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1.3 Supporting Documentation

–Part 3 – Justifi cation for those objectives, outcomes and the process for their implementation –Part 4 – Maps identifying intent of the planning proposal and the area to which it applies –Part 5 – Details of the community consultation that is to be undertaken on the planning proposal.  Conclusion  Appendices

This amended Planning Proposal is supported by the following relevant and updated documentation, to be read in conjunction with this report: Appendix A – Survey by CMS Surveyors Appendix B – Urban Design Report by Hatch | Roberts Day Appendix C – Concept Plan and Analysis, and SEPP 65 Certifi cation by BVN / AJ+C Appendix D – Landscape Master Plan by Oculus Appendix E – Public Domain Plan by BVN Appendix F – Transport Impact Assessment by Stantec Appendix G – Aboricultural Development Assessment Report by Moore Trees Appendix H – Heritage Listing Nomination Report by Heritage21 Appendix I – Heritage Signifi cance Assessment by Heritage21 Appendix J – Heritage response to Local Planning Panel by Heritage21 Appendix K – Statement of Heritage Impact by Heritage21 Appendix L – Façade Report by AJ+C Appendix M – Draft Letter of Offer by LFA (Pacifi c) Appendix N – Affordable Housing Contributions by City of Canada Bay Council Appendix O – Economic Impact Assessment by HillPDA Appendix P – Retail Demand Assessment by HillPDA Appendix Q – Aboriginal Heritage Due Diligence Assessment by Heritage21 Appendix R – Contamination Assessment of Soils by Geotechnique Appendix S – Additional Contamination Assessment by Geotechnique Appendix T – Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation by Geotechnique Appendix U – Additional Geotechnical Investigation by Geotechnique Appendix V – Sustainability Strategy by Colliers International Appendix W – Social Infrastructure and Community Uses Demand Assessment by Urbis Appendix X – Flood Assessment Report by Northrop Appendix Y – Detailed Site Investigation (Round 1) by Geotechnique


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