INTERNATIONAL JUNIOR BRANCH International Junior Branch is made up of a lot of different hard-working JBers. We have people working on the regional level as well as the international level to improve Junior Branch on the international level and also support JBers nationally and locally. We are made up of three main groups: our Regional Junior Branch Teams, our International Junior Branch Team (IJB Team) and our International Junior Representatives (IJRs).
Americas Junior Branch Team (AJB), Europe, Middle East and Africa Junior Branch Team (EMEAJB), Asia Pacific Junior Branch Team (APJB) We have three Regional Junior. Branch Teams working with National Junior Representatives (NJRs) and Local JBers to support their JBs. Each region is divided into smaller neighborhoods that are a group of National Junior Branches. Responsibilities of the regional team include coordinating neighborhoods and plan the regional Junior Branch meetings such as AJBM, EJBM and Jasparc that happen around Easter each year.