Senior Center News
Information Update
Everyfiveyears,weupdateourmailingdistributionlist Please contactuswithyournameandaddresstoassureyouremainonthe SeniorCenternewslettermailinglist.We alsomaintainadatabase ofemergencycontactsforparticipants.
Sendyourname,address,phonenumberand contactinformation foryouremergencycontact(s)to jrockey@edenprairie.org,call 952-279-8050orstopbythefrontdesk.
Notes from Sue and Josh
Whatanenjoyablesummer!We’ve welcomedmanynewparticipants toourongoinggames,activities andwoodshop.Thankyoufor spreadingthewordaboutwhata wonderfulplacetheSeniorCenter isforeducation,resources,laughter andfuninthecommunity
ThehighlightofSue’ssummeris whenherminnowbeat–actually crushed!–Josh’sminnowinthe popularminnowracesatthe GardenParty.Sheplanstorubitin theentireyearuntiltheirminnows meetagainnextyear!
Themed Bingo
Bring your luck to the Senior Center! You could win gift cards or other prizes during these fun, themed bingo events! Registration deadline is one week before event date. Cost is $5 per session.
WearaHalloweencostumeorblackororange attire.Aportionofthiseventissponsoredby byElimShores,TheWatersandTheKey.
dPleasebringanonperishablefooditemto AonatetotheEdenPrairieFoodShelf(PROP). Sportionofthiseventissponsoredby t.CroixHospiceandSeniorAsset.
Monday,Dec.11 1:30–3p.m.
Wearyourholidaybest.Aportionofthisevent issponsoredbySPARK.
All are welcome to honor veterans who have served our country, along with their friends and family members. Enjoy a fully catered breakfast and listen to a special guest speaker. A portion of this event is sponsored by St. Croix Hospice, Hear Today, The Key, Eden Prairie Lions Club and Home Instead.
Registration deadline Nov. 2.
Thursday, Nov. 9 9–11 a.m.
Senior Center
Code 478201
Trivia Hour
Bring a beverage to enjoy while challenging your mind with some trivia questions, videos and brain teasers. This fun event is filled with various levels of difficulty, trivia categories and facts. Registration deadline Nov. 28.
Seniors Get Social
Learn more about your cell phone, texting, voicemail, email, photos, video calls and more! This program is in partnership with Eden Prairie High School students. Home visits are also available through Senior Community Services. Laptop available for check out. Meets on the first and third Wednesday every month. Register for a 30-minute time slot with the code below.
ration! oes, d eated airie his and d, so a.m. Registration deadline Dec 1 Friday, Dec. 8 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m. Cost $14 Code 478206
SeekingAdvisoryCouncilMembers for2024–2025
Weareseekingenthusiasticindividualstojoinour SeniorAdvisoryCouncil.Thecouncilplaysan importantroleattheSeniorCenterbyadvising, consultingwithandmakingrecommendationsto Citystaffonadultandseniorprograms,services andfacilities.Italsoassistswithdeveloping, promotingandimplementingseniorprograms. ElectionsareheldinJanuary.
CouncilmembersmustberesidentsofEden Prairieandcommittoattendingone90-minute meetingpermonth Membersarealsoaskedto assistatspecialevents,serveasstrongadvocates fortheSeniorCenterandbringnewideastothe council.Askstaffforanapplicationifyou’re interestedinapplying.
Designedtorefineexistingskillsanddevelopsafe, defensivedrivingtechniques.Ifyou're55yearsor older,completionofthiscoursequalifiesyoufora 10%discountonyourautomobileinsurance premium.Registrationdeadlineoneweekbefore classbegins
Ifyou'vetakenthestate-approved8-hourcourse, youcanrenewwiththis4-hourcourse Registration deadlineoneweekbeforeclassbegins
Live Well Health Series: Healthy Living for the Brain and Body Tips from the Latest Research
For centuries, we’ve known that the health of the brain and the body are connected. But now, science is able to provide insights into how to make lifestyle choices that may help you keep your brain and body healthy as you age. Join us to learn about research in the areas of diet and nutrition, exercise, cognitive activity and social engagement, and use hands-on tools to help you incorporate these recommendations into a plan for healthy aging
Free take-home lunch provided Registration deadline Nov 8
Monday Funday Wine Club
Gather with other wine lovers to taste and learn about wines. This monthly club is educational and oh so fun! Register one week before event.
Low Vision Information Group
Low Vision is defined as eyesight without 20/20 vision. Gather with others who are experiencing the same vision loss as you. Knowing what resources are available for you, your friends and other loved ones is key to getting the help you need. Led by Vision Loss Resources, this group meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month. Registration deadline two days before each session.
A full refund for a program is given if you cancel before the registration deadline. No refunds are issued after the start of a program without approval
Eden Prairie Parks and Recreation reserves the right to cancel, postpone or combine programs, and change instructors.
For information on cancellations and refunds, visit edenprairie.org/Register.
Medicare Basics
Medicare can be complicated and confusing. Not knowing the Medicare basics and when to enroll can lead to increased costs and missed opportunities. Join us to learn the basics of what you need to know to select the best Medicare plan for you
deadline Oct 9
CBD 101
CBD, or cannabidiol, has been in the news a lot lately. What is it? Where does it come from? Is it safe? Is it legal? These questions and more are answered by a registered nurse who researched CBD extensively before opening a local business specializing in CBD products. Learn about these products and how they're used. Registration deadline Nov. 1.
Medicare Annual Updates
Learn about recent changes in Medicare benefits and coverage and how they affect you. Understand the importance of reviewing your Medicare plan during open enrollment (Oct. 15–Dec. 7) and how to use Medicare.gov to make health insurance comparisons. Registration deadline Oct. 17.
Fireside Chat
Feel the heat (of the coffee) with Eden Prairie's firefighters. Hear what's happening with the Fire Department and discuss fire prevention. You also get a close-up view (and feel) of the fire equipment. Registration deadline Oct. 31.
Sept. 14
Sept. 28
Oct. 12
Oct. 26
Nov. 9
Nov. 30
Dec. 7
Dec. 14
Watercolor Basics
Bird Feeders
Pastel Drawing Birds
Basic Clay Mug
Gratitude Wreath
Glass Snowflakes
Mosaic Wall Hanging
Weaving Cup Cozy
$30 for each class Registration
F A L L 2 0 2 3 C A L E N D A R
T h u r s d a y
M e n ' s G r o u p P a r t n e r B r i d g e * M a h j o n g g
9 : 3 0 a . m . N o o n N o o n
W e d n e s d a y
F r i d a y W E E K L Y A C T I V I T I E S
S S C l a s s i c S S Y o g a M a h j o n g g * C a n a s t a C r i b b a g e *
8 : 3 0 a . m . 9 : 3 0 a . m . 1 0 a . m . 1 2 : 3 0 p . m . 1 p . m .
* A c t i v i t y r e q u i r e s e x p e r i e n c e
7 1 1 a . m . C i t y w i d e O p e n H o u s e
1 1 a . m . H a r v e s t t o H a l l o w e e n
T u e s d a y
Q u i l t i n g M e x i c a n T r a i n 5 0 0 C a r d s * P o k e r * W a l k i n g C l u b
9 : 3 0 a . m . 1 2 : 3 0 p . m . 1 2 : 4 5 p . m . 1 p . m . 4 : 3 0 p . m .
S S C l a s s i c G r e e t i n g C a r d s T a i C h i P a r t y B r i d g e * M a h j o n g g * C r i b b a g e *
8 : 3 0 a . m . 9 a . m . 9 : 3 0 a . m . N o o n N o o n 1 p . m .
M o n d a y
C o f f e e K l a t c h G r e a t C o u r s e s D i s c u s s i o n G r o u p
T h e s e w e e k l y e v e n t s a r e d r o pi n a c t i v i t i e s –e v e r y o n e i s w e l c o m e !
F r i d a y
F o r d e s c r i p t i o n s a n d d e t a i l s , v i s i t e d e n p r a i r i e . o r g / S e n i o r C e n t e r o r p i c k u p a f l y e r f r o m t h e S e n i o r C e n t e r
T h u r s d a y
9 : 3 0 a . m . R e d H a t B r e a k f a s t
7 : 1 5 a . m . 1 0 a . m . 1 p . m . R a i l w a y T r i p A r t C l a s s I n v e s t m e n t I n s i g h t s
8 : 4 5 a . m . 4 p . m . C a p i t o l T o u r S e n i o r s G e t S o c i a l B o o k C l u b M e d i c a r e C l a s s 1 0 a . m . 5 p . m .
1 1 : 3 0 a . m . F a l l L u n c h N o o n
5 : 3 0 p . m . D r i v e r S a f e t y D r i v e r S a f e t y
C r a f t i n g
8 : 4 5 a . m . 9 a . m . 9 : 3 0 a . m . 1 p . m .
T u e s d a y
M o n d a y
H a p p y F e e t b y a p p o i n t m e n t
3 : 3 0 p . m . 4 : 3 0 p . m . B o o k C l u b H e a l t h I n s u r a n c e H e l p M e d i c a r e U p d a t e C a r e g i v e r S u p p o r t
1 0 a . m . 1 p . m .
1 0 a . m . 1 1 : 1 5 a . m . 5 : 3 0 p . m . A r t C l a s s O l d L o g T h e a t r e T r i p D r i v e r S a f e t y
4 p . m . S e n i o r s G e t S o c i a l
L u n c h a n d C h a t L o w V i s i o n G r o u p
1 2 : 1 5 p . m . 1 p . m .
H a p p y
F e e t b y a p p o i n t m e n t H a p p y F e e t b y a p p o i n t m e n t 4 p . m . W i n e C l u b
1 : 3 0 p . m . B O O ! B i n g o
Senior Center Fitness Classes
Get active with fitness classes designed specifically for older adults.
SilverSneakers® Classic
Tai Chi
Tai Chi is a mind-body experience that promotes balance, posture, and stress relief for all. In a meditative way, you flow through each movement without pause. The movements are slow and gentle. Tai Chi incorporates breathing with this rhythmic movement.
SilverSneakers® Yoga
Cost:FREEforCommunityCenter members;nonmemberspay$7atthedoor.
GetLivingwithParkinson’spromotesphysical, mental,emotionalandsocialhealthtopeoplewith Parkinson’sandtheircarepartners,supportingeach participantasawholeperson.
Oursmallgroupfitnessclassesofferphysicaland cognitiveexercisesdesignedtoincreaseand improverangeofmovement,flexibility,balance, posture,strength,agilityandgait.Educational aspects,elementsofplay,off-siterecreationandtime forsocializationandrelationship-buildingprovide ourparticipantswithawell-roundedexperience.
Walking Club
EdenPrairieCenter(meetoutsideHallmark) 8251FlyingCloudDrive
Free for Community Center members or Get Living with Parkinson's program members. Care partners are also free.
Mondays, 10–11 a.m.
Tuesdays, Noon–1 p.m.
Wednesdays, Noon–1 p.m.
Fridays, Noon–1 p.m.
Visit edenprairie.org/GetLiving for details.
This program is supported by a community grant from the Parkinson’s Foundation.
Trip Notes
If you're interested in a trip and it's past the registration deadline, call the Senior Center for availability. Indicate any special physical accommodations at time of registration. New destination ideas always welcome!
TheOzarkJubileeshowcasesastar-studded lineupofBransonentertainers.Thisdynamicshow paystributetocountrymusiclegendsandoffersa mixofChristmasmusic.World-classfiddlerDoofus Doolittledelivershissignaturehumoralongside mesmerizingfiddleandviolinperformances Enjoy nostalgicnodstocomedianslikeArchieCampbell, StringBeanandMinniePearl.Mealincludes traditionalholidayturkeydinnerwithallthefixin’s RegistrationdeadlineOct.1.
Bookyourseatonthiseducationaltour aroundEdenPrairieandseewhatafewsenior housingbuildingshavetooffer.Theitinerary includesscheduledfacilitytoursandviewingof severalotherlocationsalongtheroute. Transportation,lunchandtoursincluded.
JoinSueonthisfunadventuretoplay18 holesofminigolfindoorsatGolfZoneinChaska. Equipmentisprovided.Notethattherearesteps andunlevelground Aftergolfing,westopforlunch attheCrookedPintwhereyoumayspotpeople curling.Payandtiponyourown.Registration deadlineNov 27
Joinusonatouroffestiveholidaylights inlocalneighborhoods.Firststopisdinnerata localrestaurant(payandtiponyourown),thenit's offtoenjoythecreativityandspectacleoflarge displays.Afullrefundwillbeissuedifinclement weatherpreventsusfromtakingthetour. TransportationtoorfromtheSeniorCenteris availableforEdenPrairieresidents Registration deadlineoneweekbeforeeachtrip.
ArriveinthetinyvillageofAftonatthe historicAftonHouseInnoverlookingtheSt.Croix Rivervalley.Enjoylunchofrosemaryroastedpork loinwithgarlicmashedpotatoes,freshvegetables, rolls,beveragesanddessert.Afterlunch,travelto HudsonforastopatthehistoricOctagonHouse,a fineexampleoftheeight-sideddwellingpopularin themid-1800s.Strollaroundthehousethat’sfullof traditionalVictorianChristmasdecorations,takea guidedtourofthecarriagehouseandvisitthegift shop.RegistrationdeadlineNov.10.
TraveltoRiversideInnEventCenterinColdSpring foralunchofparmesancrustedchickenbreast, salad,sidesanddessert Thenkickyourheelsat thisBranson-styleshowwithanaward-winning vocalgroupthatperformsavarietyofbluegrass music,comedy,country,cowboy,gospeland patrioticfavorites.Laugh,reminisceandcelebrate musicyou'veenjoyedfordecades.Theirenergyis highandthehitskeepcoming!Registration deadlineDec.18.
MinnesotaHistoryTheatre: Handprints
ArriveatMinnesotaHistoryTheatreindowntown St.Paultosee“Handprints,”apowerfulandvibrant autobiographicalstorywrittenandperformedby oneoftheTwinCities'mostrenownedtheater artists,GretaOglesby.Basedonherbook,“Mama ‘n‘Nem,HandprintsonMyLife,”thisproductionis alovelettertotheordinary,yetextraordinary peoplewhoshapedherlife.Experiencethegiftof Greta’sstorywithuniquestorytellingincludingthe gorgeousmusicthathasinspiredthepersonsheis today.Aftertheshow,headtoKey’sCaféforlunch (included)ofturkey,mashedpotatoes,traditional sidesanddessert.RegistrationdeadlineJan.7.
TraveltoCoyoteMoonGrilleRestaurantClubinSt. Cloudforalunchofpopover,saladanddessert. HeadtotheParamount,aturn-of-the-century, historic700-seattheater Beforetheshowbegins, visittheVisualArtsCenterandParamountGallery. In“Sinatra–MyWay,”singerandpianistAndrew Waleschencapsulatesthesophisticationofa cosmopoliteandtheself-effacingcharmofa countryboy.Inhismonthlysold-outshowswithhis 10-pieceband,Waleschisatraditionalistandan iconoclastrolledintoone.Hisvocalandpiano chops,alongwithhiskeensensibilitytofindand interpretagreatlyric,haveledtonational appearances.RegistrationdeadlineJan.14.
Drop Off Your Toys
The Senior Center is once again a drop site for Toys for Tots. Donate new, unwrapped toys and games for kids (no clothing, food or liquid products)
GoDutchforafewdays!Joinusfor Pella’sannualcelebrationofDutchheritageand morethan300,000vibrantlybloomingtulips.Then headtoAmanaColoniesforalittleGerman!Visit scenicvillages,enjoyauthenticfoodsand beverages,andbrowsethroughquaintshopsthat linethestreetsCostincludesdeluxemotorcoach transportation,lodgingfortwonights,attractions, mostmealsandgratuities.
Day Dates Cost
W–F May1–3 $630(double–twoperroom)
A complete list of community resources is available at the Senior Center or online at edenprairie.org/SeniorResources.
Nov.8 “TheLincolnHighway”byAmorTowles
Get Connected!
SignuptoreceiveSeniorCenternewsfor programinformation,communityresources andmonthlycalendarofevents.
Receivebymail 952-279-8050
Viewonline edenprairie.org/SeniorCenter
Getemailandtextupdates edenprairie.org/Subscribe
SecondThursdayofthemonth,1–3p.m. FormerlynamedFinanceDiscussionGroup.Call theSeniorCenterformoreinformation.
Oct.19—“1000YearsofJoysandSorrows” byAiWeiwei
Dec.21 “WestWithGiraffes”byLyndaRutledge
Medicare Counseling
Third Thursday of the month
Schedule one-on-one, in-person or phone appointment to help enroll in or navigate Medicare or supplemental health insurance policies. Call 800-333-2433 or visit trellisconnects.org to make an appointment.
8950 Eden Prairie Road Eden Prairie, MN 55347
TTY: 952-949-8399
The City of Eden Prairie does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, sexual orientation or disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs, activities and services.