Citylife Magazine October 2018

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香 港 旅 遊 指 南 OC TOBER 2018 年10月


Magazine of the Hong Kong Hotels Association





HO N G KO N G ’ S PRE MI E R D E S TI NAT ION M AGA Z INE 香港優 質 旅 遊 指 南


Tips for Travellers 出入須知



We talk to Byron Ko, General Manager at the Hotel VIC 海匯酒店總經理高冠恩與《東方之珠》 愉快閒談

46 48




This Month's Events and the City's Biggest Occasions 本月精彩節目及城中盛事



Statue Square 皇后像廣場



CCB (Asia) Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival 建行(亞洲)香港美酒佳餚巡禮

08 10




Best Ways To Travel Like a Local in Hong Kong 體驗香港本土生活



Elegant Wine-and-Dine Gems 精品美酒 精緻美食



Pubs and Clubs to Hit for Your Nighttime Adventures 夜探酒吧 暢飲消閒



Art Galleries, Exhibitions, Antique Dealers, and Fascinating Museums 畫廊展覽資訊、古董店尋寶、博物館探知

SIGHTSEEING | The Best of Hong Kong 觀光探勝


14 26 36 39 44


Chairman and Editor-In-Chief Patrick Cheung

Publisher and General Manager Nancy Tsang

Chinese Writer Clairy Fan

Sub-Editor Martin Turner

Designer Manda Lam

Ad Placement Enquiries Hotline: 3102 8700

Unit 6B, Hong Kong Jewellery Building, 178 Queen’s Road, Central, Hong Kong. Tel: (+852) 3102 8700 Fax: (+852) 3102 9010

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e welcome you to Hong Kong and to CityLife, the monthly magazine for visitors to Asia’s World City. October is one of the busiest months in the city’s crowded event calendar, headlined by a slew of highprofile sporting occasions and of course the 2018 CCB (Asia) Wine and Dine Festival, one of Asia’s premier culinary events. Our autumn weather of mild temperatures and sunny skies makes October a highly agreeable time for outdoor events and activities of all sorts. For lovers of food and wine, top of the bill this month is undoubtedly the Wine and Dine Festival, now in its 10th year. The festival has grown in scale with every edition, drawing over 140,000 people last year. With a bigger venue, this year’s festival promises to be even bigger and better, with more booths, more new wines from new regions, and more gourmet tasting, to satisfy even the most discerning foodie. Don’t miss it if you happen to be in town. Please check out our cover story on page 10 for more details. Several sporting events take centre stage this month. The 2018 Sun Hung Kai Properties Hong Kong Cyclothon returns for a fourth year. The event has grown steadily in stature and is now a prominent stop in international professional cycling. A new format this year features the finale of the Hammer Series, which is sure to provide non-stop action for cycling fans. For a good view of the races, choose your spot in Tsim Sha Tsui. Also, don’t miss this year’s Hong Kong Women Tennis Open, which showcases a stellar lineup including Japan’s Naomi Osaka, the newly crowned 2018 US Open Champion, as well as other world-class competitors. And the Hong Kong Cricket Sixes is being held this month as well – the fast-paced, high-scoring spectacle much loved by serious and casual cricket fans alike. For a sporting event of a different sort, the National Day Race Meeting is held at the Sha Tin Racecourse, featuring two prestigious cup races. Whether or not you are a racing regular, a trip to Hong Kong’s favourite sport is a treat not to be missed. Increasingly, travellers seek out local experiences as part of their travel plan – whether it’s food, culture or daily activities. “Travel like a local” has become a cliché. Given Hong Kong’s rich history, our local way of life stacks up to anybody’s. Please see our story on page 14 for our top picks to how to enjoy the side of Hong Kong that locals see. Hong Kong’s non-stop schedule goes into hyperdrive this month, whether it’s eating and drinking the world’s best food and wines, taking in exciting sporting action, dipping into local neighbourhood lifestyles, or joining myriad outdoor activities, be sure to explore to the fullest all that this city has to offer. Check out our Calendar section, enjoy, and we wish you a busy and rewarding stay in Hong Kong.

歡迎大家蒞臨香港,《東方之珠》月刊向您介紹香港 這個亞洲國際大都會。 十月的香港依舊忙碌,各種體育賽事、節慶活動 紛至沓來,特別是建行(亞洲)香港美酒佳餚巡禮。 本月秋高氣爽,萬里晴空也是如此多盛事齊聚的主要 原因。 對於美酒佳餚愛好者來說,建行(亞洲)香港美 酒佳餚巡禮無疑是本月重頭戲。盛事的規模不斷擴 大,去年吸引了超過 14 萬參與者。今年的盛會場地更 大、攤位更多、葡萄酒和美食佳餚更豐富,精彩不斷 升級。如果你恰巧在香港,千萬別錯過。詳情請參閱 本刊第10頁的“封面故事”。 本月還有幾項大型體育賽事。 2018年新鴻基地產 香港單車節如約而至。賽事已踏入第四屆,每年都廣 受好評,香港也成為國際職業自行車賽的重要一站。 今年 Hammer Series 這一標誌性活動也首次在香港 舉行,總決賽冠軍也將在這裡產生。記得在尖沙咀找 一個舒適的位置觀看賽事。此外,不要錯過今年的香 港女子網球公開賽,很多世界頂級選手參加,如 2018 年美國網球公開賽冠軍—日本選手 Naomi Osaka 等。 本月還有香港國際六人板球賽,快節奏、高比分 的場面對於板球迷來說十分有吸引力。沙田馬場還將 上演國慶賽馬日比賽,焦點賽事是『國慶杯』和『慶 典杯』。香港賽馬與眾不同,推薦來港訪客一定要體 驗一下。 無論是美食、文化還是日常活動,體驗當地生活 已成為許多人旅行時不可或缺的部份。 “體驗當地生 活”已經是一個老生常談的口號。香港豐富的歷史造 就了這裡多姿多彩的生活方式。詳情請參閱本刊第 14 頁的“專題故事”,了解我們為您推薦的幾種體驗香 港生活的方式。 本月的香港豐富多彩,既可以品嚐世界頂級的美 酒佳餚、參加令人興奮的體育運動、探索當地生活和 文化,也可以享受各種戶外活動、加深對這座城市的 感悟和理解。參考我們的精彩推薦,享受一次樂而忘 返的訪港之旅吧。

Rebecca Kwan 關淑華

Chairman, Hong Kong Hotels Association 香港酒店業協會主席






What's on


1 oct

The Hong Kong Jockey Club: National Day

The National Day race meeting will be held at Sha Tin Racecourse on Monday, 1 October. To celebrate the National Day, spectacular on-course activities are planned and a new range of merchandise will be on offer. Tourist Zone (2/F, Grandstand II) at Sha Tin Racecourse offers a spacious and cozy environment in chic design. The balcony provides panoramic views of the Diamond Vision screen and racetrack for visitors to experience the thrill of the races. Live Putonghua commentary and numerous LCD TVs are also available to broadcast real-time racing update.

1 oct

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu


































National Day Fireworks Display

To celebrate the 69th anniversary of the establishment of the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong’s annual National Day Fireworks Display returns to Victoria Harbour. The 23-minute-long pyrotechnics extravaganza lighting up the harbour and the city’s skyline is a sight to behold.

2018 年國慶煙花匯演

為慶祝中華人民共和國成立 69 週年,維多利亞港上空將舉行華麗璀璨的煙 花表演。今年10月1日,邀您一起,沉醉在壯麗美景之中!

Victoria Harbour 維多利亞港;9pm (around 23 minutes 時長約23鐘); Free viewing 免費觀看; 2591 1340;

香港賽馬會:國慶賽馬日 國慶賽馬日將於 10 月 1 日 ( 星期一 ) 在沙田馬場隆重舉行。當日場內備有多 項精彩活動,更有主題精品以供選購,以歡度國慶。專為旅客而設的沙田 馬場「遊客專區」,設計時尚簡約,環境寬敞舒適,客人可於觀馬露台遠 眺戶外大屏幕和馬場跑道的壯麗景緻,馬匹競賽實況一覽無遺。場內提供 普通話現場評述及多部高清電視,沙圈動態和賽馬資訊盡在你掌握之中。

Sha Tin Racecourse 沙田馬場; 11am-6pm 上午11時至下午6時; Racecourse entrants must be aged 18 or above 入場人士須年滿十八歲;

10-14 oct

7 oct

Hong Kong International Jazz Festival

After years of effort, the Hong Kong International Jazz Festival has come of age. Renowned jazz musicians from the United States, Canada, Austria, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Columbia, South Africa, Taiwan, Japan and Thailand, alongside representatives of local elite groups perform at the indoor as well as the outdoor concerts.


香港國際爵士音樂節經過多年發展逐漸成熟。來自美國、加拿大、奧地利、 芬蘭、丹麥、挪威、瑞典、哥倫比亞、南非、台灣、日本、泰國的著名爵士 音樂家和香港當地精英代表將在室內和室外音樂會上聯袂演出。

Hong Kong Cultural Centre Piazza C 香港文化中心露天廣場C區; 3pm-7pm; Free admission 免費入場;2591 1340;

4 | OCTOBER 2018

Turandot by the Hong Kong Ballet

In the inspired hands of Australian choreographer Natalie Weir, Puccini’s final and unfinished opera, Turandot – a story of power, lust and revenge – is transformed into a visually stunning dramatic dance production. Accompanied by the original music, Weir’s arrangement displays the sensational and expressive dancing of The Hong Kong Ballet dancers in a captivating spectacle.


改編自普契尼的同名歌劇,澳洲編舞家娜泰莉•維亞將充滿力量、慾望及 仇恨的《杜蘭朵》變為震撼視覺神經的芭蕾舞劇。伴以原著音樂,維亞的 編舞盡顯香港芭蕾舞團舞蹈員觸動人心的舞蹈;幕幕懾人心魄,讓觀眾與 舞蹈員同呼同吸,經歷舞作。

Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon 香港九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道10號香港文化中心 大劇院;7:30-10pm;HK$150-$1080;

13-16 oct

HKTDC:Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Autumn Edition)

As the world's leading showcase of innovative electronics products, the HKTDC Hong Kong Electronics Fair 2018 (Autumn Edition) features over 3,700 exhibitors from around the globe, showcasing a wide variety of intelligent products, innovative startup ideas and electronic components.


香港貿發局 2018 香港秋季電子產品展匯聚來自全球超過3,700家參展商,向來自全世界的買家展示各 類智能科技、初創產品、尖端電子組件及技術等一系列新一代電子產品。

Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre 香港會議展覽中心; HK$100;1830 668;

17 oct & Marco Polo German Bierfest Kong’s longest-running outdoor Oktoberfest event 19 oct - Hong returns for its 27th edition. The venue, set against the stunning 10 nov backdrop of Victoria Harbour, offers an authentic Bavarian ambience featuring lively Southern German folk music, impromptu dances, signature Bavarian crispy pork knuckles and sausages and other hearty food, and, of course, copious quantities of the finest German beers.


21 oct

New World Harbour Ra​​ce (Swimming)

The annual race across the Victoria Harbour, in which thousands of dedicated swimmers take to the waters of the iconic harbour, is a physical challenge worth celebrating, and a memorable spectacle to witness from dry land.

歷史悠久的香港馬哥孛羅德國啤酒節即將迎來第 27 屆,背靠壯麗的維多利亞 港,在地道的巴伐利亞氛圍中,伴隨著巴伐利亞民樂即興舞蹈,享受美味的巴 伐利亞酥脆豬肘、香腸及其他美味,當然還有無限供應的正宗德國啤酒。

新世界維港泳 2018

Viewing Platform, Level 6, Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon九龍尖沙咀海港城馬哥孛羅香港酒店6樓海景露天廣 場;Various prices 不同價格;2113 3217;

Tsim Sha Tsui Public Pier to Wan Chai Golden Bauhinia Square Public Pier 尖沙咀公眾碼頭 至 灣仔金紫荊廣場公眾碼頭; 2572 8594;

成千上萬熱情的游泳愛好者奮力游過維多利亞港,既是一項值得慶祝 的體育壯舉,也是一個值得紀念的奇觀。

31 oct


It’s trick or treat time and Hong Kong is ready to celebrate Halloween as only it knows how. Ocean Park and Hong Kong Disneyland, the city’s two major theme parks, put on their much-anticipated annual parties, titled Halloween Fest and Disney Halloween Time respectively. Expect to be scared, thrilled and enthralled as you explore the haunted venues. Lan Kwai Fong, the city’s iconic nightspot, will be filled with a parade of revellers dressed in costumes that defy imagination – Halloween in Hong Kong is all about fun – don’t miss it.

Giselle by Hong Kong Ballet 26-28 oct 2018 One of the greatest ballets ever created, Giselle is a passionate & tale of love, betrayal and forgiveness. On stunning sets, in 3-4 nov costumes by Peter Farmer and with live accompaniment by the Hong Kong Sinfonietta, an array of international guest artists will dance alongside Hong Kong Ballet artists in the legendary lead roles. This is classical ballet at its most transcendent!


熱戀、背叛與寬恕交纏的芭蕾舞劇《吉賽爾》,堪稱浪漫經典。由香港芭蕾舞團 重新編排的版本令人耳目一新,加上香港小交響樂團現場伴奏,以及國際舞星客 席演出,絕對是非同凡響的古典芭蕾體驗!

Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre 香港文化中心大劇院; HK$140-$1000; 3761 6661;


“不給糖就搗蛋”,香港正等待 萬聖節狂歡。海洋公園和香港 迪士尼樂園分別舉辦“哈羅餵 全日祭”和“香港迪士尼樂園 Halloween Time 慶典”。闖鬼 屋雖恐怖,但也令人激動和着 迷。蘭桂坊——香港著名夜生活 熱點,萬聖節時會有很多穿着奇 裝異服的狂歡者遊行。香港的萬 聖節樂趣滿載,千萬別錯過。

Various places 不同地點;Various times 不同時間; Various prices 不同票價 OCTOBER 2018





6-14 OCT

Prudential Hong Kong Tennis Open

The Prudential Hong Kong Tennis Open (PHKTO) takes centre stage this month, featuring a stellar line-up of exciting young talent headlined by Japan’s Naomi Osaka, freshly minted as US Open Women’s Champion. Joining her are top players including 2017 French Open Champion Jelena Ostapenko, World No. 6 Elina Svitolina, and China’s two highest-ranked players, Zhang Shuai and Wang Qiang. The US$500,000 WTA International Series event features an expanded Tournament Village this year that offers more activities and events including music concerts, minitennis courts with coaching clinics, interactive themed games, star player autograph sessions, food trucks serving a range of local and international dishes, live streaming of the matches on the big screen and more. Entry to the Village is free throughout the tournament as is admission for matches on “People’s Monday” on 8 October. Come down to Victoria Park this October to catch all of the exciting action at the PHKTO.

保誠香港網球公開賽 保誠香港網球公開賽(PHKTO)是本月焦點之一,今屆賽事星光熠熠,包括剛贏得美國網球公開賽冠軍的日本球員 Naomi Osaka。其他星級球員還有2017年法國 網球公開賽冠軍 Jelena Ostapenko,世界排名第六的 Elina Svitolina,以及中國排名最高的兩位球員張帥和王薔。 這項總獎金50萬美元的 WTA 國際巡迴賽今年將擴大網球同樂區,提供更多互動網球體驗,包括音樂會、迷你網球場、網球體驗班、主題遊戲、球星簽名會、攝影 比賽等。大家還可以一邊享用流動美食車的中西美食,一邊透過巨型屏幕欣賞賽事直播。十月八日更是全民參與星期一,所有人士均可免費入場觀賽。不想錯過 PHKTO 的精彩賽事和活動,記得要到維多利亞公園參與這項盛事!

Victoria Park Centre Court, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong 香港銅鑼灣維多利亞公園網球主場 ; 6-8 October: Free Entry 10月6日至8日免費入場; 9-14 October: HK$160 – HK$880 10月9日至14日: HK$160 – HK$880;

CCB (Asia)

25-28 Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival oct Now, in its 10th edition, the CCB (Asia) Hong Kong Wine

14 OCT

Sun Hung Kai Properties Hong Kong Cyclothon

The 2018 Sun Hung Kai Properties Hong Kong Cyclothon, now in its fourth year, will kick off on the waterfront of Tsim Sha Tsui. The day-long cycling feast offers a variety of races for amateurs and professionals alike, including Family Fun Ride and the 50 km Ride, in which participants will cycle across some of the city’s most iconic architectural marvels. This year, 11 UCI WorldTour teams, 3 Pro Continental teams and the Hong Kong National Team will vie for glory in Hammer Hong Kong, presented by Sun Hung Kai Properties. Be sure to find a good viewing spot along Salisbury Road or Mody Road near the Urban Centenary Garden and cheer on cyclists from around the world!

新鴻基地產香港單車節 第四屆“新鴻基地產香港單車節”將於尖沙咀海濱盛大登場,帶來一整天的精 彩活動! 單車節包括不同路程、家庭樂等各類型的騎車活動,以及多項專業賽 事。活動的重頭戲是由新鴻基地產全力呈獻的 HAMMER 香港站賽事。屆時, 11支 UCI 世界一級職業車隊、3支職業洲際車隊,連同主場出戰的香港隊,將 飛馳於熱鬧、繁忙且狹窄的尖沙咀鬧市街道,角逐殊榮。 最佳觀賞地點在麼地道近市政局百週年紀念花園或沿梳士巴利道,快來為車手 們吶喊打氣吧!

Various times and venues 不同時間、地點 ;

6 | OCTOBER 2018

& Dine Festival, one of Asia’s largest events of its kind and which drew over 140,000 attendees last year, promises to be bigger and better. The festival brings together lovers of food and wine, vintners, quality local and international restaurants and master chefs from all over the world for four days of great wine, superb food and music entertainment on the waterfront of Hong Kong’s stunning Victoria Harbour. This year, the festival provides 20% larger venue space with about 450 booths, featuring beverages of all choices, more wine sellers and more wine regions, more gourmet events including wine-pairing meals and the chance to win special prizes. Be sure to mark your calendar and be part of Hong Kong’s culinary extravaganza!

建行(亞洲)香港美酒佳餚巡禮 年度盛事「香港美酒佳餚巡禮」迎來第十屆,多年來規模和水平不斷提升, 可以說是亞洲同類盛事之最,去年吸引了超過140,000名人士入場。此項盛 事吸引了眾多美酒佳餚愛好者、酒商、高水平的本地餐廳和來自世界各地的 名廚聚首一堂,以璀璨的維港美景作背景,一連四天,為您帶來集美酒、佳 餚和音樂表演於一身的海濱盛宴。 今年的活動場地面積比往年大兩成。場內設有450多個美酒佳餚攤位,提供 多種飲品、更多不同產區的葡萄酒及酒商,以及更多美食活動,包括星級名 廚的配酒晚宴等,並舉行有獎遊戲,是您絕對不能錯過的盛事!

Central Harbourfront Event Space and Tamar Park 中環海濱活 動空間及添馬公園; Various times and prices 不同時間、價格;






STATUE SQUARE 皇后像廣場 The story of a famous Central Location. 一段中環歷史故事 1


square marks the centre of many great cities: London has Trafalgar Square and Hong Kong has Statue Square. Tourists may note that it contains only a single, lone statue, that of the former chief manager of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Sir Thomas Jackson. The bank, which owned the square at the time, erected it in 1906. Before World War Two, the square was crowded with statues, mainly of royalty, and was in fact originally named Royal Square by Sir Paul Chater, the great property developer who founded Hong Kong Land. Chater descended from Armenian princes and was an ardent royalist. The first statue he presented to the good people of Hong Kong was a sculpture of Queen Victoria's son, the Duke of Connaught. Unfortunately they had no idea where to put it and for over a decade it mouldered in a mat shed until at last it was erected in Statue Square in 1902. When the noble duke revisited Hong Kong in 1907, his statue was moved to the bottom of Pedder Street, so that when he stepped off the boat at Blake Pier he would be confronted by his own graven image. The South China Morning Post of the day expressed the sincere hope that the duke would survive the shock. During his visit the duke unveiled two royal statues, one of King Edward Vll, the reigning

8 | OCTOBER 2018

monarch, and another of the then Prince of Wales, who later became King George V. Sir Paul donated the sculptures of Edward Vll, and John Bell-lrving, a fellow director of Sir Paul's Hongkong Electric Company, donated that of George V. These bronzes joined a statue of Queen Victoria that had been donated by the public in 1896. Above this statue was an ornate canopy that resembled something between the Albert Memorial in London's Hyde Park and a gigantic wedding cake. The public later provided a statue of Queen Alexandra, the wife of King Edward, and Sir Hormusjee Mody commissioned a sculpture of Queen Mary This rich Parsee merchant was a close associate of Sir Paul. He also paid for most of Hong Kong University. ln 1923, a seventh statue appeared. lt was of a popular former governor, Sir Henry May. On the day he arrived to take up his governorship he was attacked by a Chinese madman armed with a revolver who missed shooting His Excellency from a range of three feet. Unperturbed, Sir Henry proceeded at a stately pace in his sedan chair to his inauguration ceremony at City Hall. Sir Henry who had formerly been Governor of Fiji, explained why he was attacked: "He mixed up Fiji with South Africa (feichau in Cantonese) and thought I was the Governor

世 界上,不少大城市的中心都有廣場, 像倫敦有特拉法加廣場,香港也有皇

后像廣場。遊客來到這裡,可能會發現,廣場 裡只得一個孤單的銅像,那是匯豐銀行前總經 理昃臣爵士的銅像,由當時擁有廣場的香港上 海匯豐銀行有限公司在 1906 年豎立。 第二次世界大戰以前,廣場內銅像眾多, 主要都是英國皇室成員的銅像。廣場原名中央 廣場,由香港置地的創辦人遮打爵士命名。遮 打爵士擁有亞美尼亞血裔,是位忠誠的親英份 子;他為香港人帶來的第一座銅像,是維多利 亞女王的兒子——幹諾公爵。可惜,當時他們 並不知道該把銅像放在哪裡,在小棚屋擱了十 多年後,銅像在 1902 年獲安放於皇后像廣場。

1907 年,幹諾公爵重訪香港,他的銅像被 移至畢打街尾。這樣,當他從卜公碼頭下船, 就能立刻看到自己的雕像。當年,《南華早 報》還在報章上表示,擔心公爵是否承受得住 這個『驚喜』。 訪港期間,幹諾公爵又為兩座英國皇室成 員的銅像主持揭幕:一座是當時在位的英皇愛 德華七世的銅像,另一座是當時威爾士親皇 (即後來的英皇喬治五世)的銅像。愛德華七 世的塑像由遮打爵士捐獻,而捐贈喬治五世塑 像的,則是遮打爵士名下香港電燈公司的董事 約翰 · 貝爾歐文( John Bell-Irving )。這兩座 銅像跟香港政府在 1896 年鑄造的維多利亞女王 銅像一起放在廣場。女王的銅像放在一個華麗 的亭座之內,亭座的外形跟倫敦海德公園的艾 伯特王子紀念塔類似,同時又有點像一個巨型

of the Transvaal and had turned his compatriots out of that country". lt was obviously a case of mistaken identity. Some years after the event, May pardoned his would-be assassin. By the 1930s, Royal Square had come to be known as Statue Square. During the occupation of Hong Kong in World War Two the statues were shipped off to Japan, leaving the square statueless. After the war, the United Kingdom Liaison Mission in Tokyo reported the presence of a statue of Queen Victoria dumped on the Osaka army arsenal's scrap-heap together with "a bronze statue of a man in a frock coat, bare headed, domed forehead and moustache" and "a pair of bronze lions, one with its mouth open." Jackson and the bank's lions can be seen in the square today. Queen Victoria was not so lucky. Her monument mouldered away in a garage for eleven years before it was stuck on a pedestal in Causeway Bay's Victoria Park from where she still glowers furiously at the traffic. Today, Statute Square is used mostly by those in transit to and from work in Central, except on Sundays and public holidays, when Filipina domestic helpers transform the square and adjacent Chater Street into a mini-carnival of dancing, music and lively gatherings, adding a colourful slice of life to Hong Kong.■

的結婚蛋糕。 後來,香港政府又多添了英皇愛德華七世的妻子——雅麗珊皇后的銅像,而麼 地爵士則委人鑄造了瑪麗皇后的銅像。麼地爵士是一位富有的巴斯商人,跟遮打爵 士是熟朋友,他也大力捐助興建香港大學。 到了 1923 年,第七座銅像出現,那就是港督梅含理的銅像。梅含理來港接任 港督的那天,險被一名中國瘋子以左輪手槍行刺,僅差三尺險些射中這位新任港 督。事件並沒有影響到他,梅含理依舊莊嚴地坐著轎子前往大會堂參加他的就職典 禮。 梅含理其實是斐濟的前總督,他解釋自己受襲的原因:『行刺的人把斐濟和南 非(廣東人叫『非洲』)混淆了,他以為我是南非杜省( Transvaal )的總督,把 他的同胞逐出了該國。 』事件明顯就是一個誤會,幾年之後,港督梅含理便赦免 了這位差點殺了他的刺客。 到了三十年代,人們一般已改稱中央廣場為皇后像廣場。第二次世界大戰的日 占時期,廣場的銅像全部被送往日本去,『像』去『場』空。戰後,駐東京的英 國軍事聯絡團( United Kingdom Liaison Mission )匯報在大阪軍械庫的廢物堆 中,發現維多利亞女王的銅像,而且還找到『一座男人的銅像;男子身穿連身大 衣,禿頭圓額,留了八字須』和『一對銅獅子,其中一隻還張著嘴』。 現在,你可以在廣場看到昃臣的銅像和銀行的一對銅獅子。可是,維多利亞女 王卻沒那麼好運,她的銅像被棄置在廢物堆中,經過十一年後,才獲重置在維多利 亞公園,從此坐在台座上,沉着臉,日夜怒視着繁忙的交通。 今天,皇后像廣場是許多人平日上下班的必經之地。一到週末,菲傭們將廣場 和遮打街變成迷你舞台,伴着音樂舞動,享受聚會,不失為香港生活一道亮麗的風 景線。■


The bulk of this article appeared in the January 2008 issue of CityLife Magazine, written by the late Arthur Hacker, author of CityLife’s History Man series.


這篇文章的主要內容在2008年1月的《東方之珠》雜誌發表過,作者是已故的Arthur Hacker, 曾是《東方之珠》歷史故事系列的作者。

歷史上的香港十月 1 October 1910 KCR The British section of the Kowloon-Canton Railway connecting Kowloon to Lo Wu in the New Territories began operations; the Chinese section connecting to Canton was completed in 1911



1. Queen Victoria’s statue stood under an ornate canopy in front

of the Hong Kong club. 維多利亞女王的銅像安坐在香港會前華麗的亭座內。 2. Before World War Two, Sir Thomas Jackson's statue stood facing his bank. 第二次世界大戰以前,昃臣爵士的銅像正面朝向他的銀行。 3. The unveiling of the Duke of Connaught’s statue at its original site in Statue Square. 皇后像廣場的干諾公爵銅像在原址揭幕。 4. The lost statues of Queen Victoria and Sir Thomas Jackson were retrieved from a scrap-heap in Osaka. 在大阪的軍械廢物堆中,找到遺失的維多利亞女王銅像和昃臣 爵士銅像。 4

17 October 1983 Hong Kong Dollar Peg The Hong Kong Government pegged the Hong Kong Dollar to the US Dollar at a rate of HK$7.8 to US$1 via a linked exchange rate system. The peg has held ever since, despite periodic attacks by international currency speculators i n c l u d i n g G e o rg e S o r o s , w h o t h e Government fended off successfully in 1998 following the Asia Financial Crisis with Soros finally retreating on, coincidentally, 26 October. 1910年10月1日 九廣鐵路 九廣鐵路(英段)(現時為港鐵東鐵線) 通車。連接廣州(華段)線路於1911年竣工 1983年10月17日 香港匯率制度 香港政府推出聯繫匯率制度,將港元兌美 元的匯率固定在 7.8 的水平。儘管國際貨 幣投機者 ( 包括喬治 · 索羅斯 ) 週期性攻擊港 幣 , 但香港政府仍然堅持這一政策,並於 1998 年 10 月 26 日正式擊退索羅斯等人, 成功解決亞洲金融危機。






he city’s premier culinary event returns bigger and better this year as it celebrates its 10th edition, offering fines wines, gourmet local and international foods and other gastronomic treats for wine lovers and foodies alike

度盛事「建行(亚洲)香港美酒佳 肴巡礼」迎来第十届,将带来更 盛大的场面、更丰富的体验,为美酒美食 爱好者提供十全十美的味蕾享受!


he 10th edition of the 2018 CCB (Asia) Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival takes place this month from 25 to 28 October at the Central Harbourfront Event Space and Tamar Park. Since its inception in 2009, this event has become a fixture in the city’s mega-event calendar and one that has grown enormously in size and stature. Arguably Asia’s largest festival of its kind, the event, which drew over 140,000 attendees last year, brings together lovers of food and wine, wine merchants, quality local and international restaurants and master chefs from all over the world for four days of great wine, superb food and music entertainment on the waterfront of Hong Kong’s stunning Victoria Harbour. This year, to celebrate its 10th edition, the festival promises to be bigger and better - a bigger venue space with about 450 booths featuring beverages of all choices from single malts to single origin coffee; more wineries and more wine regions; more culinary events including wine-paring meals designed by master chefs and the chance to win special prizes through an interactive mobile game. If you’ve never been to the festival, then you must - it’s an unforgettable gastronomic experience you won’t want to miss and will be a highlight of your visit to Hong Kong.

25 October, 7:30-11:30pm 26 & 27 October, noon to 11:30pm 28 October, noon to 10pm

10月25日 晚上7:30至11:30 10月26至27日 中午12:00至晚上11:30 10月28日 中午12:00至晚上10:00

Central Harbourfront Event Space & Tamar Park 中環海濱活動空間及添馬公園

10 | OCTOBER 2018

HK$30 per person 每位港幣 $30

十屆建行(亞洲)香港美酒佳餚巡禮 將於10月25日至28日在中環海濱舉 行。香港美酒佳餚巡禮自2009年起舉辦,已成為 香港近年秋季的一項盛事,多年來規模和水平不 斷提升,可以說是亞洲同類盛事之最。香港美酒 佳餚巡禮去年吸引了超過140,000名入場人士, 眾多美酒佳餚愛好者、酒商、高水平的本地餐廳 和來自世界各地的名廚聚首一堂,以璀璨的維港 美景作背景,一連四天,為您帶來集美酒、佳餚 和音樂表演於一身的海濱盛宴。 為慶祝盛事踏入第十年,今年的活動場地面 積比往年大兩成。場內設有450多個美酒佳餚攤 位,提供單一麥芽威士忌和單品咖啡等飲品, 更多不同產區的葡萄酒及酒商,以及更多美食 活動,包括星級名廚的配酒晚宴等,並舉行有 獎遊戲。 如果您沒參加過建行(亞洲)香港美酒佳餚 巡禮,那建議您一定要體驗一下,這絕對是一 次難忘的美食體驗,為您的訪港之旅增色不少。

Ticketing 票务

Special Offers

Classic Wine Pass Lite


HK (Purchase at door only) 入门品酒证(僅限於活動現場售票處發售) 港币 • 5 Wine Tokens l 5 張品酒券 • One plastic Cup l 塑料酒杯一隻

Classic Wine Pass 标准品酒证




• 8 Wine Tokens l 8 張品酒券 • One Stölzle souvenir wine glass l Stölzle 紀念酒杯一隻

Perfect 10 Passport

「Perfect 10」纪念品酒证




• 20 Wine Tokens l 20 張品酒券 • 10 Food Tokens l 10 張美食券 • Exclusive multiple access to the Grand Wine Pavilion 可於「尊尚名酒區」及場內其他酒類攤位使用 • One 10th edition limited Lucaris souvenir wine glass l 第十屆紀念版 Lucaris 酒杯一隻

Tasting Room Programmes 「品味馆」活动入场券 • A Night with the Stars l 星級美酒佳餚晚宴

专享优惠 • CCB (Asia) and CCB Credit Cardmembers, members of Cathay Pacific’s The Marco Polo Club as well as Tap & Go customers enjoy special offers on designated wine passes. 建行(亞洲)信用卡或建行信用卡會員、國泰航 空馬可孛羅會會員及「拍住賞」客戶可享專屬 優惠。 • Purchase the Perfect 10 Passport, Classic Wine Pass or tickets for Tasting Room programmes in advance to enjoy free admission. 預購「Perfect 10」紀念品酒證、標準品酒證或 「品味館」活動入場券,可免入場費。

• Visitors can pick up a free Wine Pack that includes admission and four Wine Tokens. 旅客可領取「品酒禮包」免費入場,禮包內包括 四張品酒券。

*Terms and conditions apply. *受條款及細則約束。

Various 不同价格

• Halloween Afternoon Tea l 萬聖節下午茶

Wine Token 品酒券 • HK$20 per token l 港幣 $20 一張 • Applicable to all wine booths including the Grand Wine Pavilion booths. ( For holders of Perfect 10 Passport only ) 可於「尊尚名酒區」(只限「Perfect 10」紀念品酒證持有人) 及場內其他酒類攤位使用。 • Wine tokens are stored in a smart card which top-up is available 品酒券為智能卡形式,可充值

Food Token 美食券 • HK$20 per token l 港幣 $20 一張 • Applicable to Tap & Go International Street Eats, FeedMe Lane, Coffee Fiesta and Grand Wine Pavilion only. 限於「『拍住賞』環球街頭小吃」、「食飽裡」、「咖啡園」及 「尊尚名酒區」場內使用。 • Food tokens are stored in the same smart card with wine tokens. 美食券為智能卡形式,儲存在品酒劵的智能卡內。 扣完可用現金購買美食。

Visit for details and ticketing options. 活動及購票詳情,請瀏覽:。





Wine and Dine Festival 10th Edition celebration highlights 第十届美酒佳肴巡礼亮点

Food & Wine Zones 展区 1

Ten fine wine and dining zones 10大美酒美食展區

This year, there are 10 wine and dine zones set up to accommodate the increased activities and offerings. They include Grand Wine Pavilion; Country/Region Pavilion; Classic Selection Zone; Japanese Wine Zone; Bubbly & Cocktail Zone; Whisky & Craft Beer Zone; and in the food zones, FeedMe Lane; Hotel Delicious; and the brand-new Coffee Fiesta and Tap & Go International Street Eats. 今年特別推薦10個美酒和美食區,包括尊尚 名酒區、國家及地區展區、經典佳釀區、日本酒 區、氣泡酒及雞尾酒區、手工啤酒及威士忌區, 以及美食區,如食飽裡、酒店美饌、首度登場的 咖啡園以及「拍住賞」環球街頭小吃。

Wine 美酒 2

“Wine & Dine 10th Edition Specials” 第十屆限定版美酒

Two exotic and glamorously packaged drinks are exclusively selected to celebrate the anniversary: Happy 啤 Day (pronounced “Happy beer day”) (chocolate imperial stout, aged in bourbon and brandy barrels) and Favilla fuji (Baileys Chocolat luxe and Junmaishu Nigori Sake). 盛會請來商家獨家推出兩套精選酒單,包括生日蛋糕味手工啤 酒,Favilla Fuji 甜酒雪糕杯,誘惑十足。


“2009 Vintage” series 2009年份系列酒品

This commemorative series selects vintages from 2009, the year of the first Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival, and includes selections from Robert Parker Wine Advocate' s recommended wine. 酒店特別找來香港美酒佳餚巡禮面世年份酒品,包括 Robert Parker Wine Advocate 的100分紅酒等,別具紀念意義。


Wines from New Chateaus 新葡萄酒莊入駐

Debut appearances from new chateaus from various countries and regions, including Burgundy, Croatia and Russia to capture the hearts and tastes of festival-goers. 各個國家和地區酒莊新興參與以吸引大眾,如法國勃根地、 克羅地亞、俄羅斯等地區酒莊首度參展。

12 | OCTOBER 2018

Dining 美食 5

10-Michelin-starred Dinner 米其林10星晚宴

In collaboration with two renowned Hong Kong chefs from one-Michelinstarred restaurants, five Michelin-starred chefs from the Mainland and other regions are coming to Hong Kong to jointly present the “10-Michelin-starred Dinner” in the “Tasting Room”, a highly anticipated wine pairing banquet with eight courses. 五位米其林星級名廚專程來港,聯同兩位來自本地米其林一星餐廳的 主廚,為今年活動的「品味館」呈現米其林十星晚宴,將會合力創作八道 配酒盛宴,令人期待。


“Perfect 10 Passport” 「Perfect 10」紀念品酒證

This special wine pass encourages visitors to experience various wonderful food and wine combinations. In addition to wine tokens, food tokens will be included in the Perfect 10 Passport which includes a welcome drink and a 10th edition limited wine glass.

“Tap & Go International Street Eats” zone 「拍住賞」環球街頭小吃區

This new zone features renowned overseas street eats specialists including Jiu-Wu Beef Noodle from Taiwan and local delicacies from seven regions, including Korea, Europe and Latin America. 進駐香港後隨即掀起熱潮的台灣「玖五牛肉麵」,以及韓国、歐 洲、拉丁美洲等7個地區的地道食品,入場人士可嘗盡環球滋味。



為鼓勵大家欣賞美酒佳餚的美妙配搭,今年特別推出全新的「Perfect 10」 紀念品酒證。品酒證除包括品酒券以外,亦有美食券,讓賓客在場內邊飲邊 吃,與朋友一同發揮創意即席配搭美酒美食。品酒證另送迎賓酒品及第十屆紀 念版酒杯,值得粉絲們收藏。


“Coffee Fiesta” zone 咖啡園

This zone gathers experts from some of the most famous coffee and pastry shops in the city, such as Coco Espresso, Say Hey Bakery, and dessert shop Alice Wild Luscious, offering wonderful delicacies alongside fabulous wine-tasting experiences. 網羅城中多間著名咖啡店及烘焙甜點店,如冠軍咖啡師坐鎮的「Coco Espresso」等,配以「四喜麵包西餅」獲獎餅廚及明星老闆「Alice Wild 甘美」設計的精美甜點,是品酒以外的精彩飲食體驗。

Mega birthday party, with prizes valued at over HK$1,700,000 十歲生日大派超過170萬元禮品

Independent musicians and buskers will perform at the venue, and there will be live music performances each evening on the main stage. There will also be mobile game sessions every day, and prizes including air tickets, hotel accommodations, premium wines and wine tokens, totalling over HK$1,700,000 in value. 生日派對不少得現場表演和生日禮物。場內設有獨立音樂人表演,加上主 舞台每晚上演的現場音樂表演,濃厚派對氣氛瀰漫全場。每日更特設有獎遊 戲時段,透過手機玩線上遊戲大派禮物,四天共送出總值過港幣170萬元多獎 品,包括機票、美酒美食、品酒券等。

Others 其他 10

E-payment Options 接受電子支付

For speed and convenience, attendees can purchase food and bottles of wine via cashless payment methods such as cards or mobile phones. 入場人士可以通過信用卡或手機等無現金支付方式購買美食及瓶裝酒,提高 交易速度和便利性。

Organiser 主辦機構

Title Sponsor 冠名贊助機構

Supporting Organisation 支持機構

Airline Sponsor 航空贊助機構

Co-organiser 協辦機構

Major Sponsors 主要贊助機構





Want to experience Hong Kong like a local? Check out our top picks as to how locals eat, ride, relax and play like only Hongkongers do. 想體驗香港當地人生活嗎?我們為您 精心挑選了幾種方式,感受當地人的吃 喝玩樂。

体 验 香 港 本土 生 活 Best Ways To Travel Like A Local in Hong Kong


oing local is all the rage in leisure travel these days – whether it’s eating at everyday food joints, taking part in local culture and customs, joining the commuter crowd, or enjoying a local pastime, tourists increasingly want to experience genuine local life as part of their travel plan. For a place as fascinating as Hong Kong, that local experience should clearly be at the top of any visitor’s itinerary. After all, this is a city with a unique and vibrant Eastmeets-West culture, a deep food culture that ranges from abundant street food outlets and cha chaan tengs to the world’s finest restaurants, Rolls Royces and Ferraris contesting road space with taxis, buses, trams and bicycles, and of course old neighbourhoods sideby-side with shiny, imposing skyscrapers. CityLife is pleased to offer a visitor’s guide to how to travel like a local – telling it as only locals can. Enjoy!

EAT【 食 】 sik6

【一】 Dim Sum


14 | OCTOBER 2018

如 今,“本地化”的休閒旅遊成為一種時尚——品 嚐當地美食,感悟當地文化和習俗,體驗日常活

動或享受休閒樂趣,越來越多遊客想在旅行中感受真正的 當地生活。 來到迷人的香港,遊客的首選應該是體驗港式生活。 這個城市擁有獨特而充滿活力的東西方碰撞文化,比如飲 食,從多樣的街頭小食店和茶餐廳到世界頂級餐廳;勞斯 萊斯、法拉利與出租車、巴士、電車並駕齊驅;傳統舊街 區與高聳入雲的摩天大樓毗鄰。 《東方之珠》為您準備了 一份感受當地生活的旅行指南,讓您輕鬆享受香港之行。

Eat like a local – that is a must, and in Hong Kong we are spoilt for choice. 品嚐當地美食——香港各類美食應有盡有,不容錯過。

Eating dim sum with your choice of Chinese tea, whether for breakfast or lunch, is deeply embedded in the city’s food culture. Hong Kong has the best dim sum in the world, so you must try out these delectable delicacies. For a genuine experience, pick any one of the many crowded, noisy, Cantonese restaurants, get a big group together so you can enjoy more dishes, and eat heartily and talk as loudly as you wish – we guarantee you it will be one happy eating experience.

無論是早茶還是午 餐,都可以選擇中式茶 配點心,這是融入香港 飲食文化的關鍵一步。 香港有全世界最美味的 點心,您一定要試試。 想要吃到正宗的點心, 要去那些擁擠、嘈雜的 茶餐廳,別忘了約上朋 友,這樣就可以嘗試更 多種美味,盡情享受, 盡情暢聊,一定是次愉 悅的用餐體驗。


These ubiquitous eating outlets comprise the bulk of the city’s 11,000 plus restaurants that between them serve an amazing array of local food – wonton or fish ball noodles, Cha Siu (BBQ roast pork) with rice, congees of all sorts – you name it, and they are cheap and fast, perfect for a meal on the run.

【二】 Cha Chaan Tengs


香港擁有11,000多家餐廳,大部分 是茶餐廳。它們無處不在,供應各式當 地美食——雲吞面、魚丸面、叉燒飯、 各類粥品,便宜又便捷,是您匆忙時的 最佳選擇。

【三】 Seafood Dinner

海鲜 菜式

Hong Kong people love seafood: some families serve fish with their dinner almost daily. A Cantonese seafood dinner by the waterfront where you pick out the live catch to be cooked is a local experience not to be missed. We recommend Sai Kung or Lamma Island, where your meal can follow a delightful day at one of our favourite scenic getaway locations.

香港人喜愛海鮮,有些家庭幾乎每天都要吃魚。在海邊的海鮮粵 菜館現場挑選烹製食材,這種體驗不容錯過。推薦您去西貢或南丫 島,一邊欣賞美景,一邊品嚐海鮮大餐,享受美妙的郊遊傍晚。

【四】 Afternoon Tea


There are two types of afternoon tea, both worth trying. An afternoon high tea at one of the city’s many fabled hotels, with scones, pastries and savoury bites and your choice of fine teas, is a popular-albeit-pricy local experience. At the other end of the spectrum, many local restaurants offer afternoon tea specials, usually 2 to 5pm, comprising a set meal at a good discount, tea or coffee included – it’s an inexpensive energy top-up ahead of dinner.

香港有兩種下午茶,都值得一 試。第一種是在高檔酒店享用下午 茶,酒店提供英式鬆餅、糕點和鹹 西點配上優質茗茶,昂貴但受歡 迎。另一種是下午 2 點到 5 點鐘去茶 餐廳享用特價下午茶,包括優惠套 餐、茶或咖啡,便宜卻可以在晚餐 前補充能量。

16 | OCTOBER 2018

【五】 Local Desserts

特色 甜点

Hong Kong locals have a serious sweet tooth, and local dessert outlets abound – mango pudding, sago cream, cakes of all choices, red bean soup, tofu – it’s all here. Moon Kee Desserts and Hui Lau San are two of the popular chains. 眾所周知,香港人愛吃甜 食,甜品店隨處可見 - 芒果布 丁、西米露、多種口味的蛋 糕、紅豆沙、豆腐花,應有盡 有。滿記甜品及許留山是兩家 備受歡迎的甜品連鎖店。





RIDE【 行 】 hang4

Millions travel on Hong Kong’s fabled public transport system comprising the MTR, buses, trams and ferries. They are safe, clean, cheap and extensive – and the best way to get around like a local. 香港的公共交通系統很有名,包括地鐵、巴士、電車和渡輪,承載數百萬人 出行。它們安全、干淨、便宜、便捷,是當地人最喜歡的出行方式。




Doubledecker Bus


双层 巴士 The beloved “ding ding” travelling along the main streets of Hong Kong Island is a popular attraction, and a staple of local transport, especially for short hops between districts. It’s a wonderfully relaxing way to observe and enjoy the city’s thronging streetscape.

香港島主街道上行駛的 “叮叮”車是不容錯過的體 驗,也是當地歷史悠久的 交通工具,尤其適合短途 出行。這是一種享受城市街 景、看人來車往、美妙而輕 鬆的出行方式。

【八】 Mid-levels Escalator System

中环至半山 自动扶手 电梯系统

18 | OCTOBER 2018

Every day, thousands of locals commute down and up the Mid-levels Escalator System, described as the world’s longest. Hundreds of shops and restaurants line the route, creating a fascinating urban microsystem of its own. Don’t forget to stand on the right and walk on the left, as locals do. 每天有成千上萬的當地人乘坐中 環至半山自動扶手電梯上下班,它 是世界上最長的自動扶梯系統。兩 側有數百家商店和餐館,形成了一 個奇特的城市微觀系統。要記得右 側搭乘,左側留給急行路人,這是 當地人的習慣。

The ubiquitous double-decker bus, over 5,000 of which ply the streets of Hong Kong, is another cool way to explore the city, especially those routes that traverse the hills and narrow roads of Hong Kong Island. Take Citybus no. 6 from Stanley to Central or First Bus no. 15 to the Peak for a memorable experience, even before you arrive.

香港有超過 5,000 輛 雙層巴士,街頭隨處可 見。乘坐雙層巴士穿越港 島高低起伏的山坡和狹窄 的街道,刺激而難忘。乘 坐從中環到赤柱的 6 號城 巴或15號新巴可以到達太 平山頂,享受美景。


P L A Y & R E L A X【 娱 乐 和 放 松 】 j y u 4 l o k 6 w o 4 fo n g 3 s u n g 1

How do locals pass the time after work, to relax and let off steam? Here’s how you can share in the same pleasures!



Local Parks


登山 远足


For moments of urban respite, a visit to a local park – large or small – is much treasured by locals. Whether it’s the impressive Hong Kong Park or Kowloon Park, or any of the hundreds of small neighbourhood parks where residents gather for a chess match or to practice tai chi, in groups or alone, you are capturing an indelible slice of Hong Kong’s urban experience.

【十一】 Instagram Spots Instagram

打卡 热点

當地公園無論大小,都是 當地人享受獨處、放鬆的好去 處。無論是香港公園、九龍公 園等大型城市公園,還是數百 個區內小型公園,居民都會聚 集在一起下棋或練習太極拳, 這裡是體會香港城市生活的最 佳地方。

Hong Kong people love to take pictures of everything and post them on social media. “Let the camera eat first” is the mantra for foodies, and no interesting scenes or sights go unphotographed. Check out some of the city’s best-known Instagram spots frequented often by locals, which include Instagram Pier on the waterfront in Western District, the Choi Hung Estate with its colourful and geometric building facades, or a wide-angle shot of the harbour and its surrounding skyscrapers from Central Harbourfront or from the waterfront promenade in Tsim Sha Tsui.

香港人喜歡拍照並發佈在社交媒體上。 “讓相機先吃”是大多數美食愛好者的習慣, 任何場景都要記錄下來。最受當地人歡迎的 Instagram 打卡熱點包括 Instagram Pier (西區 公共貨物裝卸區 ) 、色彩繽紛的彩虹邨,在中環 海濱或尖沙咀海濱可拍攝到壯麗的海港全景以及 周邊的摩天大樓。


推薦幾種香港人消遣娛樂的方式,讓您體驗同樣的快樂。 | OCTOBER 2018

Hiking the city’s hundreds of wellmarked trails is a popular local activity, certainly for the physically active. Many of these routes offer stunning vistas and tranquil surroundings, often only minutes away from the heart of the city. And the trails are safe and well kept. As an alternative to the popular Dragon’s Back, the intrepid may want to traverse Sai Kung’s Maclehose Trail Section 2, where fabulous beaches await as their just rewards.

這座城市的數百條遠足徑大受當地人歡迎,也是運動達人的 最愛。許多遠足徑周邊景色壯麗、氣氛安謐,通常距離市中心只 有幾分鐘的路程,還很安全。除了龍脊之外,追求刺激的人可選 擇西貢麥理浩徑第2段,享受大浪灣的天然美景。

CityLife's top offerings for all your dining and shopping needs.


Tourist Offerings 旅客優惠



九龍旗艦店尖沙咀漢口中心地下及一樓全層; 2366 5808 。銅鑼灣旗艦店 信和廣場地下及一樓全層; 2366 5828;

I.T Trendy global fashion labels. Basement, 2 Kingston Street, Causeway Bay. 2881 6102; Shop 252, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty. 2918 0667 匯集時髦國際服裝品牌。銅鑼灣京士頓街2號地庫, 2881 6102 ;金鐘金鐘道 88 號太古廣場 252 號鋪, 2918 0667 。

Stock up on your favourite brands at ISA, home to the world's favourite international fashion brands. It is listed under the Hong Kong Tourism Board's Quality Tourism Service (QTS) Scheme for quality assurance. ISA carries renowned labels including Gucci, Valentino, Saint Laurent, Philipp Plein, Bottega Veneta, Burberry, Miu Miu, and much more. Kowloon Flagship Store, G/F & 1/F, Hankow Centre, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon. 2366 5808; Causeway Bay Sino Plaza Flagship Store, G/F & whole of 1/F, Sino Plaza, Causeway Bay. 2366 5828. 在全球最熱門時裝品牌的大本營ISA尋找你最愛的品 牌,購買心儀的名品。 ISA 是香港旅遊發展局“優 質旅遊服務”計劃( QTS )的認證商號,商品質量 可靠,旗下代理的著名品牌包括古馳 (Gucci)、華倫 天奴 (Valentino)、聖羅蘭 (Saint Laurent) 、菲利浦· 普萊因 (Philipp Plein)、葆蝶家.寶緹嘉 (Bottega Veneta)、巴寶莉 (Burberry) ,繆繆 (Miu Miu)等。

Manning Co. Bespoke Tailors A reputable tailor for suits and shirts. Since 1979 the company has been offering meticulous attention to detail, impeccable quality, and style to customers looking for a bespoke experience. Shop 22B, G/F., Hankow Centre, 5-15 Hankow Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon. +852 2111 1955. 自 1979 年開始,公司便為顧客提供特別定制的高 檔西服及襯衫,品質一流,注重細節,口碑極佳。 九龍尖沙咀漢口道 5-15 號漢口中心地下 22B 鋪; +852 2111 1955;

jade jewellery, arts and craft carvings and highend Chinese fashion apparel, among much else. Its knowledgeable staff offers impeccable service which includes shipping your purchases safely and smoothly home. Wanchai store: 2/F, Causeway Centre, 28 Harbour Road, Wanchai; tel 2827 6667 Admiralty store: Shop 320 3/F, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty; tel 2523 3933 Central: G/F, Hip Shing Hong Centre, 55 Des Voeux Road Central, Central; tel 2901 0338 自 20 世紀 50 年代以來,中藝一直擔任中國藝術收藏 品、手工藝品、時裝的黃金標準。以其天然翡翠、玉 器珠寶、工藝品、高端中式服飾而聞名。知識淵博的 員工提供無可挑剔的服務,將您購買的商品安全運輸 回家。灣仔旗艦店:灣仔港灣道28號灣景中心2字樓 2827 6667 金鐘店:金鐘道88號太古廣場320號鋪 2523 3933 中環店:中環德輔道中55號協成行中心地下 2901 0338;

Chinese Arts and Crafts 中藝

This renowned brand has been the gold standard for collectible Chinese arts, handicrafts and fashion garments since the 1950s. Chinese Arts and Crafts is known for its Natural Fei Cui (Jadeite), OCTOBER 2018




Take a break from the ordinary as we recommend a selection of excursions to tempting and idiosyncratic Hong Kong destinations that you may not know about. 踏入黃金周,不妨放鬆身心,跟隨《東方之珠》的腳步, 探索一系列您可能還不知道的特色旅遊熱點。



Holiday Week Excursions

國 慶 假 期 酷 遊 香 港 Dragon’s Back

Peak Circle Walk

Lamma Island

Arguably the city’s best-known trail, the Dragon’s Back is a moderately easy two-hour walk that traverses a series of mountain ranges in southeastern Hong Kong Island, offering outstanding twin views of the South China Sea. Take Bus number 9 and get off at the Cape Collinson stop near Tai Tam Gap Correctional Institute and walk up a short distance to the connecting trail. You can choose to descend either to Big Wave Bay or to Shek O, where there is food and refreshment.

The walk winds around the highest mountain on Hong Kong Island without much variation in height, an easy stroll to catch stunning views of the Hong Kong skyline from different vantage points.

This idyllic island not far from Aberdeen is known for quiet village life, pretty hills and great seafood restaurants, with nary a motor vehicle in sight. Take a ferry from Central to Yung Shue Wan, stroll through the village and then embark on an easy hike to Sok Kwu Wan at the other end of the island. Enjoy a seafood meal there before taking the ferry back to Central.


龍脊可說是香港最有名的遠足徑,難度適中,約 兩小時便可完成。這條遠足徑穿過香港島東南部 的一系列山脈,可飽覽南中國海迷人景緻。乘坐 9 號巴士,在大潭峽懲教所附近的歌連臣角站下 車,稍稍走一段路即可到達港島徑。您可以選擇 在大浪灣或石澳開始下山,可到石澳泳灘購買食 物和飲品。

22 | OCTOBER 2018


這條環繞香港島最高山脈而建的人行道路高度變 化並不太大,您可在不同地點欣賞壯麗的香港天 際線。


這個充滿田園風光的小島位於香港仔附近,以寧 靜的村莊生活,美麗的山景和優質的海鮮餐廳聞 名,而且您在此幾乎看不到機動車。從中環乘坐 渡輪至榕樹灣,沿着村落漫步,然後踏上輕鬆的 遠足徑步行至小島另一端的索罟灣,乘坐渡輪迴 到中環之前,不妨在索罟灣享用一頓海鮮大餐。


National Day Holiday

Shopping extravaganza at 十一黃金周


Indulge in a National Day Holiday shopping spree at ISA, Hong Kong’s one-stop shop for all things luxurious!


國慶假期在即,不妨在一站式奢侈品牌精品連鎖店 ISA 血拼一番吧!


SA, arguably Hong Kong’s largest and best-known specialty chain store for branded luxury products, offers a wide selection of product categories and international designer brands at highly attractive and competitive prices. Founded more than 40 years ago, ISA has built an impressive network of 12 stores in Hong Kong, Macau and Shenzhen, all conveniently located and mostly accessible by MTR. In Hong Kong you can find multiple ISA stores in the shopping districts of Causeway Bay and Tsim Sha Tsui, including its latest 60,000-square-foot store in the China Hong Kong City Ferry Terminal complex – plenty of space for ISA to offer its customers a wide range of products and attentive personalised services. Its new store in Yuen Long in the New Territories, not far from the Shenzhen border, specialises in branded leather products and offers convenient shopping for customers from Mainland China. To celebrate National Day Holiday week, ISA is offering fantastic discounts of up to 70% on its wide range of branded products including handbags, fashion, watches and jewellery, designer glasses, perfumes and cosmetics. Prestigious brands include Prada, Saint Laurent, Gucci, Bottega Veneta, Dolce & Gabbana, Giorgio Armani as well as hipper and more youthful brands such as MiuMiu, Philipp Plein, Valentino, KENZO, and MSGM. The diversity of products available allow ISA's customers to mix and match brands, colours and styles to create the “complete look”.


SA 是香港知名的大型奢侈品牌精品專 賣店,以極具吸引力的價格出售時尚服 飾和一系列國際名牌產品。 ISA 經營至今四十多年,在香港、澳門和 深圳擁有12家門店,大部分位於地鐵站附近, 交通便利。香港店鋪主要集中在旅客購物區銅 鑼灣和尖沙咀,中港城店鋪更擴建至 6 萬平方 尺——店鋪貨品齊全,為顧客提供個性化服 務。而新店則位於新界元朗,毗鄰深圳,專營 名牌皮具,為內地顧客提供便捷的購物服務。 為慶祝國慶假期,ISA 推出多種品牌折扣 優惠,包括手提包、時裝、鐘錶珠寶、名牌眼 鏡、香水和化妝品等,最高可享三折優惠。

ISA 經營大量奢侈品牌,包括 Prada 、 Saint Laurent、Gucci、Bottega Veneta、Dolce &Gabbana、Giorgio Armani 等,也有很多時尚 品牌,如 MiuMiu、Philipp Plein、Valentino、 KENZO 和 MSGM 等。您可以在其中發揮獨一 無二的搭配技巧,各種品牌,風格,材質,顏色 任君選擇,搭配出一身個性裝扮。

HONG KONG STORES 香港分店 Causeway Bay Flagship Store G/F & 1/F, Sino Plaza, Causeway Bay 銅鑼灣旗艦店 信和廣場地下及一樓 +852 2366 5828 Kowloon Flagship Store G/F & 1/F, Hankow Centre, Tsim Sha Tsui 九龍旗艦店 尖沙咀漢口中心地下及一樓 +852 2366 5808 China Hong Kong City Store LG/F, China Hong kong City, Tsim Sha Tsui 中港城分店 尖沙咀廣東道中港城低層地下 +852 2366 5820 Kowloon Hotel Store G/F & B1/F, The Kowloon Hotel, Tsim Sha Tsui 九龍酒店分店 尖沙咀九龍酒店地下及低層 +852 2366 5810 Nathan Road Store G/F & 1/F, 29 Nathan Road, Alpha House, Tsim Sha Tsui 彌敦道分店 尖沙咀彌敦道29號地下及一樓 +852 2366 5890 Silvercord Store Shop no. LG73, Silvercord, Tsim Sha Tsui 新港中心分店 尖沙咀新港中心低層LG73鋪 +852 2366 6308 Canton Road Store 1/F, Imperial Building, Tsim Sha Tsui 廣東道分店 尖沙咀廣東道帝國大廈一樓全層 +852 2366 5880 Yuen Long YOHO Store Shop 1122, 1/F, YOHO Mall I, Yuen Long 元朗分店 元朗朗日路9號形點1期1樓1122鋪 +852 2366 2073

Make ISA your preferred shopping destination in Hong Kong! ISA 是您在香港購物的首選!

ISA Outlet Flagship Store Shop No.2, 2/F, China Hong Kong City, Tsim Sha Tsui 奧特萊斯旗艦店 尖沙咀中港城2樓2號鋪 +852 2366 5023 MACAU STORES 澳門分店

Stella Mccartney Over Shoulder Bag 五角星棱邊手袋

Fendi Leather Shoulder Bag 經典 logo 手袋

Moschino Teddy Print T-Shirt 小熊圖案粉色衛衣

Alexander McQueen Long Sleeved Dress 紅色鏤空連衣裙

Featured items enjoy 20% off, with additional 10% discount on top for VIP members 以上四款新品一律8折,VIP 顧客可在此基礎上再享9折優惠

Macau Largo Do Senado Store G/F- 3/F, 18-20A Largo Do Senado, Macau 澳門分店 議事亭前地18-20號地下至三樓 +853 2832 2663 MAINLAND CHINA STORES 中國內地分店 Shenzhen Qianhai Store Shop No.103 & 203, Level 1-2, Hoko Mall, Qianhai 深圳分店 深圳市前海周大福全球商品購物中心 1-2層103&203號鋪 +86-755 8898 1088

For even more convenient shopping, go to or download the ISA Membership App , where you can enjoy discount coupons and earn redeemable rewards points. Also check out the ISA Facebook page and its Wechat account for the latest offerings. 想要更快捷地買買買?登錄 或下載 ISA Membership App,您 可以享用線上折扣優惠券,還能夠獲得贈送積分,可兌換現金券使用。關注 ISA Facebook 及微信平台以獲取最新潮流資訊。

Macau Flagship Store LG/F, Macau Tower Convention & Entertainment Centre 澳門旗艦店 旅遊塔娛樂中心地庫全層 +853 2896 7880









Hong Kong 香港島

ADMIRALTY 金鐘 Pacific Place 太古廣場

Classy and spacious four-level shopping centre with natural lighting. Perched on top of the MTR station, surrounded by three five-star hotels and the greenery of Hong Kong Park. 88 Queensway . 2844 8900. 高尚寬敞的四層購物中心位於港鐵金鐘站 上蓋,吸引大量海外遊客。金鐘道 88 號 , 2844 8900 。

Pacific Place 太古廣場

Central 中環 ifc Mall 國際金融中心商場

Shop at one of the most photogenic skyscrapers of Hong Kong; top brand-name shops, restaurants and a cinema. Links to the MTR station, Central ferry piers, and the Airport Express. 8 Finance Street . 2295 3308 . 購物商場內有不少名牌商店及餐廳,並設電影院,可乘搭港鐵及機場快線直達。金融街 8號 ,2295 3308 。

Kowloon 九龍

Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀 China Hong Kong City 中港城

China Hong Kong City 中港城

A real gem offering trendy and branded products including jewellery, sportswear, fashions, electronics, and more. Part of the China Hong Kong Ferry terminal complex and located on the famed Canton Road shopping district. 33 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon. 3119 0288. 商場吸引眾多潮流品牌進駐,包括珠寶、體育用品、時尚服飾、電子產品等。中港城位 於著名的購物熱點廣東道上,中國客運碼頭提供方便快捷的客輪服務。九龍尖沙咀廣東道 33號。3119 0288。

Harbour City 海港城

So popular you’ll see queues at the flagship stores of the biggest fashion brands. Located at the northern end of Canton Road. Ocean Terminal entrance near the Star Ferry Terminal. Canton Road . 2118 8666 . 有各種類型的商店和餐廳,行人通道接連其他購物中心及酒店,海運大廈入口設於近天 星碼頭。位於廣東道北面 ,2118 8666 。

The Grand Plaza 雅蘭中心

Good mix of diverse dining and shopping choices in the heart of Mongkok, Kowloon, right next to a MTR exit. Over 20 gourmet dining venues, watch and jewellery shops, concept stores and lifestyle labels round out the complement. 625 & 639 Nathan Road, Mong Kok.

The Grand Plaza 雅蘭中心

位於九龍區的旺角市中心,港鐵旺 角站出口旁邊,商場內餐飲及購物選擇繁多,匯聚超過20間食肆、鐘錶珠寶品牌、概念 商店以及多間時尚服飾品牌店舖。旺角彌敦道625及639號。

地區購物商場 tmtplaza 屯門市廣場

tmtplaza 屯門市廣場

The largest regional mall in northwest New Territories, this shopping centre has a diverse mix of retail and food outlets and a cinema complex. It’s close to Shenzhen and easily accessed by cross-border buses from Shenzhen Bay. 1 Tuen Shun Street, Tuen Mun. 屯門市廣場是新界西北部最大的地區性購物商場,設有眾多零售商舖、餐廳 及一間電影院,集吃喝玩樂於一身。商場鄰近深圳,每天有大量過境巴士來 往深圳灣口岸,交通十分方便。屯門屯順街1號。


This mall close to the Kwun Tong MTR in Kowloon is becoming an urban renewal landmark in this former industrial area. Its vibrancy is palpable at all times as its extended opening hours draws millennials late into the night. 418 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong. 觀塘以前是一個工業區,apm商場鄰近港鐵觀塘站,如今已成為這一區的潮 流地標。營業時間較一般購物商場長,吸引眾多充滿活力的年輕人前來血拼。 觀塘道418號。

OUTLET 特賣場 Citygate Outlets 東薈城名店倉

Citygate Outlets 東薈城名店倉

Hong Kong's bestknown outlet mall and also its largest. Located in Tung Chung next to the Hong Kong International Airport, the mall has over 80 outlets featuring well known fashion and sportswear brands. Place to be for quality products at bargain prices. 20 Tat Tung Road, Tung Chung. 2109 2933. 位於東涌的東薈城是香港最著名和最大型的特賣場,鄰近香港國際機場,商 場內有超過80個著名時尚及運動品牌以優惠價格出售商品,讓您以誘人的折 扣價瘋狂血拼。東涌達東路20號。2109 2933。

E-Max WearHouse

E-Max WearHouse

This new outlet at the Kowloon Bay I n t e r n a t i o n a l Tr a d e and Exhibition Centre (KITEC) promises to be a hit with locals and tourists alike. Its first phase (50,000 square feet) features international brands and trendy apparel and lifestyle products. 1 Trademart Drive, Kowloon Bay. 這個位於九龍灣國際展貿中心的新特賣場定會成為本地人和遊客的休閒熱 點。一期佔地五萬平方呎,主打國際品牌、時尚服飾和潮流生活用品。 九龍灣展貿徑1號。

Horizon Plaza 新海怡廣場

This well-known outlet mall in Ap Lei Chau, near Aberdeen on the south side of Hong Kong Island is a favourite with locals and expats. The f o r m e r w a re h o u s e b u i l d i n g i s c h o c k f u l o f b i g n a m e b r a n d s . 2 Lee Wing Street, Ap Lei Chau. 這座位於港島南區鴨脷洲的著名特賣場前身是工業大廈,現有眾多著名品牌 進駐,深受本地人歡迎。鴨脷洲利榮街2號。

24 | OCTOBER 2018



Rock 'n' Roll at Grand Plaza 雅蘭中心

萬聖節等你來狂歡 Come Celebrate Halloween in the heart of Mongkok with JgazZ at Grand Plaza. 28 September to 31 October 9月28日至10月31日,旺角雅蘭中心 攜手淘氣惡魔樂團 JagzZ 與您一起 歡慶萬聖節


o celebrate this year’s Halloween, the trio of ultra-trendy commercial complexes of Grand Plaza, Gala Place and Hollywood Plaza, located in the heart of Mongkok in Kowloon, are collaborating with noted Japanese illustrator Kurosawa Katsuya in October in hosting Halloween Rock‘n’Roll, a Halloween-themed promotion for shoppers and diners alike. The promotion features Varel, the little rascal vampire and his devilish rock band JagzZ, and offers gift redemptions, a fabulous prize draw, collectibles exhibition and a chance to take pictures with Varel. Also look for special redemption offers for users of Alipay throughout the three shopping destinations. So, mark your calendar and head for a fun-filled shopping experience at Grand Plaza. Highlights include:

Halloween Gifts Redemption

Participate in the ‘Halloween Rock Drummer’ interactive game once 『Halloween Rock Drummer』 互動遊戲一次

萬聖節禮品兌換 1-9 pm

Grand Plaza (雅蘭中心) 1/F * Maximum of two same-day receipts via electronic payment 最多兩張即日電子單據

Fun Treasure Hunt 扭出即FUN獎賞

為 慶業 中祝 心萬聯聖合節日,本九著龍名旺插角畫雅師蘭黑中澤心勝、哉家舉樂辦坊H、a荷l l o里w活e e商n

Rock‘n’Roll 主題活動,讓您盡享萬聖節購物及美食狂熱。活動 包括:為淘氣小惡魔 Varel 和他的 JagzZ 樂隊伴奏、兌換萬聖節 禮品和大抽獎、 JagzZ 珍藏展、以及與 Varel 合照等。此外,支 付寶付款用戶享有特別優惠。快來雅蘭中心享受一次美妙的購物 體驗吧。活動亮點包括:

JagzZ Cap JagzZ 潮型 Cap 帽一件

JagzZ Tote-Bag JagzZ 萬用Tote Bag一個

Spend HK$100 and more 消費港幣 $100元或以上



Grand Plaza (雅蘭中心)

Spend HK$600 or more 消費港幣$600元或以上

JagzZ Collectibles Exhibition 珍藏展

Like Grand Plaza’s Facebook page or Instagram and earn a chance to win limited JagzZ souvenirs, merchandise and coupons.

First-ever exhibition of JagzZ series models and collectibles, including Katsuya’s customdesigned hand painted mini-guitar.

在雅蘭中心 Facebook 專頁或 Instagram 上 點贊可免費參加扭蛋遊戲一次,有機會獲得限量 JagzZ 精品、商家禮品或優惠券。

首次於香港展出一系列 JagzZ 模型及珍藏品, 當中包括插畫師黑澤勝哉特別設計的迷你手繪吉他。

Rock’n’Roll meet & greet with Varel Va re l 搖 滾 見 面 會 3-5 pm

13 & 27.10.2018

Grand Plaza (雅蘭中心)、 Hollywood Plaza (荷李活商業中心)

A limited-edition JagzZ leather Coin Purse 限量版真皮 JagzZ 零錢包一個

Take a photo with Varel, share with friends on your own Facebook or Instagram account with the designated hashtag and collect a JagzZ Post-it (50 copies total per day) 在 Facebook 或 Instagram 上分享與淘氣小惡 魔 Varel 的合照,連同指定 Hashtag,可獲萬聖節 限量版 JagzZ 便條紙一本(每日50個名額)

Spend HK$1,800 or more 消費港幣$1,800元或以上

Shopping with Alipay 支付寶優惠

Over the National Day Holiday period, earn an instant ¥30 electronic voucher for immediate use when you spend ¥300 using Alipay. *One voucher only per Alipay account

(From now to 20 October)

國慶節期間以支付寶累計消費滿人民幣 300 元 送人民幣30元電子代金券 *每個支付寶用戶只可享用此優惠一次 (即日起至10月20日)

Grand Plaza 雅蘭中心 625 & 639 Nathan Road, Mongkok 旺角彌敦道625及639號

Gala Place 家樂坊 56 Dundas Street, Mongkok 旺角登打士街56號

Hollywood Plaza 荷李活商業中心 610 Nathan Road, Mongkok 旺角彌敦道610號 OCTOBER 2018




Seafood on Ice 海鮮冷盤


Elegant Wine-and-Dine Gems

23/F, West Tower, Hotel VIC on the Harbour, 1 North Point Estate Lane, North Point 北角北角邨里1號海匯酒店 西座23樓

3896 9898

精品美酒 精緻美食

Hong Kong’s vibrant dining culture kicks into high gear with this month's Wine & Dine Festival; we joined in with superb dinners at two excellent city restaurants. 隨着美酒佳餚巡禮的臨近,香港飲食文化狂潮再次來襲,我們精心為您推薦兩家高級餐廳, 讓您享受精美晚宴。

C cruise.html

ruise, which sits atop Hotel VIC, the newly opened luxury hotel on the North Point waterfront, offers a spectacular rooftop dining experience with expansive harbour views, a wide choice of cocktails and wines, and a continental menu prepared by a team of talented chefs.

soya help to bring out the meat flavour with just the right amount of seasoning.

The restaurant is spacious and airy, decorated, as its name suggests, on the theme on a luxury cruise liner. The interior décor, which is dominated by a large skylight, is contemporary and elegant. Full-length windows lining the walls allow unimpeded views of the harbour. At 23 floors up, the restaurant offers an intimate and life-size feel of the magnificent harbour and, from its location in North Point, an interesting vantage point from which to view it. The terrace, elegantly arranged with comfortable couches, is perfect for after-work drinks or evening cocktails.

We also had a trio of skewers from the Tapas Bar: Australia Wagyu Chuck Roll Skewer with Ponzu Sauce ($168), Spanish Chorizo Skewer with Smoked Capsicum ($138) and Braised Octopus Skewer with Jalapeno ($128) – great snacks that go well with cocktails or a nice glass of chilled bubbly or wine.

Our dinner started with Seafood on Ice ($568 for 2 persons) – an impressive platter that includes fresh whole Boston lobster, Alaskan King Crab legs, abalone, New Zealand clams, mussels, wild-caught prawns, scallops and French oysters; and if that sounds a lot, it is. A couple of delightful citrus cocktails – Red Lady and Vic’s Secret – got our evening rolling very pleasantly. Italian Burrata Cheese & Heirloom Tomato ($188) – soft, textured cheese and fresh tomatoes nicely seasoned, and a real fusion-delight, Smoked Kagoshima Sirloin with Fresh Wasabi & Soya Powder, Cabbage Salad ($460) were next. The marbled sirloin was cut into large cubes and lightly smoked, which adds a subtle texture to the tender beef. The wasabi and

26 | OCTOBER 2018

Duck Consommé with Foie Gras & Truffle Custard ($150) came next, served on a stylish modern glass teapot on the table. It’s a nice change of pace for the palate.

For entrees, we had Baked Alaskan Black Cod Fish Fillet (en Papillote) and New Zealand Clams with Forest Mushroom and Kalamata in Noilly Prat Wine ($220), and US 1855 Black Angus Rib Eye Prime 250g ($388) with Green Apple & Cucumber Salad, Green Asparagus, and Fresh French Fries as side dishes. The cod is tender and melting to the bite, as expected; we rather liked the dry vermouth flavouring. The steak is generously portioned, with the confit shallot and red wine jus nicely bringing out the texture and flavour of the meat. For desserts, we stuck to the tried-and-true Tiramisu with Expresso Ice Cream ($109) that we shared. It gave us enough of a sugar rush and was a fitting way to end the lovely dinner. If you want a memorable dining experience – excellent food matched by mesmerising harbour views – we highly recommend Cruise.■

Smoked Kagoshima Sirloin with Fresh Wasabi & Soya Powder, Cabbage Salad 煙熏香煎鹿兒島和牛西冷扒配 新鮮山葵、日本醬油粉、沙律

Baked Alaskan Black Cod Fish Fillet 法式焗阿拉斯加鱈魚、 紐西蘭蜆、野菌、黑水欖

Italian Burrata Cheese & Heirloom Tomato 意大利布拉塔芝士配番茄


ruise 位於北角新開業的海匯酒店( Hotel VIC )頂層,提供可 欣賞海港全景的浪漫戶外座位,提供雞尾酒、葡萄酒及專業廚師 特別炮製的佳餚,為您製造完美的餐飲體驗。 餐廳內佈局寬敞。從名字就可了解餐廳主題是“豪華郵輪美食”。 進門大型天窗映入眼簾,現代而優雅。餐廳牆壁旁的落地窗可讓您隨意 欣賞海港景觀。餐廳位於 23 層樓,提供了一個近距離觀賞海港的獨特視 角。室外設有露台,配有舒適沙發,非常適合下班後在此享用各款精美 飲品或夜晚到此小酌一杯雞尾酒。 首先登場的是海鮮冷盤(二人份量$568)包括波士頓龍蝦、阿拉斯加長 腳蟹、鮑魚、紐西蘭青口及蜆、野生海中蝦、帶子、法國活蠔,品種豐富,還 配有兩杯美味的柑橘雞尾酒——分別名為 Red Lady 和 Vic's Secret 。 緊接着的菜式是意大利布拉塔芝士配番茄($188), 柔軟而有質感的芝士和 新鮮的番茄完美融合。下一道是煙熏香煎鹿兒島和牛西冷扒配新鮮山葵、日本 醬油粉、沙律($460), 將西冷牛肉切成大塊,稍許熏制,為嫩牛肉增添了微妙 的質感。適量的芥末和大豆作為配料帶出肉的香味。 另一道菜式是黑松露菌鴨清湯伴鴨肝燉蛋($150),裝在一個現代風格的茶 盅裡,這是全新搭配。 我們還品嚐了三款西班牙小食:澳洲和牛牛肩肉串配日式酸汁($168),西 班牙辣肉腸串燒配煙熏甜椒($138)和八爪魚串燒配墨西哥辣椒($128) ——這些 精美小食配上雞尾酒或一杯冰鎮氣泡酒或葡萄酒,十分美味。 我們的主菜是法式焗阿拉斯加鱈魚、紐西蘭蜆、野菌、黑水欖($220)和美 國 1855 頂級黑安格斯肉眼扒($388)與青蘋果青瓜沙律,青蘆筍和焗甜薯配車 打芝士作為配菜。鱈魚肉質很嫩,入口即化;我們很喜歡調味品中的苦艾酒。 牛排份量很足,小乾蔥和紅酒將肉質的美味全然帶出。 最後我們以一道十分香甜的意大利芝士蛋糕配特濃咖啡雪糕($109)結束了 這次晚宴。 來這裡享受一次完美的用餐體驗吧——精品美食和迷人海景,定讓您 印象深刻。■





Ode to Urban Honey


TATE Dining Room & Bar G/F-1/F, 210 Hollywood Road, Central 中環荷李活道210號地下及1樓

2555 2172

Les Hauts Du Tertre, Bordeaux, 2009


assion, hard work and talent make a powerful combination for success. Such is the case for TATE, a much-touted French restaurant in the city. Behind the success is Vicky Lau, a native Hongkonger and an up-and-coming culinary star.

Ode to Chinese Yam, in which the Chinese Yam is escorted by smoked eel, aroma of sesame oil with a delicate touch of Ossetra caviar; another intriguing concoction. A brioche with house-fermented Tofu butter – a first for us – was a winner at our table.

Chef Lau started her career as a graphic designer, but quickly found her passion in French cooking and switched careers. After enrolling in prestigious cooking classes and apprenticing under an acclaimed chef, Lau opened Tate Dining Room & Bar in 2012. The restaurant, which serves French dishes with a healthy dose of Asian influence, was a hit from the start, garnering numerous awards along the way, including a Michelin star.

Ode to Kumquat arrived promptly: warm sea scallop accompanied by aged kumquat Grenobloisestyle sauce – the scallop is tender with just the right texture. Ode to Olive, Alfonso fish complemented by fishbone olive sauce, eastern olive leaf and Dracontomelon jam, was another dish that we consumed eagerly. A trio of white wines was served: 2014 Jean & Sebastien Dauvissat Chablis; 2015 Cailbourdin Pouilly-Fumé ‘Les Cris’; and from Ningxia in China, the 2015 Silver Heights Family Reserve Chardonnay, which were all well-matched with the food.

Tate relocated to its current, larger space in 2017; it’s a two-storey venue that also houses Poem Patisserie, Lau's new dessert venture. It's clear that the new space has been elegantly and thoughtfully designed in all its elements, from decor to furnishings to table setting, attesting to its Lau’s unerring attention to detail. Chef Lau's cooking philosophy is her passion to take fusion cooking to a rarefied level of creativity, with a subtle but noticeable blending of French with Cantonese ingredients. The meals are themed as “Odes” – poetic tributes to new dishes. For our much-anticipated dinner we had the eight-course menu, “All the odes” ($1,680 per person), with a six-glass wine pairing ($780 per person). After an amuse bouche, we started with Ode to Tomato: fruit tomato with tomato green tea kombucha, Sicilian red prawn, langoustine and Chinese onion. We gave a special nod to the tasty Sour Dough bread with House Seaweed Butter served. A glass of Chartogne-Taillet Sainte Anne champagne accompanied the meal. Next was

28 | OCTOBER 2018

There followed a real treat – Ode to Scallion: Blue lobster lightly steamed, balanced with a duet of scallion ginger sauce and Vin Juane Shaoxing wine foam. The Cantonese influence of this dish is unmistakable, and to excellent effect. Our final entree was Ode to Mayura Beef, beef striploin with soy-braised Shitake mushroom and grilled green asparagus – the tender meat, the sauce and the ingredients all meshed together well. A nice Rhone, the 2013 Perrine Gigondas, accompanied the beef. Two desserts, Ode to Tofu, light tofu vanilla espuma with lemon mint compote and balanced by Dragon Well Ice cream, and Ode to Urban Honey, a mignardise surprise, accompanied by a delightful sweet Bordeaux, the 2009 La Tour Blanche, completed this highly enjoyable dinner. A dining experience at Tate is enlightening, exploratory and memorable; you should really give it a try.■

Ode to Scallion


Ode to Chinese Yam 淮山搭配煙熏鰻魚

TATE 餐廳就是典型代表。 TATE 是香 成功需要激情、勤奮和天賦, 港備受推崇的法國餐廳,主廚是劉韻棋 (Vicky Lau),這位土生土

長的香港人現已是烹飪界一顆冉冉升起的新星。 劉主廚的首份工作是平面設計師,過程中逐漸對料理美學產生興趣,轉 而開始學習烹飪課程,並獲得跟名廚學習的機會。她於2012年開設了 TATE Dining Room & Bar,主打揉合亞洲元素的法國菜,獲得無數獎項,更被評 為米其林一星級餐廳。 TATE 在 2017 年搬到兩層樓高的新址,還開設了高級餅店 Poem Patisserie。新店的所有元素都是精心設計,從裝飾、家具到餐桌佈置,無 不體現劉主廚對細節的把握。 劉主廚的烹飪哲學是將熱情與烹飪融合,將法國元素和廣東食材融合, 研製出精美創意料理。我們品嚐的菜餚以“Odes”為主題,表達一種詩意 讚頌。 我們的晚宴是固定的‘ 8 道菜’菜單,‘ Odes ’全系列 ( 每位 $1,680) 配 有 6 杯酒品 ( 每位 $780) 。品嚐了精緻開胃菜後,首先登場的是 Ode to Tomato——西紅柿配單叢茶、昆布茶及日本鮮蝦和中式蕎頭。酵母麵包配 昆布牛油很美味,還配有一杯 Chartogne-Taillet Sainte Anne 香檳。接下 來是 Ode to Chinese Yam——淮山搭配煙熏鰻魚、芝麻油及上等魚子醬, 我們還第一次品嚐牛油麵包配腐乳牛油,奇特卻美味的搭配。 接下來是 Ode to Kumquat——香煎帶子配法式陳年柑桔醬汁,帶子肉 質柔軟,口感極佳。另一道美味是 Ode to Olive——香煎雕魚配中式橄欖魚 湯醬汁及仁稔醬。配有三款白葡萄酒: 2014 Jean & Sebastien Dauvissat Chablis 勃艮第, 2015 Cailbourdin Pouilly-Fumé ‘Les Cris’ 和 2015 Silver Heights Family Reserve, Chardonnay, 中國寧夏,酒品與食物的搭 配恰到好處。 今晚的主角登場——Ode to Scallion——法國藍龍蝦配中式薑蔥龍蝦 醬汁及紹興酒泡沫。顯而易見這道菜深受廣東菜式的影響,味道非常好。 最後一道主菜我們品嚐的是 Ode to Mayura Beef——澳洲和牛配醬油冬 菇和香酵露筍,鮮嫩的牛肉配上醬汁,令人食指大動。搭配的酒品是 2013 Perrine Gigondas, Rhone。 最後我們以兩款甜點結束了這頓美味晚宴,分別是 Ode to Tofu—— 淡豆腐及香草濃郁泡沫配薄荷檸檬醬汁及龍井茶冰淇淋,和 Ode to Urban Honey 一款法式甜點并搭配 2009 La Tour Blanche, Bordeaux。 TATE 為您帶來獨特而具啟發性的餐飲體驗,令人難忘,絕對值得 一試。■ OCTOBER 2018






Welcome to CityLife’s Dining Guide – visitors’ first stop for restaurants in Hong Kong. Updated every month, our concise and candid comments help you choose the perfect restaurant. 歡迎來到《東方之珠》的飲食指南,我們定期為你送上新鮮時尚的飲食速遞。 我們坦誠而精明的推介希望能助你覓到真正的香江滋味。

$ $$ $$$ $$$$ $$$$$

<$150 $150 - $300 $300 - $500 $500 - $700 >$700

Average price of dinner per person, not including drinks. 以每位晚餐平均價錢計算, 飲料不包括在內。

Fooklore 享福

Fooklore, located in the basement of the Empire Hotel in Wanchai, is the latest brainchild of Fook Lam Moon Group, whose flagship restaurant bearing the same name sets the gold standard for fine Cantonese dining in the city. The same space was occupied by another stalwart of the group, Guo Fu Lo, which recently moved to The Murray. Fooklore continues to serve refined Cantonese dishes including top-of-the-shelf dim sum. In a welcome move and departure from its sister restaurants, Fooklore has added Sichuan dishes to its menu. For our lunch, we sampled a combination of Cantonese and Sichuanese dishes plus dim sum. The dim sum dishes included Steamed Dumpling with Yellow Fungus ($80), Deep Fried Dumplings with Crab Meat and Chinese Chives ($55). We then had its signature Hors d'Oeuvres Poached Chicken with Chili Oil ($220) and Peanut Sauce Pan-Fried Lotus Root Cakes ($160/$220). This was followed by the delicious Double-boiled Soup with Matsutake and Fungus ($120). Then we had the Deep Fried Spare Ribs with Lychee Osmanthus Sauce ($180), Sautéed Shrimps with Chilies ($380) and Fried Rice Vermicelli with Fresh Crab Meat and Dried Shrimps ($280) to complete the meal. The Cantonese food was always going to be excellent, given the restaurant's lineage, but we were equally impressed with the quality of the Sichuan food. Fooklore is a sparkling addition to the city's Cantonese fine dining scene and well worth your visit.

位於灣仔皇悅酒店地下的享福酒家,是福臨門集團旗下的年輕 時尚新店。集團的福臨門酒家多年來享負盛名,是精緻粵菜的代 表。享福位於國福樓餐廳原址,如今國福樓已遷往美利酒店。享 福酒家提供精緻的粵菜、高檔點心,但與姊妹餐廳不同的是,它 新加了許多四川菜式,深受歡迎。 午餐時,我們品嚐了幾款粵菜、川菜以及精緻點心。首先品 嚐的是黃耳金魚餃 ($80) 、韭菜炸蟹盒 ($55) ,隨後享用了川粵前 菜——重慶口水雞($220) 、香煎蓮藕夾($160/$220) 。接下來是美 味的松茸燉雙耳($120),緊接着還品嚐了荔枝桂花骨($180)和香辣 炒蝦($380),最後我們以一道潮式蝦乾蟹肉炒米粉($280)結束了這 頓午宴。享福不僅粵菜美味,川菜的口味同樣讓人驚喜。 在粵菜餐廳遍地開花的香港,享福無疑是不容忽視的新力軍, 趕快來嚐鮮吧!

LG2, Empire Hotel, 33 Hennessey Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong 香港灣仔軒尼詩道33號皇悅酒店 LG2 2861 2060

30 | OCTOBER 2018


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Braza Churrascaria Brazilian Steakhouse ($$$)

Hong Kong 香港島

Braza Churrascaria Brazilian Steakhouse

The Peak 山頂 Lú Feng 爐峰 ($$)

Taking its cue from the old Hong Kong teahouseconcept, the latest restaurant atop the peak, Lú Feng, takes visitors on a journey through time by flawlessly showcasing the evolution of Hong Kong’s culinary culture. Shop 3A-B, Level 2 &3, The Peak Tower, Central. 2886 8680 以香港舊式茶居為藍本,爐峰酒家於已正式落戶山頂凌宵閣。酒家承傳了古老 香江風格,揉合現代新穎元素,巧妙地將香港飲食文化以嶄新方式呈現出來。 山頂凌霄閣 2&3樓3A-B號舖, 2886 8680

Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. 阿甘蝦餐廳 ($$$) Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. 阿甘蝦餐廳

Braza features an all-you-can-eat continuous tableside service with a wide variety of different cuts of meat, chicken and seafood in succession. Enjoy a trip to Brazil without leaving Hong Kong! 3rd Floor, Grand Progress Building, 15-16 Lan Kwai Fong, Central. 2890 9268 Braza主打巴西風味的半自助餐,各種美味肉類和海鮮隨叫隨切,讓您在香港也 能盡享巴西風情!中環蘭桂坊15-16號協興大廈3樓,2890 9268

Chilli Fagara 麻辣燙 ($$)

This cosy boutique restaurant specializes in fiery Sichuan dishes and personalized service. Shop E, G/F, 51A Graham Street, Central. 2893 3330 . 這家精緻的餐廳環境舒適,服務周到,提供香辣可口的四川特色菜。中環嘉 咸街51A地下E鋪,2893 3330

Admiralty 金鐘 Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. is the first and only casual restaurant chain based on a motion picture. It is an all-embracing family dining experience themed on Forrest Gump’s life, philosophy and love of shrimp. The restaurant has been an instant success, just like the movie. Shop 304-305, 3/F, The Peak Tower, 128 Peak Road, The Peak. 2849 2867 阿甘蝦餐廳有限公司是首間且唯一一間以電影為主題概念的休閒連鎖式餐廳 集團,餐廳以阿甘的生命、哲理及對鮮蝦的熱愛為主題,成立後迅即如電影 般好評如潮。山頂山頂道128號凌霄閣3層304-305號舖,2849 2867

Ruth's Chris Steak House 茹絲葵牛排餐廳 ($$$$)

Five cuts of beef served up sizzling on a garlic-buttered platter presented with friendly, American-style service. G/F, Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway, Admiralty. 2522 9090; 108-110, Level 1, Tsim Sha Tsui Centre, 66 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon. 2366 6000. 提供各式牛扒,在熱騰騰的碟子裡嘶嘶作響,美國式的友善服務令人感覺賓至 如歸。金鐘金鐘道89號力寶中心地下, 2522 9090;九龍尖沙咀東部麼地道66 號尖沙咀中心1樓108-110號鋪,2366 6000

L'Atelier de Joël Robuchon ($$$$$)

Central 中環 Jimmy's Kitchen 占美廚房 ($$$$) Jimmy's Kitchen 占美廚房

Jimmy's Kitchen Central is an institution that has been serving international food since 1928 and is an oasis of continuity and service. The menu offers a full array of international dishes ranging from English bangers and mash to Chinese fried rice to Indian curries. G/F South China Building, 1-3 Wyndham Street, Central. 2526 5293 中環占美廚房自1928年開業以來一直供應各類國際美食,在飲食界享譽盛名。餐 廳供應多國菜式,從英式腸仔薯蓉、中式炒飯至印度咖哩也應有盡有。中環雲咸 街1-3號南華大廈地下,2526 5293

Bombay Dreams ($$)

Food lovers return time after time for the authentic Indian cuisine at Bombay Dreams. The lunch buffet is a favourite among professionals. 4/F, 77 Wyndham St, Central. 2971 0001 . 一間甚具品質的正宗印度餐廳,擁有一批忠心的食客定期捧場;當中以自助午 餐最受歡迎。中環雲咸街77號4樓, 2971 0001

Opened since 2006, this three-Michelin-starred restaurant operated by celebrity chef Joel Robuchon has set the ultimate standard for contemporary French fine-dining L'Atelier de Joël Robuchon with creatively presented, innovative dishes and chic décor. It’s the perfect venue for a special dining experience. Shop 401, 4/F, The Landmark, 15 Queen's Road Central, Central; 2166 9000 這家三星級米其林餐廳於2006年開 業,由名廚 Joel Robuchon 經營,因 其創新菜餚、創意佈局和別緻裝潢, 成為當代法國美食之標杆。絕對是享 受完美用餐體驗的理想場所。中環皇 后大道中 15 號置地廣場 4 樓 401 號舖, 2166 9000

Yè Shanghai 夜上海 ($$$)

Savour high-end Shanghainese cuisine in a chic environment inspired by the elegance of old Shanghai. 3/F, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty. 2918 9833; 6/F, The Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel, 3 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2376 3322. 在時髦別緻的環境下,品嚐高級的上海佳餚;餐廳的設計靈感來自昔日的上 海,別有一番韻味。金鐘 金鐘道88號太古廣場3樓, 2918 9833 ;尖沙咀廣東 道 3 號馬哥孛羅香港酒店 6 樓,2376 3322

Yè Shanghai 夜上海

32 | OCTOBER 2018

Causeway Bay 銅鑼灣

Wan Chai 灣仔

FireBird ($$)

Tsukiji • Yamataka Seafood Market 築地 • 山貴水產市場 ($$$)


Grilled Japanese-style skewered chicken is the signature dish at FireBird. For a change of pace, FireBird also serves well-balanced cocktails using Japanese spirits and ingredients, alongside carefully selected Japanese craft beers, shochu, sake, chuhai, hoppy etc. for food and wine pairing. G/F, Coin Organize Centre, 13 Pennington Street, Causeway Bay. 2386 5218. FireBird 串燒酒吧除主打雞肉串燒之外,還有多款日本酒 及特色雞尾酒,鼓勵食客在享受食物之余,多以不同酒類 配襯美食,為港人的餐飲文化重新定位。銅鑼灣邊寧頓街 13號集貴中心地下,2386 5218

The Grand Buffet 自助山 ($$$)

This impressive seafood market serves fresh seafood and sashimi from Tsukiji and it also imports seasonal ingredients from around the world to provide a unique offering of dishes and merchandise. Signature dishes include various sushi sets (from $98), the Whole Lobster Roll ($168) and Seafood Platter ($398) with fresh oysters, jade whelk and abalone. 2/F, Wan Chai Ferry Pier, Wan Chai; 3974 5609; 築地 • 山貴水產市場除了提供每日由築地直送的刺身和海產 外,亦會從世界各地引入最時令的新鮮食材,務求為顧客 帶來最獨特的菜式和商品。必試菜式包括多款壽司盛($98 起),全隻龍蝦包($168)和海鮮拼盤,其中包括新鮮生蚝、 翡翠螺和鮑鱼等 。灣仔灣仔碼頭2樓,3974 5609

Since its opening in 2015, Grand Buffet has attracted locals and visitors alike for both its dishes, many of which are prepared in front of guests, its extensive wine collection and its novel wine vending machines that allow for impromptu wine tasting, and its unparalleled 360-degree vista. 62/F Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai. 2506 0888, 2506 0666. 自助山於2015年開業,餐廳的許多食物均屬即叫 即煮。除了豐盛的美食,餐廳更設有自助式餐酒 機,讓食客品嚐到多款世界各地的美酒,加上360 度迷人景緻,吸引了眾多本地食客和遊客前來一 探究竟。灣仔皇后大道東 183 號合和中心 62 樓; 2506 0888,2506 0666

Tsukiji • Yamataka Seafood Market 築地 • 山貴水產市場

The Grand Buffet 自助山






Western District 西區 Café Malacca 馬來一菜館 ($$)

It is arguably the best Malaysian restaurant in Café Malacca 馬來一菜館 Hong Kong, featuring p o p u l a r d i s h e s f ro m Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Singapore. Check out its new afternoon tea set ($288 for 2) serving authentic savoury treats s u c h a s c u r r y p u ff s , kaya toast with a cup of Malaysian Kopi-o (coffee) (from 3-5 pm, daily) Level 2, Hotel Jen Hong Kong, 508 Queen's Road West, Western District, Hong Kong (HKU MTR Station Exit B); 2213 6613. 馬來一菜館向來被不少饕客認為是香港最好的馬來西亞菜餐廳,餐廳主打一系 列來自吉隆坡、檳城和新加坡的特色美食。不妨試試餐廳新推出的下午茶套餐 ($288兩位),包括咖喱酥、咖央多士等一系列星馬小食,配以檳城咖啡,享 受悠閒午後時光。(每天下午3-5時)西環皇后大道西508號香港今旅酒店2樓 (港鐵香港大學站B2出口),2213 6613

Hotpot Instinct 火鍋本色 ($$)

This fashionable hotpot restaurant serves several flavours of soup base, with signature ingredients ranging from Deluxe Beef Platter, Handcut Local Beef, Australian Lobster to Shrimp Paste. It’s the perfect gathering place for you and your friends. 1/F, Kam Ho Court, 144-148 Belcher's Street, Kennedy Town, 3464 0741; 6/F, The L. Square, 459-461 Lockhart Road, Causeway Bay, 2573 2844; Shop 3-5, 18 Tanner Road, North Point, 2337 9668 這間精品式私房火鍋店提供多款美味湯底,特色配料有牛魔王拼盤、手切肥 牛、澳洲龍蝦、竹筒蝦滑等等,適合三五好友聚會。堅尼地城卑路乍街 144148號金豪閣1樓; 3464 0741 。 銅鑼灣駱克道459-461號The L. Square 6樓; 2573 2844。北角丹拿道18號3-5號铺 , 2337 9668

Kowloon 九龍

Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀 Aqua ($$$$)

A penthouse with breathtaking views of Victoria Harbour, this uber-cool restaurant presents two distinct culinary styles – Aqua Roma (Italian) and Aqua Tokyo (Japanese). 29-30/F, One Peking Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 3427 2288. 位於高層閣樓,維港風光盡收眼底。這家別具風格的前衛餐廳,提供 Aqua Roma(意大利菜)和Aqua Tokyo(日本菜)兩種迥然而異的風味選擇。尖沙咀北 京道1號29及30樓,3427 2288

Playa de Papagayo ($$)

Situated in the heart of the bar Papagayo district in Tsim Sha Tsui, Papagayo offers a distinctive and hearty Spanish-inspired menu. Don’t miss grabbing some of their specially mixed sangrias along the way. Enjoy a 30 percent discount on all à la carte items at weekend brunch from 12 noon to 5pm. Open daily 12 noon-2am, G/F, Shop No.2, 8 Observatory Road, Tsim Sha Tsui; 2323 1379 位於尖沙咀酒吧街中心地帶的 Papagayo 提供獨特而豐富的西班牙菜餚,特 調雞尾酒及桑格利亞汽酒也是好選擇。逢周六日中午 12 時至下午 5 時,正價 餐牌菜式可享七折優惠。中午 12 時至凌晨 2 時;九龍尖沙咀天文台道8號地下 2號舖,2323 1379

34 | OCTOBER 2018

China Tang 唐人館 ($$$$)

Chinese cuisine in a stylish setting with harbour views. The extraordinary bar area comprises an elegant bar lounge and outdoor terrace serving the most delicious cocktails along with dim sum, bar snacks and Tang Express lunch sets. Shop 4101, 4/F, Gateway Arcade, Harbour City, 17 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2157 3148 China Tang 唐人館 主打傳統精緻中菜,尖沙咀海港 城九龍旗艦店坐擁維港海景,特 設中西合壁的酒吧及戶外露天悠閒地,讓食客一邊品嘗美酒,一邊觀賞美 景。酒吧區每天供應多款雞尾酒、佐酒小食、即叫即製點心及午市套餐等。 尖沙咀廣東道17號海港城港威商場4樓4101號舖,2157 3148

London House ($$$)

The two-storey London House in Alfresco Lane by celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay creates a strong English pub-like ambiance. Its signature Shepherd’s Pie is a must-try and its traditional dessert Bread and Butter Pudding is also fantastic. G5, Tsim Sha Tsui Centre, 66 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 3650 3333 位於尖東美食里的兩層餐 廳London House由名廚 Gordon Ramsay主理,走英 式酒吧路線,英倫味甚重。 菜式首推羊肉批,傳統甜點 奶油麵包布丁味道一流。尖 沙咀麼地道 66 號尖沙咀中心 G5號舖,3650 3333 London House

Osteria 意大利餐廳 ($$$)

Combining old and new styles, Osteria Ristorante Italiano serves mouthwatering traditional Italian dishes, with tableside cooking, authentic Italian pizzas, fresh homemade pasta and gelato. Mezzanine Floor, Holiday Inn Golden Mile, 50 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui; 2315 1010 Osteria意大利餐廳融合傳統與創新的意大利烹調手法,製作出一系列正宗意大 利美饌、意大利薄餅、自製意大利面和意式雪糕。尖沙嘴彌敦道50號金域假 日酒店閣樓,2315 1010

Towada Sushi 十和田総本店 ($$)

Towada Sushi is a stylish addition to Hong Kong's burgeoning array of sushi outlets. Towada serves quality sushi at reasonable prices, with fresh seafood flown in daily from Japan. Signature dishes include Crab Paste Salad, Live Octopus with Ponza and Live Abalone. G/F, China Cameron Centre, 42 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2668 8791. 十和田壽司已於尖沙咀隆重開幕,每天由日本空運高級食材到港,以極具吸引 力的價格為顧客帶來最地道的日本風味。招牌菜式包括蟹膏沙律、活八爪魚酢 和活鮑魚。尖沙咀金馬倫道42號華懋金馬倫中心地下,2668 8791

Towada Sushi 十和田総本店



Mercedes Me

How about gazing at an iconic automobile while enjoying a leisurely meal in a comfortable but chic space in the heart of the city? That is what you’ll experience at Mercedes Me, a cutting-edge lifestyle concept played out in its 500-square-metre store located in the bustling heart of Central. The Mercedes Me design concept is “Haus”, meaning ‘home’. The starkly decorated yet friendly space is meant to provide a homey ambience both in feel and utility – its window-front serving as a garage displaying the latest Mercedes models, as well as classic or concept cars; a boutique retail area selling Mercedesthemed souvenirs; and an all-day dining lounge area serving delectable and healthy modern dishes from breakfast to afternoon tea to late-night dinners and drinks. Mercedes Me offers an enticing Brunch ($395 per person) on weekends. Its starters are a selection of small plates, including Seasonal Tropical Fruit Bowl, Selection of House-Made Pastries, Cured Beef Carpaccio, and Baby Gem Leaves. One main course is selected from a list – we chose Grilled Australian Hanger Steak and Soft Free Range Scrambled Eggs. Desserts include Compressed Golden Pineapple, Strawberry Ice-Cream Bar and Hazelnut Praline. Cocktails are available as is free-flow of bubbly, at from $185 to $295 per person depending on the choice of beverage.

在市中心一間舒適的餐廳一邊享用美食一邊欣賞名車,絕對是奢華難忘 的體驗。 Mercedes Me 將這種新潮時尚的生活概念帶到繁忙熱鬧的中環。 佔地 500 平方米的新店以“ Haus ”(家居)為主題,裝飾舒適且溫馨,顧 客可以感受到親切的居家感,店鋪窗口展示最新的梅賽德斯經典車型或概念 車;精品零售區出售梅賽德斯主題紀念品;更特設餐廳為客人提供全天候的 健康美味菜餚,包括早餐、下午茶、晚餐和飲品。

Mercedes Me在周末提供美味的早午餐(每位$395)。早午餐供應多種小 份開胃菜,包括應季熱帶水果拼盤、精選自製糕點、醃製生牛肉片和迷你寶 石菜葉。主菜我們選擇了澳大利亞厚裙牛排和炒野生嫩蛋,甜品則是菠蘿及 草莓冰淇淋以及榛子果仁糖。還配有雞尾酒以及氣泡酒,氣泡酒從 $185 到 $295不等,且無限量供應。

G/F & 1/F, Manning House, 38-48 Queen's Road Central, Central 中環皇后大道中38-48號萬年大廈地下及1樓 Showroom 展示區: +852 2598 7155 Restaurant 餐廳: +852 2598 7080 mercedes-me/store/ OCTOBER 2018





Hong Kong has an ever-morphing slew of drinking spots that cater to everyone, from after-work tipplers to a crew on a session. If you're after a drink, you're likely to find yourself drawn to one of four areas: Causeway Bay, Central, Wan Chai or Tsim Sha Tsui. 香港有無數多姿多采的消閒酒吧,適合喜好喝酒或偶然才喝酒的你。喝過幾杯後,想轉換一下新環境繼續耍樂? 請留意以下四處好介紹:蘭桂坊、荷裏活道及荷南美食區一帶,灣仔及尖沙咀的諾士佛台。

Hong Kong 香港島



Club @28

This chic rooftop indoor/outdoor bar is adjacent to the hotel’s infinity pool, which overlooks the city. Open daily 5pm-1am (2am on weekends). Rooftop, Crowne Plaza Hotel Hong Kong, 8 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay. 3980 3300. 位於酒店頂層與露天泳池相連,適合小酌或暢飲,更可俯瞰都市景色。營業時 間︰下午5時至凌晨1時(週末至凌晨2時)。銅鑼灣禮頓道8號銅鑼灣皇冠假 日酒店頂層,3980 3300。

Dickens Bar 雙城吧

This large, lively sports bar has good pub grub and large-screen TVs perfect for sport-watching. Open daily 12pm-1am (2am on Fri, Sat & P.H.) Excelsior Hotel, 281 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay. 2837 6782. 一所充滿生命力的酒吧,提供英式美食、飲品及運動賽事觀賞等,洋溢著一片 英國氣氛。營業時間:中午 12 時至凌晨 1 時(星期五、六及公眾假期至凌晨 2 時)。銅鑼灣告士打道 281 號香港怡東酒店, 2837 6782 。

Inn Side Out/East End Brewery

A secluded gem, perfect for a casual drink and good American-style food. Open daily 11:30am-2am (1:30am on Fri & Sat) 2nd Floor, South China Athletic Association, 88 Caroline Hill Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. 2895 2900. 靜中帶旺的戶外美式餐廳,食物和飲品均水準一流,是暢飲閒聊的好去處。營 業時間:中午11:30至凌晨2時(星期五、六至凌晨1:30)。銅鑼灣加路連山 道88號南華會2樓,2895 2900。

ADMIRALTY 金鐘 Fish Bar 魚吧

A stylish alfresco venue against a backdrop of lush greenery and scenic mountain views, overlooking the luxurious outdoor pool. Enjoy speciallycrafted cocktails, daily fresh catch and seafood prepared in enticing ways. Mon - Sun 12 noon - 10:30 pm; 7/F, JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong; 2810 8366. 位於酒店戶外泳池旁,擁有翠綠優美的水巒景色,讓客人於輕松悠閑的環境 中,享受特選雞尾酒、是日精選魚類及合時海鮮。營業時間:星期一至日下午 12時至10時半;香港金鐘道88號太古廣場香港JW萬豪酒店7樓; 2810 8366。


Energetic live music and affordable drinks keep this bar packed with a lively crowd all day and night. Open until the crowd dwindles. 38 D'Aguilar Street, Lan Kwai Fong. 2525 0957. 充滿活力節拍的現場音樂與多款精美飲料,吸引大批 捧場客前來享受晚間的 愉快時光。24小時營業。蘭桂芳德己立街38號,2525 0957。


A dining bar specializing in light contemporary Italian cuisine; one of the best places for after-work happy hour. Ground Floor, 43 Wyndham Street, Central. 2116 8055. 型格酒吧,充滿和式風味,提供現代意式小食;最適宜下班後前去喝一杯。 中環雲咸街43-45號地下D及E舖,2116 8055。

WAN CHAI 灣仔 Champagne Bar 香檳吧


Art Deco themed bar with daily live entertainment by a pianist and jazz vocalist; ideal for pre-theatre drinks and late night rendezvous. MonSun 5pm-2am. L/F, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, 1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai. 2584 7722. 這家備受推崇的酒吧,以時尚藝術為設計主題,加入現場琴師和法籍歌手的 醉人旋律,是人們小聚和深夜閒聊的理想之處。顧名思義,香檳吧素來聞名 於其全港首屈一指的香檳選擇。客人現更可享受一系列享負盛名的精品香 檳,包括︰Pierre Peters, Les Chetillons, Blanc de Blancs (2004), De Sousa - Brut Tradition NV及Vilmart Grand Cellier等。各款香檳皆提供杯裝及瓶裝 選擇。營業時間:星期一至日,下午5時至凌晨2時。灣仔港灣道1號香港君 悅酒店大堂層,2584 7722。



A favourite for chic after-work cocktails, Armani/Privé is an upbeat lounge and a chill-out rooftop terrace with skyscraper city views. 2/F Landmark Chater (Chater House), 8 Connaught Road. 3583 2828. ARMANI/ PRIVE由氛圍輕鬆愉悅的酒廊及愜意悠閒的頂層平臺組成,平臺將中環 摩天大廈的壯觀景色盡收眼底,讓人切身感受到香港璀璨繁華的躍動脈搏。中環 幹諾道中8號置地遮打大廈2樓,3583 2828。

LEVELS The 8,000-square-foot space now features the latest Logic Systems Pro Audio from one of the UK's heritage audio brands, over 25 SQM of LED screens, and state-of-the-art laser lightshows, resulting in a brand new immersive clubbing experience tailored to each visiting DJ or performing artist's style. Mon–Sat 6:30pm-5am. 2/F On Hing Terrace, 1 On Hing Terrace, Central. 2850 6826.


佔 地 8 , 0 0 0 呎 的 LEVELS擁有英國 傳統音響品牌Logic Systems Pro Audio最 新音響系統,長達 25 米的LED屏幕,以及最 先進的雷射燈光設備, 結集成全新迷人的娛樂 體驗。星期一至六夜晚 6:30 至早上 5 時。中環 安慶臺安慶大廈2樓。2850 6826. | OCTOBER 2018

Seat yourself on the infamous reclining dentist's chair at this Mexican bar and restaurant and get Triple Sec and tequila poured down your throat direct from the bartender's bottles. Open daily noon - 2am. 114-120 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai. 2861 2221. 這是一家富有特色的墨西 哥酒吧和餐廳,你可以躺 在彷如牙醫診所那款傾斜 的靠椅上,侍應會把你的 雞尾酒直接從調酒師處送 Coyote 到你跟前。營業時間:中 午 12 時至凌晨 2 時;灣仔 駱克道114-120號,2861 2221。

Ophelia 鳥語花香

Hong Kong’s newest nightlife destination at The Avenue in Wan Chai brings sophistication, intriguing cocktails and tantalising entertainment to Hong Kong in a one-of-a-kind space. Tue-Thu 6pm to 2am, Fri-Sat 6pm to 4am, SunMon closed. Shop 41A, 1/F The Avenue, Lee Tung Avenue, 200 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai. 2520 1117. 香港全新飲食娛樂熱點已於灣仔利東街正式開業,絕對會為客人帶來驚豔的體 驗,當中精緻迷人的雞尾酒和誘人的娛樂表演,必定能刺激客人的各個感官, 讓人樂而忘返。營業時間:星期二至四下午6時至深夜2時,星期五、六下午6 時至深夜4時,星期日及星期一暫不營業。灣仔皇后大道東200號利東街囍匯1 樓39A至41A店鋪,2520 1117。

The Wanch

An unpretentious and fun bar offering live music seven nights a week with different performers every night. Mon-Sat 5pm till late; Sun 4pm till late. 54 Jaffe Road, Wan Chai. 2861 1621. 不虛裝門面的酒吧,一星期七天均有現場音樂助興,而且表演者每晚不同,保 持新鮮感。營業時間:星期一至六,下午 5 時至深夜;星期日,下午 4 時至深 夜。灣仔謝斐道54號,2861 1621。

The White Stag

Watch the live TV sports coverage of your favourite teams in this open-fronted and laid-back pub. Open daily; Quiz Night every Sun & Mon from 7:30pm. 54-62 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai. 2866 4244. 這間悠閒舒適的酒吧提供體育賽事的直播,因此經常傳出陣陣喝彩聲。每日營業: 星期日及一的問答之夜從7時30分開始。灣仔駱克道54-62號,2866 4244。


Party with the younger expat crowd and exchange students at this fun nautical-themed pub, which sometimes gets so crowded that people spill out onto the street. Open daily 8pm-10am; Ladies night every Wednesday. 37-39 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai. 2527 2077. 年輕的外籍人士以及留學生常常聚集在這家以航海為主題的酒吧中大玩瘋狂派 對,擁擠時人們甚至站在酒吧外的街道上暢飲。營業時間:每日晚上 8 時至上 午10時;星期三為女士之夜。灣仔駱克道37-39號,2527 2077。




6:20 PM

Kowloon 九龍


A place for guests to look out over the spectacular Victoria Harbour, with exotic drink in hand and seafood from the South China Sea. Open 11:30am till late. 30/F, iSQUARE, 63 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2487 3988. Eyebar 讓賓客親身體會維多利亞港的懾人魅力,在欣賞美景的同時輕嚐醇釀美酒,品味南中國海 的海鮮美食。營業時間:中午 11:30 至深夜。尖沙咀彌敦道 63 號 iSQUARE 國際廣場 30 樓, 2487 3988。

The Bar 半島酒吧

The Bar offers a stellar list of craft cocktails, rare single malt whiskies and vintage Armagnacs served in an exceptional setting. It’s the perfect place to unwind after work, cement business ties or enjoy a quintessential Martini, accompanied by the sounds of authentic jazz pianist Jimmy Alegre. Mon-Sun 3pm-12:30am. 1/F, The Peninsula Hong Kong, 22 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2696 6773. 半島酒吧供應多種精緻的特調雞尾酒。在格調非凡的環境中品嘗一杯罕有的單一麥芽威士忌和陳年 雅馬邑,簡直是人生樂事。伴以鋼琴家 Jimmy Alegre 演奏悠揚抒情的爵士樂,無論是公余小酌,商 務洽談都無比稱心。星期一至日下午3時至凌晨12時30分。尖沙咀梳士巴利道22號香港半島酒店1 樓,2696 6773。

The Lobby Lounge at InterContinental Hong Kong 香港洲際酒店大堂酒廊 Chill out over drinks and jazz music in a relaxed setting and unimpeded views of Victoria Harbour. Check out the 68 Moments promotion (Mon-Thurs, 6pm-8pm with 68 drinks & snacks at just $68 each) and fabulous Jazz Nights with Hong Kong’s great jazz artists, including the legendary jazz musician Eugene Pao. Daily 7:00am to 1:00am; 18 Salisbury The Lobby Lounge at Road, Tsim Sha Tsui; 2313 2323. InterContinental Hong Kong 大堂酒廊的巨型落地玻璃窗,映照維多利亞港和港島 香港洲際酒店大堂酒廊 區如畫的景色,擁全球最佳海景美譽。切勿錯過每晚 的醉人爵士夜現場表演,香港爵士教父包以正為您獻上精彩演出。逢星期一至四晚上6時至8時, 大堂酒廊更特備68款$68的小吃和飲品,讓您盡情享受這特別的「68 時刻」。每日早上 7 時至凌 晨 1 時;尖沙咀梳士巴利道 18 號;2313 2323。





A round-up of Hong Kong’s quality spas, beauty rooms and massage centres. 齊集全港優質美容中心、按摩中心和水療中心。

The Spa at Four Seasons 四季酒店

Hong Kong 香港島

CAUSEWAY BAY 銅鑼灣 Life of Life Healing Spa

The spa features a state-of-the-art biopulsar machine that they say checks the physical and mental status of clients in order to tailor-make treatments. 10/F & 11/F Continental Diamond Plaza, 525 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay. 2838 1661. 水療中心設有先進的健康測試儀器,只需把手放在 感應器上便可檢查客人的健康狀況,計算出合適的 療程。銅鑼灣軒尼詩道525號恆和鑽石大廈10樓及11 樓, 2838 1661 。


Contemporary and chic, this brand uses customised flower and plant extracts in its treatments. 16/F, Soundwill Plaza, 38 Russell Street, Causeway Bay. 2923 7888 . 這裡時髦又現代化,採用的鮮花和植物精華全為顧 客量身訂造。銅鑼灣羅素街 38 號金朝陽中心 16 樓, 2923 7888 。

This spa has it all: views across the harbour, the very latest relaxation methods, and 22,000 sq ft of luxurious space comprising treatment rooms and state-of-the art hydrotherapy facilities. Four Seasons Hotel, 8 Finance Street, Central. 3196 8888. 位於港島臨海,備有先進的美容和休閒設備。面積達 22,000平方呎,裝潢豪華,具有多個水療室,設備優 良。中環金融街8號四季酒店,3196 8888 。 Iyara day spa, a favourite among Central’s young female professionals, has three locations offering facials, manicures, pedicures, massages, waxing, body scrubs, and wraps in a relaxing Thai-inspired atmosphere. Central 2545 8638, Mid-Levels 2530 1666, Wan Chai 2545 8637. 體驗優質的美容水療呵護以及享受洗滌心靈的泰式水 療,你可以選擇各項皮膚護理、美甲、按摩,或者是 蜜蠟脫毛護理、身體磨砂及體膜護理等,以及數小時 的半天 SPA組合。中環: 2545 8638 ,半山: 2530 1666,灣仔:2545 8637,

BIO Beauty Spa 純一堂

Step into the safe haven of Bio Beauty Spa and refresh yourself with a relaxing body massage or facial. The spa offers a range of treatments to suit your needs, from basic nourishing facials to state-of-the-art laser and TriLipo treatments

Bio Beauty Spa 純一堂

Elemis Day Spa

One of the city's first independent luxury spas; the facility spreads out over 4,000 sq ft and offers an extensive range of body treatments. 9/F, Century Square, 1 D’Aguilar Street, Lan Kwai Fong. 2521 6660 . 這是香港一流的水療中心,佔地超過4,000平方呎, 洋溢一片「禪」風,設備豐富多種療程可供選擇。蘭 桂坊德己立街1號世紀廣場9樓, 2521 6660。


| AUGUST 2018 2018 |OCTOBER

造私密憩靜的私人空間。專業美容師為客人提供各項 獲獎及效果顯著的護理。灣仔港灣道1號香港君悅酒 店11樓,2588 1234 。



personalized experiences with private rooms and highly trained professionals. Room 201, 2/F, 29 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central. 2489 0222.; www.biobeautyspa. com 這所半醫學美容水療中心環境優雅,美容師及治療師 都具備高度職業水準;一系列高質激光護理和三極射 頻膠原自生養護療程,能有效緊緻肌膚,恢復細胞活 力;更有按摩及改善體形等療程,令你的身體和容 顏皆保持最好狀態,重新尋回青春。中環擺花街 29 號2樓201室;2489 0222.;

private rooms with en-suite bathrooms. 11/F, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, 1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai. 2588 1234 . 靜水沁園水療中心位於香港君悅酒店11樓,為客人打


The Day Spa at Seasons to relaxation at The Day Spa, offering a great range of treatments for members and nonmembers alike. Featuring a new male spa, professionally trained therapists, and treatment rooms overlooking Hong Kong Park. 3/F, ICBC Tower, No.3 Garden Road, Central. 2878 6211 . The Day Spa at Seasons Fitness是脫離城市生活忙碌和 熙來攘往的理想地方,提供一系列的治療和一個豪華、 輕鬆和無壓力的環境。我們的治療房間是一個平靜的避 風港,舒適的氣氛,讓您的頭腦、身體和靈魂放鬆。中 環花園道中國工商銀行大廈3字樓,2878 6211 。

The Oriental Spa at the Landmark Mandarin Oriental 置地文華東方酒店的東方水療中心

Located in the heart of Central, this centre offers the ultimate spa experience with a comprehensive range of wellness facilities and signature spa treatments created exclusively for the Mandarin Oriental. 5/F, 15 Queen's Road, Central. 2132 0011. 位於中環黃金地段的置地文華東方酒店之內,專為賓 客提供各款尊貴的美容、按摩及獨家精選的水療療 法。中環皇后大道中15號5樓, 2132 0011 。

WAN CHAI 灣仔 Plateau Spa 靜水沁園水療中心

Plateau Spa, located on the 11th floor of the Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, offers privacy and an escape from the world. Award-winning, resultoriented treatments are conducted in luxurious

Plateau Spa 靜水沁園水療中心

Sunny Paradise 新瀛閣

Established almost 20 years ago, this spa is a popular, cheap and cheerful option where the wear and tear is part of the charm. The most popular treatment is the traditional Chinese body massage. 341 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai. 2831 0123 . 擁有約20年歷史,收費合理相宜,歲月的痕跡為中心 增添魅力。傳統中式全身按摩廣受歡迎,由專業水療 師親自主理。灣仔駱克道341號,2831 0123 。

Kowloon 九龍


I-Spa incorporates the 4,000-year-old Chinese philosophy of feng shui. Beauty treatments include Ancient Rituals of the Orient – a fusion of different Asian therapies designed to balance the body's yin and yang. 3/F, InterContinental Hong Kong, 18 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2721 1211 . 水療中心融入中國4,000年歷史的風水元素,提供糅 合東方古法療程的美容服務,融會亞洲各式療法,以 平衡身體的陰陽。尖沙咀梳士巴利道18號香港洲際酒 店3樓,2721 1211 。

Mu Lan Spa 沐蘭水療中心

This oasis of tranquillity combines contemporary Oriental design with commodious treatment rooms and an array of men's and ladies' services to melt away stress. Shop 411-3, Ocean Centre, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui. 3107 2028; 2/F, Club Lusitano, Duddell Street, Central. 3102 0208 . 繁囂都市中的一片綠洲,充滿現代東方韻味的設計, 舒適寬敞的房間,提供優質水療服務。尖沙咀海港城 海洋中心411-3號鋪,3107 2028;中環都爹利街西 洋會大廈2樓,3102 0208 。

The Peninsula Spa by ESPA

The spa offers a personalised experience in a setting sculpted to perfection. Private rooms, large massage beds and top-of-the-line treatments and products. The Peninsula Hotel, Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2696 6682 . 與眾不同的格調,打造奢華完美的水療體驗,中心 設有私人護理室、舒適寬敞的按摩床及優質完善的 護理療程和產品。尖沙咀梳士巴利道半島酒店, 2696 6682 。


GALLERIES The scoop on some of the best art showrooms and their current exhibitions

Ron Arad “CUBA working title” at Over the Influence 16 Sep-28 Oct. Inspired by the lore of perfectly refurbished automobiles in Cuba, Arad had the idea to crush loved CubanAmerican cars as poetic symbols of American nostalgia that has infiltrated cultures around the globe. However, repatriation of the vintage cars proved difficult, as they are considered national treasures and protected by the state. Instead of using cars from Cuba, Arad listened to some advice from celebrated Cuban artist, Esterio Segura to “just get the feeling of Havana cars – it doesn’t matter if the cars come from Europe.” He decided to adapt his idea to “Cuban” cars found in Europe and work with Segura on a collaboration: a pressed car made by Segura specifically for this exhibition. Tue-Sat 11am–7pm;1/F, 159 Hollywood Road Central Hong Kong; 2617 9829;

‘The Primordial Rhythm of the Earth’ at Oi Ling Antiques 19 Oct -19 Nov. “The Primordial Rhythm of the Earth” (原韻) is a symphony rendered not in musical notes but in colours. The powerful images presented in this collection are inspired by Zhou Lian Hua's (周蓮華) perception of a universal rhythm that gives order and harmony to all elements, both celestial and earthly. This understanding of a universal rhythm came to her implicitly at a young age during her childhood on a farm— an upbringing largely in tune with the changes of and variations of natural phenomena in seasons and climates. There’s momentum, and movements that begin and end, imparting on the hearer/viewer a rich nuance of emotions that invites them to experience feelings of mortality: anticipation, hope, sadness, complexity, and joy. Mon - Sat 10am - 7pm, Sun 1pm - 6.30pm; 72 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong; 2815 9422;

"The night when dews are becoming frost, October 8th" (寒露), 120x120cm

‘Catch the Moment – Paintings by Marco Szeto’ at YAN Gallery 27 Oct-9 Nov. “Whatever induces him to catch the moment becomes a new creation of art.” Marco Szeto was born in Hong Kong in 1955 and has been painting since the age of two years old. He received early training in ink painting from the late Lui Shou-kun. In 1977 he went on to Madrid, where he concentrated on the art of Velazquez. With such a rich artistic background, Marco has the freedom to cross boundaries in styles and traditions, blending Eastern and Western techniques, feeling free to use whatever media is available to him to create his own unique style of art. 1/F, Chinachem Hollywood Centre, 1 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong; Mon-Sat 10:30am – 6:30pm, Sunday and Public Holidays by Appointment Only; 2139 2345;

"Little Red 紅豆豆", Watercolour and Chinese Ink on Paper 紙本彩墨, 34x65cm , 2016

"Frost appears and the temperature begins to descent, October 23rd" (霜降), 120x120cm

‘TETSUO MIZÙ: MIZÙ IN HONG KONG’ at the Whitestone 29 Sep - 28 Oct. Whitestone Gallery is p l e a s e d t o p re s e n t Te t s u o M i z ù ’s s o l o exhibition at H Queen’s, Hong Kong. This e x h i b i t i o n s h o w c a s e s t h e a r t i s t ’s b o d y of abstract works, inspired by the coded system of international maritime signal flags. Mizù’s motifs of maritime signal flags make him a very unique artist; working with the coded system of international maritime signal flags, where the alphabets embed d i ff e re n t m e a n i n g s , w i t h d i ff e re n t s e t s of colors and patterns, an assortment of primary colors and geometrical shapes are put together to create meanings, in order to communicate between ships at sea. Tue-Sat 11am- 7pm; 7-8/F, H Queen’s, 80 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong ;2523 8001;

OCTOBER 2018 |




ANTIQUES The premier places to find genuine articles 古董店尋珍覓寶

Oi Ling Antiques 燕譽堂

From furniture and stone pieces to terracotta, bronzes and rare books, Oi Ling Antiques has a deserved reputation for excellence that draws collectors from far and wide. The family-run business offers certificates of authenticity, including Oxford TL Test certificates for all terracotta pieces. 燕譽堂位於中環荷李活道,是一家家族經營的古玩店,經營範圍包括中國古董家具、石雕、陶器、高 古青銅器和古籍。公司所售的陶器都已經做了市場認可的牛津科學檢測。除了中環的門市外,尚有鴨 脷洲倉庫,陳列了各式各樣古董家具。

Censers were popular in the Han dynasty. This goose-shaped example is life like with the back of the goose body is latticed, allowing smoke to rise from it. The censer is similar in function to the more well - known boshanlu-style censers from the Han period, but its form is very different. Incense was burned not just for the aroma, but also for practical reasons, such as to keep insects away, and to purify the air. Combining aesthetics, practicality, and philosophy, censers are of high artistic and historical value. Mon-Sat, 10am - 7pm, Sun 1pm - 6.30pm. 72 Hollywood Road, Central. 2815 9422. 熏爐是我國古代香具之一,漢代相當盛行。這雁形熏爐形態逼真,寫實性強,雁身背部鏤刻出 煙孔,其下有承盤。其功用與當時盛行的博山式爐如出一轍,惟形態迥異。滿足當時燃燒香料的需 要,驅蟲避害和淨化空氣等實用性需求。結合美觀、實用與五行思想,具有極高的藝術和學術價 值。營業時間︰星期一至六,早上 10:00 至下午 7:00 ;星期日,下午 1:00 至 6:30 。中環荷李活道 72 號地下; 2815 9422; A Han dynasty Goose-shaped censer, 206BC-220AD Dimensions: 21cm x h:16cm 漢朝雁形薰爐, 206BC-220AD 尺寸﹕21厘米 x 高﹕16厘米

Orientique 吉慶堂

Orientique is a Hong Kong-based antique and fine art dealer, established for nearly three decades. It is now located in the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, in the heart of Central. Orientique specializes in fine quality Chinese imperial ceramics and other important and rare works of Chinese art, ranging from pottery of the Neolithic, Tang and Han dynasties, to Ming and Qing imperial porcelain. Shop M4, Mezzanine Floor Mandarin Oriental, 5 Connaught Road Central. Mon-Sat 10:30am-7:00pm; 2526 5889. 位於香港中環文華東方酒店的吉慶堂已紮根香港將近 30年,專門經營極具收藏價值的中國古 董瓷器及其他中國文玩,是城中著名古董店之一。貨品包括唐朝及漢朝之陶器、宋朝、明朝及清 三代的官窑瓷器等。中環干諾道中5號文華東方酒店M4鋪;星期一至六上午 10:30至晚上7:00;

2526 5889;

A rare pair of blue glazed bowls Qing Dynasty, Daoguang mark and of the period 1821-1850. Diameter: 18cm 清道光霽藍釉碗一對 清道光 1821-1850 ,「大清道光年製」款 直徑﹕18厘米

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An extremely rare famille rose ‘Shoushan fuhai’ vase Qing Dynasty, Daoguang mark and of the period 1821-1850. Height: 28.5cm 清道光粉彩「壽山福海」瓶 清道光 1821-1850 ,「大清道光年製」款 高﹕28.5厘米

Altfield Gallery

One of Hong Kong’s premium dealers in Chinese furniture as well as in maps, prints, and Buddhist sculptures from China and Southeast Asia, Altfield has garnered itself a quality reputation in the Hong Kong market. Mon-Sat, 10am-7pm; Sun, 11am-5pm. 248-9 Prince’s Building, Central. By appointment; 9/F, Warehouse at Gee Change Hong Kong Centre, 65 Wong Chuk Hang Road. 2537 6370.

Altfield 是香港其中一間著名的古董商店,出售來自中國及東南亞優質古董傢具、地圖、圖畫 及佛像雕塑,其名聲在香港可謂數一數二。中環太子大廈 248-249 號鋪,星期一至六上午 10 時 至晚上 7 時,星期日上午 11 時至下午 5 時。香港仔黃竹坑道 65 號志昌行中心 9 樓,請提早預約; 2537 6370 ;

A Doucai 'Floral' Bowl at Altfield Gallery 道光款鬥彩 纏枝蓮紋碗

Arch Angel Antiques

This respected, large and reliable European-run antiques gallery has a huge authentic stock, built up over 25 years. The museum-quality collections of thermo-luminescence-tested ancient artefacts specialise in sculptural pieces as well as early celadon wares. It also houses one of the largest Qing dynasty blue-and-white porcelain collections in Hong Kong. The gallery has a reputation for fair dealing and excellent service – all items come with access to expert packing and shipping services and photograph certificates. Open daily, 9.30am-6.30pm. 70 Hollywood Road, Central. 2851 6828. 這家聲譽可靠的著名古董店在業界立足已超過25年,收藏大量古董珍品,有經熱釋法年代測證的博物 館水準珍藏,尤以漢朝、六朝和唐朝的雕塑為主,更有一系列新石器時代至漢朝的古董容器和早期的 青瓷;並擁有香港最龐大的清朝青花瓷系列之一。店舖特別鐘情於早期的中式傢具,多件16至18世紀 的古傢俱均經過精心挑選和恰當修復。來自中國及東南亞區的罕見石刻、銅雕塑及佛像亦可見於其圖 鑑,當然還少不了赤陶雕塑。此外,店中有超過200幅祖傳卷畫,所有珍品都附帶照片證書,由專家包 裝,並可託付船運,無條件保證其真偽。營業時間︰上午9時30分至晚上6時30分,假期照常營業。中 環荷李活道70號;2851 6828。

Six Dynasties Northern Wei period (386 A.D. to 534 A.D.) Pottery soldiers at Arch Angel Antiques 六朝北魏時期 (386 A.D. to 534 A.D.) 彩陶武士俑




See and learn something new at the city's fascinating museums 博物館探知及展覽資訊

Hong Kong Heritage Museum

Digital Dunhuang — Tales of Heaven and Earth

Mogao Cave 285 Western Wei period

11 Jul - 22 Oct 2018

莫高窟第285窟 西魏

Together with a presentation of unearthed artefacts, the grotto a r t o f D u n h u a n g , a n d t h e l a t e s t m u l t i m e d i a t e c h n o l o g y, t h e exhibition offers an opportunity to study Dunhuang culture up close and lear n about the stories of the world of Buddhism.

M o n / We d - F r i 1 0 a m – 6 p m S a t / S u n & p u b l i c h o l i d a y s 1 0 a m – 7 p m C l o s e d o n Tu e ( e x c e p t p u b l i c h o l i d a y s ) ; 2 1 8 0 8 1 8 8 ;


數碼敦煌- 天上人間的故事


展覽透過數位化保護技術的成果,結合敦煌出土文物,石窟藝術和嶄 新的多媒體節目體驗,帶領您深入認識敦煌文化,細味佛國世界和平 凡 眾 生 的 故 事 。星 期 一 、 三 至 星 期 五 : 上 午 十 時 至 下 午 六 時 星 期 六 、 日及公眾假期:上午十時至晚上七時逢星期二休館(公眾假期除外); 2180 8188 ; hk

Tableau illustrating the Sutra of the Prophecy of Maitreya's Rebirth on Earth Yulin Cave 25 Mid Tang dynasty 彌勒下生經變 榆林窟第25窟 中唐

Hong Kong 香港島 Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum 孫中山紀念館

The museum focuses on Sun’s life in Hong Kong and his contributions to China. Featuring two permanent exhibitions supplemented by rotating special exhibitions in co-operation with the many Dr Sun Yat-sen museums on the mainland. Weekdays (closed on Thursdays) 10am-6pm, weekends & Public Holidays 10am-7pm. Free. 7 Castle Road, Central. 2367 6373. 孫中山紀念館為你介紹孫中山先生的生平事蹟,及其 革命事業對中國的影響。紀念館內不單設有兩個長期 展覽,由大陸主辦的孫中山特別展亦會定期來港參 展。除展覽場館以外,還有視聽、活室等設施。開放 時間:平日上午10時至下午6時(逢星期四休館); 星期六、日及公眾假期至晚上7時。免費入場。中環 衛城道7號, 2367 6373 。

Flagstaff House Museum of Tea Ware 茶具文物館

Originally the home of the commander-inchief of the British forces, the museum houses a huge collection of tea ware in Hong Kong's oldest surviving colonial building. It contains the KS Lo Gallery with its permanent exhibition of rare ceramics and seals from the Song and Ming dynasties. Weekdays (closed on Tuesdays except public holidays) 10am-6pm, Free. Admiralty MTR, Exit F. Hong Kong Park, 10 Cotton Tree Drive, Central. 2869 0690. 這座古老殖民地時期的建築物,本是英軍司令官的住 宅,現在收藏了各類茶具,包括特色茶壺、水壺、 茶杯、茶碗、茶葉罐和酒瓶等。另外還有羅桂祥茶 藝館,長期展出宋明朝陶器和印章。開放時間: 平日 上午 10 時至下午 6 時(逢星期二休館,公眾假期除

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Donor Portrait of Lady Wang from Taiyuan in Worship Mogao Cave 130 High Tang Dynasty Copy by Duan Wenjie

外)。免費入場。港鐵金鐘站F出口。中環紅棉路10 號香港公園, 2869 0690。

Hong Kong Maritime Museum 香港海事博物館

A fascinating history of seafaring with models of ships and early travel paraphernalia (including Louis Vuitton luggage). Interactive games include a ship simulator – built with 1950s equipment – that allows you to dock in Victoria Harbour. MonFri, 9.30am-5.30pm; Sat & Sun, 10am-7pm. HK$30. Central Ferry Pier 8, Central, Hong Kong. 3713 2500. 人類精彩的航海歷史將於香港海事博物館展出。展品 包括船隻模型、早年的航行工具,如路易威登的行李 箱等等;設有船模型電子遊戲,參觀者可使用1950年 代的航海設施模擬把船隻停泊於維多利亞港。開放時 間:星期一至五上午9時30分至下午5時30分;星期 六及日上午10時至下午7時。入場費HK$30。香港中 環八號碼頭, 3713 2500。

Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence 香港海防博物館

Formerly known as the Lei Yue Mun Fort, the site occupies a strategic position guarding against enemy incursions into Victoria Harbour during the colonial era. It has now been redeveloped to allow the public to appreciate the history and artifacts from those times. Monday to Wednesday, Friday to Sunday: 10am – 6pm (March - September), 10am – 5pm (October - February). Free. 15-minute walk from Shau Kei Wan MTR Station, Exit B2; 175 Tung Hei Road. Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong . 前身是舊鯉魚門炮台,佔據戰略位置,可監視接近 維港的敵船,在殖民地時代有重要作用。炮台改建 後已對公眾開放,保存和展示香港六百年的海防歷

都督夫人太原王氏禮佛圖 莫高窟第130窟 盛唐 段文傑臨摹

Stone Statue of the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Tang dynasty 托塔天王石立像 唐

史。週一至週三,週五至週日: 10am – 6pm ( 3 月至9月),10am – 5pm(10月至2月)。免費入 場。港鐵筲箕灣站B2出口步行15分鐘;香港筲箕灣 東喜道175号

Kowloon 九龍 Hong Kong Museum of History 香港歷史博物館

At the heart of this museum is the “Hong Kong Story”, a showcase of the territory's complete history. Weekdays (closed on Tuesdays) 10am6pm, weekends & Public Holidays 10am-7pm. Free. Tsim Sha Tsui MTR, Exit B2. 100 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2724 9042. “香港故事”主題展覽是這棟博物館的心臟部份, 細說香港歷史發展點滴。開放時間:平日上午 10 時 至下午6時(逢星期二休館);星期六、日及公眾假 期至晚上 7 時。免費入場。尖沙咀漆咸道南 100 號, 2724 9042。交通:港鐵尖沙咀站B2出口。

Hong Kong Science Museum 香港科學館

The museum combines education with fun. It houses Hong Kong's first airliner as well as hundreds of interactive exhibits suitable for all ages. Weekdays (closed on Thursdays) 10am7pm; weekends & Public Holidays 10am-9pm. Admission: HK$20 adults (Wednesdays free). Tsim Sha Tsui MTR, Exit B2. 2 Science Museum Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East. 2732 3232. 展覽寓學習於娛樂,展出香港首架飛機,並有多個 豐富互動的展品,適合男女老幼,定能樂在其中。 開放時間:平日上午10時至下午7時(逢星期四休息); 星期六丶日及公 假期至晚上9時。成人入場費 HK$20,逢星期三免費入場。尖沙咀東科學館道2號, 2732 3232。交通:港鐵尖沙咀站B2出口。

Tai Kwun

Centre for Heritage and Arts The revitalised Central Police Station compound, the largest heritage project in Hong Kong, has opened its doors to the public as Tai Kwun – Centre for Heritage and Arts. The CPS compound comprises 16 historic buildings, including three declared monuments (Central Police Station, Central Magistracy and Victoria Prison), on a 13,600-square-metre site in the heart of Central. An international-grade art gallery and an auditorium have been added to contribute to the adaptive reuse of the site. The heritage site includes new art galleries and the Parade Ground and Prison Yard. Entry is free of charge, however places are limited, especially during peak times, and visitors are encouraged to get a Tai Kwun Pass, which guarantees access. 10 Hollywood Road, Central. 11am – 11pm.


古蹟及藝術館 全港最大型古蹟保育項目,中區警署建築群完成活化,將以「大館」:古蹟及藝術館的名稱,向 公眾開放。中區警署建築群包括前中區警署、中央裁判司署和域多利監獄三項法定古蹟,共16幢 歷史建築及數個戶外空間,佔地13,600平方米,位處中環核心地帶,加上新建的國際級美術館與 綜藝館,配合場地的活化再用。大館首階段開放包括11座歷史建築、新建的美術館和綜藝館、檢 閱廣場和監獄操場。2018年5月10日開始,公眾可透過大館網站預訂「大館証」,在2018年5月 29日起到訪參觀,持有「大館証」將可保證入場。中環荷李活道10號。 預約詳情請參閱官方網站

Hong Kong Space Museum

Reopening of Permanent Exhibition Halls

"Man in Space" showcases the history of human space exploration 「人類在太空」介紹人類勇闖太空的歷史

Covering a total area of 1,600 square metres, the "Hall of the Cosmos" and "Hall of Space Exploration" house a hundred new exhibits, of which about 70 percent are interactive. With the aid of interesting hands-on exhibits and advanced equipment coupled with lighting effects and environmental decorations, the exhibition vividly introduces astronomy and space science. The "Hall of the Cosmos" showcases the Universe from near to far, travelling from the solar system that we are living in, to the stars, Milky Way and galaxies further away and exploring the science and evolution of the universe all along the way. The "Hall of Space Exploration" depicts the development of space exploration and space technology. Closed on Tuesday (except Public Holidays). Standard ticket HK$10. 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui. 2721 0226.


"Shenzhou Re-entry Capsule" provides a 3D photo effect for visitors inside a re-entry capsule 「神州號太空船返回艙」讓觀眾躺臥在返回艙內, 拍攝極富立體感的照片

展覽廳重新開放 香港太空館設有兩個展覽廳,分別為「宇 宙展覽廳」和「太空探索展覽廳」,合 共面積 1,600 平方米,當中設置約一百件 新展品,其中約有七成屬互動展品。展 覽透過有趣的互動展品和先進儀材,配 合燈光效果和環境布置,介紹天文及太 空科技新知。「宇宙展覽廳」展示探索宇 宙由近至遠的概念,從我們身處的太陽系 開始,再推展至恆星,銀河系及更遙遠的 星系,以至探索宇宙的演化及相關的科 學。「太空探索展覽廳」主題則環 繞 太 空 探 索 和 太 空 科 技 的 發 展 。逢 星 期 二 休館(公眾假期除外);標準票HK$10; 尖沙咀梳士巴利道 10 號; 2721 0226 ;

"Icy Bodies" creates comets with dry ice to simulate their jets and movements 「冰封天體」利用乾冰製成彗星, 模擬彗星的噴流及運動

OCTOBER 2018 |



Star Ferry

Big Bus Tours

sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck

The ultimate Hong Kong experience. These much-loved vessels have over 100 years' history and are still one of the cheapest forms of local transport. 登上天星小輪是蒞臨香港不可錯過的體驗之一。這 種交通工具運載乘客已超過一世紀,至今仍是全港 最便宜的交通工具之一。

Big Bus Tours take visitors to all the city’s popular attractions, including Victoria Peak, Ladies’ Market, Man Mo Temple, Aberdeen and more. Tours offer personal recorded commentary available in 10 languages. 在香港,Big Bus Tours觀光遊會帶遊客走遍城中 著名旅遊景點,包括太平山頂、「女人街」、文 武廟及香港仔等。作為全球觀光導賞的精英,大 巴士觀光遊更有多達十種語言的錄音介紹,既細 心又詳盡。

Located on 100th floor of ICC, the tallest building in Hong Kong, sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck is the only indoor observation deck in Hong Kong offering 360-degree views of the territory and its famous Victoria Harbour. 天際100香港觀景台位於全港最高的環球貿易廣場 100樓,是全港唯一能360度鳥瞰全港四方八面不 同的景觀及維港景色的室內觀景台。連接主要交 通網絡及國際級購物商場,是旅客訪港必到的第 一站。


Ferries leave from Central Pier 7 to Tsim Sha Tsui; and from Wan Chai to Tsim Sha Tsui. 小輪於中環 7 號碼頭前往尖沙咀,亦設灣仔至 尖沙咀航線。 $2.7-$3.7

Classic Ticket 精選套票 HK$480 (Adult 成人) HK$430 (Child aged 5 - 15 ; 5 歲至 15 歲小童) 2723 2108

$188 (Adult 成人) $128 (Child & Senior 小童和長者). Kowloon MTR Exit C, from 2/F, Metal Zone at Elements shopping mall, access a direct walkway leading into sky100 港鐵九龍站C出口,連接圓方商場金區2樓 2613 3888

Hong Kong Disneyland

Ocean Park

The Peak Tram and The Peak Tower

From Disney Parks’ first Marvel-themed ride, the allnew ‘Iron Man Experience’ to ‘Star Wars: Tomorrowland Takeover’, Hong Kong Disneyland offers immersive and unforgettable experiences that cannot be missed. 迪士尼樂園首個漫威主題遊樂設施「鐵甲奇俠飛行之旅」 現已開幕!從全新的鋼鐵人(港譯:鐵甲奇俠)到星戰 主題區,樂園帶來多元獨特的體驗,讓您的奇妙旅程更 豐富。

Ocean Park Hong Kong is a marine-life theme park featuring animals, thrill rides and shows. The two major attractions areas, the Waterfront and the Summit, are connected by the Cable Car and Ocean Express funicular train. In Aqua City, you can watch Symbio, a multi-sensory show featuring the world’s first 360-degree water screen. 海洋公園是一個世界級海洋動物主題樂園,分 「海濱樂園」及「高峰樂園」兩個景區,由架空纜 車及海洋列車連接。夢幻水都主題區有全球首創的 360度水幕表演「雙龍奇緣」,為您帶來連場聲光 交匯的視聽震撼。

Dating back to 1888, The Peak Tram is a steep funicular railway that allows passengers to enjoy panoramic views of Hong Kong. At the top, The Peak Tower is an attraction in itself, with fun shopping, dining, and entertainment. 山頂纜車自1888年開始行駛至今,接載乘客往返陡峭 的山坡,俯視香港壯觀迷人的景色。山頂凌霄閣是集 購物、飲食及娛樂於一身的著名旅遊景點。


1-Day Ticket: Standard Day 普通日子樂園1日門票 General Admission 標準 (Aged 12-64,12至64歲)HK$619 Child 小童(Aged 3-11,3至11歲)HK$458 Senior 長者(Aged 65+,65歲或以上)HK$100 MTR Disneyland Resort Station 港鐵迪士尼站 +852 3550 3388


天際 100 香港觀景台 | OCTOBER 2018


$480 (Adult 成人), $240 (Child 小童). MTR Ocean Park Station Exit B 港鐵海洋公園站B出口 3923 2323


The Peak Tram departs every 10-15 min from the Peak Tram Station, Garden Road, Central. Board the Peak Tram shuttle bus No. 15C at the Central (Near Star Ferry Pier 8) Bus Terminus. 山頂纜車每 10-15 分鐘由中環花園道纜車總站開 出,可由中環乘坐15C(天星碼頭8號碼頭附近)穿梭 巴士前往花園道山頂纜車站。 One-way 單程: $37 (Adult 成人), $14 (children and seniors 小童及長者);Return 來回: $52 (Adult 成人), $23 (children and seniors 小童及長者).

Hong Kong Wetland Park 香港濕地公園

Hong Kong Wetland Park is a world-class ecotourism park that's a fantastic spot to enjoy some of Hong Kong’s unique flora and fauna. The park is also home to an impressive cast of wildlife, including birds, butterflies, dragonflies, amphibians, reptiles and fish. 香港濕地公園是一個世界級的生態旅遊設施,園 內有品種繁多的動物,包括雀鳥、蝴蝶、蜻蜓、 兩棲和爬行類及魚類等。

$30 (Adult 成人) $15 (Child & Senior 小童和長者) 10am-5pm, closed on Tuesdays (except public holidays) 星期二休息(公眾假期除外) Wetland Park Road, Tin Shui Wai, New Territories 新界天水圍濕地公園路 3152 2666

Ngong Ping 360 昂坪360

Noah's Ark Hong Kong 香港挪亞方舟

It really is like gazing upon the ark itself, which is why the world's only full-size replica of Noah's Ark is popular with both international and local visitors. Noah’s Ark Hong Kong is a wonderful place for parents and children to bond in a comfortable, natural environment, where entertainment and education are combined in diverse activities that promote life, family, the earth and positive values. 全球唯一根據遠古所載,以一比一的比例大小建造 的香港挪亞方舟。這個主題景點適合一家大小同 遊,您可以在方舟內參加益智好玩的活動,更可到 古樸的馬灣村,緬懷昔日漁村風。

MTR Tung Chung Station, Exit B. Walk for approximately five minutes to the Tung Chung Cable Car Terminal. 從港鐵東涌站B出口,步行約5分鐘至東涌纜 車站。 3666 0606

Where to find out more 更多資訊

580 1,550 Remarks: Extra tolls HK$100 for Hotels on HK side.

$168 (Adult 成人) $138 (Child & Senior 小童和長者) Ferry from Central Pier 2 (access via MTR Hong Kong Station Exit E pass through ifc mall) to Park Island (the journey takes about 20 minutes). Walk to the Pak Lai Road then turn left to Pak Lam Road. 從中環出發:從港鐵香港站E1出口,穿過國際 金融中心商場,於中環2號碼頭搭乘渡輪前往珀 麗灣碼頭,船程約20分鐘。下船後一直走到珀 麗路,然後再左轉至珀林路。 3411 8888 The 25-minute cable car ride shows visitors breathtaking views of Lantau Island and the South China Sea. At the top of the ride is Ngong Ping themed village which features a variety of dining, shopping and entertainment outlets. It sits right next to Lantau’s cultural heritage such as Po Lin Monastery and The Big Buddha, making it the perfect start for your Lantau journey. 昂坪纜車讓旅客享受大嶼山及南中國海風光明媚的 景色,纜車全程約 25 分鐘。登山後,更可到結合 飲食、購物及娛樂於一身的昂坪市集遊覽。此處連 接大嶼山的文化遺產,如寶蓮寺和天壇大佛,可作 為你開展大嶼山之旅的起點。


( Optional sampan ride can be made on spot on own account )

540 Child小童 (3-11yr) HK$450

• Lichi Park • Shenzhen Meridian View Centre (entrance ticket included) • Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horse Museum • Lo Wu Shopping Mall (approx. 2 hours)


Price inclusive: Pick-up transfer, Group China Visa, Transportation, Chinese lunch and guide service

950 Child 小童 (1-9yr) HK$870 Weekend - Adult HK$980 / Child (1-9yr) HK$900

Hotel concierges are mines of information about sights and tours, as well as being able to talk guests through the various options and offer seasoned advice. Visit for tourist information, suggested itineraries and much more. 酒店的禮賓服務台備有許多觀光及旅行團資料,能為旅客提供各種選擇和中肯意 見。此外,請瀏覽www.hkcitylife.com查看更多遊客必備資訊和建議行程等。 | 45



Airport Express 機場快線

MTR 港鐵 Useful Numbers 常用電話號碼 Emergency Services 緊急求救服務

The fastest way to get to the airport from Central. Trains depart Hong Kong Station (Central) every 12 minutes for the 24-minute trip to Hong Kong International Airport. One-way or same-day return from Central: HK$115 (child: HK$57.5). Round-trip: HK$205. 從中環往機場最快捷的方法是乘坐機場快線,列車從 中環的香港站出發,每隔12分鐘一班,到達機場需時 約24分鐘。香港站至機場站之單程或即日來回票價成 人每位收費$115(3至11歲小童每位收費$57.5),雙 程車票$205(有效期為一個月)。

2881 8888

The Mass Transit Rail system, MTR, covers all major districts and leading tourist attractions in the territory and borders mainland China. MTR also operates the Light Rail that runs between Yuen Long and Tuen Mun as well as inter-city trains into mainland China. MTR Mobile app (for Apple and Android products) is available for free download. 港鐵是香港方便快捷的交通工具,行走各個主要地 區,更連接中國內地邊境。港鐵同時經營輕鐵網 絡,行走元朗至屯門一帶,以及往來中國內地的城 際客運服務。現在你可以免費下載香港地鐵手機應 用程式(蘋果和安卓用戶)。

2881 8888

Octopus Card 八達通卡 Stored-value cards for travel on the MTR, buses, minibuses, trams, and ferries. Available at service counters at the Airport Express and MTR stations. Each card comes with a refundable HK$50 deposit which covers the card cost. Simply place the card on the Octopus pad and the fare is automatically deducted. 八達通是一款電子儲值卡,適用於港鐵、巴士、小巴、電 車及渡輪等公共交通工具,在機場快線和港鐵各站的客服 中心有售。每卡收取HK$50可獲退還的按金,當中包括了 卡成本。只要將八達通置於收費器上,應繳款額便會自動 從卡內的儲值額中扣除。

Please refer to 詳情請登入 for details. 2266 2222

Hong Kong High Speed Rail 香港高鐵

香港終於加入了中國的高鐵網絡。從西九龍高 鐵站出發,乘客可以直接前往深圳、廣州、武 漢、上海、北京等主要城市。到深圳福田和廣 州的票價分別為港幣 $78 和港幣 $247。

Tram 電車

下旗起計首 2 公里收費 $19-$24 ,其后每 200 米跳 表收費$1.2-$1.7,詳細收費資料張貼于車廂內之 「出租車收費表」上。乘客需按計價器繳付基本 車費,并以港幣支付車資,附加費包括隧道費、 橋樑費、司機回程費和行李載運費,可要求車費 收據。香港法例規定,如出租車內裝有安全帶, 乘客必須佩帶。

2804 2600

46 | OCTOBER 2018

To contact Hong Kong International Airport, call 2181 8888 要聯絡香港國際機場,請撥2181 8888。

Directory & Operator Assistance 電話查詢服務

To find business or residential phone numbers, dial 1081 for assistance in English, 1083 for Cantonese, or 1088 for Putonghua. 若要查詢電話,英語熱線請撥 1081 ,廣東話請撥 1083,普通話請撥1088。

Lost or Stolen Passports 有關證件遺失或被盜

•Australia 澳洲 •Malaysia 馬來西亞 •Canada 加拿大 •New Zealand 新西蘭 •China 中國 •Singapore 新加坡 •France 法國 •Taiwan 台灣 •Germany 德國 •Thailand 泰國 •Japan 日本 •UK 英國 •Korea 韓國 •USA 美國

Reporting Lost Cards 信用卡報失熱線

International Calls 長途電話

For over a century, trams on Hong Kong Island have been an inexpensive mode of transportation. You can ride the full length at $2.60 per adult, $1.30 per child and $1.20 for a senior. Get on at the back of the tram and pay at the front as you alight. 電車擁有超過一個世紀的歷史,是港島區的廉價交 通工具。全程收費成人每位$2.6,小童每位$1.3, 長者每位$1.2。乘客於車尾上車,車首下車,車費 於下車時繳付,可使用八達通卡。

2548 7102

2827 8881 2821 0800 3719 4700 2525 5044 2106 6303 2527 2212 3752 9900 2525 8315 2105 8788 2521 6481 2522 1184 2901 3000 2529 4141 2523 9011

To report lost or stolen credit cards, contact your credit card company. American Express: 2811 6122; Diners Club: 2860 1888; MasterCard: 800 966 677; Visa: 800 900 782 要報失信用卡,可聯絡你的信用卡中心; 美國運通:2811 6122,Diners Club:2860 1888, 萬事達卡:800 966 677及 Visa信用卡:800 900 782。

Taxi 出租車

Flagfall charges for the first 2km are from HK$19-24, with incremental charges of HK$1.21.7 for every subsequent 200m. Detailed taxi fare information is listed inside the taxi. Extra charges for tunnel and bridge tolls, driver’s return toll, and luggage handling. Refer to the taxi meter for exact charge and pay in HK dollars. Receipts given on request. Passengers are required by law to wear seatbelts.

Airport Connection 聯絡機場

For lost or stolen passports, first report the situation to the police, then contact your consulate or foreign affairs office to replace your passport. 若不幸遺失或被盜取證件,應先通知警察,再向你 所屬的大使館或領事館辦事處報告。

Hong Kong is finally joining China's High Speed Rail network. From the West Kowloon High Speed Rail Station, passengers can travel directly to major cities including Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Shanghai, Beijing and beyond. Fares to Shenzhen Futian and Guangzhou are HK$78 and HK$247 respectively.

2881 8888

Dial 999 for emergency ambulance, fire or police assistance, 24 hours a day. For police enquiries, call 2527 7177. 有關召喚救護車、火警或報警,請撥999,全日24 小時服務。警署查詢,請電2527 7177。

To call direct, dial 001 + the international country code: 直接撥號,應先撥001+ 各地域號碼,如下: •Australia 澳洲 61 •Malaysia 馬來西亞 60 •Canada 加拿大 1 •New Zealand 新西蘭 64 •China 中國 86 •Singapore 新加坡 65 •France 法國 33 •Taiwan 台灣 886 •Germany 德國 49 •Thailand 泰國 66 •Japan 日本 81 •UK 英國 44 •Korea 韓國 82 •USA 美國 1








Byron Ko, General Manager at the newly opened Hotel VIC, shares with us his experience in the hotel industry and at the new hotel he manages. 新開業的海匯酒店的總經理高冠恩先生與我們分享了他在酒店業 工作以及管理酒店的多年經驗。 I've worked in the hotel industry for 35 years. I joined the old Hyatt Regency in TST by chance, starting out as a receptionist for five years. I was named as an Ambassador by the Hong Kong Tourist Association, the first employee from Hyatt to be so selected. I then went into sales and marketing, learning about other aspects of the hotel business, and my career grew from there. I've moved around a lot. Besides Hong Kong, I've worked in 7 cities in China, including Dalian, Beijing, Shanghai, Harbin, Kunming, Nanyang in Henan, and Yantai in Shandong, plus Melbourne, and in various roles. One of my early mentors advised me that to advance my career I needed to see more places, learn more things and move around – and that's what I did. Hotel VIC is positioned quite uniquely. Our slogan is "Travel as a local; stay as a fashionista!" What we mean is that North Point, where the hotel is located, is an old neighbourhood, with lots of history and local experiences to offer, something tourists are increasingly looking for. The hotel itself though offers 5-star luxury, trendy design and a high-tech experience. We offer smart-living experience: our Hotel Vic app allows you to check in and out using our checkout Kiosk, plus access to all the guest services functions; we offer lightning-fast WiFi connection and our gym has two VR experience machines, a first in the city. My favourite parts of the job are twofold: I enjoyed the pre-opening. it was tough and challenging. But as an independent hotel, we weren’t constrained by a rigid set of guidelines. This has allowed us to be much more creative and flexible in deciding how best to meet our guests’ needs. Now that the hotel is opened I enjoy the new challenges every day, like this unprecedented typhoon we just had, through which our team worked day and night to make sure both the guests and the property were safe and we kept the business running. I think being a good manager means you listen well – whether it's your guests, whom I always try to ask about their stay experience and feedback, or my staff. A GM cannot serve every guest by himself, or work 24 hours – he is totally dependent on the frontline staff to take care of the guests – so I want to make sure they are listened to and are happy with their jobs. My favourite thing about Hong Kong is that it is so safe and convenient – you can walk everywhere at night and, with MTR and other public transport, it is so easy to get around anywhere, so you can do a lot in a short time. My three recommendations for visitors to Hong Kong: 1. Eat at Tung Po restaurant next door at the cooked food market and experience local food with local people 2. Check out Sunbeam Theatre nearby, the only one left in Hong Kong still performing Cantonese opera. 3. Get as souvenirs hand-made egg rolls from Duck Shing Ho located close by. Be there early as they sell out early.

48 | OCTOBER 2018

Byron Ko 高冠恩

我在酒店業工作了35年。一次偶然機會我加入了尖沙咀的凱悅酒 店,在前台工作了5年。後來我被當時的香港旅遊協會任命為大使, 我是凱悅第一位得到此殊榮的員工。隨後我進入了銷售和市場推廣領 域,多方面學習酒店業務,並正式開始酒店管理的職業生涯。 除香港外,我還在中國 7 個城市工作過,包括大連、北京、上 海、哈爾濱、昆明、河南的南陽、山東的煙台等,我還在墨爾本工作 過一段時間。早期有一位導師建議我,想進一步發展,需要去更多地 方,學習更多東西——很慶幸我做到了。 海匯酒店定位獨特。我們的口號是“體驗當地生活,享受時尚酒 店!”酒店所在的北角是一個古老街區,有着悠久的歷史和豐富的當地 傳統,越來越多的遊客對此感興趣。酒店本身提供五星級、豪華、時 尚且高科技的體驗。我們提供智能生活體驗:酒店的手機應用程式幫 助您快速辦理入住和退房手續,並提供所有的服務功能;此外更有高 速無線網絡,健身房裡還設有兩台虛擬現實健身體驗機,我們是香港 第一家提供虛擬實境體驗的酒店。 我十分享受工作中的兩個時期:一是籌備期。既困難又很有挑戰 性,因為我們是一家獨立酒店,沒有既定標準,因此我們可以更加創 造且靈活地滿足客人的需求。二是酒店開業後,我很享受每天都面臨 新挑戰,就像我們剛剛經歷的這場前所未有的颱風,我們的團隊夜以 繼日地工作,確保客人和財產的安全,並保證業務正常運行。 我認為做一個好經理要善於傾聽——無論是對客人還是同事,我 要了解他們的入住體驗和反饋。總經理不可能接待每一位客人,也不 能24小時工作——他需要依賴第一線員工——所以我希望聽到他們的 聲音,讓他們對工作滿意。 我最喜歡香港的安全和便捷,你可以在夜間乘搭港鐵、巴士或步 行到任何地方,到處都很方便且安全,效率很高。 我給遊客們的建議:

1. 去附近熟食中心裡的東寶小館,品嚐當地美食 2. 走進附近的新光戲院,這是香港僅存的一家可以觀賞粵劇的劇院。 3. 去附近的德成號購買大受歡迎的蛋捲作伴手禮,每日限量發售, 請提早出發。




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