2012 IJB Committee 2013 Year Plan
Welcome, It’s the moment you have all been waiting for! Today, we the IJB Committee are happy to share with you our work plan for the year leading to August 2013 and beyond. This plan is designed to outline the priorities we want to work towards and achieve this year, and maps out what steps we are going to take to get there.
Why make a year plan? A year plan outlines what the IJB Committee sees as the needs and priorities of JB around the world, and helps us focus our work towards them. Using the steps we outline, we can check that we are on target through the year, and more importantly, so can you! We hope that this year plan makes it easier for any JBer or CISVer to know what we are getting up to. Although we focus on certain priorities, this doesn’t mean we won’t work on anything else, and we include other projects in our work.
IJB Committee Priorities 2012-2013 Communications
Quality Assurance
Improve our communication channels and ensure they are accessible to all JBers and used effectively.
Measuring and ensuring quality in JB activities and events at all levels, and in the way we work.
Human Rights 2013
Organise the ideas, documents, and everything we do in Junior Branch, to make it understandable and useful.
Make the most of our educational content area of the year by encouraging JBs at all levels to work with it.
Other projects Working on other projects such as Peace Day and the Step-Up Curriculum, and ideas that are waiting to be born... 2
Introducing... Anjo will be leading IJB’s project working with Human Rights in 2013. He is also keen to ensure quality content in training and in how we evaluate our content.
Anjo Educational C ontent
Audrey is one of the driving forces of the JB Pedia working group, as part of the overall communications priority. She is also working on the Step Up Curriculum.
Audrey General
Ramy just totally loves improving things. That’s why he is working on research and evaluation projects to make sure we have the best way of improving our activities, events and JBs.
Ramy Research & Evaluation
Kristina has 3 main projects: 2 under the communications priority, which are looking after Monthly Digest and working on the new website, but also the Peace Day working group.
Kristina General
You say communications, we say Nour. As well as looking after IJB’s communications channels, she is working with Audrey on JB Pedia, as well as coordinating all communications projects.
Nour Communicatio ns
Our 3 regional teams all do a load of good work, but who helps them share good ideas, and also the work of the Committee? Thomas does, as well as looking after our lists of people. JB Training? Ryan’s your man for everything from our trainings at RTFs, to neighbourhood workshops, to local training. Ryan is also keeping an eye on the JB Goals and CISV App projects.
Ryan Training
Thomas Regional Teams Liaison
Wait, but if the Committee are doing all the work, what are the IJRs doing? No, instead of sitting back and chilling, they are working to bring all the pieces of the puzzle together!
James & Cande IJRs
To see a full list of projects, click here
JB Pedia Bring it up to date, and promote use by all JBers - Nour & Audrey
CISV Website Write and improve JB’s content - Kristina
CISV App - Ryan
Monthly Digest
Finish ‘cleaning’. Start Curiosities and front page
New promotion strategy to get people using it
Focus on getting JB Pedia used regionally, nationally and locally
Writing content for each JB page
Website Launch!
Start exploring ‘myCISV’ section for work
Progress to be reviewed, timescale set out Submissions collected by 25 of each month, released on 5 of following month
IJB’s newsletter - Kristina
Quality Assurance
Planning Templates Ensure consistency and quality in all activities and events - Anjo
JB Evaluation New evaluation tool to reach JB at all levels, and for the IJB Team Ramy
Training Curriculum Finish and implement in JB trainings - Ryan
Other Projects
Human Rights Organisation
A guide for new and struggling JBs - Thomas
JB Goals Working group to update the JB Goals - Ryan
Start working with Minicamp Guide WG
Review template possibilities
Use new JB Goals to start activity planning template
Finalise activity planning template
Survey team to establish evaluation criteria and best tool.
Survey JBs to find out needs for evaluation form
Develop initial skeleton of new tool and get feedback.
Compare equalizer and new tool, get feedback from JBs
Finish curriculum and establish training needs
Outline events to trial the new curriculum
Trial curriculum in neighbourhood workshops
Encourage some use at regional meetings
Start working with WG
Prepare initial plan to get feedback at RMs
31. Draft Goals prepared and sent to IJRs
Organising everything into a new O-15 - IJRs
Work with IO to understand what we need
Work on JB Goals, and use as start for O-15
Right On!
10. Project ready for facebook launch
Provide first activities, and provide training
JB’s project to work with Human Rights in CISV - Anjo
Peace Day 2013 Working group for Peace Day 2013 - Kristina
Step Up Curriculum Work with ISU on youth curriculum - Audrey
Work with transition team on other motions
Skype, find out about Global Truce 2013 Establish and skype with Working Group
Present draft at Regional Meetings Provide resources and material for regional meetings Infopack ready, present at EJBM & JASPARC
Finish 1st draft
Feedback from ISU, and work on 2nd draft.
Get feedback for how we are using it, to improve IJBC. Try creating an IJBC app for info and schedule. Submissions collected by 25 of each month, released on 5 of following month
Ensure people use planning template.
Improve tool based on feedback, create ‘how to use’ guide and send out
Collect data and analyse it (together with IJR Candidates)
Use data to create report and recommendations
IJBC. Present results.
Keep using the new evaluation tools!
Chapter Development at RTF Estonia
Deliver JB Training at the RTF in Slovenia
IJBC. Present brand new goals.
Submit motion to update O-15 and at RTFs.
Run activities at CISV camps and collect documented activities and experiences. Support leaders and JBs at camps.
Continue running activities in local JBs and documenting outcomes until the end of the year.
Global Truce Campaign Ready
Communicate with JBs to build ideas and projects.
Promote at IJBC, get commitments for Global Truce
21 September Peace Day 2013!
Finalise curriculum
Work on promotion strategy
Present curriculum and promote working group
New working group revises curriculum.
Decide promotion strategy at IJBC
But what does this look like?
In 2013... The new website will have all our information in one place, but everyone can contribute through JB
JBers at all levels will receive the right news and
updates. The equalizer will evolve into a new evaluation tool that will show us exactly what our JBs are like, and how to improve. The training
curriculum and
planning templates will help us ensure consistency and quality in our events, activities and training. A revised O-15 will bring together our revised JB Goals, description of our events, IJB Team and so on into one
clear, understandable governing document. Many JBers will get involved in our Human
Project and Peace Day 2013. So, it’s time to
get busy...