Women's Life Magazine October | November 2018

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at the Beach Life is too short to wear boring clothes & swimwear. Peppers Beach Club, 123 Williams Esplanade, Palm Cove. Ph 0418 182 405

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For more information visit cairns.qld.gov.au

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Women’sLife 3 Magazine


“Water Bird” Pure Silk Top ARTWORK: Ngapa Jukurrpa ARTIST: Long Maggie Nakamarra White

Authentic Aboriginal Art  

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Royalties Paid to the Aboriginal Artists

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Photo by Mick Fuhrimann

Most people today want to look and feel their best at all times, regardless of their age. There’s nothing like the confidence one feels when they know they are putting their best foot forward. While inner beauty, including a positive attitude and a zest for life, is the key to a happy and long life, outer beauty also plays a key part to our happiness. Thanks to advances in non-invasive (non-surgical) anti-ageing therapies, people of all ages can look their best all the time. And we all know that when you look your best, you feel your best. And when you feel your best you accomplish so much more. We take a look at five talented (and beautiful) women who are ageing amazingly.

Nick Bellei, 61, is the founder of Face Today Mediclinics, one of the world’s leading anti- aging clinics. Pam Petherbridge, who is in her early 70s, is highly respected in the fashion and bridal stylist industry. Amanda Macour, owner of Ministry of Makeup and Hair, Renee Straguszi-Smith, dancer teacher and personal trainer at Total Vision Fitness, and Louise Struber, marketing manager and freelance make-up artist, also share their secrets to looking and feeling younger than their years. These five women come from different backgrounds and are from five different generations. They all share the same passion to age in style. We know you’ll enjoy reading about them and learning about their secrets to their outer – and inner – beauty.

Women’sLife 5 Magazine

Pamela Petherbridge, 72 years young

Nicole (Nicki) Belle, 61 CEO, Face Today Mediclinic

Former Runway Model and Current Fashion Advisor

1. Please tell me abour your career: Stylist, Emcee, E L E G AN CE Event Co-Ordinator, I S TH E ON LY Educator, Former Model, Bridal Stylist, B E AU T Y T H AT Partner with Nicki J N E V E R FAD ES Belle in AgeAmazingly, Audrey He pbur n Stylist for Gen Ageless, Ambassador for Wedded Wonderland. I have been involved in all facets of the Bridal Industry from Styling to Emceeing to Runway Presentations; Professional Events CoOrdinator, Model & Deportment Academy, Public Speaker. Now my focus is empowering Baby Boomers to Age Healthily, Stylishly and Happily.

2.How do you view ageing? I view ageing with great positiveness. 3. What’s your favourite item in your wardrobe? I am really comfortable with every aspect of my clothing and strive to maintain simplistic and uncluttered style and elegance. Accessories are gold. 4. What is your life philosophy? “You are never too old to be young again”, and really try to embrace that the “best is indeed yet to come”. I will not allow AGE to permeate my positiveness, although I must admit, some mornings I know I am the age that I am. 5. How do you feel confident, inside and out? I take control of my health, my positive attitude, and I try every day to learn something new. There is a truly beautiful quote from Audrey Hepburn: “We are given two hands - one to look after ourselves and the other to look after others”. Helping others and empowering men and women is a great gift. 6. How do you dress for your age? I am mindful at all times of projecting a simplistic style, encompassing areas that I feel need to be addressed and camoflauged and to showcase with elegance the attributes. 7. What tips would you give younger generations? Always be true to yourself. 8. What is your number one styling tip? Utilise wonderful accessories to update any outfit. 9. Do you have any final words of wisdom? Life is a journey and choosing a pathway of having the ability to maintain optimum health (because of how amazing our knowledge of health is now compared to 20 years ago), and being caring, considerate and respectful, is indeed paramount. The secret of ageing is to be confident in the process and always remembering ageing is an honour and a privilege. I always endeavor to be well read and as knowledgeable as can be and interested in people and world events, and in turn I can be interesting and thus embracing “Life as a celebration and always champion the mystery of ageing”.

1. Please tell me about yourself and your career. I graduated as nurse from the Cairns Base Hospital and have been a registered nurse for 40 years. So caring for others’ wellbeing has been the centre of my life for my entire career to date. Twenty years ago I changed the course of my career to focus on anti-ageing therapies and became one of the early pioneers in this therapeutic medical field. Much of my nursing up to that time was with people dealing with ill health and often facing death. I decided that I wanted to use my nursing skills in a joyful area of care. I liked very much the idea of making people look and feel their kind of beautiful and create happiness and confidence. From the new direction I took, the idea for Face Today was born. It has been a total joy and passion for me daily applying my skills to transform others through anti-ageing therapies. I have seen my clients lift their self-confidence... amazingly. My work in training others in the field of anti-ageing led to a spot on a WIN TV program as an anti-ageing expert, and appearances on Today Tonight and A Current Affair speaking about advances in this medical field. 2. What are your tips for ageing amazingly? Age is often measured by the number of years we have spent on this planet. However, that’s only one measurement - an individual’s age is greatly affected by how we act, the wisdom accumulated in life and how we care for ourselves. My tips for ageing amazingly: • Ensure that the five people closest to you are positively driven like-minded souls whose energy and support inspire you daily. • Plan to actually age amazingly. Goal setting has always been a passion for me and achieving my goals is a source of fun. • Nurture on the core qualities of trustworthiness, reliability, and have empathy for others. • Challenge yourself to take on each day as a challenge to better you. • Ask questions and listen to answers carefully of others and reap benefits from their wisdom and experience. 3. How do you view ageing with a positive attitude? I realised ageing is a fabulous life passage and that ageing is actually a choice. A positive mental attitude can take you anywhere at any age. I believe I am what I think. Thoughts are powerful and the brain is like an antenna that sends and receives messages. Focus on the positive ideas that are full of possibility. Physically the body regenerates its cellular structure every seven years so focusing on eating well and exercise is important. 4. What’s your number one beauty product? Light anti-ageing moisturising sunblock has to be top of the list. When I moved to Cairns permanently in November last year, I found the products I was using were too heavy for the tropics. So, I developed a new Nicki Belle Range of anti-ageing products with a 40+ sunblock. Including a moisturising non-sticky sunblock called UV Veil applied in one easy step will help prevent the ageing process. 5. What is your life philosophy? Smile, embrace life and find the positive in everything, perform one good deed a day, it makes you and the other person feel incredible. Be prepared and plan ahead. Money isn’t everything, however it greases the wheels of life. Ultimately my happiness is enhanced and enriched by my loving friends and family. 6. What makes you feel confident and beautiful, inside and out? When I am in my clinic using my skills serving a client I feel so excited and energised, on purpose in my life. Plus having great skin and health is the best, and a good hairdresser really helps. 7. What are your tips for being full of energy and having zest for life? Supplements are sexy and an age-amazingly attitude is contagious. It creates a magnet of positivity that draws others. 8. What tips would you give younger generations to be happy and successful? I believe in the adage “If it is to be – it’s up to me”. Work hard and smart, set your life up to be what you need. 9. What is your favourite holiday destination and why? Overseas, discovering new oasis of peace, sunshine and gorgeous beaches. I love to travel and experience new cultures. Traveling teaches about life and there is so much to learn. 10. How do you encourage women to be more confident? I encourage my clients to recognise and appreciate all their wonderful attributes and characteristics. So many people don’t see their own beauty, I encourage them to recognise the beauty that I see and to have gratitude for it. And then we look at the smaller issues that we can tweak to enhance their inherent beauty and confidence. 11. What are your tips for being successful in business? Have courage, feel passion, trust your DECIDE TO instincts and intuition. Research and investigate the way BE WHO YOU forward. Take the advice of trusted friends and experts. Be receptive to modifying original thoughts and continue WA NT TO BE to learn. Be prepared to step out of your comfort zone A ND THEN BE but don’t go to the extreme. THAT PERSON; 12. What is the best way for people to project EVERY DAY. a positive self-image? Smile often and believe in yourself. Make informed decisions and follow them through. Decide to be who you want to be and then be that person; every day.

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Photo credits: Pam wears Alex Perry | Amanda wears Catherine Colubrial Couture dress and Tea Lily blouse | Nicki wears Catherine Colubrial Couture | Hair by Jason at Adam and Eva Hairdressers |

Amanda Macor, 51 Ministry of Makeup and Hair

1. What are your tips for ageing amazingly? We are AG EI NG IS THE MOST all working harder than EXT RAORDINARY PROCE SS WHE RE BY ever, if I can look in the YO U BE C OM E THE mirror and like what I PER SO N YOU SHOULD see, then I instantly feel H AVE ALWAYS BE E N. better and can take on David Bowie. my day with confidence and energy. For me, it is not about looking younger but looking fresh and not showing how hard I work or how much I worry and stress about business and life.

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2. How do you view ageing with a positive attitude? Living life on my terms. I am more than aware of my resting bitch face, thank God I have the means and knowledge to make her relax. Society loves any excuse to say “Oh babe, tough week? You look so stressed”. I would rather everyone say, “Oh babe, I’ll have what you’re having”. Everyone should be comfortable making their own decisions without getting the side eye from others for not keeping it “REAL”. 3. Do you have any hobbies? Racing fashion and all things horseracing have been the one constant in my evolving life. Reading anything and everything is how I relax. 4. What makes you feel confident and beautiful, inside and out? Making conscious choices about the people in my world, food and exercise. The love and support of Stephen and our girls. 5. What are your tips for being full of energy and having zest for life? Surround yourself with people that push you to do better. No DRAMA or NEGATIVITY. Just higher goals and higher motivation. Good times and positive energy, simply bringing out the absolute best in each other. 6. What tips would you give younger generations to be happy and successful? Collaborate with like-minded people and have fun along the way. Show compassion, find a hobby, engage in your community, have an opinion, back yourself, be kind but honest in your personal and business dealings. 7. How do you encourage women to be more confident? Mental health is a topic that is no longer taboo, and this incredibly debilitating illness comes in so many variations and not all can be seen on the surface. Until recently I had not considered how these thoughts and feelings can destroy long-term wellness and confidence. I have always been encouraged, have a little sook if I must and just get on with it. To be honest, this does work most of the time. Keeping busy can distract your mind from latching on to that one thing that does burnouts in your brain. We all only have one life, make it count by finding a hobby or passion that rings your bell and excites you. Do it because you love it, even if you only find 20 minutes a day to indulge. 8. What are your tips for being successful in business? Tenacity and consistency while exploring all opportunities and being open to change.

Makeup by Mandy Ministry of Makeup | Accessories - Tea Lily | Props - The Vintage Hire Co.

Photo by Mick Fuhrimann

Renee Straguszi-Smith, 38 Personal Trainer and Dance Teacher, Total Vision Fitness

1. Please tell me about yourself and your career. I have 30 years of experience in all dance genres and have performed professionally for 13 years. I performed as a dancer at the Cairns Reef Hotel Casino for two years. I have also performed at the Gold Coast Conrad Jupiter’s Casino in a number of productions. I have also choreographed and directed successful stage shows. I then made the transition from the stage to the gym, where my love of health and fitness exploded. I ran a successful personal training business in the heart of Brisbane city for eight years, where my dance training was the foundation of my sessions. After a short break to raise my two young children, I am back in Cairns and have returned to personal training and teaching dance to some very passionate and talented kids at the Turning Pointe Dance Studios. Combining dance, health and fitness, I have now created a dance fitness program. It was first created for the high school students at St Mary’s College, however due to popular demand I recently made this program available to anyone who wants to get fit in a fun and enjoyable environment. 2. What are your tips for ageing amazingly? To be confident in yourself, have a great beauty routine, exercise regularly and drink lots of water. I also take a great alkalising green supplement. 3. How do you view ageing with a positive attitude? We were only given one life and one body, so you need to look after it the best you can. 4. What does your daily diet consist of ? As a personal trainer I always say keep it simple (fresh and clean), be consistent and don’t deprive yourself of those little treats. My diet personally is predominantly a low carb and high protein diet, trying to keep to those leafy green vegies and salads. However I love chocolate and as a mum of two little kids indulging in a small piece helps me get through my day…lol! 5. What kind of exercise do you enjoy? I love doing my functional training, weight training, a run when I can and of course taking my Dance Fitness Classes. 6. Do you have any hobbies? … too busy for hobbies! 7. How do you like to relax? Relax? What does this word mean? I have a five-year-old and a three-year-old, unfortunately that is not something I have the luxury of doing these days. But I do love lying on the couch and watching a good movie.


Photo by Mick Fuhrimann Renee wears feather necklace by Amanda Macor, accessories by Tea Lily, Renee’s hair by Adam and Eva Hairdressing. Louise wears models own. Chair by The vintage Hire Co.

8. What is your favourite place to visit in Far North Queensland? Palm Cove 9. What is your life philosophy? To be the best person you can be and always do the right thing. 10. What makes you feel confident and beautiful, inside and out? Having a great posture. Stand up straight and hold your head high. Showing kindness to others. Being grateful for what you have. Wearing outfits you love and feel good in. 11. What are your tips for being full of energy and having zest for life? Getting enough sleep, fuelling your body with the right food, having a regular exercise routine. 12. What is the best way for people to motivate themselves to exercise? To just start, it’s never the right time. Once you start then that will result in motivation. Next thing to do is get a plan, or a schedule that you can stick to. Make small realistic goals. The key to fitness success is – consistency!

Louise Struber, 36

Marketing Manager & Freelance Makeup Artist 1. Please tell me about yourself and your career. I grew up in Cairns and when I finished school studied beauty and makeup to realise a passion of mine. I spent some time in Brisbane studying business and marketing while working for some big cosmetics brands. I was fortunate to land an amazing marketing role in Cairns, with an international company that specialises in retail property management, where I’ve been for over a decade. I kept up freelance makeup work for a long time, but I don’t have as much time these days with my energetic son being almost two. 2. What shift have you seen in the beauty industry? Gone are the days where you only go to a beauty salon to get waxing, nails, facials and makeup. The internet and social media offer so much information about advanced treatments from bloggers, influencers, academics and YouTubers. There are specialists in brows, eyelashes, health supplements, laser and injectables now. 3. What are your tips for ageing amazingly? Invest in good skin care from an early age, always protect your skin from the sun, exercise, get plenty of sleep and drink litres of water. It is easier to prevent, rather than reverse. Make the time and invest in regular specialised skin treatments, whether it be facials, light therapy or laser. In relation to makeup, I feel less is best as you age. Be confident, have a positive body and mindset. 4. What is your favourite product/treatment? LED light therapy! Whenever I have an event or want my skin radiant and rejuvenated I have an LED light therapy treatment. It really gives you instant results. It’s non-invasive and only takes 15 minutes, working at a cellular level. The soothing, deep penetrating LED lights target deep into your cells, heightening their internal functions and photo-stimulation dermal blood flow. It creates faster healing so your skin always looks rejuvenated. 5. How do you view ageing with a positive attitude? Begin each day with a positive attitude and show gratitude. Take a few minutes when you wake up to read some inspiration or even a joke.

• Stop the negative self-talk • Embrace your individuality • Keep a gratitude journal • Do mindful exercise • Volunteer your time • Make time for laughter.


6. Do you have any hobbies? Exercise and chasing my son. 7. How do you like to relax? Listening to chill out music and yoga really relaxes me, when I make the time to practise. 8. How do you treat yourself ? Massage and beauty appointments. 9. What is your favourite place to visit in Far North Queensland? Port Douglas, a beautiful hour drive and you feel like you are on holiday. 10. What makes you feel confident and beautiful, inside and out? Honouring who I am and focusing on being happy. 11. What are your tips for being full of energy and having zest for life? A positive mindset, regular exercise, eating well and getting a good sleep. 12. Who do you admire or gain inspiration from? My friends and family. I’m lucky to be surrounded by a talented bunch of people so I love learning and sharing with them. 13. How do you encourage women to be more confident? Self-love. Focus on your wellbeing, no one else can take care of you like you can. 14. What are your tips for being successful in business? Be authentic, apply passion, show determination and develop strong people skills.

Women’sLife 9 Magazine

Swimwear available at Beach Catwalk, Drift Complex, 2-22 Veivers Road, Palm Cove. Phone 0418 182 405.

Swimwear and Sunnies available at Annie’s at the Beach boutique, Peppers Beach Club, Palm Cove 0418 182 405.

Models dressed by Annie’s at the Beach boutique, Peppers Beach Club, Palm Cove 0418182405.

Models dressed by: Beach Catwalk boutique, Drift Complex, 2-22 Veivers Road, Palm Cove & Annie’s at the Beach boutique, Peppers Beach Club, Williams Esplanade, Palm Cove.


Words by Stacey Carrick | Jana and Krystle

Tokunai Hair is an on trend, fashion focused, full service salon. Where service is an obsession and clients become family. Tokunai opened in 2008 and relocated from Lyons St to its current location in January. Creative director Krystle Tokunai wanted to create a look that blended into the natural surrounds, as well as an atmosphere of wellbeing. Where nature meets nurture. An intimate space where clients can escape the outside world. You will immediately notice the pink front door once arriving at the Mulgrave Road salon. “Why did I paint it pink? Because I could,” Krystle laughs. Tokunai offers three different, all-inclusive colour packages, including toner, styling and treatments, as well as the new Keratin infusion treatment and Olaplex.


and technology are always changing and we have to evolve with it.” Jana Menyweather has been a master stylist at the salon since 2012. Jana is Tokunai’s manager/ backbone and mother hen of the salon. “I love the feeling when people walk out of the salon with confidence and they change how they see themselves,” Jana said. “The first thing I notice about people is their hair. It’s like a crown you never take off.” Krystle and Jana love creating new styles and getting to know their clients personally. Every service is a process, it’s a journey they take with their clients to achieve their ultimate hair goals. Hairdresser and makeup artist Kylie Ferrier began working at the salon five months ago.

“These packages give us the artistic freedom to do more and provide the best service with no hidden costs,” Krystle said.

“Krystle and Jana are so passionate and inspirational - they live and breathe hair,” she said. “They are constantly learning something new. Everything they know is a cut above. They are professional, high achieving and they want the best for their clients.”

Krystle and her team are constantly evolving with current trends.

Tokunai provides a wide range of services, including all aspects of hairdressing, as well as makeup, eyebrows and tanning.

“We are always striving to be the best educated in terms of colour and tone,” she said. “Trends

254 Mulgrave Rd Westcourt Ph.: 4041 4411 www.tokunaihair.com

W o m e n ’ s L i f e 14 M a g a z i n e

Brooke and Prue Needham are local sisters from Cairns who launched their Swimwear label Tahitian Lime in 2016. Tahitian Lime range is proudly designed in Australia, with luxury textiles sourced from Italy. The Tahitian Lime sisters are mad animal lovers and 10% of profits are distributed directly to assist underprivileged and mistreated animals in developing countries. “Like all women, we love fashion and being born and raised on the beautiful beaches of East Coast Australia, we’ve constantly been in and around water and have developed a bona fide love of bikinis and women’s swimwear. A sense of frustration, research and lots of hard work led us to designing our own collection that we can proudly say is unique and has real bodies in mind”, said Prue. “We love nothing more than when we have a customer say they feel beautiful and confident in our swimwear line, after you put so much time and love into each piece it really makes your heart sing. We all deserve to feel good in what we’re wearing; not for anyone else, but for ourselves, and we shouldn’t have to settle for anything less.” says Brooke Tahitian Lime’s flagship store is located in Port Douglas...just follow the sounds of Island tunes and the scent of Pina Coladas!

20 Macrossan Street, Port Douglas 4877 • 07 4099 4030


Breast Cancer Month

October, Australia’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month, provides an opportunity for us all to focus on breast cancer and its impact on those affected by the disease in our community. Breast cancer remains the most common cancer among Australian women (excluding non-melanoma skin cancer). Survival rates continue to improve in Australia with 89 out of every 100 women diagnosed with invasive breast cancer now surviving five or more years beyond diagnosis. Take the time this month to find out what you need to know about breast awareness and share this important information with your family, friends and colleagues. BE BREAST AWARE… Finding breast cancer early provides the best chance of surviving the disease. Remember you don’t need to be an expert or use a special technique to check your breasts. Changes to look for include: • a new lump or lumpiness, especially if it’s only in one breast • a change in the size or shape of your breast • a change to the nipple, such as crusting, ulcer, redness or inversion • a nipple discharge that occurs without squeezing • a change in the skin of your breast such as redness or dimpling • an unusual pain that doesn’t go away. Most changes aren’t due to breast cancer but it’s important to see your doctor without delay if you notice any of these changes.

W o m e n ’ s L i f e 18 M a g a z i n e

Beach Catwalk, Drift Complex, 2-22 Veivers Road, Palm Cove. Open everyday.


BREAST MRI: THE FUTURE OF BREAST SCREENING? Breast cancer screening is one of the successes of modern health care. One thing that has been proven by screening mammography, is that early diagnosis greatly improves survival. Not all women are the same when it comes to breast cancer risk and imaging for breast cancer screening. Ladies with dense breasts have a higher breast cancer risk. Having dense breasts is a normal and common finding. It refers to the appearance of breast tissue on a mammogram. Breast tissue is composed of milk glands, milk ducts and supportive tissue (dense breast tissue) and fatty tissue (non-dense breast tissue). Dense breast tissue is more difficult to see through on a mammogram as it appears as a solid white area. Because of this, doctors are less able to exclude small or early cancer changes and, in most cases, further imaging such as ultrasound is needed to rule out any possible breast cancer. Breast MRI It has been long established that breast MRI screening for ladies with a high background risk due to family history or genetic disease is preferable to mammographic screening, detecting almost three times as many cancers (14 vs 5 per 1000 women screened) with just mammography. Unfortunately, due to cost and time constraints, this type of screening test has not been widely used for women that fall into other breast cancer risk categories, such as those with dense breasts.

Moving Forward Cairns Women’s Imaging is excited about the results of a large trial in the United States to be completed later this year looking at a low cost, abbreviated and fast MRI test to screen for breast cancer in women with dense breasts (approximately 50% of the population with no other risk factors). After a base line breast MRI study, the follow-up screening tests will take less than 10 minutes compared to 40 minutes for traditional breast MRI. Initial reports are very promising that the abbreviated breast MRI will be as good or better than traditional mammography and ultrasound. Partly spurred by recent news reports of the unaffordability of health care in Cairns and in preparation for what is expected to be a large shift in breast screening culture, and to support Breast Cancer Awareness month in October, Cairns Women’s Imaging will be offering ladies the option of MRI with mammography instead of ultrasound with mammography for the same price which is a considerable cost reduction. Cairns Women’s Imaging Senior Radiologist Dr Kevin Daynes has been servicing the Cairns population for over 30 years in breast imaging “This is looking like the most exciting development in breast screening since the role out of mammographic screening. It has the potential to find more cancers sooner which means less onerous treatment.” Please contact Cairns Women’s Imaging on 4042 6888 to make a booking.


Open Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm | 121B Sheridan Street, Cairns Qld 4870 | PH 07 4042 6888 Follow us on Facebook for updated patient information, research findings of interest, or to join in our social activities.

W o m e n ’ s L i f e 20 M a g a z i n e

Beach Catwalk, Drift Complex, 2-22 Veivers Road, Palm Cove. Open everyday.

Sasa Dress in Rainbow Cheetah

Butterfly Fae Dress in Jaguar

Made in Cairns by Sajeela Jamie www.wildsugar.fashion The Pier at the Marina Boutique: 07 4041 6960 Sajeela: 0431 156 469 Photos by Dameon Jamie



Self Love Festival 23rd – 27th October cairnscentral.com.au /cairnscentral @cairnscentral

Spread Self Love and embrace individuality. In centre activations, emerging influencer competition & influencer panel event To get involved visit cairnscentral.com.au

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Wildcats Damian White

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W o m e n ’ s L i f e 26 M a g a z i n e

Perrottas at the Gallery


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! t i t e p p on A


20 Lake St Cairns QLD 4870 • 07 4051 4488 • nicolas@cestbon-cairns.com.au www.cestbon-cairns.com.au

Let’s face it living in Cairns and surrounds can sometimes be tough when coping with the weather. Summer brings the stingers and the cyclones as well as that soaring heat and humidity. Couple that with energy bills from air cons humming and fans buzzing, and it can be our least favourite season. Winter is not so bad however because we are so accustomed to the heat we feel the cold. We are looking for a little bit more from winter as if it just hasn’t made the grade. It is the peak tourist season which gives the city a hum that’s for sure. Autumn has bits of rain and those prevailing south east winds that can blow the varnish off the wooden table. That Beach Almond tree from next door will also drop all its leaves into your yard and your plants are looking shabby. Bring on Spring the best season of all. The coral on the reef starts to spawn and the humidity rises slightly with the hint of the oncoming wet season. Its also time to turn the gardens and lawns around. Get your soil prepared and turn the lawn from crunch to lush. Its also spring racing and the Melbourne Cup. The Cairns Jockey Club offers punters and racegoers a great day trackside. There are also plenty of venues around town offering a fantastic day’s experience for the race that stops a nation.

Spring is a busy time in the garden and a busy time in the garden centre. Limberlost Garden and Landscape Centre is full of colour, edible plants, garden plants and products for this season of life and abundance. We enjoy lots of balmy nights of outdoor entertainment and activities in the tropics. Gardens and outdoor living areas are an important part of our lives. There is a new appreciation of the natural life and colour that plants add to surroundings. Limberlost Garden Centre has been transformed over the past few years by the owners Ross Rankine and Cherryl Fisher. The incredible changes to garden centre and introduction of Vines Café has seen Limberlost become a ‘must visit’ lifestyle destination.

Garden Centre

The plant selection is huge and with Limberlost Garden Centre growing many of these in their own production area, it is certainly an inspirational and relaxing experience to wander through the garden centre. There are many unusual and hard to find gems to be discovered as customers explore. With blocks becoming smaller and many homes having small gardens or patios, potted gardens have become extremely popular. Spring is a time to rearrange, renew and replant and Limberlost Garden Centre has a huge range of pots with all the expert advice needed to create beautiful potted gardens. Bec Johnson is the garden centre manager at Limberlost Garden Centre. ‘We are seeing lots of younger people who love decorating with plants

Landscape Supplies

W o m e n ’ s L i f e 31 M a g a z i n e

both inside and outside their home.’ Bec shares. ‘There is a huge interest in indoor plants, growing food at home and colour.’ A visit to Limberlost Garden Centre is a fabulous experience that is relaxing, inspiring and enjoyable. The Vines Café has become a very popular place meet friends and family and enjoy great food and excellent coffee. Limberlost also have a full range of mulches, soils and landscape supplies – pick up or delivery – to have the gardens looking fantastic, control erosion and to suppress weeds. A visit to Limberlost Garden Centre will have you excited and inspired about spring and about the difference that plants and gardens make to our worlds.

Vines Cafe

W o m e n ’ s L i f e 32 M a g a z i n e


2018 W o m e n ’ s L i f e 33 M a g a z i n e


MEL BOU RNE CUP What’s on....

Cup Cocktail Party

Join us for the race that stops the nation! with live streaming of all the races on big screens around the venue, plus sweepstakes, fashion parades, best dressed competitions, live entertainment and more!

$99 per person | 12.30pm start Enjoy two hours of premium handmade canapes and platters, plus a two hour beverage package. English DJ duo Adelfos playing all afternoon

Please wear your finest raceday attire

Gala Luncheon $99 per person | 12pm start Induldge in a three course lunch with a glass of MoĂŤt and Chandon upon arrival, plus two further drinks. Live music from Cam Kettle tickets available from SALTHOUSE.COM.AU or call 07 40417733

salthouse.com.au | events@salthouse.com.au | 07 4041 7733

With Melbourne Cup and the festive season just around the corner, now is the ideal time to plan your Christmas party at Salt House, one of the most picturesque and popular dining, bar and entertainment venues in the city. Situated directly on the water’s edge with sensational views of the Cairns Marina and Trinity Inlet, Salt House has a diverse range of unique spaces to cater to groups of all sizes and budgets. For larger events, the entire venue can be booked exclusively for up to of 1500 guests. “Our Melbourne Cup day parties are always extremely popular,” Salt House Events and Marketing Manager Leila Kirk said. “We sell out every year.” Salt House will be holding a Gala Melbourne Cup three-course luncheon with a glass of Moet and Chandon champagne on arrival plus two further drinks with lunch, all while listening to the incredible Cam Kettle. For something a little less formal, enjoy the cocktail party at the Front Bar, which includes two hours of premium handmade canapes and platters accompanied by a two-hour beverage

package and English DJ duo-Adelfos to get the party started. Multiple TV screens throughout the venue, fashion parades, sweepstakes, best dressed competitions and great live music combine to make Salt House one of the most sought-after Melbourne Cup party destinations in Cairns. Salt House is always in demand for Christmas functions of all sizes, with bookings starting as early as August. “We always get booked out at that time of year with corporate and private events,” Leila said. “Whatever style of celebration people are planning, we have a function space and a food-andbeverage package to suit.” Salt House’s popular outdoor restaurant is the perfect location for up to 200 guests. It also has indoor seating and several semi-private areas for smaller get-togethers. It offers a relaxed yet sophisticated atmosphere to add that wow factor to your celebration and has an extensive range of food and beverage options for all styles and budgets. W o m e n ’ s L i f e 35 M a g a z i n e

The restaurant’s private dining room, featuring floor-to-ceiling windows, is the perfect place for groups up to 20 to get into the holiday spirit, relax and enjoy an intimate Christmas dinner. Other function areas to enjoy a memorable holiday celebration include the inside Sailing Bar, which holds up to 160 guests and can be made private, the recently built Trinity Inlet Viewing Deck, which can be customised for stand-up cocktail parties or sit-down dinner events, and the ever-popular Outdoor Island Bar. Salt House’s licensed Marlin Marina Viewing Deck is another option for up to 100 guests to celebrate cocktail style, as is its garden area. Be sure to book now so you won’t be disappointed missing out on the Melbourne Cup celebrations or holding your Christmas function in one of the best venues in the city. Salt House Marina Point 6/2 Pier Point Road, Cairns city Ph: 4041 7733 events@salthouse.com.au







$139/PP ACCOR PLUS $125/PP | 12:00PM - 3:00PM AL

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For the socialite - With exclusive use of the newly transformed Lobby Bar, watch the race that stops the nation with endless feasting boards that truly are a work of saliva-inducing art, topped off with a complimentary welcome drink, what more is there to life?


$59/PP ACCOR PLUS $49/PP | 12:30PM - 2:30PM






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Experience a full sit down bottomless seafood feast with crafty food stations featuring an American smoking station, Asian street food and a decadent dessert offering from our award winning pastry chef Melanie Day - @melday15

BOOKINGS CHAT : 07 4050 2113 EMAIL : H8772-SB2@ACCOR.COM


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