Inside the Barn Summer 2015

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May • Jun • Jul • Aug

Petersen Barn Adult and Senior Activities

PETERSEN BARN COMMUNITY CENTER 870 Berntzen Rd., Eugene 97402 PH: 541-682-5521 FX: 541-682-8192

HOURS 9a-5p Mon-Fri BUS # 40 @EugRec


Welcome to Inside the Barn – a directory of Adult and Senior activities at Petersen Barn Community Center. Listed are trips, classes, presentations, meals (and more!) that are predominantly designed for adults and seniors and cover the summer months of May through August. We’re looking forward to summer and all that it brings: warmer weather, longer days, fresh fruits and vegetables, and seemingly more leisure time. We have two summer events that take advantage of the season’s best: our Strawberry Social and Blueberry Bash. We bake these tasty desserts from scratch and provide a bit of fun and entertainment to boot! Saturday, June 6 is WE ARE BETHEL, our free, community celebration. This year’s theme is Drawn Together! There will be community booths, games and activities for all ages, music, dance, an art show and more! Mark your calendars and join us for this fun event. We hope to see you at the Barn!



May 21 Lunch at the Barn

July 17

Decorating Flower Pots

June 18 Strawberry Social

Aug 14

Fabric-Covered Button Bracelet

July 6

Barnies BBQ

July 24

Blueberry Bash



Squatch Out!

June 1

Bee Talk

July 6

Timothy Patrick

Aug 3

To Give or Not To Give


June 6

We Are Bethel Celebration

July 23

Star Gazing Party

This publication will be mailed three times per year to different neighborhoods close to the Barn. If you are not interested in this listing we ask that your recycle it or pass it on to someone who may be interested.




The heart symbol denotes activities that promote physical fitness.

Nia Workshops  Nia fitness is a blend of dance, martial arts and yoga. It incorporates cardio exercise to great music and is fun! Instructor: Janet Hollander

NIA FOR FIRST TIMERS Learn Nia principles and choreography and how to match any activity to your body so that it is comfortable and fun. May 14 Th 1-2:30p $6 #115026 Aug 6 Th 1-2:30p $6 #115027

NIA FOR GARDENERS Apply Nia philosophy and practice to make gardening more comfortable for the body. Jun 11 Th 1-3p $8 #115031



Ballet I/II  Ages 16 & up

An alarming number of women and men have weak bones. After learning principles and techniques, you’ll have a great time dancing and improving your bone strength. Jul 23 Th 1-4p $12 #115032

Emphasis on technique, strength, flexibility, and classical choreography. This class is designed for both beginners and experienced dancers. Instructor: Ruby McConnell Jul 7-Aug 11 Tu 6-7:30p $45 #115637

Total Body Work Out 

Belly Dance I/II  Ages 16 & up

Get fit and have fun in the process! The Total Body Work Out is designed for any age adult who wishes to stretch, tone and strengthen muscles with some cardiovascular components. This is a low-impact, moderate intensity class. Instructor: Tracy Haggerty Ongoing TuTh 6:45-7:45a $24/mo

Walk With Us  Ages 50 & up

Mixed level belly dance class that focuses on mobility, isolation, layering and tribal vocabulary. Emphasizes continual movement as this class is a great workout for both the body and brain! Instructor: Ruby McConnell Jul 8-Aug 12 W 6:30-8p $45 #115641

Tap Dance 


Be a part of the modern tap revival in this fun, easy class. You’ll learn the basics of rhythm tap with fun drills and short choreographed dances; accessible to all kinds of movers. Instructor: Ruby McConnell Jul 8-Aug 12 W 5:30-6:30p $30 #115638

Walk to better health on Thursday mornings. Meet in the front lobby for a walk around the neighborhood. Drop in; registration not required. Ongoing Th 9:30-10:30a Free




MARTIAL ARTS Kung Fu Lessons in Harmony 

YOGA Chair Yoga 


This class will use exercises from the movement arts; aikido, qi gong, tai chi, hung gar, kempo, jujitsu, yoga, capoeira, karta, judo, baguazhang, arnis, sword, and staff. You will also practice the use of the four elements: earth, air, water and fire as well as sacred geometry to guide our health, stance, breath, movement and energy. Instructor: Logan Flores May M 6-7:30p & Sa 9-10:30a $15 #115049 Jun M 6-7:30p & Sa 9-10:30a $15 #115050 Jul M 6-7:30p & Sa 9-10:30a $15 #115051 Aug M 6-7:30p & Sa 9-10:30a $15 #115052 Sep M 6-7:30p & Sa 9-10:30a $15 #115053 No class May 25, Jun 6, Jul 4, Sep 7

Feel better through movement. Experience release from stress and fatigue through this gentle yoga approach designed to accommodate people with physical limitations. This class is taught while you are sitting in a chair. Instructor: Paul Simon May 5-Jun 16 Tu 10:15-11:15a $21 #114790 Jul 14-Aug 25 Tu 10:15-11:15a $25 #114791 May 8-Jun 19 F 10:15-11:15a $21 #114792 Jul 17-Aug 28 F 10:15-11:15a $25 #114793 No class Jun 5, 9

Yoga  Yoga rejuvenates the mind, body and spirit. Gentle stretching exercises tone and stretch muscles and work to balance every system in the body. Improves overall health and well-being. Instructor: Paul Simon May 5-Jun 16 Tu 9-10a $21 #114786 Jul 14-Aug 25 Tu 9-10a $25 #114785 May 8-Jun 19 F 9-10a $21 #114787 Jul 17-Aug 28 F 9-10a $25 #114788 No class Jun 5, 9

Tai Chi  This ancient Chinese art uses round, flowing movements combined with calmness and inner balance. Learn a series of slow movements that promote better health, balance, flexibility and reduced stress. The class includes proper form, body alignment, breathing, energy cultivation and energy awareness. Instructor: Jeff Leung May 5-Jun 16 Tu 11:30a-12:30p $21 #114760 Jul 14-Aug 25 Tu 11:30a-12:30p $25 #114761 May 8-Jun 19 F 11:30a-12:30p $21 #114762 Jul 17-Aug 28 F 11:30a-12:30p $25 #114763 No class Jun 5, Jun 9

Non-city residents are assessed a 20% surcharge for registered activities and rentals.




Painter’s Workshop


Paint in the company of your fellow artists. All mediums welcome! Drop-in only. May 5-Aug 25 Tu 12:30-3:30p 25¢ drop-in fee No workshop Jun 2, Jul 28

Color Mixing for Artists Do you get frustrated trying to mix the colors you want? This class will teach you to see and understand what goes into color mixing. You’ll learn to create the colors you want by using a limited number of paints. Supply list given prior to first class. Instructor: Jennifer Bernatz May 6-27 W 1-3p $25 #114807

Portrait Painting Learn the basics of portrait painting using a six-step method. Drawing, value study, color, lighting, and capturing the gestures and mannerism of your subject are all taught. Not a watercolor class. Instructor: Jennifer Bernatz May 4-Aug 24 M 6-8p $87 #114804 Jun 9-Aug 25 Tu 6-8p $68 #114805 No class May 25, Jun 1, Jul 27, 28

Craft Workshop Feeling crafty? These do-it-yourself workshops make it fun to learn and acquire new skills. Explore your creativity and take home finished crafts. Sign up for one or both workshops! All supplies included in fee. Instructor: Kitty Planalp July craft: Decorating flower pots August craft: Fabric-covered button bracelets Jul 17 F 2-4p $10 #114812 Aug 14 F 2-4p $12 #114813

Watercolor Painting Explore watercolor technique and develop drawing skills in a friendly, fun environment. Each class begins with a critique of student work followed by instructor demonstration. Students are free to choose assignments from the instructor or develop personal projects. Instructor: Dana Texter May 15-Jun 26 F 9:30a-12:30p $63 #114810 Jul 17-Aug 28 F 9:30a-12:30p $56 #114811 No class Jul 31

Impressionist Painting Join this fun class that explores the world of impressionist art. You’ll learn from the works of Monet, Degas, Renoir, Cezanne and others. You will complete 5 paintings in 10 weeks. Instructor: Jennifer Bernatz Jun 10-Aug 19 W 1-3p $62 #114809 No class Jul 29

Mixed Media: Oils, Acrylics & Pastels Enjoy creating beautiful paintings in a friendly, supportive environment. In addition to working on individual paintings, students will review basic drawing skills, painting techniques, color theory, atmospheric perspective, compositional unity and color harmony. Supply list provided at first class. Not a watercolor class. Instructor: Jennifer Bernatz May 4-Jun 29 M 9:30a-12:30p $65 #114795 Jul 6-Aug 24 M 9:30a-12:30p $65 #114798 May 4-Jun 29 M 12:30-2:30p $44 #114796 Jul 6-Aug 24 M 12:30-2:30p $44 #114799 May 5-Jun 30 Tu 10a-Noon $50 #114797 Jul 7-Aug 25 Tu 10a-Noon $44 #114800 No class May 25, Jun 1, 2, Jul 27, 28




Wii Bowling at the Barn  Ages 50 & up Instead of wooden lanes and pins, bowlers hit the “virtual lanes” using the Nintendo’s Wii™ game system in this fast-growing trend. Get up, get healthy and enjoy this unique bowling game. Ongoing 1st/3rd Tu 1-3p 25¢ drop-in fee No bowling Jul 7

Women’s Poker - Ages 50 & up Join your neighborhood ladies for a friendly game of poker on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Tuesday of the month. Newcomers are asked to please call Suzan Auferoth at 541-521-5301 so she knows that you are coming. Ongoing 1st/2nd/3rd Tu 12:30-4:30p 25¢ drop-in fee No poker Aug 11

CENTER SERVICES Blood Pressure Clinic


Qualified volunteers will check your blood pressure on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday at Petersen Barn. Drop-in. Presented by Loving Care Senior Referral Service. Ongoing 2nd/4th Tu 10-12p


SHIBA Appointments - Ages 50 & up

Cribbage - Ages 50 & up

Senior Health Insurance Benefits Advisors conduct one-on-one appointments with individuals to answer questions about health insurance coverage, forms, etc. Call 541-682-5521 to make an appointment. Ongoing 1st/4th Th 12:30-3p

Challenge yourself and meet new friends at Petersen Barn. A fun way to spend an afternoon – but be careful, it may be addicting. Interested in learning how to play? Beginning players are welcome to come and learn! Ongoing W 12:30-3p 25¢ drop-in fee No cribbage Aug 12


Men’s Poker - Ages 55 & up

AARP Smart Driver Program

Join your neighborhood gentlemen for a friendly game of poker. Ongoing Th 9a-3p 25¢ drop-in fee No poker Jul 30

This course is designed for motorists 50+ but is open to all ages. Sharpen your skills and avoid accidents and traffic citations. Auto insurance discounts may be available to participants 55 and older who complete this course. Pre-registration required. Pay at the first class. May 18 & 20 MW 9:15a-12:15p #114738 Jun 15 & 17 MW 9:15a-12:15p #114739 Aug 24 & 26 MW 9:15a-12:15p #114740

Pinochle - Ages 50 & up Enjoy a game or two of pinochle with area seniors. Please arrive five minutes early. Newcomers welcome! Ongoing MF 12:30-3p 25¢ drop-in fee No pinochle May 25, Jul 3, Aug 10, 14, Sep 7



$20 class due at start of first class, payable to AARP $5 discount with proof of AARP membership



Checkrite Electronics Repair

Bee Talk


Bring a small appliance or electronic device for repair or advice on usage. Please call in advance (541-682-5521) with description of what needs to be repaired. Ongoing 1st M 1-1:30p

The bee and the hive: the nature of the bee and how to care for her. This talk will offer a look at the life of a bee colony. Natural bee keeper Bill Wood and his sidekick Marie-Christine Lhomond are dedicated to caring for honeybees with a commitment to organic management and natural, sustainable, bee-friendly beekeeping. Join the Barnies Potluck prior to the presentation. Presenter: Bill Wood Jun 1 M 12:15-1p Free #115897

So You’re Going on Medicare - Ages 50 & up This presentation will review the basics of Medicare coverage, Medicare Advantage plans (e.g. HMOs and PPOs), Medigap (Medicare supplemental insurance) and prescription drug plans. Presentation is not cosponsored by Medicare. Pre-registration is required. May 12 Tu 1:30-3p Free #114915 Jun 9 Tu 1:30-3p Free #114916 Jul 14 Tu 1:30-3p Free #114917 Aug 11 Tu 1:30-3p Free #114918

Become a Senior Companion The federal Senior Companion Program trains and supports low-income adult volunteers who make weekly visits to frail elders and those with disabilities. Companions help their clients maintain quality of life and earn a small tax-free stipend. Note: To learn about becoming a client of the program, call the Aging & Disability Resource Connection, 541-682-4038. You’ll also learn about ElderHelp and Experience Works. Presenter: Beth Brooks, Successful Aging Institute, LCC Jul 22 W 10-11:30a Free #115268

PRESENTATIONS All presentations are free, but pre-registration is required.

Squatch Out! The legend of Sasquatch, a.k.a. Bigfoot, is woven into the imaginations of Northwest folk from all walks of life. Join award-winning photographer, anthropologist and life-long Bigfoot enthusiast Cindy Caddell as she shares with us a more scientific approach to studying Bigfoot. Join the Barnies Potluck prior to the presentation. Presenter: Cindy Caddell May 4 M 12:15-1p Free #115896

International Cultural Explorations Expand your knowledge of different countries and cultures through this fascinating lecture series. Presentations may include slides and homeland items. Come to the Lunch at the Barn prior to the lecture (preregistration required for lunch). Presenter: Internat’l Cultural Service Program, U of O May 21 Th 12:30-1:30p Free #114919




To Give or Not To Give

Strawberry Social - Ages 50 & up

Do panhandlers pull at your heart strings? Do you feel compelled to give them money? This presentation will give you the facts about panhandlers, explain why you should say no to them, and provide you with alternative donation options. Join the Barnies Potluck prior to the presentation. Presenter: David Gerber, Homeless Outreach Team Aug 3 M 12:15-1p Free #115898

It’s that time of year again! Fresh Oregon strawberries are ready to be paired with freshly baked shortcake biscuits – an unbeatable duo! Bring friends and family and enjoy a delightful afternoon! Jun 18 Th 2-3p $3 #114817

SOCIAL GATHERINGS & MEALS Movie Matinee at the Barn Come to the Barn for a matinee movie. Popcorn provided! Drop-in, pay at the door; pre-registration not required. Movie: 42 - The Jackie Robinson Story (PG13) May 15 F 1-3:30p $1

Lunch at the Barn

Barnies Barbecue - Ages 50 & up All seniors are invited to an old fashioned barbecue and potluck at Petersen Barn. You bring a salad or dessert and we’ll provide the main dish and beverages. Entertainment by Timothy Patrick. Register by June 26. Jul 6 M 11:30a-1p $3 #114818

Blueberry Bash - Ages 50 & up We start with fresh Oregon blueberries and bake them into a homemade cobbler topped with vanilla ice cream. It’s the start of a wonderful afternoon at the Barn! Jul 24 F 2-3p $3 #114819

Enjoy lunch at the Barn! Menus vary but typically include a main dish, salad, bread and dessert. During lunch an International Cultural Student from the U of O will talk about his/her country and culture. Please preregister. May 21 Th 12-2p $5 #114815


Non-city residents are assessed a 20% surcharge for registered activities and rentals.



SPECIAL EVENTS We Are Bethel Celebration


Fees include van transportation, leadership Come join in celebrating Bethel and West Eugene neigh- and insurance, unless noted otherwise. Meals borhoods. Community booths, good food, free music and admission to venues are not included in and a carnival for the kids. This year’s theme is “Drawn the fee unless noted otherwise in the Together.” description. Every attempt is made to follow Jun 6 Sa 12-5p Free the itinerary; if circumstances beyond our control do not allow that to happen, no Touch A Truck FREE! refunds will be given. FREE!

The big trucks are coming back to the Barn! Climb into a fire engine, cement truck, backhoe, dump truck, LTD bus, 18-wheeler and more! A free family event sure to please all ages. Food available for purchase. Drop-in; no registration needed. Jul 16 Th 5-7:30p Free

Star Gazing Party


If needed, please request a lift-assisted van at the time of registration.

ACTIVITY LEVEL RATINGS LEVEL  Little walking. OK for those with walkers, wheelchairs or walking difficulties.

Members of the Eugene Astronomical Society will set up different types of telescopes on the grass field for viewing the moon and stars. Free drop-in program, no registration required. Note: the star party will be cancelled if the skies are cloudy. Jul 23 Th 8:45-10:45p Free

LEVEL  Moderate walking. Similar to that


LEVEL  Walking of 3-6 miles on moderate

Oregon State Hospital Museum  Ages 50+

at a shopping center or large museum.

LEVEL  Walking of 1-2 miles (1 to 1.5 hours), as on a walking tour of gardens or the zoo. May be steps or hills. trails. May be rough, hilly or at higher altitude. Access to medical help may be limited.

LEVEL  Long hikes of 5+ miles. May be

This museum is full of odd artifacts, strange equipment, and historical mementos left behind by those who very rough, hilly or high altitude. Access to medical help may be limited. lived and worked in the state hospital for the past 130 years. A permanent exhibit commemorates “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” which was filmed at the hospital. Purchase own museum admission ($3) and lunch.  The heart symbol denotes activities that May 14 Th 10a-4p $25 #114623 promote physical fitness.

Ethnic + a Surprise!  Ages 50 & up This is your chance to try local ethnic cuisine! The ethnic flavor will be Lebanese with lunch at Willie’s Lebanese and Northwest Cuisine. Afterward there will be a surprise stop on the way home. Purchase own lunch and bring $3 for surprise stop. May 27 W 11:30a-3:30p $13 #114618


Consult your physician before participating in any trips/activities to be sure they are appropriate for you. Weather and/or trail conditions may change unpredictably. These levels are approximations only; your experience may vary.



Hawaiian Lu‘au with Elvis!  Ages 50 & up

Willamette Heritage Center  Ages 50 & up

Join the fun and hula over to River Road Park! Enjoy Hawaiian music, feast on a lu‘au dinner and prepare for the main act. Elvis will be in the house to shake, rattle and roll! Tropical attire encouraged. $25 dinner and entertainment fee to be paid at the door. Jun 12 F 5:30-8:45p $8 #114636

A visit to the Willamette Heritage Center is a stroll through the history of the Willamette Valley. The 5-acre site features a working woolen mill, and several historic houses and structures that present the stories and richness of Oregon’s past. Purchase own admission ($5) and lunch. Jul 9 Th 9a-3:30p $25 #115675

Black Sheep Gathering  Ages 50 & up Celebrate fiber arts with Oregon’s best producers of sheep and goat fiber at the 40th annual Black Sheep Gathering. Wander the animal barn, attend wool fleece judging, view sheep and goat shows, learn about fiber arts and shop the marketplace. Lunch on your own. Jun 19 F 9:30a-1:30p $11 #114644

Lavender Festival  Ages 50 & up Enjoy a fun-filled day at the Clackamas County Lavender Festival in Oregon City. Held on the 90-acre Oregon Lavender Farm, the festival provides music, lavender picking, food and beverage, vendor booths, arts and crafts, demonstrations and more! Lunch on your own. Jun 27 Sa 9a-4:30p $32 #114730

Mary’s Peak  Ages 50 & up Traveling up the coastal mountain of Marys Peak, the highest peak in the Coast Range, will give you incredible views of the entire Willamette Valley. You’ll have time to explore and take in the breathtaking views. Bring a sack lunch. This is not a hiking trip; it is a van trip with time to wander. Jul 29 W 9:30a-4p $21 #115676

Brownsville Antique Faire  Ages 50 & up The Brownsville Antique Fair draws antique dealers, collectors and browsers from the entire Willamette Valley. Over 50 vendors sell their antiques and collectibles at Pioneer Park. Event also includes the Classic Car Show and Chicken Swap. Bring money to purchase fair finds, lunch and a stop for ice cream on the way home. Aug 1 Sa 9a-1:30p $14 #114978

Non-city residents are assessed a 20% surcharge for registered activities and rentals.




Elkton Butterfly Pavilion  Ages 50 & up The butterfly pavilion features a native plant park and gardens that you may wander at your leisure, but the real stars are the butterflies that flutter all around you. From eggs to hatching, everything you wanted to learn about butterflies awaits you today! $2 admission and lunch on your own. Aug 6 Th 9a-3:30p $24 #114715

Progressive Lunch  Ages 50 & up Eat your way through five senior centers! Visit Petersen Barn, Willamalane, River Road, Campbell Center and Viking Sal and enjoy a lunch course at each stop. Some will have entertainment too! Cost of lunch included. Aug 20 Th 10a-4p $20 #114638

Waldo Lake Wine & Music  Ages 21 & up Picture yourself relaxing alongside a high elevation Cascade lake while enjoying a glass of wine. As a violinist plays softly, the notes drift across the water. Now let us take you there. Bring your favorite bottle of wine, cider or growler to share. We’ll bring the antipasti and the violinist. Sep 12 Sa 9a-5:30p $45 #115703







How to Register THREE EASY WAYS TO REGISTER 1.) Online: Go to You can browse program listings by activity and/or location, then register and pay online. To register online you will need a VISA or MasterCard, and an account with a PIN number and barcode number. If you would like assistance in setting up an account, you may call any Eugene Recreation facility during business hours, and we will set up an account with you. 2.) Phone-in: Call the recreation facility providing the activity. Have your VISA or MasterCard number handy. 3.) Walk-in: Visit any recreation facility and drop off the form & payment, or talk to a staff person. Registration is ongoing and open to residents and nonresidents on a first come basis. Register early; many classes fill quickly. Classes may be cancelled if there are too few registrations.


Withdrawal/Refund Policy Withdrawal and refund requests must be made to the facility sponsoring the activity. All withdrawals from Recreation activities are subject to a withdrawal fee. A withdrawal fee of $10 will be charged for each registration under $100. A withdrawal fee of $25 will be charged for each registration $100 and higher. A refund will be issued minus the withdrawal fee when requested at least seven or more calendar days prior to the first activity meeting. When a refund is requested six or fewer calendar days prior to the first activity meeting or once a class or activity has started, a refund shall be issued ONLY if:  You move out of town  You are medically unable to participate  Department action requires cancellation of the activity (no withdrawal fee will be charged) Refunds will be prorated for classes already attended. No refund will be issued if you fail to show up for a registered activity, class or trip. No refund will be given for athletic league fees and trips that require prepayment of advanced reservation tickets or admission fees. Some activities require a non-refundable registration fee.








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