2 minute read
D Vision And Objectives For Open Space And Parkland
The Draft 50-Year Vision for Greater Sydney’s Open Space and Parklands in the next 50 years is: a living and breathing city of parks for people to connect, exercise, reflect and celebrate a city of immense natural beauty, with incredible parklands, open spaces and waterways within its landscape a place where people are custodians and wholeheartedly embrace and care for open space and parklands cool, connected and community-focused though the Greater Sydney Green and Blue Grid a city where open spaces and parklands are accessible, meaningful and sustainable, reflecting the stories of the city’s ancient and recent past, and enhancing unique landscapes for stories yet to be told a place where open spaces and parklands are fundamental to everyday life, nurturing people while supporting a vibrant ecology and providing a home for a rich diversity of flora and fauna in the city and its neighbourhoods as much a parkland city as it is a harbour and river city, where people share access to diverse types of open space and parklands.
Strategic directions underpinning the 50-year vision for Greater Sydney’s open space and parklands are: Growing a city of parks for people Connecting neighbourhoods to parks Keeping Sydney green and captivating Being smart and resilient.
D.1.2 NSW Public Spaces Charter principles
Source: Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (2020)
D.2 City of Canada Bay vision and management objectives
D.2.1 Vision for Canada Bay
The vision for Canada Bay local government area is set out by themes in Your Future 2030. Collectively, Council’s vision is:
Vision for Canada Bay
Theme Vision
1 Inclusive,
involved and prosperous
2 Environmentally responsible
3 Easy to get around
4 Engaged and
future focussed
Our diverse community enjoys a range of inclusive and accessible social, recreational and cultural opportunities and is actively involved in the life of our City. People have a sense of belonging, share strong relationships in friendly neighbourhoods and out local town centres are vibrant and prosperous. Our community shares a collective responsibility to protect our environment and actively participates in innovative programs to mitigate climate change. These programs, along with our well cared for and cherished active and passive open spaces and waterways, are sustaining our future.
It is easy to get around our City and wider Sydney region via a network of well-functioning and connected public transport, pathways and roads.
With our population continuing to grow, our community is engaged in planning for our future. The planning results in services that support our enviable lifestyle, quality open spaces, a range of housing types, commercial centres and infrastructure and developments that enhance and complement existing suburbs.