How Organics Recycling Works
Contact your waste hauler to receive an organics recycling bin.
Separate your food scraps, coffee grounds, paper towels, tissues and other organics into a certified compostable bag in your home.
Put your bagged organics into the organics recycling bin provided by your trash hauler.
The trash hauler picks up your organics weekly and brings them to a commercial composting facility.
Curbside organics recycling is available to all households within the City, except for multifamily properties with shared waste collection.
Accepted Waste

Fruits, vegetables, meat, bones, dairy products, eggshells, pasta, bread and nuts

Paper and plastic cups, plates, bowls, utensils and containers with the term “compostable” or BPI logo

Pizza delivery boxes, napkins, paper towels and paper egg cartons

Coffee grounds and filters, facial tissues including Q-tips™, houseplants and flowers, and wooden items such as chopsticks, popsicle sticks and toothpicks
Not-Accepted Waste
Some of the most important items to keep out of organics recycling are:
Plastic items, including food stickers, utensils and Styrofoam™
Plastic-coated paper items like coffee and soda cups
Fast-food wrappers and condiment packets
Uncertified to-go containers and products labeled “biodegradable”
Diapers, sanitary products and cleaning wipes
Grease or oil
What to Recycle*

Includes mail, magazines, newspapers, catalogs, inserts and phone books
Includes milk, juice, soup, broth and wine cartons
Includes cardboard boxes for food, gifts, electronics and toiletries
Includes food and beverage bottles, and jars
Includes food, beverage, soap and detergent bottles, and yogurt, margarine, produce and other containers
*Items must be placed in the recycling bin individually. Do not bag items.

Do Not Recycle Curbside
Plastic bags and film
Large plastic items and toys such as laundry baskets or storage bins
Plastic foam (Styrofoam™)
Electronics and batteries
Metal items such as pots and pans, tools or hangers
Paper plates, cups, napkins, straws and utensils
Glass dishes, window glass and ceramics
Electrical cords, holidays lights and hoses
Pressurized cylinders (propane, helium)
Hazardous products containers
Needles and sharps
Many of these items can be recycled at specific drop-off sites.
Household Hazardous Waste
Hennepin County operates drop-off facilities in Bloomington (1400 W. 96th St.) and Brooklyn Park (8100 Jefferson Highway) for hazardous waste and problem materials, including batteries. Eden Prairie residents may also bring hazardous waste to the Environmental Center in Chaska (116 Peavey Circle).

Medicine Disposal
Proper disposal of unused medication is important to prevent abuse and protect the environment. The Eden Prairie Police Department offers medicine disposal bags to residents and hosts drug take-back-day events. Medicine can also be disposed at any Hennepin County drop-box location.

Yard Waste
Options for managing yard waste include curbside pickup available through most trash haulers, composting in your backyard or taking it to a drop-off location.
Eden Prairie’s Yard Waste Site (9811 Flying Cloud Drive) typically opens the last Friday in April and closes the Sunday before Thanksgiving, weather permitting. edenprairie.org/YardWaste

2025 Recycling Events
The City offers bulk recycling events for hard-to-recycle items like appliances, electronics, power equipment, furniture, exercise equipment, tires and more; 98% of materials collected are recycled.
Spring Recycling Drop-off
Saturday, May 3
Fall Recycling Drop-off
Saturday, Sept. 13
8 a.m.–noon
Eden Prairie Yard Waste Site Find fees and more information on the City’s website.