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Hanover Berlin Rotterdam

Knowledge-Based Salerno

Office Profile Partner: Anne NiehĂźser, Berlin Arne Hansen, Hanover Christian Moore, London Kirstin Bartels, Oslo Mareike Henschel, Salerno Martin Sobota, Rotterdam Nils Nolting, Hanover Nina Reckeweg, Berlin

CITYFĂ–RSTER architecture + urbanism is an international partnership of architects and urbanists. We have different competences and we love working together, with other architects, designers, engineers, project managers, marketeers and lawyers, depending on the project at hand. We like to collaborate and to be complemented. For this we have a broad network of specialists that can support us for every specific tasks.

Oliver Seidel, Hanover

CITYFĂ–RSTER deals with the city in all its dimensions

Sanna Richter, Berlin

and scales. We focus on the performative aspect of

Verena Brehm, Hanover

architecture and urban design. We want to bring the different parts together and form integrative systems. Systems that exist because their elements interact - just like ecosystems. Our projects are based on program, process and strategy. Our objective is to contribute to a sustainable build environment.

‘Forestry is concerned not with trees, but with how trees can serve people’ Jack C. Westoby (1913-88)

View from Cityförster’s first office

Philosphy The efficient use of energy and resources is an essential

2. Generating qualitative economic growth, where

aspect of sustainable building. We believe that a truly sus-

merit is valued by quality of life and not solely by

tainable design will need to go beyond these aspects. Our

capital gain: Durable increase of value rather than

idea of sustainable architecture and urbanism not only

short-sighted profiteering.

aims at the reduction of negative environmental impacts, but rather at maximizing positive effects onto our living environment.

More with less! Comparably to an ecological system the built environment

3. Strengthening social cohesion and fairness, ensuring integration, participation and unlimited access to all resources of a knowledge based society. 4. Developing cultural identity, not only to establish a feeling of affiliation, but also to create responsibility and commitment for one’s own living environment.

is based on the diversity and interaction of stakeholders,

5. Designing aesthetic elements in order to, over

activities and places. The design of and control over these

and above rational comprehension, establish a deep

systems should be based on a holistic approach, incorpo-

understanding for the requirements of our environ-

rating these 5 key aspects:

ment through sensual experiences.

1. To retain and develop a healthy environment,

Sustainable design not only leads to an increased func-

where nature and the built environment are under-

tional performance of architecture- in other words ef-

stood as a single entity- with the awareness that

ficiency- it also generates a multitude of positive effects:

human wellbeing is directly coupled to a function-

Architecture affects the way we live, work, play, meet and

ing ecosystem.

communicate. Architecture is not only an object of sustainable design but also a medium of sustainability itself.


NEW LANDS COMMISSION assignment: international competition ‘Headoffice New Lands Commission’, 1.prize year: 2010 location: Accra, Ghana program: 5.500m2 offices design team: Mareike Henschel, Martin Sobota cooperation: Atenastudio, 3TI Italia, Orthner Orthner Associates, Accra

The design for the landmark building of 5.500m2, housing the New Lands Commission will be a symbol of the new spirit of transparency and efficiency, bringing together the currently dispersed Land Sector Agencies. The building has an important symbolic impact due to the recent nationwide establishment of the land registry and is to represent a new All-Ghanaian identity. The design responds to local climatic and social parameters throughout all scales. All design-elements, from the urban setting out to the building’s shape and its materialization aim towards natural and sustainable performance, fulfilling several functions at the same time. The circulation system forms the core of the building, spiraling upwards between two rings of offices on different levels. By breaking the clear separation between floors this system provides a continuous movement, bringing the NLC together on one continuous floor, with a variety of perspectives in and throughout the building. The parametric design of the outer appearance of the building guaranties functional performance whilst allowing for aesthetic variation. The diamond-shaped bamboo panels all follow the lowest sun-angle providing shade and filtered natural light at the same time. Proposed view: circulation zone

Proposed view from inner square - main entrance


Floor plan level 1

+10.00 +6.00


circulation: level 2 +10.00 +6.00 +10.00 +8.00 +10.00


circulation: level 2

+4.00 +8.00



+10.00 +8.00

+6.00 +10.00

+6.00 +4.00

circulation: level 1 +10.00


Diagram: circulation zone

circulation: levels +6.00

+ 4.00


Parametric facade design with diamand-shaped panels






petrol station

resident activity


infiltration pond


public square

infiltration pond


survey school 1

PEDESTRIAN ENTRANCE survey square NLC parking

public square

NLC support units

bus stop

NLC square


cooling pool


CErs ANisito TR& V ENns N stria I A e

Visitors parking



M Ped

constructed wetland

bus stop


public corner

Proposed view: Inner courtyard

Site plan military hospital

Kastellet Comprehensive School Competition & Realization Comprehensive school with special department for handicapped location: Oslo, Norway size: GFA 6730 m2 client: Oslo Kommune, Undervisningsbygg budget: ca. 14.000.000€ services rendered: stage / Lph 2-6 and 8 period: 2001 2004 completion: 9/2004 design team: K. Bartels cooperation: div.A arkitekter, Oslo awards: Competition 1. Prize, RIBA Prize 2006

The Kastellet comprehensive school is located in a suburban area of Oslo. The site slopes evenly from north to south and offers the opportunity to place the buildings on different levels creating a sense of place. The main building orientates itself along the western border and is seemingly pushed into the hill. The three subsidiary buildings step down parallel with the contours on three different levels, generating clearly defined outside spaces in-between. Those semiprivate spaces are again subdivided by balconies which belong to each unit. The south and west facades get their strong character from the vertical wooden sunscreen, creating the buildings’ uniform expression. The screen covers a glass facade allowing the view from the inside but still filtering the sun from the outside. The north and east facades are very reduced in their materiality: white render with long, narrow window stripes and stretches of black wooden boarding in the entrance areas. Set back areas create covered entrances for the different units and allow privacy to each unit’s doorway. Space between main and subsidiary buildings

Outdoor space between buildings, differentiated areas and design



Collective yard

Site plan

Martin-Luther-School assignment: extension of music-oriented gymnasium with special focus on sustainability place Rimbach im Odenwald, Germany Size: 10.500m2 GFA client: Gebäudewirtschaft Kreis Bergstraße period: 2009 managing partners: Kirstin Bartels, Oliver Seidel, Verena Brehm cooperation: with transsolar KlimaEngineering, Stuttgart awards: Competition Purchase

Martin-Luther-School is an upper secondary school with a special focus on musical education. It houses about 1600 pupils. The extension of the existing building became necessary to adapt to contemporary didactic concepts and allow for all-day care. It contains classrooms, a natural science block, a canteen and a gymnasium. Our design translates the demands concerning resource efficiency and preservation in a sensual and sensible manner. The main climatic engine of the building is the shape of the building itself: ‚Solar-chimneys‘ foster natural ventilation and become a significant formal element. The expressive roofscape also emphasizes places inside the building – large roof lights extend the space upwards and provide particular light. During school hours these areas are open spaces to be appropriated by different age groups for independent learning. The building is conceived as a timber frame structure with a larch-wood cladding.


Interior view atrium

South elevation

Climatic concept

Site plan

GREEN WAVE. Glitnir Bank Hq international competition: masterplan Kirkjusandur and new headquarter for Glitnir Bank location: Reykjavik, Iceland area: 5.5 ha masterplan, 14.500 m2 GFA offices client: Glitnir Bank hf. & Asso­ciation of Icelandic Architects year: 2006/07 design team: A. Niehüser, O. Seidel, V. Brehm cooperation: Sebastian Meyer, Hargus Climate Engineering award: 2. prize

The design concept ‘Green Wave’ generates a holistic image and a characteristic coastal skyline for the site of Kirkjusandur in Reykjavik, Iceland. Two design principles characterize the appearance of all buildings: The dynamic shape of the wave as an aesthetic concept and the integration of green spaces as vital elements of functional and atmospheric quality. The new headquarters of Glitnir Bank, a nine-storey building addressing the prominent highway Sæbraut, will be the key figure for the future development. The elevated entrance plaza is secluded from public flow on ground level and sheltered from heavy winds coming from the shore. Open working spaces can be organised and subdivided flexibly. Winter gardens on each floor increase internal lighting, provide space for informal communication and create a comfortable atmosphere and climate. A decentralized ventilation system and a heating system based on geothermal energy are implemented, which are economic in maintenance, space-saving and highly energy efficient. The façade consists of tilted glass elements creating a “deep skin” that reflects natural and artificial light in different angles. Proposed view by night


Floor plans levels 6 and 8

Ventilation system


Site plan

Public Matters

Awards 2011 2010

2010 2009

2009 2009

2009 2008 2008 2008

2. Prize invited competition ‚Nordweststadt Frankfurt am Main‘ 1. Prize invited competition ‚New Lands Commission Building‘ Accra/Ghana with atenastudio and 3TI Italia 1. Prize Europan 10 ‚Red Ribbon‘ Heidelberg/D with UBERBAU and Marc Ryan 1. Prize invited competition ‚City Museum‘ extension and exhibition design Seesen/D with Karin Hutter/raumarbeit 1. Prize invited competition ‚Family Houses Ricklingen‘ Hanover/D 1. Prize invited competition ‚Pelikan Viertel - New Housing‘ Hanover/D with gruppe OMP Honorable mention competition ‚Extension of Martin-Luther-School‘ Rimbach/D 1. Prize invited competition ‚Park City‘ Masterplan Tirana/Albania 1. Prize Ideas Competition ‚Doppio Gioco‘ Urban strategy Torre di Palme/I 3. Prize international competition ‘Unique via Complementation’ development concept Øresund Region 2040, DK/S

2007 1. Prize international competition ‚Holistic Uniqueness‘ development concept Greater Helsinki 2050, Helsinki/Finland 2007 Honorable mention competition ‚Dellviertel‘ Duisburg/D 2007 2. Phase international competition ‘Living Steel. Hanging Gardens’ Wuhan/China residential prototype 2007 2. Prize international competition ‘Green Wave’ Masterplan Kirkjusandur + Headquarters Glitnir Bank, Reykjavik/Iceland 2006 Honorable mention by the foundation Living Cities ‚Hannover H2O‘, Hanover / D 2006 2. Prize international competition ‚Simplicity‘, ‚Rubber House‘ Almere/NL 2005 Honorable mension Europan 8, ‘In Fluxo’ Coimbra/Portugal 2005 1. Prize Europan 8 ‚Kalakukko‘ Kuopio/Finland 2005 1. Prize competition ‚‘art accumulated’, concept for the disposal of inoperable art in public space’, Hanover/D 2005 Honorable mention International competition ‚FAR 8‘ Shanghai/China 2004 Honorable mention by foundation Living Cities ‚Fenstertheater. Living in the city Hanover/D 2004 1. Prize Häuser Award 2004 ‚Fenstertheater‘ Living in the city Hanover/D

Exhibitions & Workshops 2011 2011

2010 2009

2009 2008 2008 2008 2008

2008 2008

‚Städtisches Museum Seesen‘ beim Tag der Architektur, Architectects Association Nds. Urban Futures 2050, Szenarioworkshop “future of european cities, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Berlin & raumtaktik ‚Red Ribbon‘ at the Europan 10 exhibitions, a.o. AIT ArchitekturSalon Hamburg/D ‚Holistic Uniqueness’ at ‚Beyond Media 09. Visions‘ Architecture Festivale Florence/Italy 2. Standortkonferenz: Werkstatt TXL ‚Development of Airport Tegel‘ Berlin/D ‘Holistic Uniqueness’ at ARCHILAB 2008 Orléans/France ‚Hannover ID‘ Hanover ID‘ at the Science Night, Hanover/D ‚‚Architecture and climate change‘ HafenCity & IBA Workshop, Hamburg/D ‘Unique by Complementation’ at the Danish Architecture Center, Copenhagen and the Design Center, Malmö/Sweden ‘Rubber House’ at the Architecture Center CASLa Almere/NL ‘Doppio Gioco’ for SaggiPaesaggi at Museum Cartiera Ascoli Piceno/Italy

2007 ‚Roman Holidays Biennale‘ 3rd International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam/NL 2007 ‚Young dutch architecture‘ DESIGNweek, Shanghai/China 2007 3rd International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam/NL 2007 ‘people‘s pillow’ Designmai, Berlin/D 2006 FAR architecture center, Shanghai/China 2006 ‚Spine & Loops‘ Hannover/D 2006 ‘Associative Design & Manufacturing’ BI Rotterdam, NL & Ljubljana, SLO 2005 ‘Vision Altstadt‘, BDA Workshop Hanover/D 2005 ‚Mirror Twins‘ at the National Gallery, Tirana/Albania 2005 ‚Mirror Twins‘ at the National Gallery, Tirana/Albania 2005 ‚Metanational Corporation‘ NAI Rotterdam/NL

Lectures 2012 ,Creativity in Teams’, Buisiness School Oslo, Oslo/N 2011 Urban Futures 2050 Conference Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Berlin/D 2011 On the future of architectural practice, Federal Chamber of German Architects/D 2011 New Ways in large Urban Developments, Greenme Conference, Berlin/D 2011 Working as an international Network, Swedish Museum of Architecture, Stockholm 2010 ‚Enterprise philosophies‘ AiR foundation Rotterdam/NL 2010 Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung im Internat. Kontext, HCU, Hamburg/D 2010 ‚Masterplan vs. Masterminds?‘ University Kassel/D 2010 ‚A city is a forest - on architectural and urban systems‘ TKM college of Engineering, Kollam/India 2010 ‚Cityförster - network for architecture‘ Ulyanovsk/ RU 2010 Urban and Reginalplanning in the international context, HCU, Hamburg/D 2010 ‚Urban Development - Planning or Strategy ?‘ Handelsblatt Real Estate Conference Berlin/D 2010 ‚Process based Planningstrategies‘ Bauhaus Kolleg Dessau/D

2009 Position & Projects‘ Leibniz University Hannover/D 2009 ‚In Process‘ FH Bielefeld, Minden/D 2009 ‚Network for Architecture‘ FH Mainz/D 2008 ,Architectural Components‘ Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, Barcelona/ES 2008 ‘Internationality - Strategy + Architecture’ Federal Chamber of Architects with NAX 2007 ‘City is forest’ Bauhaus University Weimar/D 2007 ‚Western Urbanism?‘ Aleppo/Syrien 2006 ‚Tirana Diaries‘ Berlage Institut, Rotterdam/NL 2004 ‘Day Off!’ concept + organization, international symposium, University Hanover/D

Academic engagement Leibniz Universität Hannover/D, Dept. for Urban Design and Planning Dept. Art and Architecture 20th | 21st Centuries University Kassel/D Dept. for Architectural Design Berlage Institute, Rotterdam/NL Academie voor Bouwkunst, Rotterdam/NL TU Delft/NL


mateununiverse Mate Steinforth - Motiongraphic Design


Orthner+Orthner Associates

architecture + urbanism, Rome

architectural practice based in Accra-Ghana

Anna Brinkmann


Grafikdesign, Berlin

Carl Zillich

office from a better future unique creative work for print, web and new, Kopenhagen

architect und cultural building activist, Berlin

Stein + Schultz

div.A arkitekter, Oslo

Regional- and landscape planer

martin et al.’s mindscape on the visual, spatial & urban culture of the dutch architecture scene

interdisciplinary Think Tank

gruppe omp, Bremen

architecture & urbanism ‘designing systems’

Norddeutschlands beste aufstrebende Architekten

transsolar KlimaEngineering


High comfort ? Low impact

Strategic concepts and images for urbane landscapes

Thies Rätzke Fotografie, Hamburg 3TI progetti

lequick design delivers unique creative work for print, web and new media

LOLA Landscape Architects green delight, endlessness and phenomena, Rotterdam

Stiftung Neue Verantwortung susturb, Dominic Balmforth

Engineering Italy



AKNDS Architektenkammer Niedersachsen/D Architects Registration Board/UK Förderverein Baukultur/D SBA Stichting Bureau Architectenregister/NL SRL - union of urban, regional and landscape planners RIBA Royal Institute of British Architects

Landschaftsarchitektur, Städtebau und Urban Design

German Sustainable Building Council

jbbug johannes böttger büro urbane gestalt landschaftsarchitekten lequick design

John Form graphics, products and concepts


Partners: Weydingerstr. 14-16 D 10178, Berlin fon +49 (0) 30 34768766 mob +49 (0) 179 9184078

Anne Nieh端ser, Berlin Arne Hansen, Hanover Christian Moore, London Kirstin Bartels, Oslo Mareike Henschel, Salerno Martin Sobota, Rotterdam Nils Nolting, Hanover Nina Reckeweg, Berlin Oliver Seidel, Hanover Sanna Richter, Berlin Verena Brehm, Hanover Escherstr. 22 D 30159, Hannover fon +49 (0) 511 51 94 760 fax +49 (0) 511 51 94 762 Frederik Stangs gate 35 NO 0264, Oslo fon +47 22 44 39 38 mob +47 48 17 91 55 Delftsestraat 9c NL 3013 AB, Rotterdam fon +31 (0) 10 41 468 41 fax +31 (0) 10 41 468 43 Via dei Mercanti 59 I 84121, Salerno fon +39 3481423353 fax +39 089250804

CITYFÖRSTER | Bartels Brehm Hansen Henschel Moore Niehüser Nolting Reckeweg Richter Seidel Sobota Partnerschaft Architekten, Ingenieure + Stadtplaner Sitz der Partnerschaftsgesellschaft: Hannover, Deutschland Amtsgericht Hannover, PR 200411

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