Senior Center News - Fall 2022

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TheSeniorAdvisoryCounciladvises, consultswithandmakes recommendationstoSeniorCenter staff;Parks,RecreationandNatural ResourcesCommission;andCity Councilonadultandsenior programs,servicesandfacilities.It assistswithdeveloping,promoting andimplementingseniorprograms Pickupanapplicationatthedeskor wecane mailonetoyou Elections areheldinJanuary Sue Bohnsack 952 279 8051 Stay in Touch! Josh Rockey 952 279 8058 Feb. 14, 9–10:30 a.m. Valentines Breakfast Senior Center Fall 2022 Senior Center News Nov. 11 Nov. 24 25 Dec. 23, 26 Jan. 2 Senior Center Closed Veterans Day Thanksgiving Christmas New Years Day Note from Sue and Josh EDEN PRAIRIE Whatafunandenjoyable summerattheSeniorCenter! Weenjoyedgreatweatherfor ourGardenPartywithlivemusic outdoors,anoutstanding eveningofminnowracesatthe BBQandbreathtakingviews andwarmsunshineduringour zipliningtrip. We'relookingforwardtofall andmorefuntocome! Retired USA Marine Gary Nash addresses the crowd at the 2021 Veterans Breakfast. Seeking Advisory Council Members Resident of Eden Prairie Able to attend 80% of scheduled monthly meetings Willing to volunteer for most special events Serve as a strong advocate for the Senior Center Requirements

Thisfully-equippedcommunityresourceis availabletoanyonetouseduringregularbusiness hours(andsomeevenings).Allparticipantsmust takea2-hoursafetycoursebeforeusing equipment.Pay$60fortherequiredcourseand $35perquarteror$7pervisit.Mostregularshop equipmentisavailableandgrouprentalscanbe arranged.Anotherpersonmustbepresentifusing equipmentintheshop.


Senior Emergency Repair Program

Forgivable loans up to $5,000 are available to qualifying residents ages 60 or older, who are owner occupants of homes in need of emergency repairs Funds can be used for repairs to water heaters, furnaces and central air conditioning units, or accessibility upgrades such as grab bars and handrails. Visit


Maintaining independence as you grow older can sometimes require help from others. The City has identified community resources to deliver services that meet the changing needs of older adults and their caregivers. These organizations can assist with housing options, transportation, meals and nutrition, caregiver assistance, legal services, home repairs, chores and more. Visit

Community Woodshop 2



and ribs, potatoes,

salad, a dinner roll and dessert. Back by

minnow races! Participants will

in a single

of this event


sponsored by

Transit, Summit Place and Inherited

Oct. 10.

Monday, Oct. 17




at 11:30 a.m.

Veterans Breakfast

All are welcome to honor veterans who have served our country, and their friends and family members. Enjoy a fully catered, all you can eat pancake breakfast. Special guest speaker Keith Lorensen, Master Chief Petty Officer, U.S. Navy, retired, joins us to address the group. A portion of this event is sponsored by St. Croix Hospice and Home Instead. Registration deadline Nov. 3.

Thursday, Nov. 10



Holiday Lunch

Join us for this annual holiday

a catered meal of turkey, potatoes, gravy, vegetable, roll, beverages and pumpkin

Adding to the festive mood is live music provided by Eden Prairie High School students A portion of this event is sponsored by Summit Place and Elim Shores Space is limited, so register early! Lunch served at 11:30 a m Registration deadline Nov 28

Friday, Dec. 2

a.m.–1:00 p.m.

Monday,Oct.31 | 1:30–3p.m. Cost$5 Registrationcode478209 RegistrationdeadlineOct.27 Wearacostumeororange/blackattire! Trick-and/ortreatingismandatory!Bringyour favoritecandytoshare.Sponsoredby InheritedStories. Friday,Nov.18 | 1:30–3p.m. Cost$5 Registrationcode478210 RegistrationdeadlineNov.15 Wearyourfavoritefallcolors!Sponsoredby St.CroixHospice. Friday,Dec.16 | 1:30–3p.m. Cost$5 Registrationcode479211 RegistrationdeadlineDec.14 Wearyourredandgreenholidayattire! Aspecial"HoHoHo"guestmayvisit! SponsoredbySPARK SPECIAL EVENTS 3
Lunch Join us for food, FUN and friendship. Enjoy a delicious lunch
popular demand:
be entered
elimination tournament
win prizes. A portion
Stories. Lunch served
Registration deadline
9:30 11
celebration! Enjoy
$12 478206


Designedtorefineexistingskillsanddevelopsafe, defensivedrivingtechniques.Ifyou're55yearsor older,completionofthiscoursequalifiesyoufora 10%discountonyourautomobileinsurance premium.Registrationdeadlineoneweekbefore classbegins

Day Date Time Cost Code

W, Th Oct. 5, 6 5:30 9:30 p.m. $28 479201

M, Th Dec. 12, 15 5:30 9:30 p.m. $28 479201


Ifyou'vetakenthestateapproved8hourcourse, youcanrenewwiththis4hourcourse.Registration deadlineoneweekbeforeclassbegins.

Day Date Time Cost Code

ThOct.20 5:309:30p.m. $24 479202

F Nov4* Noon4pm $24 479202 MDec.5. 5:309:30p.m. $24 479202

F Jan.6 9a.m.1p.m. $24 479202 *Nov.4classmeetsattheCommunityCenter


valueandmeaningtoyourlife?Findout!Inthis4 weeksession,weexplorewaystodiscoveryour ownpathtopurpose.RegistrationdeadlineOct.12.

Day Date Time Cost Code

W Oct 19 Nov 9 10 11:30 a m $10 479240

Medicare 101

Learn what you need to know about Medicare before you sign up. Intended for pre Medicare eligible adults, this presentation reviews Parts A, B, C and D of Medicare, supplement options, enrollment, costs, eligibility and recent changes. Explore how Senior LinkAge Line can help you compare options. Registration deadline Oct. 14.

Day Date Time


Who Are Your Neighbors?

Engage in a panel discussion to discover who lives in our community. Meet people who have moved to Eden Prairie from other countries and learn about their culture and experiences. A short talk is followed by small group breakout sessions. Presented in collaboration with the Eden Prairie Community Foundation Registration deadline Oct 21

Day Date Time Cost Code

M Oct 24 2 4 p m Free 479211

School Referendum

Join EP Schools Superintendent Dr. Josh Swanson as he discusses the 2022 school referendum in this fall’s election. There are two questions that Dr. Swanson provides information on before voting on November 8. Registration deadline Oct. 22.

Day Date Time Cost Code

M Oct. 24 10:30 11:30 a.m. Free 478247

Low Vision Information Group

Low vision is defined as eyesight without 20/20 vision. Gather with others experiencing the same vision loss as you. Learn about resources for you, your loved ones and friends. A rep from Vision Loss Resources leads this group.

Day Date Time Cost Code

W Oct 26 10 11:30 a m Free 471216

W Nov 23 10 11:30 a m Free 471216

W Dec. 28 10 11:30 a.m. Free 471216

The Trouble with Trees in EP

Learn about the species of trees that live in our community and what pests and diseases are affecting their health. Hear how the City is caring for these trees, including why it recommends certain species as replacements. Registration deadline Oct. 26.

a.m. Free


Day Date Time Cost Code

F Oct. 28 10 11:15 a.m. Free 478245

Oct. 21 10:30 11:30
Feelingpurposefulandengagedisstrongly associatedwithwellbeingandgoodhealth.How goodwoulditfeeltowakeupeverydayfeeling committedtosomethingimportantthatbrings

Live Well Health Series: Sleeping Well

Sleep plays a crucial role in wellness. Learn about the times of our daily lives, body clocks and rhythms of light and sleep. Get helpful tips on improving your sleep behavior so you can get that much needed good night's sleep. Speaker Dr. Michael DeSanctis is a licensed psychologist and diplomate of the Board of Behavioral Sleep Medicine and American Board of Professional Psychology. Registration deadline Nov. 4.

Day Date Time Cost Code

M Nov. 7 1:30 3 p.m. Free 478205


InheritedStoriesFounderandCEODietrichNissen discussesfamilylegacystorycreationandits importancetothelong termwellbeingofour familiesandgreatercommunity.Learnavarietyof methodsandtechniquestostartbuildingyour legacystory Mr NissenisanEmmyAward recipient videoproducerandstorytellerwithmorethan18 yearsofprofessionalvideostorytellingexperience. RegistrationdeadlineDec 7

Day Date Time Cost Code

F Dec 9 1:30 3pm Free 468205

Seniors Get Social: Tech Support

Gethelptolearnmoreaboutyourcellphone, laptoporothertechnologicaldevices.This programisinpartnershipwiththeEdenPrairie HighSchoolstudentinternshipprogram Register forafree30-minutetimeslot.

FirstandthirdWednesdayofthemonth 4–5p.m. | Free | Code479281

with the

Chat with

furnace and fireplace maintenance, smoke alarms and other hazards. Registration deadline Dec. 5.

Date Time Cost Code

7 10 11:30 am Free 479209


"HotelontheCornerofBitter&Sweet" byJamieFord

Thursday Book Club





Finance Discussion Group



—“LittleFiresEverywhere”byCelesteNg Nov. 17—
10–11:30a.m. Oct.12—"ThePersonalLibrarian"byMarie
Nov. 9—"MinorFeelings"byCathyParkHong Dec.14—
Wednesday Book Club
Cops: Frauds and Scams EPPD's Senior Liaison Juliette Glynn discusses new and popular frauds and how to prevent getting scammed. Registration deadline Nov. 12. Day Date Time Cost Code M Nov 14 1 2:30 p m Free 479203 Fireside
the EPFD: Winter Safety Learn about winter home safety, carbon monoxide detector awareness,
W Dec

8:30a.m. 9:30a.m. 10a.m.

9:30a.m. 9:30a.m.




8-HourDriverSafety 10a.m. BotanicalImprints PlanYourPathwith Purpose LowVision InfomationGroup OnceUponaMattress SENIOR CENTER FALL 2022 CALENDAR Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 121 7 18 120 9 1:30p.m. BOO!Bingo WEEKLYACTIVITIES 37 4 56 114 0 11 113 2 228 4 25 227 6 31 3:30p.m. 5:30p.m. SeniorsGetSocial 8-HourDriverSafety 11:30a.m. FallLunch 2p.m. WhoAreYour Neighbors? 10a.m. 3:30p.m. PlanYourPathwith Purpose SeniorsGetSocial 10a.m. 10a.m. 11:15a.m.
Medicare101 10:15a.m. TreeTalk 10a.m. 5:30p.m. WovenJewelry 4-HourDriverSafty October2022 8:30a.m. 9a.m. 9a.m. 9:30a.m. Noon Noon 1p.m. SSClassic BikingGroup GreetingCards ZumbaGold PartyBridge Mahjongg Cribbage 9:30a.m. 12:30p.m. 1p.m. 1p.m. 3p.m. 4p.m. 5:30p.m. Quilting MexicanTrain 500Cards Poker InspirationGroup SeniorsGetSocial WalkingClub 8:45a.m. 9:30a.m. 10a.m. 1p.m. Byappt. CoffeeKlatch Discussion Group EstatePlanning Class Crafting HappyFeet
12:30p.m. 1p.m. SSClassic SSYoga Mahjongg Canasta Cribbage
Noon Men'sGroup RedHatBreakfast PartnerBridge 7:15a.m. WinonaTrip
RedHatBreakfast 11:15a.m. OldLogTheatre
6 SEPTEMBER Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 116 2 13 115 4 CLOSED 12 59 6 78 123 9 20 222 1 26 5:30p.m. 4-Hour DriverSafety 2p.m. HappinessGroup 9a.m. 3:30p.m. AdvisoryCouncil SeniorsGetSocial 1:30p.m. Bingowith Blitzen 10a.m. 12:15p.m. LowVision InformationGroup LunchandChat 10:15a.m. GlassSnowflakes 10a.m. PaintwithPastels December 118 4 15 117 6 14 3 2 711 8 910 225 1 22 224 3 28 1p.m. Coffeewith theCops 10a.m. 3:30p.m. PlanYourPathwith Purpose SeniorsGetSocial 9a.m. 11a.m. 3:30p.m. AdvisoryCouncil Footloose SeniorsGetSocial 1:30p.m. GobbleBingo 9:30a.m. VeteransBreakfast November2022 29 30 10a.m. 10a.m. PlanYourPathwith Purpose BookClub 1:30p.m. Sleepclass 27 28 29 30 9:45a.m. St.Cloudtrip 10a.m. FiresideChat 4:30p.m. HolidayLightsTour 4:30p.m. HolidayLightsTour CLOSED 11:30a.m. HolidayLunch 9:30a.m. 9:45a.m. 1:30p.m. RedHatBreakfast AndyandBing InheritedStories CLOSED 10a.m. FlowerPounding 10a.m. 12:15p.m. LowVision InformationGroup LunchandChat CLOSED CLOSED Noon 4-Hour DriverSafety
Adorableandadoptable rabbitsroamfreelyasthe yogaflows Bunny Yoga Saturday,Oct.1 1 2p.m. Cost$25 Code483701 Senior Center Fitness Classes Did you know? The Senior Center has been open for recreational activity for more than 40 years! OctoberApril Wednesdays,4:30p.m. (Free) EdenPrairieCenter(meetoutsideHallmark) 8251FlyingCloudDrive Walking Club Tuesdays,Thursdays8:30–9:15a.m. Increasemuscularstrength,rangeofmovement andskillsrequiredduringactivitiesfordailyliving. SilverSneakers® Classic 8 Tuesdays,9:30 10:15a.m. Blendsupbeatmusicandfitnessparty Zumba Gold Fitnessclassesdesignedforolderadults. Location:SeniorCenterCommunityRoom Cost:$7atthedoororFREEforCommunity Centermembers. FITNESS Thursdays,9:30–10:15a.m. Movethroughyogaposestoincreaseflexibility, balanceandrangeofmovement. SilverSneakers® Yoga Noexperiencenecessary!Suppliesprovided. ClassesmeetThursdaysfrom10a.m. noon. Registrationcodeis466203. orcall952-949-8304fordetails. Oct. 6 Oct. 20 Nov. 3 Nov 17 Dec. 1 Dec. 15 Botanical Imprints in Clay Woven Jewelry Family Tree in Clay Flower Pounding Glass Snowflakes Painting with Pastels ART AT THE SENIOR CENTER GetConnected! SignuptoreceiveSeniorCenternewsfor programinformation,communityresources andmonthlycalendarofevents. Receivebymail 952-279-8050 Viewonline Getemailandtextupdates


8:45 10:30a.m.



Crafting 1 3p.m.

Bringyourownprojectandsocializewithfriends andneighbors.Alltypesofcraftersarewelcome.



9 11a.m.

Helpbrightensomeone’sdaywhenyoucreate greetingcardsfortherecycledcardprogram. Proceedshelpsupportprogramsandservices. Mahjongg Noon 3p.m. Mahjonggiscommonlyplayedbyfourplayers. Similartorummy,it'sagameofskill,strategyand calculationthatinvolvesalittlebitofchance.

PartyBridge Noon 3:30p.m. Meetnewfriendswhenyoujoinothersfora friendlygameofbridge.Arriveafewminutesearly. Cribbage 1 3:30p.m.

Alllevelsofplayersarewelcome.Callifyouplan toattend



9:30 11a.m.

Putyourcreativeskillstouseandworkwithothers tohelpsewaquiltorbringyourownproject.

MexicanTrain 12:30 3p.m.

Afundominoesgamethatworksbestwithfouror moreplayers.Volunteerswillteachthegame.


1 3:30p.m.

Hold‘emorfold‘em?Playersshouldhaveagood understandingofthegame

500CardsGame 1 3p.m.



Mahjongg 10a.m. noon


Canasta/HandandFoot 12:30 3:30p.m. Noexperiencenecessary. Cribbage 1 3:30p.m.



Men’sCoffeeGroup(Woodchucks) 9:30 11a.m. Enjoyconversationwithgentlemenofallages, backgroundsandexperiences.

PartnerBridge Noon 3:30p.m.


EnjoyacupofcoffeeattheSeniorCenter,meet newfriendsanddiscusshottopics. GreatCourses 9
Learnaboutanddiscussgreatcourses CurrentEventsDiscussionGroup 9:30–11:30a.m.
MONDAY 9 WEEKLY ACTIVITIES Lookingforafun,part timejob? JointheteamatEdenPrairieLiquor!

ChanhassenDinnerTheatre: Footloose

You’llfeellikedancingwiththisheartfeltstorythat pinsafatherlongingforthesonhelostagainsta youngmanachingforthefatherwhowalkedout onhim.JoinRenandhismotherastheynavigatea movefromChicagotoasmallfarmingtownand thenewrulestheydiscover,alongsidetherockin’ rhythmofitsOscarandTonynominatedTopForty score,augmentedwithdynamicnewsongs.Lunch isincludedRegistrationdeadlineOct25


W Nov.16 11a.m.4:30p.m.

localrestaurant(payandtiponyourown),thenit's offtoenjoythecreativityandspectacleoflarge


Van HolidayLightsTour Joinusonatouroffestiveholidaylights inlocalneighborhoods.Firststopisdinnerata
displays.Afullrefundwillbeissuedifinclement weatherpreventsusfromtakingthetour TransportationtoorfromtheSeniorCenteris
deadlineoneweekbeforeeachtrip Day Date Time Cost Code Th Dec 8 4:30 8pm $12 471338 W Dec 14 4:30 8pm $12 471338 Van OldLogTheatre: OnceUponaMattress JoinPrinceDauntlessashissearchforabride unfolds,causingprincessestoattemptthe impossibletestsofhismother,QueenAggravain. Therollickingspinontheclassictaleof“The PrincessandthePea”providessidesplitting shenanigansandsongsbothhilariousand romantic.Chooseyourmealwhenyouregister. Transportationandmealincluded.Registration deadlineOct 11 Day Date Time Cost Code Th Oct.27 11:15a.m. 4:30p.m. $71 471341 St.John'sBibleTrip ArriveinCollegevilletotourSt John's University,thelargestBenedictineabbeyinthe westernhemisphere,with190professedmonk SpendtimeintheBibleGallerytoview28origi pagesoftheSt.John'sBibleandotherexhibiti EnjoylunchthentourthegreatAbbeyChurch learnaboutitshistoryanduniquearchitecture Eachtourmemberispresentedwithaloafof JohnnyBreadtotakehome.Registrationdead Oct.9. Day Date Time Cost C W Nov 2 8:45a m 4p m $83 37
Time Cost Code
$87 471343 VVan an TRIPS 10 CoachBus

Wethen headtothehistoric700seatParamountCenter,a turnofthecenturyvenuerenovatedin1998.Visit theParamountVisualArtsStudiosorGalleryGift Shopbeforetheperformance.“AnAndy&Bing


UtechtandTwinCitiesfavoritesMickSterlingand CateFierro,andsupportedbya16pieceorchestra andchoralsingers.RegistrationdeadlineOct.30.


Hat — Crimson Chapeaux

EnjoybreakfastandconversationattheOriginal PancakeHouse.Nomembership,nodues just payforyourmeal.JoinusforsomeRedHatfun! or9529292813toRSVPorrequestinformation aboutotherRedHatactivities.

SecondFridayofthemonth,9:30–11a.m. OriginalPancakeHouse,549PrairieCenterDrive



FourthWednesdayofthemonth,12:15p.m Champp's EdenPrairie,8010GlenLane

TRIPS continued from page 10 ParamountCenterfortheArts: AnAndyandBingChristmas TraveltoSt.CloudforadayofChristmascheer!Our firststopisCoyoteMoonGrilleforalunchof popover,salad,sidedishanddessert
Christmas”faithfullycelebratesthetimelessalbums ofAndyWilliamsandBingCrosby.Listento Christmasclassicssuchas“TheMostWonderful
BeginningtoLookaLotLikeChristmas.”The performanceisledbySuperBowlChampionBen
CoachBus Online InPerson SeniorCenter 8950EdenPrairieRoad 8:30am–4pm,M–F CommunityCenter 16700ValleyViewRoad 5:30a.m.–10p.m.,daily Questions?CalltheSeniorCenterat 952-279-8050. Afullrefundforaprogramisgivenifyou cancelbeforetheregistrationdeadline.No refundsareissuedafterthestartofaprogram withoutapproval. EdenPrairieParksandRecreationreservesthe righttocancel,postponeorcombine programs,andchangeinstructors. Forinformationoncancellationsandrefunds, How to register GangsterTour:Crooks, CrimeandCorruption TakearidingtourthroughthestreetsofStPaul duringitshoodlumheydaywhencrimeand corruptionruled!SeewheresomeoftheFBI'smost notoriouscriminalssuchasMaBarker,BabyFace Nelson,JohnDillingerandMachineGunKellywere tried.EnjoylunchthensweetsfromSweetChocolat inArdenHills.RegistrationdeadlineJan.22. DayDate Time Cost Code Th Feb.23 9a.m.3:15p.m. $99 471347
CoachBus 11
PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID HOPKINS, MN PERMIT NO 241 City of Eden Prairie Senior Center 8950 Eden Prairie Road Eden Prairie, MN 55347 952 279 8050 TTY: 952 949 8399 orCurrentResident

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