CairnsLife Magazine July 2016

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winter warmers

Trentham queen bed $799 Also pictured: 2 drawer bedside $249 5 drawer chest $799


Maddi’s Favourites Natural wood, textured fabrics, and plush sofas are the key ingredients to creating a warm, welcoming environment this winter. Style your home for the season with unique pieces from Early Settler that will be loved by all for years to come. By combining timeless, comforting materials like reclaimed wood and textured fabrics with inspired design, Early Settler helps you tell your home’s winter story.

Sehatra timber pendant, antique grey $399 Maine 3 door, 3 drawer sideboard $1099

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Rustica coffee table $399

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Slouch sofa, vintage grey $2250

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LIFE Foreword July, wow, mid-winter and still not cool at all - welcome to a big, bold and beautiful issue featuring all that’s best about our green and pleasant city by the sea. In this feature filled edition we look up to the sky and showcase aviation in Cairns. Much has been happening in this important sector including 5,000,000 people through the airport in the last 12 months, a fantastic feat, and a testament to bold planning. We say Happy Birthday to GBR Helicopters as they reach the two decades mark. We say how high to Nautilus as they launch their flight school and top of the morning to variety of fantastic aerial adventures, destinations and services all emanating from Australia’s fifth busiest airport, from page 42 This month we also take a walk through the gamut of education and training providers all positioned to help get the most out of ourselves and our precious offspring. Whether looking for career advancement, take academic study to the next level, or find the best school, we look at it all in our extensive show-case from page 94.




Along with the usual favourites, we talk to Brett Moller, the new man in District 1. Luis Carvajal from Ochre gives us his favourite recipe and we support “buying local” with our spotlight on local businesses. As a local business ourselves, we are all for local commerce, join our crusade on page 65. Also we’d like to welcome another great photographer to our happy team, Bev Wilson from Elite Photography - apologies to Bev who actually started shooting for us last month with a great pic of Brett Olds, for which we failed to give her the proper credit. We hope you enjoy this issue, and remember to follow us on Facebook to see what we’re up to. Have a great month, David and the team.





CairnsLife is published by CairnsLife Pty Ltd. Publishers: Jacqui Nolan, Lance Collyer. Advertising: David Leith, Jodie Ferrero Eamonn Sheehan. Editorial: MIchelle Stacpoole, Suzy Grinter, Silvia Mogorovich, Janie Barton, Narelle de Jong, Sherrie Larsen Photographers: Mick Fuhrimann, Tony Gorell / Imagination Photography, Beverley Wilson - Elite Photography Accounts: Mary Mitchell New Offices: 76 Forest Gardens Boulevard. Tel 40 360 205 • CairnsLife Magazine is published monthly by CairnsLife Pty Ltd July 2016. All material within the publication remains the property of the publishers unless permission is otherwise sought in writing. Those who make advertising placement and or supply editorial content to CairnsLife Magazine undertake to ensure all material does not infringe copyright, trademark, defamation, libel, slander or title. The above mentioned patrons agree to indemnify the publishers against any investigations, claims or judgements. The views expressed in CairnsLife Magazine are those of the contributors, and are not necessarily shared by the publication. CairnsLife P/L copyright July 2016.

CairnsLife 7 Magazine

LIFE In Your Opinion “What is your opinion of the proposal to fast-track the dredging of the Cairns Shipping Channel? Is it enough, and what do you see as the benefits to the city?”





Chief Executive Officer

Life is not black or white, invariably it is a balance of grey that allows for all perspectives to be considered and win win outcomes delivered! Tropical North Queensland (TNQ) is the world’s best tourism destination to engage with nature. Implicit in this reality is the need to balance the absolute priority of preserving our natural World Heritage listed environments of the Great Barrier Reef and the Wet Tropics Rainforest against the need to construct visitor amenities and infrastructure to facilitate access to TNQ. The revised proposal to expand the shipping channel and the proposed land-based disposal of the associated spoil represents an appropriate and sage balance of priorities. Moreover, the veracity of the proposal must be seen in the context of its implementation being contingent upon the completion of a robust Environmental Impact Statement process.

Overall the proposed solution is sensible and affordable. It reduces the originally planned dredge volume by 77 per cent and the original costs by 66 per cent while providing for a significant increase in potential cruise operations. The key benefits of this development to the city and tourism include: 1. This approach demonstrates that Cairns is a can do city that is pro sustainable development. 2. We provide for improved access to our city. 3. Marine operations are mobile and this development enhances our city’s ability to attract their assets to Cairns. 4. Ports North’s commitment to this development will support the attraction of further home porting opportunities, which is an absolute priority for the tourism industry. 5. We protect the highly positive natural value perceptions associated with the Tropical North Queensland destination.


The Port of Cairns is a critical enabler of tourism, trade and defence for the region. The Cairns Shipping Development Project (CSDP) aims to develop Port infrastructure in order to secure a greater share of the lucrative international cruise ship market, enhance Naval capacity and improve Port efficiencies. Focusing the revised project on capturing the strong growth forecast in Mega ships up to 300 metres means significantly reduced capital dredge volume - down from 4.4 to 1 million cubic metres can be achieved. This smaller dredge volume opens opportunities for disposal options that were not available in the previous scope of works and reduces project costs to around $120 million. This new approach to expanding the channel is sensible, affordable and environmentally sustainable. The Project will generate economic benefit for Cairns and will provide wider benefits to the Queensland cruising industry through the provision of home porting and improved infrastructure facilities. The ability

CairnsLife 8 Magazine

for ships to berth at the Cruise Liner Terminal will significantly enhance the cruise experience for passengers and provide increased opportunities for expanding tours in the region. Cairns is an iconic cruise destination and with improved cruise facilities, ship numbers will grow, jobs will be generated and economic benefits will flow to the community. Ports North is committed to finding the best Project outcome that continues to protect the Great Barrier Reef while delivering the opportunity to provide the greatest economic and community benefit for the region. It is essential that environmental, economic and social impacts are thoroughly investigated and understood to secure this future opportunity. We are now completing a rigorous EIS for this revised project scope which will include assessment for potential impacts, costs, placement and treatment methodologies, land works design and establishing environmental management frameworks for the significantly reduced volume of dredge material.

Nothing Over $22 has been hugely popular in Airlie Beach & Port Douglas and is now open in Cairns, the stores have a relaxed atmosphere and friendly staff. Stocking ladies clothing, shoes and accessories all for $22 and under, our shoes are of excellent quality and hugely popular across all stores. We have thousands of garments in store at the moment. Sourced from all over the world including local Sydney brands such as QQ Fashion, So in style, Caroline Morgan, Love Love Fashion, Tmeless, Vanessa Tong, Jo Jo Fashion, Miracle fashion and many more.









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CairnsLife 10 Magazine

Inspirational outdoor living

LIFE Grumpy Old Man



Remember trying to ask a girl out in years gone by before any form of social media? Thinking back, I remember when I was 17 in Toowoomba chasing this one girl for six months. The most popular girl, the “it” girl, the one that everyone wanted to date, marry, be with etc. I grew up in a house with five brothers and the phone was in the most awkward spot, with a short cord so you couldn’t go anywhere for privacy and there was always someone around to listen in. Planning the call was like a military strike so that no one was around to listen in, give you shit or make stupid faces and try and embarrass you. Dad was always walking past and he would deliberately speak really loudly just to stir me up. You felt like a dart board. I mean, how is a bloke supposed to try and sound romantic when your family was milling around doing everything from farting and burping to poking me in the side? After months of planning and basically building up the guts to ring, I finally got a narrow window where no one was home and I made the call. I was sweating, heart beating out of my chest and then the other side picks up. It’s her father. I got the third degree before he would put her on. I had to give it all up name, ambitions, work, school results, religion, everything! I can now see why asking someone out via text these days would be a cinch. I got treated like a phone salesman - one wrong word and he was going to slam the phone down. To my amazement she said yes for the coming Saturday night. I had to cut the call short as my mother walked in, so there was no time to woo or impress her with my dulcet tones of sensitivity and humour.

Danny Bet ro s

Then I shit myself realizing that I had to get my act together and try an impress her. So the planning began. A schedule for a shower, hair (when I had more), borrow dad’s Old Spice aftershave, get the rubbish out of my car, plan the attire…all this stress and pressure on a 17 year old. Also had to put up with my brothers taunts of marriage proposals and laughing at me over my nerves and impending behaviour on the date. As I was a connoisseur of fine food I thought I would take her somewhere really special and go all out. Astro’s greasy bogan burger bar in Toowoomba was the place to be seen. No holding back or cost cutting for this girl. A works steak burger including bacon and eggs. Off to the movies to see Grease. Waited for it to get dark to put my glasses on and then planned my attack to try and kiss her because that’s what everyone had told me to do. The movie is going. Travolta swooning all over the screen, the pressure was mounting so I had to make my move. Took my glasses off as if I was making some sort of preliminary announcement of my intentions, leaned over, she turned and with both wide open mouths we clunked teeth. So awkward. I just sank back into my chair in horror and embarrassment with thoughts of the story getting out to my mates and brothers. Bloody Travolta! Not a word to each other. We just stared straight ahead for the rest of the night. I never did get that second date.

C a i r n s L i f e 11 M a g a z i n e

LIFE In Conversation

by Tony Gorell/Imagination Photgraphy


LIFE In Conversation

Wo rds by Mi che l l e S t ac po o l e

Interview with



The moment I start speaking with Brett Moller, his love of both his family and the region is evident. The newly elected Division 1 Councillor, who represents residents from Bramston Beach to the southern part of Edmonton, taking in the communities of Mirriwinni, Babinda, Gordonvale, East Trinity and Fitzroy Island, is excited about what he believes will be achieved in the southern corridor in the coming years. “I love to see rural and regional towns and cities rejuvenate and revitalize, and if you see that in a town then you’ve got a thriving community. When you have a thriving community where people are gainfully employed you don’t have those financial pressures, the social issues are minimized and communities achieve great things,” he says. Keen to make sure the communities of Babinda and Gordonvale grow organically and not rely on incremental creep from Cairns city, Brett feels that it is important that investment opportunities, residential development and employment are available to eliminate the need to traverse the Bruce Highway north each day. “We need to have the same opportunities (as the city). They are self-sufficient communities. They have wonderful infrastructure with schools and other services. We just need to make sure that the investment comes in there, also matching what will naturally happen in Cairns as a regional city,” he says. Raising his family with his wife Beth in Aloomba in the house his great grandfather built on the bank of Behana Creek in1898, Brett speaks fondly about his ties to the area.

You want to set a good example. My life has not been a successonly journey, and we have to face our challenges and overcome through persistence

A long-term grass roots contributor to the region, Brett opened the southern offices of his law firm Merino Moller Lawyers over twenty years ago, and is involved in sporting and community organisations as an honorary solicitor, providing legal and government guidance. Selling his interest in the law practice prior to the election, Brett feels that the transition from lawyer to councillor was a natural progression, moving from advocating for clients to now advocating for the wider community. “I want people in my community to feel safe and secure and have confidence in their future and the future of the next generation. That’s what I set as my parameters. If it can be done, it should be done, and I’ll do everything in my power to make it happen. If I have that mindset when I go in and consult with the community and listen to their issues and we look for solutions and positive outcomes, then hopefully we can achieve what we need to achieve,” he says.

CairnsLife 13 Magazine

As part of Mayor Bob Manning’s Unity Team, Brett is focused on the Smart City philosophy, which will see Cairns’ growth in technological areas such as internet connectivity and innovative tropical housing. According to Brett, the internet and advances in technology enable people to live anywhere and do business locally, regionally and globally, opening up a host of opportunities for the regional communities within thirty minutes of the CBD of Cairns. It will also de-bunk what Brett refers to as the “barbeque test”. “You invite your friends or family out to the farm at Aloomba for a barbeque and they say “Oh look, we couldn’t possibly come all the way out there. Why don’t you come in for dinner?” So there’s a perception that it’s a lot quicker for you to go into Cairns than travel out to Aloomba,” he laughs. With the natural beauty of attractions such as Bramston Beach, the Babinda Boulders, Josephine Falls and Walshs Pyramid to name a few, Brett is confident that people will soon be relocating to enjoy the lifestyle afforded those living in the southern corridor. In the meantime, he intends to continue finding the balance between dedicated family man and hands-on dad and delivering results to his constituents. “You want to set a good example. My life has not been a success-only journey, and we have to face our challenges and overcome through persistence. That’s the message that Beth and I want to give our girls. That nothing comes easy, and if they want to achieve great things they have to work hard,” says Brett.


15 - 17 July 2O16 Cairns Cruise Liner Terminal CIAF is the quintessential celebration of the art of Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. A three day display of visual art, dance, music and knowledgesharing, CIAF is a combination of free and ticketed events. • Opening Night part • Curated exhibition of Indigenous Art • Art Fair • Art Market • Musical performance • Art workshops • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island dancing • Children’s activities It’s a place for the finest cultural exchange and a fair point of sale for the Indigenous artists of Queensland.

For free and ticketed event information visit or download the event app now

This project is supported by the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland through Backing Indigenous Arts, a Queensland Government program that aims to build a stronger, more sustainable and ethical Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts industry in the State.


LIFE From The mayors Desk

It was a proud moment last week to bring down the fourth consecutive balanced budget for Cairns Regional Council.


BOB MANNING It is a Budget that treats ratepayers’ money with the trust and care it deserves; one that delivers minimum rate increases; and one that seeks to drive confidence in the community and stimulate our economy. Bringing down a balanced budget, in itself, can be meaningless, unless it’s accompanied by low rises in the general rate – we have done this over the past three years with a 1.5% rise for 66 per cent of ratepayers in 2016-17, the third 1.5% increase in a row. That achievement is no mean feat in a fiscal environment that is testing all levels of government, with funding from higher levels of government for local councils diminishing. It has been made possible by the focus and determination of this Council to make our business cost-effective and efficient, resulting in a surplus in the operating position of the order of $6.3 million for the 2015-2016 year, bringing the total operating surplus over the past three budget cycles to $21.8 million. In this Budget, Council has determined to restructure its debt in order to minimise the interest on existing loans which have a current balance of $75 million. By re-financing our debt, Council will cut its interest rate from 7.43% to around 2.5% which will save more than $2 million over 10 years. There will be a cost to complete this exercise, but the savings are real and it is the best way to position Council to manage its current debt level in the years ahead. Cairns will still have the second lowest debt per capita among medium to

This year’s Budget serves to stimulate our economy through a number of measures including: • $370 million will be spent in the community through materials and services associated with delivering a significant Capital Works program; and for maintenance, renewals and other services delivered to the community; • $2 million for Tourism Tropical North Queensland and $1 million for other tourism initiatives aimed at driving economic activity by marketing the region as a premier tourist destination; • $300,000 has been provided to support the initiative by Tourism Tropical North Queensland to establish the Gateway as part of the Citizens of the Great Barrier Reef campaign. • $1 million to support and develop major sporting events that will deliver economic benefits to the region including the Cairns Ironman, the 2017 Mountain Bike World Championships, and AFL game; • $470,000 for economic development and to support business and industry development; and, as mentioned earlier • Funds to develop an Economic Development Strategy for Babinda and Gordonvale.

large councils stimulating the economy in Queensland. One of the key components of the Budget is Council’s Capital Works program which we recognise is a significant contributor to the local economy and business and consumer confidence. It has been a guiding principle of this Council to keep our capital works at the maximum possible level whilst having regard to Council’s long term financial goals. We have done that again this year, with a record Capital Works program of $178.5 million including $36 million for our hallmark project, the Cairns Performing Arts Centre. Taking into account forecast capital works for the next two financial years, Council will deliver more than $470 million to expand and improve its community assets over that period. Council will also place a high priority on CairnsLife 16 Magazine

incorporating a “smart city” focus across all organisational activities and this will be reflected in our new Corporate Plan to be developed in the next 12 months. In closing, Council has spent considerable time striking the right balance in this Budget and I believe we have got it right. While Budgets are by their very nature financial, and many people see them merely as a bunch of numbers, this document means so much more to our community. This is the plan that responds to our residents’ needs and represents Council’s commitment to ensuring that Cairns becomes an even better place to live, play and do business. This year’s Budget builds on the positive changes implemented over the past four years, and provides for a sustainable local government that is well positioned to prosper from the opportunities before us.



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Paul Brookes

C O N S T R U C T I O N B y Jan i e B ar t o n

You’ve got big shoes to fill when preparing to take over the helm of a reputable and successful construction company, and luckily for Joe Brookes he has had the perfect mentor and experience to do just that.

With more than 15 years’ experience in the industry, including being a Construction Manager at Paul Brookes Constructions since 2006, the first-born son of Paul Brookes is now heading up a rebranding of the company that his dad started over 20 years ago. “The only thing that’s really changing is the company name,” Joe said. “Dad is starting to wind up and he aims to retire in a few years.” “Clients will deal with the same friendly faces and receive the same honest service and superior quality jobs. It’s really just a name change although we are working to get more systems and processes in place behind the scenes using current technologies to further improve the way we build and manage.” Now known as Brookes Build, the company continues to be a highly-sought-after specialist for commercial refurbishments and new fit-out projects in the Cairns’ region. They have a proven track record in delivering projects on time and, equally important, on budget. They work with a dedicated base of supervisors, estimators, engineers, designers, tradesmen and administration to ensure all aspects of every project are delivered to achieve highquality outcomes. “All of our staff, suppliers and subcontractors are experienced and professionals in the commercial and industrial sector,” Joe said. “Some of our subcontractors have worked loyally alongside us for up to 15 years. They are fellow honest business people and they do outstanding work often on very tight time frames. Our subcontractors

CairnsLife 18 Magazine

My brothers and I are very grateful to him for the wisdom and business advice he has passed down to us over the years.

respect that we are very much a quality and service driven construction company.” The company’s long-standing relationships with professionals, investors and repeat clients, such as the owners of the Pier Bar, Rattle N Hum and P.J. Obrien’s, are a testament to their success in building long standing relationships. They take pride in getting to know their clients and take into full account their client’s requirements. “Paul Brookes Construction have built and transformed all our venues including Rattle N Hum Bar & Grill, P.J. O’Brien’s and the Pier Bar, to name a few,” said Jon Hasler from Sun Tourism. “They are, without doubt, the most professional organisation I have dealt with in all my time in the industry.”

Joe earned his apprenticeship under his father, as did his two brothers Nicholas and Rory who both also work as carpenters in the family-owned businesses. “We are committed to remaining true to Dad’s founding values of honesty and hard work,” Joe said. “This business is built on sincere oldfashioned service and reliability. Dad is a true gentleman of the industry.” “My brothers and I are very grateful to him for the wisdom and business advice he has passed down to us over the years.” “I have big shoes to fill in leading the company, but I have had the finest support from a true stalwart of the Cairns building industry to set me up for the future.”









“Our values include honesty and openness in our dealings with clients,” Joe said. “We pride ourselves on our ability to listen to their needs and in understanding their goals and aspirations for their individual projects, including budgetrestrictions, time-restrictions and special design requirements. “We strive for a win-win outcome for everyone involved in our projects. We aim to create harmonious and productive work sites because these sites ensure that high-quality workmanship is produced to achieve a cooperative success of a project.”





▲ MEDICHECK Brookes Build 0401 608 776

CairnsLife 19 Magazine




LIFE Entertainment

Entertainment & Events Manager at The Jack Cairns

Feature Musician & Vocalist: DAMIEN WICKS Band: DR ELEPHANT This town is full of some of the best homegrown talent in the country on so many levels, but Cairns also seems to attract some of the country’s finest to it! Which brings me to this month’s feature story about a group of guys who decided two years ago to pack their lives up in Darwin, make the long trip to Cairns and call it their new home… Talk about group commitment & a sea change! The group I’m talking about is Dr Elephant (who were the longest-running cover band in Darwin), with an illustrious career spanning over 12 years and I’m pretty sure they will surpass that record here in Cairns. The musicians in this band are top shelf, consisting of: Danny Johnson on guitar/vocals, Ben Robson on drums/vocals (both of whom are highly-skilled and play various other instruments as well), and Damien Wicks on lead vocals/bass guitar, who I’m speaking with today, and who is the driving force of Dr Elephant’s engaging presence since the band’s beginning 14 years ago. Damien fronts the band with his versatile voice and huge range. Damo is not only known for his amazing singing talents, but also as a former contestant on Australia’s Biggest Loser where he won hearts and inspired people across the nation. GUS: Damo, you’ve been on quite a journey mate, that’s for sure! What was it that attracted you to Cairns and how on earth did you manage to convince the rest of the band that Cairns was to become the promised land for Dr Elephant? I’m flat out getting my band together for rehearsals, let alone a complete sea change, let me tell you haha! DAMIEN: Haha, G’day Gus! It was actually Danny who convinced me to make the move across, as he’d lived here when he was a kid. The cost of living in Darwin wasn’t getting any cheaper and cost of housing and general living looked very attractive in Cairns whilst maintaining the tropical lifestyle. We didn’t have a permanent drummer for about 6 months prior to moving across and Ben, who we’ve known for many years had actually been playing guitar in another band and was already making the move to Cairns, as his partner had taken a teaching job over here, so he came on board for our remaining time in Darwin and then we all made the move together as a team in July 2014 and we absolutely love the place.

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GUS: It was meant to be!! Cairns has definitely adopted you guys and welcomed you with open arms, making Dr Elephant honorary locals with a massive following that just keeps on growing! How does that feel to have accomplished so much here in the last two years by securing regular gigs in some of the most sought after venues in town as well as performing at most major and corporate events? DAMIEN: I’m truly overwhelmed mate! The venues, the crowds and especially all the local muso’s we’ve met, really did welcome us with open arms and it was not long at all before we felt part of the community. I seriously couldn’t have asked for a smoother transition which was something I was worried about after having lived in Darwin for so long. The notion of starting all over again in an unfamiliar environment scared the crap out of me but I’m so glad we did it and haven’t looked back for a second. GUS: Great stuff mate! Ok, everyone wants to know what is Dr Elephant’s most memorable, funny or wackiest moment ever, on or off the stage? DAMIEN: There’s been countless stacks and spills over the years, they always get a good laugh from the crowd but mostly from your band mates. One, I remember quite vividly, a few years back at The Arnhem Club in Gove when I went to stand up on the subs at the front of the stage and little did I know that a girl’s high heel had snapped off her shoe and she’d placed the heel upside down right where I went to stand and instead of letting it spike through my foot, I ended up plunging forward off the sub and blocked the fall with my head on the dance floor. It left quite a lump but the guys reckon I didn’t miss a note and kept singing through the fall. Danny had a pretty awesome stack on NYE at Alice Springs Casino a few years back, off quite a big stage, when one of the security guys went to put him on his shoulders but went crashing down, again not missing a note on the way down and breaking the fall with his head! GUS: Hahaha I was a bit worried about where that heel may have ended up…. PHEW! Where can we catch Dr Elephant this month? DAMIEN: We will be at The Jack every Thursday night at 8:30pm and then between The Jack, P.J O’Briens, Gilligans and The Pier on Friday’s Saturdays and Sundays, it differs from week to week. Cheers Damo!











LIFE Entertainment


Ticketing specialist for Cairns and FNQ The Adventures of Alvin Sputnik: Deep Sea Explorer 12 & 13 July A multi-award-winning one-man microepic puppet show that melds technology and multimedia into a touching story of enduring love and the end of the world.

The Little Prince

A Spare Parts Puppet Theatre adaptation from the book by Antoine de Saint-Exupery

21 July For more than 70 years this timeless story has brought joy to adults and children alike with its beautiful insights and humour.

VENUE: Centre of Contemporary Arts

VENUE: Centre of Contemporary Arts

Heaven Help Us!

Snugglepot and Cuddlepie

29 July – 21 August Join us as we step into the ‘next life’ for a fabulous night of music and laughter while enjoying a 3 course meal provided by Café Centre Stage, Cairns Central.

3 August

Dinner and show for just $50. 8 shows only, commencing 29 July and closing 21 August.

The Gumnut babies are on a mission to see a human – but only in the distance! On their journey to the big city they meet friends and foes including Professor Kookaburra, Mrs Fantail, Mr Lizard, Mr Frog, Mrs Snake, Mr Possum and, of course, Little Ragged Blossom.

VENUE: Cairns Choral Society Hall

VENUE: Tanks Arts Centre

Shadows of the Past

FNQ Emergency Services Charity Ball

Cairns & District Family History Society

5-19 August

6 August

Shadows of the Past is a series of dramatized evening walks through McLeod Street Pioneer Cemetery. Community performers will tell the story of selected pioneers buried in McLeod Street Cemetery. VENUE: McLeod Street Pioneer Cemetary

The FNQ Emergency Services Charity Ball committee in conjunction with Cairns Barrier Reef Lions Club will raise funds to donate money to Make a Wish Australia to grant wishes to children with life threatening illnesses living in Cairns.

Be-Tween Us


19-27 August

Be-Tween Us is the product of the Australian Theatre for Young People’s critically acclaimed program- The Voices Project. Penned by an assemblage of 10 writers, the stories told positively reflect the trials of young people in this modern culture. This superb collection of stories will surely resonate with young people as they begin their journey into adulthood. VENUE: The Young Company Theatre

VENUE: Tanks Arts Centre

By Joanna Murray Smith 19-27 August An up close and personal look at the primal emotions of love, lust, loss and betrayal. A deeply engaging, beautifully nuanced study of human relationships living out and age old story. VENUE: Rondo Theatre (Cairns Little Theatre)

To find out about all shows on sale, ticket prices or further details contact TicketLINK All tickets sold through


1300 855 835

Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm - Council’s Customer Service Centre, 119- 145 Spencer Street, Cairns Sat 8.30am - 1pm - Botanic Gardens Visitors Centre, 63 Collins Avenue, Edge Hill

CairnsLife 21 Magazine

LIFE Entertainment





ANGUS by Dina A min

Hardly a stranger to the local and international jazz music scene, Harry James Angus’ ardent love for swing and big band compositions will see him return to the North in August as part of Tanks Arts Centre’s annual Jazz Up North Series. A member of funky Australian outfit The Cat Empire, who performed three back-to-back sold out shows at Tanks at the start of June, Harry’s passion for jazz encouraged him to form a band of his own; a sextet influenced by the ingenious improvisational techniques of the early New Orleans jazz cats.


It was inevitable this six-piece would eventually join the coveted Jazz Up North Series line-up and the inclusion in the 2016 program is an exciting one indeed for all music fans. Strongly encouraged to pick up the trumpet at an early age, Harry’s musical journey developed with street busking and casual café gigs. He says he has always played jazz in one form or another. His versatility though as a performer is something that really sets him apart. He has earned almost iconic status since The Cat Empire debuted at The Manly Jazz Festival in Sydney back in the day. Since then, the band has gone on to achieve a cult following in leaps and bounds with over seven albums; the newest of which, Rising with the Sun, was released this year. His work with The Cat Empire has continued to fuel his love for jazz and have directly impacted his solo shows.

JAZZ UP NORTH 2016 FRIDAY 26 AUGUST Best known as the trumpet playing singer from The Cat Empire, Harry James Angus has carved out a reputation for himself as one of the country’s most innovative and unpredictable artists.

With a soft spot for pre-World War II jazz, Harry is quick to point out his appreciation for the early days of Louis Armstrong, Sidney Bechet and the concept of soloing and long improvisation. “It was essentially just pop music,” he says. “It was about melody and song writing, lyrics and emotion.” Harry’s show will look at jazz from a real historical point of view; paying homage to cats like Louis Armstrong and Sidney Bechet to name a few. His band will perform a number of originals and covers; flipping and arranging classic and forgotten melodies in modern and innovative ways, with a focus on improvisation. The shows are something this impressive musician is looking forward to sharing with audiences. “No one realises how interesting a song can be if you arrange it properly for a jazz ensemble,” he explains. In a similar fashion to prolific hip hop producers and beat makers, Harry and his band enjoy digging up forgotten tracks and melodies and recreating them in a modern context. “A lot of songs that interest me…either they’ve been forgotten or we don’t realise where they came from,” he says. Seeing Harry James Angus perform is a chance to witness a true jazz genius, live and passionate – don’t miss his special Jazz Up North Series event. Tickets are on sale now.

With a reputation for visceral onstage improvisations and incredible musicianship, Harry James Angus is a solo artist who continues to experiment with different approaches to his craft. Over the past decade, he has been bringing jazz and improvised music to new audiences, bringing new cultural relevance to a century-old musical tradition. For those of you who caught one of the three sold out Cat Empire shows here at the Tanks in June you will know not to miss this. Those of you who did miss out, now is your chance to catch the incomparable Harry James Angus.



Transaction Fees: Online: $5 per transaction. Counter & Phone: 5% capped at $5.

Harry James Angus and his band will be performing for one night only at Tanks Arts Centre on Friday 26th August as part of the Jazz Up North Series. Tickets are available from Ticketlink. For more information, please visit

CairnsLife 22 Magazine

LIFE Entertainment

You never know who you might bump into at Villa... Modern mediterranean cuisine. OPEN for breakfast, lunch & dinner 7 days a week.

CAIRNS Cnr Esplanade & Alpin Street 4051 9000 MELBOURNE 252 Lygon St, Carlton 03 9650 7990

THE PEASANT TRIPOD BASED ON THE BOOK 101 HITS PRINCE BY LI CUNXIN Adapted by Eva Di Cesare, Sandra Eldridge and Tim McGarry Monkey Baa Theatre is honoured to have adapted this story for the stage.


Li Cunxin’s iconic autobiography Mao’s Last Dancer was first published as children’s picture book The Peasant Prince.




Music legends Tripod celebrate 20 years of crimes against comedy. A random selection, chosen by YOU during the show, from the stupidest songbook ever invented.



Based on the true story of legendary country singer Patsy Cline’s friendship with a fan, Always...Patsy Cline includes 27 of Patsy’s unforgettable hits such as Crazy, I Fall to Pieces, Sweet Dreams and Walking After Midnight.

COST: MATINEE $25 EVENING $40 / $35 / $30 TIMES: 10AM & 7.30PM VENUE: TANK 5

All tickets sold through CairnsLife 23 Magazine


Steel Pulse has been true to their roots for over 40 years and are the only non-Jamaican act to win the Grammy Award for Best Reggae Album.








& rainforest


Nestled deep in the Daintree Rainforest in the picturesque Whyanbeel Valley sits Hoglund Art Glass Studio and Gallery. Established by world-renowned glass artists Ola and Marie Hoglund in 2002, the property serves as the couple’s winter residence and studio. Originally from Sweden, Ola and Marie divide their time between the Daintree Rainforest and their home in Neslon, New Zealand, where they have become well known for their high quality creations prized by collectors around the world. Both Ola and Marie learned their art in Sweden, working in Kosta

Boda and Orrefors before teaching glassblowing and glass engraving in Swaziland, Africa. Drawing inspiration from their tropical surroundings, the artistic duo developed the Hoglund iconic Rainforest Graal collection. “The collection celebrates the central role of rainforests in the balance of nature and their importance to the future of the planet,” says Ola. Each piece is a unique collectors item signed by the artist. Made of crystal clear glass, the sculptural forms appear to float in space reflecting light. A visit to Hoglund Art Glass Studio and Gallery offers a journey deep into the rainforest where the artists work their magic with molten glass. Visitors are able to watch as they plunge rough lumps into a roaring glass furnace, blowing, turning, shaping and cutting until delicate works of art appear. “As well as serious collectors signed and numbered art works, we also

CairnsLife 24 Magazine

have smaller pieces suitable for special gifts,” says Marie. Regarded as the most inspirational leading glass artists in their field, Ola and Marie’s collection features a wide range of unique hand blow vases, bowls, goblets, perfume bottles and paperweights, as well as a selection of beautiful glass jewellery and Marie’s hand made soap, created exclusively by hand in striking colours and designs. Set in a clearing of the rainforest, the warm and inviting studio is open between 1st June and 1st October, and guarantees a unique day out for visitors to the Daintree area. Hoglund Art Glass Open Friday – Tuesday Phone 4098 8480 580 Whyanbeel Road, Whyanbeel Valley via Mossman and Miallo. The studio is towards the end of the no-through road. Cross the Schultz Bridge and continue on Whyanbeel Road until you see the number 580, the red flags and the sign on the right hand side.

20th - 22nd July 2016

s t e k c i t d l o pre-s y l u j 2 m o r f e l a on s

pen Mon-Fri) (O e ic ff O d n u ro Cairns Show G & ) n u S n e p (O s tockland Cairn S m o fr le b a il a v A

teRtainment n e • S g o d d Family lS • dagwoo e a l o im h n w a e • h S t e R FabulouS Rid adS moRe Fo o • l S S g u a l b P w • o y h R •S nimal nuRSe a • S w o R c e • ScaR

ble a il a v a s e s s a p y returning! 3 daday PaSS 3 day PaSS diScounted

PRiceS es only At Pre-Sold Venu ily 3 Day Pass. the gates. No *Not available at



Adult = $58 3 Adult = $21 Concession = $4 6 $1 = on si es Conc Child = $28 Child = $11 Family = N/A Family = $47 enter FREE! Children under 5

Sideshow Bonus Dollars

$30 value for $25 Valid for rides, food or games in hot ten Side Show alley *Tickets are non-refundable

Cairns show assoCiation • Phone: 4042 6699 • Fax: 4031 3671 • Email: • Website: • Follow us on


CairnsLife 27 Magazine

E AT & D R I N K

LIFE Wine Buff

PENFOLDS Thomas Hyland Shiraz 2012 $18.00

Michael Ryan

When it comes to red wine, there is no better or more consistent Australian producer than the legendary Penfolds. The Penfolds Wine Group was acquired by Fosters from Southcorp in 1994 and was then de-merged into the share market listed Treasury Wines in 2011, has twice as much vineyard planting in Australia as the second largest; Mcguigans. It has four time the plantings of Hardy’s who rank 3rd. It is a behemoth. Despite its size Penfolds is regarded as the industry leader in terms of quality. Wines that range from the Max Schubert creation and rather magnificent Grange, down through a carefully constructed hierarchy, to

the much less salubrious but more affordable Rawsons Retreat brand. The Thomas Hyland label sits about 3 tiers up from the latter. Thomas Hyland was the son in law of Dr Christopher Rawson Penfold and his wife Mary. Penfold believed in the medicinal benefits of wine (don’t we all!!) and mainly made fortified wine as a tonic for anemia. Rather quickly, the winery flourished and it is interesting to note that Mary Penfold was principally in charge of blending and production herself for over 14 years after her husbands death in 1870 aged 59. By 1896 Hylands skill as an administrator of the firm had boosted Penfolds share of the South Australian market to a remarkable 30%.The Thomas Hyland range of wines consists of a shiraz and a cabernet. The wine is deep dark red in hue with a spicy, ripe forrest berry nose. It has a beautiful mouth feel, full of rich South Aussie shiraz fruit; bursting with blackberrys, tart plum and hint of dark chocolate. I really

CairnsLife 28 Magazine

like the structure of this wine. It boasts loads of well integrated cedary French oak and smooth silky tannins. It is a medium bodied wine with loads of class and appeal. Cellar 0-5; but it’s drinking very well right now. Drink it with a selection of barbecued exotic game sausages and some rowdy mates on a nonschool night. Word of the week: Grange. Max Shubert first embarked upon his dream Grange Project in 1951. The wine was a terrific departure from the norm and one famous jibe went: “Schubert, I congratulate you. A very good dry port which no one in their right mind will buy – let alone drink”. The 1955 Grange was later voted in the Wine Spectator as one of the 12 top wines of the 20th century in the world

Michael Ryan Branch Manager at Morgan’s Cairns

LIFE Top Table








One of Australia’s best waterfront restaurants. Dundee’s Restaurant, the flavours of Australia Come in and taste the best flavours Australia has to offer from a master chef in a relaxed, tropical and modern setting that offers both indoor air-conditioned and alfresco boardwalk dining. Dundee’s specialises in sumptuous creations of tender Australian Beef, grills, the freshest of seafood, pastas, salads and desserts that do so much more than just impress. Built on a recipe for success, Dundee’s has been a favourite for locals and visitors in Cairns for over 28 years. You’ll love the waterfront and mountain views because we’re right on the boardwalk, relaxed, sophisticated and tucked away from the traffic whilst still close to everything in the heart of Cairns.

Follow us on Facebook or book online Whether it be casual, with friends, birthday parties, business functions. Separate bills welcomed

Owner Craig Squire, his family, friends and staff are very excited to be moving to this prime location, the best spot in Cairns for quality restaurant dining. Ochre will be open lunch and dinner 7 days with chill sessions on Sunday afternoons. Seating 70 guests inside in air-conditioned comfort and 80 outside in the covered terrace, these areas are available for group bookings including exclusive use for corporate and private functions. Sweeping views of the inlet, mountains beyond and bustle of the reef fleet will create a backdrop fitting for Ochre’s exciting Australian cuisine, which will continue to feature the best local produce. Craft beer on tap, extensive well researched wine list featuring 54 wines by the glass and the largest selection of Australian spirits in the region, Ochre’s comfortable lounge bar will be a great spot to eat and drink Ochre’s chefs are working with the regions best producers to bring you fresh and healthy dishes, including dry aged Tablelands beef, selected seafood and market produce married with the distinctive native flavours that are now the must haves of the worlds best chefs. Opening in late July, watch this space for the date to be announced.


Ochre Restaurant

Harbour Lights, 1 Marlin Parade, Cairns E: F: Dundees Restaurant on The Waterfront W:

Harbour Lights, Cairns E: Fb: Ochre Restaurant W:

Open 7 days Lunch 11.30 - 3 pm Dinner from 5.30 pm - Late Coffee and Cocktail lounge

open 7 days

Kick Start (07) 4051 0399

After 22 years in Shields St, Ochre is moving to a brand new custom built restaurant located along the Harbour Lights boardwalk.

07 4051 0399

CairnsLife 29 Magazine

07 4051 0100


The best and then some. C 200 Night Edition. The Mercedes-Benz C 200 Night Edition is here, bringing with it a whole new level of refinement. Its eye-catching design makes it more striking, more sporty and more of what everyone loves in Australia’s favourite mid-size luxury car*. Packed with added value during July at Trinity Motors. • AMG body styling • AMG 18-inch alloy wheels • Privacy glass

• Panoramic sunroof • LED Intelligent Light System

• Black design accents • Head-up display

*Based on VFACTS data 2015 and YTD January 2016. For orders until 31 July 2016. Excludes diesel models.

Trinity Motors 37 McLeod Street, Cairns 4050 5070 Contact Brendan Roberts 0409 661 166 or Ian Fisher 0411 826 268

E AT & D R I N K

LIFE Yes Chef


LuisCARVAJAL Passionate and creative, Luis Carvajal loves his food nearly as much as his family. Working with the regions best producers to bring innovative, fresh and healthy dining to Cairns, Luis is a great leader for the brigade de cuisine at Ochre Restaurant. Starting as a young cook in 2005 after completing his apprenticeship and then returning after a few years break for travel, Luis has a commitment to leading and training his tight kitchen team. “Ochre pushes the envelope, takes risks and goes for innovative dining,” he says. “We select the freshest seafood and market produce and marry them with distinctive native flavours to create gourmet delights!” Excited about the upcoming relocation of Ochre Restaurant & Catering to Harbour Lights on the boardwalk at the end of July, Luis looks forward to being a part of the continued success of this award winning Cairns icon.

BABY BARRAMUNDI – LEMON MYRTLE CHILLI TOMATO SAUCE AND PICKLED VEGETABLES Baby barramundi are farmed across the far north and available all year round, fish around 400 gm suit a single main course serve. This cookery method suits other plate size fish that are caught in the wild. Serves 4 • 4 Baby barramundi around 400gm • Potato flour • Five spice and turmeric powder • Salt • Oil to fry Remove fillets from fish (or ask your fishmonger to do) cut filets into strips about 3 cm wide. Heat Oil to 180c. Mix salt, five spice and turmeric with potato flour to taste. Coat fish fillets with flour mix, and fry to golden and just cooked through, set aside on paper towel in warm oven. Coat fish frame with flour and fry to crisp. To serve Ladle about 80 ml sauce onto plate, place fish frame around sauce and assemble fillets against frame on top of sauce, arrange pickled veg to the side and garnish fish pieces with fresh herbs.

• 1 brown onion - sliced • 2 red chilli – sliced • 20 gm ginger – shredded • 4 lemon myrtle leaves – shredded • 15g crushed garlic Sweat in 50ml vegetable oil • 50 gm palm sugar • 50 gm castor sugar • 50 ml rice wine vinegar • 50 gm Thai soya chilli paste (or 30 ml soya sauce and 20 gm chilli paste) Add to above and simmer to melt sugars – approx 10 minutes • 400gm tin crushed tomato’s • 4 diced fresh tomato’s • 2 star anise • 30 ml fish sauce • 200ml water or fish stock Simmer all together for ½ hour. Store or set aside

Sauce This sauce is excellent with all seafood, make a batch and use to cook prawns or crab in. This can be made before hand, it will keep for at least a week in your fridge.

CairnsLife 31 Magazine

Chefs Tip Lemon myrtle adds a wonderful citrus aroma, if unavailable try kaffir lime or lemongrass. When cooked you should notice coagulated white cooked juices on crab, this indicates the crab is cooked thru, use this concept with white fish as well. Pickled Vegetables Best made at least the day before serving Liquor • 100 ml Rice wine vinegar • 500ml water • 1 sliced chilli • 2 star anise • 10gm ginger sliced • bring to boil for 20 minutes • strain Vegetables sliced in 1 cm wide strips 1/2 yellow or red capsicum, 1/2 carrot, 1/2 red onion - add to pickling vinegar when hot – after 1 minute, add 100 gm Daikon radish - after 2 minute remove all veg from liquor when cold add 1/2 cucumber 200 gm bean sprouts pour 100 ml cold liquor back over – store in fridge.

LIFE Profile

Catalena B E A U T Y & D AY S P A

You’ll feel like you’re walking into another world where the only thing that matters is your wellbeing when you visit Catalena Beauty & Day Spa. Situated right in the heart of the city’s busy CBD is this calming and relaxing sanctuary, where you are in a beautiful rainforest inspired salon. The tranquil ambience of Catalena, with stunning water features and luxurious décor will leave you feeling relaxed and calm, even before your treatment begins. This new inner-city haven, led by highly-trained spa therapist Cathy Jettner, is the perfect place to visit for superior beauty treatments and day spa packages. Results-driven facials, specialised spa packages, massages, full body treatments and standard beauty treatments, including waxing, tinting, spray tanning and teeth whitening, make up the extensive range of services that Catalena has to offer. Cathy offers personalised service, providing her clientele with professional treatments using only the highest quality, natural skincare products. Catalena stocks a full range of retail products to enable clients to easily and effectively maintain their skin between treatments. Pevonia Botanica skincare products are organic, cruelty free and are results-driven. These outstanding skincare products are made from marine, earth and botanical ingredients with advanced delivery systems for maximum absorbency and excellent results. Rejuvenate your body and mind by taking the time to unwind and relax in this hidden gem. Catalena Beauty & Day Spa, The Walk, 82B Lake Street, Cairns City, is open 8.30am to 5.30pm weekdays and 8.30am to 2pm Saturdays. Phone 4041 3284 or visit

A place of tranquility & relaxation. The fresh decor instils a sense of peace & rejuvenates the mind & body. Superior treatments and excellence in customer service is what we deliver. An extensive rangeof quality beauty treatments and day spa packages using and retailing Pevonia Botanica skincare products, which are natural, organic & results driven. We use & retail Napoleon Perdis products. Offering personalised service and regardless of the treatment, you will leave feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.

40 41 32 84

or E-mail us on

CairnsLife 32 Magazine


Irreplaceable Wet Tropics wildlife:

our great survivors

The ancient forests of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area are not only breathtakingly beautiful, they are also home to an incredible array of plants and animals. Of the myriad animals found in the Wet Tropics there are 12 mammal, 12 bird, 2 amphibian and 29 reptile species that are endemic—that is, they live nowhere else on Earth. The World Heritage listing in 1988 recognised that the Wet Tropics contains some of the most diverse living records of the major stages of plant and animal evolution in the world. The area is home to several groups of animals that are descendants of those that were around 60 million years ago. This impressive array of endemic and ancient animals is directly linked to the Wet Tropics’ ancient forests. These forests are the oldest tropical rainforests on Earth and date back 110 million years to when the southern land masses were still one super continent called Gondwana. CHOWCHILLA: WET TROPICS IMAGES/ IAN MONTGOMERY BIRDWAY.COM.AU

When the Australian continent broke away from Gondwana around 45 million years ago, it was almost fully covered in rainforest. As the continent drifted north it began drying. As a result, eucalypt forests and grasslands developed, which in turn led to the evolution of different animal species—all marsupials found across Australia today evolved from rainforest ancestors. With the formation of the Great Dividing Range and reliable rains carried by trade winds, ancient rainforests were able to persist in some areas along the east Australian coast. Isolated in this small part of Australia, animals with ancient pedigrees have survived millions of years of natural climatic change. An example of this is the musky rat-kangaroo—it was one of the first of Australia’s kangaroo and wallaby species to evolve, and is still found living today in the Wet Tropics. Another is the ancient and endemic chowchilla—this songbird has a lineage that goes back at least 30 million years. These creatures, already constrained to small refuges, are ever more vulnerable as the rate of climate change increases.

The history of our endemic animals is globally significant, as is their survival into the future. The Wet Tropics Management Authority works to ensure the values of the World Heritage Area are protected, conserved, presented, rehabilitated and transmitted to future generations. This includes understanding and protecting our endemic animals. In this endeavour we collaborate, guide, support, fund and assist with a wide range of scientific interests by working with partners such as Rainforest Aboriginal people, landholders, universities, researchers and community groups. If you want to find out more about the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area, the Authority has a range of informative and educational tools—visit our web page and subscribe to our quarterly eBulletin, which showcases current and emerging Wet Tropics research and related management and policy issues.


Connect with us: Email: | PH: 07 4241 0500

NOMINATIONS OPEN 14 July–31 August 2016 The Wet Tropics Management Authority is calling for nominations of individuals, groups and schools who have made outstanding contributions to the conservation and presentation of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area. Nomination forms and information on award categories are available at Call 4241 0500 for more information.

LIFE Cafe Culture

m. 0405 155 666 • coffee txt. 0447 066 061 110 Scott St. Cairns (beside Howards Storage World)

WHOLESALE EVENTS CAFE 25 Johnston St, Stratford QLD 4870 0413 025 243

Cairns’ only specialty jaffle cafe. Eat in or phone 0415 210 595 for takeaway and delivery. Check out our Facebook page for our latest specials!

39 Lake St Cairns, QLD


CairnsLife 34 Magazine

E AT & D R I N K

LIFE Cafe Culture

Bring it

BLACK Wo rds & pho to s by Si l v i a Mo g o ro v i ch

Like all the best love affairs, Kristy and Jason Greenardi’s one with coffee is sincere, respectful and passionate. From the polished concrete to the black walls; the takeaway bio-cups to the reusable smart cups; the Cadillac of espresso machines to the infrared brew system, it’s undeniably cool. Very cool. Everything is of the highest quality and serves to create a coffee experience like no other in this town. It was a leap of faith into an unfamiliar environment when Kristy left her corporate job to start a new job as a barista at Gloria Jean’s Coffee. However, on the very first day Kristy had a revelation and says, “I knew this was what I wanted to do.” Making, serving and talking about coffee became much more than a job, it became a vocation – she had found her true calling, and would quickly evolve into an incredibly dedicated barista, with a natural flair for latte art. Showing absolute commitment to their vision, Jason and Kristy spent almost 3 years waiting for the ideal location to open The Chamber Room. The name is an homage to the place where the magic happens – sorting, roasting and grinding all occur in a ‘chamber’ of some sort – and small, red beans are transformed into the everyday elixir we all know. The Chamber Room is home to Cairns’ first sit down brew bar, and the reason that you can rely on getting the perfect cup of coffee at The Chamber Room (every single time) is that the barista taste tests each filter brew before it is served. That is how seriously they take their coffee: if they aren’t satisfied with the taste, they will make you another one. Fortunately, that’s a rare occurrence! This is because each drink on the menu has a specific recipe of quality components (the beans are even pre-weighed and kept in dark glass jars) and the process is replicated so exactly, with such precision and discipline, that it resembles a well-rehearsed ballet. The result of this dedication is a brew with layers of flavour that stands alone without addition of milk and sugar. This is not a place where you can order a caramel latte, in fact, there are no syrup flavours at all, and even the sugar (Rapidura) has been specifically selected because it doesn’t interfere with the taste of the coffee.



Shop 5, 78 Grafton Street • (07) 4051 5522

“We want the people of Cairns to step out of their daily ritual and come to the dark side to experience our brew bar” says Jason, whose background in management complements Kristy’s barista skills. Self-depreciatingly calling themselves ‘coffee snobs’, they present more as connoisseurs, having the respect and experience to value the entire process involved in making the perfect coffee – from tree to treasure (in a cup!). CairnsLife readers who book in for The Chamber Room’s Brew Skool in July, can bring a friend for free!

CairnsLife 35 Magazine

LIFE Foodies


SPECIAL! Beef Mince for


2kg minimum


07 4057 6568 Shop 2 Coastwatcher’s Shopping Centre Trinity Beach Road TrinityBeachQualityMeats


Words and photos by Silvia Mo go ro vi ch



OPEN 7 DAYS 10:00AM - 3:00PM

1819 Chew ko Ro ad , Wa lk a min

07 4086 8008

w ww.m t u n c l e.c om

baked by our family for yours! Find us on Locally owned and operated

OPEN 7 DAYS Raintrees Shopping Centre - P. 4053 3992 Mt Sheridan Plaza - P. 4036 0694 E.

CairnsLife 36 Magazine

On Lake Street, there is an unassuming shop that sits almost directly opposite Woolworth’s, not only geographically, but also in ideology. The Source Bulk Foods Cairns is part of a growing chain of zero-waste community stores that began in Mullumbimby in 2012 and is now, with over 20 stores, the largest specialised bulk food retailer in Australia. Straightaway, you can notice so many lovely smells in the store, of spices and grains and honey, and by bringing your jars and containers (weighed at the front counter first, so you only pay for what’s inside!) you can easily pick up as much or as little as you need. Fortunately there are also paper bags available, so I scooped up some coconut toffee

E AT & D R I N K

LIFE Foodies

10/85 Lake St, Cairns QLD 07 4031 5698 thesourcebulkfoodscairns @thesourcecairns

zero waste shopping buy as little or as much as you want

concoction (sourced from Coconut Rodney in Port Douglas) that is an explosion of heaven in my mouth. Just, wow. In July 2015, Kathy and Joel Webb opened the brand’s first franchise in Cairns, and a surprise chain of events unfolded that saw them open Townsville’s first store five months later! Combine that with raising two young children… the word hectic, doesn’t even cover the reality! But they make it work and give credit to their amazing team who care as much as they do about being part of the change. Kathy Webb’s turn to wholefoods was a decision for her health, “I’d been to a hundred different specialists and doctors, and none of them could fix me. So, I had a choice, and I chose to do something”. On the journey towards health, the Webb family also became aware of the impact we (as consumers) have on the planet. I’m impressed that their 6 year old son has had the same stainless steel lunchbox for 4 years! Although changing entrenched habits and diets can seem impossible, I agree with Kathy when she says “You’ve got to start somewhere”, and also when she adds, “It’s a huge learning curve”. As landfill sites all over Australia edge closer to being at full capacity, there are many reasons why it’s worth learning about where your food is coming from, and looking at alternatives methods of shopping which leave a lighter footprint on the earth.

We pride ourselves on bringing you the freshest produce, meat and groceries sourced from local producers and businesses.

31 Johnston Street Stratford Qld 4870 Shop 046 Stockland Shopping Centre Earlville

(07) 4058 9000 www. jo nssonsfar mmar ket .c om.a u

Joel recalls that, once Kathy had seen online that The Source Bulk Foods were looking for new franchisees, “It was a natural progression”. Combining their skills and experience in running small businesses in Northern NSW, with their dedication to natural food, they have found the Cairns community to be extremely supportive of their efforts. Thinking outside the box of what a regular grocery store would offer, they currently have ‘Soup in a jar’ dry mixes which are perfect for this chilly weather!

CairnsLife 37 Magazine

Does Your Loan Rate Does Your Loan Rate Start With a Three? Start With a Three?

2 8 .82% 3 3.


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* e t a r n o s i r a Comp an o L e m o H r e Rate Smash

aattee** r n o s i r a p r m oomparirsisoonnram C tee* Loaann C o a p H r m e o Ce Smaasshher HoommeeLLooan t a R Smmasher H e t a R S e t Ra

a . p p.a

It’s time to switch.

It’s time to switch. It’stime timeto toswitch. switch. It’s

Spend less on your home loan and more on your dreams. Talk to us Spend less on your home loan and more on your dreams. Talk to us today. Spend less on your home loan and more on your dreams. Talk to us today. Spend less on your home loan and more on your dreams. Talk to us today. Home Loans, Financial Planning, Superannuation, Insurance, Sa

Home Loans, Financial Planning, Superannuation, Insurance, Savings. HomeLoans, Loans,Financial FinancialPlanning, Planning,Superannuation, Superannuation,Insurance, Insurance,Savings. Savings. Home Scott Burness 154-156 Mulgrave Road, QLD 4870Road, QLD 4870 Scott Burness 154-156 Mulgrave Scott Burness 154-156 Mulgrave Road, QLD 4870 Principal & Wealth Manager T 07 4040 2040 M 0402 073 375 Scott Burness 154-156 Mulgrave Road, QLD 4870 Principal &Wealth Wealth Manager T 07 4040 2040 Principal & Manager T 07 4040 2040 M 0402 073 375M 0402 073 375 Yellow Brick RoadManager Cairns Principal & Wealth T 07 4040 2040 M 0402 073 375 Yellow Brick Road Cairns Yellow Brick Road Cairns Yellow Brick Road Cairns

* Comparison rate based on Rate Smasher standard variable rate for a $150,000 loan for 25yrs with 70% Loan-to-Value ratio and comparable basic loans of major banks as at 9/5/16. WARNING: This comparison rate is true only for the example(s) and may not include fees and charges. Different terms, other loan might in a different comparison rate. Fees,basic charges and apply. Visit full details.rate Yellow Brick Finance Pty Ltd * given Comparison rate based on all Rate Smasher standard variable rate fees for a or $150,000 loanamounts for 25yrs with result 70% Loan-to-Value ratio and comparable loans of credit major criteria banks as at 9/5/16. WARNING: This for comparison is true onlyRoad for the example(s) ACN License 393195. given128 and708 may109. notAustralian include allCredit feesRate and charges. Different terms, or otherloan loanfor amounts might result in a different comparison rate. Fees, charges credit criteria apply. Visit for full Yellow Brickas Road Finance Pty Ltd rate based on Rate Smasher standard variable rate for fees a variable $150,000 25yrs with 70% Loan-to-Value ratio andwith comparable basic loans ofand major banks as at 9/5/16. WARNING: Thisloans comparison rate is true only for the example(s) ** Comparison Comparison rate based on Smasher standard rate for a $150,000 loan for 25yrs 70% Loan-to-Value ratio and comparable basic ofdetails. major banks at 9/5/16. WARNING: Thi ACN 128 708not 109. Australian Credit given and may include all fees andLicense charges.393195. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate. Fees, charges and credit criteria apply. Visit for full details. Yellow Brick Road Finance Pty Ltd given may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate. Fees, charges and credit criteria apply. Visit ACN 128and 708 109. Australian Credit License 393195.

ACN 128 708 109. Australian Credit License 393195.

LIFE Financial

YellowBrickRoad We a l t h M a n a g e m e n t

What age is it that people start taking advice? When you’re a kid, you’re too young to listen; when you’re a teenager you know everything; and when you’re bustling through the first decade of work you haven’t got time to listen… The sad thing is by the time most of us are ready to hear good advice, it’s too late to take it! Without a doubt, the thing that I repeat so often that I sound like a broken record; “Prepare for your retirement!”, and by that I mean BEFORE you retire. A recent survey on behalf of REST superfund found that over a third of Australians Boomers described themselves as “completely unprepared” for retirement, 51 per cent as “somewhat prepared” and only 14 per cent as financially “prepared”. This means that only about 1 in 10 people are intentionally taking advice about their future, while most of you reading this are either in denial or just not listening.

Unfortunately, I seem to find myself helping many people who have to continue in the workforce well beyond retirement age. Not an ideal situation, but also one that you can take steps to avoid. While sound financial planning and goal setting are the boring buzzwords of what is required to get people to a comfortable place with their money, not everyone is able to identify a specific figure they need to be able to ease into retirement.

s today.

So, how much money do YOU actually avings. need to exit the workforce without stressing about finances?

The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA) releases its Retirement Standard every quarter. Split between moderate and comfortable lifestyles, the standard gives an indication of how much money people need to retire. According to the standard, a single person around the age of 65 living modestly

is comparison rate is true only for the example(s) u for full details. Yellow Brick Road Finance Pty Ltd

will require around $24,000 per year. This increases to $34,000 per year for a couple. For those wanting to live more comfortably, the figure increases to $43,000 per year for singles and $59,000 per year for couples. Neither of these figures seems like they would be enough, but take into account paid up mortgages and little or no personal debt. Given that the average superannuation balances at the time of retirement (assumed to be between 60 and 64 years of age) in 2013/2014 was $292,500 for men and $138,150 for women, many recent retirees will also need to rely on the Age Pension in their retirement. Another thing you probably didn’t see in your particular future. And if retirement is still away off for you, this potentially puts you at the mercy of future parliaments looking favourably on an increasingly ageing population… Good luck with that! So, what’s the easy answer to how you start generating wealth for retirement? “Start as early as possible!” Given that a couple may require as much as half a million dollars or more for a comfortable retirement over the course of ten years, it’s essential to start preparing early. Consider things such as: • Investing with a superannuation provider - making sure to review the performance • Use a competitive home loan to buy CairnsLife 39 Magazine

property and build equity - review this regularly • Share-based investments – seek professional advice • Secure the age pension once you are of age The Australian Securities and Investments Commission encourages people to factor in adjustments to tax legislation, fluctuations in economic markets and even big changes to your life, as events that can derail a retirement strategy. Chances are at least one thing on this list will happen to you! With this in mind, it is advisable to have an emergency fund or provisions in place for unexpected changes. There is no question that all this can be daunting and confusing to navigate, and that’s where Yellow Brick Road is well versed in helping people develop the right wealth management plan that suits each individual lifestyle. If you are still reading, then I’m certain you should give us a call.

Scott Burness Principal & Wealth Manager 07 4040 2040 scott.burness




















































15 460m












ON SITE MANAGER *See website for more information.






With low interest rates and excellent returns you can own your own piece of paradise.

$15 Million Palm Cove Villa Project Attracts Strong Investor Interest Dixon Homes Cairns has announced the launch of a luxury villa project in the sought-after North Queensland beach precinct of Palm Cove. Comprising of 17 four-bedroom villas in a gated private-entry estate, the development to be known as Iluka is strategically positioned just 500 metres from Palm Cove Beach, cafés and restaurants. Construction is expected to start towards the end of the 2nd quarter with an estimated completion date of early 2017. Managing director of Dixon Homes Cairns, Andrew Thomas, said enquiry levels were already strong amongst local, interstate and international investors. Priced from $800,000 to $950,000 the villas feature four bedrooms, ensuites, double garages plus extensive living and outdoor areas. The contemporary, energy efficient designs include the use of bi-fold doors and louvres to maximise airflow, high ceilings and windows accentuating natural light, quality fittings, designer ensuites and walk in robes.

Mr Thomas said security and location were the other key features driving demand. “It is a quality gated, private and secure estate just 500 metres from the beach bars, restaurants, cafés and boutique shops.”

just 500 metres from the beach bars, restaurants, cafés & boutique shops “More than half the villas back onto peaceful rainforest, all within 30 minutes’ drive from Cairns CBD and airport, and 40 minutes from Port Douglas.” For sales enquiries or further information call Dixon Homes Cairns on 1300 10 10 10.

Private swimming pools, rainforest backdrop and extensive landscaping throughout the homes and surrounding area capture the essence of tropical North Queensland living at its finest. Lot sizes range from 442 sqm to 530 sqm, with an average size of 460 sqm. “Palm Cove is one of Australia’s most popular beach destinations, with southern and international visitors all year round as well as savvy investors,’’ Mr Thomas said. “There are only a small number of opportunities in this boutique location with excellent returns for the holiday let villas.” “Overnight rates in peak season expected to be around $700 per night per villa providing excellent incentive for local, interstate and overseas buyers’’ he said.


LIFE Aviation

Last month Cairns Airport hit a new milestone, reaching a record five million passengers in one year for the first time ever. The airport has been a key driver for our regional economy for many years, and will continue to be so into the future. Airport operations and industry activities dependent on the availability of air services through the airport directly and indirectly generate in excess of 30,000 jobs and $2.5 billion of value added revenue for the regional economy. The majority of visitors to Cairns and Great Barrier Reef arrive here via Cairns Airport from the many international and domestic cities it links to with direct services and convenient connections. Cairns Airport has recorded excellent results over the past year with particularly strong growth in international passenger numbers. Cairns Airport Chief Executive Officer, Kevin Brown, attributes this success to several factors.

“These include Jetstar’s Bali service, SilkAir’s Singapore flights, a Philippine Airlines service operating from Manila and Auckland via Cairns and Hong Kong Airlines new Hong Kong service which commenced as a Chinese New Year charter service and is now year round.” “We are also seeing good load factors on our established international routes such as Cathay Pacific’s Hong Kong service and Jetstar’s Japan flights to Tokyo and Osaka.” “China Eastern Airlines operated a four month seasonal service for the 2016 Chinese New Year and Air New Zealand’s seasonal service provides another link with New Zealand from April to October. Both Qantaslink and Air Niugini operate services to Papua New Guinea.” “As passenger numbers at Cairns Airport continue to grow we are also working towards our 20 year development vision to generate new economic opportunities for the region, with exports to play a major role.”

“We’ve welcomed several new international services over the past 12 months or so,” Mr Brown said.

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LIFE Aviation


Since its modest beginnings 20 years ago with just one helicopter, Great Barrier Reef Helicopters has literally soared above the rest to become the largest local helicopter company in Cairns. After starting scenic helicopter flights in 1996, the locally owned and operated company grew to a fleet of five in 2010 before Chris Cooper and Ian Johnson took over the business and grew it into the highly successful company it is today. They expanded the business to include 24 helicopters, a headquarters at Cairns Airport and heliports in Cairns and Port Douglas for the tourism market. In 2012 they also started remote operations in Horn Island in the Torres Strait to service commercial needs and in 2013 opened its Flight Training Centre in Mareeba to enhance educational and employment opportunities. Its expanded portfolio also includes corporate work, film and television work and charter services. The company employs more than 75 people, including 24 pilots, and fly approximately 60,000 people around the reef every year. “Because we’re a local business, what we earn goes back into the local economy,” Ian said, adding that one of their main achievements is the joy they bring to people from all walks of life.



“It’s very exciting to be providing a service that 99.9 per cent of the people who fly with us have the time of their lives. When people land, it’s all smiles.” “While safety is at our very core, we’re also able to inject the pizzazz of fun and provide amazing memories that people take home with them.” Strong, long standing partnerships with Quicksilver Cruises and Reef Magic Cruises together with exclusive landing locations mean Great Barrier Reef Helicopters can fly guests to a reef pontoon, an exclusive sandy cay or a rainforest waterfall, to name just a few of the wide range of locations the company takes its clients. Its $500,000 Flight Training Centre at Mareeba Airport is busy every day, attracting students from Mareeba, Cairns, PNG, China and throughout Queensland and Australia. “There is a large range of career opportunities for helicopter pilots,” said Chris, who has been a pilot and instructor since 2002 including being the company’s chief pilot for a number of years before he and Ian took over the business. “Helicopter pilots can not only work in the tourism industry, but they can do corporate work, work for the police, do search and rescue, fly to oil rigs and do night marine pilot transfers, to name just a few of the career options.” “There’s no time limit on how long it takes to learn to fly. 105 hours is the minimum time frame to do it. It’s a bit of an investment, but the rewards are well worth it because it’s a career you will just never look back on.”

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Chris said Mareeba is the perfect environment to learn to fly. “It’s outside of controlled air space,” he said. The most important thing when learning to fly is to be able to relax. So if you’re in an environment that’s calm, peaceful and quiet then that really increases the chances of the instructor being able to impart the knowledge on to you and it’s going to minimise the amount of time it’s going to take you to train.” The Horn Island base services at least 12 islands, working with government, Queensland Health, Ergon, Telstra and councils, to name a few of its clients.

We’re very busy up there,” Chris said. “It is a beautiful part of the world. Some of the most beautiful flying I’ve done is up there.

While the business has expanded into the commercial and educational sectors, its main core is tourism. “Helicopters are exciting things, they certainly tick a box on people’s life goals list” Chris said. “Everyone should do a helicopter ride over the Great Barrier Reef – with us, of course!”

LIFE Aviation

“Airport owner, NQA (the North Queensland Airports Group) is ready to invest in this $1B development. We will also work with Government, foreign and institutional investors and interested operators.” “The development will maximise the efficiencies of the airport’s existing infrastructure such as runway and terminal buildings and provide new infrastructure such as terminal expansions, taxiways, export facilities and aviation and commercial enterprise precincts.” “We are talking with a range of companies already operating at Cairns Airport and new companies interested in establishing operations here e.g. airlines, aviation support and non-aeronautical activities.” “The purpose built, dedicated aviation precinct will offer new and existing stakeholders a strategic opportunity to expand or establish operations such as aircraft engineering, maintenance and support, training, flight simulation, avionics, aerial surveillance, helicopter operations, freight and logistics and aeronautical catering.” “The commercial precinct will offer dual frontage of a major highway and airside exposure suitable for a range of activities such as business centres, e-commerce and end of runway integrated solutions operations, medical and health facilities, tourism and leisure developments.” “Construction of these new airport facilities will create significant business and community opportunities, contribute almost $1B through construction and over $1B per year on completion to the state economy and generate over 2,000 construction jobs and over 5,000 operational on-airport jobs plus many more thousand external jobs through flow-on activity.” “We look forward to reaching the next milestone of six million passengers in a year as we continue our work to attract new flights for Cairns Airport, to bring more international and domestic visitors to our destination and create new travel options for local residents, and to make our vision for the airport’s future development a reality.”

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Skytrans returns with ‘All Stars’ Captain on-board.

Contact details

Skytrans returned to the skies with a celebrity status, after a rescue buy-out by NRL great Johnathan Thurston and aviation entrepreneur Peter Collings in March 2015. The Queensland owned and operated airline services all communities in the Cape York and Torres Straits with 55 RPT flights per week. Passionate about educational and

employment opportunities of young Indigenous Australians, Johnathan Thurston has been appointed as the company’s Community Ambassador. Already he has endorsed community sponsorships that include the Skytrans Marlins, a Queensland NRL derby to be played in Bamaga, the WIK Rock Concert in Aurukun and the Cairns Indigenous Art Fair.

9 Bush Pilots Avenue, AEROGLEN QLD 4870

Skytrans operates the largest aircraft in the region, with passengers enjoying air-conditioning and inflight service. The Dash-8 Aircraft also carry important freight for communities such as the provision of medical supplies, mail, critical cargo and live exports. Skytrans is proud to be based in Cairns and provide services to all surrounding communities.


With decades of experience, we find the right aircraft for you! • Australian and International Air Charter procurement... just one call and we do it all • Fixed wing or helicopter, jet, turboprop or seaplane... we have them all at our fingertips • Appointed sole air charter provider to the Queensland Government • Urgent freight & passenger movement experts • Remote, regional and island destinations a specialty • Fast professional service 24/7 since 1989

24hrs: 1300 AIRCHARTER [1300 247 242] e: w: CairnsLife 47 Magazine


HISTORY Cairns Airport has seen great changes in aviation since its humble beginnings in 1928 when legendary Cairns aviator, Tom McDonald started flying his Gypsy Moth off a sand ridge near the present day airport. 1990

Cairns Airport dates back to 1928 when Tom McDonald started flying his Gypsy Moth off a sand ridge near the present airport. He could only land and take off between high tides. During one emergency, Tom was forced to take off from beer barrels.

Stage II works completed. This included a new separate International Terminal, associated aprons and taxiways costing an estimate of $80 million.


The people of Cairns started raising money to build an airport where aircraft were able to land and take off at all times, particularly in times of emergency.1936- The Cairns City Council bought 162 hectares of land and built three runways made of cinders, red earth, weathered rock and sand.


The Australian Government bought the airport during World War II for use by the Royal Australian Air Force. The Main runway was sealed and made longer for the RAAF aircraft.

Completion runway extension from 2600 to 3196 metres. Australian Pilots’ dispute. Airservices Australia Control Tower. Qantas Flight Catering.

International Apron Bay 5. Qantas Flight Catering Expansion.


Runway first sealed.

Cathay Pacific commences services to Cairns from Hong Kong


The main runway was lengthened to 1730 metres to accommodate larger aircraft.

Taxiway G2. Bureau of Meteorology.


International Apron Bay 1.

1962-1967 1970-1974

The number of aircraft flying to Cairns increased. TAA and Ansett provided regular scheduled services to most Australian capital cities and also Papua New Guinea.


Air Niugini was the first international service to commence flights out of Cairns to Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea.


The significant increase in aircraft traffic and passengers lead to overcrowding of facilities. The need for expansion prompted the Government to hand the airport over to local ownership.


Completion of Stage I. Official opening of dual International and Domestic Terminals on 31 March.


New Fire Station Facility constructed by Commonwealth Government.


CPA withdrew from the Airport Local Ownership Plan, taking full fiscal responsibility for the airport. Stage II development works commenced.


Cairns International Airport implement new security requirements. General Manager of Cairns Airport, Kayleen Collins is appointed to the Queensland Tourism Board. Cairns Airport Tropical Ambassador Program begins. Cairns Airport welcomed 5 new aircraft parking bays and extended taxiways. Deputy Premier, Anna Bligh announces contract for $135 million redevelopment of Cairns Airport. Work commences in August.


Southern Eastern Levee extended.





International Apron Bay 6. Taxiway B5. Domestic Apron widened.


Completion of Stage IIIA Redevelopment. Within this redevelopment, a three storey Airport Administration Centre was constructed providing 4000 square metres of office space. Domestic Apron Bays 11-14. Domestic Car Park extended. Australian Customs Dog Unit.

North Queensland Airports group purchases Cairns Airport and Mackay Airport. Cairns Airport Pty Ltd now operates Cairns Airport. Cairns Airport becomes the first airport in Australia to be fully equipped for bar-coded boarding passes. New Domestic Terminal Common-User Check-In completed. Cairns Airport Domestic Terminal Redevelopment completed and officially opened 29 September.


Airport Lighting Equipment Room 15 Runway Aircraft Turnaround Engineering. Avis Car Park.



Direct services to Cairns Airport from mainland China commenced December 2012 by China Eastern out of Shanghai


Australian Airlines commenced operations and Cairns is announced as the airline’s hub. Ansett Australia went into voluntary administration on 14 September.



The Australian Association of Airports National Conference is Held in Cairns, hosted by CPA. Central Services Building – Staff Car Park expansion. GA Staff Car Park. Separate Fire Main. CPA celebrates 100 years.

Premier Anna Bligh announces Cairns Airport is to be sold. Cairns Airport hosts the 3rd Airports Council International Asia Pacific Regional Assembly Conference & Exhibition. Jetstar make Australia’s first landing of an A321 aircraft at Cairns Airport. The Royal Flying Doctor moves to new premises in General Aviation. First stage of Domestic Terminal Redevelopment opens.


The Cairns Harbour Board, which managed the Port of Cairns, agreed to expand its interests and take control of the airport. The Commonwealth Government provided funding for expansion. The Harbour Board subsequently changed its name to Cairns Port Authority (CPA) and assumed control of Cairns Airport under the Airport Local Ownership Plan in December. Commencement of Stage I Redevelopment. This involved further lengthening of the runway to 2600 metres (making it the longest runway in Queensland) and construction of a new terminal building.




The airport was upgraded and the runway lengthened to 2020 metres and strengthened so jets could land.




CASA Building


US-led War on Terror is is declared 20 March 2003. Lead up to the war saw a decrease in passengers. International Terminal Building IQI expansion. International Apron Bays 7 & 8.


Queensland Transport Minister Paul Lucas officially opens stage one of the Cairns International Airport Terminal Redevelopment. Hawker Pacific Hangar.

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Direct services to Cairns Airport from Singapore commenced 30 May 2015 by SilkAir, the regional wing of Singapore Airlines. T1 (International) celebrates the 25th Anniversary of its opening on 3 September 1990. Direct services to Cairns Airport from Manilla (Philippines) and Auckland (New Zealand) commenced 3 December 2015 by Philippine Airlines


The inaugural HongKong Airlines service touches down in Cairns on 9 January 2016 operating charter services over Chinese New Year. Cairns Airport welcomes 5 million passengers 8 June 2016 for the first time in a 12 month period.

LIFE Aviation



Townsville-based Jacqui Dunn, 31, recently became the Far North Queensland firm’s third female pilot, sharing the skies and passion for the job with Bronwyn Loud and Jenna Ryan who call Darwin and Cairns home respectively. All three agree that passengers are often surprised to find the pilot is a woman. “It’s a happy surprise,” Bronwyn says. “They say, ‘oh, you are flying us – that’s cool’.” Jacqui, from Sydney, is based at Townsville and flies scenic charters over the Great Barrier Reef and transfers guests to and from Orpheus Island. Her epiphany was a trial flight given by her parents as a present for her 20th birthday. “I was hooked straight away and decided

that was what I wanted to do,” Jacqui said. “Within two weeks I began flying lessons. Once I completed my private pilot’s licence I began doing a conversion to helicopters.” Jenna Ryan, 32, from the Sunshine Coast, gave up a primary school teaching career to learn to fly. Once she decided she could master the mechanical knowledge she left her job at a private boys’ school in London and returned to Australia to train. She attained her commercial helicopter licence five years ago and worked on the Gold Coast, Hayman and Hamilton Islands and Airlie Beach, flying charters and using her teaching skills to instruct private and commercial student pilots

Forget the aviator’s wife – when you take a flight on one of Nautilus Aviation’s helicopters out of Cairns , Townsville or Darwin chances are you’ll find your pilot is a woman and very much at home at the controls. before joining Nautilus in Cairns last September. “It was a perfect combination of teaching skills and love of flying,” Jenna says, Until now, she has never worked with more than one other female pilot. “It’s a brilliant career – taking guests on scenic flights and landing on the pontoon where the big boats go, or landing at Middle Cay on a tiny sand strip in the middle of the ocean surrounded by reef where the guests go snorkeling – it’s a pretty good office I get to fly around in every day.” Bronwyn Loud, 30, from country New South Wales, joined Nautilus Aviation 18 months ago and graduated as a commercial pilot more than five years ago.

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“Everywhere I have worked, including in the Kimberley and Northern Territory, I have been the only female pilot so it’s really good to see more women at the controls,” Bronwyn adds. Bronwyn’s interest in flying began when she opted for high school work experience with the air force – to learn about physical training. She had a ride in a flight simulator and talked to a few pilots. “Then, when I was 17, my parents gave me a chopper flight for my birthday and that was it – I was hooked.” While aviation may be a male-dominated industry, Bronwyn says she has never had a problem getting a job. “I think aviation is a great industry for women pilots.”

LIFE Aviation



The road to becoming a helicopter pilot takes commitment, dedication and many hours of training, but for Nautilus Aviation’s Chief Flying Instructor Anthony Crestani, he wouldn’t have it any other way and now takes great pleasure in training the next generation of new recruits. There are many places around the world you can train to be a helicopter pilot, but there is nowhere more spectacular than the World Heritage listed sites of the Great Barrier Reef and Daintree Rainforest or the Northern Territory’s National Parks of Kakadu and Litchfield. Seeing the potential of this, Nautilus Aviation is making the most of its bases in Cairns, Townsville and Darwin to now offer advanced pilot training on top of its already established work in the tourism and commercial sectors. Helping to run this operation is Anthony Crestani, a helicopter pilot and instructor who has been working in the industry for almost two decades. He says the demand for flight training continues to gain momentum as people seek out a career in the aviation industry on the back of increased demand for experienced and highly trained pilots. “Being a helicopter pilot is a great job. It offers various career avenues such as tourism, training, emergency services, offshore, utility flying and more. It is an incredibly rewarding career that allows you to travel all over the world.”

Our teaching programs are incredibly flexible, geared to each student to give them the best possible chance of success.

There is nothing Anthony loves more than sharing his love of flying with those wanting to learn. “There is a complete sense of freedom when flying a chopper, it is unlike anything else in the world. There is also a lot of personal satisfaction that comes from teaching someone a skill such as flying. Sending a student for their first solo flight is a great feeling and accomplishment not only for the student but very rewarding for myself,” he adds. Anthony says training to become a pilot takes a lot of commitment. “There are two sides to the course. The first is practical, which is all the fun stuff. For a private licence, 50 hours of flying training is required before taking a flight test. For

those wanting to obtain a commercial licence, which is what you need if you want a career in aviation, it is 125 hours of flying then a flight test. With just 130 hours of flight training under his belt when he first started, then rookie Nautilus Aviation Pilot Clement Gros said having the experienced team behind him as he began his career as a commercial pilot has been invaluable. “I was provided with good support and guidance by the Chief Pilot and Deputy Chief Pilot as well as other experienced pilots based in Cairns. Once I arrived on Horn Island, I was equally supported and introduced to flying in the Torres Strait by the experienced pilots who were based on Horn Island.

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“Nautilus Aviation has a strong structure of experienced pilots available to provide the support required before a new pilot is sent out on his own and now I have accumulated almost 650 hours of flying in a year. Since the Flight School became operational, I have also been able to obtain my first Turbine Helicopter Endorsement by conduction training with Anthony.” Clement says flying in the Torres Strait has opened up a world of possibilities for him. “The experience obtained in that first job out of flight school will pretty much dictate how quickly you will progress as a pilot and onto different and bigger types of helicopter. Starting with Nautilus Aviation has been a great learning curve and has allowed me to accumulate a lot of flying hours. This has allowed me to recently progress onto turbine helicopters, which is a significant step up in a junior pilot’s career,” he adds. Nautilus Aviation Chief Executive Officer Aaron Finn says the flight training school was a great complement to the services offered by the company, which was established in 1993. “From humble beginnings operating out of a historical World War II hangar at Townsville airport, with a single Cessna 208 Float Plane providing flights between Townsville, Orpheus Island and Cairns on a daily basis, we have grown to become one of the premier helicopter operators in Australia. “Now, 23 years down the track, the float plane has moved on, replaced by a fleet of 24 helicopters, which boast some of the most technically advanced single engine helicopters in the world. As the company has grown so has our services, which are now spread across a diverse range of portfolios including tourism, charter, VIP transfers, commercial, industrial and aerial work.”

LIFE Aviation

Lead by the Airbus H130 and H125 with VEMD and FADEC systems, Aaron says the current fleet has flown more than 40,000 flight hours in the past four years, all of which have been accident and incident free giving clients piece of mind when it comes to safety and reliability. “Safety has always been at the forefront of the company’s model with commercial gain coming second to safe operations, crew and passenger safety. “Nautilus Aviation now has established bases in Townsville, Cairns (HQ), Horn Island and Darwin where we operate the recently acquired Helifish brand. We also have satellite bases in Weipa, Normanton and Mt Isa during the North’s monsoon season. These bases are fully supported by our team of factory trained aircraft engineers providing onsite maintenance from our Cairns based facility as well as the Horn Island and Darwin bases,” Aaron adds. With a footprint spanning North Queensland, to the very tip of Australia, as well as out West to Mt Isa and beyond into the Northern Territory, Nautilus Aviation continues to cement its place in the aviation sector, meeting growing demand for the specialist and tourism services it offers. For Aaron, the focus for the company during its growth and acquisition period, has been about finding the right balance between its expanding fleet, the services offered and its commitment to safety as well as providing important career pathways for burgeoning helicopter pilots. “The future is incredibly exciting for not only Nautilus Aviation but the whole sector and we certainly foresee lots of potential going forward,” he concludes.

For more information visit Key Facts Nautilus Aviation offers flight training from its Cairns, Townsville and Darwin bases To obtain a commercial helicopter pilot licence, trainees have to undertake 125 hours of flying as well as fulfill theory components Sectors such as tourism, offshore, search and rescue, utility flying, mining and agricultural offer employment opportunities

CairnsLife 51 Magazine

PURE Luxury Want to celebrate a special occasion or milestone event? Want to tick off a bucket list adventure right here on your doorstep? Why not fly over the spectacular Great Barrier Reef on you’r way to your very own piece of paradise. Spend two hours on a secluded cora’’l cay, offering pristine snorkelling and picture perfect white sand. Tuck into a gourmet picnic hamper, while sipping sparkling wine before taking a scenic helicopter flight back to Cairns. At just $649 per person, this is one helicopter adventure that should be on everyone’s wish list. For more information visit

Australia’s Premier Regional Airline

Flight Schedule For more information and to book visit Reservations ph: 1800 627 474 Charters ph: +61 8 8920 4070

Airnorth Fares on Sale Toowoomba-Cairns and Toowoomba - Melbourne Airnorth Australia’s premier regional Airline, has commenced non-stop Jet services between Toowoomba (Brisbane West Wellcamp Airport) and Cairns, and Toowoomba and Melbourne. This is the second Airnorth service for Cairns Airport who welcomed its first Airnorth service in August 2014 with their Cairns-Gove-Darwin flights. Operating three return flights a week every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday between Toowoomba and Cairns, and seven return flights a week every Monday to Friday and Sunday between Toowoomba and Melbourne, this new route opens up Cairns and Melbourne for residents of Toowoomba and their surrounding regions. Business travellers, sporting enthusiasts and holiday makers were amongst the travellers on the first flights, commencing March 2016. Darling Downs residents are now able to spend weekends in Cairns or Melbourne, visiting North Queensland with its incredible diversity and unique attractions or attending some of Australia’s leading sporting events in Melbourne. Airnorth CEO Daniel Bowden, says, “We are proud to see Airnorth again breaking new ground to deliver the first commercial passenger service to both Cairns and Melbourne out of the new Brisbane West

Wellcamp Airport, at Toowoomba. “This is an important milestone for our business and for regional Australia. Wellcamp is a world class facility and a credit to the vision and commitment of its owners, and our key partners, in the Wagner Family,” says Mr Bowden. Brisbane West Wellcamp general manager Mr Phil Gregory says Airnorth’s direct Cairns services are a major coup for the Darling Downs region. “We are very excited to have direct air services between Cairns and Toowoomba. “I am sure many Tropical North Queensland locals and visitors to our region will enjoy the opportunity to have direct access to the many attractions on offer in the Toowoomba region,” Mr Gregory says. “Toowoomba and the surrounding areas will provide great winter escapes for North Queenslanders looking for gourmet food and wine trails, conversely many locals will welcome the opportunity to enjoy Cairns’ warmer weather and highlights such as the Great Barrier Reef. “We look forward to working closely with Cairns Airport and Airnorth to ensure successful, long-term partnerships that will

open the skies to better connectivity for both cities,” Mr Gregory says. Airnorth Chief Executive Officer Daniel Bowden has welcomed the inclusion of the Qantas code on the new Airnorth Wellcamp services. The new arrangement will also provide Qantas Frequent Flyers with the opportunity to earn and redeem Qantas Points. “The new flights will allow both outbound and inbound customers from Toowoomba and the wider Darling Downs, to directly access Melbourne and Cairns with the added Qantas codeshare travel options and associated benefits. “By partnering with Qantas on these services we’re expanding not only our codeshare network but our ability to offer customers in regional communities’ greater access to quality airline services and enjoy seamless connectivity to Qantas’ domestic and international networks,” says Mr Bowden. The new services welcome passengers on board Airnorth’s state-of–the-art Embraer E170 jets, with additional seat pitch and a 2 x 2 configuration with leather seats. Airnorth is a full service carrier providing customers with complimentary catering and a free baggage allowance, coupled with exceptional customer service.

(L – R): Tim Jackman ‘King of the Kids’ at the Cunnamulla Under 8’s Day, the Heart of Australia bus, and the 2015 Mornington Island Person of the Year.

REX IN THE COMMUNITY Regional Express (Rex) is Australia’s largest independent regional airline operating a fleet of more than 50 Saab 340 aircraft on some 1,500 weekly flights to 58 destinations throughout all states in Australia. In addition to the regional airline Regional Express, the Rex Group comprises wholly owned subsidiaries Pel-Air Aviation (air freight and charter operator), Air Link (Dubbo-based regional airline) and the Australian Airline Pilot Academy. During 2015 Rex successfully commenced new services throughout Queensland. On 1 January 2015 Rex began three new regulated routes; the Gulf, Western 1 and Western 2. They also commenced services from Cairns to Townsville, Bamaga and Mount Isa. Rex’s expansion in Queensland continued further in July 2015, with weekday flights added to the Cairns and Townsville schedule. The new schedule added 3 return flights each week day, creating 60,000 annual seats and a total of 34 flights weekly. Rex not only provides essential air services to regional communities, but is also committed to giving back to these communities by supporting causes and events that assist the less fortunate and help the community grow. Rex dedicates a budget of more than $400,000 per year to Queensland related sponsorships and promotions. Rex supports various facets of the community from charities like Heart of Australia, a charity providing much needed cardiovascular health services to regional towns; to community events like Mornington Island NAIDOC week and the Mount Isa Rodeo.

(L – R): Mount Isa Rodeo 2015, Windorah Sports Camp, and Rex staff with the 2016 NRL Trophy during the Queensland NRL Trophy Tour.

B a m a g a ( N PA ) C a i r n s M o r n i n g t o n I s l a n d (G u n u n a) Normanton Mt Isa Doomadgee B u r k e t o w n To w n s v i l l e H u g h e n d e n Richmond Julia Creek Winton Longreach Boulia Bedourie Birdsville Windorah Quilpie Charleville Thargomindah Cunnamulla St George Brisbane W e l l c a m p ( To o w o o m b a)

Connecting Regional Queensland I 13 17 13





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“Jaleesa DeVries ” FROM WESTCOURT

50s G lam


With Our Make-Over this Month we wanted to pay Homage’ to The Aviation Industry. We decided to have fun with a 50’s inspired “ Trolley Dolly” Theme. Why not get Adventurous for your next Party. After Repairing The Colour, a Visit to our Brow Bar, Fabulous Make-Up & 50’s Victory Up-Do we are ready to Rock N Roll. WOW….........Come Fly With Us


We care for people in our Community, because we believe in our Communities. Marcia and Trevor Brownley have been foster carers and caring for children and young people for over 35 years. They use their knowledge of Aboriginal people and communities to help connect children in their care to relatives, making them feel part of their extended family. Through their care program, the Brownleys identify where each foster child is from and then teach them the language and traditions of their cultural background. Marcia and Trevor together speak five languages and value their culture enormously. Bush outings and bush tucker along with Aboriginal language are a mainstay in the Brownley household to keep the children they support connected to culture and their heritage.

consistently shown to provide the best environment for children. “We consider the most appropriate placement for each individual child to ensure suitable cultural and community support is provided, including keeping siblings together where possible. LWB teams continue to collaborate to enhance their programs, recently combining with their Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Support Planner and forming a partnership with a local Aboriginal Elder to develop a Cultural program to teach young people traditional corroboree (dance), dreamtime stories, Aboriginal words and respect for family, culture and land of Yidinji clan. The young people attending had been disconnected from their family, community and language and the cultural program provided an opportunity for these children to re-connect.


This cultural connection is coupled with building a warm, secure “We have had great success connecting environment and being involved in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait activities thatOur makeFoster the children Carersinare compassionate and caring people who are able to pr Islander children people their care happy. They are single, married, same-sex couplesand oryoung in a long-term relationship. Th living in foster care and have noticed signicant changes in their behaviours, Marcia Brownley said that she’s lost will be holding session on how to become a Foster Car attitudes and confidence of the count of howWe many children she andan information children for the better, over the course her husband Trevor have cared for. of the program, ” he concluded. VENUE: Life Without Barriers, 127 Anderson Street, Manunda “We tell the children we care for that LWB has a strong Commitment to we can’t make changes to history – but August 2016 Reconciliation, recently launching we can makeDATE: a changeThursday, to ourselves11 and their 2016-2019 National Stretch grow up and take on responsibility for our lives,” Marcia said.5.30pm - 8.30pm RAP (Reconciliation Action Plan), TIME: and participating in and supporting activities and events throughout Supported by Life Without Barriers There will also a free BBQ Please contact us today to R the dinner year thatincluded. recognise Aboriginal (LWB) Marcia and Trevor alsobe learnt and Torres Strait Islander Culture from their own parents and families and History such as Sorry Day, who grew up in the bush. It was Reconciliation Week, Mabo Day and their families who taught them the NAIDOC Week. importance of playing a part in their community – whether it is simply by just sharing meals and giving If you are interested in friendship and support. becoming a Life Without Barriers Foster Carer, you can Life Without Barriers, Cairns come along for a yarn and BBQ Operations Manager Asher at our Information Session to be Meadows said family based out of held on the 11th August 2016. home care placements have been

T. 07 4032 8300 W. WWW.LWB.ORG.AU



Our Foster Carers are compassionate and caring people who are able to provide safe and nurturing homes. They are single, married, same-sex couples or in a long-term relationship. They are people like you! We will be holding an information session on how to become a Foster Carer.



Our Foster are Barriers, compassionate and caring people are able to provide safe and nurturing homes. VENUE: Life Carers Without 127 Anderson Street,who Manunda They are single, married, same-sex couples or in a long-term relationship. They are people like you!

DATE: Thursday, 11 an August 2016 session on how to become a Foster Carer. We will be holding information VENUE: Life-Without TIME: 5.30pm 8.30pmBarriers, 127 Anderson Street, Manunda DATE: Thursday, 11 August 2016

A FOSTER CARER There will also be a free BBQ dinner included.

We will be holding an information session on h

VENUE: Life Without Barriers, 127 Anderson S

TIME: 5.30pm - 8.30pm

Please contact us today to RSVP!

rovide safe and nurturing homes. There also be a free BBQ dinner included. Please contact us today to RSVP! They are people likewill you!

DATE: Thursday, 11 August 2016




Our Foster Carers are compassionate and caring They are single, married, same-sex couples or in

There will also be a free BBQ dinner included. P Our Foster Carers are compassionate and caring people who are able to provide safe and nu They are single, married, same-sex couples or in a long-term relationship. They are people li

T. 07 4032 8300 We will be holding an information session on how to become a Foster Carer. W. WWW.LWB.ORG.AU T. 4032 8300 VENUE: Life Without Barriers, 127 Anderson Street,07 Manunda W. WWW.LWB.ORG.A DATE: Thursday, 11 August 2016 TIME: 5.30pm - 8.30pm INFORMATION SESSION - BE A FOSTER CARER There will also be a free BBQ dinner included. Please contact us today to RSVP! Our Foster Carers are compassionate and caring people who are able to provide safe and nurturing homes. They are single, married, same-sex couples or in a long-term relationship. They are people like you! We will be holding an information session on how to become a Foster Carer.

T. 07 4032 8300 W. WWW.LWB.ORG.AU

VENUE: Life Without Barriers, 127 Anderson Street, Manunda DATE: Thursday, 11 August 2016

TIME: 5.30pm - 8.30pm TION SESSION - BE A FOSTER CARER CairnsLife 59 Magazine

There will also be a free BBQ dinner included. Please contact us today to RSVP!

LIFE Pamper

RelaxRevitaliseRenew Corrective & Anti-aging Facials, Massage, Pedicure, Essential Beauty & Gift Vouchers



Hot Deal for CairnsLife readers 30 minute massage + 30 minute facial for only $95 (usually $130). Just mention this add. Check out further Hot Deals on Facebook – we will be rolling them out all month long.

Main St Arcade, 85 Lake Street Cairns, QLD 07 4051 8344

Alluring An

Experience Words and photos by Silvia M o go ro vi ch Bec Galeano always knew she wanted to be a hairdresser: as a child growing up in Gordonvale, she spent hours playing with her sister’s hair and even now, loves creating unique upstyle’s and transforming her clients with beautiful cuts and colours.

Beginning her career in earnest as a 15-year-old school based apprentice, she went on to win a hair show in the 3rd year of her apprenticeship, which included a trip to Brisbane to further her skills. Two months ago, at the age of 24 (with almost 10 years of experience behind her!), she took on her biggest challenge to date - taking ownership of Allure Hair Boutique at the southern end of Lake Street, next to the Park Regis City Quays.

Receive a FREE Lable M or Bare Product of your choice when you have a Colour, Cut & Blow-dry Service to the value of $150.00. Conditions apply- available until stock runs out. Men’s Trims- $20.00 * Friday Special- Ladies shampoo & Blow-dry/ straighten from $20.00. Conditions apply.

Check out our other specials on our facebook page … ipSEITY Beauty & Hair Studio

Shop 11 Showground Shopping Centre, 157 Mulgrave Road, Cairns, 4870 Phone : 4051 7211 Email: Web :

CairnsLife 60 Magazine

It’s a beautiful salon, elegant and stylish, with gorgeous picture windows to watch the world go by, as well as mounted televisions to entertain you while your hair is washed at the stylish black basins. A wall of glass separates the work area from the waiting area, managing to be both open and contained at the same time. Tastefully decorated, the eye is immediately drawn to the unconventional, and yet exquisite, chandelier, and then drops to the ample couches which look welcoming, and feel so comfortable that it’s tempting to come early for your appointment and spend 15 minutes catching up on the latest magazines!

LIFE Pamper

Ple a

hip ers NO Facebook n ow EA e on w GAL r Boutiqu e N EC e Hai B e Allur se


Shop 32 12-14 Lake Street 07 4051 2100 | 0418 880 623

Keeping up-to-date with the current hair trends is second nature to Bec, whose favourite technique is Balayage and blonde foiling. Allure Hair Boutique is also a Wella Professional salon and stocks Cloud 9 hair straighteners. Bec has teamed up with local makeup artist Sara O’Neill (Sara J Hair and Makeup) to offer complete wedding packages which include a trial session before the big day. Bec is driven to succeed in her chosen field and has a five year plan for the salon, which includes growing her team and taking on apprentices of her own. She enjoys the full support of her partner and family, along with her loyal clients who love her friendly, positive attitude and the obvious care she puts into each and every appointment. Her enthusiasm is completely sincere as she says ‘I’m so happy, I love it, it’s the best thing I’ve ever done!’. With her focus on customer satisfaction, this is a woman you can trust to tell you the truth about whether the picture you found on Pinterest will suit you in real life, because Bec Galeano wants to help you find the style that will give you the confidence only the right cut can give you.

Shop 7 Rydges Plaza Corner Grafton & Spence Street Cairns 07 4031 4247

Scene Hair

31 B McLeod Street Cairns, QLD 07 4041 3510 Open 9:00AM - 5:00PM SalonSaskia

CairnsLife 61 Magazine

LIFE Pamper


Mention this ad to get your first treatment ONLY $59! Deals like this don’t happen everyday

Microdermabrasion Long-time Cairns resident Erna Zell is making the most of her view on life with her home based business “Erna’s Microdermabrasion”.

Feature your business here! CONTACT JODIE ON


Her salon, based at her beautiful home at the top of View Street in Brinsmead is the perfect combination of spectacular scenery and a lovely relaxed ambience. Erna prides herself on making her customers feel good as well as look good. “We use no harsh chemicals and because I work from home, I am able to keep the cost affordable for everyone. There is no pain and within an hour you can use sunscreen or makeup.” Microdermabrasion is a treatment that exfoliates the dead layers of skin and stimulates blood flow to the layers of healthy

skin, leaving it looking firmer and younger. The treatment can reduce or eliminate fine facial lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging and improve the appearance of acne scars and other light scarring. Erna recommends clients have the treatment every six to eight weeks and will soon welcome her daughter Tahlia into her business. “We are going to be offering laser hair removal, tanning, waxing and eyebrow feather tattooing. I want to be able to provide a wonderful and affordable service and so far we have had some great feedback.”

Mention this article and receive your first treatment ONLY $59!

CairnsLife 62 Magazine

LIFE Opinion





Il ari a B ro phy

I have all the elements of a happy life: ü Friends ü Family ü Career ü Health However I often obsess about what I don’t have as opposed to what I do have and as a result I rarely view life through the #blessed filter. It appears I am not alone in this ‘ad infinitum’ dissatisfaction cycle, as I’ve discovered I’m part of a far greater problem – the dissatisfaction generation; less than half of us are happy with our jobs, there’s despair at soaring house prices, the level of voter frustration and dissatisfaction is on the rise, social media sh*t storms have become a daily occurrence and now thousands of women are undergoing labiaplasties as it appears their own vulvas aren’t good enough! In an effort to examine and address this growing level of dissatisfaction, I launched a self-development program, ‘Illy’s Life Renos,’ in an attempt to ‘renovate’ the lives of people by reinvigorating their minds, bodies and spirits through a range of activities. I invited three other women, whom I christened my ‘Renovators,’ to join me in this pursuit of fulfilment.

With luxury and relaxation in mind we adopt a natural and eco approach to our beauty treatments. Natural, locally sourced product, raw and fresh ingredients and a simple, stylish aura of urban tranquillity

4053 2205

This is what we found. Let it go Our journey commenced with a transformation and empowerment course mentored by life coach, Rhyn Nasser, aka The Millionaire Monk. In the first part of this session we learned various principles designed to help transform our lives, such as judgement limits possibility, choose big (as the middle-ground attracts fierce competition) and your point of view creates your reality. In the second part, we partook in a chakra clearing session, designed to balance and cleanse the 7 major chakra energy centres. Translation: Allows you to let sh*t go! In my case, I have long carried around, ‘trust issues.’ I loathe being deceived, and as a consequence I have harboured contempt for anyone whom I believe has actively lied to me. The Millionaire Monk asked me, “Are you ready to let this go?” I replied, “No, I’ve got to over-think some more about it.” Actually this was a rhetorical question and he retorted, “No, we’re letting this go!” At this point, I had a major ‘Aha moment’ – all this time I didn’t WANT to let go of my trust issues as staying guarded seemingly helped me control and prepare for future catastrophe. I guess it was an attempt at self-preservation. CairnsLife 63 Magazine


WILD SUGAR be wild be sweet be you

Salsa Dress in Bird of Paradise by Sajeela Jamie for Wild Sugar. Made in Cairns. Located at the Pier. 07 4041 6960 Model: Juria Honda. Photo: Photoholic Studio. MUA: Dani'Elle Patane of Beauty Call Cairns.


LOCAL A big part of what CairnsLife does is to be the catalyst of local commerce, providing a forum for the exchange of ideas, news, views, products and services between local buyers and sellers. As part of our Buy Local awareness campaign each month we shine a spotlight onto businesses across our city and our region, featuring not only their commercial activity but also a look at the faces behind local service. The people of our town that make it great and aspire to bring the very best of what we want, when we want it at a good price and with a big smile. We hope you enjoy the following pages and, like us, see the value in keeping it local.

CairnsLife 65 Magazine

LIFE Palm Cove

Join us for breakfast, lunch, dinner and everything in between!

Homemade gelato, the finest coffee in town, cold-pressed juices, smoothies, and a mouth-watering menu all day and night. Join us for breakfast, lunch, dinner and everything in between! Homemade gelato, the finest coffee in town, cold-pressed juices, smoothies, and a mouth-watering menu all day and night.

“SPECIAL JULY OFFER - receive a free single scoop of homemade gelato with every main meal” Shop 4B , 41-47 W i l l i ams E s pl an ade , Pal m Co ve (07) 4059 1852 • j ac k an ds h an an s . c om.a u

Shop 4b, 41-47 Williams Esplanade Palm Cove QLD


Palm Cove Paradise

The popular Palm Cove place to relax and ive ce re lato o t e indulge, g eal & Shanan’s, is bringing locals d Jack s a of thi op ain m pm! on sco ytourists m r5 andentithe back again and again. The E r te M FRE eve d af a ith re family-owned restaurant named after the w rde o kids, opened just over one year ago in its idyllic esplanade location. Originally known as the place to go to for homemade Italian gelato, gourmet crepes and refreshing ‘jooces’, the upgraded kitchen is now wowing guests even further for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and everything in between. Owner and manager, Paul Gilmartin, wanted to “keep the food real, of great quality and great value” by offering plates that celebrate our tropical environment, served in style and in hearty portions.

Choc Dee Thai Restaurant, 123 Williams Esplanade, Palm Cove

07 4059 2533

While still spinning their famous crepes, Jack & Shanan’s now offers a wider variety of sensational dishes. With valued input from Operations Manager - Jerome Fagard, Head Chef Stephen Puffett and Manager – Miroo Kim, the restaurant is now exceeding diners’ expectations with the delicious menu, quality service and serene ambience – whether it be an evening cocktail on the back deck with the peaceful sounds of the waterfall splashing in Drift Resort’s fluorescent pool, or enjoying breakfast on the front deck overlooking the coral sea as a backdrop to all that the picturesque esplanade has to offer. Seeking a healthy balance while on holidays? Paul’s sister, Lynn Gilmartin, has her little corner of health in Jooce Bar. This is your go-to bar for freshly made cold-pressed juices,

Shop 2, 41 Williams Esplanade, Palm Cove (07) 4059 0594

CairnsLife 66 Magazine

LIFE Palm Cove


smoothies and superfood bowls. With ingredients like coconut milk, mango and dragon fruit, you can literally taste FNQ. The tropical flavours continue at Jack & Shanan’s throughout breakfast, lunch and dinner. Guests keep coming back for the ‘Lime Infused Calamari’, ‘Oysters of Passion’ – Pacific Bay Oysters with gin and passionfruit sorbet, ‘Whole Baby Barramundi’ and the stunning ‘Coral Reef ’ with a Mexican twist -- locally-caught fresh barramundi and prawns served in crisped, organic buckwheat shells topped with avocado, salsa and sour cream. And that’s not the only touch of Mexico you’ll find here. Lynn and her partner, Angel Guillen, spend much of each year in Mexico. So they couldn’t help but add some exotic central-American influence to the menu. The ‘Molcajete’ (pronounced mol-cah-het-e) is the perfect dish to share, loaded with sizzling strips of local meats and seafood, served up with freshly-spun buckwheat crepes to wrap your feast up with all your traditional Mexican toppings, fajita style!



Open for Lunch and Dinner 7 days a week and Breakfast on a Sunday from 8am.

Unique dietary requirements? Jack & Shanan’s has you covered with the most extensive gluten-free menu around, loads of dairy-free sorbets and smoothies, and uber-tasty veggie dishes. No need to worry about the children’s appetite either, considering Jack and Shanan themselves are the little ones behind the approval process of the kids menu! Jack & Shanan’s offers the ideal dining experience for all. If you’re seeking an intimate meal, taking the family out for dinner, or a booking a group function – they’ve got you covered right here in their little piece of Palm Cove paradise. CairnsLife 67 Magazine

135 Williams Esplanade

Palm Cove (07) 4059 1244

LIFE Redlynch

Gold Greeting Cards Cards&&Art ArtSupplies Supplies GoldLotto, Lotto,Stationery, Stationery, Gifts, Gifts, Papers Papers and and Magazines, Magazines, Greeting







Nextra, Nextra,


Read All About It!













Redlynch Central Shopping Centre • (07) 4039 3370

Shop 15, Redlynch Central Shopping Centre

4039 1755

Words and photos by Silvia M o go ro vi ch Both longtime locals, Beth grew up in Atherton, and Rod’s family has lived here since his grandfather arrived in 1910. Their first foray into small business was in 1982 when they purchased Stratford Newsagency after returning from Canberra where they had lived and worked for 10 years. Rod recalls the early days, when he would make the 66 kilometre round trip from Stratford to Ellis Beach, distributing newspapers and magazines with his baby daughter in a bassinet in the backseat of the car. Two years after opening Stratford News they then opened Cairns Airport News and Gifts and later Marlin Coast News at Smithfield Shopping Centre. They then downsized to one store and for the last 20 years Nextra Marlin Coast News has been their main focus. However, they have recently decided to expand their horizons with the opening of their second Nextra store at Redlynch Central Shopping Centre.

Margaret Street, Redlynch, QLD 4870

Call us today 07 4039 3800

CairnsLife 68 Magazine

Already familiar with the benefits of being a member of the Nextra group, and with their focus on offering exceptional customer service to the local community, it’s easy to understand why they were persuaded to open another store in the newly renovated Redlynch

LIFE Redlynch


Spray Tans


Made in Australia, odour free, paraben free, dries instantly, natural or exotic glow

Also available: Advanced facials • IPL • LED treatments • Massage • Waxing • Pedicures • Shellac CND • Free Jane Iredale 10 minute make over (07) 4039 3178 Redlynch Central Shopping Centre m e d i

c l i n i c

Offer valid till July 31, mention this ad when booking, not available with any other offer or voucher.

Rod and Beth Bradley are the kind of couple who finish each other’s sentences – and I’m not surprised, given the fact that apart from being married, they’ve also been working together for 33 years.

Central Shopping Centre. Rod said that when the Redlynch community was surveyed they said they wanted a newsagency more than anything else in the complex. “However,” Rod adds “running a newsagency is very hard”, especially in today’s challenging economic climate. Joining the Nextra group in 1996 gave them the security to remain a profitable business, and they have nothing but praise for the efforts of the Nextra group in supporting small business owners in remaining relevant to the market. Being small business owners for such a long period of time means that they have hired many employees over the years, with some clocking in decades of service. One current employee, Karen Martin, started working for the Bradleys as a teenager and after a break to start her own family, returned as the face of the Redlynch store. Redlynch Shopping Centre sees a significant amount of tourist traffic so including a selection of postcards and souvenirs has been a good addition to their range. However, the majority of their products are focused on the local market and within the store you will find an excellent assortment of magazines, greeting cards, gifts, stationery supplies as well as lotto, of which Beth declares, “It’s our turn for a big win!”.

Enrolments welcome

P: 4039 5200



Membership of $50.00 per person gives you a personalised “Travel Club” membership card & the following benefits : 1) 25% discount off travel insurance. 2) Monthly Newsletter. 3) Unbiased, no obligation, travel planning & advice. 4) Local recognition & discounts in and around Cairns. 5) Invitations to visiting cruise ship inspections. 6) Exclusive invites to Travel Club networking functions & promotions. 7) Up to 5 months interest free payment with “Travel Pay”.

Visit for more details.

CairnsLife 69 Magazine

LIFE Edgehill

Kinesiology A holistic approach to health and vitality with results that can be felt immediately. 6/132 Collins Avenue, Edge Hill Qld 4870

Phone 0409 451 123 and find out for yourself

Yoga through your heart; the most effective healing system you will ever learn * Nurture your body * Connect with your heart * Uplift your spirit * Find new friends

& no more pain?!

Yoga is for everyone; large variety of yoga classes available, kid’s yoga, yoga teacher trainings, corporate yoga classes, yoga therapy.

7-8/132 Collins Avenue, Edge Hill, QLD 4870 Ph: 0488 009 392


NRL, Natural Life, Gorjuss Lotto store syndicates Printer Ink Supplies Pop Vinyl Toys

139 Collins Avenue, Edge Hill, Cairns 07 4053 2833 Mon-Sat: 6:00 am - 6:00 pm Sun: 6:30 am - 1:00 pm Edge Hill Newsagency

PASSIONATE FOR PILATES After numerous injuries and a diagnosis of Osteoporosis, Sarah added an accredited Pilates Instructor Diploma to her Personal Training Qualifications and significantly reduced, in just a short time, the damage throughout her body, including the effects of Osteoporosis! She was greatly empowered and also inspired to empower others by sharing the wonderful benefits of Pilates, through her specially designed small classes - first in her home studio, and later due to popular demand her studios at Trinity Beach and Edge Hill!! Both studios offer ‘Sarah Jane’s’ unique unlimited membership for all classes six days a week, with highly trained, full- time instructors and top of the range equipment. Not only do the instructors provide technical and individualised attention to all in their classes, they are also fun and inspirational. “We are passionate about helping people improve and align their bodies and their lives……and to most importantly empower them!” shared Sarah. Optimal benefits are achieved by attending three to four classes a week from the wide range of convenient class

CairnsLife 70 Magazine




Offer for those attending: try our 3 month membership sign up on the day and receive the first 2 weeks free.

Shop 4, 22-24 Trinity Beach Road, Trinity Beach & Level 1, 332 Pease street, Edge Hill.

Price: $55 ($45 for members)

1/ 116 Collins Avenue Edge Hill, Cairns 4032 1517

By Nare l l e de Jo n g


Sarah Jane Pilates Studios is the perfect answer for everyone to get rid of debilitating pain and gain strength physically and personally. Just ask owner Sarah Jane - a prime example of the power of Pilates! options available. The ‘Matwork Class’ is a foundational Pilates class for building strength and core stability and the ‘Reformer Class’ is tailored to personal postural issues and goals. Other fun and effective classes include the fusion of ballet moves and fitness in ‘Barre Pilates’ and there’s ‘Boxilates’ for a cardio and upper body workout. Sarah believes remedial massage is an effective means of facilitating the results of all the Pilates training. Appointments can be made with her at their studios. Many unlimited options available for all to achieve fantastic, life- changing results! The body becomes more toned and stronger with improved posture and greater circulation and people gain more confidence, energy and a better overall sense of wellbeing – and less pain!! The Sarah Jane Pilates Studios and their instructors are keen for all people of Cairns ‘to get their deep core muscles switched on and get more connected with their bodies’ by attending a beginner’s two-hour workshop. Limited classes so book in soon and check out all the weekly classes at both studios on their website. Get painfree and get empowered!

Feature your business here! CONTACT JODIE ON


CairnsLife 71 Magazine

LIFE Smithfield

Do you have heel pain?

We can help. (0 7 ) 4 0 5 7 4 0 5 7 Campus Shopping Village, Smithfield •

Dentist With A

DIFFERENCE Words and photos by Silvia M o go ro vi ch

FULLY SUPPORTED BOOTYBARRE® BURN 60 DAY CHALLENGE Commencing Monday 11 July Pete Evans & Paleo Cafe Weekly Meals - can be collected twice weekly from our Studio

The slogan on the door says everything I need to know: We Cater for Cowards.

Bonus CORE BURN, CIRCUIT BURN and Stretch Classes REGISTER NOW ON 0402 796 211 Exclusive Facebook Page Weigh, Measure PRE/POST PHOTOS

12 Danbulan Street Smithfield 0402 796 211

BRING A FRIEND & their treatment will be half price

T’s & C’s: • Both treatments have to be done on the same day. • Minimum spend of $50. • Full price treatment has to be done first. • Cannot use half price treatment on yourself.

Shop 153, Smithfield Shopping Centre, Smithfield 07 40383462 •

In between my chuckles, I’m seriously interested in finding out what this means! Not many people like going to the dentist and unfortunately, some people are downright phobic. Ken Hossen understands that the fear of going to the dentist can hinder dentistphobic people from getting the treatments they require. By taking a humorous approach, Ken caters, not just for cowards, but to anyone who is a little more scared than they’d like to admit. As almost everyone will have need of dental work at some point in their life, why not make the experience as enjoyable as possible? Ken is a funny and personable man, and if his stories don’t quell the terror of getting into the dentist chair, then a few pulls on the green whistle will usually do the trick! Once a patient is calm, Ken can provide a full range of dental services, from check-ups to emergency dental treatments, and including wisdom teeth removal. Like most things, it’s all a little less scary when you can have a laugh about it! Born in Scotland while his father was finishing his second degree in Microbiology and Tropical medicine, Ken was only two weeks old when he returned to his family’s island home in the Seychelles. However, in the political turbulence of the 1970’s, the family was not long back when they had to leave again due to a

CairnsLife 72 Magazine


 Wisdom teeth extractions  Emergency dentistry  General services

Your caring dental practice in Smithfield 07 4 0 57 9 2 8 2

coup – luckily family connections had led to them being advised that if they didn’t leave as soon as possible, they wouldn’t be able to leave at all! The family moved to Perth in Western Australia, where Ken studied and opened his first dental practice, which he ran for six years before moving to Cairns. In 1993, Ken purchased the first dental practice in the northern beaches, which was in the Smithfield Shopping Centre. Now at Campus Shopping Centre, Essential Dental is being rebranded as Dentists at Smithfield, which is a play on the original name from the 1990’s.

Gold Lotto, Stationery, Gifts, Papers and Magazines, Greeting Cards & Art Supplies

Nextra Marlin Coast News, Smithfield Shopping Centre • (07) 4038 1695


While Ken keeps up to date with the latest technologies, he employs a pragmatic approach to dental care. As an example, he chooses to use and recommend gel whitening over laser, because it is a much more costeffective approach and after the first application is administered during the appointment, the patient can take the gel home and re-apply themselves in six months. Dentists at Smithfield is open Monday to Thursday, and offer individual care plans with a focus on proactive, preventative care to keep your smile in great condition.





CairnsLife 73 Magazine

V PHARMACY SMITHFIELD Shop 121 Smithheld Shopping Centre Smithheld QLD 4878 T 07 4038 8900 E Valid until 31st July 2016

LIFE Southside





QBCC # 527026


66 SWALLOW RD EDMONTON 4869 Ph: 07 40453300/Mob: 0419 984 396

Smashing SUCCESS in Southside

Words & photos by S ilvia Mog orov i ch 29 Hargreaves Street, Edmonton CAIRNS

0438 155 622

In 1978, Garry Gilholm left Sydney to move to Cairns with his young family, looking forward to the lifestyle of living near beaches and rainforest. The only problem was that he couldn’t get a job. Undeterred, and determined to work in the automotive industry, there was only one thing to do. Garry explains “I was always interested in having my own business and when I couldn’t find a job, I decided to start my own business”. He opened Airport Smash Repairs in Cairns North that same year, and now, after 37 years, a few moves and a change of name to ASR Collision Specialists, they are firmly established in the automotive community and later this year will celebrate 10 years in their second location, Southside. It’s pleasantly surprising how neat and tidy the workshop is kept – and when I comment on this, I’m told “That’s all down to Garry!”. He runs a tight ship and the regard in which he is held is apparent, with a number of current employees having left at some point to spread their wings before returning. One of these is Paul Ribeiro, who is now the Southside manager, and has been working with Garry on and off for 12 years. Along with Naomi McLeish, who provides administrative support, Paul ensures that each job is carried out to the highest standard. CairnsLife 74 Magazine

LIFE Southside

EXPERT SMASH REPAIRS IN CAIRNS Come and see Paul, Naomi and the team for all your insurance and private vehicle body and paint work. We specialise in insurance work on all makes and models of vehicles. No job too small or too big.

SOUTHSIDE - 07 4055 4470 • 57 Swallow Road, Edmonton

Ph. 4045 6548 • 65 Bruce Highway Edmonton

With full faith in his management and staff of 30 people (including 2 apprentices) to provide quality service, Garry has also invested heavily in specialised tools and equipment, making it possible for the team to service about 200 cars each month. The Paint Shop is a completely separate area from the Panel Shop to keep the painting space dust-free, and emissions are reduced by the use of Glasurit Water Borne Paint systems and a low-bake oven for spray painting. As a Suncorp group recommended repairer, the team coordinate all the different aspects of insurance repair jobs and private customers benefit from the diverse skills this entails. Ensuring they are up-to-date with the latest technologies, they offer in-house and online training and also participate in Landrover and Jaguar training courses every two years in order to retain their status as Factory Approved repairers. Especially for CairnsLife readers residing between Edmonton and Mount Sheridan: if you have a ding to get fixed, do it in July and ASR Collision Specialists will not only get the job done as quickly and affordably as possible, they will include a free pickup and dropoff!

Feature your business here! CONTACT JODIE ON


CairnsLife 75 Magazine

LIFE Animal Services

CRATE TRAINING • OBEDIENCE • PUPPY TRAINING • TRACKING 0 4 2 3 4 1 5 5 76 • 17 Wa r nc ke C l, G ordo n v al e w w w.vanguardk 9s e rvice s . c om. a u

~ AUSTRALIAN CHAMPION TRAINER ~ Specialising in Correcting Canine Behavioural Issues

About six years ago, Michelle Lavington says, “I woke up one day and decided I was going to start a stock feed business”.

Foster Road, White Rock QLD 4868

07 4036 0999

Pets are family members too.


Jod i e

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4054 1041

167 McCoombe St (CNR CAVA CL)

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• Safe and secure


• Pleasant tropical environment • 10 minutes from airport • Established 10 years

Choosing the name was easy, as she had been telling her husband for years that she was ‘going to the feed shop’. Nowadays the adjective has become a noun as her decision became a reality called The Feed Shop, on George Street in Gordonvale, stocked with an incredible array of items for so many different animals, there’s even hay bales! As they also offer a home delivery service, the only difficult choice is what flavour biscuits to buy your dog. The past two years have seen Michelle and The Feed Shop represent at local, state and national awards. In 2014 Michelle was a finalist in the Cairns Business Woman of The Year Award, and later that year The Feed Shop was awarded Best Store in Queensland by Tucker’s Pet & Produce. Tucker’s is a brand of AIRR (Australian Independent Rural Retailers) created in response to the specific needs of stores catering to pets, rather than livestock. It is a group that supports independent retailers – not only giving them increased buying power, but also being able to connect with people running similar businesses in communities all over Australia. AIRR’s tagline is ‘always there’ and from hearing just a few of Michelle’s stories, it’s clear they have shown it to be true. As a foundation Member of Tucker’s, Michelle includes them as part of The Feed Shop family – she feels so strongly about this that everything is double-branded to reflect that inclusion. Loyalty, along with respect and the pursuit of knowledge, are the three characteristics that epitomize Michelle. This makes last year’s national win of the Commonwealth Bank Innovation Award at the AIRR/Tucker’s Gala Ball, even sweeter.

CairnsLife 76 Magazine

LIFE Animal Services ery! Deliv Home t u o s ab Ask u

The Feed Shop

FAMILY Wo rds an d phot o s by Si l v i a Mo g o ro v i ch


Thelma is a very friendly and talkative young lady. Possibly not even a year old, she loves to cuddle up and keep her human company. Thelma came to the group heavily pregnant. Sadly all of her kittens were still born but she has moved past that and wont be having any further litters. She is the most friendly girl, and a lovely dusty ginger in colour. She has slight scaring in one eye however it doesn’t appear to hamper her and shouldn’t cause any future trouble. This lovely lady is deserving of a home where she can be treated with all the love of a furrever family. My adoption fee is ***By Donation*** which includes ALL vet work. All Adopt Me Kittens go home with a vet record book and a 10% discount voucher for The Feed Shop - Gordonvale.

12-14 George St, Gordonvale


First Class

Pet Transport

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With a menagerie of animals at home, and a background of riding horses and breeding cockatiels, Michelle’s love of animals shines through, and has seen her volunteer for various animal shelters over the years. These experiences led to her joining with some friends to start Adopt Me Kittens, which was incorporated earlier this year. Adopt Me Kittens are a no-kill shelter and all the kittens leave them de-sexed and fully vaccinated. If that wasn’t enough to fill her days, Michelle also makes sweets for community fundraising. Her speciality is peanut brittle, but she also makes a mean spearmint leaf !

rs in business!

Aquarium & Pond Specialists Aquarium & Pond Maintenance, Aquascaping Experts, Custom Built Tanks, Holiday Care, Fish and Accessories for all your Aquarium needs

Michelle laughs as she remembers thinking (before opening The Feed Shop) “Small business can’t be that hard surely!”… I laughed too, because it IS that hard, but it’s very rewarding as well. CairnsLife 77 Magazine

LIFE Local Fun


ard: Every 5th yalteyPrC Tr o ssionals - All inclusive e f L o s fishing ip F th th i ’ w l g R a hin ex

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They say life begins at 40, but most of us have a pretty good time getting there. Rainforestation, our unique tourism destination in the heart of Kuranda’s rich and vibrant rainforest, is no exception, approaching its 40th birthday on 30 July with a life well led. Owners Charles and Pip Woodward will also celebrate 40 years in tourism and the birth of Charles and Pip’s Trips and Attractions, better known as the CAPTA Group. From the turn of the century until 1920, the acreage was a coffee plantation, largely unused from then until the 1950s when Alston and Harris planted The Orange Grove. To this day, coffee trees still grow along the edge of the lush rainforest.

Feature your business here! CONTACT JODIE ON


In 1974, the Woodward family bought The Orange Grove after a trip to the UK left Charles bent on pursuing opportunities in tourism. “We found The Orange Grove with its beautiful irrigation lake, acquired our Army Ducks and the rest is history,” says Charles. There followed the unforgettable annual Orange Blossom Ball. “We held two every year, as the event was so popular. We didn’t have great cooking facilities then, so one year we had a whole pig cooked in the bakery in town, and I loaded it in the station wagon wrapped in blankets and foil to bring it back here,” laughs Pip. Middle son Ben has wonderful memories of growing up on the property, running through the rainforest with his CairnsLife 78 Magazine

LIFE Local Fun

ecial Local’s Offer C



Kennedy Highway, PO Box 54, Kuranda QLD 4881 Australia

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07 4085 5008

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brothers Michael and Peter, playing army and climbing trees. Pip reflects on how she coped with three small boys in the tiny house, now the staff dining quarters. “There was a big fig tree at the end of the restaurant the kids climbed into all the time. In 1984, I climbed up after them and we built a tree house. That’s now incorporated into the place alongside our Colonial and Outback restaurants Woody’s Tree House Restaurant,” Charles adds. In the late eighties Orange Grove metamorphosed to Rainforestation. Kuranda local Jim Beoonga approached the Woodwards about boomerang throwing. “It was a great activity for guests waiting for the Army Duck tour, and Jimmy had a dog, Sammy, who would retrieve the boomerangs from the lake. Pamagirri Aboriginal Experience was born. 1

Hour Cruise departing at 5.30pm

Includes welcome drink and savoury nibbles Ask about our locals discount

ready for the MEGARENA? u o y e ! Ar

“We had a Japanese princess visit with bodyguards in the days when we used to just throw the boomerangs out into the paddock. She was quite good at it, but her large entourage of prospective heroes were ready to fling themselves into the boomerang’s path should it come back towards her as it should,” Charles laughs. The Wildlife Park opened in 1996. Ben recalls the arrival of Jack, the 5.1m saltwater crocodile, on a Qantas jet from the Northern Territory, joining the freshwater crocs that arrived in little poster pack cylinders. “Jack’s about eighty now, one of the largest in captivity, and we have fourteen koalas after breeding since the first few arrived in 1996,” says Ben. This year Rainforestation has launched the Rainforest Bush Tucka walk, developed by well known local Willie Enoch-Tranby who works in the sales and marketing team.

Nathan Archer • 0417 607 434 •

CairnsLife 79 Magazine

Get the healthy edge you need at Get the healthy edge you need at Piccone’s Village Pease Street Get the healthy edge you need at Piccone’s Village Pease Street Get the healthy edge you need at Piccone’s Village Pease Street Piccone’s Village Pease Street Piccone’s Village Pease Street

Piccone’s Village on Pease St has everything you need for a healthy, happy Piccone’s Village on Pease St has everything you need for a healthy, happy Piccone’s Village on Pease hasall everything you needlike for Piccone’s a healthy, Supa happy and active lifestyle along St with the conveniences and active lifestyle along with all the conveniences like Piccone’s Supa Piccone’s Village on Pease St hasall everything you needlike for Piccone’s a healthy, Supa happy and active lifestyle along with the conveniences IGA, Australia Post, Discount Drug Stores, the Craft’nSewing Studio, Piccone’s Village on Post, Pease St has Drug everything you need for a healthy, happy IGA, Australia Discount Stores, the Craft’nSewing Studio, Supa and active lifestyle along with all the conveniences like Piccone’s IGA, Australia Post, Discount Drug Stores, the Craft’nSewing Studio, Omega Health, Cairns Skin Centre and tasty array of dine in and take and active lifestyle along with all the conveniences Piccone’s Omega Health, Cairns Skin Centre and aatasty array oflike dine in and takeSupa IGA, Australia Post, Discount Drug Stores, the Craft’nSewing Studio, Omega Health, Skin Centre and a tasty array of Feels dine in and take awayaway venues toCairns keep you Making life easy... Feels Good! venues to keep youon onthe the go. go. Making life easy... Good! IGA, Australia Post, Discount Drug Stores, the Craft’nSewing Studio, Omega Health,toCairns Skin Centre andMaking a tasty life array of dine in and take away venues keep you on the go. easy... Feels Good! Omega Health, Cairns Skin Centre and a tasty array of dine in and take away venues to keep you on the go. Making life easy... Feels Good! away venues to keep you on the go. Making life easy... Feels Good!

• Piccone’s Supa IGA • Active Health • PhyxMe Physio • The Yoga School • Pease St Discount Drug Store • The Plaza Cake Shop • CraftnSewing Studio • Flowers on the Edge • Oskar’s Healing Cafe • Sushido • Kaan’s Kebabs • Hava Snak • Sheridan Butchers Noodle Bar • • C&C Hair & Physio Beauty ••Liquor Land School • Australia Post • Omega HealthDrug • Cairns Skin•Centre • Piccone’s Supa• Manoora IGA • Active Health PhyxMe The Yoga • Pease St Discount Store The Plaza Cake Shop

• CraftnSewing Studio • Flowers on the Edge • Oskar’s Healing Cafe • Sushido • Kaan’s Kebabs • Hava Snak • Sheridan Butchers • Piccone’s Supa IGA • Active PhyxMe Physio • The Yoga • Pease Discount Drug •Store • The Cake Shop • Manoora Noodle BarHealth • C&C• Hair & Beauty • Liquor LandSchool • Australia PostSt • Omega Health Cairns SkinPlaza Centre • CraftnSewing Studio • Flowers on the Edge • Oskar’s Healing Cafe • Sushido • Kaan’s Kebabs • Hava Snak • Sheridan Butchers •1681_2pp_Ad.indd Piccone’s Supa IGA • Active Health • PhyxMe Physio • The Yoga School • Pease St Discount Drug Store • The 23/06/2016 Plaza Cake10:37 Shopam 1 • Manoora Noodle Bar • C&C Hair & Beauty • Liquor Land • Australia Post • Omega Health • Cairns Skin Centre

Locals looking after locals at Locals looking after locals at Locals looking after locals at Piccone’s Village Edmonton Locals looking after locals at Piccone’s Village Edmonton Locals looking after locals at Piccone’s Village Edmonton Piccone’s Village Edmonton Piccone’s Village Edmonton

Piccone’s Village Edmonton offers the convenience of a well stocked grocery Piccone’s Village Edmonton offers the convenience of a well stocked grocery Piccone’s Village Edmonton offers the convenience of a well stocked store, open daily from 5am till midnight, withfresh fresh local produce andgrocery more. store, open daily from 5am till midnight, with local produce and more. Piccone’s Village Edmonton offers the convenience of a well stocked grocery store, open daily from 5am till midnight, with fresh of local produce and more. You’ll also find an Australia Post, bakery, barber, aa beautician, a grocery bottle Piccone’s Village Edmonton offers convenience well stocked You’ll also find an Australia Post, the aa bakery, a abarber, a beautician, a bottle store, open daily from 5am tillPost, midnight, with fresh local produce and more. You’ll also find an Australia a bakery, a barber, a beautician, a bottle shop, a florist and cafe, gift shops and plenty of tasty takeaway options too. gifttill shops and plenty tasty takeaway optionsand too. more. store,shop, opena florist daily and fromcafe, 5am midnight, withof fresh local produce You’ll also find an Australia Post, a bakery, a barber, a beautician, a bottle shop, florist and gift shops plentya of tasty atakeaway options too. You’llaalso find ancafe, Australia Post, aand bakery, barber, beautician, a bottle shop, a florist and cafe, gift shops and plenty of tasty takeaway options too. shop, a florist and cafe, gift shops and plenty of tasty takeaway options too.

• Piccone’s Supa IGA • The Hambledon Hotel • Louie’s Liquor Barn/Cellarbrations • Edmonton Flowers, Coffee & Gifts • Faded Out Barbershop • Ali G’s Kebabs • Kiwi Fever • Brumby’s Edmonton • Edmonton Newsagency • Australia Post Edmonton Edmonton •Hotel Edmonton FamilyLiquor & Cosmetic Dental • St Vinnies Talk Time •Flowers, Nail Technic Studio • Piccone’s Supa• Joe’s IGA •Pizza The @ Hambledon • Louie’s Barn/Cellarbrations • •Edmonton Coffee & Gifts • Faded Out

Barbershop • Ali G’s Kebabs • Kiwi Fever • Brumby’s Edmonton • Edmonton Newsagency • Australia Post Edmonton • Piccone’s• Supa The Hambledon Hotel • Louie’s Barn/Cellarbrations • Edmonton Flowers, Coffee & Gifts • Faded Out Joe’s IGA Pizza• @ Edmonton • Edmonton FamilyLiquor & Cosmetic Dental • St Vinnies • Talk Time • Nail Technic Studio Barbershop • Ali G’s Kebabs • Kiwi Fever • Brumby’s Edmonton • Edmonton Newsagency • Australia Post Edmonton • Piccone’s Supa 2IGA • The Hambledon Hotel • Louie’s Liquor Barn/Cellarbrations • Edmonton Flowers, Coffee &23/06/2016 Gifts • Faded Out 1681_2pp_Ad.indd • Joe’s Pizza @ Edmonton • Edmonton Family & Cosmetic Dental • St Vinnies • Talk Time • Nail Technic Studio 10:37 am




The Jaguar XE is our most advanced and efficient sports sedan yet. For a strictly limited time, get a 5 year factory warranty# and complimentary Dealer Delivery, Stamp Duty, Registration and CTP Insurance.* Visit your Jaguar dealer before time runs out.

Trinity Jaguar 94 McLeod Street, Cairns 4050 5071 *Complimentary on roads and 5 year warranty offer applies to new and demonstrator 2016 model year vehicles ordered and delivered between 01.06.16 and 31.07.16 at participating dealers while stocks last. #5 year unlimited kilometres factory warranty: normal 3 years/unlimited kilometres warranty plus bonus 2 years/unlimited kilometres warranty. Finance provided by Jaguar Financial Services which is a registered trading name of Jaguar Land Rover Australia Pty Ltd. The registered trademarks and trading name referred to above are operated and used under licence by St. George Bank – A Division of Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714.



LIFE Motoring


Jaguar has been doing well it seems, since virtually abandoning the the sideboard and leather lounge designs of yester year, it seems that Ian Callum and his team have revolutionised the marque that time forgot. Until now the range has felt complete from the midsize diesel XE, which deports itself as well as any German rival, to the blisteringly nut-case F Type R, which could fuse the skin back on a rice pudding. But it seems the Tata funded Brits have decided too, that Jaguar needs to grow up. Literally upwards in the form of the new F-Pace, an SUV to complete the new style “Jaguar for the modern world” line up. This market segment has been bubbling away nicely since it was filled with Poshos in London driving there weekend farm vehicles back to their Chelsea pads. In those

CairnsLife 83 Magazine

It’s time to grow up. by Davi d Lei t h heady times no one cared about big fuel bills or bad vision, or bits of tree hanging from the roof bars. If you could afford to buy, you by logical progression afford to run one. These days the SUV and crossover market dominate a huge proportion of new car sales and the luxury end of market shows no exception. The F-Pace will be going up against the likes of the Porsche Macan, Lexus Nx, BMW X4 and its Jaguar Land Rover Group cousins from Range Rover. Set to launch very soon in Australia preorders are running high and this is no surprise when you combine its stunning design with Australia’s love of the off roader. Starting from $74K for a four pot 2.0 diesel up to $120K for a fully option Supercharged 3.0 Litre V6, the F-Pace sits nicely amongst its luxury brethren and is sure to be a common site both in and out of town. Test driving will be available soon, and I for one can’t wait.

LIFE Automotive

Mechanical Repairs - All Makes & Models On Board Diagnostic Equipment

Servicing All The Northern Beaches & Surrounding Areas



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On The Inside

Words and Photos by Sil vi a M o go ro vi ch





CairnsLife 84 Magazine

Marino’s Auto Upholstery is one of those places where the work speaks for itself. The workshop isn’t on the main street and the sign isn’t flashy, but most people find them through word of mouth – even occasionally by following them down the road to ask: ‘Who made your canopy?’. Karyn Marino sardonically describes her husband and business partner, Steve, as having a “little” passion for cars and boats, and is amazed with the scope of his automotive knowledge. Karyn believes his drive and focus comes from competing in swimming from a young age, which gave him the discipline necessary for his profession. “He’s a unique character!” she says. A few minutes looking at the before and after photos on their Facebook and Instagram pages will tell you what thousands of words would struggle to encompass. Having some experience with putting fabrics and glue together, I can easily imagine just how difficult restoring or refurbishing a car would be in reality: a meticulous, time-consuming process involving curved surfaces that require technical skill, specialised tools and abundant creativity. It’s not a job you could do for any length of time without a passion for cars. Steve spent eleven years learning his trade with Gordon Sleigh, and it was when Gordon retired in 1994 that the decision to start their own business was made. It was a sound decision, with the business continually growing due to the quality of the work and excellent customer service. This

LIFE Automotive

Cairns superior quality automotive upholstery

07 4041 5998 ¦ 17 Franzmann Street, Bungalow ¦

is their fourth year in their new premises on Franzmann Street, and they’ve recently installed an air-conditioned, dust-free room which is mobile and high enough for custom cars to be hoisted up as they are transformed by the team. Not one to shy away from a challenge, the team of six also tackle customised motorcycle seats, shade cloths, and much more. They have even had a 1930’s utility seat transported in from Darwin in a state of complete disrepair, which left the workshop with springs resprung, new foam and luxuriously trimmed with snakeskin and crocodile. The team have many years of combined experience and knowledge, and they are continually learning and adapting to new vehicles and technologies. When quality counts, the team at Marino’s Auto Upholstery deliver on their promise. “We’ve seen some wacky and wonderful things” Karyn tells me, as they recall finding casino chips and instructions to breathe; all kinds of things that get lost under car seats, but Steve’s serious when he tells me ‘Anything we find gets put on the dash.’ Their reputation is gold in the industry, and that’s priceless.

Locally owned and operated with over 41 years of experience, CALL US NOW AT HANNAM ST MUFFLERS YOUR EXHAUST & MECHANICAL SPECIALISTS! 19 Hannam St Cairns • 40521551 •

CairnsLife 85 Magazine



We’ve taken everything that was great about the Softail Slim® and added a little more. For starters, we’ve added power with a Screamin’ Eagle® Air-Cooled Twin Cam 110B™ engine. We’ve taken the military theme even further with an awesome Olive Gold Denim paint option and made the rest black to the core. Black triple clamp and riser, gloss black headlamp ring, fork slider covers and lower forks. Black brake levers, mirrors and black over/under shotgun exhaust with slash cut muffler. Every inch is modern power with old iron attitude.

Softail Slim S





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Right Price

Quality Workmanship

CairnsLife 88 Magazine


Lance has a passion for colour and creativity and has woven this talent into his trade as a panel beater. Lance first established his Cairns based Right Price Paint and Panel in 1999 and has been operating from 436 Sheridan Street, North Cairns just down from the new Australian Federal Police building near the airport, for some eleven years. Sheridan Street provides a very convenient location for Cairns residents and visitors to access Right Price Paint and Panel, where they specialise in quality panel beating and spray painting repairs and restoration works to all types of vehicles. From regular privately owned vehicles, airport ground support equipment to heavy vehicle repairs and repaints, Right Price Paint and Panel are the people to see. Renowned for their quality workmanship, Lance provides his customers with a full guarantee on all works performed.

“With fully qualified conscientious staff supporting me, I am able to provide my customers with a superior finish on their vehicles at a value for money price. At Right Price Paint and Panel we guarantee a quality job every time and we pride ourselves on the workmanship that goes into every item that leaves this shop. Complete customers satisfaction is our aim. No job is too big or small for us� said owner Lance Seccombe. From vehicle restorations works to insurance claims of any size, Right Price Paint and Panel are the people to see. Lance offers a full outside respray in 2 pack paint at prices starting from $3500. They can also attend to all your rust repair needs and have your vehicle looking brand new in no time. They also provide a rust proofing service.

CairnsLife 89 Magazine

Vehicles are not their only focus. Right Price Paint and Panel also specialise in custom painted furniture and other one of a kind artistic pieces. As you can see from the photos, Lance can customise this 3D art to suit any style and paint it any colour to suit your requirements, all for a very reasonable price. As an added advantage, Right Price Paint and Panel work with quality candy apple spray paints for a piece that will not only look outstanding, but be unique to your requirements. Lance also provides the benefit of a pensioner discount to qualifying customers and will beat any written quote every time.

So next time you are in need of any restoration works or repairs give Lance from Right Price Paint and Panel call on 40325123. He can provide you with a fully itemised quote for your consideration and will work within your budget to achieve a quality finish guaranteed to satisfy every customer.

LIFE Work & Study


Super Powered Journey Cairns-based business I Want That Course is unveiling some brand spankers new bus signage on local Sun buses on Friday 27 May. To celebrate the maiden voyage via our favourite theme of empowerment, our entire team boarded the bus in superhero outfits for a magical mystery tour (to Copperlode Dam lookout for some photo ops!) Business Manager Krystal King says, “It’s not all about the destination, it’s also about the journey…” We believe that through education students are empowered to change the course of their lives, and at I Want That Course we provide an education solution for every stage of life. Our ethos and wrap-around holistic approach to student development and support has seen us grow from a 5-person team to one of Australia’s leading career development hubs. Employing over 60 people in our Cairns headquarters as well as our Brisbane and Sydney offices.

We’re proving that future-proofing our business in the rapidly changing education sector relies on diversification and innovation, not to mention a stellar team of widely-experienced and passionate staff who can understand and are able to relate to the needs of individual students. Going from strength to strength, we now have 9 sub-brands under the I Want That Course umbrella that have been created to meet particular student-need segments: • I Want That Beauty Course; • I Want That Gaming Course; • I Want That Tafe Course; • I Want That Degree; • I Want That Uni Course; • I Want That MBA; and • I Want To Study In Australia • Educating Australia These brands respond to demand from our ever-growing student base, a body of inspirational people all shooting for the stars and taking their lives to the next level! CairnsLife 91 Magazine

North Queensland’s very own Tafe Queensland North, beauty industry leaders Ella Baché College, winner of Australia’s 2015 international training provider of the year award, Charlton Brown®, study powerhouse the StudyGroup, and exciting new kid on the block The Change Academy are just some of the leading education institutions we partner with. The engaging, industry responsive and accessible courses range from certificate level right through to Masters Degree. We look forward to announcing exciting new partnerships soon, and welcome other opportunities to increase course offerings and career resources in order to help launch or advance people’s careers. At I Want That Course, every day is a super powered occasion even without our super hero capes! Krystal King is available on 0409 565 557 for further comment.

LIFE Work & Study

LIFE Work & Study


From its scholarly monastic roots, to the local kindergarten the importance of education is now at its uppermost. With an estimated 40 percent of the current generation heading to university and another forty percent heading toward some sort of adult training, the work place is to become more competitive than ever before. As a consequence regardless of your age, career stage or previous educational level there has never been a better time to think of how to better yourself. And with these statistics in mind it has never been more important for parents to effectively guide the education of our younger generation to give the best possible start. As an adult the benefits of becoming a mature student and up-skilling are obvious, gaining a competitive edge against colleagues, becoming eligible for promotion or just being able to hone a technique or more competently run your own business all have palpable rewards attached. In our education and training feature we cover a myriad of opportunities, take a look at local registered training training organisations both, general and specific, and invite local schools to showcase their own particular benefits for getting the best start to navigate through this essential part of our lives. We welcome you to the CairnsLife look into Education and Training.

Take the next step in your career and get qualified. CairnsLife 94 Magazine

CRICOS Provider Code: 00117J

You don’t have to go far, to go far James Cook University is ranked in the top 2% of universities in the world*. Studying at JCU means you’ll get opportunities for practical work, field trips and placements, so you’re work-ready when you graduate. That’s why JCU has been consistently awarded five stars for graduate job success by The Good Universities Guide. JCU is also rated as a world leader in environmental science and management, ecology, geology, physical geography and environmental geoscience, ecological applications, plant biology, medical microbiology and neurosciences**. Find what you’re looking for with over 200 courses on offer at JCU including: Arts • Business • Creative Media • Dental Surgery • Education Engineering • Environmental Studies • Marine Science Medicine and Health • Planning • Social Work • Veterinary Science You can now study a full Engineering degree right here in Cairns. JCU’s Electronic Systems & Internet of Things is an innovative degree at the forefront of technology.

Visit us on Open Day Cairns Campus, Smithfield Sunday 7 August 11am – 3pm Townsville Campus, Douglas Sunday 21 August 11am – 3pm

* Academic Ranking of World Universities, 2015 ** Excellence in Research for Australian (ERA) 2015

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LIFE Work & Study

Make Great Happen I N T H E GRE AT OUTD O OR S Jono Coker is an outdoorsy man.

I like being outside. I love the freedom and fresh air and I really enjoy the hard work, it keeps you fit

Mr Coker, a Topaz resident, is the Acting General Manager at Bama Services, an Indigenous owned civil construction, building and landscaping services contractor based in Cairns. “My father was a bit of a garden guru and I guess his green thumb rubbed off on me. “Currently I am working on the landscaping of the Munro Martin Park redevelopment,” he said. Mr Coker started out as a supervisor at Bama Services and he has worked his way up the ranks, thanks in part, to the qualifications he has earned at TAFE Queensland North.

Mr Coker is currently studying a Certificate III in Landscaping and he also has three other Certificate qualifications in Horticulture, including one he gained entirely through Recognition of Prior Learning. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a program at TAFE Queensland North that acknowledges a person’s skills from other study or on the job experience, saving a student time and money. “The RPL program was relatively easy to complete, I just had to prove a lot of my knowledge with the teacher. “I would definitely recommend RPL to anyone who has experience, even if they are only able to RPL some and not all of their course, it is worth it,” Mr Coker said. To find out more about TAFE Queensland North and its RPL program call 1300 656 959 or visit www.tafe. (RTO 0542).

Dare to Dream WI T H A D I PLOMA

Cairns woman Shelley Macaulay has big plans. She has dreams to one day own a café or bar and turn the venue into a wellknown hot spot. To make her dreams a reality, Ms Macaulay is studying a Diploma of Events at TAFE Queensland North.

The course is great, I am learning so much

She has jumped at the chance to get some hands on experience, helping to stage on-campus events. “The theory component of this course is great it gives you the basics but actually being in a real life scenario and running an event means I can put my skills to the test. “I have been busy with event set up, making rosters, coordinating volunteers and dealing with caterers,” Ms Macaulay said.

CairnsLife 96 Magazine

She said the Diploma of Events course is giving her a good insight into the industry. “I definitely feel that what I am learning at TAFE Queensland North will help me achieve my goal of owning a café or bar and running successful events at the venue,” Ms Macaulay said. TAFE Queensland North General Manager, Joann Pyne said studying and learning new skills is a great experience. “Our diploma courses are perfect options for people who want to land their dream job or build skills to run their own business. “Diplomas can also help people who are looking for a career change,” Ms Pyne said. Eligible students can study now and pay later with an Australian Government VET FEE-HELP loan. To find out more about TAFE Queensland North call 1300 656 959 or visit (RTO 0542).

LIFE Work & Study

St Mary’s Catholic College

One of the best ways to secure a bright and successful future for your child is by enrolling them in St Mary’s Catholic College - one of the best and highly acclaimed Catholic secondary schools in Cairns. The well-respected college is renowned for its whole-of-person approach to teaching, which helps develop the best in each and every student. “Our student-centred approach to learning ensures that all students are given every opportunity to be the best that they can be,” said Principal David Harris. “We know that learning and teaching are about forming strong relationships with each individual built on trust, respect and doing one’s best.”

Strong Foundation - Bright Future

OPEN NIGHT Thurs 28th July 2016 4.00pm - 7.00pm (Bookings not required)

A specialist Catholic coeducational secondary College with a consistent record of high achievement in academics, performing arts, sport and vocational education. We’re proud of our achievements and look forward to giving your child a bright future.

CairnsLife 98 Magazine

Teachers and students will host the Open Night and be available to answer your questions. Go into a draw to win a Laptop and 1 month’s gym membership!

The college has dedicated teachers who care passionately about their students so these young adults can achieve excellent academic results. Their care also goes beyond the classroom to help students also succeed in sports and the arts. That caring school spirit is also well-respected throughout Cairns, thanks to the school’s strong community spirit and Catholic ethos. Students not only give freely of their time to help the less fortunate through fundraising and volunteer work, they really want to contribute and help make a positive difference.

‘The school is renowned for its consistently strong record of academic achievements, which is why it has been the secondary school of choice in Cairns for 30 years. To celebrate their 30 years, St Mary’s Catholic College is holding a special dinner for past students with current and past families and staff members. This special event will be held on the College grounds on Friday 19th August at the Green Leaf Cafe. Committed and devoted teachers and staff members work closely with parents to

Our studentcentred approach to learning ensures that all students are given every opportunity to be the best that they can be

provide a supportive and caring environment that is essential for students’ spiritual, academic, social and physical development. The college has a strong pathway for students wishing to enter university and is also well resourced to assist students in developing apprenticeship and trade skills. Its state-of-the-art training centre offers students an alternative pathway to enter tertiary education, TAFE or the workplace with credits towards nationally recognised Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications. These courses can be integrated into the student’s school timetable, making it easier for them to secure a solid working future.

CairnsLife 99 Magazine

For students who aren’t sure of their future direction, the college offers a dedicated Career Education Adviser who gives students and their parents one-on-one advice to assist them in their decision-making process.

Thanks to the college’s wide range of subjects, caring teachers and modern resources, graduates leave the college with the confidence, skills and knowledge to succeed in life as well as make valuable contributions to the local and wider community.

Learn first hand what St Mary’s has to offer and meet the Leadership Team and teachers at the college’s Open Night on Thursday, July 28 from 4-7pm at the school’s site at 53 Anderson Rd, Woree. For further details regarding the Open Night or Anniversary dinner please contact the office on 4044 4200 or email at For more information about the college refer to college facebook: https://www. or phone 4044 4200.


Education An education based on gospel values CATHOLIC SCHOOLS seek to live Gospel values and empower students with a code of behaviour based on Catholic moral principles and the teachings of the Gospels. It is with optimism and a deep sense of privilege and purpose that we prepare our students to engage with and make an authentic contribution to wider society. These core beliefs and values are reflected in Catholic schools’ pastoral care practices, their commitment to peace, social justice and service, and to the development of each student’s self-confidence, resilience and character. Communities of care Catholic education occurs in welcoming, inclusive, and connected communities. Our schools seek to provide a genuine, safe and caring experience of community, to encourage students to appreciate the intrinsic worth of who they are, to value diversity and treat each other with dignity, enabling them in turn to promote and respect the dignity of all. Safe and secure Our schools strive to provide an environment where students feel safe, secure and comfortable. Our schools and their leadership seek to ensure best practice in providing a safe and positive school environment where healthy relationships can flourish. Bullying, harassment and discrimination are not acceptable and all schools have established practices for managing unacceptable behaviour. An emphasis on respect for self and others results in the

disciplined and favourable learning and teaching environments for which our schools are renowned, and where students feel safe and welcome, and can achieve to the best of their potential. An educational partnership A Catholic education is seen as a partnership between students, parents, school and parish where parents and families are welcomed as members of the school community. Catholic schools encourage parents to be involved in all facets of school life and to actively support students in the full range of educational activities. Many opportunities exist for parents to form lifelong friendships and contribute to the life and development of their children’s schools through involvement with School Boards, Parents and Friends Associations and voluntary activities in school communities. Social and emotional wellbeing Students in Catholic schools are often described as “happy”. Our schools place great focus on the social and emotional wellbeing of all in their school communities. We recognise that success of any kind – learning or in life - is founded on the wellbeing of individuals, personally and in relationship with others. A life to the full Catholic schools emphasise personal and social development as fundamental enduring values and requirements in an everchanging world. This holistic care of students educates the whole child and provides

an educational foundation for life to the full - addressing spiritual, intellectual, social, emotional, physical and cultural development. Catholic education strives to make a difference in the lives of individuals and in the wider community by challenging our students to find meaning and value in their lives, and develop communal obligations and aspirations. Quality teaching and learning Catholic schools have long been known for their high standards. They strive for excellence in all that they do, encouraging students to use their Godgiven talents to reach their full potential. Our qualified, caring and dedicated teachers are one of the great strengths of our Catholic school communities. Catholic schools seek to provide a high-quality academic and vocational education for all their students, giving due emphasis to the fundamental literacy and numeracy skills required for both learning and life. They deliver the Australian Curriculum and offer broad curriculum and co-curricular options in well-resourced and equipped classrooms, with full ICT integration and all the requirements for contemporary learning in the 21st century. Welcoming to all Our Catholic school communities are inclusive places of learning, open to families and students from all walks of life and faith traditions who are committed to, and supportive of, the ethos of

Catholic Education and seek to embrace all that it offers. While enrolment preference is given to those of the Catholic faith, our schools also embrace those of other faith backgrounds as a wonderful opportunity to promote understanding and introduce all to the person and message of Jesus Christ, wherever they may be in their faith journey. Our schools are committed to fostering cultures of inclusion that respond to the educational needs of students regardless of their abilities, backgrounds and aspirations. Our school communities are places where the uniqueness and individuality of students and families is recognised and welcomed and the human dignity of each student is promoted. Fees and affordability Catholic schools are partly government funded, however reasonable parent contributions are essential to make up for the shortfall in government funding in comparison to state schools. However, based on gospel values and Church mission to care for the poor and marginalised, no child is denied a Catholic education based on the genuine inability of parents to pay school fees, in whole or part. Substantial fee discounts and exemptions are available in circumstances of genuine financial hardship. Expect more If you want more from your child’s education, consider a Catholic school for your child. Contact the Catholic school of your choice for further information and an enrolment application.

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LIFE Work & Study

Selecting a



Selecting a secondary school for your child can sometimes be as simple as geography! Often, however the school nearest to home may not best suit the needs of your child. The decision is very personal and can be complicated with respect to your child’s characteristics, personality, strengths, needs and interests in addition to how a school’s culture and values sit with your family values and family life.

With considerations like public or private?, co-ed or single sex?, religious or secular?, and on it goes…the use of a checklist can be very helpful in planning and navigating your way through the process. 1. Start planning early Make a shortlist of possible secondary schools and allow plenty of time to research and gather feedback. The application and enrolment process can sometimes be competitive and lengthy. Consider placing your child on waiting lists if you have some early preferences leaving you time to make informed decisions later on. 2. Talk to your child about what they want Although you can reserve the right to make the final decision, talking through the options with your child and allowing them to contribute their thoughts and opinions is an invaluable way of involving them in the process and providing them with a sense of worth in the planning of their future. Your child may be more motivated to study

CairnsLife 105 Magazine

and display fewer behavioural problems if they are happy with the choice of school. Discussion around friends, travelling modes and times, favourite subjects, extra-curricular activities just to mention a few topics will bring your child into the conversation. 3. Future plans and opportunities Pathways for your child’s future should be at the heart of planning and decision making when it comes to secondary schooling. Know what the options are as your child progresses through their high school years. Consider the many opportunities available, become informed, embrace the possibilities and encourage your child to take responsibility for their learning and future direction. Consider any personal development opportunities that may be available to your child in leadership, wellbeing, outreach, volunteer or community work. Your child may be inspired by a particular special interest through an extracurricular program.

Are you looking for a job where you work for the

Rich and Famous, Travel the world & GET PAID WELL? Perhaps you yearn to explore the world on a luxury yacht and cruise the waters of exotic Tahiti and the Caribbean? Well Cairns -based company Crew Pacific is a professional training and recruitment agency that can help you adventure as far away as the Islands of the Mediterranean or the Glaciers of Alaska. If you’re aged 18 to 35 and wanting a job that pays extremely well then there’s an exciting opportunity awaiting you on board luxury super yachts owned by wealthy, high profile, private Owners and Charter guests. For the past 16 years Crew Pacific, one of the world’s leading training and recruitment agencies, has been operating from a non-descript office tucked away in the heart of Cairns. Owner Joy Weston said the type of clients that own and charter these yachts come from all parts of the world and include royalty, world leaders, celebrities, some of the wealthiest people in the world and the odd rock star. “Crew Pacific is a renowned professional training and recruitment agency for the

national and international super yacht industry,” she says. “With less than three weeks of study, for the fraction of the cost of a university degree, we offer renowned training and placement for newbie’s and experienced crew on both national and international super yachts.” “You can make this dream a reality if you possess any of the following skills/ experiences”: • Outgoing attitude, love of travel, outstanding people/customer service skills, hard working, detail orientated, results driven, team player. • Waitressing, bar tending, hospitality, events management, housekeeping, chef/cook, Au Pair, child care teacher, caregiver. • Nursing, massage, beauty, hairdressing, personal trainer, flight attendant. • Carpentry, boat builder, engineering background, painter, mechanic, IT. • Fishing, diving, water-sports, sailing. “With these skills and life experiences, Crew Pacific will train you to the impeccable standard that is expected of luxury super yacht crew,” she says. “Crew Pacific will enhance your skills

to a 10-star industry standard of service unlike you have never seen or experienced before.” “Our recruitment team will then work as your agent to place you into your dream job as a steward/ess or deckhand on a super yacht where you can deliver and apply these skills while cruising the world. “ What is a steward/ess? A steward/ess is someone who is multiskilled in all facets of high calibre service including silver service, laundry formalities, wine knowledge, barista, massage/beauty, floristry housekeeping and inventory. This person will control and take responsibility for attending to the comforts and wellbeing of the owner or guests while living aboard a luxury yacht. It’s their role to achieve a happy balance between meeting the guest’s needs without infringing on their privacy. A steward/ess carries a first class attitude, is courteous, enjoys entertaining, serving guests and displays the appropriate protocol constantly. What is a Deckhand? A Deckhand will carry out his or

CREW PACIFIC 2016 AUSTRALIAN MARINE INDUSTRY AWARDS WINNER!! her duties and responsibilities under the direction and authority of the Captain via the first officer and/or Bosun. A deckhand is responsible for keeping the yachts exterior clean and exquisitely maintained, including all deck equipment, while also assisting in watch-keeping and docking procedures. Responsibilities are: Exterior maintenance, watch-keeping, navigational support, guest services, certain onboard safety tasks, assisting the First Mate.

Details on course dates available at Contact: Crew Pacific Super Yacht Training and Recruitment 22 Minnie Street, Cairns PH: +61(0) 7 4041 7243 E: Training-

Crew Pacific has been Proudly Providing Super yacht Training Courses and Recruitment to the International and National Super Yacht Industry for Sixteen Years.

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Aged care workers provide care, supervision and support for aged people in residential establishments, clinics, hospitals and private residence. Aged care workers assist with personal care tasks, domestic duties and management of illness. They also provide companionship and emotional support, and promote independence and community participation. Austcare Training is an organisation dedicated to providing students with the latest industry specific knowledge and person centered care modelling. Austcare has great relationships with local aged care facilities working together to deliver the practical skills required by those who wish to work as a Personal carer or Assistant nurse. Austcare provides face to face training, with most units completed during class time and minimal homework. You also have the option of studying via correspondence or online.

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- 146 New aged care beds a week, open inAustralia - The country's over-65 population will almost double between 2015 and 2040. -Around 18,600 people are predicted to reach 100 years of age in the year 2044. (up from 40 in 1952) - The average aged care worker is 48 yrs old -Almost 75,000 new aged care workers will need to enter the workforce in the next 9 years to match demand. (that's 650 a month) according to McCrindle research from 2014 - While many of the sectors of the economy are declining Aged care is booming. -Australian government spending on health, aged care services is projected to double to around half of all government spending over the next 40 years

Aged Care courses have recentley been updated, The most up to date course is now called Certificate Ill in Individual Support (ageing) This replaces the old certificate Ill in aged care which was superseeded last august (2015) * Check your doing the latest course. * Make sure you have placement orgainised by your training company, as facilities don't usually work with individuals. (120 hours mandatory) *A clear Police Check for working with the Aged. Free to Austcare training students! *First Aid / Cpr certificate prior to work placement. A good work ethic Patience for the elderly Caring attitude Availability for shift work.

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Jani ne N o o pet ch

PREGNANCY! During pregnancy your body undertakes dramatic physiological changes.

Including: Hormonal, Musculoskeletal, Postural, Respiratory, Reproductive and Cardiovascular. Pilates is a fantastic choice for exercise during pregnancy, due to its low impact and controlled movements as it promotes strength, muscle tone and endurance as well as overall well-being and prevention of excessive weight gain. It also helps prepare you for the big day of delivering your little miracle, and prepares your upper body for the extra work of carrying your baby around as they rapidly put on the kilos. IMPORTANT: 1st trimester Pregnancy is not the time to start a new exercise regime, so if you are planning on falling pregnant, it is best to undertake exercise classes prior to doing so. That way you can continue to do your exercise and work with safe modifications with your Pilates instructor. 2nd Trimester – no exercise while lying on back as it can compress the major vein (Vena Cava). 3rd Trimester – avoid balancing type movements – Barre Pilates is perfect as you have the Barre to stabilise (no exercises while lying on back as it compresses the major vein that returns blood from the lower body to your heart). Postural changes occur with extra weight being carried and with the abdomen expanding as well as changes in the breasts. These changes take a toll on your posture with your center of gravity moving forward after the fifth month. The mid upper back rounds (Kyphosis) and the lower back increases (lordosis) arching in the lower back. All this extra weight places extra stress on the muscles and joints of the lower back, which

then weakens the abdominals, and many women suffer from back and hip pain.

A good Pilates Instructor would give you a balanced programme focusing on the deep abdominal muscles (Transverse Abdominis) and not the 6-pack abs (Rectus Abdominis) as these separate due to the laxity from the hormone Relaxin released. If you continue to do your usual sit up type abdominal exercises you can cause further permanent separation, that can only be fixed with surgery. However, during your classes you should learn gentle exercises on how to help these muscles come back together over the 6 weeks or so after delivery. It is also extremely important to work on strengthening the Pelvic Floor muscles, as these becomes strained & weakened due to the extra weight of the baby and amniotic fluids – there is more to the basic Kegel exercises than we all know. Most ladies get taught to do some exercises and reminded just after giving birth and then get overwhelmingly busy with the new bub and completely forget. The neglect in this area can be embarrassing with many a mad dash to the toilet after laughing, coughing or sneezing. The incidence of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction is very high and includes: Urinary and Faecal incontinence, Pelvic Organ Prolapse and Pelvic Pain. If you work closely with your well-trained instructor, they will include Pelvic Floor strengthening exercises during your Pregnancy class and also into your Post Natal classes. Pilates also promotes flexibility and it is important to stretch your glutes regularly as they get tight during pregnancy and can cause pain in your hip and sciatic nerve. Tight Hip Flexors are also common and by releasing these you can achieve a more neutral pelvis to help eliminate any strain on the lower back. So find yourself a great Pilates Studio near you and discover the love of Pilates prior to pregnancy and you will be in the best shape before during and after the birth of your bub. Jordanna Smith will be in Cairns for basi PILATES® training in February 2017.



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ontessori I N TH E T RO P I C S !

by Narelle de Jon g

“The Montessori approach is internationally acclaimed and part of the educational landscape at Tropical North Learning Academy at Trinity Beach State School” explained the principal of the school, Matthew Denzin. “It offers a specially designed learning environment that is filled with wonderful materials that will interest young children and encourage their independent exploration and discovery.”

1 / 196 McCormack Street, Cairns P 07 4031 0123 • F 07 4031 0146 Supporting children and young people to have a good start to life

Over the last two years an emerging Montessori community has begun to take hold on the Northern Beaches with the thriving Meriba Montessori Infant and Toddler programs engaging parents and children from 0-3 years of age five mornings a week. From 2017 students entering into Prep will now be eligible to enrol in a Montessori 3-6 classroom – a first for Cairns and the Far North Queensland Region!!” The program will operate within the same timeframes as a traditional school, five days a week. The comprehensive program is based on five key learning areas: practical life, sensorial, language, maths and cultural studies and is aligned with the Australian education curriculum. The Montessori Early Years program is based on the understanding that children have a natural love of learning. The program recognizes that the early years of life are the cornerstone of learning when a child develops fundamental

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LIFE Education

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Tropical North Queensland Learning Academy’s commitment to delivering a ‘world class education from the early years to university and beyond’ is being further enriched with the introduction of a Montessori Early Years Program in 2017.

skills that enable them to thrive and become caring, confident and independent young people. With the understanding of each unique child in mind, the various learning environments - including the classroom, the veranda and the garden - are designed for much growth in independence by allowing learning to occur at every child’s individual pace through creative ‘play’ and specifically designed activities and tools to experiment with and engage their senses.


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Older children within the group are mentors to aspire to and learn from and the specially trained teacher’s role is to guide the child’s ‘mind in its work of development’ and trust the children’s own individual limits. The Montessori Early Years Program of Trinity Beach State School extends on the other innovative educational opportunities being delivered through the Tropical North Learning Academy. Registration of interest in the Montessori Early Years Program for children 5 years of age by June 30, 2017 or Meriba Montessori program for children ages 3 months to 3 years is available via Facebook or by calling Trinity Beach State School. Photo courtesy of the Montessori Australia Foundation. Visit:

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STUDENT VISA PROGRAM Australia has an overseas student program which allows international students to study here in Australia. Student visas have been comprised of eight visa subclasses to date which are determined by the level of study being undertaken. From 1 July 2016 Australia is changing its student visa program and introducing a simplified student visa framework (SSVF). Under the SSVF all international students will now apply for a single student visa subclass 500 (rather than the choice of 8 subclasses) and all applications will need to be made online. Additionally a new immigration risk framework will be used to guide the evidence of English language and financial capacity that the student needs to provide with their application. All international students are required to have sufficient funds to cover their course

fees and living expenses in Australia. Students associated with the lowest immigration risk will generally be able to provide just a declaration. Students associated with higher immigration risk based on their country of citizenship and education provider immigration risk will have to provide documentary evidence of financial capacity with their application. Where evidence of financial capacity is required the student can provide either evidence of funds to cover travel to Australia and 12 months of living, course fees of the student and tuition fees for any accompanying school aged dependant children or can provide evidence of meeting an annual income requirement. If showing proof of funds the living expenses amount is set at $19,830 for the student, $6,940 for the student’s spouse and $2,970 for each accompanying child. Where school children are included in the application schooling costs of $8,000 per year for each child will need to be added to the amount of funds that is required. Additional to this are the tuition fees of the student and return travel costs. Alternatively, the annual income

requirement option requires students to provide evidence of personal annual income of at least AUD $60,000 or AUD $70,000 if accompanied by family. The income demonstrated must be the personal income of the student’s spouse or parents only. The immigration risk framework also sets out whether the student needs to provide evidence of English. Lower risk students will only be required to meet their intended school’s language requirements whereas higher risk will actually need to sit English language testing and achieve a prescribed English language test score. Students will need to be enrolled in a registered course of study still and must show that they are genuine temporary entrants with an intention for only a temporary stay in Australia. International students are required to be of good character and will generally need to undertake a medical examination as part of the student visa. Students must also obtain Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) before a student visa can be issued. For further information please talk to a registered migration agent.

Want an Australian Visa? At Visa Connection we provide expert and personalised immigration advice to individuals and corporations worldwide. We have a vast knowledge of: • Australian Migration Law • General Migration Advice • Family sponsored visas • Spouse and Defacto visas • General Skilled Migration • Australian Citizenship and • Work sponsored visas (457 and RSMS/ENS)

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C a i r n s L i f e 11 4 M a g a z i n e

Child Support Suzanne Hadl e y

Child Support is a significant issue for separating parents. Considering how our notions of caring for and supporting our children have changed over the years, I was reminded of that old nursery rhyme of the old woman who lived in a shoe – she had so many children she didn’t know what to do; she gave them soup without any bread and spanked them all soundly and sent them to bed. We are so much more caring and aware of the need for adequate support for our children since the days of George II where this nursery rhyme is said to have originated. These days, that old woman would have been charged with child abuse. We would be asking why she hadn’t been to the Child Support Agency to get assistance from the children’s father for their support. Not all separating parents require the assistance of the Child Support Agency to assess and enforce arrangements for financial support for the children. Many parents make private arrangements to provide an appropriate level of financial assistance for their children under the age of 18 or remaining in full-time education without the intervention of the Child Support Agency. These arrangements allow the parents to be in control of what level of support is needed for the children and what expenses each of the parents will meet.

Many parents enter into these arrangements on a formal basis, by utilising either a Limited Child-Support Agreement or a Binding ChildSupport Agreement. The difference between the two types of agreements is quite significant. In a Limited Child-Support Agreement, which will only last for a three year period, there must be a ChildSupport Assessment in place and the amount agreed may not be less than the Child-Support Assessment. The agreement must be a written agreement and both parents must sign. There is no requirement for each party to obtain legal advice beforehand. The document has no effect until it is registered with the Registrar of the Child Support Agency. Either party can terminate the agreement after 3 years or if the notional assessment by the Registrar changes by more than 15 per cent. Either party may then elect to end the agreement. The agreement may also be terminated by entering into another Limited Agreement or entering into a Binding Child Support Agreement, perhaps if parental circumstances have changed; either through changed care arrangements, or a change to taxable income. A Court Order may also terminate the agreement. If no new agreement is in place, then Child-Support obligations will continue in the amount assessed by the Registrar A Binding Child-Support Agreement is useful where each parent wants certainty over the level of and kind of financial support for their children. Binding Child-Support Agreements requires each party to receive legal advice, must be a written agreement signed by both parents and each parent’s legal advice should address the effect of the agreement on their rights and

the advantages and disadvantages about how the terms of the agreement will impact upon them at the time they entered the agreement. Binding Child-Support Agreements are complex and designed to give the parties control over their financial arrangements. It ‘s not a requirement that there be a Child-Support Assessment in place and the level of support may be any amount both parents agree. It may be less or it may be higher than an administrative assessment. It may include provision for yearly increases and a provision for one parent to meet certain expenses for the children, such as uniforms or school fees at a particular school. Child Support Agreements, either limited or binding, should not be taken to be an “easy fix”. They are legally enforceable documents and may only be changed in most cases by future agreement between the parents or by complex court processes. Any parents considering whether a Child-Support Agreement may be suitable for their particular circumstances should get legal advice first.

Suzanne Hadley is a Queensland Law Society Accredited Family Law Specialist.

• Divorce applications.


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82 Scott Street, Cairns

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C a i r n s L i f e 11 5 M a g a z i n e



SME owners: When did you have your last holiday? 'WORK TO LIVE, DON’T LIVE TO WORK’ Eva Grabner

The Australian Bureau of Statistics reports that there are over two million small businesses in Australia, that is businesses with less than 15 staff. I don’t know about you, but I find that phenomenal! It explains why there is (now) so much support for small business and why it’s such a big part of any election campaign. I recently returned from an extended holiday in the US to attend my brother’s wedding, however, since it’s such a distance to travel and the jet lag is horrendous, especially for my two year old son, I tacked on a cruise. Now, that’s a luxury that most small businesses cannot afford and I count myself very lucky. Not only to be able to go away for so long, but to be able to leave my business for such an extended period. Apart from the fact that technology has made travel and distance so much easier, in recruitment you really need to be face-to-face with clients and candidates. What did I do? Well, I succession planned. I ensured I had people in place to deal with any business opportunities that came through and also to ensure my current clients felt ‘loved’ while I was away. In fact, most of them didn’t even notice I was gone! My question is, if you are a small business (or any size business in fact), can they survive without you? Do YOU have a plan in place for that extended leave or an emergency that will see you out of the office for a number of weeks or months? Maybe you are thinking of selling or leaving the business? Either way, having a succession plan in place is crucial. What is succession planning? Well it’s a process used to identify and develop internal staff with the potential to fill key business leadership positions in your company. Not only does this help you when you want to take a break, no matter whether its two days, two weeks or two months, but it also ensures that you are covered should a staff member leave suddenly. The number of frantic calls I receive from owners and executives about roles needing to be filled ‘yesterday’ is still as common as it was ten years ago. So many business owners are running around trying to do everything themselves and not investing in training and/or delegating enough to their staff. No matter whether you are just setting up or growing a business, there’s no doubt it takes up a lot of your time and energy. However, you must spend the necessary time thinking about your succession plan.

A good succession plan for a small business owner should cover: • Likely dates or timeframes as to when you plan to take a break or leave the business; • Identification of your successor – this could be a current employee or future owners; • Identification of the talent in your team then to help these employees , develop their leadership skills, communicate likely future opportunities for them in your business and make them feel valued. Start delegating work to them. • Make sure your financial and operations are in order, ask your accountant to carry out a financial health check and it also may be worthwhile having external due diligence done on your processes, procedures, documentation, job descriptions and systems (Elite Executive HR can assist with this); • Know what your business is worth – this is extremely important if you are thinking of selling. Many small business owners assign a value to their business that is, mostly, significantly above what they would likely receive from a sale. A business broker would be able to give you a realistic market value and also advise you what steps you would need to take to enhance the businesses likely sale price. Succession plans should be in place for all key employees in a business. If you are time-poor and need guidance, there are a number of good consulting firms that can assist no matter how small or large your business. Now go and put your succession plans in place, I’m going to book my next holiday …

Elite Executive Ph: 0409 59 11 88 Eva Grabner is an Executive Recruiter and Search Consultant with nearly a decade of experience across a multitude of industries, and the Managing Director of Elite Executive

CHA N G IN G T HE FA CE O F R E CR U IT M E N T • Executive Recruitment • Global Search Specialists

• Human Resource Consulting • Resume and Career Advice S P E CI A LT I E S I N CLU DE : 07 4057 9053

Executive roles (CEO, CFO, COO, MD, GM) | Engineers, Project Managers and Construction Managers | Health, Safety & Environmental Managers | Logistics, Supply Chain & Procurement | Accounting & Finance Professionals | Human Resource Specialists | Sales & Marketing | Operations Staff

C a i r n s L i f e 11 6 M a g a z i n e

It’s a


culture thing! Set Lead! Gre Gre gg Sm Sm edt edt ss

Working with a lot of companies, I have

In last edition found month’s the biggest hurdle is getting the I mentioned culture the waythe theyimportance want it to be! So I thought a I vision would highlight of having worththe most integral parts of creating a great culture rallying around and raising for your organisation. standards to the next level So let’s begin by thinking about business to achieve that vision. as a whole. Richard Branson At the end of the article has said business is easy, as it is just a system. I also mentioned Understand the systememployees and you can run leaving leaders, any business, which if you have a look at number of businesses notthe workplaces, duehetohasa started, it is clear he gets the system. So what is lack of vision, inspiration, the system? trust and care.

It’s all pretty simple really. Firstly, it is the physical equipment and environment Howyou do you the inspirational leader andbecome your team will be working with worthy commitment and passion of andofin.theThinking about your business, yourare team? you located in a good position to do business with your customers? Do Practice and begin to buildto you these have three all thesteps equipment required yourdo credibility inspirational leader! business?as an Is the environment one in which you feel comfortable and are able 1. Genuinely care for to not onlylike do and the work, butpeople excel at – Build doingtrust. the work?If you want to be an inspirational leader, you will be required to like people, listen to them and truly care about them to ensure they are living the life

The next step is to look at the systems they want. I know you might have heard you have in place in the business. Are the saying, “People don’t care how much your systems being implemented in you know until they know how much you the correct way? Are you testing and care.” This statement couldn’t be more measuring your systems as you go? Are true, unless of course your reputation for they at the performance level you need being a caring and inspirational leader to accommodate expected growth of the precedes you. Then this is where to begin. business? Do you have all the systems for creating an amazing customer 2. Be your word – This is normally experience? This is very important, called integrity. One of the biggest as return customers are not only good factors in building trust is having integrity for keeping stable cash flow, but they and doing what you say you will do. There will also tell people they know about is nothing worse than a leader who commits the experience they have while doing verbally, then time and time again does not business with you. Remember, word of complete the actions agreed to. This is the mouth is always working! It is just either quickest way to lose the confidence of the working for you or against you. people you’re leading. Finally, have you done a good job of 3. Control your emotions – Learning selecting your team? This is an integral how to control your emotions will part of the culture in any organisation. serve you well as an inspirational Do you have the right people in the right leader. No one wants to follow a person positions on your team? Do they share who is likely to fly off the handle at any the enthusiasm to achieve the vision you moment. When you mix emotions with have all set? Do they speak openly about leadership, it should be controlled emotion any challenges they may be having? Do and positive emotion. Passion, confidence, they assist in coming up with solutions? humility and understanding are emotions well worth cultivating to reach higher levels as an inspirational leader.

Are their values aligned with the If you want to be an inspirational leader, organisational values? This area is your these are three great ways of getting started. greatest asset when it comes to success. Remember, you will be on different levels Are you paying enough attention? of leadership with each and every person. There are no magic bullets and special For more tips on building your company remedies to putting together the ideal way culture, follow us next month or go to of leading. The best way forward is to work Positive Revolution on Facebook. at it. If you practice these tips diligently and on a consistent basis, you will be well on your way to being an inspirational leader. See you next month and check out the

Greg Smedts is a website business coach, Positive Revolution for more details specialising and articles! in the development of organisational culture. Having managed businesses and organisations for the 17 years, his Greg Smedts is past a business coach, specialty of ensuring between specialising in the thesynergy development of people and operations, ensures maximum organisational culture. Having managed productivity results. In addition, businesses and and organisations for the past Greg also the Cairns of Director for the 17 is years, his local specialty ensuring Business a synergy Network betweenInternational people and(BNI), operations, well-structured, word-of-mouth, referral ensures maximum productivity and results. based organisation In addition, Gregfor is assisting also thebusiness local Cairns owners increase their exposure grow Director for Business Networkand International their businesses. (BNI), a well-structured, word-of-mouth,

referral based organisation for assisting business owners increase their exposure and grow their businesses.

The Journey is the Reward 0457 738 099 • g reg @positiv ere vo lu t io n . c o m. a u • www. po s it ive re vo lu t io n . c o m . a u CCaai irrnns sLLi if fee 16157 M Maaggaazzi innee


Four key steps to

maintaining your website’s health Cathy Earle

Your new website has been designed, content and images have been added and it’s now online for the world to view. At this point you may think the occasional update or addition of some new content is all that needs to be done to keep your site maintained. The reality is, once your site goes live regular work is required to help prevent site outages. Some of the key factors essential to maintaining a healthy website are maintenance, backups, monitoring and security. Maintenance Website maintenance is often confused with website updates, such as making text or design changes. Maintenance however deals with the technical aspects of a website such as updating plugins, themes, and core site files. Many companies opt out of site maintenance plans figuring they’ll make the updates themselves. The reality is, they don’t. This may be due to lack of knowhow, a misunderstanding of the importance of keeping the site up-to-date, lack of time, or a fear that something may break after running an update. While they are all good reasons for an inexperienced user to not perform updates, not doing so can lead to a site being hacked or your site going offline.

Backups How much is your website worth to your business, and what would it cost to rebuild? Adding up the costs involved for initial site design, hours spent creating content, sourcing images and time spent updating your site since it’s been live, will give you a good idea of the value of your site. Having a backup of your website is insurance that your site can be quickly restored should a web disaster strike. While your host may keep daily site backups, they do not guarantee them. It’s up to the site owner to ensure they have a copy of their website stored off site. Monitoring Often businesses don’t notice their site is down until they have problems receiving email, or someone calls to inform them of the site outage. If your site is regularly monitored, your web master will be alerted as soon as the site goes down, allowing them to easily narrow down what caused the outage and quickly resolve the issue. Security “I’m not a big corporation, why would someone want to hack my site?” This is a sentiment many small business owners have, believing that as they don’t have any sensitive information on their site they’re not a target for hackers.

In reality hackers aren’t always interested in stealing credit card or personal information, sometimes they do it simply because they can. Making changes to your default backend website settings can prevent the most basic types of hacks. If you don’t have the technical know-how to get your site back up and running again, the cost of hiring someone to dig around and find the underlying issue will usually outweigh the cost of monthly maintenance. If keeping your site online is important to your business, it’s best to leave site maintenance to the experts, allowing you to focus on business without worrying about the technical aspects of your site.

Cathy Earle is an Internet Consultant and Social Media Strategist. She has been developing websites and online strategies for clients in Australia and North America for over 15 years. Her degree in Public Relations and Management Communication, in addition to a 12 year career as owner of an independent publishing company, have proven beneficial to her work today — navigating the vast world of the internet and online marketing.

WEB DEVELOPMENT & SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING • Specialising in the WordPress Platform • Custom Web Designs • Search Engine Marketing • Social Media Marketing • Search Engine Optimisation peaksmedia

@peaksmedia | Ph: 4059 0285

C a i r n s L i f e 11 8 M a g a z i n e

ADVOCACY & LOBBYING A large part of the work undertaken by the Cairns Chamber of Commerce, is the advocacy and lobbying that we do to support and protect the economic future of our local community.

The Cairns Chamber regularly engages with our elected representatives to ensure that they are aware of the challenges faced by businesses in our region, and to push hard for appropriate investment in infrastructure and policy change to support employment and economic growth.

What does the


• $19.8 million in 2016-17 out of a $34.2 million total spend to improve transport infrastructure (including the Bill Fulton Bridge); • $15 million in 2016-17 for the Cairns Performing Arts Centre and Munro Martin Parkland; • $4 million in 2016-17 out of a

• Aviation Route Development • $33.5 million for the ‘Connecting with Asia Strategy’ to allow TTNQ to access funds for destination marketing, aviation attraction and digital capabilities. We also successfully had amendments made to the Sustainable Ports Development Bill 2015 to ensure that the Cairns Port would be able to continue to develop and grow as our region grows with incremental development of the port and marine facilities. In the lead up to the Federal election, we have also been lobbying hard for the current Australian Government and the hopeful candidates to commit funding to our 8 key regional priorities that will also support employment and economic growth across our region. We will continue our lobbying and advocacy work with all levels of government to get the best possible outcomes for our community.




• $10 million to James Cook University for the construction of the Cairns Innovation Centre.

$19.9 million total spend to progress the bitumen sealing of the Hann Highway;



C a i r n s L i f e 11 9 M a g a z i n e


What Does the Cairns Chamber Do?

Most recently, we have been lobbying the Queensland Government for investment in a range of projects and infrastructure that will support employment and economic growth. In partnership with our economic development partners, Advance Cairns, we presented the ‘2016 State Budget Priorities’ list to the Premier and to the Treasurer of Queensland on 20 May 2016. Subsequent engagement with the Treasurer and local MPs has resulted in our priorities being well understood, with the following investments funded in the 2016/17 Queensland Budget announcement:





The Travel Lounge has turned 10 & you are personally invited to enjoy the benefits of having true professionals looking after your travel arrangements. At The Travel Lounge we believe that reliability and efficiency are the key to a successful booking, we will not compromise either. Travel is fundamentally about experiences that you will remember for a lifetime. The Travel Lounge are specialists in all aspects of travel from the most adventurous pursuits to visiting friends and relatives a little closer to home. The travel lounge is an agency dedicated to building a lifelong relationship with our travelling clients, by providing the ultimate in customer service.

With over 25 years experience in the travel industry, The Travel Lounge provides a first class reliable service from your first call, email or fax until your return home. With unsurpassed client focus and flexibility, The Travel Lounge introduced Cairns’ first mobile travel agent, bringing the world to your office, hotel, lounge room or favourite coffee shop. Without the restriction of the 9-5 business day the travel lounge can now arrange your travel at a time convenient for you. Using state of the art mobile technology, your consultant will be able to access the reservation systems of every major airline in the world, all the major tour operators, hoteliers and car hire companies. Everything that is required to build the ultimate holiday, business trip or luxury getaway‌..whatever your need or desire. We invite you to take the first step of your next adventure; visit us @

plan your travel from the comfort of your own home,OFFICE or local cafe...

For personalised travel arrangements

CairnsLife 120 Magazine

PH 4041 0123


White Lotus T ROPI C A L DAY SPA 10 YEARS OF SERENITY On many occasions I have heard people say that Bali is more than just a destination. It’s a magical mood, a tropical state of mind and one of the most beautiful natural places on Earth. On our own Northern Beaches, a small piece of this magic has been transported to Far North Queensland, artfully creating the White Lotus Tropical Day Spa at Trinity Park. The White Lotus describes the experience in their own brochures as a “Sanctuary for the Senses”. White Lotus owner and manager Mardi and daughter Tulani believe it is the attention to detail that makes this place so special. “We have a beautiful range of services on offer, and my professional staff are exceptionally good at what they do. There is definitely something for everyone, with an extensive Spa Menu, including our exclusive White Lotus Signature Treatments.” The two-acre property features four traditional Balinese Spa pavilions, single and double, each with their own private courtyard, which is set amongst beautiful tropical gardens. The gardens themselves feature beautiful flower offerings and wonderful water features so the CairnsLife 121 Magazine

soothing sounds of running water is a constant background, broken occasionally by the songs of local birds. To add to their unique qualities, The White Lotus also features their own signature range of Natural Spa products, which are produced daily. These include massage oils, muds and scrubs. We also use and recommend Dermalogica Facial Products and are introducing our Advanced Skin Treatments by our Dermal Therapist. Those who are looking for the perfect gift can purchase an exquisitely boxed Gift Voucher. It’s the perfect way to offer that special someone a chance to rejuvenate their Mind, Body and Soul in such a magical setting.

w. p. 4057 2300 e. 48 Johanna Street Trinity Park




Floatation Therapy or restricted environmental stimulation therapy (REST) has gained a lot of momentum recently. Recent studies have shown that it is an effective way to treat a number of psychological and physiological conditions.


Nic Thomson and his wife Linda founded The Float Studio based on a shared passion for health and a desire to help people become the best version of themselves. With a mission to provide a clean, comfortable and welcoming space for a unique float experience, Nic, a registered nurse, and Linda, a general practice registrar, recognise the need for a holistic approach to health, and firmly believe that everyone can benefit in some way from floating. “We are a part of a growing acceptance of the need to address the mind and body as a whole,” says Nic. Research has demonstrated the many benefits of floatation therapy including pain management, pregnancy support, improvement in sleep, sports rehabilitation and performance enhancement and in the treatment of stress, anxiety and depression. With the aim of sensory deprivation, floating

CairnsLife 122 Magazine

involves entering a specialised floatation pod that is filled with a saturated solution of magnesium sulphate (Epsom Salt) and water. The lid is then closed to eliminate light and sound. The Epsom salt creates buoyancy to simulate a zero-gravity environment, and free of light, sound and other distractions, the body is able to enter a state of deep relaxation. “I call it the ultimate ‘reset’ button,” says Dr Linda Thomson, “All the technology and this 24/7 connection we have today actually increases our levels of stress and anxiety. Floating is a great way to disconnect, which is something people are finding increasingly hard to do.” Offering the largest pods on the market, about the size of a small car, the state-ofthe-art I-sopod quickly dissolves any concerns of claustrophobia. ‘People are in full control of their experience at all times and can choose to float with the lid up if they prefer, without diminishing the effects’ says Nic.

Floating is a great way to disconnect, which is something people are finding increasingly hard to do.

Floating sessions are typically 60 minutes long, and during that time, profound and measurable changes occur within the mind and body. Studies show it lowers cortisol levels, decreases blood pressure and in this very relaxed state, brain waves move from the busy Beta state to Alpha and, finally, begins producing low-frequency Theta waves, which are the brainwaves produced during REM sleep. Typically, it takes years of meditation practice to reach this state while awake; in floating, it can occurs after about 30 minutes. Floating’s calming effects and other physiological benefits remain even after the session has ended and, in one recent study, it was shown that four months after concluding a series of 12 float sessions, people maintained a significant reduction in stress and anxiety. The Epsom salt alone has many medical benefits; the National Academy of Sciences reports that most of us are magnesium-deficient, and soaking in the salt lets your body absorb magnesium. Improved levels of magnesium boost the body’s ability to use insulin and regulate electrolytes—and also help relieve stress, improve circulation and ease muscle pain. The Australian Institute of Sport uses a flotation tank to aid in recovery as well as to promote relaxation and sleep for high performance athletes that use the centre. With this in mind The Float Studio is excited to be sponsoring the Cairns Taipans for the upcoming season. Recognising the importance of giving back to the community, The Float Studio have also partnered with Headspace and Life Without Barriers to provided

complimentary floats to those in need. Nic is passionate about assisting those with mental health issues, in particular young people. “By targeting young people with mental health issues for preventative and early intervention measures, positive long term outcomes are much more likely,” he says. Only a few years ago there were very few dedicated float centres in Australia. Now with over fifty centres around the country and new locations opening frequently. Linda believes floatation therapy is here to stay and rightfully taking it’s place amongst established wellness practices such as yoga, meditation and pilates, as well as supporting and enhancing other therapies for pain management and stress relief. “With the therapy taking off around the world and in Australia we were very keen to bring this experience to Cairns,” she says.

m. 0401562586 e. w. a. 149 Anderson Street, Manoora

CairnsLife 123 Magazine

LIFE Healthy


IVF NOW AVAILABLE IN CAIRNS! • Reduced upfront fee’s • Bulk billed ICSI • Free Blastocyst culture

Contact Cairns Fertility Centre for further information today... Entry: Ground Floor, Aplin Street, Central Plaza Apartments Address: 4th floor, 58-60 McLeod Street, Cairns QLD 4870 T: 07 4040 6888 F: 07 4041 1646 E:

CairnsLife 124 Magazine

Strict criteria applies.

Foot friendly option for

FNQ Heat

By Kyle Richardson

'I don’t want to wear orthotics. I only like wearing thongs or sandals because it’s too hot up here for enclosed shoes’. As a local Podiatrist, I hear this statement all the time and can completely relate – it really is hot up here! This is no longer an issue for the people of Far North QLD, with FNQ Podiatry & Orthotics latest product; the thong-thotic. Exclusive to FNQ Podiatry & Orthotics, the thong-thotic is a completely customized thong that is designed to fit specifically to your feet. Our Podiatrists run you through a biomechanical assessment, video walking analysis and pressure plate test in order to assess how your lower limbs and feet function. Once this is completed, a 3-D image is taken of your feet, for the custom insoles to be designed specifically for you. The pressure plate testing is used to determine if there are any ‘hot spot’ areas that have the potential to cause issues. If identified, a cut-out is able to be built into the

thong-thotic to deflect pressure from this area. The Thong-thotics are a great option for people who need extra support but don’t like wearing enclosed shoes all the time. Alternatively, people who already have orthotics are enjoying having the option of using the thong-thotics on weekends or for use around the house. For those people who suffer from heel pain first thing in the morning, the thong-thotics are fantastic to slide out of bed and straight into. That way your feet are getting the necessary support from the get go. The custom made thongs are available in both men’s and women’s, various colour options and are able to be claimed through your private health fund. Those people who already have standard orthotics, we do suggest bringing them along to your consultation as the design features can be taken into consideration pending how successful your results have been with them.



Shop 4, 9-11 Stokes Street


2 Flying Fish Point Road


Shop 12, Redlynch Central, Larsen Road


117 Mason Street

The LATEST Podiatry Technology from Europe Kyle Richardson | Director/Principal Podiatrist

4045 5749



CairnsLife 125 Magazine

While Dr David Candler, principal of Skin Alert, is well known and highly respected for years of successful treatment of skin cancer in Cairns, his clinic also offers much more to help improve people’s lives. Dr Candler has been a GP for more than 25 years, and has specialized in skin cancer diagnosis and treatment for the last eleven years. Over recent years he has expanded his practice through the introduction of best quality skin care products, cosmetic treatments such as anti-wrinkle and filler injections and PRP, and state of the art medical lasers to treat a wide variety of conditions. “Laser medicine is an exciting new field that can help people in many different ways,” he said. “Lasers are definitely a thing of the future.”

Laser “ medicine is an

exciting new field that can help people in many different ways”

The lasers can be used for cosmetic mole removal, to treat acne and acne scarring (a medicare rebate may apply), and for skin resurfacing and skin tightening, and the treatment of vascular lesions and pigmentation among other things. One fantastic use of laser is to treat plantar warts, which people have often had for years and have not responded to multiple attempts to remove them. “The laser kills off the wart without any cutting and the results can be almost miraculous,” says Dr Candler. Dr Candler also uses laser to treat stress urinary incontinence and mild to moderate prolapse in women –common and distressing problems that otherwise usually need surgery to correct. Dr

Candler can also effectively treat snoring and sleep apnoea by laser. “The stress urinary incontinence and snoring laser treatments are non-surgical so clients can walk in, have the treatment and walk out,” said Dr Candler. “These treatments give a natural rejuvenation and firming of the tissues, and clients usually see a dramatic improvement.” Treatments are conducted in his large, immaculate clinic on Mulgrave Rd. Recently Dr Candler has purchased a TheraClear system, one of the very first in Australia, that very effectively treats acne without the need for antibiotics. “The combination of vacuum extraction of the pores and the use of IPL to kill the bacteria has given really wonderful results for many patients”, says Dr Candler.

Dr Candler keeps abreast of the latest medical knowledge and equipment, for the benefit of his clients, by attending national and international conferences. “I love to go to conferences to share and to learn. I am happy that I have equipment that is at the forefront of technology and medicine and that I can offer these treatments to the people of Cairns and surrounding districts.” His popular and well-respected practice includes two other doctors and a great team of nurses, professional skin therapists and administration staff. Skin Alert Cairns Suite 2, 200 Mulgrave Road, Cairns Ph: 4041 5770 Website:

CairnsLife 126 Magazine

Bend It Like….

PEYRONIE? Peyronie’s Disease is a curvature of the penis. It was first described by a Frenchman, Francois Gigot de la Peyronie who described it in 1743. It may occur after damage to the penis (usually a buckling injury) or may occur spontaneously. It is not really a “disease” in the true sense of the word.

It is the formation of scar tissue within the penis which can sometimes affect a man’s ability to direct his urinary stream and may prevent a normal erection or may cause the erection to be bent. This may be in any direction and sometimes if severe may result in a “twist”. This can also result in shortening of the penis. As a result an erection may be painful and intercourse may cause pain for the man or his partner and sometimes is not possible at all. Because it is made up of “scar” tissue it may get better by itself but this may take a year to happen as the tissue “matures”. Treatment is only needed if the condition prevents the ability to have intercourse or causes pain to the man or his partner. Unfortunately there are no specific medications which have a significant ability to promise a “cure”. There are many sites on the internet which offer promises which are usually unfulfilled. There do not appear to be any creams or specific mechanical straightening devices which offer a reliable, scientifically tested method of improvement despite the costs of these devices. Some vitamins have been recommended in the past but recent testing has failed to

show significant benefit. Some injections of a substance in to the scar tissue is sometimes effective but this requires a number of injections over many weeks and does not appear to be reliable. So that leaves surgery. There are a number of operations which are usually carried out in day surgery where the penis can be straightened. There are various techniques. In some of them the scar tissue is removed and a “tissue graft” inserted but as healing takes place by the formation of scar tissue they may not always be effective. Another technique is to take a “tuck” in the side opposite the scarring rather like dress making so it is then straight. Occasionally, if the curvature is accompanied by an inability to get an erection, a penile prosthesis is necessary. This is an artificial erection device which is contained entirely in the body which can give an erection and straighten the penis at the same time. Dr Neil Gordon Urologist Urological Surgeon at Cairns Urology M.B.B.S (Melb) F.R.C.S (Glasg)F.R.C.S Ed F.R.A.C.S., F.I.C.S

Peyronie’s Disease

• It is the formation of scar tissue within the penis • There are no specific medications which have a significant ability to promise a “cure” • It may get better by itself but this may take a year to happen • If the curvature is accompanied by an inability to get an erection, a penile prosthesis is necessary

98 Spence Street Cairns, QLD 4870, Australia PO Box 7787 Cairns, QLD 4870, Australia

P (07) 4041 0700 F (07) 4041 4007











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or type of any standard inclusion, to a product of equivalent standard, without notice. Limited offer, duplex designs upgrades one side per promo. Two kitchen plans/butlers kitchens, only main kitchen is upgraded, conditions apply. Limited time only. Carrington Homes P/L trading as Dixon Homes Cairns QBCC 78120. Images for advertising purposes. Effective from June 2016.



*To Approved Applicants

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In the recent Queensland Govt budget it was announced that the Queensland First Home Owners Grant will be increased to $20,000 from 1st July this year which is great news for the building industry and first home owners. The grant is only available for first home seekers who are a building a new home up to a combined House and Land total of $750,000. This increase is only available for 12 months so if you are thinking about building your first home, now is the time get that project started. Cairns has some very well priced house and land packages for first home owners and in the Value Homes side of our business we specialise in this area. We have well priced packages for first home owners all over the Cairns area and the Tablelands. Right now there are some great building prices on starter homes in the Cairns region. The building industry in Cairns is

starting to see some improvement so prices will start to rise soon. While you are doing your homework on building prices make sure that you know exactly what you are getting for your money. The builder’s price should be up front with exactly what it includes so there are no hidden extras for you. If you are on a strict budget for your first home then it is extremely important to make sure you don’t fall short on your finances or over commit yourself. It’s a good idea to make up a checklist of what you would like to have included in your budget and also what areas you might be able to compromise on depending on how far your budget will go. Things like preliminary fees, site supervision, termite treatment, landscaping, suitable site works preparation, even quality floor coverings and fittings. As they say……. make sure you are looking at ‘apples for apples’ and that’s not an easy

thing to do when you are starting out. Don’t be afraid to ask the builder questions about what’s included in your price, and also what’s not included as some things may be very important to you. If the builder is reluctant to put this in writing then find a builder who will. For more information on that $20,000 come in and talk to me at our Affinity Designer Homes display home at Canopy’s Edge Smithfield, or one of our Value Homes consultants at Smithfield Village or Sugarworld display homes as soon as possible and let’s get started on building your new home. https://firsthomeowners. Roslyn Smith Affinity Designer Homes & Value Homes (NQ) Building Designer and Licensed Builder Phone: 40518866 Mobile: 0439 855851

SPECIALISING IN: • conceptual budgets • sloping sites • energy efficient homes • narrow or irregular land

• tailored specialist knowledge • individual design requirements


N E W D I S P L AY H O M E O P E N Canopy’s Edge Estate, Smithfield

QBCC 71474

144 Mulgrave Rd, Cairns QLD P 07 4051 8866 M 0439 855851 E CairnsLife 130 Magazine












Hamelin Street, Bentley Park (Off Fitzmaurice Drive) One of the last remaining elevated hillside opportunities in Cairns. Large level blocks with stunning valley views stages two and three are now available for sale.

4050 5200 Over 2,000 house and land packages available online at Cairns Region – Mossman to Cardwell and the Tablelands | Townsville Region – Ingham to Ayr /dixonhomescairns 172 Mulgrave Road, Westcourt

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