SpringRegistrationOpens Wednesday,March5
SpringRegistrationOpens Wednesday,March5
Celebrateandacknowledgethemany contributionsandaccomplishmentsofolder adults,recognizeorganizationsthatserveolder adults,andenhancecommunityinvolvement acrossgenerations.
TheCityofEdenPrairiehascelebratedSeniorAwarenessMonth since1993.LookfortheSeniorAwarenesslogothroughoutthis newslettertofindavarietyofeventsthroughoutMaydedicatedto SeniorAwareness.
We rang in the new year with game show hosts Sue and Josh playing many group games. All enjoyed hors d'oeuvres, laughs and – at the stroke of noon – a balloon drop and tons of fun!
Summer BBQ - July 28
Senior Golf Classic - August 13
Happy Spring!
Congratulations to the 2025 newly elected Senior Advisory Council members Jane Davis, Ursula Dickinson and Harvey Weiss; elected incumbent members Jim Cragg, Brian Larson and Gayl Smith. A heartfelt thank you to our outgoing members Arlene Cohen and Sylvia Peterson for their years of service.
Sue Bohnsack SBohnsack@edenprairie.org 952-279-8051
Josh Rockey JRockey@edenprairie.org 952-279-8058
Bring your luck to the Senior Center! You could win prizes during these fun themed bingo events! Cost is $5 per session. Registration deadline one week before each event. Bingo takes place from 1:30–3 p.m.
April14 SpringintoBingo
Wear your bright spring colors! Sponsored by Custom Care Mobility. Code: 373211
May5 CincoDeBingo
Celebrate with Mexican style! Sponsored by Moments Hospice, Summit Place Campus and Health Source of Eden Prairie. Code: 373212
June16 SummertimeBingo
Wear your best summer attire! Sponsored by Hear Today. Code: 373213
Gatherwithotherwineenthusiaststotaste,learn, andhavefun!Registrationdeadlineoneweek beforeeachevent.
Dates April21,May19,June23
emailforprograminformation,community resourcesandmonthlycalendarofevents.
Learn everything the Senior Center offers: new and ongoing programs and events, upcoming activities and online registration. It’s a great opportunity to share ideas! Open for anyone to ask questions and meet new friends. Registration deadline March 31.
Recycle your unwanted drugs and medications. No need to register; just stop by the back parking lot of the Senior Center during the advertised time.
Date April26 Time
Meet the Eden Prairie Police Department’s K-9 crime fighting team for a live demonstration. Learn about the history of the K-9 unit and the training required to keep our community safe. Registration deadline May 1.
Welcome back to outdoor biking season. Learn about the biking clubs as well as benefits of stretching and exercise before and after biking. Old Spokes T-shirts can be ordered. New riders are welcome!
Registration deadline May 3.
Shred your unwanted or important papers to keep your identity safe. Two paper bags per person; no three-ring binders or plastic bags. All are welcome. Drive through Senior Center back parking lot. Event is held rain or shine. Please arrive after 10 a.m. A portion of this event is sponsored by Home Instead, Elim Shores, Landmark Tours, Edina Realty and Senior Advisory Council. No registration necessary.
Learn about the many resources and businesses available through the Eden Prairie Professionals In Aging organization Visit all vendors for a chance to win the Grand Prize! Games, food and fun entertainment for your enjoyment and laughter.
Registration deadline May 8.
Location:SeniorCenterCommunityRoom Cost:FREEforCommunityCentermembers; nonmemberspay$7atthedoor.
SilverSneakers® Classic
SilverSneakers® Yoga
Date May15 Time 1-5p.m.
Th Cost $10 Code 371120
Location:St.AndrewLutheranChurch 13600TechnologyDrive
Let the Eden Prairie Police and Fire Departments serve you a delicious meal of ribs and chicken! Learn how the EPPD and EPFD serve seniors in our community. Registration deadline May 15.
Wednesdays, 4:30 p.m.
Eden Prairie Center by Hallmark
Date May22 Time 4:30-6p.m.
Th Cost $14 Code 371208
Garden Party
Stroll through the beautiful gardens during this annual Ice Cream Social Party. Enjoy custard from Culvers, chocolate brownies and toppings and the very popular activity minnow racing! Live music by members of the Eden Prairie Community Band. Event held rain or shine.
Registration deadline June 18.
Date June25
Toregisterorget moredetails,visit edenprairie.org/Register orscanthisQRcode.
InPerson SeniorCenter 8950EdenPrairieRoad 8:30a.m.–4p.m.,M–F
Questions?CalltheSeniorCenterat 952-279-8050.
Visitedenprairie.org/seniorcenterfor scheduleorcall952-279-8050.
OldSpokesisagroupthatridesapproximately10 milesperhourfor20–25milesround-trip,with differentrouteseachweek.Thisgroupstopsfora lunch/restbreakduringeachtrip.
Lookingforashorter,slower-pacedride?Thisis thebicyclinggroupforyou Thisgroupbikesabout 10–15milesonlocalrouteswithinthewestmetro, atapaceaveraging8–10milesperhour.
“TheRiverWeRemember”by WilliamKentKrueger
“Saturday Night at the Lakeside Supper Club” by J. Ryan Stradel
“Killers of a Certain Age” by Deanna Raybourn
Low Vision Information Group
Gather with others who have eyesight less than 20/20 vision. Knowing what resources are available is key to getting the help you need. Led by Vision Loss Resources. Registration deadline two days before each session.
Date April23,May28,June25 Time 1–2:30p.m.
Senior Tech Help
First and third Wednesday, 10–11:30 a.m.
Get assistance with texting, voicemail, email, photos and more. Home visits also available. Registration deadline two days before each session. Time
For those 55+ this course qualifies you for a 10% discount on your auto
Registration deadline one week before each
Coffee with the Cops
Meet and have coffee with new Senior Police Liaison Officer Jason Hunt and other officers. Bring your police related questions and concerns. Registration deadline March 31.
Date April2 Time 9:30–11a.m.
Learn the truth about what it takes to sell a home as-is in Minnesota and get the real scoop about offers to pay cash for your home. Leave with practical advice to help guide your decisions Registration deadline April 1
Learn about dementia and how to help someone who has the disease. Dementia Friends is a global movement that is changing the way people think, act and talk about dementia. Presented by Senior Community Services. Registration deadline April 22.
Mahjongg is a game played with Chinese characters and symbols. Learn the rules and strategies of Mahjongg. You can order the official Mahjongg League card at registration and pay $15 at the first class . Registration deadline April 3.
Letting go is not about the stuff - its about the memories, identity and emotions tied to a home you loved for years Moving can bring a feeling of loss, uncertainty and being overwhelm This session helps address all of the feelings and tasks Registration deadline May 6
Thiscomedicdocumentaryfollowsthe extra-ordinaryjourneyofseveralseniorsasthey discoverthemagicoftheworld-wide-web.This heartwarming,candidandhumorousfilmprovides insightsintothewonderfulthingsthathappen whengenerationgapsarebridged.Registration deadlineApril30.
Date May2
Code 371122
Join us for a 12-week educational video series on “The Aging Brain.” These 30-minute videos, created by media company Great Courses, are designed as quick informative bites, and are followed with a short group discussion. Registration deadline May 2.
Explore travel opportunities in the U.S. and abroad. Get comfortable with no-stress travel. All-inclusive packages featuring round-trip airfare, quality accommodations, enjoyable meal experiences, admission to all itinerary attractions, and the services of a professional tour manager. Registration deadline June 24.
Date June26 Time 10-11:30a.m. Day Th Cost Free
M Cost Free Code 371239
Date May5-July22 Time 9a.m.
Bringabeveragetoenjoywhilechallengingyour mindwithsometriviaquestions,videos,and brainteasers.RegistrationdeadlineMay20.
Date May21 Time 3:30-4:30p.m. Day W Cost Free Code 371105
Your retirement savings represent a lifetime of hard work and careful planning. But how can you ensure your nest egg lasts and supports the life you envision? Hear from a financial advisor who shares strategies for managing your money in retirement, balancing spending and savings, and navigating unexpected expenses. Registration deadline June 3.
Date June5 Time 10-11:30a.m.
Retirement isn’t the end of the road - it’s the beginning of a new journey Join our panel of experts and retirees who share practical advice and real-life stories about finding purpose after retirement Whether it’s pursuing a hobby or exploring new opportunities, this session helps you create a retirement that’s vibrant, meaningful and uniquely yours Registration deadline July 1
Date July3
10 a.m.–noon
Beginners welcome; all supplies provided $25 per class. Registration code 366203.
April 17
May 1 May 22
June 6
June 27
July 11
Spring Art Surprise
May Day Baskets
Clay Flower Vase
Watercolor Florals
Collage Landscapes with Paper
Needle Felting 3-D Apple
These weekly events are drop-in activities – everyone is welcome! * Activity requires experience For descriptions and details, visit edenprairie.org/SeniorCenter or pick up a flyer from the Senior Center. A printable monthly calendar of events is available upon request or visit edenprairie.org/SeniorEvents
Registerednursesprovidesupportiveand caringfootcare.Payatyourappointment.
Fully-equippedcommunitywoodshop.Opentoall.Fee andtrainingrequired Calltosignup
Bringyourowncraftstodowhilevisitingwithothers. Scrapbooking,crocheting,quiltingandsomuchmore
Createnewcardsfromusedcards.Learnhowtomake yourowncards.Volunteerswelcome!!
Call800-333-2433orvisittrellisconnectsorgforan appointment.
FirstandThirdWednesday,2p.m. Socializewithothers,meetnewpeopleandnavigatethe pathofadulthoodtoelderhood.Groupdiscussions covertopicsonchoices,courageandcuriosities.
SecondThursdayofeachmonth,1–3p.m. Callore-mailtheSeniorCenterformoreinformation
RedHatGroup–CrimsonChapeaux SecondFridayofeachmonth,9:30a.m. OriginalPancakeHouse,EdenPrairie.ContactBarbara atdollroom@sprynetcomor952-929-2813tosignup
Host your meetings, parties and outings at the Senior Center! Bring your own food and beverages. Call 952-279-8050 to book your private room or get more information.
Find full trip information online, or by calling the Senior Center.
Please indicate any special physical needs at time of registration.
New destination ideas welcome!
If the registration deadline is passed, call us to check availability.
This comedy features Avery Sutton returning home after 8 years to find his family has gone insane! Tilted house, feral dog, and grandmother is still alive and kicking! Lunch buffet of roast chicken, lasagna, and sides. Registration deadline April 10.
Stillwater River Cruise
Enjoy a boat ride on the St. Croix River in Stillwater. Relax and enjoy the sights with a deli sandwich lunch. Afterwards, shop at local boutiques and gift stores. Registration deadline April 18. CoachBus
Zipline over the beautiful Sand Creek River Valley at Sand Creek Adventures in Jordan, MN Requires walking on non-level ground and must climb down an 8-foot ladder Maximum weight restriction of 250 lbs Lunch (on your own) as well as a short tour of Jordan. Finally, stop at Minnesota's Largest Candy Store (on your own). Registration deadline June 5.
StartwithlunchatGrandSuperiorLodgethen enjoyaself-guidedtourofSplitRockLighthouse. GooseberryFallsStateParkanditsbeautiful sceneryisnext.Tripinvolveswalking,stairsand unevenground.RegistrationdeadlineMay20.
Arrive at Munsinger & Clemens Gardens along the Mississippi River. Enjoy a self guided tour among the nationally renowned gardens. Stop at the Coyote Moon Restaurant for a popover lunch. Take a guided tour of the Alcuin Library at St. John’s University, showcasing the famous St. John’s Bible. Registration deadline June 15.
Enjoy a relaxing cruise on Lake Minnetonka, including a lunch of sandwich, salad, chips and beverage. Cash bar is available. Trip is held rain or shine, and the boat is equipped with a cover in case of rain, and air-conditioned for high temps.
Registration deadline July 7.
Date July21 Time 10:30
Enjoy a bus ride to Chippewa Falls, WI, for a guided tour of the brewery. Start with a lunch of broasted chicken, mashed potatoes and sides at the Fill Inn Station Restaurant. Explore the Irving Park Zoo and experience the exhibits. Registration deadline July 13.
Toregisterorgetmore details,visit edenprairie.org/Register orscanthisQRcode.
City of Eden Prairie
Senior Center
8950 Eden Prairie Road Eden Prairie, MN 55347
TTY: 952-949-8399
The City of Eden Prairie does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, sexual orientation or disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs, activities and services
ArborDayCelebration Saturday,April26
MemorialDayProgram Monday,May26
Ribsandchickenmeal Monday,July28 4:30-6p.m.
SeniorCenterGardens Code:371204 SeniorGolfClassic 18-holeGolfTournament Wednesday,August13 8a.m. DahlgreenGolfClub Code:371205
For more information on Senior Center programs, activities, trips and events, visit edenprairie.org/SeniorCenter or scan this QR code.