11 minute read
The premier places to find genuine articles 古董店尋珍覓寶
From furniture and stone pieces to terracotta, bronzes and rare books, Oi Ling Antiques has a deserved reputation for excellence that draws collectors from far and wide. The family-run business offers certificates of authenticity, including Oxford TL Test certificates for all terracotta pieces. 燕譽堂位於中環荷李活道,是一家家族經營的古玩店,經營範圍包括中國古董家具﹑石雕﹑陶器﹑高 古青銅器和古籍。公司所售的陶器都已經做了市場認可的牛津科學檢測。除了中環的門市外,尚有鴨 脷洲倉庫,陳列了各式各樣古董家具。
Censers were popular in the Han dynasty. This goose-shaped censer is life-like. The back of the goose body is latticed, allowing smoke to rise from it. The censer is similar in function to the more well-known boshanlu-style censers from the Han period, but its form is very different. Incense was burned not just for the aroma, but also for practical reasons, such as acting as an insect repellent, and to purify the air. Combining aesthetics, practicality, and philosophy, censers are of high artistic and historical value. Mon-Sat, 10am - 7pm, Sun 1pm - 6.30pm. 72 Hollywood Road, Central. 2815 9422. www.oilingantiques.com 熏爐是我國古代香具之一,漢代相當盛行。這雁形熏爐形態逼真,寫實性強,雁身背部鏤刻出 煙孔,其下有承盤。其功用與當時盛行的博山式爐如出一轍,惟形態迥異。滿足當時燃燒香料的需 要,驅蟲避害和淨化空氣等實用性需求。結合美觀﹑實用與五行思想,具有極高的藝術和學術價 A range of bronze censers from Han dynasty, 206BC-220AD to Northern and Southern dynasties, 386-582AD. A red lacquered stand, Ming dynasty 1368-1644AD. 三件漢代至南北朝的銅熏爐
Oi Ling Antiques 燕譽堂
明朝硃砂漆矮几 值。 營業時間︰星期一至六,早上10:00至下午7:00;星期日,下午1:00至6:30。中環荷李活道 72號地下; 2815 9422; www.oilingantiques.com
Orientique 吉慶堂
Orientique is a Hong Kong-based antique and fine art dealer, established for more than three decades. It is now located in the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, in the heart of Central. Orientique specializes in fine quality Chinese imperial ceramics and other important and rare works of
Chinese art, ranging from pottery of the Neolithic, Tang and Han dynasties, to Ming and Qing imperial porcelain. Shop M4, Mezzanine Floor Mandarin Oriental, 5 Connaught Road Central. Mon-Sat 10:30am-7:00pm; 2526 5889. www.orientique.com
位於香港中環文華東方酒店的吉慶堂已紮根香港超過30年,專門經營極具收藏價值的中國古 董瓷器及其他中國文玩,是城中著名古董店之一。貨品包括唐朝及漢朝之陶器、宋朝、明朝及清 三代的官窑瓷器等。 中環干諾道中5號文華東方酒店M4鋪;星期一至六上午10:30至晚上7:00; 2526 5889; www.orientique.com
A rare pair of blue glazed bowls Qing Dynasty, Daoguang mark and of the period 1821-1850. Diameter: 18cm 清道光霽藍釉碗一對 清道光 1821-1850 ,「大清道光年製」款 直徑﹕ 18厘米 An extremely rare famille rose ‘ Shoushan fuhai ’ vase Qing Dynasty, Daoguang mark and of the period 1821-1850. Height: 28.5cm 清道光粉彩「壽山福海」瓶 清道光 1821-1850 ,「大清道光年製」款 高﹕ 28.5厘米
Altfield Gallery
One of Hong Kong’s premium dealers in Chinese furniture as well as in maps, prints, and
Buddhist sculptures from China and Southeast Asia, Altfield has garnered itself a quality reputation in the Hong Kong market. Mon-Sat, 10am-7pm; Sun, 11am-5pm. 248-9 Prince’s Building, Central. By appointment; 9/F, Warehouse at Gee Change Hong Kong Centre, 65 Wong Chuk Hang Road. 2537 6370. www.altfield.com.hk
Altfield 是香港其中一間著名的古董商店,出售來自中國及東南亞優質古董傢具、地圖、圖畫 及佛像雕塑,其名聲在香港可謂數一數二。 中環太子大廈248-249號鋪,星期一至六上午10時 至晚上7時,星期日上午11時至下午5時。香港仔黃竹坑道65號志昌行中心9樓,請提早預約; 2537 6370; www.altfield.com.hk
A Doucai 'Floral' Bowl at Altfield Gallery 道光款鬥彩 纏枝蓮紋碗
Arch Angel Antiques
This respected, large and reliable European-run antiques gallery has a huge authentic stock, built up over 30 years. The museum-quality collections of thermo-luminescence-tested ancient artefacts specialise in sculptural pieces as well as early celadon wares. It also houses one of the largest Qing dynasty blue-and-white porcelain collections in Hong Kong. The gallery has a reputation for fair dealing and excellent service – all items come with access to expert packing and shipping services and photograph certificates. Open daily, 9.30am-6.30pm. 70 Hollywood Road, Central. 2851 6828.
這家聲譽可靠的著名古董店在業界立足已超過30年,收藏大量古董珍品,有經熱釋法年代測證的博物 館水準珍藏,尤以漢朝、六朝和唐朝的雕塑為主,更有一系列新石器時代至漢朝的古董容器和早期的 青瓷;並擁有香港最龐大的清朝青花瓷系列之一。店舖特別鐘情於早期的中式傢具,多件16至18世紀 的古傢俱均經過精心挑選和恰當修復。來自中國及東南亞區的罕見石刻、銅雕塑及佛像亦可見於其圖 鑑,當然還少不了赤陶雕塑。此外,店中有超過200幅祖傳卷畫,所有珍品都附帶照片證書,由專家包 裝,並可託付船運,無條件保證其真偽。 營業時間︰上午9時30分至晚上6時30分,假期照常營業。中 環荷李活道70號; 2851 6828。
Six Dynasties Northern Wei period (386 A.D. to 534 A.D.) Pottery soldiers at Arch Angel Antiques 六朝北魏時期 (386 A.D. to 534 A.D.) 彩陶武士俑
Note: Due to the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak, please check with your concierge or call the museum for the latest status on opening hours.
注意:受冠狀病毒疫情影響,請您及時與禮賓部聯繫,或致電博物館了解最新資 訊及開放時間。
See and learn something new at the city's fascinating museums 博物館探知及展覽資訊
Hong Kong Museum of Art Art Exhibitions
After major expansion and renovation, the Hong Kong Museum of Art (HKMoA) has reopened to the public with 11 exhibitions.
Visitors are treated to a series of collection exhibitions representing the cultural legacy in the museum's holdings, namely "Ordinary to Extraordinary: Stories of the Museum", "From Dung Basket to Dining Cart: 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Wu Guanzhong", "
A Pleasure Shared: Selected Works from the Chih Lo Lou Collection", "The Wisdom of
Emptiness: Selected Works from the Xubaizhai Collection", "Lost and Found: Guardians of the Chater Collection" and "The Best of Both Worlds: Acquisitions and Donations of
Chinese Antiquities"; a series of exhibitions and displays on Hong Kong's art lineage in "Classics Remix: The Hong Kong Viewpoint", "Hong Kong Experience . Hong Kong
Experiment", "The Breath of Landscape" and "Rediscovering Landscape"; and an international blockbuster exhibition, "A Sense of Place: from Turner to Hockney". 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong; Mon-Wed & Fri 10am – 6pm Sat, Sun and public holidays 10am – 7pm; 2721 0116; hk.art.museum/en_US/web/ma/home.html
香港藝術館 藝術展覽
經過大型修繕和擴建工程後,香港藝術館再與公眾見面,十一項展覽將同時 舉行,展現多元的藝術世界。 十一個展覽包括從藝術館館藏體現文化承傳的「小題大作──香港藝術館的 故事」、「從糞筐到餐車──吳冠中誕辰一百週年展」、「眾樂樂──至 樂樓藏品選」、「虛室生白──虛白齋藏品選」、「失而復得──遮打藏品 的守護」和「公私兩全──中國文物館藏與捐贈」;展現香港藝術的「原 典變奏──香港視點」、「香港經驗.香港實驗」、「自在風景」和「城尋 山水」;以及一項大型國際展覽「觀景.景觀──從泰納到霍克尼」。 香港 九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道10號;星期一至三、五10:00am – 6:00pm/星期六、 日及公眾假期 10:00am – 7:00pm; 2721 0116 ; hk.art.museum
Hong Kong 香港島
Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum 孫中山紀念館
The museum focuses on Sun’s life in Hong Kong and his contributions to China. Featuring two permanent exhibitions supplemented by rotating special exhibitions in co-operation with the many Dr
Sun Yat-sen museums on the mainland. Weekdays (closed on Thursdays) 10am-6pm, weekends & Public Holidays 10am-7pm. Free. 7 Castle Road, Central. 2367 6373. 孫中山紀念館為你介紹孫中山先生的生平事蹟,及其革 命事業對中國的影響。紀念館內不單設有兩個長期展 覽,由大陸主辦的孫中山特別展亦會定期來港參展。除 展覽場館以外,還有視聽、活室等設施。 開放時間:平 日上午10時至下午6時(逢星期四休館);星期六、日 及公眾假期至晚上7時。免費入場。中環衛城道7號, 2367 6373。
Flagstaff House Museum of Tea Ware
Originally the home of the commander-in-chief of the British forces, the museum houses a huge collection of tea ware in Hong Kong's oldest surviving colonial building. It contains the KS Lo Gallery with its permanent exhibition of rare ceramics and seals from the Song and Ming dynasties. Weekdays (closed on Tuesdays except public holidays) 10am-6pm, Free. Admiralty MTR, Exit F. Hong Kong Park, 10 Cotton Tree Drive, Central. 2869 0690. 這座古老殖民地時期的建築物,本是英軍司令官的住宅, 現在收藏了各類茶具,包括特色茶壺、水壺、茶杯、茶 碗、茶葉罐和酒瓶等。另外還有羅桂祥茶藝館,長期展出 宋明朝陶器和印章。 開放時間: 平日上午10時至下午6時 (逢星期二休館,公眾假期除外)。免費入場。港鐵金 鐘站F出口。中環紅棉路10號香港公園, 2869 0690。
Hong Kong Maritime Museum
A fascinating history of seafaring with models of ships and early travel paraphernalia (including Louis
Vuitton luggage). Interactive games include a ship simulator – built with 1950s equipment – that allows you to dock in Victoria Harbour. Mon-Fri, 9.30am5.30pm; Sat & Sun, 10am-7pm. HK$30. Central Ferry Pier 8, Central, Hong Kong. 3713 2500. www.hkmaritimemuseum.org 人類精彩的航海歷史將於香港海事博物館展出。展品包括 船隻模型、早年的航行工具,如路易威登的行李箱等等; 設有船模型電子遊戲,參觀者可使用 1950年代的航海設施 模擬把船隻停泊於維多利亞港。 開放時間:星期一至五上 午9時30分至下午5時30分;星期六及日上午10時至下午7 時。入場費HK$30。香港中環八號碼頭, 3713 2500。
Kowloon & New Territories 九龍及新界
Hong Kong Museum of History
At the heart of this museum is the “Hong Kong
Story”, a showcase of the territory's complete history. Weekdays (closed on Tuesdays) 10am-6pm, weekends & Public Holidays 10am-7pm. Free. Tsim Sha Tsui MTR, Exit B2. 100 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2724 9042. “香港故事”主題展覽是這棟博物館的心臟部份, 細說香港歷史發展點滴。 開放時間:平日上午10時 至下午6時(逢星期二休館);星期六、日及公眾假 期至晚上7時。免費入場。尖沙咀漆咸道南100號, 2724 9042。交通:港鐵尖沙咀站B2出口。 Hong Kong Science Museum 香港科學館
The museum combines education with fun. It houses
Hong Kong's first airliner as well as hundreds of interactive exhibits suitable for all ages. Weekdays (closed on Thursdays) 10am-7pm; weekends & Public Holidays 10am-9pm. Admission: HK$20 adults (Wednesdays free). Tsim Sha Tsui MTR, Exit B2. 2 Science Museum Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East. 2732 3232. 展覽寓學習於娛樂,展出香港首架飛機,並有多個豐 富互動的展品,適合男女老幼,定能樂在其中。 開放 時間:平日上午 10時至下午7時(逢星期四休息);星期 六丶日及公众假期至晚上9時。成人入場費HK$20, 逢星期三免費入場。尖沙咀東科學館道2號 , 2732 3232。交通:港鐵尖沙咀站B2出口。
Hong Kong Railway Museum
Train enthusiasts can imagine arriving into Hong
Kong by rail in the golden age of train travel at this charming little museum located in Tai Po Market. The permanent exhibition of Hong Kong's rail history includes photographs, old coaches, samples of tracks, and a full-size model of an electric train compartment. Feel free to climb aboard! Monday, Wednesday to Sunday10 am-6 pm (closed on Tuesdays) Christmas Eve and Chinese New Year's Eve 10am-5pm, Closed on the first two days of the Chinese New Year. 13 Shung Tak Street, Tai Po Market, Tai Po, New Territories. 2653 3455. 在這個金字頂中國傳統建築內,鐵路迷可以找到香港鐵 路交通發展的點滴:舊火車站的古蹟和訊號室、窄軌蒸 汽火車頭、古董車廂、與實物大小相同的電氣化火車車 廂模型及歷史圖片等。快跟着這些舊文物,去追尋昔 日鐵路的軌跡吧! 週一,三至日上午10時至下午6時(逢 週二休館)聖誕前夕及農曆新年除夕上午10時至下午5時 農曆年初一及二休館。免費入場。新界大埔大埔墟崇德街 13號。 2653 3455。
Tai Kwun Centre for Heritage and Arts
The revitalised Central Police Station compound, the largest heritage project in Hong Kong, has opened its doors to the public as Tai Kwun – Centre for Heritage and Arts. The CPS compound comprises 16 historic buildings, including three declared monuments (Central Police Station, Central Magistracy and Victoria Prison), on a 13,600-square-metre site in the heart of Central. An international-grade art gallery and an auditorium have been added to contribute to the adaptive reuse of the site. The heritage site includes new art galleries and the Parade Ground and Prison Yard. Entry is free of charge, however places are limited, especially during peak times, and visitors are encouraged to get a Tai Kwun Pass, which guarantees access. 10 Hollywood Road, Central. 11am – 11pm. http://taikwun.hk
「大館」 古蹟及藝術館
古蹟及藝術館全港最大型古蹟保育項目,中區警署建築群完成活化,將以「大館」:古蹟及藝術 館的名稱,向公眾開放。中區警署建築群包括前中區警署、中央裁判司署和域多利監獄三項法定 古蹟,共16幢歷史建築及數個戶外空間,佔地13,600平方米,位處中環核心地帶,加上新建的 國際級美術館與綜藝館,配合場地的活化再用。大館首階段開放包括11 座歷史建築、新建的美術 館和綜藝館、檢閱廣場和監獄操場。公眾可透過大館網站預訂「大館證」,持有「大館證」將可
Hong Kong Space Museum Hall of the Cosmos and Space Exploration
Covering a total area of 1,600 square metres, the "Hall of the Cosmos" and "Hall of Space Exploration" house a hundred new exhibits, of which about 70 percent are interactive. With the aid of interesting hands-on exhibits and advanced equipment coupled with lighting effects and environmental decorations, the exhibition vividly introduces astronomy and space science. The "Hall of the Cosmos" showcases the Universe from near to far, travelling from the solar system that we are living in, to the stars, Milky Way and galaxies further away and exploring the science and evolution of the universe all along the way. The "Hall of Space Exploration" depicts the development of space exploration and space technology. Closed on Tuesdays (except Public Holidays). Standard ticket HK$10. 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2721 0226. www.lcsd.gov.hk 保證入場。 中環荷李活道10號。預約詳情請參閱官方網站 http://taikwun.hk
"Man in Space" showcases the history of human space exploration 「人類在太空」介紹人類勇闖太空的歷史
香港太空館 宇宙和太空探索展覽廳
香港太空館設有兩個展覽廳,分別為「宇 宙展覽廳」和「太空探索展覽廳」,合 共面積1,600平方米,當中設置約一百件 新展品,其中約有七成屬互動展品。展 覽透過有趣的互動展品和先進儀材,配 合燈光效果和環境布置,介紹天文及太 空科技新知。「宇宙展覽廳」展示探索宇 宙由近至遠的概念,從我們身處的太陽系 開始,再推展至恆星,銀河系及更遙遠的 星系,以至探索宇宙的演化及相關的科 學。「太空探索展覽廳」主題則環繞太 空探索和太空科技的發展。 逢星期二 simulate their jets and movements
休館(公眾假期除外);標準票HK$10; 尖沙咀梳士巴利道10號; 2721 0226;
"Shenzhou Re-entry Capsule" provides a 3D photo effect for visitors inside a re-entry capsule 「神州號太空船返回艙」讓觀眾躺臥在返回艙內, 拍攝極富立體感的照片
"Icy Bodies" creates comets with dry ice to www.lcsd.gov.hk
「冰封天體」利用乾冰製成彗星, 模擬彗星的噴流及運動
The scoop on some of the best art showrooms and their current exhibitions
‘ Chen Tianzhuo: Recollection Pierces the Heart ’ at
Tang Contemporary Art
20 Aug - 27 Sept The exhibition includes Chen’s installations, videos, paintings, digital sculptures and lightbox design work. Fearlessly mixing media such as dance, ritual ceremonies, fashion, literature, painting, drawing, installation, video and performance, his works incorporate religious symbols into iconographic elements, all borrowed from various urban subcultures that are shared by global youth. Chen’s works surpass the realm of visual art, bringing a multi-faceted, multisensual experience, achieving what the artist calls “spiritual activism”. 10/F, H Queen's, 80 Queens Road Central, Central; Tue-Sat: 11am-7pm; 2682 8289; www.tangcontemporary.com ‘ Synchronicity: Award-winning Landscape Photographs by
Stephen King ’ at Alisan Fine Arts 8 Aug - 31 Oct Featuring King’s recent photographs in Hong Kong alongside his award-winning landscape images, this highly curated exhibition explores the synchronicity between King’s natural and urban landscapes and seeks to highlight the subtle commonalities found in King’s compositions, shapes and use of light. Through juxtaposition, the show examines the harmonious relationship between city and nature and the theme that humanity and nature are inextricably linked. 2305 Hing Wai Centre, 7 Tin Wan Praya Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong; Wednesday to Saturday 10am-6pm; 2526 1099; www.alisan.com.hk
‘ Hong Kong. Home Kong ’ at Galerie Koo
8 Aug - 30 Sept Galerie Koo is pleased to present “Hong Kong Home
Kong” by three Hong Kong artists – Pen So, Wai Wai and Ringo Ma.
Building on their unique viewpoints and sensations, and each using their favourite distinct medium and technique, the trio personalise Hong Kong cityscapes in their individual acclaimed styles. Each artwork allows the viewer to enjoy a special excitement, and hence ferment a personal feeling stemming from the imagination immersed. 7/F Vogue Building, 67 Wyndham Street, Central; Tue - Fri: 11am-7pm; Sat: 12pm-5pm; Sun, Mon & PH: By appt; 5703 6145; www.galeriekoo.one
‘ Zao Wou-Ki: Friendship & Reconciliation ’ at Villepin
20 March - 20 Sept Villepin opens its doors with an exhibition of work by the late artist Zao Wou-Ki, the Chinese painter most celebrated for his embrace of
Eastern and Western artistic traditions. Titled ‘Friendship and Reconciliation’, the exhibition aims to address not only Zao Wou-Ki’s creative resolution of disparate cultures and painting styles but also the friendships he formed with fellow artists and collectors throughout the course of his career – friendship being a core value that stands at the heart of Arthur and Dominique de
Villepin’s new gallery. The exhibition also marks the centenary of the artist’s birth. 53-55 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong; Tue-Sat: 11am-7pm; 3709
0913; www.villepinart.com