Eugene Rec Summer 2024 Guide

Page 1

Registration opens at 9 a.m. May 2

Seize the season! Tons of fun camps, classes gatherings & trips


How to enjoy a summer’s evening

The Pacific Northwest is gray and rainy? Sure, that’s a reality we like to perpetuate for our neighbors to the south. If they really knew how wonderful and soul-filling our summers were, we’d never be left alone to wander into the woods or float down the river.

Here in Eugene, warm summer days melt into temperate twilight evenings that are meant for sitting outside with friends and family. We know the allure of gathering at sunset and watching the sky change colors. And every summer we have myriad ways for families in our community to enjoy these special moments.

Our free movie night series is a perfect example. These free, family-friendly screenings of popular movies offer a perfect outing for everyone. Visit a local park and lounge in the grass with your lawn chairs and blankets, enjoying a flick on our large, inflatable movie screen.

Of course, Movies in the Park isn’t our only free or low-cost offering this summer. Attend a performance of Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” every Saturday and Sunday on the grass outside Amazon Community Center or go to Petersen Barn Community Center in June or August for free performances from the Roving Park Players.

Summer is meant for getting out, playing and relaxing. Whether that’s at one of our pools or community centers or out on a patch of grass, we hope you find something to fill your bucket during our favorite time of year.

We bring the show, you bring the popcorn and Raisinets.

Adventure. Community. Happiness.

2 541-682-5333 3 Stay Connected! 541-682-5333 TDD: 541-682-5311 En español: 541-682-6891 Or contact Rec facilities directly, pages 4-5. Cover photo by Marin Stuart The Fall Rec Guide will be available mid-September 2024 Rec Locations 4 Registration/Policies 7 Adaptive 8 Youth Ages 0-18 Activities 16 Early Learning 23 Camps 25 Swimming 40 Family 46 Adult Ages 18+ Activities 50 Health & Fitness 62 Sports Leagues 71 Swimming 72 Outdoor 74 Senior Ages 50+ Activities 78 Health & Fitness 94 Outdoor 101 Support/Volunteer 104 Español 106 SUMMER 2024 JUN • JUL • AUG • SEP Activities funded by the 2023 Eugene Parks & Rec Operations and Maintenance Levy. Activities using the lottery system for registration, see instructions on pages.
Campbell Community Center Amazon Community Center

● 9 River House Outdoor Center

301 N. Adams St., Eugene 97402

Ph: 541-682-5329 Hours: 10a-4:30p M-F

Fx: 541-682-6319 starting May 1 Bus: #40, 52

● 10 Sheldon Community Center

2445 Willakenzie Road, Eugene 97401

Ph: 541-682-5312 Hours: 9a-5p M-F

Fx: 541-682-6332 Bus: #66 & 67

● 11 Sheldon Pool & Fitness Center

2443 Willakenzie Road, Eugene 97401

Ph: 541-682-5314

Schedule: See pages 40 &72

Fx: 541-682-6344 Bus: #66 & 67

● 12 Shelton-McMurpheyJohnson House

303 Willamette St., Eugene 97401

Ph: 541-484-0808 Bus: #1

Fx: 541-984-1314

● 13 Spencer Butte Challenge Course

Off Willamette St., south of 50th Ave.

Ph: 541- 682-5329

Fx: 541-682-6319

● 14 Washington Park Center

2025 Washington St., Eugene 97405

Ph: 541-682-5370 Bus: #36

● 15 Wayne Morse

Family Farm & Park

585 Crest Drive, Eugene 97405

Ph: 541-682-5380

Also see page 57

Center 5 1 2 3 4 6 5 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 area enlarged at right area enlarged at right 3 7 12 1 2 6
River House Outdoor
Echo Hollow Pool & Fitness Center

How to Register

Three Easy Ways to Register

Addresses and phone numbers for all facilities are on pages 4-5.

• Online: Ifyouhaveregisteredwithusbefore,makesure youhaveyourlogininformation.

Notsureifyouhaveanaccount? andclick“LogIn/CreateAccount,”thenselect“LogInwith Email”andselect“ForgotPassword.”Ifyouhaveanaccount yourlogininformationwillbeemailedtoyou.

Needtocreateanaccount? click“LoginIn/CreateAccount,”thenselect“CreateYourEug RecAccount.”

• By Phone: Calltherecreationfacilityprovidingtheactivity orcall541-682-5333.HaveyourVisaorMasterCardnumber handy.

• In Person: Visitanyrecreationfacility.

Registrationisongoingandopentoresidentsandnon-residents ona�irst-comebasis.Registerearly;manyclasses�illquickly. Classesmaybecancelediftherearenotenoughregistrations.

Access & Equity

TheCityofEugeneRecreationDivisionstrivestomakerecreationalopportunitieswelcomingforeveryone.EugeneRec workstoensureitsprogramsareaccessibleandinclusivefor allpeople,regardlessofage,disability,genderidentity, immigrationstatus,nationalorigin,race,religion,sexual orientationorsocio-economicstatus.

TheCityofEugeneiscommittedtosupportingtheAmericans withDisabilitiesActandwillprovideindividualswithmodi�icationstheyneedtoparticipateinEugeneRecprograms. Thefollowingservicesareavailablewithadvancenotice. Somerequestsmaytakeuptotwoweekstosecure.

Large Print and Digital Recordings canbeprovidedwith advancenotice.Fiveorfewerlargeprintcopiescanbeprovideduponrequest.

Accessible Bus with Wheelchair Lift isavailableforactivitiesthatprovidebustransportation.Pleasemakeyour requestatthetimeofregistrationsincedemandforuseis high.Thebusisbookedona�irstcome,�irst-servedbasis.

Braille sectionsoflargepublications(suchasthisRecreationGuide)canbemadeavailablewithadvancenotice.

Readers areavailablebyphoneorinperson.Astaffperson willreadtherequestedsectionsofpublicationsforyou.

American Sign Language Interpretation isavailablefor classesorpresentationswithadvancenotice.

Hearing Assistance Equipment isavailableforclasses,specialeventsandculturalperformanceswithadvancenotice.

Adaptive Technology at the Library: 27-inchmonitors, largekeyboardletters,adjustabletablesandscreens, magnifyingsoftware,JAWS(computerizedreader)anda Brailleembosser.

Ifyouhaveadditionalquestions,callAdaptiveRecreation at541-682-5311(TTY) For more information about Recreation Inclusion Services see page 8.

6 541-682-5333


Minimum Class Requirements

Inordertorecoverprogramcosts,aminimumnumberof participantsarerequired.Pleaseregisterearly.Classesand activitieswillbecanceledbetweentwoand�ivedaysbefore theactivitystartdateiftheminimumnumberof participantshavenotregistered.

Ifyouregisterforanactivitythatiscanceledbecauseoflow enrollment,staffwillnotifyyouandissuearefund.Formore aboutthewithdrawal/refundpolicy,seebelow.

Withdrawal/Refund Policy

Withdrawalandrefundrequestsmustbemadetothefacility sponsoringtheactivity.

Withdrawalsfromrecreationactivitiesaresubjecttoa withdrawalfee.Awithdrawalfeeof$10willbechargedfor eachregistrationunder$100.Awithdrawalfeeof$25will bechargedforeachregistration$100andhigher.

Arefundwillbeissuedminusthewithdrawalfeewhen requestedatleastseven(7)ormorecalendardaysbefore the�irstactivitymeeting.

Whenarefundisrequestedsix(6)orfewercalendardays beforethe�irstactivitymeetingoronceaclassoractivity hasstarted,arefundshallbeissuedonlyif:



•Departmentactionrequirescancellationoftheactivity(no withdrawalfeewillbecharged).


Norefundwillbeissuedifyoufailtoshowupfora registeredactivity,classortrip.Norefundwillbegivenfor athleticleaguefeesandtripsthatrequireprepaymentof advancedreservationticketsoradmissionfees.


Release from Liability Agreement

Withtheexceptionofspeci�ictrips,CityofEugene Recreationdoesnotprovidemedicalinsurancecoveragefor itsparticipants.Inconsiderationoftherighttoparticipate, eachparticipantmustacknowledgetherearerisksinherentin anykindofactivityandmustagreetoassumethoseriskson his/herownbehalf,releasingandholdingharmlessthe City,itsof�icersoragentsfromallclaimsforinjuryor lossessufferedfromparticipation.

AnadditionalReleasefromLiabilityAgreement,signedby theparticipantorguardian,mayberequiredfor participationinsomeactivities.

Photographs,videosandaudioofparticipantsinRecreation ServicesprogramsmaybeusedbytheCityofEugeneinany medium(e.g.,printpublications,socialmedia,etc.)for publicitypurposes,withoutcompensationorpermission.

Registrationand/orpaymentofanyregistrationfeeshallbe deemedanadmissionofagreementtothetermsstatedabove.

Scholarship Program


ApplicationsareavailableinNovembereachyearforthe upcomingyear(January1-December31).Applicationswill atanyEugene Recfacility.ApplicationscloseJune30,2024,orwhenall fundinghasbeenallocated.


Surcharge for Non-City Residents

Non-cityresidentsareassesseda20percentsurchargefor registeredactivitiesandrentals.

Outdoor Program Special Use Permit

CityofEugeneoperatesunderaSpecialUsePermitissuedby theU.S.ForestServicefortheDeschutes,Siuslaw,Umpquaand WillametteNationalForests;andunderSpecialRecreation PermitsgrantedbytheBureauofLandManagementinthe NorthwestOregonandPrinevilledistricts.CityofEugeneisan equalopportunityoutdoorrecreationserviceprovider. 7


Get Involved!

Adaptive Rec programs are designed for people with disabilities, and are for ages 14+, unless otherwise noted. Classes and activities are structured for different levels of ability. All Adaptive Rec programs require registration. Participants must complete a Participant Information Form before attending. Fees do not include the cost of meals and admission, unless otherwise noted. For more information call 541-682-5311.

Have Questions?

New participants are welcome to call before registering for programs. Staff are available to discuss recreation resources and opportunities. Certi�ied Therapeutic Recreation Specialists are available to answer questions regarding the activities that are most appropriate for you, a family member or an individual in your care.


Every effort will be made to reasonably accommodate each individual. However, if a person’s conduct poses physical harm or risk to self or others, as indicated in the Patron Code of Conduct, they may be removed from programs. Personal Support Workers are welcome to attend programs to support individuals with behavioral and/or personal care needs. PSWs are required to register for programs. Call the front desk to register, 541-682-5311.

Inclusion Services

Eugene Rec staff is committed to making all reasonable efforts to ensure that its facilities, programs and services are accessible to and usable by all people. Individuals with disabilities are welcome to participate in any City of Eugene Recreation program within the eligibility requirements of age, prerequisites, etc.

When additional support is required for successful participation in Eugene Recreation programs, staff utilize the Inclusion Services process to determine programmatic modi�ications and/or individual support plans that best �it the participant.

To initiate the Inclusion Services process, discuss your request upon registration in person, over the phone or at at least two weeks in advance.

For additional information and/or questions regarding Inclusion Services, call 541-682-5311 or email

Volunteer With Us!

Looking for a fun and engaging volunteer opportunity? Your enthusiasm, involvement and support with participants is essential to the quality of Adaptive Recreation Services. No previous experience necessary – training and feedback are provided for all volunteers. If you or your group are interested in volunteering any amount of time, call 541-682-5311 or email

8 541-682-5333


Adapted Bike & Equipment Services All ages

Adaptive Recreation Services maintains a unique �leet of adaptive equipment, including all-terrain wheelchairs and bikes such as recumbent trikes, tandems and hand cycles.

Individual and group services can be provided to support adaptive recreational equipment needs for people of varying abilities and skill levels, including �ittings and rentals. For more information call 541-682-5311 or visit

All services at Hilyard Community Center

Adapted Bike Assessment & Fitting

Staff assess needs and recommend equipment. Designed for people with limited mobility, disabilities, medical conditions or those who wish to preview equipment before rental or purchase.

Ongoing W 1-4p F 9a-12p $5 By appt

To schedule an appointment call 541-682-5311

Adapted Bike Rental

Available after initial �itting or assessment.

Ongoing M-F 9a-5p By appt

$5/half hour $20/half day $50/weekend $10/hour $40/day

To schedule an appointment call 541-682-5311

E-Bike Expo All ages

Stop by and test-ride electric bikes from a variety of Eugene’s bike shops in one place. Learn about e-bike safety, laws and �inancing. See how e-bikes can help reduce your carbon footprint while still having fun. Bring your own e-bike to show others that may be interested and check out the music, food and free bike tune-ups. Adaptive Recreation will also have several adaptive e-bike options, including a tandem and trike.

Campbell Community Center

Jun 15 Sa 11a-3p Free Drop-in


Dance Fusion

Have fun and get �it with this unique dance �itness class. Learn basic moves to multicultural music as you shake, shimmy and salsa your way to a healthier you.

Hilyard Community Center

Jul 8-Sep 9 M 4:30-5:30p $36 #28674

Jul 10-Sep 11 W 4:30-5:30p $40 #28675

No class Sep 2


Game Time

Have fun and challenge your friends to indoor and outdoor games.

Hilyard Community Center

Jul 9-Sep 10 Tu 3:30-4:30p $25 #28678

Jul 11-Sep 12 Th 3:30-4:30p $25 #28679

Jul 12-Sep 13 F 3:30-4:30p $25 #28680

Parkinson’s & Table Tennis

Table tennis has been shown to improve motor symptoms of Parkinson’s and increase movement, hand-eye coordination and strength. Plus, it’s fun and a great way to meet others. Sessions are speci�ically for those with symptoms of Parkinson’s.

Campbell Community Center

Jun 4-Sep 17 Tu 2-4p Free #27698

Accessible Pursuits

Are you looking for exciting and rewarding activities for your group? Organizations, agencies and individuals are invited to participate in the Accessible Pursuits services. It uses the expertise and resources of Adaptive Rec to design a recreation program that meets your speci�ic needs.

In addition, City staff can present clinics, workshops, in-services and trainings in adaptive recreation and inclusion services for employees, participants and family members.

The bene�its include:

• Activities that are affordable and tailored to the needs of your organization and clients.

• Access to a wide variety of adapted equipment and services.

• Activities that are safe and accessible.

• Activities that are designed by Certi�ied Therapeutic Recreation Specialists and other trained and knowledgeable staff.

Accessible Pursuits focuses on helping participants discover their own innate talents, acquire greater independence and develop enduring peer relationships that are instrumental to improving the quality of their lives. Let Accessible Pursuits bring fun directly to you. For more information, call 541-682-5311. 9

Adaptive Land Fitness

Fight Back with Neuromuscular Exercise

Ages 18+

This class is ideal for individuals with neuromuscular challenges (Parkinson’s, mild stroke, multiple sclerosis) that may cause loss of balance and coordination. These classes engage the brain and body to encourage more �luid, balanced movement and improve strength, agility and gait. Those who need individual assistance should bring a personal support worker or care provider.

Campbell Community Center

Instructor: Eric Beins

Jul 2-30 TuTh 12-1p $60 #27667

Aug 1-29 TuTh 12-1p $67 #27668

Sep 3-26 TuTh 12-1p $60 #27669

No class Jul 4

Hilyard Community Center

Instructor: Eric Beins

Jul 2-30 TuTh 2-3p $60 #28648

Aug 1-29 TuTh 2-3p $67 #28652

Sep 3-26 TuTh 2-3p $60 #28654

No class Jul 4

Social Gatherings

Adaptive Teen Adventures

Ages 12-21

For youth who experience disabilities. Join us for summer outings and trips. On Monday afternoons, we will explore local recreational opportunities around Eugene. On Fridays, we will spend all day on anadventure. Spend time socializing with peers and having summer fun.

Community Outing ■ 3 See key on page 15. Explore Eugene’s recreation opportunities and local attractions.

Meet at Hilyard Community Center

Jul 8-Aug 26 M 12:30-4:30p $200 #28863

Outdoor Excursions ■ 3 See key on page 15.

Meet at Hilyard Community Center

Play Day at the Coast

Jul 12 F 9a-4:30p $40 #28864

Elkton Education Center & Dorena Lake

Jul 19 F 9a-4:30p $40 #28865

Hatfield Marine Science Center

Jul 26 F 9a-4:30p $40 #28866

Wildlife Refuge Animal Day

Aug 2 F 9a-4:30p $40 #28867

Cape Perpetua

Aug 9 F 9a-4:30p $40 #28870

Leaping Lamb Farm Experience

Aug 16 F 9a-4:30p $40 #28874

Enchanted Forest Amusement Park

Aug 23 F 9a-4:30p $40 #28878

Mystery Trip!

Aug 30 F 9a-4:30p $40 #28884

Friday Recreation

Join in and learn about unique recreation activities, including games, crafts, music and guest speakers.

Hilyard Community Center

Jul 12-Sep 13 F 1:30-3p $30 #28677

Hilyard Social Club

Join us as we work together to plan and implement fun activities and community trips in the Eugene and Spring�ield areas. This is designed as a community integration, life and social skill-building program. Participants collaborate to develop the schedule during the �irst week of class. Participants will be asked to cover the cost of some admissions and concessions up to an additional $40 for the session.

Hilyard Community Center

Jul 10-Sep 11 W 1:30-4p $75 #28685

Uses the lottery system, see box.

Out & About

Make wonderful memories with your peers as you explore the recreational opportunities in the Eugene and Spring�ield areas.Transportation provided.

All outings meet at Hilyard Community Center

Movie at Cinemark Theater

Movie admission included in price, bring additional optional money for concessions.

Jul 6 Sa 3:30-6:30p $30 #28691

Uses the lottery system, see box.

Lottery System

1. For starred activities, sign up for the lottery using the lottery number (in italics). The lottery will be open April 15-May 5. No payment is due at this time.

Personal support workers do not need to sign up for the lottery but will be signed up when the patron registers.

2. Staff will use a randomization system to select participants. Starting May 6, you’ll be notified by email if you are selected or not.

3. If selected, you have through 5:30 p.m. on May 10 to register and pay. You can follow the link in the email to register online, or call or visit a Rec center.

For more information, go to

10 541-682-5333




Aug3 Sa 4-6:30p $20 #28830

Uses the lottery system, see box.

Biking & Ice Cream

Tryoutanadaptedbikeorbringyourownonagroupride toeaticecream.Bringmoneyforicecream.

Sep7 Sa 4:30-6:30p

Uses the lottery system, see box.

Saturday Night Action

$10 #28840

JoinfriendsforSaturdaynightgames,craftsandfunsocial activities.Eachmonthwewilllearnaboutandcelebratea culturalorseasonaltheme.


Jul20 Sa 6:30-8p $10 #28681

Aug17 Sa 6:30-8p $10 #28683

Sep21 Sa 6:30-8p $10 #28684

Special Interest

Strength in Neurodiversity

Festival & Pool Party

JulyisDisabilityPrideMonth,let’scelebrate!Inpartnership withARCofLaneCounty,AdaptiveRecishostingafestivalat AmazonPool.ThemissionofStrengthinNeurodiversityisto shattermythsrelatedtodisabilityandcreateamore welcoming,inclusive,andaccessiblecommunitywhere disabilityisrecognizedandcelebrated.Thiseventwillhost variouscommunityorganizationstopromotedisability prideandawareness.AmazonPoolisreservedforpeople withdisabilitiesandtheirfamiliesandfriends.


Jul19 F 6:30-8:30p Free Drop-in

Circle of Friends

Ages 14 & under

CircleofFriendswasfoundedononesimpleconcept:youth withseveredisabilitiesarejustlikeanyoneelse–theydeserve opportunities.Throughresources,support,traininganda communitybuiltoncompassion,CircleofFriendsstrivesto breakthecycleofisolationfortheseindividualsandthepeople wholovethem.Offeringsincludemonthlyfamily-friendlypublic eventsthatprovideyouthopportunitiestoexperiencefunand recreationthathavetraditionallyfeltinaccessible.Circleof Friendswillhighlightcommunity-basedeventsthatare accessibleandfunforallinordertoincreasecomfortinfamily outings.Theseactivitiesarespeci�icallydesignedforyouthages preschoolthroughmiddleschool.Registrationisrequiredand eventsareaslowcostaspossible.Formoreinformation,


All ages

DanceAbilityInternational’smissionistodissolvebarriers andconnectpeoplewithandwithoutdisabilitiesthrough danceandmovement.Thismissionisaccomplishedthrough classes,workshopsandeventsforadultsandchildren, performances,teachertrainingsandeducationalmaterials forteachersofinclusivedance.Learnmorebyemailing info@danceability.orgorcalling541-357-4982.

KindTree Autism Rocks

Ages 11+

KindTreeProductionsInc.isdedicatedtocelebratingand supportingindividualswithautismanddevelopmental disabilitiesthroughthearts,education,recreationand communityinvolvement.TheKindTreeSkillTrainingforan IndependentLivingExperienceprogram(STiLE),functions asaneducationalprogramforyouthandadults11yearsand olderwithautismandotherswithdevelopmental/ intellectualdisabilities.Classesareofferedquarterlyandcan

KindTree Camp Transportation

Forpeoplewhoneedaridetothe“AutismRocks”KindTree FamilyRetreatandback.LeavefromHilyardat1p.m.Friday andreturntoHilyardat3p.m.Sunday.Round-trip registrationonly.Youmustregisterforthecampthrough KindTreebeforeregisteringfortransportation.


Aug16 F leaves1p

Aug18 Su returns3p $30 #27978 11


Nature Your Way

Participateinalow-intensityappreciationoftheWillamette Con�luencePreserve.Inspiredbytheunderstandingthat naturalplacesaretrulyforeverybody,thiseventwilltake placeatabeautifulshadyspotintheWillametteCon�luence,a preservewherethecoastandmiddleforksoftheWillamette jointogether.Afterhearingabitaboutthehistoryofthearea andplansforthefuture,youcansitandenjoythenatural beautyaroundyouorwanderabit,sketch,read,talkwith others,joininbirdingactivities,hangoutbyyourselfordo whateverworksforyou.


May30 Th 9a-2p $10 #28856

Aug29 Th 9a-2p $10 #28857

Northwest Association for Blind Athletes All ages

TheNWABAprovideslife-changingopportunitiesthrough sportsandphysicalactivitytoindividualswhoareblindand visuallyimpaired.TheNWABAprovidesyear-roundsports programsforpeopleofallagesandabilitieswithvisual impairments.Theseactivitiesincludesnowshoeing,skiing, snowboarding,swimming,hiking,kayaking,paddleboarding, tandembikingandteamsports.Theyareatnocostfor athletestoparticipate.Transportationisprovidedfroma designatedlocation.Volunteersareneededandareprovided within-depthtraining.Formoreinformation,

Oregon Supported Living Program

OSLPArtsandCultureCenterisaninclusiveartstudioand galleryspacethat’smissionistobreakdownbarriersto participationintheartsforadultsofallabilities.Participate inavarietyofmixedabilityclasses,includingopenstudio, acrylicpainting,creativebodymovement,claysculpture, bookmakingandzineexplorationandmosaics.Register throughtheOSLPArtsandCultureCenter.Formore information,,emailKailey Ruizatkruiz@oslp.orgorcall541-636-3119.

Wednesday Wheelers Ages 6+

Thisinformalgroupofwheelchairusersmeetsatvarious locationsinEugenetoexplorepathsandtrailsandconnect socially.Formoreinformation,callHilyardat541-682-5311


Ongoing W 10a-2p Free Drop-in


Introductory Adaptive Pickleball

Learnaboutpickleballandhowitcanbeadaptedforpeople withdisabilities.Instructionandequipmentwillbe provided.InpartnershipwithEmeraldValleyPickleball Club.FormoreinformationcallHilyardat541-682-5311or


Jun1 Sa 10a-12p $3 #27041

Adaptive Sports Sampler

Joinotherpeoplewithphysicaldisabilitiestocometogether toplaycourtsportsincludingwheelchairbasketball,rugby andvolleyball.IncollaborationwiththeEugeneY.Sports chairsavailableuponrequest.Scholarshipsavailablefor youth21andunder,toinquirecall541-682-5311.


May5 Su 2-4p $10 #29288

Jun2 Su 2-4p $10 #29332

Jul7 Su 2-4p $10 #29333

Aug4 Su 2-4p $10 #29334

Support Groups

ALS Support Group

Ages 21+

ThisgroupisforpeoplelivingwithLouGehrig’sdisease, families,caregiversandfriends.Meetingsofferspeakerson relevanttopicsandaredesignedtoshareinformationaswell asstrategiesforpreservingindependenceandqualityoflife. FormoreinformationcallMaryRebarat541-990-1246or


Ongoing 2ndW3-4:30p Free Drop-in

Amputee Support Group

All ages

PowerOnWithLimbLosshostsmeetingsforamputeesand peoplewithphysicalchallenges,whichincludespeakersand peermentorshiptosupportpeoplewithphysicalchallenges tohelpbuildindependenceandimprovetheirqualityoflife. FormoreinformationcallPaulaFreeat541-510-5866or

Ongoing 4thW 6-8p Free Drop-in

Aphasia Conversation Group

Ages 18+

Forpeoplewhohaveexperiencedastroke,headinjuryor Parkinson’s.Communicationisthegluethatbindsustogether infamiliesandcommunities.Thisgroupseekstorebuildthat

12 541-682-5333

connectionforpeoplelivingwithaphasia.Meetingsalternate betweenhands-onactivitiesandlanguage-richexercisesto reinforcewordsandtopicsfromtheprevioussession.Joinus insupportingeachother’sjourneyforbettercommunication.


Ongoing 2nd&4thW Free #29080

Brain Injury Support Group

Ages 18+

Thispeersupportgroupisforpeoplewhohaveexperienced abrainorheadinjurytoshareexperiences,supportand resourcesonaninformalbasis.Formoreinformation, contactHilyardCenterat541-682-5311.


Ongoing Tu 11a-12:30p Free Drop-in

Parkinson’s Resources of Oregon

Ages 21+

TheEugene/Spring�ieldgeneralsupportgroupwelcomes family,friendsandcarepartnersaswellasthoselivingwith adiagnosisofParkinson’sdisease.Thisgroupismeetingin personwithanoptiontoparticipateviaZoom.Checkthewebsite formeetingdetailsandtimesparkinsonsresources.orgoremail

Ongoing Dates/timesvary Free Drop-in

Swim Lessons

Water Safety & Swim Skills

Ages 5-12

Thisdrop-inswimtimeisdesignedforyouthwithdisabilities andtheirparentorcareprovidertopracticeswimskillsand watercomfortandsafetyinalow-sensory,unstructured warmwaterpooltime.Youthmustbeaccompaniedbyan adultorbeindependentinthewater.Childrenwith disabilitiesgetinforfreealongwithonecareprovider. Additionalchildrenorparentswillbechargedthedrop-in swimrate.Forquestionscall541-682-5311oremail


Jun9-Aug25 Su 11-11:50a Free Drop-in


Fitness for All

Thisclassusesenergizingcircuittrainingandmotivating activitieswithpositivesupport.Learnqualityexercisesand movetowardahealthieryou.



Jul9-Sep12 TuTh 4:45-5:45p $90 #28657


Nature Walks ■ 4 See key on page 15.

Beoutdoorswalkingorrollingatlocalparksandtrails. Patronsmayhikeupto2milesperouting.Dressforactive play,weargoodwalkingshoesandbringawaterbottleand asnack.All-terrainwheelchairswillbeavailableupon request.TransportationprovidedtoandfromHilyardCenter. Someoutingswillrequireadditionalmoneyforadmission.


Jul10-Sep11 W 10a-12:30p $50 #28841

Uses the lottery system, see box on page 10.

Jul13-Sep14 Sa 10a-12:30p $50 #28842

Uses the lottery system, see box on page 10.

Water Fun Fit

Thisclasswillimproveyourcardiovascular�itness,strength andbalanceaswellashelpyourelax.Designedforpeople withdisabilitieswhocanindependentlyaccessthepool.If hands-onsupportforsuccessfulparticipationisneeded,call 541-682-5311.


Jul12-Aug30 F 11a-12p $80 #28028

Uses the lottery system, see box on page 10.


Joyful Yoga

Aplayfulyogaexperienceforallabilitiesthatfocuseson buildingstrengthand�lexibilitywhileimprovingbalance andcon�idence.Suitableforallbodytypes.Noexperience needed.Designedforindividualswithdisabilities.



Jul8-Sep9 M 1:30-2:30p $54 #28676


Modified Yoga Ages 18+

Thisgentleyogaclassisdesignedspeci�icallyforpeople livingwithchronicneuromuscularconditionssuchas �ibromyalgia,multiplesclerosis,Parkinson’sandLou Gehrig’sdisease.Posesaremodi�iedforthoseneeding adaptations.Thisclasshasahybridoption.Forthose attendinginperson,individualsmustbeindependentor havesomeonetoassist.Yogamatsandblocksprovidedas needed.Forthevirtualoption,aZoomlinkwillbesentto patronsuponregistration.In-personregistrationisavailable onamonthlybasis,alongsidethevirtual10-usecard.



Jul1-29 M 11:45a-1p $37 #28660

Aug5-26 M 11:45a-1p $30 #28666

Sep9-30 M 11:45a-1p $30 #28669

10-usecardfor$70,ModifiedYogaclassonly 13











Hikes ■ 4

Enjoy the scenery and spend part of the day hiking. Participants will hike up to 3 miles, rain or shine. Bring a sack lunch and water bottle. Wear good walking shoes and dress for the weather.

Silver Falls

Enjoy the Cascade Range beauty while walking along the hiking trail and stopping for a picnic. Involves hiking for up to two hours on uneven terrain and hills.

Jul 14 Su 9a-5p $45 #28851

Thurston Hills

Enjoy this local trail system. Involves hiking for up to two hours on uneven terrain and hills.

Aug 11 Su 10a-2p $20 #28852

All trips meet at Hilyard Community Center, are designed for people with disabilities and are for ages 14+.

All Adaptive trips use the lottery system, see box.

Spencer Butte

Enjoy this local trail. Involves hiking for up to two hours on uneven terrain and hills.

Sep 15 Su 10a-2p $20 #28853

Wildlife on the Pond ■ 3

Gather to enjoy a sack dinner during a presentation about beavers at the Willamette Con�luence. As the sun sets you will sit at a viewing area to look for beavers in action.Bring a sack dinner, bug repellent and a chair.Let us know ahead of time if you do not have your own chair.

Jul 25 Th 6:30-9:30p $20 #28858

Lottery System

1. For starred activities, sign up for the lottery using the lottery number (in italics). The lottery will be open April 15-May 5. No payment is due at this time. Personal support workers do not need to sign up for the lottery but will be signed up when the patron registers.

2. Staff will use a randomization system to select participants. Starting May 6, you’ll be notified by email if you are selected or not.

3. If selected, you have through 5:30 p.m. on May 10 to register and pay. You can follow the link in the email to register online, or call or visit a Rec center. For more information, go to

14 541-682-5333
Date Day Time Title Cost Jul 14 Su 9a-4:30p Silver Falls Hike $45
25 Th 6:30-9:30p Wildlife on the Pond $20
27 Sa 10a-2p Berry Picking & Picnic $20
28 Su 9a-5p Leaping Lamb Farm $55
10 Sa 9a-5p Hatfield Marine Science Center $45
11 Su 10a-2p Thurston Hills Hike $20
6 F 10a-4:30p Willamette River Float $45
8 Su 12-4p AXE Percussion Festival $20
15 Su 10a-2p Spencer Butte Hike $20
22 Su 9:30a-5:30p Play Day at the Coast $45


Berry Picking & Picnic ■ 3

Head out to local berry �ields to pick your own berriesand have a sack lunch.Bring lunch and $10 for snacks and blueberries.

Jul 27 Sa 10a-2p $20 #28844

Leaping Lamb Farm ■ 3

Leaping Lamb Farmhas a long history in the Alsea area and was built by the Spencer family between 1896 and 1930. Formerly known as Honey Grove Farm, it has been a working farm since the �ields were �irst cleared. Participants will have the opportunity to join in a variety of daily farm activities. Bring a sack lunch and dress to be outdoors.

Jul 28 Su 9a-5p $55 #28859

Coast Excursions ■ 3

Explore the beautiful Oregon Coast and all the beauty and activities it has to offer.

Hatfield Marine Science Center

Head to Hat�ield Visitor Center to see exhibits, participate in hands-on activities, and learn about marine animals and issues facing the coast. Bring a sack lunch and a $5 donation for admission.

Aug 10 Sa 9a-5p $45 #28855

Play Day at the Coast

Soak up the sun, �ly kites and play games on the beach. Beach wheelchairs available for those with accessibility needs. Bring lunch.

Sep 22 Su 9:30a-5:30p $45 #28854

Willamette River Float ■ 4

River House Outdoor Center staff will guide us down the Willamette River as we enjoy the natural scenery and the company of peers. Participants must be comfortable on

moving water and able to wear a life jacket for the duration of the trip. Adapted raft frame available for those with accessibility needs. Bring lunch and a water bottle.

Sep 6 F 10a-4:30p $45 #28686

AXE Percussion Festival ■ 2

This festival will bring together community percussion ensembles from Eugene and beyond for free interactive performances for all ages and abilities. The festival will include a workshop and opportunity to practice drumming for people with disabilities. Other presentations, workshops and activities will be available.

Sep 8 Su 12-4p $20 #29280

Activity Level Ratings

Level ■ 1 Little walking. OK for those with walkers, wheelchairs or walking difficulties.

Level ■ 2 Moderate walking. Similar to that at a shopping center or large museum.

Level ■ 3 Walking of 1-2 miles (1-1.5 hours), as on a walking tour of gardens or the zoo. May be steps or hills.

Level ■ 4 Walking of 3-6 miles on moderate trails. May be rough, hilly or at higher altitude. Access to medical help may be limited.

Level ■ 5 Long hikes of 5+ miles. May be very rough, hilly or high altitude. Access to medical help may be limited. Consult your physician before participating in any trips/ activities to be sure they are appropriate for you. Weather and/or trail conditions may change unpredictably. These levels are approximations only; your experience may vary.

Trip Policies

Fees include bus transportation, leadership and insurance, unless noted otherwise. Meals and admission to venues are not included in the fee unless noted otherwise in the description. Every attempt is made to follow the itinerary; if circumstances beyond our control do not allow that to happen, no refunds will be given. 15


Art from the Heart

Sheldon Community Center


ways to enhance these dimensions of your life by collaging a circular mandala.

Jul 27 Sa 9a-12p $30 #27388

Ages 10+

Have a creative conversation with yourself as we make art designed to expand self-awareness and encourage personal growth. Using simple materials and a lighthearted approach, we will tap into the wisdom our art can hold. Each session will include a brief warm-up activity, plenty of time for art making and an opportunity for re�lection. No art experience is necessary. Materials included.

Instructor: Christina Salter (she/her)

Self-Discovery Box

Which aspects of yourself do you readily share with others and which do you hold near and dear? Using a variety of boxes, collage materials and found objects, we will create 3D representations of our public and private selves.

Jun 22 Sa 9a-12p $30 #27387

Self-Care Mandala

Take an inventory of where things stand with your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being while creatively exploring

Intention Tin

What quality of mind or heart do you want to guide your thoughts and actions? Set an intention and manifest it visually by transforming a mint tin into a pocket-sized “altar.” Easy to display, the tin serves as a reminder to bring our best selves forward.

Aug 17 Sa 9a-12p $30 #27389

Character & Creature


Ages 12-15

Design characters, creatures, costumes and props. Learn about shape design, value arrangement and visual storytelling. Together, our class will establish a world and design a new character that lives in it each week. Students are welcome to design characters for the setting we develop in class or their own setting.

Amazon Community Center

Instructor: Nickolai O (they/them)

Jun 7-Aug 9 F 2-3p $54 #27497

No class Jul 12 Lottery #27660, see box.

16 541-682-5333

Youth Activities

Clay Wheel Throwing & Handbuilding

Ages 10-15

Learn basic and advanced techniques of wheel throwing, hand building and glazing. Take home your own pots and bowls to share with your family. No prior clay or pottery experience is necessary, just a willingness to try new things. Work at your own pace.

Amazon Community Center

Instructor: Amy Graves

Jul 10-Aug 28 W 3:45-5:45p $128 #27464 Lottery #27652, see box.

Craft Club Ages 9-13

Students will make one larger project throughout the session as well as participate in small, daily crafts. It could be crocheting, knitting, working with clay or painting birdhouses. At the end of each session, students will be able to take home their project. Get your youthinspired about �iber arts, clay making and painting and give them a wonderful chance to socialize and create with fellow crafty friends.

Petersen Barn Community Center

Instructor: Jay Hall-Schnurrpusch

Jul 17-Aug 21 W 3:30-4:45p $36 #28433

Fashion Design, Beginning Ages 10-14

A unique and exciting class designed for youth, encouraging their visions in creating fashionable new clothing. Youth will be given the opportunity to create and learn how to use a sewing machine.

Petersen Barn Community Center

Instructor: Kayla Boyce

Jul 8-Aug 12 M 4-5:45p $60 #28403

Fashion Design, Intermediate

Ages 11-16

Design your own stylish clothes and accessories using fun fabrics and patterns. Be creative and get tips from an experienced sewing instructor. Basic sewing skills and use of a sewing machine are required.

Petersen Barn Community Center

Instructor: Kayla Boyce

Jul 9-Aug 13 Tu 4-5:45p $60 #28404

Introduction to Needle Felting

Ages 10+

Learn to needle felt and create your own hair clip, keychain or pendant with the logo, design, character or critter of your choice. We’ll go through the basics, then start individual projects with guidance and instruction. Materials included.

Sheldon Community Center

Instructor: Jennifer McCall

Jun 29 Sa 9a-12p $20 #27390

Needle Felting for Teens & Adults

Ages 16+

Discover the art of sculpting wool into adorable creatures and characters. Let’s poke, prod and create together in this hands-on, beginner-friendly class. We’ll go through the basics, then start individual projects with guidance and instruction. A materials list will be provided prior to the �irst class.

Amazon Community Center

Instructor: Jennifer McCall

Jul 2-30 Tu 4:30-5:30p $25 #28223


Toddler & Me Dance

Ages 2-3 with adult

Dance together with your child while exploring movement and play. This is a great opportunity for little ones to explore dance with the comfort of their parental �igure.

Petersen Barn Community Center

Instructor: Jay Hall-Schnurrpusch

Jul 18-Sep 12 Th 11:30a-12p $32 #28430 No class Aug 29

Creative Movement

Ages 3-5

Explore rhythm, balance and awareness while exploring movement through music. This is a great opportunity for youth to explore dance. This class is a child-only class to help students learn how to be independent in the classroom without their parent/guardian. On the last day of the session, parents/guardians will be allowed in the class to participate with their child.

Petersen Barn Community Center

Instructor: Jay Hall-Schnurrpusch

Jul 18-Sep 12 Th 1-1:30p $32 #28432

No class Aug 29

Lottery System

1. For starred activities, sign up for the lottery using the lottery number (in italics). The lottery will be open April 15-19. No payment is due at this time.

2. Staff will use a randomization system to select participants. Starting April 22, you’ll be notified by email if you are selected or not.

3. If selected, you have through April 29 to register and pay. You can follow the link in the email to register online, or call or visit a Rec center.

4. If the activity doesn’t fill up with the lottery, remaining slots will be available on registration day, May 2. Use the registration code (not italics) to register.

For more information, go to 17

Youth Activities

Pre-Ballet Ages 3-4, 4-5 & 5-6

Exploreallthebasicsofballettechniqueinafun,safeand lovingsetting.Yourchildwillstretch,leapanddance. Studentswilldiscovertheirloveofdancewithfunmusic. Someballetshoesareavailabletoborrow.Studentsare encouragedtowearsomethingtheycaneasilymovein.This classisachild-onlyclasstohelpstudentslearnhowtobe independentintheclassroomwithouttheirparent/ guardian.Onthelastdayofthesession,parents/guardians willbeallowedintheclasstoparticipatewiththeirchild.

PetersenBarnCommunityCenter Instructor:JayHallSchnurrpusch


Jul18-Sep12 Th 10-10:30a $32 #28428


Jul18-Sep12 Th 10:45-11:15a $32 #28429


Jul22-Aug19 M 3:30-4p $20 #28420


Ballet Ages 6-9

Learnbasicballetpostureswhileexperimentingwithcreative movement.Developrhythm,balanceandcreativity.

PetersenBarnCommunityCenter Instructor:JayHall-Schnurrpusch

Jul22-Aug19 M 4:15-5p $25 #28421

Ballet Barre & Center Ages 16+

Dipyourtoesintodanceinthiswelcomingandfunclass. Learnthefundamentalsofballetthroughbarre,centerand across-the-�loorexercisestogain�lexibilityandstrength. Eachclassisuniquetotheparticipants.Alllevelswelcome.

PetersenBarnCommunityCenter Instructor:JayHall-Schnurrpusch

Jul22-Aug19 M 5:30-6:45p $37 #28422

Jul17-Sep11 W 5:15-6:30p $60 #28427


Pre-Tap Dance Ages 4-5 & 5-6

Thisplayfultapclasswillfocusoncoordination,memorization andrhythmicskills.Dancerswillhavefunlearningashort routinetoshareattheendofthesession.Sometapshoes areavailabletoborrow.Wearcomfortableclothing.This classisachild-onlyclasstohelpstudentslearnhowtobe independentintheclassroomwithouttheirparent/guardian. Onthelastdayofthesession,parents/guardianswillbe allowedintheclasstoparticipatewiththeirchild.




Jul18-Sep12 Th 12:15-12:45p $32 #28431


Jul16-Sep10 Tu 3:30-4p $32 #28424


Tap Dance, Beginning Ages 6-9

Thisclasswillfocusonlearningthefundamentalsoftapas wellasplayingwithrhythmandstyle.Dancerswilllearna shortroutinetoshowofftheirnewmovesattheendofthe session.Sometapshoesareavailabletoborrow.Wear comfortableclothingandcomereadytomakesomenoise.



Jul16-Sep10 Tu 4:15-5p $40 #28425


Modern Dance Ages 16+

Moderndanceistherebelliousyoungersiblingtoballet. Learntherulestobreakthrough�lowyandfullmovement thatextendsthroughthewholebody.Explorestructured andimprovisedmovementinasupportiveenvironmentand gain�lexibilityandgrace.Alllevelswelcome.



Jul16-Sep10 Tu 5:30-6:45p $45 #28426



Give it a Try-athlon All ages

You’veheardoftheIronmancompetition,right?Theonewhere super-athletesswimformilesintheopenocean,hoponabike forarideupacoupleofmountainsandthenrunamarathon throughthedesert?Yeah,thiseventisnotthat.Joinusfora goofytakeontriathlons.Youandyourthreeteammatesmight �indyourselvesthree-leggedracing,mountingapoorly�itting bikeorpaddlingahomemadepoolnoodleraftacrossSheldon Pool.Whileyouwon’tknowwhichthreeeventswillbeonthe docket,youcanplanonwinningagoldmedalinfun.


Jul13 Sa 9a-12p $40/team #27577

18 541-682-5333

Youth Comic-Con Ages 5-19

Enjoycomicandfandom-themedactivitiesandgiveaways. Plusacosplaycontestwithprizes.Whetherincostumeoras yourself,bringyourpassionforthemediayouloveto celebrateSummerReadingwithEugenePublicLibrary.


Aug2 F 2-5p Free Drop-in

Martial Arts


Ages 8-11 & 12+

Fencingisaclassicmartialsportwithmuchhistory,art,style anddramaaswellasbeingafunphysicalactivityforkids andparents.Thisclassconcentratesondiscipline,balance, coordination,sportsmanshipandaboveall,fun.Parentsare welcometoparticipate.Equipmentwillbeprovided.




Jul11-Sep12 Th 6-6:45p $100 #27511


Jul11-Sep12 Th 7-8p $135 #27575


Jul11-Sep12 Th 8:15-9:15p $135 #27576


Ages 5-7 & 8-12

Developbetterawarenessofyourpotentialthroughtaekwondo. Thisphysicalsportusesallthemusclesandjointsinthe bodywhiledevelopingmentalabilitiesthatpromotefocus andself-discipline.Classesarenoncombativeandfocuson providingthestructure,knowledgeandskillstoliveamore con�ident,empoweredlife.Noteligibleforscholarships.




Jul18-Aug15 Th 4:15-5p $35 #28402


Jul18-Aug15 Th 5:10-6:10p $40 #28340

Special Interest


Ages 11-18

Thisisaspecialtwo-dayclasstogivepreteensandteens transportationindependencebyusingthebusandriding bikestoparticipating1Passlocations.Theclasseswillbe heldatcommunitycentersandwillcoverridingthebus, improvingcyclingskills,routeplanningandgeneraltipson beingsafe,independenttravelers.The�irstdaywillincludea basicoverviewofrouteplanning,cyclingrulesand techniques,abikeandsafetycheckandapracticebusride. Theseconddaywillincludemorein-depthskills,including

Youth Activities

moreon-bikepracticeanda�inalpresentationofa“rider’s license.”StudentsneedtobringavalidLTDStudentPass (TouchPassorUmoApp)andknowhowtorideabike.Great for1Passholdersandyouthwhowantmoreindependence intheirtravel.


Jun17-18 MTu 9a-4:30p $60 #28588

Jun20-21 ThF 9a-4:30p $60 #28589


Jun17-18 MTu 9a-4:30p $60 #28585

Jun20-21 ThF 9a-4:30p $60 #28587


Jun17-18 MTu 9a-4:30p $60 #28523

Jun20-21 ThF 9a-4:30p $60 #28524

Support Groups

LGBTQ+ Youth Group Ages 13-18

LGBTQ+teenscandropinforsupport,conversationand connection.Thisactivityisadult-facilitatedandfree.No registrationrequired.FormoreinformationcallAmazon CommunityCenterat541-682-5373.

AmazonCommunityCenter Ongoing F 4-6p Free Drop-in

Technology & Engineering

Exploring Electronics

Theseclassesaredesignedtointroduceparticipantstothe basicsofelectronics.Skillscoveredintheseclassescanhelp youbecomemoreself-reliant,developnewskillsandsaveor evenearnsomemoney.

SheldonCommunityCenter Instructor:MichaelBrooks

Robotics & Programming, Beginning Ages 8+

LearnthebasicsofArduinoprogramminginthisbeginner class.Noexperiencenecessary.Participantswillleavethe classwiththeirveryownrobot.Bringyourownlaptopor tablet.Loanerswillbeavailable.

Jul11-Aug15 Th 2-4p $120 #28410

Robotics & Programming, Intermediate Ages 13+

Thisclassisdesignedforpeoplewithsomeknowledgeof programmingandrobotics.Spendtimewithaprofessional mathematicianandengineerandhoneyourskills.Bring yourownlaptoportablet.Loanerswillbeavailable.

Jul11-Aug15 Th 5-7p $120 #28411 19

Youth Activities


Flower Power: Self Defense for Girls Ages 9-13

This class isdesigned to empower female and femmeidenti�ied youth by equipping them with essential selfdefense skills from an early age. We will focus on consent, saying “no,” boundary setting and safety planning as well as learning physical moves. Through learning these skills, this class will provide themwith a strong foundation for a lifetime of self-con�idence, personal safety and empowerment.

Amazon Community Center

Instructor: Tonya Valadez

Jul 1-Aug 26 M 2-3p $48 #28481 No class Aug 12


Gender Diverse Yoga Ages 13+

This drop-in class is designed for those who are transgender, gender diverse, nonbinary, gender nonconforming and/or questioning. To be at home in your body is a human right as well as an immense gift and privilege. TransPonder is here to help you move in a way that feels seen and supported. No prior yoga experienceis required. All bodies, abilities and experience levels are welcome.

Sheldon Community Center

Jun 5-Aug 28 W 6-7p Free Drop-in No class Jun 19

Youth Inclusion Services

We recognize that some youth require additional support in order to participate fully in recreational activities. Through the Inclusion Services program, parents, caregivers and youth work with the Inclusion Services Coordinator to create a plan to support the youth’s individual needs. This process will be unique to each participant and we look forward to working collaboratively to support every child.

Inclusion services are available by discussing the request with the person taking your registration and/or requesting accommodations using a Youth Inclusion Services Request form. Once a request has been received, a Recreation staff member will contact you. For more information email

Teen Empowerment

Funded by the Community Safety Payroll Tax, the Teen Empowerment Program works with community partners to empower teens by building life and job skills, offering access to caring youth and adult mentors and increasing access to other vital community resources. Programs are low-barrier and inclusive so that every young person is provided the opportunity to grow up safely and access their best possible future. More information at All programs are free and provide food.

Day Trips

We will go rain or shine so dress appropriately. Bring a water bottle, lunch and sunscreen. For more information email

Meet at Graham Field House

Coast Trip Ages 12-15

On our trip to the coast, we’ll hike, play on the beach and visit other recreation areas near Florence.

Jun 21 F 8a-5p Free #28412

Silver Falls State Park Trip Ages 12-15

On our trip to Silver Falls, we’ll hike to see gorgeous waterfalls and play games.

Jul 24 W 8a-5p Free #28413

Sahalie Falls Hike Day Trip Ages 12-15

On our trip to Sahalie Falls, we’ll hike along the McKenzie River to see gorgeous waterfalls and play games.

Aug 30 F 8a-5p Free #28414

20 541-682-5333

Pathways to Employment

Counselor In Training Ages 12-15

Learnhowtoworkwithchildreninpreparationfora summerjobwhilehavingfunwithyourpeers.Thisisa uniqueexperiencewithanemphasisonbuildingbasicjob skillssuchascommunication,workingwithateamand practicinghowtobearecreationleader.Learnbasic leadershipskills,gotosummercampstopracticeteaching gamesandworkingwithchildren,swimatAmazonPooland haveafundaytriponFriday.


Jun24-28 M-F 9a-4p Free #27640

Jul8-12 M-F 9a-4p Free #27641

Jul22-26 M-F 9a-4p Free #27642

Aug5-9 M-F 9a-4p Free #27643

Aug19-23 M-F 9a-4p Free #27644

Recreation Apprentice Program (RAP) Training Week Ages 14-17

Joinoursummercohortapprenticeprogramandgainjob skillswhileworkinginourrecreationprogramssuchas youthcamps,classesandpreschool.Apprenticeswillreceive generalrecreationtrainingsaswellasindustry-standard trainings.Beyondworkinginourprograms,apprenticeswill alsolearntowritearesumeandletterofinterestandtake partinpracticeinterviews.Timeswillvary.MeetFridaysto relax,goonfuntripsanddebrieftheweek.Tosignupcall


Jul1-Aug23 M-F 9a-4p Free #27646


Raising Teenagers Seminars

Whileparentingtheteenageyearsisrewarding,itcanalso comewithsomeuniquechallenges.Parentsandguardians, joinusatResolveincollaborationwithParentingNowto learnsomestrategiestoconnectwithyourteen.You’re welcometodropintoallsessionsorselecttheonesthat resonate.Refreshmentsandchildcareprovided.Agiftcard valuedat$50willberaf�ledateachsession,courtesyof ParentingNow.Forquestions,contact




Jul23 Tu 6-7:30p Free Drop-in


Aug6 Tu 6-7:30p Free Drop-in


Aug20 Tu 6-7:30p Free Drop-in

ResolveYouth Restorative Justice

Ages 12-18

TheCityofEugeneRecreation’sResolveprogramisrunby youthvolunteers.Teenagerswhowerecitedforqualifying nonviolentoffensescanhavetheircaseclosedbytheLane CountyDepartmentofYouthServices.Todoso,theymust completeacontractdeterminedbytheirpeersinacircle process.Duringthecircle,thepeerslistentotheaccountable youth’sretellingoftheincident,askquestionsandwork collaborativelyto�indwaystorepairharm.Youthvolunteers receivetrainingsanddevelopmentopportunitiesandacquire importantskillsandexperience.Thosewhowantadditional responsibilitiescanjoinourYouthLeadershipCouncil.To


Ongoing Th 5-7:30p Free NoResolveJul4 21
22 541-682-5333

Youth Early Learning

Amazon Preschool Ages 3-5

AmazonPreschoolaimstosparkalifelongloveoflearning throughnatureandartwhileprovidingdevelopmentally appropriatepracticesthatsupportthewholechild.Thegoal istocreateanengagingandfuneducationalenvironment throughchild-ledplayandteacher-ledgroupprojectsthat promoteindependencewhilealsonurturingthesocialand emotionalintelligenceandcreativityinpreschoolchildren.

Thefocusisonindividualearlyacademicdevelopment throughexperientiallearningwithanemphasisonbuilding socialskills.Childrenengageinartsandscienceactivities thatbuilduponskillstoincreasedexterityandcoordination whilehavingfun.Throughself-directedlearningchildren explore,playandbecomeindependentlearners.


•SummerCamps, see pages 25-29

•PreschoolreturnsinSeptember 9a-12p,M-Th


Petersen Barn Preschool Ages 3-5

Throughplaychildrenexperiencecooperation,riskand creativity,andengagewithandobservethelawsandstructures oftheirworld.Inoursmallpreschool,wepracticeanexploration andplay-basedlearningapproachusingweeklythemesto structurecurriculumandinteractwithourenvironments.


•SummerCamps, see pages 25-29

•PreschoolreturnsinSeptember 9a-12p,MWForTuTh


Sheldon Early Learning Ages 3-5

Developmentallyappropriatecurriculumisbuiltaroundthe emerginginterestsofthechildren.Language,literacyand mathematicsareintegratedintoallofthechildren’swork throughouttheday.Allclassroomsincludehandson explorationwithart,science,sensory,musicandmovement.


•SummerCamps, see pages 25-29

•PreschoolreturnsinSeptember 9a-12p,MWFand/orTuTh,or1-4pTuWTh

Toregistercall541-682-5312 23

Youth Camps

A camp for every child

Eugene Rec summer camps offer youth the opportunity to explore what they love, learn new skills and forge lasting friendships in a safe, supportive environment. With an astonishing breadth of activities, we truly have a camp for every child!

How do I sign up?

Register online or through any Eugene Rec community center or pool. Some camps may accept a deposit to reserve your child’s place. Contact the center for details.

Lottery system

Some of the Elementary camps and all of the Tween & Teen camps use a lottery system, to ensure all youth have an equal chance to enroll in high-demand camps. See instructions for the lottery system in those sections. For more information go to

What if my child needs accommodations?

All camps are open to all children regardless of ability. We take a team approach to include children who require extra support, with camper safety as our number one priority. For more information or to �ill out an inclusion request form visit Please give us two weeks notice. For more information see page 6

What else do I need to know?

We must have a current Summer Camp Health Form on �ile for all campers. Forms are available at Read the description of your selected camp carefully and plan accordingly – you may need to pack a lunch or sunscreen for your child. Complete information packets, including detailed schedules, will be emailed out after registration.

Health precautions

All camps follow state guidelines and community health best practices. Comprehensive information about program guidelines and protocols will be included in the information packet emailed before the �irst day of camp.

Finding the right camp for your child

Matching your child’s personality and interests is an important part of choosing the right camp. Consider the camp’s staffto-child ratio, level of activity and the total number of kids to determine which camp environment best suits your child’s personality and temperament. For more information about each camp, call the facility and speak with our staff. 25

Youth Camps

Camp Centers

Amazon Community Center



Amazon Arts Preschool Camps Ages 3-5

Imagine,playandcreate.Experiencedstaffprovideasafe andstimulatingenvironment.Campersmustbe3yearsold andpottytrainedbyJune1.Bringsnack,waterbottleand sunscreen.



Amazon Arts Elementary Camps Ages 6-8 & 9-11

Imagine,playandcreate.Thesecampsofferawidevarietyof themesandtopicstoexperience.Artinstructors,educators andrecreationstaffprovideasafeandfunatmosphere. Campersshouldbringasnack,alunch,awaterbottleand sunscreen.



Amazon Arts Teen Camps Ages 12+

Teensplayandcreate.Thesecampsofferavarietyofthemes andtopicstoexperience.Artinstructors,educatorsand recreationstaffprovideasafeandfunatmosphere.Campers shouldbringsnack,waterbottleandsunscreen.

CampsrunsM-F,timesvary Noextendedcareisavailable

Petersen Barn Community Center



Summer Play Adventures Ages 3-5

Haveasummerofadventure.Playgames,createworksof art,exploreandsing.Eachweekwewillexploreaunique theme.Dailysnacksareprovided.


Adventure Seekers Ages 8-11

JoinusatBethelCommunityParkforfunallsummerlong. Whileatthepark,youthwillengageinactivegames,arts andcraftsandfunactivitiesplannedbyourRecreationstaff. Journeywithuseachweektoawesome�ieldtrip destinations.WewillalsomakeatriptoEchoHollowPoolto cooloffattheendofeachweek.

AtBethelCommunityPark,5700BabeRuthLane Campsruns8:30a-4p,M-F

Specialty Camps Ages 6-8, 9-13 & 10-14

Thesecampsofferuniqueopportunitiestoexploreaparticular genreorskillinasafeandsupportiveenvironment.Camp ratiosaretwostaffmembersforevery12youth.Campers shouldbringlunch,awaterbottleandsunscreen.



River House Outdoor Center



Lifeisbetteroutdoors.Campsofferarangeofactivities includingbiking,kayaking,rafting,rockclimbing,sailing, skateboardingandstand-uppaddleboarding.Campsprovide:

• Passionateandskilledoutdoorleaderswhoarecommitted tohaving“bestdaysever.”

• Programsforalmostanyageandabilitylevelfrom beginnertoadvanced.

• Lowcampertostaffratiosmaximizesafetyandensurethe bestpossiblelearningenvironment.


26 541-682-5333

Sheldon Community Center

2445 Willakenzie Road, Eugene 97401

For more information call 541-682-5312

Sheldon Preschool Camps Ages 4-5

Experienced preschool teachers will guide children through fun and engaging explorations in and around Sheldon Community Center. Each week will include art, outdoor play, nature exploration and water play.Preschool camps are for youth who have been in a care setting previously, have not been to kindergarten and are potty trained. Campers should bring sack lunch, water bottle, sunscreen and a bag or backpack to carry it all.

Camps run 9a-2p, M-Th

No late check ins or early check outs

Sheldon Classic Camps Ages 6-8 & 9-11

Youth will explore, discover and play in a day camp setting. In addition to classic camp activities, activity specialists will lead groups in enriching outdoor, creative and arts-based activities.Snacks will be provided. Campers should bring sack lunch, water bottle, sunscreen and a bag or backpack to carry it all.A payment plan is available with $25 due at registration and the remaining balance due three weeks before the camp begins.

Camps run 9a-4p, M-Th

Flexible check in time 9-9:30a

No late check ins after 9:30a or early check outs

Sheldon Explorers Camp Ages 12-14

Youth will be moving and exploring every day in this outdoors-based camp. These days will be active and full. Snacks will be provided twice daily. Campers should bring sack lunch, water bottle, sunscreen and a bag or backpack to carry it all.The week’s schedule will be emailed before the �irst day of camp. Many days will be spent exploring and adventuring in Eugene and beyond.

Camp runs 9a-4p, M-Th

No late check ins or early check outs

Wayne Morse Family Farm & Park

595 Crest Drive, Eugene 97405

For more information call 541-682-5373

Morse Farm Outdoor Camps Ages 6-11

Our camps offer outdoor play all day long. Recreation staff provide a safe place for participants on 27 acres of woods and meadows. Activities include arts and crafts, group games, sports and board games. Two full days are spent on �ield trips to Amazon Pool or special out-of-town activities. Costs are included. Destinations are subject to change due to weather. Participants will attend �ield trips in cohorts. Bring a big lunch, a water bottle, sunscreen, swimsuit and towel.

Camps run 8:30a-4p, M-Th 27
Adventure. Community. Happiness
Youth Camps

Preschool Camps


● 1 Safety Town Ages 4-6

Getreadyforanadventureinsafetyeducation.Thisprogram isdesignedtointroducepreschool-agedchildrentoessential safetyawarenessinthemostexcitingwaypossible.From learningaboutpedestrianandbicyclesafetytoexploring�ire trucksandpolicecars,SafetyTowncoversitallwithateam ofknowledgeable�irstresponders.Alongwithallthefun, eachchildwillreceiveaT-shirttoremembertheirexperience. OfferedbytheEugenePoliceDepartment.MustbeaCityof Eugeneresident.Formoreinformationandtoenroll,contact CommunityEngagementTeamSupervisorCherieNelsonat 541-682-2746.

● 2 Animals Around the World Ages 3-5

Animalsfromthesavannastotherainforests,outback,arctic andNorthAmericawillallgetadaytoshinethisweek.We’re goingonabearhunt,makingbinocularsforourtripthrough thesafariandexploringavarietyofanimalsthroughsongs, booksandartprojects.

● 3 Potions & Slime Ages 3-5


28 541-682-5333
Dates Days Ages Time ● # Title Location Cost Register Jun17-20 M-Th 4-6 9a-12p ●● 1 SafetyTown RiverRoad1 $60 #28592 4-6 1-4p ●● 1 SafetyTown RiverRoad1 $60 #28593 Jul1-3 M-W 3-5 9a-12p ● 2 AnimalsAroundtheWorld PeteBarn $63 #28465 3-5 9a-12p ● 3 Potions&Slime Amazon $63 #27402 Jul8-11 M-Th 3-5 9a-12p ● 4 Space Amazon $84 #27403 4-5 9a-2p ● 5 SheldonPreschoolWeek1 Sheldon $145 #27626 Jul8-12 M-F 3-5 9a-12p ● 6 CrazyScience PeteBarn $105 #28467 Jul15-18 M-Th 3-5 9a-12p ● 7 StorybookWeek Amazon $84 #27404 4-5 9a-2p ● 5 SheldonPreschoolWeek2 Sheldon $125 #27627 Jul15-19 M-F 3-5 9a-12p ● 8 WeAreAllArtists PeteBarn $105 #28468 Jul22-25 M-Th 3-5 9a-12p ● 9 MagicalMakeBelieve Amazon $84 #27405 4-5 9a-2p ● 5 SheldonPreschoolWeek3 Sheldon $145 #27628 Jul22-26 M-F 3-5 9a-12p ● 10 DinosaurDig PeteBarn $105 #28471 Jul29-Aug1 M-Th 3-5 9a-12p ● 11 Nature Amazon $84 #27406 4-5 9a-2p ● 5 SheldonPreschoolWeek4 Sheldon $125 #27629 Jul29-Aug2 M-F 3-5 9a-12p ● 12 GardenExploration PeteBarn $105 #28474 Aug5-8 M-Th 3-5 9a-12p ● 13 OceanTides Amazon $84 #27407 4-5 9a-2p ● 5 SheldonPreschoolWeek5 Sheldon $145 #27630 Aug5-9 M-F 3-5 9a-12p ● 14 UndertheSea PeteBarn $105 #28476 Aug12-15 M-Th 3-5 9a-12p ● 15 Music Amazon $84 #27408 4-5 9a-2p ● 5 SheldonPreschoolWeek6 Sheldon $145 #27631 Aug12-16 M-F 3-5 9a-12p ● 16 SuperheroAdventure PeteBarn $105 #28477 Aug19-22 M-Th 3-5 9a-12p ● 17 MessyCamp Amazon $84 #27409 4-5 9a-2p ● 5 SheldonPreschoolWeek7 Sheldon $145 #27632 Aug19-23 M-F 3-5 9a-12p ● 18 Let’sGoCamping PeteBarn $105 #28479 Aug26-30 M-F 3-5 9a-12p ● 19 BlastOff PeteBarn $105 #28480
RiverRoad ElementarySchool, 120W.HilliardLane

● 4 Space Ages 3-5

Theuniverseis�illedwithwondroussights.Let’sblastoff intothestarsandtakeatripthroughthegalaxy.

● 5 Sheldon Preschool Camps Ages 4-5

Experiencedpreschoolteacherswillguidechildrenthrough funandengagingexplorationsinandaroundSheldon CommunityCenter.Eachweekwillincludeart,outdoorplay, natureexplorationandwaterplay.PreschoolCampsarefor youthwhohavebeeninacaresettingpreviously,havenot beentokindergartenandarepottytrained.

● 6 Crazy Science Ages 3-5

Wewillhavesomefunandexcitingscienceprojectswaiting foryouthisweek.We’llcreatearainbowcloud,makea nakedeggandmore.

● 7 Storybook Week Ages 3-5

Diveintomagicalworlds,createfairytale-inspiredcraftsand letyourimaginationsoar.

● 8 We Are All Artists Ages 3-5

Interactivesensoryartplay.Createtapemasterpieces,wacky tie-dyeshirtsandcrazyspongeart.We’llbeunlockingour innerartistsbyusingourcreativeminds.

● 9 Magical Make Believe Ages 3-5

Takeafunadventureintotheworldoffantasy,fairiesand heroes.Beaprinceoraprincess,aunicornoracreaturethat youmakeup.

● 10 Dinosaur Dig Ages 3-5

Joinusforaprehistoricadventure.Hatchdinosaureggs, makefossilprintsandplayintheslimyswamp.Dancetothe dinomarchandcreateyourowndinosaurmask.

● ● 11 Nature Ages 3-5

Thereissomuchtodiscoveroutdoors.Goonnaturewalks, createleafartandmakeabirdfeeder.

Preschool Camps

● 12 Garden Exploration Ages 3-5

Comeonagardenadventurewithusasweplantourown vegetables,makefairygardensandinvestigatecreepy crawlers.

● ● 13 Ocean Tides Ages 3-5

Explorelifeundertheseawithoceancrittercraftsandgames. It’sgoingtobeasplashofatime.

● 14 Under the Sea Ages 3-5

Comeexplorelifeundertheseawithoceancrittercraftsand games.Decorateseashells,createabeachinabottleand makeanoceanlandscape.It’sgoingtobeasplashofatime.

● 15 Music Ages 3-5

Joinusforaweekofrhythmandbeats,strumsandhums andamedleyoffun.

● 16 Superhero Adventure Ages 3-5

Callingallsuperheroes.Joinusforcampifyou’rereadyto �indyoursuperpowers,buildyoursupercostumesand completeobstaclecoursesandchallengestosavetheday.

● 17 Messy Camp Ages 3-5

Getreadytomakeamessandhaveablast.Besuretowear oldclothesthatcangetstainedandmessy.

● 18 Let’s Go Camping Ages 3-5

Lookingforcampscoutstohelpussetupcamp.Let’sbuilda fort,go�ishing,paintrocksandmakes’mores.Wecan’twait tocampwithyou.

● 19 Blast Off Ages 3-5

3,2,1,astronautsprepareforliftoff.Weareexploringout-ofthis-worldcrafts,gamesandsongs.Takearideonaspaceship, paintaplanetandmakeanalienheadband. 29

Elementary Camps

SheldonClassicCampshaveflexible checkin,9-9:30a, see page 27. Elementary

Camp descriptions are on pages 32-34.

CampsatAmazonforages6-8and 9-11haveanextendedcareoption, 2:30-4p,see page 26.

30 541-682-5333
andWashington JeffersonSkatepark, 150JeffersonSt. 3
1 BethelCommunity Park,5700BabeRuth Lane(AvalonStreetat LegacyStreet) 2
PeteBarnand WestmorelandPark, TaylorStreetand West20thAvenue
Dates Days Ages Time ● # Title Location Cost Lottery Register Jun24-28 M-F 8-10 9:45a-4p ● 20 UrbanAdventure RiverHouse $320 #28915 #29285 Jul1-3 M-W 6-8 9a-12p ● 21 DanceCamp PeteBarn $63 #28486 #29267 6-8 9a-2:30p ● 22 Fantasy&Magic Amazon $99 #27410 6-11 8:30a-4p ● 23 WaterWeek MorseFarm $138 #27647 8-10 10a-4:15p ● 24 3Bs:Bikes,Boats&Birds RiverHouse $230 #28692 #28690 8-11 8:30a-4p ● 25 Seekers:CascadeRaptorCenter BethelPark1 $225 #28513 9-11 9a-2:30p ● 26 CampEverything Amazon $99 #27418 9-13 1-4p ● 21 DanceCamp PeteBarn $105 #28501 #29268 Jul8-11 M-Th 6-8 9a-2:30p ● 27 CosmicExplorers Amazon $132 #27411 6-8 9a-4p ● 28 SheldonClassicWeek1 Sheldon $168 #27424 6-11 8:30a-4p ● 29 CottageGroveLake MorseFarm $183 #27648 9-11 9a-2:30p ● 30 Clay&Sculpture Amazon $154 #27419 #29220 9-11 9a-4p ● 28 SheldonClassicWeek1 Sheldon $168 #27431 Jul8-12 M-F 8-10 10a-4:15p ● 31 AdventureBikeCamp RiverHouse $320 #28700 #28699 8-11 8:30a-4p ● 32 Seekers:RaftingtheMcKenzie BethelPark1 $262 #28512 Jul15-18 M-Th 6-8 9a-2:30p ● 33 LevelUp! Amazon $132 #27412 6-8 9a-4p ● 28 SheldonClassicWeek2 Sheldon $168 #27432 6-11 8:30a-4p ●●● ● 34 RaftingontheRiver MorseFarm $189 #27659 9-11 9a-2:30p ● 35 TheatreCamp Amazon $154 #27420 #29221 9-11 9a-4p ● 28 SheldonClassicWeek2 Sheldon $168 #27435 Jul15-19 M-F 7-17 9a-1p ● 36 SkateboardCamp CY&WJ2 $230 #28710 #28709 8-10 9:45a-4p ● 20 UrbanAdventure RiverHouse $320 #28918 #28899 8-11 8:30a-4p ● 37 Seekers:OakridgeHatcheryTour&MiniGolf BethelPark1 $135 #28511 Jul22-25 M-Th 6-8 9a-2:30p ● 38 OnceUponaCamp Amazon $132 #27413 6-8 9a-4p ● 28 SheldonClassicWeek3 Sheldon $168 #27440 6-11 8:30a-4p ● 29 CottageGroveLake MorseFarm $183 #27663 9-11 9a-2:30p ● 39 PuppetryCreations Amazon $154 #29325 #27421 9-11 9a-4p ● 28 SheldonClassicWeek3 Sheldon $168 #27444 Jul22-26 M-F 8-10 10a-4:15p ● 31 AdventureBikeCamp RiverHouse $320 #28702 #28701 8-11 8:30a-4p ● 40 Seekers:UofOFootballTour BethelPark1 $225 #28572 8-12 9a-12p ● 41 DiscGolfCamp PB&West3 $105 #28968 #29259

Elementary Camps 31
Dates Days Ages Time ● # Title Location Cost Lottery Register Jul29-Aug1 M-Th 6-8 9a-2:30p ● 42 NatureCamp Amazon $132 #27414 6-8 9a-4p ● 28 SheldonClassicWeek4 Sheldon $168 #27447 6-11 8:30a-4p ● 43 WildlifeSafari MorseFarm $189 #27676 9-11 9a-2:30p ● 30 Clay&Sculpture Amazon $154 #27422 #29222 9-11 9a-4p ● 28 SheldonClassicWeek4 Sheldon $168 #27448 Jul29-Aug2 M-F 7-17 9a-1p ● 36 SkateboardCamp CY&WJ2 $230 #28712 #28711 8-10 9:45a-4p ● 20 UrbanAdventure RiverHouse $320 #28920 #28901 8-11 8:30a-4p ● 44 Seekers:DEFYEugene BethelPark1 $225 #28575 Aug5-8 M-Th 6-8 9a-2:30p ● 45 Pirates&Adventurers Amazon $132 #27415 6-8 9a-4p ● 28 SheldonClassicWeek5 Sheldon $168 #27499 6-11 8:30a-4p ●●● ● 34 RaftingontheRiver MorseFarm $189 #27677 9-11 9a-2:30p ● 45 Pirates&Adventurers Amazon $132 #27423 9-11 9a-4p ● 28 SheldonClassicWeek5 Sheldon $168 #27500 Aug5-9 M-F 8-10 10a-4:15p ● 31 AdventureBikeCamp RiverHouse $320 #28704 #28703 8-11 8:30a-4p ● 46 Seekers:EnchantedForest BethelPark1 $262 #28578 8-12 9a-12p ● 41 DiscGolfCamp PB&West3 $105 #28969 #29260 Aug12-15 M-Th 6-8 9a-2:30p ● 26 CampEverything Amazon $132 #27416 6-8 9a-4p ● 28 SheldonClassicWeek6 Sheldon $168 #27501 6-11 8:30a-4p ● 47 HoneymanStatePark MorseFarm $183 #27678 9-11 9a-2:30p ● 48 AmazonOlympics Amazon $132 #27425 9-11 9a-4p ● 28 SheldonClassicWeek6 Sheldon $168 #27502 Aug12-16 M-F 8-10 9:45a-4p ● 20 UrbanAdventure RiverHouse $320 #28922 #28903 8-11 8:30a-4p ● 49 Seekers:WildlifeSafari BethelPark1 $262 #28580 Aug19-22 M-Th 6-8 9a-2:30p ● 50 ScienceCamp Amazon $132 #27417 6-8 9a-4p ● 28 SheldonClassicWeek7 Sheldon $168 #27503 6-11 8:30a-4p ● 51 ADayatSplash! MorseFarm $189 #27679 9-11 9a-2:30p ● 50 ScienceCamp Amazon $132 #27426 9-11 9a-4p ● 28 SheldonClassicWeek7 Sheldon $168 #27504 Aug19-23 M-F 8-10 10a-4:15p ● 31 AdventureBikeCamp RiverHouse $320 #28706 #28705 8-11 8:30a-4p ● 52 Seekers:PortlandZoo BethelPark1 $262 #28582 Aug26-29 M-Th 6-11 8:30a-4p ● 47 HoneymanStatePark MorseFarm $183 #27680 Aug26-30 M-F 6-8 9a-12p ● 21 DanceCamp PeteBarn $105 #28502 #29269 7-17 9a-1p ● 36 SkateboardCamp CY&WJ2 $230 #28714 #28713 8-10 9:45a-4p ● 20 UrbanAdventure RiverHouse $320 #28925 #28905 8-11 8:30a-4p ● 53 Seekers:HoneymanStatePark BethelPark1 $225 #28584 9-13 1-4p ● 21 DanceCamp PeteBarn $105 #28503 #29270

Elementary Camps

● 20 Urban Adventure Ages 8-10

Thiscampwillfocusonlocaladventuresusinghumanpoweredtransportation.Theweekisdesignedtoprovide youthwithdedicatedtimeoutside,awayfromdevicesand engagedineducationalandphysicalactivities.Theweekwill includeropescoursestylelearning,hiking,biking,forestand creekexploration,stand-uppaddleboardingandkayakingas weatherallows.Thiscamphasmultiplesessions; registrationislimitedtoonesessionperparticipant.

Uses the lottery system, see box.

● 21 Dance Camp Ages 6-8 & 9-13

Step,tap,turn.Inthiscamp,wewillexplorethefundamentals ofballet,jazz,tapandmodern.Youthwilldevelop�inemotor skills,uselateralthinkingandbeinspired.Onthe�inalday, studentswillhavetheopportunitytoshowcasetheircreative worksinaninformalperformance.Thiscampistheperfect introductiontoavarietyofdancestyles.Noviceand experienceddancersarewelcome.

Uses the lottery system, see box.

● 22 Fantasy & Magic Ages 6-8

Joinusforaweekofspellbindingfun,wherecampers willexplorethewondersofamysticalworld�illedwith wizards,fairiesandmythicalcreatures.Frompotionmaking andwandcraftingtofairytreasurehunts,everydaywill bringnewenchantmentsandadventures.

● 23 Water Week Ages 6-11

Startyoursummeroffrightandmakeasplashduringour waterweekwithexcitingoutdoorwaterrelaygames.Come makecraftsandplaygamesatWayneMorseFarm,visita localparkandswimatAmazonPool.

● 24 3 Bs: Bikes, Boats & Birds Ages 8-10

Thiscampoffersopportunitiestoappreciateourlocalbird populationthroughbikingandboatingactivities.Biketosee wetlandandmeadowbirds,visittheRaptorCenterandboat downourhomestretchhereontheWillametteRiver.

Uses the lottery system, see box.

32 541-682-5333

● 25 Seekers: Cascade Raptor Center

Ages 8-11

Every week this camp will go on local adventures. This week the Adventure Seekers will visit Cascade Raptor Center, make crafts and play games at Bethel Community Park. We will end the week swimming at Echo Hollow Pool.

● 26 Camp Everything

Ages 6-8 & 9-11

This camp offers a little bit of everything. Activities include sports, board games, arts projects and science experiments.

● 27 Cosmic Explorers

Ages 6-8

Blast off and explore the wonders of the cosmos. From crafting alien slime to galactic obstacle courses, this camp will be out-of-this-world.

● 28 Sheldon Classic Camps

Ages 6-8 & 9-11

Youth will explore, discover and play in a day camp setting. In addition to classic camp activities, specialists will lead groups in enriching outdoor, creative and arts-based activities.

● 29 Cottage Grove Lake

Ages 6-11

Join us for a week of fun under the sun. Swim and �loat at Cottage Grove Lake. Make crafts and play games at Wayne Morse Farm, visit a local park and swim at Amazon Pool.

● 30 Clay & Sculpture

Ages 9-11

Invent, discover and create with clay. Beginning and intermediate students are introduced to various ceramics techniques. There will be plenty of time and clay for practice and one or two projects. Projects may be �ired in a kiln and require pickup after camp is completed.

Uses the lottery system, see box.

● 31 Adventure Bike Camp

Ages 8-10

A wheeled adventure camp. Explore the natural world, cruise the Ruth Bascom Riverbank Path, design a bike obstacle course and ride trails. Become a safer cyclist by learning basic bike handling, maintenance skills, the rules of the road and bike etiquette. Throughout the week there will also be water activities to keep cool, which may include wading, swimming, kayaking and rafting. Speci�ic details will be given as we get closer to camp dates. This camp has multiple sessions; registration is limited to one session per participant.

Uses the lottery system, see box.

● 32 Seekers: Rafting the McKenzie

Ages 8-11

Every week this camp will go on local adventures. This week the Adventure Seekers will raft the McKenzie River with our outdoor program, make crafts and play games at Bethel Community Park. We will end the week swimming at Echo Hollow Pool.

Elementary Camps

● 33 Level Up!

Ages 6-8

Calling all gamers. This camp will feature exciting activities and crafts inspired by your favorite video games.

●●● ● 34 Rafting on the River

Ages 6-11

Learn about water safety and play water games. River House Outdoor Center staff will be our guides on the McKenzie River or Willamette River. Come make crafts and play games at Morse Farm, visit a local park and swim at Amazon Pool.

● 35 Theatre Camp Ages 9-11

Theatre camp will take its cues from campers’ interests, exploring improv techniques to createcollaborative performances. Campers will develop essential skills for stage acting, costume and scenic design. The art of teamwork will bring out the best in each unique performer.

Uses the lottery system, see box.

Lottery System

1. For starred activities, sign up for the lottery using the lottery number (in italics). The lottery will be open April 15-19. No payment is due at this time.

2. Staff will use a randomization system to select participants. Starting April 22, you’ll be notified by email if you are selected or not.

3. If selected, you have through April 29 to register and pay. You can follow the link in the email to register online, or call or visit a Rec center.

4. If the activity doesn’t fill up with the lottery, remaining slots will be available on registration day, May 2. Use the registration code (not italics) to register.

For more information, go to 33

Elementary Camps

●● 36 Skateboard Camp Ages 7-17

Learn the fundamentals of skateboarding and park riding. Increase your skills and con�idence starting at Cal Young Skatepark and working up to Washington Jefferson Skatepark. Helmets are required and full pads are recommended. Helmets, pads and boards are available for loan.

Uses the lottery system, see box on page 33.

● 37 Seekers: Oakridge Hatchery Tour & Mini Golf Ages 8-11

Every week this camp will go on local adventures. This week the Adventure Seekers will head to the Oakridge Hatchery tour and mini golf, make crafts and play games at Bethel Community Park. We will end the week swimming at Echo Hollow Pool.

● 38 Once Upon a Camp Ages 6-8

Once upon a time, there was a magical summer camp where the pages of fairy tales came to life. Embark on a whimsical journey �illed with heroes and heroines, creatures and quests.

● 39 Puppetry Creations Ages 9-11

Learn teamwork, performance and engineering skills while exploring diverse styles of puppetry.Campers will make and operate a variety of puppets inspired by global cultures and work as a team bringing them to life.

Uses the lottery system, see box on page 33.

● 40 Seekers: U of O Football Tour Ages 8-11

Every week this camp will go on local adventures. This week the Adventure Seekers will tour the University of Oregon’s football facility, make crafts and play games at Bethel Community Park. We will end the week swimming at Echo Hollow Pool.

●● 41 Disc Golf Camp

Ages 8-12

Join our exciting youth disc golf camp for a week of fun and skill-building. Participants will learn throwing techniques, course navigation and sportsmanship. With expert instructors and beautiful courses, it’s the perfect opportunity to ignite a passion for disc golf while making new friends. This camp will meet at Petersen Barn on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Westmorland Park on Thursday and Friday.

Uses the lottery system, see box on page 33.

● 42 Nature Camp

Ages 6-8

There is so much to discover outdoors. Go on nature walks, create leaf art and make a bird feeder.

● 43 Wildlife Safari Ages 6-11

Join us for a week of fun under the sun and an exciting trip to the Wildlife Safari. Make crafts and play games at Wayne Morse Farm, visit a local park and swim at Amazon Pool. Admissionfor Wildlife Safari is included.

● 44 Seekers: DEFY Eugene Ages 8-11

Every week this camp will go on local adventures. This week the Adventure Seekers will visit DEFY Trampoline Park, make crafts and play games at Bethel Community Park. We will end the week swimming at Echo Hollow Pool.

● 45 Pirates & Adventurers Ages 6-8 & 9-11

Grab your eyepatch and hoist the Jolly Roger. Set sail on a swashbuckling adventure where we will embark on daily quests, hunt for treasure and create fun crafts.

● 46 Seekers: Enchanted Forest Ages 8-11

Every week this camp will go on local adventures. This week the Adventure Seekers will visit Enchanted Forest, make crafts and play games at Bethel Community Park. We will end the week swimming at Echo Hollow Pool.

● 47 Honeyman State Park Ages 6-11

Join us for a week of fun under the sun and an exciting time on sandy dunes and at Honeyman Lake by Florence. Come make crafts and play games at Wayne Morse Farm, visit a local park and swim at Amazon Pool.

● 48 Amazon Olympics Ages 9-11

On your mark, get set, go! Build your team, race through obstacle courses and bring home the gold.

● 49 Seekers: Wildlife Safari Ages 8-11

Every week this camp will go on local adventures. This week the Adventure Seekers will visit Wildlife Safari, make crafts and play games at Bethel Community Park. We will end the week swimming at Echo Hollow Pool.

● 50 Science Camp

Ages 6-8 & 9-11

Grab your lab coats and start experimenting. This week’s all about STEM – Science, Technology, Electronics and Math –in a really fun way.

● 51 A Day at Splash!

Ages 6-11

Join us for a week of fun under the sun and aquatic adventures at Splash! at Lively Park. Make crafts and play games at Wayne Morse Farm, visit a local park and swim at Amazon Pool. Admission for Splash! is included.

● 52 Seekers: Portland Zoo

Ages 8-11

Every week this camp will go on local adventures. This week the Adventure Seekers will visit Portland Zoo, make crafts and play games at Bethel Community Park. We will end the week swimming at Echo Hollow Pool.

● 53 Seekers: Honeyman State Park

Ages 8-11

Every week this camp will go on local adventures. This week the Adventure Seekers will swim and sandboard at Honeyman State Park, make crafts and play games at Bethel Community Park. We will end the week swimming at Echo Hollow Pool.

34 541-682-5333

2018 Bond


Parks and Recreation Bond and Levy

Parks and Recreation Bond and Levy

Renovating and building new parks, expanding recreation facilities, improving safety and caring for what we have

2023 Levy

2018 Bond 2023 Levy

Five years into bond implementation, there are projects in all phases of completion throughout the community. Of the 38 bond-funded projects, 31 (81%) are complete or underway.

Completed Projects:

Striker Field Park

Downtown Riverfront Park

Tugman Park Renovation

Berkeley Park Renovation

Echo Hollow Pool & Fitness Center Renovation

Campbell Community Center Expansion

Sheldon Pool & Fitness Center Renovation

Churchill Tennis Court Renovation

Amazon Park Running Trail Renovation

Alton Baker Park, West Bank and South Bank Lighting

The levy keeps parks safer, cleaner and greener by funding the ongoing efforts of the park safety team and park maintenance. More frequent servicing of parks, enhanced trail and natural area maintenance and an increased security presence in parks are the hallmarks of this operating levy.

It pays for maintenance of new bond projects as they’ve opened, such as Striker Field and Downtown Riverfront Park, as well as facility maintenance and increased fitness programming opportunities for the renovated recreation centers. 35
Striker Field Park, opened September Striker Field Park, opened September 2023

Tween & Teen Camps

Tween & Teen

Camp descriptions are on pages 37-39.

Lookingforactivitiesfor tweensandteenswith disabilities? See Adaptive Teen Adventures, page 10.

1 CalYoungSkatepark,2555GilhamRoad andWashingtonJeffersonSkatepark, 150JeffersonSt.

36 541-682-5333
Dates Days Ages Time ● # Title Location Cost Lottery Register Jun24-28 M-F 11-13 10a-4:15p ● 54 AdventureBikeCamp RiverHouse $320 #28697 #28696 13-17 9:45a-4p ● 55 RiverHouseJuniorInstructorDevelopment RiverHouse $320 #28911 #28898 Jul1-3 M-W 11-17 9:45a-4p ● 56 KayakWhitewater,Sit-On-Tops&Inflatables RiverHouse $290 #28782 #28781 11-17 9:45a-4p ● 57 Stand-UpPaddleboarding RiverHouse $230 #28785 #28783 11-17 10a-2p ● 58 ArcheryCamp RiverHouse $140 #28914 #28908 Jul8-11 M-Th 12-14 9a-4p ● 59 Survive&Thrive Sheldon $205 #28478 #27596 Jul8-12 M-F 10-14 9a-4p ● 60 Art&Nature PeteBarn $245 #28504 #29263 11-13 9:45a-4p ● 61 UrbanAdventure RiverHouse $320 #28917 #28895 11-17 9a-4:30p ● 62 Sailing RiverHouse $475 #28804 #28802 11-17 9:45a-4p ● 63 PaddleExploration RiverHouse $320 #28810 #28796 12-15 10a-2p ● 64 MonsterDrawing Amazon $140 #27656 #29217 Jul15-18 M-Th 12-14 9a-4p ● 65 ShadyCharacters Sheldon $205 #28522 #27597 Jul15-19 M-F 7-17 9a-1p ● 66 SkateboardCamp CY&WJ1 $230 #28710 #28709 10-14 9a-4p ● 67 GraphicDesign EchoHollow $245 #28506 #29265 11-17 9a-4:30p ● 62 Sailing RiverHouse $475 #28807 #28805 11-17 9:45a-4p ● 68 KayakWhitewater,Beginning RiverHouse $380 #28787 #28786 Jul22-25 M-Th 12-14 9a-4p ● 69 ExplOregon Sheldon $205 #28525 #27598 Jul22-26 M-F 10-14 9a-4p ●● 70 EuGeologyCamp PeteBarn $245 #28981 #29258 11-13 9:45a-4p ● 61 UrbanAdventure RiverHouse $320 #28919 #28900 11-17 9a-4:30p ● 62 Sailing RiverHouse $475 #28809 #28808 11-17 9:45a-4p ● 71 KayakWhitewater,Intermediate RiverHouse $380 #28790 #28788 Jul29-Aug1 M-Th 12-14 9a-4p ● 72 WhoLikesHikes? Sheldon $205 #28526 #27599 Jul29-Aug2 M-F 7-17 9a-1p ● 66 SkateboardCamp CY&WJ1 $230 #28712 #28711 10-14 9a-4p ● 60 Art&Nature PeteBarn $245 #28505 #29264 11-17 9a-4:30p ● 62 Sailing RiverHouse $475 #28812 #28801 14-17 1-4p ● 73 WritingQueer&TransStories Amazon $105 #27694 #29218 Aug5-8 M-Th 12-14 9a-4p ● 74 StayCool,Fool Sheldon $205 #28527 #27600 Aug5-9 M-F 11-13 9:45a-4p ● 61 UrbanAdventure RiverHouse $320 #28921 #28902 11-14 9a-4p ● 75 D&DCamp EchoHollow $245 #28509 #29261 11-17 9a-4:30p ● 62 Sailing RiverHouse $475 #28814 #28813 11-17 9:45a-4p ● 57 Stand-UpPaddleboarding RiverHouse $380 #28793 #28792 Aug12-15 M-Th 12-14 9a-4p ● 76 Floats&Boats Sheldon $205 #28528 #27601

All Tween & Teen camps use the lottery system, see box.

● 54 Adventure Bike Camp Ages 11-13

A wheeled adventure camp. Explore the natural world, cruise the Ruth Bascom Riverbank Path, design a bike obstacle course and ride trails. Become a safer cyclist by learning basic bike handling, maintenance skills, the rules of the road and bike etiquette. Throughout the week there will also be water activities to keep cool, which may include wading, swimming, kayaking and rafting. Speci�ic details will be given as we get closer to camp dates. This camp has multiple sessions; registration is limited to one session per participant.

● 55 River House Junior Instructor Development

Ages 13-17

This camp is the �irst step in becoming a junior instructor at the River House Outdoor Center. Each day of camp will focus on a different hard skill such as challenge course facilitation, paddlesports, biking, hiking and climbing. Participants will learn about each activity while developing the soft skills needed to teach and support their students and peers. The emphasis is on familiarizing participants with the River House and the activities it offers while building an understanding of teaching theory, social diversity, inclusion, con�lict resolution and teamwork.

● 56 Kayak Whitewater, Sit-on-Tops & Inflatables

Ages 11-17

A welcoming class for beginners taught using sit-on-top and in�latable kayaks. Start on �latwater, move to the Willamette River and then the McKenzie River. Learn the basics of kayaking and river safety skills. Equipment provided.

Tween & Teen Camps

● 57 Stand-Up Paddleboarding Ages 11-17

This is an opportunity for youth to learn how to �latwater and river SUP and re�ine existing skills. Paddlers will start with �irst-time basics, building the needed foundation to grow. The class will begin in �latwater and gradually work up to paddling on local rivers while covering all the information needed to be a competent stand-up paddleboarder.

● 58 Archery Camp Ages 11-17

The River House Archery program aims to teach youth, adults and families the skills needed tobecome pro�icient archers and to develop a lifelong passion fortraditional shooting. Archery has been shown to improve motivation, attention, discipline and focus.This program helps participants develop their �ine and gross motor skills, including their balance, timing and breathing regulation, alongside acting as a great social opportunity.

Lottery System

1. For starred activities, sign up for the lottery using the lottery number (in italics). The lottery will be open April 15-19. No payment is due at this time.

2. Staff will use a randomization system to select participants. Starting April 22, you’ll be notified by email if you are selected or not.

3. If selected, you have through April 29 to register and pay. You can follow the link in the email to register online, or call or visit a Rec center.

4. If the activity doesn’t fill up with the lottery, remaining slots will be available on registration day, May 2. Use the registration code (not italics) to register.

For more information, go to 37
Dates Days Ages Time ● # Title Location Cost Lottery Register Aug 12-16 M-F 10-14 9a-4p ● 77 Craft Camp Echo Hollow $245 #28507 #29262 11-17 9a-4:30p ● 62 Sailing River House $475 #28817 #28816 11-17 9:45a-4p ●● 63 Paddle Exploration River House $320 #28815 #28803 11-17 10a-4:15p ● 78 Mountain Biking River House $320 #28708 #28707 Aug 19-22 M-Th 12-14 9a-4p ● 79 ZooGene Sheldon $160 #28529 #27602 Aug 19-23 M-F 10-14 9a-4p ● 80 Minecraft Architecture Echo Hollow $245 #28508 #29266 11-13 9:45a-4p ● 61 Urban Adventure River House $320 #28924 #28904 11-17 9a-4:30p ● 62 Sailing River House $475 #28820 #28819 11-17 9:45a-4p ● 63 Paddle Exploration River House $320 #28818 #28806 12-15 10a-2p ● 81 Clay & Sculpture Amazon $140 #27578 #29215 Aug 26-30 M-F 7-17 9a-1p ● 66 Skateboard Camp CY & WJ1 $230 #28714 #28713 11-13 10a-4:15p ● 82 Five Ss Camp River House $320 #28913 #28896 11-17 9a-4:30p ● 62 Sailing River House $475 #28822 #28821

Tween & Teen Camps

● 59 Survive & Thrive

Ages 12-14

Doyouworryaboutzombiestakingover?Doyouhavewhat ittakestosurvivewhenaliensdescendonEarthinsearchof testsubjects?Practiceforscenariosbothrealandimaginary duringthisweekofsurvivalskills.

● 60 Art & Nature

Ages 10-14

Areyouinspiredbynature?Wewillexploreandhikeinto beautifulnaturalareasandcreatestunningworksofart.We willhoneourartistictechniques,frompaintstomarkersto pencils,whilealsotakingthetimetoobservewhat’saround usandputwhatweseefromnatureonthepage.Everyday willbeanewartisticadventure.Includes�ieldtripstoparks andnaturalareasupto100milesaway.

● 61 Urban Adventure

Ages 11-13

Thiscampwillfocusonlocaladventuresusinghumanpoweredtransportation.Theweekisdesignedtoprovide youthwithdedicatedtimeoutside,awayfromdevicesand engagedineducationalandphysicalactivities.Theweekwill includeropescoursestylelearning,hiking,biking,forestand creekexploration,stand-uppaddleboardingandkayakingas weatherallows.Itisalsoaservice-learningproject.This camphasmultiplesessions;registrationislimitedtoone sessionperparticipant.

● 62 Sailing Ages 11-17

JointheRiverHouseandEugeneYachtClubandlearnhow tosailatFernRidgeLakethissummer.Our�leetofsmall sailboatsareidealforpickingupthisuniqueoutdoorskill. TransportationisprovidedtoandfromtheRiverHouseeach day.Comepreparedforwindandwetandlotsoffun.Not eligibleforscholarship.

● 63 Paddle Exploration Ages 11-17

Thisisanopportunityforyouthtolearnthebasicsofstanduppaddleboarding,kayakingandrafting.Paddlerswill spendoneortwodayslearning�irst-timebasicsineach craft;thiswillbuildtheneededfoundationforfuture growth.Theclasswillbeacombinationof�latwaterand easyClassI/IIrivers.The�inaldaywillberaftingonthe McKenzieRiver.Allboatingequipmentisprovided.

● 64 Monster Drawing

Ages 12-15

Lightningstrikes,acauldronofgoobubblesandpopsand somethingstirsinthedark.Fromhorrifyingghoulstocute creatures,journeywithustocreatetheultimatemonster.At thefrightlab,wewilldrawfromavarietyofreferences. Fromphotoinspirationtobuildingourownmodels.All levelsofexperiencearewelcome.

● 65 Shady Characters Ages 12-14

Escapethesummersunwithusasweexploregrovesof enormoustrees,deepcanyonsandrushingrivers.

● 66 Skateboard Camp

Ages 7-17

Learnthefundamentalsofskateboardingandparkriding. Increaseyourskillsandcon�idencestartingatCalYoung SkateparkandworkinguptoWashingtonJeffersonSkatepark. Helmetsarerequiredandfullpadsarerecommended. Helmets,padsandboardsareavailableforloan.

● 67 Graphic Design Camp

Ages 10-14

Learnhowtodrawanddesigndigitally.Makelogos,create differentproductdesignsandenhanceyourProcreateand Illustratorskills.Therewillalsobetheopportunitytoplay differentart-relatedgamesandparticipateinvariouscrafts meanttoenhancedesignskills.FieldtripsTBA.

● 68 Kayak Whitewater, Beginning Ages 11-17

Thisbeginningwhitewatercampuseshard-shellorsitinsidekayaks.Starton�latwater,movetotheWillamette RiverandworkuptotheMcKenzieRiver.ClassI-IIrapids.

● 69 ExplOregon Ages 12-14

Exploreclose-bytownsandtheiroutdoorattractions, naturalareasandswimspots.

●● 70 EuGeology Camp Ages 10-14

Embarkonarock-solidadventureatourgeologycamp.Dive deepintotheEarth’smysteriesasweexploresparkling rocks,ancientfossilsandvolcanicwonders.Fromhands-on explorationtothrillinghikes,getreadytounearth knowledge,forgefriendshipsandrocktheworldwithyour newfoundgeologicalexpertise!

● 71 Kayak Whitewater, Intermediate Ages 11-17

Thiscampaimstodevelopyourkayakingskillsandyour swiftwaterrescueknowledgesothatyoucanbeavaluable memberofakayakteam.ThecampwilltraveltoClassIIand IIIrivers,includingtheMcKenzie,NorthSantiamandothers. Therewillalsobeadayofplayboating.Thereisanelement ofswiftwaterrescueswimmingandropetechniquesto roundoutthiscamp.Beingcomfortablepaddlingwhitewater inClassIIrapidsisrequired.

● 72 Who Likes Hikes? Ages 12-14

Packupyourbackpackandlaceupyourwalkin’shoes. We’regoinghiking.

● 73 Writing Queer & Trans Stories Ages 14-17

Thiswritingcampisforqueer,transandquestioningteens whowanttoexplorecreativewritingwithoutthepressure to“getitright.”We’llexplorevariousshortformsofpersonal narrativethroughactivewritingandcreativerevisioningof micro-essays,prosepoetry,lyricalpoetryandmixedmedia. Sharingworkandreceivingfeedbackisalwaysoptional. Neurodivergent-friendlycampformat.

38 541-682-5333

● 74 Stay Cool, Fool Ages 12-14

Youwon’twanttoforgetyourswimsuitthisweek.Everyday wewillcheckoutanewplacetojumpin,cooloffandenjoy thebestpartofsummer.

● 75 D&D Camp Ages 11-14

AcampcenteredaroundtherenownedtabletopRPG DungeonsandDragons.Participantswillmakecharacters, designtheirownworldsandplaytogetherasagroupto createafunandinclusiveadventure.Therewillalsobethe opportunitytodesigntheircharacters,makemapsand engageinotherfunfantasy-relatedactivities.

● 76 Floats & Boats Ages 12-14

Whetheryou’rea�loater,boater,�lipperor�lopper,thisweek willbe�illedwithdaysspentonandinthewater.

● 77 Craft Camp Ages 10-14

Createcraftsallday,everyday.Makegiftsforyourfriends andfamily.Wewillexploreavarietyoftechniquesand mediumsincludingknitting,painting,sculptingandbuilding. Comecraftawaywithus.

● 78 Mountain Biking Ages 11-17

Learnthefundamentalsofmountainbiking,includingbike handlingskills,trailetiquette,maintenanceandtrail buildingthroughaservicelearningproject.Bringawellmaintainedtrailbike.Bikesareavailabletoborrowforthe

durationofcampthankstoagenerousdonationfromthe JuliaFudgefamily.

● 79 ZooGene Ages 12-14

Fromverylargetoverysmall,thisweekwillbespent appreciatingallthattheAnimalKingdomhastooffer.

● 80 Minecraft Architecture Ages 10-14

LearnthearthistoryofarchitecturethroughMinecraft. Learnaboutarchitecturefromdifferentareaslikeancient RomeandGreeceandfromdifferenttimeperiodsfrom medievalandGothictomodernandcontemporary.Campers willworktowarda�inalprojectusingallthetechniquesthey havelearnedthroughouttheweekandcreateabuilding fromanyoftheperiodswediscuss.

● 81 Clay & Sculpture Ages 12-15

Invent,discoverandcreatewithclay.Beginningand intermediatestudentsareintroducedtovariousceramics techniques.Therewillbeplentyoftimeandclayforpractice andoneortwoprojects.Projectsmaybe�iredinakilnand requirepickupaftercampiscompleted.

● 82 Five Ss Camp Ages 11-13

Experienceadifferentoutdooradventureeveryday. Includessailing,swimming,SkinnerButteColumnsrock climbing,skateboarding,stand-uppaddleboardingand snorkeling. 39
Tween & Teen Camps

Youth Swimming

Hours & Info

For the most up-to-date schedule, visit or give the pools a call.

Baby Swims Ages 0-2 with adult

Children under 3 and their adults can enjoy the warm water pool together. Adults must be in the water with their children. Admission is not included with swim lesson registration. Purchase a pass or drop-in admission.

Sheldon Pool, Jun 17-Aug 30

Warm Water Pool

TuTh 12-1p

F 10:30-11:30a

Family Swims All ages

Adults must be in the water with their children. Admission is not included with swim lesson registration. Purchase a pass or drop-in admission.

Amazon Pool, Jun 17-Sep 1

Su-Sa 11:30a-1p

TuTh 5:30-7p

Echo Hollow Pool, Jun 17-Sep 1

M-F 12-1:15p

MW 7-8:30p

Sheldon Pool, Jun 17-Aug 30

Warm Water Pool

TuTh 7-8p

F 4:30-5:30p

Recreation Swims All ages

Play and swim times open to all ages. Children under 4 feet must be accompanied by an adult age 18 or older (one adult per child) or be able to pass a swim test. Mini-rec will have lower capacity and some pool spaces and amenities may be unavailable. Admission is not included with swim lesson registration. Purchase a pass or drop-in admission.

Amazon Pool, Jun 17-Sep 1

M-F 1:45-4:30p

SaSu 1:45-4:30p, mini-rec

MW 7-8:30p, mini-rec

Echo Hollow Pool, Jun 17-Sep 1

M-F 1:45-4:30p

Sa 1:45-4:30p, mini-rec

TuThF 7-8:30p, mini-rec

Sheldon Pool, Jun 17-Aug 30

M-F 1:30-3:30p

MW 7-8:30p

Su 12-1:30p

40 541-682-5333

Birthday Party Packages

Birthday party packages occur during recreation and family swim times and include reserved space for your party. Call the pools for more information.

Amazon, Echo Hollow & Sheldon Pools

10 people or fewer: $55

25 people or fewer: $105

40 people or fewer: $155

Closures/Modified Schedules

Amazon Pool

May 20 Preseason schedule begins

May 27 Holiday schedule

Jun 1-2 Closed for staff training

Jun 14 Closed at 2p for Mike Morris Swim Meet

Jun 15-16 Closed for Mike Morris Swim Meet

Jun 17 Summer season hours begin

Jun 19 Holiday schedule

Jun 28-30 Closed for TEAM Swim Meet

Jul 4 Holiday schedule

Sep 2 Holiday schedule

Echo Hollow Pool & Fitness Center

May 19-Jun 2 Closed for maintenance

Jun 17 Summer season hours begin

Jun 19 Holiday schedule

Jul 4 Holiday schedule

Sep 2 Holiday schedule

Sheldon Pool & Fitness Center

May 27 Holiday schedule

Jun 1-2 Closed for staff training

Jun 17 Summer season hours begin

Jun 19 Holiday schedule

Jul 4 Holiday schedule

Aug 31-Sep 15

Closed for maintenance

Pool Fees


All entry requires an admission fee for ages 3 and up. Children age 2 and under are free with a paid adult. Passes 20% extra for nonresidents.

*Additional charges for more than 5 people.

Swim Diapers Policy: City of Eugene swim facilities require swim diapers that are elastic fitting around the legs and waist for non-toilet trained individuals.

Youth Program

Summer Swim & Water Polo League

Ages 8-14

Coached by professional and experienced staff, your child will be involved in two team-oriented practices each week and a competition that rotates between pools every Friday. Includes a summer season pass to all City of Eugene pools. Some swimming skill is required and space is limited, so call your local pool today.

Amazon Pool

Jun 17-Aug 21 MW 12-1:30p

Jun 21-Aug 23 F 11a-1:30p $100 #28954

No class Jun 19

Echo Hollow Pool

Jun 18-Aug 22 TuTh 1-2:30p

Jun 21-Aug 23 F 9-11:30a $100 #28949

No class Jul 4

Sheldon Pool

Jun 17-Aug 21 MW 12-1:30p

Jun 21-Aug 23 F 9-11:30a $100 #29185

No class Jun 19

Water Safety & Swim Skills

Ages 5-12

This drop-in swim time is designed for youth with disabilities and their parent or care provider to practice swim skills and water comfort and safety in a low-sensory, unstructured warm water pool time. Youth must be accompanied by an adult or be independent in the water. Children with disabilities get in for free along with one care provider, additional children or parents will be charged the drop-in swim rate. For questions call 541-682-5311 or email

Sheldon Pool

Jun 9-Aug 25 Su 11-11:50a Free Drop-in 41
$5.50 $40
(3-17) $5.50 $40 $48 $116 Adult (18+)
$46 $59 $143 Senior (60+)
$48 $116 Family*
$99 $119 $286 Single Visit 10 Visit Pass 30 Day Pass 90 Day Pass
Youth Swimming

Youth Swimming

Swim Lessons

● 1 Introductory Parent-Child Ages6months+

No prerequisites. Parentsandbabiesenjoythewater together.Parentsreceivesafetytipsandparticipatein songsandgamestoincreasetheirchild’scomfortinthe water.Infantsmustwearelastic�ittingreusableswim diapers; see page 41

● 2 Advanced Parent-Child Ages18months+

No prerequisites. Parentsandbabiesworktogetherinthe watertodevelopimportantbasicskillsandbuilda foundationtocomfortablyparticipateinpreschoolswim lessons.Theclasscoverssafetytopics,songs,games, �loating,kicking,armstrokesandblowingbubbles. Infantsmustwearelastic�ittingreusableswimdiapers; see page 41.

● 3 Starfish Ages3-5

No prerequisites. Thisintroductoryclassteachesstudents tosubmergeandsafelyparticipatewhilelearningbasic bodypositioningandswimmingskills.Childrenattend lessonsindependentlyfromparents.Parentswillbeable toobservechild’slessonfromspectatorareas.No goggles.

● 4 Otters Ages3-5

Prerequisites: Star�ish, or participate independently in a class setting, jump in and submerge independently. Swimmersworkonincreasingcomfortinthewater, becomingindependentandcon�identlysubmerging. Skillsfocusonfrontkicks,glidesandextended independent�loats.Nogoggles.

● 5 Penguins Ages3-5

Prerequisites: Otters, or independently roll from front to back while kicking, demonstrate long-reach front crawl arms. Swimmerslearnsidebreathingandbackstrokewhile increasingtheirstaminaandswimmingskills.Swimmers gainabetterunderstandingofbodypositioningand movementinwaterandworkonimportantsafetyskills.

● 6 Seals Ages3-5

Prerequisites: Penguins, or front crawl with side breathing for �ive cycles. Swimmersgaincon�idenceandendurance whileimprovingsidebreathing,backstrokeandtreading waterskills.Studentsworkindeeperwaterandare introducedtodiving.Safetytopicsbuildonmaterialfrom previousclasses.

● 7 Orcas Ages3-5

Prerequisites: Seals, or strong front crawl and backstroke 15 yards. Swimmersimprovetheirfrontcrawland backstroketechniqueandareintroducedtothebasicsof breaststrokeandbutter�ly.Studentscomfortableindeep watercontinuetobuildcon�idenceandenduranceas theyprogresstoswimminglengthsandtreadingwater.

● 8 Beginner Ages6-10

No prerequisites. Studentslearntobecomfortableinthe waterbyexploringbodypositionsandsafetyskills. Introductiontoputtingfaceinthewater.Nogoggles.

● 9 Fundamental Skills Ages6-10

Prerequisites: Beginner class, or independently enter water and bob to safety and independently front glide. Students comfortableinthewaterwilllearnintroductoryfront andbackcrawlwithfocusonbodypositionandbuoyancy.

● 10 Deep Water Confidence Ages6-10

Prerequisites: Fundamental Skills, or front crawl with side breathing (six cycles) and backstroke (�ive cycles). Those withfrontandbackcrawlexperiencewillre�inetheir strokeandbuildendurance.Swimmingskillsindeep waterwillbepracticed.Advancedbodyposition techniqueswillalsobepracticed.

● ● 11 Building Endurance Ages6-10

Prerequisites: Deep Water Con�idence, or front crawl and backstroke 15 yards and tread water for two minutes. Fora morecon�identswimmer.Studentswillworkonswimming afulllengthofthepoolwhileperfectingandpracticing frontcrawl,backcrawl,breaststrokekickandmore.

● 12 Advanced Strokes


Prerequisites: Building Endurance, or front crawl and backstroke 25 yards. Forthemoreadvancedswimmer. Studentswillre�inestrokesandincreasedistances.This courseengendersswimmingasasourceoflifelong�itness.

● 13 Pre-Competitive Training Ages6-13

Prerequisites: Advanced Strokes, or front crawl and backstroke 50 yards. Classfocusedonthefourstrokesusedin competition.Learnstarts,turnsandinfotoprepareyou toentertheexcitingworldofcompetitiveswimming.

● 14 Middle School Ages11-13

No prerequisites. Formiddleschool-agedstudentsofall skilllevels.We’llteachyouwhereyou’reat,beitabeginner withnoexperienceorifyou’relookingforskillre�inement.

● 15 Teen Swim Lessons Ages14-17

No prerequisites. Forteenstudentsofallskilllevels.We’ll teachyouwhereyou’reat,beitabeginnerwithnoexperience orifyou’relookingforskillre�inement.

● 16 Adult Swim Lessons Ages18+

No prerequisites. Foradultstudentsofallskilllevels.We’ll teachyouwhereyou’reat,beitabeginnerwithnoexperience orifyou’relookingforskillre�inement.

● 17 Private/Semi-Private Ages3-adult


42 541-682-5333

Amazon Pool Lessons

Day Sessions

Sessionsare2weeks 4classesperweek,M-Th 30minuteclasses

Evening Sessions





Session6 Jun17-Jul11*

MW/TuTh $42

Session7 Jul15-Aug8

MW/TuTh $48

Session8 Aug12-29 MW/TuTh $36 *NoclassJun19,Jul4

Class descriptions are on page 42. 43
Youth Swimming
Session1 Jun17-27* M-Th $42 Session2 Jul1-11** M-Th $42 Session3 Jul15-25 M-Th $48 Session4 Jul29-Aug8 M-Th $48 Session5 Aug12-22 M-Th $48 *NoclassJun19 **NoclassJul4 Ages ● # Title Monday-Thursday 6mo+ ● 1 IntroParent-Child 12:25p 1p 18mo+ ● 2 AdvancedParent-Child 11:50a 3-5 ● 3 Starfish 11:15a 11:50a 12:25p 1p ● 4 Otters 10:40a 11:50a 12:25p 1p ● 5 Penguins 10:40a 11:15a 11:50a ● 6 Seals 11:15a ● 7 Orcas 10:40a 6-10 ● 8 Beginner 10:40a 11:15a 1p ● 9 FundamentalSkills 10:40a 11:15a 11:50a 12:25p ● 10 DeepWaterConfidence 10:40a 11:15a 12:25p 1p ● 11 BuildingEndurance 11:15a 12:25p 1p 6-13 ● 12 AdvancedStrokes 10:40a 11:50a ● 13 Pre-CompetitiveTraining 12:25p 11-13 ● 14 MiddleSchool 11:50a 1p Ages ● # Title Monday&Wednesday Tuesday&Thursday 6mo+ ● 1 IntroParent-Child 4:45p 5:20p 18mo+ ● 2 AdvancedParent-Child 5:20p 4:45p 3-5 ● 3 Starfish 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p 6:30p 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p ● 4 Otters 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p 6:30p 4:45p 5:20p 6:30p ● 5 Penguins 5:20p 5:55p 5:20p 6:30p ● 6 Seals 6:30p 5:55p ● 7 Orcas 6:30p 6-10 ● 8 Beginner 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p ● 9 FundamentalSkills 5:20p 5:55p 6:30p 5:20p 5:55p 6:30p ● 10 DeepWaterConfidence 5:20p 6:30p 5:20p 5:55p ● 11 BuildingEndurance 5:55p 5:55p 6-13 ● 12 AdvancedStrokes 6:30p 6:30p 11-13 ● 14 MiddleSchool 5:55p 6:30p 18+ ● 16 Adult 6:30p 3+ ● 17 Private/Semi-Private 6:30p 5:55p

Youth Swimming

Echo Hollow Pool Lessons

Day Sessions


4classesperweek,M-Th 30minuteclasses

Session1 Jun17-27* M-Th $42

Session2 Jul1-11** M-Th $42

Session3 Jul15-25 M-Th $48

Session4 Jul29-Aug8 M-Th $48

Session5 Aug12-22 M-Th $48

*NoclassJun19 **NoclassJul4

Evening Sessions



MWorTuTh 30minuteclasses

Session6 Jun17-Jul11*

MW/TuTh $42

Session7 Jul15-Aug8

MW/TuTh $48

Session8 Aug12-29

MW/TuTh $36


Class descriptions are on page 42.

44 541-682-5333
Ages ● # Title Monday&Wednesday Tuesday&Thursday 6mo+ ● 1 IntroParent-Child 4:45p 5:20p 18mo+ ● 2 AdvancedParent-Child 5:20p 4:45p 3-5 ● 3 Starfish 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p 6:30p 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p 6:30p ● 4 Otters 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p 6:30p 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p 6:30p ● 5 Penguins 4:45p 5:55p 5:20p 6:30p ● 6 Seals 6:30p 5:55p ● 7 Orcas 6:30p 6-10 ● 8 Beginner 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p 6:30p 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p ● 9 FundamentalSkills 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p 6:30p ● 10 DeepWaterConfidence 5:20p 6:30p 4:45p 5:55p ● 11 BuildingEndurance 5:55p 4:45p 5:20p 6-13 ● 12 AdvancedStrokes 6:30p 6:30p ● 13 Pre-CompetitiveTraining 6:30p 11-13 ● 14 MiddleSchool 4:45p 5:20p 6:30p 3+ ● 17 Private/Semi-Private 5:55p 5:55p
Ages ● # Title Monday-Thursday 6mo+ ● 1 IntroParent-Child 11:15a 18mo+ ● 2 AdvancedParent-Child 10:40a 3-5 ● 3 Starfish 10:05a 10:40a 11:15a ● 4 Otters 9:30a 10:40a 11:15a ● 5 Penguins 9:30a 10:05a 10:40a ● 6 Seals 10:05a ● 7 Orcas 9:30a 6-10 ● 8 Beginner 9:30a 10:05a 11:15a ● 9 FundamentalSkills 9:30a 10:05a 10:40a ● 10 DeepWaterConfidence 9:30a 10:05a 11:15a ● 11 BuildingEndurance 10:05a 11:15a 6-13 ● 12 AdvancedStrokes 9:30a 10:40a 11-13 ● 14 MiddleSchool 10:40a 11:15a

Sheldon Pool Lessons

Day Sessions


4classesperweek,M-Th 30minuteclasses

Session1 Jun17-27* M-Th $42

Session2 Jul1-11** M-Th $42

Session3 Jul15-25 M-Th $48

Session4 Jul29-Aug8 M-Th $48

Session5 Aug12-22 M-Th $48

*NoclassJun19 **NoclassJul4

Evening Sessions


2classesperweek MWorTuTh 30minuteclasses

Session6 Jun17-Jul11* MW/TuTh $42

Session7 Jul15-Aug8 MW/TuTh $48

Session8 Aug12-29 MW/TuTh $36


Class descriptions are on page 42. 45 Youth Swimming Ages ● # Title Monday&Wednesday Tuesday&Thursday 6mo+ ● 1 IntroParent-Child 4:45p 18mo+ ● 2 AdvancedParent-Child 4:45p 3-5 ● 3 Starfish 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p ● 4 Otters 5:20p 5:55p 6:30p 5:20p 5:55p 6:30p ● 5 Penguins 5:20p 5:55p 6:30p 5:20p 5:55p 6:30p ● 6 Seals 6:30p ● 7 Orcas 6:30p 6-10 ● 8 Beginner 4:45p 5:20p 4:45p 5:55p ● 9 FundamentalSkills 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p 6:30p 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p ● 10 DeepWaterConfidence 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p ● 11 BuildingEndurance 5:55p 4:45p 6-13 ● 12 AdvancedStrokes 6:30p ● 13 Pre-CompetitiveTraining 6:30p 11-13 ● 14 MiddleSchool 6:30p 5:20p 5:55p 14-17 ● 15 Teen 6:30p 18+ ● 16 Adult 6:30p 3+ ● 17 Private/Semi-Private 4:45p 6:30p 4:45p 6:30p
Ages ● # Title Monday-Thursday 6mo+ ● 1 IntroParent-Child 11:15a 18mo+ ● 2 AdvancedParent-Child 10:40a 3-5 ● 3 Starfish 9:30a 10:05a 10:40a ● 4 Otters 9:30a 10:05a 11:15a ● 5 Penguins 9:30a 10:05a ● 6 Seals 11:15a ● 7 Orcas 11:15a 6-10 ● 8 Beginner 9:30a 10:05a 10:40a 11:15a ● 9 FundamentalSkills 9:30a 10:40a 11:15a ● 10 DeepWaterConfidence 9:30a 10:05a 11:15a ● 11 BuildingEndurance 10:05a 10:40a 6-13 ● 12 AdvancedStrokes 10:40a 11-13 ● 14 MiddleSchool 10:40a


Clay Family Fun

Ages 5+

Createbowls,mugs,monsters,boxes,tiles,plantersand sculptureswiththefamily.Thisclassincludesinstruction, clay,glazesand�irings.Registereachfamilymember, includingatleastoneadult.



Jul7-Aug11 Su 11a-12:30p $50 #27466

Lottery #27654, see box on page 52.

Jul16-Aug20 Tu 4-5:30p $50 #27465

Lottery #27653, see box on page 52.

Introduction to Needle Felting

Ages 10+

Learntoneedlefeltandcreateyourownhairclip,keychain orpendantwiththelogo,design,characterorcritterofyour choice.We’llgothroughthebasics,thenstartindividual projectswithguidanceandinstruction.Materialsincluded.



Jun29 Sa 9a-12p $20 #27390

Pooches & Paint

Ages 10+

Let’sgetcraftywithourpuppers.Ourdogscanbewonderful artistswhethertheyusetheirtongue,tail,pawsorallthree atonce.Joinusforthisuniquecraftingactivitywithyour furryfriend.Dogsmustbeleashedatalltimes.


Sheldon Center Workshop



Jun23 Su 9a-12p $30 #27459

Aug10 Sa 9a-12p $30 #27470

Learn How To Make Homemade Dog Treats

Learnfourdifferentrecipesforno-bakedogtreats.Your fuzzybuddywillthankyou.Ingredientsincludedincost.


Jul20 Sa 9a-12p $20 #27493

Petersen Barn Art Series



Jul11-Aug29 Th 1-2p $48 #28482

46 541-682-5333

Socialize with Sensory Play Ages 2-5 with adult

ComejoinusoutsideatAmazonCommunityCenterwith yourlittleones.Everyweekwewillexploreandcreatenew texturessuchasthickoobleck,softclouddough,slimywet chalkandmore.Ourclasswillbeheldoutdoorsunderthe breezeway,somakesuretobringclothesyoucangetmessy inandwaterbottlestostayhydrated.



Jun14-Jul19 F 10:30-11:15a $24 #28316

Events & Performances

Amazon Farmers Market All ages

TheAmazonFarmersMarketreturnsthisJunethrough October.There’splentyofparkingatourconvenientlocation rightoffHilyardStreet.Comegetyourfreshveggiesandfruit fortheweek,snagadeliciouspastryforyourwalkalong AmazonCreekorbringcheertosomeone’sdaywithfresh cut�lowers.


Jun13-Oct17 Th 11a-4p Free Drop-in


Free Shakespeare in the Park All ages

Eugene’slongest-runningfreetheaterprogramFree ShakespeareintheParkpresentsShakespeare’smagical romance“TheTempest.”Performancesrunforfourweekends. Feelfreetobringapicnic,blanket,beachchairs,familyand friends.Donationsaccepted.Formoreinformationcall 541-682-5373.


Aug3-25 SaSu 6-9p Free Drop-in

Give it a Try-athlon All ages

You’veheardoftheIronmancompetition,right?Theone wheresuper-athletesswimformilesintheopenocean,hop onabikeforarideupacoupleofmountainsandthenruna marathonthroughthedesert?Yeah,thiseventisnotthat. Joinusforagoofytakeontriathlons.Youandyourthree teammatesmight�indyourselvesthree-leggedracing, mountingapoorly�ittingbikeorpaddlingahomemadepool noodleraftacrossSheldonPool.Whileyouwon’tknow whichthreeeventswillbeonthedocket,youcanplanon winningagoldmedalinfun.


Jul13 Sa 9a-12p $40/team #27577

Roving Park Players All ages

TheRovingParkPlayersarebackwithfreeoutdoor performances.Bringfamily,friends,ablanketandapicnic andjoinusforthefunaswepresenttwoshowsthis summer,“AliceinWonderland”byLewisCarroll,adaptedby VictoriaHarkovitchand“TheSeagull”byAntonChekhov, translationbyChristopherHampton.



Jun13-14 ThF 6-8p Free Drop-in




Aug8-9 ThF 6-8p Free Drop-in



Teddy Bear Picnic All ages

Joininthe30thyearofthisbelovedtraditionforyoung childrenandfamilieshostedbyEugenePublicLibraryatthe AmazonAmphitheater.Bringsnacksandyourteddybearor favoritestuffytocelebrateSummerReadingintheparkwith funactivitiesandlivemusicbyMikeandCarleenMcCornack andtheGardenVarietyBand.


Jul20 Sa 11a-12p Free Drop-in

We Are Bethel Celebration All ages

JoinPetersenBarnCommunityCenter,BethelSchoolsand theActiveBethelCommunityincelebratingBethelandWest Eugeneneighborhoods.Communitybooths,goodfood,live music,carnivalboothsandgamesforthekids.Oregon HealthAuthoritieswillalsobeofferingfreeleadscreening foryoursoilatthisevent.


Jun8 Sa 12-4p Free Drop-in


Archery Classes

Ages 8+

TheRiverHousearcheryprogramaimstoteachyouth, adultsandfamiliestheskillsneededtobecomepro�icient archersandtodevelopalifelongpassionfortraditional shooting.Archeryhasbeenshowntoimprovemotivation, attention,disciplineandfocus.Thisprogramhelps participantsdeveloptheir�ineandgrossmotorskills, includingtheirbalance,timingandbreathingregulation, alongsideactingasagreatsocialopportunity.


Jun28 F 5:30-8:30p $30 #28897

Jul19 F 5:30-8:30p $30 #28906

Aug16 F 5:30-8:30p $30 #28907 47 Family

Deschutes Family Raft Overnight Ages 11+

This is a four-night river trip. Learn to put together a river trip, read water, pack gear and cook outdoors. Equipment, transportation, camping gear and food are provided. Bring a willingness to learn, the desire to have a good time and the expectation of working as a team member. No experience required for rafters. Kayakers must have previous whitewater kayak class or experience and consent of instructor.

Pretrip Jul 25 Th 5:30-7p at River House

Trip Jul 31-Aug 4 W-Su


$650 #28825

Sessions meet at Richardson Park Marina, Dock B, on Fern Ridge Reservoir. Marina parking requires a Lane County fee of $5/day, $50/year; purchase online at

Family Sails Ages 8+

Special Interest

Family Bird Watching

All ages

Come together to share your love for birds and the nature that surrounds us. This experience will be bene�icial for both beginner and experienced birders. Opportunities to learn about different species of birds, their habits and habitats and how to identify them. Participants can share tips on where to �ind certain species, share information or simply discuss their latest sightings.

Meet at Petersen Barn Community Center

Jun 11-Aug 29 Th 8:30-9:30a $72 #28407

Support Groups

Join us for a sail on evening breezes as the sunlight fades. No sailing experience required. Bring a picnic dinner, place settings and nonalcoholic drinks in nonbreakable containers. We will stop for dinner. Each person must register.

Jun 21 F 5-9p

Jul 5 F 5-9p

Jul 19 F 5-9p

Aug 2 F 5-9p

Aug 16 F 5-9p

Aug 30 F 5-9p

Sunset Sails Ages 8+

$65 #28974

$65 #28975

$65 #28976

$65 #28977

$65 #28978

$65 #28979

Enjoy sailing at Fern Ridge Lake and watch the sun dip below the horizon. No sailing experience is required. Bring a picnic dinner and nonalcoholic drinks in a nonbreakable container.

Jun 14 F 5-9p $65 #28965

Jun 28 F 5-9p

Jul 12 F 5-9p

Jul 26 F 5-9p

Aug 9 F 5-9p

Aug 23 F 5-9p

$65 #28967

$65 #28970

$65 #28971

$65 #28972

$65 #28973

WellMama Parental Support

All ages

WellMama provides resources, peer support and wellness services to people affected by or at risk for mental health conditions related to parenthood. WellMama educates parents and the professionals who serve them on prevention, identi�ication and treatment. WellMama raises community awareness of perinatal mental health and promotes supportive policies and accessible treatment.

Sheldon Community Center

Crawlers & Wobblers Parent Support

This group offers a safe and supportive space to connect with other parents with crawlers/wobblers while receiving support and access to resources. Children welcome. Light refreshments provided. Soporte en Español disponible.

Jun 5-Aug 28 W 12-2p Free #27400

Working Parents Support Group

Are you dealing with the stress of pregnancy, postpartum and parenting while also navigating work? Share with other parents who are trying to balance relationships with partners, work and parenthood. All parents and support partners are welcome and encouraged to attend. Light dinner and on-site respite childcare provided. Soporte en Español disponible.

Jun 7-Aug 2 1st & 3rd F 6-7:30p Free #27401

Somatic Movement

For people who are or have been pregnant, we welcome all who want to learn about how grief, trauma and stress are held in the body and how to release it. Somatic movement incorporates body-oriented modalities such as dance, breath work and meditation to support mental healing. Learn what it is, how to incorporate it in your life and practice together in a supportive environment. Children and partners welcome.

Jul 12-Aug 2 F 10-11:30a $20 #27491



yourself surrounded by the sights and sounds of an old forestwith towering �ir trees, tricklingwater and shades of green you never knew existed. Bring lunch to eat beside Goodman Creek, our turnaround point. A great hike for all ages able to walk 4 miles with ups and downs on a good trail with roots and rocks.

Jul 20 Sa 9a-4:30p $35 #27365

Trestle Creek Falls Hike ■ 4

Trestle Creek Falls is a 3.5-mile hike nestled in the Brice Creek watershed. It starts with a steady climb through old and second-growth forest and ends with a level stroll along one of the most beautiful creeks you’ll ever see. Along the way you will get to walk behindtowering Upper Trestle Creek Fallsand have the option of taking a side trail to a lovely, picturesque cove carved by the Lower Falls. Truly one of our area’s hidden gems. This outing could be tricky for little legs or those with mobility limitations.

Hidden Gems Group Outings All ages

These days are designed for families looking to explore the outdoors together. Pack your lunch,�ill up your water bottle and put on your hiking boots. Leave the research, planning and driving to us as we take you and your family on an adventure. Participants should be prepared to walk 2-5 miles on uneven terrain. Children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult.

Meet at Sheldon Community Center Boxed numbers indicate activity level, see key on page 77.

Dune Buggy Tour ■ 2

Giant Dune BuggyTours are a way to see the Oregon Dunes with a touch of excitement. Informative, scenic and fun describes this one-hour tour covering approximately 8 miles of dunes and 2 miles of ocean beach. Climbing and descending through the most beautiful, impressive dunes will be an unforgettable experience for travelers coming to the Oregon Coast. Hop aboard and let us drive you to Florence where the adventure begins. Admission is included in the price. Bring lunch or money to purchase lunch from one of the many spots in Old Town Florence.

Jun 14 F 9a-4:30p $50 #27364

McKenzie River Lavender Festival ■ 2

Aug 3 Sa 9a-4:30p $35 #27361

Northwest Art & Air Festival Night Glow ■ 2

Join us as we visit the Northwest Air Festival in Albany. We will head up in the afternoon to enjoy the festivities. Then we will stay up late for one of the most popular events, the Night Glow. Balloon pilots and crews set up the colorful fabric envelopes in open area on the east side of TimberLinn Park, in�late them with hot air while tethered to the ground and illuminate them in a series of patterns. Leave the night driving to us and join us for an evening to remember. Bring your own blankets orportable chairs and dinner. There will be food and art vendors on site.

Aug 23 F 4-10p $35 #27362


Wednesday Wellness

Lavender. Just saying the word brings a sense of calm and clarity. Join us as we drive to McKenzie River Lavender for the annual Lavender Bloom event. Take a break from the sights and smells of city life andlet thesweet smell and taste of lavender take you away.

Jul 12 F 9a-4:30p $35 #27363

Goodman Creek Hike ■ 4

Goodman Creek is nestled in the foothills near Dexter. The trailhead is along the highway, but it doesn’t take long to �ind

Neighborhood Yard Games All ages

Meet your neighbors to play some fun yard games in a familyfriendly setting. Cornhole, ladder ball, Kan Jam, Spikeball and other games will be available.

All dates are W 5:30-7:30p Free Drop-in

Jun 19 Candlelight Park, Royal Avenue & Throne Drive

Jun 26 Acorn Park, 1501 Buck Street

Jul 10 Tugman Park, 3666 Hilyard Street

Jul 17 Striker Park, Grand Cayman Drive & Antigua Drive

Jul 24 Bond Lane Park, 355 Bond Lane

Jul 31 Arrowhead Park, Irvington Drive & Arrowhead Street

Aug 7 Mangan Park, 4070 Wagner Street

Aug 14 Skyview Park, 3060 Skyview Lane

Aug 21 Gilham Park, Park Wood Drive & Lakeview Drive

Aug 28 Rosetta Park, Rosetta Avenue & Evergreen Drive



Art for Relaxation & Recreation

Tap into your inner artist as we celebrate the positive power of creativity. Each class we will have fun exploring the elements of art and color using a variety of media: watercolor, oil pastel, felt-tip, graphite pencil, charcoal, chalk pastel and colored pencil. Materials discussed in �irst class.

Campbell Community Center

Instructor: Hollie Roman

Jun 17-Aug 26 M 10:30a-12:30p $110 #27486

Jun 18-Aug 27 Tu 10:30a-12:30p $110 #27487

Art from the Heart Ages 10+

Have a creative conversation with yourself as we make art designed to expand self-awareness and encourage personal growth. Using simple materials and a lighthearted approach, we will tap into the wisdom our art can hold. Each session will include a brief warm-up activity, plenty of time for art making and an opportunity for re�lection. No art experience is necessary. Materials included.

Sheldon Community Center

Instructor: Christina Salter (she/her)

Adult Activities

Self-Discovery Box

Which aspects of yourself do you readily share with others and which do you hold near and dear? Using a variety of boxes, collage materials and found objects, we will create 3D representations of our public and private selves.

Jun 22 Sa 9a-12p $30 #27387

Self-Care Mandala

Take an inventory of where things stand with your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being while creatively exploring ways to enhance these dimensions of your life by collaging a circular mandala.

Jul 27 Sa 9a-12p $30 #27388

Intention Tin

What quality of mind or heart do you want to guide your thoughts and actions? Set an intention and manifest it visually by transforming a mint tin into a pocket-sized “altar.” Easy to display, the tin serves as a reminder to bring our best selves forward.

Aug 17 Sa 9a-12p $30 #27389

50 541-682-5333

Adult Activities

Artists & Crafters Studio

Thisworkshopisaninformalgatheringofartistsofallkinds. Enjoyagreatstudiospaceandgreatcompany.Noinstructor. Bringyourownsupplies.


Ongoing M 1-4p #27520

Ongoing Tu 1-4p #27522

Ongoing W 9a-12p #27521



Botanical Drawing & Painting

Ifyoulove�lowersandplants,whynotimmortalizethemin art?Botanicalart/illustrationisanaccurateandartistic representationofplantsand�lowers.Learnthetechnicaland observationalskillstocreateyourownbeautifulpicturesof plantlife.Drawingskillsandknowledgeofchosenmedia (coloredpencil,watercolorpencilorwatercolors)required. Asupplylistwillbeemailedbeforethe�irstclass.



Jun26-Sep11 W 12:30-2:30p $144 #27541

Basic Woodworking

Learnsafeandfunwoodworkingskills.Thisclassisdesigned forbeginnersoranyonewhowantstolearntheirwayaround theCampbellWoodshop.Makeabeautifullaminatedcutting boardorchooseadifferentproject.Materialsdiscussedin �irstclass.



Jun26-Jul24 W 6-8:30p $120 #27451

Lottery #29311, see box on page 52.

Aug14-Sep11 W 6-8:30p $120 #27452

Lottery #29312, see box on page 52.



Jun25-Jul23 Tu 6-8:30p $120 #28435

Lottery #29313, see box on page 52.

Aug13-Sep10 Tu 6-8:30p $120 #28437

Lottery #29314, see box on page 52.

Campbell Woodshop Overview

ThissingleeveningclassisatouroftheCampbellWoodshop andteachessafetechniquestoutilizethebiggertools.Learn howtoproperlyusethetablesaw,bandsaw,drillpressand planer.CampbellWoodshopisacommunityspaceavailable forwoodworkingprojects.


Jun3 M 5:30-8p $10 #28439

Jul1 M 5:30-8p $10 #28443

Aug19 M 5:30-8p $10 #28446

Sep9 M 5:30-8p $10 #28448

Campbell Woodshop

Opentoadultswhowanttouseaworkspaceandtoolsfor woodprojects.Signinandpayatthefrontdeskbefore enteringtheshop.Orientationrequiredfornewusers.


Ongoing M-F 9a-3p Th 5-8p $3/day Drop-in


Build a Wooden Clock

Useyourwoodworkingskillstobuildauniquecasefora clockmechanism.Clockandwoodchoiceoptionsdiscussed inthe�irstclass.Basicwoodworkingandsafetoolusage skillsrequired.Clockmechanismandwoodstocksupplied.



Jul8-29 M 5-7p $115 #28466

Pen Turning

Learnthebasicsofwoodturningonalathebycreatingyour ownwritingpen.Safety,toolsandmaterialswillbediscussed in�irstclass.



Aug5-12 M 5:30-8p $48 #27434

Call To Artists – Art In The Park

ArtistsareinvitedtoapplyfortheArtinthePark event,whichwillbeheldSept.7atPetersenBarnParkand CommunityCenter.Thisisafreeeventforbothexhibitors andattendees.Artistsinany�ineartor�inecraftmedium arewelcometoapplyandartistsmayselltheirworkatthe event.TheapplicationdeadlineisAug.23oruntilallvendor slotsarefull.FormoreinfocontactJanetat541-682-6313or See ad on page 81. 51

Adult Activities

Clay Handbuilding

Invent, discover and create with clay. Beginning and intermediate students will be introduced to techniques such as slab building, coiling, pinching and extruding. Add surface decoration and glazing to create fun and usable pieces you can enjoy for years. Fee includes clay, glazes and �irings. Students are encouraged to bring their own tools.

Amazon Community Center

Instructor: Amy Graves

Jul 2-Aug 20 Tu 6-8:30p $160 #27467

Lottery #27655, see box.

Clay Wheel Throwing & Handbuilding Ages 16+

Classes are available for both beginning and intermediate students. Concepts of building with clay by hand and on the wheel as well as basic glazing techniques. Depending on the skill level and desire of the class an introduction to advanced techniques will be added. Fee includes clay, glazes and �irings. Students are encouraged to bring their own tools.

Amazon Community Center


Instructor: Amy Graves

Jul 1-Aug 19 M 3-5:30p $160 #27463

Lottery #27649, see box.

Instructor: Michael Fromme

Jul 1-Aug 19 M 6-8:30p $160 #27468

Lottery #27650, see box.


Instructor: Michael Fromme

Jul 11-Aug 29 Th 6-8:30p $160 #27469

Lottery #27651, see box.

Clay Arts Open Studio

Concentrate on your work with access to the ceramics studio, including wheel throwing, handbuilding, glaze and design. The fee includes glazes and �iring, but clay is purchased separately. You are encouraged to bring your own tools. You may sign up for either Sunday or Wednesday session, but not both. Must have experience and studio manager approval to register, call 541-682-5373.

Amazon Community Center

Jun 2-30 Su 1-4p $75 #27454

Jul 7-28 Su 1-4p $60 #27455

Aug 4-25 Su 1-4p $60 #27457

Sep 1-29 Su 1-4p $75 #29286

Jun 5-26 W 6-9p $45 #27453

Jul 3-31 W 6-9p $75 #27456

Aug 7-28 W 6-9p $60 #27462

Sep 4-25 W 6-9p $60 #29287 No studio Jun 19

Colored Pencil Drawing

Learn how to draw with colored pencils by exploring the tools, developing the artist’s eye and learning different techniques and color theory. Class will include lectures, demonstrations, exercises and drawing. Basic drawing skills are required.

Petersen Barn Community Center

Instructor: Denise Zanetta

Jun 7-Jul 26 F 10a-12p $96 #27543

Aug 9-Sep 20 F 10a-12p $84 #29293

Jun 7-Jul 26 F 12:30-2:30p $96 #27544

Aug 9-Sep 20 F 12:30-2:30p $84 #29294

No class Jul 5, Aug 2

Craft Workshops

Explore your creativity and take home �inished crafts. All supplies are included in the fee.

Petersen Barn Community Center

Instructor: Kitty Planalp

Garden Markers

Make four clay garden charms. You decide the shape and look of your charm and use stamps to imprint the name of the plant or stamp a fun word or phrase. With the provided wire hook, this will look good in your garden or you can use it to accessorize a potted plant as a gift to a friend.

Jul 10 W 10a-12p $20 #27842

Pressed Leaf/Flower Paper Lantern

Lights and lanterns are a great way to create a cozy atmosphere and add a special light to any area. In this workshop you’ll create a paper lantern showcasing pressed �lowers or leaves. The �inished lantern looks pretty and delicate during the day and at night the pressed nature pieces look beautiful on the illuminated lanterns.

Aug 21 W 10a-12p $17 #27843

Lottery System

1. For starred activities, sign up for the lottery using the lottery number (in italics). The lottery will be open April 15-19. No payment is due at this time.

2. Staff will use a randomization system to select participants. Starting April 22, you’ll be notified by email if you are selected or not.

3. If selected, you have through April 29 to register and pay. You can follow the link in the email to register online, or call or visit a Rec center.

4. If the activity doesn’t fill up with the lottery, remaining slots will be available on registration day, May 2. Use the registration code (not italics) to register. For more information, go to

52 541-682-5333

Drawing, Beginning

Learnbasictechniquesandbuildyourskillandcon�idence indrawingtomakeyourworklookliketherealthing.A pencil,eraser,ruler,tabletofpaperandadesiretolearnare allthatareneeded.



Jun5-Sep11 W 10a-12p


$168 #29295

Introduction to Needle Felting Ages 10+

Learntoneedlefeltandcreateyourownhairclip,keychain orpendantwiththelogo,design,characterorcritterofyour choice.We’llgothroughthebasics,thenstartindividual projectswithguidanceandinstruction.Materialsincluded.



Jun29 Sa 9a-12p $20 #27390

Needle Felting for Teens & Adults Ages16+

Discovertheartofsculptingwoolintoadorablecreatures andcharacters.Let’spoke,prodandcreatetogetherinthis hands-on,beginner-friendlyclass.We’llgothroughthebasics, thenstartindividualprojectswithguidanceandinstruction. Amaterialslistwillbeprovidedpriortothe�irstclass.



Jul2-30 Tu 4:30-5:30p $25 #28223

Mixed Media: Oils, Acrylics & Pastels

Enjoycreatingbeautifulpaintingsinafriendly,supportive environment.Whileworkingonindividualpaintings,students willreceivepersonalinstructionregardingbasicdrawingskills, paintingtechniques,colortheory,atmosphericperspective, compositionalunityandcolorharmony.Materialsdiscussed at�irstclass.Thisisnotawatercolorclass.



Jun3-Jul15 M 9:30-11:30a $84 #27534

Jul29-Sep16 M 9:30-11:30a $84 #29304

Jun3-Jul15 M 11:45a-1:45p $84 #27535

Jul29-Sep16 M 11:45a-1:45p $84 #29305

Jun3-Jul15 M 6-8p $84 #27536

Jul29-Sep16 M 6-8p $84 #29306

Jun4-Jul16 Tu 6-8p $84 #27537

Jul30-Sep17 Tu 6-8p $96 #29307


Painting Alchemy Community Art Circles

Learnintuitivepainting,aprocessthatintegratescreative expression,self-careandconnectionwithothers.Thesecircles areforeveryone:folkswithnoartisticexperienceandfolks

withestablishedpractices.Allyouneediscuriosityabout whoyouareandwhatyourauthenticcreativityfeelslike. Webeginwithanembodimentpractice,sharingtimeand meditation.Thenwepaint.Allmaterialsprovided.



Jun6&20 Th 9:30a-12p $85 #27512

Jul5&18 ThF 9:30a-12p $85 #27513

Aug1&15 Th 9:30a-12p $85 #27514

Sep5&19 Th 9:30a-12p $85 #27515

Plein Air Painting

Thisclassfocusesonthetechniquesassociatedwithpainting outdoorsandlearningtopaintfromdirectobservation.The �irstclasswillmeetatPetersenBarnCommunityCenter,then venturetotheOwenRoseGardeneachweektotakeinthe sceneryandpaint.Somebasicpaintingexperienceisrequired astherewillbelessclassinstructionbutmoreindividual attention.Studentswillworkattheirownpace.Patronsmust providetheirowntransportation.Materialsdiscussedin�irst class.

PetersenBarnCommunityCenter& OwenRoseGarden,300N.JeffersonSt.


Jun4-Aug20 Tu 10a-12p $132 #27538


Poetry, Beginning

Joinaprompt-drivenwritinggroupfocusedonencouraging freeverseandprosepoetryforthebeginningpoet.The groupisdesignedtobecollaborativeinnature,customized totheinterestsoftheparticipantsandacelebrationof worksbypublishedandunpublishedpoets.



Jul16-Aug20 Tu 10a-12p $39 #29140 53

Adult Activities

Pooches & Paint Ages 10+

Let’sgetcraftywithourpuppers.Ourdogscanbewonderful artistswhethertheyusetheirtongue,tail,pawsorallthree atonce.Joinusforthisuniquecraftingactivitywithyour furryfriend.Dogsmustbeleashedatalltimes.


Sheldon Center Workshop



Jun23 Su 9a-12p $30 #27459

Aug10 Sa 9a-12p $30 #27470

Learn How To Make Homemade Dog Treats

Learnfourdifferentrecipesforno-bakedogtreats.Your fuzzybuddywillthankyou.Ingredientsincludedincost.


Jul20 Sa 9a-12p $20 #27493

Petersen Barn Art Series



Jul11-Aug29 Th 1-2p $48 #28482

Sumi-e Art Studio

Gatheringofartistswhoenjoysumi-eandwhoexploreink andJapanesewatercolorandwash.Enjoystudiospaceand

greatcompany.Noinstructor,bringyourownsupplies. Registrationrequired.


Jun6-Sep12 Th 1-4p $3.50/session #27523


Watercolor Impressions

Practiceandexperimentwithnewtechniques.Learnfrom theinstructor’sdemonstrationeachweek.Workatyour ownpaceanddevelopyourownstyleofpainting.Thisclass isdesignedforexperiencedartistswhoalreadypossessa solidfoundationinwatercolortechniques.Materials discussedin�irstclass.



Jul10-Aug28 W 1-4p $106 #27391

Jul11-Aug29 Th 1-4p $106 #27393

Watercolor Painting, Beginning-Intermediate

Explorewatercolortechniquesanddevelopdrawingskills. Eachclassincludesinstructordemonstrationsandcritique ofstudentwork.Studentsarefreetochooseassignments fromtheinstructorordeveloppersonalprojects.Materials discussedin�irstclass.



Jun6-Sep12 Th 2-4p $144 #27542


54 541-682-5333

Adult Activities


Art in the Park

Enjoythisfreeoutdoorartgallery.Thisshowandartsale featurestheoriginalartworkofmorethan40localartists. Enjoybeautifulartinabeautifulsetting.Allartsalesare betweenthebuyerandtheartist.TheCityofEugeneand PetersenBarnCommunityCenterarenotinvolvedinthe saleofanyart. See ad on page 81.


Sep7 Sa 10a-2p Free Drop-in


Asian Mah-Jongg

Learntherules,techniquesandstrategytoplayAsian mah-jongg,whichisafunandsocialgamethatcombines skillandchance.


Jun7-28 F 9:30-11:30a $36 #29079

Chess Nuts

Chesscanhelpyoubuildyourconcentrationabilities,selfcon�idenceandmentalplanning.Beginnersandexperienced playersarewelcometoparticipateinfriendlycompetition.


Ongoing W 9a-12p $0.25 Drop-in NochessJun19

Open Play Tabletop Game Day

Joinlocalboardgameenthusiastsforabeginner-friendly gameday.Theopenplayformatencouragesparticipantsto bringtheirownfavoritegamesorplaywhatothershave brought.


Jun1 Sa 9:30a-7p Free Drop-in




Ongoing Tu 1-4p $0.25 Drop-in

Table Tennis

Tabletennisistheperfectgameforalmosteveryonebecause itprovidesexercise,recreationandasocialoutlet.Playina friendlyatmosphereopentoallskilllevels.Limitedpaddles andballsavailableforuse.


Ongoing F 12-3:30p $0.50 Drop-in


Ongoing MF 9-11:45a $0.50 Drop-in NotabletennisSep2

Languages & Culture

See pages 82-83.


See page 84.


Free Shakespeare in the Park All ages

Eugene’slongest-runningfreetheaterprogramFree ShakespeareintheParkpresentsShakespeare’smagical romance“TheTempest.”Performancesrunforfourweekends. Feelfreetobringapicnic,blanket,beachchairs,familyand friends.Donationsaccepted.Formoreinformationcall 541-682-5373.


Aug3-25 SaSu 6-9p Free Drop-in

Roving Park Players All ages

TheRovingParkPlayersarebackwithfreeoutdoor performances.Bringfamily,friends,ablanketandapicnic andjoinusforthefunaswepresenttwoshowsthis summer,“AliceinWonderland”byLewisCarroll,adaptedby VictoriaHarkovitchand“TheSeagull”byAntonChekhov, translationbyChristopherHampton.



Jun13-14 ThF 6-8p Free Drop-in




Aug8-9 ThF 6-8p Free Drop-in


August1,2,3,4,10,11 55

Adult Activities


All presentations are free, but registration is required.

Financial Assistance to Reduce Your Home Energy Costs

The In�lation Reduction Act authorizes �inancial incentives in the form of tax credits and rebates to people who take actions to improve their home’s energy ef�iciency and increase their use of clean energy. Learn what quali�ies for an incentive and how to make sure you receive it.

Presenters: Richard Barnhart, MD & Elizabeth Grant, Citizens’ Climate Lobby

Sheldon Community Center

Jun 4 Tu 10-11a Free #27555

Amazon Community Center

Jun 11 Tu 6-7p Free #27682

Oregon Friendly Driver Workshop

This workshop is an easy, free way for Oregon drivers to create safer streets for everyone. Laws and infrastructure designed for people walking and riding bikes can be confusing for drivers. Scenarios included in the course will help take the confusion out of why these laws exist and how this infrastructure should be used. As a result, you’ll learn how you can be a safer, more friendly driver on Oregon roads.

Amazon Community Center

Presenter: Safe Lane Coalition

Jun 26 W 6-7:30p Free #27603

Healthy Skin & the Sun: Why Sunscreen is Not Enough

You can have fun in the sun and healthy skin. All it takes is good food, a bit of nutrition savvy and a cloudless day.

Campbell Community Center

Presenter: Yaakov Levine, nutritional health coach, Natural Grocers

Jun 28 F 2-3p Free #27689

56 541-682-5333

Maintaining Muscle Mass

Learn how to maintain muscle mass now and well into the future, with key foods and supplements recommended by science-based research.

Campbell Community Center

Presenter: Yaakov Levine, nutritional health coach, Natural Grocers

Jul 26 F 2-3p Free #27690

The War on Salt

We’ve seen the headlines and dietary guidelines urging all Americans to cut down on salt. Research now suggests that these claims should be taken with a grain of salt. Discover how adding more salt to your diet can support overall health.

Campbell Community Center

Presenter: Yaakov Levine, nutritional health coach, Natural Grocers

Aug 30 F 2-3p Free #27691

HomeShare Oregon: We Bring Communities Together

Have you experienced isolation or �inancial strain? Home sharing can turn your extra room into additional income, companionship and more. Learn why home sharing is the solution that brings us together.

Campbell Community Center

Presenter: Judy C. Smith, program director, HomeShare Oregon

Sep 9 M 3:30-4:30p Free #28861

Buttons from Around the World

Join the Eugene Button Club for an exciting trip around the world. We will present a slide show explaining where, when and how our most beautiful buttons were made. Learn the art and history of buttons from every corner of the globe. There will be a lovely button display anda Q&A session after the presentation. Bring your buttons for identi�ication.

Campbell Community Center

Presenters: Eugene Button Club

Sep 10 Tu 1-2p Free #29187

Social Gatherings

Veterans Coffee Talk

This weekly, informal get-together for Veterans is for coffee, camaraderie and conversations. This is an opportunity for Veterans andtheir families to participate or learn more about that special bond of men and women who have served their country or to just listen as others share their stories, their friendship and helpful resources they’ve found.

Sheldon Community Center

Ongoing M 10-11a Free Drop-in

No coffee Sep 2

Special Interest

Bird Watching Adventure

Come together to share your love for birds and nature. Learn more about the different species of birds, their habits and habitats and how to identify them. The group will meet at a different local site each week. Patrons must provide their own transportation. The �inal week will include a group bus trip for a “raptor run.” Bring your own binoculars and dress for the weather.

Petersen Barn Community Center

Instructor: Austin Nieve

Jun 6-Jul 25 Th 9:30-10:30a $67 #27569

Aug 1-Sep 12 Th 9:30-10:30a $67 #29291

No class Jul 4

BYOB – Bring Your Own Blooms

Learn the art of �lower arranging and create stunning bouquets to take home or give as a nice gift for someone special. Participants will learn facts about new �lowers and how to make arrangements like a pro. Participants are encouraged to bring �lowers to share. Vases are suggested but not required.

Petersen Barn Community Center

Instructor: Austin Nieve

Jun 6-Jul 11 Th 11:30a-12:30p $53 #27573

Jul 18-Aug 15 Th 11:30a-12:30p $53 #27574

Aug 22-Sep 19 Th 11:30a-12:30p $53 #29290

No class Jul 4 57
Adult Activities

Adult Activities

Creative Writing Workshop

Wouldyouliketobeabetterwriter?Wouldyouliketowrite acritique,apoem,storyoressay?Weaveaweb,tellatall taleorwriteaboutyourlifeasakid?Joinapeer-ledwriting groupandenjoyasyouimproveyourwriting.



Ongoing Th 1-3p #27378



Lettuce Grow Together Garden Club

Forbeginnerandexperiencedgardenersaliketogather, learnandpracticeholisticandorganicgardeningtechniques. Registrationrequired.



Jun12-Aug21 W 6-7:30p Free #28994


Movies from Around the World

InthisfunclasswewatchmoviesfromIran,Italy,Mexico,Cuba andmore.Noknowledgeofforeignlanguagerequired,justenjoy themoviesanddiscussothercultures,traditionsandhistory.



Jul3-24 W 1-3:30p $48 #28956

Descriptions are on pages 90-93.

58 541-682-5333
Dates Day Time Title Charge Page MeetAt Jun4 Tu 9a-5p FrugalFuninFlorence $24 90 Campbell Jun5 W 9a-5p LincolnCityArt $40 90 PeteBarn Jun13 Th 9:30a-3p TheThymeGarden $26 90 Campbell Jun25 Tu 7a-5:30p CirclesintheSand $49 91 PeteBarn Jun26 W 9:30a-4:30p Wings&APrayerAlpacaFarm $34 92 Campbell Jul1 M 9a-5:30p OregonZoo $62 92 Campbell Jul11 Th 6-9:30p DriftersBaseball $15 92 PeteBarn Jul18 Th 8:30a-7p AntiqueAeroplane&AutoMuseum $55 92 Campbell Jul23 Tu 1-5p StandByMeDay $19 92 PeteBarn Aug1 Th 9a-4:30p MtAngelAbbey&Museum $34 92 Campbell Aug7 W 8:30a-5p FortVancouver $43 92 PeteBarn Aug13 Tu 1-3:30p DragonSongFlowerFarm $14 92 PeteBarn Aug20 Tu 9a-5p NordicNorthwestCenter $40 93 Campbell Aug29 Th 9a-4:30p SwanIslandDahliaFestival $38 93 Campbell Sep13 F 9a-5p FrugalFuninFlorence $24 90 Campbell Sep14 Sa 8a-6p CoquilleTribalSalmonBake $43 93 Campbell Dec1-5 Overnight NewYorkHolidaywithColletteTours Varies 93 Campbell Mar13-22 Overnight SunnyPortugalwithColletteTours Varies 93 Campbell
Overnight IslandsofNewEnglandwithCollette Varies 93 Campbell

Adult Activities

Raising Teenagers Seminars

Whileparentingtheteenageyearsisrewarding,itcanalso comewithsomeuniquechallenges.Parentsandguardians, joinusatResolveincollaborationwithParentingNowto learnsomestrategiestoconnectwithyourteen.You’re welcometodropintoallsessionsorselecttheonesthat resonate.Refreshmentsandchildcareprovided.Agiftcard valuedat$50willberaf�ledateachsession,courtesyof ParentingNow.Forquestions,contact




Jul23 Tu 6-7:30p Free Drop-in


Aug6 Tu 6-7:30p Free Drop-in


Aug20 Tu 6-7:30p Free Drop-in


Alterations,tailoring,darningandmending.Applique, embroidery,needlepoint,quilting,samplerandsmocking. Learnwhatthesewordsmeanandmaketextilesbeautiful.



Jul10-Aug14 W 5:30-7:15p

Writing Your Life Story

$60 #28406

Thiscoursetakesyouthroughplanning,organizingand beginningtowriteyourmemoirs.Everyonehasastorytotell andthejourneybackcanbeanenlighteningandvalidating experience.Inclassweaimforaninteractivegroupoffering supportandencouragementtoourfellowwriters.Weekly continuousattendanceisrecommendedinordertoachieve continuityandprogressinwritingyourlifestory.

CampbellCommunityCenter Instructor:MaritaNelson

Jun11-Aug13 Tu 1-3p $62 #28944

Support Groups

WellMama Parental Support

All ages

WellMamaprovidesresources,peersupportandwellness servicestopeopleaffectedbyoratriskformentalhealth conditionsrelatedtoparenthood.WellMamaeducates parentsandtheprofessionalswhoservethemon prevention,identi�icationandtreatment.WellMamaraises communityawarenessofperinatalmentalhealthand promotessupportivepoliciesandaccessibletreatment.


Crawlers & Wobblers Parent Support

Thisgroupoffersasafeandsupportivespacetoconnect withotherparentswithcrawlers/wobblerswhilereceiving supportandaccesstoresources.Childrenwelcome.Light refreshmentsprovided.SoporteenEspañoldisponible.

Jun5-Aug28 W 12-2p Free #27400

Working Parents Support Group

Areyoudealingwiththestressofpregnancy,postpartum andparentingwhilealsonavigatingwork?Jointhismeetup tosharewithotherparentswhoaretryingtobalance relationshipswithpartners,workandparenthood.All parentsandsupportpartnersarewelcomeandencouraged toattend.Lightdinnerandon-siterespitechildcareprovided. SoporteenEspañoldisponible.

Jun7-Aug2 1st&3rdF 6-7:30p Free #27401

Somatic Movement

Forpeoplewhoareorhavebeenpregnant,wewelcomeall whowanttolearnabouthowgrief,traumaandstressare heldinthebodyandhowtoreleaseit. Somaticmovement incorporatesbody-orientedmodalitiessuchasdance,breath workandmeditationtosupportmentalhealing. Learnwhat itis,howtoincorporateitinyourlifeandpracticetogetherin asupportiveenvironment. Childrenandpartnerswelcome.

Jul12-Aug2 F 10-11:30a $20 #27491

Toddler Play Group

Platosaidthatyoucanlearnmoreaboutapersoninanhour ofplaythanayearofconversation.Bringyourpre-Kyouth tomeetandplaywithothersinourcommunityandtake sometimetobearoundotheradultsofyoungchildren.Find support,friendshipandfunduringthisweeklyfreeplay groupfacilitatedbyWellMama.

Jun4-Aug27 Tu 2-4p Free #27490


See page 89. 59

Adult Activities

Urban Homesteading

Learnhowtoexpandyourfoodchoices,improvethequality ofyourdietandenjoythelocalbountyallyearlong.Each weekoffersanewtopicfromdo-it-yourselffoodproduction suchasfermentingandpreservingtosoapmakingandlip balms.Noteligibleforscholarship.


Balms & Salves

Learntomakeavarietyofskincreams,lipbalms,herbalsalves andtincturesforgiftsoratreatforyourself.Takehomesome lipbalmandherbalskincream.


Jul1 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #28338


Jul2 Tu 2-4p $24 #27477

Beneficial Insects in the Garden

Thereisawholehostofinsectsouttheretohelpyourgarden growandproduce.Learnaboutpredatory�lies,beetles, assassinbugsandmanyotherpredatorsandpollinatorsand howtoattractthemandgetthemworkingforyou.You’llbe surprisedathowmanytherereallyare.


May20 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #28313


May28 Tu 2-4p $24 #27472

Beyond Sauerkraut

Readytoexploretheworldoffermentation?Learnhowto makeyourownfermentedpickles,salsa,hotsauce,avariety offermentednonalcoholicbeveragesandevencornedbeef. Takehomeapintofgiardinieraandsomehabanerohot

sauceto�inishfermentingathome.Bringacleanwide-mouth pintjarwithalidor$1topurchasefromtheinstructor.


Aug26 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #28388


Aug27 Tu 2-4p

$24 #27485

Bread Making & Sourdough

Learnhowtocatch,careforanduseawildsourdoughculture. Wewillalsogooverregularbread-bakingtechniquesfor thosewhowanttostartsimple.Overthecourseofthisclass, wewillmakeabatchofsourdoughbreadwhilewelearn aboutproo�ing,thecomplexbiologyofavitalsourdough culture,andtipsandtrickstogetthatgreatartisanal-style breadinyourownkitchen.Takehomeyourownsmall roundloafandasourdoughculture.


Aug5 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #28376


Aug6 Tu 2-4p

$24 #27482

Canning Basics: Dill Pickles

Dillpicklesareabouttheeasiestthingtocan.Wewillwork upabatchandlearnabouttheequipmentandtechniquesof canning.Takehomeajarofpickles.Bringacleanwide-mouth pintjarwithnewlidor$1topurchasefrominstructor.


Sep3 Tu 2-4p $24 #29147


Sep9 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #28946

Canning Basics: Salsa

Putthelastofthetomatoes,onions,peppersandherbsof theyeartogetherforagreathomemadesalsa.Wewillmake somefreshsalsaandabatchofcannedsalsaforeveryoneto takehome.Bringacleanpintjarwithnewlidor$1to purchasefrominstructor.


Sep10 Tu 2-4p $24 #29148

Cheese Making

Wewillmakeafreshhardcheesetogowithourpicnicand learnaboutdifferenthardandsoftculturesandprocesses. Wewillgothroughtheentireprocessfromculturedmilkto formedcheesereadyforthepress.Learnwheretoswitchup yourprocesstoendupwithcreamcheese,cottagecheese andanumberofhardandsoftcheesevariations.Wewill alsogooverhowtomakeyogurtandricotta.


Aug12 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #28383


Aug13 Tu 2-4p $24 #27483

60 541-682-5333

Adult Activities

Edible Landscaping & Foraging

Don’tjustpullthoseweeds–eatthem.Findoutwhatnative “weeds”areedibleandhowtopreparethem.You’llbesurprised howmuchfoodyou’vebeenpullingupandthrowinginthe yardwaste.Learnaboutcommonwildforagingplants–berries, �lowers,greens,rootsandmushrooms–andtheirhabitats. Classisatinstructor’shouse,addressgivenwithregistration.


Jul28 Su 2-4p $24 #27481


Jul28 Su 2-4p

$24 #28375

Fermenting: Sauerkraut & Kombucha

Learnsauerkrautbasicsasweturnahead(orseveral)of cabbageandsomesaltintosauerkrautandtakehomeapint tofermentandenjoy.Youwillalsolearnhowtomake kimchi,kombucha,vinegarandgherkinpickles.Therewill bekombuchaSCOBYtotakehomeforanyonewhowantsit.


Aug19 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #28387


Aug20 Tu 2-4p

$24 #27484

Homemade Condiments

Makeyournextpicnicamazingwithyourownhomemade condiments.Learnhowtomakemayonnaise,mustard, ketchupandrelish,andhowtotailoreachrecipetomake yourownsignatureversions.Bringthreesmallcontainersto takehomeashareofwhatwemakeinclass.


Jun17 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #28324


Jun18 Tu 2-4p $24 #27476

Making Jam

Putsummerinajarbymakingyourownfruitjam.Home-made canbemuchlowersugarthancommercial,andthepotential

varietiesareendless.We’llmakeandcanabatchinclassfrom freshlocalfruitandyoucantakeajarhomeforyourself.


Jun11 Tu 2-4p

$24 #27475

Preserving Fruits & Vegetables: Canning, Freezing & Drying

Alotofinformationmakeshomepreservingsoundcomplicated andpotentiallydangerous.Withafewsimpleprecautions,it’s neither.Learnthebasicsandbene�itsofhomepreservingand starteatingcheaper,fresher,healthierandmorelocally.We willdiscusspropercanningtechniques(includingwhatyou canandcan’tprocessinasteamcanner),blanching,freezing techniquesanddryingherbs,fruitsandvegetables.Findout whatmethodsarebestforavarietyoffoodsandwhy.


Jun3 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #28314


Jun4 Tu 2-4p $24 #27474

Seed Saving

Learnavarietyoftechniquesforsavingheirloomvegetable seedsforplantingnextyear,includingidealharvesttimes, collectiontechniques,preparation/dryingandproperstorage.


Jul22 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #28368


Jul23 Tu 2-4p $24 #27480

Soap Making

Learnthebasicsofmakingbarsoapfromscratch.Wewill discussthechemistryofsaponi�ication,thepropertiesof differentbaseoilsandlocalsources,andfragranceoilsand otheradditiveswhilewemakeabatchofsoap.Youwillalso learnhowtomakeliquidsoapandtwoformsoflaundry soap.Takehomeashareofthesoapweproduce.


Jul8 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #28360


Jul9 Tu 2-4p $24 #27478

Winter Gardening

Nowisthetimetostartplantingyourwintergardentohave produceallwinterlongandintospring.Learntoplanouta smalltomedium-sizedfamilygarden.Learnwhichvegetables dowelloverwinterinourclimate,andhowtomaximize productionfromasmallspace.Alsolearnaboutsavingseeds andsourcesforfreevegetableand�lowerseeds.


Jul15 M 6:30-8:30p $24 #28365


Jul16 Tu 2-4p $24 #27479 61

Adult Health & Fitness


Adapted Bike & Equipment Services All ages

AdaptiveRecreationServicesmaintainsaunique�leetof adaptiveequipment,includingall-terrainwheelchairsand bikessuchasrecumbenttrikes,tandemsandhandcycles. Individualandgroupservicescanbeprovidedtosupport adaptiverecreationalequipmentneedsforpeopleofvarying abilitiesandskilllevels,including�ittingsandrentals.Formore


Adapted Bike Assessment & Fitting

Staffassessneedsandrecommendequipment.Designedfor peoplewithlimitedmobility,disabilities,medicalconditionsor thosewhowishtopreviewequipmentbeforerentalorpurchase.

Ongoing W 1-4p

F 9a-12p $5 Byappt


Adapted Bike Rental


Ongoing M-F 9a-5p Byappt

$5/halfhour $20/halfday $50/weekend

$10/hour $40/day


Bike Riding for Fun & Fitness

BikeridersdepartrainorshinefromCampbellCommunity Centerforin-townrides.Helmetsarerequired,butweekly attendanceisn’t.Electricbikesarewelcometojoin.Rides varyinlengthandtimedependingonability.


Ongoing W 10a-12p Free #27382 NobikingJun19

E-Bike Expo All ages

Stopbyandtest-rideelectricbikesfromavarietyof Eugene’sbikeshopsinoneplace.Learnaboute-bikesafety, lawsand�inancing.Seehowe-bikescanhelpreduceyour carbonfootprintwhilestillhavingfun.Bringyourown e-biketoshowothersthatmaybeinterestedandcheckout themusic,foodandfreebiketune-ups.AdaptiveRecreation willalsohaveseveraladaptivee-bikeoptions,includinga tandemandtrike.


Jun15 Sa 11a-3p Free Drop-in

62 541-682-5333


Ballet Barre & Center

Ages 16+

Dipyourtoesintodanceinthiswelcomingandfunclass. Learnthefundamentalsofballetthroughbarre,centerand across-the-�loorexerciseshelpingtogain�lexibilityand strength.Eachclassisuniquetotheparticipants.Alllevels welcome.



Jul17-Sep11 W 5:15-6:30p

Jul22-Aug19 M 5:30-6:45p


Ballet Barre & Stretch

$60 #28427

$37 #28422

Thisisabeginningballetbarreclasswithanemphasison strength,�lexibilityandfundamentaltechnique.Alllevels welcome.



Jul18-Sep12 Th 1:45-2:45p


Fitness & All That Jazz

$44 #27531

Feelthebeatandgetmovingtoahealthieryou.Thisisa classforallskilllevels.Movetomusicfromthe’60stotoday, rocktojazzanddiscotoBroadway.Andwhileyou’rehaving funmovingtothemusic,you’llalsobebuildingstrength, �lexibilityandbalance.



Jun3-Jul22 M 2-3p $28 #27529

Jul29-Sep9 M 2-3p $28 #29296


Folk Dance with a Flair Ages 30+

Thisisanopeninvitationtotryinternationalfolkdancing. Learnandenjoydancesfromallaroundtheworld.Stay youngandkeep�it.Noexperiencerequired.Newdancers arealwayswelcome.Nopartnerneeded.


Ongoing M 1-2:30p #27373



Ongoing 1stM 11:30a-12:30pFree Drop-in


Irish Céili Dance Ages 16+

Céili(pronounced“kay-lee”)isatraditionalsocialdancefrom Ireland.It’srelatedtocontraandsquaredance,butalittle fasteranddancedtoIrishmusic.Verybeginner-friendly,no partnerrequired.




Jul16-Sep10 Tu 7:30-9p $40 #27505


Jul16-Sep10 Tu 7-7:30p $20 #27510


Line Dance

Linedancingisgoodexerciseforyourbrain,canhelpwith balanceandislowimpactonyourjoints.Meetnewpeople andhavefunwhileexercisingtoavarietyofmusic.Wear loose,coolclothingandshoesthatwillslideonthe�loor.No partnernecessary.TheImproverclassrequirespriorline danceexperience.




Jul9-Sep19 Tu 2:30-3:30p $55 #29131

Jul11-Sep12 Th 2:30-3:30p $55 #29132



May28-Jun25 Tu 2:30-3:30p $27 #29205

Modern Dance Ages 16+

Thisclasswillfocusonthefundamentalsandtechniqueof moderndance.Moderndanceistherebelliousyounger siblingtoballet.Learntherulestobreakthrough�lowyand fullmovementthatextendsthroughthewholebody.Explore structuredandimprovisedmovementinasupportive environmentandgain�lexibilityandgrace.Alllevels welcome.



Jul16-Sep10 Tu 5:30-6:45p $60 #28426

NoclassAug27 63
Health & Fitness

Adult Health & Fitness

Partner Dance

Learnthebasictechniquesforcouplesdancinginthebasics class.Buildyourrepertoireandgaincon�idenceonthe dance�loorinafunandwelcomingenvironment.The patternsclasswillcovershortsequencesofdancemoves thatarefunandaddvarietytoalltypesofpartnerdancing.

SheldonCommunityCenter Instructor:SamBucher

Partner Dance, Basics

Learnthebasictechniquesforcouplesdancing.Swing,foxtrot, waltz,cha-chaandmoresettopopularmusic.Buildyour repertoireandgaincon�idenceonthedance�loorinafun andwelcomingenvironment.Partnerrequired.

Jun4-Jul9 Tu 6-7:15p $36 #27564

Jul16-Aug20 Tu 6-7:15p $36 #27565

Aug27-Sep17 Tu 6-7:15p $24 #29309

Partner Dance, Patterns

Thisclasswillcovershortsequencesofdancemovesthat arefunandaddvarietytoalltypesofpartnerdancing.These patternsaredesignedto�itthephrasingofmostdance musicnomatterwhatthegenre.Thisisanintermediate classandpriorexperiencewithsocialdanceisa prerequisite.Partnerrequired.

Jun4-Jul9 Tu 7:30-8:45p $36 #27566

Jul16-Aug20 Tu 7:30-8:45p $36 #27567

Aug27-Sep17 Tu 7:30-8:45p $24 #29308

Tap Dance

Learnthebasicsofmoderntapwithdrillsandshortdances inthisfunandeasyclass.Allarewelcomeregardlessof ability.Opentomoversofallageswherethefocusisonfun exercisetomusic.

PetersenBarnCommunityCenter Instructor:JayHall-Schnurrpusch

Jun3-Sep9 M 9:30-10:30a $55 #27527

Jun7-Sep13 F 11:30a-12:30p$66 #27528


Jun3-Sep9 M 10:30-11a $28 #27557


Tap & Jazz

Learnthefundamentalsoftapandjazzthroughcenterand across-the-�loorexerciseswhileworkingonrhythm, syncopationandstyle.Smallcombinationswillbetaught alongthewaytocombinealloftheelementspracticedin class.Learntheseclassicdancestylesinafunand welcomingenvironment.Sometapshoesareavailableto borrow.Jazzshoesarerecommendedbutnotrequired.All levelsarewelcome.



Jul22-Aug19 M 7-8p $30 #28423

Land Fitness

Better Bones & Balance

Designedtoimprovebonehealth,muscularstrengthand balance,thisclassincludesstrengthtraining,aerobic exerciseand�lexibilityandbalancemovements.Fitness levelsfrombeginnertointermediatearewelcome.



Jun6-Aug1 Th 3-4p $44 #27532

Jun6-Aug1 Th 4:15-5:15p $44 #27533


Bodyweight Strength

Buildstrengthandlearntechniquesforbodyweight-speci�ic exercisessuchasthesquat,plank,pushupandjump.The classwillincludeupbeatmusictohelpwiththosemore dif�icultworkouts.Thisisabeginner/intermediate formattedclasswhereproperformwillbeemphasizedto ensuresafetyandgoodstrength-buildingprinciples. Modi�icationswillbeprovidedforthosewhowanttowork uptospeci�icexercises.



Jun3-Jul22 M 4:30-5:30p $44 #28892

Aug5-Sep23 M 4:30-5:30p $38 #28893


Dryland Arthritis

Thisclassisdesignedspeci�icallyforpeoplewitharthritis. Learntousegentlemovementstoincrease�lexibilityand maintainmusclestrength.Alsohelpsreducestiffnessand pain.Allarewelcome.


Ongoing MW 11:45a-12:45p Drop-in Pooladmissionfeesapply, see page 73.

Essential Stretch & Flexibility

Thisclasshelpswithmusclepliabilityanddurabilityaswe age,throughgentletechniquesforstretchingandimproved overallmovement.



Jun5-Jul31 W 12-1p $44 #27670

Aug7-Sep18 W 12-1p $38 #27671

Jun7-Jul26 F 12-1p $44 #27672

Aug2-Sep20 F 12-1p $44 #27673




Jul10-Sep18 W 1:45-2:45p $55 #27530


64 541-682-5333

Fight Back with Neuromuscular Exercise

Thisclassisidealforpeoplewithneuromuscularchallenges (Parkinson’s,mildstroke,multiplesclerosis)thatmaycause lossofbalanceandcoordination.Engagethebrainandbody toencouragemore�luid,balancedmovementandimprove strength,agilityandgait.Thosewhoneedindividualassistance shouldbringapersonalsupportworkerorcareprovider.



Jul2-30 TuTh 12-1p

$60 #27667

Aug1-29 TuTh 12-1p $67 #27668

Sep3-26 TuTh 12-1p




Jul2-30 TuTh 2-3p

Aug1-29 TuTh 2-3p

Sep3-26 TuTh 2-3p


Full Body Fitness

$60 #27669

Strength & Balance

Defeatthelossofbonedensitywhileyouimprovebalance andincreaseyourstrengthandenergy.Thisclassisamore advancedversionofHealthyBonesFitness.Registrantsfor in-personwillreceivealinkonthedayofclass.Virtual registrantswillreceivealinkatnoononMondays,except onholidays.



Jun3-Jul22 M 3-4p $44 #28881

Aug5-Sep23 M 3-4p $38 #28882

Jun4-Jul23 Tu 10:30-11:30a $44 #28883

Aug6-Sep24 Tu 10:30-11:30a $44 #28885

Jun5-Jul24 W 1:30-2:30p $38 #28886

Aug7-Sep25 W 1:30-2:30p $44 #28887

Jun6-Jul25 Th 10:30-11:30a $38 #28888

Aug8-Sep26 Th 10:30-11:30a $44 #28889

$60 #28648

$67 #28652

$60 #28654

Thisclasscombinestrainingforstrength,core�itness,�lexibility andbalancetoprepareyoufortheactivitiesyoulovetodo.


Jun1-Jul27 Sa 8-9a $45 #28219

Aug10-Sep28 Sa 8-9a

Jun3-Jul22 M 6-7p

Jul29-Sep23 M 6-7p


Healthy Bones Fitness

$40 #28220

$40 #27665

$40 #27666

Researchshowsexercisecanstrengthenbones,improvebalance andincreaseyourstrengthandenergy.Everyexerciseisadjusted toyourability.Anexcellentclassforthosewithosteoporosisor osteopenia.Registrantsforin-personwillreceivealinkonthe dayofclass.Virtualregistrantswillreceivealinktorecorded videoofclassesatnoononMondays,exceptonholidays.



Jun3-Jul22 M 1:30-2:30p $44 #28868

Aug5-Sep23 M 1:30-2:30p

$38 #28869

Jun4-Jul23 Tu 9-10a $44 #28871

Aug6-Sep24 Tu 9-10a $44 #28872

Jun5-Jul24 W 3-4p $38 #28873

Aug7-Sep25 W 3-4p

Jun6-Jul25 Th 9-10a

$44 #28875

$38 #28876

Aug8-Sep26 Th 9-10a $44 #28877






$44 #28879

$44 #28880




Jun3-Jul22 $44 #28890

Aug5-Sep23 $44 #28891


Designedtoincreasetheheartratesafely,theseclassesare intendedtoimproveenduranceandenergyfordailyactivity andrecreation.Forallabilitylevels.Noequipmentisneeded. No�loorwork.



Jun3-Jul22 M 12-1p $44 #27674

Jul29-Sep16 M 12-1p $38 #27675


HIIT Training

HIIT,orhigh-intensityintervaltraining,usesshortburstsof intenseexercisewithshortbreakstoprovideanexcellent strengthandoverall�itnessworkout.Allequipmentprovided.



Jun10-Jul29 M 5:30-6:15p #27592

Aug5-Sep23 M 5:30-6:15p #27593

Jun12-Jul31 W 5:30-6:15p #27594

Aug7-Sep25 W 5:30-6:15p #27595

Pooladmissionfeesapply, see page 73.Registertoreserveaspot. NoclassJun19,Sep2


Jun11-Jul30 Tu 5:30-6:15p #27837

Aug6-Sep24 Tu 5:30-6:15p #27838

Jun13-Aug1 Th 5:30-6:15p #27840

Aug8-Sep26 Th 5:30-6:15p #27841

Pooladmissionfeesapply, see page 73.Registertoreserveaspot. NoclassJul4 65
Health & Fitness

Adult Health & Fitness

Try Pickleball

Get a taste of the rules and how to play one of the fastestgrowing sports out there in these free sessions. Registration required and equipment is provided.

Instructors: Emerald Valley Pickleball Club

Westmoreland Park, Taylor St. & W. 20th Ave.

Jun 11 Tu 7-8:30p Free #27804

Striker Field Park Courts, Grand Cayman & Antiqua St.

Jun 25 Tu 7-8:30p Free #27809

Churchill Sports Park Playground, 2120 Bailey Hill Rd.

Jul 9 Tu 7-8:30p Free #27810

Sheldon Pool & Fitness Center

Jul 23 Tu 7-8:30p Free #27811

Echo Hollow Pool & Fitness Center

Aug 13 Tu 7-8:30p Free #27814

Westmoreland Park, Taylor St. & W. 20th Ave.

Aug 27 Tu 6:30-8p Free #27817

Learn to Play Pickleball

This clinic will take brand-new players through all aspects of pickleball: the rules, scoring, serving, receiving and the allimportant dinking. Learn by playing actual games so you can immediately apply what you’ve learned at any of the local venues. Equipment provided.

Instructors: Emerald Valley Pickleball Club

Westmoreland Park, Taylor St. & W. 20th Ave.

Jun 6-27 Th 5:30-7p $60 #27782

Churchill Sports Park Playground, 2120 Bailey Hill Rd.

Jul 7-28 Su 10-11:30a $60 #27790

Sheldon Pool & Fitness Center

Aug 1-22 Th 5:30-7p $60 #27787

Echo Hollow Pool & Fitness Center

Sep 8-29 Su 10-11:30a $60 #27792

Weight Training Ages 14+

Learn how to weight train safely and effectively. Weight training increases strength and power, helps with weight loss and is important for long-term health. Get your �itness journey started the right way.

Echo Hollow Pool & Fitness Center

Instructor: Jeremy Dixon

Jun 10-Jul 29 M 4:15-5:15p #27588

Aug 5-Sep 23 M 4:15-5:15p #27589

Jun 12-Jul 31 W 4:15-5:15p #27590

Aug 7-Sep 25 W 4:15-5:15p #27591

Pool admission fees apply, see page 73. Register to reserve a spot. No class Jun 19, Sep 2

Sheldon Pool & Fitness Center

Jun 11-Jul 30 Tu 4:15-5:15p #27844

Aug 6-Sep 24 Tu 4:15-5:15p #27853

Jun 6-Aug 1 Th 4:15-5:15p #27859

Aug 8-Sep 26 Th 4:15-5:15p #27862

Pool admission fees apply, see page 73. Register to reserve a spot. No class Jul 4

Fees and membership

$5 day fee per person

$50 quarterly (13 weeks)

$175 annual (52 weeks)

100 Day Island Road

Eugene OR

66 541-682-5333

Zumba Cardio

Ditchtheworkoutandjointheparty.ZumbaisaLatininspiredcardiodanceclassthatincludeselementsofsalsa, merengue,samba,reggaeton,cumbiaandmuchmore.All youneedisenthusiasm.Stresscan’thangontoabodythat’s grooving.



Jul3-Sep11 W 5:30-6:30p $66 #27495

Martial Arts

Fencing Ages 12+

Fencingisaclassicmartialsportwithmuchhistory,art,style anddramaaswellasbeingafunphysicalactivityforkids andparents.Thisclassseriesisanintroductiontofoil fencing.Itconcentratesondiscipline,balance,coordination, sportsmanshipandaboveall,fun.Equipmentwillbeprovided.




Jul11-Sep12 Th 7-8p $135 #27575


Jul11-Sep12 Th 8:15-9:15p $135 #27576


Qigongisaself-healingartthatcombinesmovementand meditation.Regularpracticeofqigongcanreducestress, establishbalanceandintegratethemind,bodyandspirit. Thispracticeisbestknownforitsfocusonbreathingandis usedasahealingexercise.



Jun24-Aug26 M 1-2p $55 #29129

Outdoor Qigong

Qigongisaself-healingartthatcombinesmovementand meditation.Regularpracticeofqigongcanreducestress, establishbalanceandintegratethemind,bodyandspirit. Thispracticeisbestknownforitsfocusonbreathingandis usedasahealingexercise.Thisclassisheldoutside.




Jul2-Aug27 Tu 11:30a-12:15p$45 #27516


Jul2-Aug27 Tu 12:30-1:15p $45 #27517

Adult Health & Fitness

Gentle Yoga & Qigong

Thisclasscombinesqigongenergymovementpracticesand gentleyoga.Qigongsoftensthetissues,supportshealthy jointsandpromotesacalmnervoussystemandcentered mind.Gentleyogasupportsstrengthand�lexibilityandcan promoteanoverallsenseofbalanceinbody,mindandspirit. Thisisanon-the-matclass.



Jun24-Aug26 M 2:45-4p $69 #29127

Jun26-Aug28 W 1:15-2:30p $69 #29126

Tai Chi

ThisancientChineseartusesround,�lowingmovements combinedwithcalmnessandinnerbalance.Learnaseriesof slowmovementsthatpromotebetterhealth,balance, �lexibilityandreducedstress.Theclassincludesproper form,bodyalignment,breathing,energycultivationand energyawareness.




Jul1-Sep9 M 10:45-11:45a $50 #27568

Jul3-Sep11 W 10:45-11:45a $55 #27572


Jul1-Sep9 M 9:30-10:30a $50 #27570

Jul3-Sep11 W 9:30-10:30a $55 #27571




Jun3-Jul15 M 9:30-10:30a $38 #28469

Jul22-Sep9 M 9:30-10:30a $38 #28470

Jun1-Jul27 Sa 9:30-10:30a $45 #28221

Aug10-Sep28 Sa 9:30-10:30a $40 #28222


Jun5-Jul24 W 9:30-10:30a $38 #28472

Jul31-Sep11 W 9:30-10:30a $38 #28473





Jun4-Jul30 Tu 11:30a-12:30p$39 #27524

Aug6-Sep17 Tu 11:30a-12:30p$33 #29297

Jun4-Jul30 Tu 12:45-1:45p $39 #27525

Aug6-Sep17 Tu 12:45-1:45p $33 #29298


Jun4-Jul30 Tu 2-3p $39 #27526

Aug6-Sep17 Tu 2-3p $33 #29299

NoclassJun25,Jul2,Aug27 67

Adult Health & Fitness

Tai Chi & Qigong

TaichiistheancientChinesemartialartwiselyrecognized asthepowerfulwaytoimprovebothphysicalandmental health,betterbalance,relievepain,lessenstress,calmthe mindandmore.Thisclassteachesthe42CombinedForm andthemedicalqigongusingthetraditionalChinese/ Japanesemethod.



Jun4-Jul25 TuTh 2-3p $82 #27580

Aug6-Sep19 TuTh 2-3p


$77 #27581

Tai Chi for Balance, Beginning

Thisspeciallydesignedclassfocusesonthehealthbene�its forpeoplewithmobilityandbalanceproblems.Gentle exerciseintheformoftaichistrengthensmusclesand improvesstamina,bloodcirculation,balanceandrelaxation.



Jun3-Jul8 M 12-1p $35 #27708

Jul15-Aug19 M 12-1p $35 #27709


Ongoing MW 11a-12p Drop-in



Tai Chi in the Park

JoinyourneighborsinpracticingthisancientChineseart.It usescalm,�lowingmovementstopromotebalanceand �lexibilityandtoreducestress.Wearlooseclothingand dressfortheweather.



Jun4-Sep5 TuTh 10-11a Free Drop-in NoclassJul4

Special Interest


All ages

DanceAbilityInternational’smissionistodissolvebarriers andconnectpeoplewithandwithoutdisabilitiesthrough danceandmovement.Thismissionisaccomplishedthrough classes,workshopsandeventsforadultsandchildren, performances,teachertrainingsandeducationalmaterials forteachersofinclusivedance.Learnmorebyemailing info@danceability.orgorcalling541-357-4982.

Monday Competitive Yard Games

Ages 16+

Raiseyouryardgameskillswiththiscompetitive,yetsocial series.Playgameslikecornhole,KanJam,Spikeballor others.Registerinadvance.


Jun17 M 5:30-7:30p $5 #28203

Jun24 M 5:30-7:30p $5 #28204

Jul1 M 5:30-7:30p $5 #28205

Jul8 M 5:30-7:30p $5 #28206

Jul15 M 5:30-7:30p $5 #28207

Jul22 M 5:30-7:30p $5 #28208

Jul29 M 5:30-7:30p $5 #28209

Aug5 M 5:30-7:30p $5 #28210

Aug12 M 5:30-7:30p $5 #28211

Aug19 M 5:30-7:30p $5 #28212

Aug26 M 5:30-7:30p $5 #28213

Wednesday Wheelers

Ages 6+

Thisinformalgroupofwheelchairusersmeetsatvarious locationsinEugenetoexplorepathsandtrailsandconnect socially.Formoreinformation,callHilyardat541-682-5311

Ongoing W 10a-2p Free Drop-in

68 541-682-5333

Adult Health &


River Walking Group

■ 3 See key on page 77.

Thisweeklygroupmeetstowalktheriverpathtogether. Distanceanddestinationvarydependingonwhoshowsup.


Ongoing Tu 10-11:30a Free Drop-in

Water Fitness

These classes are open to ages 16+.

For class fees at City pools, see pool admission fees, page 73. No classes during pool closures, classes vary during holiday schedules, see page 73. Schedule may be subject to change.

Ai Chi

AiChiclassesfocusonrelievingchronic,limitingpain throughslowmovementthroughthewater,deepbreathing, stretchingandmeditationtechniques.A�lowingseriesof exercisesarerepeatedandemphasisrangeofmotion, balanceanddeepbreathing.


Ongoing WFSu 8:30-9:30a Drop-in

Aquatic Body Conditioning

Thisbuoyancy-supported,deep-waterexercisewillhelpyou increasemusclestrengthandtonebyusingwaterresistance andequipment.


Ongoing TuTh 8:45-9:45a Drop-in


Toneindividualmusclegroups,strengthencoremusclesand improvebalanceinshallowanddeepwater.Suspended exercisesenhanceposturalbene�its.Excellentclassforthose newtowaterexerciseorrecoveringstrengthand�lexibility. Upperbodystrengthisenhancedwithresistanceequipment.


Ongoing MW 8:45-9:45a Drop-in


Ongoing TuTh 8:15-9:15a Drop-in

Arthritis H2O Exercise

Thisclasscanhelppeoplewitharthritisexercise,reduce painandimprove�lexibilityandstrength.Thisfunclassis taughtinshallowwaterandisexcellentforthosewith generalmuscleorjointstiffnessorchronicpain.


Ongoing TuTh 10-11a Drop-in

Deep Water Fitness

Flotationsupportisprovidedtofacilitatethesegreatnonimpactdeep-waterworkouts.Totalbodyimmersionequals totalbodyworkout.Allmajormusclesarestrengthenedwith theaddedchallengeofacardiovascular�itnessworkout. Intensitylevelsarevariedtoaccommodateyourexercise needs.Furtherstrengthgainsareofferedbyusinghand-held buoyant-resistantequipment.


Ongoing M-Th 11a-12p Drop-in


Ongoing M-Th 6:30-7:30a Drop-in

M-Th 7:30-8:30a Drop-in


Ongoing M-Th 5:30-6:30p Drop-in

MWF 8:15-9:15a Drop-in

Shallow Water Aerobics

Thisisalow-impact,water-supportedexercisefordeveloping cardiovascular�itness.Toningandabdominalexercisesare included.Upbeatandsimpleenergeticroutineskeepyou moving.


Ongoing MW 10-11a Drop-in

Water Volleyball

Enjoyafriendlygameofvolleyballinthepool.Thegames takeplaceinthedeependofourindoorpool.Useaprovided �lotationbeltortreadwaterifyou’relookingforachallenge.


Ongoing MW 1-2:30p Drop-in


Water Walking

Fora�irst-timewater�itnessattendee,thisclassprovides thebasicsyouneedandstillgivesyouagreatworkout.Walk orruninchest-deepwaterusingtravelingmoves.Suspended, supportedexercisesareofferedforadditionalbalanceand stabilizationchallenges.


Ongoing TuTh 8:30-9:30a Drop-in


See page 100. 69

Adult Health & Fitness

Yoga Yoga

Yogarejuvenatesthemind,bodyandspirit.Gentlestretching exercisestoneandstretchmusclesandworktobalance everysysteminthebody.Itimprovesoverallhealthand well-being.Yogamatsareavailableorbringyourown.All mobilityandskilllevelswelcome.



Jun3-Sep9 M 5:30-6:30p $60 #28156

Jul18-Sep12 Th 9:15-10:15a $45 #28173



Jun1-Jul27 Sa 10-11a $45 #28216

Aug10-Sep28 Sa 10-11a $40 #28217

Jun5-Jul31 W 5:30-6:30p $40 #28214

Aug7-Sep25 W 5:30-6:30p $40 #28215




Jun4-Jul30 Tu 9:05-10:05a $39 #27379

Aug6-Sep17 Tu 9:05-10:05a $33 #29302

Jun7-Jul26 F 9:05-10:05a $39 #27381

Aug2-Sep20 F 9:05-10:05a $39 #29303




Jun5-Jul10 W 9-10a $28 #27488

Jul24-Aug28 W 9-10a $33 #27489


Chair Yoga

Feelbetterthroughmovement.Experiencereleasefrom stressandfatiguethroughthisgentleyogaapproach designedtoaccommodatepeoplewithphysicallimitations. Thisclassistaughtwhileyouaresittinginachair.



Jul18-Sep12 Th 10:30-11a $45 #28193



Jun26-Aug28 W 3-4p $55 #29128



Jun4-Jul30 Tu 10:15-11:15a $39 #27384

Aug6-Sep17 Tu 10:15-11:15a $33 #29300

Jun7-Jul26 F 10:15-11:15a $39 #27386

Aug2-Sep20 F 10:15-11:15a $39 #29301


Modified Yoga

Thisgentleyogaclassisdesignedspeci�icallyforpeople livingwithchronicneuromuscularconditionssuchas �ibromyalgia,multiplesclerosis,Parkinson’sandLou Gehrig’sdisease.Posesaremodi�iedforthoseneeding adaptations.Modi�iedYogaclasshasahybridoption.For thoseinperson,individualsmustbeabletobeindependent orhavesomeonetoassist.Yogamatsandblocksprovidedas needed.Forthevirtualoption,Zoomlinkwillbesentto patronsuponregistration.In-personregistrationisavailable onamonthlybasis,alongsidethevirtual10-usecard.



Jul1-29 M 11:45a-1p $37 #28660

Aug5-26 M 11:45a-1p $30 #28666

Sep9-30 M 11:45a-1p $30 #28669

10-usecardfor$70,ModifiedYogaclassonly NoclassSep2

70 541-682-5333

Registration & Web Page

Adult Sports Leagues League Schedules

The Athletics Of�ice is in Graham Field House at 2190 Polk St., phone 541-682-5409. Registration for all activities is through This webpage has all of the latest schedules, scores, standings and registration materials for current leagues and more. Also visit us on the web at or

City of Eugene Pickleball

Did you know we now offer pickleball for various levels of play? Check out our programs for those who have played for years and for those who have never touched a paddle. Our up-to-date registration information can easily be found on our website. Come join in the fun!

Outdoor Sports Field Rentals

Contact the Athletics staff for info and applications for use of the City’s outdoor sports �ields and the joint school district/City of Eugene arti�icial turf �ields.

You Make the Calls!

Like sports? Want to earn extra money? All of the adult sports leagues are looking for new of�icials. No experience necessary. Contact the Athletics of�ice or: Soccer: Cindy Wilgus,

Softball: Ray Cunningham, 541-321-5990

Volleyball: Kathy Ipock, 541-510-0112

Summer Softball M, W, Mx Apr 2 Su-F Su, May 19 10 weeks

Sand Volleyball W, Mx Apr 23 M-Th M, May 20 7 weeks

Sand Volleyball W, Mx Jul 2 M-Th M, Jul 22 7 weeks

Summer Soccer* Mx Apr 23 M-Th Tu, Jun 4 8 weeks

Summer Ultimate** Mx Jun 4 Tu Th, Jul 11 6 weeks

Pickleball M, Mx, W May TBA Late Jun 8 weeks

Yard Games Mx May 15 M M, Jun 17 10 weeks

Fall Softball M, W, Mx Jul 16 M-Th M, Aug 19 5 weeks

Fall Volleyball W, Mx Aug 6 Su & Tu Tu, Sep 10 10 weeks

Fall Ultimate Mx Aug 6 Su & W Su, Sep 8 8 weeks

Fall Soccer Mx Aug 6 Su-W Su, Sep 8 8 weeks

* Individual and team registration

** Registration is by individual only, no team registration. 71
S p o r t M e ’n s , W o m e ’n s , M i x e d R e g i s t r a t i o n D a t e s G a m e / M a t c h D a y s G a m e s B e g i n L e n g t h o f S e a s o n

Adult Swimming

Hours & Info

For the most up-to-date schedule, visit or give the pools a call.

Lap Swims Ages 13+

Nomatterwhatyourlevelis,wehavealaneforyou.Lap lanesareavailableforslow,mediumandfastswimmers. Childrenages12andyoungermustbeaccompaniedbyan adultandmustbeswimminglaps.


M-F 5:30–8:30a Sa 7:30a-1:15p

M-Th 11a–8:30p 1:45-4:30p

F 11a-6p Su 11:30a-4:30p


IndoorPool OutdoorPool

M-Th 5:30-6:30a M-F 5:30a-1:15p 11:15a-1p 5-7p

F 5:30a-1:15p Sa 11a-1:15p

Sa 11a-1:15p


MW 5:30a-4:30p F 5:30a-8:30p

TuTh 5:30-8a Su 9a-1:30p 9:30a-4:30p

M-Th 7-8:30p

On-Your-Own Water Fitness Ages 13+



DeepWater ShallowWater

M-F 5:30a–8:30a M-F 1:30-4:30p

MW 1:30-8:30p Sa 1:45-4:30p

TuTh 11a-7p Su 11:30a-4:30p

F 11a-6p

Sa 7:30a-1:15p 1:45-4:30p

Su 11:30a-4:30p


IndoorPool OutdoorPool

M-Th 5:30-6:30a M-Th 7:30a-1:15p

11a-1p 5-7p

F 5:30a-1:15p F 5:30a-1:15p

Sa 11a-1:15p Sa 11a-1:15p


DeepWater ShallowWaterLapPool

MWF 5:30-8a MWF 7-9:30a


TuTh 5:30a-1:30p ShallowWarmWaterPool

7-8:30p MW 12-1p

M-Th 3:30p-5:30p M-F 3:30-4:30p

F 3:30-7p F 9:30-10:30a

Su 9a–12p



Su 10-11a

72 541-682-5333

Pool Fees

All entry requires an admission fee for ages 3 and up. Children age 2 and under are free with a paid adult. Passes 20% extra for nonresidents.

*Additional charges for more than 5 people.

Swim Diapers Policy: City of Eugene swim facilities require swim diapers that are elastic fitting around the legs and waist for non-toilet trained individuals.

Fitness Centers

Our �itness centers offer cardiovascular equipment, including treadmills and stair masters, as well as weight equipment designed to work speci�ic muscle groups.

Use of the �itness centers requires an orientation if you haven’t used the facility before, and we must have a signed consent form on �ile. Open to adults ages 18 or older.

• Youth age 16 to 17 must have a guardian signed consent form on �ile.

• Youth age 13 to 15 must have a guardian signed consent form on �ile and must have an adult present.

• Youth age 12 and younger are not permitted to use the �itness centers.

Echo Hollow Pool, Jun 17-Sep 1

M-F 5:30a-8:30p

Sa 11a-4:30p

Sheldon Pool, Jun 17-Aug 30

MWF 5:30a-8:30p

TuTh 5:30a-4:15p 5:15-8:30p

Su 9a-1:30p

Spa Hours

Amazon Pool, Jun 17-Sep 1

See lap swim hours

Echo Hollow Pool, Jun 17-Sep 1

See outdoor lap swim hours

Sheldon Pool, Jun 17-Aug 30

M-F 5:30a-8:30p

Su 8:30a-2p

Adult Swimming

Closures/Modified Schedules

Amazon Pool

May 20 Preseason schedule begins

May 27 Holiday schedule

Jun 1-2 Closed for staff training

Jun 14 Closed at 2p for Mike Morris Swim Meet

Jun 15-16 Closed for Mike Morris Swim Meet

Jun 17 Summer season hours begin

Jun 19 Holiday schedule

Jun 28-30 Closed for TEAM Swim Meet

Jul 4 Holiday schedule

Sep 2 Holiday schedule

Echo Hollow Pool & Fitness Center

May 19-Jun 2 Closed for maintenance

Jun 17 Summer season hours begin

Jun 19 Holiday schedule

Jul 4 Holiday schedule

Sep 2 Holiday schedule

Sheldon Pool & Fitness Center

May 27 Holiday schedule

Jun 1-2 Closed for staff training

Jun 17 Summer season hours begin

Jun 19 Holiday schedule

Jul 4 Holiday schedule

Aug 31-Sep 15 Closed for maintenance

Water Fitness

See page 69. 73
Family* $18.00 $99 $119 $286 Single Visit 10 Visit Pass 30 Day Pass 90 Day Pass
Youth (3-17) $5.50 $40 $48 $116 Adult (18+) $6.00 $46 $59
Senior (60+)
$40 $48 $116
FUN opportunity awaits you at City of Eugene Adaptive Recreation! Volunteer with us to share your unique skills and create waves of success with youth and adults with disabilities as they learn and have fun in adaptive recreation. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! 541-682-5311 • Questions or to apply Adaptive Recreation

Adult Outdoor

Bicycling Learn to Ride a Bicycle

Has it been awhile since you have ridden your bike? Or maybe you always wanted to learn, but never got around to it? Don’t let age get in your way. Join AARP, the City of Eugene Recreation and Safe Routes to School for an adult Learn2Ride workshop and explore options to get you back on the bike trail. You’ll learn about PeaceHealth Rides bikeshare, adaptive cycling options and join us for a hands-on learning experience.

Bikes and helmets will be available if you don’t have one. But, if you have one, bring your bike and helmet, and don’t forget to bring a friend. Shift Community Cycles will be on hand to perform helmet �ittings and safety checks on all bikes brought from home. This event is open to all.

Campbell Community Center

Jun 29 Sa 10a-12p Free #28561

Canoeing, Kayaking & Rafting

Kayak After Work Float

Explore the Willamette River, paddling toward the setting sun. Stable sit-on-top and in�latable kayaks are supplied. Bring water, snack and clothing that can get wet. Paddle the moving water from Aspen Street in Spring�ield to the River House Outdoor Center in Eugene. No experience is necessary but active paddling is required.

Meet at River House Outdoor Center

Jul 23 Tu 5:15-9p $45 #28929

Aug 20 Tu 5:15-9p $45 #28934

Deschutes Family Raft Trip –Overnight Ages 11+

This is a multi-day river trip. Learn to put together an extended river trip, read water, pack gear and cook outdoors for a four-night river trip. River equipment, transportation, camping gear and food are provided. Bring a willingness to learn, the desire to have a good time and the expectation of

74 541-682-5333

workingasateammember.Noexperiencerequiredfor rafters.Prerequisiteforkayakers:previouswhitewater kayakclassorexperienceandconsentofinstructor.

Pretrip Jul25 Th 5:30-7patRiverHouse

Trip Jul31-Aug4 W-Su8a-5p $650 #28825


See pages 102-103.


All classroom sessions meet at the River House Outdoor Center. Water sessions will be on Fern Ridge Lake. Marina parking requires a Lane County permit that costs $4/day or $40/year. Purchase online For more information call 541-682-5329.

Family Sails Ages 8+

JoinRiverHouseOutdoorCentersailinginstructorsforasail oneveningbreezesasthesunlightfades.Nosailing experiencerequired.Bringapicnicdinner,placesettings andnonalcoholicdrinksinnonbreakablecontainers.Wewill stopfordinner.Eachpersonmustregister.

Jun21 F 5-9p

Jul5 F 5-9p

Jul19 F 5-9p

Aug2 F 5-9p

Aug16 F 5-9p

Aug30 F 5-9p

$65 #28974

$65 #28975

$65 #28976

$65 #28977

$65 #28978

$65 #28979

Sailing, Veterans Race Team

ThegoalofthisprogramistohelpimprovethelivesofVeterans throughparticipationinasailingraceprogramonFernRidge Lake.Veteranswilllearntosailandcrewaracingsailboat andwillcompeteinweeklyracesaswellassomelocal regattasduringthe2024sailseason(mid-Aprilthrough mid-September).Noexperiencenecessary,justawillingness

Adult Outdoor

tocommittobeingapartofateamfortheseason.Formore informationortoparticipatecall541-682-6358.





Sailing Practice Nights

Areyoutakingasailingclassandneedalittlemoretimeon thewater?PracticeunderthecoachingofEugeneRecsailing staff.Registrationisrequired.

Jun5 W 5-9p $60 #28983

Jun19 W 5-9p $60 #28984

Jul3 W 5-9p $60 #28985

Jul17 W 5-9p $60 #28986

Jul31 W 5-9p $60 #28988

Aug14 W 5-9p $60 #28989

Aug28 W 5-9p $60 #28990

San Juan Sailing Adventure

Gainincrediblesailingexperiencelivingaboardandsailinga 42-footsailboat.TheSanJuanIslandsareoneofthetop cruisingdestinationsintheworld.Thetripwillbeskippered byUSCGlicensedcaptainandASAinstructorLyleMayer. ASA101,103,104certi�icationsareavailable.Apredeparturemeetingwillbescheduledtodiscussitinerary, provisioningandcarpooling.Forinformationandtoregister

VesselboardsinBellingham,Washington CarpoolarrangementscanbefacilitatedfromEugene

Sep20-27 F-F #28909



Women’s Sailing Nights

Trysailing,practicesailingorjustenjoyanightonthewater withafriendandlearnmoreaboutsailing.Women’ssailing nightsareforeveryone,fromthosewhohaveneversailedto experiencedwomenworkingonimprovingtheirsailing skills.Participantscanchoosewhichnightstoattend.

Jun4 Tu 5-9p $65 #28923

Jun18 Tu 5-9p $65 #28926

Jun25 Tu 5-9p $65 #28928

Jul9 Tu 5-9p $65 #28930

Jul16 Tu 5-9p $65 #28931

Jul23 Tu 5-9p $65 #28932

Aug6 Tu 5-9p $65 #28933

Aug20 Tu 5-9p $65 #28935

Taste of Keelboat Sailing

Isthelakecallingyourname?Exploreoursailboatsandlearn thebasicsofsailingonakeelboatorpolishupontechniques thatyouhavenotusedinawhile.Noexperiencerequired.

Jul10 W 1-5p

Aug18 Su 1-5p

$70 #28980

$70 #28982 75

ASA 101 Basic Keelboat Sailing Certification

Learn to skipper a 24-foot sloop-rigged keelboat in light to moderate winds and sea conditions. Learn basic sailing terminology, parts, functions, helm commands, docking, sail trim, points of sail, buoyage, seamanship and basic navigation rules to avoid collisions and hazards. Gain con�idence with lots of hands-on practice. Earn your ASA 101 Basic Keelboat Sailing Certi�ication. The course comprises a 3-hour classroom session followed by four on-the-water sessions.

ASA membership is $59 additional, required for certification Veterans receive a $50 discount on the class and ASA membership fee waived

Classroom Jun 11 Tu 6-9p

Water Jun 15-16 SaSu 2-7p

Jun 22-23 SaSu 2-7p $490 #28996

Classroom Jul 1 M 6-9p

Water Jul 4-7 Th-Su 1-6p $490 #28997

Classroom Jul 2 Tu 6-9p

Water Jul 6-7 SaSu 2-7p

Jul 13-14 SaSu 2-7p $490 #28998

Classroom Jul 16 Tu 6-9p

Water Jul 20-21 SaSu 2-7p

Jul 27-28 SaSu 2-7p $490 #29000

Classroom Aug 6 M 6-9p




Aug 10-11 SaSu 2-7p

Aug 17-18 SaSu 2-7p $490 #29002

Aug 20 Tu 6-9p

Aug 24-25 SaSu 2-7p

Aug 31-Sep 1 SaSu 2-7p $490 #29003

Intermediate Sail Refresher

Get back on the water during this refresher course, designed for sailors who have taken ASA 101 or have the equivalent experience. During this course you’ll revisit the ASA 101 curriculum and cover a few new topics. This course is great for those who have completed an ASA 101 course but would like more time on the water to practice and build more con�idence skippering.

May 29, Jun 5, Jun 12 W 5-9p $180 #29059

Jul 24, Jul 31, Aug 7 W 5-9p $180 #29064

76 541-682-5333
Adult Outdoor

Sunset Sails Ages 8+

Enjoy sailing at Fern Ridge Lake and watch the sun dip below the horizon. No sailing experience is required. Bring a picnic dinner and nonalcoholic drinks in a nonbreakable container.

Jun 14 F 5-9p

Jun 28 F 5-9p

Jul 12 F 5-9p

Jul 26 F 5-9p

Aug 9 F 5-9p

Aug 23 F 5-9p

$65 #28965

$65 #28967

$65 #28970

$65 #28971

$65 #28972

$65 #28973

Special Interest

Nature Your Way

Participate in a low-intensity appreciation of the Willamette Con�luence Preserve. Inspired by the understanding that natural places are truly for everybody, this event will take place at a beautiful shady spot in the Willamette Con�luence, a preserve where the Coast and Middle forks of the Willamette join together. After hearing a bit about the history of the area and plans for the future, you can sit and enjoy the natural beauty around you or wander a bit, sketch, read, talk with others, join in birding activities, hang out by yourself or do whatever works for you.

Meet at Hilyard Community Center

May 30 Th 9a-2p $10 #28856

Aug 29 Th 9a-2p $10 #28857

Meet at Campbell Community Center

May 30 Th 9a-2p

Aug 29 Th 9a-2p


$10 #29282

$10 #29283

First Saturday Park Walks All ages

Explore the ecology and management of Eugene’s beautiful parks with Eugene Rec and Parks and Open Space staff. Thesefree, interpretive walks are themed to highlight the diversity of parks in the City and showcase improvements driven by the 30-year Parks and Rec System Plan and the 2018 and 2023 Parks and Rec Bond and Levy passed by voters. Registration is required. For more information call 541-682-6323.

Meadowlark Prairie ■ 3

View the blooms and birds at this large wetland site accessible by car, bike or foot. Learn about the role of �ire and disturbance in maintaining wet prairie habitat.

Meet at Meadowlark Prairie Overlook parking lot, 88525 Greenhill

Jun 1 Sa 9-11a Free #29199

Black Oak Basin ■ 3

We'll hike a loop around this newer Ridgeline park and talk about Ridgeline habitats, conservation easements, trail connectivity and wild�ire risk reduction work.

Meet at the west end of Bloomberg Road, accessed from McVay Highway by the Sequential gas station

Jul 6 Sa 9-11a Free #29198

Susanne Arlie Park ■ 3

Explore parts of the largest park in the Eugene park system. Hear about future trail plans and past and future habitat work.

Meeting place TBD

Aug 3 Sa 9-11a Free #29200

Alton Baker Park ■ 2

We'll tour West Alton Baker Park with an eye toward planning and construction investments coming soon. We'll talk about how park history and stories will serve us in creating more equitable and inclusive design and master planning for the future.

Meet at the park kiosk at the west end of the main parking area off of Day Island Road near the park restroom

Sep 7 Sa 9-11a Free #29201

Activity Level Ratings

Level ■ 1 Little walking. OK for those with walkers, wheelchairs or walking difficulties.

Level ■ 2 Moderate walking. Similar to that at a shopping center or large museum.

Level ■ 3 Walking of 1-2 miles (1-1.5 hours), as on a walking tour of gardens or the zoo. May be steps or hills.

Level ■ 4 Walking of 3-6 miles on moderate trails. May be rough, hilly or at higher altitude. Access to medical help may be limited.

Level ■ 5 Long hikes of 5+ miles. May be very rough, hilly or high altitude. Access to medical help may be limited. Consult your physician before participating in any trips/ activities to be sure they are appropriate for you. Weather and/or trail conditions may change unpredictably. These levels are approximations only; your experience may vary.

Trip Policies

Fees include bus transportation, leadership and insurance, unless noted otherwise. Meals and admission to venues are not included in the fee unless noted otherwise in the description. Every attempt is made to follow the itinerary; if circumstances beyond our control do not allow that to happen, no refunds will be given. 77

Senior Activities


Art & Music for Health

Trace and color pictures of seasonal and natural images using professional-quality markers. Designed to promote selfre�lection, stress reduction and creativity. Work on your art with others while listening to relaxing music. Memory loss or decreased mobilityshould not be a barrier to this art class.

Campbell Community Center

Instructor: Pani Soltani

Jul 19-Aug 9 F 10-11:30a $40 #27518

Art for Relaxation & Recreation

Tap into your inner artist as we celebrate the positive power of creativity. Each class we will have fun exploring the elements of art and color using a variety of media: watercolor, oil pastel, felttip, graphite pencil, charcoal, chalk pastel and color pencil. You will be so proud of the personal masterpieces you create. New projects each term. Materials discussed in �irst class.

Campbell Community Center

Instructor: Hollie Roman

Jun 17-Aug 26 M 10:30a-12:30p $110 #27486

Jun 18-Aug 27 Tu 10:30a-12:30p $110 #27487

Art from the Heart Ages 10+

Have a creative conversation with yourself as we make art designed to expand self-awareness and encourage personal growth. Using simple materials and a lighthearted approach, we will tap into the wisdom our art can hold. Each session will include a brief warmup activity, plenty of time for art making and an opportunity for re�lection. No art experience is necessary. Materials included.

Sheldon Community Center

Instructor: Christina Salter (she/her)

Self-Discovery Box

Which aspects of yourself do you readily share with others and which do you hold near and dear? Using a variety of boxes, collage materials and found objects, we will create 3D representations of our public and private selves.

Jun 22 Sa 9a-12p $30 #27387

Self-Care Mandala

Take an inventory of where things stand with your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being while creatively exploring ways to enhance these dimensions of your life by collaging a mandala.

Jul 27 Sa 9a-12p $30 #27388

78 541-682-5333

Intention Tin

What quality of mind or heart do you want to guide your thoughts and actions? Set an intention and manifest it visually by transforming a mint tin into a pocket-sized “altar.” Easy to display, the tin serves as a reminder to bring our best selves forward.

Aug 17 Sa 9a-12p $30 #27389

Artists & Crafters Studio

This workshop is an informal gathering of artists of all kinds. Enjoy a great studio space and great company. No instructor. Bring your own supplies.

Campbell Community Center

Ongoing M 1-4p #27520

Ongoing Tu 1-4p #27522

Ongoing W 9a-12p #27521

Term fee $3.50 or drop-in fee $0.25/day

No class Jun 19, Sep 2

Basic Woodworking

Learn safe and fun woodworking skills. This class is designed for beginners or anyone who wants to learn their way around the Campbell Woodshop. Make a beautiful laminated cutting board or choose a different project. Materials discussed in �irst class.

Campbell Community Center

Instructor: Len Gould

Jun 26-Jul 24 W 6-8:30p $120 #27451

Lottery #29311, see box.

Aug 14-Sep 11 W 6-8:30p $120 #27452

Lottery #29312, see box.

Open specifically to those who identify as female

Instructor: Ron Peterson

Jun 25-Jul 23 Tu 6-8:30p $120 #28435

Lottery #29313, see box.

Aug 13-Sep 10 Tu 6-8:30p $120 #28437

Lottery #29314, see box.

Lottery System

1. For starred activities, sign up for the lottery using the lottery number (in italics). The lottery will be open April 15-19. No payment is due at this time.

2. Staff will use a randomization system to select participants. Starting April 22, you’ll be notified by email if you are selected or not.

3. If selected, you have through April 29 to register and pay. You can follow the link in the email to register online, or call or visit a Rec center.

4. If the activity doesn’t fill up with the lottery, remaining slots will be available on registration day, May 2. Use the registration code (not italics) to register. For more information, go to

Campbell Woodshop Overview

This single evening class is a tour of the Campbell Woodshop and teaches safe techniques to utilize the bigger tools. Learn how to properly use the table saw, band saw, drill press and planer. Campbell Woodshop is a community space available for woodworking projects.

Campbell Community Center

Jun 3 M 5:30-8p $10 #28439

Jul 1 M 5:30-8p $10 #28443

Aug 19 M 5:30-8p $10 #28446

Sep 9 M 5:30-8p $10 #28448

Campbell Woodshop

Open to adults who want to use a workspace and tools for wood projects. Sign in and pay at the front desk before entering the shop. Orientation required for new users.

Campbell Community Center

Ongoing M-F 9a-3p

Th 5-8p $3/day Drop-in No woodshop Jun 19, Jul 4, Sep 2

Build a Wooden Clock

Use your woodworking skills to build a unique case for a clock mechanism. Clock and wood choice options discussed in the �irst class. Basic woodworking and safe tool usage skills required. Clock mechanism and wood stock supplied.

Campbell Community Center

Instructor: Mike Rau

Jul 8-29 M 5-7p $115 #28466

Pen Turning

Learn the basics of wood turning on a lathe by creating your own writing pen. Safety, tools and materials will be discussed in �irst class.

Campbell Community Center

Instructors: Richard Wright & Larae Palmer

Aug 5-12 M 5:30-8p $48 #27434

Call To Artists – Art In The Park

Artists are invited to apply for the Art in the Park event,which will be held Sept. 7 at Petersen Barn Park and Community Center. This is a free event for both exhibitors and attendees. Artists in any �ine art or �ine craft medium are welcome to apply and artists may sell their work at the event. The application deadline is Aug. 23 or until all vendor slots are full. For more info contact Janet at 541-682-6313 or email See ad on page 81. 79

Senior Activities

Drawing, Beginning

Learnbasictechniquesandbuildyourskillandcon�idencein drawingtomakeyourworklookliketherealthing.Apencil, eraser,ruler,paperandadesiretolearnareallyouneed.



Jun5-Sep11 W 10a-12p

$168 #29295 NoclassJun19

Dyed in the Wool Rug Hooking

Createbeautifulrugsthroughthistraditionalcraft.For informationoncostandsuppliescontactCarolFeglesat 541-343-5896.



Ongoing 2nd&4thTh 9a-12:30p Membershipfee

Painting Alchemy Community Art Circles

Learnintuitivepainting,aprocessthatintegratescreative expression,self-careandconnectionwithothers.Thesecircles areforeveryone:folkswithnoartisticexperienceandfolks withestablishedpractices.Allyouneediscuriosityabout whoyouareandwhatyourauthenticcreativityfeelslike. Webeginwithanembodimentpractice,sharingtimeand meditation.Thenwepaint.Allmaterialsprovided.



Jun6&20 Th 9:30a-12p $85 #27512

Jul5&18 F 9:30a-12p $85 #27513

Aug1&15 Th 9:30a-12p

Sep5&19 Th 9:30a-12p

Poetry, Beginning

$85 #27514

$85 #27515

Joinaprompt-drivenwritinggroupfocusedonencouraging freeverseandprosepoetryforthebeginningpoet.The groupisdesignedtobecollaborativeinnature,customized

totheinterestsoftheparticipantsandacelebrationof worksbypublishedandunpublishedpoets.



Jul16-Aug20 Tu 10a-12p $39 #29140

Print Making

Inthisbeginningprintmakingclass,useGelliplates,plexiglass, �ishmodels,stencilsandlinoleumblockstocreateone-of-akindprints.Extrasuppliesdiscussedinthe�irstclass.



Jun14-Jul19 F 1-3p $80 #29186

Quilting, Comforts for Kids

Helpmakequiltsandquiltkitsforindividualsandcommunity groupstopickup,puttogetherandreturnfordistributionto at-riskchildreninLaneCountythrough15community agenciesandshelters.Ifyoulikequilting,cuttingand sewing,helpyourcommunitybyjoiningthisgroup.


Ongoing Th 12:30-4p Free Drop-in

Sumi-e Art Studio

Gatheringofartistswhoenjoysumi-eandwhoexploreink andJapanesewatercolorandwash.Enjoystudiospaceand greatcompany.Noinstructor,bringyourownsupplies. Registrationrequired.


Ongoing Th 1-4p $3.50/session #27523 NoclassJul4

Community Services

Senior Law Service Ages 60+

SeniorLawServiceoffersfreelegalservicestothosewith lowtomodestincome.Assistancewillbeprovidedconcerning anylegalmatter,includinghousing,�inancialorpersonal.


Ongoing Sa Free Byappt Toscheduleanappointment,call541-402-2241

SHIBA Appointments

SeniorHealthInsuranceBene�itsAssistanceconductsoneon-oneappointmentswithindividualstoanswerquestions aboutMedicarehealthinsurancecoverage,formsandmore.


Ongoing M Free Byappt Toscheduleanappointment,call541-736-4421

80 541-682-5333


Art in the Park

Enjoythisfreeoutdoorartgallery.Thisshowandartsale featurestheoriginalartworkofmorethan40localartists. Enjoybeautifulartinabeautifulsetting.Allartsalesare betweenthebuyerandtheartist.TheCityofEugeneand PetersenBarnCommunityCenterarenotinvolvedinthe saleofanyart.


Sep7 Sa 10a-2p Free Drop-in


Asian Mah-Jongg



Ongoing Th 1-4p $0.25/day Drop-in


Asian Mah-Jongg Class



Jun7-28 F 9:30-11:30a $36 #29079




Ongoing W 1-4p Drop-in






Ongoing F 12:15-3:30p $2/day Drop-in

Bridge Tournament

Thisannualtournamentisalwayslotsoffunwithprizes, refreshmentsandfriendlycompetition.SignupatCampbell CommunityCenterbyJune5withapartner,orwewill attempttomatchyouwithapartnerifyouregisterasa single.Pleasecallifyoucan’tattendatthelastminute.


Jun7 F 12:30-4p $7cash

Chess Nuts

Chesscanhelpyoubuildyourconcentrationabilities,selfcon�idenceandmentalplanning.Beginnersandexperienced playersarewelcometoparticipateinfriendlycompetition.


Ongoing W 9a-12p $0.25/day Drop-in

NochessJun19 81
Senior Activities

Senior Activities

Parkinson’s & Table Tennis

Tabletennishasbeenshowntoimprovemotorsymptomsof Parkinson’sandincreasemovement,hand-eyecoordination andstrength.Plus,it’sfunandagreatwaytomeetothers. Sessionsarespeci�icallyforthosewithsymptomsof Parkinson’s.


Ongoing Tu 2-4p Free Drop-in


Enjoyagameortwoofpinochlewithareaseniors. Newcomerswelcome.


Ongoing MF 12:45-4p$0.25/day Drop-in



Ongoing F 1-4p $0.25/day Drop-in

Pool Hall



Ongoing M 8:30a-7:30p

Tu-F 8:30a-4:30p $0.25/day Drop-in





Ongoing Tu 1-4p $0.25/day Drop-in

Scrabble, Cribbage, Skip-Bo & More

Areyousomewherebetweenbingoandbridge?Try Scrabble,cribbageandSkip-Bo.We’llalternatethesegames inaregularpatterninthisfriendlygroup.


Ongoing W 1-4p #27385



Table Tennis

Tabletennisistheperfectgameforalmosteveryonebecause itprovidesexercise,recreationandasocialoutlet.Playina friendlyatmosphereopentoallskilllevels.Limitedpaddles andballsavailableforuse.


Ongoing F 12-3:30p $0.50/day Drop-in


Ongoing M,F 9-11:45a $0.50/day Drop-in


Languages & Culture

French Club

Developyourcon�idencethroughspeaking,writingand listeningtoothers.IntermediatelevelofFrenchlanguage knowledgerequired.



Jun6-Jul25 Th 10:30a-12p $48 #29121

Aug1-Sep19 Th 10:30a-12p $64 #29123


French Music

IncreaseyourFrenchcomprehensionand�luencyaswe learnavarietyofpopularcontemporaryandtraditional Frenchfolksongsinarelaxedandfunatmosphere.Singin Frenchwhileimprovingyourvocabulary,pronunciationand knowledgeofidiomaticexpressions.Allwrittenmaterials, songlyrics,composerandsongwriterbioswillbeprovided inFrenchwithEnglishtranslation.



Jun6-Jul18 Th 1-3p $48 #29124


Italian, Beginning

ThisclasswillintroduceyoutotheItalianlanguageand culturewithafocusonbasicconversationskills,useful vocabularyandphrasesforthetraveler.Smallclasssizesallow forindividualattention.Materialsdiscussedin�irstclass.



Jun3-Jul22 M 12-2:30p $112 #27952

Jul29-Sep16 M 12-2:30p $98 #27954


Italian, Intermediate

LearnItalianlanguageandculturewithafocuson conversation,verbsandtensesinasmallclasssetting. Materialsdiscussedin�irstclass.



Jun3-Jul22 M 9-11:30a $112 #27958

Jul29-Sep16 M 9-11:30a $98 #27961


82 541-682-5333

Spanish, Beginning

This will introduce you to the Spanish language and culture while teaching you how to ask questions and comprehend basic information. You’ll learn helpful vocabulary and phrases for traveling in a small class. Materials discussed in �irst class.

Campbell Community Center

Instructor: Sied Imani


Jun 3-Jul 22 M 6:30-8:30p $80 #27919

Jul 29-Sep 16 M 6:30-8:30p $70 #27922

Jun 4-Jul 23 Tu 9-11a $80 #27706

Jul 30-Sep 17 Tu 9-11a $80 #27707

Jun 8-Aug 10 Sa 9-11a $99 #28942

No class Sep 2


Jun 7-Jul 26 F 10a-12p $80 #27929

Aug 2-Sep 20 F 10a-12p $80 #27930

Jun 8-Aug 10 Sa 11:30a-1:30p $99 #28943

Spanish, Intermediate

This course is a continuation of Spanish, Beginning with an emphasis on vocabulary and grammar. With small class sizes, you’ll improve pronunciation and increase comprehension through a guided dialogue. Materials discussed in �irst class.

Campbell Community Center

Instructor: Sied Imani

Jun 4-Jul 23 Tu 11:30a-1:30p $80 #27933

Jul 30-Sep 17 Tu 11:30a-1:30p $80 #27935

Jun 5-Jul 24 W 6:30-8:30p $70 #27936

Jul 31-Sep 18 W 6:30-8:30p $70 #27940

No class Jun 19, Aug 7

Spanish, Advanced

Go beyond the basics in this conversational class. You’ll learn to easily speak Spanish, develop your conversation skills using proper grammar and have some fun too. Small class size guarantees you’ll have plenty of personal attention.

Campbell Community Center

Instructor: Sied Imani

Jun 4-Jul 23 Tu 2-4p $80 #27944

Jul 30-Sep 17 Tu 2-4p $80 #27948 83 Senior Activities

Senior Activities


Acoustic Instrument Swing Sessions

Intermediateplayerswelcomewithacousticinstruments only.Elevateyourmoodandplayingstylewithsongsfrom the1920sto1950sfromBobWillstoDjangotoGershwin. Wewillfocusonvocalharmoniesandinstrumental improvisation.Musicprovidedorshared.Bringamusicstand.


Jun7-Sep20 1st&3rdF 10a-12p #29136


Acoustic Music Jam

Thisnon-ampli�iedmusicalgroupisforindividualswhoplay astringedinstrumentorharmonicaandenjoyplayingmusic withothers.Bringyourinstrumentandjoinin.


Jun6-Sep12 Th 10a-12p #27377

Jun14-Sep27 2nd&4thF 10a-12p #29137

Termfee$5ordrop-infee$0.25/day NojamJul4

Group Singing for Beginners

Whetheryou’vesunginachoirbeforeoryou’vealwayswanted tobutneverknewhowtogetstarted,thisistheclassforyou. Joinusforthisgroupsingingclasswhereyouwilllearnthebasics ofsinginginagroupsetting,readingmusicandbeginner-level vocaltechnique.Enjoythecommunityandcreativitythatcomes withsingingchoralmusicinagroup.Eachclasswewillwork onvocalwarm-upsandmusicreading101andworktoward singingachoralpiecetogether.Allvoicetypesarewelcome.



Jun5-Jul31 W 7-8p $42 #28721


Introduction to Music Jamming

Oneofthejoysofplayingmusiciseventuallyplayingwith others.Youknowafewsongs,you’vepracticedthemforhours andmostofthetimeyoucannailthemwhenyou’replaying alone.Butplayingwithotherscanbeintimidating.This seminarisforyouifyouplayaninstrumentandwouldlike startplayingwithothers.Learnhowjamswork,howtoprepare foroneandjamsessionetiquette.Bringyourinstrument.



Jun17 M 10a-12p $10 #27449

Aug26 M 10a-12p $10 #27450

Ukulele, Beginning

Thisukulelelearninggroupwillgetyoustrummingand singing.Playsongsyouhaveheardfordecadesandsongs youmayhaveneverheard.Bringaukeorrentonebythe monthandlearntotuneit,holditandcareforitaswellas yourownhands.Startgood�ingeringhabits,learnsome chordsandelevateyourmoodasyougo.Ukulelesavailable forrentfor$20permonthpaidtotheinstructor.



Jun5-Jul31 W 10-11a $48 #29105

Jun5-Jul31 W 1-2p $48 #29108


Ukulele, Intermediate

Ifyoualreadyhavethebasicsofukulelethisclasswillhelp youbeginpluckinguptheneck,�ingeringfancierchordsand learningchord/melodyarrangements.Explorestylesofmusic thathavefoundahomeontheukeandlearnalittlemusic theoryifyouwant.Beautifulsoundsareatyour�ingertips. Ukesavailableforrentfor$20permonthpaidtotheinstructor.



Jun5-Jul31 W 11:30a-12:30p$48 #29111

Jun5-Jul31 W 2:30-3:30p $48 #29112


84 541-682-5333


All presentations are for ages 50+ unless noted otherwise. All presentations are free, but registration is required.

Mind Matters: Enhancing Memory for Healthy Aging

Wewillexplorethetopicsofage-relatedbrainchangeswith afocusonmemory.Learnhowtouseindividualmemory strengthstoovercomememorychallenges.Engageinhandsonlearningasyoupracticememorystrategiesandmental exercises,pavingthewayforeverydaysuccess.


Presenter:CeceliaPizano,speechlanguagepathologist,Amplify SpeechTherapy,LLC

Jun3 M 4:30-6p Free #27688

Financial Assistance to Reduce Your Home Energy Costs

TheIn�lationReductionActauthorizes�inancialincentives intheformoftaxcreditsandrebatestopeoplewhotake actionstoimprovetheirhome’senergyef�iciencyand increasetheiruseofcleanenergy.Learnwhatquali�iesfor anincentiveandhowtomakesureyoureceiveit.

Presenters:RichardBarnhart,MD& ElizabethGrant,Citizens’ClimateLobby


Jun4 Tu 10-11a Free #27555


Jun11 Tu 6-7p Free #27682

Create Your Active Lifestyle Plan

Doesitseemyourabilitytomoveworry-freewasnotthat longago?Doyouneedtobuildmorestrength,staminaand balancebutaren’tsurehowtogoaboutit,orifit’seven possible?Learnasimple,six-step,repeatableprocessthat buildsonitselfandkeepsgettingbetter.Walkawaywitha plan.Workshopnotesprovided.



Jun7 F 1:30-2:30p Free #28514

Jul5 F 1:30-2:30p Free #28515

Aug2 F 1:30-2:30p Free #28516

Senior Living Options

Learnhowyoucanageathome,recognizewhenit’stimeto movetoacarecommunityandlearnabouttheoptionsof seniorcarecommunities.



Jun3 M 10:30a-12p Free #28517

Jul19 F 2:30-4p Free #28518

Medicare 101

LearnthebasicsofMedicare.We’lltalkabouteligibility, enrollmentandwhatpartsA,B,CandDcoverandcost.If youarenewtoMedicareorwouldlikeabetter understandingofit,thenthisclassisforyou.



Jun11 Tu 10-11a Free #27618

Aug13 Tu 1-2p Free #27619

Sep10 Tu 1-2p Free #29289



Jun18 Tu 12-1p Free #28519

Jul15 M 12-1p Free #28520

Aug13 Tu 12-1p Free #28521

Living with Alzheimer’s & Other Dementias: Healthy Living for Your Brain & Body

Explorehowcommunicationtakesplacewhensomeonehas Alzheimer’s,learntodecodetheverbalandbehavioral messagesdeliveredbysomeonewithdementiaandidentify strategiestohelpconnectandcommunicateateachstageof thedisease.



Jul12 F 11a-12:30p Free #29173

Estate Planning

Apresentationanddiscussionsessiononwills,trustsand designatedbene�iciariesinestateplanning.Spaceislimited.



Jun18 Tu 2-3:30p Free #27684

Aug20 Tu 2-3:30p Free #27685

Oregon Friendly Driver Workshop

Thisworkshopisaneasy,freewayforOregondriversto createsaferstreetsforeveryone.Lawsandinfrastructure designedforpeoplewalkingandridingbikescanbeconfusing fordrivers.Scenariosincludedinthecoursewillhelptake theconfusionoutofwhytheselawsexistandhowthis infrastructureshouldbeused.Asaresult,you’lllearnhow youcanbeasafer,morefriendlydriveronOregonroads.



Jun26 W 6-7:30p Free #27603 85 Senior Activities

Healthy Skin & the Sun: Why Sunscreen is Not Enough

Youcanhavefuninthesunandhealthyskin.Allittakesis goodfood,abitofnutritionsavvyandacloudlessday.



Jun28 F 2-3p Free #27689

Advance Directives

Theadvancedirectivetellshealthcareworkerswhatlevelof lifesupportandcareyouwishtoreceive.Registerearly, spaceislimited.



Jul16 Tu 2-3:30p Free #27686

Maintaining Muscle Mass

Learnhowtomaintainmusclemassnowandwellintothe future,withkeyfoodsandsupplementsrecommendedby science-basedresearch.



Jul26 F 2-3p Free #27690

The War on Salt

We’veseentheheadlinesanddietaryguidelinesurgingall Americanstocutdownonsalt.Researchnowsuggeststhat theseclaimsshouldbetakenwithagrainofsalt.Discover howaddingmoresalttoyourdietcansupportoverallhealth.



Aug30 F 2-3p Free #27691

HomeShare Oregon: We Bring Communities Together

Haveyouexperiencedisolationor�inancialstrain?Home sharingcanturnyourextraroomintoadditionalincome, companionshipandmore.Learnwhyhomesharingisthe solutionthatbringsustogether.



Sep9 M 3:30-4:30p Free #28861

Buttons from Around the World

JointheEugeneButtonClubforanexcitingtriparoundthe world.Wewillpresentaslideshowexplainingwhere,when andhowourmostbeautifulbuttonsweremade.Learnthe artandhistoryofbuttonsfromeverycorneroftheglobe. TherewillbealovelybuttondisplayandaQ&Asessionafter thepresentation.Bringyourbuttonsforidenti�ication.



Sep10 Tu 1-2p Free #29187

Social Gatherings

Strawberry Social

FreshOregonstrawberrieswillbepairedwithtastybiscuits –anunbeatableduo.Bringfriendsforadelightfulafternoon.


Jun14 F 2-3p $4 #27546

Blueberry Bash

WestartwithfreshOregonblueberriesandbakethemintoa homemadecobblertoppedwithvanillaicecream.It’sthe startofawonderfulafternoon.


Jul12 F 2-3p $4 #27547

Campbell Center

Neighborhood Ice Cream Social

Whatbetterwaytocelebratesummerthanwithicecream? Joinyourfriendsintheneighborhoodforadelicious summertreat.Lifeislikeicecream,enjoyitbeforeitmelts.


Aug22 Th 5-6:30p Free Drop-in

86 541-682-5333
Senior Activities

Lunch Bunch

Aweeklysociallunch.Menusvary,callthedayaheadto requestavegetarianoption.Noregistrationisrequired. EveryfourthWednesdayofthemonthisabirthday celebration.Eachluncheonisfollowedbypennybingo.


Ongoing W 12-1p $7/day Drop-in NolunchJun19

Petersen Barn Lunch Club

FormembersoftheBarniesLunchClub.Monthlypotluck lunchfollowedbyaneducationalpresentation.Formore informationcallPetersenBarnat541-682-5521.


Jul1,Aug5,Sep9 M 11:30a-1p #26121 Membershipduesare$5percalendaryear($6outofdistrict)

Veterans Coffee Talk

Thisweekly,informalget-togetherforVeteransisforcoffee, camaraderieandconversations.Thisisanopportunityfor Veteransandtheirfamiliestoparticipateorlearnmore aboutthatspecialbondofmenandwomenwhohaveserved theircountryortojustlistenasotherssharetheirstories, theirfriendshipandhelpfulresourcesthey’vefound.


Ongoing M 10-11a Free Drop-in NocoffeeSep2

Special Interest

AARP Smart Driver Program

Thiscourseisdesignedformotoristsages50andolderbut isopentoallages.Itwillsharpenyourskillsandhelpyou avoidaccidentsandtraf�iccitations.Autoinsurance discountsmaybeavailabletoparticipantsages55andolder whocompletethissix-hourcourse.


Jun12 W 9:15a-4:15p #27549


Jun14 F 9a-4p #27914

Aug9 F 9a-4p #27915

$25feedueatstartoffirstclass,payabletoAARP,cashorcheck $5discounttoAARPmemberswithproofofmembership

Bird Watching Adventure

Cometogethertoshareyourloveforbirdsandnature.Learn aboutdifferentspeciesofbirds,theirhabitsandhabitatsand howtoidentifythem.Thegroupwillmeetatadifferentlocal siteeachweek.Provideyourowntransportation.The�inal

weekwillincludeagroupbustripfora“raptorrun.”Bring yourownbinocularsanddressfortheweather.



Jun6-Jul25 Th 9:30-10:30a $67 #27569

Aug1-Sep12 Th 9:30-10:30a $67 #29291


BYOB – Bring Your Own Blooms

Learntheartof�lowerarrangingandcreatestunningbouquets totakehomeorgiveasanicegiftforsomeonespecial. Participantswilllearnfactsaboutnew�lowersandhowto makearrangementslikeapro.Participantsareencouragedto bring�lowerstoshare.Vasesaresuggestedbutnotrequired.



Jun6-Jul11 Th 11:30a-12:30p$53 #27573

Jul17-Aug15 Th 11:30a-12:30p$53 #27574

Aug22-Sep19 Th 11:30a-12:30p$53 #29290


Campbell Center Book Club

Liketoread?Liketovisit?Theclubmeetstodiscussstorylines, authorsandwhatthenextbookwillbe.Newmembersare welcome.Listofbooksavailableatthefrontdesk.Youcan choosetostayafterwardforLunchBunch.



Ongoing 3rdW 10:30-11:30a$0.25/day Drop-in


Checkrite Electronics Repair

Bringasmallapplianceorelectronicdeviceforrepairor adviceonusage.



Ongoing 3rdW11a-12p Free Byappt





Ongoing 1stM 1-1:30p Free Byappt



Creative Writing Workshop

Wouldyouliketobeabetterwriter?Wouldyouliketowrite acritique,apoem,storyoressay?Weaveaweb,tellatall taleorwriteaboutyourlifeasakid?Joinapeer-ledwriting groupandenjoyasyouimproveyourwriting.


Jun6-Sep12 Th 1-3p #27378


NoclassJul4 87
Senior Activities

Senior Activities

Death Café

At a Death Café people drink tea, eat cake and discuss death. It’s a group-directed discussion of death with no agenda, objectives or themes. It is not a grief support group or counseling session. The goal of this group is to increase awareness of death to help people make the most of their lives.

Campbell Community Center

Facilitator: Older Adult & People with Disabilities Learning Collaborative

Jun 5 W 2-3:30p Free #29195

Jul 9 Tu 10:30a-12p Free #28694

Aug 21 W 2-3:30p Free #29196

Sep 10 Tu 10:30a-12p Free #28695

Italian Cinema

Enjoy movies speci�ically from Italy. No knowledge of foreign language required. Discuss Italian culture, tradition and history.

Campbell Community Center

Instructor: Sied Imani

Jul 31-Aug 21 W 1-3:30p $36 #29273

No class Aug 14

Movies from Around the World

In this fun class we watch movies from Iran, Italy, Mexico, Cuba and more. No knowledge of foreign language required just come and enjoy the movies, discuss other cultures, traditions and history.

Campbell Community Center

Instructor: Sied Imani

Jul 3-24 W 1-3:30p $48 #28956

Successful Caregiving When Caring for a Loved One

Caring successfully for a loved one requires compassion, patience and knowledge of elder care. Learn the importance of your role as a caregiver to help maintain the physical and mental well-being of your loved one while encouraging independence. We’ll expand on navigating long-term options, planning for end-of-life care, the importance of self-care and more. This class allows you to meet others with the same challenges and rewards of being a family member caregiver.

Campbell Community Center

Instructor: Ronit Cohen

Jun 7-28 F 10:30a-12:30p $10 #27687

The Wisdom Exchange

Ages 55+

Take part in a facilitated discussion group. Topics will range from health and wellness to current affairs. This program endeavors to provide a safe space for senior women to share their thoughts, opinions and experiences with other women. For adults who identify as female.

Petersen Barn Community Center

Jun 11-Jul 23 Tu 2:30-3:45p Free #27550

Jul 30-Sep 10 Tu 2:30-3:45p Free #29292

Writing Your Life Story

This course takes you through planning, organizing and beginning to write your memoirs. Everyone has a story to tell and the journey back can be an enlightening and validating

88 541-682-5333

experience.Inclassweaimforaninteractivegroupoffering supportandencouragementtoourfellowwriters.Weekly continuousattendanceisrecommendedinordertoachieve continuityandprogressinwritingyourlifestory.



Jun11-Aug13 Tu 1-3p $62 #28944

Your Heroine’s Journey

Createarecordoryourpersonaljourneyusingwriting, painting,drawingorothercraftofyourchoice.Gaininsights andnewperspectivesonyourjourneyasyoucreateavisual maptracingyourpathtothepresent.Bepreparedtolaugh, cryandcelebrateyouruniqueheroine’sjourney.Supply yourownmaterials.Opentothosewhoidentifyasfemale.



Jul11-Aug29 Th 11a-12:30p $70 #27697

Support Groups

See pages 12-13 for:







Computer & Mobile Device Tutoring

Learnorimproveyourskillsusingemail,theinternet,word processing,managing�ilesandmore.Youcanalsogethelp solvingproblemswithyourcomputerorlaptop.Setupan hour-long,in-personappointmenttogethelpwithyour computerormobiledevice.


Ongoing MTuThF1-3p $25/hour Byappt



Campbell Computer Lab

UseoneofthecomputersintheCampbellCommunity CenterLab.


Ongoing M-F 9:30a-12:30p Free Drop-in


Senior Activities

How to Register for Recreation Activities Online

Beatthelinesandtaketheintimidationoutofregisteringfor classesandtripsonline.Setupanaccountandlearnthe basicsof�indingclassesandhowtoregisterforthem.



Aug27 Tu 1-2:30p Free #27586

Urban Homesteading

See pages 60-61.


Wellness Workshop for Older Adults & People with Disabilities

Ages 50+

Learnfromourinstructors,aswellasyourfellowclassmates. Afterabrieflearningsession,wewillengageininteractive gamesandsmallgroupdiscussionsdesignedtoexplorea varietyoftopicsincludingmentalhealth,resilience,social connectionsandful�illinglifestyles.


Facilitator:ChrisEilers,olderadultbehavioralspecialist, LaneCountyHealth&HumanServices

Developing Resilience

Assessyourlevelofadaptabilityanddiscovernewwaysto manageworry,stressandtrauma.

Jun10 M 10:30a-12p Free #29188

Managing Your Mood

Learntorecognizemooddisorderslikeanxietyand depressionandhowtomanagethesymptomswithnew skillsandbehaviors.

Jul8 M 10:30a-12p Free #29189

Social Fitness

Evaluateyoursocial�itnessanddiscoverwaystoimprove yoursenseofconnection.

Aug12 M 10:30a-12p Free #29190

Preparing for Caring

Discusslatelifeandendoflifecareoptionsandtakesome timetoidentifyyourpreferencesandgoals.

Sep9 M 10:30a-12p Free #29191 89

Senior Activities


Frugal Fun in Florence ■ 2

Ano-frillsdaythat’ssuretogiveyouplentyofthrills.Bringa friendbecauseweneedtopackthebustomakethistripgo. Enjoythebeach,shopping,icecreamorcasino.Thechoices areuptoyouonthislow-costtrip.Purchaseyourownlunch.


Jun4 Tu 9a-5p $24 #29008

Sep13 F 9a-5p $24 #29012

Lincoln City Art ■ 2

ExplorethevibrantartsceneinLincolnCitywhereyou’llsee artfromlocal,regionalandnationalartistsinavarietyof mediums.TherewillbestopsattheFreedGallery,Volta GlassGallery,Paci�icArtistsCo-opGalleryandtheLincoln CityCulturalCenterwhichhousesthePJChessmanGallery andtheFiberArtsStudioGallery.Purchaseyourownlunch.


Jun5 W 9a-5p $40 #27587

The Thyme Garden ■ 3

Experienceover750varietiesofusefulherbplantsfromall aroundtheworld.Goonarelaxingandinformativewalk throughtheherbgarden,includingmanynewideasforhow youcanuseherbsandhops,followedbyafour-courselunch undertheshadeofthe�irtrees.Thetourandluncharenot includedintripprice(lunch$44includestip).


Jun13 Th 9:30a-3p $26 #29076

Circles in the Sand ■ 4

CirclesintheSandislocatedinBandon.Thespectacular labyrinthsarecreatedforalltowalkandenjoy.Every intricatepatternhasasinglepaththatspiralsandmeanders andleadstoanendnearthestartingpoint.Followingthe labyrinthwalk,therewillbetimetowanderdowntown Bandontoshopandeatlunch.Toaccessthelabyrinth,one mustbeabletowalkdownandbackupalongsandypath withstairs.Purchaseyourownlunch.


Jun25 Tu 7a-5:30p $49 #27551

90 541-682-5333
Dates Day Time Title Charge Page MeetAt Jun4 Tu 9a-5p FrugalFuninFlorence $24 90 Campbell Jun5 W 9a-5p LincolnCityArt $40 90 PeteBarn Jun13 Th 9:30a-3p TheThymeGarden $26 90 Campbell Jun25 Tu 7a-5:30p CirclesintheSand $49 91 PeteBarn Jun26 W 9:30a-4:30p Wings&APrayerAlpacaFarm $34 92 Campbell Jul1 M 9a-5:30p OregonZoo $62 92 Campbell Jul11 Th 6-9:30p DriftersBaseball $15 92 PeteBarn Jul18 Th 8:30a-7p AntiqueAeroplane&AutoMuseum $55 92 Campbell Jul23 Tu 1-5p StandByMeDay $19 92 PeteBarn Aug1 Th 9a-4:30p MtAngelAbbey&Museum $34 92 Campbell Aug7 W 8:30a-5p FortVancouver $43 92 PeteBarn Aug13 Tu 1-3:30p DragonSongFlowerFarm $14 92 PeteBarn Aug20 Tu 9a-5p NordicNorthwestCenter $40 93 Campbell Aug29 Th 9a-4:30p SwanIslandDahliaFestival $38 93 Campbell Sep13 F 9a-5p FrugalFuninFlorence $24 90 Campbell Sep14 Sa 8a-6p CoquilleTribalSalmonBake $43 93 Campbell Dec1-5 Overnight NewYorkHolidaywithColletteTours Varies 93 Campbell Mar13-22 Overnight SunnyPortugalwithColletteTours Varies 93 Campbell May1-5 Overnight IslandsofNewEnglandwithCollette Varies 93 Campbell

Wings & A Prayer Alpaca Farm ■ 3

A meandering day through some backroads with a tour of the alpaca farm where they have over 50 alpacas grazing on the hillsides. Learn all about these cuties and a chance to get up close and personal. They also feature a wonderful gift shop of alpaca products. If we are lucky, they will have some of their Great Pyrenean puppies frolicking around. On the way home a farm bakery stop that features fresh fruit pies will complete our day. Purchase your own food.

Meet at Campbell Community Center

Jun 26 W 9:30a-4:30p $34 #29142

Oregon Zoo ■ 3

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Find your favorite animal, wander the Oregon Zoo at your leisure and peruse the new exhibits. Seemore than 2,000 species of animals. A great way to spend asummer day. Price includes admission to the zoo. Bring or purchase your own lunch.

Meet at Campbell Community Center

Jul 1 M 9a-5:30p $62 #29078

Drifters Baseball ■ 1

The Spring�ield Drifters are a summer collegiate baseball team playing in the West Coast League – the Paci�ic Northwest’s 16-team premier summer baseball league. The league uses wood bats to give players a feel for what it might be like to play pro ball after college. Enjoy a summer evening of baseball and watch these potential pros play ball. Purchase your own admission ($5), food and beverage.

Meet at Petersen Barn Community Center

Jul 11 Th 6-9:30p $15 #27552

Western Antique Aeroplane & Automobile Museum ■ 3

The museum has one of the largest collections of antique aeroplanes, automobiles, tractors and motorcycles in the country. Located in Hood River, you will be amazed atmore than 150 vehicles on display. Something will interest, amaze

and intrigue you as you head down memory lane and marvel at these machines. If you like anything that moves, this is the trip for you. Purchase your own admission ($18) and lunch.

Meet at Campbell Community Center

Jul 18 Th 8:30a-7p $55 #28955

Stand By Me Day ■ 2 / ■ 3

Are you a “Stand By Me” movie fan? The movie was partly �ilmed in Brownsville and the town celebrates it every year on July 23. They offer guided walking tours through town to see where scenes were �ilmed, a blueberry pie eating contest, ’50s music, vintage cars, ’50s-era food and more.

Meet at Petersen Barn Community Center

Jul 23 Tu 1-5p $19 #27553

Activity Level Ratings

Level ■ 1 Little walking. OK for those with walkers, wheelchairs or walking difficulties.

Level ■ 2 Moderate walking. Similar to that at a shopping center or large museum.

Level ■ 3 Walking of 1-2 miles (1-1.5 hours), as on a walking tour of gardens or the zoo. May be steps or hills.

Level ■ 4 Walking of 3-6 miles on moderate trails. May be rough, hilly or at higher altitude. Access to medical help may be limited.

Level ■ 5 Long hikes of 5+ miles. May be very rough, hilly or high altitude. Access to medical help may be limited. Consult your physician before participating in any trips/ activities to be sure they are appropriate for you. Weather and/or trail conditions may change unpredictably. These levels are approximations only; your experience may vary.

Trip Policies

Fees include bus transportation, leadership and insurance, unless noted otherwise. Meals and admission to venues are not included in the fee unless noted otherwise in the description. Every attempt is made to follow the itinerary; if circumstances beyond our control do not allow that to happen, no refunds will be given. 91 Senior Activities

Senior Activities

Mount Angel Abbey & Museum ■ 3

TheRomanesque-styleabbeychurchisthecenteroflifeon theMountAngelHilltop.Viewthedailylifeofthemonksas theygatherforprayerorjustenjoytheart,architectureand silence.Tourtheeclecticdisplaysofthemuseum,ranging fromgeologicalandenvironmentalspecimenstoartand artifacts,butthebestisthewonderfulviewsofthevalley below.Purchaseyourownlunchbeforehandatthe Glockenspielrestaurant.


Aug1 Th 9a-4:30p $34 #29141

Fort Vancouver ■ 3 /■ 4

Oncehometobothfurtradersand�ighterpilots,Fort VancouveroffersanauthenticlookatlifeinthePaci�ic Northwestthroughthepast200years.Locatedjustacross theColumbiaRiverfromPortland,theregion’sonlynational historicsiteiscenteredaroundacompletereplicaofFort Vancouver,thefur-tradingcampfoundedin1825bythe Hudson’sBayCompany.Bringlunch.


Aug7 W 8:30a-5p $43 #27617

Dragon Song Flower Farm ■ 2

DragonSongisan80-acrefamilyfarmlocatedinEugene. Theygrowawidevarietyof�lowers,includingnarcissus, peonies,lilacs,snapdragons,dahliasandmore.Thefarm ownerwillgiveyouatourfollowedbyinstructionsonhow toarrangea�lowerbouquet.Thenyou’llcutyourown �lowersandmakeabouquetarrangementtotakehome (vasesprovided).A$35feeforthebouquetistobepaidonsite.


Aug13 Tu 1-3:30p $14 #27554

Nordic Northwest Center ■ 3

TourthegroundsoftheNordicNorthwestCenter.Thecenter containstravelingnationalartexhibitionsonavarietyof Nordictopics,agreathall,BroderSöder,aSwedishcafeand NordicFinnWaregiftshop.Buttherealreasonforthistrip istoseeOleBolle–theresidentgianttrollstandsnearlytwo storiestallandismadeentirelyofrecycledmaterials. CreatedbyDanishrecycleartistThomasDambo,OleBolleis partofthepublicartprojectnamedNorthwestTrolls. Purchaseyourownlunchatthecafe.


Aug20 Tu 9a-5p $40 #29143

Swan Island Dahlia Festival ■ 3

Joinusforacolorfuldayof�lowersaswetraveltotheannual dahliafestivalatSwanIslandDahliasinCanby.Strollthrough almost40acresofdahliasineverysizeandshapeinfull bloomandviewcutdahliabloomsondisplay.Ontheway homestopatafarmstoretopickupsomewonderful summerproduce.Purchaseyourownlunch.


Aug29 Th 9a-4:30p $38 #29007

Coquille Tribal Salmon Bake ■ 3

Jointhe19thannualcelebrationofNativeAmericanand Coquilletribeculture.Enjoycanoeraces,nativedrummers anddancers,hands-onculturaldemonstrationsandacanoe exhibit.Topoffyourdaywithatraditionalsalmonbake dinner.Purchaseyourowndinnerticket(approximately $27).Onthewaybacktherewillbeanextendedstopin Florencetotakepartintheircarshow.


Sep14 Sa 8a-6p $43 #29101

92 541-682-5333

New York Holiday with Collette Tours ■ 3

AholidaytripofalifetimetoNewYorkawaitsyou.Highlights includeseeingtheChristmasspectacularatRadioCityMusic Hall,GreenwichVillage,WallStreet,theStatueofLiberty, EllisIsland,the9/11memorialandmuseum,aBroadway showandmore.Stayinonehotelforthedurationofthetrip inTimesSquare.Costincludesround-tripairfarefrom Eugene,taxes,hotel,transfers,�ivedaysand�ivemeals.For moreinformationortorequestbrochure,callDianeat541682-6392.Forcompleteitinerarygotogateway.gocollette. com/link/1222923.


Dec1-5 Single$4,349Double$3,549,noout-of-districtfees





PresentationatCampbellCenteronApr30, see below

Sunny Portugal with Collette Tours ■ 3

AtripofalifetimetosunnyPortugal.Must-seeinclusions includeLisbon,Calcadaswalkingtours,TheWayoftheCod tour,Belem,CorkFactory,Evora,wineryvisits,Alentejo, Lagos,Algarve,Silves,Setúbal,PortugueseRiviera,Obidos, Sintra,NationalPalaceofSintra,UNESCOWorldHeritage Sitesandthebeautyofthesparklingbluewaters.Cost includesround-tripairfarefromEugene,taxes,hotel, transfers,10daysand14meals.Formoreinformationorto requestbrochure,callDianeat541-682-6392.Forcomplete



Single$4,149,Double$3,549, noout-of-districtfees





PresentationsatCampbellonApr30,Jun20,Aug13, see below

Islands of New England with Collette Tours ■ 3

TheAtlanticcoastiscalling.ExploreNewEngland’smajestic seaboard,fromRhodeIslandtoCapeCod.VisitProvidence andtheGildedAgemansionsofNewport.Experiencethe beautifulislandsofMartha’sVineyardandNantucket. Completeyourlocalexperienceasyouindulgeinatraditional seafoodandlobsterfeast.Explorethelocalcharms,walk alonghistoriccobblestonestreetsandfeellikeatrueNew Englander.Costincludesround-tripairfarefromEugene, taxes,hotel,transfers,eightdaysand10meals.Formore informationortorequestbrochure, link/1240362.


May9-16,2025 Single$4,299,Double$3,499, noout-of-districtfees

Save$100now;forbookingsafterNov9,callforrates Reservewitha$698deposit;finalpaymentdueMar10,2025



PresentationatCampbellCenteronAug13, see below

Collette Trip Presentation

ThisisanopportunitytohearallaboutourupcomingTrips ofaLifetimewithColletteTours.TheColletterepresentative willbeheretogiveyouallthedetailsandanswerallyour questions.Yournextadventureawaits.Formoreinformation callDianeat541-682-6392.



Apr30 Tu 11a-12:30p Free #27063


Jun20 Th 12-12:30p Free #29336


Aug13 Tu 11a-12:30p Free #28395 93 Senior Activities

Senior Health & Fitness


Adapted Bike & Equipment Services All ages

Adaptive Recreation Services maintains a unique �leet of adaptive equipment, including all-terrain wheelchairs and bikes such as recumbent trikes, tandems and hand cycles. Individual and group services can be provided to support adaptive recreational equipment needs for people of varying abilities and skill levels, including �ittings and rentals. For more information call 541-682-5311 or visit

All services at Hilyard Community Center

Adapted Bike Assessment & Fitting

Staff assess needs and recommend equipment. Designed for people with limited mobility, disabilities, medical conditions or those who wish to preview equipment before rental or purchase.

Ongoing W 1-4p

F 9a-12p $5 By appt

To schedule an appointment call 541-682-5311

Adapted Bike Rental

Available after initial �itting or assessment.

Ongoing M-F 9a-5p By appt

$5/half hour $20/half day $50/weekend

$10/hour $40/day

To schedule an appointment call 541-682-5311

Bike Riding for Fun & Fitness

Bike riders depart rain or shine from Campbell Community Center for in-town rides. Helmets are required, but weekly attendance isn’t. Electric bikes are welcome to join. Rides vary in length and time depending on ability.

Meet at Campbell Community Center

Ongoing W 10a-12p Free Drop-in

No biking Jun 19

E-Bike Expo

Stop by and test-ride electric bikes from a variety of Eugene’s bike shops in one place. Learn about e-bike safety, laws and �inancing. See how e-bikes can help reduce your carbon footprint while still having fun. Bring your own e-bike to show others that may be interested and check out the music, food and free bike tune-ups. Adaptive Recreation will also have several adaptive e-bike options, including a tandem and trike.

Campbell Community Center

Jun 15 Sa 11a-3p Free Drop-in

94 541-682-5333


Dancing Through the Decades

Dancingourwaythroughthedecadesofthepastandinto thepresenttopopularmelodiesthathavede�inedeachera. Wewillhavesomuchfunmovingandgroovingthatwemay evenforgetwe’reexercising.



Jun21-Aug30 F 2-3p $55 #29063


Fitness & All That Jazz

Feelthebeatandgetmovingtoahealthieryou.Thisisa dance-�itnessclassforallskilllevels.Movetomusicfromthe ’60stotoday,rocktojazzanddiscotoBroadway.Andwhile you’rehavingfunmovingtothemusic,you’llalsobe buildingstrength,�lexibilityandbalance.



Jun3-Jul22 M 2-3p $28 #27529

Jul29-Sep9 M 2-3p $28 #29296


Folk Dance with a Flair Ages 30+

Thisisanopeninvitationtotryinternationalfolkdancing. Learnandenjoydancesfromallaroundtheworld.Stay youngandkeep�it.Noexperiencerequired.Newdancers arealwayswelcome.Nopartnerneeded.


Ongoing M 1-2:30p #27373



Ongoing 1stM 11:30a-12:30pFree Drop-in NoclassSep2,nobeginnerinstructionJun3

Line Dance

Linedancingisgoodexerciseforyourbrain,canhelpwith balanceandislowimpactonyourjoints.Meetnewpeople andhavefunwhileexercisingtoavarietyofmusic.Wear loose,coolclothingandshoesthatwillslideonthe�loor.No partnernecessary.TheImproverclassrequirespriorline danceexperience.




Jul9-Sep19 Tu 2:30-3:30p $55 #29131

Jul11-Sep12 Th 2:30-3:30p $55 #29132



May28-Jun25 Tu 2:30-3:30p $27 #29205

Tap Dance

Learnthebasicsofmoderntapwithdrillsandshortdances inthisfunandeasyclass.Allarewelcomeregardlessof ability.Opentomoversofallages.Funexercisetomusic.



Jun3-Sep9 M 9:30-10:30a $55 #27527

Jun7-Sep13 F 11:30a-12:30p$66 #27528


Jun3-Sep9 M 10:30-11a $28 #27557


Land Fitness

Better Bones & Balance

Designedtoimprovebonehealth,muscularstrengthand balance,thisclassincludesstrengthtraining,aerobic exerciseand�lexibilityandbalancemovements.Fitness levelsfrombeginnertointermediatearewelcome.



Jun6-Aug1 Th 3-4p $44 #27532

Jun6-Aug1 Th 4:15-5:15p $44 #27533


Bodyweight Strength

Buildstrengthandlearntechniquesforbodyweight-speci�ic exercisessuchasthesquat,plank,pushupandjump.The classwillincludeupbeatmusictohelpwiththosemore dif�icultworkouts.Thisisabeginner/intermediateformatted classwhereproperformwillbeemphasizedtoensuresafety andgoodstrength-buildingprinciples.Modi�icationswillbe providedforthosewhowanttoworkuptospeci�icexercises.



Jun3-Jul22 M 4:30-5:30p $44 #28892

Aug5-Sep23 M 4:30-5:30p $38 #28893


Essential Stretch & Flexibility

Thisclasshelpswithmusclepliabilityanddurabilityaswe age,throughgentlestretchingandbetteroverallmovement.



Jun5-Jul31 W 12-1p $44 #27670

Aug7-Sep18 W 12-1p $38 #27671

Jun7-Jul26 F 12-1p $44 #27672

Aug2-Sep20 F 12-1p $44 #27673




Jul10-Sep18 W 1:45-2:45p $55 #27530

NoclassAug28 95 Senior Health & Fitness

Fight Back with Neuromuscular Exercise

Thisclassisidealforpeoplewithneuromuscularchallenges (Parkinson’s,mildstroke,multiplesclerosis)thatmaycause lossofbalanceandcoordination.Engagethebrainandbody toencouragemore�luid,balancedmovementandimprove strength,agilityandgait.Thosewhoneedindividualassistance shouldbringapersonalsupportworkerorcareprovider.



Jul2-30 TuTh 12-1p

Aug1-29 TuTh 12-1p

Sep3-26 TuTh 12-1p




Jul2-30 TuTh 2-3p

Aug1-29 TuTh 2-3p

Sep3-26 TuTh 2-3p


Full Body Fitness

$60 #27667

$67 #27668

$60 #27669

$60 #28648

$67 #28652

$60 #28654

Thisclasscombinestrainingforstrength,core�itness,�lexibility andbalancetoprepareyoufortheactivitiesyoulovetodo.



Jun1-Jul27 Sa 8-9a

Aug10-Sep28 Sa 8-9a

Jun3-Jul22 M 6-7p

Jul29-Sep23 M 6-7p

$45 #28219

$40 #28220

$40 #27665

$40 #27666

Healthy Bones Fitness

Researchshowsexercisecanstrengthenbones,improve balanceandincreaseyourstrengthandenergy.Everyexercise isadjustedtoyourability.Anexcellentclassforthosewith osteoporosisorosteopenia.Registrantsforin-personwill receivealinkonthedayofclass.Virtualregistrantswill receivealinktorecordedvideoofclassesatnoonon Mondays,exceptonholidays.



Jun3-Jul22 M 1:30-2:30p $44 #28868

Aug5-Sep23 M 1:30-2:30p $38 #28869

Jun4-Jul23 Tu 9-10a $44 #28871

Aug6-Sep24 Tu 9-10a $44 #28872

Jun5-Jul24 W 3-4p $38 #28873

Aug7-Sep25 W 3-4p $44 #28875

Jun6-Jul25 Th 9-10a $38 #28876

Aug8-Sep26 Th 9-10a $44 #28877






Strength & Balance

$44 #28879

$44 #28880

Defeatthelossofbonedensity,improvebalanceandincrease strengthandenergy.Thisclassisamoreadvancedversionof HealthyBonesFitness.Registrantsforin-personwillreceive alinkonthedayofclass.Virtualregistrantswillreceivea linkatnoononMondays,exceptonholidays.

96 541-682-5333
Senior Health & Fitness Join us: Concerts Festivals Art Outdoor Adventures FREE EVENTS!



Jun3-Jul22 M 3-4p

Aug5-Sep23 M 3-4p

$44 #28881

$38 #28882

Jun4-Jul23 Tu 10:30-11:30a $44 #28883

Aug6-Sep24 Tu 10:30-11:30a

Jun5-Jul24 W 1:30-2:30p

Aug7-Sep25 W 1:30-2:30p

$44 #28885

$38 #28886

$44 #28887

Jun6-Jul25 Th 10:30-11:30a $38 #28888

Aug8-Sep26 Th 10:30-11:30a $44 #28889







$44 #28890

$44 #28891

Designedtoincreasetheheartratesafely,theseclassesare intendedtoimproveenduranceandenergyfordailyactivity andrecreation.Forallabilitylevels.Noequipmentisneeded. No�loorwork.



Jun3-Jul22 M 12-1p

Jul29-Sep16 M 12-1p


HIIT Training

$44 #27674

$38 #27675

HIIT,orhigh-intensityintervaltraining,usesshortburstsof intenseexercisewithshortbreakstoprovideanexcellent strengthandoverall�itnessworkout.Allequipmentprovided.



Jun10-Jul29 M 5:30-6:15p #27592

Aug5-Sep23 M 5:30-6:15p #27593

Jun12-Jul31 W 5:30-6:15p #27594

Aug7-Sep25 W 5:30-6:15p #27595

Pooladmissionfeesapply, see page 73.Registertoreserveaspot. NoclassJun19,Sep2


Jun11-Jul30 Tu 5:30-6:15p #27837

Aug6-Sep24 Tu 5:30-6:15p #27838

Jun13-Aug1 Th 5:30-6:15p #27840

Aug8-Sep26 Th 5:30-6:15p #27841

Pooladmissionfeesapply, see page 73.Registertoreserveaspot. NoclassJul4

Parkour for Strength & Balance

Whenwethinkofparkour,wemaythinkofyoung,�itmen andwomenleapingandrollingoverobstaclesandacross theurbanlandscape.Notanymore!Comejoinaspecial introductiontoparkour,speci�icallydesignedforseniors. Workonstrengthandconditioning,balance,jumpingand fallingsafely.You’llbelearningtorolland�lyandbeginning

toseetheworldasaplaygroundagain.Noneedtolet youngstershaveallthefun.



Jul11-Aug15 Th 10-11:30a $50 #27399

Try Pickleball

Getatasteoftherulesandhowtoplayoneofthefastestgrowingsportsoutthereinthesefreesessions.Registration requiredandequipmentisprovided.



Jun11 Tu 7-8:30p Free #27804


Jun25 Tu 7-8:30p Free #27809


Jul9 Tu 7-8:30p Free #27810


Jul23 Tu 7-8:30p Free #27811


Aug13 Tu 7-8:30p Free #27814


Aug27 Tu 6:30-8p Free #27817

Learn to Play Pickleball

Thisclinicwilltakebrand-newplayersthroughallaspectsof pickleball:therules,scoring,serving,receivingandtheallimportantdinking.Learnbyplayingactualgamessoyoucan immediatelyapplywhatyou’velearnedatanyofthelocal venues.Equipmentprovided.



Jun6-27 Th 5:30-7p $60 #27782


Jul7-28 Su 10-11:30a $60 #27790


Aug1-22 Th 5:30-7p $60 #27787


Sep8-29 Su 10-11:30a $60 #27792

Introductory Adaptive Pickleball

Learnaboutpickleballandhowitcanbeaccommodatedfor peoplewithdisabilities.Instructionandequipmentwillbe provided.InpartnershipwithEmeraldValleyPickleball Club.FormoreinformationcallHilyardat541-682-5311or


Jun1 Sa 10a-12p $3 #27041 97
Senior Health & Fitness

Senior Health & Fitness

Weight Training

Ages 14+

Weighttrainsafelyandeffectively.Weighttrainingincreases strengthandpower,helpswithweightlossandisimportant forlong-termhealth.Startyour�itnessjourneytherightway.


Jun11-Jul30 Tu 4:15-5:15p #27844

Aug6-Sep24 Tu 4:15-5:15p #27853

Jun6-Aug1 Th 4:15-5:15p #27859

Aug8-Sep26 Th 4:15-5:15p #27862

Pooladmissionfeesapply, see page 73.Registertoreserveaspot. NoclassJul4



Jun10-Jul29 M 4:15-5:15p #27588

Aug5-Sep23 M 4:15-5:15p #27589

Jun12-Jul31 W 4:15-5:15p #27590

Aug7-Sep25 W 4:15-5:15p #27591

Pooladmissionfeesapply, see page 73.Registertoreserveaspot. NoclassJun19,Sep2

Zumba Gold

Partyyourselfintoshapewiththisworlddance-inspired �itnessprogramthat’slow-impactandeasytofollow.Zumba GoldisagentlerversionofZumbaCardio.It’sthesame danceand�itnessfunwithroomtoslowdownandadjustfor anyinjuriesormobilitylimitations.



Jul2-Sep10 Tu 10-11a $66 #27496



Jul11-Sep12 Th 1-2p



Jun5-Jul10 W 5:30-6:30p

Jul17-Aug21 W 5:30-6:30p

Jun11-Jul11 TuTh 9-10a

Jul16-Aug22 TuTh 9-10a

$55 #29133

$28 #27560

$33 #27561

$50 #27558

$66 #27559

Jun8-Jul13 Sa 9:30-10:30a $35 #27562

Jul20-Aug24 Sa 9:30-10:30a $35 #27563


Martial Arts


Qigongisaself-healingartthatcombinesmovementand meditation.Regularpracticecanreducestress,establish balanceandintegratethemind,bodyandspirit.Qigongis knownforitsfocusonbreathingandisahealingexercise.



Jun24-Aug26 M 1-2p $55 #29129

Outdoor Qigong

Qigongisaself-healingartthatcombinesmovementand meditation.Regularpracticeofqigongcanreducestress, establishbalanceandintegratethemind,bodyandspirit. Thispracticeisbestknownforitsfocusonbreathingandis usedasahealingexercise.Thisclassisheldoutside.




Jul2-Aug27 Tu 11:30a-12:15p$45 #27516


Jul2-Aug27 Tu 12:30-1:15p $45 #27517

Gentle Yoga & Qigong

Thisclasscombinesqigongenergymovementpracticesand gentleyoga.Qigongsoftensthetissues,supportshealthy jointsandpromotesacalmnervoussystemandcentered mind.Gentleyogasupportsstrengthand�lexibilityandcan promoteanoverallsenseofbalanceinbody,mindandspirit. Thisisanon-the-matclass.



Jun24-Aug26 M 2:45-4p $69 #29127

Jun26-Aug28 W 1:15-2:30p $69 #29126

Tai Chi

ThisancientChineseartusesround,�lowingmovements combinedwithcalmnessandinnerbalance.Learnaseriesof slowmovementsthatpromotebetterhealth,balance, �lexibilityandreducedstress.Theclassincludesproper form,bodyalignment,breathing,energycultivationand energyawareness.




Jul1-Sep9 M 10:45-11:45a $50 #27568

Jul3-Sep11 W 10:45-11:45a $55 #27572


Jul1-Sep9 M 9:30-10:30a $50 #27570

Jul3-Sep11 W 9:30-10:30a $55 #27571




Jun3-Jul15 M 9:30-10:30a $38 #28469

Jul22-Sep9 M 9:30-10:30a $38 #28470

Jun1-Jul27 Sa 9:30-10:30a $45 #28221

Aug10-Sep28 Sa 9:30-10:30a $40 #28222


Jun5-Jul24 W 9:30-10:30a $38 #28472

Jul31-Sep11 W 9:30-10:30a $38 #28473


98 541-682-5333




Jun4-Jul30 Tu 11:30a-12:30p$39 #27524

Aug6-Sep17 Tu 11:30a-12:30p$33 #29297

Jun4-Jul30 Tu 12:45-1:45p $39 #27525

Aug6-Sep17 Tu 12:45-1:45p $33 #29298


Jun4-Jul30 Tu 2-3p $39 #27526

Aug6-Sep17 Tu 2-3p $33 #29299


Tai Chi & Qigong

TaichiistheancientChinesemartialartwiselyrecognized asthepowerfulwaytoimprovebothphysicalandmental health,betterbalance,relievepain,lessenstress,calmthe mindandmore.Thisclassteachesthe42CombinedForm andthemedicalqigongusingthetraditionalChinese/ Japanesemethod.



Jun4-Jul25 TuTh 2-3p $82 #27580

Aug6-Sep19 TuTh 2-3p $77 #27581


Tai Chi for Balance, Beginning

Thisspeciallydesignedclassfocusesonthehealthbene�its forpeoplewithmobilityandbalanceproblems.Gentle exerciseintheformoftaichistrengthensmusclesand improvesstamina,bloodcirculation,balanceandrelaxation.



Jun3-Jul8 M 12-1p $35 #27708

Jul15-Aug19 M 12-1p $35 #27709


Ongoing MW 11a-12p Drop-in



Tai Chi in the Park

JoinyourneighborsinpracticingthisancientChineseart.It usescalm,�lowingmovementstopromotebalanceand �lexibilityandtoreducestress.Wearlooseclothingand dressfortheweather.



Jun4-Sep5 TuTh 10-11a Free Drop-in



River Walking Group

■ 3

See key on page 102.

Thisweeklygroupmeetstowalktheriverpathtogether. Distanceanddestinationvarydependingonwhoshowsup.


Jun4-Sep24 Tu 10-11:30a Free Drop-in

Walk ’n’ Talkers ■ 3 /■ 4

See key on page 102.

Thisself-ledgroupwalks3-5milesataquickpace.The routevariesandmayhavehillsorroughpavement.The groupwalksrainorshine,year-roundanddepartsat9a.m. Youmaywanttobringcoffeemoneyforastopalongthe way.Dressfortheweather.


Ongoing F 9a-12p Free Drop-in

Water Fitness

See page 69. 99
Health & Fitness


Emotional Freedom Technique

Ages 30+

Be guided through group EFT that involves meridian tapping and vocal emotional release including af�irmations and meditation in a relaxed atmosphere. Learn how to use this practice to release stress and support mental/emotional well-being.

Campbell Community Center

Instructor: Mariah Carter

Sep 6-27 F 2:15-4p $88 #29130

Mindfulness Meditation

Campbell Community Center

Jun 1-Jul 27 Sa 10-11a $45 #28216

Aug 10-Sep 28 Sa 10-11a $40 #28217

Jun 5-Jul 31 W 5:30-6:30p $40 #28214

Aug 7-Sep 25 W 5:30-6:30p $40 #28215

No class Jun 19

Petersen Barn Community Center

Instructor: Paul Simon

Jun 4-Jul 30 Tu 9:05-10:05a $39 #27379

Aug 6-Sep 17 Tu 9:05-10:05a $33 #29302

Jun 7-Jul 26 F 9:05-10:05a $39 #27381

Aug 2-Sep 20 F 9:05-10:05a $39 #29303

No class Jun 25, Jul 2, 5, 12, Aug 27, 30

Sheldon Community Center

Instructor: Judy Ulibarri

Jun 5-Jul 10 W 9-10a $28 #27488

A practice of mindfulness has bene�its beyond thecalm sense of well-being it brings. It can help reduce anxiety, improve sleep quality, lower blood pressure and ward off depression. This class offers simple steps to set up your own practiceat home.

Campbell Community Center

Instructor: Jennifer Tucker

Jun 4-Jul 23 Tu 9:30-10:30a $52 #27696

Yoga Yoga

Yoga rejuvenates the mind, body and spirit. Gentle stretching exercises tone and stretch muscles and work to balance every system in the body. It improves overall health and well-being. Yoga mats are available or bring your own. All mobility and skill levelswelcome.

Amazon Community Center

Instructor: Paul Simon

Jun 3-Sep 9 M 5:30-6:30p $60 #28156

Jul 18-Sep 12 Th 9:15-10:15a $45 #28173

No class Jun 24, Jul 15, Sep 2

Jul 24-Aug 28 W 9-10a $33 #27489

No class Jun 19

Chair Yoga

Feel better through movement. Experience release from stress and fatigue through this gentle yoga approach designed to accommodate people with physical limitations. This class is taught while you are sitting in a chair.

Amazon Community Center

Instructor: Paul Simon

Jul 18-Sep 12 Th 10:30-11a $45 #28193

Campbell Community Center

Instructor: Mariah Carter

Jun 26-Aug 28 W 3-4p $55 #29128

Petersen Barn Community Center

Instructor: Paul Simon

Jun 4-Jul 30 Tu 10:15-11:15a $39 #27384

Aug 6-Sep 17 Tu 10:15-11:15a $33 #29300

Jun 7-Jul 26 F 10:15-11:15a $39 #27386

Aug 2-Sep 20 F 10:15-11:15a $39 #29301

No class Jun 25, Jul 2, 5, 12, Aug 27, 30

Modified Yoga

This gentle yoga class is designed for people living with chronic neuromuscular conditions such as �ibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s and Lou Gehrig’s disease. Poses are modi�ied for those needing adaptations. Modi�ied Yoga class has a hybrid option. For those in person, individuals must be able to be independent or have someone to assist. Yoga mats and blocks provided as needed. For the virtual option, Zoom link will be sent upon registration. In-person registration is available on a monthly basis, alongside the virtual 10-use card.

Hilyard Community Center

Instructor: Kate Cleary

Jul 1-29 M 11:45a-1p $37 #28660

Aug 5-26 M 11:45a-1p $30 #28666

Sep 9-30 M 11:45a-1p $30 #28669

10-use card for $70, Modified Yoga class only

No class Sep 2


Learn to Ride a Bicycle

Has it been awhile since you have ridden your bike? Or maybe you always wanted to learn, but never got around to it? Don’t let age get in your way. Join AARP, the City of Eugene Recreation and Safe Routes to School for an adult Learn2Ride workshop and explore options to get you back on the bike trail. You’ll learn about PeaceHealth Rides bikeshare, adaptive cycling options and join us for a hands-on learning experience. Bikes and helmets will be available if you don’t have one. But, if you have one, bring your bike and helmet, and don’t forget to bring a friend. Shift Community Cycles will be on hand to perform helmet �ittings and safety checks on all bikes brought from home. This event is open to all.

Campbell Community Center

Jun 29 Sa 10a-12p Free #28561

Canoeing, Kayaking & Rafting

Clear Lake Big Canoe

Paddle our 29-foot Spirit of Eugene canoe across this crystalclear lake. Explore the springs that are the headwaters of the McKenzie River and an underwater forest. Stop for ice cream and to see Sahalie Falls on the way home.

Meet at Campbell Community Center

Jun 11 Tu 9a-5:30p $65 #27620

Willamette River Raft

Eugene has a beautiful river running right through town. Enjoy an autumn day by rafting from Island Park in Spring�ield through small rapids under the Interstate 5 bridge and the Autzen footbridge and �inish at the River House Outdoor Center.Bring lunch, water, clothes and shoes that can get wet and dress for the weather.

Meet at Campbell Community Center

Jun 20 Th 10a-3p $45 #27702

Aug 19 M 10a-3p $45 #27703 101 Senior Outdoor

Senior Outdoor

Try Flatwater Kayaking

For those new to �latwater kayaking, it combines an active experience, a peaceful trip into some of Eugene’s natural areas and a great day with other folks. Our top-notch guides will teach you everything you need to enjoy this popular outdoor sport. Equipment will be provided.

Meet at Campbell Community Center

Jul 2 Tu 10a-4p $50 #27701

Siltcoos River Flatwater Kayak

Paddle this unique water trail on the coast. Equipment and leadership will be provided.

Meet at Campbell Community Center

Jul 22 M 9a-5:30p $65 #27700

McKenzie River Raft

Explore the beautiful McKenzie River from Finn Rock to Helfrich Landing. The scenery is spectacular, the water is crystal clear and the rapids are thrilling. Designed for active older adults who aren’t afraid to get wet and have fun.Bring water, lunch, shoes that can get wet and extra clothes.

Meet at Campbell Community Center

Jul 30 Tu 9a-5p $60 #27704

Sep 10 Tu 9a-5p $60 #27705

Waldo Lake Kayak

Sitting above Willamette Pass, Waldo Lake is one of the purest lakes in the world. We will explore the lake with views of surrounding peaks.

Meet at Campbell Community Center

Aug 15 Th 8:30a-5:30p $65 #27623

Hills Creek Reservoir Kayak

Explore this reservoir nestled in the rugged Cascades near Oakridge.

Campbell Community Center

Aug 27 Tu 9a-5p $60 #29139

Waldo Lake Big Canoe

Waldo Lake is a high mountain gem that’s among the purest lakes in the world and more than 4 miles long. We’ll enjoy views of Diamond Peak, Waldo Mountain and other nearby peaks. We’ll take our 29-foot canoe, which is stable and can hold up to 10 people.

Meet at Campbell Community Center

Sep 12 Th 9a-6p $65 #27624


Kentucky Falls Hike ■ 4

Three of the Coast Range’s most spectacular waterfalls nestle in this remote valley. Bring good hiking shoes, lunch, water, layered clothing and rain gear.

Meet at Campbell Community Center

Jun 17 M 9a-5p $50 #27639

Finley Wildlife Refuge Hike ■ 3

The William L. Finley National Wildlife Refuge near Monroe has habitats ranging from wetlands to upland oak savannas and diverse species of birds, mammals and plants. Bring your binoculars and lunch to explore the refuge. Hiking options range from 1-4 miles with little elevation gain.

Meet at Campbell Community Center

Jun 27 Th 9a-3p $30 #27622

Waxmyrtle Trail Hike ■ 4

This trail starts in the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area and follows along the Siltcoos River to the ocean. Expect to hike around 4 miles with little elevation and possible loose, sandy conditions.

Meet at Campbell Community Center

Jul 9 Tu 9a-5p $50 #27636

Activity Level Ratings

Level ■ 1 Little walking. OK for those with walkers, wheelchairs or walking difficulties.

Level ■ 2 Moderate walking. Similar to that at a shopping center or large museum.

Level ■ 3 Walking of 1-2 miles (1-1.5 hours), as on a walking tour of gardens or the zoo. May be steps or hills.

Level ■ 4 Walking of 3-6 miles on moderate trails. May be rough, hilly or at higher altitude. Access to medical help may be limited.

Level ■ 5 Long hikes of 5+ miles. May be very rough, hilly or high altitude. Access to medical help may be limited. Consult your physician before participating in any trips/ activities to be sure they are appropriate for you. Weather and/or trail conditions may change unpredictably. These levels are approximations only; your experience may vary.

Trip Policies

Fees include bus transportation, leadership and insurance, unless noted otherwise. Meals and admission to venues are not included in the fee unless noted otherwise in the description. Every attempt is made to follow the itinerary; if circumstances beyond our control do not allow that to happen, no refunds will be given.

102 541-682-5333

Marys Peak ■ 4

HikethroughtheMarysPeakScenicBotanicalAreawitha steadyclimbtoenjoya360-degreeviewfromthehighest peakintheCoastRange.


Jul13 Sa 9a-3p $50 #28791

Walterville Reservoir & Canal Birding Trail ■ 2

AshorttripfromEugene,theWaltervilleReservoirand Canalisaneasywalktoexplorewetlandhabitatsandbird species.Chooseyourownwalkingadventureandstopfora snackonthewayhomeatHendricksBridgeCountyPark. Bringwaterandasnack.


Jul15 M 8:30a-1p $20 #27637

Silver Falls South & Lower South Trail ■ 4

SilverFallsisthelargeststateparkinOregonandatreasure troveofwaterfalls.Thishikewilltakeus2.8milesoutand backtotwofalls,oneofwhichallowsthevisitortowalk behindthecascadingwater.


Jul26 F 9a-4:30p

$50 #28795

Giant Spruce Trail Hike –Cape Perpetua ■ 3

Hiketoa500-year-oldSitkasprucetreeneartheCape PerpetuaVisitorCenter.Thetrailfollowsacreekandwinds througholdgrowthwithlushferns,nurselogsandlarge trees.Expect3-4milesofhikingonunevenground.


Aug5 M 9a-5p

Cape Perpetua Scenic Sites ■ 4

EnjoymultiplescenicsitesnearCapePerpetua.Wewill beginourhikewithatrekuptothegorgeousoverlookofthe MarineGardenshorelineandthenexploreothernatural wondersofthearea.


Aug9 F 9a-5p $50 #28794

Wizard Falls Hike on the Metolius River ■ 4

HikealongtheMetoliusRivertotheWizardFallsFish Hatchery.Expectbeautifulforest,coldandclearwaterand around5.5milesofhiking.


Sep5 Th 8:30a-6p $55 #27638

Special Interest

Nature Your Way

Participateinalow-intensityappreciationoftheWillamette Con�luencePreserve.Inspiredbytheunderstandingthat naturalplacesaretrulyforeverybody,thiseventwilltake placeatabeautifulshadyspotintheWillametteCon�luence,a preservewheretheCoastandMiddleforksoftheWillamette jointogether.Afterhearingabitaboutthehistoryofthearea andplansforthefuture,youcansitandenjoythenatural beautyaroundyouorwanderabit,sketch,read,talkwith others,joininbirdingactivities,hangoutbyyourselfordo whateverworksforyou.


May30 Th 9a-2p $10 #28856

Aug29 Th 9a-2p $10 #28857


May30 Th 9a-2p $10 #29282

Aug29 Th 9a-2p $10 #29283

$50 #27635 103
Senior Outdoor
104 541-682-5333 Ways to Support SUPPORT EUGENE PUBLIC LIBRARY
gently-used books by drop-off or contact the Friends for pick-up of large collections. Shop at Second Hand Prose book store, online, and at sales. Friends of Eugene Public Library Eugene Public Library Foundation
money through direct contributions or planned giving; including annual gifts, stock, property transfers, and bequests. 541- 338-7018 | 541- 484-1452


Registering for volunteer opportunities expresses your interest but does not guarantee a volunteer position. Volunteers must pass a background check. RSPVs are required; no drop-ins.

Hendricks Park Rhododendron Garden Work Party

All ages

Learngardeningtechniquesandmeetfellowgarden enthusiastsatthisweeklyworkparty.Or,justbewillingto grabatoolanddivein.Noexperienceisrequired,butall kindsofhelpisneeded.InpartnershipwiththeFriendsof HendricksPark,thislivelyvolunteergrouphelpsyearround.Formoreinformationortoregister,contactCait


Ongoing Tu 9a-12p Free

Hendricks Park Native Plant Garden Work Party All ages

JoinourworkpartyeveryThursdayinthenativeplant gardenatHendricksPark.LearnabouttheWillametteValley nativeplantsandtheiruseswhilesupportingthegarden's continuedgrowth.Beginnerandexperiencedgardeners welcome.Tasksvarybyseason.Formoreinformationorto register,


Ongoing Th 1-4p Free

Native Plant Nursery Work Party All ages

JoinusinstewardingnativeplantsinsupportoftheCityof Eugene’smanyurbanrestorationprojects.Thiseffort directlyimproveshabitatandwaterqualityforourcity,as wellasallowsparticipantstoworkamongst�lowers,birds andbutter�lies.Noexperiencenecessary.Formore informationortoregister,contactKelseyIrvineat


Ongoing F 1-4p Free

McKenzie River Trust First Fridays at Finn Rock Reach

All ages


Reachthe�irstFridayofeverymonth.Wewilltackleinvasive species,careforthepublicFinnRockboatlandingand restorehabitatafterwild�ireinthemiddleMcKenzieRiver area.SitesvarybetweentheboatlandingandBlueRiver Park.The$5feecoverstransportationtotheworksite. Dressfortheweatherandbringsturdyshoes.Formore



Jun7 F 8:30a-1p $5 #27354

Jul5 F 8:30a-1p $5 #27582

Aug2 F 8:30a-1p $5 #27583

Sep6 F 8:30a-1p $5 #27584

Owen Rose Garden Work Party All


Shareyourpassionforrosesandgainhands-onexperience inyear-roundcareofperennialshrubs.Dependingonthe season,helpusweed,pruneanddeadheadavarietyofroses tokeepEugene’siconicbotanicalgardenlookingbeautiful. Meetatthegazebowearingweatherappropriateclothesand sturdyshoes.Noexperiencenecessary.Forinformationorto register,


Ongoing W 9a-12p Free

Ongoing F 9a-12p Free

Trashy Tuesdays

Willamette River Cleanups All ages

JoinWillametteRiverkeeperand�loattherivertohelpclean theurbanriverbanks.Reserveaseatinaraftorbringyour ownboat.Personal�lotationdeviceswillbeprovidedwith registrationandarerequiredforallparticipants.Toregisteror


Ongoing 2ndTu 8:30a-12:30p Free

Washington Jefferson

Skatepark Cleanup Ages 12+

HelpspruceupWashingtonJeffersonSkateparkbypicking uptrash,painting,weedingandwashing.Toolsandgloves areprovided.Registrationrequiredtoparticipate.


Jun6 Th 8:30a-2p Free #28591 105

Cómo Inscribirse

• En línea: Sitehasinscritoanteriormenteconnosotros, asegúratedeteneramanotuinformacióndeiniciodesesión.

¿Nosabessitienesunacuenta? (paraespañolclicen“SelectLanguage”enlaesquinainferior derechadelapágina,selecciona“Spanish”)yhasclicen “Login/CrearCuenta”,luegoselecciona“Iniciarsesióncon correoelectrónico”yclicen“¿Seteolvidótucontraseña?” Sitienesunacuenta,tellegaráatucorreoelectrónicola informaciónparapoderiniciarsesión.

¿Necesitascrearunacuenta? clicen“Login/CrearCuenta”,luegoselecciona“Creatu cuentaEugeneRec”.

• Por teléfono: Paraayudaeninglésllamaalcentrode recreaciónqueofrecelaactividadoparaespañolllamaal 541-682-6891.TenamanotunúmerodeVisaoMasterCard.

• En persona: Visitacualquieradelassucursales.

Lasinscripcionesestánabiertascontinuamente,sereciben enordendellegada,ysonparatodossinimportarsivive dentroofueradelaciudaddeEugene.Inscríbasetemprano; muchasclasessellenanrápido.Lasclasessepueden cancelarsinohaysu�icientegenteinscrita.

Cómo Inscribirse 106 Ubicaciones 107 Acceso y Equidad 107 Servicios Adaptados 108 Preescolar 113 Chicos 114 Campamentos 119 Piscinas 134 Familia 142 Políticas 146
106 541-682-6891


Para información en español llama al 541-682-6891.

Centro Amazon

2700 Hilyard St., Eugene 97405

Lu-Vi 9a-5p Bus: #28, 73

Centro Campbell

155 High St., Eugene 97401

Lu 8:30a-7p Bus: #1, 66, 67

Ma-Vi 8:30a-4:30p

Centro Hilyard

2580 Hilyard St., Eugene 97405

Lu-Vi 9a-5:30p Bus: #28, 73

Centro Parque Washington

2025 Washington St., Eugene 97405

Horario: Llama Bus: #36

Centro Petersen Barn

870 Berntzen Road, Eugene 97402

Lu-Vi 9a-5p Bus: #40

Centro River House

301 N. Adams St., Eugene 97402

Lu-Vi 10a-4:30p Bus: #40, 52

Centro Sheldon

2445 Willakenzie Road, Eugene 97401

Lu-Vi 8a-5:30p Bus: #66 y 67

Curso de Cuerdas en Spencer Butte

Desde Willamette St., al sur de la Ave. 50

Lamb Cottage

En el parque Skinner Butte

Horario: Llama Bus: #1, 66, 67

Piscina Amazon (por temporada)

2600 Hilyard St., Eugene 97405

Horario: Llama Bus: #28, 73

Piscina y Gimnasio Echo Hollow

1655 Echo Hollow Road, Eugene 97402

Horario: Llama Bus: #40

Piscina y Gimnasio Sheldon

2443 Willakenzie Road, Eugene 97401

Horario: Llama Bus: #66 y 67

Campos de Deportes

Ubicados alrededor de la ciudad Contáctanos para usar los campos deportivos al aire libre y los campos de césped artificial que comparten el distrito escolar y la ciudad de Eugene.

Acceso y Equidad

La División de Recreación de la Ciudad de Eugene se esfuerza por ofrecer oportunidades acogedoras para todos. Eugene Rec se compromete a asegurar que sus programas sean accesibles e inclusivos para todas las personas, sin importar su edad, discapacidad, identidad de género, estatus migratorio, origen nacional, raza, religión, orientación sexual o situación socioeconómica.

La ciudad de Eugene se compromete a apoyar “the Americans with Disabilities Act” (Ley de Estadunidenses con Discapacidades) y proporcionará las modi�icaciones necesarias para que todos puedan participar en los programas de Eugene Rec. Los siguientes servicios están disponibles con aviso previo. Algunas solicitudes pueden tardar hasta dos semanas.

Las impresiones de letra grande y grabaciones digitales están disponibles con aviso previo. Una vez que se hace el pedido, podemos ofrecer cinco o menos copias de letra grande.

Los autobuses accesibles con elevador para silla de ruedas están disponibles para las actividades que ofrecen

Actividades financiadas por la Tarifa de Operaciones y Mantenimiento de Parques y Recreación de Eugene del 2023. Usa el sistema de lotería para inscribirse, busca las instrucciones en esta guía.

transporte en autobús. Por favor haga su solicitud al registrarse ya que la demanda de uso es muy alta. El autobús se reserva por orden de llegada.

Secciones en braille de publicaciones grandes (como por ejemplo esta sección de la Guía de Recreación) la podemos tener disponible con aviso previo.

Tenemos lectores disponibles por teléfono o en persona. Un miembro del personal le leerá cualquier secciónes de cualquier publicación solicitada.

Tenemos intérpretes de lenguaje de señas disponible para clases o presentaciones si se pide con aviso preaviso.

El equipo de asistencia auditiva está disponible para clases, eventos y presentaciones culturales con aviso previo.

Tecnología adaptada en la biblioteca: Monitores de 27 pulgadas, teclado con letras grandes, mesas y pantallas ajustables, programas de computación que agrandan las letras, JAWS (lector computarizado) y una impresora Braille.

Si tiene más preguntas, llame a Recreación Adaptada al 541-682-6891 (español) o 541-682-5311 (TTY) (inglés). 107 Español
Piscina y Gimnasio Echo Hollow Centro Campbell

Servicios Adaptados


LosprogramasadaptadosRecestándiseñadosparapersonas condiscapacidadesapartirdelos14añosenadelante,anoser queseindiquedeotramanera.Lasclasesylasactividadesestán estructuradasparadistintosnivelesdecapacidad.Losprogramas adaptadosdeRecnecesitaninscripción.Antesdeasistir,sedebe llenarunformulariodeinformación.Lastarifasnoincluyenel costodelascomidasyadmisión,anoserqueseindiquedeotra manera.Paramásinformación,llamaal541-682-6891.

¿Tienes Preguntas?

Losnuevosparticipantesdebenllamarantesdeinscribirsealos programas.Elpersonalestádisponibleparahablarsobrelos recursosylasactividadesrecreativas.Tambiénestándisponibles losEspecialistasCerti�icadosenRecreaciónTerapéuticapara responderapreguntassobrelasactividadesadecuadasparati,para unmiembrodetufamiliaoparaunapersonabajotucuidado.


Haremoselesfuerzoparaacomodaracadapersonademanera razonable.Sinembargo,silaconductadeunapersonapresenta peligrooriesgo�ísicodelastimarseasímismaoalosdemás,lo podríamosretirardelosprogramas.LosTrabajadoresde ApoyoPersonalpuedenasistiralosprogramasparaapoyara

personasquetienennecesidadesconductualesy/odeatención personal.Estostrabajadoresdebeninscribirsealosprogramas. Inscribirte,llamandoal541-682-6891.

Servicios Inclusivos

ElpersonaldeRecdeEugenesecomprometeahacertodoslos esfuerzosrazonablesparaasegurarquetodassusinstalaciones, programasyserviciosseanaccesiblesyquetodapersonapueda utilizarlos.Laspersonascondiscapacidadespuedenparticiparen cualquieradelosprogramasdeRecreacióndelaCiudadde Eugenesicumplenlosrequisitosdeedad,prerrequisitos,etc.

Sisenecesitaapoyoadicionalparaunaparticipaciónexitosa enlosprogramasdeRecreacióndeEugene,elpersonal utilizaelprocesodeServiciosInclusivosparadeterminar modi�icacionesalosprogramasy/oalosplanesdeapoyo individualquemejorseadaptenalosparticipantes.

ParainiciarelprocesodeServiciosInclusivos,favordehacer tusolicitudalinscribirteenpersonaoporteléfonoconpor lomenosdossemanasdeanticipación.

Paramásinformacióny/ositienespreguntassobrelos ServiciosInclusivos,favorllamaral541-682-6891oenvía unmensajeelectró


¿Eresbilingüeeninglésyespañol?¿Estásbuscandouna oportunidaddivertidaeinteresantedehacervoluntariado?Tu entusiasmo,participaciónyapoyoalosparticipantesesesencial paramantenerlacalidaddelosServiciosdeRecreación Adaptados.Nosenecesitaexperienciaprevia,yaquese proporcionacapacitaciónyeducaciónatodoslosvoluntarios.Si túotugrupoestáninteresadosenhacervoluntariadodurante cualquiercantidaddetiempo,favorllamaal541-682-6891o envíaunmensajeelectró

Español 108 541-682-6891


Baile Fusión

Diviértete y ponte en forma con este particular curso de baile. Aprende movimientos básicos con música multicultural a medida que te sacudes, meneas y bailas salsa para estar más saludable.

Centro Hilyard

8 jul-9 sep Lu 4:30-5:30p $36 #28674

10 jul-11 sep Mi 4:30-5:30p $40 #28675

No hay clase 2 sep


Servicios de Bicicletas y Equipos Adaptados

Todas las edades

Los Servicios de Recreación Adaptada mantienen una gran cantidad de equipos adaptados, como sillas de ruedas todoterreno y bicicletas como lo son los triciclos reclinados, tándems y bicicletas manuales. Servimos a individuos y a grupos de diferentes habilidades y niveles con la �inalidad de ayudar con los equipos recreativos adaptados que estén necesitando, incluyendo ajustes y alquileres. Para obtener más información, llame al 541-682-6891 (español) o visite nuestro sitio web (escoja español en la esquina derecha de abajo de la página).

Todos los servicios en el Centro Hilyard

Evaluación y Ajuste para Bicicletas Adaptadas

El personal evalúa las necesidades y recomienda el equipo. Diseñado para personas con movilidad limitada, discapacidades, afecciones médicas o para los que deseen ver el equipo antes de alquilarlo o comprarlo.

Continuo Mi 1-4p Vi 9a-12p $5 Con cita

Para hace una cita llama 541-682-6891

Alquiler de Bicicletas Adaptadas

Disponible después del ajuste o evaluación inicial.

Continuo Lu-Vi 9a-5p Con cita

$5/media hora $20/medio día $50/fin de semana

$10/hora $40/día

Para hace una cita llama 541-682-6891

Expo de Bicis Eléctricas Todas las edades

Ven a probar bicis eléctricas de diferentes tiendas de Eugene en un solo lugar. Aprende sobre la seguridad, las leyes y los programas de �inanciación de las bicicletas eléctricas. Descubre cómo las bicicletas eléctricas pueden ayudar a reducir la huella de carbono mientras te diviertes. Si tienes

una bicicleta eléctrica, tráela y muéstrasela a los demás, y disfruta de música, comida y ajustes gratuitos para bicicletas. El servicio de Recreación Adaptada también mostrará varias opciones de bicicletas eléctricas adaptadas, incluyendo una tándem y un triciclo.

Centro Campbell

15 jun Sá 11a-3p Gratis Sin cita


Ejercicio para Todos

Clase de entrenamiento con circuitos energizantes y actividades motivadoras con apoyo. Aprende ejercicios de calidad y empieza a tener una vida más saludable.

Centro Hilyard

Instructora: Megan Patrignelli

9 jul-12 sep MaJu 4:45-5:45p $90 #28657

Paseos por la

Naturaleza ■ 4 Ver nivel en la página 112

Diviértete en los parques y senderos locales y sal a caminar y a jugar. Se puede caminar hasta 2 millas por salida. Ponte ropa activa, zapatos deportivos y trae una botella de agua y algo de comer. Puedes pedirnos prestada una silla de ruedas todoterreno con anticipación. Habrá transporte de ida y vuelta hasta el Centro Hilyard. Algunas salidas tienen un costo adicional de admisión.

Nos reunimos en el Centro Hilyard

10 jul-11 sep Mi 10a-12:30p $50 #28841

Usa el sistema de lotería, ver recuadro.

13 jul-14 sep Sá 10a-12:30p $50 #28842

Usa el sistema de lotería, ver recuadro.

Sistema de Lotería

1. Para participar en las actividades de estrella, regístrate en la lotería usando el número de lotería (en cursiva). La lotería estará abierta del 15 de abril al 5 de mayo. No hay que pagar en este momento.Los cuidadores personales no necesitan registrarse en la lotería, pero sí, cuando el usuario se inscriba.

2. Los participantes serán seleccionados al azar. A partir del 6 de mayo,serás notificado por correo electrónico si has sido seleccionado o no.

3. Si eres seleccionado, tienes hasta las 5:30 p.m. del 10 de mayo para inscribirte y pagar. Puedes hacerlo siguiendo el enlace del correo electrónico para registrarte en línea, o llamando o visitando un centro de recreación.

Para obtener más información, visita 109 Español Servicios Adaptados

Español Servicios Adaptados

En Forma y Diversión Acuática

Mejoratucondicióncardiovascular,fuerzayequilibriomientras disfrutasdelagua.Parapersonascondiscapacidadque puedeningresarindependientementealapiscina.Sinecesitas asistenciaprácticaparaparticiparconéxito,llamaal 541-682-5311(inglés) o541-682-6891(español).


12jul-30agtz Vi 11a-12p $80 #28028

Usa el sistema de lotería, ver recuadro, página 109.


Pickleball Adaptado, Introducción

Descubreelmundodelpickleballycómopuedeadaptarse parapersonascondiscapacidades.Teproporcionaremos instrucciónyequipo.EncolaboraciónconelEmeraldValley PickleballClub.Paraobtenermásinformación,llamaal 541-682-5311(inglés),o541-682-6891(español),o escrí


1jun Sá 10a-12p $3 #27041

Muestra de Deportes Adaptados

Úneteaotraspersonascondiscapacidad�ísicaparapracticar deportesdecanchajuntoscomobaloncestoensilladeruedas, rugbyyvoleibol.EncolaboraciónconEugeneY.Sinecesita sillasdeportivas,pídenoslas.Ofrecemosbecasparajóvenes menoresde21años.Porfavorllamaal541-682-5311(inglés) o541-682-6891(español).


5may Do 2-4p

$10 #29288

2jun Do 2-4p $10 #29332

7jul Do 2-4p

$10 #29333

4agt Do 2-4p $10 #29334

Interés Especial

Festi-Fiesta en la Piscina

Fortaleza en la Neurodiversidad

¡CelebremoselMesdelOrgulloporlaDiscapacidadenjulio! EncolaboraciónconARCdelcondadodeLane,RecAdaptado presentaelFestivaldeFortalezaenlaNeurodiversidadenla PiscinadeAmazon.Nuestramisiónesderribarmitossobrela discapacidadyconstruirunacomunidadacogedora,inclusiva yaccesible.Úneteanosotrosparapromoverelorgulloyla concienciasobreladiscapacidadconvariasorganizaciones comunitarias.LapiscinadeAmazonestaráreservadapara personascondiscapacidad,familiaresyamigos.


19jul Vi 6:30-8:30p Gratis Sincita

Naturaleza a tu Manera

VenaapreciarlareservadelaconfluenciadelWillamette. Teniendoencuentaqueloslugaresnaturalessonrealmente paratodos.Esteeventosellevaráacaboenunlugarhermoso ysombreadoenlacon�luenciadelWillamette,unareserva dondelacostaylasbifurcacionesmediasdelWillamettese unen.Despuésdeunacharlaeningléssobrelahistoriadel área,puedessentarteydisfrutadelabellezanaturalquete rodea,pasearunpoco,dibujar,leer,hablarconotros, participarenactividadesdeobservacióndeaves,pasarel ratosoloohacerloquepre�ieras.


30may Ju 9a-2p $10 #28856 29agt Ju 9a-2p $10 #28857

Miércoles de Ruedas 6+ años

Estegrupoinformaldeusuariosdesillasderuedassereúne todoslosmiércolesendistintoslugaresdeEugenepara explorarsenderosypistasyconectarsesocialmente.Para másinformación,llamaal541-682-6891.


Continuo Mi 10a-2p Gratis Sincita


Hora de Juego



9jul-10sep Ma 3:30-4:30p $25 #28678

11jul-12sep Ju 3:30-4:30p $25 #28679

12jul-13sep Vi 3:30-4:30p $25 #28680

Parkinson y Tenis de Mesa

Sehademostradoqueeltenisdemesaayudaamejorarel movimientoylossíntomasmotoresdelParkinsonaumentando lacoordinaciónojo-manoylafuerza.Además,esdivertidoy unaformafácildehaceramigos.Lassesionessonsolopara aquellosconsíntomasdeParkinson.


4jun-17sep Ma 2-4p Gratis #27698


Seguridad y Habilidades de Natación 5-12 años

Para ver la descripción, ve a la página 136.


9jun-25agt Do 11-11:50a Gratis Sincita

110 541-682-6891


Aventuras Adaptadas para Adolescentes 12-21 años

Parajóvenesqueexperimentandiscapacidades.Únetea nuestrassalidasypaseosdeverano.Loslunesenlatarde, exploraremoslasopcionesrecreativasalrededordeEugene. Losviernesserándíasllenosdeaventuras.Pasaelverano socializandocontuscompañerosydisfrutandode experienciasdivertidas.

Excursiones Comunitarias ■ 3 Ver nivel en la página 112

Exploraralasoportunidadesrecreativasylasatracciones localesdeEugene.


8jul-26agt Lu 12:30-4:30p $200 #28863

Excursiones al Aire Libre ■ 3 Ver nivel en la página 112



12jul Vi 9a-4:30p $40 #28864


19jul Vi 9a-4:30p $40 #28865


26jul Vi 9a-4:30p $40 #28866


2agt Vi 9a-4:30p $40 #28867


9agt Vi 9a-4:30p $40 #28870


16agt Vi 9a-4:30p $40 #28874


23agt Vi 9a-4:30p $40 #28878


30agt Vi 9a-4:30p $40 #28884

Viernes de Recreación

Venaactividadesrecreativasúnicasydivertidascomojuegos, manualidades,músicaycharlasdeinvitadosespeciales.


12jul-13sep Vi 1:30-3p $30 #28677

Club Social de Hilyard

Trabajemosjuntosplani�icandoeimplementandoactividades divertidasyproyectoscomunitariosenEugeneySpring�ield. Esteprogramaestádiseñadoparalograrlaintegración comunitaria,eldesarrollodehabilidadessocialesydestrezas devida.Losparticipantescolaboranenlacreacióndelprograma durantelaprimerasemana.Selespediráquecubranelcosto dealgunasentradasyconcesionesconunpagomáximo adicionalde$40porlasesión.


10jul-11sep Mi 1:30-4p $75 #28685

Usa el sistema de lotería, ver recuadro, página 109.

Recorriendo y Conociendo

¡Crearecuerdosmaravillososcontuscompañerosmientras exploraslasoportunidadesrecreativasenEugeneySpring�ield!


Película en el Teatro Cinemark

Laentradaestáincluidaenelprecio,traedineroextraporsi deseascompraralgoparapicar.

6jul Sá 3:30-6:30p $30 #28691

Usa el sistema de lotería, ver recuadro, página 109.


Trae$10paraalquilarloszapatosyparacubrirlatarifade juegodebolos.

3agt Sá 4-6:30p $20 #28830

Usa el sistema de lotería, ver recuadro, página 109.

Bici con Helado

¡Pruebaunabicicletaadaptadaotraelatuyaparairdepaseo engrupoydisfrutardeundeliciosohelado!Recuerdatraer dineroparaelhelado.

7sep Sá 4:30-6:30p $10 #28840

Usa el sistema de lotería, ver recuadro, página 109.

Sábados de Acción Nocturna

Venajugar,hacermanualidadesyactividadessocialesdivertidas contusamigos.Cadamesaprenderemosycelebraremosun temaculturalodelatemporada.


20jul Sá 6:30-8p $10 #28681

17agt Sá 6:30-8p $10 #28683

21agt Sá 6:30-8p $10 #28684


Yoga Alegre

Unaclasejuguetonadeyogaparatodaslashabilidadesque seenfocaendesarrollarfuerzay�lexibilidad,mejorandoal mismotiempoelequilibrioylacon�ianza.Adecuadapara todotipodecuerpo.Nosenecesitaexperienciaprevia. Diseñadaparapersonascondiscapacidad.



8jul-9sep Lu 1:30-2:30p $54 #28676

Nohayclase2sep 111 Español Servicios Adaptados Todas las clases son en inglés. Para información en español llama al 541-682-6891.

Español Servicios Adaptados


Fecha Día Horas Título Costo

14 jul Do 9a-4:30p Caminata – Silver Falls $45

25 jul Ju 6:30-9:30p Vida Silvestre en la Laguna $20

27 jul Sá 10a-2p Picnic y Recogida de Bayas $20

28 jul Do 9a-5p Granja Leaping Lamb $55

10 agt Sá 9a-5p Centro de Ciencias Marinas Hatfield $45

11 agt Do 10a-2p Caminata – Colinas de Thurston $20

6 sep Vi 10a-4:30p Navega el Río Willamette $45

8 sep Do 12-4p Festival de Percusión AXE $20

15 sep Do 10a-2p Caminata – Spencer Butte $20

22 sep Do 9:30a-5:30p Jugando en la Playa $45

Caminatas ■ 4

Disfruta del paisaje y pasa parte del día caminando. Caminaremos hasta 3 millas, llueva o haga sol. Lleva tu almuerzo, tu botella de agua, buenos zapatos para caminar y vístete según el clima.

Silver Falls

Disfruta de la belleza de las montañas Cascade mientras caminas por el sendero y paramos para un picnic. Caminarás hasta dos horas por terrenos irregulares y colinas.

14 jul Do 9a-5p $45 #28851

Colinas de Thurston

Explora este sistema local de senderos. Caminarás hasta dos horas por terrenos irregulares y colinas.

11 agt Do 10a-2p $20 #28852

Spencer Butte

Descubre este sendero local. Caminarás hasta dos horas por terrenos irregulares y colinas.

15 sep Do 10a-2p $20 #28853

Vida Silvestre en la Laguna ■ 3

Ven a disfrutar la cena que trajiste mientras escuchas una presentación sobre los castores en Willamette Con�luence. Al atardecer, observarás la caída del sol y podrás ver a los castores en acción. Trae tu cena, repelente de insectos y una silla. Avísanos con anticipación si no tienes tu propia silla.

25 jul Ju 6:30-9:30p $20 #28858

Todos los viajes


Picnic y Recogida de Bayas ■ 3

Ven a los campos locales de bayas para recoger tus propias bayas y almorzar. Trae tu almuerzo y $10 para bocadillos y arándanos.

27 jul Sá 10a-2p $20 #28844

Nivel de Actividad

Nivel ■ 1 Caminatas muy cortas. Óptima para aquellos con andadores, o sillas de ruedas.

Nivel ■ 2 Caminata moderada. Similar a lo que se hace en un centro comercial o en un museo.

Nivel ■ 3 Caminata de 1,6 a 3,2 km (1 a 1,5 hrs.), como lo haces en una caminata por jardines o por el zoológico. Puede haber escalones o colinas.

Nivel ■ 4 Caminata de 3,2 a 10 km en senderos moderados. Quizás áspero, montañoso o a mayor altitud. El acceso a ayuda médica puede ser limitado.

Nivel ■ 5 Caminatas de más de 8 km. Puede ser muy áspero, montañoso o de altitud. El acceso a la ayuda médica puede ser limitado.

Consulta con tu médico antes de participar para asegurarte de que es apropiado para ti. El clima y/o las condiciones del sendero son impredecibles. Estos niveles son solo aproximaciones; tu experiencia puede variar.

Políticas de Viaje

El costo incluye el transporte, guía y seguro, a menos que se indique lo contrario. Las comidas y entradas no están incluidos en la tarifa a menos que se indique lo contrario. Hacemos todo lo posible por seguir el itinerario; si las circunstancias están fuera de nuestro control no le devolveremos el dinero.

112 541-682-6891
se reúnen en el Centro Hilyard y son para personas con discapacidades de 14+ años. los viajes adaptados usan el sistema de lotería, ver recuadro, página 109.

Granja Leaping Lamb ■ 3

EstagranjadeláreadeAlseafueconstruidaporlafamilia Spencerentre1896y1930.Anteriormenteconocidacomo HoneyGroveFarm,hasidounagranjaenfuncionamiento desdequeselimpiaronloscamposporprimeravez.Tendrás laoportunidaddeparticiparenactividadesagrícolas.Trae tualmuerzoyvísteteadecuadamenteparaestarafuera.

28jul Do 9a-5p $55 #28859

Excursiones a la Costa ■ 3

Exploranuestracostaydisfrutadesubellezaydelas actividadesqueofrece.

Centro de Ciencias Marinas Hatfield

VisitaelCentrodeCienciasMarinasHat�ieldparaver exhibiciones,participarenactividadesyaprendersobre animalesmarinosylosproblemasqueenfrentalacosta. Traetualmuerzoy$5dedonaciónparalaentrada(d).

10agt Sá 9a-5p $45 #28855

Jugando en la Playa



Preescolar de Amazon 3-5 años

ElPreescolardeAmazontienecomoobjetivodespertarun amorporelaprendizajeatravésdelanaturalezayelarte mientrasproporcionaprácticasapropiadasqueapoyanel desarrolloensutotalidad.Lametaescrearunentorno educativoatractivoydivertidoatravésdejuegosdirigidos porniñosyproyectosgrupalesdirigidospormaestrospara promoverlaindependenciayalmismotiempofomentarel desarrollosocial,lainteligenciaemocionalylacreatividad. Elenfoqueestáeneldesarrolloacadémicotemprano individualatravésdelaexperienciahaciendoénfasisenla construccióndehabilidadessociales.Losniñosparticipan enactividadesartísticasycientí�icasqueayudarána aumentarladestrezaylacoordinaciónpormediodela diversión.Atravésdeljuegoylaexploraciónpormediodel aprendizajeautodirigidoseconvertiránenaprendices independientes.


•CamposdeVerano, ver páginas 122-123

•Elpreescolarregresaenseptiembre 9a-12p,Lu-Ju


sillasderuedasdeplayadisponiblesparapersonascon barrerasdeaccesibilidad.Traetualmuerzo.

22sep Do 9:30a-5:30p $45 #28854

Navega el Río Willamette ■ 4

ElpersonaldelCentroRiverHousenosguiaráenunviaje porelríoWillamettemientrasdisfrutamosdelpaisaje naturalydenuestroscompañeros.Losparticipantesdeben sentirsecómodosconaguasenmovimientoyusarun chalecosalvavidasdurantetodoelviaje.Traetualmuerzoy aguaenbotella.

6sep Vi 10a-4:30p $45 #28686

Festival de Percusión AXE ■ 2

EstefestivalreuniráconjuntosdepercusióndeEugeneysus alrededoresparaofrecerpresentacionesinteractivasygratuitas paratodaslasedadesynivelesdehabilidad.Además,elfestival tambiéncontarácontalleresybrindaránlaoportunidada personascondiscapacidaddepracticarlapercusión.Habrá unagranvariedaddepresentaciones,talleresyactividades disponibles.

8sep Do 12-4p $20 #29280

Preescolar de Petersen Barn 3-5 años

Atravésdeljuego,losniñostienenexperienciaconla cooperación,elriesgoylacreatividad,ademásdeobservarlas leyesyestructurasdesumundo.Ennuestropequeñopreescolar, nosenfocamosenelaprendizajebasadoenlaexploraciónyel juegoutilizandotemassemanalesparaestructurarelplande estudioseinteractuarconnuestrosentornos.


•CamposdeVerano, ver páginas 122-123

•Elpreescolarregresaenseptiembre 9a-12p,LuMiVioMaJu


Preescolar de Sheldon 3-5 años

Creamosunplandeestudiosapropiadosegúnlosintereses emergentesdelosniños.Integramosellenguaje,la alfabetizaciónylasmatemáticasentodoloquehacemos durantetodoeldíamientrasexploramosconarte,ciencia, sensorial,músicaymovimiento.


•CamposdeVerano, ver páginas 122-123

•Elpreescolarregresaenseptiembre 9a-12p,LuMiViy/oMaJu,o1-4pMaMiJu

Parainscribirsellame541-682-6891 113




Crea Arte Desde tu Corazón 10+ años

En esta divertida sesión de arte te conectarás contigo mismo y fomentarás tu crecimiento personal mientras exploras tu creatividad, usando materiales simples. Cada sesión incluirá un breve tiempo de preparación, mucho tiempo para hacer arte y oportunidades para re�lexionar. No necesitas tener experiencia artística. Todos los materiales están incluidos.

Centro Sheldon

Instructora: Christina Salter (ella)

Caja de Autodescubrimiento

¿Qué aspectos de ti mismo compartes con los demás y cuáles consideras que son solo para ti y pre�ieres guardar? Utilizando una variedad de cajas, materiales de collage y objetos encontrados, crearemos representaciones 3D de nuestra versión propia pública y privada.

22 jun Sá 9a-12p $30 #27387

Mandala de Autocuidado

Realizarás un inventario sobre tu bienestar �ísico, emocional y espiritual mientras exploras formas creativas para mejorar en las diferentes dimensiones de tu vida creando un collage en forma de mandala circular.

27 jul Sá 9a-12p $30 #27388

Sistema de Lotería

1. Para las actividades de estrella, regístrate en la lotería usando el número de lotería (en cursiva). La lotería estará abierta del 15-19 de abril. No hay que pagar en este momento.

2. Los participantes serán seleccionados al azar. A partir del 22de abril, serásnotificadopor correo electrónico si has sido seleccionado o no.

3. Si eres seleccionado, tienes hasta el 29 de abril para inscribirte y pagar. Puedes hacerlo siguiendo el enlace del correo electrónico para registrarte en línea, o llamando o visitando un centro de recreación.

4. Si la actividad no se llena durante la lotería, habrá cupos disponibles el 2 de mayo, día de inscripciones. Usa el número de registro (no en cursiva) para inscribirte. Para obtener más información, visita

Lata de Intenciones

¿Qué cualidades de tu mente o corazón deseas que guíen tus pensamientos y acciones? Establece una intención y mani�iéstala visualmente transformando una lata de mentas en un pequeño 'altar' portátil. Fácil de mostrar, la lata servirá para recordarnos lo mejor de nosotros mismos.

17 agt Sá 9a-12p $30 #27389

Ilustración de Personajes y Criaturas 12-15 años

Diseña personajes, criaturas, disfraces y accesorios mientras exploras conceptos fundamentales de diseño, aprendes sobre la importancia de los valores del color y desarrollas habilidades de narración visual. En esta clase, cada estudiante tendrá la oportunidad de dar vida a un nuevo personaje semanalmente, contribuyendo así a la creación de un mundo único. Los estudiantes pueden diseñar personajes para el escenario que trabajaremos en clase o desarrollarlos con sus propias con�iguraciones creativas.

Centro Amazon

Instructor: Nickolai O (elles)

7 jun-9 agt Vi 2-3p $54 #27497

No hay clase 12 jul

Lotería #27660, ver recuadro.

Taller de Cerámica 10-15 años

Aprenda técnicas básicas y avanzadas con arcilla como modelado a mano y usando el torno y técnicas de pintura de porcelana. Lleva a casa tus creaciones para compartirlas con tu familia. No se necesita conocimientos previos de arcilla o cerámica. Trabaja a tu ritmo.

Centro Amazon

Instructora: Amy Graves

10 jul-28 agt Mi 3:45-5:45p $128 #27464

Lotería #27652, ver recuadro.

Club de Manualidades 9-13 años

Los estudiantes estarán creando un proyecto grande durante toda la sesión, además de participar diariamente en pequeñas actividades manuales. Podrán trabajar con ganchillo, tejido, arcilla o hasta pintar casitas de pájaros. Al �inal de cada sesión, podrás llevarte tu proyecto. Te inspirarás y tendrás la oportunidad de socializar y crear junto a amigos talentosos.

Centro Petersen Barn

Instructor: Jay Hall Schnurrpusch

17 jul-21 agt Mi 3:30-4:45p $36 #28433

114 541-682-6891

Español Chicos

Diseño de Modas, Principiantes 10-14 años

Unaclaseúnicayemocionantediseñadaparalosjóvenesque fomentasusideasenlacreaciónderopanuevayalamoda. Losjóvenestendránlaoportunidaddecrearyaprendera usarunamáquinadecoser.



8jul-12agt Lu 4-5:45p $60 #28403

Diseño de Modas, Intermedio 11-16 años

Diseñatupropiaropayaccesorioscontelasyestilosdivertidos. Despiertatucreatividadyrecibeconsejosdeuninstructor decostura.Necesitassaberusarlamáquinadecosery habilidadesbásicasdecostura.



9jul-13agt Ma 4-5:45p $60 #28404

Intro a Fieltros con Agujas 10+ años

Descubreelartedecosercon�ieltroycreatuspropios accesorios. Aprendeahacerpinzasparaelcabello,llaveros opendientespersonalizadosconeldiseño,personajeo creaciónquedesees.Repasaremoslosconceptosbásicosy luegocomenzaremosproyectosindividualesconorientación einstrucción.Losmaterialesestánincluidos.


Instructora:JenniferMcCall 29jun Sá 9a-12p $20 #27390

Fieltro con Aguja para Adolescentes y Adultos 16+ años

Descubreelartedeesculpirlanaytransformalaenadorables criaturasypersonajes.¡Vamosaexplorar,atrabajarconlas manosyacrearjuntosenestaclaseprácticayamigablepara principiantes!Repasaremoslobásicoyluegonossumergiremos enproyectosindividualesconorientacióneinstrucciones.Se proporcionaráunalistadematerialesantesdelaprimeraclase.



2-30jul Ma 4:30-5:30p

$25 #28223

Artes Marciales

Esgrima 8-11 y 12+ años

Laesgrimaesundeportemarcialclásicoconmuchahistoria, arte,estiloydrama,asícomounaactividad�ísicadivertida parachicosypadres.Estaclasesecentraenladisciplina,el equilibrio,lacoordinación,ladeportividady,sobretodo,la

diversión.Lospadrespuedenparticipar.Seproporcionael equipo.




11jul-12sep Ju 6-6:45p $100 #27511


11jul-12sep Ju 7-8p $135 #27575


11jul-12sep Ju 8:15-9:15p $135 #27576

Taekwondo 5-7 y 8-12 años

Estedeporteutilizatodoslosmúsculosyarticulacionesdel cuerpomientrassedesarrollanhabilidadesquepromueven elenfoqueylaautodisciplina.Laclasenoescombativay proporcionaestructura,conocimientosyhabilidadespara tenerunavidamássegurayempoderada.Estaclasenoes elegibleparabecas.




18jul-15agt Ju 4:15-5p $35 #28402


18jul-15agt Ju 5:10-6:10p $40 #28340


A Bailar con Mi Pequeño 2-3 años con


Exploraelbailecontupequeñopormediodeljuegoyel movimiento.Losniñosmáspequeñospuedentenerla oportunidaddebailarsintiéndosesegurosalladodesus padres.



18jul-12sep Ju 11:30a-12p $32 #28430


Movimiento Creativo 3-5 años

Descubreelritmo,elequilibrioytusalrededoresmientras exploraselmovimientoatravésdelamúsica.Estaesuna excelenteoportunidadparaconocerelmundodeladanza. Estaclase,diseñadaexclusivamenteparaniños,tienecomo objetivoayudarlosaaprenderaserindependientesenel salóndeclasessinlapresenciadesusadultos.Enelúltimo día,seinvitaalospadres/tutoresabailarconsushijos.



18jul-12sep Ju 1-1:30p $32 #28432


Todas las clases son en inglés.

Para información en español llama al 541-682-6891. 115

Pre-Ballet 3-4, 4-5 y 5-6 años

Exploratodaslastécnicasbásicasdeballetdeunaforma divertida,segurayenunambientoamoroso.Enestaclasese aprenderáaestirar,saltarybailarmientrassedescubreel amorporladanzaylamúsica.Tenemosdisponiblesalgunos zapatosdeballetparaprestar.Estaclase,diseñada exclusivamenteparaniños,tienecomoobjetivoayudarlosa aprenderaserindependientesenelsalóndeclasessinla presenciadesusadultos.Enelúltimodía,seinvitaalos padres/tutoresabailarconsushijos.




18jul-12sep Ju 10-10:30a $32 #28428 4-5años

18jul-12sep Ju 10:45-11:15a $32 #28429 5-6años

22jul-19agt Lu 3:30-4p $20 #28420


Ballet 6-9 años

Aprendelasposturasbásicasdelballetmientrasexploras movimientoscreativos.Losbailarinesaprenderánritmo, equilibrioycreatividad.



22jul-19agt Lu 4:15-5p $25 #28421

Ballet – Barra y Centro 16+ años

Aprendelosfundamentosdelballetatravésdeejerciciosde barra,centroysueloqueteayudaránaganar�lexibilidady fuerza.Cadaclaseesúnicaparacadaparticipante.Todoslos nivelesestánbienvenidos.



22jul-19agt Lu 5:30-6:45p $37 #28422

17jul-11sep Mi 5:15-6:30p $60 #28427


Baile Pre-Tap 4-5 y 5-6 años

Enestadivertidaclaseestarásentrenandotucoordinación, memorizaciónytushabilidadesrítmicas.Losbailarinesse divertiránmientrasaprendenunapequeñarutinapara compartiral�inaldelasesión.Tenemosdisponiblesalgunos zapatosdetapparaprestar.Porfavorponteropacómoda. Estaclase,diseñadaexclusivamenteparaniños,tienecomo objetivoayudarlosaaprenderaserindependientesenel salóndeclasessinlapresenciadesusadultos.Enelúltimo día,seinvitaalospadres/tutoresabailarconsushijos.


Instructor:JayHallSchnurrpusch 4-5años

18jul-12sep Ju 12:15-12:45p $32 #28431


16jul-10sep Ma 3:30-4p $32 #28424


Baile Tap, Principiantes 6-9 años

Estecursoenseñarálobásicodeltapyjugaráconelritmoy elestilo.Al�inaldelasesión,losbailarinesharánunabreve rutinaparademostrarlosmovimientosaprendidos. Tenemosdisponiblesalgunoszapatosdetapparaprestar. Ponteropacómodayprepárateparahacerbulla.



16jul-10sep Ma 4:15-5p $40 #28425


Danza Moderna 16+ años

Ladanzamodernaeslahermanamenoryrebeldedelballet. Aprendearomperlasreglasatravésdeunmovimiento �luidoycompletoqueseextiendeportodoelcuerpo. Exploraelmovimientoestructuradoeimprovisadoenun entornodeapoyomientrasganas�lexibilidadygracia.Todos losnivelesestánbienvenidos.



16jul-10sep Ma 5:30-6:45p $45 #28426



Poder de Flor: Defensa Personal para Chicas 9-13 años

Estaclaseestádiseñadaparaempoderarjóvenesidenti�icados comomujeresequipándolasconhabilidadesesencialesde autodefensadesdeunaedadtemprana.Aprenderemosel poderdedecir“no”,aestablecerlímites,aplani�icarpara mantenernossegurosyhacermovimientosdedefensa.Esta claseproporcionaráunabasesólidaparaaprenderacon�iar entimismo,tenerseguridadpersonalyempoderamiento.


Instructora:TonyaValadez 1jul-26agt Lu 2-3p $48 #28481



Triatlon Ridícula Todas las edades

¿HasoídohablardelacompetenciadeIronman?Eseenlaque losatletasnadankilómetrosamarabierto,subenmontañas enbicicletasycorrenunamaratónporeldesierto. Este eventonoesnadacomoeso.Venahacerunaversiónridícula delostriatlones.Esposiblequetúytustrescompañerosde

116 541-682-6891

equipoterminencorriendocontrespiernas,montandouna bicicletaquenolesquedaoremandoenunabalsahechaen casaenlaPiscinadeSheldon.Aunquenosepasexactamente cuálessonlostreseventostendremosparati,puedesintentar ganarunamedalla,simplementepordivertirte.


13jul Sá 9a-12p $40/equipo #27577

Comic-Con para Chicos 5-19 años

Venadisfrutardecharlasdeprofesionalesyexpertosen cómics,actividadesyobsequioscontemasdefandom. Puedesvenirconosindisfraz,asegúratedetraertupasión porloqueamasyayúdanosacelebrarlaLecturadeVerano conlaBibliotecaPúblicadeEugene.


2agt Vi 2-5p Gratis Sincita

Grupo de Apoyo

Grupo de Jóvenes LGBTQ+ 13-18 años

AdolescentesLGBTQ+puedenvenirsincitapreviapararecibir apoyo,conversaryestablecerconexiones.Estaactividadla facilitanpersonasadultasyesgratis.Noesnecesario inscribirse.Paramásinformación,llamaal541-682-6891.


Continuo Vi 4-6p Gratis Sincita


Explorando la Electrónica

Estasclasesestándiseñadasparacompartirconadolescentes yadultosjóveneslosconceptosbásicosdelaelectrónica. Estasnuevashabilidadespodránayudarleaserautosu�iciente, desarrollarnuevashabilidadesyahorrar(oinclusoganar) algodedinero.



Robótica y Programación, Principiantes 8+ años

¡AprendalosconceptosbásicosdelaprogramaciónArduino enestaclaseparaprincipiantes!Nosenecesitaexperiencia. Losparticipantessaldrándelaclaseconsupropiorobot. Traetupropiacomputadoraportátilotableta.Habrá préstamosdisponibles.

11jul-15agt Ju 2-4p $120 #28410

Robótica y Programación, Intermedia 13+ años

Estaclaseestádiseñadaparapersonasconalgunos conocimientospreviosenprogramaciónyrobótica.Pasa

tiempoconunmatemáticoeingenieroprofesionalpara perfeccionartushabilidades.Traetupropiacomputadora portátilotableta.Habrápréstamosdisponibles

11jul-15agt Ju 5-7p $120 #28411

Interés Especial

MontandoEdu 11-18 años

Estaclasededosdíasbrindaapreadolescentesyadolescentes independenciadetransporte,enseñándolesausarel autobúsyandarenbicicletahacialasubicacionesde1PASS. Lasclasessellevanacaboencentroscomunitariose incluyeninstrucciónsobreviajarenautobús,habilidades paraandarenbicicleta,plani�icaciónderutasyconsejos paraviajarconseguridad.Elprimerdíacubreplani�icación derutas,reglasytécnicasdeciclismo,ajustedelabicicletay prácticadeviajeenautobús.Elsegundodíaincluyemás prácticaenbicicletayunapresentación�inalparaobtener una“licenciadeciclista.”Losestudiantesdebentenerunpase deLTDparaestudiantes.Serequierequelosestudiantes sepanandarenbicicleta.Excelenteparatitularesde1Passy jóvenesquedeseanmásindependenciaparasutransporte.


17-18jun LuMa 9a-4:30p $60 #28588

20-21jun JuVi 9a-4:30p $60 #28589


17-18jun LuMa 9a-4:30p $60 #28585

20-21jun JuVi 9a-4:30p $60 #28587


17-18jun LuMa 9a-4:30p $60 #28523

20-21jun JuVi 9a-4:30p $60 #28524


Yoga para Diversos Géneros

13+ años

Estaclasesincitaesparatodaslaspersonastransgénero,de génerodiverso,nobinarias,degéneronoconformey/o cuestionadoras.Sentirquenuestrocuerpoesnuestrohogar esunderechohumano,asícomouninmensoregaloy privilegio.TransPonderestáaquíparaayudarteamoverte mientrastesientesvistoyapoyado.Nonecesitashaber tenidoexperienciapreviaconelyoga.Todosestán bienvenidos,sinimportarsutipodecuerpo,habilidado niveldeexperiencia.


5jun-28agt Mi 6-7p Gratis Sincita Nohayclase19jun

Todas las clases son en inglés.

Para información en español llama al 541-682-6891. 117 Español Chicos

Adolescentes Empoderados

FundadoporelimpuestodelaIniciativadeProtección Comunitaria,elProgramadeEmpoderamientode Adolescentestrabajaconcolaboradoresdelacomunidad paraempoderaraadolescentespormediodesusdestrezas devidaycapacidadesparaconseguirempleoofreciendo accesoamentoresparajóvenesyadultosyaumentarel accesoaotrosrecursosvitalesdelacomunidad.Los programasestándiseñadosparanotenertantosobstáculos yserinclusivos,demaneraquecadajoventengala oportunidaddecrecerenformasegurayaccederalmejor futuroposible.Má Todas las actividades son gratis y habrá refrigerio.

Día de Paseo

Iremos,aunquelluevaohagasol,asíquevísteteapropiadamente. Traeunabotelladeagua,almuerzoyprotectorsolar.Paramás informació


Paseo a la Costa 12-15 años

Enesteviajealacosta,caminaremos,jugaremosenlaplaya yvisitaremosotrasáreasderecreacióncercadeFlorencia.

21jun Vi

8a-5p Gratis #28412

Paseo al Parque Silver Falls 12-15 años

EnnuestroviajeaSilverFalls,caminaremosparaver hermosascascadasytambiénjugaremos.

24jul Mi 8a-5p Gratis #28413

Paseo a las Cascadas Sahalie 12-15 años

EnnuestroviajealascascadasdeSahalie,caminaremosalo largodelRíoMcKenzieparaverlashermosascascadasyjugar.

30agt Vi 8a-5p Gratis #28414

Camino al Empleo

Aprende a Trabajar con Niños 12-15 años

Prepárateparauntrabajodeveranomientrastediviertes contuscompañeros.Estaexperienciaúnicateayudaráa desarrollarhabilidadesbásicascomolacomunicaciónyel trabajoenequipo,mientraspracticascómoserunlíderen recreación.Aprendelasbasesparaconvertirteenunlídery participaencampamentosdeveranoparaponerenpráctica loaprendido,comoenseñarjuegosytrabajarconniños.

DisfrutadenadarenlapiscinaAmazonydeunaexcursión deundíalosviernes.


24-28jun Lu-Vi 9a-4p Gratis #27640

8-12jul Lu-Vi 9a-4p Gratis #27641

22-26jul Lu-Vi 9a-4p Gratis #27642

5-9agt Lu-Vi 9a-4p Gratis #27643

19-23agt Lu-Vi 9a-4p Gratis #27644

Programa de Aprendices de Recreación (RAP)

Semana de Entrenamiento 14-17 años

Úneteanuestrogrupodeaprendicesdeveranoparaadquirir habilidadeslaboralesmientrastrabajasennuestrosprogramas recreativos,comocampamentosparajóvenes,clasesy preescolar.Losaprendicesrecibiráncapacitacióngeneraly estándardelaindustriadelarecreación.Ademásdeparticipar ennuestrosprogramas,losaprendicestambiénaprenderána redactaruncurrículumyunacartadeinterés,yparticiparán enentrevistasdepráctica.Loshorarioscambian.Nos reunimoslosviernespararelajarnos,hacerviajesdivertidos einformarnossobrelasemana.Parainscribirte,llamaal


1jul-23agt Lu-Vi 9a-4p Gratis #27646 Nohayclase4jul

Resolver –


Juvenil Restaurativa 12-18 años

ElprogramadeRecreacióndelaCiudaddeEugene,llamado Resolver,estádirigidoporjóvenesvoluntarios.Los adolescentesquecali�icandebidoadelitosnoviolentos puedenlograrelcierredesucasoconelDepartamentode ServiciosJuvenilesdelcondadodeLane.Paraello,eljoven responsabledebecumplirconuncontratoacordadoporel grupoenunprocesocircular.Duranteelcírculo,eljoven compartirálosucedido,seresponderánpreguntasyse colaboraráparaencontrarformasdereparareldaño.Los jóvenesvoluntariosrecibencapacitación,oportunidadesde desarrolloyadquierenhabilidadesyexperienciavaliosas. Aquellosquedeseenmásresponsabilidadespuedenunirsea nuestroConsejodeLiderazgoJuvenil.Loscírculossellevana cabolosjuevesporlanochede6a7:30p.m.enelCentro ComunitariodelParqueWashington.Pararegistrarse,


Continuo Ju 5-7:30p Gratis NohayResolver4jul

118 541-682-6891 Todas las clases son en inglés. Para información en español llama al 541-682-6891.
Español Chicos


Un campamento para cada gusto

Los campamentos de verano de Eugene Rec le ofrecen a los más jóvenes la oportunidad de explorar lo que más les gusta, aprender nuevas cosas y hacer amigos en un lugar seguro y lleno de apoyo. Con esta asombrosa variedad de actividades, nos complace decir que tenemos ¡un campamento para cada gusto!

¿Cómo me inscribo?

Inscríbete en línea o en cualquiera de los centros comunitarios de Eugene Rec o piscinas. Algunos de los campamentos aceptan depósitos para reservar un puesto. Para más información llama al 541-682-6891.

Sistema de Lotería

Para garantizar que todos los jóvenes tengan las mismas oportunidades de inscribirse en campamentos de alta demanda, algunos de los campamentos de primaria y todos los campamentos de preadolescentes y adolescentes usan unsistema de lotería. Consulta las instrucciones del sistema de lotería en cadasección.Para obtener más información, visita

¿Qué hago si mi hijo necesita adaptaciones?

Todos los campamentos están abiertos para todos los niños, sin importar su capacidad. Nosotros tenemos un enfoque de equipo para incluir a los niños que requieren más ayuda, teniendo como prioridad la seguridad de los campistas. Para más información o para encontrar y llenar el formulario de solicitud de inclusión visite Por

favor avísenos con dos semanas de anticipación. Para más información, ver la página 107.

¿Qué más necesito saber?

Debemos tener en nuestros archivos un formulario actualizado con la información de salud de todos los participantes. Los formularios están disponibles en línea: Lea la descripción del campamento seleccionado con cuidado y haga sus planes de acuerdo con la información, es posible que tenga que empacar almuerzo o protector solar para su niño. Después de haberse inscrito recibirá por correo electrónico un paquete con toda la información, incluyendo horarios.

Precauciones de salud

Todos los campamentos siguen las reglas y prácticas de salud estatales y comunitarias. En el paquete de información que recibirá al inscribirse incluiremos la Información completa sobre las reglas y protocolos del programa.

Encuentre el campamento apropiado para su hijo

Es importante tener en cuenta la personalidad y los intereses de su hijo al elegir el campamento. Considere la cantidad de personal de acuerdo con la cantidad de niños en el grupo, el nivel de actividad y el número total de niños para determinar cuál campamento se adapta mejor a la personalidad y el temperamento de su hijo. Para obtener más información sobre cada campamento, llame a la instalación y hable con nuestro personal. 119

Español Campamentos

Centros de Campamentos

Centro Amazon

2700 Hilyard St., Eugene 97405

Para más información, llama al 541-682-6891

Campamentos Preescolares de Arte Amazon 3-5 años

Imagina, juega y crea. Los campamentos de Amazon ofrecen una amplia variedad de temas y propuestas. Personal con experiencia ofrece un ambiente seguro y estimulante. Para el 1 de junio, los campistas deben saber ir al baño. Por favor lleva un refrigerio, agua en botella y bloqueador solar.

Horario: 9a-12p, de Lu-Ju

No hay cuidado extendido disponible

Campamentos de Arte Amazon 6-8 y 9-11 años

Imagina, juega y crea. Estos campamentos ofrecen una amplia variedad de temas y tópicos para experimentar. Instructores de arte, educadores y personal de recreación ofrecen una atmósfera segura y divertida. Los campistas deben llevar un bocadillo, su almuerzo, una botella de agua y bloqueador solar.

Horario: 9a-2:30p, Lu-Ju

Se brinda cuidado extendido de 2:30-4p, deben inscribir por separado

Campamentos de Arte Amazon 12+ años

Los adolescentes juegan y crean. Estos campamentos ofrecen una variedad de temas y propuestas para experimentar. Instructores de arte, educadores y personal de recreación ofrecen una atmósfera segura y divertida. Los campistas deben llevar un refrigerio, una botella de agua y bloqueador solar.

Horario: variado, Lu-Vi

No hay cuidado extendido disponible

Centro Petersen Barn

870 Berntzen Road, Eugene 97402

Para más información, llama al 541-682-6891

Aventuras de Juegos de Verano 3-5 años

Ten un verano de aventuras. Participa en juegos, crea obras de arte, explora y canta. Cada semana exploraremos un tema único. Ofrecemos refrigerios cada día.

Horario: 9a-12p, Lu-Vi

Buscadores de Aventuras 8-11 años

Acompáñanos para divertirte todo el verano. Mientras estemos en el parque, los jóvenes participarán en juegos activos, artes, manualidades y actividades divertidas que plani�icó nuestro personal de Recreación. Viaja con nosotros cada semana a hermosos destinos de excursión. También iremos a la piscina Echo Hollow para refrescarnos al �inal de cada semana.

En el parque Bethel, 5700 Babe Ruth Lane

Horario: 8:30a-4p, Lu-Vi

120 541-682-6891

Campamentos de Especialidad 6-8, 9-13 y 10-14 años

Nuestroscampamentosdeespecialidadofrecenoportunidades únicasdeexplorarungéneroohabilidadenparticularenun ambienteseguroyedi�icante.Tenemosdosmiembrosdel personalporcada12jóvenes.Loscampistasdebenllevarsu almuerzo,unabotelladeaguaybloqueadorsolar.



Centro River House



Lavidaesmejoralairelibre.Loscampamentosofrecenuna gamadeactividadestalescomoandarenbicicleta,pasearen kayak,canotaje,escaladaenroca,navegación,patinajeyremo depie.Loscampamentosofrecen:

•Líderesapasionadosydiestrosdelairelibrequetienenel compromisodevivir“losmejoresdíasdelavida.”

•Programasparacasitodaslasedadesynivelesdehabilidad, desdeprincipianteshastaavanzados.

•Lasproporcionesbajasdepersonalycampistasincrementan almáximolaseguridadygarantizanelmejorambienteposible deaprendizaje.


Centro Sheldon



Campamentos Preescolares de Sheldon 4-5 años

Maestrospreescolaresconexperienciaguiaránalosniños enexploracionesdivertidasyatractivasenyalrededordel CentroSheldon.Cadasemanaincluiráarte,juegosalaire libre,exploracióndelanaturalezayjuegosacuáticos.Los campamentospreescolaressonparachicosquehanestado previamenteenuncentrodeguardería,quenohanidoal jardíndeniñosyqueyahanaprendidoairalbaño. Los campistasdebenllevarsumerienda,unabotelladeagua, bloqueadorsolaryunabolsaomochilaparatransportar todo.



Campamentos Clásicos de Sheldon 9-11 años

Losjóvenesexplorarán,descubrirányjugaránenun campamentodedía.Ademásdelasactividadesclásicasde loscampamentos,losespecialistasenactividadesguiarána losgruposenactividadesalairelibreenriquecedoras, creativasyartísticas.Tendremosrefrigerios.Loscampistas debenllevarsumerienda,unabotelladeagua,bloqueador solaryunabolsaomochilaparatransportartodo.

Español Campamentos

Sedisponedeunplandepagosalmomentodepresentare con$25parainscribirse.Sepuedepagarelsaldotres semanasantesdequeempieceelcampamento.




Campamento de Exploradores de Sheldon 12-14 años

Losjóvenessemoverányexploraráncadadíaenestecampamentoalairelibre.Estosdíasestaránllenosdeactividades. Seproporcionaránbocadillostodoslosdías,dosvecesaldía. Loscampistasdebenllevarsumerienda,unabotelladeagua, bloqueadorsolaryunabolsaomochilaparatransportartodo. Antesdelprimerdíadecampamentoseenviaráelhorariode lasemanaporcorreoelectrónico.Pasaremosmuchosdías explorandoyteniendoaventurasenEugeneymásallá.





Granja de la Familia Wayne Morse



Campamentos al Aire Libre en la Granja Morse 6-11 años

Nuestroscampamentosofrecenjuegosalairelibretodoeldía. Elpersonalderecreaciónofreceunambienteseguroparalos participantesenlos27acresdebosquesypraderas.Las actividadesincluyenartesymanualidades,juegosengrupo, deportesyjuegosdemesa.Pasaremosdosdíascompletosen excursionesalapiscinaAmazonoenactividadesespeciales fueradelaciudad.Loscostosestánincluidos.Losdestinos estánsujetosacambiosdebidoalclima.Losparticipantes asistiránalasexcursionesengrupos.Llevaunbuenalmuerzo, unabotelladeagua,bloqueadorsolar,trajedebañoyunatoalla.

Horario:8:30a-4p,Lu-Ju 121

Español Campamentos

Campamentos de Preescolar

● 1 Seguridad en la Ciudad 4-6 años

¡Prepárateparaunaemocionanteaventuraeducativasobre seguridad!Esteprogramaestádiseñadoparaintroducira niñosenedadpreescolaralconceptodeseguridaddeuna manerainteresanteydivertida.Desdeaprendersobreseguridad alcaminaryandarenbicicleta,hastaexplorarcamionesde bomberosycochesdepolicía,estaclasecubretodoconla ayudadeunequipoderescatistasexpertos.Ademásdetoda ladiversión,cadaniñorecibiráunacamisetapararecordarsu experiencia.EsteprogramaesofrecidoporelDepartamento dePolicíadeEugeneyestádirigidoaniñosqueresidanen

Eugene.Paramásinformaciónyparainscribirse,comuníquese conlasupervisoradelequipo,CherrieNelson,al541-682-2746 (inglés)o541-682-6891(español).

● 2 Animales del Mundo 3-5 años

Losanimalesdelassabanas,debosqueslluviosos,delcampo, delÁrticoydeNorteaméricatendránundíaparadestacar estasemana.Vamosairacazarosos,haremosbinoculares paranuestroviajeensafariyveremosunavariedadde animalesatravésdecanciones,librosyproyectosdearte.

122 541-682-6891
Fecha Días Edad Horas ● # Título Ubicación Costo Inscripción 17-20jun Lu-Ju 4-6 9a-12p ●● 1 SeguridadenlaCiudad RiverRoad1 $60 #28592 4-6 1-4p ●● 1 SeguridadenlaCiudad RiverRoad1 $60 #28593 1-3jul Lu-Mi 3-5 9a-12p ● 2 AnimalesdelMundo PeteBarn $63 #28465 3-5 9a-12p ● 3 PocionesySlime Amazon $63 #27402 8-11jul Lu-Ju 3-5 9a-12p ● 4 ElEspacio Amazon $84 #27403 4-5 9a-2p ● 5 CampamentoSheldonSemana1 Sheldon $145 #27626 8-12jul Lu-Vi 3-5 9a-12p ● 6 CienciaLoca PeteBarn $105 #28467 15-18jul Lu-Ju 3-5 9a-12p ● 7 SemanadeLibrosdeCuentos Amazon $84 #27404 4-5 9a-2p ● 5 CampamentoSheldonSemana2 Sheldon $125 #27627 15-19jul Lu-Vi 3-5 9a-12p ● 8 TodosSomosArtistas PeteBarn $105 #28468 22-25jul Lu-Ju 3-5 9a-12p ● 9 CreeenlaMagia Amazon $84 #27405 4-5 9a-2p ● 5 CampamentoSheldonSemana3 Sheldon $145 #27628 22-26jul Lu-Vi 3-5 9a-12p ● 10 ExcavacióndeDinosaurios PeteBarn $105 #28471 29jul-1agt Lu-Ju 3-5 9a-12p ● 11 Naturaleza Amazon $84 #27406 4-5 9a-2p ● 5 CampamentoSheldonSemana4 Sheldon $125 #27629 29jul-2agt Lu-Vi 3-5 9a-12p ● 12 ExploraelJardín PeteBarn $105 #28474 5-8agt Lu-Ju 3-5 9a-12p ● 13 CorrientesMarinas Amazon $84 #27407 4-5 9a-2p ● 5 CampamentoSheldonSemana5 Sheldon $145 #27630 5-9agt Lu-Vi 3-5 9a-12p ● 14 BajoelMar PeteBarn $105 #28476 12-15agt Lu-Ju 3-5 9a-12p ● 15 Música Amazon $84 #27408 4-5 9a-2p ● 5 CampamentoSheldonSemana6 Sheldon $145 #27631 12-16agt Lu-Vi 3-5 9a-12p ● 16 AventuraparaSuperhéroes PeteBarn $105 #28477 19-22agt Lu-Ju 3-5 9a-12p ● 17 CampamentoDesordenado Amazon $84 #27409 4-5 9a-2p ● 5 CampamentoSheldonSemana7 Sheldon $145 #27632 19-23agt Lu-Vi 3-5 9a-12p ● 18 ¡VamosaCampar! PeteBarn $105 #28479 26-30agt Lu-Vi 3-5 9a-12p ● 19 Despega PeteBarn $105 #28480
1 EscuelaPrimaria RiverRoad, 120WHilliardLane

● 3 Pociones y Slime 3-5 años

Creapocionessecretasyslime.Disfrutadeunasemanade actividadesprácticasyjuegos.

● 4 El Espacio 3-5 años

Eluniversoestállenodevistasasombrosas.Despeguemos hacialasestrellasyviajemosporlagalaxia.

● 5 Campamentos Preescolares de Sheldon 4-5 años

Maestrospreescolaresconexperienciaguiaránalosniños enexploracionesdivertidasycautivadorasenyalrededor delCentroSheldon.Cadasemanaincluiráarte,juegosalaire libre,exploraciónenlanaturalezayjuegosacuáticos.Los campamentospreescolaressonparachicosquehanestado previamenteenuncentrodeguardería,quenohanidoal kínderyqueyasabeniralbaño.

● 6 Ciencia Loca 3-5 años

Algunosproyectoscientí�icosdivertidoseinteresanteste esperanestasemana.Crearemosunanubedearcoíris, haremosunhuevodescubiertoymás.

● 7 Semana de Libros de Cuentos 3-5 años

Sumérgeteenmundosmágicos,creamanualidadesinspiradas encuentosdehadasydejavolartuimaginación.

● 8 Todos Somos Artistas 3-5 años

Juegosartísticossensorialeseinteractivos.Creaobrasmaestras concintas,camisetasteñidasmuylocasyarteconesponjas. Desataremosanuestrosartistasinterioresusandonuestra creatividad.

● 9 Cree en la Magia 3-5 años

Venaunaaventuradivertidaenelmundodelafantasía,hadas yhéroes.Conviérteteenunpríncipeoenunaprincesa,enun unicorniooenunacriaturainventadaporti.

● 10 Excavación de Dinosaurios 3-5 años

Acompáñanosenunaaventuraprehistórica.Incubahuevos dedinosaurio,hazimpresionesdefósilesyjuegaenellodo. Bailalamarchadeldinoycreatupropiamáscarade dinosaurio.

● ● 11 Naturaleza 3-5 años

Haymuchopordescubriralairelibre.Paseaenlanaturaleza, creaobrasartísticasconhojasyhazuncomederoparaaves.

● 12 Explora el Jardín 3-5 años

Venaunaaventuraeneljardín.Plantaremosnuestrospropios vegetales,haremosjardinesencantadoseinvestigaremosa espeluznantescriaturasrastreras.

Todos los campamentos son en inglés. Para información en español llama al 541-682-6891.

Español Campamentos

● ● 13 Corrientes Marinas 3-5 años

Sumérgeteenelmundosubmarinoconmanualidadesde criaturasmarinasyjuegos.Seráunaexperienciaacuática inolvidable.

● 14 Bajo el Mar 3-5 años

Venaexplorarlavidabajoelmarconmanualidadesde criaturasmarinasyjuegos.Decoraconchasdemar,creauna playaenunabotellayhazunpaisajemarino.Seráuna experienciaacuáticainolvidable.

● 15 Música 3-5 años

Acompáñanosenunasemanarepletaderitmo,música, cantosymuchadiversión.

● 16 Aventura para Superhéroes 3-5 años

¡Llamandoatodoslossuperhéroes!Venalcampamentopara descubrirtussuperpoderes,hacertussuperdisfraces,correr obstáculosysalvareldía.

● 17 Campamento Desordenado 3-5 años

¡Prepárateparaelcaosyladiversión!Asegúratedeusarropa viejaquesepuedaensuciarymanchar

● 18 ¡Vamos a Campar! 3-5 años

Buscamosexploradoresparaayudaraestablecerun campamento.Construyamosunfuerte,pesquemos,pintemos piedrasyhagamoss'mores¡Teestamosesperando!

● 19 Despega 3-5 años

¡Tres,dos,uno!Astronautas,prepárenseparadespegar. Exploraremosmanualidades,juegosycancionesquenos llevaránaotrosmundos.Subeaunanaveespacial,pintaun planetaycreaunacintaalienígenaparalacabeza. 123

Español Campamentos

Campamentos de Primaria

Las descripciones están en las páginas 126-128.

CampamentosAmazon6-8y9-11años: Cuidadoextendido2:30-4p. Ver página 120.

CampamentoClásicoSheldon: Entradaflexible9-9:30a. Ver página 121.

1 ParqueComunitario Bethel,5700Babe RuthLane(deAvalon aLegacy)

2 ParquedePatinetasCal Young,2555GilhamRoad yParquedePatinetas WashingtonJefferson, 150JeffersonSt.

3 PetersenBarny ParqueWestmoreland, TaylorStreetyWest 20thAvenue

124 541-682-6891
24-28jun Lu-Vi 8-10 9:45a-4p ● 20 AventuraUrbana RiverHouse $320 #28915 #29285 1-3jul Lu-Mi 6-8 9a-12p ● 21 CampamentodeBaile PeteBarn $63 #28486 #29267 6-8 9a-2:30p ● 22 FantasíayMagia Amazon $99 #27410 6-11 8:30a-4p ● 23 SemanadelAgua MorseFarm $138 #27647 8-10 10a-4:15p ● 24 Bicis,BotesyAves RiverHouse $230 #28692 #28690 8-11 8:30a-4p ● 25 Buscadores:CentrodeAvesRapaces BethelPark1 $225 #28513 9-11 9a-2:30p ● 26 CampamentodeTodo Amazon $99 #27418 9-13 1-4p ● 21 CampamentodeBaile PeteBarn $105 #28501 #29268 8-11jul Lu-Ju 6-8 9a-2:30p ● 27 ExploradoresCósmicos Amazon $132 #27411 6-8 9a-4p ● 28 CampamentoClásicodeSheldonSemana1 Sheldon $168 #27424 6-11 8:30a-4p ● 29 LagoCottageGrove MorseFarm $183 #27648 9-11 9a-2:30p ● 30 ArcillayEscultura Amazon $154 #27419 #29220 9-11 9a-4p ● 28 CampamentoClásicodeSheldonSemana1 Sheldon $168 #27431 8-12jul Lu-Vi 8-10 10a-4:15p ● 31 AventurasenBici RiverHouse $320 #28700 #28699 8-11 8:30a-4p ● 32 Buscadores:EnCanoaporelMcKenzie BethelPark1 $262 #28512 15-18jul Lu-Ju 6-8 9a-2:30p ● 33 ¡SubedeNivel! Amazon $132 #27412 6-8 9a-4p ● 28 CampamentoClásicodeSheldonSemana2 Sheldon $168 #27432 6-11 8:30a-4p ●●● ● 34 EnBoteporelRío MorseFarm $189 #27659 9-11 9a-2:30p ● 35 CampamentodeTeatro Amazon $154 #27420 #29221 9-11 9a-4p ● 28 CampamentoClásicodeSheldonSemana2 Sheldon $168 #27435 15-19jul Lu-Vi 7-17 9a-1p ● 36 CampamentodePatinetas CY&WJ2 $230 #28710 #28709 8-10 9:45a-4p ● 20 AventuraUrbana RiverHouse $320 #28918 #28899 8-11 8:30a-4p ● 37 Buscadores:OakridgeHatcheryyMinigolf BethelPark1 $135 #28511 22-25jul Lu-Ju 6-8 9a-2:30p ● 38 HabíaUnaVezunCampamento Amazon $132 #27413 6-8 9a-4p ● 28 CampamentoClásicodeSheldonSemana3 Sheldon $168 #27440 6-11 8:30a-4p ● 29 LagoCottageGrove MorseFarm $183 #27663 9-11 9a-2:30p ● 39 CreacióndeTíteres Amazon $154 #29325 #27421 9-11 9a-4p ● 28 CampamentoClásicodeSheldonSemana3 Sheldon $168 #27444 22-26jul Lu-Vi 8-10 10a-4:15p ● 31 AventurasenBici RiverHouse $320 #28702 #28701 8-11 8:30a-4p ● 40 Buscadores:FútbolAmericanoenlaUdeO BethelPark1 $225 #28572 8-12 9a-12p ● 41 GolfdeDisco PB&West3 $105 #28968 #29259
Fecha Días Edad Horas
# Título Ubicación Costo Lotería Inscripción 125 Fecha Días Edad Horas ● # Título Ubicación Costo Lotería Inscripción 29jul-1agt Lu-Ju 6-8 9a-2:30p ● 42 Naturaleza Amazon $132 #27414 6-8 9a-4p ● 28 CampamentoClásicodeSheldonSemana4 Sheldon $168 #27447 6-11 8:30a-4p ● 43 SafariSalvaje MorseFarm $189 #27676 9-11 9a-2:30p ● 30 ArcillayEscultura Amazon $154 #27422 #29222 9-11 9a-4p ● 28 CampamentoClásicodeSheldonSemana4 Sheldon $168 #27448 29jul-2agt Lu-Vi 7-17 9a-1p ● 36 CampamentodePatinetas CY&WJ2 $230 #28712 #28711 8-10 9:45a-4p ● 20 AventuraUrbana RiverHouse $320 #28920 #28901 8-11 8:30a-4p ● 44 Buscadores:DEFYEugene BethelPark1 $225 #28575 5-8agt Lu-Ju 6-8 9a-2:30p ● 45 PiratasyAventureros Amazon $132 #27415 6-8 9a-4p ● 28 CampamentoClásicodeSheldonSemana5 Sheldon $168 #27499 6-11 8:30a-4p ●●● ● 34 EnBoteporelRío MorseFarm $189 #27677 9-11 9a-2:30p ● 45 PiratasyAventureros Amazon $132 #27423 9-11 9a-4p ● 28 CampamentoClásicodeSheldonSemana5 Sheldon $168 #27500 5-9agt Lu-Vi 8-10 10a-4:15p ● 31 AventurasenBici RiverHouse $320 #28704 #28703 8-11 8:30a-4p ● 46 Buscadores:BosqueEncantado BethelPark1 $262 #28578 8-12 9a-12p ● 41 GolfdeDisco PB&West3 $105 #28969 #29260 12-15agt Lu-Ju 6-8 9a-2:30p ● 26 CampamentodeTodo Amazon $132 #27416 6-8 9a-4p ● 28 CampamentoClásicodeSheldonSemana6 Sheldon $168 #27501 6-11 8:30a-4p ● 47 ParqueEstatalHoneyman MorseFarm $183 #27678 9-11 9a-2:30p ● 48 OlimpiadasAmazon Amazon $132 #27425 9-11 9a-4p ● 28 CampamentoClásicodeSheldonSemana6 Sheldon $168 #27502 12-16agt Lu-Vi 8-10 9:45a-4p ● 20 AventuraUrbana RiverHouse $320 #28922 #28903 8-11 8:30a-4p ● 49 Buscadores:SafariSalvaje BethelPark1 $262 #28580 19-22agt Lu-Ju 6-8 9a-2:30p ● 50 Ciencias Amazon $132 #27417 6-8 9a-4p ● 28 CampamentoClásicodeSheldonSemana7 Sheldon $168 #27503 6-11 8:30a-4p ● 51 ¡UnDíadeSplash! MorseFarm $189 #27679 9-11 9a-2:30p ● 50 Ciencias Amazon $132 #27426 9-11 9a-4p ● 28 CampamentoClásicodeSheldonSemana7 Sheldon $168 #27504 19-23agt Lu-Vi 8-10 10a-4:15p ● 31 AventurasenBici RiverHouse $320 #28706 #28705 8-11 8:30a-4p ● 52 Buscadores:ZoológicodePortland BethelPark1 $262 #28582 26-29agt Lu-Ju 6-11 8:30a-4p ● 47 ParqueEstatalHoneyman MorseFarm $183 #27680 26-30agt Lu-Vi 6-8 9a-12p ● 21 CampamentodeBaile PeteBarn $105 #28502 #29269 7-17 9a-1p ● 36 CampamentodePatinetas CY&WJ2 $230 #28714 #28713 8-10 9:45a-4p ● 20 AventuraUrbana RiverHouse $320 #28925 #28905 8-11 8:30a-4p ● 53 Buscadores:ParqueEstatalHoneyman BethelPark1 $225 #28584 9-13 1-4p ● 21 CampamentodeBaile PeteBarn $105 #28503 #29270
Español Campamentos

Español Campamentos

● 20 Aventura Urbana 8-10 años

Estecampamentoestácentradoenaventuraslocalescon transporteimpulsadoporelpropiocuerpo.Estasemanaestá diseñadaparaquelosjóvenespasentiempoalairelibre,sin dispositivoselectrónicos,conactividadeseducativasy�ísicas, incluyendoescaladaenrocaconcuerdas,senderismo, ciclismo,exploracióndebosquesyarroyos,remoparadoy canotaje,sielclimalopermite.Estecampamentotiene múltiplessesiones;lainscripciónselimitaaunasesiónpor participante.

Usa el sistema de lotería, ver recuadro, página 127.

● 21 Campamento de Baile 6-8 y 9-13 años Zapatea,talonea,gira.Enestecampamento,exploraremos losfundamentosdelballet,jazz,tapydanzamoderna.Los participantesdesarrollaránhabilidadesmotrices�inas, estimularánelpensamientolateralyseinspirarán.Al�inal delcampamento,losestudiantestendránlaoportunidadde realizarunapresentacióninformal.Estaexperienciaesla introducciónperfectaaunavariedaddeestilosdebaile, dondetantobailarinesnovatoscomoexperimentadosson bienvenidos.

Usa el sistema de lotería, ver recuadro, página 127.

● 22 Fantasía y Magia 6-8 años

Acompáñanosenunasemanadediversiónhechizante,donde loscampistasexploraránlasmaravillasdeunmundomístico llenodemagos,hadasycriaturasmísticas.Desdepociones yvaritasmágicas,hastalacazadetesoros,cadadíatraerá nuevosencantamientosyaventuras.

● 23 Semana del Agua 6-11 años

Empiezabientuveranoyzambúlletedurantenuestra semanadeaguaconjuegosinteresantesderelevoenelagua. VenahacermanualidadesyjugarenlagranjaWayneMorse, visitaunparquelocalynadaenlapiscinaAmazon.

● 24 Bicis, Botes y Aves 8-13 años

Estecampamentoofreceoportunidadesparaapreciarnuestra poblaciónlocaldeaves,asícomoactividadesenbicicletayen bote.Veenbiciaobservaravesenloshumedalesypraderas, visitaelCentrodeAvesRapacesydisfrutadeunpaseoen boteporelríoWillamette.

Usa el sistema de lotería, ver recuadro.

● 25 Buscadores: Centro de Aves Rapaces 8-11 años

Cadasemana,estecampamentotendráaventuraslocales. Estasemana,losbuscadoresdeaventurassedirigiránal CentrodeAvesRapaces(CascadeRaptorCenter),harán manualidadesyjugaránenelparqueBethel.Terminaremos lasemananadandoenlapiscinaEchoHollow.

● 26 Campamento de Todo 9-11 años

Estecampamentoofreceunpocodetodo.Lasactividades incluyendeportes,juegosdemesa,proyectosartísticosy experimentoscientí�icos.

● 27 Exploradores Cósmicos 6-8 años

¡Despegayexploralasmaravillasdelcosmos!Desdehacer lodoalienígenahastacorrerporobstáculosgalácticos,este campamentoestaráfueradeestemundo.

● 28 Campamentos Clásicos de Sheldon 6-8 y 9-11 años

Losjóvenesexplorarán,descubrirányjugaránenun campamentodedía.Ademásdelasactividadesclásicas,los especialistasenactividadesllevaránalosgruposa experienciasenriquecedoras,creativasyartísticasalaire libre.

● 29 Lago Cottage Grove 6-11 años

Acompáñanosduranteunasemanadediversiónbajoelsol. Naday�lotaenellagoCottageGrove.Venahacermanualidades yjugarenlagranjaWayneMorse,visitaunparquelocaly nadaenlapiscinaAmazon.

● 30 Arcilla y Escultura 9-11 años

Inventa,descubreycreaconarcilla.Estudiantes principianteseintermediosaprenderánvariastécnicasde cerámica.Habrámuchotiempoyarcillaparapracticaryuno odosproyectos.Losproyectospodránserhorneadosy recogidosdespuésdequetermineelcampamento.

Usa el sistema de lotería, ver recuadro, página 127.

● 31 Aventuras en Bici 8-10 años

Embárcateenunaaventurasobreruedasmientrasexploras elmundonatural.CruzaelsenderodelaRuthBascom Riverbank,diseñatupropiapistadeobstáculospara bicicletasyexploralossenderosenbicicleta.Aprende habilidadesfundamentalesparaconvertirteenunciclista seguro,incluyendoelmanejo,elmantenimiento,lasnormas detrá�icoylaetiquetaadecuada.Además,disfrutade actividadesacuáticasrefrescantesalolargodelasemana, comovadeo,natación,canotajeykayak.Sedarándetalles másespecí�icosamedidaqueseacerquenlasfechasdelos campamentos.Lainscripciónaestecampamentoestá limitadaaunasesiónporparticipante.

Usa el sistema de lotería, ver recuadro, página 127.

● 32 Buscadores: En Canoa por el McKenzie 8-11 años Cadasemana,estecampamentocontinuarásusaventuras locales.Estasemana,losbuscadoresdeaventurasiránen canoasporelríoMcKenzieconnuestroprogramaalaire libre,haránmanualidadesyjugaránenelparqueBethel. TerminaremoslasemananadandoenlapiscinaEchoHollow.

Todos los campamentos son en inglés.

Para información en español llama al 541-682-6891.

126 541-682-6891

● 33 ¡Sube de Nivel! 6-8 años

Llamando a todos los jugadores. Este campamento tendrá actividades emocionantes y manualidades inspiradas en tus videojuegos favoritos.

Español Campamentos

● 40 Buscadores: Fútbol Americano en la U de O 8-11 años

● 34 En Bote por el Río 6-11 años


Aprende sobre seguridad acuática y diviértete con juegos en el agua. El personal del Centro River House al Aire Libre nos acompañará en emocionantes aventuras en el río McKenzie o en el río Willamette. También disfrutaremos de actividades artísticas en la granja Morse, exploraremos un parque local y nadaremos en la piscina Amazon.

● 35 Campamento de Teatro 9-11 años

En nuestro campamento de teatro, nos centramos en los intereses de los campistas y exploramos técnicas de improvisación para crear presentaciones colaborativas. Los participantes desarrollarán habilidades esenciales para actuar en el escenario, así como para diseñar disfraces y escenarios. A través del trabajo en equipo, cada actor individual podrá alcanzar su máximo potencial.

Usa el sistema de lotería, ver recuadro.

●● 36 Campamento de Patinetas 7-17 años

Aprende los fundamentos de la patineta y practica en el parque. Mejora tus habilidades y con�ianza comenzando en el parque de patinetas Cal Young y progresando en el parque de patinetas Washington Jefferson. El uso de casco es obligatorio y se recomienda el uso de todos los protectores. Tenemos cascos, protectores y patinetas disponibles para préstamo.

Usa el sistema de lotería, ver recuadro.

● 37 Buscadores:

Oakridge Hatchery y Minigolf 8-11 años

Cada semana, este campamento tendrá aventuras locales. Esta semana, los buscadores de aventuras se dirigirán a Oakridge Hatchery para una visita y jugar al minigolf, harán manualidades y jugarán en el parque Bethel. Terminaremos la semana nadando en la piscina Echo Hollow.

● 38 Había Una Vez un Campamento 6-8 años

Había una vez un campamento de verano mágico donde las páginas de los cuentos de hadas cobraban vida. Embárcate en una jornada mágica llena de héroes y heroínas, criaturas y expediciones.

● 39 Creación de Títeres 9-11 años

Aprende habilidades de trabajo en equipo, rendimiento e ingeniería mientras exploras diversos estilos de manejo de títeres inspirados en diferentes culturas del mundo. Los participantes crearán una gran variedad de títeres y aprenderán a manejarlos, colaborando entre todos para darles vida.

Cada semana, este campamento continúa sus aventuras locales. Esta semana, los buscadores de aventuras visitarán el campo de fútbol americano de la Universidad de Oregón, harán manualidades y jugarán en el parque Bethel. Terminaremos la semana nadando en la piscina Echo Hollow.

●● 41 Golf de Disco 8-12 años

Únete a nuestro emocionante campamento de golf de disco y disfruta de una semana llena de diversión y desarrollo de habilidades. Aprenderás técnicas de lanzamiento, navegación por el campo y deportividad. Con instructores expertos y hermosos campos, podrás descubrir tu pasión por el golf de disco y hacer nuevos amigos. Nos reuniremos en Petersen Barn el lunes, martes y miércoles, y en el parque Westmorland el jueves y viernes.

Usa el sistema de lotería, ver recuadro.

● 42 Naturaleza 6-8 años

Hay mucho por descubrir al aire libre. Pasea por la naturaleza, crea obras de arte con hojas y elabora un comedero para aves.

● 43 Safari Salvaje 6-11 años

Acompáñanos en una semana de diversión bajo el sol y en un emocionante viaje al safari salvaje. Ven a hacer manualidades, jugar en la granja Wayne Morse, visitar un parque local y nadar en la piscina Amazon. Se incluye la admisión al Safari Salvaje (Wildlife Safari).

● 44 Buscadores: DEFY Eugene 8-11 años

Cada semana este campamento continúa con aventuras locales. Esta semana, los buscadores de aventuras visitarán el parque del trampolín DEFY, harán manualidades y jugarán en el parque Bethel. Terminaremos la semana nadando en la piscina Echo Hollow.

Sistema de Lotería

1. Para las actividades de estrella, regístrate en la lotería usando el número de lotería (en cursiva). La lotería estará abierta del 15-19 de abril. No hay que pagar en este momento.

2. Los participantes serán seleccionados al azar. A partir del 22de abril, serásnotificadopor correo electrónico si has sido seleccionado o no.

3. Si eres seleccionado, tienes hasta el 29 de abril para inscribirte y pagar. Puedes hacerlo siguiendo el enlace del correo electrónico para registrarte en línea, o llamando o visitando un centro de recreación.

4. Si la actividad no se llena durante la lotería, habrá cupos disponibles el 2 de mayo, día de inscripciones. Usa el número de registro (no en cursiva) para inscribirte. Para obtener más información, visita 127

Español Campamentos

● 45 Piratas y Aventureros 6-8 años

¡Iza la bandera pirata y ponte tu parche! Únete a esta emocionante aventura de peleas a capa y espada, donde embarcaremos en expediciones diarias, buscaremos tesoros y crearemos manualidades divertidas.

● 46 Buscadores: Bosque Encantado 8-11 años

Cada semana, este campamento continúa sus aventuras locales. Esta semana, los buscadores de aventuras visitarán el Bosque Encantado, harán manualidades y jugarán en el parque Bethel. Terminaremos la semana nadando en la piscina Echo Hollow.

● 47 Parque Estatal Honeyman 6-11 años

Acompáñanos durante una semana de diversión bajo el sol con emocionantes momentos en dunas de arena y en el lago Honeyman, cerca de Florence. Ven a hacer manualidades y juega en la granja Wayne Morse, visita un parque local y nada en la piscina Amazon.

● 48 Olimpiadas Amazon 9-11 años

En sus marcas, listos, ¡FUERA! Desarrolla tu equipo, compite en carreras de obstáculos y llévate la medalla de oro a casa.

● 49 Buscadores: Safari Salvaje 8-11 años

Acompáñanos en una semana de diversión bajo el sol y en un emocionante viaje al safari salvaje. Ven a hacer manualidades, jugar en la granja Wayne Morse, visitar un parque local y nadar en la piscina Amazon. Se incluye la admisión al Safari Salvaje (Wildlife Safari).

● 50 Ciencias 6-8 y 9-11 años

Agarra tu bata de laboratorio y empieza a experimentar. Esta semana veremos STEM: Ciencias, Tecnología, Electrónica y Matemáticas de una manera realmente divertida.

● 51 ¡Un Día de Splash! 6-11 años

¡Disfruta de una emocionante aventura acuática bajo el sol en el parque de agua Splash! Únete a nosotros para realizar manualidades, jugar en la granja Wayne Morse, visitar un parque local y nadar en la piscina Amazon. ¡La entrada al parque Splash está incluida!

● 52 Buscadores: Zoológico de Portland 8-11 años

Cada semana, este campamento continúa sus aventuras locales. Esta semana, los buscadores de aventuras visitarán el Zoológico de Portland, harán manualidades y jugarán en el parque Bethel. Terminaremos la semana nadando en la piscina Echo Hollow.

● 53 Buscadores: Parque Estatal Honeyman 8-11 años

Cada semana, este campamento continúa sus aventuras locales. Esta semana, los buscadores de aventuras nadarán y resbalarán por la arena en el parque estatal Honeyman, harán manualidades y jugarán en el parque Bethel. Terminaremos la semana nadando en la piscina Echo Hollow.

Todos los campamentos son en inglés. Para información en español llama al 541-682-6891.


Cuotas y membresía

$5 al día por persona

$50 trimestrales (13 semanas)

$175 anual (52 semanas)

100 Day Island Road Eugene OR

128 541-682-6891 129

Español Campamentos

Campamentos de Secundaria

¿Buscasactividadesparapreadolescentes yadolescentescondiscapacidades? Ver Aventuras Adaptadas para Adolescentes, página 111.

2 ParquedePatinetasCalYoung,2555 GilhamRoadyParquedePatinetas WashingtonJefferson,150JeffersonSt.

130 541-682-6891
Fecha Días Edad Horas ● # Título Ubicación Costo Lotería Inscripción 24-28jun Lu-Vi 11-13 10a-4:15p ● 54 AventurasenBici RiverHouse $320 #28697 #28696 13-17 9:45a-4p ● 55 InstructoresJuniorenRiverHouse RiverHouse $320 #28911 #28898 1-3jul Lu-Mi 11-17 9:45a-4p ● 56 KayakdeAguasBravas,AbiertoseInflables RiverHouse $290 #28782 #28781 11-17 9:45a-4p ● 57 RemandoParado RiverHouse $230 #28785 #28783 11-17 10a-2p ● 58 TiroalBlanco RiverHouse $140 #28914 #28908 8-11jul Lu-Ju 12-14 9a-4p ● 59 SobreviveyProspera Sheldon $205 #28478 #27596 8-12jul Lu-Vi 10-14 9a-4p ● 60 ArteyNaturaleza PeteBarn $245 #28504 #29263 11-13 9:45a-4p ● 61 AventuraUrbana RiverHouse $320 #28917 #28895 11-17 9a-4:30p ● 62 NavegandoenVela RiverHouse $475 #28804 #28802 11-17 9:45a-4p ● 63 ExploracióndeRemo RiverHouse $320 #28810 #28796 12-15 10a-2p ● 64 DibujodeMonstruos Amazon $140 #27656 #29217 15-18jul Lu-Ju 12-14 9a-4p ● 65 PersonajesSombríos Sheldon $205 #28522 #27597 15-19jul Lu-Vi 7-17 9a-1p ● 66 CampamentodePatinetas CY&WJ1 $230 #28710 #28709 10-14 9a-4p ● 67 DiseñoGráfico EchoHollow $245 #28506 #29265 11-17 9a-4:30p ● 62 NavegandoenVela RiverHouse $475 #28807 #28805 11-17 9:45a-4p ● 68 KayakenAguasBravas,Principiantes RiverHouse $380 #28787 #28786 22-25jul Lu-Ju 12-14 9a-4p ● 69 ExplOregon Sheldon $205 #28525 #27598 22-26jul Lu-Vi 10-14 9a-4p ●● 70 EuGeología PeteBarn $245 #28981 #29258 11-13 9:45a-4p ● 61 AventuraUrbana RiverHouse $320 #28919 #28900 11-17 9a-4:30p ● 62 NavegandoenVela RiverHouse $475 #28809 #28808 11-17 9:45a-4p ● 71 KayakenAguasBravas,Intermedio RiverHouse $380 #28790 #28788 29jul-1agt Lu-Ju 12-14 9a-4p ● 72 ¿AquiénlegustaCaminar? Sheldon $205 #28526 #27599 29jul-2agt Lu-Vi 7-17 9a-1p ● 66 CampamentodePatinetas CY&WJ1 $230 #28712 #28711 10-14 9a-4p ● 60 ArteyNaturaleza PeteBarn $245 #28505 #29264 11-17 9a-4:30p ● 62 NavegandoenVela RiverHouse $475 #28812 #28801 14-17 1-4p ● 73 RelatosSobrePersonasQueeryTrans Amazon $105 #27694 #29218 5-8agt Lu-Ju 12-14 9a-4p ● 74 MantenteFresco,Amigo Sheldon $205 #28527 #27600 5-9agt Lu-Vi 11-13 9:45a-4p ● 61 AventuraUrbana RiverHouse $320 #28921 #28902 11-14 9a-4p ● 75 CampamentoD&D EchoHollow $245 #28509 #29261 11-17 9a-4:30p ● 62 NavegandoenVela RiverHouse $475 #28814 #28813 11-17 9:45a-4p ● 57 RemandoParado RiverHouse $380 #28793 #28792 12-15agt Lu-Ju 12-14 9a-4p ● 76 FlotadoresyBotes Sheldon $205 #28528 #27601

Todos los campamentos de secundaria usan el sistema de lotería, ver recuadro.

● 54 Aventuras en Bici 11-13 años

Embárcate en una aventura sobre ruedas mientras exploras el mundo natural. Cruza el sendero de la Ruth Bascom Riverbank, diseña tu propia pista de obstáculos para bicicletas y explora los senderos en bicicleta. Aprende habilidades fundamentales para convertirte en un ciclista seguro, incluyendo el manejo, el mantenimiento, las normas de trá�ico y la etiqueta adecuada. Además, disfruta de actividades acuáticas refrescantes a lo largo de la semana, como vadeo, natación, canotaje y kayak. Se darán detalles más especí�icos a medida que se acerquen las fechas de los campamentos. La inscripción a este campamento está limitada a una sesión por participante.

Sistema de Lotería

1. Para las actividades de estrella, regístrate en la lotería usando el número de lotería (en cursiva). La lotería estará abierta del 15-19 de abril. No hay que pagar en este momento.

2. Los participantes serán seleccionados al azar. A partir del 22de abril, serásnotificadopor correo electrónico si has sido seleccionado o no.

3. Si eres seleccionado, tienes hasta el 29 de abril para inscribirte y pagar. Puedes hacerlo siguiendo el enlace del correo electrónico para registrarte en línea, o llamando o visitando un centro de recreación.

4. Si la actividad no se llena durante la lotería, habrá cupos disponibles el 2 de mayo, día de inscripciones. Usa el número de registro (no en cursiva) para inscribirte. Para obtener más información, visita

Español Campamentos

● 55 Instructores Junior en River House 13-17 años

¡Da el primer paso para convertirte en un instructor junior en el Centro River House al Aire Libre! Cada día se enfocará en diferentes habilidades prácticas, como facilitar pistas de desa�íos, deportes acuáticos, ciclismo, senderismo y escalada. Los participantes aprenderán estas actividades mientras desarrollan habilidades interpersonales esenciales para enseñar y apoyar a sus estudiantes y compañeros. Se enfatiza en familiarizar a los participantes con el Centro River House y sus actividades, así como en la teoría de enseñanza, diversidad, inclusión, resolución de con�lictos y trabajo en equipo.

● 56 Kayak de Aguas Bravas, Kayaks Abiertos e Inflables 11-17 años

En esta clase para principiantes se enseña a usar los kayaks abiertos y los kayaks in�lables. Empieza en aguas tranquilas, avanza por el río Willamette y después al río McKenzie. Aprende lo básico del kayak y otras habilidades de seguridad en los ríos. Se proporcionan los equipos.

● 57 Remando Parado 11-17 años

Esta es una excelente oportunidad para que los jóvenes aprendan a remar en aguas tranquilas y en ríos, al mismo tiempo que perfeccionan sus habilidades existentes. Los participantes comenzarán desde lo más básico, desarrollando los fundamentos esenciales para continuar mejorando. La clase se iniciará en aguas tranquilas y progresará gradualmente hacia la remada en ríos locales, brindando toda la información necesaria para convertirse en remadores competentes en posición de pie.

Todos los campamentos son en inglés. Para información en español llama al 541-682-6891. 131 Fecha Días Edad Horas ● # Título Ubicación Costo Lotería Inscripción 12-16 agt Lu-Vi 10-14 9a-4p ● 77 Campamento de Manualidades Echo Hollow $245 #28507 #29262 11-17 9a-4:30p ● 62 Navegando en Vela River House $475 #28817 #28816 11-17 9:45a-4p ●● 63 Exploración de Remo River House $320 #28815 #28803 11-17 10a-4:15p ● 78 Bicicleta de Montaña River House $320 #28708 #28707 19-22 agt Lu-Ju 12-14 9a-4p ● 79 ZooGene Sheldon $160 #28529 #27602 19-23 agt Lu-Vi 10-14 9a-4p ● 80 Arquitectura con Minecraft Echo Hollow $245 #28508 #29266 11-13 9:45a-4p ● 61 Aventura Urbana River House $320 #28924 #28904 11-17 9a-4:30p ● 62 Navegando en Vela River House $475 #28820 #28819 11-17 9:45a-4p ● 63 Exploración de Remo River House $320 #28818 #28806 12-15 10a-2p ● 81 Arcilla y Escultura Amazon $140 #27578 #29215 26-30 agt Lu-Vi 7-17 9a-1p ● 66 Campamento de Patinetas CY & WJ1 $230 #28714 #28713 11-13 10a-4:15p ● 82 Aventuras Afuera River House $320 #28913 #28896 11-17 9a-4:30p ● 62 Navegando en Vela River House $475 #28822 #28821

Español Campamentos

● 58 Tiro al Blanco 11-17 años

EnelprogramadetiroalblancodeRiverHouse,enseñamos ajóvenes,adultosyfamiliaslashabilidadesnecesariaspara sercompetentesconelarcoyla�lecha,fomentandouna pasiónporeltiroconarcotradicional.Sehademostradoque eltiroconarcomejoralamotivación,laatención,ladisciplina ylaconcentración.Esteprogramaayudaalosparticipantes adesarrollarhabilidadesmotoras�inasygruesas,comoel equilibrio,elcontroldeltiempoylarespiración.

● 59 Sobrevive y Prospera 12-14 años

¿Tepreocupaquehayaunainvasióndezombis?¿Tesientes preparadoparasobreviviraunencuentroextraterrestre? Úneteanosotrosestasemanaparapracticarhabilidadesde supervivenciaenescenariosrealeseimaginarios.¡Note pierdasestaemocionanteoportunidadparamejorartus habilidadesdesupervivencia!

● 60 Arte y Naturaleza 10-14 años

¿Teinspiralanaturaleza?Exploraremosyharemosexcursiones azonasnaturaleshermosasycrearemossorprendentes obrasdearte.Perfeccionaremosnuestrastécnicasartísticas, desdepinturaconmarcadoreshastaconlápicesmientras tambiénnosdamostiempoparaobservarlosalrededoresy ponerenelpapelloquevemosenlanaturaleza.Cadadía seráunanuevaaventuraartística.Seincluyenexcursionesa parquesyáreasnaturaleshastaunadistanciade100millas.

● 61 Aventura Urbana 11-13 años

Estecampamentosecentraráenaventuraslocalesutilizando eltransporteimpulsadopornuestropropiocuerpo.La semanaestádiseñadaparadaralosjóvenestiempoexclusivo alairelibre,lejosdelosdispositivoselectrónicosydedicados aactividadeseducativasy�ísicas.Seincluiráaprendizajeen uncursodecuerdas,caminatas,ciclismo,exploraciónde bosquesyarroyos,surfderemoykayak,segúnlopermitael clima.Tambiénesunproyectodeaprendizaje-servicio.Este campamentotienemúltiplessesiones;Lainscripciónestá limitadaaunasesiónporparticipante.

● 62 Navegando en Vela 11-17 años

¡Esteverano,únetealCentroRiverHouseyalClubdeYates deEugeneparaaprenderanavegarenelhermosolagoFern Ridge!Nuestra�lotadebotespequeñosdevelaesperfecta paraadquirirestahabilidadúnicaalairelibre.Proporcionamos transportediariodesdeyhaciaelCentroRiverHouse.¡Ven preparadoparadisfrutardelviento,elaguaymuchadiversión!

● 63 Exploración de Remo 11-17 años

¡Estaaventuraesperfectaparaquelosjóvenesexplorenel mundodelremo!Aprenderánlosfundamentosdelsurfde remo,kayak,raftingycanoa.Duranteunoodosdías,nos enfocaremosenlosconceptosbásicos,creandounabase sólidaparafuturasaventurasenelagua.Lasactividadesse llevaránacaboenaguastranquilasyenríosdenivelfácil (ClaseI/II).¡Yparacerrarconbrochedeoro,disfrutaremos deunaemocionanteexcursiónderaftingenelríoMcKenzie! Todoelequiponecesarioseráproporcionado.

● 64 Dibujo de Monstruos 12-15 años

Relámpagos,uncalderodeburbujasviscosasytronidosy algoquesemueveenlapenumbra.Desdeespíritusmalignos horripilanteshastacriaturasadorables,viajaconnosotros paracrearalúltimomonstruo.Enellaboratoriodelterror dibujaremosapartirdeunavariedaddereferencias,desde tuinspiraciónenfotogra�íashastacreartuspropiosmodelos. Todoslosnivelesdeexperienciasonbienvenidos.

● 65 Personajes Sombríos 12-14 años

Escápatedelsolesteveranoexplorandolosbosquecillosde árbolesgigantes,cañonesprofundosyríoscaudalosos.

● 66 Campamento de Patinetas 7-17 años

Aprendelosfundamentosdelapatinetaypracticaenel parque.Mejoratushabilidadesycon�ianzacomenzandoen elparquedepatinetasCalYoungyprogresandoenelparque depatinetasWashingtonJefferson.Elusodecascoes obligatorioyserecomiendaelusodetodoslosprotectores. Tenemoscascos,protectoresypatinetasdisponiblespara préstamo.

● 67 Diseño Gráfico 10-14 años

Aprendeadibujarydiseñardigitalmente.Hazlogos,crea distintosdiseñosdeproductosymejoratushabilidadesen ProcreateeIllustrator.Tambiéntendráslaoportunidadde jugardistintosjuegosrelacionadosconarteyparticiparásen variasmanualidadesparamejorartushabilidadesdediseño. ExcursionesPorDeterminar.

● 68 Kayak en Aguas Bravas, Principiantes 11-17 años

Estecampamentoenaguasbravasparaprincipiantesutiliza kayaksabiertosocerrados.Empiezaenaguastranquilas, avanzaporelríoWillametteytrabajahastaelríoMcKenzie. AguasrápidasClaseIyII.

132 541-682-6891

● 69 ExplOregon 12-14 años

Descubrelasciudadescercanasysusencantadoresespacios alairelibre,áreasnaturalesylugaresparanadar.

●● 70 EuGeología 10-14 años

Exploralasrocasennuestrocampamentodegeología. SumérgeteenlosmisteriosdelaTierramientrasexploramos rocasbrillantes,fósilesantiguosymaravillasvolcánicas. Desdeprácticashastaemocionantesexcursiones,prepárate paradescubrircómodesenterrar,haceramigosycambiarel mundocontureciénadquiridaexperienciageológica.

● 71 Kayak en Aguas Bravas, Intermedio 11-17 años

Enestecampamentodesarrollarástushabilidadesdekayak ytusconocimientosderescateenaguasrápidas,demanera quepuedasserunmiembrovaliosodeunequipodekayak. ElcampamentoviajaráporríosdeclaseIIyIII,comoel McKenzie,NorthSantiamyotros.Tambiénhabráundíapara jugarconlosbotes.Paracompletarestecampamentohabrá unelementodenataciónytécnicasconcuerdaparael rescateenaguasrápidas.Senecesitatenercon�ianzapara remarenaguasbravasdelosrápidosdeclaseII.

● 72 ¿A quién le gusta Caminar? 12-14 años

Preparatumochilayamárratetustenisparacaminar.¡Iremos deexcursión!

● 73 Relatos Sobre Personas Queer y Trans 14-17 años

Estecampamentoderedacciónesparaadolescentesqueer, transyotrosquetienencuestionamientosyquedesean explorarunaredaccióncreativasinlapresiónde“hacerlo correcto.”Veremosvariasformasbrevesdenarrativa personalatravésdeunaredacciónactivayunrepaso creativodemicroensayos,poesíaenprosa,poesíalíricay mediosmixtos.Siempreesopcionalmostrartutrabajoy recibiropiniones.Elformatodelcampamentoespara neurodivergentes.

● 74 Mantente Fresco, Amigo 12-14 años

Noolvidestutrajedebañoparaestasemana.Cadadía veremosunsitionuevoparazambullirnos,refrescarnosy disfrutardelomejordelverano.

● 75 Campamento D&D 11-14 años

Ésteesuncampamentocentradoenelpopularjuegoderoles deCalabozosyDragones.Losparticipantescrearánpersonajes, diseñaránsuspropiosmundosyjugaránengrupopara crearunaaventuradivertidaeinclusiva.Tambiéntendránla oportunidaddediseñarsuspersonajes,hacermapasy participarenotrasactividadesdefantasíaydiversión.

● 76 Flotadores y Botes 12-14 años

Sitegusta�lotar,navegarenbote,nadarozambullirte,¡esta semanaestarállenadeactividadesenelaguaysobreelagua!

Español Campamentos

● 77 Campamento de Manualidades 10-14 años

Creamanualidadestodoeldía,cadadía.Hazregalosparatus amigosyfamilia.Exploraremosunavariedaddetécnicasy medios,desdetejido,pintura,esculturayconstrucción.¡Crea connosotros!

● 78 Bicicleta de Montaña 11-17 años

Aprendelosfundamentosdelabicicletademontañayadquiere habilidadesdemanejo,etiquetaensenderos,mantenimientoy construccióndesenderosatravésdeunproyectode aprendizaje.Porfavor,traeunabicicletatodoterrenobien mantenida.Tambiénpodemosproporcionarteunabicicleta duranteladuracióndelcampamentograciasaunagenerosa donacióndelafamiliadeJuliaFudge.

● 79 ZooGene 12-14 años

Desdemuygrandes,hastamuypequeños,estasemana estaremosvalorandotodoloqueelreinoanimalnosofrece.

● 80 Arquitectura con Minecraft 10-14 años

Venyaprendelahistoriaartísticadearquitecturaatravésde Minecraft.Conocelaarquitecturadezonasdiferentestales comoRomayGreciaydedistintosperíodos,desdeel medieval,elgótico,hastaelmodernoyelcontemporáneo. Loscampistastrabajaránparahacerunproyecto�inaly crearánunedi�iciodecualquieradelosperíodosque vayamosaestudiar.

● 81 Arcilla y Escultura 12-15 años

Inventa,descubreycreaconarcilla.Estudiantesprincipiantes eintermediosaprenderánvariastécnicasdecerámica.Habrá muchotiempoyarcillaparapracticaryunoodosproyectos. Losproyectospodránserhorneadosyrecogidosdespuésde quetermineelcampamento.

● 82 Aventuras Afuera 11-13 años

Experimentaunaaventuraalairelibrediferentecadadía, porejemplonavegación,natación,escaladaalascolumnas deSkinnerButte,patinaje,remodepieyesnórquel. 133


Info y Horas

Para ver los horarios actualizados llama al 541-682-6891 o visita: (para español clic “Select Language” en la esquina inferior derecha de la página).

Natación para Bebés 0-2 años con adulto Los niños menores de 3 años y sus adultos pueden disfrutar juntos de la piscina de agua termal. Los adultos deben meterse al agua con sus hijos. El precio de entrada no está incluido en la inscripción. Por favor, compra tu pase para ingresar.

Piscina Sheldon, 17 jun-30 agt

Piscina termal

MaJu 12-1p

Vi 10:30-11:30a

Natación en Familia Todas las edades

Los peques deben estar dentro del agua acompañados de un adulto. La entrada no está incluida en la inscripción de la clase. Por favor, compra tu pase para ingresar.

Piscina Amazon, 17 jun-1 sep

Do-Sá 11:30a-1p

MaJu 5:30-7p

Piscina Echo Hollow, 17 jun-1 sep

Lu-Vi 12-1:15p

LuMi 7-8:30p

Piscina Sheldon, 17 jun-30 agt

Piscina termal

MaJu 7-8p

Vi 4:30-5:30p

Nado Recreativo Todas las edades

Horarios de recreación y natación abiertos para todas las edades. Los niños que midan menos de 4 pies deben estar acompañados por un adulto de 18 años o mayor (un adulto por niño) o ser capaces de pasar una prueba de natación. La capacidad de Mini-Rec será limitada y algunos espacios podrán no estar disponibles. La entrada no está incluida en la inscripción de la clase. Por favor, compra tu pase para ingresar.

Piscina Amazon, 17 jun-1 sep

Lu-Vi 1:45-4:30p

SáDo 1:45-4:30p, mini-rec

LuMi 7-8:30p, mini-rec

Costo de Piscina

Chicos (3-17) $5.50 $40 $48 $116

Adultos (18+) $6.00 $46 $59 $143

Mayores (60+) $5.50 $40 $48 $116

Familia* $18.00 $99 $119 $286 Pase de 1 Visita Pase de 10 Visitas Pase de 30 Días Pase de 90 Días

Todas las entradas requieren una tarifa de admisión para 3+ años. Menores de 2 años gratis con adulto pago. Pases cuestan 20% sin domicilio en Eugene. *Cargos adicionales para más de 5 personas.

Política de pañales para nadar: Todas las instalaciones de natación de la ciudad de Eugene requieren pañales de natación con elásticos alrededor de las piernas y la cintura para aquellos que no saben usar el baño.

Piscina Echo Hollow, 17 jun-1 sep

Lu-Vi 1:45-4:30p

Sá 1:45-4:30p, mini-rec

MaJuVi 7-8:30p, mini-rec

Piscina Sheldon, 17 jun-30 agt

Lu-Vi 1:30-3:30p

LuMi 7-8:30p

Do 12-1:30p

Nado Libre 13+ años

Sin importar cual sea tu nivel, ¡tenemos un carril para ti! Hay carriles disponibles para nadadores lentos, medios y rápidos. Los niños de 12 años o menos deben estar acompañados de un adulto y deben estar nadando en el carril.

Piscina Amazon, 17 jun-1 sep

Lu-Vi 5:30–8:30a Sá 7:30a-1:15p

Lu-Ju 11a–8:30p 1:45-4:30p

Vi 11a-6p Do 11:30a-4:30p

Piscina Echo Hollow, 17 jun-1 sep

Piscina de adentro Piscina de afuera

Lu-Ju 5:30-6:30a

Lu-Vi 5:30a-1:15p

11:15a-1p 5-7p

Vi 5:30a-1:15p Sá 11a-1:15p

Sá 11a-1:15p

Piscina Sheldon, 17 jun-30 agt

LuMi 5:30a-4:30p

Vi 5:30a-8:30p

MaJu 5:30-8a Do 9a-1:30p


Lu-Ju 7-8:30p

134 541-682-6891

Entrenamiento Individual 13+ años



Piscinaprofunda Piscinapocoprofunda

Lu-Vi 5:30a–8:30a Lu-Vi 1:30-4:30p

LuMi 1:30-8:30p Sá 1:45-4:30p

MaJu 11a-7p Do 11:30a-4:30p

Vi 11a-6p

Sá 7:30a-1:15p 1:45-4:30p

Do 11:30a-4:30p


Piscinadeadentro Piscinadeafuera

Lu-Ju 5:30-6:30a Lu-Ju 7:30a-1:15p 11a-1p 5-7p

Vi 5:30a-1:15p Vi 5:30a-1:15p

Sá 11a-1:15p Sá 11a-1:15p


Piscinaprofunda Piscinadecarrilpocoprofunda

LuMiVi5:30-8a LuMiVi7-9:30a


MaJu 5:30a-1:30p Piscinatermalpocoprofunda

7-8:30p LuMi 12-1p

Lu-Ju 3:30p-5:30p Lu-Vi 3:30-4:30p

Vi 3:30-7p

Do 9a–12p


Vi 9:30-10:30a



Do 10-11a

Nuestrosgimnasiosofrecenequiposcardiovasculares,como máquinasdecorreryescaladoras,ytambiéntenemospesas paratrabajargruposdemúsculosespecí�icos.

Parapoderusarloscentrosdeejercicioprimerodebetener unaorientación,siustedhautilizadonuestrocentro anteriormenteelformulariodeconsentimiento�irmadopor usteddebeestarenlosarchivos.Siustednuncahautilizadola instalación,tieneque�irmarelformulariodeconsentimiento. Abiertoparaadultosde18añosomás.

•Losjóvenesde16a17añosdebentenerenarchivoun formulariodeconsentimiento�irmadoporuntutor.

•Losjóvenesde13a15añosdebentenerenarchivoun formulariodeconsentimiento�irmadoporuntutorydeben tenerunadultopresente.



Lu-Vi 5:30a-8:30p

Sá 11a-4:30p



MaJu 5:30a-4:15p 5:15-8:30p

Do 9a-1:30p

Horas del Spa


Mira el horario de nado libre


Mira el horario de nado libre afuera


Lu-Vi 5:30a-8:30p

Do 8:30a-2p

Cierres y Horarios Modificados


20may Comienzaelcalendariodepretemporada 27may Horariodedíafestivo

1-2jun Cerradoparaentrenamientodelpersonal 14jun Cerradoalas2pparaMikeMorrisSwimMeet 15-16jun CerradoparaMikeMorrisSwimMeet 17jun Comienzaelhorariodeverano 19jun Horariodedíafestivo 28-30jun CerradoparaTEAMSwimMeet 4jul Horariodedíafestivo 2sep Horariodedíafestivo


19may-2jun Cerradoparamantenimiento 17jun Comienzaelhorariodeverano 19jun Horariodedíafestivo 4jul Horariodedíafestivo 2sep Horariodedíafestivo

PiscinayGimnasioSheldon 27may Horariodedíafestivo

1-2jun Cerradoparaentrenamientodelpersonal 17jun Comienzaelhorariodeverano 19jun Horariodedíafestivo 4jul Horariodedíafestivo 31agt-15sep Cerradoparamantenimiento

Todas las clases son en inglés.

Para información en español llama al 541-682-6891. 135 Español Piscinas

Español Piscinas Interés Especial

Liga de Verano de Natación y Waterpolo 8-14 años

Entrenadosporpersonalprofesionalyexperimentado,los participantestendrándosprácticasenequipocadasemana yunacompetenciatodoslosviernes.Elprogramaincluyeun pasedetemporadadeveranoparatodaslaspiscinasdela ciudaddeEugene.Serequiereconocimientobásicode natación.Debidoaladisponibilidadlimitada,porfavorllame al541-682-6891paramásinformación.


17jun-21agt LuMi 12-1:30p 21jun-23agt Vi 11a-1:30p $100 #28954



18jun-22agt MaJu 1-2:30p 21jun-23agt Vi 9-11:30a $100 #28949



17jun-21agt LuMi 12-1:30p 21jun-23agt Vi 9-11:30a $100 #29185


Seguridad y Habilidades de Natación 5-12


Estetiempodepiscinasincitaprevia,estádiseñado especialmenteparajóvenescondiscapacidadesysuspadreso cuidadores.Enestapiscinatermal,podráspracticartécnicas denatación,mejorartuseguridadycomodidadenelagua,todo elloenunentornosinestructurasrígidasyconsensibilidad sensorialreducida.Losjóvenesdebenestaracompañadospor unadultootenerindependenciaenelagua.Además,losniños condiscapacidadesysuproveedordecuidado,entrangratis; sinembargo,alosniñosadicionalesoalospadresseles cobrarálatarifadenataciónsincitaprevia.Sitienespreguntas llámanosal541-682-5311(inglés)o541-682-6891(español), oescrí


9jun-25agt Do 11-11:50a Gratis Sincita

Paquetes para Fiestas de Cumpleaños

Puedesreservarunespacioparatu�iestaduranteloshorarios denataciónrecreativafamiliar.Paramásinformación,llamaal 541-682-6891.





Lecciones de Natación

Nuestrasclasessedanenestablecimientosquetienensalvavidas,instructorescapacitadosparadesarrollarnadadores fuertesenunambienteseguroydivertido.

Horarios: páginas 138-140.

● 1 Curso Introductorio para Padres, Madres y Niños 6+ meses

No hay prerrequisitos. Padres,madresybebésdisfrutanjuntos elagua.Padresymadresrecibenconsejosdeseguridady participanconcancionesyjuegosparaaumentarla comodidaddesupequeñoenelagua.Losbebésdebenusar pañaleselásticosreutilizablesparapiscina; ver página 134.

● 2 Curso Avanzado para Padres, Madres y Niños 18+ meses

No hay prerrequisitos. Padres,madresybebéstrabajanjuntos enelaguaparadesarrollarhabilidadesbásicasimportantes yconstruirlabaseparaparticiparcómodamenteenlas leccionesdenataciónparapreescolares.Elcursoabarca temasdeseguridad,canciones,juegos,�lotación,pataleo, brazadasyhacerburbujas.Losbebésdebenusarpañales elásticosreutilizablesparapiscina; ver página 134.

● 3 Estrellitas de Mar 3-5 años

No hay prerrequisitos. Estecursointroductorioenseñaalos alumnosasumergirseyparticiparenformaseguramientras aprendenposicionescorporalesyhabilidadesdenatación básicas.Losniñosasistenalasleccionesindependientemente desuspadres.Lospadrespodránobservarlasleccionesde susniñosdesdeunáreaparaespectadores.Singafasde proteccióndenatación.

● 4 Nutrias 3-5 años

Prerrequisitos: Haber pasado por Estrellitas de mar o participar independientemente en un curso, saltar al agua y sumergirse independientemente. Losnadadorestrabajanparaincrementar sucomodidadenelagua,volverseindependientesy sumergirseconcon�ianza.Lashabilidadessecentranen pataleofrontal,deslizamientosy�lotaciónindependiente prolongada.Singafasdeproteccióndenatación.

● 5 Pingüinos 3-5 años

Prerrequisitos: Haber estado en la clase de Nutrias, o rodar independientemente de adelante hacia atrás mientras patalea, demostrar movimientos de brazos para crol de largo alcance. Losnadadoresaprendenarespirardeladoya braceardeespaldasalavezqueaumentansuresistenciay sushabilidadesdenatación.Losnadadoresentiendenmejor laposiciónyelmovimientocorporalenelaguaytrabajan paraaumentarhabilidadesdeseguridadimportantes.

136 541-682-6891

● 6 Focas 3-5 años

Prerrequisitos: Haber estado en la clase de Pingüinos, o natación crol con respiración lateral durante cinco ciclos. Los nadadores ganan con�ianza y resistencia, a la vez que mejoran su respiración lateral, su brazada de espalda y su �lotación. Los alumnos trabajan en agua más profunda y se les introduce a los saltos. Los temas de seguridad se basan en el material de clases anteriores.

● 7 Orcas 3-5 años

Prerrequisitos: Haber estado en la clase de Focas, o natación crol �irme y brazada de espaldas 13 metros. Los nadadores mejoran su técnica crol y brazada de espaldas y se les introduce a lo básico de nado de pecho y mariposa. Los alumnos se sienten cómodos en agua profunda y siguen desarrollando con�ianza y resistencia a medida que nadan más distancia y progresan en la �lotación.

● 8 Principiantes 6-10 años

No hay prerrequisitos. Los alumnos aprenden a sentirse cómodos en el agua probando una variedad de posiciones corporales y habilidades de seguridad. Introducción a meter la cara en el agua. Sin gafas de protección de natación.

● 9 Habilidades Básicas 6-10 años

Prerrequisitos: Haber estado en el curso para principiantes o entrar al agua independientemente y salir a una zona de seguridad y deslizarse hacia adelante independientemente. Los alumnos que se sientan cómodos en el agua aprenderán el crol introductorio frontal y de espalda con enfoque en la posición corporal y la capacidad de �lotar.

● 10 Confianza en Agua Profunda 6-10 años

Prerrequisitos: Haber estado en el curso de Habilidades Básicas, o crol con respiración lateral (seis ciclos) y brazada de espalda (cinco ciclos). Quienes ya tengan experiencia en crol y espalda re�inarán su estilo y aumentarán su resistencia. Practicarán sus habilidades de natación en agua profunda. También se practicarán técnicas avanzadas para las posiciones corporales.

●● 11 Desarrollo de Resistencia 6-10 años

Prerrequisitos: Haber estado en el curso de Con�ianza en agua profunda o crol y espalda 13 metros y �lotación en el agua durante dos minutos. Para nadadores más con�iados. Los alumnos trabajarán para nadar todo un largo de piscina mientras perfeccionan y practican el crol, espalda, pataleo para nado de pecho y más.

● 12 Estilos Avanzados 6-13 años

Prerrequisitos: Haber estado en el curso de Desarrollo de Resistencia o crol y espalda 22 metros. Para nadadores más avanzados. Los alumnos re�inarán sus estilos y aumentarán sus distancias. Este curso considera la natación como una fuente de acondicionamiento �ísico para toda la vida.

● 13 Entrenamiento Precompetitivo 6-13 años

Prerrequisitos: Haber estado en el curso de Estilos Avanzados o crol y espalda 45 metros. Curso enfocado en los cuatro estilos que se usan en las competencias. Aprende salidas, vueltas e información para prepararte para entrar al emocionante mundo de la natación competitiva.

● 14 Escuela Secundaria 11-13 años

No hay prerrequisitos. Para alumnos de secundaria de todos los niveles de habilidad. Te enseñaremos según tu nivel, ya seas principiante o quieras re�inar tus habilidades.

● 15 Lecciones de Natación para Adolescentes 14-17 años

No hay prerrequisitos. Para estudiantes adolescentes de todos los niveles. Te enseñaremos desde cualquier nivel, ya sea que seas principiante sin experiencia o estés buscando perfeccionar tus habilidades.

● 16 Lecciones de Natación para Adultos 18+ años

No hay prerrequisitos. Para estudiantes adultos de todos los niveles. Te enseñaremos desde cualquier nivel, ya sea que seas principiante sin experiencia o estés buscando perfeccionar tus habilidades.

● 17 Privado y Semi Privado 3 años-adulto

Lecciones privadas personalizadas dan a los nadadores una atención individual. Para grupos semiprivados, póngase en contacto con el personal. ¡Oportunidades DIVERTIDAS 137 Español Piscinas
Haz un voluntariado
éxito con chicos y adultos con discapacidades
se divierten.
• Pregunta o Aplica Recreación Adaptada ¡VOLUNTARIADO BILINGÜE! Todas las clases son en inglés. Para información en español llama al 541-682-6891.
Recreación Adaptada de la
de Eugene!
para compartir tus habilidades y crear olas de

Lecciones Piscina Amazon

Sesiones Diurnas




Sesión1 17-27jun* Lu-Ju $42

Sesión2 1-11jul** Lu-Ju $42

Sesión3 15-25jul

Sesión4 29jul-8agt




Sesiones Nocturnas





Sesión6 17jun-11jul*

LuMi/MaJu $42

Sesión7 15jul-8agt

LuMi/MaJu $48

Sesión8 12-29agt

LuMi/MaJu $36


138 541-682-6891
Descripciones de clases: páginas 136-137.
$48 Sesión5 12-22agt
Edad ● # Título Lunes-Jueves 6mes+ ● 1 IntroNiños,Padres 12:25p 1p 18mes+ ● 2 AvanzadoNiños,Padres 11:50a 3-5 ● 3 EstrellitasdeMar 11:15a 11:50a 12:25p 1p ● 4 Nutrias 10:40a 11:50a 12:25p 1p ● 5 Pingüinos 10:40a 11:15a 11:50a ● 6 Focas 11:15a ● 7 Orcas 10:40a 6-10 ● 8 Principiantes 10:40a 11:15a 1p ● 9 HabilidadesBásicas 10:40a 11:15a 11:50a 12:25p ● 10 ConfianzaAguaProfunda 10:40a 11:15a 12:25p 1p ● 11 DesarrollodeResistencia 11:15a 12:25p 1p 6-13 ● 12 EstilosAvanzados 10:40a 11:50a ● 13 Precompetitivo 12:25p 11-13 ● 14 EscuelaSecundaria 11:50a 1p Edad ● # Título LunesyMiércoles MartesyJueves 6mes+ ● 1 IntroNiños,Padres 4:45p 5:20p 18mes+ ● 2 AvanzadoNiños,Padres 5:20p 4:45p 3-5 ● 3 EstrellitasdeMar 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p 6:30p 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p ● 4 Nutrias 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p 6:30p 4:45p 5:20p 6:30p ● 5 Pingüinos 5:20p 5:55p 5:20p 6:30p ● 6 Focas 6:30p 5:55p ● 7 Orcas 6:30p 6-10 ● 8 Principiantes 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p ● 9 HabilidadesBásicas 5:20p 5:55p 6:30p 5:20p 5:55p 6:30p ● 10 ConfianzaAguaProfunda 5:20p 6:30p 5:20p 5:55p ● 11 DesarrollodeResistencia 5:55p 5:55p 6-13 ● 12 EstilosAvanzados 6:30p 6:30p 11-13 ● 14 EscuelaSecundaria 5:55p 6:30p 18+ ● 16 Adultos 6:30p 3+ ● 17 PrivadoySemiPrivado 6:30p 5:55p
Español Piscinas

Lecciones Piscina Echo Hollow

Sesiones Diurnas




Sesión1 17-27jun* Lu-Ju $42

Sesión2 1-11jul** Lu-Ju $42

Sesión3 15-25jul Lu-Ju $48

Sesión4 29jul-8agt Lu-Ju $48

Sesión5 12-22agt Lu-Ju $48



Sesiones Nocturnas





Sesión6 17jun-11jul*

LuMi/MaJu $42

Sesión7 15jul-8agt

LuMi/MaJu $48

Sesión8 12-29agt

LuMi/MaJu $36


Español Piscinas

Descripciones: páginas 136-137. 139
Edad ● # Título LunesyMiércoles MartesyJueves 6mes+ ● 1 IntroNiños,Padres 4:45p 5:20p 18mes+ ● 2 AvanzadoNiños,Padres 5:20p 4:45p 3-5 ● 3 EstrellitasdeMar 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p 6:30p 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p 6:30p ● 4 Nutrias 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p 6:30p 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p 6:30p ● 5 Pingüinos 4:45p 5:55p 5:20p 6:30p ● 6 Focas 6:30p 5:55p ● 7 Orcas 6:30p 6-10 ● 8 Principiantes 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p 6:30p 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p ● 9 HabilidadesBásicas 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p 6:30p ● 10 ConfianzaAguaProfunda 5:20p 6:30p 4:45p 5:55p ● 11 DesarrollodeResistencia 5:55p 4:45p 5:20p 6-13 ● 12 EstilosAvanzados 6:30p 6:30p ● 13 Precompetitivo 6:30p 11-13 ● 14 EscuelaSecundaria 4:45p 5:20p 6:30p 3+ ● 17 PrivadoySemiPrivado 5:55p 5:55p Edad ● # Título Lunes-Jueves 6mes+ ● 1 IntroNiños,Padres 11:15a 18mes+ ● 2 AvanzadoNiños,Padres 10:40a 3-5 ● 3 EstrellitasdeMar 10:05a 10:40a 11:15a ● 4 Nutrias 9:30a 10:40a 11:15a ● 5 Pingüinos 9:30a 10:05a 10:40a ● 6 Focas 10:05a ● 7 Orcas 9:30a 6-10 ● 8 Principiantes 9:30a 10:05a 11:15a ● 9 HabilidadesBásicas 9:30a 10:05a 10:40a ● 10 ConfianzaAguaProfunda 9:30a 10:05a 11:15a ● 11 DesarrollodeResistencia 10:05a 11:15a 6-13 ● 12 EstilosAvanzados 9:30a 10:40a 11-13 ● 14 EscuelaSecundaria 10:40a 11:15a

Español Piscinas

Lecciones Piscina Sheldon

Sesiones Diurnas




Sesión1 17-27jun* Lu-Ju $42

Sesión2 1-11jul** Lu-Ju $42

Sesión3 15-25jul Lu-Ju $48

Sesión4 29jul-8agt Lu-Ju $48

Sesión5 12-22agt Lu-Ju $48



Sesiones Nocturnas





Sesión6 17jun-11jul*

LuMi/MaJu $42

Sesión7 15jul-8agt

LuMi/MaJu $48

Sesión8 12-29agt

LuMi/MaJu $36


Descripciones de clases: páginas 136-137.

140 541-682-6891
Edad ● # Título LunesyMiércoles MartesyJueves 6mes+ ● 1 IntroNiños,Padres 4:45p 18mes+ ● 2 AvanzadoNiños,Padres 4:45p 3-5 ● 3 EstrellitasdeMar 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p ● 4 Nutrias 5:20p 5:55p 6:30p 5:20p 5:55p 6:30p ● 5 Pingüinos 5:20p 5:55p 6:30p 5:20p 5:55p 6:30p ● 6 Focas 6:30p ● 7 Orcas 6:30p 6-10 ● 8 Principiantes 4:45p 5:20p 4:45p 5:55p ● 9 HabilidadesBásicas 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p 6:30p 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p ● 10 ConfianzaAguaProfunda 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p 4:45p 5:20p 5:55p ● 11 DesarrollodeResistencia 5:55p 4:45p 6-13 ● 12 EstilosAvanzados 6:30p ● 13 Precompetitivo 6:30p 11-13 ● 14 EscuelaSecundaria 6:30p 5:20p 5:55p 14-17 ● 15 Adolescentes 6:30p 18+ ● 16 Adultos 6:30p 3+ ● 17 PrivadoySemiPrivado 4:45p 6:30p 4:45p 6:30p Edad ● # Título Lunes-Jueves 6mes+ ● 1 IntroNiños,Padres 11:15a 18mes+ ● 2 AvanzadoNiños,Padres 10:40a 3-5 ● 3 EstrellitasdeMar 9:30a 10:05a 10:40a ● 4 Nutrias 9:30a 10:05a 11:15a ● 5 Pingüinos 9:30a 10:05a ● 6 Focas 11:15a ● 7 Orcas 11:15a 6-10 ● 8 Principiantes 9:30a 10:05a 10:40a 11:15a ● 9 HabilidadesBásicas 9:30a 10:40a 11:15a ● 10 ConfianzaAguaProfunda 9:30a 10:05a 11:15a ● 11 DesarrollodeResistencia 10:05a 10:40a 6-13 ● 12 EstilosAvanzados 10:40a 11-13 ● 14 EscuelaSecundaria 10:40a

Ejercicio Acuático

Para mayores de 16 años. Para ver el costo, consulte el recuadro en la página 134. No hay clase si la piscina está cerrada. Puede haber cambio de horario en días festivos, consulta la página 135. El horario puede estar sujeto a cambios.

Acondicionamiento Acuático

Esteentrenamientoenaguasprofundasteayudaráamejorar tufuerzaytonomuscularutilizandolaresistencianatural delaguayelequipoadecuado.


Continuo MaJu 8:45-9:45a Sincita

Aeróbicos en Aguas Poco Profundas

Ejerciciodebajoimpactoenaguaparamejorarlasalud cardiovascular.Incluyeejerciciosdetoni�icacióny abdominales.Lasrutinassonenergéticas,alegresyfáciles deseguir,ayudándoteamantenerteactivo.


Continuo LuMi 10-11a Sincita

Ai Chi

LasclasesdeAiChiestándiseñadasparaaliviareldolor crónicomediantemovimientoslentos,respiraciónprofunda, técnicasdeestiramientoymeditaciónenelagua.Serealiza unaserie�luidadeejerciciosqueserepitenparaenfatizarel rangodemovimiento,elequilibrioylarespiraciónprofunda.


Continuo MiViDo 8:30-9:30a Sincita


Estaclaseteayudaatoni�icaryfortalecerlosmúsculos centralesymejorarelequilibrioenaguasbajasyprofundas. Losejerciciosdesuspensióntambiénmejoranlapostura.Es idealparaprincipiantesenejercicioacuáticooparaaquellos quenecesitanrecuperarfuerzay�lexibilidad.Utilizamos equiposderesistenciaparafortalecerlapartesuperiordel cuerpo.


Continuo LuMi 8:45-9:45a Sincita


Continuo MaJu 8:15-9:15a Sincita

Caminando en el Agua

Idealparaprincipiantesenejercicioacuático,estaclaseofrece losfundamentosnecesariosjuntoconunentrenamiento efectivo.Caminaocorreenaguahastaelpechoutilizando movimientosdedesplazamiento,conopcionesdeejercicios desuspensiónparamayordesa�íodeequilibrioyestabilización.


Continuo MaJu 8:30-9:30a Sincita

Ejercicio de Artritis H2O

Estaclaseestádiseñadaparaayudaralaspersonascon artritisahacerejercicio,reducireldolorymejorarla �lexibilidadylafuerza.Serealizaenaguaspocoprofundasy esidealparaaquellosqueexperimentanrigidezmuscularo articulargeneralizadaodolorcrónico.


Continuo MaJu 10-11a Sincita

Ejercicio en Aguas Profundas

Utilizandoequipode�lotaciónparafacilitarlosejerciciosen aguasprofundas,estaactividadproporcionaunentrenamiento corporaltotalalsumergircompletamenteelcuerpo.Se fortalecerántodoslosprincipalesgruposmusculares,junto conundesa�íocardiovascularadicional.Losnivelesde intensidadsonajustablessegúntusnecesidades,ysepuede aumentarlafuerzautilizandoequipoderesistenciadisponible.


Continuo Lu-Ju 11a-12p Sincita


Continuo Lu-Ju 6:30-7:30a Sincita

Lu-Ju 7:30-8:30a Sincita


Continuo Lu-Ju 5:30-6:30p Sincita

LuMiVi8:15-9:15a Sincita

Voleibol Acuático

Venadisfrutardeundivertidojuegodevoleibolacuáticoen EchoHollowPool.Eljuegoeseneláreamásprofundadela piscinacubierta.Tenemoscinturonespara�lotardisponibles.


Continuo LuMi 1-2:30p Sincita


Todas las clases son en inglés.

Para información en español llama al 541-682-6891. 141


Al Aire Libre

Tiro al Blanco 8+ años

ElprogramadeTiroalBlancoconArcodeRiverHousetiene comoobjetivoenseñarachicos,jóvenesyfamiliaslas habilidadesnecesariasparaaprenderundeportedetiro tradicional.Sehademostradoqueeltiroconarcomejorala motivación,laatención,ladisciplinaylaconcentraciónde losjóvenes.Elprogramaayudaalosparticipantesadesarrollar sushabilidadesmicroymacromotoras,elequilibrio,la sincronizaciónylarespiración,ycrearelacionesconlosdemás participantes.


28jun Vi 5:30-8:30p $30 #28897

19jul Vi 5:30-8:30p $30 #28906

16agt Vi 5:30-8:30p $30 #28907

Navegando el Deschutes en Familia (con Dormida)

11+ años

Esteesunviajedecuatrodíasporelrío.Aprendeaorganizar unviajeprolongadoporelrío,entenderelagua,aempacar equipoyacocinaralairelibre.Seproporcionaequipo, transporte,equipodecampamentoyalimentación.Trae voluntaddeaprender,ganasdepasarlaricoylaexpectativade trabajarenequipo.Noserequiereexperienciapreviaparalos quevanenbalsa.Requisitoprevioparakayakistas:haber tomadounaclasepreviadekayakenaguasbravasotener experienciayelconsentimientodelinstructor.


Pre-viaje25jul Ju 5:30-7penRiverHouse

Viaje 31jul-4agt Mi-Do $650 #28825


Arcilla en Familia 5+ años

Creatazones,tazas,monstruos,cajas,azulejos,macetasy esculturascontufamilia.Estaclaseincluyeinstrucción, arcilla,esmaltesyhorneado.Inscribeacadamiembrodela familia,incluyendoporlomenosaunadulto.



7jul-11agt Do 11a-12:30p $50 #27466

Lotería #27654, ver recuadro, página 143. 16jul-20agt Ma 4-5:30p $50 #27465

Lotería #27653, ver recuadro, página 143.

Intro to Fieltros con Agujas 10+ años

Descubreelartedecosercon�ieltroycreatuspropios accesorios. Aprendeahacerpinzasparaelcabello,llaveros opendientespersonalizadosconeldiseño,personajeo creaciónquedesees.Repasaremoslosconceptosbásicosy luegocomenzaremosproyectosindividualesconorientación einstrucción.Losmaterialesestánincluidos.



29jun Sá 9a-12p $20 #27390

Pintando con tu Perrito 10+ años

¡Seamoscreativosconnuestrospeludos!Descubreeltalento artísticodetuperromientraspintamosjuntos.Desdehuellas coloridashastaobrasmaestrasconsucola,¡todoesposible! Úneteaestaactividadartesanalyúnicacontuamigopeludo. Recuerdamanteneralosperrosamarradosentodomomento.


Taller en el Centro Sheldon

¡Úneteanosotrosparacrearmanualidadesjuntoatuperro! Tresproyectosparallevaracasa,¡todoenelmismodía!


23jun Do 9a-12p $30 #27459

10agt Sá 9a-12p $30 #27470

Bocadillos Caseros para Perros

¡Descubrecómohacerdeliciososbocadillosparatuperrosin necesidaddehornear!Tuamigopeludoteloagradecerá.Los ingredientesestánincluidosenelcosto.


20jul Sá 9a-12p $20 #27493

Serie de Arte en Petersen Barn

¡Dejaquetumascotaseconviertaenunartista!Cadasemana, trabajaremosjuntosparacrearunanuevaobradearteúnica.


11jul-29agt Ju 1-2p $48 #28482

Socializa con

Juegos Sensoriales 2-5 años con adulto

¡VenajugarcontuspequeñosenelCentroComunitario Amazon!Cadasemana,exploraremosycrearemosnuevas texturasconmaterialescomooobleckespeso,masadenube suave,tizahúmeda¡ymuchomás!Laclasesellevaráacabo

142 541-682-6891

al aire libre, así que asegúrate de traer ropa que puedas ensuciar y agua en botella para mantenerte hidratado.

Centro Amazon

Instructor: Yareli Juan Teodocio

14 jun-19 jul Vi 10:30-11:15a


$24 #28316

Miércoles de Bienestar –Juegos de Jardín del Barrio

Reúnete con tus vecinos para jugar en el jardín en un ambiente familiar. Habrá Cornhole, Ladder Ball, Kan Jam, Spikeball y otros juegos.

Los miércoles 5:30-7:30p Gratis Sin cita

19 jun Parque Candlelight, Royal Avenue y Throne Drive

26 jun Parque Acorn, 1501 Buck Street

10 jul Parque Tugman, 3666 Hilyard Street

17 jul Parque Striker, Grand Cayman Drive y Antigua Drive

24 jul Parque Bond Lane, 355 Bond Lane

31 jul Parque Arrowhead, Irvington Drive y Arrowhead Street

7 agt Parque Mangan, 4070 Wagner Street

14 agt Parque Skyview, 3060 Skyview Lane

21 agt Parque Gilham, Park Wood Drive y Lakeview Drive

28 agt Parque Rosetta, Rosetta Avenue y Evergreen Drive

Eventos y Actuaciones

Plaza de Mercado de Amazon Todas las edades

¡La Plaza de Mercado de Agricultores de Amazon está de regreso de junio a octubre! Con un amplio espacio de estacionamiento en esta ubicación, justo al lado de Hilyard Street. Ven por tus frutas y verduras frescas para la semana, disfruta de un delicioso pastelito, aprovecha para dar un paseo por Amazon Creek o alégrale el día a alguien con un ramo de �lores recién cortadas.

Centro Amazon

13 jun-17 oct Ju 11a-4p Gratis Sin cita

No hay mercado 4 jul

Shakespeare en el Parque, Gratis Todas las edades

El programa de teatro gratuito de mayor trayectoria en la historia de Eugene, ¡Shakespeare en el Parque, Gratis!, presenta el mágico romance de Shakespeare: “La Tempestad.” Las presentaciones se llevarán a cabo durante cuatro �ines de semana. Trae tu propio picnic, una manta, sillas de playa,

a tu familia y amigos. Se aceptan donaciones. Para más información, llama al 541-682-5373 (inglés) o al 541-626-6891 (español).

Centro Amazon

3-25 agt SáDo 6-9p Gratis Sin cita

Triatlon Ridícula Todas las edades

¿Has oído hablar de la competencia de Ironman? Ese en la que los atletas nadan kilómetros a mar abierto, suben montañas en bicicletas y corren una maratón por el desierto. Este evento no es nada como eso. Ven a hacer una versión ridícula de los triatlones. Es posible que tú y tus tres compañeros de equipo terminen corriendo con tres piernas, montando una bicicleta que no les queda o remando en una balsa hecha en casa en la Piscina de Sheldon. Aunque no sepas exactamente cuáles son los tres eventos tendremos para ti, puedes intentar ganar una medalla, simplemente por divertirte.

Centro Sheldon

13 jul Sá 9a-12p $40/equipo #27577

Roving Park Players Todas las edades

¡Los Roving Park Players han regresado con sus presentaciones gratuitas al aire libre! Ven con tu familia, amigos, una manta y un picnic, y únete a la diversión. Habrá dos espectáculos este verano: “Alicia en el País de las Maravillas,” adaptada por Victoria Harkovitch, y “La Gaviota” de Anton Chejov, interpretada por Christopher Hampton.

Parque de Petersen Barn

Alicia en el País de las Maravillas

13-14 jun JuVi 6-8p Gratis Sin cita

Otras presentaciones en parques locales por confirmar:

15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23 jun

La Gaviota

8-9 agt JuVi 6-8p Gratis Sin cita

Otras presentaciones en parques locales por confirmar:

1, 2, 3, 4, 10 y 11 agt

Sistema de Lotería

1. Para las actividades de estrella, regístrate en la lotería usando el número de lotería (en cursiva). La lotería estará abierta del 15-19 de abril. No hay que pagar en este momento.

2. Los participantes serán seleccionados al azar. A partir del 22de abril, serásnotificadopor correo electrónico si has sido seleccionado o no.

3. Si eres seleccionado, tienes hasta el 29 de abril para inscribirte y pagar. Puedes hacerlo siguiendo el enlace del correo electrónico para registrarte en línea, o llamando o visitando un centro de recreación.

4. Si la actividad no se llena durante la lotería, habrá cupos disponibles el 2 de mayo, día de inscripciones. Usa el número de registro (no en cursiva) para inscribirte. Para obtener más información, visita 143

Picnic con Ositos de Peluche Todas las edades

Venaltrigésimoaniversariodeestaqueridatradiciónpara niñospequeñosyfamilias,organizadaporlaBibliotecaPública deEugene,enelAn�iteatrodeAmazon.¡Traebocadillos,tu ositootupeluchefavoritoycelebralaLecturadeVeranoen elparqueconactividadesdivertidasymúsicaenvivode MikeyCarleenMcCornackylaGardenVarietyBand!


20jul Sá 11a-12p Gratis Sincita

Celebración de Somos Bethel Todas las edades

AcompañaalCentroComunitarioPetersenBarn,lasEscuelas BethelylaComunidadActivaBethelparacelebrarlosbarrios deBethelydeloestedeEugene.Habrápuestoscomunitarios, buenacomida,músicaenvivo,puestosdecarnavalyjuegos paralosmáspequeños.LasautoridadesdesaluddeOregón estaránofreciendopruebasgratisdedeteccióndeplomode susueloenesteevento.


8jun Sá 12-4p Gratis Sincita

Grupos de Apoyo

WellMama –Apoyo para Padres Todas las edades

WellMamaproporcionarecursos,apoyoengrupoyserviciosde bienestarapersonasafectadasoenriesgodetenerafecciones desaludmentalrelacionadasconlapaternidad.WellMama educaalospadresyalosprofesionalesquelosatiendensobre prevención,identi�icaciónytratamiento.WellMamagenera concienciacomunitariasobrelasaludmentalperinataly promuevepolíticasdeapoyoytratamientosaccesibles.


Apoyo para Padres de Gateadores y Caminantes

Estegrupoofreceunespacioseguroydeapoyoparaconectarse conotrospadresconbebésqueestánaprendiendoagatearya caminar,donderecibenapoyoyaccesoarecursos.Losniños sonbienvenidos.Tendremosbocadillosligeros.Hayayuda disponibleenespañol.

5jun-28agt Mi 12-2p Gratis #27400

Grupo de Apoyo para Padres Trabajadores

¿Estáslidiandoconelestrésdelembarazo,elpospartoyla crianzadeloshijosmientrastienesqueiraltrabajo?Vena compartirconotrospadresquetambiénestántratandode equilibrarlasrelacionesdepareja,eltrabajoylapaternidad. Todoslospadresycompañerossonbienvenidos.Habráunacena ligeraycuidadodeniños.Tenemosayudaenespañoldisponible. 7jun-2agt 1ery3erVi 6-7:30p Gratis #27401

Movimiento Somático

Estaclaseestádirigidaapersonasqueestánembarazadaso quehanpasadoporlaexperienciadelembarazo.Seenfocaen enseñarcómoeldolor,eltraumayelestréssemani�iestanen elcuerpo,asícomoentécnicasparaliberarlos.Atravésdel trabajodemovimientossomáticos,queintegraprácticas comoladanza,larespiraciónylameditación,sepromuevela sanaciónmental.Descubrequéeselmovimientosomático, cómoincorporarloenturutinadiariaypractícaloenun ambientedeapoyo.Niñosyparejassonbienvenidosa participar.

12jul-2agt Vi 10-11:30a $20 #27491

Interés Especial Observación de Aves en Familia

Todas las edades

Compartamosjuntoselamorporlasavesylanaturaleza.Esta seráunaexperienciaquegustarátantoalosobservadoresde avesprincipiantescomoalosexperimentados.Podremos aprendermássobrelasdiferentesespeciesdeaves,sushábitos yhábitats,perotambiénaprenderemosaidenti�icarlas.Los participantespodráncompartirinformaciónsobredónde encontrardeterminadasespeciesosimplementecomentar susúltimosavistamientos.


11jun-29agt Ju 8:30-9:30a $72 #28407

Navegado en Vela

Nos reunimos en Richardson Park Marina, Puerto B, ubicado en la reserva de Fern Ridge. El estacionamiento en la marina requiere el pago de una tarifa de Lane County de $5 por día o $50 por año. Puedes adquirirlo en línea en

Navega en Familia 8+ años

Venanavegarenvelaalatardecerydisfrutadelabrisa nocturnaconlosinstructoresdenavegacióndelCentroRiver House.Noserequiereexperienciapreviaennavegación.Trae tupropiacenatipopicnic,cubiertosybebidasnoalcohólicas enrecipientesirrompibles.Haremosunaparadaparacenar. Lainscripciónesindividual.

21jun Vi 5-9p $65 #28974

5jul Vi 5-9p $65 #28975

19jul Vi 5-9p $65 #28976

2agt Vi 5-9p $65 #28977

16agt Vi 5-9p $65 #28978

30agt Vi 5-9p $65 #28979

144 541-682-6891
Español Familia Todas las clases son en inglés. Para información en español llama al 541-682-6891.

Navega al Atardecer 8+ años

VenanavegarenvelaporlaRepresadeFernRidgemientras seponeelsol.Notienesquesabernavegarenvela. Traetu propiopicnicparalacenaybebidasnoalcohólicasen recipientesirrompibles.

14jun Vi 5-9p

28jun Vi 5-9p

12jul Vi 5-9p

26jul Vi 5-9p

9agt Vi 5-9p

23agt Vi 5-9p


$65 #28965

$65 #28967

$65 #28970

$65 #28971

$65 #28972

$65 #28973

Salidas en Grupo a Tesoros Ocultos Todas las edades

Estosdíasestándiseñadosparafamiliasquebuscanexplorar juntasalairelibre.Empacatualmuerzo,llenatubotellade aguaypontetuszapatosparacaminarenmontaña.Nosotros nosencargaremosdeinvestigar,plani�icarymanejarpara llevarteaunaaventurafamiliar.Estaremoscaminandoentre2 y5millasenterrenoirregular.Losniñosmenoresde13años debeniracompañadosdeunadulto.


Los números en el cuadrado indican el nivel, ver página 112.

En Buggy por las Dunas ■ 2

LosTuresdeGiantDuneBuggysonunaformaemocionante deexplorarlasdunasdeOregón.Esunrecorridoinformativo, pintorescoydivertidoqueduraaproximadamenteunahora ycubrealrededorde8millasdedunasy2millasdeplaya. Experimentarássubidasybajadasenlasdunasmáshermosas eimpresionantes.LaaventuracomienzaenFlorence,adonde tellevaremosdesdeEugene.Laentradaestáincluidaenel precio.Puedestraertualmuerzoodineroparacomprar comidaenunodelosmuchoslugaresdeFlorence.

14jun Vi 9a-4:30p $50 #27364

Festival de Lavanda del Río McKenzie ■ 2

Lamismamencióndelapalabra“lavanda”evocaunasensación decalmayclaridad.ÚneteanosotrosenelFestivaldeLavanda delRíoMcKenzieparadisfrutardeleventoanual“Lavender Bloom.”Dateunrespirodelavidaurbanaysumérgeteenel dulcearomaysabordelalavanda.

12jul Vi 9a-4:30p $35 #27363

Caminata por Goodman Creek ■ 4

GoodmanCreekseencuentracercadeDexter.Aunqueel senderocomienzaalolargodelacarretera,prontoteverás inmersoenlasvistasysonidosdeunbosqueantiguo,repleto dealtospinos,elmurmullodelaguayunagamadetonos

verdesquetesorprenderán.Teinvitamosatraertupropio almuerzoparadisfrutarjuntoaGoodmanCreek,queserá nuestropuntoderetorno.Estacaminatade4millasofrece unaexperienciahermosaparaaquelloscapacesdehacer subidasybajadasenunsenderomarcadoporraícesyrocas.

20jul Sá 9a-4:30p $35 #27365

Caminata por las Cascadas Trestle Creek ■ 4

LacaminataporlasCascadasTrestleCreekesunrecorrido de3,5millassituadoenlacuencadeBriceCreek.Comienza conunasubidaconstanteatravésdebosquesyterminaen unllanojuntoaunodelosarroyosmáshermososdela región.Enelcamino,tendráslaoportunidaddecaminar detrásdelasimpresionantescascadasyexplorarunsendero queconduceaunacuevapintorescatalladaporlacascada másbaja.Estarutaesverdaderamenteunajoyaescondida ennuestraárea.Sinembargo,esimportantetenerencuenta queestaexcursiónpuederesultardesa�ianteparapersonas conlimitacionesdemovilidadopiernascortas.

3agt Sá 9a-4:30p $35 #27361

Festival de Arte y Aire del Noroeste –Resplandor Nocturno ■ 2

ÚneteanosotrosenAlbanyparaelemocionanteFestival AéreodelNoroeste.Partiremosporlatardeparadisfrutar delasfestividadesynosquedaremosdespiertoshastatarde parapresenciarunodeloseventosmáspopulares:elNight Glow(ResplandorNocturno).Lospilotosytripulantesdelos globoscolocaránlascoloridastelasenunáreaabiertaenel ladoestedelparqueTimber-Linn,in�lándolosconaire calientemientrasestánancladosalsueloylosiluminarán. Permítenosllevarteesanocheydisfrutadeunavelada inolvidable.Noolvidestraertuspropiasmantasosillas portátiles,asícomotucena;aunquetambiénhabrá vendedoresdecomidayarte.

23agt Vi 4-10p $35 #27362 145 Español Familia


Requisitos Mínimos de Clase

Pararecuperarloscostosdelprograma,serequiereun mínimodeparticipantes.Regístresetemprano,lasclasesy actividadessecancelaránentredosycincodíasantesdela fechadeiniciodelaactividadsinoseharegistradoel númeromínimodeparticipantesrequerido.

Siseregistraenunaactividadquesecanceladebidoalbajo numerodeinscripción,elpersonallenoti�icaráyemitiráun reembolso.Acontinuaciónveamásinformaciónsobrela políticaderetiro/reembolso.

Política de Retiro/Reembolso

Lassolicitudesderetiroyreembolsoseledebepedirala instalaciónquehapatrocinandolaactividad.

Losretirosdeactividadesrecreativasestánsujetosaun cargoporretiro.Secobraráunatarifaderetirode$10por cadaregistrodepreciomenoralos$100.Secobraráuna tarifade$25porcadaregistroquecueste$100omás.

Sedaráunreembolsodeltotalpagadomenoslos$10o$25 detarifaderetirocuandoestesehayasolicitadosiete(7+)o másdíasantesdequeempiezalaactividad.

Cuandosesolicitaunreembolsoseis(6)omenosdías antes deldíaquecomienzalaprimerareunióndeactividadouna vezqueunaclaseoactividadhacomenzado,solosedaráun reembolsosi:



•Eldepartamentorequierelacancelacióndelaactividad(en estecasonosecobraráunatarifaderetiro).

Losreembolsosseprorratearánparalasclasesalasqueya hayaasistido.

Noseemitiráreembolsosinosepresentaalaactividad registrada,claseoviaje.Noseotorgaráningúnreembolsode tarifasdelaligaatléticanideviajesquerequierenelpago anticipadodeboletosdereservaotarifasdeadmisión.

Algunasactividadesrequierenunatarifaderegistrono reembolsable.

Acuerdo de Liberación de Responsabilidad

Conlaexcepcióndeviajesespecí�icos,eldepartamentode recreacióndelaciudaddeEugenenoproporcionacobertura deseguromédicoparasusparticipantes.Enconsideraciónsi deseaparticipar,cadaparticipantedebereconocerque

existenriesgosinherentesencualquiertipodeactividady debeaceptarasumiresosriesgosensupropionombre, liberandoymanteniendoindemnealaCiudad,suso�iciales oagentesdetodaslasreclamacionesporlesionesopérdidas sufridasalestarparticipando.

Unacuerdoadicionaldeliberaciónderesponsabilidad, �irmadoporelparticipanteotutor,puedesernecesariopara participaciónenalgunasactividades.

Lasfotogra�ías,videosyaudiodelosparticipantesenlos programasoserviciosderecreaciónpuedenserutilizados porlaciudaddeEugeneencualquiermedio(porejemplo, publicacionesimpresas,redessociales,etc.)para�ines publicitarios,sincompensaciónnipermiso.

Lainscripcióny/oelpagodecualquierregistroserá consideradounaadmisióndeacuerdoconlostérminos establecidosanteriormente.

Programa de Becas

EugeneRecofreceunnúmerolimitadodebecasindividuales aaquellosquevivenenlaciudaddeEugene.Lassolicitudes estándisponiblesennoviembredecadaañoparaelpróximo año(del1rodeeneroal31dediciembre).

Lassolicitudesestá oencualquierinstalacióndeEugeneRec.

SideseaobtenermásinformaciónsobrelasbecasdeEugene Recllameal541-682-5654(inglés)o541-682-6891(español).

Recargo paralos que Viven Fuera de la Ciudad

Aquellosquenovivendentrodeloslimitesdelaciudadde Eugenepaganunrecargodel20%porcadaactividadala queseregistrey tambiénporcadaalquiler.

Permisos de Uso Especial para Programa al Aire Libre

LaciudaddeEugeneoperabajounpermisodeusoespecial emitidoporelServicioForestaldelosEstadosUnidospara losbosquesnacionalesdeDeschutes,Siuslaw,Umpquay Willamette;ybajounPermisoEspecialderecreación otorgadosporlaO�icinadeGestióndeTierrasdelnoroeste deOregonyporeldistritodePrineville.Laciudadde Eugeneproveeserviciosderecreaciónalairelibrecon igualdaddeoportunidades.

Español 146 541-682-6891 147
148 541-682-5333 PRSRTSTD U S Postage PAID Eugene, OR Permit No. 118 100 West 10th, Suite 321 Eugene, OR 97401 Seize the Season 541-682-5333

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