities – and thus well connected to the global creative scene.


As a UNESCO City of Design, Graz participates in numerous events, conferences and competitions, and presents itself internationally as a design hotspot. In this context, Creative Industries Styria handles important networking tasks and prepares the ground for fruitful cooperation. In 2019, UNESCO Crea-tive Cities network grew by 66 to a total of 246 cities, while the number of cities in UNESCO Cities of Design network increased from 31 to 40.


Conferences and meetings The UNESCO Annual Meeting took place in Fabriano, Italy, from June 10th to June 15th. Graz was represented by Angelika Meister (coordination office Graz UNESCO City of Design) and Eberhard Schrempf (Creative

Industries Styria). Graz also took part in the Design Declaration Pre-Summit of the Ico-D (International Council of Design) from April 3rd to April 5th, 2019, in Saint-Étienne, France. In addition to the Steering Group, the representatives were international trade associations in the design sector. A special meeting of Ico-D took place in Graz on May 10th and 11th: Representatives of various international design events and design museums met for this specialist conference in the UNESCO City of Design Graz. The City of Design Subnetwork Meeting for 2019 in Detroit, USA, took place from September 17th to September 21st. For Graz, Angelika Meister (coordination office Graz UNESCO City of Design) and Barbara Nußmüller (Creative Industries Styria) participated in the event. Graz applied for the organization of the Subnetwork Meeting in autumn 2020 – in cooperation with Saint-Étienne – and was awarded the contract. On the occasion of the Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Étienne from March

01 Ico-D special meeting with representatives of international design events in Graz 02 UNESCO City of Design Subnetwork Meeting in Detroit, USA 03 + 04 Markus Petzl (disruptive – beyond your strategy) at the Public Forum as part of the Singapore Design Week

40 UNESCO Cities of Design


Awareness & Location

Graz as a UNESCO City of Design

246 UNESCO Creative Cities worldwide



20th to March 23rd, a “City of Design” forum took place, in which Eberhard Schrempf from Creative Industries Styria was invited as an expert on the panel “Value of Design” or “COD and its measurability.” Angelika Meister and Markus Petzl (disruptive – beyond your strategy) from Graz were invited to the Singapore Design Week from March 6th to March 10th. Markus Petzl, nominated by Creative Industries Styria, gave a lecture as part of the Public Forum titled “About disruptive innovation, business & design.”

Wuhan Design Biennale The Wuhan Design Day and the Fifth Wuhan Design Biennale took place from November 1st to November 10th, 2019. Eberhard Schrempf participated in the opening and was invited to speak as an expert at a round table. Creative Industries Styria also took the opportunity to present key projects and individual endeavors, such as Design Transfer, Design Battle, Design to Business, Hollenegger Design Talks, Styrian Products, Urban Furni-

ture and more. In addition to the opening program, there were cooperation talks for further integration within the context of the Design Month Graz 2020: Wuhan will be represented in the Design Month Graz 2020. “Fifteen Seconds Wuhan” was also held at the Design Biennale. The festival is a prominent event in the context of business, innovation and creativity.

Istanbul Design Summit The Istanbul Design Summit on March 1st and 2nd, 2019 highlighted various topics such as Design Policy, Sustainable Design, Value of Design, Design and Innovation and City Driven Design. Creative Industries Styria assisted the Istanbul Design Bureau as a cooperation partner and advised on both the international line-up of keynote speakers, such as Stefan Sagmeister and Karim Rashid, and the panel on the topic of Design Policy. Using best-practice examples, this event demonstrated the importance and necessity of national design policies and regional design strategies.

Rick Rogers undSummit, Olga Stella, City06 of Opening Design Detroit 06 Delegationsbesuch Geelong, Australien, bei Architekt 05 Istanbul Design Turkey of the Wuhan Design Biennaleaus & Wuhan Design Day, China Markus Pernthaler 07 + 09 UNESCO Annual Meeting in Enghien-les-Bains, Frankreich 08 Delegationsbesuch aus Wuhan


08 09


Awareness & Location

Design Month Graz


events throughout design month graz

Awareness & Location

Design Month Graz

100.000 visitors in 30 days

100,000 visitors, 30 days, 106 appointments, 415 companies and labels from Austria and abroad: In 2019, the 11th Design Month Graz turned the UNESCO City of Design Graz into a hotspot for events, presentations, lectures, workshops, exhibitions and guided tours centering on design. The overarching theme, “Women and Design,” stood at the core #of the entire program. Design in all its facets arrived at the UNESCO City of Design Graz as well as the surrounding regions for Design Month Graz 2019. International guests from Istanbul, Montreal, Milan, Wuhan, Ljubljana, Saint-Étienne, Mexico City, Puebla, Enghien-les-Bains, Detroit, Nagoya, Berlin, Lisbon, Turin, Biella, Beijing, Brno, Prague, Delhi, Lodz, Moscow,


Nairobi and the Philippines were welcomed here in Graz. The theme “Women and Design” ran central throughout the program, such as the exhibition “To Death with a Smile” in Lesliehof, which showcased 100 works by designers on the subject of death from the collection of Álvaro Rego, director and owner of the MUMEDI (Museo Mexicano del Diseño, Mexico City). Women also took center stage in the Design Battle: The design authority lay exclusively with women designers. A bar stool was to be designed for this year's edition of the Design Battle. As part of the World Wide Things Collection in the New Gallery, design products from the UNESCO Cities of Design Istanbul, Puebla, Mexico City, Detroit, Singapore, Saint-Étienne and Graz were on display. Another fixed point was the fashion festival “assembly.”

Awareness & Location

Design Month Graz

415 entrepreneurs and labels

Design shows presence – regionally and internationally Istanbul was an important partner city in the Design Month Graz 2019, represented in a variety of events, such as the Istanbul Design Talks, the Turkish Night and workshops on jewelry design, wood burning and calligraphy. An exhibition at designforum Steiermark showed current works from the areas of fashion, crafts and graphics as well as architectural and industrial design. Design in the City was yet another highlight of

the Design Month 2019: This time, 37 selected shops were represented at an extraordinary design shopping mile in the middle of Graz. Together with the professionals from GrazGuides, visitors were able to explore the creative hotspots on their own “design tours.” Finally, this year's FH JOANNEUM Lecture Days took a closer look at the topic of “Design and Society.” The visual design for the Design Month Graz itself was done by the renowned and award-winning Graz branding agency moodley brand identity.


Impulses & Projects

Bringing together what belongs together: The core task of Creative Industries Styria is to connect the creative with the traditional economy in order to create new synergies. This results in new and innovative products from a wide variety of industries. The transformative power of creative work is firmly rooted in the “Austrian Creative Economy Strategy”

of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs as one of its key points. And there is a good reason for that: The creative industries provide strong impulses to the traditional economy and thus ensure innovation and progress. Creative Industries Styria has made it their business to enhance these impulses and connect the right players. The numerous B2B projects clearly make these impulses visible. In

Innovation needs inspiration. In other words: Be inspired!

this respect, “Design Transfer” is a beacon project. It offers companies a roadmap of how design can open up new perspectives in business and how concrete products and services emerge. What results are not simply marketable products, but rather an enhancement of Styria as a business location as a whole, a strengthening of Graz's image as a UNESCO City of Design and secure jobs.

Impulses & Projects

Design Transfer

Impulses & Projects

Design Transfer


Design as a transformative force: The lead project Design Transfer utilizes the full potential of design and lets innovative companies break new ground. This results in completely new products and services. Design has now become an established tool in modern corporate management. It creates overarching perspectives on traditional design processes, but also on strategic decision-making to ensure the long-term success of a company. Design Transfer by Creative Industries Styria follows a three-stage consulting model in which the individual stages flow smoothly into one another. The CIS Design Support, stage 1, represents the initial consultation with the company. During the Design Check, the current status in terms of design is then examined and strategy workshops use

methods such as “design thinking” to evaluate creative potential. In the second stage, the company then looks for suitable partners with the CIS Design Connect, together with Creative Industries Styria, sending out calls and holding competitions to create real products and services. In short: The Creative Industries Styria network is activated. During stage 3, CIS Design Display, the final results are presented: Exhibitions, publications and press documents are developed, projects are presented as part of the Design Month Graz and events are organized. Creative Industries Styria, together with the company involved in the project, creates a Design Transfer timetable and extrapolates precisely which services are needed most. The project unites design and companies, creates new synergies and helps to fully utilize previously unknown potential.

01 Design Battle 2019 teams at Josef Prödl's carpentry 02 “Micado“ by Hofrichter-Ritter Architects with MOHIKWertholz 03 Kick-off for “Design und Handwerk im digitalen Kontext” (design and craftsmanship in a digital context) at Hechenblaickner Holzhandels GmbH 04 “Lino.z“ by SellaBerlin with Riegler Holzindustrie and mtdesign Tischlerei 02




Impulses & Projects

Design Transfer

Impulses & Projects

Design Transfer: Projects 2019 Design Battle Design in a nutshell: The Design Battle is about creating a design piece as a prototype within 24 hours. The task of this year's edition: a stool made of wood. On May 22nd, this fourth edition of the Design Battle took place at Josef Prödl's carpentry in Kirchberg an der Raab. In line with the program focus on “Women & Design,” the four teams consisted of one designer and one expert from a different discipline. In front of an audience and under the jury’s scrutiny, four designs for a bar stool were created. Pauses between the sessions were used for keynote speeches, among others by the Vulcano ham factory, the winemakers Josef Krenn and Barbara Sitzwohl from Krenn49, Karl Stocker from FH JOANNEUM and Vagabund Moto. The teams consisted of Marleen Viereck (Viereck architects), Wolfgang Raunjak (raunjak intermedias) and the carpenter Martin, Barbara Sieber-Vandall (Ox&Bear), Thomas Zenz (doppelpunkt PR and Communication) and the carpenter Martin, Simone Kovac (Simone Kovac Interior Design), Robert Prasch (KOOP Live Marketing) and carpenter Thom-



as, and Sigrid Mayer (EIGENSINN by Sigrid Mayer), Syrous Abtine (Parkside) and carpenter Josef and carpenter Alexandra. The jury selected team 4 as the best project with the “Escher” design.

Hollenegger Design Talks 2019 In cooperation with Holzcluster Steiermark, designaustria and Schloss Hollenegg for Design, creatives and businesspeople discussed the “success factor design” as well as connections between success and good design, highlighting best practice examples of successful synergies on July 2nd and 3rd, 2019. Nine pairs of experts from the creative and traditional economy told their stories of how design turned their products into success, what the development process was really like, and what should be kept in mind if the economy wants to benefit from design. Ivan Redi from the design studio ORTLOS Space Engineering and Franz Weghofer from Magna Steyr presented the Meeting Space project on the first day of the event, while designer Georg Mähring showed the Helsinki seating group – which he developed for the East

01 Design Battle winning team Sigrid Mayer and Syrous Abtine with carpenter Josef and carpenter Alexandra 02 + 03 Hollenegger Design Talks


Impulses & Projects

Design Transfer

Impulses & Projects



Styrian furniture manufacturer ADA. The Dutch Commonplace Studio designed a multifunctional piece of furniture for the Old Library in Hollenegg Castle together with the motion control specialists of Logicdata from Deutschlandsberg. Christian Thomas from the communications agency Factor spoke about packaging design and plastic technology together with Christian Scheck, marketing director at Joma Kunststofftechnik, the producers of, among other things, the spice mill for Kotányi. On the second day, RNPD – Raunigg & Partner Development presented a salad bowl in the shape of a pumpkin seed, which was designed in cooperation with Philipp Raunigg and the Gemeinschaft Steirisches Kürbiskernöl g.g.A. (Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil Association) with Andreas Cretnik. Identity-based brand development was the focus of the design discussion by Lazarus Soulbrand’s Franz Lazarus and nr-systems represented by Norbert Rabl. London-based illustrator Katie Scott designed a series of drinking glasses with engravings of various poisonous plants for the Viennese family company J&L Lobmeyr, which has been manufacturing hand-made glass for over

200 years. The knee joint of the future was designed by the Viennese industrial designer Adam Wehsely-Swiczinsky and the Colombian-Canadian developer Juan Mejia. Taking the VITEO brand of outdoor furniture as an example, XTEC managing director Stefan Windisch and the Viennese designer Rainer Mutsch showed how an idea becomes a prototype and ultimately a marketable product.

Diploma course in Design Management The only of its kind in Austria, the diploma course Design Management started its new semester on October 19th, 2019 at WIFI Styria. As a business side of design, design management is a management discipline that focuses on a company's design resources and activities. It controls the creative process with project management techniques and thus supports a creativity culture for design. It is able to control development processes and close the gaps in the company between vision, strategy, product development and successful marketing. Johannes Robier (youspi Consulting) developed the curriculum for the course together with Creative Industries Styria.


04 Floor lamp design - Up-Cycling Thonet with amm – architektInnen machen möbel at Graz University of Technology 05 Kick-off for “Design und Handwerk im digitalen Kontext” (design and craftsmanship in a digital context) at the Holzinnovationszentrum, Zeltweg 06 Hollenegger Design Talks



Impulses & Projects

Design Transfer

Impulses & Projects

Design Transfer: Projects 2019


Shopping bag “Echt Graz”

Crafts and design in a digital context

The inner-city initiative Echt Graz – Gemeinschaftsaktion Innenstadt (Real Graz – Community Action Inner City) was looking for designs for an Echt Graz shopping bag. In cooperation with the initiative, Creative Industries Styria invited designers to participate in an open design competition. The call for proposals was aimed at creatives from the fields of communication and graphic design as well as industrial and product design. With the call, the “Echt Graz” trade initiative also showed its clear commitment to the UNESCO City of Design Graz. The designs were also presented as part of the Showcase 2019 exhibition at designforum Steiermark. Of the 43 entries, the jury consisting of Heimo Maieritsch from Citymanagement Graz, Birgit Coyle from Kastner & Öhler and Gernot Reiter from feinwork selected three winners for Echt Graz: First place went to Nadine Werjant, second place to Martina Nette and Kristina Sammer and third place to Mariella Havlicek. Jakob Glasner received the audience award.

Products made with the natural material wood, and manufactured using high-tech: This cooperation project entitled “Handwerk und Design im digitalen Kontext” (Crafts and Design in a Digital Context) between mutamo (Benjamin Pernthaler), the Industrial degree program and the Design degree program at FH Joanneum, and the Holzcluster Steiermark, has been developing products from wood since October 2019, which are manufactured in the wooden innovation center in Zeltweg using a 5-axis robot. The results will be shown during the Design Month Graz 2020.

Rethinking fence design A fence is a product that is situated between design, architecture and handicraft. Together with Creative Industries Styria, H+S Zauntechnik invited designers and architects to journey on innovative paths in the field of fence construction. In cooperation with the Holzcluster Steiermark, three prototypes were developed under the theme “Wood

01 Concepts for “Echt Graz” shopping bags 02 Corporate design for SBIDI by CMM 03 WunderBAR by Martin Mostböck and Sägewerk Sallegger 04 Customized Fences 2019 together with H+S Zauntechnik, SellaBerlin, Martin Mostböck Architecture & Design, Hofrichter-Ritter Architects





Impulses & Projects

Design Transfer

Impulses & Projects


& Fence” and presented as part of the Design Month Graz 2019. The teams consisted of Martin Mostböck (Architecture and Design Development, Vienna) & the lumbermill Sägewerk Sallegger (Koglhof), SellaBerlin (Berlin) and the lumbermill Riegler Holzindustrie (Krottendorf) as well as Hofrichter-Ritter Architects and the lumbermill Mohik Wertholz (Frohnleiten).

Corporate Identity for SBIDI CMM developed a logo and corresponding corporate design for SBIDI, the Styrian broadband and digital infrastructure company, based on the virtual world with its clear typography, minimal and digital media-conforming logo as well as with the lowercase lettering for a look that suggests both innovation and competency. The key visual is a pin – generally seen as an icon symbolizing a location – and clearly shows people that a faster and more efficient internet connection is both possible and sensible here in their region or town.

Upcycling Thonet Under the title “amm – architektInnen machen möbel” (architects make furniture), students developed and manufactured 1:1-scale models at the wood workshop of the Institute for Interior Design with the support of design, architecture and carpentry experts. The goal was to develop new product suggestions based on components left at the former Thonet furniture factory in Friedberg. Various pieces of furniture were created as part of the project such as a bench, lamp and light fixtures, tables, and a swing.


05 Corporate Design for SBIDI by CMM 06 Design for a firewood holder, Up-cycling Thonet with amm – architektInnen machen möbel at Graz University of Technology 07 Winners of the “Echt Graz” shopping bag competition with representatives of the jury and Echt Graz



Impulses & Projects

Experience Economy

Impulses & Projects

10 Years of Experience Economy

A top project of the Creative Industries Styria celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2019: Experience Economy – Made in Styria invites you to take an exclusive look behind the scenes of successful Styrian companies. The detailed tours, so-called “adventure tours” designed by Styrian creatives, have so far attracted over 3.3 million visitors to explore production halls, workshops and machine rooms. 10 years of Experience Economy – Made in Styria: The successful project of Creative Industries Styria celebrated its 10th birthday on September 19th, 2019 at AIOLA in castle St Veit. Experience Economy makes Styrian achievements visible and tangible, providing exciting insights into the world of production. Experience Economy tours are highly attrac-


tive for school classes and families with small children. For participating companies, this is an opportunity to show themselves as excellently as future employers. The multimedia tours are conceptualized and designed by creative professionals, for example from the advertising or exhibition design sector. The target audience can differ from interested individuals to groups and families to school classes and universities. From April to early July, the Experience Economy university tours connected interested students from universities and technical colleges with Styrian companies. The aim was to offer young people studying in areas of expertise that coincided with the respective company the opportunity to familiarize themselves with different professional fields. In turn, the companies had the opportunity to introduce

Impulses & Projects

Experience Economy

Impulses & Projects

393.000 visitors in 2019

themselves to potential future employees and to raise interest in their company. The university tours were organized by Creative Industries Styria, which lent its support in deciding on a strategic focus and took over the costs for bus transports. The project Experience Economy continues to grow even after 10 successful years. New member companies are constantly joining: On October 1st, 2019, the natural cosmetics manufacturer and sustainable mail order company niceshops from Paldau joined the ranks of the Experience Economy companies. Creative Industries Styria acts as the project manager, facilitator and coordinator – further supported by the Steirische Wirtschaftsförderungs­ gesellschaft m.b.H. SFG (Styrian Economic Promotion Agency).


Impulses & Projects

Styrian Products

Impulses & Projects

Styrian Products

Styrian Products focuses on the design process that makes creativity usable as a primary raw material for success. The entire Styrian Products collection currently contains 80 products from 59 companies that can be browsed online. The accompanying annual exhibition highlights a selection of these products. It was moved to the KNAPP AG premises in Hart bei Graz on September 26th, 2019. Styrian Products gathers domestic products of high design quality into a unique collection of all disciplines, impressively showing the strengths of design and why design makes a difference. The project is conceived to convey quality and innovative spirit to the public,


representing good design and active creativity – regionally, nationally and internationally. Styrian Products is a constantly growing collection with high design standards that map the underlying design processes and make them accessible worldwide by putting it all online as a permanent exhibition.

Exhibition stop at KNAPP AG Styrian Products feels connected to the Styrian regions. Therefore, each year the exhibition stops at a company that values design in the area, bringing design to people in Styria. The exhibition of a selection of the collection items at domestic production sites is a core component of the project, showing design right where design happens, and innovations arise. As a

Impulses & Projects

Styrian Products

Impulses & Projects

second location in the offline world, the exhibition therefore moved into the Styrian logistics company KNAPP AG in Hart bei Graz. Under the slogan “Created and produced in Styria – sold worldwide,” 50 Styrian products from 34 companies were exhibited.

School workshop: Experience design processes up close A supervised school workshop with the HTBLVA Graz Ortweinschule for Design and Structural Engineering and the HTBLVA Graz-Gösting (BULME) for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering further emphasized the far-reaching importance of design: In two tasks, the students had to work through the entire design process from finding ideas to marketing and sales. The

ultimate goal was for the students to develop a redesign of the MultiScan by KNAPP as well as the associated packaging including a prototype. The device, which scans the barcode at goods-out and photographs the contents of the packages, is already in use by around 300 customers – especially in Germany. During the school workshop, it received a creative“facelift” to make it more attractive to customers in the USA and Great Britain.


Impulses & Projects

designforum Steiermark

Impulses & Projects

design­ forum Steiermark Six exhibitions in the designforum Steiermark brought design in its various facets to the city center of the UNESCO City of Design Graz in 2019.

The designforum Steiermark is a place to raise public awareness of the value of design and bring it to the forefront. Most important is not only the aesthetic aspect, but also the economic and social relevance of design. For a UNESCO City of Design, designforum Steiermark provides regional and international designers and design institutions with a platform and exhibition location. The premises of the designforum Steiermark can also be used for presentations. For example, First there is Dotter by the FH Joanneum had a stop at the designforum Steiermark. The exhibition showed the numerous stages of development that a magazine has to go through before it


reaches the hands of readers. The label amm – architektInnen machen möbel (architects make furniture) presented both innovative and down-to-earth sitting accommodations, which were surprising in terms of both design and craftsmanship. The exhibition “Design auf Steirisch” by RNPD – Raunigg & Partner Development showed a cross-section of the products created during the successful cooperation between the Gemeinschaft Steirisches Kürbiskernöl g.g.A. (Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil Association) and RNPD. The design magazine Mutboard & Vogel also held its release event at designforum Steiermark.

Impulses & Projects

designforum Steiermark

Impulses & Projects

SIT – Chairs from the Franz Polzhofer Collection

Istanbul Design Collection

The SIT exhibition at designforum Steiermark showed a selection of seating furniture from the Franz Polzhofer collection envisioned by international designers from the past hundred years. INNOCAD Architecture curated the show. The pieces shown are closely related to the collector Franz Polzhofer – a creative, a designer and a pioneer – who unearthed these pieces from the past and presented them in a very personal way. INNOCAD Architecture's exhibition design put the pieces into further context by adding large-format photographs by the photographer Ulrich Ghezzi.

As a metropolis at the intersection of Orient and Occident, the UNESCO City of Design Istanbul has always provided creatives with limitless inspiration for their work. The Istanbul Design Collection exhibition not only included works from the sectors of graphic and industrial design, fashion, architecture, but also traditional handicrafts. Among the items on display was a stone bench with a minimal design, as well as ornamental coffee cups, vases and plates that display simple motifs from everyday life at sea, like water, fish, and fruit.


Impulses & Projects

designforum Steiermark

Impulses & Projects

Taste the ortwein

For the first time, the designforum Steiermark showed selected pieces from graduates of the eight key areas of training at the design department of the HTBLVA Graz Ortweinschule. The work of the current class of graduates of this unique educational institution offers valuable insights into the diverse design perspectives of an up-and-coming generation of young creatives. Since 1876, Ortweinschule has helped many alumni find their footing in fine and applied arts.


Industrial Design Show 2019

Between June 28th and July 27th, 2019, the designforum Steiermark hosted the Industrial Design Show, showcasing the broad range of training in the bachelor's and master's degree programs in Industrial Design at the university of applied science FH JOANNEUM Graz – from the first design exercises to the final theses. Many of the designs on display were developed in dialogue with international partner companies. The disciplines ranged from product design to mobility and eco-innovative design.

Impulse & Projekte Impulses Projects

designforum Steiermark

Impulses & Projects

Life by AVA – Label presentation by Andrea Vattovani Architecture

The dimensions of works by AVA – Andrea Vattovani Architecture – range from entire housing complexes to individual products that can be found in the household. The award-winning architecture firm based in Graz was founded in 2008 by Andrea Vattovani and enriched the designforum Steiermark with a monographic exhibition from October 10th to November 2nd, 2019. Using selected works, the firm showed that architecture is the soul of society – large and small, global and local. The contrast between the two dimensions – the so-called “glocal” – inspired Andrea Vattovani's works, which always tell stories that have the people at their heart. So far, the studio has developed over 150 projects and participated in numerous competitions throughout Austria, Italy, Lebanon, the United States, the United Arab Emirates, China, Thailand and Finland.

Showcase 2019 – Design as a success factor

The exhibition Showcase highlights the results of interesting and successful projects that were realized in the course of the Design Transfer format of Creative Industries Styria. In 2019, the fence prototypes from H+S Zauntechnik, which were created in cooperation with the Holzcluster Steiermark as well as with designers and architects, were featured in the exhibition. Together with Prödl's carpentry (workshop), four design teams each created a stool at the Design Battle 2019 within 24 hours – from the initial design to the finished prototype. The results of the upcycling project were shown for the first time by amm – architektInnen machen möbel (architects make furniture) – who developed new product suggestions based on leftover components at the former Thonet furniture factory in Friedberg. Also, part of the showcase was the logo development for SBIDI, the Styrian broadband and digital infrastructure company, as well as the best designs for the first shopping bag for “Echt Graz,” the community action inner city initiative.


Awareness & Location Standort

Designmonat Graz

Awareness & Location Standort

Partnerships & ProjektpartnerCooperations schaften Creative Industries Styria is an active partner for projects and collaborations at a national and international level. This exchange between organizations, companies and Styrian creatives creates impulses for the Styrian economy as a whole.

the Graz Congress Center, Creative Industries Styria hosted the panel “How to make smartness smart?” . The speakers included architects Markus Pernthaler, Hannes Walter of Evolaris and Jörg Wukonig. Furthermore, "Steirisch Networking is a key success factor in the creaSchenken” (Gifting Styrian) is yet another tive industry. New, innovative products, sernew cooperation. This new business platform vices and processes can only be created if the signern und damit aktuelles Spitzendesign Der zehnte Designmonat Graz eroberte showcases small and large gift items from the right project partners from traditional and brachte etwa SELECTED auch 2018 wieder die UNESCO City of Design Graz zwischen region. Creative Industries Styria acts as a nocreative industries and organizations come tonach nach Graz. Die “Tolerance Posters“, ku4. Mai und 1. Juni. Schauplatz der Erminator of design products created by sources gether. Creative Industries Styria is a supporratiert vom New Yorker Designer Mirko Ilić, öffnung war dieses Mal das Joanneumsfrom the network. There are also important ter of innovation and a driving force behind brachten das Motto “Toleranz“ in der Grazer viertel. Insgesamt besuchten 100.000 collaborations with regard to design educanumerous collaborations with partners from Albrechtgasse auf den Punkt. Wuhan, eine Menschen die 121 Einzelveranstaltungen. tion: The diploma course Design Management, different fields. Among them are the FH Joan10-Millionen-Stadt im Herzen von China, ist 358 Designerinnen und Designer sowie the only of its kind in Austria, started its new neum University of Applied Sciences with its wie Graz UNESCO City of Design und präUnternehmen haben dazu beigetragen, semester on October 19th, 2019 at WIFI Stydesign-oriented programs, the European Youth sentierte sich im Designmonat Graz mit eidass der Designmonat Graz erneut ein ria. Johannes Robier (youspi Consulting) deAward Festival, designaustria or Kreativwirtner eigenen Ausstellung. Mailand, London, Fixpunkt im internationalen veloped the curriculum for the course together schaft Austria (KAT). Regular exchange and Belgrad, Tallinn, Saint-Étienne, Laibach, Designkalender war. with Creative Industries Styria. The “Kreativcontact with a wide variety of organizations Helsinki, Bilbao, Brüssel – jeweils mit einer wirtschaftswerkstatt Graz” (Creative Indusboost Styrian creative industries, putting them eigenen Delegation zu Gast in Graz – zeigten Mit einem bewusst provokant gewählten Mottries Workshop Graz), a format of the KAT – in the context of regional, national and interals “Human Cities“, wie sie die Lebensqualito forderte der Designmonat Graz 2018 die Kreativwirtschaft Austria (Creative Industries national projects. This results in added value tät erhöhen. “Toleranz“ heraus – und ebendiese von den Austria) – took place as an innovation camp in for the Styrian companies. Besucherinnen und Besuchern ein. Eine Fülle Graz on September 30th, 2019 on the topic of Der Designmonat Graz fand sein Echo in an Ausstellungen, Interventionen, Aktionen. “Innovation through scarcity of resources by At the #LetsCluster Summit of the Silicon 200 Berichten in Printmedien, Hörfunk und Präsentationen, Lectures und vielen zusätzmeans of Frugal Innovation.” Alps Cluster from March 25th to 27th, 2019 at TV sowie über zahlreiche Onlineberichte in lichen Highlights brachte das Thema Design Medien im In- und Ausland, die die überreeiner breiten Öffentlichkeit näher – und das 01 World Usability Congress 02 + 03 EuropeanYouth Award 04 Smartness Panel with Jörg Wukonig, Christian Kittel Bedeutung des Trophy Designmonat Graz ein ganzesPernthaler Monat lang. 80 Designobjekte and Markus at the #LetsCluster Summit of von the Silicongionale Alps Cluster 05 Green Panther Night 06 + 07 C hoch 3 08 Golem DigitalDesignerinnen and Regional Minister Eibinger-Miedl at the Future Day of the Styrian economy 09 Creative widerspiegeln. 37 internationalen und De-



Industry Austria workshop




Awareness & Location

Designmonat Graz

European Youth Award The European Youth Award (EYA) is a Europewide competition for young people, social entrepreneurs and start-up founders who create digital projects with added value for society. The young teams from all over Europe gathered at the EYA Festival in Graz from November 27th to November 30th to present their projects.

Green Panther



The highlight of the Green Panther 2019 was the big Trophy Night on November 6th, 2019, at which the Styrian Creative Prize was awarded. In 2019, there were more entries than ever for the Green Panther. A total of 101 agencies participated with 355 different works, organized by the Advertising and Market Communication section of the Austrian Economic Chamber.

World Usability Congress The World Usability Congress is the largest event for Usability and User Experience in Europe and it took place in Graz on October 16th and 17th, 2019. Technological innovations from the fields of artificial intelligence, augmented reality, virtual reality, autonomous driving, voice control and robotics were the focus of the talks given by experts, many of whom work for companies such as Coca-Cola, Instagram, Facebook, Deutsche Telekom or AVL.

Film beyond the movie theater For the third time in a row, the Diagonale Festival of Austrian Film continued to focus on virtual reality in cooperation with sound:frame. The designforum Steiermark served as the venue on March 21st and 22nd. The event centered on questioning the extent to which new digital technologies – such as virtual and augmented reality, 360° film, 3D


sound or artificial intelligence – are influenced by film and cinema, and how they are expanding or possibly even furthering the medium of cinema in return.

Future Day of the Styrian economy Future Day 2019, on June 12th, focused on people and their living and working reality in 2030: How and where will we work? What skills will we need? How will we manage the balancing act between economic growth and sustainability? Under the slogan “GUTES MORGEN”(Good Tomorrow), the event painted a positive, friendly picture of the future. Styrian businesspeople and business-oriented researchers were called upon to actively approach the tasks and challenges ahead in order to create future-proof solutions that are also acceptable for people. Golem Digital presented its “Multireality-Stub'n”, showing what is possible with 360° tours as well as virtual, mixed and augmented reality. Visitors could take a flight in a flying taxi above Graz, use a portal to get beamed to the Uhrturm clock tower, or visit a metal foundry in the middle of the town hall. A specially adapted exhibition stand, designed and implemented in cooperation with Georg Wanker Design, enhanced the experience.


C hoch 3 C hoch 3, the creative economy coaching initiative of Kreativwirtschaft Austria, has been connecting creative people since 2015, so that they can (further) develop business models, grow as entrepreneurs, enter into professional partnerships and thus continue to be successful as a company. In 2019, 21 Styrian participants from areas such as design, fashion, architecture, multimedia, software & games, and video & film participated in the program.



Network & Service

Networking between the traditional economy and the creative sector goes hand in hand with superior service at Creative Industries Styria. Events and projects ensure that the right people are in the right place at the right time. The strategy for the Austrian creative economy provides opportunity for the

transformational forces of the sector to be recognized and made effective in order to drive innovation. Creative Industries Styria has made it its mission to drive this strategy forward. It brings together information, makes complex networking possible and allows to target individual actors. New formats for events and projects bring creative and tradition-

Advantage through information. In other words: Be informed!

al businesses together and create synergies. Tools can be used to obtain data from past events and projects, and to derive trend analyses based on them, which in turn provides impulses for new developments. This way, the potential of the environment of the creative economy increases and Styria’s status as a business location is ultimately strengthened.

Network & Service


Network & Service

Membership Networking, information and services for the Styrian creative industries, staggered and individually tailored: The membership program of Creative Industries Styria offers a suitable package for every company. The Creative Industries Styria membership program consists of three membership levels. This way, companies can choose the program that best suits them and benefit from the Creative Industries Styria’s offers which are in line with target groups. Due to stronger networking with the classic economy, the members benefit from the higher visibility of creative industries services, as well as from greater internationalization and the possibility of incorporating out-of-the-box thinking more deeply – a win-win for both the creative and the traditional economy.

“Free Members” Free members have free access to numerous services at Creative Industries Styria, such as an entry in the data pool on the website. They receive all electronic newsletters, invitations to events, information on calls and competitions, and they can take advantage of initial start-up advice, business ideas evaluation and funding advice.

“Full Members” Full members can participate in calls and competitions organized by Creative Industries Styria, as well as in CIS conferences, meetings,

seminars and similar networking events, and are able to use the CIS formats Small Talks and Open Office. Sometimes, discounts on ticket prices are offered, etc. Numerous web services, such as the marketplace entry, company and designer profiles, content transport via the CIS newsletter and much more are free of charge. They can also use the CIS network for contacts at home and abroad.

“Premium Members“ Premium members act as strategic partners of Creative Industries Styria and enter into a medium to long-term collaboration. Creative Industries Styria offers a tailor-made premium package with additional special services. At the end of 2019, Creative Industries Styria had 1,098 members, including 910 free members, 178 full members (103 individual memberships, 75 company memberships) and 10 premium members. 134 member profiles were online on the website at the end of the year. Full and premium members are also continuously presented in the newsletter in a segment called “member of the week.”

Member Networking Event 2019 On July 12th, 2019, the Creative Industries Styria Member Networking Event took place for the sixth time. Full members and premium members were given opportunities to network and exchange ideas on the terrace of the Restaurant Carl.


Network & Service

Fast Forward 4 You

Network & Service

Fast Forward 4 You fyi – for your information



The two event formats Fast Forward 4 You and fyi – for your information offer firsthand know-how by experts from different areas to Styrian creative companies.

pean market. The highlight of the event was the presentation of a state-of-the-art “window printer” that enables individual designs.

Smart Window: ff4y cluster meeting at Gaulhofer

From prototype to small series: Factory tour at HINTSTEINER

The days of the same old windows are over: Nowadays, these wall openings that that let the light in are full of high-tech and sophisticated in design. Smart Windows offer a huge spectrum of interfaces and integrate useful functions into the window element. On October 8th, 2019, Creative Industries Styria and the Holzcluster Steiermark welcomed guests to an ff4y cluster meeting in Übelbach. The event was hosted by the window specialist Gaulhofer, who has been producing windows and doors for over 100 years – high-quality products made of wood, wood-aluminum and plastic for the Austrian and Euro-

Lightweight components made of carbon fibers can be found in many high-tech products, from microscopes to racing cars and airplanes. The lightweight construction specialist Hintsteiner from Mürzhofen is Austria's leading manufacturer for prototypes and small series productions made of plastic and opened its doors on November 19th, 2019, for a company tour in cooperation with ACStyria. During the factory tour organized by Creative Industries Styria, visitors experienced how carbon fiber has been pushing the boundaries of what is feasible ever further for the past 40 years.

01 + 03 aws Kreativwirtschaft info hour with Karoline Berghuber 02 Jörg Wukonig and his 15 free online marketing tips



& Service fyi – forNetzwerk your information

Network & Service Fast Forward for You

Network & Service

15 free online marketing tips



More clicks, more inquiries, more profit: Today, no company can ignore online marketing, whether in the business-to-business or business-to-customer segment. In his ff4y lecture on December 12th, 2019, Jörg Wukonig presented his 15 free online marketing tips, showing what really matters in online marketing and how an online presence works even without a large budget or a dedicated agency. The event took place in cooperation with the Green Tech Cluster at Golem Digital.

Thinking in drawings During the lecture and workshop “zeichnend denken” (thinking in drawings), Manuela Mark and Thomas Hamann showed the methodology they developed. Their methodology is an inspiring tool in innovation and change processes, provides orientation in complex situations, supports the acquisition of knowledge and helps to set new impulses. The event took place on April 25th, 2019 in the designforum Steiermark.

Instagram: The Good, the Bad and the Evil As part of the Hollenegger Design Talks 2019, software trainer and content creator Martin Dörsch led a workshop on Instagram. In addition to information on how to handle the app and how to find the ideal workflow, the workshop also covered the different areas of application, the fun of using it, but also the dark side of the Instagram world.

aws Kreativwirtschaft info hour Which projects are funded by aws Kreativwirtschaft and how does it work? On May 27th and 28th, 2019, aws Kreativwirtschaft info hour provided answers to the most important questions about innovations in the creative industries. Special questions were discussed in individual one-on-one discussions.

04 Company tour of HINTSTEINER in cooperation with ACstyria 05 Smart Window at Gaulhofer in cooperation with Holzcluster Steiermark


Network & Service

Excursions & Fact-Finding Missions


Network & Service

Excursions & Fact-Finding Missions

02 01


Styria has a lot to offer when it comes to creative industries. At the same time, the local community needs new partners to tap even more creative potential. With its international networking efforts, Creative Industries Styria ensures lively international exchange. Network trip to Porto With its authentic harbor flair and famous bridges, Portugal's second largest city proves that it deserves to be recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Between October 23rd and 26th, a delegation from Creative Industries Styria paid a visit to the charming city on the Duoro River. The highlight of the trip was a visit to the Porto Design Biennale,

which opened on September 19th under the slogan “Post Millennium Tensions”. The itinerary also included visits to local design labels and studios such as Eduardo Aires, Andrew Howard, Non-Verbal Club and Lello. The Municipal Library of Porto and the research center “ESAD – IDEA: Research in design and art” were also stops on the trip.

01 – 03, 06 + 07 Network trip to Porto, Portugal 04




Excursions & Fact-Finding Missions

Network & Service

Netzwerk & Service




Excursion to the Italian furniture manufacturer Fantoni in Udine Fantoni is one of the oldest Friulian family businesses to produce panels and office furniture. The traditional manufacturer and their FOS have been represented in Styria by Josef Prödl's carpentry since 2015. Together with Creative Industries Styria, an excursion to Udine was planned for March 27th and 28th. A visit to the office furniture manufacturer Fantin was also on the itinerary. The company was founded in 1968 in Bannia, a district of Fiume Veneto. It is considered a specialized manufacturer of office and industrial equipment as well as archive and storage solutions made of metal.

04, 08 +  09 Fantoni trip with Prödl's carpentry to Udine, Italy


Network & Service

Data pool, newsletter and website

Network & Service

Website & Newsletter

The online presence of Creative Industries Styria, redesigned by Parkside agency in 2018, is literally the first first port of call for the Styrian creative scene when it comes to networking – both digitally and analogously.



Creative Industries Styria acts as a digital information hub, where the creative scene and companies can connect, giving the creative industries the opportunity to network successfully. The Creative Industries Styria website is essential for that: It informs, presents and connects. In addition to the domain www.cis. at, Creative Industries Styria also operates a number of other websites, including • • • • • und •


On the website, you will not only find lead projects such as the Design Month Graz, Experience Economy, Styrian Products or individual exhibitions in the designforum Steiermark, but also a gallery of member profiles: On the page, all members of Creative Industries Styria are represented with a profile, ensuring visibility as well as a strong online presence for Styrian creative industries. A calendar including an event preview rounds off the digital space. In addition, Creative Industries Styria sends out a newsletter once or twice a week that reaches around 2,200 subscribers. In 2019, 85 newsletters with 433 contributions were sent out. National and international calls for proposals – important information for all creative companies – are a core component of the regular mailings. In total, 132 invitations to participate in calls and competitions were sent out in 2019.

Presse- und Medienarbeit

Network & Service

Network & Service

Press & Media Work

The work of Creative Industries Styria, its content, focus and topics are reflected in a broad press and media presence. Whether online or offline, the press and PR strategy of Creative Industries Styria stretches across the entire range of the modern media landscape, thus creating a strong presence of its issues and content. The greatest focus is of course on Styria – as seen in key projects such as the Design Month Graz, Design Transfer, Styrian Products, various exhibitions e.g. in the designforum Steiermark or the Styria-wide project Experience Economy, which celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2019. The Design Month Graz, for example, generated international resonance: Of the 868 articles on the event published in 2019, which included everything from print to TV and radio, a total of 746 local, national and international pieces of content discussing this annual major event were created.


International Partners

CIS Map Kortrijk (BE) City of Design

UNESCO Cities of Design

Ko Ci



Dundee (GB) City of Design 2014

Montréal (CA) City of Design 2006

Bilbao (ES) City of Design

Detroit (USA) City of Design



Saint-Étienne (FR) City of Design

Querétaro (MX) City of Design



Turin ( City o

Mexiko City (MX) City of Design


San José (CR) City of Design



Puebla (MX) City of Design 2015

Brasilia (BR) City of Design Buenos Aires (AR) City of Design


Fortale City o



Curitiba (BR) City of Design 2014

UNESCO Cities of Design Asahikawa, JP Baku, AZ Bandung, ID Bangkok, TH Beijing, CN Berlin, DE Bilbao, ES Brasilia, BR Budapest, HU Buenos Aires, AR Cape Town, ZA Cebu City, PH Curitiba, BR Detroit, USA Dubai, ARE Dundee, GB Fortaleza, BR Graz, AT (City of) Greater Geelong, AU Hanoi, VN


Austria Design Net Helsinki, FI Istanbul, TR Kaunas, LT Kobe, JP Kolding, DK Kortrijk, BE Mexico City, MX Montréal, CA Muharraq, BH Nagoya, JP Puebla, MX Querétaro, MX Saint-Étienne, FR San José, CR Seoul, KR Shenzhen, CN Shanghai, CN Singapore, SG Turin, IT Wuhan, CN

Creative Industries Styria (Founding member) Creative Region Linz & Upper Austria designaustria designforum Wien MAK - Museum of Applied Arts Vienna Design Week Wirtschaftsagentur Wien (represented by departure) AWO (WKO/WKO/ creative industries and major events) AWS - Austria Wirtschafts­service GmbH (Creative industries and innovation)

International Partners Berlin (DE) City of Design 2005

Helsinki (FI) City of Design 2014

olding (DK) ity of Design

Baku (AZ) City of Design

Kaunas (LT) City of Design


Seoul (KR) City of Design Budapest (HU) City of Design




Nagoya (JP) City of Design

Beijing (CN) City of Design

2008 2012

Graz (AT) City of Design

Wuhan (CN) City of Design



Kobe (JP) City of Design 2008

Shanghai (CN) City of Design

Dubai (ARE) City of Design

(IT) of Design

eza (BR) of Design

Asahikawa (JP) City of Design




Cebu City (PH) City of Design


Istanbul (TR) City of Design

Muharraq (BH) City of Design




Shenzhen (CN) City of Design 2008

Singapore (SG) City of Design

Bangkok (TH) City of Design


Cape Town (ZA) City of Design 2017


Bandung (ID) City of Design (City of) Greater Geelong (AU) City of Design


Hanoi (VN) City of Design



European Creative Business Network Aalborg University, DK ADDICT - Creative Industries Agency Portugal, PT ANDA Cowork, ES AMEC – Amsterdam Economic Board, NL Artysh Lab, RS Arts Council Malta, Malta UCP - Universidade Católica Portuguesa, PT Bozar, BE |ASHT*ART], IT Centre for Creativity – Museum of Architecture and Design, SL City of Essen, DE City of Rotterdam, NL CLICKNL, NL Creative Commission Mannheim, DE Creative England, UK Creative Georgia, GE Creative Finland, FI CreativtFri, DK Creative Industry Kosice, SK Creative Industries Lithuania, LT Creative.Region Linz & Upper Austria, AT Creative Industries Styria, AT (founding member)

Creative Nodes, SE Creative Spark, IRL Creative Start Up Europe Awards, BE CreativtFri, DK Department of Culture, Youth, Sports and Media of the Flemish Community, BE dieAngewandte, - University of Applied Arts Vienna, AT) Dutch Creative Residency Network, NL ECCE – European Centre for Creative Economy Dortmund, DE Economic board amsterdam, NL Economia Creativa, ES Factoria Cultural, ES FDCI – Federatie Dutch Creative Industries, NL Fondazione Campus, IT Fondazione Fitz Carraldo, IT Forum d’Avignon, DE HDNP - Croatian Association of Independant Professionals, HR Ifa laboratory, BE Istanbul Bilgi University, TR KLUMP Subtopia, SE Kreativgesellschaft Hamburg, DE Kreatives Sachsen, DE

Kreativni Klaster, CS Kreativwirtschaft Austria, AT KTN – Knowledge Transfer Network, UK Matera Hub, IT Media Evolution Malmö, SE Ministry of Flanders, BE Ministry of Culture of Slovakia, SK Munich members, DE NORIBIC, UK Nordicity, UK Nova Iskra, SR Peopleing, ES Platform, UK Poligon, SL Politecnico di Milano, IT PopVox, NL PPV Knowledge Networks, LT Rome University, IT Samoa Nantes, FR Technoport, LU The Artist + The Others, NL The Puglia Creative District, IT UCP - Universidade Católica Portuguesa, PT Vienna Business Agency, AT Wired Sussex, UK


Preview of dates 2020

Preview of dates 2020 January 30 and 31 ECHO Symposium, designforum Steiermark March 4 and 5 Fantoni Trip, Udine (IT) March 10 Exhibition opening Breaking Types, Medienkaiser Maximilian & die Schrift, designforum Styria March 19 – 22 BESIGN Mexico, Puebla (MX) April 7 Exhibition opening, Design State Award 2020: Best of Austrian Design, designforum Styria May 6 Future Day of the Styrian Economy May 7 Opening Design Month Graz 2020 8 May Exhibition opening SUREAL, Sustainable Responsive Art Lab by SightSeeingCompany, designforum Styria May 8 – June 9 Design Month Graz 2020 May 11 and 12 Better Future Symposium, Schlossberg event venue May 19 Design Battle 2020, Prödl’s carpentry workshop June 4 Exhibition opening of Ortweinschule Graz, designforum Styria June 26 Exhibition opening “Industrial Design Show 2020”, designforum Styria July 1 and 2 Hollenegg Design Talks 2020 July 10 Member Networking Event July 13 – 17 UNESCO Annual Meeting, Santos (BR) October 4 – 10 COD Subnetwork Meeting, Graz and Saint-Étienne October 2020 CISNetworkJourney to Lille (FR) and Courtray (BE) November Showcase 2020, designforum Steiermark


Legal notice

Legal notice Publisher: Creative Industries Styria GmbH Marienplatz 1, 8020 Graz +43 (0)316 890 598, Managing Director: Eberhard Schrempf Photo credits Page 3: Jorj Konstantinov Page 5: Jimmy Lunghammer Page 12: ico-D/ AlishaPiercy, DesignSingapore Council, CIS Page 13: Istanbul Design Bureau, Wuhan Design Industry Promotion Office Page 14: Miriam Raneburger, Jorj Konstanstinov Page 15: Jorj Konstanstinov, Lipp/Zahnschirm, Miriam Raneburger Page 17: Miriam Raneburger, Markus Well/FH Joanneum Page 18 + 19: Miriam Raneburger, amm – architektInnen machen möbel, Markus Well/FH Joanneum, CMM Page 20 + 21: Jorj Konstantinov, CMM, Miriam Raneburger, amm - architektInnen machen möbel Page 22 + 23: Ulrike Rauch, Jimmy Lunghammer, Regine Schöttl Page 24 + 25: Jimmy Lunghammer Page 26: Stefan Kristoferitsch, Jorj Konstantinov, Mutboard&Vogel Page 27: Miriam Raneburger Page 28 + 29: Miriam Raneburger, Jorj Konstantinov Page 30: youspi Consulting, Silicon Alps Cluster Page 31: und Niki Pommer, Matthias Rauch, cardamom Page 33: Dominic Erschen Page 34: Miriam Raneburger, Holzcluster Steiermark/Schmid, CIS Page 35: ACstyria, Holzcluster Steiermark/Schmid Page 36 + 37: Stefan Schwar, Katharina Kern, CIS

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