Blaine CityConnect - May/June 2023

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No Mow May in Blaine

Providing a Pollinator Friendly Habitat

Blaine residents are invited to participate in No Mow May from May 1 - June 4, 2023. No Mow May is a growing effort to provide a better early season habitat for bees and other pollinators.

Mowing your lawn less allows flowering plants to bloom, providing bees and other pollinators with nectar and pollen. Yards that have varying types of foliage will provide better habit than yards with just grass.

The name No Mow May can be a little confusing. If you are participating in No Mow May, you will still want to mow your yard before grass or other flowers/weeds go to seed. For example, it is good to give dandelions a chance to flower but if you mow them before they go to seed you can prevent the spread.

To participate in No Mow May please fill out an online registration form at For those that register, enforcement of the City’s mowing ordinance will be suspended from May 1 until June 5. The City will also be participating in No Mow May in several open space fields. City parks and athletic fields will continue to be maintained during May.

Additional information about the benefits of No Mow May can be found at

Ward 2 Elects New Councilmember

Leslie Larson

The City of Blaine held a special election for a new councilmember in Ward 2. There has been a vacancy on the Blaine City Council since former Councilmember Julie Jeppson was elected to the Anoka County Board and left the City Council at the end of 2022.

Leslie Larson was elected to fill out the remainder of Jeppson’s term. Larson will be sworn in on Monday, May 1 and her term will run through the end of 2024.

Thank you to the dozens of election judges and staff for a smooth special election and welcome to Councilmember Larson.

2023 Road Construction Season Underway 3
2023 Annual Lawn Sprinkling Restrictions In Place 4
Front Row - CM Ward 3 Terra Fleming, CM Ward 1 Tom Newland, and CM Ward 1 Lori Saroya
Back Row - CM Ward 2 Jess Robertson, Mayor Tim Sanders, CM Ward 3 Chris Massoglia

Upcoming Meetings

City Council*

May 1 | May 15

June 5 | June 21

7pm | City Hall Council Chambers

City Council Workshops

May 1 | May 8 | May 15

June 5 | June 12 | June 21

5:30pm | Cloverleaf Farms Room

Natural Resources Conservation Board*

May 16 | June 20

7pm | City Hall Council Chambers

Park Board*

May 23 | June 27

7pm | City Hall Council Chambers

Blaine City Hall

10801 Town Square Drive NE Blaine, MN 55449


City Council


Tim Sanders 763-203-3286


Tom Newland 612-961-1811

Lori Saroya 612-516-1073


Leslie Larson 612-489-9651

Jess Robertson 763-607-2233


Terra Fleming 612-513-5231

Chris Massoglia 612-524-9447


Michelle Wolfe 763-785-6120

For more information, visit or call 763-780-8464

City Directory

Planning Commission*

May 9 | June 13

7pm | City Hall Council Chambers

Traffic Commission*

May 2 | August 1

7pm | City Hall Council Chambers

*Meetings can be seen live on cable channel 16 and 799. A livestream of meetings is available at

CityConnect is published bimonthly by the City of Blaine and distributed to all residents and businesses. Past copies of the city newsletter are available at

Page 2 - CityConnect
Holiday Zone A Zone B s 7 14 21 28 m 1 8 15 22 29 t 2 9 16 23 30 w 3 10 17 24 31 t 4 11 18 25 f 5 12 19 26 s 6 13 20 27 May
Police & Fire ..............................................911 Police (non-emergency) 763-785-6168 Fire (non-emergency) ........... 763-786-4436 Public Works After Hours 763-427-1212 City Hall 763-784-6700 Mary Ann Young Center ....... 763-786-9375 Public Works 763-785-6165 Building Inspections 763-785-6170 City Cable Channel 16 763-785-6181 City Clerk 763-785-6122 City Manager 763-785-6120 Communications 763-785-6181 Community Standards 763-785-6187 Community Outreach 763-717-2713 Economic Development 763-785-6180 Engineering 763-785-6172 Finance 763-717-2677 Fire Inspections 763-785-6187 Forestry 763-717-2660 Housing Services 763-785-6146 Human Resources 763-785-6109 Newsletter 763-785-6181 North Metro TV 763-780-8241 Parks & Recreation 763-785-6164 Planning & Zoning ................ 763-785-6180 Recycling & Solid Waste 763-785-6141 Sewer Backup 763-785-6165 Streets 763-785-6165 Stormwater ............................ 763-785-6172 Utility Billing 763-785-6141 Water & Sewer System 763-785-6165 Web 763-717-2638 Stay Connected CommunityConnect A Crime Prevention Partnership CommunityConnect s 4 11 18 25 m 5 12 19 26 t 6 13 20 27 w 7 14 21 28 t 1 8 15 22 29 f 2 9 16 23 30 s 3 10 17 24 June Recycling Calendar NotifyMe® Connect with your community and sign up for topics that interest you s 2 9 16 23 30 m 3 10 17 24 31 t 4 11 18 25 w 5 12 19 26 t 6 13 20 27 f 7 14 21 28 s 1 8 15 22 29 July CIVICREADY Receive Emergency Communications

Two Board Positions Available on Fire Board

2023 Road Construction Projects

Multiple Projects Scheduled in Blaine

For the 2023 construction season, the City has three new street reconstruction projects and one street reconstruction project that is a carryover from 2022. Construction on each of the projects is planned to start in late April or May and be completed by late October. There will be projects this year in the northwest, southwest, and southeast sections of the City.

Over the last five years the City has reconstructed nearly 40 miles of City roadways. This year another five miles of streets will be reconstructed at a cost of approximately $11.5 million. In general, the streets being reconstructed in Blaine are at least 25 years old with many over 30 years old. All roadways in the City are inspected on an ongoing basis to determine the condition of the existing pavement. The City builds out a five year plan for street projects to help residents know about potential upcoming projects in their neighborhood. To learn about future projects you can contact the Engineering Department at 763-785-6172

Learn more about the 2023 projects at

Sign up to receive project updates during construction season at

Department Spotlight

Say Hello to the Blaine PD Traffic Unit

While safety is important year-round, the City uses June to highlight efforts to prevent injury and death through National Safety Month. Traffic injuries continue to be one of the leading causes of death globally. The NHTSA reports that there are on average 99 fatalities and 7,507 people injured every day from car accidents in the United States.

Keeping Blaine roads safe is a main priority of the Blaine Police Department’s Traffic Unit, which consists of three full-time officers, one of which is focused on DWI enforcement, and a dedicated sergeant. These officers concentrate on traffic safety using enhanced enforcement, education, and partnerships with other City departments such as Engineering and the state’s Toward Zero Deaths (TZD) initiative. Complaints come to the Traffic Unit through dispatch or directly from residents through the city website. Officers gather information before addressing the issue, which could involve surveys, extra enforcement, or engineering changes such as light cycles and updating signs.

Enhanced enforcement is highlighted during Blaine Traffic Safety Week, which is coordinated by the Traffic Unit every June (June 5 -9 this year). Blaine officers and other local law enforcement agencies funded by TZD will have daily focus topics such as speeding, seat belts, drunk driving, distracted driving, pedestrian safety, and commercial vehicle inspection.

This year, the Traffic Unit is partnering with Blaine High School to assist with its driver’s education program. New drivers will hear directly from officers about the reality behind traffic safety.

Minnesota fatalities in 2021 were the highest since 2007; 488 individuals lost their lives. Speeding was the cause of 171 deaths, followed by unbuckled motorists (110), drunk driving (74), and distracted driving (27).

Everyone can practice safe driving. Do what you can to reduce your risk - focus on driving, be aware of others on the road, and follow traffic rules.

Blaine currently has two positions available for appointment for 3-year terms on the SBM Fire Board. Board members must either reside or work full time in the community in which they represent. They cannot be elected officials or full time employees of the City they represent. The SBM Fire Board meets in a scheduled format six times a year; four evening meetings once a quarter, one annual meeting, and one budget meeting.

More information and the application are available online at BoardsandCommissions

The deadline to apply is May 15, 2023.

Hydrant Flushing

Scheduled for

May 15 - 26, 7:30am-3pm

The Public Works department will be performing annual fire hydrant flushing May 15-19 and May 22-26. This process removes any sediment that may have settled in water mains over the course of the year, as well as presenting an opportunity to ensure hydrants are in proper working order. Crews will be working citywide from 7:30AM until 3PM to flush all hydrants within those days.

Hydrant flushing will create periods of low water pressure, with the disturbance in the water main potentially causing dark water. Although safe for human consumption, the discolored water may stain clothes. Residents are asked to refrain from washing clothes between the hours of 7:30AM to 4:30PM or until hydrants in the area have been flushed. Please check for water discoloration before washing. If you experience discolored water, run cold water for 10 minutes to help clear the lines.

For more information, visit

May/June 2023 Page 3
Sgt. Johnson, Officer Cree, Officer Stefczak, Officer Bachman

Celebrate Small Businesses

Small businesses are the lifeblood of our community. Over half of the businesses in Anoka County have fewer than five employees. In Blaine our small business community deserves to be celebrated for the vibrancy they bring to the City. The first week of May is National Small Business Week but in Blaine we want to celebrate small businesses all month long. Follow along on the BlaineBizMN social media accounts as we put a focus on small businesses this month. You can participate by visiting your favorite Blaine small business and sharing about it with your friends and family.

2022 Drinking Water Report

By law, all community water systems are required to distribute their drinking water report to customers before July 1 of each year. This annual report, known as the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR), includes results of water monitoring conducted on the City’s drinking water from the previous year, in this case 2022. A paper copy of this report is available upon request.

To view the report online, visit

For more information, contact the Public Works Department at 763-785-6165 or visit

2022 Economic Development Report

This annual report provides a snapshot of the economic development activity in Blaine during the previous year.

To view the report online, visit

Improve Your Home With Help from the City of Blaine

Tackle a Big Project with a Major Remodeling Grant

The Major Remodeling Grant can help you make big changes. Grants are issued as reimbursements of 5 to 15 percent of the project cost, up to $7,500. Applicants must have a signed grant agreement with the City prior to starting the project. Eligible homes are at least 30 years old, have a value under $400,000 and are owner occupied.

Eligible projects must include a major remodeling project, such as an addition, major kitchen remodel, finishing a basement, or adding a sun room and must have a total project cost of at least $35,000. To receive the maximum reimbursement, projects must also include exterior upgrades such as permanent landscaping, adding a covered front porch, or adding brick accents.

To learn more and apply visit

Contact Elizabeth Showalter with questions at 763-717-2751 or

Make Your Home More Accessible with a Home Improvement Loan

The City of Blaine offers home improvement loan programs for Blaine households that include a disabled resident to improve accessibility of the home. Projects may include:

• Building a ramp

• Widening doorways to accommodate mobility devices

• Installing nonslip flooring

• Adding grab bars

• Other elements identified by a physician as needed to help you stay in the home Loans of up to $10,000 are available with no interest, and no payments until the property is sold. Contact the Center for Energy and the Environment at 612-335-5884 or visit

More Lending Options

Is it time for new windows? Want to lower your energy bills with attic insulation? Or could the kitchen use a refresh? Whatever upgrades you have in mind, the Center for Energy and Environment (CEE) and the City of Blaine are here to help. Blaine’s partnership with CEE means you can access financing options designed specifically for Blaine residents. When you take out a loan with CEE, you are getting:

• Low monthly payments

• Flexible terms

• Support from our team of loan officers CEE and the City of Blaine want to help make your home improvement dreams a reality. Check out what financing options are available to you at and view state-wide loans available to all Minnesotans at You can reach out to CEE’s lending team with any questions at 612-335-5884

Lawn Sprinkling Restrictions

Year-Round, Odd-Even Sprinkling Days, No Sprinkling Between 10am and 6pm

Every year the City implements time and date restrictions for lawn sprinkling. In 2023 the following will be in place:

• Year-round, odd-even sprinkling. Residents with an even numbered address can water on even number days. Residents with an odd numbered address can water on odd number days.

• From May 15 until September 15, no sprinkling is allowed between 10AM and 6PM. This is the hottest part of the day and most water is lost to evaporation.

For more information, visit

Grilling Season Safety Tips

Thousands of Home Fires are Started by Grills

According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), on average, over 10,000 home fires are started by grills each year. July is the peak month for grill fires, but these incidents occur throughout the year.

To safely enjoy outdoor cooking, it is important to only use charcoal barbecue grills outdoors, position the grill well away from siding, deck railings, and out from under hanging trees, and keep children and pets at least three feet away from the grill area.

To reduce the risk for a fire, never leave your grill unattended. Always stay and look when you cook.

To prevent fires, keep grills clean. Remove grease or fat buildup from grills and in trays below the grill after use. Roughly one of every five grill fires occur due to improper cleaning.

For more information, call 763-786-4436 or visit

Page 4 - CityConnect

Summer Jobs in Blaine

Work for the City in Public Works or Park and Recreation

Blaine Public Works is looking for seasonal employees who can work 40 hours per week. Positions are available on the parks, streets, water, sewer/storm, and mechanic teams. Hours are 7AM to 3PM Monday through Friday. No weekends, nights, or holidays. The wages range from $14 to $17 per hour, depending on qualifications. Applicants must be at least 17 years old, have a valid driver’s license, and a good driving record.

Blaine Parks and Recreation is also seeking applicants for summer jobs. Jobs include youth sports coaches and park attendants at Lakeside Commons Park and Beach. Park attendants must be at least 18 years old. Youth coach positions are available for applicants 16 and older. The starting wage for both positions is $15 per hour.

Enjoy your summer working outside and keeping Blaine beautiful. Apply today at,

Peddlers and Solicitors

All Peddlers and Solicitors Must Wear City-issued Photo Identification

Throughout the year door-to-door peddling, soliciting, and canvassing raises questions from Blaine residents. While most of these activities are regulated by the City, they cannot be prohibited entirely. A canvasser, for example, may go door-to-door without a permit from the City. A canvasser may be a person asking for signatures on a petition, requesting support for a political candidate or position, seeking donations for religious organizations, or fundraising for a school club.

All regulated peddlers and solicitors are required to obtain and wear a City-issued photo identification license that is visible while going door-to-door.

For your safety, Blaine residents should:

• Not let peddlers, solicitors, or canvassers into your home, even if they have a permit.

• Direct complaints about business practices to the Better Business Bureau at 651-699-1111

Check contractor references at

• File any insurance claims at

• Report suspicious persons or activities to the police department at 763-487-1212 or by dialing 911

Please join in helping make Blaine neighborhoods safer by promptly reporting unlicensed solicitors. For more information, visit

May is Wetlands Month

The Blaine Wetland Sanctuary gives residents and visitors an opportunity to learn up close how one type of wetland changes through the seasons. It provides wildlife habitat, aesthetics, and educational and recreational opportunities. Wetlands can also function as important sponges in flood prevention and as filters for runoff pollution. Because they are so important, Minnesota has a law requiring permits to alter them.

The challenge is that there are many types of wetlands and can be hard to identify. Like people, they come in all shapes and sizes. They often do not have cattails. In fact, areas that may be saturated or have standing water for just 14 consecutive days and are indeed a wetland.

Every time someone mows, landscapes, or dumps into a wetland area, there is an impact: maybe the wetland cannot hold as much floodwater or stormwater runoff because the soil has been compacted.

The most common wetland impact? Piles of grass clippings or leaves. While this keeps clippings and leaves out of the street runoff (a great thing), it also can compact soil, fill in wetlands, and keep plants from growing. This can mean more flooding and water pollution.

Instead of having a potential wetland violation, leave your grass clippings and leaf cuttings on the lawn so they can decompose and feed the grass roots, an easy way to fertilize.

If you have a soggy or grassy low area on your property, it may well be wetland. Unsure? Call the Coon Creek Watershed District at 763-755-0975 or the Rice Creek Watershed District at 763-398-3070 Prefer online? Visit for further guidance. Educate yourself so you don’t violate the law. Check out the trails at the Blaine Wetland Sanctuary at

Blaine Recycling


8am — noon

3rd Saturday of Each Month

Drop-Off Location

Recycle Technologies

Enter at 1525 - 99th Lane NE

The City of Blaine sponsors a recycling drop-off day the third Saturday of each month. Participants do not need to be a Blaine resident to bring items to the drop-off day. Please note, no garbage will be accepted. Follow the signs for the entrance and staff directions through the drop off process.

The recycling drop-off day is funded by Anoka County and Minnesota SCORE funds (Select Committee on Recycling and the Environment).

Recycle Technologies


Cash or Check Only

Mattresses, box springs, appliances, florescent lamps, electronics, rechargeable batteries, and tires are some of the items collected. Free items include scrap metal and vehicle batteries. See complete list of fees at RecyclingSaturdays

Randy’s Environmental Services



Randy’s offers free paper shredding. Please note, there may be a long wait times for shredding. Four box or bag limit for paper shredding.

Bike Collection for

Drop off any bicycle. Bikes will be refurbished then donated to people in need. There is no charge to drop off a bike. Bikes for Kids is part of the Robert & Wilma Burbach Bike Foundation.

Walters Recycling & Refuse


Contact Walters to report missed garbage, recycling, or yard waste pickup.

City Recycling Information


May/June 2023 Page 5

RecConnect Summer 2023

Summer program registration is now open.

Check out all the great program offerings at

Sign up for the RecConnect online at, choose News: BlaineParks

Kidcreate Studio

Ages 18 months to 6 years

Playdate with Mom - Love You to the Moon

In honor of Mother’s Day, spend some creative time with your child. In this class you and your young artist will create an adorable wall hanging inspired by this popular endearment. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Held at Blaine City Hall Atrium.

Friday, May 12, 6-7pm

$22 res; $25 nr

For more information, call 763-785-6164 or visit

QC Youth Dance

Ages 0 to 11

Tummy Time-Infant Movement; Mommy & Me Dance; Kidlets: Intro to Dance; Kidance: Intro to Dance; DancingKids; Hippity Hop; Hip Hop; Mini-Dance Team; Royal Princess and Prince Ball; Dance Team Prep and Technique. All classes are held at the QC Dance Studio, 9967 Ulysses Street NE, Blaine.

For more information about dates, times, and fees, call 763-785-6164 or visit

Tech Academy

Ages 7 to 13

All classes are held in the Blaine City Hall Community Room. For more information, call 763-785-6164 or visit

3D Printing: Jewelry Fabrication & Arts

Ages 8-13, June 19-22, 9am-noon

$145 res; $155 nr

Architecture & Design

Ages 8-13, June 19-22, 1-4pm

$145 res; $155 nr

Tech Tac Toe

Ages 6 to 11

Super Hero Party

Families with Children

Ages 10 and under

Children can dress up like their favorite super hero and fly around and try activities which include carnival games, crafts, tattoos, balloon artist, and more. Everything is in the super hero theme. There will also be a few super heroes walking around for pictures. Do not forget a camera. Max 100. Event held at Tom Ryan Park.

Friday, May 19, 6:30-8pm

$20 res; $21 nr

For more information, call 763-785-6164 or visit

Stay Connected

Hogwarts Film School & STEAM

Ages 7-12, June 26-29, 9am-noon

$132 res; $142 nr

Pokemania STEAM Adventure

Ages 7-12, June 26-29, 1-4pm $132 res; $142 nr

All classes are held in the Blaine City Hall Community Room. For complete class description and to register, call 763-785-6164 or visit

Glow in the Dark Engineering

Ages 7-11, June 12-15, 9-11:55am $132 res; $142 nr

X-Treme Build & Race! RC Cars Using Legos

Ages 6-9, June 12-15, 1-4pm $132 res; $142 nr

Skyhawk Sports Camps

Ages 2 to 12

The progression of camps and programs, led by expert staff, are geared toward youth looking for a sport introduction or those who want to refine and master their sport specific skills. Skyhawks Sports has proven to be the leader in youth sports since 1979. Skyhawks goes the extra mile to focus on safety and has a long standing proven safety track record. Sports offered this summer for ages 2-12.

Flag Football; Soccer, Soccer Tots; Volleyball; Track & Field; Basketball; Multi-Sport; Mini-Hawk; Golf; Beginning Golf; Ultimate Frisbee; Pickleball. For complete details including descriptions, fees, dates, times, and locations, call 763-785-6164 or visit

Youth Sports

Ages 3 to 10

The City of Blaine’s youth sports programs begin the week of June 13 and run through August 8. The expertly trained, hired staff will make sure your child has a memorable experience.

Sports Sampler; Preschool T-Ball; Evening T-Ball, Parent/Child T-Ball; Baseball: Coach Pitch; Softball: Coach Pitch; Little Feats Soccer; Recreational Soccer. For complete details including descriptions, fees, dates, times, and locations, call 763-785-6164 or visit BlaineEvents.

More information about Parks and Recreation is available at 763-785-6164 or in the current Recreation Connection online.

Tenicity Tennis

Ages 5 to 17

This program is led by former Wimbledon player, winner of ATP Professional titles, and U.S. Collegiate Division 1 National Champion, Harsh Mankad. Harsh has over 10 years of experience leading tennis programs and developing players including to the Division 1 college level. His team of coaches are trained in the program’s methods to deliver lessons that create fun, positive, and engaging learning experiences. Check out Tenicity. com to learn more. Beginner group or team tennis match play available.

For more information on Tenicity Tennis, call 763-785-6164 or visit

Page 6 or - Recreation Connection

Tai Chi

Ages 12 to Adult

Tai Chi, often known as meditation in motion, was originally developed for self-defense but has since evolved into a rhythmic form of exercise. Relieving stress, improving cognition, flexibility and balance, and improving strength are just a few of the benefits you can gain from Tai Chi. This program will emphasize the health benefits and mindfulness aspects of Tai Chi. No prior experience is necessary. You will enjoy a moving meditation in the form of a series of gentle exercises that create harmony between the mind and body. Class held at Sunnyside Park Building.

Tuesdays & Thursdays, June 6-29, 6-7pm $80 res; $90 nr

New Fishing Classes

Ages 5 to Adult

Fishing Basics

Learn about the basics of fishing using a spinning rod and reel. You will be taught how to put on a line, tie a lure and hook, putting plastic baits on the hook, and casting into water from the shore.

Ages 5 to 11 w/parent/adult

Wednesdays, June 21 & 28

3-5PM, $50

Fishing with a Baitcaster

Ages 12 to 17

Wednesdays, Jun 21 & 28 12:30-2:30PM, $50


Summer 2023

Ages 18+

Wednesdays, June 21 & 28 10am-noon, $50

Learn how to use a casting rod with a baitcaster reel. You will also be taught the basics of how to put on line, tie a lure, cast into water from the shore, and learn how to stop the spool using your thumb.

Session 1: Wednesdays, May 17 & 24, 10am-noon

Session 2: Thursdays, May 18 & 25, 10am-noon


Classes are taught by Fishing Library and held at Lochness Lake, registration deadline is one week prior to class start date. All equipment is provided. Participants 16 & older must have a fishing license. Max 10 per class. More sessions coming in July, August, and September For additional information, call 763-785-6164 or visit

North Metro TV Record Your History and Home Movie Transfers

Local seniors can record their life stories for free at North Metro TV in Blaine. The program is a part of North Metro TV’s free community services. Appointments are available the first Thursday of the month. North Metro TV also offers a low cost video transfer program. Get your old films, tapes, and more transferred to digital or DVD. For more information on either program, contact North Metro TV at 763-231-2803

Adult QC Dance

All Classes Held at QC Dance Studio, 9967 Ulysses Street NE


This specialty course is designed for those just starting their journey to a fit and healthy lifestyle or the older active adult. Zumba fitness is for everyone, all shapes and sizes and just about any age. This class allows you to have fun while safely losing pounds and inches. With Zumba, the fun comes first, and the physical benefits follow. Zumba Gold is like a basic Zumba class with lower impact. The class will be a fat burning, body shaping fun workout. Class held at QC Dance Studio, 9967 Ulysses Street NE, Blaine.

Session 2: Wednesdays, June 7-28, 7:15-8pm

Session 3: Wednesdays, July 12 - August 2, 7:15-8pm

$40 res; $44 nr

Yoga - Ages 19+

Students will learn calming yoga moves used to center and control energy. Enjoy a balance of different yoga paces from basic sun salutations and relaxing savasana, to basic and supine postures. Students will work on balance, flexibility and strength while moving and holding different yoga poses.

Thursdays, July 13 - August 3, 7:15-8:15pm

$50 res; $55 nr

For more information, call 763-785-6164 or visit

Growing Green Hearts Yoga at the Blaine Wetland Sanctuary, All Ages

Growing Green Hearts Yoga is a class for all ages and abilities to grow greener and connect to nature where they live while getting the mental and physical health benefits of yoga. All sessions bring together movement and nature play across generations while building community care for water, land, air, and living things. Growing Green Yoga include a nature hike, yoga along the boardwalk, and hands-on STEM learning. Explore the seasonal changes at BWS by attending all four sessions in the series with family and friends!

Wild with Wetlands, Mushrooms, & Mahnomin

Sunday, May 21, 4-5:30pm

$5/person or $10/family

Alice in Wonderland

Ages 10 and under

Don’t be late for a very important date! This tea party will consist of finger sized refreshments, crafts, bingo and a lot of fun. Enrollment fee includes one adult per registered child. Held at Blaine City Hall.

Saturday, May 13, 9-10:30am (11am-12:30pm is full) $20 res; $21 nr

For more information, call 763-785-6164 or visit


Ages 3 1/2 - 10 years

A playground program is coming to a neighborhood park near you. The Cosmic Fun Van will be landing with Blaine’s highly trained recreation crew, taking kids on a quest for the best summer on Earth. This supervised and structured program focuses on fun, physical fitness, socialization, and exploring creativity by: offering age-appropriate active games and sport related activities; encouraging kids to meet other kids in the neighborhood; and providing planned arts and crafts projects and drama activities based on weekly themes. No make-up dates for cancellations due to weather.

June 14 - August 8,

Monday/Wednesday OR

Tuesday/Thursday Afternoons

Playnet Jr. - $95 res; $104 nr Playnet - $85 res; $93 nr

Belly Biology

Saturday, June 3, 4-5:30pm $5/person or $10/family

Superheroes & Systems

Saturday, June 24, 4-5:30pm $5/person or $10/family

For available park locations and dates, call 763-785-6164 or visit

Some locations/dates/times are full.

May/June 2023 Page 7
Page 8 - CityConnect Spring 1 N2U Registration Register Your Night to Unite Block Party Online Register Your Block Party at ImpressionsofBlaine Summer Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Saturday, May 13 Blaine City Hall 13 Sizzling Summer Concert Kickoff and Craft Fair Saturday, June 10, 10am4pm Tom Ryan Park 10 Ask the Gardener Anoka Master Gardeners at Veterans Memorial Park Tuesday, 5-7PM 6 13 Tricia and the Toonies Performance in the Park Tuesday, 6PM Tom Ryan Park PerformanceinthePark 15 Brent and Sheena Performance in the Park Tuesday, 6PM Tom Ryan Park PerformanceinthePark 20 Wendy’s Wiggle Jiggle Jam Tuesday, 6PM Tom Ryan Park PerformanceinthePark 22 Everett Smithson Performance in the Park Tuesday, 6PM Tom Ryan Park PerformanceinthePark 27 Todd ‘N’ Tina Performance in the Park Tuesday, 6PM Tom Ryan Park PerformanceinthePark Blaine Festival Celebrating Community Live music Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 23-25 Blaine Festival 29 The Jimtones Performance in the Park Tuesday, 6PM Tom Ryan Park PerformanceinthePark Save the Date Night to Unite Blaine’s Biggest Night in Town Tuesday, 6:-8pm 1 Ask the Gardener Anoka Master Gardeners at Veterans Memorial Park Tuesday, 5-7PM 20 May June Bark in the Park Tuesday, 5-7pm Swanson Dog Park BarkinthePark 17 Saturday, noon-9pm Tom Ryan Park August August Saturday, Tom Ryan Park 16 September 7 October Super Hero Party Dress Up as Your Favorite Super Hero Friday, 6:30pm Tom Ryan Park 19 Memorial Day Ceremony Veterans Memorial Park VeteransMemorialPark 29 featuring

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