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Table 19 Structure of action plan tables


6.1 Introduction


The Local Government Act 1993 requires Plans of Management for community and Crown land to:  contain performance targets.  specify the means of achieving objectives and performance targets.  specify how achievement of the objectives and performance targets is to be assessed.

This section outlines the actions required to implement the management direction for Concord Oval, consistent with the six principles of the Canada Bay Open Space and Recreation Strategy 2019.

Across all of the six principles is the preparation of an Operational Management Plan that will be reviewed annually so adjustments can be made to meet the objectives of the Plan of Management.

Table 19 Structure of action plan tables Principle

Heading Explanation

Item An issue or need to be addressed, or an opportunity.

Objectives/ performance targets Targets/strategies to achieve vision and objectives for Concord Oval. They reflect the value of Concord Oval and provide direction for the action.

Actions Specific task or action required to address issues/needs, consistent with achieving the objectives/performance targets

Means of assessing performance How Council intends to measure and assess its performance in implementing and achieving the action over time.

Resource Capital or operational budget or external funding

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