Senior Center News
Fall Lunch and Entertainment
Outstanding music and food. We heard comments like: “The entertainment was top notch!” and “It was like a Broadway show.” Hope to see you at the next special event!

Outstanding music and food. We heard comments like: “The entertainment was top notch!” and “It was like a Broadway show.” Hope to see you at the next special event!
A fun group toured the town of Jordan, had a great lunch and talk with the owners of Clancy’s, and ziplined at Sand Creek Adventures.
Shred Truck May 14, 10 a.m.–noon
Senior Awareness Month in May
Winter 2023
Winter 2025
Note from Sue and Josh Pleasetakeaminutetovotein theSeniorAdvisoryCouncil election.Aballotisinthis newsletterandattheSenior Centerfrontdesk. Makegoodandsafedecisions withyourtravelsoverthe holidaysandthiswinter.
Stay in Touch
Sue Bohnsack 952-279-8051 Josh Rockey 952-279-8058
BringyourlucktotheSeniorCenter!Youcould winprizesduringthesefunthemedbingo events!Costis$5persession.Registration deadlineoneweekbeforeevent.
Jan.13 SnowmanBingo
Wearyour WHITEhat,shirt,orjacket! SponsoredbySPARK. Code:178208
Feb.3 PinkBingo
WearyourPINKhat,shirt,pantsorscarf! SponsoredbyMomentsHospice. Code:178209
Mar.10 Leprechaun/GreenBingo
Gatherwithotherwineenthusiaststotaste,learn, andhavefun!Registrationdeadlineoneweek beforeeachevent.
Enjoy a meal of turkey with all the fixings and pumpkin pie for dessert. Served at 11:30 a.m. The EPHS student choir students sing and we might even have a visit from Santa. Sponsored by Choice Connections, Landmark Tours, Summit Place Senior Campus and Sholom Home. Registration deadline Dec. 6.
St. Andrew Lutheran Church 13600 Technology Drive
Joininthefun!Participantsbring12individual baggiesfilledwith3holidaycookies,foratotalof 36cookies.Pleaselabeleachbaggiewiththetype andingredients.Participantsarenotrequiredto bakethecookies,holidaybakerystylecookies encouraged.Enjoycookies,coffeeand conversationafterwords.Registration deadlineDec.18.
Joinyour gameshowhostsJoshandSueforthis funinteractivenoonyear’seveoffun!Partyhats, music,horsd’oeuvres,alittlebubblyandagame show.Ringinthenewyearinstyle.Registration deadlineDec.26.
Valentines Breakfast
Join your friends for a catered breakfast of French Toast Bake and delicious sides at this fun, annual breakfast meeting. The meal is served at 9 a.m. The event includes an overview of the Senior Center activities and fun we had in 2024, and what is yet to come in 2025. A portion of this event is sponsored by Prairie Bluffs Senior Living. Registration deadline Feb. 7.
Gather with others who enjoy learning about and tasting different beers. Maybe even a green beer or two! Registration deadline Mar. 10.
Toregisterorget moredetails,visit orscanthisQRcode.
SeniorCenter 8950EdenPrairieRoad 8:30a.m.–4p.m.,M–F CommunityCenter 16700ValleyViewRoad 5:30a.m.–10p.m.,daily
Questions?CalltheSeniorCenterat 952-279-8050.
Location:SeniorCenterCommunityRoom Cost:FREEforCommunityCentermembers; nonmemberspay$7atthedoor.
SilverSneakers® Classic Tuesdays & Thursdays, 8:30–9:15 a.m.
SilverSneakers® Yoga Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30–10:15 a.m.
Wednesdays, 4:30 p.m.
Eden Prairie Center by Hallmark
EdenPrairieparks call952-279-8050.
Keep your golf swing warm during the winter months at Inside Edge’s state-of-the-art simulators. Take a swing at some of the most historic and beautiful courses in the world. Sign up as a single or a group. Each session is at Inside Edge. Registration deadline Jan 20.
*Inside Edge is located 16514 W. 78th Street
Wednesday Book Club
“GoodNight,Irene”byLuis AlbertoUrrea
“TheVanishingHalf”byBritBennett “RollofThunder,HearMyCry”by MildredTaylor
“TheRemainsoftheDay”by KazuoIshiguro
Low Vision Information Group
Gather with others who have eyesight less than 20/20 vision. Knowing what resources are available is key to getting the help you need. Led by Vision Loss Resources. Registration deadline two days before each session.
Jan.22,Feb.26,Mar.26 Time 1–2:30p.m.
Free Code 171219
Staff teach how to register online for Park and Rec, Senior Center, and Fitness programs. Bring your device with you or watch from our device. Registration deadline 2 days before each session.
Feb.5,Mar.5 Time 10:30-11:30a.m. 4–5p.m.
Senior Technology Help
Code 179285 179285
Get assistance with texting, voicemail, email, photos and more. Home visits are also available. Register by Monday before the session. Meets the first and third Wednesday of each month. Registration deadline two days before each session. Day
For those 55+ this course qualifies you for a 10% discount on your auto insurance premium.
Get your affairs in order with guidance from a financial planner, elder law attorney, and funeral planner. Walk through the essential steps to secure your future, assets, and wishes. Registration deadline Dec. 31.
Happiness is difficult to define, but it contributes to a healthy immune system, longevity, and quality of life. We discuss how other people are part of a quality equation. Joel Denney and Mary Norton share information contributing to self-awareness. Registration deadline Jan. 5. Code 173208
Learn about carbohydrates, insulin resistance, and how to balance your carb intake. Bring your questions. Registration deadline Jan. 22.
Learnwhyitisimportanttoorganizeyourpersonal informationandaffairsforbothexpectedand unexpectedlifeevents.Understandcategoriesof informationandhowtoorganizeit,discover resourcesandseehowtheSeniorCentercan supportthisprocess.SueBohnsackandJeanine Michalskilead.RegistrationdeadlineJan.24. Day M Date Jan.27
Code 173212
We explore various home health and in-home care options that can help you age in place safely and independently in your home sweet home.
Registration deadline Feb. 4. Day Th Date Feb.6
Code 178215
The history of our nation’s leaders includes many known and unknown facts, some so peculiar they may have you raising an eyebrow. Learn, discuss, and bring your own facts you have learned to share. Registration deadline Feb. 10.
Learn how planning for your final wishes may shield your family from unnecessary emotional and financial burden. Learn about obituaries, prearrangements, veteran benefits, cremation, burials and more. Registration deadline Feb. 19.
Code 171212
Explore the different types of senior livingindependent, assisted, memory care, and long term care, as well as practical tools to help assess needs and navigate options. Empower yourself or loved ones to find the right community for your lifestyle.
Registration deadline Mar. 4.
Bringabeveragetoenjoywhilechallengingyour mindwithsometriviaquestions,videos,and brainteasers.RegistrationdeadlineMar.10.
Explore travel opportunities in the U.S. and abroad. Get comfortable with no-stress travel. All-inclusive packages featuring round-trip airfare, quality accomodations, enjoyable meal experiences, admission to all itinerary attractions, and the services of a professional tour manager.
Registration deadline Mar. 19.
Day F Date Mar.21 Time 10-11:30a.m.
Free Code 171341
Meet and have coffee with new Senior Police Liaison Officer Jason Hunt and a few other officers. Bring your police related questions and concerns. Hear stories from Jason’s time with the EPPD over 12 years. Registration deadline Mar. 31. Day W Date Apr.2 Time 9:30-10:30a.m.
Learn the truth about what it takes to sell a home as-is in Minnesota and get the real scoop about offers to pay cash for your home. Leave with practical advice and real life examples to help guide your decision. Registration deadline Apr. 1.
Day Th Date Apr.3 Time 10-11:30a.m.
Free Code 178219
For all trips:
Find full trip information online, or by calling the Senior Center. Please indicate any special physical needs at time of registration. New destination ideas welcome! If past the registration deadline, call us to check availability.
Book your seat on this educational tour around Eden Prairie and see what a few senior housing buildings have to offer. Trip includes facility tours and viewing of other locations along the route. Trip, lunch and tours included. Registration deadline one week before each trip.
Join Sue on this adventure to play 18 holes of mini golf indoors at Golf Zone in Chaska. Equipment is provided. The course has benches throughout, but there are some steps and unlevel ground. Lunch (on your own) at Crooked Pint in Chaska beforehand, and you might get to watch some curling! Registration deadline Jan. 10.
Experience the thrill of free falling with experts at IFly in Minnetonka. Precaution should be taken if you have heart or shoulder issues. Pay for your own flight on site, with prices starting at $60. After flying we stop for lunch (on own). Registration deadline Mar. 7.
EnjoylunchatSt.Cloud’sCoyoteMoonGrillbefore experiencingParamountTheater’sshowbasedon Shakespeare’sTwelfthNight.ListentoElvis’shits asthesoundtracktoawholenewstory.
Spam Museum & Hormel Mansion
Tour the Spam Museum with videos, audio, and displays. Enjoy lunch in the Hormel Dining Facility before touring the Hormel Historic Home. Stop at the Russel Stover Candy Store on the way home. Registration deadline Feb. 16.
Experience the German influence in the Twin Cities. A guide explains history, traditions, breweries, the Minnesota 13 and more. Lunch at Glueck’s Restaurant. Visit Aki’s Bread Haus after lunch. Registration deadline Mar. 9.
37 Postcards at Day Trippers Theater
This comedy features Avery Sutton returning home after 8 years to find his family has gone insane! Tilted house, feral dog, and grandmother is still alive and kicking! Lunch buffet of roast chicken, lasagna, and sides. Registration deadline Apr.10.
StartwithlunchatGrandSuperiorLodgethen enjoyaself-guidedtourofSplitRockLighthouse. GooseberryFallsStateParkanditsbeautiful sceneryisnext.Triprequireswalking,stairs,and unevenground.RegistrationdeadlineApril20.
Branson, Missouri
Spend a few days enjoying world-famous live music shows and genuine Ozarks hospitality. Events include a comedian guide for a sightseeing tour of Branson. Shows include “David” at Sight and Sounds Theatre, The Hughes Brothers, “Down Home Country” at Grand Country Music Hall, Dolly Parton’s Stampede Dinner Attraction, guided tour of the Titanic Museum and showboat cruise on the Branson Belle. Cost includes deluxe motor coach transportation, lodging for four nights, attractions, most meals and gratuities. See full detailed itinerary on the Senior Center website or call the Senior Center. Registration deadline Feb. 17. Full payment due March 8.
Foot Care
Registerednursesprovidesupportiveandcaring footcare.Payatyourappointment.
First and Third Wednesday of the month, 2 p.m.
Socialize with others and meet new people as we navigate the path of adulthood to elderhood. Group discussions cover topics on choices, courage and curiosities.
Fourth Wednesday, monthly, 12:15 p.m. Champps, 8010 Glen Lane, Eden Prairie
Second Thursday of each month, 1–3 p.m.
Call or e-mail the Senior Center for more information.
Host your meetings, parties and outings at the Senior Center! Bring your own food and beverages. Call 952-279-8050 to book your private room or get more information.
Third Thursday of each month
Call 800-333-2433 or visit to make an appointment.
Third Thursday of each month 3–4:30 p.m.
Call Danielle (612-710-1671) to register.
Second Friday of each month, 9:30 a.m.
Original Pancake House, Eden Prairie
Contact Barbara at or 952-929-2813 to reserve a spot.
Beautiful hand made cards for sale. Inquire about volunteering to help create cards.
Ourfully-equippedcommunityresourcehas mostshoptoolsandequipment.Fees, trainingandmemberpassrequired.
Monday–Friday, 8:30a.m.–4p.m.
Forafulllistoflocalandstate resourcesforseniors,visit,pick upaflyerinourlobbyorscanthisQR code.
Attend this social time led by Sue and Josh to learn everything about what the Senior Center offers new and ongoing. Learn about programs and events, upcoming activities and how to register online. It’s a great opportunity to share new ideas! Open for anyone to ask questions and meet new friends.
Registration deadline Jan. 2.
M Date Jan.6
Beginnerswelcome;allsuppliesprovided $25perclass.Code166210.
Personalized Tote Bag
Winterscapes - Watercolor
Painting with Wool
Marbled Tiles - Alcohol Inks
Pet Portraits - Explore Painting
Fused Glass Flowers
Eachyear,weaskSeniorCenterparticipants tomakeadonationtothecenter.These donationsallowustooperatewithout membershipdues.Dropofformailyour donationtotheSeniorCenterat8950Eden PrairieRoad.Anyamountisgreatly appreciated!
VisittheOutdoorCenterthiswinterandenjoy birding,astronomy,naturehikes,bonfires, demonstrationsandmore!
MapleSyrupMaking,Feb.25 dropinbetween8a.m.–noon Free
Stopinanytimethismorningtolearnhowthetrees aretapped,andwatchthecookingprocessin action
Judy Berry would like to use her life experiences to add purpose to the lives of others, meet new people and get more involved.
Jim Cragg (incumbent) would like to keep the board active and alive and thoroughly enjoys working with Sue and Josh on new and exciting programs and events.
Jane Davis has enjoyed several lectures and attends a variety of activities at the Center, along with meeting many great people. She would like to contribute to future success of the Senior Center.
Ursula Dickinson is passionate about enhancing the quality of life and well being for all. The Senior Center can counteract isolation by providing much needed activities. She hopes to contribute to enhance these experiences.
Brian Larson (incumbent) is interested in what the board does and how he can help with programs and events. He also is involved in the Discussion Group and Men’s group.
Gayl Smith (incumbent) would like to continue with the board to help the board monitor participation and involvement. She enjoys being involved in the planning and decision making and then seeing the enjoyment that it brings to others.
Harvey Weiss is seeking to get back on the board. He served from 2022-2023. He has the time and wants to help where he is needed.
Place your completed ballot in a sealed envelope. Drop the envelope off at the Senior Center reception desk or mail to:
Senior Center
8950 Eden Prairie Road Eden Prairie, MN 55347
Ballots are also available on our website and at the Senior Center.
All ballots are due by Friday, Jan. 31, 2025.
One ballot per person.
Judy Berry
Jim Cragg
Jane Davis
Ursula Dickinson
Brian Larson
Gayl Smith
Harvey Weiss
Write in your nomination:
CityofEdenPrairie SeniorCenter
The City of Eden Prairie does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, sexual orientation or disability in the admission or accessto,ortreatmentoremploymentin,itsprograms, activitiesandservices.