Currents 2021 Spring - April, May, June

Page 11

May 14: Household Hazardous Materials and Electronics Collection Event

Over 60 volunteers are needed for this community event.

The City of Cedar Falls is part of the Black Hawk County Solid Waste Commission. The Commission is partnering with the City of Waterloo to hold a household hazardous and electronic waste collection event from 9 a.m.–2 p.m. on May 14, 2022, at the City of Waterloo’s Waste Management Facility—3505 Easton Avenue, Waterloo. Participants must be a resident of Black Hawk county and register for the event at No farm, business, or non-profit waste will be accepted.

Volunteers have an assortment of tasks. If you’re over 18 years old we can find a volunteer job suited for you! Those ages 16–18 may volunteer with parental consent. Tasks include assisting with directing traffic, shrink-wrapping, traffic safety/surveying, unloading household chemicals, and electronics from vehicles. Community groups and businesses are encouraged to sign up to help, whether it be part of a sports team, civic or collegiate club, corporate team, church group, etc. We can put you on teams together. Individuals may sing up as well. All the details can be found at

This event is for the collection of household hazardous wastes (HHW) to prevent contamination of water sources and child poisoning. HHW includes items such as household cleaners, solvents, paint removers, herbicides, pesticides, pool chemicals, gasoline, oil-based wood coatings, adhesives, epoxies and glue. All waste must be in a sealed container smaller than 5 gallons. All materials collected will be recycled, used for energy and/or disposed of properly. In addition to HHW, computers, computer monitors and equipment, televisions, handheld electronics, audio visual equipment, countertop kitchen gadgets, and other items with a cord or battery may be accepted for recycling. Residents are allowed two cathode ray tube (CRT) televisions and monitors per vehicle at no charge. Additional CRT’s are $5 each. Additional details regarding this event will be provided after registration is completed. Registration is expected to open the first part of April at or by calling 319-266-8722.

There are two shifts to choose from (7:45 a.m.–2 p.m. (entire event) OR 7:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m. (morning shift).

We expect anywhere from 700–900 vehicles from Black Hawk County to participate in the drop-off event, bringing a wide assortment of household chemicals and electronics. Consider joining this group of fantastic volunteers! Our office is the only agency registering volunteers for this event. If you are interested in volunteering on May 14, please email name, phone number, preferred shift, number of volunteers, and any dietary restrictions you may have to or call 319-234-8115. Volunteer registration deadline is 4 p.m. on Friday, May 6, so adequate food and safety supplies can be prepared. Additional information may be found at or by contacting John Foster at or 319-234-8115.

Paint, laundry detergents, soaps, cosmetics, motor oil, antifreeze, tires, appliances, and other general waste is not accepted at this event. For a complete list of materials accepted and not accepted, please visit or Facebook @WasteTracEducationTeam for updates. If you have questions, please contact the Waste Trac Education Team at 319-266-8722.

Financial Assistance Available: NEW Rental Property Rehabilitation Program

At Overman Park…movies begin at dusk!

The City of Cedar Falls is accepting applications for its new Rental Property Rehabilitation Program. The program allows for rental property owners to receive a zero-interest forgivable loan to improve their rental property up to $24,999, provided the unit is or will be rented to a person or family who receives rental assistance through the Housing Choice Voucher program. The rehabilitation work must involve improvements that will make the unit more livable, safe, and sanitary. Examples of items eligible for replacement or repairs include roofing, electrical services, furnaces, windows, doors, and insulation. The property must be located within the Cedar Falls city limits. For more information on the program or for an application, contact Rose Phillips at INRCOG at

June 3 Trolls World Tour (PG)

Cedar Valley Acoustic Guitar Association will perform at 7 p.m.

June 17 The Greatest Showman (PG) July 15 Soul (PG) July 29 Remember the Titans (PG) August 12 Frozen II (PG) August 26 Adventures in Babysitting (PG-13) Spring 2022


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