Hello, JB World! I’m Lianna from the Philippines. A few things about me: I’m finishing my degree in Development Studies, I love curating Spotify playlists, and I share a birthday with Edward Cullen (except he’s 99 years older). I’m also on the last few months of my term as NJR of CISV Philippines. I’m so excited to share this first IJBC-in-person-again with you all! I’ll be running the morning sessions in the conference as well as sessions on creating social impact with the JB as a platform and JB sustainability and transformation as we enter this “new normal” in CISV :) See you all soon! Ask me about: Morning Sessions, Project Management, Creating Local Impact with the JB, Responding to Social Issues with the JB
BELLE (she/her)
Hey there IJB! I’m Belle from the Philippines! I’m currently an APJB Team member taking up Diplomacy and International Relations and am in my last year at UNI. I’ve been in CISV for more than a decade, but this will be my first in-person IJBC! A little bit about me— I love being out in nature, baking chocolate chip cookies, and doing development with NGOs. Can’t wait to see you all very soon! All the best! Ask me about: Organization Development, Leadership in JB and Relationship advice
MAR (she/her)
Que onda, familia! I love to be called Mar. Yeah, like ‘sea’ in Spanish. And since it is short for something else, I would love to see you try and guess what it is short for. I come all the way from Mexico, I’m an LJR in Queretaro. If there is something you need to know about me is that I have a hippie spirit (but I do shower): I eat mostly a vegan diet, love to walk around barefoot and have an immense love for mushrooms. Ask me about: Non-violent Communication skills, JB local committees development, Local impact using JB platform, Mushrooms :)