IJBC 2016 Infopack 1

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IJBC 2016 Medellin, Colombia August 2 - 7, 2016


Introduction Site Information

Travel & Visas

Registration & Costs



Dear Junior Branch world, CISV Colombia and the International Junior Representatives (IJRs) are very happy and excited to present you IJBC 2016 which will take place in the great city of Medellin this summer. At the 2015 Global Conference in Norway, JBers who attended IJBC and CISV members from chapters all over the world had the chance to meet, share and learn from each other during 5 full days. This year, like in 2014, IJBC will happen on its own, it will be a place for all of us to share our experience, ideas and thoughts on Junior Branch today and Junior Branch tomorrow. We would like this place to be a time for JBers from all NAs and PAs to take the opportunity to creatively challenge and strengthen Junior Branch. This Info Pack includes first elements of what you can expect from IJBC 2016 in terms of camp site, transportation, logistics and applications. The event content will be strongly based on what you are expecting from the event. And, together, we wille make IJBC 2016 a success If you have any questions regarding logistics, feel free to contact the Home Staff Team at ijbc2016@co.cisv.org. For other questions, please contact the IJRs at ijr@cisv.org. Gaspard & Dow IJRs 2015 - 2016

The IJBC site is located in the beautiful Colombian city of MedellĂ­n. Here are some key facts about MedellĂ­n.

The Site The address of the site is Villa de Sales, 25, Girardota, Antioquia, Colombia You can check their web page if you want to have additional information: http://www.villadesales.co m.co/infraestructura.html

TRAVEL TO IJBC 2016 BY PLANE You can fly to Medellín two main airports:


José María Córdova International Airport (MDE) Enrique Olaya Herrera Airport (EOH) (closing after 2pm and with very limited flights) FROM JOSÉ MARÍA CÓRDOVA A

INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (MDE) Take a bus from from Bus Combuses S.A. “Aeropuerto JMC” hasta (until) Centro Comercial San Diego (around 10.000 COP). It is a long and enjoyable ride. In Centro Comercial San Diego’s stop, take the Metro, line A from South to North. Get out of the Metro at Niquia Metro Station which is the last station. The tickets cost 1.900 COP and they are sold in a booth right by the entrance of the Metro.



Enrique Olaya Herrera Airport (EOH) (closing after 2pm and with very limited flights) This airport is mainly regional, but in case your flight isn’t direct to Medellin and you have to stop in any other city in Colombia, it is possible that you arrive at this airport, please check with your airline first. Walk to the closest Metro Stop (it is nearby) or take a taxi to the closest Metro Stop (around 6.000 COP) Take line A of the Metro from South to North until the last station, Niquia Station.



The trip can take up to 12 hours and would cost around 60.000 - 70.000 COP.



A bus will be provided (free of charge) by the home staff from the Niquía Metro station to the campsite. It will be there at several times August 2nd: 11:00 am, 12:00 and 1 pm. If you want to arrive to the site with this transportation mean, please make sure you are on time for of those 3 shuttles. The Metro works from Monday through Saturday from 4:30 am to 11:00 pm and on Sundays or holidays from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm.Take into account that there are rush hours, when the metro is extremely crowded. You can find the map of the metro using this link to find your way in Medellin.



Shuttles provided by the home staff (free of charge) will take you from the site to Niquía Metro station once IJBC is over (August, 7th from 11:00 am). IMPORTANT: If you are arriving early or staying a few days after please take into account that Medellín is having the Flower Festival, best known as “Feria de las Flores”, the most important event of the city. That means the city is going to be full of tourists during those dates so please book your hotel/hostel and flights as soon as you can, as things usually get crowded around these dates. 5


Most European, American and Asian countries do not require a visa. The vast majority of African countries require a visa and several exceptions do require on specific occaisions, please refer to the official document: http://www.cancilleria.gov.co/sites/default/files/CUADRO%20VISAS%20POR%20PAISES%20%2018%20ABRIL%202012.pdf Please for apply for a visa on time. If you need an invitation letter, you can ask the IJBC 2016 Home Staff for further information. (email: ijbc2016@co.cisv.org)

Registration Online application Applications will be registered using the IJBC 2016 Registration form. Register here.

MyCISV You must be registered in order to apply on myCISV. Please claim your participation following this link: http://bit.ly/1Oyn8LB

Cost There will be two rounds of applications: (12 pm GMT) Round 1 March - April 13th 280 £ Round 2 April 14th - May 1st 300 £ This year, payments for IJBC will happen differently from what has been previously done. There will be no cash payment at the camp site or direct personal bank transfer to CISV Colombia. In order to ease the process for everyone and also save money, a new system, proposed by Colombia, will be used. Each participant remains personally responsible for paying their participation fee. However, this fee needs to be paid to their National Association (PA) or Promotional Association (PA). National Treasurers are responsible for collecting participation fee from all their JBers attending IJBC 2016. Confirmation of participation will be sent out to participants, National Representatives, National Junior Representatives, National Secretaries and National Treasurers to ensure that all parties are aware of the need to pay the participation fee. Continue reading at next page >

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Cost The official list of participants is the one figuring in the registration form available to the IJBC home staff, the International Junior Representatives and the person in charge at the International Office. The International Office will then be given a list of of all IJBC 2016 participants and will invoice the NAs and PAs for the registrants from their country. This will appear on their next quarterly statement. Based on the final number of participants, the International Office will credit CISV Colombia to take into account fees paid by the NAs and PAs of participants to the event. If you have any question on this topic, please contact the International Junior Representatives Dow and Gaspard at ijr@cisv.org.

Cancellations In order to cancel your registration without any cost, you must inform the IJBC 2016 Home Staff and the International Junior Representatives before May, 15th 2016. When registering to the event, participants commit to paying 15% of the fee applying to their date of registration (280ÂŁ or 300ÂŁ), if they cancel after the 15th of May. In case of force majeure situations (natural disaster, hospitalization death, etc.), please contact the Home Staff for further information.

Timeline April, 13th Deadline for round 1 (23:59 CET)

April 14th Beginning of round 2

May 1st Deadline for round 2 (23:59 CET)

Cancellations May 15th Cancellation without cost After May 15th 15% will be charged if one cancels his/her participation

Other Deadlines March Applications for Facilitators are released April 17th Confirmation of participation / registration by the staff for Round 1 May 5th Confirmation of participation / registration by the staff for Round 2 July 1st Deadline to send in Travel Information form

Stay tuned for Info Pack #2! See you in Medellin!

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