This fine lady makes the welfare of each boy and girl her prime concern.
"A tough job well done" is the tribute due Mr. Johnson for the many good ideas he has fostered at GHS during the past two years.
This fine lady makes the welfare of each boy and girl her prime concern.
"A tough job well done" is the tribute due Mr. Johnson for the many good ideas he has fostered at GHS during the past two years.
To these men we owe thanks for providing Golden High School Students with one of the most modern school plants in this part of t h e Country. Pictures on this page show portions of the campus style plant under construction.
"Not serious, not gay, but really 0. K." Football 1; Tennis 1.
"Quiet and sincere, friendship so dear."
Glee Club 1,2,3,4; Pep Club 3,4, Vice Pre s. 4; Safety Siders 4.
"Busy, bustling, always hustling."
Student Council 3,4; Nanonal Honor Society 3,4; "G" Club 2,3,4 ; Football 1,2: Wrestling 1,2,3,4, Letter 2,3,4; Canteen Board 1; P.F.C. l; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Numeral 2,3; Track 1. Safety Side r s 3 ,4. Pres. 4, Executive Council 2, 3; Cross Country Letter 3; B.P.A. 4; Colo r ado Exe cutive Safety Council 4. 12
" Artie"
"L ive ly step shows she's hep" Class Sec. 1; Glee Club 1.2; Cheerleader 4; Pep Club 1,2,3,4; Dramatics 2,3; G.A.A. 1,2,4; Safety Siders 1,3,4; Freshman Cheerleader; Color Day Cheerleader 3 ; Art Club 4, Pres. 4; S.O.C. 4; Noon Hour Planning Committee 4 ; Office 4; Prom Committee 3; B.A.H.K.
Blair Osborn Vice President Helen Fairbanks Bob Nagel President ROW 2: Joe Stewart, Bob Nagel, Blair Osborn. ROW 1: Lori Paulucci, Nona Brown, Patty Wahck, Letr1c1a Keltner. ROBERT R. ACKERDON E. BALTES
"Real gone. this guy Don."
Tennis 2; Boys' Octet 3, Boys' Qua rt et 3,4; Mixed Chorus 4; J unior Classical League 4, Pres. 4.
" Budy"
"Enjoys all so r ts of different sports ."
Glee Club 1,2; Pep Club 4; G.A .A. 3 ,4, Sec. 4.
"There's roma nee in your glance."
Los Alamos, New Mexico: Librarian 1; Pep Club 1 ; Golden : Student Council 3; Maroon & White 3; Glee Club 1,2; Dramatics 2 ; Canteen Board 4; Safety Siders 4; Pep Club 3,4, Council 3; Prom & Planning Committee 3; Color Day Cheerleader 2,3; Graduation Usherette 3.
"His silent hue is fooling you."
Basketball 1,2,3,4, Numeral 1,3, Letter 4 , Boy's Quartet 4; Chorus 4.
"Kind and polite, really a lr igh t. "
" Horny"
"Your friendly ways bring happy days. "
"G" Club 2,3,4: "G"
Pin 4 ; Mixed Chorus 4: F ootball 1,2; Wrestling
1,2,3,4, Letter 2 ,3,4, Captain 4; Dramatics 2; Canteen Board 4; Safety Siders 1,2; Ski
C lu b 4, Vice Pres. 4; Planning Committee 4.
"A cute bit of style, friends by the mile."
S tu den t Council 1,2,3, Alternate 4; C l ass Sec. 4: Glee Club 1,2; Pep Club
2,3,4; Ski Club 4 ; G.A.A. 2,4 ; Safety Side r s 2,3,4; Prom and Planni ng Committee 3 ; Planning Committee 4; G r aduation
Usherette 3 ; Colo r Day Chee rl eade r 2; Home13 coming Attendant 4.
"Jolly air and lovely red hai r."
Dramatics 2,3.
" Ic y"
"A talkative lass with fr iendly class."
Bakersfield , Califomia: Cla ss Sec. 2; Planning Committee
2; Annual S taff 1,2,
3, Busi ne ss Mgr 3. Glee Club 1,2,3; Cheerleader 2; Majorette 1 , 2; G.A .A.
1,2, Vice Pres. l; Golden: Pep Club 4 Safety Siders 4, Executive Council 4.
"Load s of fun likes everyone."
Glee Club 1,2; Pep Club 2,3 , 4, Council 3,4, Treas , 4; Safety Side r s 2,3,4 ; Color Day Cheerleade r 2: Prom & Planning Committee 3; Gra duation Usher e tte 3; Square Dance Club 4; Homecoming Queen 4.
"Connie "
"Your b r own eyes tan tahze."
Glee Club 1,2,4; Li brarian
3 , 4 ; Pep Club 3,4; G.A .A.
1,2; Can te en Board 2,3,4; Safety Side r s 2,3,4; Color
Da y Cheerleader 3; Gradua uon Usherette 3 ; Art Club 4 , Sec. 4.
"On the beam, thi s sweet dream. "
Student Council 4, Sec.Treas. 4, County Student Council ; National Honor Society 3,4; Glee Club 1,2; Pep Club 3,4; G.A. A. 1,2; Safety Side r s 2, 3,4, Corresponding Sec. 3 , Vice Pre s . 4, Executive Council 3 , 4.
"A nice guy, thi s Doug DeNeu1."
''G" Club 3,4; Band 1, 2 ,3,4 , Pre s. 3, Numeral 1,2, Letter 3,4; Football 1 , Numeral 1: Wre stling 2 , 3,4, Letter 3 ,4 , Capta 1n 4 ; Dramatic s 3,4 ; P F.C 1,2, 3,4, Pr es. 4: Track 4; Cross Country 4, Numeral 4.
"Bee D ee"
"First Class is thi s lass . "
Milligan, Nebraska: Class Pres. 1; Volley Ball 1, Le tt e r 1; Golden H igh Sch ool: Maroon & White 4, Editor 4; Chorus 2; Band 2,3,4, Letter 2,3,4, Manager 3,4, Sec -Treas. 4; Dr amatic s 4; Melodears 4: Ski Club 3,4; Jun io r
Classics Leagu e 4 : Comm encemen t Ushe rette 3.
" Wha t a treat, can 't be beat."
Ba sketball 1,2; Baseball 4; Safety Side r s 1,2,3,4; Golf 3,4, Num e ral 3.
"This Presy doesn ' t stal l , He' s really on the ba 11."
Studen t Council 3,4, Pres. 4; Class Pres. 2; "G" Club 3 ,4; Glee Club 1,2,3; Football 2,3,4, Numeral 2,3; Wre stling 1; Dramatics 2,3; Canteen Board 3 ,4, Pr es. 4; Track 2,3,4, Numeral 3,4, Captain 4; Safety Siders 2,3,4.
"Quie t and swee t , really neat."
Glee Club 1,2; Librarian 4; Pep Club 3; Library Club 4, Treas. 4.
Jo ''
" Y our lovely voice rates first choice."
Boulder City, Nevada: Glee Club 1,2; Pep Club 1 , 2; F H .A 1 , 2 ; Golden High School: Glee Club 3, 4; Melodea r s 3
"Personality galore. you really sco r e."
"G" Club 3 ,4 : Wrestling 2,3; Tennis 1,2,3,4 , Letter
2,3,4; Canteen Board 3,4.
"Jo ..
"Sure to succeed, as you proceed."
Arvada High School : Pep Club 3; Spanish Club 3 ; Prom Committee 3 ; Junior Class Play Production Staff 3 ; Golden High School: Glee Club 1 ,4 ; F H A l ; G.A.A . 1,2; FT.A. 4; Square Dance Club 4; Frosh Ticket Committee 1; Invitation Committee 1; Party Committee 1; Office Gi rl 4.
"A sociable lass with athletic class."
Class Treas. 3; Glee Club 1,2; Pep Club 1 , 2,3,4, Pre s. 4; G.A.A.
1, 2,3,4, Letter 4; Safety Siders 2,3; Ski Club
3.4; Class Planning Committee 4.
"House " "Mirth flies high when you are nigh."
Maro o n & White 4, Editor 4; Football 1, Numeral 1; Safety Siders 4 .
"D ee"
" Let ' s clap twice she's so n ice."
Glee Club 1,2; Chee rl eade r 4; Pep Club 2 , 3,4; G. A.A. 1,3,4; P. F .C. 4; Square Dance Club 4; Co l o r Day Chee r leader 3 ; Col l ege Night Ushe r ette 3: Sec. of Naughty Nats.
"She lives today sings cares away "
Glee Club 1,2; Band 1,2,3; Cheerleader 1; MaJorette 1,2 , 3,4; Dramatics 2,3; G.A. A. 1.
" Lee"
"Looked for , called for, asked for. sought for " Glee Club 1.2; Band 1,2. Letter 2, Numeral 1; Cheerleader 1; Pep Club 3 , 4; GA.A 1,4; Safety Siders 3,4, Executive Council 4, Ski Club 4; Mixed Chorus 3,4.
"B. J."
"Never hide your dramauc side."
Maroon & White 3,4
Business Manager 4: Annua 1 Sta ff 4. Business Manager 4; Tennis l; Dramatics 2.3,4; Student Director 4; Safety Siders
3; Ski Club 3; Driver's Training 3.
" Letricia"
" Litt le and sweet, o n the beat."
Glee Club 1,2; Pep Club 3,4 : FHA. 1; Safety Siders 4; Class Pla n ning Commi tt ee 4; Square Dance Club 4. , ¥. A2 '
"Personality so bright, fun alr igh t. "
Annual S taff 4. Editor
4: Glee Club 1,2: Mixed Cho rus 4; Pe p C lub 1, 2 ,3 ,4 ; Dramatics 2,3,4; Student Director 4; G.A.
A. l; Safety Side rs 2,3;
F . T .A. 4, Pre s . 4; Noon
Activity Planning Com -
m i tt ee Chairman 3 , 4 :
S.O.C. 4; B.A. H.K
" T eed1e"
"You 'r e a cheerful litt le ea rful."
Maroon & Wh i t e 4 ; Glee Club 1, 2: Pep Club 4 :
G.A.A. 4; P. F .C. 3,4, Council 4; Sa fe ty Side r s 4, Executiv e Council 4.
BEVERLY A. KENNEMER "Beverly" " Y our dreamy eyes create sighs " E.H.S., El Dorado, Mo.: Glee Club 1,2,3; Pep Club 1,2, Treas. 2; Class Play 3; Golden H igh School : Glee Club 4; Library Club 4.
DIANA LEE KREST "Di" " Happy-go- lucky, ever so plucky."
Gl ee Club 1,2; Pep Club 3,4 , Council 4; Safety Siders 3,4, Corresponding Sec. 4, Executive Council 4; Driv e r' s Training 3; Mixed Chorus 4
" I t' s no he, his ran k is high." Track 1,2, Numeral 2; B P A 4 .
" Dean"
"He rat es h igh, t h i s lik eab l e guy "
"Lonni e "
"A darling girl, pret t y as a pearl."
Bristol High School: Awa rd for Shor t y St o r y 1, Swimm i ng 1; Letter 1, Award for lunchroom attendant 1, Go ld en High School; Glee Club 2 , 3 , 4, Dramat i cs 4; Sa fety Siders 4, Junior Classica 1 Le ague 4, Square Dance C lub 4, Skating Club 4.
"Migh t y fine, any time " Glee Club 4, Football 1, 2 ,3 , 4; Numeral 1,2 , Letter 3,4; Wrestling 1, 2,3,4, Letter 1,2,4, Aeronautic's Club 4, Square Dance Club 4, Mixed Chorus 4.
"This little miss is quite a di sh. "
Maroon & White 3 ,4, Editor 4; Glee Clu b 1, 2, F H .A. 1, Drama tics 2.
"A li t tle blush, Just watch t he ru sh. "
S tud ent Co uncil 4 ; C lass Sec. 3; "G" Club 1,2, 3 ,4, Vice-Pres . 4 ; Football 1 , 2·, 3 ,4, Numeral 1, Letter 2,3 , 4 ; Track 1, 2 , 3 , 4, Letter 1 , 2 , 3 ,4, Captain 4 ; B.P.A. 4 ; "G" Pin 3; All Conference Football 2 nd Team 3, 1st Team 4. 17
"Lois " "Lots o f fun. a r eal fin e chum."
G l ee Club 1,2, Li brarian 4, Librar y Club 4 , Vice-Pres 4, Driver ' s Trai n in g 4
"Yes , we praise your quiet ways."
Fort Lup t on High School, Glee Club 2, Pep Club 1,2, Golden High School, L1brarian 4, PepClub3, Dramatics 3.
0 A pleasant w ay everyday ."
0 0z"
"An amiable sor t this ho n orable spor t ."
Class Vice- Pres . 4. Class T r eas. 2; Class Pres 1, "G" C lub 1, 2 , 3 , 4, Sec -Treas. 4 ; G l ee C lub 1, Football 1 , 2,3 , 4, Numeral 1,2 , Letter 3 ,4, Tennis 1, Le tt er 1, Class Planning Commi tt ee 3
"Man of action, fo r ceful a ttr ac ti on "
Stud en t Counc il 3; A lt ernate 4 , Class Pres. 3,4, Class Sec 2. "G" Club
3 ,4 , Pres 4; Basketba ll 1 , 2 , Numeral 1,2; Foo tb a ll 1 , 2 , 3,4, Numeral 1,2 , Letter 3 , 4; Ski Club 4; B P.A. 4; Foo t ba ll All League 3; All Co nfe r ence 4; A ll Me tr opol it a n 4
" Pu d ge"
"Sugar an d spice, she ' s really nice " Glee Club 1,2 ; P.F C 4
"P a t "
"Loyal and true, yes t ha t ' s you."
Glee C lub 1,2,3,4; Dramatics 2,3.
"l va Jean " "H er art 1s dandy, she ' s swee t as candy ., An nu al St a ff 4; G l ee Club 2 , 3, Band 1,2,3, 4, Studen t Direc t o r 2 , 3 ,4 , Officer 4, Numeral 1, Le tt er 2 , 3,4; P.F.C.
1 , 2 , 3,4 , Officer 3 , 4; Melodears 3; Girls Sta t e 3.
"This boy has jive , h e ' s reall y alive."
Maroon & White
Spor t s Edit or 4 ; Grant: Baske tball 1
" ( l s
" Lori"
"Beau ty ble ssed , skill possesse d " North High Sc h ool : Valkri es 2 ,3 ; Girls' Cho ir 2 , 3; Grade Co uncil 2,3; A.G.N. Comm i t t ee 2; Bowling C lub 2; Ri fl e Club 2; Go ld e n High Schoo l : C la ss Planning Comm ittee 4; H omecomi ng Attendant 4; Ski Club 4; Mixed Cho rus 3, 4; Pep C lub 3 , 4, Sec. 4. 18
"Le.e "So g e nteel. sincere appeal."
Glee Club 1 , 2 , 4 ; Librarian 4; Dramatics 3 ,4.
"Dark, dan c ing eyes a va luable prize " Glee Club 1,2,3,4, Librarian 3, Sa fe ty Siders 3 ,4
"J ack"
"Ca r e free and s nappy, ni mb le and happy " Football 2 , Numeral 2. Wrestling 2.
"Do t "
"Real l y alive, hep to jive "
Glee Clu b 1, 2,3 ; Chee rlead e r 4; Pep C lub 3,4 ; Drama 2,3 ; G.A.A 1,3,4; P F .C. 4; Safety Sid ers 2. 3,4, Exec. Coun. 4; Colorday Cheerleader 2 ,3 ; C l. Planning Comm. 3 ; Safety Side r s Rep. 4: Square Da nce Club 4; Queen of Hearts 3: Co llege Night Usherette 3 ; Pr es of Naughty Nats 3 ,4
"Lots of spirit as ,ve hear it " Maroon & White 4; C la ss Vice -Pres 3; "G" Clu b 1,2 , 3,4; Football 1, 2 , 3 ,4, Numeral 1 , Letter 2 , 3 , 4, C aptain 4; Wrestling 1,2 , 3, Letter 1,2,3, Class Planning Commi ttee 3. Prom Commit t ee 3; Square Dance Club 4, Pres 4; Ski C lub 4; B.P.A. 4
"Photographer su preme, we think he's keen." Stud. Coun. 4; Nat. Hon. Soc. 3,4; Annual Staff 3,4; "G" Club 2,3.4; Basketball 1, 2 ,3,4 , Num 1,2,3, Letter 4; Band 1, 2, 3, Officer 3, Num. 1, Letter 2,3; Football 3,4, Num. 3, Letter 4; Tennis 1, 2 ,3 , 4, Letter 1.2, 3 .4 , Capt. 3 : Safety Siders 2,3, 4, Exec. Coun. 4 : Goldenairs 1; B P .A. 4: Ma ster Councilor of DeMolay 4 19
"You des e rve praise in ma n y ways. " Track 4, Letter 4; Safety Siders 3 ,4 , Treas 4 ; Chem istry Club 4
"Really neat, this athlete "
"G" C lub 2,3,4, Basketball 2, Numeral 2; Glee C lub 1,3; Football 1 , 2,3 ,4, Nume r al 1, Letter 2 ,3 , 4, Captain 4; Wrestling 1 , 3 ,4, Numeral 1, Letter 3 ,4, Capta in 4; Tr ack 1,2,3; Football All Conference 4
"Le tta Mae"
"Attra c tive style, p l easa nt sm ile."
Pep Club 1; C horus 1,2.
"You always help, so full of pep."
Band 1,2 , 3,4, Numeral 1, 3, Letter 4, F.H.A. 1, G A A 1, Square Dance Club 4.
"Nice guy i s he, who likes · to ski "
Roswell: Band 2 , Track 2; Reg is: Ski Club 1, Golden High School: Band 3; Wrestling 3, Captain 3; Ski C lub 3 ,4
"Friendly and witty, active and pretty "
Glee Club 1,2, F.H.
A. 1, G.A.A. 2,3 ,4; Safety Siders 4, G.A. A . Council 4, Bowling Sec 4; Square Dance Club 4; Office Girl 4
"You certainly impress, as you progress."
"G" Club 2,3,4; Basketball Mgr. 2: Glee Club 1; Football 3 ,4, Numeral 3, Letter 4.
"Manly ways, politeness pays."
Basketball l; Glee Club 1; Football 3,4, Numeral 3,4.
"He's a dandy a l ways handy."
Glee Club 1,3; Track 1, 2 , 3 , Numeral 2, Letter 3; Class P la nni ng Committee 1.
"Y ou will succeed. yes, indeed."
Class Vice-Pres. 2; "G" Club 1 , 2 , 3 , 4; Basketball 1,2, Numeral 1 , 2; "G" Pin 4; Mixed Cho ru s 3; Band 1 , 2; Football 1,2, 3 ,4 , Letter 1,2,3,4, Co Cap tain 4; Ski Club 2 , 3, 4, Pre s. 4; Dramatics 3; Track 1, 2,3 , Letter 1,2 ,3; Phys Ed In su u c t or 3; Pl an ning Commit t ee 4.
PATRICIA ANN S MITH "Patsy" "Sweet and wise , talkative eyes "
"A thoughtful gaze, and ladylike ways."
Pep Club 1; Chorus 1,2.
"Lots of fun, is this one."
North High School : Ski Club 2,3; Square Dance Club 1,2; Golden High School: Pep Club 4; Safety Siders 4; S.O.C. 4
"Your lovely eyes bring many sighs "
Maroon & White 2,3,4, Editor 3; Glee Club 1,2.
"A guiding light, does what's right."
Crested Butte: Student Council 2; Class Pres. 2 ; Glee Club 1,2; Pep Club 1,2, Sec. 2; Golden High School: F.T.A. 4, Sec . 4 ; Sophomore Substitute Teacher 4; Safety Siders 4 ; s.o.c. 4.
PATRICIA LOUISE WALLICK "Patty" "Personality and allure add much to be sure."
Glee Club 1,2 , 3; Pep Club 3,4; Dr amatics 1,2, 3, G.A.A. 1,2,3 , 4; Class Planning Committee 4; Square Dance Club 4; G.A.A. Council 4 .
"Always loyal, no fear of toil."
Football 2,4, Numeral 2,4; Wrestling 3
"May the clever live forever "
Hall Monitor 4 ; Art Club 4
"The quiet kind, a dependable find."
Glee Club 1,2
"Others rejoice at your voice "
Glee Club 1,2,3,4. Girls' Quartet 4; Choralairs 2; Melodears 3: Safety Sliders 4 , F.H.A. 1, S.O. C 4
"Friendship' s a bond, of you vve ' re fond " Huntington Park High School, California: Journalism 3, News Editor 3
"Brains and beauty, ever on du t y."
Student Council 1,2,4; National Honor Society 3; G l ee Club 1,2,4; Canteen Board 1,2,4; Assembly Chairman 4 .
"A ball of fire, t his live - wire."
G l ee Club 3; Cheerleader 4. Pep Club 3, 4; Sa fety Siders 3 , 4; Ski Club 3,4; Hal l Monitor 4
BONNIE GAY WILLOUGHBY "Wiggles" "Happy and Gay in the nicest way."
Student Council Alternate 4 ; National Honor Society 3 , 4; Annual Staff 4, Copy Writer 4; Glee Club 2; Pep C l ub
1,2,3 , 4; Dramatics 3 , 4; Sa fe t y Siders 3 , 4, Sec 4, Executive Council 4; Hall Monitor 3 , 4; S.O.C. 4; Color Day Cheerleader 2; D.
A.R. 4; Sec. of National Honor Society 4. -
"A l ways commen d ab l e, so recommendable "
Baske t ball 3 , 4 , Nume r al 3 , Le tt er 4; Foo t ba l l 1 , Nume r al 1; Te nn i s 2 , Nume r a l 2: P.F .c . 2; Baccal aure t te Ushe r 3; Ha l l Moni t o r 4; F. T.
A. 4; Projectio n Cl u b 4; Dr iver ' s T r ai n i n g 4
"Quie t and si ncere, fr iendship so d ea r " Band 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , Nume r al 2 , 3 , 4 , Le tt e r 3 , 4; Dr amat i c 2,3,4; Safe t y Sid e rs 4; F.T.A 4, Vi ce - Pres. 4; Sophomo r e Subs t i t u t e T eache r 4; S.O.C. 4.
"Ad mir ab l e persona l i t y , c leve r ve r sati lit y."
Baske t ba ll 1,2; Glee C l ub
1 , 2 , 3 ,4; Sa fe t y S i ders 2 ,
3 , 4 ; F .T.A. 4; Art C l ub
4: Boys ' Q u a rt e t 4; B P A 4.
Dona Allan
Shirley Anderson
Sandra Angerman
Jo Ann Babcock
Judy Baker
Joe Bartosh
Richard Baxter
Linda Beard
Maryanna Bell
Anne Bitzer
Herb Blatter
Tonnie Bolitho
Susa n Bouman
Tamara Branch
Robert Briggs
Beverly Bufmack
Diane Burlingame
Albert Carmickle
Sandra Carr
Jan Child s
John Clelland
Rita Councilman
Frank Crane
Tom C ran e
Jane Davis
Robert Davis
Doris Diltz
Don Dulaigh
Stanley Dunn
Darlene Ellis
Donald Feeback
Gary Fleebe
Sherrell Garvin
Shirley Gillett
Allee Green
Janice Gregory
Carol Hamilton
Tad Hancock
Maryann Harbus
Nina Harbus
Velma Harris
Lora Heeren
Ruth Hedberg
David Heimbecher
Walter Henderson
Kay Hicks
Shirley Hinkley
Hal Jackson
Doug Jacobs
Gene Johnson
Kay Jobnson
Peggy Johnson
Pansy Jones
Vicki Jurney
Karyn Kiklas
Jim Kinch
Robin Knight
Jim Lidberg
Jerry Malcolm
Jay Martine
Gwen Maughan
Don Maurer
Joan Mayberry
Jane McCoy
Ted McCoy
Jim McCracken
Dewetta McGee
Larry Mclnroy
Harry Meerdink
J ohn Menikhem
Beth Miller
Mona Miller
Carole Mishler
Andy Murin
Kay Naas
Chuc k Nachtw e 1n
Wayne Neiberger
Ca rl Nelson
Connie Novak
George O rtega
Joann Papageorge
Charles Perry
Bill Peters
Rodney Pet'!rson
Lee Pickett
Mary Poole
Byron Reider Charles Richey
Marie Rider
Jon Scheiltz
Loret t a Sche lske
Je r ry Schloffman
He r b Schmid t
Pa t Schoech
Richa r d Seal
Dan Shie r
Judith Sigler
I rene Skeens
John Smith
Alan Snodgrass
Kenny Snyder
Sherry Spath
Paula Starbranch
Albert Stewart
Ronald Stimmler
Ernie Swearinger
Mary Tate
Lois Taylor
Jack Theisen
Te r ry Thiede
Jan Volz
Geraldine Wallace
La Vesta Wi l liams
Deloris Wyckoff
Shirley Barnes
Marcia J e n sen
Doro t hy Meacham
Ken Mor r ison
Ro n nie Ne ilsen
Jim Ramstet t er
Gary Ris d e n
Ir ma Spears
Doug l as Vaughan
Buddy Acker
James Adams
Cli ffo rd Aldridge
J ames Allen
Fay Anderle
Karen Anderson
Nancy Aspergren
Lee Avis
Annabelle Bandimere
Drew Barbe
David Barlow
Anabelle Beaty
Maida Beaty
Maria Beaty
Henry Bender
Jerry Billis
Lennox Bird
Ted Braun
Lanny Brouwer
Pat Brown
Doris Burns
David Bussert
Eugene Calmett
Eddie Chamberland
Sus ie Cham pi on
T e rry Che lius
Ca rol Chu r ches
Ca r o line Chu r c he s
Sh e lia Cla rr
Joan Coa te s
Geo rg ean na Coope r
Virginia Co rbin
La rr y C r am e r
No r man C r os b y
Loi s C ro we
C ar o l Davi s
Dianna Dea r inger
Nan cy Dewell
Adam Dille r
Sand r a Do rsey
Lo r a Lee Dun c an
Robe r t Duppman
Linda Ea sl ey
Lorie Edwa r ds
Ja n ett El li s
Je rr y Foutz
Lou i s Fr aunfe l de r
Bob Fr ede r ick
Bill Frye
Wanda Giles
Mike Good r ich
Cha rle tte Goodwin
Kenny G rogen
Beverl y Haagensen
Sha ro n Hardendo rf
Herbert Harper
Elvin Hartman
Juli e Ha r tmeisce r
Phyllis Hatt o n
Bob Hebel
Richa r d Hende rson
Ba r bara H end r icks
Peggy Hi cks
Richa r d Hill
La Ve r na Hoe fer
Hu rl ey Hu d so n
No rm an Ingram
Bob Jaeni cke
Am y Jo n es
Ann Ka n e
Raymond Kemminau
David Kuhn
Ma r tin Kuhn
Jeffry Kurtzman
Rober t Lanham
Roge r Lavitt
Alma Dean Lee
Ka r en Lew i s
Donald Loope r
Pat Maas
Gary Mabb
Beryl Mahana
Ma r tha Marchand
Ron Ma r tella
Ca r te r Ma r tin
Cliffo r d Ma r tin
He n ry Ma r tin
Ma rr olyn Ma r tin
Linda Maughe n
J oyce Ma r ue r
Rex May
Retta McC l ellan
Wa n da McCoy
Joh n Me r ce r
Li n da Me rri ma n
Pau l Meye r
Dorothy Mick
Linda Mishler
Pat Mo rtimer
John Mo rt en
Roger Multer
Ann Nare
Jani c e V Nelson
Joan Nelson
Delwin Nurnburg
Doug la s Orr
Lloyd O r te ga
Janie Peck
Evonne Pet r y
S teve Plank
Ar nold Potter
Donald Potter
Ge raldine Price
Jani ce Pu ryea r
Donald Pyle
Shi r ley Pyle
Ga ry Reese
William Reinha r d
Pbil Reis beck
La rr y Reitz
Ru th Rennecker
Linda Riddel
Nan Robinson
Ronald Roe
Jack Sa li sbu r y Conn ie Sasse
Mark Schultz
Gerald Seiga l
Dick Spe rry
Dale Spi tin
Joe Sta rika
Skip Stevens
Jean St range
Peggy Summers
Margaret Swanso n
Danny Tait
La rr y Thuet
Don Todd
Kay T r ezise
Char les T r ichka
Madeline Vache r
Larry Wa r d
Jane Weigand
Elaine Wel l e r
Pres . O rland o C ha vez S e c. Nancy Di c k so n S ponso r M r Rathgebe r Planning C ommittee, ROW 1: Dickson, Buerger , Ames, Wildman, C haves. ROW 2 : Kr attle, Elkins , Reider, Shepherd. Sponsor Miss Danie ls 4llJea n Alden
Ka r en Allen
Cha r maine A mes
Bill ie And e rle
Eli a s Ar chu l e t a
Gale Avis
Tom Axte ll
James Bake r
Mickey Bake r
An n Ba r nha r dt
Je rr y Ba r t
Shi r le y Bates
: ha rl es Be a ty
Dona l d Be r g m a n
C ar o l Bog n a r
Jo hn Bowma n
David Br i gg s
Gr e t c h e n Bue r ge r
M ar g i e Bu n ze l
To ny C ariaga
E li sa b e th C a sh
T e x Castill e r
rl a nd o Cha v ez
Ca rl C h u r ches
Roger Clark
Elizabeth Crane
Moya C ramer
Sand r a C raig
Gary Cullee n
Diane De Feo
Grace De Neui
Deanne Dickinson
Pat r icia Dishman
Nancy Dixon
Duke Dufex
Nancy Dulaigh
Roger Dunn
Mary Ann Duppman
Sha ron Ea ton
Rendel Edmonds
Clifford Elkins
Thomas Ellis
Ja cque line Eslick
Barbara Eva n s
Galen Feeback
Jud ith Fleming
Ge r ald Fo s ter
Ka ren Fountain
Barbara Frede ri ck
Jimmie Fr ye
Glenet t a G ibbon s
C arol Gillette
Jim Gnadt
Walte r G riffin
Dave Hancock
Susan Hartmei st er
Patricia Higgin s
Wilma Hood
Cha rle s Hook
Janet H u t ch in so n
Kay Jo r gensen
Br uce Jurn ey
Ronnie Keltn e r
Charlene Kepple r
Betty Kin ca id
Patr icia Knight
David Kr est
Bob Kr attle
Ronald La ss
Patri ci a Lawson
Nancy Leek
Alan Lewi s
Judy Llo yd
Nadine Looper
Gale Lull
Theresa Manchego
Barbara Martin
Donald Martin
Cha rl otte Matherly
Con ni e Matox
William McGuire
Sa ndra McPherson
Margaret Moore
Robe r t Nakonieczny
Wayne Odne al
Nancy Oliver
Robe r t O l so n
Gary Oxelson
Sus an Paddlefo r d
Ma r y Papageo r ge
Robert Pas co
Judith Picket t
Patricia Plested
Pat r icia Pome roy
Wilma Py l e
C l audia Pyles
Shi rl ey Ransfo r d
Cha rl otte Redell
Dorothy Reeves
Richa r d Reider
Judy Richa rd s
Robert Rochefo rt
Re Jeanne Rodriques
Kenneth Roe
Marlyss Rudeen
John Stephe n Sal lak, Jr
Dorothy Schel ske
Larry Schlegel
Ann Sch loff man
Jerry Schoech
Lynn Shepha rd
Virginia S mith
Ph yll i s So n s
Sha r on S tahl
Gl o ria S t e hl e
Virginia S tigall
Glenn Stone
Cli ffo rd S trange
Jimmy St r ouse
Bill S t ue rmer
Michae l Sullivan
Stanley swishe r
Elaine Tait
Fr ances Telfe r
Vi r ginia Thomas
By r an Thompson
Cha r lene Tou reene
Lloyd Towe r
Richa r d T row
Johnny T r ujil l o
Shi rley Ur r utia
Jess Va l entine
Ma r y Van Hoose r
Sam Va n Winkle
Li n da Vayo
Ka r en Vendegna
Billie Wa ll
Elizabeth Walke r
Ma r cia Wallick
Eddie Wa rr en
Ca th e r i n e Watso n
Tim Wee d
Ea rl Whi te
Nancy W ilbu r
Johnny Trujillo
Norma Magee
Wa rr en Wildman
Gerald Lee Wilks
Dewey Williams
Ali c ia Willa rd
Nancy Woodward
Joyce Wo rthen
Ge r aldine Wycoff
Billy Y etzbacke r
Ma rl yss Reitz
John Bartos h
Carl Br ewsaugh
Ir ene Fo reman
NOT PICTURED: Spencer Ames; Bernard Barela; Raymon Bozeman; Donna Bufmack; Sha ron Coop ; Michael Del Rio; Bob Hood; Lyle Kelley; Ann Maddox; Steven Nichols; Dick Ramstetter; Nora Ramstette r ; John Schu l z; Dick Spe rry ; Dale Spitz
Golden High School was very busy during the S pring of 19 55 . Among the many activities were: Baccalaureate; Graduation Exercises; The Senior Play, "Father Knows Best"; and The Student Body Elections .
FIRST ROW: Emmaline Bohannon , Jane Dickens. N:\ncy White , Beverly Foster, Robert Dvorak. SECOND ROW Ann Cherry, Julia Cheney. Bob McKendry, LeeRoy Williams, Glenn True.
THIRD ROW: Kay Schoene, Mary Ann Bokan , Salvador Archuleta, Bill Reisbeck , not pictured Bonnie Willoughby.
Selection of the National Honor Society is made o n the basis o f Scholarship, Leadership, Characte r, and Service which are the four cardinal objectives of the organization . Being chosen a member of t h e National Honor Society is the highest honor that can be bestowed upon a student of Golden High School
The II G" pin is awarded to students on the basis of points earned by Scholastic Achievements, participation in School Activities, and Athletics . Each student must have earned 150 points in order to receive a " G" pin.
FIRST ROW: Sa lvador Archuleta , Julia Cheney, Nona Brown. SECOND ROW: Helen Leek, Alice Preston, Mary Ann Bokan, 9ave Klemm. THIRD ROW: Leslie Kor t hius , Glenn True , Bob McKendry , LeeRoy Williams, Bi ll Reisbeck , Je rr y Morgan
1. You must know the school song by Friday, both verses .
2. Stay off grass at all tim es
3 Sound - off immediately at the request of the Seniors
4 . Yield the sidewalk to upperclassmen at all times, step off to the side until they pas s
5. Never enter the school through the front door
6. Always stand at attention in the presence of the Sen1ors
7. When addressing a Senior, never interrupt and use formal terms such as Mr. or Miss Jones.
8 . You must carry your copy of the II Frosh Facts " with you at all times .
9 You must carry the Senior's books without having to be requested to do so.
10. If you do not abide by all the rules of "Freshmen Week' ' , you will be subject to appear in Kangaroo Court
The Canteen Board is com pri sed sole ly of high sc h oo l st ud ents . Besides running the Canteen, they also spo n so r special dan ces throughout the year. Among these are: the Homecoming Dance; the Hallow ee n Dance; and a specia l Canteen Dance.
The offi cers are: P r es ., Bob Dunn; Vice P r es ., Bob Griff i n; Sec . -T r eas ., Pat Sc h oec h. Cliff Schoech i s the Honorary Sponso r.
The purpo se of the Projection Club is to learn how to run the school's movie projector. Then when a film is shown to a c la ss or an assembly, a member from the Projection Club shows the film.
Each year the Daughters of the American Revolution present a senior girl with the Good Citizenship Award. Three gir l s are selected from the senior class by their fellow classmates. The faculty then chooses the girl to receive the award. This year the winner was Bonnie Willoughby, the runners up were Jane Dickens and Bonny Dvorak.
Once a year members of the Senior English Class enter an essay contest . This year Bob Johnson was chosen to represent Golden High School in the " I Speak For Democracy" contest Hats off, Bob, for winning fir st place for Jefferson County
Events of the most important occasion in the life of a Senior
Outstanding Achievements are Recognized
The exi t From High Schoo l Life .
Each year students of Junior standing are chosen from sch o o 1s throughout the state to meet in Denver the early part of June to learn first hand the workings and functions of our government Students are elected to all offices of our state government. Then they go through the procedure of drafting, arguing and voting on bills Just as the regular legislators would do.
IIva Jean Owens and Bob Dunn were the students chosen tore present Golden High School in 1955.
Our student council this year has been one of the most active student governing bodies we have had in several years.
I n addition to the regular activities of a Stu~nt Council our council this year undertook such new activities as: Turn - About - Day, St udent Free Period and Student Self-government.
Our activity period, new to Golden High School, gave the Student Council an opportunity to exercise it ' s ability to lead, guide and direct the student body. The results were gratifying.
We are looking forward t o the inauguration of the student self-government program drafted by this year ' s student council
Ma tt ers o f S t uden t- Teache r rela t ions bring faculty members to t he council meetings.
The Library Club is a school club organized to assist the Librarian, Mrs Gorsky, in all phases of Library work. The members performed such duties as checking, cataloguing, and repairing books. These people are to be commended for their service in an organization that does not get all the fan fare and recognition usually connected with school clubs
Dedicated to the idea of promoting interest in the teaching profession, this organization had a very success f ul year in Golden High th is year . Miss Bolitho was the able sponsor of this club. This club was not only active on a local level but participated in activities on the state level. The members received first hand experience by substituting for teachers and doing other work that they might encounter as teachers.
Beverly Kennemer, Buddy Coun ts, Pansy Jones, Lois Taylor, Nancy Aspergren , La Verna Ho efer , Mary Van Hooser and Mrs. GorskyFIRST ROW: Schloffman, Walker, Oliver, Reeves, Dulaigh, Tait, Dixon, Coop, Hartmeister, Bognar SECOND ROW: Schelske, Foreman, Ames, Vayo, Dickinson, Pickett, Hood, Worthen, Ande rl e THIRD ROW: C r amer, Vendegna, Fleming, Matherly, Ra rnford, Kincaid
FIRST ROW: Taylor, Davis. Potter, Kenneme r, Wy c koff, Krest, Anderson, White , Hinkley, Bowman SECOND ROW: Harris, Williams, Race, Leland, Kiser , Paulucci, McCoy, Novak, Bufmack, Tate Heeren THIRD ROW: Lidberg, Baltes, Worrell, Ponenge r, Nagel, Ramstette r , Feeback, Burke
Briggs, Worrell, Baltes, Burke .
FIRST ROW: C hilds, Ma rtin, Kline, Johnson , Hi cks , Bitzer. Baker, Taylor, Gregory, Alla n. SECON D ROW: Pickett, Theisen , Cra ine. Stew -
FIRST ROW: Theisen. Lavitt, Rochefort, Heimbe c ker , Bufm ac k, Churches , Mick, Lee, Mortimer, Vacher Rider, Van Druff. SECOND ROW: Ja cobs , Meerdink, Sa l esbury, Sch lof fman , Mc-
art, Howe, Pottenger, Palmer, Johnson K. Taylor, Fow lie, Dvo rak
Coy, Schreiner, Swanson, Richtmann, Leland .
THIRD ROW: Mr . Hafling, Pro c tor, S nyder, J ohnson, Sega l, Braun, Feeback .
This is the second year for a Ski Club in Golden High School. The membership in the club has improved greatly this past year. The purpose of the Ski Club is skiing. Every week carloads of skiers go up to the mountains to ski. Members of the clu b provide transportation. It is hoped that in the following years that the Golden High School Ski Club will be one of the larg est clubs in the school.
This year was the first year for an Aeronautics Clu b at Golden High School. The club has b ee n very successfu l under t he direction of Coach H af l ing. M any 1nterest1ng field trips we r e taken, and a l so othe r activities were scheduled whic h we r e lots of fun .
Anot h e r new c l ub in Go l den High School is the Junior C l assica l League Its members are those students who ta k e Latin . The c l ub has been ve r y successful under the direction of Miss Pr iest who is the Latin tea c her
Among the new clubs at Golden High School is the Art Club headed by Miss Peterson This club has done a lot this year i n helping to improve the appea rance of our school. Especially at Christmas, when they decorated the school.
FIRST ROW: Jones , S ch l offman , Novak, Paddleford, Worthen, Nare, Conne lly, Artemis. SECOND ROW : Miller . THIRD ROW: Grojean, Orr, Honey c utt, Shier, Houghton, Neiberger, Clark, Ortega, Jackson, Gri ffin, Odneal. Sigl a r, N Harbus, M Harbus, Kane ,Walker,Davis ,FIRST ROW: Petry, J . Papageorge, G. Maughan, M Papageorge, Padd l eford , Tait, Van Hooser, Rodriques, Nelson, Maruer, Vendegna, Scb loffman SECOND ROW: Cram er, Reeves, C. Mishler, Bell L Schelske , Pomeroy, Puryear, Manchego, L. Maughan, L. Mishler, C Chu rches, Vacher, Babcock, Mayberry THIRD ROW:
Brugh, D Schelske, Duppman, Weaver, F Anderle, Eaton, M. Wallick, Brown, Volz, Schreiner, K Johnson, Richards, F redri ck, Rider, C Gillett, L Johnson, FOURTH ROW: Hoekstra, D Johnson, Ol iver, Thomas, Kincaid, Hutchinson, Eslick, Artemis, Anderson, Spath, Claa r, Smith, P Wallick, Plegge.
OFFICERS: Treas JoAnnBabcock, Pres Jan Volz, Sec Judy Brugh, Vice Pres. Joan Mayberry
BASKETBALL: Judy Brugh, Mary Artemis, Dot Plegge, Nona Brown, Barbara Hoekstra.
SPONSOR Mrs Bishop
FIRST ROW: Archuleta, Morgan, Ja co bs, Proctor, Osb orn, Dulaigh, S nodgrass, DeNeui, Aldri ch , Manchego. SECOND ROW: Coa ch Hafling, Meerdink , Dunn, Sch loffman, S tewart, Reese , Mabb, Nachtweine,
Bennetts, Jaenicke, Lewis THIRD ROW: Heimbecker, Shie r, Snyder , Ma u e r, Fl eeby, Nagel, Griffin, Thiede, S timmler , Cran e , Lanham
The "G" Club is an organization for the l etterme n of Gold e n High School and their purpose is to further athletics a nd promote school spirit . Som e of t h e c lub's activities are: taki ng and showing films of Golden's athl etic functio ns ; broadening club members' knowledge of spo rts other than sc ho ol sponsored, by fi lms; supp lyin g program s fo r the ath leti c functio ns ; and co -sponsor i ng a dance with the Pep Club
"To foster and promote an active interest in all athletic functions, to encourage, by example, a high degree of sportsmanship throughout the student body of Golden High School." This is the purpose of the Golden High School Pe p Club which is the large st girls' organization in the school. This purpose is carried out by the members through: Pep Assemblies, decorated halls, and a large attendance at all athletic functions Hats off to a well deserving club
FIRST ROW: Lewis, P. Wal l ick, Keltner, Reddell , Willoughby, Vendegna, Schloffman, Manchego, L Mishler, J.M . Nelson, Petry, Vayo, Pomeroy, Richards, Smith, M. Wallick , Urrutia. SECOND ROW: Martin, Craig, Foreman, Magee, M . Papageorge, Paddleford Tait, Toureene, Evans , Shaeffer, Robinson , Ch am -•FIRST ROW: Kel t ner, Anderson, L. Mishler , S path , Mayberry, Hatton, Mortimer, Anderle, Mauer, Whee ler, Richards , Peck SECOND ROW: Dulaigh, Hood, Kik l as, D Johns on, Brugh, C lea ve r, C rawford, Merriman, C hampion, Wimpress, Burlingame, Wright,
Summe rs THIRD ROW: Coop , All en, Jorgenson, Fountain, Sta l ie , Gi ll ett, St r ouse, Krest, Bu cke rt, Lel and, Corbin, Shae ffer, Miller, Counci l man FOURTH ROW: Ba nosh, Heimbe cker , S Du nn, Frauenfelder, Waldman, Ri chey , B Dunn, Chelius, Seiga l , Thuet
The S afe ty Siders C lub of Golden High Schoo l was the first Safety Club of its kind to b e formed in t h e United St a t es . Its main purpose is to t eac h safety to a ll who deal i n any way with traffic. This year th e c lub has grown to be o n e of the largest in the sc h oo l.
FIRST ROW: Gi ll ette, Reeves, D. Johnson , Champion, Mick, L Johnson
SECOND ROW: Reitz, Moo r e, Malcolm, Reisbeck, Thuet, Krest, Es li ck
P.F. C. is a Nondenominational c lub w h ich is m a de up of six ty m em bers with Mr. Herb er as their sponsor . Some of the activities of the club are parties and banquets. T h ese social affai rs are a ttended by other P F C Clubs in this vici nity. Everyone is we l come to join this c lub w h ic h is one of t h e biggest of its kind in th e state
The Demons again were at the top of the heap as the regular schedule play ended . Coaches Eaton and Lewis led a group of relatively inexperienced boys, with weak bench support, to a three-way tie for the league championship.
Coach Eaton displayed his ability to get the most out of his material as he manipulated his line-up to fill in for injured first stringers. The "never say die" spirit of the club was something to behold as the boys battled against odds.
In the play-offs Golden lost to both Aurora and Lakewood, thereby losing the privilege to continue in the state play-offs.
The success of the season was dimmed only by the announcement, later in the year, of the resignation of Coach Eaton. But hopes brightened for next year as capable Billy Lewis was selected to guide the future destiny of the team.
Head Coach Mark Eaton Ass i stant Coach Bill Lewis FIRST ROW: Baxter, Hud son, Simmons, Houghton, Ortega, Seigal, D. Shier, Braun, Hebal, R. Dunn. SECOND ROW: Lanham, McCrachen, C hamberlain, Seal, Lewis, J. Shier, G. Ortega. Jacob s, Meyer s , Mays, Multer, C helius, D. Po tter, Schloffman. THIRD ROW: B. Dunn, Mo rgan, Pr octor, Peterson , S nyder, Ri c he y , Fleebe, Os born, Nagel, Maurer, Pries t, Re is beck , S tewart, Na c htwein.The wrestling squads of Golden High School seem, of late, to have a monoply on the championship trophies of the Suburban League. Last year the squad carried home the trophy and this year was no exception .
The squad got off to a fast start and climaxed the season by taking first position in the district meet. Competing against seven other schools, our wrestlers won four first places and three second places qualifying seven men for the state tournament.
With only four seniors on the A squad, the team won ten matches this year while losing five.
In the state meet Archie Archuletta won second inhisweightwhile Doug DeNeui was taking third place in his division.
FIRST ROW: Acker, Cariaga , R. Dunn, Yetzbache r, S Dunn, Heimbecker, Archu let a, Schloffman , S Archuleta, Frye. SECOND ROW: Hood, Benne tt s , Kinch, Malcolm, D. Shier , A. Potter , Avis , Martin ,
Houghton, D Pot t e r, Churches , Baxter THIRD ROW: Snodgra ss , J acob s, DeNeui , C hamberlain , Martine , Snyde r, Pr octor, Braun , Trichka , Seal.
FIRST ROW: Frye, Arc hulet a , S Dunn, A. Po tt e r, Baxter, Hough t on, Malcolm.
SECOND ROW: Kinch , Trichka, Avis, Chambe rl ain, D. Shier, Braun.
FIRST ROW: Archuleta, Frye, Hood.
SECO ND ROW: Ca riaga, C hurches , Dunn.
During the first of the season , Golden High Sc hool did not look very good. In fact, they lost the first five games. How ever , when they started to play league games, they pick e d up , and managed to tie for second place by the e nd of the season.
James Burke Gary Fleebe Gary Mabb Don Maurer Bob NagelThe League Standings for the Basketball year of 1956 were: Wheatridge,firstplace; Golden and Aurora tied for second place; Lakewood, fourth place; and Arvada, fifth place.
The Golden High School Cross-Country Team has been very successful this year. They won the Conference Championship and also received top records in State. Congratulations to a hard-working team. Golden High School is proud of you.
Golden High Schoo l wa s very su ccessfu l in the 1955 Ba seball Seaso n. They had a th ree-way t ie for th e League Champi on sh ip with Wheatridge and Westminister. In th e play-off game t o se e whi ch team w ould g o to state, Go lden played Wheatridge and l os t 18 - 3. The sch edule is as fo ll ows :
Two new re co r ds were made at Golde n High School in 1955 fo r T r ack and Field. Jay Dee Bullard made one fo r Po le Vault. His re co rd wa s 11 ' 10 3/4" Ga r y Reese made the second in the Mi le Run. His r ecord wa s 5: 01 2
Golden also placed e le venth in the S tat e Meet. The Track Schedu l e is as follows:
Go ld e n 79 1/2 Wes tm iniste r 7 9 Go
en 105
Dispite the fact that the Golden Tennis Team did notlook very gocxl during the fir s t pan o f the sea so n, they t ook fir st pla c e in the 1 955 Loca l (Jeffer son County ) T ou rnament.
Golf i s very new to Golden High Sc hool. The tea m was fo rmed in 19 55 and their schedu le is a s follow s :
od 7
Fleming Bros.
The p Iace to go for the Brands you know
Since 1924
712 - 12th Street
American Kitchens
Best Wishes to the Class of ''56 '' from OSA-MAE'S CR 9-3653 801 - 12th Street Golden
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Basements and Footings
Fred Johnson
133 01 W 32 nd P hone CR 9- 1228
Mobile Products
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There i s no subst i tute for Quality Insurance
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111 7 Washing t on Ave. Golden , Co lora do Suite One
Phone CR 9- 256 1 Res. CR 9-3286
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Ice C ream
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Fountain Specialties Milk
To the loyal business people of our communityw e wish to say thank you for the support given our yearbook through their advertisements. Without this source of financial suppo r t t h is book would not have been possi bl e.
1956 Yea rb ook Sta ff