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C Relevant Legislation And Plans
Other NSW legislation may at times be relevant for the planning, development and management of Concord Oval, as follows: National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 contains provisions to protect places, objects and features of significance to Aboriginal people as well as to protect and conserve habitats, ecosystems and wildlife, landforms/landscapes and natural features of significance Heritage Act 1977 conserves the State’s heritage i.e. those places, buildings, works, relics, moveable objects, and precincts, of State or local heritage significance Disability Inclusion Act 2014 provides for the provision of services for, and inclusion of, people with a disability Companion Animals Act 1998 requires environmental initiatives by councils to promote responsible animal ownership, provides for owners to have effective control of dogs and cats in public places, and prohibits dogs within 10 metres of a playground and food preparation/consumption areas and some recreation areas Smoke-free Environment Act 2000 and Smoke-free Environment Regulation 2016 prescribe controls regarding smoking tobacco (prohibited within 10 metres of a playground or a spectator area for/while watching an organised sporting event).
C.2 City of Canada Bay plans
C.2.1 Your Future 2030
YOUR Future 2030 is the City of Canada Bay’s Community Strategic Plan. The purpose of the Plan is to identify the community’s main priorities and aspirations for the future and to identify how to achieve these goals.
The Plan is based on Council’s understanding of what the community has told Council as well as an analysis of metropolitan, district and local issues likely to impact on the City in coming decades. The consultation undertaken to inform this document built on the consultation for Council’s Community Strategic Plan.
Community feedback indicates that green spaces, local parks and opportunities to be near the water should be protected and enhanced.
Key relevant themes of YOUR Future 2030 and their goals and strategies are:
Themes, goals and strategies of YOUR Future 2030
1 Inclusive, involved and prosperous
2 Environmentally responsible
3 Easy to get around
1.1 All residents have full access to high quality services that facilitate inclusion and participation in community life
1.2 The community has a diverse range of opportunities to engage in recreation and lifelong learning that promotes health and wellbeing
2.1 Working together, we adopt practices that sustain our environment
2.2 Attractive, well maintained and accessible parks and open spaces provide for a range of active and passive recreation uses
3.2 A connected network of quality active and public transport routes and services minimise traffic and make it easier to get around.
4 Engaged and future focused 4.1 The community participates in setting directions for the future
5 Visionary, smart and accountable 5.2 Leadership of the organisation inspires best practice in everything in which Council is involved
The Canada Bay Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) is informed by Council’s Community Strategic Plan. The LSPS provides the rationale for decisions about how we will use our land to achieve the aspirations of the community.
Vision, values and planning priorities
The vision/values and planning priorities of relevant themes of the LSPS are set out below.
Themes Vision/values Planning priorities
Liveability - Create great streets, places and buildings for people - Protect and enhance local character - Providing community services and facilities to meet people’s changing needs - Foster safe, healthy, creative, culturally rich and socially connected communities - Provide high quality planning and urban design outcomes for key sites and precincts - Create vibrant places that respect local heritage and character
Sustainability - Improve access to Parramatta River foreshore - Facilitate sustainable development and renewal - Increase biodiversity and the urban tree canopy - Protect and improve the health and enjoyment of the
Parramatta River Catchment and waterways - Protect and enhance bushland and biodiversity - Protect and enhance scenic and cultural landscapes - Increase urban tree canopy and deliver Green Grid connections, including ensuring that Master Plans and Precinct Plans achieve a minimum of 25% canopy cover. - Deliver high quality open space and recreation facilities - Reduce carbon emissions and manage energy, water and waste efficiently - Adapt to the impacts of urban and natural hazards and climate change
Open space and recreation
Planning Priority 17 of the LSPS is to “Deliver high quality open space and recreation facilities”.
Growth and change of Canada Bay’s population is placing increased pressure on open space and recreation facilities and demand for increased provision and access to recreation services and programs. Demographic changes will require open space and recreation facilities to meet the needs of older people, children and families and young people.
Relevant open space priorities for Concord are an improved sports precinct, indoor recreation facilities, and walking opportunities.
C.2.3 Canada Bay Local Environmental Plan 2013
Concord Oval is zoned RE1 Public Recreation under the Canada Bay Local Environmental Plan 2013.
The zone objectives are in Section 5.1 and permissible land uses are in Section 5.2.
C.2.4 Open Space and Recreation Strategy
The Canada Bay Open Space and Recreation Strategy identified the priority needs to 2026 of:
Green Grid recreation trails from Concord Oval through St Luke’s Park to Barnwell
Park Golf Course delivering four new indoor recreation courts through the redevelopment of Concord
C.2.5 Council Policies
Relevant City of Canada Bay Council policies are: Community Events Policy Mobile Food Vending Public Open Space Hire Policy Sports Field Allocation Policy Sustainable Event Management Policy